Finalconcept Development Services DG Khan.

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Concept Development Services Dera Ghazi Khan

Human Resource Manual INTRODUCTION CDS is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political developmental organization struggling to aware, organize and mobilize the people of southern Punjab for the realization of their developmental and basic human rights. The CDS was registered under oluntar! Social "elfare #genc! $rdinance %&'% ( #pril )*%*. Started as a self-financed initiative ta+en b! a group of volunteers, the CDS is active in the different socio-economic spheres of the Dera ,hazi -han and southern Punjab. Vision # democratic societ! where an individual has access to e.ual rights and justice Mission To e.uip with education and s+ills the marginalized people in realizing their developmental and basic human rights. O!"ectives/ To provide services to P0"#S in District Dera ,hazi -han through care, support and mobilization b! adopting care model of 12 3#2DS To wor+ on D45 To provide services to Drug users b! establishing Drop 2n Center 6D2C7 To promote democratic norms in the societ!. To capacitate the communities regarding their needs. To promote health! environment among !outh b! organizing them. To promote gender e.ualit! and health! cultural activities. To e.uipped and aware the people about education, health and self help initiatives.

Gui#in$ %rinciples o& Operation

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0ocal conte9t and available resources will alwa!s be considered in project3program design. 2n its recruitment process CDS will not discriminate applicants on the basis of race, se9, gender, age, ethnic origin, caste, class, color, belief, nationalit!, 12 status, se9ual, $rientation, disabilit!, education and social bac+ground. CDS will ma+e ever! effort to provide a wor+ing environment free of harassment and intimidation and to support the rights of women and men to see+, obtain and hold emplo!ment without an! form of discrimination. CDS:s internal management structures will reflect its commitment to treat its staff with due respect and dignit!. CDS is committed to supporting its staff to achieve wor+-life balance; thereb! helping them spend time with their families and communities, as well as have time for themselves to pursue active interests outside wor+. Or$anizational Structure CDS believes that the organizational structure should facilitate the realization of the organizational goals and mission CDS does not promote or insist on rigid organizational structure. 2nstead it follows fle9ible, demand driven and conte9tuall! relevant structure that helps in achieving its mission objectives. The structure will be reviewed b! the <9ecutive bod! when and where need to ensure that it remains relevant. Implementation o& this polic* #ll staff, especiall! senior staffs is e9pected to understand and be familiar with the contents of this polic!. <ach =nit 1ead, 5anager is responsible to ensure that her3 his staff understand and full! compl! with these polic! provisions. 1eads of department will ensure that a cop! of this polic! document is +ept in their office for reference. 14 =nit will ensure that all emplo!ees are familiar with the polic! and controls compliance, use and application. +e$islative ,rame-or. #ll CDS activities of whatever nature must confirm to the laws of Pa+istan. >o member of staff should be obliged +nowingl! or un+nowingl!, to brea+ the law while carr!ing out their duties with CDS. 2t is the obligation of the relevant manager 3 supervisor to establish the legal position in an! un+nown or .uestionable situation, and to ta+e the responsibilit! of informing the
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Principal Coordinator 6PC7 and 14 $fficer. 2n order to get professional assistance, the PC in consultation with the 14 $fficer will identif! reputable legal adviser6s7 in the areas of labor, emplo!ment law and ta9 law. #ll policies relating to emplo!ment of staff and significant amendment thereof must be chec+ed for consistenc! with law of the countr!. 2n the event of legal action initiated or threatened b! and3or against CDS on staff issues, the PC in consultation with 14 $fficer and the most closel! involved Senior 5anager and the legal adviser6s7 will ta+e the necessar! decision and action. "here there is a ris+ of damage to CDS reputation, the Chairperson must be made aware of the situation and must be involved in the decision on appropriate course of action. #n! situation, resulting in legal action against staff must be documented at all stages. The concerned line manager must be informed at the earliest opportunit! and will ensure that documentation and other processes are complete. Con&i#entialit* #n! emplo!ee who possesses confidential information on people, program, s!stems or finance will not disseminate this information while s3he is wor+ing at CDS or after leaving CDS. 2nformation on staff contracts, salaries, benefits and donors: personal information are considered to be strictl! personal and confidential and an! staff in possession of such information must refrain from sharing or discussing such information with other staff. 2ndividual personnel files are also strictl! confidential and will not be accessed b! staff other than the PC and 14 $fficer and the staff member?s own line manager. 0ine managers should onl! have the information the! re.uire 6provided b! 14 $fficer7 but not access the staff files. Staff should pa! particular attention to CDS:s Policies on 12 3#2DS and Terminal 2llnesses and their provisions for confidentialit!. )/ 0M%+O1M0NT %O+ICI0S )/' General %rinciples 4ecruit people with the most appropriate education, e9perience, s+ills, and abilities, level of commitment, attitudes and behaviors. ,iven e.ual and compatible merits of candidates, CDS would give preference to ethnic and religious minorities, women, disadvantaged groups and candidates with a diversified bac+ground. Therefore, it ma! from time to time follow temporar! need based but inclined positivel! towards above mentioned categories of emplo!ment
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see+ers for meeting specific organizational objectives. Ta+e affirmative action when necessar! to increase the number of women staff members, where there is a disproportionate number of men. Support the promotion and development of women:s leadership b! ensuring an improved balance of women across the organization and at senior levels.

)/) 0mplo*ment Cate$ories +on$ Term Contract Sta&& a. This categor! of staff is emplo!ed on a long term position, which will e9ist over the foreseeable future. The contract of emplo!ment in this case will be open ended and are normall! referred to as regular or long term contact staff. The open ended contract will contain the probation period clause of three months, which is e9tendable to an additional three months in certain cases. See probation section. b. #fter confirmation, the emplo!ee will be eligible to all accrual benefits. The initial date of joining CDS emplo!ment shall be effective for all purposes of calculating the tenure of emplo!ment in the organization. 1owever the calculation of Provident fund will be effective from the date of confirmation of the emplo!ee. c. The contract ma! be terminated b! either part! upon a notice period of one month. Short Term Contract Sta&& Staffs appointed for a short-term specified tas+ 3 Project not e9ceeding one !ear are termed short-term contract staffs. a. Staff will be recruited with a specified period of contract, which will be indicated in their letter of appointment. b. Staff on short-term contractual terms will be entitled to terms and conditions of emplo!ment specified in their letter of appointment. c. Decision to renew a contract shall be based on organizational re.uirements and performance and will be approved b! the PC. Temporar* Hirin$ "henever necessar!, staff will be recruited on emergenc! and3 or purel! temporar! basis3dail! basis to accomplish certain specific tas+s. a. Such hiring refers to casual wor+ers who are emplo!ed for
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b. c.

d. e.

uns+illed wor+ and whose wages are calculated with reference to a da! or piece rate. The approving authorit! will be the PC in consultation with relevant 0ine 5anager. Such hiring will be on hourl!, wee+l!, monthl! or on piece rate basis. <mplo!ees hired under Temporar! Categor! are not entitled to benefits those provided to long3short term contract staff. Casual emplo!ment will terminate at the specified period and will not e9ceed three months and in line with the Pa+istan 0abor laws. <ngagement of temporar! staff will be based on contracts dul! signed b! two parties.

)/2 Non3 Sta&& Cate$ories CDS ma! engage the services of consultants, volunteers, interns, retainers and fellows who are categorized as non-staff and will not be listed on the muster. The! are not eligible for an! long-term benefits. Interns CDS encourages internship programs. 2nternship program ma! be offered to !oung people see+ing to develop their education or career in the development sector. 2nternship position is purel! on temporar! basis and will not be made permanent. a7 2nterns are persons who are either students from +nown universities or colleges completing their studies and underta+e assignments to enrich their education and wor+ e9perience especiall! in the development sector or persons who have just completed their education on their wa! to the job mar+et. b7 The internship opportunit! will depend on availabilit! of suitable learning positions and will be from one month and not e9ceed a period of three months, with no further e9tension. c7 The re.uest for internship ma! come from individuals see+ing wor+ e9perience opportunities or universities and colleges to supplement their academic curriculum. d7 The process of engaging an intern will involve conducting interviews to assess suitabilit! of the intern, and approval b! the PC. e7 The intern will submit a learning objective with his3her application for internship. f7 The 2ntern will provide regular 6written7 report progress to the respective line manager. g7 #t the end of the internship period, the interns will submit a full report on their learning to the line 5anager with cop! of PC. Volunteers CDS encourages volunteerism as opportunit! to contribute to its missions
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goals. # volunteer provides s+ills and services to the organization on a voluntar! basis. a. Project 5anager in consultation with the PC will decide when to involve a volunteer and what t!pe of wor+ he3she will perform. b. olunteer will be paid fi9ed allowances agreed between the parties according to e9pertise3 s+ills. c. CDS considers onl! those development professionals, activists, academicians and researchers with recognized s+ills and competence as volunteers. d. The re.uest for volunteer ma! be generated from the respective unit with clear T$4s or individual volunteers m! submit application with their C . e. The time limit will be fle9ible since volunteer is someone who is a willing wor+er and voluntar! contributor. f. The volunteer:s commencement and completion of wor+ report has to be submitted to the line manager with a cop! of PC. Retainer 4etainers are individuals retained b! CDS for a specific purpose or role and are paid an honorarium3 consolidated fees as has been agreed as per the terms of the contract. This arrangement is for a specified period of time where CDS re.uires the individual to be available to the organization on priorit! e.g. 0egal #dvisors. )/( Chan$e o& Contract Status <mplo!ment status of staff ma! change from consultant or contract to a regular contract depending on the situation arising from organizational need, the person:s performance and e9pertise matching the vacanc! re.uirements. 2n such cases the person concerned ma! appl! for the announced vacanc! and be selected on merit after going through the recruitment process.

