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Holiday newsletter for November and December

November and December are chalked full of family memories and fun but it is also the holiday season no school days, bad weather, and conferences for all the school districts that we serve. We have several school districts that we serve for both my staff and my children in our care. Gold Bar, Snohomish, Lake Stevens, Everett and Granite Falls. I am always doing my best to meet everyones needs but in the end we have a business to run and families to care for. To clarify about billing: You are paying for a slot so regardless if you attend or not you are responsible for days we are close, you are sick or do not attend school with the exception if I close for illness or disaster. If your regular scheduled day is a holiday you will be billed for this day. The only exception to this rule is if you are ONLY enrolled in Preschool. if you are enrolled in our preschool program you attend the days we are open for preschool and that are contracted agreement states. This is outlined in the parent handbook. If any questions please ask. Each family is allowed one week a fiscal year January to December to use their free week of child care. If you have not used this week please do to off set any time in the next few months. You must alert me with 2 weeks notice if you are going to use this free week. In the next two months your child will only attend 32 days out of 43 days of school in the Granite Falls School District and 8 of these days are an early release. So get your red marker out and or open your Calendar and start to get these dates on your calendar.

Billie is open on Veterans day November 12th - No school this day for MCE/MWE and NO PRESCHOOL TODAY ONLY. Billies is closed November 28 and 29 Happy Thanksgiving Early release day for the school district is only on Nov. 2 (60 min) MWE & MCE Conference week Nov 21, 22, 25,26, AND 27. Your children are out of school at 11:50 am and your kindergartner is on a modified schedule. AM Kdg are attending on Thursday and Friday no PM kindergarten. Then in the AM, PM kindergarten attend on the following Monday and Tuesday and no Kindergarten on Wednesday for 8:15 till 11:50 am.

Early dismissal from MCE & MWE Dec 6th, Dec 13th out at 10:50/ 2:05 the on the 20th school is out @ 11:50am no school @ MCE and MWE December 20th till January 1st. NO Preschool December 23 January 6TH Billies is Closed December 24th, 25th, 26th , 27th and 1st of January. December 31st we will be closed at 3:00pm you are required to pick up on time please so we can enjoy our family traditions. If we have less than half the children coming to Billies on this day we will close and you will be provided with plenty of notice.

This is the end of the year and we do not close often at Billies, however we do honor our families and yours this holiday season with more than normal adjustments to the schedule.


No school at MCE & MCE January 1st 2nd 3rd and 20st No Preschool December 23 January 3th we reopen for preschool on the 6th. Early release day for the school district is on January 10th 17th and 31st @ 10:50 and 2:05am

The next few months will be considered an off billing months so it is possible you will incur more days or times on your invoice, you must plan ahead, and as a reminder: Your invoice is due on or before the 15th and 30th of the month. If you are late you will be charged a $35.00 fee you will have three business days to bring the account up to date along with the fee. If you cannot pay your bill in the 3 business days your child care will be terminated. Payment will still be due according to our contract and will be due upon return for care. This makes me very uncomfortable to be this stern but as of today we are still needing accounts to be paid in full for Oct and this makes it impossible to manage my business. If you are a parent who is receiving a subsidy and you are not paying your payments on time as agreed your agreement with DSHS can also be terminated.

Inclement weather conditions can cause school closures or a late starts if this happened you will be alerted if your signed up with We will be open but will only be able to accommodate the children who are currently enrolled for care at the times they are signed up for child care. If school is closed and you want your child to attend child care it is possible we will not a slot for child if your child is not currently holding a full time slot. Billies will only be closed if staff is unable to get to work to care for your children. Billies will be closed if we lose power. If you are not within a 1 hour pickup window you must provide an alternative pick up. In the past few years travel from Boeing for example can take up to 3 hours in poor winter conditions. We close at 6:00 pm however your child is slotted to be picked up at the time they are slotted to be picked up so you must make alternative arrangements if you are going to not make it by your scheduled pick up time. Preschool will follow the no school schedule. If two hours late or if no school the same applies to preschool. All updates will be posted to facebook. Long letter hope this helps and again I appreciate you all during our growing pains! Billie

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