Age@Home Newsbulletin. 07.2013

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age@HOME network
N 1, July 2013

The bulletin is intended to be a communication tool for all the participants in the network. Please send your news, updates, topics of interest etc. so they can be included in the following editions. Next edition: October/November 2013 This bulletin can be disseminated integraly or partially by the participants of the network. We apreciate if you communicate the editor any specific interests towards de Bulletin or the network by third parties. Please report any mistake found.

Welcome Letter 1. Participants and contacts 2. News and activities 3. Age@HOME network participation on EIP-AHA 4. Review of contributions and potentials 5. Objetives and actions for 2013

Editor: Fernando Alonso



Welcome to the age@HOME network News Bulletin. This is a very simple and straightforward way to stay connected with all interested parties and members of the network. We are just starting, but need to keep you informed of what is happening, and what are the perspectives. In this precise moment we cannot show a long list of activities, but we are moving forward and sharing our views with you is extremely important.

After reviewing the following information, we hope youll have a more clear view of how we are proceeding and how we can begin to grow. Your ideas and proposals are not only welcomed, but needed! We have included a final set of questions that you can fill and send us back to give your opinions and queries. With our warmest regards Fernando Alonso and Martha Mackay ACCEPLAN

Our main goals: First, being able to give shape to a useful network of stakeholders interested in fostering quality, active and safe ageing at home. Second, be able to present a proposal for EU financing in 2014 or finding alternative ways of financing .

As you may know our powerhouse is still weak, we are a very short group of people in Barcelone trying to put up this network short of resources and time. Things will have to change to build a more solid ground to run the network, but this will happen thanks to the interest and collaboration of all.

1. Participants and contacts (would-be partners)

Up to now there has been no formalization of membership. The participants have shown their interest of being part of the network, but no obligation has been established as to be member. The formalization profile is still to be done (expected for autumn 2013).

ABITARE SOCIALE Association from Sardinia aimed at social cooperation and urban development, interested in the integration of services of social housing with community care assistance for the elderly. Offers consulting services to public administrations, public awareness.

The first group of partners, interested in being part of the network, are listed below. They have already sent information of what their contribution to the general commitments of the network could be (see apt. 5).

ACCEPLAN Team of researchers and professionals affiliated to the Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona and its spin off: ACCEPLAN ACCESIBILIDAD S.L. It is formed by different experts, such as architects, an urban and ageing economist, and social innovation specialists. Covers different areas and perspectives of the person-environment relationship and fit, such as housing, buildings, urban space, transport. It prepares courses, publications and conferences, and has worked for different Spanish ministries in designing national plans and regulations, mainly on accessibility issues. CARE & REPAIR ENGLAND Care & Repair England is an independent charitable organisation which aims to improve older peoples housing. Its vision is that all older people have decent living conditions in a home of their own choosing. It promote and support the development of solutions, particularly in the private housing sector, and also raise awareness of the scale and nature of the impact of poor and unsuitable housing on the health and well being of older people and work with them to influence change in practice and policy.

CILIOPE GROUP It is the oldest private Lot-et-Garonne social landlord: its origin dates back to 1924, the date of creation of the company Agenaise HLM.The CILIOPE Group provides personalized access to housing to ensure the best human and material conditions. CILIOPE Habitat is a Social Enterprise for Habitat, whose objective is to provide a quality habitat for the largest number. CILIOPE Habitat account 3426 units in the first quarter of 2012, in 39 municipalities in the Lot-et-Garonne and Gironde. Gradually CILIOPE Habitat adapts its fleet aging (showers instead of baths, grab bars, etc.) and 3

designing new buildings in a spirit of shared accommodation between generations (young children, elderly) and accessible to all (disabled, reduced hearing or sight DEUTSCHE SENIORENLIGA The German Senior Citizens League represents the interests of the fastest growing population group. Today, already 30 million people in the Germany are older than 50. The German Senior Citizens League take influence on media, economy, society and politics. works centrally, located in Bonn. The association regularly realizes studies and surveys on topics relevant to an aging society. Organizations contacted by Acceplan and interested in the network (see next section for details on some of these contacts)