Trans&ers a. Staff ma! be transferred from their wor+ station from one geographic location to another or from one part of the organization to another or from one t!pe of emplo!ment contract to another. b. Transfer will be done in consultation with the respective line managers and the staff member concerned. Transfers from one department3 theme3 program to another must be approved b! the PC. c. Since the transfers will alwa!s be guided b! the need of the
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organization, it is e9pected that concerned staff members will abide b! the decision. Transfers ma! or ma! not include an! changes in salar! or grade. d. The 14 $fficer will issue transfer or an appointment letter indicating new dut! location, emplo!ment categor!, job title, effective date, new dut! station, grades and salar! and reporting line. 6o! Sharin$ a. 2t must be recognized that not all posts ma! be suitable for job sharing. @ob sharing can be applied in cases where filling the position with regular or short-term contractual arrangement is difficult. b. 2t is the line manager:s responsibilit! to consider an! re.uests for job sharing. The line manager must e9amine the job description and determine whether job sharing arrangement is necessar!. c. 2f the line manager considers that a job share arrangement is possible then the proposals should be discussed b! the line manager with 14 $fficer and approval is sought from the PC. d. 2f one of the job sharers leaves the manager ma! decide to fill the vacant position b! another job sharer or to offer the post to one fulltime emplo!ee. e. Terms and conditions of job sharing are based on ver! specific responsibilities and must be agreed with his3her line manager and 14 $fficer. )/4 Recruitment an# Selection CDS shall recruit suitabl! .ualified, e9perienced and able Pa+istani citizens for all vacant posts unless there is a specific need for recruitment of e9patriate staff. %roce#ure &or Recruitment 14 unit will be responsible for the whole process of recruitments which are falling under the jurisdiction of this 14s Policies and Procedure 5anual. This includes releasing of the vacanc! announcements, overseeing and screening the applications, contacting the applicants and setting up interview dates, coordinating the selection process and placement.

6o! Description a. The first step in the recruitment procedure will be to prepare a thorough job specification along with well defined job description to determine the +nowledge, s+ills and attitudes re.uired for the vacant position b! the concerned line manager in consultation with the 14
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=nit. b. The @ob Description 6@D7 should include purpose of the job, position, location, wor+ unit, reporting line, +e! areas of responsibilities, specific responsibilities, +nowledge, s+ills and attitude re.uired to fulfill the job. 8#vertisement #dvertisement for vacant posts will be done through the li+e minded and local organizations and newspapers. Staff will also contact with prospective individuals to motivate and mobilize applicants. Cop! of the advertisement will be pasted at public places for wider information. acant posts will be advertised through local media, at least ten da!s before the interview date. #ll vacancies for positions should ideall! be filled within three months of its announcement.

Hea# Huntin$ a. Arom e9perience, especiall! when recruiting for leadership positions and specialized functional and thematic roles, one cannot rel! solel! on advertisements to find the most appropriate candidates. Thus, direct and targeted searches for such candidates ma! be conducted through head hunting. b. 2f such candidates accept CDS:s invitation to appl!, the! will be placed directl! on the shortlist but must still go through the same formal selection procedures applicable to all other applicants. c. The decision of using head-hunting service shall be approved b! Principal Coordinator. )/5 %roce#ures &or 8#vertisement an# Receivin$ 8pplications a. #ll positions will be advertised b! the 14 =nit and the same will receive the applications, unless otherwise stated and approved b! the PC. "henever CDS staff applies for other internal positions within CDS, he3she should consult 14 or PC.


)/7 Selection %rocess an# intervie-s Short3+istin$ a. b. The 14 staff and concerned =nit 1eads will short list applications, based on the role profile. Aor positions of managers PC must approve the short listing.
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Selection %rocess an# Metho#s a. #ll short listed candidates must participate in the selection process and appear for interview. b. #part from assessing the suitabilit! of the candidate:s competencies against the re.uirements of the position, the selection process will aim to assess the candidate:s alignment with CDS values, attitudes and behaviors, wor+ing st!les and sensitivit! for gender and diversit!. c. Depending upon the position, a variet! of methods of assessment ma! be used. The interview panel with the 14 $fficer will discuss and decide what assessment method will be used for a particular interview and develop a set of assessment criteria for each position and will agree on a pattern of discussion to be followed. d. The selection process will be relative to job nature and levels. Aor senior positions it ma! include at least two to three rounds of activities. e. 2n case of short term contracts the 14 function in consensus with the line manager for the position ma! decide to waive some parts of the process with approval from the PC. The designated panel will also meet to discuss the pattern and structure of the interview. )/9 Travel 0:penses &or Can#i#ates Travel e9penses b! candidates will not be reimbursed b! CDS unless otherwise specified b! PC or project instructions. )/; Intervie- %rocess an# Selection %anel Interviea. The panel interview is the most critical part of the selection process. 2t will be introduced towards the end of the recruitment process after some of the agreed basic selection processes are completed. This gives panel members an opportunit! to consider some of the observations made in earlier processes. b. #ppointment committee will be formed. This committee will consist of three to four members; 6%7 Chairperson 6)7 Principal Coordinator 6B7 $ne person from senior management 6optional7 6C7 Concerned thematic focal person. ,ender balance is a supreme consideration while selecting this committee. c. Chairperson of the organization is the chairperson of appointment committee while the PC is responsible to issue appointment letters for all staff. d. Aor the post of Principal Coordinator, <9ecutive bod! will select and recruit the .ualified person to wor+ as Principal Coordinator and is directl! answerable to the <9ecutive bod! through the Chairperson. e. =nless or otherwise specified, an! person who has been appointment will undergo a probation period of three months.
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f. 2f during probation, performance is evaluated as unsatisfactor! b! the PC, his3her emplo!ment ma! be terminated, or probation period ma! be e9tended as deemed fit. g. PC ma! waive off the conditions of probation in the case of an! recruitment if he3she is considered b! the former as .ualified and or e9perienced to effectivel! perform his3her duties. 8ssessment %roce#ures #ssessment procedures for all positions ma! follow an! of the below procedures 3 methods. The use of all assessment methods ma! not be necessar! for ever! position. Aor senior management positions the assessment process ma! include several of the following/ 2nterview method. Duestionnaire for the interviewers. "ritten test3 document 6computer s+ills and assessment of an! past writings i.e., reports, project proposals, articles, wor+ plans, etc.7. "ritten assignment to test language, writing abilit!, anal!tical s+ill and clarit! of concepts. Presentation to test clarit! of concept, rational, logic and abilit! to put forward concepts in a clear and concise manner, i.e. communications s+ills. 5eetings with peer group 6particularl! for senior management positions7 to get feedbac+ and perception on candidate from potential peer groups and also from names of references provided b! candidates themselves. Aield visit 6if appropriate7 and candidate anal!sis. <nglish language s+ills for middle and senior management positions. The evaluation sheet for the assessment and record should be signed b! the interviewing panel.

2n distantl! managed selection processes, pre-interview assignments ma! be administered on themes and subjects relevant to the position and prior to ph!sical interview. Aor e9ample, telephone interviews ma! also be conducted. The process of candidate identification and selection must be documented for file b! 14 Department. )/'< 6o! O&&er an# 8ppointment 8uthorit* a. The PC will approve all new appointments in consultation with recruitment committee and will issue the appointment letter. b. 0etters of appointment shall be signed as follows/ Principal Coordinator Chairperson #ll Staff Principal Coordinator c. $ffer letters shall be signed as follows $fficers E 5anagers Principal Coordinator #ssistant and below 14 $fficer d. Persons undergoing an! disciplinar! action will not be allowed to
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approve or sign-off an! recruitment. e. 14 $fficer or his3her representation will be included in all recruitment process to ensure compliance and consistenc! with the policies and procedures. 1e3she will be responsible for preparing the offer letter and issuing relevant contract documents. Vali#ation o& 8ppointment +etter Aor an appointment letter to be valid it must be endorsed b! the issuing authorit! and the recipient of the letter. Copies of the offer letter will be sent to the 14 =nit 6for personal file7 and to the Ainance =nit 6if re.uired7 and an! other appropriate unit. Re&erence Chec. a. 4eferences from persons 6line managers and peers7 with whom the candidate has previousl! wor+ed are essential prior to confirming an offer of emplo!ment. b. #ll regular and contract staff has to provide two reference contacts. $ne of which should be at least from the last emplo!er. c. #ll reference chec+s will be obtained in writing or verbal on phone call. 4eferences will highlight the professional and personal characteristics of the given candidate. d. 2n cases of senior staff appointment, confidential reference see+ing is a valid part of the process. Re$ret +etter #ll unsuccessful candidates called for an interview will be sent a regret letter within %F da!s after the completion of the interview process b! the 14 =nit. %ersonnel 8nnouncements Personnel announcements are made b! 14 unit to give information on an! new staff appointments, departures, vertical and horizontal changes in position and responsibilit! to all staff. )/'' %ro!ation %erio# Ne- Sta&& a. # probation period of three months is applicable to all new staff on long-term contracts in CDS from the date of hire. b. This probation period ma! be e9tended for a ma9imum of another three months in steps of one month. <9tension of probation citing reason 6s7 for e9tension will be formall! communicated b! the line manager to the staff under probation. c. Aor staff on short-term contract of up to si9 months to one !ear the!
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ma! undergo a probation period of one month. d. 2n case if the appointee does not meet the organizational performance standards during the probation period his3her contract will not be confirmed and services ma! be terminated without notice. e. 2f the probationar! period is not completed satisfactoril!, it ma! be e9tended; otherwise the emplo!ment ma! be terminated. f. Performance review session and discussion for the probation period will be ta+en b! the line manager in consultation with PC and documented. Cop! of this document will be submitted to the 14s =nit. g. # written confirmation letter of the appointment will be issued b! the Principal Coordinator on the satisfactor! completion of the specified probationar! period. h. 2nternal candidates ta+ing up new role ma! have the formal probation period waived or reduced. 1owever a brief review at the end of three months is suggested. i. 2f the emplo!ee chooses to leave CDS during the probation period, the emplo!ee will be re.uired to serve a %F da!s advance notice and no accrued leave can be adjusted against this notice period. Aailing to serve the notice period, the emplo!ee pa! salar! in lieu. >otice must be given in writing, after discussions between line manager and staff and 14 Department. j. "aiver of such a notice period is to the discretion of the reporting line manager in consultation with 14 officer. 8ctin$ Responsi!ilities a. #cting positions are geographicall!3 thematic3programmatic determined in CDS. b. # person can be appointed to act in higher position onl! b! the Principal Coordinator. #cting appointment shall be communicated to all relevant units and offices particularl! 14 and Ainance. 2n cases where the position is vacated as a result of separation of the position holder, acting person is appointed b! the ne9t line manager. c. The acting appointment shall be based on the capacit! of the person to perform the job. d. 2t is not necessar! to have formal acting appointment for ever! position ever! time, especiall! if the duration of absence is less than or e.ual to one wee+. 0mplo*ee I#enti&ication Car# Soon after joining CDS emplo!ment, the 14 unit will issue CDS Staff 2dentification Card to the emplo!ee. The identification card will remain the propert! of CDS and must be returned upon separation or termination of emplo!ment at CDS. The clearance of an emplo!ee re.uires submission of identification card to the 14 =nit.
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The identification card will not be used to establish credit, to obtain loans or incur an! obligation on behalf of CDS. 2mproper use of the identification card will result in disciplinar! action, which ma! include the termination of emplo!ment at CDS.

