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First poem As we stand on the hill As we stand on the hill We can see twenty miles And all of the

garbage Is heaped up in piles And a little girl Looks at her daddy And smiles 'Is this what you leaving for me?' We can see all smoke We can see all the rust We can see all the fields That are turning to dust And I wonder why this Little girl Put her trust In people Like you and me !he grips at my hand And she gives a big sigh And she says to me "addy Are we all going to die? And the lump in my throat Prevents my reply cos the truth is I really don#t know $y %helsie Woodhead

Second poem Whale: An innocent death As the gentle giants swim through the sea& 'ot e(pecting a thing& A sharp metal ob)ect is heading their way& And they feel a sharp sting They don#t know what happened& $ut they feel a lot of pain& The innocent creatures& Are pulled up by a chain 'ow they#ve figured it out& They know what#s going on& A whaling harpoon has hit them& A massive violent gun As they#re pulled up to the whaling ship& Their condition deteriorates& They get weaker and weaker& They#re in a terrible state The last thing they see& *ust before they die& Is the satisfied look& In the fisherman#s eye I hope this proves& +ow cruel whaling is& Well how would you like it& If you were treated like this? $y "uncan

The graphic organizer of the poems The poems The similarities As we stand on the hill Whale: An innocent death , The theme is about , The theme is about nature nature The differences As we stand on the hill Whale: An innocent death , The poem using the , The poem using the contaminated air as in)ured whales as the the main sub)ect main sub)ect - Location of this poem is on a hill contaminated with dust and smoke 0 Poet describes the feelings of sadness with what was happening around him 1 This poem consists of three paragraphs - Location of this poem is in the ocean

It shows humans feeling towards nature .the environment/ The poem is reflecting on a living thing .human/ At the end of the poem& has raised 2uestions about the solutions that are inaccessible The poem does not use the same rhythm of each verse

- It shows humans feeling towards nature . the marine life/ 0 The poem is reflecting on a living thing .whale/ 1 At the end of the poem& has raised 2uestions about the solutions that are inaccessible 3 The poem does not use the same rhythm of each verse

0 Poet describes the pain and grief e(perienced by the whales 1 This poem consists of si( paragraphs

3 4verall& the poem describes the contaminated state of nature is left for future generations

3 4verall& the poem describes the human cruelty that ultimately will cause an animal to become e(tinct

Personal response to poems, entitled: Whale: An innocent death

This poem is a poem should be appreciated because it contains many elements that bring awareness to the people This poem is about a whale that caught with a sharp iron In the first paragraph& described as a big giant swimming slowly in the vast ocean This giant had never suspected anything happening around it while it continued swimming with )oy Without thinking that something bad will happen by the whales& which are very sharp steel had rushed up to it The whales could feel a sharp stab in the body !tab wounds caused whale feels as though he had been stung by something sharp In the second paragraph& whales do not know what had happened to itself $ut& what the whale felt was a huge pain Then& this innocent creature had been transported over with chains In the third paragraph& this whale )ust noticed that he was actually caught by humans In whaling& a special harpoon to catch the whale was used This weapon is a great tool in terms of si5e and represents cruelty In the ne(t paragraph tells more about the condition of the whale "uring the whale into vessels& whales are in a pitiful state 4ver time& this whale is getting weaker It felt sick The whales are in the worst condition In the fifth paragraph& tell about the state of whale weakening and getting down At the last moment of death of whale& whales have seen the eyes that are thrown by fishermen 6iew that is thrown is a happy outlook on cruelty committed by the fishermen

In the last paragraph& the poet e(presses the hope of whaling Poet e(pressed hope everything is testament to the cruelty whaling activities Poet also throws the 2uestion of human feeling as a whole 7uestions were raised about what we feel as if we treated people like what happened to the whale 4nce selected poems e(plore& I think this poem relates to human actions and often selfish +umans often want to make money without thinking about the disaster to be struck As we know& whales are one of endangered animals& but people forget this fact in order to make profits To avoid this happening& we should put ourselves in the place of the victim In this way& we would always be alert to the action we want to do Imagine if we were whales 4f course we want to live freely in the vast sea 8very day we want to swim independently without any threats from anyone Imagine also if we are caught in cold blood Are we happy with the situation? 4f course we will feel sad and disappointed In this case& people need to consider the best on something before doing it In conclusion& from beginning to end& the poet wants the reader to put themselves inside a whale At the beginning of the poem& the poet reflects the )oy of whales swimming freely Then the whales were captured and eventually die !adness that occurs& it is the state of the growing shortage of natural resources due to human greed itself

Reflection In making this assignment& I have found many problems in completing tasks properly Among these problems are difficult to find poems that are appropriate to the tasks given +owever& after I e(plore and read a poem by one& finally I found two poems in my opinion the best The poem describes two different situations but still in same theme The second problem I faced was detailing the differences and similarities between the two poems +owever& after I follow the attached guidelines I can find differences and similarities in these poems The third problem is concerned with analy5ing the poem that was selected To overcome this problem& I repeatedly read and understand& I finally understood the poem well 9inally& after making this assignment& I find that I have received much benefit as I have been able to understand the te(t of the poem& I could write a poem related to the analysis and I can improve my fluency in 8nglish Language

1. :ohd Taib 4sman& Warisan $udaya :elayu

,;<3 =uala Lumpur& "ewan

$ahasa dan Pustaka - http>??www familyfriendpoems com?poem?whales@an@innocent deathAi(55,oWo=B66!

3. http>??www sciencebuddies org?science@fair@pro)ects?pro)ectCbibliography shtml

1 http>??wiki answers com?7?PoemCaboutCairCpollution

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