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A Cage is Always a Cage People are imprisoning themselves in their hells and in their paradises also, in their satisfaction,

in what they believe to be their rewards for their good act s and their good hearts. But again it's imprisonment. As I said to to one of the se church dignitaries: "Whether a cage is made of rusty dirty wire or of golden wires decorated with diamonds, A cage is always a cage". Criticism Following the instructions of Christ, you should never criticize anyone, you sh ould never accuse anyone, and you should never suspect anyone, because you creat e an elemental injuring him. Yes, we have seen this fellow so many times doing that, and that, and that. Yes, seeing him doing that, gladly we suspect that his intentions are that or that. Be kinder to him. Because, even if that fellow had the intention, by suspecting him, you push him. You send him and push him to do that. But, not suspecting, sending a wish, you stop him. A though is really a g reat force . a great force. So we should be careful of this kind of force: thought . Check your Intentions The Researcher of Truth, parallel to theory we must have the practical side and parallel to knowledge we must have virtue. Because, God help us, if we gain po wers and we canst use them for good. Your teachers , with great sadness will be forced to close you down so you won t do any harm. We had student researchers o f the truth who had advanced and thought that their teachers we not aware of the ir intentions. Advanced Researchers of Truth There are advanced Researchers of Truth belonging to the inner circle. They are not ordinary people. They are the ones whose self-aware centre point of their s elf, is the soul, not the personality. They have conquered the personality and have placed it under the control and guidance of their Inner Self. They are the ones that know who they are and what they are. They have found themselves. An d I wish for all of you to do the same. Crucifixion Crucifixion Who will crucify us and who will be crucified so that we will be res urrected? In our system, we will be the crucifiers. But crucify whom? We crucif y the egoism of ourpresent day personality! The egoism of the present-day person ality has to die so that the real Self will be resurrected. unless you crucify t he time-and-place evil egoism don't expect your own Self to be resurrected. We have to crucify our present day personality, not in a moment, but every moment. How? Finding out the reality concerning our way of life, our intentions, our des ires, our emotions. This is the way of arresting the egoism and depriving of its power. Bad Use of the Mind How are we making bad use of this Mind-substance and the etheric vitality? By th e way we are living. I will not call it sinning, I will call it getting experie nces. Now, what is our psychical or emotional body? Our desires, our intentions. And our thoughts? And our thoughts. Joining the Third and the Second Heavens, w e are using the Mind in its noetical nature enslaving it to the emotions and des ires. By what right are you doing that? "Whatever one sows, so he shall reap." Whatever one thinks of (wishes to have by putting his mind, his intention to it) is sowing.. Gone Astray We may see that human beings today have gone astray. Just by studying and knowin

g the truth about what is Life, we see that people are slaves of the circumstanc es they have created by making bad use of the emotions and desires. By such a wa y of thinking; what have they created in the subconsciousness of their personali ty? Habits, evil thoughts, fixed ideas, weaknesses, passions; very bad elementa ls, whose outcome is what? A kind of self-punishment: agony, pain, and just bei ng in confusion. Will-Power vs. Obstinacy Introspection is checking your desires, intentions, and the quality of your pers onality. Don't think it's an easy task to do because the egoism of your personal ity is very, very clever. It does not surrender so easily. What you need is to e xercise your will-power and insist. Does the egoism, the sum-total of the human demons, possess a will-power? No. But it expresses something we call stupid obst inacy, insisting on what it wants. It's not difficult for you to distinguish you r real Will-Power from egoism's obstinacy and stupidity. So, in introspection al l you need is to be on the alert and make a good analysis of your personality. Know the Truth Yourself Christ said: "Know the truth and the truth will set you free" (from illusions). He did not say let the others know the truth and you just accept what they say. Nobody can satisfy his hunger by seeing others eating. He himself has to eat. Who am I really? Many are coming to me saying "Yes, sir, who am I really?" Am I going to tell you ? You must find out! I'll just show you the way. Showing you the way you work it out. This is Life. This is what we should know in life. To know what we are and who we are. Helping Others No one can help another person unless by comparison, which means showing them a better state of conditions so that they may choose. Yet, at least eighty percent of the people will not make the change! Enlightened Ones Of course, these Wise Ones, these Enlightened Ones through these centuries in al l the places of the world, of the planet, have described approximately the same things. Why not exactly the same things? Because of their ability of seeing, und erstanding and interpreting things they have seen. Entering Oneness One can never enter the One-ness of God unless one enters into the one-ness of h is companion The First Result What is the first result in reasoning and using the Mind? The purification of th e Heart. Form Nothing can exist unless it has a form. Form is a steady law, expressed in the i llusion of time and space.