)/') Sta&& Recor#s # personal file shall be opened b! the 14 =nit for all staff members. Staff personal files shall be +ept confidential. CDS holds the following personal data of emplo!ees/ #pplication to CDS and C Copies of educational and professional .ualifications >otes from the selection process li+e interviews and letter confirming emplo!ment @ob $ffer, <mplo!ment contract, job description 4ecords of performance reviews and salar! changes, updates and other relevant communications during tenure 0eave sheet 4ecords of verbal and letters of warning Staff members should update their files b! submitting certificates of training or education obtained while wor+ing with CDS. Staff members are re.uired to notif! the 14 =nit of an! change of name, address and telephone number; and also an! changes in details of ne9t of +in or the person to be notified in cases of emergenc!. Staff will not be allowed to personall! handle their own files but ma! upon re.uest be given copies of information contained in it.

2/ ORI0NT8TION 8ND INDUCTION %. CDS strongl! believes in orientation of new staff and reorientation of e9isting staff. The purpose of an orientation is to ensure that the staff member develops a good understanding of CDS:s wor+ and its main approach towards development/ 4ights Gased #pproach 64G#7. ). 2t is the responsibilit! of 14 =nit to ensure that the new staff and the e9isting staff understand the values and organizational objectives of CDS and its +e! policies. B. CDS believes in building a vibrant organizational culture. 2t is vital to all staff 6new and e9isting7 to develop an understanding of its vision, mission and values. This is the responsibilit! of not onl! the 14 =nit but also all line managers and other staffs. 2/' %rocess %. CDS will set aside a period of two to three months for orientation for new staff and will nurture individuals through that process.
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). 2t is the right of ever! staff member to receive a structured orientation when the! join an! part of CDS. B. <ver! new staff member or staff being assigned on a new post shall pass through an induction or reorientation program arranged b! the 14 =nit. C. 2nduction for newl! recruited staff shall comprise meeting with +e! personnel, reading documents, field visits and introduction to the job and wor+ing environment. #s much as possible, the process must be completed within three months from the time the new staff member joins CDS. F. 4esponsibilit! for the overall induction program rests jointl! with the 14 functions and the line manager. '. >ew staffs are e9pected to ta+e responsibilit! for their integration in to the organization. The! should be proactive in see+ing information and in ma+ing use of e9isting CDS resources such as the resource centre, intranet and more e9perienced staff. H. 4e-orientation for e9isting staff will be provided regularl! through wor+shops, staff meetings, P44Ps, etc. (/ R0MUN0R8TION 8ND =0N0,ITS %8CK8G0 CDS is committed, within its financial limits, to remunerate staff according to a structure that gives e.uitable reward to capabilit!, .ualification, e9perience and responsibilit! at wor+, while ensuring that it compares favorabl! with similar organizations. 1owever, CDS recognizes that most staffs sta! with the organization due to their shared belief in CDS:s vision and mission and because of the organizational culture that provides empowering wor+ing environment. 4emuneration pac+ages will be determined through comprehensive, unambiguous and transparent salar! surve! and will be fair, nondiscriminator! and non-e9ploitative. (/' %a*ment o& Salaries a. Salaries shall be paid on a monthl! basis in Pa+istani 4upees into the emplo!ee?s ban+ account. b. Staff should inform 14 and Ainance =nits of the ban+ branch and account number to which their salar! should be deposited. c. Salar! pa!ments to staff shall be paid in the last wee+ of each month. d. Deductions 6e.g./ ta9es, advances, loans7 must be made in line with roles and regulations of ,overnment of Pa+istan and CDS policies. Staff must be made aware of these deductions and their justification through monthl! slip. Deductions from emplo!ee:s salar! shall be made automaticall! for the following reasons/ Provident Aund contribution =npaid leave =nauthorized leave of absence
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2ncome ta9 pa!ment Aloat3advance repa!ments 6if not settled for more than three months7 #n! other outstanding dues

e. 2n order to assist staff in meeting their financial obligations within their net income, no staff member is allowed to overdraw or commit their monthl! gross salar! in the form of advances b! more (*I of their monthl! gross salar!. (/) Salar* Revie-

a. 2n order to address changes in cost of living, salar! mar+et, devaluation or other e9ternal factors, CDS will carr! out salar! reviews ever! !ear. b. Salar! review will be initiated b! the 14 =nit, and supported b! e9ternal consultant if and when necessar!. c. 5ajor salar! review must be approved b! the Principal Coordinator. d. # salar! review will not necessaril! ensure a rise in salar!. (/2 8nnual Salar* Increment <ver! !ear staff members will be entitled to %*I increment. (/( Income Ta: The income ta9 pa!ments will be borne b! the staff member3consultants and CDS shall deduct income ta9 at source at the time of pa!ment and according to current income ta9 laws of Pa+istan.

(/4 Salar* 8#vances #dvance salar! can be ta+en up to (*I of the monthl! gross salar!. This t!pe of advance will be paid bac+ b! deduction from salar! in the same month as it was borrowed and will not be deducted in installments. Salar! advances will be approved b! the PC. (/5 +oans CDS does not provide loan to its staffs. (/7 Sta&& Con#uct 2t is the primar! dut! of each staff to fulfill the tas+s assigned to them. The behavior, attitude and wor+ ethics of staff shall reflect the organizational values, role deliverables, .ualit! of wor+ and acceptable organizational
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standards. (/9 O&&icial >$ Hours a. #ll staffs are e9pected to wor+ *( hours per da! inclusive of an hour per da! for lunch. b. The wor+ing hour of each staff will depend upon the nature of her3his wor+ and responsibilities. Staff ma! be re.uired to wor+ outside of these hours if necessar! in order to meet their responsibilities. c. Drivers, office assistants and guards ma! be re.uired to wor+ longer schedules as per demands of their jobs which will be compensated b! the CDS overtime polic!. d. Saturda!s and Sunda!s are recognized as off da!s. The &ollo-in$ sche#ule -ill !e maintaine# throu$h out the *ear Summer %st #pril to B*th September *&** to %H** 1rs with brea+ of % 1rs >inter %st $ctober to B%st 5arch *&** to %'** 1rs with brea+ of J 1rs Rama#an *&** to %C** 1rs without brea+ Dail* 8tten#ance an# %unctualit* a. 2t is the dut! of all staff to report for wor+ and be punctual on ever! official wor+ing da!. 2f the! are unable to attend or are late due to unavoidable circumstances, the! must inform their 0ine 5anager at the earliest possible time. b. The 0ine 5anager must inform the relevant officer 2n-charge of leave maintenance before %*/** Ko: cloc+ on the same da!. c. #ll absences from dut! shall re.uire reasonable e9planation from emplo!ee and approval of 0ine 5anager. #bsenteeism and habitual late coming patterns are eligible for disciplinar! action under CDS Disciplinar! Polic!. ,le:i!le >$ Hours CDS recognizes that certain wor+ing priorities and special circumstances such as caring for an immediate famil! member who is unwell, feeding an infant or health circumstances of an emplo!ee ma! re.uire staff to avail fle9ible wor+ing hours or wor+ from home. This could be on a regular basis or for a specific time period. 1owever, such wor+ing arrangements will be made between the emplo!ee and the line 5anager and will be documented with 14 to be +ept in the emplo!ee:s file.
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2n roles where home wor+ing is possible staff needs to have a minimum infrastructure to enable wor+. 2t is the responsibilit! of the staff to ensure that wor+ facilities such as computer, internet connection with email facilit! and a telephone line are available for .uic+ access to office and line managers are available to support such arrangements. 5eanwhile rela9ation of B* minutes can be awarded to staff coming from outstations on 5onda!. #n! staff coming after *&/B* and before lunch time, half da! leave will be considered. 4eporting after lunch time full da! leave will be treated. National Holi#a*s CDS will observe all the government holida!s as specified b! the >ational calendar. >o compensator! da! is given in lieu of national holida!s, which fall on a Saturda! or Sunda!. (/; +eave CDS is committed to provide different +inds of leaves in order to improve motivation, morale, ph!sical and mental health as well as wor+-life balance. a. The leave !ear shall cover the period @anuar! % to December B%. b. CDS believes in ma+ing time available to staff for rest, recreation, fulfilling famil!3social obligations and pursue individual needs and aspirations. c. 0eave encashment is strictl! forbidden. d. CDS will encourage staff members to ta+e annual leave and share their leave plan with their respective line managers well in advance to avoid an! inconvenience or disruption of wor+. e. 5anagers are encouraged to plan their annual leave ahead of time so as to avoid several senior managers being awa! at the same time. f. #ll leave will be approved b! Principal Coordinator3Project 5anager. +eave Durin$ %ro!ation %erio# a. During the three-month probation period, staff ma! avail total *C da!s leave out of the allotted leave for the !ear. b. #n! leave ta+en over and above these *C da!s will be considered as unpaid leave and will be deducted from salar! at the end of the month. $n confirmation at the end of the probation period, full leave entitlement 6minus an! leave da!s availed7 will be bac+dated to date of joining. c. #n! e9ception will re.uire PC:s approval and will be documented for record purpose. +eave ,or Sta&& on Temporar* Contract Staffs emplo!ed on short-term contract of less than % !ear are eligible for ) leave da!s per month. #n! mention of specific leave provisions in the terms
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of contract will override this rule. 8nnual +eave a. <ver! emplo!ee can avail annual leave of %F wor+ da!s in calendar !ear 6@anuar! %st to December B%st7. <mplo!ees encouraged to avail the leave. b. =nused annual leaves will be carr! forward in ne9t !ear but e9ceed a total of B*. c. The leave entitlement shall commence on confirmation of emplo!ee Sic. +eave a. #ll regular and contract staffs are entitled to have medicall! approved sic+ leave. b. Staffs who are ill and unable to attend wor+ shall inform his3her 0ine 5anager on the first da! of absence. 1owever, later on he3she must submit a letter or certificate from a medical doctor indicating the diagnosis and the estimated time before the staff can return to wor+. #n! sic+ leave da!s ta+en without medical certificate or prescription from .ualified doctor shall be charged to annual leave or leave without pa!. 0eave application must be submitted to the relevant officer in-charge of maintaining leave record on immediate return to office. Sic+ leave of longer than one month will re.uire approval from the PC. # report from a doctor will be essential to determine whether a staff member ma! be retired on health grounds. Maternit* +eave a. Permanent female staff shall be entitled to three months while contract staff shall be entitled to C* da!s maternit! leave with full pa! that can be ta+en immediatel! before or after deliver!. b. Permanent staff member who wishes to ta+e more than entitled leaves ma! appl! for #nnual 0eave and an additional ) months as =npaid 0eave with PC:s approval. c. #ll breast-feeding mothers will be given time off in a da! for nursing purposes as per the need of the bab!. d. 0eave application must be submitted in writing, to the 0ine 5anager and PC3P5 for approval. Staff must formall! inform the 14 =nit of the birth and give a cop! of the birth certificate of the child for update in personnel record. e. Such leaves are granted three successful deliveries +eave in +ieu a. Some staffs due to the nature of their wor+ ma! be re.uired to wor+ on holida!s or off wor+ing hours. 2n such cases staffs are entitled to
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one are not the

