Brochure Dec2013

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Already in its sixty fourth edition, this course needs no introduction to the industry and the working professionals in the process industry. About 7000 engineers and 250 organizations in India and abroad ha e so far benefited fro! this uni"ue course in the last #5 years. It would not be out of place here to highlight those features of the course, which ha e got it such !assi e support fro! industry circles. $our editions of the course were conducted in %har&ah and 'ubai for the benefit of the engineering co!!unity in the (iddle )ast countries. *iping )ngineering is a truly !ultidisciplinary sub&ect. It draws its knowledge base fro! che!ical, !echanical, ci il, electrical, !etallurgical, instru!entation, control engineering, to na!e a few. +raditionally, che!ical or !echanical engineers ha e taken to this profession and it is belie ed that about #0 years on,&ob experience and exposure can !ake a few gifted ones -piping engineers. in real sense. 'esign/engineering sector as well as operating co!panies ha e always yearned for a for!al training progra!!e in piping engineering so that this slow self,training approach could be replaced by a fast track. Against this background the present course e!erged. $ew design organizations as well as e!inent piping engineers &oined hands with II+ 0o!bay and !ethodically designed a for!al 1ertificate 1ourse on *iping )ngineering for che!ical and !echanical engineering graduates. 2nce it was offered in #33#, the course has had a fairy tale like &ourney and is the !ost sought after course in the engineering circles. +he course has undergone continuous re isions, helped to a large extent by the feedback gi en by the participants and the industry. It is now an opti!al !ixture of theory and practice. +he instruction hours are shared by II+ faculty and speakers fro! industry, the latter playing a significant role. +he acti ity was institutionalized through the for!ation of a *iping )ngineering 1ell in 1A' 1entre, which now conducts this course. +he acceptance of the course by the industry has irtually forced the hands of arious software houses and the *iping )ngineering 1ell has now a collection of !ost state,of,the,art piping engineering software. +hese are extensi ely used during the course. +he open course is conducted twice e ery year, the winter edition beginning in the first or second week of 'ece!ber and the %u!!er edition in the first or second week of (ay. +hese are calendar e ents. )nroll!ent for the Winter 2013 course is now open. *lease note that the !ediu! of instruction in the course is )nglish. In iew of increasing de!and fro! foreign participants for seats in this course 20 seats ha e been specially reser ed for the! this ti!e.

Although the last date for all categories is the sa!e, foreign participants are ad ised to apply as early as possible so as to be able to co!plete the isa for!alities.


$resh or working, che!ical or !echanical engineering graduates are nor!ally preferred. $ew seats are also gi en to the instru!entation, production and refinery,engineering graduates on pro en aptitude basis. 'iplo!a holders are nor!ally not ad!itted. In exceptional cases, diplo!a holders with considerable rele ant experience 4at least 7 5ears6 are ad!itted. It is an exposure le el course and the participant profile is young. )xperienced working engineers fro! operating co!panies and design organizations also attend in significant nu!bers and ha e found the course a horizon , widening experience. +he astness of the sub&ect and li!ited duration of the course do not allow in,depth co erage of each and e ery topic. +he topics which are co ered in ade"uate details are as follows7 %cope of *iping )ngineering 1odes and %tandards *iping )le!ents 8 %pecialties (echanical 'esign $unda!entals *ipe 9ydraulics 8 %izing *iping 'rawing 0asics 'e elop!ent of *lot *lan )"uip!ent :ayout *rocess *iping :ayout ;tility *iping :ayout $lexibility Analysis %election of %upports 8 )xpansion <oints )xposure :e el :ectures are deli ered on so!e of the following topics. %tea! )ngineering +ransient $luid $low Analysis 1ryogenic %torage 'yna!ic Analysis *rocess Insulation Instru!entation and 1ontrol *racticals are an i!portant part of the course. +he participants are encouraged to de elop rational thinking skills through a case study approach. )xposure to i!portant 1A' tools a ailable in *iping )ngineering arena is offered.

