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2013 Ilya Spitalnik

!"# %&'#( &) *+(,&&- .+(/#,0-1
now to create an awesome an|mated v|deo c||p that w||| get you
not|ced and your message heard w|th zero pr|or know-how!

1he Speclal Sauce
CondlLloned slnce Chlldhood Lo Love CarLoons
Lowerlng ?our Cuard
Seelng Lhe 8lgger lcLure
1he ower of 1oon!
A Solid What does/doesn't work Formula
A lew undenlable lacLs
Pow Lo CreaLe an Awesome AnlmaLed vldeo

1he SecreL 8eclpe
lrom 1heory Lo racLlce
llve Challenges

7&-89 :&(/;&&/
SLep 1 - WrlLe an awesome ScrlpL or ShorL SLory 3
SLep 2 SLoryboard 4
SLep 3 - volceover Culde / 8ackground Muslc 7
SLep 4 - ulvldlng Lhe Slldes 11
SLep 3 - opulaLe Lhe Slldes wlLh vlsuals 23
SLep 6 1lmlng 36
A 8eal lnslder 1lp 38

IS 1nLkL A SnCk1CU1? 40


WorksheeL: Super Lasy 3-SLep ScrlpL WrlLlng 1emplaLe
Case Study: PowToons Script for Startups 1able


%<=! >
?&' ,& @(#+,# +- +'#9&A# +-0A+,#B C0B#&D
<- #+9E FG9,#H %(&@#99

I,#H J G :(0,# +- +'#9&A# 9@(0H, &( 9"&(, 9,&(E
ln Lhls case, [usL grab Lhe scrlpL we creaLed ln arL 2, or go Lo
Lhe Appendlx and flll ln Lhe blanks on Lhe 3-SLep ScrlpL WrlLlng
WorksheeL Lo creaLe your own drafL scrlpL.
1o recap - ?our scrlpL should cover Lhe followlng bases:
1. Make lL clear who you are Lalklng Lo
2. olnL ouL Lhe problem
3. lndlcaLe LhaL you have a soluLlon and/or experLlse
4. resenL your soluLlon and clearly show lLs beneflLs
3. Call-Lo-acLlon
Cnce we have our shorL sLory, we Lurn lL lnLo a scrlpL by
dlvldlng lL lnLo scenes and Lhlnklng of poLenLlal vlsuals LhaL
could go wlLh lL we call Lhls process sLoryboardlng.


I,#H K G I,&(E;&+(B
Create scenes and try to th|nk of v|sua|s to go w|th them
lL does noL have Lo be perfecL aL Lhls sLage! 1he vlsuals should
acL as Lhe emoLlonal supporL Lo Lhe words, so lf we Lalk abouL
"confuslon," an lmage of a confused guy can be powerful.
ln my case, lnlLlal LhoughLs go llke Lhls:
I*535 J
So youve got this amazing
idea thats going to make
you Lhe nexL 8lll CaLes...
Cuy scraLchlng hls chln
Lhlnklng Lhen he has an ldea
and becomes happy.

I*535 K
8uL every lnvesLor you plLch
Lo falls Lo undersLand why
your 8lg ldea ls so unlque.
?ou Lry Lo explaln all Lhe
lmporLanL deLalls, buL Lhelr
eyes [usL glaze over.
WhlLeboard wlLh flow charL
and Cuy explalnlng.
lnvesLor geLLlng bored.

I*535 >
Heres the thing: The instant
you sLarL Lalklng Lo an lnvesLor
or cusLomer, Lhelr lnner
sLopwaLch sLarLs Llcklng...
And youve got 90 seconds
max before Lhey compleLely
wrlLe you off!
SLopwaLch Llcklng whlle Cuy ls

Cuy geLs punched afLer 90



I*535 L
ls Lhere some maglc way
around Lhls menLal
?ou beLLer belleve Lhere ls!
Because youre watching it
rlghL now!
Cuy ls de[ecLed.

Cuy ls surprlsed.
Zoom ouL Lo reveal LhaL Cuy ls
parL of a ow1oon.

I*535 M
Its called a PowToon--a
slmple, super engaglng way
to keep investors and
customers attention
LhroughouL your enLlre
Show ow1oon edlLor.

I*535 F
ow1oons LranslaLe your
plLches lnLo dynamlc shorL
anlmaLlons LhaL easlly connecL
wlLh your audlence, showlng
Lhem exacLly why your buslness
deserves Lhelr aLLenLlon--and
Lhelr money!
1exL Lo show beneflLs of
uslng ow1oon.



