Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani - Al Islam الإسلام - Deen-ul-Haqq دين الحق

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Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani - Al Islam | Deen-ul-Haqq

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Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani

Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani

Details Published on Saturday, 27 August 2011 00:00 Written by Badr Azimbadi Syed Mir Ali Hamdani is at the top of the list of those religious scholars and spiritual guides who spent their entire lives spreading the Message of Allah (swt) in the green valleys of Kashmir. He was not only sincere, but also one of the most active propagators of Islam. He was a great crusader and a man of piety, purity, courage and determination. He did a lot in promoting education in the valley and aimed at bringing local Kashmiris back to the path of real guidance. He brought about a manifest revolution in the world of Kashmiri culture, civilisation, society and religion. With his tireless efforts Islam penetrated deep into the hearts of Kashmiris and gained firm ground. The seed of Islamic sense and activity could not be uprooted, and has not since that time. His personality electrified the entire atmosphere with his virtuous thoughts and acts of piety. Shah Hamdani's life was not only limited to religious activities and spiritual exercise; he was a man of achievement through action and lived his life thus. He toured Muslim countries three times over and surveyed the individual Islamic mission of each place within respected boundaries. According to various sources it has been noted that he was born in Hamdan in 1313 C.E. His lineage derived from Hazrat Imam Zainul Abideen. His father was Syed Shahabuddin. Some sources relate that he was the leader of Hamdan and therefore had a close relationship with the nobility and elite of society. Shah Hamdani's mother, Seyyida Fatima, was a very virtuous lady. Syed Ali Hamdani not only belonged to a noble family, and he was very intelligent and sagacious too. He showed signs of truth and guidance from any early age. He began his education under the supervision of his maternal uncle, Hazrat Alauddaula Samnani and underwent his initial lessons from him. It was under his guidance that he memorised the holy Quran in addition to learning other Islamic sciences. He received spiritual training too. At a later date he was entrusted to a pious saint Shaikh Taqiuddin Abul Barkat Ali Dosti. He infused in Syed Ali Hamdani a deep sense of human divinity and human service in purity and sincerity. He was given training in spiritual exercise this created in him the power to curb carnal desires. Since Syed Ali Hamdani was a son of a ruler it was necessary to restrain any sense of arrogance so that it may not have overpowered him in any way. Factors such as wealth, luxuries, alongside comforts and pleasures of life can lead to many evils of life. These factors can only be controlled by putting oneself into disgrace. Hence his mentor entrusted him the job of collecting the shoes of visitors. A later duty involved sweeping the khanqah. All such duties were accepted gracefully and cheerfully. Syed Ali Hamdani returned to Ali Dosti once again after six others. After the death of his spiritual guide and mentor he began undertaking long journeys where he made calling people to Islam the mission of His life. These journeys were very hard and tedious and suffered untold miseries and hardships in Allah's path. He did all this with undaunted courage and fearlessness power at his command. He never compromised on principles nor bowed before any power of the day. His bitter truth and plain talking drew many opponents around him but did not care for opposition. Scholars and rulers opposed him

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Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani - Al Islam | Deen-ul-Haqq

alike but he refused from calling a spade a spade. He remained unchanged throughout his life because he never developed any desire for wealth and comfort. Physical desire and wealth were of least interest to him. It has been said that once Amit Temur had called him for a meeting. He had heard, Syed Ali Hamdani never sat with his back towards the Kaaba. The sitting arrangement was deliberately contrived so that the Kaaba would be towards his back. Temur said to him "I have heard that you never sit with your back towards the kaaba, But today you seem to be sitting against your normal discipline." Syed Ali Hamadani replied; "Certainly one who faces you turns the kaaba down" Syed Hamdani replied without fear. "I have heard that you are making efforts to build your empire" The Syed replied; "I am above both the worlds. I know the inns and outs of this world. My soul objective is the love of Almighty Allah. About the empire I have once seen in a dream that a lame dog came and took it away." He then added the axiom of Hazrat Ali: "The world is a dead corpse and the desirous are like dogs" He then concluded his remark: "I am inclined to the hereafter and have no desire for this world: hence keep patient." Temur became highly impressed with his utterances apologising for his offensive attitude and requested his forgiveness and that he stayed. The Syed declined the request and remarked that he was appointed for Kashmir and his duty was to spread Islam there. There he found no trace of Islam; the city was covered by places of idol-worship instead of mosques. Even the ruler of Kashmir had dreamt that the sun was appearing from the South. Interpreting the dream a Buddhist monk had said that a saint from Mawara'un nahar would come and illuminate all by the light of Islam. Some sources say that the Syed arrived in Kashmir with a big band of seven hundred men including his relatives. After illuminating the valley with the light of spiritual power and service to mankind, he breathed his last breath on January 14 in 1385. Having arrived in Kashmir Shah Shah Hamdan settled at Allauddinpura and set up a centre at the bank of river Jhelum. It was here where he lighted a can which kept the valley lighted for a long period. People of all classes from various parts of the land would come to the centre to quench their thirst. Although the Kashmiris knew something about Islam before the advent of Syed Ali Hamdani but they were quite unaware of the creed of Tauheed (oneness of Allah). They knew nothing about the purity of faith and the spirit of Islam. Some of the Muslims used to go to the places of idol worship. The masses and the ruler of Kashmir had been keeping Hindu creeds. They bowed before idols and adorned Brahmins. Shah Hamdan raised the slogan of truth and taught the oneness of God with the sound of Laillaha illallaha Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah.' He established a pure system of propagating Islam. All the historians agreed to the fact that at least 27 thousand non-Muslims embraced Islam under his influence. With his relentless efforts and paramount sacrifices the culture and civilisation of Kashmir were revolutionised to the core and the current thought was changed. Shah Hamdan was also a great moralist. Moral values of Islam were very dear to him. His moral precepts are very valuable and need to be followed because they emerge out of his Islamic sense and practice. It is a lust of luxuries and worldly power that lead men to the valley of sins and crimes. Hence all the religious guides and saints have stressed detachments from the worldly life with its luxuries and comforts. Too much attachment with the worldly life leads to moral decadence and depravity. Shah Hamdan also taught his disciples and men at large to renounce the worldly life and work more towards the next life which is eternal. He explains that this world is a prison for those on the spiritual path, where the feet of the delicate spirit is fettered and chained. But in spite of this confinement the soul is free. It is affected by the company

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Amir Kabir, Sayyid Ali Hamdani - Al Islam | Deen-ul-Haqq

and adopts evil habits. He further writes that moral change may be affected through the exercise of the self. For this it is necessary that one is attached with any spiritual guide. As a pearl can be held from the ocean and a ruby from a mine. Similarly, perfection can be achieved through a perfect person. Thus if the company of a man of heart is available, capture it and hold firmly to it. Add comment Name (required) E-mail (required, but will not display)

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