Hells are Hospitals Hells are hospitals where you can find God. Even the places you consider hells are good and beautiful. Yet, each one over there is closed up in his shell, seei ng things as he feels them. This is the difference from the material world. Peop le are living in what we call their shells

Loving God Nobody can claim that he loves God if he doesnt love the other human beings aroun d him. The hand that heals and cures is not the hand that slaps or beats!

Finding Our Way What does it mean to find our way? In religion, we say "back home". Where is bac k home? On some other planet? Many stupid persons think that evolution means goi ng to other planets. It is not necessary to change place in the outside environm ent, but to change place in the Kingdom of the Heavens within us. So we have to change place within us. The Worst Illness All illnesses are the outcome of our transgressions and contraventions against t he Laws of Nature. And the worst illness is dissatisfaction... A Guide A guide is a better term than teacher or master. A guide will give you his hand . Get it! He will walk with you some distance. But he will not carry you on his shoulders! He can hold the torch of light and truth in his hand. Get advantage of that and walk to find the truth! An Initial Lesson So, one of the first lessons one has to learn is to study one s self as a personal ity, and then, develop this personality to higher and higher, and higher levels of consciousness, to reach the Self-Realization, becoming the master of the thre e bodies (Material, Psychical & Noetical, combining them in one form, one s human form, but now clean and pure; not contaminated by egoism, not dirty now. Composition of the Personality So, our personality is composed by the elementals. I call them desire or emotion -thought forms and pure thought-forms. I also call them human demons and human a ngels composing our personality. Though the Elementals are not visible in the m aterial world now they are full of energy and we are always under their burden. The whole life of a man or a woman on the material plane, being happy or misera ble, depends upon the weight and the nature of these Elementals, which although invisible, are most powerful. The purity and the nature of these elementals is t he purity and the nature of our personality! Who is the Virgin Mary? It is not important to whom you pray. For the Russians it is to the Virgin Mar y of Kasan, for many Greeks is to the Holy Virgin of Tinos or the Virgin Mary o f Lourde and so on. How do all these thousands of created elementals of the Vir gin Mary relate to the real Virgin Mary? Are they all just useless fantasies ? No. Virgin Mary is the Absolute Self-Awareness within the universes the Supe rconscious Self-Awareness surrounding our planet. Therefore every one and every thing is within her. When you think of praying to the Virgin Mary to help a lo ved one, She is aware of it long after you have forgotten the prayer. Seekers Now, to call yourselves Seekers of the Truth is a great honour for you. Because, what is the truth? Knowing the reality, concerning life and your own selves. Y ou may be a man or woman, that is what you are. But who you are. You are an eter nal-Soul-Spirit-Being, a god. So, the Seeker of the Truth must find the reality of this great truth. Freedom in the Higher Dimensions The four-dimensional and the five-dimensional worlds coincide in certain subplan