I*535 N
And lf Lhey wanL furLher proof
that youre a savvy business
owner, [usL leL Lhem know you
creaLed an lncredlble vldeo
plLch for 2 of Lhe cosL lL
wouldve run you to outsource
Lo a professlonal anlmaLor or
Cuy slLs aL Lhls compuLer
creaLlng a ow1oon and ls
very saLlsfled wlLh hlmself.

I*535 O
So slgn up Loday and brlng ouL
Lhe awesomeness ln your
1exL descrlblng Lhe call Lo

Thats the baseline to our vlsuals drafLed. Cnce we have all Lhe
lndlvldual scenes on screen, we can revlew Lhem and declde
wheLher we need Lo add anyLhlng.

lrom Lhls polnL onwards, we wlll be lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe
ow1oon sofLware. All you wlll need ls a free accounL, so
please geL yours here lf you don'L already have one.


I,#H > G C&0@#&P#( Q80B# R 7+@/1(&8-B .890@

lL may seem counLer-lnLulLlve Lo sLarL wlLh Lhe volceover
lnsLead of Lhe lmagery. lLs only natural to think: "Ill do all Lhe
vlsuals flrsL, and Lhen l can Llme my volceover Lo colnclde wlLh
whaLs happenlng on Lhe screen" - buL ln reallLy Lhls ls a reclpe
for headaches.
When you record a volceover of your scrlpL, you geL much
more accuraLe Llmlng of Lhe flnal sLory versus chooslng Lhe
vlsuals whlle baslcally guesslng Lhe Llmlng (and havlng Lo
reLlme everyLhlng laLer).
?our personal volceover ls called a scraLch Lrack, so dont
worry lf lL sounds scraLchy and unprofesslonal. We [usL wanL
someLhlng baslc for now since were dolng Lhls malnly as a
1lMlnC CuluL.
AfLer you have done your scraLch Lrack, we can easlly Lake Lhe
scrlpL and send lL Lo a volceover arLlsL on who
wlll geL us an awesome resulL for beLween $3 and $20 for up
Lo 120 seconds of volceover.
lor now, [usL do Lhls yourself Lo geL Lhe Llmlng gulde.

Tip: Its much eas|er to record the vo|ceover, get |t r|ght, and
then t|me the v|sua|s to the story.



Ck - so we need Lo elLher choose a background Lrack for our
muslc or record a volceover gulde (or boLh).
1hls means we need an M3 flle of Lhe 1Lx1 A81S of Lhe
scrlpL read ouL as Lhey wlll appear ln our carLoon.
LeL's geL sLarLed by golng Lo Lhe Sound Manager ln ow1oon
and recordlng our volce.

Cnce Lhe sound manager ls open, you can elLher upload
(lmporL) an M3 LhaL you recorded earller, or you can record
one yourself rlghL now by cllcklng Lhe record buLLon.
uon'L worry abouL maklng mlsLakes or geLLlng Lhe volceover Lo
sound professlonal, LhaL's noL Lhe alm here (remember, for
now Lhls ls more of a Llmlng gulde).


Heres Lhe lnLerface youll see when you open Lhe sound

?ou can record and re-record as many Llmes as you llke. Lvery
Llme you record a new verslon, lL wlll overwrlLe Lhe prevlous
1he sound manager furLher allows you Lo choose a
background Lrack from Lhe provlded sound Lrack llsL, and leLs
you lmporL a second M3 Lrack of your cholce (Lo sLay falr Lo
arLlsLs, please only use llcensed or creaLlve commons muslc).
?ou can also regulaLe Lhe volume of Lhe volceover and Lhe
background Lrack separaLely ln Lhe dashboard Lo geL beLLer
lf you would llke Lo record and edlL a volceover or soundLrack
ouLslde of ow1oon and subsequenLly "lmporL" lL, Lhen heres
a Lool l absoluLely love and sLrongly recommend! lLs free,
open source, and slmply amazlng.


AudaclLy: hLLp://audaclLy.sourceforge.neL/ - you can achleve
professlonal quallLy uslng Lhls Lool.

Pere ls my scraLch Lrack / Llmlng gulde based on our SLarLup
ow1oon scrlpL (l mlssed a bunch of words and
mlspronounced oLhers, buL LhaL's ok)
Pear my volceover for Lhe SLarLup ScrlpL
now, cllck AL? and your soundLrack appears lnslde of
ow1oon's Llmellne as a wave.


