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Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

Holocaust and Revisionism

Amir Nedaye Zeitoun Ghassemzadeh (ed.) Supporters of Liberation of Al-Quds Me'eyar Andisheh Donyaye Ketab Sobh Ajaj Nuwaihaz Astan-e Qods-e Razavi Qadr-e Velayat Publishing House Vizheh Nashr Andisheh Asr Roshangaran Sobhan Assadollah Mohammadinia Sebt-e Akbar

Collection of writings by 37 revisionist historians, including Robert Faurisson and 2011 Ernst Zundel, showing the myth of the Holocaust A simple text to acquaint young people with the evils of World Jewry 2011

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Know the Jews Mein Kampf Mein Kampf (18th edition) Protocols of the Elders of Zion for World Domination (new edition) Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Program of Action of World Zionism (new edition) The First Holocaust in History

Soheila Jalali Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler

New Farsi translation with expanded notes 2011 Original translation by Enayatollah Shakibapour Additional notes on the long-standing Jewish plan to govern the world 2011 2011

An analysis of the Protocols in the context 2011 of present-day Middle East Israeli genocide in Gaza was real, while the 2011 Jewish Holocaust is a myth published in Arabic 2011

Towards a strategy and plan of action against Zionism Magdi Hammad Why Zionism is the Enemy of Islam

Jewish animosity towards Muslims from the time of the Prophet to the creation of 2011 Israel How Jewish religion humiliates women 2011

10 Women in Jewish Religion 11 Zionism, Poisonous Fruit of British Imperialism 12 A Guide to Jews for Young People: Why Jews must be expelled from Palestine

Zionism is a destructive ideology that 2011 seeks to annihilate Muslims Simple explanation of the need to expel all 2010 Jews from Palestine

Title Analysis of Jews' Behavior at the Time of Prophet Mohammed


Publisher Imam Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute

Theme (as described by publisher) Jews who plotted against the Prophet are the forebears of Jews who are killing Muslims today The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel The bare truth about Jews, Zionism and Israel

Year of publication 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010


14 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 1 15 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 2 16 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 3 17 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 4 18 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 5 19 Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel Volume 6 20 Freemasonry and World Jewry 21 God's Messenger and the Jews 22 History of a deviation: a sociological study of Jews

Majid Safataj Majid Safataj Majid Safataj Majid Safataj Majid Safataj Majid Safataj

Aroun Aroun Aroun Aroun Aroun Aroun

Islamic Revolution Freemasons and Jews have formed an Documentation Center unholy alliance to rule the world Jaafar Aref Kashfi Chelcheragh Jews harassed and betrayed the Prophet Mohammed Jews are a deviated, corrupt sect Secret ties between Jewish organizations around the world that aim to achieve global governance Zionism is a racist, expansionist and terrorist ideology and Israel is an illegitimate entity created as a "reparation" to Jews after the Holocaust

Mohammad-Mehdi Kamal-ol-Molk Moshkelgosha Seyyed Hossein Mahdavi Nedaye Zeitoun

23 How World Zionist Organizations Are Linked


24 Israel and Political Zionism

Roger Garaudy (translated by Ministry of Culture and Nasrin Hokmi with Islamic Guidance added commentary)





Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

25 Israeli Influence in America

Abrar Institute for Monireh Azari et al. Contemporary International Studies Mohammad-Reza Adeli Imam Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute

The power of the Jewish lobby in the U.S. 2010

26 Israel's Holocaust: The Palestinian Genocide 27 Jewish Ethics and Western Civilization 28 Jewish ideology under scrutiny 29 Jews and Modern Economic Life 30 Jews and Zionism 31 Jews in the Koran and the Tradition of the Prophet 32 Jews in the Koran, Israel in Palestine 33 Religious and Historical Roots of Zionism 34 Rich Jews in Ottaman Tunis 35 Secrets of the World Jewish Organization 36 Spider's Web: Freemasons and Jews 37 The Holocaust: A Ploy to Conquer the World

