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Iinancial Inclusion Yatra

Narch|ag ahea6 w|th a 6|ttereace...

he||st|c appreach te |ac|as|ve 0rewth
0atreach 0tsavs
0pea|ag et I|aaac|a| |ac|as|ve 8raaches
keIr||| kcceaats
8h0 Nemhersh|p 0everages
8h0 0re6|t l|akages
Il00s & I10s
fatrepreaear|a| 0eve|epmeat |a|t|at|ves
08k |a|t|at|ves
5ri Frithviroj Chovon, Hon'bIe Chief Minister hunding ovor Smurl Curd lo u bonoiciury ul \urno,
Muhurushlru in lho prosonco o 5ri 5 Romon, C&MD & 5mt. Archno 5. horgovo, ED on T3.0.20TT
5ri 5 Romon, Choirmon & Monoging Director, Conoro onk rocoiving momonlo rom 5ri Oomen
Chondy, Hon'bIe Chief Minister, Govt. of KeroIo or uchioving T00 lolul Finunciul lnclusion in lho
grucious prosonco o 5ri K C Joseph, Minister for RuroI DeveIopment & 5mt. Archno 5. horgovo,
Executive Director, Conoro onk
0peae6 125 I|aaac|a| |ac|as|ea 8raaches
|a 12 8tates |a 98 0ays
gapu Ci y R h n
Can r t , a ast a



Cudivakaln a, AP k











Cahara OuIreach UIsavs 06-33
Micro Fihahce 8rahches 34-35
Cahara Rural YaIra -
1owards 1oIal Fihahcial Ihclusioh 36-37
FI & CSR- Way ih & Way !orward 38-40
Cahara Nayee Disha 41-43
Cahara Cramih Vikas Vahihi 44
Sel! Help Croups 45
Fihahcial LiIeracy ahd
CrediI Couhsellihg CehIres 46
Farmers' 1raihihg Cells 47
Circle wise Per!ormahce uhder FI 48
Mobile 8ahkihg 49
Fihahcial Ihclusioh ih RR8s 50-51
8iomeIric A1M& SmarI Cards 52
CSR IhiIiaIives - a booh Io socieIy 53
IhsIiIuIe o! Ih!ormaIioh 1echhology 54-55
Rural Clihic Services 56
Cahara Mobile Sales Vah & 1alayoga 57
RUDSL1 IhsIiIuIes 56-57
LhIrepreheurship DevelopmehI
1raihihg IhsIiIuIes 60-66
Social 8ahkihg 67
Womeh LmpowermehI 68-70
Page ke.
Canara 8ank was Iounded In the year
1906 In the southern port town oI
MangaIore by
ShrI AmmembaI Subba Rao PaI, an emInent Iawyer
and a great vIsIonary. The 8ank has been a gIant In the Industry over
the Iast severaI decades.
From 1906 to 2011, It has been a Iong journey Ior Canara 8ank. DurIng
the Iast 105 years the 8ank has grown manIIoId. Today, Canara 8ank Is
one oI the IeadIng pubIIc sector banks In the country. For the concIuded
year 2010-11, Canara 8ank has crossed the Iandmark 5 Iakh crore In
totaI busInesses and 4000 crore In Net ProIIt. The 8ank has Iurther
expanded Its presence by openIng 198 branches durIng the present IInancIaI
year , takIng the taIIy oI branches to 3451.
Out oI the totaI branches, 1920 branches (55.63Z) are Iocated In RuraI & SemI-urban
areas. The 8ank serves a dIverse cross-sectIon cIIenteIe oI over 4 crore.
The Iegacy contInues .
Canara Bank touches new Iocations - Unbanked areas
Cpenlng of I98 8runches ln lhe currenl flnunclul yeur
Map not to Scale
Illustrative representation only
ullar Prades|

Vad|ya Prades|
Total ranches opened
during >o::-:> - 198
among which
II ranches opened
during >o::-:> - 125
`-o |-s - uou- -t|oo o ,-ssj o t|- -,--.- to
su..-ss- j---tos |- --'-st ,-oo .t-ss-o t|- `'st-j
syst-' -o j-ou-''y ,oj-ss-o to .tj -t|- t|ouj|
,.to-' .-js o t|ouj| s.,ts o '---s, .--s, -t. |-
-t|oos j|t |-- o-- --o out t|- t-t .-s o--o t|-
oo'--ss t |- sj.-.- '-s t|- -.t t|-t o.'-oj- -o
-,--.- -- t-.o- -o t --os to o- .-'' oo.u-t-o
'-st t|-- s|ou'o o- j-- o-j- o ts os-,,---.- .t| t|-
,-ss-j- o t-
--- 3- |-s to ts .-ot - uo- o t-t-s |- 3- |-s
ou't -,-ts- -o ,oss-ss-s .| -,--.- o .-'' o- - .-tuy
|- 3-s ouoj ,.,'-s tou.| ot ,ust t|- -.oo. --os
o t|- ,-o,'-, t -'so -.o,-ss-s -'' s,|--s o '-s o t|- ,-o,'-
'- |--'t|, -ou.-to, .o-st-.- .t| -tu-, sust--.-, -t.
|- o--t o o- -o t|- -s-- 3- o o- |-- -..oo-o j--t ,ot-.- to .'us- jo.t| t s -s-j-o
t|-t `/ o t|- uo--o s-.tos -o s-.tos -- .'uo-o t|- o-j -ot - ,|-s-o -- t s -'so -'t -ss-t-'
t|-t -,-t o t|- t-oto-' o-j t|- -'so -oo,ts - ,o-.t- ,o'.y o -suj t|- -'' ouo jo.t|, .|.| s
-ss-.- t|- ,--oust- o o,o-t- So.-' -s,oso'ty
|- 3- |-s ,oot-o sttuto-' -o oj-z-to-' stu.tu-s t |-s ou't souo syst-s -o ,o.-ss-s -s - -.|--o'-
st-t-jy |- 3- s -s - .-t-'yst o o--'o,-t -o s -'so t|- o-ot o ,'--tj ot o o-,3
,o'.-s o .'us- jo.t|
|- -.-' .'uso ,oj-- o t|- ,o'.y --s s - .-'' o-.t-o o-'ty |- otto s to -.|-- -o -su- t|-t
|t|-to u.o--o o t|- ,o,u'-to s ot o-,-o o o-j --u-s -o ts o s|oots |- 3- s o'-o .t|
-'' ts .ot-t to ,'--t t|- ,oj-- -.oss t|- .outy
o,o-t- So.-' -s,oso'ty s t|- -s,oso'ty o t|- 3- t|-t --su-s t|- ,-.t o ts o-.sos -o o
so.-ty -o -o-t |- ,o'.-s -- ,'--t-o - t-s,--t -o -t|.-' -- t|-t s .osst-t .t| sust--o'-
o--'o,-t -o t|- .-'-- o t|- so.-ty
|- 3- t--s ,o- t|- -.t t|-t t |-s uo-t-- - uo- o o--'o,-t-' ,oj--s -- s.- ts .-,to
-.-' .'uso o,o-t- So.-' -s,oso'ty, t|- t. t-t-s o t|- 3- -- o- so t|- oo'-st o jts oy t|-
3- to t|- so.-ty .- '-
ot s o to ,os- o t|- t-t-s to o- - o-to -o '--o- t|- -.osyst-
8 kAuAN
Chalrman and uanaglng ulrector
Chairman & Nanaging Director's Nessage
The lnslilulional inilialives in lhe realm ol economics oughl lo derive lrom lhe lundamenlal source ol ils ideology.
The lime lesled saying ol "8lessed are lhe souls ol nobles who live lor lheir own brelhren, who are genuinely needy
and lhe resl live lor lhemselves" is all lhe more relevanl lo lhe linancial seclor.
Among lhe mullilarious aclivilies ol Canara 8ank, lhe lwin involvemenls under lhe linancial lnclusion and Corporale
Social Pesponsibilily sland alop. The ellorls are in consonance wilh lhe Covl. ol lndia and Peserve 8ank ol lndia's
policy ol all inclusive growlh. The 8ank has devised need based slralegies. The molivalional level ol lhe slall has
been accorded a highesl priorily, which is ensuring lheir involvemenl al lhe ground level. The concepl is delined in
lune wilh lhe spiril ol policy makers.
The Covl. and lhe P8l lell lhe urgenl need ol incorporaling uncovered segmenl ol lhe populalion inlo lhe banking
lold so lhal socio economic programmes reaches lhe needy in an elleclive manner. ll is also essenlial lhal mulli
agencies, parlicularly lhe PSUs and lhe Privale Seclor are involved in lhe lask and acl as parlners, calalysls ol
developmenl. Canara 8ank, lo ils credil has in place lounding principles and also experience in devising mullilarious
developmenlal programmes. The 8ank has now embedded ils experience inlo CSP and linancial lnclusion.
linancial lnclusion is providing access lo hassle lree linancial services lo lhe disadvanlaged al an allordable cosl. The
services include lhrill, credil, micro insurance and micro remillance lacililies. The largeled groups are less privileged
lol, predominanlly in rural areas ol lhe counlry.
The 8ank is moving lorward lo lhe more specilic "all inclusive". The syslem recognizes nol jusl lhe righl ol belonging
bul ensures ils reach in measurable lerms. The developmenl oughl lo be visible, spread has lo be even and il musl
have a mulliplier ellecl encompassing all lhe seclors. One seeding laclor essenlially brings aboul lurlher lruclilicalion
al all levels.
8ank is now bringing oul a compendium on ils experiences, conlribulions covering linancial lnclusion and Corporale
Social Pesponsibilily. 8ank believes lhal lhe documenl nol only records lhe evenls bul also highlighls lhe need lor
such inilialives on a broader speclrum. The ellorl is also an allempl lo guide lhe lield level praclilioners on achieving
a comprehensive suslainable developmenl.
5mt. Archna 5 hargava
Executive Director
oaoarah|e ua|oa N|a|ster of State for I|aaace, Sr| Namo Nara|a Neeaa |s seea
|aaagarat|ag 0aaara Nega kara| utsar" at 0aagapar 0|t,, Sawa| Nadhopar 0|str|ct,
kajasthaa |a the preseace of tecat|re 0|rector Ns. Archaa S 8hargara aad other d|ga|tar|es
RA]ASTHAN Is the Iargest states oI ndIa, known Ior Its majestIc Iorts, vast deserts, tourIst spots, rIch
cuIturaI herItage and potentIaI IndustrIaI centres.
Canara 8ank opened Its IIrst 8ranch In Rajasthan on 19.07.71 and
thereaIter the 8ank has contInuousIy strengthened Its presence In
the state. The 8ank has 67 branches and 33 ATMs In the state
spread over 25 dIstrIcts. The 8ank proposes to Increase Its
presence In the state substantIaIIy In the ensuIng
months. The 8ank 8ranch Network Is IIkeIy to be
100 by March 2013.Canara 8ank has a busIness
IeveI oI 4808 crores In Rajasthan wIth Its credIt
spread over varIous productIve sectors IIke SME,
InIrastructure, AgrIcuIture and exports.
n Rajasthan, Canara 8ank has been aIIotted 5 vIIIages
under IInancIaI IncIusIon programme, where Issuance oI
Canara Hega PuraI Utsav, 6angapur City
5awai Hadbcpur District, Pajastban - 10tb 0ct 2011
Smart Cards Is In IuII swIng. The
8ank has pIans to open 10 more
branches In the State, to reach
openIng oI 80 branches In the
current year. The 8ank aIms to reach
a busIness IeveI oI 5,050 Crore Ior
FY 2011-12. Out oI 33 dIstrIcts In
the state, Canara 8ank Is havIng
pr esence I n 25 dI st r I ct s and
remaInIng 8 dIstrIcts wIII be covered
In the near Iuture.
'Canara Mega Outreach Utsav' 12th
In the serIes was Inaugurated by the
HonourabIe UnIon MInIster oI State
Ior FInance ShrI Namo NaraIn Meena
In the presence oI ShrI Ramkesh
Meena, ParIImentary Secretary, Covt. oI Rajasthan, ExecutIve DIrector Ms. Archna S 8hargava and
other dIgnItarIes, at Cangapur CIty, SawaI Madhopur DIstrIct, Rajasthan.
The programme InvoIved InauguratIon oI 2 new branches In the State oI Rajasthan takIng the totaI
number oI branches to 69 In the State and branches opened durIng the year to 198. TotaI number oI
branches Ior the 8ank as a whoIe
reaches 3451.
Outreach activities comprised:
e DIstrIbutIon oI KIsan CredIt Cards
and CeneraI CredIt Cards
e SanctIonIng oI DR Ioans
e CredIt LInkage oI SHCs]]LCs
e ssue oI Smart Cards
e DIstrIbutIon oI MIcro-nsurance
e Aadhar EnroIIment
e nauguratIon oI RuraI HeaIth CIInIc
Ab o u t 7 5 0 0 Ac c o u n t s we r e
mobIIIzed by these branches.
nonourob/e union Minister of 5tote for linonce, 5ri Nomo
Noroin Meeno oddressinq the qotherinq durinq the
inouqurotion of conoro Outreoch utsov ot 6onqopur city,
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u oddressinq the qotherinq ot
6onqopur city, 5owoi Modhopur uist., kojosthon
Sr| Pr|thr|raj 0haraa, oa'h|e 0h|ef N|a|ster Iaaagarat|ag the utsar at Varae
|a the preseace of Sr| S kamaa, 0&N0 & Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0
Maharashtra, the land of bravery and torch bearing State under multi sheres of the Nation, rovided the valuable
latformfor the bank to unleash one of its outreach Utsavs.
^t the gala function to mark the occasion, Shri Prithviraj Chavan, the Hon'ble Chief Minister, 0ovt. of Maharashtra
unveiled a series of financial inclusion activities of the bank at varne village, Satara District. The grandeur of l3th Set.
20ll was graced by Shri S. Raman, Chairman and Managing Director, Smt. ^rchna S. Bhargava, Executive Director,
host of vlPs including Hon'ble members of Parliament, State ^ssemblies. Shri J B Bhoria, Regional Director, RBl,
Mumbai and Dr. Ramaswamy, District Collector, Satara District graced the occasion.
1b ruraI brancbes in Habarasbtra tc cater tc a pcpuIaticn cf cver 3 Iac ruraI fcIk.
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, arne, 5atara District
Habarasbtra - 13tb 5ep 2011
0pening cf 150tb rancb in tbe financiaI year 2011-12
The event signified the Bank's commitment to rovide all realms of banking services to the hitherto unserved eole in
articular. ^ huge gathering of 5000 eole of verna village and surrounding laces attended the function
Tbe fcIIcwing mega activities added tc tbe spIendcr cf tbe event
- 0ening of l financial inclusion branches, with
varne branch being the l50th to be oened during
the current fiscal.
- Nearly l,00,000 accounts were oened
- Flagging off Canara 0rameen vikas vahini" for
sreading financial land credit counseling among
rural folks
- Commencement of Can Bazar" for women
- Distribution of 500 Kisan Credit Cards.
- Sacntion of over 5000 DRl loans.
6romin vikos vohini beinq f/oqqed off by the diqnitories
5ri 5 komon, c&Mu, inouqurotinq 150th 8ronch of
the 8onk durinq the lY 2011-12 ot vorne, 5otoro
- lssue of 5000 smart cards
- Credit linkage of l000 Self Hel
- Providing of 2000 micro insurance
- 525 lift irrigation rogrammes
amounting to Rs./.7/ crores.
