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Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver


1. Excel Solution
X Decision Profit 6 $3 Y 0 $1 Total $18 Resources Used Capac t! 72 <= 85 18 <= 18 0 <= 4

X A B C 12 3

Y 14 2 1

Graphical solution--the problem requested the Excel solution but the !ollo"ing graphical solution is provided !or classroom use i! desired.


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver

A Decision Cost 15 $2 " 10 $4 Total $70 Resources Used Capac t! 120 >= 120 90 >= 72 10 >= 10

A A B C 4 2

" 6 6 1

Graphical solution--the problem requested the Excel solution but the !ollo"ing graphical solution is provided !or classroom use i! desired.


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver


a. %aximi&e ' ( #)*1 + ,*# + -*$ s.t. -*1 + #*# + $*$ . -)) /*1 + $*# #*1 + *$ *$ *1 *# *$ 0 ) b. Excel solution
X# Decision Profit 45 $20 X$ 100 $6 X% 80 $8 Total $2,140 Resources Used Capac t! 800 <= 800 480 <= 480 170 <= 320 80 <= 80

. /-) . $#) . -)

X# Millin !"t#es $rin%ers &"les 8 4 2

X$ 2 3

X% 3 1 1

c. Solution is

*1 ( /1 *# ( 1)) *$ ( -)

S1 ( ) S# ( ) S$ ( 11) S/ ( )

' ( 2#1/)


S1 ( ) S# ( ) S$ ( 11) S/ ( )

implies milling machines at capacit3 implies lathes at capacit3 implies grinders not at capacit3 "ith 11) hours available implies that *$ is at maximum sales capacit3

e. 4he shado" price !or the milling machine department is 2#.#1 per hour. Since it onl3 cost 21.1) per hour to "or5 overtime in this department it is "orth"hile to do so. 4he allo"able increase in overtime is /))6 ho"ever onl3 #)) hours are available. 4here!ore it is recommended that #)) hours o! overtime in the milling machine department be used.


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver

/. a. Let A ( pounds o! !ood A 7 ( pounds o! !ood 7 %inimi&e 8 s.t. & ( .91A + .117 ,))A + :))7 . $ ,)) %aximum calories ,))A + :))7 0 1 -)) %inimum calories #))A + 9))7 . 1 /)) %aximum starch /))A + 1))7 0 /)) %inimum protein A . # %aximum amount o! A


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver

1. Add constraint 1))7 . 11) and change ob;ective !unction to & ( 1.91A + #.1)7

,. a. Let A ( gallons o! !uel A to mix 7 ( gallons o! !uel 7 to mix %inimi&e s.t. & ( 1.#)A + ).:)7 A+ A+ A 7 0 $ ))) 7 . / ))) . # ))) 7 . / ))) 1)A 17 0 ) !uel demand %aximum storage %aximum !uel A available %aximum !uel 7 available 7lend -) octane minimum<

A 70) <=ote blend constraint can be stated as >:)A + 917?@>A + 7? 0 -)


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver

A Decision Cost 1000 $1'20 " 2000 $'90 Total 3000 $3,000 Resources Used Capac t! 3000 >= 3000 3000 <= 4000 1000 <= 2000 2000 <= 4000 0> 0

A Min(%e)"n% M"*(&tor" e M"*(+,el(A M"*(+,el(B Blen% 1 1 1 10

" 1 1 1 -5

Graphical solution--the problem requested the Excel solution but the !ollo"ing graphical solution is provided !or classroom use i! desired.


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver



A ( dollars spent on !ood S ( dollars spent on shelter E ( dollars spent on entertainment

%aximi&e ' ( #A + $S + 1E s.t. A + S + E . 11)) 4otal 7udget A+ S S . 1))) %aximum on Aood and Shelter . 9)) %aximum on Shelter alone E . $)) %aximum on Entertainment
& Decision Profit 300 2 S 700 3 E 300 5 Total 4,200 Resources Used Capac t! 1300 <= 1500 1000 <= 1000 700 <= 700 300 <= 300

X# tot"l(.,% et $(on(foo%("n%(s#elter $(on(s#elter $(on(entert"in)ent 1 1

X$ 1 1 1

X% 1

-. Produce 1) barrels o! Expansion Bra!t and 1) barrels o! 7urning Civer. 4he total revenue "ill be 21/)).
Decision &"les E'pa(s o( Dra)t 50 $20 "ur( (* R +er 50 $8 Total $1400 Resources X# Corn /ice 0o1s 8 0 4 X$ 2 6 3 Used 500 300 350 <= <= <= Capac t! 500 300 400


Appendix A - Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver

:. Cun &one !or , hours and man !or / hours at a cost o! 2$-/.
,o(e Decision Cost 6 $48( Ma( 4 $24( Total

$384 Processes Produced De-a(d 22 >= 20 10 >= 10 6 >= 6

X# BCP1 BCP2 BCP3 3 1 1

X$ 1 1 0

1). She should plant 9)) acres in corn and 1)) acres in so3beans.
Decision Profit(1er("cre Cor( 700 $2,000( So!.ea(s 100 $2,500( /0eat 0 $3,000( Total 800 $1,650,000 Resources Used Capac t! 100 <= 100 150 <= 150 800 <= 900

!".or(23or4ers5 +ertili6er(2tons5 Acres(Pl"nte%

Cor( 0'1 0'2 1

So!.ea(s 0'3 0'1 1

/0eat 0'2 0'4 1


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