The real Holocaust is the genocide of the Palestinians


Mohammad-Bagher Helal Rokni Mohammad Ali Kayhan Hosseinzadeh Saqi Mohammad Ziaye Andisheh Ahmadi Ibrahim Abu Awad Massoumeh Ramhormozi Somayyeh Khazai Reda Rajab Mostafa Farhang Avand-e Danesh Qebleh Avval Bustan Ketab Publishers, Qom Vizheh Nashr Donyaye Ketab Sahel-e Andisheh Soodeh SeyyedMomeni Gol-e Yakh

The true cause of anti-Semitism lies in 2010 Jewish ethics and attitude A close study of Jewish idelogy shows how 2010 empty it is Jews' domination of world economy 2010 The vast majority of Jews are Zionists published in Arabic 2010 2010

The way Jews are mistreating the Muslims 2010 today was predicted in the Koran How Zionism has hijacked the Jewish religion for political ends published in Arabic The secret international organization of world Jewry 2010 2010 2010

Freemasons and Jews are extremely close 2010 The Holocaust is being used by Jews to gain world domination 2010




Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

38 The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, translated, prefaced Forouzan Ruz and annotated by Reza Kamshad and Simin Moezzi Mohammad Ettelaat Abdolraouf Saleem Mohammad Saebi Mostafa Maleki Mohammad-Reza Vahedi Danesh va Andisheh Moaser Kavosh Ghalam Khorsandi Ruyesh Akram Hatami Moussavi, Mehr-e Pirouzi Mohammad Dayaee Asghar Tajik Varamini Majid Safataj Payam-e Azadi Safer Adrenal

How the Jewish lobby shapes U.S. foreign 2010 policy

39 The Jewish Agency 40 We Shall Trample America under Our Feet 41 Will They Inherit the Earth? 42 World Government: a study of Zionist methodology 43 Zionists' Efforts to Destroy Humanity A Lie Called the Holocaust: How World Zionism Was 44 Created 45 Children of Israel: Pretexts and Lies 46 Cinema as a Tool of Domination

The intricate web of Jewish networks around the world that influence policymakers How Zionists helped the U.S. to plot against the Iranian people A study of the political and cultural policies of Israel, pointing to its inevitable demise How the Jews are conspiring to rule the world Zionists are determined to destroy all nonJews Jews used the myth of the Holocaust to establish Israel Shiite teachings against the Jews

2010 2010 2010 2010 2010



Jews control the U.S. film industry and use 2009 it to influence policy-makers




Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

47 Crimes and Conspiracies in the Twentieth Century

Institute for Cultural, A selection of interviews and writings by Arvin Moghaddassi Artistic and Michael Collins Piper showing how Jews et al. Communication Studies dominate American politics and society How the Iranian President's position on Office of the President the Holocaust reflects the strategic of the Islamic Republic importance of debunking the myth of the of Iran Holocaust Hezbollah's victory against Israel is the continuation of the Muslim armies' Qadr-e Velayat victories against the Jewish tribes of Publishing House Arabia and will end with full triumph of Islam over Israel Qadr-e Velayat Israel's fate is sealed and it will be Publishing House destroyed How the UN is being manipulated by Jews Pinar to support Israel Jewish citizens in different countries collaborate with Israeli intelligence The activities of Israeli agents and Jewish lobbies in Arab countries The role that Judaism plays in shaping Zionist aggression and atrocities


Mahmoud Death of a Myth: Views of President Ahmadinejad on Ahmadinejad (ed. 48 the Holocaust By Alireza Soltanshahi) Mohammad-Reza Mirzajan, Majed Nasser Az-Zubaidi Mohammad-Reza Mirzajan Mansour Ahmadi


49 God's Promise: Miracles in the victory of Hezbollah


50 Hezbollah's Victory in the 2006 War 51 Human Shield: UN Support for Israel 52 Israel's Espionage under Scrutiny 53 Israel's Secret Diplomacy in the Arab World 54 Jewish Religion in the Israeli State

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

Ayman Alavi, Mohammad-Jaafar Ebtekar Danesh Saadian Mohammad-Jaafar Ebtekar Danesh Saadian Abbas Mahmoudi, Arvin Shirdel Andishehsazan Nour

55 Jews and Zionism in the Annals of Time

Hamid Nasseri, Seyyed Mohammad- Nedaye Doust Hossein Alavi Abdulhakim Zubaidi Vizheh Nashr