es, but still they are different in the other subplanes. And I am telling you, w hen you are self-conscious by observation in these worlds, the psychical and the noetical worlds; you are free to go anywhere, to any place in any subplane you wish to if you become the master of these worlds. Those who are in lower subplan es cannot go to a higher plane or subplane unless they cast away from them the w eight that keeps them there and the weights are certain qualities in their perso nality. So, we have to clean our individuality from the rags of the personality. Black Magic Black magic is a fact, not a lot of nonsense. I am afraid I cannot reveal any m ore. It is not permissible to speak openly, because, one can gain powers which h e already is misusing. By knowing more well, we don't want to create black magic ians. There are enough bad persons already. Showing phenomena is magic, and we a re not going to create magicians! You must have that in your mind. I myself at l east, am the worst opponent of magic. Nature Spirits Do the Nature Spirits forming the phenomena of life, do they enjoy the life in t he sensitive and the instinctive way of living? They must. Can we human beings c ome in touch with these Nature Spirits and understand how intelligent there are? Yes, when you develop in yourself your self-consciousness (not yet the Self-Sup erconsciousness) you can come in contact with these nature spirits, provided you can come in contact with the ruling Archangel and the Angels above them. Clairvoyance Many are coming to me and saying, "Sir, I want to become a clairvoyant!" Of cour se, I laugh, "What for? To see what? Did you grow up in reality to know what's Life and to know what to see, or just simply to catch glimpses of something her e and there from the psychical planee and then color it according to the qualit y of your personality and claim that you are saying the truth ?" So, clairvoyan ce and clairaudience means nothing if the one who is supposed to use it is not d eveloped. What they have seen and given us shows their development and the qua lity of their personality. They are just coloring what they have seen. Elementals Persuade Now, we shall see the energy or the power of the emotion elementals. An elementa l is created by a desire. What is a desire now, which is the main cause of birth of all elementals, of emotion-thought elementals? Starting with the composition of an elemental the Present-Day Personality of a man obeys the law of the eleme ntals which is the law of attraction as knowing and having. Seeing something you want to know it and have it. So, when seeing something, the already created ele mental persuades you subconsciously to know more about it so that it may get str ength and energy. Temptations and Tests Of course, human beings should be tempted just to gain their way, getting the st rength to become victorious in that struggle. That's why God is giving us these tests. Reincarnation Reincarnation is a fact and it has been proven many, many, many times. It is. On e of the proofs is the law of the cause and effect. "Whatever you sow, so you sh all reap," said Joshua Emmanuel. You may see people dying happy in this incarnat ion, but what's to come next, in another incarnation? Was Joshua a liar saying, "What you sow you, so you shall reap," while you see people that are doing so ma ny vices, so many crimes, dying peacefully in their homes? No. And is God so unj ust for a boy born lame, paralyzed and in suffering? . No. If you sow goods see ds you will have a good product. This is the truth. Individuality

One should not have the fear that by passing over he or she as an I-ness can be lost. No! Because even our personality, self-consciousness, is God. It's immort al. And, when Joshua the Godman, Christ, addressing people, common people, the f ishermen, everybody, said "Ye are Gods and the Sons of the Almighty", he was add ressing the personalities of all those people. So, each one of us as an individu ality (which is purified personality) is immortal. Psychical World So, the psychic world is exactly the same as the material world. There you can s ee mountains, seas, lakes, trees, everything. The psychical world of our planet is exactly the same as our material world, and in it there are many, many things and much, much more than what you can find on the material plane of our planet. And, that's the world we'll some day pass over to leaving behind our material b ody, but not the psychical body. The psychical body has a form and it is the mou ld in which the material body is composed. So, there is no such a thing as death Solidity Solid is something we are feeling and not something which is in reality. For a m an or a woman living in his material body a thing is solid when he is feeling it as solid through his body. So, for a fellow who is leaving his gross material b ody in exosomatosis (when one knows how to do that) and for the one who is leavi ng it by the phenomenon of death of his material body (not of his death there is no death for the personality) solid is the world vibrating to the same rate of vibrations with the body they are living in. Cunningness of Elementals Speaking about the general laws concerning the elementals, an elemental never ha s a greater intelligence than the fellow who is giving it life. But, it's very c unning in trying to prolong its life and since it's the necessity of an elementa l to prolong its life, to get more power and energy, its cunning is maybe greate r, much greater, than the cunning of the person who has created it. Weaving Laws Into Forms The Archangels, expressing their Archangelic Selfhood (Self-Awareness) according to its nature (and cooperating together in a most perfect way) are using the Su per-substance of the Mind, formless, having in it the Principals, the Ideas, the Causes, the Laws, weaving with them the worlds of forms. How? Using the Mind. M editating. I said weaving the Laws and the Causes into the worlds of the forms a nd in this way constructing the worlds of existence. The Fallen Ones The Fallen Archangels who have wrapped themselves with the Veils of Darkness, di d they cease to be Archangels? No. Have they come out of the oneness of God? No, they are there, but they wrapped themselves with that veil of illusion we call darkness. God is in them. If God was not in them, they wouldn't exist (and they are immortal Beings). The same is with the human beings. We are in God, we are i n the oneness of God,the oneness of the Absolute Infinite Beingness, otherwise w e wouldn't exist and we would not be (as immortal Beings). Spirit Soul Self The Spirit-Soul-Self is not easily described in words. Even if one knows his nat ure, he cannot find words to explain. And creating words? Those words would mean nothing to you because nothing can be conceived that you don't know. So, in rea lity, the world, the Heavens, the universes are far, far more different then you think they are, and they are holy. It is the expression, the manifestation of t he Infinite Beingness. Even matter is holy, and matter is solid Mind, because, a s I said, everything existing is the Mind in various rates of vibration and vari ous frequencies. Beyond the Seven Heavens