!"# %(&)#990&-+S C&0@#&P#(
lf your ow1oon requlres a volceover, Lhen l can'L sLress
enough Lhe dlfference a professlonal volceover arLlsL can
make. lL glves your vldeo a compleLely dlfferenL "flnlsh".
Pere are some volceover source opLlons ranglng from $3 Lo
$130 from $3-$23
volce8unny up Lo $70-$130
We consclously chose noL Lo lnclude a LexL-Lo-volce funcLlon ln
ow1oon, whlch generaLes Lhese "almosL" bearable roboLlc-
human volces. 8uL lf you wanL Lo Lry lL anyway, here ls a llsL of
the 1op 10 Web-based Servlces lor 1exL-1o-Speech
Cur nexL sLeps are Lo creaLe enough slldes Lo hold all Lhe
sound, and Lhen we Llme Lhe slldes correcLly Lo maLch Lhe
dlfferenL scenes.

I,#H L G 40P0B0-1 ,"# IS0B#9
IS0B#9 +(# I@#-#9

CreaLlng a ow1oon ls a llLLle llke dlrecLlng a mlnl-movle.
Lvery sllde ln your ow1oon represenLs a scene LhaL you have
Lo equlp wlLh Lhe rlghL sound and vlsuals.
ln SLep 3, we creaLed a scraLch Lrack (rough volceover) Lo go
wlLh our ow1oon, our nexL sLep lnvolves creaLlng enough


slldes Lo accommodaLe Lhe sound Lrack.
ow1oon's defaulL sllde lengLh ls 10 seconds and you have a
+ / - on Lhe slde of Lhe Llmellne Lo lengLhen or shorLen lL. Lach
sllde ln ow1oon ls llmlLed Lo a maxlmum of 20 seconds.
1he reason for Lhls llmlLaLlon ls LhaL sLarlng aL Lhe same scene
for longer Lhan 20 seconds ln a shorL cllp may become a llLLle
Ledlous. So Lhls ls ow1oon's way of genLly nudglng our users
Lo shake Lhlngs up a llLLle! Change Lhe vlsuals lf you don'L wanL
your audlence Lo fall asleep.
now Lo Lhe pracLlcallLles:
LeL's assume we have a volceover LhaL ls 97 seconds long.
Well sLarL wlLh 10 slldes (10 seconds each, maklng a LoLal of
100 seconds).
<BB0-1 IS0B#9
?ou add or remove slldes by cllcklng Lhe + and - ln Lhe slldes
panel. ln our case we cllck + Len Llmes.

?our ow1oon LdlLor wlll look llke Lhls once you're done. 10
empLy slldes.



Cllcklng on any one of Lhe slldes wlll show you Lhe Llmellne
speclflc Lo LhaL sllde. resslng lay wlll - aL Lhls sLage - [usL play
Lhe sound Lrack of Lhls lsolaLed sllde slnce Lhere are no vlsuals
*=5<!23Q I*535I G T0,,0-1 ,"# I&8-B ,& ,"# IS0B#9

1L8MlnCLCC?: Ckay, we have Lo spend a momenL on proper
terminology. Were deallng wlLh a shorL vldeo here, Lhls
means were creaLlng a serles of scenes.
1here are Lhree elemenLs Lo each scene:
1. 1he volceover (or sound Lrack): WhaL's belng sald?
2. 1he vlsuals: 1he emoLlonal and vlsual Lrlggers.
3. 1he Llmlng: When Lhlngs happen - and for how long.
So Lhe way we creaLe a scene ls by maLchlng our volceover
wlLh Lhe approprlaLe vlsual and Llmlng Lhe whole Lhlng Lo
work LogeLher seamlessly.


Cur flrsL sLep ln Lhls process ls Lo ad[usL Lhe lengLh of each
sllde Lo flL Lhe acLual length of the scenes we envision. Thats
acLually Lhe reason for Lhe Llmlng gulde (or scraLch Lrack) LhaL
we creaLed ln sLep 2. lL allows us Lo geL our baslc Llmlng rlghL.
lor Lhls purpose, we are golng Lo llsLen Lo Lhe whole volceover
from beglnnlng-Lo-end lnslde ow1oon and ad[usL Lhe lengLh
of Lhe slldes Lo work wlLh Lhe volceover.
LeL me Lake Lhls opporLunlLy Lo lnLroduce you Lo ow1oon's
lay ConLrols.