History of Jews and Zionists


56 Jews in the plays of Ali Ahmed Bakthir

published in Arabic





Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication 2009

57 Jews, Zionism and the Holocaust 58 Kabala and Jewish mysticism: An Islamic viewpoint 59 Middle East after the Islamic Revolution 60 Political Foundations of Christian Zionism 61 Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Akram Jaafari

Ministry of Education, A textbook on the history of Jews and Islamic Republic of Iran Zionists and the myth of the Holocaust

Mohammad Behzad Sokhan Gostar Kermani Majid Safataj Mohsen Ghanbari Alanegh Translated by Shahla Almaee Safir Ardahal Imam Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute Almaee Nassayeh Qadr-e Velayat Publishing House Qadr-e Velayat Publishing House

Jewish mysticism and its enmity with Islam 2009 A new phase of struggle against Zionism and Israel The link between the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and Christian Zionists Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world 2009 2009 2009

62 Roots in Zion: America and its confrontation with Iran Issa Danandeh 63 64 Self-hating Jews: Zionist Inquisition and permanent enmity with non-Jews The "Holocaust": How Jews and Zionists have infiltrated every institution of the United States Mohammad-Reza Mirzajan David Duke, Mohammad-Reza Mirzajan et al.

The role of the Jewish lobby in instigating 2009 anti-Iran policies of U.S. administrations Why Jews can never tolerate non-Jews Secret infiltration of U.S. politics and society by the Jews U.S. Jewish groups' secret ties with the Neocons 2009 2009 2009

65 The Christian Zionist The Conflict between Israel and the Islamic Republic 66 of Iran

Ummol Banin Kobra Sebt-ol Nabi

Institute for Cultural, The conflict between Israel and Iran is due Houra Nasseri et al. Artistic and 2009 to Iran's Islamic identity Communication Studies Faezeh Moini Office of Social Programming and Cultural Studies How Jews concocted the lie of the Holocaust 2009

67 The Holocaust




Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

68 The Holocaust and Islamophobia Keivan Pahlavan (ed.) Majid Safataj

Association of Scholars Jews use the Holocaust to gain sympathy of the Theological in their war against Muslims Seminary of Qom Aroun Safir Ardahal


69 The Holocaust: An Illusion or a Reality 70 The Islamic Revolution and Neo-colonialism in the Middle East New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America

Evidence showing that the Holocaust was 2009 a lie Imperialist powers' use of Israel and the 2009 Jewish lobbies to contain Iran 2009


Michael Collins Institute for Cultural, Parker, translated Jewish domination of U.S. financial and Artistic and and prefaced by Ali political institutions Communication Studies Morshedizad Imam Khomeini Ruhollah Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute Manouchehr Ministry of Foreign Mohammadi, Pirouz Affairs of the Islamic Ghafrani Republic of Iran Jaafar Aref Kashfi, Heidar Tabrizian Lotfollah Meisami Mohsen Farsaee Sonboleh Samadieh Helal Collection of statements and writings against Zionists and Israel by the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Illegitimacy of the State of Israel and the need to end its existence

The Palestinian Cause in the Words of Imam 72 Khomeini


73 The Palestinian Crisis: A Solution


74 The Prophet and the Jews 75 The Zionist Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy 76 The Zionist Putsch in the Ottoman Empire

The Jews' conspiracies and enmity against 2009 Islam from the very beginning Jewish influence-peddling in the U.S. Jewish conspiracies in the Ottoman Empire 2009 2009


U.S. Policy in the Middle East: The Role of Lobbies and Pressure Groups

Janice Turner (translated and prefaced by Arsalan Samt Ghorbani and Reza Simbar)

American Jews have an enormous influence on U.S. foreign policy, especially 2009 in the Middle East

Title 78 Understanding Zionism 79 Zionism and a critique of contemporary Western historiography

Author/editor Ahmad DoustMohammadi Mohammad Amir Sheikh-Nouri Ali Sharifi, Majid Safataj Majid Safataj

Publisher University of Tehran Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought

Theme (as described by publisher) Jews and Zionism and their future Failure of contemporary Western historians to challenge the myth of the holocaust