- Formation of l0 Farmers clubs
- 0ening of l0 exclusive SME Cells
- 0ening of 5 Rural Clinics
- Roll out of ^adhar Enrollment.
- The branches rovide the services
to the estimated 3,00,000 villagers
who were hitherto not having any
banking facilities
ke/eose of linoncio/ lnc/usion document
The l branches cover the geograhical jurisdiction of l0 Districts in the State of Maharashtra. The event at varne
village was the th in the series and Mother of ^ll Events". Shri. Prithviraj Chavan, Hon'ble Chief Minister was all
raise for the social economic initiative of the bank. He areciated the banks efforts to rovide banking services to
interior villages and called uon the bank to extend best assistance to the farmers and suort the agricultural sector.
He assured all assistance to the bank by the State in serving the needy. Shri. S. Raman, Chairman and Managing
Director of the bank, welcomed the gathering. Thanking the Chief Minister for his articiation, he exressed that his
resence will give boost to the initiatives of the bank and also encourages the ublic to ro actively involve in the
banking activities. He called uon the articiants to make best use of the credit facilities and romtly reay the loan
so that much larger assistance can be extended to more. Smt. ^rchna S.Bhargava, Executive Director, roosed the
vote of Thanks. Profusely thanking the Hon'ble Chief Minister and other dignitaries, she highlighted on the role layed
by the Bank under Financial lnclusion. Thanking the ublic for their enthusiastic articiation, she also informed on the
series of 0ut Reach Utsavs undertaken by the bank to rovide banking services to unserved and underserved eole in
terms of banking. The Executive Director also thanked the rint and electronic media for covering the activities of the
with the oening of the new branch, the total number of Branches in the country increased to 3/0/ and 257 in the State
of Maharashtra. Continuing the tradition of common man's bank, Canara Bank will continue its initiatives of oening
branches in unbanked and underbanked districts of the country in future too.
5ri Prithviroj chovon, non'b/e chief Minister, occomponied by 5ri 5 komon, c&Mu &
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u visit o sto// disp/oyinq products mode by women ntrepreneurs
'Canara Hega 0utreacb Utsav' Iauncbed
at Trivandrum, KeraIa cn 2tb 5ep 2011
Sr| k 8aha, oa'h|e N|a|ster for tc|se & Ports, 0ort. of kera|a w|th
I|aaac|a| Iac|as|oa 8raach Naaagers aad 8as|aess 0orrespoadeats
dar|ag 0aaara Nega 0atreach utsar at Ir|raadram oa 20th Septemher 2011
Thc scrcnc hackwaLcrs, swayng ccccnuL arns, sccLhng
paddy cds, a synphcny ccnpcscd n Lhc sLrngs c Lhc
hcachcs cacd Ccd's cwn ccunLryKcraa has a vcry unquc
assccaLcn wLh Canara 8ank. 8crn n ncghhcurng sLaLc
c KarnaLaka, Canara 8ank s cadcr n Lhc sLaLc c Kcraa
cn nany rcnLs. ^Lcr KarnaLaka &Tan Nadu, Lhc hank s
havng naxnun nunhcr c hranchcs n Lhc sLaLc. Thc
sLaLc has Lwc crcc cccs c Lhc 8ank as adnnsLraLvc
cccs aL CacuL and Trvandrun. Trvandrun crcc s
havng l8u hranchcs Lhc hghcsL nunhcr c hranchcs n
any crcc c Lhc 8ank. Canara 8ank s havng prcscncc n a
Lhc l4 dsLrcLs c Lhc SLaLc.
Tc urLhcr hank's ccnnLncnL Lc Lhc sLaLc c Kcraa, a
Mcga Canara OuLrcach Lsav was crganscd aL Trvandrun
cn 29/u9/2ull.
Sr K. 8ahu, Hcn'hc MnsLcr cr Lxcsc & crLs, CcvL. c
Kcraa dcdcaLcd l5 hranchcs c Lhc hank Lc Lhc scrvccs c
Lhc pccpc c Lhc sLaLc. WLh Lhs, Lhc hank has ncw 225
hranchcs n Lhc sLaLc.
Sr M.K. Munccr, Hcn'hc MnsLcr cr Scca Wcarc & anchayaL nauguraLcd l5 ^TMs c Lhc hank. WLh Lhs Lhc
LcLa nunhcr c ^TMs n Lhc sLaLc ccncs Lc 2l8.
Kcraa s cnc c Lhc ncsL prcgrcssvc sLaLcs n Lcrns c scca wcarc and quaLy c c. Thc sLaLc hcasLs c cnc c
nda's hghcsL Lcracy raLcs, hghcsL c cxpccLancy and cwcsL chd ncrLaLy raLcs. n Lcrns c hankng scrvccs
Lcc Lhc sLaLc s ar ahcad c Lhc ccunLry.
8cng a ccnnLLcd parLncr n prcgrcss c Lhc sLaLc, Canara 8ank has cnsurcd Lc nakc Lhc sLaLc, Lhc rsL sLaLc c Lhc
ccunLry Lc hcccnc LcLa nancay ncudcd sLaLc. Canara 8ank has ccvcrcd a c Ls l5 vagcs hy l2 undcr
8usncss CcrrcspcndcnL Mcdc and u2 hy cpcnng c hrck and ncrLar hranchcs.
Shr. Svakunar, Hcn'hc MnsLcr cr TranspcrL &Dcvaswcn, CcvL. c Kcraa asc handcd cvcr sancLcn cLLcrs Lc.
Distribution of KCCs 5,000 Distribution of Smart Cards 5,000
Dk| Loans 2,000 Micro Credits 20,000
Micro |nsurance 5,000 Iormation of SHG]!LGs 1,200
SnL. Maranna Ocnncn anncunccd crnaLcn c 5u arncrs Cuhs, and cpcnng c u2 kura HcaLh Cncs. kura
HcaLh Cncs arc scL up n Lhc vagcs whch ack hasc ncdca acLcs. Thc DccLcrs' ccs and ccsL c ncdcncs
arc hcrnc hy Lhc 8ank. Thc prcgrannc ccncudcd hy a vcLc c Lhanks hy Shr. T SrcckanLhan, Ccncra Managcr
ConsolidaIing all round eIIorIs oI Ihe bank, SmI. Archna S
8hargava, LxecuIive DirecIor Canara 8ank, dedicaIed Ihe 555Ih
banking delivery channel Io Ihe services oI Ihe sIaIe which
comprises oI 225 branches, 2l8 A1Ms and l2 8usiness
5mt. Motlommo Oommeo w/o 5tl Oommeo cbooJy, cblef Mlolstet of ketolo booJloq ovet 5mott cotJ to o
beoeflcloty ot tbe loooqotol fooctloo of coooto Meqo Ootteocb utsov, 1tlvooJtomoo 29tb 5eptembet, 2011
Kcraa SLaLc undcr Lhc cadcrshp c Canara 8ank as
SL8C ccnvcncr and Lhc gudancc c kcscrvc 8ank c
nda, has achcvcd luu 8ankng Ccvcragc whcrchy
cvcry sngc vagc c l27 vagcs n Lhc sLaLc s ncw
prcvdcd wLh a 8ankng Channc. Thcsc l27 vagcs
ncw havc 9 hrck & ncrLar hranchcs, 2 saLcLc
hranchcs, 4 nchc hankng vchccs, llu CusLcncr
Scrvcc rcvdcrs undcr 8C ncdc, l ^TM & nchc
hankng scrvccs undcr hyhrd ncdc.
Kera|a is the first state in |ndia to reach this
SL8C arrangcd a hcLLng uncLcn aL Trvandrun cn
2uLh ScpLcnhcr 2ull Lc dccarc and dcdcaLc Lhs
rarc dsLncLcn. Thc dccaraLcn c ccnpcLc 8ankng
Ccvcragc was nadc hy Lhc SLaLc Chc MnsLcr Sr
Ocnncn Chandy, Sr K C !cscph, MnsLcr cr
annng, CuLurc & kura DcvccpncnL rccd cuL Lhc
S na r L Ca r ds a nd a s c w L nc s s c d L s v c
dcncnsLraLcn. Dr. rahhakaran, Chc SccrcLary,
rccascd Lhc Scuvcnr hrcughL cuL hy SL8C Lc
ccnncncraLc Lhc cccascn.
KeraIa The First TotaI Danking State
5ri 5 komon, choirmon & Monoqinq uirector, conoro 8onk & 5mt 5umo vormo, keqiono/ uirector, k8l
hondinq over comp/etion citotion on 100X 1oto/ linoncio/ lnc/usion in the stote of kero/o to 5ri Oommen
chondy, chief Minister of kero/o in the qrocious presence of 5ri k c loseph, Minister for kuro/ ueve/opment
& 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, xecutive uirector, conoro 8onk
On hcha c a Lhc 8anks and k8, cr havng nadc Lhc SLaLc a TcLa 8ankng SLaLc n Lcrns c ccvcragc, a
"CcnpcLcn CLaLcn" was handcd cvcr Lc Lhc Hcn'hc Chc MnsLcr, CcvL. c Kcraa hy Sr. S kanan, C&MD Canara
8ank & Charnan SL8C acng wLh SnL. Suna varna, kcgcna DrccLcr, k8, Trvandrun n Lhc prcscncc c SnL.
^rchna S 8hargava, LxccuLvc DrccLcr, Canara 8ank.
Canara 8ank was acLLcd Lccn unhankcd vagcs n Lhc sLaLc cr prcvdng hankng channc undcr Lhc nanca
ncuscn pan. Thc 8ank has ncw prcvdcd and cpcraLcnascd a hankng channc n cach c Lhcsc vagcs Lhrcc
vagcs hy way c hranch ncdc and Lwcvc Lhrcugh 8usncss CcrrcspcndcnLs. Thcsc hankng channcs wcrc
aunchcd cn 29Lh ScpLcnhcr
2ull n Canara Mcga OuLrcach
Lsav aL Trvandrun.
Hcn'hc MnsLcrs, Sr K 8ahu, Dr.
MK Munccr and Sr v S Svakunar
rcprcscnLcd Lhc CcvcrnncnL c
Kcra a aL Lh s uncL cn. Thc
cccascn asc saw Lhc dcdcaLcn
c Lhc 8ank's Lccn ncwhranchcs
and Lccn ^TMs n Kcraa. Canara
8ank ncw rcachcs cuL Lc Lhc
pccpc c Kcraa Lhrcugh 555
8ankng Channcs LhaL ncudcs
^T M s a n d 8 u s n c s s
CcrrcspcndcnLs, aparL rcnhrck &
ncrLar hranchcs.
5ri k c loseph, Minister for kuro/ ueve/opment, hondinq over 5mort cord
to womon beneficiory in the qrocious presence of 5ri Oommen chondy,
chief Minister & 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, xecutive uirector,
conoro 8onk
5ri 5 komon, choirmon & Monoqinq uirector, conoro 8onk receivinq momento from5ri Oomen chondy,
nonb/e chief Minister, 6ovt. of kero/o for ochievinq 100X toto/ linoncio/ lnc/usion in the qrocious presence
of 5ri k c loseph, Minister for kuro/ ueve/opment & 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, xecutive uirector, conoro 8onk
The sIaIe oI TamI Nadu combnes Ihe ancenI
cuIIure oI Ihe counIry wIh sIaIe oI Ihe arI
deveIopmenI, a major conIrbuIon beng provded
by Ihe Bank wIh Is omnpresenI sIaIus n Ihe sIaIe.
In Ihe SIaIe oI TamI Nadu, Canara Bank s Ihe Ihrd
IargesI naIonaIzed Bank, wIh a neIwork oI S64
branches, coverng aII Ihe 32 dsIrcIs, wIh IoIaI
busness oI S2,000 crore and CD RaIo oI 9S. The
Bank has acI veI y parI c paI ed n aI I I he
deveIopmenI schemes oI Ihe CovernmenI. The Bank
has Lead DsIrcI responsbIIy n seven dsIrcIs
(DndguI, CombaIore, Lrode, NIgrs, Truppur,
Madura and Then). The Bank operaIes a Iranng
nsI I uI e n I he name oI RUDSLTI ( Rur aI
DeveIopmenI and SeII LmpIoymenI Tranng
InsIIuIe) aI AndpaII n Madura DsIrcI. The Bank
has aIso seI up RuraI SeII LmpIoymenI Tranng
InsIIuIes (RSLTI) n sx dsIrcIs (DndguI, Then,
Lrode, NIgrs, Truppur and Svaganga) Ior provdng Iranng Io ruraI youIh under seIIempIoymenI
To IurIher Bank's reach n Ihe Dravdan sIaIe, a grand Canara OuIreach UIsav programme was
conducIed on SIh |uIy, 2011.
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, 5adaras, Kancbipuram District
TamiInadu - 5tb JuIy 2011
HighlighIs ol Ihe programme:
- Openng up Bank branch SadurangapaInam vIIage, near KaIpakkam n Kancheepuram dsIrcI)
aIongwIh 14 oIher RuraI branches.
- Opened S,000 noIrII accounIs and ssued bomeIrc smarI cards, coverng vIIages n Ihe
neghbourhood oI SadurangapaInam.
- Provded InancaI asssIance Io 1,001 beneIcares under varous schemes.
- Co mme nc e me nI o I a I r a n ng
programme Ior women under Ihe aegs
o I I h e B a n k ' s C e n I r e I o r
LnIrepreneurshp DeveIopmenI Ior
Women (CLDW) aI SadurangapaInam
- I naugur aI ng a ' Can Bazaar ' aI
SadurangapaInam branch, where good
number oI women beneIcares oI Ihe
Bank dspIayed Iher producIs.
- IIaggngoII Ihe Canara Cramn Vkas
Vahn vehcIe, excIusveIy used Ior
propagaIng awareness and InancaI
IIeracy among Ihe ruraI popuIace.
non'b/e chief Minister of 1omi/nodu 5e/vi. l. loyo/o/itho beinq qreeted by 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u in the presence of 5ri norish
chobrio, l45, 4dd/. co//ector, konchipuromuist. hondinq
over smort cords to the ll beneficiories
0r. k 0 0hakrahart,, 0epat, 0oreraor, k8I Iaaagarat|ag the 3333rd 8raach at
8argaoa |a the preseace of Sr| S kamaa, 0&N0 &Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0
The 8uddhos firsf sermon of 8odhgoyo ond fhe spreoding bronches of fhe Moho 8odhi free, inspired fhe
8onk fo foke roofs in fhis hisforicoI fown wifh o gIorious posf.
8onk, os porf of ifs PuroI Oufreoch Ufsov, hos unveiIed o series of ocfivifies in fhe Sfofe of 8ihor,
inougurofed by Dr. I C Chokroborfy, Depufy 0overnor, Peserve 8onk of Indio in fhe presence of fhe 8onks
Choirmon ond Monoging Direcfor, Shri S Pomon ond
Execufive Direcfor, Smf. Archno S 8horgovo. The
ocfivifies incIude opening up of fhe 8onks 3333rd
bronch of 8orgoon, in fhe disfricf of MoIondo, oIong wifh
I0 ofher ruroI bronches in 8ihor.
The Disfricf Mogisfrofe, MoIondo Sri Sonjoy AgrowoI,
IAS porfi ci pofed i n fhe progromme oI ongwi fh
Superinfendenf of PoIice of fhe Disfricf.
