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3-5 ANI


Vocabulary: Bus/ car/ plane/ helicopter/ship/boat/van / motorcycle/bike/ train Wheels/ wings/ horn zebra crossing/ traffic lights must/ mustnt Expressions: Drive a car Ride a bike Fly a plane Driver/ pilot can go by!! "he traffic is busy/ dangerous

Warming- up: #hort conversation about how they spend their winter holiday! $ %!g! "eacher&' Where have you spent your winter holiday( )hild& was in "urkey* with my family! went there by plane/car'+ SENSORIAL GAME: Touch and gue ! " "he children touch a toy and they have to guess the mean of transportation! ROLE- PLA#: $o% do &ou co'e (o )*nde+ga+(en," ,irl&' Do you walk to kindergarten* Ben( Boy& -o* dont! ,irl& Do you go in your dads car( Boy& -o! go with my grandma on her motorbike. ,irl& Wow.' MOTRI- GAME: .*c&c/e0 +ace" $ Between children/ t can be organize in the park or in the yard+

GAME: M*'e (he ac(*on" "he children stand in a circle! #how the children the following actions& when you say Aeroplane* they mime being an aeroplane by spreading out their arms/ when you say Ambulance they say Nee naw* nee naw to imitate the ambulance siren/ when you say Police car* they open and close their hands to imitate a flashing light! f anyone does the wrong action* he/she is out! ROLE- PLA#: $o% do &ou co'e (o G+eece," ,irl&' Do you go to ,reece on your bike* 0ohn ( Boy& -o* dont! ,irl& 1h! Do you go in your mums helicopter* then ( Boy& -o! go there with my dads plane. ,irl& ,reat.' GAME: S*'on a& : G*1e 'e (he ca+2 3/ane2 4oa(2 (+a*n...!" MOTRI- GAME: 5hee/4a++o%0 +ace" $ Between children/ t can be organize in the classroom or in the yard+

ROLE- PLA#: $o% do &ou co'e (o (he 'oun(a*n," "eacher&' Do you go to the mountains in your grandfathers lorry* #am( Boy& -o* dont! "eacher& Do you go on the train* then( Boy& -o! go on the school bus. "eacher& 1h.' GAME :00 #e o+ no" "he teacher shows to the children a toy and they answer what it is!$ %!g! s it a boat( -o* it isnt/ 2es* it is a boat+ MOTRI- GAME "he children sit in a circle! #ay I m the pilot of the aeroplane! I fly up $ stand up+ and I fly down again$ sit down). Up $ stand up+* down $ sit down+!%3plain to the children that every time they hear you say Up* they must stand up and every time they hear you say Down* they must sit down! f they do the wrong action* they are out! ART 6 -RAFT": -ONTEST: "The 4e ( a*/o+" "he children make boats from papers/ after that they put the boat on the water! "hey tie a string on the boat and try to roll all the string on a pencil!

ROLE- PLA#:" T+a77*c Ru/e " "eacher&' When must we cross the street( 4upils& We must cross the street when the traffic light is green! We mustnt cross the street when the traffic light is red! "eacher& Where must we cross the street( 4upils& We must cross the street only on the zebra crossing! 5 POEMS: T+a*n " 1ver the mountains* 1ver the plains* 1ver the rivers* 6ere come the trains! )arrying passengers* )arrying mail* Bringing their loads Without fail! The Pu77e+ T+a*n" -oisy little puffer train -oisy little puffer train* puffer train f you go to the sea 4lease* take me! SONGS: The 4u " "he bus has wheels 7nd the wheels go round* "he wheels go round* the wheels go round* 7nd the wheels go round*

Round and round all day! The %hee/ on (he 4u " "he wheels on the bus go round and round* Round and round* round and round* "he wheels on the bus go round and round* 7ll day long! "he children on the bus go wriggle* wriggle* wriggle!!!! "he mummies on the bus go 5Dont do that.'!!!! "he daddies on the bus go read* read* read!!!! "he babies on the bus go 5 Wah* wah* wah.'!!!! MOTRI- GAME: 5hee/4a++o%0 +ace" $ Between children/ t can be organize in the classroom or in the yard+

n this unit we make a consolidation of all the knowledge taught that week though a contest! "he children repeat the poems and the songs! "he children solve an hand8 out related to the topic! %very afternoon they revise what they have learned in the morning!

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