%&'!&&- %S+E *&-,(&S9


|ay: p|ay from the p|ayhead unt|| the end of the ent|re
ow1oon or unt|| you pause

1he lay buLLon wlll play from Lhe red, Lrlangular playhead,
rlghL Lhrough Lo Lhe end of Lhe ow1oon or unLll you sLop lL by
cllcklng ause. 1hls allows you Lo see how several scenes work
1he playhead lndlcaLes where you are on Lhe Llmellne. ln Lhe
above lmage, Lhe playhead ls on second 1 and moves Lhrough
Lhe seconds when you press lay.
ause: pause or stop

1he lay buLLon Lurns lnLo a ause buLLon whlle lL ls playlng.
?ou can pause Lhe ow1oon aL any Llme by cllcklng Lhls


|ay S||de: p|ay from beg|nn|ng of th|s s||de unt|| the end of
th|s s||de

1hls buLLon saves you Lhe Lrouble of havlng Lo drag Lhe
playhead Lo zero every Llme you wanL Lo revlew Lhe scene you
are worklng on.
|ay to S||de Lnd: p|ay from p|ayhead unt|| the end of the

?ou malnly use Lhe lay Lo Sllde Lnd buLLon whlle worklng on
one parLlcular sllde because lL wlll sLop aL Lhe end of Lhe sllde
wlLhouL movlng Lo Lhe nexL.


|ay A||: p|ay ent|re ow1oon from the start unt|| the end

1hls buLLon goes back Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe very flrsL sllde
and plays rlghL Lhrough Lo Lhe end of Lhe ow1oon, or unLll
you cllck pause. 1hls ls useful when you wanL Lo revlew Lhe
work you have done so far.
Im sorry Lo go all Lechnlcal on you, but theres one more Lhlng
l need Lo show you before we can do Lhe fun sLuff. 1he


!"# !0A#S0-#

1he Llmellne lndlcaLes Lhe lengLh of a sllde and as Lhe red
Lrlangular playhead moves along, lL also lndlcaLes where ln Lhe
Llme sequence we are.

lf you wanL Lo lengLhen or shorLen a sllde, you have Lo press
Lhe + or - on Lhe rlghL hand slde. 1he defaulL sllde lengLh ls 10
seconds and you can lengLhen lL Lo a maxlmum 20 seconds
and shorLen lL Lo a mlnlmum of 1 second.


40P0B0-1 ,"# P&0@#&P#( 0-,& 9@#-#9
now we have all Lhe Lools Lo dlvlde our volceover / Llmlng
gulde lnLo scenes.
1he besL-pracLlce way of dlvldlng Lhe volceover ls by uslng Lhe
followlng buLLons.
I,#H JD %(#99 %S+E

1hls wlll go Lhrough all Lhe slldes unLll you press pause.
I,#H KD %(#99 %+89#

ause Lhe playback once you flgure ouL where Lhe cuL off
polnL for Lhls parLlcular scene ls.


I,#H >D %(#99 URG IS0B# V#-1,"

Add or deleLe seconds Lo maLch Lhe volce Llmlng. ?ou wlll flnd
Lhe volceover conLlnulng on Lhe nexL sllde once you have

I,#H LD =0-9# +-B =#H#+,
Move on Lo Lhe nexL sllde and repeaL sLeps 1 Lhrough 4 unLll
your volceover ls dlsLrlbuLed across as many slldes as you


llLLlng Lhe volceover lnLo Lhe varlous slldes, Lhls ls how my
scrlpL Lurned ouL:
I*535 J
So youve got this amazing
idea thats going to make
you Lhe nexL 8lll CaLes...
Cuy scraLchlng hls chln
Lhlnklng Lhen he has an ldea
and becomes happy.

I*535 K
8uL every lnvesLor you plLch
Lo falls Lo undersLand why
your 8lg ldea ls so unlque.
?ou Lry Lo explaln all Lhe
lmporLanL deLalls, buL Lhelr
eyes [usL glaze over.
WhlLeboard wlLh flow charL
and Cuy explalnlng.
lnvesLor geLLlng bored.


I*535 >
Heres the thing: The instant you
sLarL Lalklng Lo an lnvesLor or
cusLomer, Lhelr lnner sLopwaLch
sLarLs Llcklng...
And youve got 90 seconds max
before Lhey compleLely wrlLe you
SLopwaLch Llcklng
whlle Cuy ls Lalklng.

Cuy geLs punched
afLer 90 seconds.


I*535 L
ls Lhere some maglc way around
Lhls menLal roadblock?
?ou beLLer belleve Lhere ls!
Because youre watching it right
Cuy ls de[ecLed.
Cuy ls surprlsed.
Zoom ouL Lo reveal
LhaL Cuy ls parL of a

I*535 M
Its called a PowToon--a slmple,
super engaglng way Lo keep
investors and customers attention
LhroughouL your enLlre plLch.
Show ow1oon edlLor.


I*535 F
ow1oons LranslaLe your plLches
lnLo dynamlc shorL anlmaLlons LhaL
easlly connecL wlLh your audlence,
showlng Lhem exacLly why your
buslness deserves Lhelr aLLenLlon--
and Lhelr money!
1exL Lo show beneflLs
of uslng ow1oon.