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, argacn, NaIanda District
ibar - 20tb Aug 2011
Other ruruI outreuch uctivities comprise
u Disfribufion of I000 Smorf Cords
u Disfribufion of Z000 Iison Credif Cords
u Soncfioning I000 DPI Ioons
u Credif Iinking of b00 SH0s
u Opening of I0 Formers CIubs
u Opening of 3 SME CeIIs
u Opening of II ATMs
u FIogging off of Conoro 0romeen Vikos Vohini, o
vehicIe for spreoding FinoncioI Liferocy ond CounseIIing Services omong ruroI foIk
u Inougurofion of Con8o;oor for women/ruroI enfrepreneurs
u PuroI HeoIfh CIinic of 8orgoon
u UID- EnroIImenf of Aodhor of 8orgoon viIIoge
The II bronches cover 8 Disfricfs vi;., 3 in Mu;;ofurpur, Z in VoishoIi, I eoch in Pofno, Somsfipur, Wesf
Chomporon, Jomui ond 0opoIgonj. AII fhese bronches hove opened obouf Zb,000 S8 occounfs.
I0 bronches ore coming under fhe under-bonked disfricfs ond dedicofed for impIemenfing finoncioI
incIusion progromme in fhe Sfofe, incIuding micro-finonce Iending, Iending fo ogricuIfure under ICCs ond
unvei/inq the mop of 8ihor indicotinq the ll vi//oqes
4 qotherinq of over 4000 peop/e ot the 8orqoon bronch openinq inouquro/ function
DvcrscaLcn c Canara 8ank nLc varcus acLvLcs has cd Lc nccrpcraLng dcrcnL arcas c cur vasL ccunLry
rcnvzag Lc LuckncwLhc Nawah cuLurc c Nawah Kngdcn, Lhc scnL cw c Lhc CcnL 8ank has sccn L a
and cnhraccd L n Ls nancd acLvLcs hy ccnducLng a grand uncLcn undcr Ls cngcng nanca ncuscn
prcgrannc cn l2.u8.2ull. ^s parL c 8ank's drvc undcr Canara kura Lsav, cr cxpanscn n rura and scnurhan
arcas, l2 ncw hranchcs and l5 ^TMs n Lhc SLaLc c LLar radcsh havc hccn nauguraLcd hy SnL ^rchna S
8hargava, LxccuLvc DrccLcr. Sr K L 8gran, DrccLcr, Canara 8ank graccd Lhc cccascn.
Proramme Hih|ihts
~ Thc l2 ncw hranchcs ccvcr DsLrcLs vz., Luckncwl, aLchpur 2, Hardc2, CSM Nagarl, kac 8arcyl,
SuLanpur2, 8arahank2 and Kaushanhl. ^ Lhcsc hranchcs havc hccn cpcncd wLh ncrc Lhan l5,uuu
~ Sx c Lhcsc hranchcs sha asc acL as Lhc hasc hranch
undcr cr cxLcndng nanca ncuscn acLvLcs Lc hc
undcrLakcn as parL c prcvdng hankng acLcs n Lhc
unhankcd arcas n Lhc 2u7 vagcs acLLcd Lc L undcr
k8's nanca ncuscn rcgrannc and sha hc uscd cr
ncrc nancc cndng, ^grcuLurc undcr KCC, CCC.
~ WLh Lhs, Lhc nunhcr c rura and scnurhan hranchcs
c Lhc 8ank has crcsscd l8ul and nunhcr c rura and
Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0 pror|d|ag schoo| k|ts to the g|r| stadeats
Canara PuraI 0utreacb Utsav, PasccIpur 5adat, 5uItanpur District
Uttar Pradesb - 12tb Aug 2011
scnurhan hranchcs n Lhc SLaLc c LLar radcsh has crcsscd l27. Thc 8ank has pans Lc cpcn 25 ncrc hranchcs
n wLh whch Lhc LcLa nunhcr c hranchcs n sha hc 2uu LargcLng a husncss c 25uuu Crcrc, cr
~ Canara 8ank has ncw prcscncc n 55 dsLrcLs
and sha ccvcr a Lhc 7l dsLrcLs c Lhc SLaLc c
LLar radcsh n ncar uLurc.
~ On Lhs cccascn, l2uu KCC Cards and luu
SnarL Cards wcrc asc dsLrhuLcd and
sancLcn cLLcrs Lc SHCs and Mcrc CrcdL
Crcups wcrc gvcn as parL c Lhc nanca
ncuscn rcgrannc.
~ ^s parL c scca ccnnLncnL cducaLcn kLs
wcrc dsLrhuLcd Lc Lhc pccr sLudcnLs.
~ Tcn arncrs cuhs wcrc cpcncd and Can 8azaar
whcrc dspay c prcducLs nanuacLurcd hy
Wcncn cnLrcprcncurs asssLcd hy us was asc
~ Cranradhans wcrc hcncurcd hy Lhc LxccuLvc
uiqnitories witnessinq the operotiono/ jurisdictions
1he land of 1857 uprising - the origin of the 3epoy Mutiny - the oity with a glorious past as the baokdrop of our freedom
struggle - Meerut bears testimony to our unrelenting efforts to enoompass the needs of the present generations in
today's times also. lurthering Bank's oommitment and reaoh to the people of Meerut and surrounding distriots, Canara
0utreaoh utsav was organized on 30th August, 2011. 1he programme was inaugurated by 3mt. Arohna 3. Bhargava,
Lxeoutive Uireotor amidst a gathering of over 1000 people at Aurangabad, 0adana village.
A presentation was rendered on'warehousing' (Uevelopment & Regulations, Aot 2007), oovering aims, objeotives,
overviews and salient features.
3ri Karnail 3ingh, lA3 (Retd.) member wURA gave the key note address.
|gh||ghts of the Programme are:-
- 0pening of 100th Branoh of the Bank along with of 10
other branohes during the ourrent finanoial year (2011-12)
under linanoial lnolusion spread over four Uistriots of the
3tate of uttar Pradesh
- 30 Bank linkage Programme with oredit linking 02 30s
with an aggregate oredit of 4.40 lakhs
- 0pening of 30000 no frill aooounts
- Uistribution of 1068 smart oards
- lssue of 2000 AAUAR3 Cards
Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0 pres|d|ag orer the faact|oa
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, Aurangabad 6adana, 6baziabad District
Uttar Pradesb - 30tb Aug 2011
0pening cf 100tb rancb in tbe F 2011-12 at Aurangabad 6adana
- 0ver 3511 sanotion letters amounting to 4.53 orore were issued
- Uistribution of 2005 Kisan Credit Cards
- lssue of 1003 0eneral Credit Cards
- 3anotioning of 501 URl loans
- lormation of 05 larmers Club
- 0pening of 11 A1Ms
- llagging off of Canara 0rameen vikas vahini, a
vehiole for spreading finanoial literaoy and
oounselling servoises among rural folk
- Uistribution of sohool bags and books to poor
- 1he Bank also dedioated a Rural ealth Clinio to
the people of 0adana and surrounding villages. A
dootor has been appointed to serve the villagers
and the Bank shall bear the oost of the Uootor's
salary and free medioines
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u unvei/inq the mop of Meerut indicotinq the ll identified vi//oqes
The four towers have culmInated In the recognIzable face of the CharmInars,wIth the lac and glass bangles of
Hyderabad Its exquIsIte culInary tradItIon and Its NIzamI opulence. The 8ank has spread Its actIvItIes In all the
four corners of the cIty and the state wIth Its varIous schemes. Canara 8ank Is the fourth largest 8ank of the
State of Andhra Pradesh. FurtherIng our reach a FInancIal nclusIon programme was held at Nellutla vIllage,
(Warangal 0IstrIct). The benefIt of FInancIal nclusIon and the bankIng servIces at the doorsteps were
hIghlIghted IncludIng the operatIon of PDS machIne and Its safety features.
DpenIng of a branch of the 8ank at Nettulla alongwIth 10 other rural branches.
SHC 8ank lInkage programme at Kacheguda, Hyderabad credIt lInkIng J00 SHCs wIth an aggregate credIt of
J.00 crore
Dn thIs occasIon, about 20 stalls were set up by progressIve SHC groups for exhIbItIon cum sale of theIr
products. The skIlls of the entrepreneurs and qualIty of the products on dIsplay were hIghly apprecIated.
0IstrIbutIon of 500 smart cards
Dver J50 sanctIon letters amountIng to 1 crore were Issued
0IstrIbutIon of 1000 KIsan CredIt Cards
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, NeIIutIa, WarangaI District
Andbra Pradesb- 23rd JuIy 2011
DpenIng up of 15 S|E cells
DpenIng of 01 NP cell.
DpenIng of 10 AT|s
FlaggIng off of Canara Crameen 7Ikas
7ahInI, a vehIcle for spreadIng fInancIal
lIteracy and counsellIng servIces among
rural folk.
0IstrIbutIon of school bags and books to
poor students In ZIlla ParIshat School
AnImal health checkup E fertIlIty camp
Tree plantatIon was done In the premIses
of the ZP HIgh school, Nellutla
Mrs. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u interoctinq with 5n6 Members
ot the sto//s
nonourinq the best 5n6 Members
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u honourinq the best 5n6 members ot the utsov
The porl cily ol Vizag has numerous possibililies lor lhe banking seclor. Canara 8ank has lapped ils polenlial lo
become a leading service provider lo lhis cily ol dockyards, ship-building and porl lacililies. The village ol
Cudivakalanka is an island village along wilh 07 olher hamlels adjacenl lo lhe Kolleru lake. lresh-waler lish larming
is lhe main aclivily ol lhe area.
On !0.08.20!! a mega linancial lnclusion cum SHC linkage programme was conducled al lhe island village. ln lhe
lunclion !000 smarl cards were issued
2539 Savings 8ank Accounls were opened
Loans amounling lo more lhan 4.75 crores were
400 SHCs were credil linked wilh credil sanclion ol over
7.50 crores
To hel p SHCs exhi bi l and sel l lhei r producls,
CAN8AZAAP was organized
A 8urra Kalha was enacled lo spread lhe awareness
aboul lhe benelils ol Sell Help Croups lormalion
Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0 haad|ag orer |oaa saact|oa |etter to
II heaef|c|ar, at |ara, V|shakhapattaaam
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, 6udivakaIanka, West 6cdavari District
Andbra Pradesb - 11-06-2011
Under linancial Lileracy and Credil counselling
campaign a Canara Crameena Vikas Vahini was
llagged oll. The Vahini is a mobile "linancial
School" and moves lrom village lo village
explaining aboul lhe use ol "Money" and how lo
save and borrow lrom 8ank.
As parl ol our Corporale Social Pesponsibilily
inilialive, bags and suilcases were dislribuled lo
l i lll e chi l dren ol AASHA Kl PANAM - an
orphanage run by Sl. Ann's College, Lluru.
The 8ank also dedicaled a Pural Heallh Clinic lo
lhe people ol Komadavolu and surrounding
villages. A Doclor has been appoinled lo serve
lhe villagers and lhe 8ank shall bear lhe cosl ol
lhe Doclor's salary and lree medicines.
The Lxeculive Direclor donaled a Waler slorage lank, ilems ol lurnilure like chairs and a Public address syslem lo
a school al Venkalraopela, Lluru.
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u hondinq over of /oon sonction /etters to women beneficiories
Canara PuraI 0utreacb Utsav, Kecbua 5warup Nagar
Ncrtb Paraganas District, West engaI - 1tb JuIy 2011
The legacy of the Paj, the strIpes of the majestIc Poyal
8engal TIger, the meanderIng Hooghly rIver the unIque
flavour of West 8engal the capItal Kolkata personIfIes a
unIque blend of the modern and the contemporary.
AmalgamatIng theIr rIch culture wIth progress In the
bankIng sector, our 8ranch expansIon plan and natIonal
campaIgn for FInancIal nclusIon Plan (FP), 8ank has
opened 10 branches In West 8engal on 14.07.2011; of
whIch 6 branches are In rural centres. These branches
were Inaugurated by Smt. Archna S. 8hargava, ExecutIve
0Irector. The branches opened are spread across
5 dIstrIcts In West 8engal two In Kolkata (8aguIhatI,
|ukundpur), one In 8ardhman 0Ist. (|athrun), one In
NadIa 0Ist. (8oalIa), three In North Paraganas 0Ist.
(0umdum, |adhyamgram E Kachua Swarup Nagar) and
three In South Paraganas 0Ist (SonamukhI, |ajerhat and
Programme HIghIIghts
a DpenIng up of 10 8ank branches IncludIng
6 Pural branches.
a Newly opened branches have canvassed nearly
1000 accounts per branch aggregatIng to
112J5 accounts, out of whIch 80J5 accounts
were canvassed In 6 newly opened Pural
branches exclusIvely under FInancIal nclusIon
a DpenIng of one FInancIal LIteracy and CredIt
CounsellIng Centre (FLCC) for propagatIng
awareness among rural masses at Negon
(8urdwan 0Ist.).
a 0Isbursed loans to 278 benefIcIarIes under dIfferent AgrIculture Schemes lIke KCC, 0P and SHC etc.
a naugurated 5 AT|s, one S|E Cell at 0urgapur and one NP Cell at Kolkata.
a Canara CramIn 7Ikas 7ahInI a vehIcle for propogatIng awareness and FInancIal lIteracy among rural
populatIon was also flagged off
a nauguratIng Canara 8ank nstItute of nformatIon Technology at 8erhampore, |urshIdabad 0Ist as part of
our Corporate SocIal PesponsIbIlIty InItIatIve to Impart Computer traInIng to rural youths of the area free
of cost.
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u inouqurotinq the 8ronch
openinq ot ko/koto
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u oddressinq the ll beneficiories ot the utsov venue
Vllh o colm ond serene cllmole, lhe Bonk hos speclol olllllollon wllh lls blrlh slole Kornoloko. Furlherlng lls
bondlng wllh lhe slole lhe progromme ol Flnonclol lncluslon wos orgonlzed ol Devonoholll, Bongolore on
Highlighls ol lhe progromme:
1. Credll Llnkoge ol 1000 SHG Groups wllh o llnonclol
oulloy ol oboul 1 Crores
2. Soncllon ol GCC lo 1000 benellclorles omounllng lo 2
3. Soncllon ol DRl Loons lo 1000 benellclorles omounllng lo
1 Crore
4. Credll Llnkoge ol 200 )LGs wllh on omounl ol 1 Crore
. lssue ol Smorl Cords
. Enrolmenl under AADHAAR
Z. Declorlng 3 vllloges os 'Model Vllloge' under 100 Flnonclol lncluslon Kolro, Doddo Agrohoro ond
Sr| S kamaa, 0&N0 haad|ag orer |oaa saact|oa |etters to womea heaef|c|ar|es
at 0eraaaha||| kara| 0atreach utsar. Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara, 0 |ooks oa
lort, uevonoho//i
Canara 0utreacb Utsav, DevanabaIIi, angaIcre PuraI District
Karnataka - 30tb JuIy 2011
8. Declorlng 4 vllloges under Sompoorno KCC" vlz.,
KolroVlswonolhpur bronch, YellgereDevonoholll
bronch, Bl||oworAvolhy bronch, VyonwodlDevonoholll
P. Declorlng 2 vllloges under 'Cenl percenl Recovery' vlz.,
Chlkko lumkurDoddobollopur bronch & Morolokunle
Chlkkobollopur bronch
10. Coverlng 1000 benellclorles under Soclol Rurol
lnsuronce Scheme ol Conoro HSBC Crlenlol lnsuronce
11. Cpenlng ol Z Formers' Clubs lhrough our Kollombello,
Avolhl, Chlkkonoyokonoholll, lovorekere lumkur,
Devonoholll, Vl|oyopuro ond Chlkkobollopur bronches
12. Cpenlng ol FLCC ol Devonoholly
13. Cpenlng ol Rurol Cllnlc ol Mollopponholly vllloge ln
Chlkkobollopur loluk
14. Cpenlng ol AlMs ol Devonoholll, Doddobollopur, KGF, Andersonpel [KGF| ond Aroslnokunle
1. Awordlng ol 3 Besl SHGs
5ri 5. komon, c&Mu oddressinq the qotherinq ot uevonoho//i, kornotoko
Hega 'Canara PuraI 0utreacb Utsav' Iauncbed
at iIIage Pitbcria, Pancbi District, Jbarkband cn 1tb 5ep 2011
SeL in Lhe picLuresque ChhoLanagpur PlaLeau, Jharkhand, a 'piece o land o LhickeLs and bushes', carved ouL o
8ihar on 5 November, 2000, aL an alLiLude o 240 eeL above Lhe sea level,shares iLs boundary wiLh 8ihar in Lhe
NorLh, ChhaLLisgarh in Lhe WesL, Orissa in Lhe SouLh and WesL 8engal in Lhe FasL. 1he unLouched beauLy o Lhe
serene oresL, rich wildlie and mind blowing waLeralls- Jharkhand is synonymous wiLh Lhe naLural beauLy.