CHILEAN ORGANIZATIONS SENAMA. El Servicio Nacional del Adulto Mayor, SENAMA, is a public service created by the law N19.828 of Chile, on September 2002. It started its functions in January 2003. Its objetives are Promoting active ageing and development of social services for elderly people, whatever their condition, strengnthening its participation and valuation by society, its selfcare and authonomy and protecting its rights, through intersectorial coordination, the design, implementation and evaluation of policies, plans and programs. UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Through the Faculty of Architecture and the Institute of Nutrition and Technology INTA LYON MUNICIPALITY The municipality develops interesting policies and has a wide experience regarding elderly people living in public housing. Good confluence of Habitat and Ageing departments through the annual Conference Communale and other means.

AUSTRALIAN ORGANIZATIONS Through our contacts with Proff. Bruce Judd of New South Wales University, who visited Barcelona on june/july 2013. Exploring possibilities for City Futures (Ms. Catherine Bridge is senior researcher on these topics) and other organizations, including Sidney Municipality, to become part of the network.

BRISTOL MUNICIPALITY George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol City Council met us in June in Barcelona, and he expressed his interest in joining the network and signing the Barcelona Declaration (still to be concreted) 4

SPANISH ORGANIZATIONS: IMSERSO. General Secretary expressed through official letter their interest in officially signing the Barcelona Declaration

2. News and activities

Acceplans start-up Acceplan starts as a Spin-off from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Our strategy for the following years is twofold: as an SME and as a research group of the UAB.

Acceplan Accesibilidad S.L. was born in late April as a spin-off of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It is now a small company linked to the Research and Business park of the university (Parc de Recerca). An association with former researchers of Acceplan, architects located in Madrid, spans our possibilities. We now have officially offices in Barcelona and Madrid Due to the process of re-founding of the Institut Universitari dEstudis Europeus (UAB), which homed Acceplan researchers for 16 years, it is still unclear the future affiliation of Acceplan in the Autonomous University of Barcelona . There are several opportunities, and we are now knowing the appreciation we gained during this time. No doubt the amount of possibilities to develop from the university in the future. Contacts in Lyon We were invited to the Confrence Comunale de Lyon where we had the opportunity to present the Barcelona Declaration. It received the approval and interest of two councilors: Mr Pierre Hemon (Adjoint au Mairie, Delgu aux Personnes Ages and Mr Louis Leveque (Adjoint au Mairie, Delgu a lHabitat et la Politique de la Ville). The possibility of becoming part of the network was commented and will be further considered. IMSERSOs interest in signing the declaration In a letter signed last April the General Secretary of the Spanish governments department for elderly people IMSERSO showed the interest of this institution in signing the Declaration

age@HOME network initiative joined Smart Health Ecosystem Catalunya Several organitzations from Catalunya that have presented their commitment to EIP AHA, has decided to join under the Smart Health Ecosystem Catalunya, with the support of Helth Department in Catalunya, TicSalut Foundation and lInnoHealth HUB from Barcelona University. age@HOME network and Tic Salut Foundation , are the only 5

two organizations that have presented a commitment into the Action Group D4: Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments The Smart Health Ecosystem Catalunya main objectives are Establish internal communication mechanisms To introduce our activities worldwide Initiating European projects with other ecosystems Develop "papers" on innovation and health in Catalonia Encourage networking among professionals Webpage. The new web site of Acceplan, is including a page devoted exclusively tio the network. It is still under construction, but an introductory text can be read, and soon much more information will be available. We have also acquired a specific domain for direct access .

Training activities. Acceplan Accesibilidad S.L. has signed an agreement with the Spanish Government for Public Works (Ministerio de Fomento) to collaborate in launching a training course about the Building Evaluation Report (Informe de Evaluacin del Edificio) , which will come into force to foster accessibility, conservation and energy efficiency into buildings with more than 30 years. It will be addressed to architects and engineers, which are the professionals entitled to do the evaluations, esteem reasonable accommodations and sign the report. It can have a high impact in improving the physical conditions and accessibility of elderly people living at home.

