Horoscopes of Congress and BJP: Internal Bickerings in BJP

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In his semi dark peace generating room, his white flowing silken beard always reminding us of Rabindranath Tagore

and, a Christian bishop of Christ once in Rajkot, my jyotish guru, Bhaskaranandji, once said what has become an unforgettable lesson. Never think that you can ever master astrology. You discover week after week there is so much to learn and there is so much to re-learn even from what you have already learnt. That is of course true, and I have discovered it time and again. The occasion to refer to this is am amazing combination I have made of two different observations made by two women students of our astrology courses both now in the research classes. One of them has only four years of astrology behind her ( I will call her A) and the oth er even less, three years ( I will call her B). Both of them are married women with grown up children and find enough time to devote to astrology everyday. Horoscopes of Congress and BJP First look at the horoscope of BJP, the only other national party other than the Congress party now badly bruised in the just concluded Indias general elections of May 2009. I had seen bad time for BJP in my own way through my own techniques and had never given to BJP even one percent chance of doing well. ( see my piece on this website Indian Election Scene) Many astrologers favored BJP in both in their newspaper predictions and television programmes with poorest and thinnest astrological logic or no astrology but lot of guessology which is what astrology is to many in India , particularly in Delhi when they pronounce their judgments pretending to be infallible oracles and not like fallible astrologers which we are. Internal bickerings in BJP I had of course not expected such internal bickering in the BJP after the elections as the Indian media, particularly the electronic media reports. I know that it is better not to believe the electronic media which is under instructions never to give adverse publicity to some leaders and overplay the bickering's of other parties and their leaders. The Indian media has lost its reputation for fair play totally. There is no organized or legal body to enforce it. It is all that they have learnt from the western media which pours out venom on what it, with its imperialist past and, concealed and still dormant imperial arrogance does and has been doing since the days of cold war, wooing Pakistan against India and now campaigning against the reelection of Ahmadinejad of Iran after a remarkable eighty five percent turnout in the just concluded elections in Iran. I am not surprised that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei singled out British press as the most mischievous in this regard. I think that the US press was more vicious and irrationally prejudiced, so much that it lost the respect of anyone who look to these two countries for objective coverage of news anymore. No wonder, the slavish Indian media still thinks that the western press, particularly of USA and UK, are the right models to follow even more than sixty years after Indian freedom of 1947. Indias Anglicized elitist classes will never overcome their mental slavery and will try to even understand the true meaning of secularism which Hindus alone have shown all through their history till the proselytizing religions stepped on Indian soil and spread their

nefarious activities. To counter it, if the so called Hindu extremists sprang up it was and is a historical inevitability. Against this background see what coverage the Indian media has given to the BJP, particularly the English media, both electronic and print. But forgetting that look at the horoscope of the BJP and explain why it has performed so badly and why it continues to be in news only for some bad reasons. Period of sickness and mishaps The first woman astrologer B wrote to me before the results of elections were out that the BJP would do very badly because what she learnt in astrology classes as the period of diseases and mishaps was present in the horoscope of the party doubly at the time of and after the general elections. I was first amused but then after examining her argument felt that I had missed that vital point. I had come to same conclusion in a different way. I will not disclose her name nor congratulate her and ruin her by inflating her ego. I wish to see her distinguish herself as a brilliant astrologer. What is her point ? I will not disclose it. guess it as it is a puzzle. The second woman (A) The second with only four years of astrology gave me an article in Hindi proving, as we insist in our research classes in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, on many horoscopes why some children will never overcome their childhood ailment. This woman like most of our women students is least interested in politics. Women astrologers are more interested in domestic problems, being women and mothers and, ofcourse in the personalities of the glamor world, be it Amitabh Bachchan or Shah Rukh Khan. I was not surprised to see in the research of this woman a beautiful and logical combination for a life long handicap which doctors can never diagnose. I applied ,without telling this woman, her research to the horoscope of the BJP and discovered a new truth on 19 June 2009. I was reminded of what my jyotish guru had told us Never think that you can ever master astrology. You discover week after week there is so much to learn and there is so much to re-learn even from what you have already learn't.

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