I*535 N
And lf Lhey wanL furLher proof LhaL
youre a savvy business owner, just
leL Lhem know you creaLed an
lncredlble vldeo plLch for 2 of Lhe
cost it wouldve run you to
ouLsource Lo a professlonal
anlmaLor or sLudlo.
Cuy slLs aL Lhls
compuLer creaLlng a
ow1oon and ls very
saLlsfled wlLh hlmself.



I*535 O
So slgn up Loday and brlng ouL Lhe
awesomeness ln your buslness!
1exL descrlblng Lhe call
Lo acLlon.

now l have Lhe lengLh of all my slldes coordlnaLed wlLh Lhe
volceover. l know Lhe lengLh of my lndlvldual scenes and can
move on Lo Lhe nexL sLage, whlch ls Lo add Lhe vlsuals.

I,#H M G %&H8S+,# ,"# IS0B#9 '0," C098+S9

1hls ls Lhe sLage where we add anlmaLlons, graphlcs,
background, props, lmages, and characLers Lo our
1o harness Lhe power of Loon aL lLs maxlmum, we wanL Lo
convey Lhe message wlLh as many graphlc lmages and as llLLle
text as possible, so the audience doesnt have to sit there
readlng all Lhe time (unless this is the effect youre after) and
doesnt get overwhelmed with information.
lmages are a powerful conveyor of emoLlons, so lf a characLer
ls sad, lL's enough Lo dlsplay hlm/her ln a sad pose wlLhouL
addlng any LexL aL all.
An effecLlve way Lo use LexL ls by brlnglng lndlvldual words Lo
llfe by maklng Lhem appear ln Llme wlLh Lhe volceover. Cnly
use words LhaL can be "emoLlonal Lrlggers" Lo emphaslze your


ow1oon has a large llbrary of characLers, poses and props
LhaL you may wanL Lo use for Lhls purpose:

Some of PowToons Style9






?ou can easlly brlng your own lmages lnLo ow1oon by
cllcklng Lhe "lmaglne lmporL" lcon:

lor my ow1oon for SLarLups script, l chose Lhe Marker
SLyle. l couldve made lL more colorful uslng one of Lhe oLher
sLyles, buL l really llke Lhe mlnlmallsm of Lhls sLyle whlch also
works really well wlLh phoLos of real people, an elemenL l
wanL Lo use ln Lhls ow1oon.



*&-9,(8@,0-1 ,"# 9@#-#D
Ill walk you Lhrough Lhe consLrucLlon of my flrsL scene and
glve you access Lo Lhe ow1oon LemplaLe Lo see how Lo do
Lhe resL. ?ou can flnd Lhe LemplaLe by golng Lo
hLLp:// and cllcklng Lhe blue
START button. Its in the romoLlonal vldeo > SLarL ups
secLlon when you launch Lhe ow1oon edlLor.


I*535 J
So youve got this amazing
idea thats going to make
you Lhe nexL 8lll CaLes...
Cuy scraLchlng hls chln
Lhlnklng Lhen he has an ldea
and becomes happy.

uescrlpLlon: l would llke a "1hlnklng Cuy" Lo be broughL lnLo
Lhe scene aL second 1 scraLchlng hls chln. 1hen "eureka!" A
llghL bulb appears and he becomes super happy.


Step 1: Co Lo Lop lefL Lo choose a sLyle. 1hls wlll open Lhe sLyle
llbrary wlLh all Lhe characLers and props. Choose Lhe marker



Step 2: Cpen Lhe an|mated characters secLlon and chose Lhe
"1hlnklng Cuy" - you can elLher cllck hlm or drag hlm onLo Lhe
screen. 1he characLer wlll appear on Lhe screen and a duraLlon
bar wlll appear ln Lhe Llmellne sLarLlng wherever Lhe playhead
was locaLed.
48(+,0&- 7+(


Step 3: now "1hlnklng Cuy" ls on Lhe screen and we should
look aL Lhe duraLlon bar Lo see when he enLers and exlsLs. ln
Lhls case, he arrlves on Lhe screen aL second 1 (where Lhe
playhead was orlglnally locaLed) and leaves aL second 7. ?ou
may have noLlces Lhe blue Lrlangle on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe
duraLlon bar: 1hls lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere ls a half a second
enLrance effecL, and looklng aL Lhe symbol, Lhe up arrow
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe ob[ecL ls broughL lnLo Lhe screen from
5))#@,9 2-B0@+,&(

1o change Lhe enLrance effecL, cllck on Lhe symbol and Lhe
"LffecLs Menu" pops up.


5))#@,9 .#-8

1he effecL menu allows you Lo choose whlch enLrance effecL
you wanL Lhls characLer Lo have.