There are other Heavens beyond the seventh. I said that the human intelligence c an reach only the Seventh Heaven. Beyond that he is no more a human being. He is something else. He is a god. For those worlds of dimensions it is not permissib le to reveal much. War of the Elementals There is a constant fighting between the elementals in the personality of a huma n being, between what is good and what is bad (I don't want to use to word evil) . So, there is a constant clash and war between them in you. Sometimes this clas h, this war, if these elementals are in the extremes, may make a personality unh appy. Entering the Heavens To enter these kingdoms self-consciously you have to develop your self-conscious ness here, in the gross material world. This is what Christ was teaching His dis ciples all the time. Unclean Personality What makes our Present-Day Personality unclean? What is our Present-Day Personal ity but the creation of time-and-place? What is it? We said it is the sum-total of the elementals we have created by our impressions, by making an image of our pety self (our personal egoism). So, we have to separate and disentangle our rea l Self from the image in the mirror, the three-fold mirror, that means the mater ial body, the psychical body, and the noetical body. And what will we find out? That we, the real Self, - are not the bodies. Matter is not creating the selfhoo d. Pyramid When you read in books about a pyramid you do not understand what does that mean . (Of course, these are the things given in our inner and the inmost circles). T he whole material world, everything material (gross material from a galaxy to an y kind of form) has as a symbol of it a pyramid with a four sided base. This is the law of this material world of three dimension. Each side of this pyramid is symbolizing one of the four elements I have spoken about. Imagine now through vi sualization a pyramid of any size you like with a foursided base and with four t riangular sides. Every side of this pyramid symbolizes one of the elements. Psycho-Noetical Creatures. Yet, one should study his personality. Studying the personality we study the con dition of ours so-called psychic body, because our personality is a product of t he so-called elementals composing it, which are psycho-noetical creatures. Creat ures? Yes,with the word creature I mean things which are created by us. So, one of our branches of study faces boldly and with courage the present-day condition of our personality, because, only in this way we shall study and face our probl ems which lead the personality of a man or a woman to great, great confusions to day, even leading people to commit suicide. Passing Over & Looking Back What is the first impression of those who are living in the psychical world soon after they leave their material body in the change called death? Can they see t heir material body lying there dead? Some do. The Angels try not to let them see their material body dead. Yet, if they are self-conscious of all the things the y can see it. When can they see it? If they know exosomatosis getting out of the body self-consciously. Then, you can see your material body there, even enter i n it. Of course, by passing over, it is not difficult just to see your gross mat erial body dead. Then you know, "I am not dead. It is the material body which is dead". Missing Years of Christ? A high dignitary in the church told me one day: "We don't know what Joshua Imman