The Declaration New translations of the Barcelona Declaration on Active Ageing at Home are now ready and will be accessible through the web page. The Declaration is now available in 6 languages: English Spanish Catalan French Russian Italian (we want to thank those persons that generously have collaborated in the translations: Tatiana Barata Hugo Pereira, Monica Afonso, Silvia Rosales, Christian Harzo, Ivanna Dahko, Conxi Muoz, Francesco Cocco, Pino Frau and Raimondo Pibiri)

3. Age@HOME network participation on EIP-AHA

Within the strategic context eHealth Plan Europe 2020 the European Comission called for an European joint programe. (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing). Organizations around EU working on the promotion of active and healthy aging committed to work in the fields detected by the Europe 2020 Plan Commitment in one of the six action groups of the EIP AHA. 1. Action Group A1: Prescription and adherence action at regional level 2. Action Group A2: Personalized health management, starting with a Falls Prevention Initiative 3. Action Group A3: Prevention of functional decline and frailty 4. Action Group B3: Replicating and tutoring integrated care for chronic diseases, including remote monitoring at regional level 5. Action Group C2: Development of interoperable independent living solutions, including guidelines for business models 6. Action Group D4: Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments

age@HOME Network has presented its commitment within the Action Group D4: Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments The Action Group D4 has established at the moment four working areas: 1. Implementing policies and practices for regions, cities and communities 2. Networks promoting a European covenant on demographic change 3. Spatial context 4. ICT and smart environment

The last meeting of the Action Group D4 took place on Wednesday 29th May 2013 in Brussels were one of the prime issues was to make everybody aware of the new commitments. age@HOME network: Fostering the ageing-in-place paradigm was one of them.

age@HOME Network agenda will be set in accordance with the EIP-AHAs, because of the opportunity it represents for joint European progression. But our vision even goes further and includes other countries and continents, such as Australia, North America or Latin America, which share similar problems and challenges and may be interested in becoming part of the network

4. Review of contributions and potentials

Here you will find how the partners view their potential contributions to the actions proposed by EIP-AHA Group D4. This is our first approach to share objectives under the EIP-AHA The tasks they have proposed (left column) are not necessarily our road map, but constitute a framework of activities that will be carried out in Europe under the EIP-AHA and are a needed reference for us.

We appreciate very much those that filled-in the Action and Commitment forms. The right column in the tables below are a short synthesis of the texts included in these forms, representing the partners potentials and actions suggested (organizations name appear in brackets). The third row is the mean value relevance given to of each EIPAHA proposed task. Take it as a sample of what can be got and done through the actual experience of a network like this. It really encourages us about the potential benefits of the age@HOME network seen from a European and global perspective. Each table is referred to one of the D4 Action Group tasks or Action Areas under EIPAHA: 1. Implementing policies and practice 2. Networks promoting an EU covenant on demographic change 3. The spatial context 4. ICT and smart environments

Beware of the fact that the following tables do not include the networks commitment already sent to EIP-AHA by Acceplan (which may have influenced many of the Contributions proposed below). In case you donthave this commitment, please ask us for it. We have also included some notes on Acceplans potential contributions. We have included some notes at the end. This can serve as previous conclusions, that can be corrected, completed, extended etc. by you. Use the survey attached for this purpose

Key to tables: C&R = Care & Repair England, CIL = CILIOPE Group DSL= Deutsche Seniorenliga ABS= Abitare Sociale ACC= Acceplan Action Area 1: Implementing policies and practice EIP-AHA task Relevance Partners contributions 1-1 Engage with 9,75 --Already existing national network of older people/ the voice of the UK Advisory Forum. Wishes to creating older people Ageing@home Champions Network concerning housing and planning for age-friendly places (C&R). --Problems: gentrification (urban), unoccupied homes (rural). Proposition: make possible lowincome housing organizations to adquire housing in 8