Year of publication 2009 2009

80 Zionism and International Cultural Patterns

Institute for Cultural, What we can learn from the Protocols of Artistic and the Elders of Zion to understand 2009 Communication Studies contemporary cultural patterns and trends Safir Ardahal Domination of the mass media by Jews and Zionists History of Jewish/Zionist conspiracies Zionists exerted huge influence in Iran prior to the Islamic Revolution 2009 2009 2009

81 Zionism and the Mass Media 82 Zionism's Bid to Destroy Human Socities 83 Zionist Efforts in Iran 84 Zionist Myths in Cinema

Seyyed Mohammad Daneshju Kazem Sajjadi Mohammad Taghi Taghipour Bashgah-e Andisheh

Mohammad Helal Hossein Farajnejad

How Jews use their control of the U.S. film 2009 industry to propagate their myths America's role in the creation and development of Zionism and the influence 2008 of the Jewish lobby in the U.S. The negative and destructive role of Jews 2008 throughout history

85 A Secret History of the United States

Nassir Saheb-Khalq Helal

86 A Study of Jews and Jewish Viewpoints

Alaei (no forename Mim provided) Maziar Bijani, Borzoo Bitaraf University of Science and Technology of Tehran (Bassij-e Daneshjui)

87 Holocaust Cartoons

Collection of 52 cartoons on the Holocaust 2008

Title 88 In the Shadows: [Jews'] Financial Domination 89 In the Shadows: [Jews'] Genocide of Persians

Author/editor Collection of writers Collection of writers

Publisher Iran Daily Publishing House Iran Daily Publishing House

Theme (as described by publisher) Jews control world finance Jews celebrate Purim every year to mark the massacre of Persians by Esther and Mordechai The cancerous tumor of Zionism was implanted in the Middle East to destroy Islam, but the Islamic Revolution in Iran has thwarted these plans The vital role of Islam in defeating the Jews

Year of publication 2008 2008

Jews and Zionism: The ethno-religious ingredients of 90 Ahmad Karimian a catastrophe

Bustan Ketab Publishers, Qom Bustan Ketab Publishers, Qom


91 Palestine: The 1987 Intifada 92 Political Psychology of Israel Preparing for the Big War: Secret Alliance between 93 Israel and Christian Zionists 94 Protocols of the Elders of Zion for World Domination

Javad Mohaddessi


Hojjat Rassouli, Office of Islamic Mohammad Ahmad Cultural Publications Nablusi Khosro Assadi Bahram Mohsenpour (Ed.) Ajaj Nuwaihaz (translated from Arabic by HamidReza Sheikhi) Nadra Elyazji Jaafar Saeedi, Hossein Mir et al. Rasa

Jewish-Zionist mentality versus Arabs and 2008 Muslims Israelis, American Jews and Christian Zionists are preparing for a "final war" on 2008 Islam. This edition includes expanded commentary and annotations 2008

Ketab-e Sobh

Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Program of Action of 95 World Zionism 96 Psychological Study of Jewish Mentality 97 The Foundation of Freemasonry

Astan-e Qods-e Razavi Vizheh Nashr

An analysis of the Protocols in the context 2008 of present-day Middle East published in Arabic 2008 2008

Islamic Revolution Jews' role in creating and using the Documentation Center Freemason movement


Author/editor Roger Garaudy (translated from French) Majid Safataj


Theme (as described by publisher) Israel is an illegitimate entity founded on myths The Jewish genocide never took place Islamic movements' role in the new struggle against Zionism Islam's enmity towards Jews Jews in the Koran and Islamic teachings

Year of publication 2008 2008

98 The Founding Myths of Modern Israel 99 The Holocaust: Another Look at the "Jewish Genocide"

Rasa Sib-e Sabz

100 The Impact of Intifada on the Zionist Regime

Abdulwahab Bustan Ketab Massiri, translated Publishers, Qom by Ahmad Karimian Mostafa Sadeghi Fatemeh Karimi et al. Abbas Kardan Mohammad Mardani Bustan Ketab Publishers, Qom Jame'eh Al-Koran Abrar Institute for Contemporary International Studies Sepehr Azin


