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Brothers Keeper Mentoring Ministries Quarterly Newsletter

October 2009 Volume 3, Issue 3

Operating in the Kingdom
By Pastor Noel Espiritu Santo

The world system is a failing system simply because it didnt originate from God. Christians must learn how to operate correctly in the Kingdom of God System which never fails. Why stay in the system that is failing? When you make Gods Word and His way of doing things a priority, you will experience prosperity and victory even in troubled times. What is the kingdom of God all about? God has delivered us from the kingdom of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son (Colossians 1:13). We are already in the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom. At the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, the Kingdome of God will fully manifest in this physical realm. Today God is expecting us to learn how to live and operate correctly in the Kingdom of God. REPENT is the first word Jesus mention when He begun to preach. In the Greek word, it means think differently or change your mind. RE means again, PENT (where the word penthouse came from) means on top. Repent means to be on top again. In other words, if you want to go back on top again (man is created to be on top to rule and reign), you need to think differently, you need to change your mind by the Word of God (Romans 12:1-2). We are told to not to conform (to make agreeable, to comply with, to obey) to this world (system) instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your life will be transformed as you renew your mind by the Word of God. Romans 12: 2 says, Dont copy the behaviour and customs (system) of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. (NLT). The word transformed means metamorphoo in the Greek. It is more than change. It literally means ceasing to be one thing and becoming another. There are two systems operating in the world today - the World System and the Kingdom of God System. These two systems operate totally different from one another. They operate contrary from one another. Thats why we are told not to conform to the system of this world. The World System is the worlds ways of doing things while the Kingdom of God system is Gods way of doing things. Most people are primarily educated in how to operate according to the worlds way of doing things. However, God has prescribed a system of operation for His people which is better and greater than the world system. Matthew 6:31-33 states, Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, With what shall we be clothed? For the nations seek after all these things. For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. In the worlds system, the people are seeking (pursuing) after these things but in the Kingdom of Gods System, we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and we let God add these things to us. There are 2 completely different systems. The World system is a labor or toil-based system. You must earn and work for everything. It is a system that is under the curse. God said to Adam, in sorrow (toil), you shall eat, in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread. But in the Kingdom of God system, it is a no -more-toil system. Why? Because toil is the product of the curse and Christ has redeemed us form the curse. Besides it is the blessing of the Lord that makes you rich in the Kingdom of God not your own wisdom and ability. Peter toiled all night and caught nothing by relying on his own strength in the worlds system. He switched system from world system to Gods system by hearing and obeying the words of Jesus. What is the result? He caught a great multitude of fishes. When Jesus spoke those words launch into the deep and let down your nets for a catch the fishes had to obey the words of Jesus. Peters only part is to AGREE with Jesus. He said, your WORD, I will let down the net. If you want to operate in the Kingdom of God system in no-more-toil system like Peter, you need to do several things. These 4 elements must be present: Sow your seeds. Jesus used Peters boat, which became a seed sown in the ministry of Jesus. You cant operate in the Kingdom of God system without operating in the Law of Seedtime and Harvest (Mark 4:22, 26-32). Hear the Word. While Jesus taught the Word, Peter was there hearing the Word. Word plus anointing is equals to BLESSING. It is the BLESSING that makes you rich. Agree (speak) with the Word. Confession is saying the same thing that God has said. It means to agree with God and His Word. When Peter said...nevertheless, AT YOUR WORD, I will let down the net, he agrees with Jesus. Corresponding Action. Obey the Word of God. They were astonished at the catch of the fish (harvest) which they have taken. Thats no more toil! In the world system, your job is your source . But in the kingdom of God system God is your source. Your (work) is your assignment in the Kingdom. In the World System, you are limited to the amount of your salary because your job is your source. Thats why people today are not after assignment, they are after provision. In the Kingdom of God System, you are unlimited because God being your Source can use many channels to meet your need. Sow your seed and let God bring the harvest. - NES

Inside this issue

Operating in the Kingdom........ 1 Meditate on the Word ............. 2 Meet our Pastor ....................... 2 Mentoring Schedules ............... 2 Exercise, Exercise!.................... 2 Key to Increase......................... 2

Upcoming Events
Encounter God Weekend December 2009

Word of Faith Conference

Contact us: 986-B A. Bonifacio St., Balintawak, Quezon City 1106 | 09175665082 | |