(ulti!edia teaching aids are incorporated. +his allows display of three di!ensional plant !odels, carrying out co!puter aided design and engineering in the classroo! itself, showing ideo clippings to support a point etc. At the sa!e ti!e, all care is taken to e!phasize on teaching rather than on presentation. 1ertificate of *articipation would be issued to the candidates who ha e registered and participated in the course.

last dates !entioned abo e2 +he seat is confir!ed only after receipt of pay!ent. $ees once paid are not refundable under any circu!stances. In special cases, transfer of registration to the next course or replace!ent of the registered candidate by another eligible candidate !ay be per!itted.

=s.>2,000/, (self-finance can i ates n!t "!r#in$ a%r!a & can i ates s'!ns!re %( )n ian C!*'anies+ ;% ?@500/, (F!rei$n ,ati!nals & ,!n-Resi ent )n ians- .ers!ns "!r#in$ a%r!a + C!/rse fees are incl/si0e !f Ser0ice Ta12 +he course fees are inclusi e of one set of course !aterial and working lunch. All other expenses are chargeable extra. C!*'anies 'lease n!te t3at t3e c!/rses c!n /cte in ))T are e1e*'t fr!* )nc!*e Ta1 an 3ence n! T4S s3!/l %e e /cte 2

%ub&ect to a ailability, only bachelor acco!!odation is offered in the ))T St/ ents H!stels (Rs2260&- 'er a(+2 ))T G/est H!/se acc!**! ati!n is n!t a0aila%le . Acco!!odation is not included in the course fees and is on first,co!e,first,ser ed basis.

C!ntin/in$ E /cati!n an 8/alit( )*'r!0e*ent .r!$ra**es 9 .i'in$ En$ineerin$ Cell- ))T B!*%a( )ntensi0e C!/rse !n

+he ad!issions are strictly on first-c!*e-first,ser0e basis and would close latest by ,!0e*%er 22- 20132 .lease n!te t3at t3ese are t3e last cl!sin$ ates an a *issi!ns are n!r*all( cl!se as s!!n as t3e seats are f/ll2 As per past experience, seats would be full well before the last date.

.).),G E,G),EER),G
4ece*%er : ; 1<- 2013

+o register, the acco!panying registration for! or its Aeroxes !ay be used. 1o!pleted registration for! along with 'e!and 'raft for re"uisite a!ount drawn in fa or of Re$istrar- ))T B!*%a(- CE. Acc!/nt !ust reach the course coordinator on or before the appropriate

1ourse 1oordinator7 .r!f2 A2 S2 5OHAR)R, *iping )ngineering 1ell, 1A' 1entre, 1he!ical )ngineering 'epart!ent, II+ 0o!bay, *owai, (;(0AI , B0007>
*hone7 2572 00@>, 2572 00@5

2572 25B5 extn. B730, B732, B73@ +ele$ax7 2572 >B50 $ax7 2572@BC0 ),!ail7 ,!

Re$istrati!n F!r* CERT)F)CATE COURSE O, .).),G E,G),EER),G 4ece*%er : ; 1<- 2013 at 1A' 1entre, II+ 0o!bay
E7ast 4ate !f re$istrati!n = Fo e!ber 22, 20#@G
*lease +ick Fa!e7 (r./(s. 'ate of 0irth7 Acade!ic Iualification7 Address for correspondence7 Hender7 (/$ Fationality7 0ranch7 %elf $inanced > 1o!pany $inanced *ersons working abroad

*hone Fo. 7 2rganization Fa!e and Address7 'esignation7

e,!ail 7

5ears of )xperience7 Fot =e"uired

0oarding and :odging re"uestedJ %tudent 9ostel / If 5es, *lease gi e details of expected arri al at I.I.+. 'ate7 *lace7 'ate7 1he"ue /'' Fo.7 0ank7 *lace7 A!ount =s.7 %ignature of the Applicant For Office Use 'ate7 +i!e7 > ) 3ere%( eclare t3at ) a* n!t "!r#in$ a%r!a 2

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