Control The Machine - Technology Addiction Awareness

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complaining how much time you spend on the computer or other device.

Sleep Deprivation - Regular loss of sleep due to late night sessions on the internet or gaming. Do you find yourself losing track of time and neglecting friends, family, and classmates? Do you frequently miss deadlines for assignments?

Technology Addiction is...

Control the machine; dont let the machine control you.
Bill OReilly

Also referred to as Internet Addiction or Pathological Internet Use, it has developed alongside advances in gaming and internet technologies. It is quickly becoming a significant concern in young adults as well as in grown men and women.

Addiction has four characteristics. See if any of these seem familiar. 1. Compulsivity - a strong desire to get online or play the game. 2. Dependency - habitual use to achieve a pleasurable internal state. 3. Repetition - there is a pattern of frequent problematic behaviour. 4. Continuation - The problematic behaviour persists in spite of harmful consequences. On the surface, the use of technology is enjoyable and is an escape from the internal discomfort of daily pressures. If you have difficulty controlling your use or the desire to use technology and you continue despite significant negative impact, it is important that you get help.

Common Signs
There are a number of behavioural symptoms associated with overuse of technology. Here are several you should be aware of when considering the potentially harmful role technology plays in your life. Time Distortion - when you use technology you lose track of time or use it longer than you intended to. Spending less time with family and friends - this may be characterized by others

Switch off the technology; Reboot your Life.

Are You at Greater Risk? You may be at greater risk than others depending on certain personal, familial, and environmental factors. Do you have: A high need for new and varied experiences? Often negative views of yourself or your situation? Anxiety as though a disaster is imminent without a logical reason? Social issues with friends? Does your family have: High levels of stress? Frequent conflict? History of depression or poor mental health? Do you feel your life: Is far from your ideal image of what it should be? Is missing some essential things that other people seem to have? W ould be a lot better if you could make some key changes? While addiction is unique in each person, research has shown a relationship between these individual, family, and environmental factors and greater risk for technology addiction. If any of the above applies to you, be aware that technology could be a harmful relief from the mental tension and agitation in daily life.

Gaining Control
Accept the Problem The first step in change is to accept that a serious problem with technology use exists. Either by you, with a friend, family member or trained counsellor considers the reasons to change and the risks of not changing. Once you are committed to getting control of this part of your life, you are ready for the next step. Self-Monitoring Since technology plays a central part of basic life management, an abstinence approach to overcoming technology addiction is usually not possible. What is important is to work with trained addiction counsellor to identify your problem behaviours, habits and the events that can trigger them.

AddLife Caring Minds

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