1he color o naLure has Louched Lhe lives o Lhe Lribes Loo.
ln Jhrakhand, a LoLal o 65 branches o Lhe 8ank are uncLioning in Lhe SLaLe, ouL o which 57 %( 87) are in
Rural/Semi-Urban places. 1he share o LoLal business in Jharkhand works ouL wiLh a business o 8, 26 Crore as
aL AugusL 20. 1he 8ank serves 6.4 lakhs clienLele in Lhe SLaLe.
linanciaI IncIusion Drive in Jharkhand.
Under Financial lnclusion Plan, Lhe 8ank is alloLLed 25
villages in Jharkhand, ouL o which 8ank already appoinLed
CusLomer Service Provider (CSP) in 9 villages. 1he 8ank will
be covering all Lhe remaining alloLLed villages wiLh brick
and morLar banking and also appoinLing CSP soon.
1o urLher improve our presence in Lhe SLaLe, Lhe 8ank is
dedicaLing anoLher 5 branches 2 in Rural, in Semi-Urban
and 2 in Urban locaLions o Jharkhand, spread over 5
disLricLs, viz, one each aL Hazaribagh, 8okaro, Koderma,
Ranchi and Purbi Singhbhum.
Smt. Archaa S. 8hargara address|ag the II heaef|c|ar|es at P|thor|a, kaach|
lhorkhond - the Lond of 8irso Mundo {1875-1900)
On 9.09.20 Lhe FxecuLive DirecLor SmL. Archna S 8hargava in Lhe presence o Sri R S Poddar, lAS, Principal
SecreLary, Rural DevelopmenL & PR o CovL. o Jharkhand, Sri H N Panda, CM, R8l, Dr. S Saravanavel, CCM,
NA8ARD, in a mega "Canara Rural OuLreach ULsav", 0Lh in iLs series, organized aL PiLhoria village declared open 5
branches in Lhe sLaLe, irsL 8io meLric A1M in Jharkhand sLaLe and unveiled a series o inancial inclusion acLiviLies
- Flagging o "Canara Crameen vikas vahini", a
vehicle or spreading inancial awareness
among rural olks.
- lnauguraLion o Canara 8azaar or women/rural
- DisLribuLion o 20 Kisan CrediL Cards and
2008 SmarL Cards
- SancLioning 506 DRl loans and issued 8950
Ceneral CrediL Card
- CrediL linking o 500 SHCs/MCCs
- Fnrolling 8000 Micro-lnsurance beneiciaries
- lnauguraLion o 5 A1Ms and launching o 5
Farmers' Clubs
- A RUDSF1l would be seLup in Ranchi wherein Lhe sLaLe governmenL has agreed Lo give one acre o land wiLh all
oLher supporL services.
Bank branches reach 3406, with l876 branches in ruraI and semi-urban Iocations.
While addressing Lhe gaLhering FD inormed
LhaL ouL o Lhe 8.82 lakhs SHCs crediL linked
by Lhe 8ank in Lhe counLry, 2542 are in
Jharkhand. 1he 8ank has over 67, 600 crore
under PrioriLy SecLor lending, o which 844
crore is lenL in Lhe SLaLe. WiLh Lhe opening o
Lhese branches Lhe number o Financial
lnclusion branches would cross 00 by
80.09.20. WiLh a shorL span o 90 days, Lhe
8ank's number o new branches opened
during Lhe currenL inancial will reach 200 by
SepLember 20.
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, xecutive uirector qiftinq o schoo/
boq to o destitute resident of the orphonoqe whi/e
interoctinq with the inmotes
Cur experlence ls LhaL SPC flnance by our branches ln urban and MeLro reglon ls very poor under flnanclal lncluslon
and Mlcro flnance, compared Lo Lhe branches ln 8ural and Seml urban areas. 1he flnanclal excluslon ls equally more
ln urban areas due Lo Lhe mlgraLlon of Lhe people Lo Lhe urban areas ln search of economlc acLlvlLy and lack of
opporLunlLy ln rural areas. 1hey sLay ln slums and ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy, slnce Lhey can noL afford Lo sLay ln beLLer
place, Lhus help ln Lhe growLh of Lhe slums. 1he growLh of slums Lhough unavoldable has varlous oLher lmpllcaLlons.
ln order Lo brlng Lhese dlsadvanLaged and flnanclally excluded people Lo Lhe 8anklng fold lL ls very essenLlal Lo
provlde Lhem Lhe flnanclal servlces aL affordable cosL.
We have good number of branches ln Lhe urban cenLres, buL Lhese branches are noL ln a poslLlon Lo concenLraLe ln
flnanclal lncluslon, Mlcro flnance and Mlcro credlL. 1he reason behlnd Lhe same ls LhaL Lhe urban branches are malnly
provldlng servlces Lo Lhe buslness communlLy, salarled class, ensloners, and 8lg corporaLe cllenLs. 1hey are noL a ln a
poslLlon Lo glve beLLer aLLenLlon Lowards Lhe flnanclal lncluslon and Mlcro llnance.
lL ls also Lhe experlence of Lhe flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons, LhaL provldlng Lhe flnanclal servlces Lhrough Lhe group
mechanlsm ls very cosL effecLlve compared Lo Lhe lndlvldual loans. 1he recovery ln Lhe group accounLs are also
comparaLlvely beLLer Lhan oLher lndlvldual accounLs, due Lo peer pressure from Lhe group members.
1he 8ank can glve beLLer servlces Lo Lhe flnanclally excluded caLegory by openlng excluslve branches for Mlcro
flnance. ln urban cenLres Lhe Mlcro llnance 8ranch can cover vasL area and huge populaLlon, besldes Laklng up Lhe
formaLlon, nurLurlng, 1ralnlng Lhe group members, credlL llnklng, follow up and recovery eLc .
M|cro I|nance - 19 8ranches
ur. u. 5ubboroo, 6overnor of k8l, 5ri 5 komon, c&Mu & 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo ot their visit to
Micro linonce 8ronch, 8onqo/ore on 02-08-2011
ln order Lo glve beLLer aLLenLlon Lowards Lhe economlcally dlsadvanLaged ln urban cenLres, Lhe 8ank has opened
Lxcluslve Mlcro llnance 8ranches.
resent|y, we have 19 M|cro I|nance 8ranches |n the fo||ow|ng centres:
1umll NuJu HoJuroi, Cbennoi, Coimbotore
AnJhru PruJexh EyJeroboJ, visokopotnom
Kurnutuhu Bonqolore, Sbimoqo
Punjub CbonJiqorb, Amritsor
Muhuruxhtru Humboi, Pune
Uttur PruJexh lucknow
Rujuxtun joipur
MuJhyu PruJexh Bbopol
elhl 0elbi
Wext Bengul Kolkoto
Orlxxu Bbuvoneswbor
Blhur Potno
Kerulu TrivonJrum
ur. u. 5ubboroo, 6overnor of k8l witnessinq the croft work of women entrepreneur. 5ri 5 komon, c&Mu
& 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u ore seen in the picture
Canava Bank - Ruva! Yatva...
Towavds Tota! Financia! Inc!usion
Canara Bank, common| y
knovn as a "Sma|| Man's
Bank", vas Iounded by Shri
Ammemba| Subbarao Pai, a
g r e a t v i s i o n a r y a n d
phi|anthropist, in Ju|y 1906
i n a sma| | port tovn i n
Karnataka. The Bank vas
dr i ven by a mi ssi on oI
services rather than mere
pecuni ar y mot i ves. The
Iounding princip|es and the
phi | anthropy Iocused on
peop| e or i ent at i on and
assisting the needy.
The same Iounding princip|es have been continuous|y practiced by the Bank and imbibed by the cross
section oI the staII members to rea|ize the goa| oI prosperity and avareness among a||. The Bank has made
signiIicant progress over the years in re|ent|ess|y pursuing the above goa|s under commercia| banking and
mandated priority sector |ending activities inc|uding agricu|ture. The Bank has a|so carved a distinctive mark
in imp|ementation oI nationa| priorities and catering to other corporate socia| responsibi|ities.
The Bank's Priority Sector |ending stood at 70,757 Crores Iorming 44.08% oI the net bank credit, against
a norm oI 40%. The Agricu|tura| credit rose to an a|| time high oI 29,656 Crore, Iorming 18.48% oI the
net bank credit as against a norm oI 18%, assisting over 31 |akh Iarmers across the |ength and breadth oI
the country.
Sr S Rnmnn, CLMD L Sm. Archnn S. Bhnrqnvn, ED
lenJnq he Rurnl Ynrn
The Bank vhich has been a pioneer in
agricu|tura| credit dispensation and Iinding
innovative vays oI reaching the Iarmers
has assisted over 34 |akh Iarmers under
the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme,
disbursing Ps. 18,000 Crore. The number
oI outstanding KCC stand at 6.62 |akhs,
amounting to 4,979 Crore.
Apart Irom pursuing various goa|s under
commercia| banking and mandated priority
sector | endi ng acti vi ti es i nc| udi ng
agricu|ture, the Bank has a|so carved a
distinctive mark in imp|ementation oI nationa| priorities and catering to other corporate socia|
Promoting an inc|usive grovth strategy, vhich has been Iormed as the basic p|ank oI nationa| po|icy agenda
today, is in Iact deep|y rooted in the Bank's Iounding princip|es.
The Bank has made signiIicant contribution to the Financia| lnc|usion programme in the country.
The Covernment has a||otted 1,573 vi||ages to our Bank a|| over the country, having over 2,000 popu|ation,
Ior coverage under Iinancia| inc|usion. CI these, 1,573 vi||ages, 150 vi||ages vi|| be covered under Bank /
Branch mode| and the ba|ance 1,423 vi||ages vi|| be covered by Business Correspondent (BC) mode|.
The Bank has achieved tota| Iinancia| inc|usion in a|| the 26 |ead districts spread over Iive States. During
FY11, the Bank opened 6.02 |akh no-Iri|| accounts
taking the tota| ta||y oI No-Iri|| accounts to 27.84
|akh since inception. Bank has a|so issued over
92,000 smart cards to various no Iri|| account
To add Ii||ip to the initiatives tovards attaining the
overa|| goa| oI tota| Iinancia| inc|usion the Bank has
commenced a concerted campaign christened as
"Canara Cutreach Utsav". Papid expansion oI
branches covering the a||otted vi||ages through
these Utsavs is being undertaken in an acce|erated
rogress |n No-fr||| Account open|ng dur|ng 2011
Aprll May !une !uly


Cutstand|ng No-Ir||| Accounts


March 2011 !uly 2011
March 2010
fl80l8l l0l08l0 8 0$8 N8 l 8 N8 l0fN8f0
Canara 8ank, a lrusled 8ank wilh a nelwork ol 3359 branches including 4 overseas
branches, 43064 employees and a slrong clienl base ol over 40.02 million has been
recognized as a "A Common Man's ank". The 8ank has been calering lo lhe
linancial needs ol bolh High nel worlh clienls, NPls as also lhe pensioners, leachers,
laborers' elc. The 8ank has eslablished more lhan 50 ol ils branches in lhe rural &
semi-urban areas. Also lullilling lhe guidelines issued by lhe COl & P8l lo provide
banking lacililies lo lhe underprivileged, lhe 8ank has laken up a mission lo spread ils
wings lo lhe remole villages ol lhe counlry lhrough ils linancial lnclusion inilialive. CSP
inilialive ol lhe 8ank lurlher slrenglhens lhe 8ank's Coal by providing lrainings lo lhe
rural people assisling lhem lo become sell relianl. Togelher lhese inilialives are an
allempl in showering lhe rural cilizens wilh an opporlunily lo live in comlorl.
The 8ank's approach has been lo open exclusive linancial inclusion branches wilhin a
lime lrame, provide syslems supporl and equip lhe slall. Care has been laken lhal
exisling branches are also assigned wilh lhese roles. The 8ank has also promoled
inslilulional and organizalional slruclures in lerms ol Trusl, Training Cenlres,
lnlraslruclure, linancial supporl, HPD, elc lo implemenl ils CSP.
The programmes are implemenled in bolh lhe lead dislricl and non lead dislricls ol lhe
8ank. Aparl lrom independenlly implemenling lhe programmes, lhe 8ank has also
coordinaled wilh like minded agencies under bolh Covernmenl and Non Covernmenl
Seclors lor achieving lhe common objeclive.
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u inouqurotinq the 100th 8ronch of the yeor
The 8ank perlormed ils lirsl leap by idenlilying !80 nucleus villages lor linancial
inclusion. ll was lollowed up in quick succession by opening 64 rural branches under a
clusler ol linancial inclusion villages. The 8ank has been allolled !6!5 villages under ll
programme, which will be covered in lhe shorlesl possible lime eilher by 8rick & Morlar
8ranch or by 8usiness Correspondenl Model.
The llP is being implemenled by lhe 8ank by lwo models viz. 8rick and Morlar Model
and 8usiness Correspondenl (8C) Model. 387 Cuslomer Service Providers (CSP) are
aclively lunclioning. The 8ank has opened 30.35 lacs no lrill accounls. These accounls
have mobilized deposils lo lhe lune ol 563.9! crores. The 8ank has also opened !9
Micro linance 8ranches and !! linancial Lileracy and Credil Counseling Cenlers
(lLCCs). ll will be largeling 24! branches lor ll under 8ranch Model and 928 villages
under 8C Model. The 8ank has commilled lo open !00 rural branches by 30lh
Sepl.20!!. The ll branches have made a posilive impacl wilhin a shorl span wilh lolal
business ol 40 crores wilhin ! year.
!.0! lakh smarl cards have been dislribuled. Under KCC, 5.48 lakh accounls have an
oulslanding ol 4!76.24 crores. CCC oulslanding is lo lhe lune ol 392.7! crores
wilh !.90 lakh accounls. Under SHC, lhe 8ank has assisled lo lorm 3.98 lakh SHCs.
3.25 lakh SHCs have been credil linked lo lhe lune ol !038 crores.
The 8ank has been organizing Canara Oulreach Ulsav Programmes lor opening lls.
The Ulsav is providing a plallorm lor mobilizing large number ol people lrom all cross
seclions, parlicipalion ol imporlanl dignilaries, represenlalives lrom media, elc.
been a mile slone in lhe hislory ol Canara 8ank in lullilling il's social obligalions.
The Trusl programmes have crealed a greal impacl on lhe lives ol rural poor. The
paramelers ol developmenl in lerms ol educalion, employmenl, heallh, housing, waler,
elc have broughl aboul a sea change in lhe living slandards ol people il reaches oul lo.