1-2 Engage other actors to coordinate policies and promote strategies


1-3 Examples of good practice and strategies to implement locally


life annuity: ethical dimension, guarantee, professionalism in adaptations. Aims: favorable regulatory and contractual framework for low-income housing orgs. On-going strategies: creation of dedicated fund for housing adaptations, elderly talk groups, intergenerational network (CIL). --Seniorenliga has a huge media coveragethey could gather needs of elderly to make it public.(DSL) --Presence in social context, unions and assoc. to carry different activities (ABS). --Older people organizations not very strong in Spain. We could use our contacts with local organitzations and networks (ACC) --Housing & Ageing Alliance chaired by C&R, wide membership to work together for housing improvement and living conditions (enable choice, control, inclusion, independence). Can gain higher profile amongst decision makers and agents through C&Rs CEO and its activities in policy statement, gov. consults, key policy messages (C&R) --CIL member of cluster of national organism for social housing and the national organism for its finance. They have done evaluation of value creation of social housing as well as savings of housing adaptation. Resulting report to be presented (CIL) --Already working with actors, less resources for network (DSL) --Can involve local actors (Pensioners Trade Union, social and health fields, Univ. of Cagliari, Social Housing Foundation, etc.), social and health services in Sardinia.(ABS) -- We can involve local and national actors as well as private companies. Start academic interest and linkages towards these topics. (ACC) --C&R and associated networks (Home Adaptations Consortium, Housing & Ageing Alliance and Age Action Alliance) would contribute. Does research on CBA and older peoples views and plans a UK central data resource of good practice in older peoples services (C&R) --Best practice in Germany and national programs on age@home available (DSL) --Intergenerational experience in Sardinia. Monitoring of Ritornare a casa program (financial help to families holding at home old aged lacking resources) (ABS) -- We could gather good practices implemented at local, regional and national Spanish level, and also at Latin American level (ACC) 9

1-4 Develop wider partnerships across countries

1-5 Opportunities for lifelong learning


1-6 General public awareness on AHA


1-7 Recognize elderly people contribution


--C&R has limited contacts out of UK Take Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods (2008) as starting point (C&R) --M. Boulmiers reports, European CSR label, own collected partners since 2008, involved in lobby group (CIL) --DSL can be the German part of the network. No international coverage (DSL) --Web visitors contacts (ABS) -- Disseminate this network through our contacts and partners of former projects in EU and Latin America. Try to engage suitable agents into the network (ACC) --C&R has for 2 decades- promoted knowledge and awareness on these topcs. Pioneered Healthy Homes Awareness training for professionals, older people decision making on housing and care courses,. Has self training materials. Keen to make it extensive to network (C&R) --Needs for training of building professionals, own business staff in needs of senior tenants (CIL) --DSL has a big database of seniors-stkhlds-local officers that can be addressed to join programs (DSL) --Already engaged in training of social health workers and others. Needs in the construction sectors and academic levels (ABS) -- Acceplan is starting a line of training activity for professionals in these matters. Open the offer of training to senior professionals, and develop specific courses and materials in Spanish for Spain and Latin America --Has self help materials to raise awareness of link housing-health and home improvement(C&R) --M.Boulmiers publications and reports (CIL) More than 20 years advocating age in the media (DSL) --Training experience with academics, trade unions, business community(ABS) -- Experience in academic and professional conferences , training and dissemination for different projects and policies. We try to link research, policy instruments and dissemination practices in different areas of person-environment fit. AHA awareness must cover specific target groups that have been ignored. Our emphasis is in purposeoriented, focus oriented, awareness. (ACC) Local examples and models. Silverlinks local project on agefriendly towns survey to be published. 10