ma+e formal re.uest in writing to their 0ine 5anager for leave in lieu corresponding to the time wor+ed in the holida! or off wor+ing hour. Such lieu must be availed within 2< calen#ar #a*s from the da! the! had wor+ed. +eave Recor# an# Maintenance a. #ll leave records shall be maintained at the 1ead $ffice b! the 14 =nit. b. The person in-charge of maintaining leave records at the field $ffices will send all leave records on a monthl! basis to the 1ead $ffice. (/'< Other =ene&its Sta&& Transport 8llo-ance #ll $pen <nded Contractual Staff are eligible for a transport allowance of 4s.%***3- per month which is to be paid with the salar! of the respective month. ,estival =onus #ll long term contractual staff can receive an annual festival bonus set at one month:s current gross salar! to serve as partial defra! of costs for high e9penditures during the major festival season. This will be paid once a !ear with the salar! of the month closest to the Aestival. 2n the case of new staff not having completed a !ear of emplo!ment, Aestival Gonus will be prorated bac+ to the date of joining after successful completion of the probation period. %rovi#ent ,un# The Provident Aund could be created in favor of each regular staff after the completion of probation period within CDS. The staff member:s FI contribution of gross monthl! basic salar! is matched b! an e.ual FI of the gross monthl! basic salar! contribution b! CDS as the emplo!er. The total amount is deposited ever! month in an interest account. The account is managed and governed b! the 4ules and 4egulations of the CDS Provident Aund. Gratuit* ,ratuit! pa!ment could be made at the time of an emplo!ee leaving the service of the organization. The minimum eligibilit! period for gratuit! to be operative is nine months of service. The gratuit! is e.uivalent to one month:s gross salar! for ever! !ear of service completed, and prorated for an! period less than a complete !ear 6salar!3%)L >umber of months7.,ratuit! calculations will be made at the current gross salar! being drawn b! the departing staff.
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Miscellaneous Reim!ursements <9penses relating to obtaining or renewing a passport or visas will not be entertained. 1owever e9penses for staff travelling abroad on official dut! will be covered b! CDS. CDS will not meet the cost of securing and renewing driving license for staff assigned as motor vehicle drivers and motor bi+e riders. Court fines for traffic offences involving CDS motor bi+es and motor vehicles will onl! be reimbursed provided that it is proved to be not out of the negligence of the driver. 2t is the responsibilit! of the driver to drive safel! and ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and all necessar! documents such as road license and insurance are in order. Claims not submitted within a period of B months will not be reimbursed. Me#ical an# 8cci#ent Insurance 0ife E health insurance could be made to all staff of CDS from 2nsurance Compan! for terminal illness, partial and permanent disabilities and health insurance for hospitalization and maternit! services for B maternities. The 14 officer will issue a notification to all staff upon review of an! of the coverage limits. #ll staffs with regular contract are entitled for life insurance coverage at the time of death and partial or complete disabilit!. This polic! applies onl! to the emplo!ee and does not include famil! members. Aor details and coverage limit, please refer to 0ife 2nsurance Polic!. (/'' Sta&& Travel %olic* -eeping the safet! of staff in mind CDS encourages using office vehicles for long official trips. 1owever, when office vehicle is not available the most safest and economical means of transport such as public transport, train, hired vehicle, and airline travel could be utilized. #s much as possible all travel should be planned ahead of time and dul! approved b! the 0ine 5anager. #n approved cop! of the travel itinerar! must be submitted to the admin office. CDS recognizes that wor+ing mothers with infants having to officiall! travel ma! be accompanied b! an attendant 6spouse, maid, relative, friend, etc7. During breast feeding period 6birth to %( months7 the travel cost of the child and attendant accompan!ing the emplo!ee will be borne b! CDS. 1owever, for international travel, with the approval of the PC, CDS will pa! onl! C*I of the travel cost of the attendant while the remaining '*I of the cost will be borne b! the emplo!ee. 2t is prudent that onl! ver! essential travel is underta+en b! breast feeding mothers. CDS is not liable for an! harm or adverse impacts for travelling companions of staff 6children, child minder or an! other famil! member7. Staff will be responsible for the care of the child,
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fulfilling travel insurances and ensuring effective participation in the event that the! are travelling for. Travelling staff are advised to be proactive in obtaining the re.uired health and safet! information about the particular area3countr! the! are visiting through internet and other publicl! available sources of information and ade.uatel! be immunized against an! potential illness or disease. ? C8R00R

4 ST8,, C8%8CIT1 D0V0+O%M0NT 4/' In3house +earnin$

CDS shall promote in-house learning through wor+shops, seminars, meetings, short courses and e9posure visits between organizations. The 14 =nit shall be responsible for developing in-house training plans on the basis of the outcome of staff training needs assessment. 4esource persons shall be drawn from within CDS and local sources such as universities E specific training institutions in a cost-effective manner. 4/) In3Countr* Trainin$ 0ine 5anagers will be full! responsible for ensuring that their staffs receive training and capacit! development support as per performance review and capacit! development need assessment. Staff wishing to improve their educational .ualifications through evening studies and correspondence ma! be given support, provided that the subject is relevant to CDS:s wor+. 1ow ever CDS will not cover the tuition fee for staff sponsored for such studies. Staff attending local training shall be re.uired to submit a report within a wee+ to their line manager with a cop! to 14 =nit. 4/2 %er&ormance Mana$ement a. CDS:s performance management s!stems aim to/ %. #c+nowledge staff contribution and support their continual development in the role the! perform, ). 2dentif! future potential and developmental needs 6professional and personal7 B. <nsure shared understanding of CDS wor+ and increase mutual accountabilit!, C. 4eceive and give feedbac+. b. Performance development is a continuous process and should not be treated as an event. c. <ach location will have an appropriatel! designed performance management s!stem. Gui#elines Performance reviews will be held at end of probation periods and annuall!
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there after. #ll reviews should be formall! documented b! the line manager with support from the 14 function. 2mplementing effective performance management s!stems re.uires close collaboration between line managers and 14 function. Goth should be responsible for ensuring that performance reviews ta+e place regularl! and open feedbac+ is given and received without fear of retribution 5ultiple feedbac+ is collected from all relevant sources, i.e./ peers, reportees, horizontal wor+ groups and relevant e9ternal sta+eholders 6e.g./ partners, donors, communit! etc7. Aeedbac+ sourcing is based on principles of multiple and downward accountabilit! and relate to job competenc!, values, attitude and behaviour, and sensitivit! to gender and diversit!. 2t is important to emphasise critical reflections and learn from failures and successes. 2ndividuals in leadership roles are e9pected to be proactive in see+ing multiple feedbac+s at all times and certainl! during annual performance reviews. Staff should be given clear orientation b! the 14 function and line managers on job e9pectations and how internal performance management s!stems wor+. 0ine managers and staff will mutuall! negotiate performance targets 8 both .ualitative and .uantitative 8 and accountabilit! in line with appropriate strategies and plans. Performance reviews should ta+e stoc+ of +e! result areas as stated in job descriptions, though staff are not e9pected to operate solel! within the confines of a given role. CDS recognizes best performance through innovative and non-monetar! recognition mechanisms such as public felicitation and honours, appreciation certificates etc. 4/( Succession %lannin$ The succession planning refers to processes of identif!ing and grooming staffs to ta+e up senior leadership positions in order to maintain continuit! and stabilit! of program direction and implementation. a. Succession planning offers recognition and promotion based on capabilit! rather than seniorit! or hierarch!. The Senior 5anagement particularl! PC will ma+e deliberate effort to develop leadership and management capacit! among senior management team members so as to facilitate smooth and effective leadership transition and change management. b. Critical positions within CDS structure will be identified and staff with +e! talents and potentials will be given opportunit! to e9plore their s+ills, +nowledge and capacit! to ta+e up higher level of responsibilities and leadership functions. Such s+ills and abilities ma! be identified or assessed through observation, performed tas+s and multiple feedbac+ mechanisms. 5 DISCI%+IN8R1 8CTIONS 8ND GRI0V8NC0 H8ND+ING G! accepting an appointment with CDS, an emplo!ee is bound to abide b!
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the rules and regulations of the organization as stated in this 14 5anual and in an! other lawful reasonable instruction, written or verbal, given b! the Principal Coordinator, 0ine 5anager or Senior 5anagement in the organization. CDS emplo!ee is e9pected to behave in a manner that is responsible, disciplined, harmonious and productive and maintain acceptable standards of performance. <mplo!ees are e9pected to be lo!al to CDS. The purpose of the MDisciplinar! ProceduresN is to ensure that an emplo!ee is made accountable and given opportunities for improvement in behaviour. #n! anon!mous letters, grievances and complaints will not be given consideration and no action will be warranted. 5/' Harassment an# #iscrimination >o individual or group in CDS will be discriminated against or harassed on the grounds of se9, gender, race, ethnic origin, age, caste, colour, nationalit!, marital status, se9ual orientation, ph!sical abilit!, health, 12 3#2DS, culture, beliefs or social bac+ground. #n! form of harassment, discrimination or bull!ing amounts to an inappropriate displa! of power and is regarded as unacceptable b! CDS. 2t lowers the morale of the individual on the receiving end and threatens the overall wor+ environment. #n! violation of this polic! will result in disciplinar! action including dismissal. "omen staff wor+ing in conflict areas ma! be especiall! vulnerable to se9ual harassment. 5anagers in such areas will therefore be especiall! vigilant.

