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Chemical Engineering Department




Chemical Engineering Department

AIM : To study the characteristic of adsorption of silicagel. APPARTAUS : Tu es to form adsorption in silicagel! dryer! etc. MATERIAL : Silica gel THEORY : $hen certain solids are placed in a mi#ture of gases or %apour gas or li&uid. They preferentially adsor specific su stance on their surface for e#amples "hen atmospheric air to passed through a ed containing silicagel similarly un"anted coloured material can e remo%ed from a&uous solution of suger. The amount of su stance adsor depend upon nature of solid and gaseous lo" temperature. 'o" temp. and high pressare fa%ours adsorption "hen the adsorption is fresh. The rate of adsorotion is manimum as the time passes the adsor ent gets saturated "ith adsor ate and "hen e&uili rium is reched adsorption rate falls (ero y remo%ing adsor ate from adsor ent "ith the help of different regeneration processes. The cycle can e once again started. PROCEDURE : )*+ Ta,e amount of -. gm silica gel in a "ater "atch glass and ,eep it in a dryer at a out /. oC for half an hour. )0+ Place the silica gel in a tu e and "eight it. )1+ Pass the air from the lo"er for fi%e minutes and again "eight the tu e. )2+ Repeat the process of air lo"ing for - minutes and again "eight it.Repeat the process of air lo"ing till constant "eight has een reached. lo"er! "eight o#


Chemical Engineering Department

RESULT & CONCLUSION : As the time passes the "eight of silica3gel is increase due to moistare a sor ed on its surface. At one condition e&uili rium reached the adsorption rate "ill e stopped due to satutation of the adsor ate material. The regeneration of )adsor ate+ silica gel is carried out so moisture on the surface of the solid is remo%ed and fresh silica3gel can e once again used for ne" atch in adsorption operation. APPLICATION : To purify ,erosene and to to acco.


Chemical Engineering Department

OBSERVATION : *. $eight of silica3gel 4 5555gm. 0. $eight of "atch glass 4 5555gm. 1. $eight of silica3gel 6 "atch glass 4 5555gm.

O7SER8ATION TA7'E 9 SR. NO. * 0 1 2 @ A / B *. TI:E IN SECOND ; ; $EI<=T O> SI'ICA3 <E' IN gm $EI<=T O> :OIST?RE IN gm


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