uel the Christ was doing until the 30-th year of His life". I said, "Reverend fa ther, did you read New Testament well?" He said, "Yes, of course". I said, "How had Christ prepared his expert healers, seventy of them, if He did not have time to do that? He had that time to do it." Possession by Elementals Can Elementals get in possession of the body or the personality of a man? In gro ups of the same kind, yes. On one occasion, as Joshua was on the other side of G alilee, among the fishermen (Shabadai and others) that were going to Bethsaida, there were two demon-possessed men who were living naked in tombs. When they sa w Joshua they said, "We know who you are." That means, they (the elementals) had intellect. "You have come to chase us to darkness?" They knew what Joshua was g oing to do. He said, "Who are you?" They said, "A legion, we are many". He freed those two men and they became right. Nirvana? I had a very advanced. Buddhist who said to me, "Sir, are you sure you have a s elf?" I started laughing. I said, "Yes! This is what is your mistake! Your Nirva na doesn't mean annihilation, it doesn't mean nothingness! Otherwise why did God allow the prodigal son to go out and get his experiences and come back?" He kne w the lost son would come back. It is in the Divine Plan. What for? The human b ody are constructed and they are kept in good order for the development of a ki nd of material, personal self to get experiences and bring them back home, to it s own Divine Nature.

Using the Mind Sub-Consciously I was with a boy, an illiterate boy, who hardly finished the third grade of an e lementary school. He didn't even know how to write his name properly. We were ta lking and I was trying to see how that boy is feeling and thinking. I asked him "What do you like George?" "When I grow up I want to buy a Mercedes." "Really? I said" "Yes." I asked him to describe me a Mercedes and he made a full descrip tion of a nice Mercedes. So, he was using the key of Visualization but subconsci ously, without knowing it. Anybody, even an illiterate fellow (man or a woman) i s using the Super-substance of the Mind subconsciously. A New Body Our band of Invisible Helpers finds great difficulty in explaining to a departed fellow that their material body is decaying under the earth and that they are u sing their psychical body now. It is different if they are educated and taught t o observe the differences from the material world and the new laws of the psychi cal plane, but how many of them understand? Two or three in a hundred. They may understand this but they still feel scared. Light Light for human beings, as long as they have their material eyes opened, is only a very, very limited range of vibrations. Now, in the Symbol of Life: usually w e paint it on a black background. What is that black background? The Super Light , not seen with the material eyes. There is super light, the psychic light kno wn as astral light and the noetical light. There is no place where there is no l ight, because, God is Light. Since God is Light is, since God exists Light exist s. So, Light is everywhere. Of course, more cannot be revealed. Intimation of the Soul-Self The present personality likes to deceive and quite often to impersonate the inne r self. This has been observed in psychology and parapsychology. When you begin your research on Introspection, care must be taken to avoid falling into this t rap. We must make it clear from the beginning as to which is the Inner Self as Permanent Personality and which is the present-day personality, the latter one i