And [God] brought [Abram] forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Genesis 15:5-6

by Kenneth Copeland
her life. How could an aging, childless couple have even one child--much less a nation full of them? Abram couldn't even imagine such a thing. It contradicted his entire mind-set. But God knew the mental struggle Abram would have, so He didn't just make him a verbal promise and leave it at that. He gave Abram a picture of that promise to meditate on. He took him out into the starry night, turned his eyes to the sky and said, "So shall thy seed be." Can't you just see Abram staring out at the stars, trying to count them? Filling the eyes of his heart with the promise of God? That's what meditation is all about. Taking time to envision the promise of God until it becomes a reality inside you. It's tremendously powerful, and by focusing on the scriptural promises God has given you, you can put it to work in your life just as Abram put it to work in his. Don't just read the Word. Meditate on it today. - KCM Scripture Reading: Romans 4:13-25


Meet Pastor Leah B. Valino. She is the Senior Pastor of Ever Increasing Church International. She is anointed and powerful speaker when it comes to delivering the message of the cross. A woman of faith and a Word of faith teacher. To invite her in your church, call 09178072051 or visit her in 21 - D Garcia St. Flower Lane Aduas Centro, Cabanatuan City, N.E. 3100

Do you ever have trouble believing the Word of God? Not just agreeing with it mentally, but really believing that what it says will work for you? I do. There are times when the promises in the Word stagger my mind. There have been times when I've felt so defeated and the circumstances around me looked so bad that it was tough for me to believe I was "more than a conqueror" even though I knew God said I was. What do you do when your mind staggers like that at the promise of God? You meditate on that promise. Scriptural meditation simply means thinking about and reflecting on the Word of God. It means pondering a particular scripture and mentally applying it to your own circumstances again and again until that scripture permanently marks your consciousness. That kind of meditation can affect your life in a way that almost nothing else can. It can, quite literally, alter your mind. That's what happened to Abram. When God first told him that he was going to father a nation, he was an old man. His wife, Sara, was also old. What's more, she had been barren all

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Mentoring Schedule
MONDAY Word of Life Philippines (5-630pm, Navotas) Gods Light Ministries (730-9pm, Malabon) TUESDAY Clarkview Christian Center (630-9pm, Angeles City) WEDNESDAY Friendship Presbyterian Church (4-6pm, Angeles City) Temple of Life (7-830pm, Angeles City) THURSDAY Dau Christian Community Church (7-830PM, Dau, Mblct. Pampanga) FRIDAY (once a month) Asia Center for Biblical Studies (930am - 4pm, Mahayhay Laguna) Christ Jesus our Life (6-8pm, Sta. Cruz Laguna) SATURDAY Blessing Institute Ministry Training Center (830am-12nn, Angeles City) Merciful God Ministries (3-5pm: Magalang, Pampanga) Miracle Power of Jesus (6-8pm, Bulaon San Fernando Pamp.) SUNDAY Praise Center (4-6pm, Makati City) Praise Center (630-830pm, Pasay City)

Scriptural meditation simply means thinking about and reflecting on the Word of God.

It is important to engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psychological well-being, and a healthy body weight. An exercise routine should envelope cardiovascular/aerobic activities, weight training, and stretching. You should aim for a minimum of 20 minutes at least 3 times per week at 60-85% of your Target Heart Rate. Exercise should be fun, so choose an activity you enjoy! Remember to consult with a physician before beginning a new exercise routine. Walk, cycle, jog, skate, etc., to work, school, the store, or place of worship. Park the car farther away from your destination. Get on or off the bus several blocks away. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Play with children or pets. Everybody wins. If you find it too difficult to be active after work, try it before work. Take fitness breaks -walking or doing desk exercises-instead of taking snack or coffee breaks. Perform gardening or home repair activities. Avoid labor -saving devices. Use leg power-take small trips on foot to get your body moving. Exercise while watching TV (for example, use hand weights, stationary bicycle/treadmill/ stair climber, or stretch). Dance to music. Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office. You'll be ready for activity wherever you go! Make a Saturday morning walk a group habit. Walk while doing errands. From

Expectation is the difference between an abundant harvest and a barren field.

- Rob Thompsons Ultimate Reference Guide to increase October 2009 Volume 1, Issue 3

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