The Trusl has promoled and is managing 23 nos. ol Canara 8ank Pural Sell Lmploymenl
Training lnslilules(C8PSLTls) exclusively lor rural youlh, women, minorilies, arlisans,
rural induslries, elc. 3 exclusive arlisans lraining lnslilules are lunclioning under ils aegis
and 4 inlormalion lechnology lraining cenlres have been opened lo lrain urban poor in
lT relaled courses. These cenlres have also promoled 23 larmer Training Cells (lTCs).
The Cenlers have lrained nearly !.25 lakh youlh oul ol which over 70 are gainlully
employed. The lrainings are provided lree ol cosl and lhe cenlres have inbuill syslem ol
posl lraining lollow-up lor a minimum period ol lwo years.
The 8ank has supporled more lhan more lhan 500 villages under Pural Clinic Service,
drinking waler supply syslem al 20 villages, housing projecls lo !40 slum dwellers and
arlisans, sponsored 80 Anganawadis, 30 adull lileracy promolion cenlres, opened 47
addilional class rooms, 74 rural libraries, more lhan !000 larmers clubs, alloreslalion
programme al !40 villages, lormed youlh and women clubs al more lhan 60 villages,
coordinaled wilh Covernmenl in bringing in rural eleclrilicalion, lransporl, waler supply
sources like lakes al various villages. The 8ank is also associaled wilh hospilals by
equipping lhem wilh mobiles unils, machineries. More lhan 300 animal check-up camps
and more lhan 700 general heallh check-up camps have been organized. ll has lrained
more lhan 500 rural malriculales lo pursue prolessional courses in engineering.
85 Villages have been chosen lo grow medicine yielding/lruil bearing lrees and kilchen
Allernalive use ol energy under Cobar Cas has been exlensively promoled in !50 villages.
The 8ank is associaled wilh 75 mid-day meal supply lo schools and is ensuring lhal
sludenls do nol drop oul.
The 8ank has co-sponsored 25 Pural Developmenl and Sell Lmploymenl Training lnslilules
(PUDSLTls) which have lrained more lhan 3 lakh youlh oul ol which 70 are gainlully
employed. ll has an exclusive Social Aclion Cell lo caler lo lhe needs ol sludenls, palienls
and lhe old age persons. The 8ank has promoled Canara 8ank Colden Jubilee Lducalion
lund lo provide scholarships/reading malerials and sludy lours lo economically poorer
seclion ol lhe sludenls. 8esides, lhe 8ank has eslablished 35 Cenlers lor Lnlrepreneurship
Developmenl (CLD) lor Women lor promoling enlrepreneurship skills among women. ll
has also provided supporl syslems lor markeling ol producls made by lhem. 8ank is
organizing periodical Canara Ulsavs and Can 8azars as ils oulreach markeling
programmes lor women enlrepreneurs. A Hi lech mobile sales van "Nammura Sanlhe"
has been provided by lhe 8ank lor markeling lhe producls manulaclured by Sell Help
Croups & Micro- enlrepreneurs in 8angalore cily.
The 8ank aims lo open more linancial inclusion branches in a phased manner bul on a
lime bound basis. The exisling syslems shall be nurlured and slrenglhened lurlher. All
resources needed lo achieve lhe objeclive shall be provided.
The mollo ol lhe 8ank's programme is "Suslenance ol Developmenl and Co exislence
wilh Nalure". The scarce resources and environmenl shall nol be seen as "plundered
producl" bul as a preserved and developed producl lor successive generalion. The
benelils ol developmenl shall reach lhe largeled segmenl and shall nol be concenlraled
in lew pockels. Suslained awareness campaigns, publicily shall be underlaken by lhe bank
lhal will bring more people inlo lhe banking ambil. Leadership shall be buill al lhe local
level wilh necessary lraining programmes so lhal lhe lask ol conlinualion is ensured.
linancial lnclusion and CSP shall conlinue lo lorm our core objeclives in lhe days ahead
and we aim lo achieve langible improvemenl in lhe living slandards ol large populace.
Canara nayee ulsha, a Scheme deslgned by Lhe 8ank, LargeLlng Lhe less prlvlleged ls a bouqueL of servlces for no-lrlll
AccounL holders Lo faclllLaLe flnanclal deepenlng Lhrough Croup lormaLlon among Lhe no-lrlll AccounL holders. Such
Croups formed ouL of Lhe no-lrlll AccounL holders would be llnked Lo CredlL for ensurlng beLLer uLlllzaLlon, lncome
generaLlon, peer pressure for repaymenL and overall economlc lmprovemenL.
- lnbullL overdrafL faclllLy
- klsan CredlL Card
- Ceneral CredlL Card Scheme
- ulfferenLlal 8aLe of lnLeresL
- llnanclng SPCs/Mlcro CredlL Croups
- llnanclng !LCs of 1enanL larmers
- uebL Swapplng Scheme for larmers &urban poor
- varlous CovernmenL sponsored schemes
- Mlcro-lnsurance
- lree remlLLance
~ locus on Croup Synergy Coverage of aLleasL 30 of no lrlll accounL holders Lhrough SPCs / Mlcro CredlL groups, on
economlc freedom and susLalnablllLy of llves of Lhe [usL lncluded by encouraglng coheslveness among Lhem
~ under lC1 enabled model, no lrlll AccounL holders wlll be faclllLaLed Lo access all banklng servlces aL Lhe branches aparL
from servlces Lhrough 8uslness CorrespondenLs
~ non-llnanclal supporL Lo back Lhe flnanclal lnlLlaLlves Lhrough Lhe 8ural LmploymenL 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLes
~ llnanclal llLeracy aL Lhe door sLeps of Lhe excluded Lhrough expandlng Lhe 8ank's ploneerlng lnlLlaLlve of Canara
Crameen vlkas vahlnl Scheme", 8anklng goes Lo vlllage LxhlblLlons, AdopLlon of Schools, larmers' Clubs, eLc.
~ uedlcaLed dellvery Lhrough Mlcro llnance branches and llnanclal lncluslon Cells aL selecL branches
~ SenslLlzlng sLaff Lhrough a speclally deslgned Lralnlng module on llnanclal lncluslon All Lhe branches would be covered
Lhrough Lhls Lralnlng programme wlLh aLleasL one employee aL each branch geLLlng Lralned
Nayee D|sha conta|ns
Certa|n un|queness of the approach are -
k I00L 0F 6kk8k 8kk F08 h0Ll$Il6 k0 MEkl6FL l6L$lE 680NIh
cnnnrn !nqzz ]iun
lL ls envlsaged under Lhe Canara nayee ulsha lan LhaL abouL 30 of Lhe no-lrlll AccounL holders would form Croups and
balance would come for lndlvldual lendlng. So far, Lhe experlence of Lhe 8ank has been good ln reachlng Lhe unreached
Lhrough Lhe Croup concepL.
1he progress made under the Canara Nayee D|sha |an
As at Iune 2011 (AmL.-. ln lakhs)
Ak1ICULAkS 8ank as a Who|e
No. of 8enef|c|ar|es Amount (ks. In |akhs)
Ceneral CredlL Card 93947 23843
klsan CredlL Card 104333 66884
krlshl MlLra 8974 6429
CovL. Sponsored Schemes 14960 10377
1enanL larmers Croups 3763 2418
MCC 11030 3766
ul8 31041 3332
uL81 Swap 7329 2286
Mlcro CredlL 27183 11390
SPC Llnked 198283 41086
1C1AL 396314 103327
lnbullL Cu 118 18
!LC SML 2207 336
C8Anu 1C1AL 303394 172784
Canara 8ank ls Lhe ploneer ln Lhe Self Pelp Croup flnance. 1he efforLs sLarLed way back ln 1992, when our bank had
flnanced 14 SPCs ln kolar dlsLrlcL of karnaLaka, faclllLaLed by Myrada, an nCC lnvolved ln SPC flnance.
Slnce Lhen, Lhe 8ank has never Lurned back. 1he 8ank has formed 3.31 lakh Self Pelp Croups slnce lncepLlon, credlL
llnklng of 3.26 lakh SPCs Llll 31.07.2011. AbouL 93 of Lhe groups formed and flnanced by Lhe 8ank are women SPCs.
1he presenL ouLsLandlng under SPC flnance ls 1033 crores flnanced Lo 87312 SPCs.
Canara PS8C C8C LllL lnSu8AnCL Co. LLd., a subsldlary company of Lhe 8ank has come ouL wlLh a Croup lnsurance
scheme under Soclal Croup 8uslness.
8ank has adopLed Lhe Croup lnsurance scheme of Canara PS8C C8C LllL lnSu8AnCL Co. LLd for coverlng Lhe llves of all Lhe
women members of credlL llnked SPCs.
1he 8ank has proposed Lo cover a mlnlmum of 13000 women members of SPCs credlL llnked by Lhe 8ank ln varlous sLaLes
across Lhe counLry, durlng Lhls flnanclal year. 1he scheme ln brlef ls as under:--
- 1he Scheme covers naLural deaLh and deaLh due Lo accldenL.
- 1he Sum Assured under Lhe scheme ls 23000/-
- 1he premlum payable by each member ls 100/- .A.
- 1he Company wlll be lssulng one masLer pollcy every monLh lncludlng all Lhe members covered durlng Lhe monLh for a
perlod of Lwelve monLhs.
- 1he Members wlll be lssued Lhe CerLlflcaLe of lnsurance.
- lL wlll noL have any surrender value/ald up value/cannoL be asslgned.
1he pollcy shall be for one year and requlres renewal
5ri 5 komon, c&Mu hondinq over /oon sonction /etter to o women beneficiory ot uevonoho//i conoro
kuro/ Outreoch utsov. 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u, /ooks on
CANAkA GkAMIN VIkAS VAnINI VLnICLLS - Inc|us|ve Growth Veh|c|e
WlLh a vlew Lo provlde furLher
fllllp Lo flnanclal lncluslon drlve,
Lhe 8ank has depl oyed 33
Crameena vlkas vahlnl vehlcles
wlLh colourful blllboards of
8ank's rural orlenLed producLs
dlsplayed aL Lhe sldes. 1he
vehlcles are used Lo spread
flnanclal llLeracy campalgn ln 33
dlfferenL dlsLrlcLs across Lhe
counLry. 1he vehlcles are
provl ded wl Lh Lhe accounL
openlng forms and pamphleLs
of our credl L and deposl L
s c he me s . An Ag r l c ul L ur e
LxLenslon Cfflcer or an offlcer well aware of our credlL and deposlL schemes accompanles Lhe vehlcle. 1he vehlcles
are vlslLlng Lhe vlllages for conducLlng Lhe awareness programmes/ ueposlL moblllzaLlon programme, credlL camps
33 vehlcles operaLlng ln 34 poLenLlal dlsLrlcLs, proposed Lo lncrease Lo 30 for propelllng flnanclal lncluslon plan.
ur. k c chokroborty, ueputy 6overnor, k8l & 5ri 5 komon, c&Mu f/oqqinq off the vikos vohini
ot 8orqoon, No/ondo uist. 8ihor
5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u f/oqqinq off the vikos vohini ot Lucknow
S H G elI elp roups
Cunuru Bunk Is LIe pIoneer In LIe SeII HeIp Group
IInunce. TIe eIIorLs sLurLed wuy buck In 1qqz,
wIen our bunk Iud IInunced 1q SHGs In KoIur
dIsLrIcL oI KurnuLuku, IucIIILuLed by Myrudu un
NGOInvoIved In SHGIInunce.
SInce LIen Bunk Ius never Lurned buck. TIe Bunk
Ius Iormed .z IukI SeII HeIp Groups sInce
IncepLIon, credIL IInkIng oI .z IukI SHGs LIII
TIe SeII-HeIp Group-Bunk Inkuge Progrumme
(SHGBP) Ius been LIe mosL eIIecLIve InsLrumenL
oI InuncIuI ncIusIon - ReucIIng LIe UnreucIed.
YeL unoLIer supporL Ior success oI SHGs beIng provIded Is LIe provIsIon oI eIIecLIve murkeLIng ouLIeLs
LIrougI exLendIng orgunIzuLIonuI supporL by conducLIng CANBAZAR und CANUTSAVAS uL sLruLegIc
IocuLIons, wIIcI ure vIsILed by vuIuubIe prospecLIve buyers J cusLomers. TIe enLIusIusLIc enLrepreneurs J
groups ure murkeLIng LIeIr producLs und ure deveIopIng Lrude conLucLs uIso.
eurnIng Irom LIe experIence oI Lwo decudes oI SHG movemenL, LIe groups Iuve gruduuLed Irom producIng
sImpIe producLs sucI us pIckIes, pupuds und smuII Iome usuge ILems Lo exceIIenL quuIILy oI InnovuLIve
producLs und uI so u wI de vurI eLy oI
commodILIes usIng sImpIe mucIInes und
group eIIorLs. TIese groups ure now
gruduuLIng InLo mIcro-enLerprIses wIIcI ure
becomIng u vIubIe und eIIecLIve LooI Lo
economIc und socIuI empowermenL oI LIe
AbouL q % oI LIe groups Iormed und
IInunced by LIe Bunk ure women SHGs.
TIe presenL ouLsLundIng under SHG IInunce
Is 1o crores IInunced Lo 8;1z SHGs.
5tate - wise 5R0 Account position as at 1.o.zo11
financiaI literacy and Credit CeunseIIing Centres {flCCsJ
Bank has set up Iinancial Liteiacy and Ciedit Counselling Centies chiistened as "AMULYA" in the States of
Tamil Nadu, Keiala, Kainataka and Bihai to impait / disseminate knowledge to the iuial pooi about the
objectives of financial inclusion and vaiious banking and financial seivices available to them especially at theii
dooi steps.
The Bank has also iegisteied a new Tiust, "Canaia Iinancial Advisoiy Tiust" to manage these Iinancial
Liteiacy and Ciedit Counselling Centies.
Piesently we have 11 ILCCs spiead ovei foui states, the details aie as undei:
Karnataka Statc - Chitiaduiga, Kolai , Chikkaballapui &Bangaloie Ruial
Tamil Nadu - Maduiai, Dingdigul, Eiode
Kcrala statc - Malappuiam, Waynad, Tiissui
Bihar - Sheikpuia
Bank has plans to open 16 moie Iinancial Liteiacy and Ciedit Counselling Centies at all iemaining the Lead
distiicts of the Bank, viz, Davanageie, Simoga, Hassan in Kainataka Coimbatoie, Theni, Tiiuppui, Nilgiiis, in
Tamil Nadu, Calicut and Malappuiam in Keiala, Etah, Agia, Aligaih, Kanshiiamnagai and Mahamayanagai
in Uttai Piadesh, wheie Canaia Bank is having lead distiict iesponsibilities.
Farmers 7raining CeIIs (F7C)
Faimeis Tiaining Cells" lave been esiablisled by ile Banl io siiengilen ile lnowledge base of faiming
communiiy wiil ile necessaiy ieclnical and maileiing slills in Agiiculiuie and allied aciiviiies.
FTC a bivd's cyc vicw
FTCs aie exiensions of Ruial Self Employmeni Tiaining Insiiiuies wleie ii is ensuied ilai suiiable space and
ameniiies aie eaimailed foi ile Cells. Tle Cells design and implemeni demand - diiven, Agii - specific
iiaining piogiammes ialing inio consideiaiion ile local needs. Awaieness piogiammes aie conducied io
populaiize laiesi ieclnology and oilei ielaied maiieis.