s under examination, the one that likes to impersonate the role of the Inner Sel f. Speaking Freely I am telling you that fifty years ago we could not talk of these truths without running the risk of being arrested. Today we can speak freely of these great tr uths. As time goes by many people will study and soon they will be taught these lessons in schools. Studies of psychology, parapsychology and self control, wi ll be the staring point and then, we will progress into studying the Inner Self and how a human being can build character and live by principles, and not under the spells of his desires and effects of his environment: by unbridled desires a nd thoughts, but under true rationalism. Feeling Annoyed Lets say that this morning you got up feeling annoyed without a reason. Why? W hat does it mean: I got up feeling annoyed and nobody can talk to me? What i s happening? Someone within will question why. What is the reason? A loved p erson of ours or even a stranger may tell us something and at the slightest prov ocation we become aggressive. You will come across this kind of behaviour daily . We must take the time to research and find the cause of such behaviour and sa y, "No, in the future this will not happen, I will be the master of situations, I will smile or turn away from provocation." Elementals Change No two Present-Day Personalities are the same in the constitution of their perso nality and in the kind of life these elementals are living in that personality's aura. Because, usually you can trace them in the aura of the etheric double.. An elemental is created just as a man is born naked. Yet, that man grows, and gr ows changing his appearance and dressing himself. It is the same with elementals . They are created good or bad (it depends), but then they have to dress themsel ves with what I call certain color. Their color will show their nature and their ability and strength in expressing themselves in the personality. Not Gulity Entering your sub conscious, don't be misled by emotions and by things, but star t firm without emotions. Say, "No, I am not guilty for anything you [your egoism ] have done! I am the observer. I am the one who wants to know now." Because, th is stupid egoism of yours is very, very cunning. When you enter and start intros pection, it comes and says, "I and you," just trying to make these two the same saying: "we are guilty." And what does this create if you accept it? A masochist ic state of things which is much more dangerous. Now we shall make corrections; no time for masochistic behavior and no time for giving reasons and excuses Masochistic Behavior You must not condemn your self-aware personality because that would be an act of masochism, an act which should disgust a researcher of truth despite the fact i t is found in the lives and conduct of the so called ascetics of various religio ns. This sort of masochistic behaviour is not for us. We will treat the presen t personality just as a mother would treat her child which misbehaves, giving it advise, a cuddle and sometimes a light slap, that would only be done as a cor rective measure for guidance and direction in the right path, for the child s bene fit. Not for any other reason. Rubber Ruler During Introspection just try to get the proper measure. Not a rubber ruler th at is very elastic for yourself and for the others a ruler made of iron. Don't jump away from this state to, what I call, hypocrisy. Because, your egoism is w atching, trying to come and say, "You are me. I am you." You have to say, "No, y ou are not!"

Human Love Now, on "love", we need just to make many, many, many meditations, until we unde rstand, what is really love. Because "love" has been greatly misunderstood, espe cially when being under the shape of possessiveness: "my" husband, my" wife, "my " children, "my" parents, "my" friends; with that "my" we believe in the law of possessiveness. And if the beloved ones are behaving in such a way not pleasing us what will happen? Human beings are hating, fighting, complaining. Is that lo ve? This is at least 80% of what human beings are calling "love" in this life. A nd what is this kind of love is giving to human beings? Divine Love Now, when you make some exercises in meditation just make the comparison of "hum an love" in all its forms, and what I will call "impersonal, Divine Love". Then you'll understand, what the Godman said: "Love those, who consider themselves as your enemies, as your own self." Then you'll be able to understand, what is the Divine Love. Believe me, it's not a very easy thing, not to know it, to feel it and to live with it. Study of Desires When a desire is fulfilled it makes you feel tired of it and it looses its value for you. And then what? A new desire arises, not one maybe two or three or mor e at a time, maybe even torturing us. If they are fulfilled they make us tired a nd lose their value for us, the value which you have given them. You have overv alued them at the time you wanted them but did not have them and then a new one comes. But, who studies all these things happening in the personality? You have to study them, because all these things are giving the human beings pain, agony , anxiety, and many times despair. Suspicion this is a res I have known people who, in the beginning were slightly suspicious ult of egoism. Usually these people think that everybody is talking about them saying nasty things. The elementals that are created around these people are re al demons. You see, these elementals become very powerful because they suck on the etheric field of its creator. Therefore, that person day by day becomes ob sessively suspicious and jealous and when such elemental takes possession the pe rson can become very aggressive. Naturally when you become familiar with these conditions you will be able to dissolve such elementals. Jealousy You can see a jealous person becoming so angry that he looses control. This kin d of behaviour brings unhealthy results in the physical body. Now, what is that which makes someone so irritable that you can t even talk to him or her? It is b ecause he/she is enslaved by such elementals. Therefore, to get upset towards s omeone who is aggressive and is always causing trouble and has become a victim i n society , is not the answer. The answer is first to become aware of the psyc honoetical disease and help them. A characteristic of these people, is that wh en you are near them you want to get away from them.

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