5/) Minor Miscon#uct # minor misconduct is where an emplo!ee brea+s rules or performs poorl!, but where the conse.uences for the organization are small or limited. Aor e9ample, being late, using CDS vehicle for unauthorized personal uses, using phones for personal calls, failure to settle advances E other pa!ments for first time and not performing to ade.uate3satisfactor! standards can be considered as minor misconduct. 5inor negligence caused b! a lac+ of +nowledge or e9perience should be addressed with training or guidance in the correct area. The emplo!ee must be given reasonable opportunit! to be taught the s+ills3+nowledge needed to carr! out the job. # minor misconduct is not normall! ade.uate grounds for dismissal, but if the behaviour is repeated, even after warnings, then it becomes a gross misconduct issue. %roce#ure &or Disciplinar* Measures on Minor Miscon#uct $n being found responsible for minor misconduct, the staff member shall be subject to the following action and the immediate line manager is
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responsible to initiate the action/ a. $n first offence, a verbal warning will be given. # written note will be given describing the offence and3or under performance that should improve over a specified time period. # cop! of the note can be +ept in his3her personal file. b. $n an! further offence, or in the lac+ of improvement over specified period of time, the emplo!ee shall be issued a MAinal "arning 0etterN. This letter will also be placed in the personal file of the emplo!ee. c. #n! occurrence of offence proved after final warning letter will result in the dismissal or termination of the emplo!ee from service. The warning letters will be issued b! PC or3and 14 $fficer onl!. The emplo!ee will have the right to repl! or e9plain on receipt of an! of the above actions. This written repl! must be submitted within H da!s of receipt of the notice. Dismissal3Termination from service can onl! be approved b! the PC. 5/2 Gross Miscon#uct This refers to serious and grave action on the part of the emplo!ee, which warrants immediate investigation, suspension or automatic dismissal. The &ollo-in$ are e:amples o& Gross Miscon#uct@ i& proven -oul# result in automatic #ismissal O O O O O O O O O O O O Araud and falsification of documents. 5isappropriation of funds and propert!. 5isuse of administrative rules and procedures for monetar! gain. ,iving or accepting bribes or +ic+bac+s in the form of mone!, services, gifts or discounts, etc. <ngaging directl! in trade, commercial activit!, other emplo!ment or an! other activit! seen as a conflict of interest. #bsence from dut! for F consecutive da!s without valid reason. =nauthorized disclosure of an! confidential or classified information. 5isuse and intentional damage of CDS vehicles or an! properties and assets 2nsubordination 6willful disobedience in carr!ing out lawful and reasonable assignments made b! her3his supervisor7. Ph!sical violence against staff, CDS partners and communities. Discrimination and harassment of an! form, including racial, social discrimination, religious ethnic and se9ual harassment, etc. 4epeated commission of gross negligence 6careless operation or neglect which results in the loss or brea+age of CDS, partners and communities assets or in injur! or loss of life7. Significant underperformance or incompetence in one:s duties, responsibilities and tas+s.
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O #warding of tenders3contracts to parties that one has interest in or is bound to gain financiall! O #n! inappropriate behaviours and actions, repeated and open disregard of organizational values or negligence which ma! result in or create a situation detrimental to the organizational wor+ or reputation, outside or inside place of wor+. O 1olding double emplo!ment without prior approval from concerned authorit! or the PC. O Criminal conviction b! court. O Publication of CDS:s to favour an! person, group or agenc!. O <ndangering the safet! and or securit! of other people. Social #iscrimination implies using derogator! terminolog! or phrases and behaving in a discriminator! manner with people of different castes, social orders, or religions. Investi$ation %roce#ure &or Gross Miscon#uct The PC will constitute a committee or team to investigate the allegation of misconduct. The committee or team will be provided with clear T$4 and submit its recommendations to the PC for action. The following in.uir! procedure will be adopted/ #. The gross misconduct shall be reported immediatel! to the PC314 $fficer30ine 5anager. G. 2n cases of se9ual harassment the code on ,ender @ustice will be followed for in.uir! and decision ma+ing. C. The complainant will prepare a written detail of the offence and submit a signed cop! of the complaint to an! member of the in.uir! committee constituted b! the PC. # cop! of the written complaint will also be given to the accused for his3her record. D. The in.uir! committee will hold a detailed hearing and documentation in the presence of both the complainant and the accused. $ther staff members ma! be called to give evidence. 2n case of financial embezzlement and fraud, auditing and document chec+ing will be initiated. The accused staff will be given a fair opportunit! to defend him3herself. <. The committee will finalize its investigation and submit its recommendation within one wee+ from the time of completion of hearing. The decision following the committee:s recommendation will be final and binding on all staff. A. The decision will be conve!ed in writing and a cop! of the decision will be attached in the personal file of the emplo!ee. ,. >otice of dismissal or termination from service will be signed b! the PC and immediatel! issued b! the 14 =nit. >o salar! in lieu of notice or gratuit! will be paid. 1. 2n cases of non-establishment of gross misconduct, the emplo!ee will be reinstated to his3her original position in retrospect date of
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suspension and in.uir! records will not be attached to the personal file. 2n such cases and proven false accusation, proceedings against the complainant will ta+e place and ma! result in dismissal of the complainant. NOT0 2n case the complaint is against the Principal Coordinator, Chairperson of the CDS will constitute the <n.uir! Committee. 5/( Grievance Committee AGCB CDS believes that staff members have a right to e9press their dissatisfaction with situations pertaining to them and should receive fair treatment in all such matters. The organization will provide an enabling environment for staff to put forward issues and e9pect resolutions, but it is mandator! that the staff member discusses his3her grievance first with the line manager prior to ta+ing it up to the Senior 5anagement. "hen a grievance reaches the Senior 5anagement a committee will be formed to investigate the grievance and submit recommendation. The 14 $fficer will alwa!s be a permanent member of the ,C unless he3she is one of the aggrieved parties. $nce the matter has been communicated in writing to the 14 $fficer, the following process will be adopted for the formation of a ,rievance Committee to deal with the situation. a. 2n consultation with both parties, 14 $fficer will facilitate the formation of the ,rievance Committee at Senior 5anagement meeting Chaired b! the PC. b. This T$4 of the committee will be restricted to hear complaints, grievances and investigate related evidences. c. The ,C comes to a conclusion after undergoing the entire in.uir! process ideall! within a period of %* wor+ing da!s. The report including recommendation will be presented in writing either at the Senior 5anagement meeting or to PC, depending on the situation and the nature of the grievance. The ,C can also communicate its anal!sis and conclusion of the investigation to both parties. d. The Senior 5anagement or3and the PC will ta+e action based on the recommendation and follow up discussion. 2f the accused is proven to be guilt! he3she could be dismissed automaticall!. e. Aor staff reporting to the PC, grievances will be ta+en up b! the <9ecutive bod!. 7 S0%8R8TION ,ROM ORG8NIS8TION The process of staff separation will be made as considerate and enabling as possible, respecting staff contribution and relationship. CDS aims to help staff to develop their s+ills and +nowledge thereb! improving their emplo!abilit! than in assuring permanent emplo!ment. 7/' Termination o& Service The services of a staff member can be terminated on the following grounds and termination of service can be initiated either b! the staff member or b!
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the line manager or b! organization depending on the situation/ O O O O O O O O #bolition of office or structure 6redundanc!7 4esignation Disciplinar! grounds Dismissal due to unsatisfactor! performance Phase out or project completion. 4etirement Death #n! other reason not covered above but ma! have critical wor+ing implications for the organization