101 The Prophet Mohammad and the Jews of Hijaz 102 What the Koran and History teach us about Jewish thought and behavior

2008 2008

103 Zionism in France

Influence of the Jewish lobby in France Jews are depicted as a deviated and corrupt people A historical analysis proving that today's Jews are not the true followers of the Prophet Moses


104 A Guide to Jews and Christians 105 A Historical Analysis of Jews

2007 2007

Hojjatollah Madadi Naghsh

106 A Study of Jewish Religion

Jalaleddin Ashtiani


What is billed as the Jewish religion today has little to do with the teachings of 2007 Moses and other Prophets The secret alliance between Republicans, Southern Democrats, Christian Zionists and the Jewish lobby in the U.S. against Islam


American Support for Israel: Where does it come from?

Abbas Kardan

Abrar Institute for Contemporary International Studies





Theme (as described by publisher) The inevitable destruction of the Zionist state How Koranic teachings can be used to unite Shiites and Sunnis against Jews A study of the role that Islamic ideology could play in shaping up a united SunniShia front against International Zionism Hezbollah's victories against Israel show that it can be destroyed Israel will be destroyed by the Islamic movement Israel and the Jewish lobby supported Saddam Hussein against Iran How Jews control U.S. politics

Year of publication 2007

108 Death to Israel! Heeding the Koran to Develop a Joint Shia-Sunni Strategy to Confront Zionism

Seyyed Ali Moussavi Ta Zohour Motlagh Seyyed Hossein Moussavi Zanjani Seyyed Hossein Moussavi Zanjani Elaheh Karimi Nosratollah Mahmoudzadeh Salsabeel



110 Islam's potentials in building an anti-Zionist strategy



111 Israel Is Vulnerable! 112 Israel's Death Dance 113 Israel's Role in the Iran-Iraq War 114 Jewish Power in America 115 Jews in the Koran and in History 116 Limits of mass communication 117 Myth: A land without people for a people without land!

Shahid Avini Shahid Avini

2007 2007 2007 2007

Seyyed Ali Moussavi Ta Zohour Motlagh Mohammad-Reza Bolourdi et al. Fatemeh Karimi et al. Ahmad Ali Ghane Majid Safataj Ali Khamenei Andishehsazan Nour Jame'eh Al-Koran Bustan Ketab Publishers, Qom Aroun Qadr-e Velayat Publishing House

The decisive way in which the Prophet dealt with the Jews should be a model for 2007 today Jewish monopoly of international mass 2007 media Jews and Zionists vs. Arabs Collection of statements and writings by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Israel and Palestine 2007 2007

Palestine and the Zionist regime in the eye of the 118 Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution


Author/editor Hossein Moussavi, Ahmad Khalifa

Publisher Center for Strategic Studies in the Middle East (Tehran)

Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication 2007

119 Political Parties in Israel

Israel's political future The current Islamic resistance against Israel is a repetition of the Battle of Kheibar, when the army of the Prophet Mohammad obliterated a Jewish settlement in Arabia

120 Repeating the Glory of Kheibar

Mohammad Bagher Ebtekar Danesh Saeedi


Running away from the future: essays on the 121 "Holocaust" 122 Satanic Temptations 123 The Chaos of Zion: From the Nile to Lake Hamoun 124 The Dark Star: How Jews became Zionists The Deviated Lineage (Jews): A study of the historic 125 enemy

Essays by Robert Faurisson, David Ebtekar Danesh Duke, Mark Weber Majid Safataj Tajassom Khallagh

Translation of essays by several deniers of 2007 the Holocaust Jewish and Zionist control of mass media Unveiling the true intentions of Zionism Jews and the future of Zionism Islam's attitude towards Jews as the principal historic enemy from the time of the Prophet to the contemporary world 2007 2007 2007

Seyyed Ali Moussavi Ta Zohour Motlagh Massoud Salavatizadeh Mehdi Taeb Sebt-ol Nabi

Ebtekar Danesh


126 The End of Zionism

Moloud Mostafaee, Parto Bayan Mohammad Shahdi Mohammad Bagher Bustan Ketab Zolghadr, Mehdi Publishers, Qom Fatlawi