?+-BE G %&'!&&-W9 .+10@ ?+-B

1he effecLs menu also allows you Lo choose wheLher you wanL
Lhe ob[ecL Lo be broughL ln uslng "Pandy," our clever llLLle



Step 4: Choose an enLry and exlL effecL for Lhe ob[ecL and
ad[usL Lhe lengLh of Llme Lhe ob[ecL remalns on screen by
dragglng Lhe duraLlon bar's ends.
LeL your volceover gulde your Llmlng, lL allows you Lo
accuraLely assess when an ob[ecL arrlves and leaves Lhe scene.
ln my case l wanL a llghL bulb Lo appear and Lhe characLer's
pose Lo change Lo "happy." 1hls swlLch-over from one pose Lo
anoLher ls besL achleved by overlaylng Lhe Lwo lmages and
maklng Lhe old lmage dlsappear whlle Lhe new one appears.


This is how its done:
Weve already asslgned Lhe "lrom 8elow" and "Pandy" effecL
Lo "1hlnklng Cuy's" enLry, now we asslgn Lhe "no-LffecL" Lo hls
exlL, whlch means LhaL he wlll [usL dlsappear once hls duraLlon
bar ends. We now shorLen Lhe duraLlon bar Lo end aL second
2. Whlch means LhaL Lhe characLer ls scraLchlng hls chln for 1
second (from sec1 Lo sec2).
now we drag Lhe "Pappy Cuy" characLer from Lhe "anlmaLed
characLers" llbrary secLlon Lo Lhe scene - place hlm dlrecLly
over "1hlnklng Cuy" and seL Lhe duraLlon bar Lo sLarL aL
second 2. We asslgn a "no-LffecL" Lo Lhe enLry whlch means
LhaL as "1hlnklng Cuy" dlsappears, "Pappy" appears.
now all we have Lo do ls ad[usL Lhe lengLh of Pappy's duraLlon
bar Lo end aL second 3 and glve hlm our chosen exlL effecL.
volla! 1haL's our maln characLer Laken care of.
8uL we forgoL one Lhlng.... We wanLed a llghL bulb Lo appear
Lo lndlcaLe LhaL our Cuy has a greaL ldea.
1he volce gulde lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe rlghL Llme for Lhls ls aL
second 3. So we drag Lhe llghL bulb from Lhe rops secLlon and
ad[usL Lhe duraLlon bar Lo "op-ln" aL second 3.
We have our flrsL scene!


8evlew Lhe sLeps we Look Lo creaLe Lhe flrsL scene:
1. urag "1hlnklng" lnLo screen - Choose enLry/exlL effecL and
ad[usL duraLlon bar
2. urag "Pappy" lnLo scene - Choose enLry/exlL effecL and
ad[usL duraLlon bar
3. urag "LlghL bulb" lnLo scene - Choose enLry/exlL effecL and
ad[usL duraLlon bar

l know lL Look a few pages Lo explaln, buL ln reallLy our flrsL
scene should Lake us less Lhan 2 mlnuLes Lo compleLe!
Ckay, now you have Lo do Lhe same for scene 2, scene 3 and
so on, populaLlng Lhe slldes and Llmlng Lhe lmages. We arenL
almlng aL perfecL maLches beLween volce and lmage aL Lhls
sLage, buL [usL a rough match... well do Lhe flne Lunlng ln SLep
Cnce all slldes are populaLed, we have Lhe flrsL drafL of our
1he process of creaLlng a ow1oon ls lncredlbly fun, buL aL Lhe
same Llme lL forces you Lo be very clear abouL whaL you wanL
Lo convey Lo your audlence. 1hls helps boLh you and Lhem Lo
really CL1 whaL you wanL Lo say.
lf you sLay focused, you can have your whole ow1oon done
ln 30 mlnuLes lLA1!


I,#H F G !0A0-1
1hls lasL sLep can acLually have Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL effecL on
the professional look and feel of your final resulL.
Along wlLh a professlonal volceover, Lhls ls where you can
really make your ow1oon shlne.
We go Lhrough Lhe whole ow1oon, checklng LhaL we have all
Lhe Llmlng rlghL and maklng lasL changes and addlLlons.
1he ow1oon Llmellne and effecLs/duraLlon bar are deslgned
Lo help you easlly ad[usL Lhe appearance and Llmlng of all Lhe
elemenLs on Lhe screen.