Termination of service can ta+e place with or without notice on either side depending on the case as e9plained under the sections below. 7/) Cate$ories separation Resi$nation # staff member wishing to resign from CDS shall submit a written resignation stating reasons for leaving and effective resignation date. Staff resigning from CDS shall be re.uired to give one-month notice or pa! one month:s salar! in lieu of notice thereof. Decision on the resignation shall be communicated to the line 5anager E 14 $fficer3PC. The PC has the authorit! to waive the notice period. Dismissal Due To Unsatis&actor* %er&ormance a. "hen standards of acceptable performance 8 as per the staff member:s given role 8 are not met over a period of time will result termination of emplo!ment. Poor or unacceptable performance especiall! at the managerial level ma! mean lac+ of interest or abilit! on the part of the staff member and ma! re.uire stronger action including dismissal. Dismissal will be effected b! the PC. o&



0:pir* o& Contract # staff?s emplo!ment contract normall! e9pires at the end of the agreed period. 1owever, it can be renewed upon the consent of both parties. #n! pa!ment to the staff whose contract e9pires is clearl! defined in their contract of emplo!ment Dismissal
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The services of staff ma! be terminated due to reasons of gross misconduct, without giving notice or salar! in lieu of notice. 2n particular, CDS operates a zero tolerance polic! for an! form of corruption or harassment. O Dismissal procedure shall ta+e place as described in ,ross 5isconduct O Summar! dismissal will not re.uire an! notice. O 2n cases of dismissal arising from fraud where CDS loses mone!, terminal dues will be withheld until the case is determined b! the court or settlement is agreed b! the dismissed emplo!ee. O Dismissed person will have a right to appeal to the PC3Chairperson against such action within H da!s from the date of dismissal. Re#un#anc* an# %hase3Out o& %ro"ect # staff?s service can be terminated on grounds of abolition of office or position. #bolition of office or position implies when the need for a particular post or office or structure is no longer needed b! the organisation. Phase out from target area, completion of projects, job consolidation and respecification for efficienc! and effectiveness purposes, retrenchment, closure of office because of lac+ of fund or securit! reasons, etc. result in redundanc! of staffs. #bolition of office shall be initiated b! line managers, in consultation with the 14 $fficer, with approval from PC. 2n addition to monetar! benefits, based on competenc! and trac+ record, all possible efforts will be made for personal career counseling and placement in other parts of the organization. CDS will ensure that staff affected b! organizational changes and redundancies are informed as soon as is possible and will deal with them with respect and dignit!. Retirement 4etirement from service is automatic and mandator! upon the attainment of the staff:s '*th birthda!. The 14 =nit shall ensure that staff age records are properl! maintained based on national 2D cards or birth certificates. CDS shall give a B months notice period for staff retiring at the retirement age of '* !ears. Death The date of emplo!ment termination will be deemed from the date of death. >ominated ne9t of +in or legal claimant will be entitled to receive accrued contractual benefits of the staff.
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2nformation of such occurrence must be sent immediatel! to the 14 =nit along with necessar! documents for further processing. 7/2 %roce#ure &or 0:itin$ the Or$anization a. The termination notice will be issued and signed b! as per appointment authorit!. The PC is the final signing authorit!. b. The joint responsibilit! to ensure that all e9it paper wor+s are complete, cleared and verified lies on 14 $fficer, Aield $ffice 5anager, Project 5anager and the 1ead of Ainance. c. The clearance process will be initiated b! 14 =nit at the head office, b! Aield 5anager at the Ailed $ffices. The e9it form will be issued b! 14 =nit to the concerned person. d. Satisfactor! handing over report3note shall be prepared b! the departing staff indicating tas+s accomplished, remaining and those in the pipeline as well as an! other suggestions. e. The departing emplo!ee will hand over her3his handing over report and other materials 6boo+s, floppies, Computer Dis+s, files, emplo!ee identification card, personal computer password, etc.7 to the relevant 0ine 5anager and to the 14 officer or3and #dministration staffs before an! final clearance and dues are settled. f. The final e9it form must be signed b! the line manger, 1ead of Ainance, 14 $fficer, #dministration 5anager and finall! b! the PC. g. The e9it interview with the departing emplo!ee is a critical part of the e9it process but depends on the willingness of the departing emplo!ee. The e9it interview will be conducted b! either the PC or 14 $fficer. The interview will focus on the staff:s reasons for leaving and an! suggestions the departing staff wishes to give to the organization for its betterment and improvement in the organizational s!stems. The e9it interview will be documented and be placed in the 14 files for future use and reference. h. Ainance =nit can ma+e final pa!ment settlement after deduction for an! monies and3or properties due to the organization. 9 OTH0R ORG8NIC8TION8+ %ROC0SS0S %O+ICI0S@ S1ST0MS ?

9/' Internal$ process CDS:s internal decision-ma+ing process will aim to create an empowering culture for staff and partners. 2t will be transparent, effective, responsible, non-bureaucratic and participator!. O O CDS will have decentralized decision ma+ing structures that share power and authorit! down the line. These structures should be clear and transparent to staff and should cover line, functional, program and horizontal management and overall organizational decisions. "ho or what structures can participate in which +inds of
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decisions should be transparent and articulated through decision-ma+ing matri9es regularl! reviewed and updated. Staff will be made aware of decision-ma+ing channels and forums for various +inds of decisions and their input should be accepted when decisions affect them. Staff advisor! committees, tas+ forces and wor+ing groups ma! be created to advise on the subject of major organisational polic!. 5inutes of management and program meetings must be shared with staff to allow them to ta+e part in the decision-ma+ing process. During transition, or if line managers are undergoing investigation or disciplinar! action, the decision ma+ing authorit! will fall either to the ne9t line of management or an! speciall! appointed person.

9/) Transition an# chan$e mana$ement processes 2n a d!namic organisation li+e CDS, management and organisational changes due to internal and e9ternal factors are inevitable. 2t is important to note that change can originate from all levels and areas of wor+. The 5anagement Team will respond proactivel! to the changing circumstance so as to ma+e the organisation conte9tuall! relevant and more effective. This ma! entail changes in structure, polic!, s!stems, practice and re.uired s+illsets. Staffs are encouraged to proactivel! anticipate change and build their capabilit! to adapt with the changing situation rather than resisting. Gui#elines O <ach change plan will have a rationale and future envisaged scenario3s O Staff and sta+eholders will be consulted during change processes and their opinions will be noted O Professionall! competent change management teams will be created to manage large-scale changes O Staff affected b! changes in the organisation will be treated with respect and dignit! and be given correct and timel! information O The positive aspects of the organisation practice and culture will be identified and safeguarded during change processes O #ll potential ris+s and associated costs will be identified prior to change 9/2 Internal Communications S*stem CDS will strive to create a culture in which access to information is open and accessible, decisions are transparent, listening and learning are valued and staff have the s+ills and motivation to communicate effectivel!. <ffective communication is a core re.uirement of each staff. <ach staff member is e9pected to +eep her3him self informed and informing others through use of resources li+e internet, intranet, networ+s, shared learning
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forums, reports and case studies or stories. 0ine 5anagers in general should +eep staff updated both to help communicate activities and direction, and to reinforce organizational culture and identit!. The $rganizational Development function will share information regarding appointment and resignations and changes in roles and responsibilit! among staff in a regular and timel! manner. 2nformation relating to senior managers, functional and theme leaders will also be shared across the larger international organization. The Communication =nit will ensure dissemination and communication of information regarding the wor+ of CDS internall! and e9ternall!. 9/( Sa&et* an# Securit* The wor+ of CDS sometimes re.uires staff to operate in difficult and ris+! circumstances. 2n such conditions, CDS will ta+e all reasonable steps to ensure the securit! and safet! of staff. Senior managers and the Principal Coordinator will ta+e primar! ownership for the safet! and securit! of staff that are accountable to them. 9/4 Chil# Sa&e Guar#in$ %olic* CDS ensure that all staff has a complete orientation of Child Safeguarding Protocols and Child Safeguarding Polic!. During recruitment and selection process Child safeguard protocols will be followed as per Child Safet! Polic!. CDS ensures that staff and management clearl! +now the reporting mechanism to report Child #buse Cases. Staff has to sign the Child Safeguarding Polic! and Code of Conduct. 14 will arrange continuous development sessions for team regarding Child Safeguarding. 9/5 Co#e o& con#uct &or Gen#er 6ustice at The purpose of this code is to ensure a wor+ environment where women and men can feel safe at wor+ and to have fair accountabilit! s!stems for an! gender harassment or abuse at the "or+place. The code is a part of CDS:s management polic! and its implementation is managed through a ,rievance Committee, comprising of three Senior 5anagement Team members. 1owever, member of this ,rievance Committee could also be from outside the organization. ,rievance Committee will be formed on need basis. Gen#er Harassment refers to an! unwelcome se9ual advance, re.uest for se9ual favours or other verbal or ph!sical conduct of a se9ual nature, causing interference with wor+ performance, is made a condition of emplo!ment or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive wor+ environment, or the attempt to punish the refusal to compl! with such a re.uest. The intimidating behaviour or act can be of a person in authorit!,
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who controls conditions of the complainant:s emplo!ment or from a cowor+er, who as a result of intimidation can ma+e the wor+ environment hostile for the complainant. Mani&estations o& Gen#er Harassment There are two significant manifestations of gender harassment in the wor+ environment, which are described below/ a/ 8!use O& 8uthorit* # demand b! a person in authorit!, such as a PC or 0ine 5anager, for se9ual favours in order to +eep or obtain certain job benefits, be it a salar! increase, a promotion, training opportunit!, a transfer or the job itself. !/ Creatin$ 8 Hostile 0nvironment #n! unwelcome se9ual advance, re.uest for se9ual favours or other verbal or ph!sical conduct of a se9ual nature, which interferes with an individual:s wor+ performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, abusive or offensive wor+ environment. The t!pical Mhostile environmentN refers to a pattern of offensive conduct over a period of time. 1owever in cases where the harassment is particularl! severe, such as ph!sical contact, a single incident would constitute a violation. Generall* 0imiting the emplo!ee:s options for future promotions or training, distorting the evaluation reports, generating gossip against the emplo!ee or other wa!s of limiting access to his3her rights for the sa+e obtaining or forcing se9ual favour constitute as gender harassment. Passing on pornographic material in print or electronic form, or passing on written offensive messages of a se9ual nature would also be considered gender harassment. Persistent e9pressions that suggests superiorit! of one gender over the other such as jo+es that demean one gender, unwelcome references to a person:s appearance or bod!, where the! cause ps!chological harassment and serve to den! colleagues their dignit! and respect and contribute to an atmosphere in which ine.ualit! is emphasized ma! constitute gender harassment.