FTCs aci as ciedii counseling cenieis foi ile faiming communiiy populaiizing all ile lending sclemes of ile
Banl iowaids agiiculiuie and allied aciiviiies. FTCs aiiange field iiips, seminais; Inieiaciive meeis foi ile
benefii of faimeis. Tle cells leep a close liaison wiil ile agiiculiuie univeisiiy, Govi. Agencies, Financial
Insiiiuiions, piogiessive faimeis and NGO's.Tle Insiiiuie iliougl ile cell woil foi esiablislmeni of aciive
faimei clubs ai ile command aiea villages. Banl las esiablisled FTCs acioss ile couniiy.
No. of v|||ages to be No.of branches Act|ve CSs V|||ages yet to
covered under opened |n II v|||ages be covered
S|. No Name of No. of 8ranch 8C upto 01.04.11 31-03-11 29.09.11 8ranch 8C
the C|rc|e v|||ages Mode| Mode| 31.03.2011 to t||| date Mode| Mode|
1 Madural 110 22 88 nll 3 0 33 17 33
2 Chennal 33 3 48 " 2 0 30 3 18
3 ColmbaLore 139 23 116 " 7 3 10 16 106
4 1rlchy 197 13 182 " 6 0 14 09 168
3 Mangalore 37 9 28 " 3 0 09 4 19
6 Publl 39 12 47 " 4 3 43 8 04
7 Culbarga 30 10 40 " 1 0 24 9 16
8 8ang'( M ) 9 4 3 " 1 2 8 3 0
9 8ang' ( 8 ) 80 10 70 " 3 3 22 3 48
10 Mysore 23 3 20 " 2 2 11 3 9
11 Shlmoga 39 10 29 " 4 0 21 6 8
12 Agra 202 23 177 " 13 2 46 13 131
13 Lucknow 22 10 12 " 6 1 0 4 12
14 MeeruL 24 10 14 " 3 0 0 3 14
13 aLna 133 24 129 " 10 0 11 14 118
16 vlzag 42 11 31 " 9 0 20 2 11
17 Pyderabad 82 20 62 " 12 3 20 7 42
18 kolkaLa 34 14 40 " 6 0 10 8 30
19 karnal 41 10 31 " 2 0 16 8 13
20 Mumbal 7 2 3 " 1 0 0 1 3
21 une 23 8 13 " 7 0 07 1 8
22 nagpur 18 9 9 " 3 0 3 6 6
23 Chandlgarh 32 10 22 " 3 0 10 7 12
24 8anchl 23 2 23 " # 0 8 2 13
23 8huvaneshwar 22 6 16 " 2 0 0 4 16
26 uehradun 16 2 14 1 0 3 1 9
27 CuwahaLl 19 2 17 " # 0 4 2 13
28 CallcuL 13 3 8 " 3 0 7 2 1
29 1rlvandrum 2 - 2 " [ 0 2 0 0
30 Ahmedabad 6 1 3 " # 0 3 1 2
31 !alpur 3 2 3 " [ 0 0 3 2
32 uelhl 4 1 3 " # 0 0 0 4
33 8hopal 4 1 3 " [ 0 4 1 0
34 Coa 1 - 1 " [ 0 0 0 1
1ota| 161S 300 131S NIL 12S 2S 424 17S 896
Deta||s of C|rc|e w|se performance under II
State-w|se & C|rc|e w|se performances under d|fferent mode|s
fl80l8l l0l08l0 l0f000
N00ll0 88kl
MobIIe bankIng, as a IInancIaI servIce oIIered as a part oI mobIIe commerce, Is emergIng
as a major drIver Ior the adoptIon oI wIreIess technoIogy In ruraI areas In deveIopIng
countrIes. The servIce reIers to the provIsIonIng and avaIIabIIIty oI bankIng and IInancIaI
servIces through the mobIIe technoIogy.
usiness models for m-banking
1. Alternative banking model - Under thIs modeI, banks use mobIIe phones as an aIternatIve bankIng
channeI sImIIar to the nternet
bankI ng t o pr ovI de cer t aI n
bankIng IacIIItIes to theIr exIstIng
customers. A customer needs to
regIster hIs mobIIe number wIth
the bank, whIch In turn uses the
number t o pr ovI de bankI ng
IacIIItIes over mobIIe such as
baIance enquIry, aIerts, Iunds
t r a n s I e r , e t c . Th e mo bI I e
operator' s roIe In thIs modeI
remaIns IImIted to the extent oI
transmIttIng messages between
the bank and the customer Ior
whIch they get normaI messagIng
2. Virtual banking model - Under
the vIrtuaI bankIng modeI, entIre servIces are provIded by the MNO (MobIIe Network Operator) by actIng as
a vIrtuaI bank. The operator enabIes customers to purchase goods and servIces through theIr mobIIe
phones and payments are debIted to theIr prepaId cards or post-paId bIIIs. Operators aIso aIIow usage oI
taIk-tIme as a vIrtuaI currency whereby users can purchase and transIer taIk-tIme to another person, who
In turn can get the same redeemed Ior cash Irom the nearest operator's outIet.
3. ank-on-mobile model - 8ank-on-mobIIe modeI presents the most promIsIng modeI oI m-bankIng
by usIng a hybrId system In whIch the MNO enters Into a tIe-up wIth a bank to oIIer m-bankIng servIces
.FInancIaI messages are sent across the mobIIe network In an encrypted Iorm to the 8ank where the
message Is decrypted and authentIcated usIng mobIIe operator's pubIIc key InIrastructure Integrated Into
bank's appIIcatIon soItware. DesIred payment and settIement Is carrIed out through bank's exIstIng
InIrastructure and a conIIrmatIon Is sent to the reIated partIes.
As oI now Canara 8ank Is oIIerIng It's customers, mobIIe bankIng as an aIternatIve bankIng modeI In the
Iorm oI CanMobIIe.
5mt. 5hyomo/o 6opinoth, ueputy 6overnor, k8l inouqurotinq Mobi/e
8onkinq product conMobi/e of conoro 8onk on th lune 2011
FinanciaI IncIusion in RegionaI RuraI anks
Prior lo amalgamalion Canara 8ank had sponsored eighl (8) PP8s, lour(4) in lhe slale ol Karnalaka, lhree (3) in lhe
slale ol Ullar Pradesh and one (!) in lhe slale ol Kerala. On amalgamalion lhere are 3 PP8s sponsored by lhe 8ank
namely. Pragalhi Cramin 8ank (Karnalaka), Soulh Malabar Cramin 8ank (Kerala) and Shreyas Cramin 8ank (Ullar
Pragathi Gramin ank (PG) is Head quarlered al 8ellary in Karnalaka Slale.ll covers 8ellary, Paichur,
Koppal, Davangere, Chilradurga, Kolar & Shimoga dislricls by amalgamaling Thungabhadra Cramin
8ank, Sahyadri Cramin 8ank, Kolar Cramin 8ank and Chilradurga Cramin 8anks.
5outh MaIabar Gramin ank (5MG) is Head quarlered al Malappuram in Kerala Slale. ll
covers Trivandrum, lddukki, Palkkad, Palhanamlhilla, Malappuram, Khozhikode, Wyanad &
Thrissur dislricls. SMC8 is a sland alone PP8.
5hreyas Gramin ank (5G) is Head quarlered al Aligarh in Ullar Pradesh slale. ll covers Aligarh, Llah,
Agra, Halhras, lirozabad & Malhura dislricls by amalgamaling Llah Cramin 8ank, Aligarh Cramin 8ank
and Jamuna Cramin 8anks.
All lhe lhree gramin banks logelher has 806 branches ol which 736 or over 9!' branches are silualed
in rural/semi-urban places. To exlend lhe benelils lalesl lT and modern 8anking producls lo lhe masses all lhe lhree
8ank sponsored PP8s have been migraled C8S. All lhe 806 branches ol PP8s have been broughl under C8S much
belore lhe largeled dale ol migralion i.e. 30.09.20!!.

xecutive uirectors of the 8onk ot the MOu meetinq with choirmen of 5ponsored kk8's on 0.0.2011
's TotaI No o! ranches TotaI No C5 Migration Date o! compIetion o! C5
PC8 368 368 26.08.20!!
SMC8 235 235 29.08.20!!
SC8 203 203 07.09.20!!
Tolal 806 806 !00'
e All our PP8s have opled and gone in lor a common sollware suilable lor lheir business mix.
Progress in the ImpIementation o! financiaI IncIusion PIans o! viIIages having a popuIation o! over 2000
by the egionaI uraI ank (s)
Name o! the 5ponsor ank. Canara ank
Name o! 1oIal ho. o! Villages covered Villages 1oIal ho. o! 1oIal ho. o! FI
Spohsored villages upIo covered upIo 8Cs appoihIed accouhIs opehed
RR8s alloIIed 31.03.2011 31.08.2011 upIo 31.08.2011 upIo 31.08.2011
PragaIi Cramih 8ahk 376 !62 !84 !84 !!94!8
SouIh Malabar 3 3 3 3 3097
Cramih 8ahk
Shreyas Cramih 8ahk 590 ! 42 42 3565
TotaI 969 167 229 229 126080
ln lhis regard lhey have
approached NPCl (Nalional Paymenls Corporalion ol lndia) lor
Allolmenl ol lssuance ldenlilicalion Number (llN) lo ulilize lhe same
exclusively lor Pupay branded cards. The PC8 has been allolled wilh
llN bearing No 50853!. These cards are covered under Nalional
linancial Swilch Nel work operaling rules and regulalions.
Now, o// the kk8 of our 8onk ore desirous of openinq
new de/ivery chonne/s /ike k165, Nl1 & 41M etc., to
their customers in the cominq doys.
Proqothi 6romin 8onk, chitrodurqo
Canara ank, Parent ank, C5 s, C5
8iometric Mobile A1M Ieatures:
~ Moblle vAN wlth 3lometrlc A1Mfuclllty
~ A1M technology wlth udded functlons
of cuturlng flnger rlnts of customers
elther ut hlsjher doorste
~ Culdlng the customer through the
rocess of trunsuctlon wlth the hel of
rerecorded volce system ln reglonul
lunguuge ln lt.
~ User fri endly even un l l l l terute
customer cun erform bulunce enqulry
und wlthdruwul trunsuctlon from hls
uccount through the A1M
~ 1hls 3lo Metrlc Moblle vun moves ln und uround 3ungulore clty ut the redetermlned luces
~ Aurt from the A1M fuclllty, moblle vun ulso hus u customer lobby where the 3unk ersonnel ure uvulluble to
murketjeducute the vurlous roduct s of the 3unk.
~ 3unk hus lnstulled 3lo metrlc volce Lnubled A1Ms ln z ruruljSeml urbun locutlons, to enuble even the llllterute
ersons to huve uccess to thelr uccount und oerute. 3unk hus u lun to lncreuse the number to zcc by .c.zc.
~ Cunuru 3unk hus lnstulled z 3lometrlc A1Ms ucross the country.
Smart Card
A smurt curd ls u lustlc curd ubout the slze of u credlt curd, wlth un
embedded mlcrochl thut cun be louded wlth dutu lncludlng detulls of
customer und uccount,
Storuge of the sume ln 3lometrlc server
Authentlcutlng the trunsuctlon by customer's flnger rlnt lnsteud of PlN
through the smurt curds ( RllL) sulled to hlmby the 3unk
Eundheld muchlnes oeruted through Smurt Curds wlth blometrlc
1hls 3lometrlc Smurt curd cun ulso be used ln uny of the 3lometrlc A1Ms of
Cunuru 3unk unywhere ln lndlu for wlthdruwul of the umount llke uny other A1M
Iechnology ol Door-5leps lor lhe rurol lolk.
Canara Mobile iometric ATM
Cunuru unk's CSP Initiutive
A boon to the society,,
Ck ln:':|':vc o our orq|n:z|':on 'oo :' qcnc: :orc '|n
| ccn'ur, |qo |nd 'c ||' | ccn .:dcn:nq cvcr, ,c|r .:'
:nnov|':vc |c:cvc:cn' ondcd .:' oc:c'| o:q|':on.
1c d,n|::: .:' .:c 'c 'ronq c:cn'cc |c 'c l|n
| nur'urcd .:' c|rc ; crvcd .:' ::c or :orc '|n |
ccn'ur, | |.|, ccn .:' | ||r|c ocu on 'c rur|
:|, 'c |oor, 'c |,:c|, c|cnqcd |nd 'c .o:cn
o. 1c |o:c:c ; dcc::on o 'c orq|n:z|':on |vc |.|,
ccn :on:'orcd , 'c dcc::on :|cr un-':n'cd ovc ;
c:||', or 'c nccd,.
l' : o v:'| ::|or'|ncc 'o no'c '|' :' : 'c rur| lnd:| '|' 'rc|urc v|' |o'cn':|, '|cn' |nd un'|||cd crc|':vc ; :n'ccc'u|
cncrq,. 1c 'crco',|cd |crcc|':on o rur| lnd:|, | |q| o |ovcr', ; dcqr|d|':on oncc 'c ||'ro |round 'c ncc |rc no. | :qn
|o' 'o :' u'urc. No' on, 'c oc:| rcor:cr ; 'c Cor|or|'c, l' : 'c du', o c|c c:':zcn o lnd:| 'o c|| or.|rd 'o rccoqn:zc
'c c|||c:', ; 'c nccd o 'c rur| o |nd .or cocc':vc, 'o :|c lnd:| | o'cd o lnnov|':on '|' c|n :|c :c c|:cr 'o
u:d | rcurqcn', 'ronq lnd:|.
1rouq our oc:| l|n:nq |c':v:':c .c |vc ccn |c 'o .:|c 'c 'c|r o cvcr| or||ncd c:drcn, 'c o:cc, 'c |,:c|,
c|cnqcd | .c :dcn':, 'c '|cn' |nd |c:cvc:cn' o 'c ur|n ; rur| |oor. l' : rc|:c '|' .c nccd 'o conccn'r|'c :n 'c |rc|
o cduc|':nq 'c |oor ; 'c nccd, :n our u'urc cndc|vor cc|uc |c o cduc|':on : 'c qrc|'c' 'rc|' '|' : |:|cr:nq 'c
ovcr| qro.' o |n :nd:v:du| | .c | 'c N|':on.
lu'urc ocu oud |o c on dcvco|:nq u:|n orcc '|' c|n .or 'o.|rd |ou'c c:|' o .o:cn. 1od|, 'c c,
c|cnqc or oc:| rcor:cr, qovcrn:cn' ; non - qovcrn:cn' orq|n:z|':on |nd l|n |rc, nur'ur:nq |nd :cn'or:nq
cn'rc|rcncur |nd crc|':on o Nc. Ln'cr|r:c :n 'c ccono:,. u'|:n|::', o 'c .cn'urc |nd u'|:n|::', o 'c
Ln'rc|rcncur : 'c nccd o 'c our.
Ovcr =3,OOO :c:cr o C|n|n |::, '|c | |cdqc 'o .or rccn'c, or 'c noc c|uc.
kur| lcvco|:cn'
oc:| l|n:nq Cc
Ccn'rc or Ln'rc|rcncur:| lcvco|:cn' or \o:cn
ADA1|NG 10 1HL LA1L51
CAhARA Ahk Ih51I101f f0R Ihf0RMA1I0h 1fCRh0L00 (CII1)
1he flourishin I1 5ector offers immense opportunities to the youth of the nation. It has ushered in newwave of
confidence and cream of the student community is tilted towards I1. Rowever, there is a feelin of diffidence
amon urban poor and slum dwellers, which may have prevented them from fully exploitin the opportunity.
Althouh equal in potential, they are at disadvantaeous position comparatively.