EIP-AHA Action Area2: Networks promoting an EU covenant on demographic change EIP-AHA task Relevance Contributions 2-1 Develop 7,5 --Need to set down international principles to take principles and account older peoples views. Could raise the issue evidence-based profile. (C&R) --Network must help regulation evolve. In France guidelines laws are an obstacle for innovation and to trasferring other EU countries experience(CIL) --DSL con review proposals for Germany --The Barcelona Declaration is a set of principles. We can work to develop new more specific or sector orientated principles and guidelines. Wide experience in accessibility guidelines development. (ACC) 2-2 Questionnaire 7,5 --C&R working with local authorities to highlight of local and positive practices. Other countries experiences regional could help both interested a uninterested local authorities govs. Their champions network could help. --DSL can send the questionnaire to LRAs (LRAs) on --ABS could contribute in creating a questionnaire. added value of --Contribute in creating and distributing the an EU initiative questionnaire in the areas covered by the network Help in the analysis of its results(ACC) 2-3 Campaign for 6 --C&R, CIL, as above with LRAs political support --DSL is national, cannot commit much effort at EU for the covenant level --ABS agrees with these actions --Contribution to get local and general political support (ACC) 2-4 Map existing 5,3 --C&R could collaborate portals where ---CIL would make the list for France practices can be --DSL is national, cannot commit much effort at EU posted level --ABS would make the list for France --ACC could contribute to a list for Spain 2-5 2-6 EU repository for goodpractice guidelines Build bridges between D4 action and relevant EU processes 5,3 6,5

--C&R would welcome and contribute linking to UK good quality resources --DSL cant host --ACC would explore the possibilities in the UAB, and specifically in the Centre dEstudis Europeus --C&R: no expertise on this --CIL: OK --DSL can recommend German bodies and connect them to the network --ABS supports some of the connections with EU policies proposed by Acceplan: on housing and urban env., UD and public procurement 11


Develop 6,3 indicators/indic es for agefriendly environments in line with WHO

--UK experience in standards and indicators useful. C&R could contribute to expansion. --CIL: see 2.1 --DSL no technical background --ABS: Italy needs tools for management and operation of spaces (evaluation of needs and transferring to urbaniztion and architecture). ICF is a base to bridge function-design. --ACC can help develop the indicators for personenvironment fit and use its experience in the White Paper for Accessibility in Spain.

EIP-AHA Action Area 3: The Spatial Context EIP-AHA task Relevance Contributions 3-1 Research and 5,3 --C&R needs raise funds for this international analyze research collaboration. Would welcome databases and collaboration --CIL offers Boulmiers articles and conclusions from establish French national working groups baselines for Not for DSL developments --ABS shares its research project Dwelling assistance, health promotion: design strategies for active ageing --ACC interested in collaboration for improving the number of ageing-in-place variables considered in different statistics and data exploitations, collect information and make it available for different purposes 3-2 Experiments 6,5 --C&R prefer links with academic bodies previously and modeling known. Offer its capacities for producing reports on for urban diverse topics design, --CIL prefer sharing their own experience. No time housing, for international experimentation. health, social --DSL can find and invite national stakeholders to services join ABS proposes its own expeience from a project of 120 intergenerational apts. in Sardinia --ACC is interested and could help specifically in some areas: housing rehabilitation and adaptation for the needs of elderly population, urban space design 3-3 Advocate and 8,6 --C&R would use its involvement in this network to build expand its own networks in UK. Would increase its awareness credibility and influence in the UK context. Would create a dissemination strategy for England using the outputs and resources of the network --CIL sees practical advantages of taking part in an international network in order to guide internal 12