Responsi!ilit* o& Mana$ement in Implementation o& the Co#e The management will ensure implementation of the code and fulfil its responsibilities in all fairness. The following responsibilities will be carried
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out b! the management/ a. Conduct awareness sessions about the Code and the conse.uences of such harassment at wor+place for both the affected person and the accused, in fact for all staff within the organization b. Displa! copies of this Code of Conduct in <nglish as well as in language understood b! the majorit! of wor+force, at conspicuous place in the organization for all staff to read it c. Aollow this Code in letter and spirit to ensure that each complaint is addressed responsibl! d. Show impartialit! in the process and facilitate a just and fair in.uir! process without retaliation e. "ill in no wa! victimize the complainants or the witnesses in the case f. Proceed against an! person who aids or abets and covers the commission of an! such act perpetrated b! another, without which cooperation it would not have been committed g. <stablish that the complainant has informed the accused about conduct constituting gender harassment and that records are maintained in writing, all incidents noting dates, places, descriptions of act, notification to accused and names of those to whom the incident ma! have been mentioned h. <nsure confidentialit! during the in.uir! process 9/7 +aunchin$ the Complaint Mechanism &or +aunchin$ the Complaint The following are the different mechanisms for addressing complaints of gender harassment/ In&ormal Mechanism #n informal approach to resolve a complaint of gender harassment can be through mediation between the parties involved and b! providing advice and counseling on a strictl! confidential basis. # staff member can report an incident of gender harassment informall! to his3her line manager3 supervisor, or a member of the ,rievance Committee, in which case the line manager3supervisor or the ,rievance Committee member can address the issue at his3her discretion in the spirit of this Code. The re.uest ma! be made orall! or in writing. 2f the case is ta+en up for investigation at an informal level, a senior manager will conduct the investigation in a confidential manner. The matter will be reviewed and the alleged offender will be approached with the intention of resolving the matter in a confidential manner. 2f the incident or the case reported does constitute gender harassment of a higher degree and the members reviewing the case feel that it needs to be pursued formall! for a disciplinar! action, with the agreement of the complainant, the case can be ta+en as a formal complaint. ,ormal Mechanism
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# complainant does not necessaril! have to ta+e a complaint of gender harassment through the informal channel. The complainant can launch a formal complaint at an! time. %roce#ure o& Investi$ation >o member of the ,rievance Committee should be in a position where the! are directl! or indirectl! reporting to the accused. 2n cases where the PC is the accused investigation can be launched b! a ,rievance Committee constituted b! <9ecutive bod!. Con#ucive 0nvironment &or InDuir* The management should do its best to temporaril! ma+e adjustments so that the accused and the complainants do not have to interact intensel! for official purposes during the investigation period. This would include temporaril! changing the office, in case both sit in one office, or ta+ing awa! an! e9tra charge 6over and above his3her contract7 which ma! give one part! e9cessive powers over the other:s job conditions. The management can also decide to send the accused on leave, or suspend the accused in accordance with the applicable laws3procedures for dealing with the cases of misconduct, if re.uired. 4etaliation from either part! should be strictl! monitored. During the process of the investigation wor+, evaluations, dail! duties, reporting structure and an! parallel in.uiries initiated should be strictl! monitored to avoid an! retaliation from either side. 2n case that the senior management has been accused of being a part!, it is essential that outside monitoring and control be e9ercised. 0vi#ence 2t is ac+nowledged that gender harassment usuall! occurs between colleagues when the! are alone. 1ence, it is usuall! difficult to produce evidence. 2t is strongl! recommended that staff should report an offensive behaviour immediatel! to someone the! trust, even if the! do not wish to launch a formal complaint at the time. >ot reporting immediatel! will not affect the merits of the case. a. Detailed account of the complainant and the accused form a part of the evidence. b. "itness statements. c. Statements of persons with whom the complainant might have discussed the incident, statements of persons from whom advice ma! have informall! been sought, should be considered as evidence. d. #n! other documentar!, audio or video records can be submitted. <9pert technical advice can be sought for such submissions. InDuir* %rocess a. =pon receiving a formal complaint, the ,rievance Committee shall as+
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c. d. e.

f. g.





the complainant to prepare a detailed statement of incidents in case the written complaint is not detailed. # statement of allegations will be drawn b! the ,rievance Committee and sent to the accused The accused will be as+ed to prepare a response to the statement of allegations and submit to the ,rievance Committee within a specified time. The statements and other evidence ac.uired in the in.uir! process will be considered confidential materials. # staff member in the organization could be designated to provide advice and assistance to each part!. The complainant and the accused will have the right to be represented or accompanied b! a staff member, a friend or a colleague. The ,rievance Committee will conduct verbal hearings with the complainant and the accused. Statement of Complainant will be recorded first in the presence of accused. The accused will then be allowed to cross e9amine the complainant. The ,rievance Committee will record testimonies of other relevant persons and review the evidence. Care should be ta+en to avoid an! retaliation against the witnesses b! giving the necessar! protection. To constitute gender harassment, the conduct must be Kunwelcome:. <9ploration of case must consider whether the person indicated advances were unwelcome initiall!, even if there was subse.uent ac.uiescence. The ,rievance Committee will ta+e the decision after carefull! reviewing the circumstances, evidence and relevant statements in all fairness. The accused will be provided fair opportunit! to participate in the in.uir! and if refuses or fails to participate in the in.uir!, the ,rievance Committee will conduct the in.uir! e9-parte.

l. Supervisor! emplo!ees and co-emplo!ees should be as+ed about their +nowledge of alleged harassment. "hen witnesses are not identified, testimon! ma! be obtained from persons who observed change in demeanor of the charging part! after alleged incident. $ther persons who the charging part! discussed incident with should be interviewed. m. 2n appropriate cases, gender harassment determination ma! be based solel! on credibilit! of complainant:s allegation if the account is sufficientl! detailed and internall! consistent. n. "hen dealing with harassment through a series of incidents, the investigator should not consider the series of incidents as specific but should consider the impact of separate incidents as an accumulative case and the wor+ environment ma! e9ceed the sum of individual episodes. o. 0ac+ of evidence would undermine allegation. G! the same to+en, a general denial b! the accused will carr! little weight when contradicted b! other evidence.
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p. The harassment can occur outside wor+ing hours and wor+place. 2t is the access that a perpetrator has to the person being harassed b! virtue of a job situation or relation that is relevant here. .. The ,rievance Committee will ensure confidentialit! during the in.uir! process. Time o& InDuir* The investigation procedure will be completed as soon as possible. The in.uir! and the implementation of the decision should not ta+e more than si9 wee+s. Decision o& the Grievance Committee #fter a decision is reached regarding the complaint, the ,rievance Committee will recommend disciplinar! action in case the accused is found guilt!. This action can var! from leave without pa! to demotion and dismissal from service. The decision will be submitted to the relevant units, such as 14 E Ainance. 2n case the complainant is in trauma, CDS will arrange for counseling and for additional medical leave. This can be suggested as a part of the decision. CDS can also offer compensation to the complainant in case of loss of salar! or other damages. The ,rievance Committee will monitor the situation regularl! until the members are satisfied that the corrective measures have been implemented. 8ppeals The person who has been punished for the misconduct of se9ual harassment as defined under this Code of Conduct and is dissatisfied with the .uantum of punishment will have the right of appeal before the #uthorities 3 Courts having jurisdiction to hear the cases of disciplinar! action under the 0aws applicable to the $rganization. ; INT0R%R0T8TIONS 8ND 8M0NDM0NT O, THIS %O+IC1 This 5anual will be revised and updated ever! B !ears to +eep it relevant with changes in the operating environment and internal needs. 2nterim review and revision, as and when necessar! will be recorded in a senior management meeting and communicated through a memorandum or notice. The Principal Coordinator 6PC7 will sign the memorandum or notice and then it will be formall! announced as binding. The memorandum or notice will then be made as a part of this manual. The Principal Coordinator has the authorit! to amend, cancel or modif! an!
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of the policies and procedures in this manual or introduce new ones in consultation with the 5anagement through memorandum as and when necessar!. The memorandum will be made part of this manual. The 14 $fficer is responsible for coordinating the review after ever! three !ears, in close consultation with the Senior 5anagement and will submit to the Principal Coordinator for final approval. Staff members are also free to submit amendments for consideration in writing to the 14 =nit. The 14 Polic! and Procedures 5anual will be made available to all staff, units and Aield offices through soft and hard version for their reference and use and displa!ed in conspicuous and accessible locations in each department. 5atters not covered in this 14 Polic! 5anual ma! be interpreted and applied according to the current labour law of Pa+istan and the established practices of CDS. The authorit! to interpret or amend an! of the provisions stipulated in this polic! manual shall be vested in the <9ecutive bod!.