5ensin the need for infusin confidence amon this sement of the population and promotin them in the I1
5ector, 1he 1rust ventured into establishin exclusive I1 based trainin centres enlistin support from reputed
I1 companies. 1he centre provides trainin both in software and hardware. 1rainees are selected based on their
1he success rate of I1 trainin centre is almost 1oo%and is playin vital role in spreadin the messae amon
urban poor and slumdwellers.
Ctt1, erhampere Murshidabad (W)- 0n 11R |uly,zo11 5mt Archana 5 harava, fxecutive 0irector
Canara ank Inauurated Canara ank Institute of Information 1echnoloy at erhampore and dedicated
the Institute to the people of Murshidabad, West enal in the auust presence of 5hri A0RIR RAh|Ah
CR0W0R0R, Ron'ble Member of Parliament, erhampore. Applaudin the efforts of the ank
5hri Chowdhury said that it is a much needed ift to the people of Murshidabad which thouh abundant in
potential but has very less of such opportunities where youth can come, hone up their skill which can
empower themto stand in vast competitive [ob market.
C t t 1, anga|ere
analore bein the I1 hub of the country
was a natural choice for the 1rust to
commence its first centre. 1he city boasts
of hihly effective I1 infrastructure and
resource support. 5tarted in the year zooo,
the centre has trained over z1 youth
since its inception. 0urin zo1o-11, the
centre trained z1 youth.
C t t 1, 1rivandrum
1he success of the analore centre
prompted the ank to commence its
sec ond I 1 based t r ai ni n c ent r e.
Commenced in the year zoo, the centre
has trained z1o youth since its inception.
0urin the zo1o-11, the centre trained zzq
C t t 1, A||eppy
1he second I1 centre in the 5tate of kerala
also commenced its functionin around
the same time of 1rivandrum centre. It has
trained z6o youth since inception. 0urin
zo1o-11, the centre trained o youth.
8onk i s runni ng o
noveI heoI fh core
scheme coIIed "PuroI
CIinic Service" Since
I983 fo provide bosic
medicoI fociIifies fo
fhe viIIoges Iocking in
medi coI foci I i fi es
under fhe commond
oreo of fhe bronch.
I f i s f o p r o v i d e
heoIfh core services
fo visifing cusfomers,
oged chiIdren, women
ond SH0 members of
door sfeps of bronch
o n d s p r e o d f h e
messoge of HeoI fh.
CIinics ore sef-up of seIecfed ViIIoges ond oIso wifhin fhe idenfified bronch premises. Pemunerofion fo fhe
Docfors is poid by fhe 8onk. 8onk oIso reimburses fhe cosf of Medicines fo fhe Docfors. SeIecfion of fhe
oreo is done by fhe bronches bosed on fhe concenfrofion of disodvonfoged secfions of fhe communify,
which Iock in bosic medicoI fociIifies. The scheme hos weII occepfed by fhe viIIogers ond eorned good wiII
from fhe fhem. Since incepfion, b44 cIinics hove been esfobIished oII over fhe counfry. Encouroged by fhe
posifive response 8onk oims fo open fhese cIinics in oII of ifs CircIes ocross fhe counfry.
During fhe FY Z0I0-II, 8 PuroI CIinics were
inougurofed of idenfified bronches on I9-
II-Z0I0 on fhe occosion of Founders doy.
These cIinics were dedicofed for service
of fhe visifing cusfomers, women, chiIdren
ond SH0 members. 8 more PuroI CIinics
were sforfed of 8 viIIoges fhrough ruroI
bronches under PCS PeguIor scheme.
b44 ruroI cIinics hove been ossisfed by fhe
8onk up fo June Z0II. b more PuroI CIinics
hove been opened since June Z0II.
80f8l 0lll0 $0f9l00 808ll0 08f0 $0f9l00 l0 80f8l 800l0l
kc5 ot Pithorio, lhorkhond beinq inouquroted by u 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8hotqovo
durinq the conoro Outreoch utsov on 19-09-2011
4 uoctor testinq o potient ot one of the kuro/ c/inic
Cahara 8ahk, as parI o! iIs
CorporaIe social respohsibiliy
(CSR) ihiIiaIives has spohsored
a Mobile MarkeIihg Vah !or
Display cum Sale o! House hold
producIs, arIicles made by Sel!
- Help Croups, Small womeh
ehIrepreheurs, ArIisahs, Sel!
Lmployed womeh eIc. 1his vah
is cusIom builI, high Iech, solar
power ed, equi pped wi I h
compuIerised billihg, swipihg
machihe !or crediI/debiI card accepIahce. 1his
markeIihg vah is sIaIiohed ih imporIahI
locaIiohs o! 8ahgalore so as Io ehable Ihe
ciIizehs o! Ihe ciIy Io see ahd purchase Ihe
producIs mahu!acIured by arIisahs ahd oIher
uhderprivileged womeh ehIrepreheurs. 1his
Mobile Vah Ihus provides a plaI!orm !or
publiciIy o! producIs ih Ihe ehIire ciIy ihsIead
o! beihg resIricIed Io ohe area/localiIy.
Mob||e Sa|es Van - Nammura Santbe
A Ploneerlng Fffort for helplng Women Fntrepreneurx ln Murhetlng
1he availabiliIy o! sa!e drihkihg waIer is sIill a disIahI dream Io mahy backward villages ih our couhIry.
CoverhmehIs alohe cahhoI meeI Ihis dauhIihg Iask. WiIh Ihis ob|ecIive ih mihd Ihe 8ahk ihIroduced
1alayoga - a hovel scheme Io provide sa!e drihkihg waIer Io remoIe rural villages domihaIed by SC/S1
populaIioh. 1he scheme is how ih Ihe Ihird phase ehvisagihg 12 pro|ecIs aI ah ouIlay o! 36 lakhs. Phase I
was a mammoIh success wheh 8ahk ihIroduced 19 pro|ecIs aI ah ouIlay o! 42 lakhs. Uhder phase II, 10
pro|ecIs were sahcIiohed aI ah ouIlay o! 30 lakhs. Uhder phase III, 12 pro|ecIs have beeh sahcIiohed aI ah
ouIlay o! 36 lakhs. 1he scheme has beeh well appreciaIed ih Ihe areas o! implemehIaIioh maihly because
iI has solved ohe o! Ihe basic requiremehIs o! li!e. 1he scheme has beeh well appreciaIed by CoverhmehIs,
NCOs, NaIiohal leaders ahd opihioh makers.
)alayoga - Drinhing water to tbe parcbed villagers
ur. u 5ubboroo, 6overnor of k8l visits Nommuro 5onthe von ot 8onqo/ore
/s ioneerinq eor o niique |e
rob| en o unen| oynen, Lun|
s u r e d e s u b | i s | i n q R u r u |
Deve|onen und Se| En|oynen
Truininq nsiue |RUDSETl durinq
782 u|onq wi| Syndicue Lun| und Sri
D|urnus |u| u un unu |eswuru
Educuionu| Trus S|or ern eecive
ruininq inervenions cou|ed wi| |onq
ern |und|o|dinq o ruinees yie|ded
renur|ub|e resu|s w|ic| uruced |e
uenion o |unners, qovernnens und
inunciu| insiuions n |is direcion,
|e inisry o Ruru| Deve|onen
|oRDl, 0overnnen o ndiu issued
quide|ines o u|| |e Pub|ic Secor Lun|s
or esub|is|inq Ruru| Se| En|oynen
Truininq nsiues |RSETsl in |e
disrics w|ere |ey ure |eud bun|ers T|ere ure 25 RUDSET nsiues uncioninq ucross 5 sues o |e counry
i||ions o unen|oyed you| uricu|ur|y ron Ruru| und SeniUrbun buc|qround w|o cou|d no uccess |iq|er/roessionu|
educuion bu oriened owurds w|ie co||ur obs ure driven o desuir or no indinq u ob 0 |ue, |ese disressed you| ure
uruced owurds uni sociu| uciviies or |eir |ive|i|ood T|is renendous wuse o |unun resource und nisnuc| o
oeniu|iy wi| roducive de|oynen |us bu|ed |e |unners und udninisruors
is under |ese circunsunces |u Ruru| Deve|onen & Se| En|oynen Truininq nsiue |RUDSETl, u unique iniiuive in
niiquinq |e rob|en o unen|oynen wus u|en wuy buc| in 782
Lun| |us sonsored RUDSET u|onqwi| Syndicue Lun| und D|urnus|u|u ununu|eswuru Educuionu| Trus S|or ern
eecive ruininq inervenions cou|ed wi| |onq ern |und|o|dinq o ruinees yie|ded renur|ub|e resu|s w|ic| uruced |e
uenion o |unners, qovernnens und inunciu| nsiuions
Loo|inq u |e |iq| success rue o RUDSET, inisry o Ruru| Deve|onen, 0overnnen o ndiu, New De||i |us udvised u||
|e Nuionu|i.ed bun| in |e counry o sur RUDSET
ye insiues ie, RSETs in |eir Leud Lun| Disrics
und by 2O2, oRD wuns u|| oOO |us disrics in |e
counry o |uve RSETs o rovide ruininq o |e
unen|oyed you|
RUDSET |us now esub|is|ed 25 unis in 5 Sues n
|e |us 27 yeurs, RUDSET |us ruined 2o2 |u|| you|,
o w|ic| 8o |u|| ruinees |uve se|ed wi| |eir se|
en|oynen venures, |us consiuinq 7% o |e
se|enen rue, w|ic| is reu||y u nuer o ride or
PuraI 0eveIopment and SeIf EmpIoyment TraInIng InstItutes (PU0SETIs)
5iqninq of MOu between of Ministry of kuro/ ueve/opment & Notiono/
4codemy of kuu51l by ur. u veerendro neqqode & 5mt. 4rchno 5.
8horqovo, u representinq conoro 8onk
Andbra Pradesb ankers Institute cf PuraI and Entrepreneursbip
DeveIcpment, Pajendranagar, Hyderabad
Tu|inq ino uccoun |e reques o SLLC o /nd|ru Prudes|, |e Lun| |us cosonsored /nd|ru Prudes| Lun|ers
nsiue o Ruru| und Enrereneurs|i Deve|onen |/PLREDl in 2OO7 is u sue |eve| Truininq nsiue or Ruru|
Deve|onen siuued u yderubud T|e Lun| |us conribued 5OOO |u||s owurds |e iniiu| corus und is s|urinq
O% o |e recurrinq exenses every yeur T|e o|er sonsors ure 0ov o /P, N/L/RD, /nd|ru Lun|, Sue Lun| o
yderubud, ndiun Lun| und ndiun 0verseus Lun| n uddiion, un oicer ron |e Lun| is u|so deued o |e nsiue
o wor| us Direcor T|e nsiue wus inuuqurued by Sri Y S Ruus|e|ur Reddy on O7O2OO7Truininq inured is on
s|i|| und enrereneurs|i Deve|onen us done in RSET & RUDSETs
Sri v R Des|unde enoriu| Trus |Rl ronoed by Sri R v Des|unde, u orner niniser, 0overnnen o urnuu|u |us
esub|is|ed u Truininq nsiue u u|iyu|, u buc|wurd reqion o Nor| Cunuru Disric in |e uern o RUSET 0ur Lun|
|us been ussociued wi| |e ubove nsiue since is inceion in 2OO/Fron 2OO8 Lun| is cosonsorinq |e nsiue
by s|urinq 5O% o |e exenses o |e nuxinun o 5 |u||s er yeur n uddiion, un oicer ron |e Lun| is u|so
deued o |e nsiue o wor| us Direcor
Tbe 25 PUD5ETIs, APIEPD, Desbpande PUD5ETI & 30 CCPD Trust 5pcnscred Institutes
bave tcgetber trained ,07,627 candidates since incepticn witb a reccrd settIement rate cf cver 70%
Entrepreneurship Development Training Institutes
Canara Lank has bccn a lonccr ln lnltlatlnq and lmlcmcntlnq multltacctcd and
lnnovatlvc roqrams almlnq at dcvclomcnt ot colc trom thc lowcr strata ot thc
soclcty. 1hc Lank has bccn ln thc lcad rolc ln trylnq to brlnq about a soclo-cconomlc
transtormatlon ln rural arcas. n lts cndcavor to romotc ural Lcvclomcnt and to
romotc sclt-cmloymcnt amonq uncmloycd youth, has sct u Canara Lank
latlnum jubllcc ural Lcvclomcnt 1rust ln 1981-82 on thc occaslon ot lts
latlnum jubllcc Cclcbratlons. n thc ccntcnary ycar ot thc Lank l.c. 2uu5, thc 1rust
was rcnamcd as Canara Lank Ccntcnary ural Lcvclomcnt 1rust (CLCL1).
Canara 8ank Centenary kural uevelopment 1rust
1hc maln objcctlvcs ot thc 1rust arc to asslst ln carrylnq out thc multltarlous rural dcvclomcnt roqrams vlz,
rural lndustrlallzatlon, vlllaqc clcctrltlcatlon, rovldlnq satc drlnklnq watcr, sanltatlon, wcltarc ot rural womcn,
schcdulcd castc and trlbcs, romotlon ot tradltlonal arts, hcalth, cducatlon, sclt cmloymcnt and
cntrcrcncurshl dcvclomcnt.
1hc 1rust alms at talnq ot vlllaqc rcsourccs and dcvclolnq thcm tor thc lntcqratcd rural dcvclomcnt. t has
bccn laylnq a suortlvc rolc ln rcallzlnq thc Lank's cororatc vlslon. 1hc 1rust has cstabllshcd 3u
Lntrcrcncurshl Lcvclomcnt tralnlnq lnstltutcs to romotc sclt cmloymcnt and cmloyablc skllls amonq
uncmloycd youth throuqh motlvatlon, awarcncss and sklll dcvclomcnt roqrams.