Islam will destroy Zionism


127 The Fall of Israel

Israel is on its way to disintegration





Theme (as described by publisher) Zionist domination of world media and propaganda outlets The myth of the Jewish genocide Zionist propaganda about the Holocaust Shiite teachings against the Jews Using the Jews' holy books to show the deviation of their religion Zionist propaganda about the Holocaust

Year of publication 2007

The Hidden Domination: Zionism's stealthy 128 hegemony over politics, cultures and public opinions Majid Safataj of nations 129 The Holocaust: Myth or Reality? 130 The Jewish Genocide: A Zionist Myth 131 The Jews in Al-Mizan 132 The Jews, the Torah and the Talmud 133 The Mythmakers of the "Holocaust"


Seyyed Ali Moussavi Ta Zohour Motlagh Ahmad Abbassi Ebtekar Danesh

2007 2007 2007 2007 2007

Sirous Sedghi, Nashr-e Sobhan Hossein Faal Araghi Leila Houshangi et al. Ketab Marja'a

Seyyed Abolhassan Kayhan Alavi Tabatabai Mohammad Mohammadi Eshtehardi Mohsen YazdiGhaleh Roqayya Taghizadeh, Mirghassem Momeni Mohammed-Mehdi Kariminia Omid Nashr-e Shahed Abrar Institute for Contemporary International Studies Jelveh Kamal

134 The Tribe of Moses 135 The True Promise

Jewish mentality from the time of Moses Hassan Nasrollah's struggle against the Zionists

2007 2007

136 The Zionist Regime's Internal Problems

Internal Israeli crises and the future of the 2007 Zionist regime True nature of Zionism and its inevitable 2007 conflict with Christianity Jews, Zionism and their domination of the 2007 world

137 Zionism and Christianity: Peace or War 138 Zionism: A cancer in the body of the international community

Hossein Fereidouni Afagh




Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication 2007

139 Zionism: How it was created and nurtured

Seyyed Mohammad Nabavi Taghi Sajjadi Zahra Samavati Imam Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute

History of Zionism

140 Zionist Media Domination in the U.S. Zionist Neoconservatives: The Five-pointed Star of David

Zionist control of the U.S. media Jews are the pre-dominant force in the American neoconservative movement



Hamid Hazegh (ed.) Afarineh Mohammad Nassiri Zamzam et al. Imam Khomeini Ali Jadid-Bonab Documentation and Publication Institute Alireza Mohammadi Nashr-e Maaref Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran) Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran)


142 Zionist terminology: a comparative study 143 An Analysis of Jewish Behavior at the Time of the Prophet Mohammad

The true meaning of euphemisms used by 2007 Jews and Zionists Jewish enmity towards Islam began from the time of the Prophet Mohammed Faurisson's views on the myth of the Holocaust 2006 2006

144 An Interview with Professor Faurisson


Burning the Truth: "Extermination Camps" in World War Two

Seyyed Mehdi Nazemi

Contrary to Jewish propaganda, there were no Nazi "extermination camps"; they 2006 were only "transit camps" and did not contain gas chambers A study of Jewish populations in pre-war Europe reveals the big lie about the 2006 number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust Historical evidence shows that the Holocaust never took place The Jewish genocide was a lie concocted by Zionists 2006 2006


Did Six Million Die? A demographic study of European Mohammad Jews Jamshidi

147 Holocaust, the West's Sacred Lie 148 Holocaust: The Forbidden Territory; Another look at the biggest lie in History

Alireza Mohammadi Nashr-e Maaref Seyyed Majid Hosseini, Hassan Ejraee Sobh-e Pirouzi

Title 149 Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening on the Jewish Question

Author/editor David Duke Nejah Talaii

Publisher Tasnim Andisheh Dar-ol-Hoda Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran) Office of Islamic Cultural Publications

Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

150 Jews wearing the mask of Islam

Translation of David Duke's book in 2006 Persian Some detested Muslim leaders are in fact 2006 Jews Contrary to Jewish propaganda, Hitler did not seek to exterminate the Jews. His 2006 Jewish policy was even supported by Jewish and Zionist leaders Jews' heinous ploys to dispossess the Palestinians of their land 2006 2006