As per requirement of my degree I have to do six weeks internship in this organization of Concept Development Services So I have assigned work according to my requirements and divided into six weeks each work have one week !he detail of my work that was assigned to me is as under in detail

Week 1
In "st week we visited some pro#ect of C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S organization ,irst of all we visited the good health dispensary system of Concept
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Development Services organization According to this program the awareness is given to the people a-out health and cleanness In the dispensary free medical checkup and free medicine are provided to the poor %ext I visit the mind set life set pro#ect of Concept Development Services organization In that pro#ect I counsel the criminal and other affected people to change their thinking pattern and negative attitude %ext I visit the C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S free medication pro#ect of Concept Development Services organization In that pro#ect Concept Development Services organization provided free medical camp and -asic needs to the needy and effected people %ext I visit the female skill program of Concept Development Services organization In that program goods are provided -y Concept Development Services organization to the needy women according to their skills So that women can get the respect and her right in the society !hat pro#ect which I survey on "st week

Week 2
Second week of my survey we decided to visit the slums houses in .hazi .hat to see the poor health conditions there ,irst of all Internee told that Slums /ouses are made of corrugated iron and any scrap material they can find !he houses were of different kinds of metals where the houses were easy to -reakdown /ouses can -e made from many materials 0ood1 -rick1 ado-e1 straw1 and etc Internee and Concept Development Services team started #ourney from D . 2han at 3 44 am and reached .hazi .hat at 5 44 am !he pro#ect director *iss Shumaila %aseem was also there 0hen Internee and Concept Development Services team reached there and saw slums houses there !he condition of slums houses was very -ad !he houses were made with the help of old torn clothes It seemed to look like that people were living like animals 0ell1 Internee stepped forward and asked a question to a lady /er name was Amana *ai She told that she lived there with her family She had 6 children She told that there were approximately "44 houses and each family had 6 to 7 children She told that her hus-and and little children had earned money )ittle children had stood at the corner of the road and every passenger gave them little money Due to this they had earned 84 9 8: rupee in a day /er hus-and work in fields and they collect wood from the fields !here housewives had made the -askets from the wood after this they sold them in the -azaar !hey spend this money on their on expenses !hey live a very tough life !hey do not have pure and healthy food !here is no health care providing system !hey have disease of malaria1 food poison1 diyeria1 typhoid1 cholera1 higher levels of illness !he families have no medical help $ne of the main reasons why the disease spread so quickly was -ecause there were no effective waste management policies in place ;a-ies get sick a lot specially the new -orn -a-ies1 -ecause there is no other way to -uild up their immunity level against the different viruses and other germs !hey drink river water which is full of germs and the waste of hospital and factories included in So people health was endangered !heir ladies do not know a-out the family planning !here is lack of medical facilities and lack of nutritional facilities Dengue fever late treatment and lack of awareness in the population steps were taken to kill vectors for the fever and the disease was controlled !hey did not have pure water for drinking !hey lived across the river in the houses 0hen the flood came they had reached on the sides of the road !hey lived there in summer and winter %either did they have warm clothes to prevent the coldness of winter nor did they have any covering !here was no arrangement of sanitation 0hen it was to hot1 they sat in the -oat !he water of the river was used for drinking %either
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had they known a-out religious education nor any other education !he people wanted their children to get education -ut their circumstances were not good 0e stayed there from < to = hours !hey said that the government did not do any help !hey lived there on their own will !hey also wanted to -uild houses1 school and hospital for them so that they also improve their lifestyle After survey we came -ack

Week 3
In third week of pro#ect internee went to Concept Development Services development organization !here internee told the Concept Development Services Direct a-out survey I told all the poor health conditions which face slums houses people I told that people living in crisis neither did not they have any place to live nor they have any food to eat !hey spend all the day in hunger !hey have nothing to give their children !hey did not fulfill their needs> even they have no pure water for drinking !hese pro-lems cause many diseases !hrough their pro-lems disease are increasing day -y day !he team of Concept Development Services decides to provide aid 0e collect Cooking oil1 sugar1 pluses1 missals1 soup1 water1 flour1 rice and the -asic needs of life Concept Development Services % . $ collected the one week aid !he new clothes were -rought for elders and kids !he students also collected a lot of material It was included new and old things !he whole team of Concept Development Services decided that we would give all things and clothes to the poor people of .hazi .hat in +amadan ;etter living is the right of every person1 so why the poor deprive of it If we help those people1 they can -e going forward in their life All the crimes of the country are due to these people1 -ecause these people -ecome criminal to improve their lifestyle 0e can save them through the support of our rich people

Week 4
In =th week of pro#ect internee again went to .hazi !he people of .hazi .hat were very pleased to see us 0e reached at 5 44 am to .hazi .hat I told her that health is wealth Internee told them a-out some rules of healthy lifestyle Internee told that they should eat healthy and pure food and they should wash their hands -efore eating !hey told that they also want good lifestyle -ut they cannot afford this Internee said that Sleep well for at least six to eight hours a night Sleep is like medicine for the mind and -ody Sleep deprivation results in premature ageing1 irrita-ility and a short temper Air provides life?giving oxygen )ike water1 the -ody cannot survive without taking in oxygen 'lenty of fresh1 clean air is essential to good health 'ure 0ater is a great way to help control one@s physical -ody Internee advises them that they should keep themselves and their houses clean !hen she distri-uted the funds -etween these families During getting funds they feel happy Internee and whole time also make picture with them After advising them we came -ack

Week 5
In :th week of internee survey Concept Development Services Development $rganization arranged a free medical camp for poor people in Concept Development Services %.$ Doctor checks the poor people and provides them free medicine Internee gives special attention to health of children $ver 544 patients receive free care each month at the health camps /ealth camp is a multi?purpose health activity in which teams of specialized doctors1 nurses1 la- technicians1 and pharmacists provide free diagnosis1 treatment1 medicine and health education !hese health camps are enthusiastically supported -y .eo care hospital /ealth awareness and education are also given to help people live a life free from disease Internee also gave awareness a-out the dangers of malaria1 /I(AAIDS and to-acco
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&ye camp is arranged every ,riday During my work eyes camp is arranged on ,riday1 Saturday and Sunday 0here poor people come and check there eyes and Concept Development Services %.$ provide free medicine ,lood relief camp is also esta-lished for flooded people In this camp free health educations provided to poor people and provide them free medicine !his camp was esta-lished under the control of '*A Internee also works in this camp /ealth education was also providing Concept Development Services always take care of those people who are poor In medical camp internee gave health education /ealth education a-out childrenBs -ecause most of the disease are found in children

Week 6
Six and last week of my pro#ect internee went the main office of Concept Development Services house Internee gave all the report of a-out work Internee gave the report that in .hazi .hat there should -e houses1 schools and hospital for people then they live -etter life !here parents also want to give education for their children -ut their resources are not enough to do that Internee told all the pro-lems to chair person !he chair person promised that they provide them -asic facilities of life Internee work very well All the staff of Concept Development Services organisation satisfied on work In these days there pro#ect of health and dispensary system running well Internee gave them many new ideas a-out how to aware poor people a-out health and internee learned many new things from Concept Development Services organization During my work internee face many pro-lems and challenges ;ut internee did not lose heart !he Concept Development Services %.$ is new place for interne

/ealth in poorer areas is very -ad !hrough there -ad conditions there are many diseases Concept Development Services has good name and plays good roles 'oor people cannot fulfill needs Concept Development Services helps those people All the crimes of the country are due to these people1 -ecause these people -ecome criminal to improve their lifestyle 0e can save them through the support of our rich people !hese people also part of our society Concept Development Services provide free medicine and free checkup to poor people Concept Development Services works for people In poorer areas there have no pure water to drink and no pure food to eat !hey live very tough life $ne of the main reasons is that disease spread so quickly -ecause there was no effective waste management policy in these areas ;a-ies get sick a lot specially the new -orn -a-ies -ecause there is no other way to -uild up their immunity level against the different viruses and other germs !hey drink river water which is full of germs and waste of hospital and factories included in So people health was in danger !here is lack of awareness 'regnant women inha-iting ur-an slums are a Chigh riskD group with limited access to health facilities /azardous maternal health practices are rampant in slum areas ;arriers to utilization of health services are well documented Slums in the same city may differ from one another in their health indicators and service utilization
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rates !he study examines whether hazardous maternal care practices exist in and whether there are differences in the utilization rates of health services in two different slums /ealthy living is a com-ination of many things1 including good nutrition1 regular exercise and a positive attitude !aking care of your -ody and feeling pride in your accomplishments can improve -oth your physical and mental health !here are many things you can do to improve your quality of life ? improving your diet and exercising regularly are two of the easiest steps %o matter how small you start Eadding an apple a day to your diet or walking : more minutes a dayF1 you can make a change and an improvement in your life C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S organization D . 2han has name1 good will all over the world It is an organization which compensates and motivates its employees It has some pro-lems which needs time to overcome ;ut overall itBs a well reputed organization having separate department which works together to generate revenues

Recommendat on!
" 8 < = : 3 5 6 !he hospital should made there &ducation is necessary for every person so &ducational institute made there 'rovide pure water and food ,ree medical camp esta-lished for poor people /ouses should made there !here should -e enough oppourtanity of employment !here should -e enough education program for -oth man and women Awareness programmes should -e conducted for -oth women and men It should -e done -y using the resources like nurses1 doctors and psychologists1 working under governmental and non?governmental organizations E%.$sF !here should -e religious definitions of the -asic rights of women like autonomy and freedom in 'akistan on federal levels and the government needs to evaluate all of the -asic rights of women

"4 .overnment should develop recreational programs like family parks1 and other entertaining places where women along with their family can en#oy and relax
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"" Define the rights of women in the lights of Islamic teaching and literature "8 .overnment should also ensure that every citizen of the country is following the main themes defined -y the religious committee SUGGESTION

As a sociologist1 interne prefer to work at C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S things As a sociologist interne will try to accumulate the weakness of the organization Gturn them to strengths Interne will also improve the / + practices in the organization which includes employeeBs motivation their reward programs and their appraising standards C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S needs some improvements in D . 2han ;ecause it is the organization which holds the motivational factors !his is the platform where you can seek many practical

-uilding maintenance1 parking issues1 employee training difficulties as a sociologist interne will try to overcome these o-stacles G -y hard work I will try to increase the revenue of C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S 'ersonality interne had a wonderful time at C$%C&'! D&(&)$'*&%! S&+(IC&S D . 2han and interne definitely try to work their again

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