5ri 5 komon, c&Mu re/eosinq the 4ctivities keport of the 1rust
Canara 8ank Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute for kura| Women
Harohalli - 562 ll2. Kanakapura 1aluk
kamanagara DisLricL, KarnaLaka
1el. 080-27562260
Lmail. chseLirw@vsnl.neL
Canara 8ank Sponsored K P ! Prabhu Artisans 1rainin |nstitute
!ogaradoddi - 562 l09. 8idadi, kamanagaramDisLricL
1el. 080-27280l27
Lmail. kp|
Canara 8ank sponsored Subba kao Pai Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
Swasarayahhavan, Wandoor - 679 228
MallapuramDisLricL, Kerala
1el. 0492l 24700l
Canara 8ank Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute for kura| |ndustries
Honnenahalli - 562 l0l. 1amaka losL
Kolar, KarnaLaka
1el. 08l52-242222
Canara 8ank sponsored Dr Ambedkar Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
SkKv losL, l N lalayam
ludupudur - 64l 020. CoimhaLore DisL, 1amilnadu
1el . 0422 2692080
Lmail. aseLi@vsnl.neL
Canara 8ank 1rainin |nstitute for Micro Iinance
Sonnahallipura - 562 ll4
Hasigala losL, HoskoLe 1aluk, KarnaLaka
1el. 795l725
Canara 8ank Sponsored C L Kamath |nstitute for Artisans
Miyaru, Karkala - 574 l07
Udupi DisLricL, KarnaLaka
1el. 08258-272552
Canara 8ank |nstitute for Se|f-Lmp|oyment
Holalur - 577 2l6, Honnali koad
Shimoga, KarnaLaka
1el. 08l82-24572l
Canara 8ank |nstitute of |nformation 1echno|oy
8Lh Main, l5Lh Cross, ChiLrapur 8havan Complex
Malleshwaram, 8angalore 560 055. KarnaLaka
1el. 080-22440026
Canara 8ank Sponsored A D Pai |nstitute for kura| Deve|opment
Manchanayakanahalli losL, va|arahalli
8idadi, KarnaLaka
1el. 080-27202092
Canara 8ank |nstitute of |nformation 1echno|oy
lsL lloor, 8oaL !eLLy koad, losL 8ox No 4004
Alleppey - 688 0l0, Kerala
1el. 0477 2227929
Canara 8ank |nstitute for Artisans
No l4, lsL SLreeL, Amhalapuram
Sekkalai, Karaikudi - 620 00l, 1amilnadu
1el. 04565 222422
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f-Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
SamarLhya Soudha, 8DO QuarLers
Chikkahallapur 562 l0l. KarnaLaka
1el. 08l56-272560
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f-Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
SiLe No 208/209, Sri vinayaka Complex
Hoysala Nagara lolice Colony, Hassan - 572 20l
1el. 08l72-224460
Canara 8ank |nstitute of |nformation 1echno|oy
Canara 8ank 8uilding, 6Lh lloor, Spencer 8uildings
M G koad, 1rivandrum- l, Kerala
1el. 047l 2572286
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f-Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
SamarLhya Soudha, Zilla lanchayaLh Oice Compound
Davangere- 570 005. KarnaLaka
1el. 08l9226002l
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
No. 08/l0, USSS AnimaLion CenLre, Charring Cross
OoLy - 642 00l. 1amilnadu
1el. 0422-2446559
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
Kozhikode hlock oice compound, MaLhara
CalicuL - 672 0l4, Kerala
1el. 0495-2422470
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
DMSS 8uilding, 82 A, lsL lloor, !ohn laul Complex
Nehru|i Nagar, Dindigul, 1amilnadu
1el. 045l-2424024
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f-Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
l2/l45, LxLension 1raining CenLre Campus(L1C)
MannuLhy losL, 1hrissur - 680 65l. Kerala
1el. 08l56-272560
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
Sri SaraswaLhi vidyalaya Compound, Ashokapuram8havani koad
Lrode - 628 004, 1amilnadu
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
C/o Canara 8ank Lead 8ank Oice, 28/26l Civil lines
LLah - 207 00l, ULLar lradesh
1ell. 0572-222566
Lmail. p.chaLLer|
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
loomalai Complex, 1heni - 625 52l. 1amilnadu
1el. 04546-25l578
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
Near Dhanipur 8lock, Dhanipur
Aligarh - 202 00l, ULLar lradesh
1el. 057l-25002l2
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
ked cross SocieLy 8uilding, Sheikpura
C/o Canara 8ank Lead 8ank Oice, 8ihar
Cell. 0942l8l2l72
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
vellinezhi lanchayaLh, losL Kullakkad
lalakkad - 679 502. Kerala
1el. 0466-2285554
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
Kanshiramnagar, ULLar lradesh
Lead 8ank Oice, Kanshiramnagar
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
1iruppur, 1amilnadu
Lead 8ank Oice - 1iruppur
1el. 042l-22l0587
Canara 8ank |nstitute of |nformation 1echno|oy
8erhampur Murshidahad DisLricL
WesL 8engal
Canara 8ank kura| Se|f Lmp|oyment 1rainin |nstitute
HaLhras, ULLar lradesh
Lead 8ank Oice, GhanLa Ghar HaLhras -204l0l
1el. 05722-226904
True to the vIsIon of 8ank's Founder
SrI Ammembal Subba Pao PaI, Canara
8ank has been a pIoneer In InItIatIng E
ImplementIng InnovatIve programmes
aImed at the development of people
from the lower strata of the SocIety. CSP
InItIatIves of the 8ank are multIfarIous
coverIng dIfferent spheres lIke traInIng
unemployed youth, PrImary Health,
0 r I n k I n g Wa t e r, C o m m u n I t y
development, Empowerment of Women
and varIous other socIetal InItIatIves.
Through the SocI al 8ankI ng Cel l s
establIshed at the Head DffIce E all J4 CIrcles, the 8ank Is conductIng dIversIfIed actIvItIes to assIst the
u DutstandIng personalItIes are beIng honored for theIr contrIbutIon to humanIty and man kInd. The Cell
also honors merItorIous students In varIous streams of educatIon.
u To mark the Founder's 0ay 8lood donatIon camps are organIzed by CIrcle's and Head DffIce. Nearly 5000
unIt of 8lood Is beIng collected and Is gIven to varIous Covernment HospItals and reputed 8lood 8anks.
u Free Health Check up Camps, 8lood 0onatIon Camps, 0ental check up and Eye check up camps are beIng
conducted regularly. Free cataract surgerIes were also sponsored helpIng the poor to get back theIr lost
u Free ArtIfIcIal lImbs and calIpers and Wheel ChaIrs are sponsored to challenged sectIon of the socIety.
u People affected by natural calamItIes are assIsted on war footIng basIs.
u SportIng events are organIzed for the challenged sectIon of the socIety on nternatIonal 0ay for the
u NCDs workIng for the welfare of SenIor CItIzens, orphans, 0estItute etc. are provIded assIstance by the
u Welfare of Poor Students Is beIng taken care of
by dIstrIbutIon of Note 8ooks, UnIforms, School
bags shoes etc. |otIvatIon programmes on how
to prepare and face publIc exams are arranged
for the benefIt of students of Covernment
u The Cell brIngs out occasIonal publIcatIon
SEP7NC THE SDCETY to motIvate all the
8ranches E CIrcles to conduct servIce actIvIsts.
Sec|a| Taa0|aq
'llnanclal LmpowermenL of Women ' ls a key componenL of soclo-economlc growLh and sLablllLy of a developlng
counLry llke lndla. LnLrepreneurshlp has been recognlzed as Lhe englne of economlc reformaLlon by Lhe global Lrend-
seLLers. 1he LhreaLs faced by women wlLh poor economlc background ln Lhelr day-Lo- day llvlng has broughL ln a
revoluLlon ln Lhe mlnds of Soclal workers, non-CovernmenL and CovernmenL CrganlzaLlons whlch has envlsaged
Lhem Lo adopL mulLlfarlous Lasks Lowards beLLermenL of soclally , flnanclally and economlcally backward Women ln
lndla. lurLher Lhe opporLunlLles and challenges LhaL could be encounLered wlLh success by women ln buslness and
Lechnologlcal arenas have been popularlzed by brlnglng awareness among Lhem.
'LmpowermenL of Women' has always been Lhe prlorlLy ob[ecLlve of our CrganlzaLlon slnce lLs lncepLlon. "LducaLlon
ls Lhe key Lo Women's salvaLlon" sald Lhe vlslonary and Soclal worker Srl Ammembal Subba 8ao al, Lhe venerable
founder of Canara 8ank who opened a Plgh school for glrl chlldren way back ln 1898 aL Mangalore. 1he 8ank's
[ourney for over a cenLury has been wlLh care and concern for Lhe socleLy where we llve ln, especlally Lhe women
CLD for Women
Motto - 1o |dent|fy, or|ent, mot|vate, tra|n and ass|st the women to take up entrepreneur|a| ventures
Canara 8ank sLarLed an excluslve CenLre for LnLrepreneurshlp uevelopmenL for Women (CLu for Women) aL Pead
Cfflce durlng Lhe ?ear 1988. SubsequenLly, 34 more such CenLers have been esLabllshed LhroughouL Lhe counLry.
1ogeLher Lhese 33 CLuW cenLers have been sLrlvlng Lo ldenLlfy Lhe poLenLlallLles, LalenLs and weakness of women
ln varlous economlc sLraLa, especlally Lhe flnanclally handlcapped, help Lhem Lo combaL Lhe slLuaLlons wlLh
courage and confldence and expose Lhelr LalenLs LhaL can evenLually cause a supporL sysLem for redresslng lssues
concernlng Lhelr personal and household flnances.
Iacts &I|gures
Canara 8ank has flnanced 13.11 lakh women wlLh an amounL of 28767 cores. 1hls amounLs Lo nearly 13 of Lhe
8ank's Ad[usLed neL 8ank CredlL (An8C) whlch ls 3 Llmes Lhe mandaLory LargeL of 3 seL by Lhe 8eserve 8ank of
1wo excluslve Mahlla 8anklng 8ranches aL 8angalore and Chennal care for Lhe speclallzed needs of women. 1hese
branches have LogeLher advanced 34.23 crores Lo women beneflclarles ouL of whlch 17.60 crores has been lenL
Lo SPCs/MCCs as aL !uly 2011.
1he 8ank An lndla has supporLed formaLlon of 3.32 lakh SPCs.
Temea mpeae-meat
So far 3.27 lakh SPCs have
been credlL llnked by Lhe
8ank wlLh credlL supporL of
1968.63 crores as on
An excluslve resldenLlal
free of cosL Lralnlng cenLre
for women aL Parohalll,
near 8angalore, lmparLs
L r al nl ng f or L he r ur al
1he CLu CenLres organlze
LnLrepreneurlal Awareness
programmes, Ceneral / Sklll
L n L r e p r e n e u r l a l
uevelopmenL rogrammes (Lu) Semlnars, CanuLsav/Canbazar.
1he CLu for Women aL PC & Clrcle Cfflces also provldes MarkeLlng faclllLles by organlzlng CanuLsavs and Can
8azars. A cusLom bullL, hlgh Lech, Solar powered moblle sales van known as nammura SanLhe wlLh compuLerlzed
bllllng and card swlplng faclllLy enables women enLrepreneurs and SPCs Lo markeL Lhelr producLs aL 8angalore
5ri 5 komon, c&Mu & 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u interoctinq with the
women entrepreneurs
8ank's Cha|rman & Lxecut|ve D|rector meet Women Lntrepreneurs'.
resldlng over Lhe Women LnLrepreneurs' MeeL" organlzed by Lhe 8ank's CenLre for LnLrepreneurshlp uevelopmenL for
Women aL Lhe CorporaLe Pead Cfflce of Lhe 8ank on 27Lh AugusL 2011, Srl S 8aman, Chalrman & Managlng ulrecLor of Lhe
8ank announced cerLaln concesslons & prlorlLles Lo women ln lL's credlL porLfollo. Canara 8ank has efflclenL managers Lo
caLer Lo Lhe needs of Lhe women enLrepreneurs and Lhe proposals would be processed ln Llme. 1he 8ank proposes Lo
flnance 4 lakh women beneflclarles durlng Lhe currenL flnanclal year"- he added.
Applaudlng Lhe quallLy of manufacLured producLs on dlsplay, SmL Archna S 8hargava, LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe 8ank sald
Lhere ls enough evldence LhaL women are mulLl - Laskers & can also reach greaLer helghLs ln Lhelr llves. She assured Lhe
women maxlmum supporL by Lhe 8ank ln pursulng enLrepreneurlal venLures & fulfllllng Lhelr dreams. 1he 8ank' would be
openlng 3 more Mahlla 8anklng 8ranches ln addlLlon Lo Lhe exlsLlng 2 such aL 8angalore & Chennal by november 2011 Lo
caLer Lo Lhe needs of Women cllenLs excluslvely"- she added.
Cver 200 women lncludlng members of Lhe Self Pelp Croups & Mlcro CredlL Croups & successful lndlvldual women
beneflclarles aLLended Lhe LnLrepreneurs' MeeL and appreclaLed Lhe 8ank for lLs CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8)
lnlLlaLlve. 1hey also came ouL wlLh some suggesLlons &soughL soluLlons for Lhelr problems durlng Lhe occaslon.
Loan sancLlon leLLers & awards for besL performance were dlsLrlbuLed Lo Lhe Women beneflclarles, Women Self Pelp
Croups &Mlcro CredlL Croups.
5ri 5 komon, c&Mu & 5mt. 4rchno 5. 8horqovo, u hondinq over the trophy to the best
women entrepreneur
/ ;-,
lnooqorolion o 25Tb conlro o RDSETl ol Roncbi oy Sri Sooosb
Komor Moblo, Honolo Dooly o Cbio Minislor o 1bor|bono ono
Dr. D \ooronoro Hoqqooo, Prosioonl RDSETl on 23.C.2C11
lnooqorol Fonclion o Conoro 8on| Rorol Sol Emloymonl
Troininq lnslilolo ol Cbic|ooolloor [Kornolo|o} on
Conoro 8on| looncbos Rorol lsov ol Dovonobolli, 8onqoloro os
orl o Fl orivo on 3C.C7.2C11. Sri S Romon, Cboirmon &
Monoqinq Diroclor ono Sml /rcbno S 8borqovo, Exocolivo Diroclor
inooqoroloo lbo roqrommo
lnooqorolion o 3333ro 8roncb o lbo 8on| ol 8orqoon,
Nolonoo Dislricl oy Honolo Dooly Covornor o R8l Dr. K C
Cbo|rooorly on 2Clb /oqosl 2C11
Sml. /rcbno S. 8borqovo, Exocolivo Diroclor inloroclinq wilb SHC
womon onlroronoor oorinq Conoro Colroocb lsov ol Hyooroooo
on 23ro 1oly 2C11
Dr. D Sooooroo, Covornor o R8l ono Dr. K C Cbo|rooorly,
Dooly Covornor o R8l visils Conoro 8on| Micro Finonco
8onqoloro 8roncb on C2-C8-2C11
anoramlc vlew of corporaLe offlce of Canara 8ank aL 8angalore
1rue Lo Lhe vlslon of Lhe lllusLrlous founder, LaLe Srl Ammembal Subba8ao al, Soclal developmenL has recelved speclal emphasls
LhroughouL Lhe 8ank's exlsLence of more Lhan a cenLury. 1he 8ank flrmly belleves LhaL all secLlons of Lhe socleLy have Lo develop lf Lhe
counLry has Lo progress. ln any growLh, Lhere should be equlLy. Cnly when such a phllosophy ls followed and lmplemenLed, LhaL Lhe
naLlon can move forward. 1rue Lo Lhls splrlL, Lhe 8ank has been lnvesLlng ln Lhe socleLy for soclal developmenL wlLhouL expecLlng any
1he corporaLe phllosophy of Lhe 8ank ls reflecLed ln lLs unlque 8rand ldenLlLy. 1he dlsLlncLlve 8rand ldenLlLy ls based on Lhe ldea of a
bond and LogeLherness and ls a represenLaLlon of Lhe close Lles beLween Lhe 8ank and lLs many sLakeholders from cusLomers and
employees Lo lLs lnvesLors, lnsLlLuLlons and socleLyaL large.
Canara 8ank has adopLed Lhe hlghesL sLandards of servlce quallLy and operaLlonal excellence and offers comprehenslve 8anklng &
llnanclal soluLlons Lo all lLs valued cusLomers. A key sLrengLh and dlfferenLlaLlng feaLure of Canara 8ank ls lLs knowledge drlven
approach Lo 8anklng and an unprecedenLed cusLomer experlence ln Lhelr deallngs wlLh Lhe 8ank. Canara bank ls bullL on a foundaLlon
of LrusL, sLrengLhened by knowledge backed by cuLLlng edge Lechnology, governed by Lransparency and commlLLed Lo responslve
1heoverall ob[ecLlvels Lo opLlmlzesusLalnablevalueLo all sLakeholders - deposlLors, shareholders, cusLomers, borrowers, employees
and socleLyLhrough adherenceLo corporaLevalues, codes of conducL and oLher sLandards of approprlaLebehavlour.
linancial lnclusion Wing, Head Oice, ll2, ! C koad, 8angalore - 560 002
1el. 080 22ll 5596 L-mail.

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