Nebuchadnezzar of the Twentieth Century: Adolf Hitler's Jewish Policy

Gholamreza Rafatnejad

152 Palestine and Israel 153 Palestine: From occupation to Intifada

Majid Safataj

Narges Abyar, Majid Ministry of Education, Textbook Safataj Islamic Republic of Iran Maryam-os-Sadat Amir-Shah Karami Kayhan Jews have a supremacist and racist view toward non-Jews Christian Zionists and American Jews are plotting to destroy Islam U.S.-Israeli collusion to dominate the Muslim Middle East The Jewish French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann's nine-hour film about the Holocaust is a propaganda film. His witnesses have no credibility and their testimonies are stage-managed Jewish influence on U.S. policy

154 Post-Zionism: A Continuation of Zionism 155 Protestants and Zionist Christians

2006 2006

Nassir Saheb-Khalq Helal Mehdi Ali-Abadi et al. Abrar Institute for Contemporary International Studies Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran)

156 Reviving the Empire


157 Shoah: A Propaganda Film

Omid Rezai Arjmand


158 The Christian Right and Neo-conservatives in the U.S.

Mohammad Samak Andishehsazan Nour et al.


Title 159 The Coming of the Mahdi and the Demise of Israel 160 The Final Judgment 161 The Holocaust 162 The Holocaust: Looking Behind the Curtain The Importance of the Holocaust in the Zionist Project

Author/editor Majed Mehdi

Publisher Tali'eh Nour

Theme (as described by publisher) The coming of the Shiite Messiah will annihilate Israel Why Muslims and Christians are against Jews

Year of publication 2006 2006

Maryam Bahrami, Behzad Rouzbeh Aranipour Alireza Soltanshahi Bashgah-e Andisheh Mohammad-Taghi Taghipour Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran)

Denial of the Holocaust as a Jewish-Zionist 2006 myth A study of the myth of the Holocaust 2006


Seyyed Mohammad Islamic Revolution The myth of the Holocaust was used by Tarahi Documentation Center Zionists to advance their plans Ettelaat Qebleh Avval Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran) Abrar Institute for Contemporary Sabhaye Yaghin Hadis-e Eshgh History of Zionism and Israel Jews have a long-term plan to dominate the world

2006 2006 2006

Hossein Aboutorabian new translation of The One-Hundred-Year Plan: Essays on the Protocols 165 the Protocols into of the Elders of Zion Persian 164 The Iron Fist 166 The Secret of All Secrets: How Jews have profited from the so-called Holocaust Seyyed Mojtaba Azizi Ali Jannati Abolfazl Rouhi Ali Akbar Rostami

167 The Structure of the Zionist State of Israel 168 The True Face of Israelites revealed in the Koran 169 The Ungrateful Debtors: A history of Iranian-Jewish relations

The Jews invented the Holocaust, turned it into a profitable industry and are 2006 protecting it with the oppressive force of the judiciary The racist Zionist state of Israel and its 2006 future The Koran exposes the true nature of Jews 2006 How Jews betrayed the Persians who liberated them from captivity 2006




Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

170 The World as a Plaything of Jews

Seyyed Mohammad Shirazi, Hadi Selseleh Modarressi

Jewish conspiracies to dominate the world 2006


Why the U.S. forsakes its national interests in defense Qais Zaafarani et al. Helal of Israel Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, translated by Ehsan Abdolaziz Salimi Ahmad Soroushnejad Ali Jadid-Bonab Majid Safataj Ehsan Ghalandari Mohammad Javad Alvandi Mohammad Ahmadi Nashr-e Nay Imam Khomeini Documentation and Publication Institute Tajassom Khallagh Al-e Taher Andishehsazan Nour Center for Palestinian Studies

American Jews dictate U.S. defense of 2006 Israel against American national interests Jews and Zionism from an Islamic perspective History of Zionism Jews and Zionists versus Muslims

172 Zionism: A Global Danger


173 Zionism: Its birth, development and disintegration 174 Zionism's Confrontation with the Muslim World 175 Zionism's role in the Midde East 176 Zionism's Secrets 177 Zionist regime: Terrorism and Security 178 A Study of Zionism 179 And Now, Israel! 180 Black Book of Israeli Atrocities in the 20th Century