1he lcons under Lhe Llmellne allow you Lo selecL any ob[ecL
LhaL appears ln Lhls scene wlLhouL havlng Lo scroll Lhrough Lhe
enLlre Llmellne.
So leL's sLarL off by playlng Lhe whole ow1oon from Lhe sLarL
and maklng noLes where Lhlngs don'L qulLe maLch.


|ay A||: p|ay ent|re ow1oon from the start unt|| the end

?ou can now llsLen Lo Lhe volceover runnlng ln Lhe background
and make sure LhaL all Lhe vlsual elemenLs reflecL whaL you
hear. 1he more accuraLely you Llme Lhls, Lhe more awesome
Lhe flnal resulL!
lf you geL Lo a place where Lhe volceover and lmagery don'L
maLch - or someLhlng ls mlsslng - hlL Lhe pause buLLon and
ad[usL Lhe duraLlon bar of Lhe ob[ecLs ln quesLlon.
lf you feel LhaL Lhe scene ls Loo shorL, add Lhe requlred
number of seconds Lo Lhe Llmellne.
1haL's lL! 1haL's how you creaLe an awesome anlmaLed
ow1oon LhaL capLlvaLes - engages - and calls Lo acLlon.


< =#+S 2-90B#( !0H

l ofLen geL asked why we llmlLed Lhe Llme lnLervals ln
ow1oon Lo full seconds, so LhaL you can only place ob[ecLs
one full second aparL, raLher Lhan 1/4 or 1/2 seconds, for
1o answer Lhls quesLlon, l musL geL a llLLle phllosophlcal:
When we seL ouL Lo creaLe ow1oon, we wanLed Lo bulld a
Lool LhaL enables non-Lechnlcal, non-deslgn people Lo achleve
excepLlonal, creaLlve resulLs. CranLed, we dldnL alm Lo
replace anlmaLlon or deslgn sLudlos, buL we dld have a vlslon
of empowerlng any user Lo achleve really awesome resulLs
resulLs Lyplcally unaLLalnable wlLhouL flash sofLware
knowledge, deslgn skllls, or anlmaLlon ablllLles.
So we needed Lo equlp ow1oon wlLh many of Lhe baslc
bulldlng blocks of deslgn and anlmaLlon, and make Lhem so
seamless LhaL Lhey appear almosL non-exlsLenL. 1hey needed
Lo be an unnoLlceable parL of Lhe landscape, so Lhey would
noL dlsLracL from Lhe acLual Lask aL hand, LhaL of creaLlng an
awesome vldeo cllp.
lor example: Pandy PowToons helplng hand - may seem Lo
be [usL a hand LhaL ls aLLached Lo an ob[ecL, buL ln reallLy
Lheres a complex background algorlLhm LhaL smooLhes Lhe
enLry and exlL of Lhe hand and creaLes a reallsLlc paLh so Lhe
moLlon doesnL look roboLlc or sLrange. lL's Lhe same wlLh
every oLher ob[ecL wlLhln ow1oon Lhe greaLesL efforL has
been made Lo make Lhe deslgn and anlmaLlon hurdle



AL Lhe same Llme, llmlLaLlons had Lo be seL LhaL would sLop
people from geLLlng frusLraLed by lndeclslon or confuslon. 1he
full second lnLerval ls one such llmlLaLlon.
ln Lhe beauLlful words of AnLolne de SalnL-Lxupery (AuLhor of
1he LlLLle rlnce)
"ln anyLhlng aL all, perfecLlon ls flnally aLLalned noL when
Lhere ls no longer anyLhlng Lo add, buL when Lhere ls no longer
anyLhlng Lo Lake away."
Weve made Lhe efforL Lo Lake away as much as posslble so
LhaL our users can slmply concenLraLe on geLLlng Lhelr
messages across ln Lhe besL way posslble...
Now its up to you to go and create something awesome!
8y the way heres the finished: PowToon for Startups Video

Click here to watch PowToon for Startups Clip


2I !?5=5 < I?X=!*Y!!

lf Lhls whole process ls Loo compllcaLed or cumbersome for
you and all you wanL ls a greaL anlmaLed vldeo or presenLaLlon
wlLhouL Lhe hassle of dolng lL yourself...Lhen l can Lell you LhaL
you are noL alone. ln facL we anLlclpaLed LhaL aL ow1oon!
Although we dont encourage it, we recognize that many
people would [usL llke Lo have an anlmaLed vldeo creaLed for
Lhem aL an affordable prlce, raLher Lhan Lhe usual $2,000 Lo
$23,000 lL can cosL.
lf you would llke a ow1oon, buL don'L have Lhe Llme or Lhe
energy Lo make one yourself, you can have someone creaLe a
ow1oon for you (or your buslness) for around $400 - $700.
!usL go Lo Lhe ow1oon SLudlo and ask a professlonal for help:
1hey wlll wrlLe Lhe scrlpL, arrange Lhe volceover, and creaLe an
awesome ow1oon for you.
Pere are some examples of whaL MasLer ow1oonlsLs from
Lhe ow1oon SLudlo have creaLed.



