Marketing Environment & Segmentation 03

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Competitors analysis Market Segmentation Target market Positioning


From the Environmental Please purchase PDFcamp Printer Audit

Once we are done with The SWOT, PESTEL and Porter, we have a fair picture of the industry and ourselves.

Next step is to translate our learning into strategies Lets see how we do that
12/29/2009 2

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Learning -> Strategy
What to do with the knowledge that you get from SWOT?
Strengths -> maintain and maximize Weakness -> act quickly and invest to minimize Opportunities-> Address with your strategies and grasp Threats -> address with your strategies and avoid
Strength Weakness

Maintain Act quickly Review Monitor


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The Ansoff Matrix

-A marketing model which captures in one grid the only strategic alternatives open to any organizations
M a r k e t s

Products New

Market Penetration

Product Development

Market Development



Revisited Portfolio Please BCG purchase PDFcamp Printer analysis for strategy formulation
PLC knowledge helps understand the way each product must be treated strategically

The BCG can be used to evaluate competitors as well as your own portfolio.


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Once you have decided the Product Strategy and the market, your next task is to understand your customer and their buying behavior- only then can you develop the marketing mix Hence from here onwards we are going to talk about the market Segmentation and targeting along with positioning- the final Ingredients for a good marketing mix
Maria Qadri, NUST Business School 2009 12/29/2009 6

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Division of market into many homogeneous customer groups Makes it possible for firms to tailor their marketing mix for different type of customers


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Criteria for Segmentation
Segment must be large enough to warrant a special marketing mix. Segments must be identifiable and their size measurable. Members of targeted segments must be reachable with marketing mix. Unless segment responds to a marketing mix differently, no separate treatment is needed. 8

Substantiality Identifiability Measurability Accessibility Responsiveness


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