2006 2006

Israel's meddling in the internal affairs of 2006 Mideast nations How Jews are implementing the Protocols 2006 of the Elders of Zion Israel's state terrorism Zionism was created to subjugate the peoples of the Middle East The Islamic Revolution will destroy the Zionist state. 2006 2005 2005 2005

Mehdi Shirzadi (ed.) Peivand Ba Imam Abdelsalam Aghel

Ministry of Culture and Zionists' crimes against humanity Islamic Guidance throughout the 20th century


Author/editor Robert Faurisson (translated by Faridoddin Ziaoddini)


Theme (as described by publisher)

Year of publication

181 Gas Chambers: Fact or Myth?

Ziaye Andisheh

Denial of the existence of gas chambers in 2005 WW2 Despite their dominance, Jews have started to lose as Muslims achieve greater 2005 victories All Jewish organizations in Iran were working for the Zionists and Israel 2005

182 Hard Times for Jews

Abdoljabbar Assadi Khaledin Political Studies and Research Institute (Tehran) Haroun Yahya

183 Jewish and Zionist Organizations in Iran

184 Jews and Freemasons

Freemasons are the secret link between Islamic Revolution Jews and Bahais in their conspiracy against 2005 Documentation Center Islam Vizheh Nashr published in Arabic 2005

185 Our struggle against the Jews in the past and present Bassam Mortadha

186 Peace with the Jews Means the End of Islam 187 Playing in the Dark: Zionism in 48 Scenes

Sadegh Davari


Zahra Ash'ari Ayandeh Sazan Translated by 188 Protocols of the Elders of Zion Bahram Nazarpour Nazerin et al. Abbas Mahmoud 189 Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Jewish Threat Feqh Eghad 190 Suicide Attacks: Why and How 191 The Invisible Bridge: How Jews use the arts to propagate their religious and political concepts Hossein Bagheri, Morteza Salemi Seyyed Hossein Zarhani Nazir Sureh Mehr

Essays on the rejection of any peace agreement with Israel and the need to 2005 continue the struggle until the destruction of the Zionist state 2005 One of several translations of the book into Persian 2005 2005 The indispensable role of suicide 2005 operations in defeating the Zionist enemy The dastardly use of the arts by the Jews to spread their message 2005


Author/editor Mohammad-Ali Hosseinzadeh


Theme (as described by publisher) Jewish ideology is racist and supremacist and inherently opposed to Islam published in Arabic

Year of publication 2005 2005

192 The Jewish Ideology 193 The Jewish Threat 194 The Real Face of Zionism


Mohammed Khalifa Mashreq Zamin Majid Safataj Anis Sayegh (translated from Arabic) Mohsen Eslami Ali-Akbar Rostami Majid Safataj, Narges Abyar Yahya Ahmed Ahmed Darvish Ibrahim Yahya, David Duke Qebleh Avval

Zionism is a racist and violent ideology bent on destroying those who stand on its 2005 way Zionists' manipulation of Jewish religion to 2005 achieve world domination Jewish domination of U.S. politics 2005 2005 Zionists are inherently racist and supremacist; Zionism is a form of racism published in Arabic The Donme and other Jews were instrumental in bringing the Ottoman sultan to his knees. published in Arabic Jews control the Turkish state published in Arabic published in Arabic 2005 2005 2005

195 The Ten Commandments of Zionism 196 The Zionist Lobby in America 197 Zionism's Dream of World Domination 198 Zionist Racism 199 On Zionism 200 How Jews Destroyed the Ottoman Empire

Almaee Feghahat Sayeh Roshan Qebleh Avval Vizheh Nashr Institute for the Study of Contemporary Iranian History Vizheh Nashr

201 Jewish influence in America

2005 2005 2005 2005

202 Jewish influence in Turkey and the role of the Donme Mostafa Pour-Amini Sami 203 Jews who hate themselves 204 Jews, the seditious element of history Mohammed AlNablusi Vizheh Nashr

Maher Ahmed Agha Vizheh Nashr

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