WheLher you become a ow1oonlsL yourself or hlre a MasLer
ow1oonlsL Lo creaLe one for you, we wlsh you happy
powLoonlng and much success ln your buslness!


< %#(9&-+S 3&,# )(&A ,"# Y-0@&(-
l puL a loL of efforL lnLo Lhe wrlLlng of Lhls book ln Lhe hope of
glvlng you a Lremendous amounL of value.
1hank you for accepLlng Lhls glfL and maklng Lhe mosL of lL.
ln Lhe splrlL of glvlng you huge value, l have lncluded a speclal
llnk Lo a bonus excluslve Lo Lhe book readers.
Cllck Lo unwrap your presenL:

Much success and happy powLoonlng

PowToons Chief Unicorn
.S. l would love Lo hear your LhoughLs and commenLs on Lhe
book, please wrlLe dlrecLly Lo me llya[




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Grab viewers
aLLenLlon and
convlnce hlm
LhaL you are
Lalklng Lo hlm
)/7, 89 7)/:;<=)>
/>:/ ?@A :B7
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So youve got this amazing idea thats going
*- H#I% J-2 *"% &%K* ;5$$ E#*%3LLL
13 Words
?eah, you know whaL, l do have
an awesome idea that Im trying
Lo geL off Lhe ground. l'll glve you
30 seconds Lo convlnce me LhaL
you have someLhlng LhaL could
work for me.

Cuy scraLchlng hls
chln Lhlnklng Lhen
he has an ldea and
becomes happy.
Fuel viewers
)/7, M9 ,@=D/ @A/
/>7 ,B@;<7G

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R2* *"%51 %J%3 S23* '$#T% -N%1L
30 Words
Well, l have Lo explaln my
producL somehow, and l have a
preLLy compelllng sLory...whaL do
you wanL me Lo do?
WhlLeboard wlLh
flow charL and Cuy
lnvesLor geLLlng

Convlnce Lhe
vlewer LhaL you
have someLhlng
relevanL Lo say
)/7, U9 =DV=!:/7
/>:/ ?@A >:67 :
)@<A/=@D @B
/>:/ ?@A
ADV7B)/:DV />7
,B@;<7G B7:<<?
Heres the thing: The instant you start talking
*- #& 5&N%3*-1 -1 423*-H%1Q *"%51 5&&%1
stopwatch starts ticking... And youve got 90
3%4-&O3 H#K R%0-1% *"%J 4-H+$%*%$J .15*%
J-2 -00X
=3 *"%1% 3-H% H#'54 .#J #1-2&O *"53 H%&*#$
1-#O R$-4IY
39 Words

WhaL? 1hey wrlLe me off afLer
just 90 seconds? Surely youre
SLopwaLch Llcklng
whlle Cuy ls Lalklng.
Cuy geLs punched
afLer 90 seconds.
Cuy ls de[ecLed.


"#$%%&'(& )*&+ ,-./--' 0-1 )*$1*2+3 )415+* Conversation in Viewers Head 6532$%3
)#-. *#&
7&'&05*3 -0 235'(
8-21 +1-924* -1
S1L 4: kLSLN1

You better believe there is! Because youre
watch|ng |t r|ght now! Its called a PowToon -
a s|mp|e, super engag|ng way to keep
investors and customers attention
throughout your ent|re p|tch.
ow1oons trans|ate your p|tches |nto
dynam|c, short an|mat|ons that eas||y connect
w|th your aud|ence, show|ng them exact|y
why your bus|ness deserves the|r attent|on -
and the|r money!
And if they want further proof that youre a
savvy bus|ness owner, [ust |et them know you
created an |ncred|b|e v|deo p|tch for 2 of the
cost it wouldve run you to outsource to a
profess|ona| an|mator or stud|o.
;< =-193
)-2'93 %5>& *#53 4-2%9 -00&1 ?&
3-?&*#5'( :$%2$7%&@ =#$* 9- 8-2
.$'* ?& *- 9- '-.A

B28 53 321+153&9@
C--? -2* *- 1&:&$%
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3$*5305&9 .5*#
B&* *#& :5&.&1 *-
*$>& $ 3*&+ 5'
8-21 951&4*5-'
So s|gn up today and br|ng out the
awesomeness |n your bus|ness!
DE =-193
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7& H23* *#& *#5'( I '&&9 *- 4-':&8
?8 ?&33$(& 5' $ 7&**&1 .$8@
191 Words

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