Disseminate results of urban design, housing, health, social services Evidencebased guidelines, standards in (e.g.): design for dementia, tourism, housing




policies and implementation --DSL could engage with national SMEs to build awareness --ABS remarks the need that these topics exceed previous boundaries and the need to act and elaborate dedicated solutions. --ACC is interested in opening the interest in ageingin-place matters to new stakeholders, such as service providers, appliance developers, design professionalsall of them can contribute to break barriers to participation and improve the experience and alternatives. --Publications, conference presentations, articles, websites and network events (C&R) --DSL can publish results and organize a 2nd conference is funding is ensured. Planning workshops in universities, new residential and public space planning, reconversion of existing buildings (ABS) --Through its webs, conferences, publications (ACC) --C&R Support technical standards of Lifetime Homes --CIL can contribute to the debate on tourism --DSL is not researcher, cannot do much on standards --ABS offer its experience in research and papers. --ACC offer its research experience in developing guidelines in different fields (urban space, buildings, hotels, housing layout)

EIP-AHA Action Area 4: ICT and Smart Environments EIP-AHA Relevance Contributions Action, task 4-1 State of the 4,6 --Not a primary area of expertise of C&R art, best --CIL has its own experiences. Ms Boulmier has made practices, interviews to leading industrial innovators in this gaps, end user field. --DSL only in Germany needs --ABS no experience in this field --ACC has limited experience in this field, but can have access to users, carers, families 4-2 Guidelines and 4,5 All have less or no experience and knowledge in this standards field 4-3 Knowledge 7,5 --DSL can share national expertise from Germany. sharing All have less of no experience and knowledge in this field 4-4 Design tools , 7,3 --DSL can share national expertise from Germany 13

4-5 4-6

adapt existing solutions, develop solutions Training and skills development Test and pilot new solutions

All have less of no experience and knowledge in this field 7,3 6,5 --DSL can share national expertise from Germany All have less of no experience and knowledge in this field --DSL can share national expertise from Germany All have less of no experience and knowledge in this field


As seen above, Action 1 (Implementing policies and practice) is the group with higher consensus of relevance among participants. Advocating and awareness is key, as it is knowledge sharing , developing tools or working with authorities. Being involved in the design of standards or experiments are not activities of interest for all the participants. In fact, the different approach is notorious and logical, but differences are caused more by the different organization profile than different diagnosis of needs or objectives.

Different country experiences could be made available through the partners: in standards, policies, repositories Some already existing experiences, contacts and materials by different partners: training materials and experience other networks managed or participated by partners national experiences and lobbying This availability could open the possibility to gather already existing materials by different partners to share good practice and ease local application (e.g. training needs are the same, quality of materials could be improved if shared/complemented/expande, etc. ). Lack of formative skills and awareness seems a common problem that can be tackled through better cooperation and experience sharing. Credibility of the importance of training in these area can be reinforced through better international cooperation. A proposal to be considered is to build a specific repository of training materials and global good practice. It could also include evidence of cost-efficiency, due to the relevance of opportunity costs in the present context. The UAB could be a suitable place to host and manage this repository. The partners show proved capacities to advocating through the media and the existence of materials (-> common repositories)


Some members participate in different national networks. C&R is to be highlighted as being part of several English networks related to housing for the ageing population: Home Adaptations Consortium, Housing & Ageing Alliance and Age Action Alliance. They have already in process a UK central data resource on good practice of older peoples services. Their national experience can be a useful guide for our own process. Possibilities of research are more limited due to lack of time, resources, internacional contacts or experiences. Undertake new international experiments not easy o interesting for some partners.

One interesting effect of being part of a network such as age@HOME: increase internal credibility.

The low values of relevance given by DSL to some tasks is due to its specific characteristics as an NGO representative of German seniors and the fact that they act at national scale and are not involved o research, production of standards, evaluations or similar. Anyhow DSL offers the possibility of a 2nd conference, if funding is available.

And an added big question: What are the possibilities of funding?

5. Objectives and actions for 2013

Web site development (july 2013) Dissemination of the network (by all partners) Start building age@HOME network repository of training materials, cost-efficient solutions and good practice. Initial members Meeting in mid-September (teleconference) Reach 20 members at the end of the year. Grow in a very purpose oriented way Program a 2nd Conference Towards an active ageing at home (or similar name) Formal constitution of the network Please dont forget to fill and send the Questions form attached. We appreciate any comments, corrections, questions, proposals.


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