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1. A ____ is a named location on a disk where files are stored.

A folder B pod C version D none of the above Ans (A) 2. The ____ allows o! to choose where to "o and is located below the #tandards B!ttons toolbar. A # stem men! B Address bar C $en! bar D none of the above Ans (B) %. A ____ is a set of comp!ter instr!ctions that carr o!t a task on the comp!ter. A pro"ram B database C memor file D none of the above Ans (A) &. An operatin" s stem version desi"ned for home !se is $icrosoft 'indows () ____. A *ome +dition B $edia Center +dition C Tablet )C +dition D none of the above Ans (A) ,. A !ser-interface that is eas to !se is considered to be ____. A !ser-happ

B !ser-simple C !ser-friendl D none of the above Ans (C) .. 'hen o! press and release the secondar mo!se b!tton o! are ____. A /i"ht-clickin" B 0eft-clickin" C either a. or b. D neither a. nor b. Ans (A) 1. Another term for h perlink is ____. A link B so!rce C bar D none of the above Ans (A) 2. A ____ is a flash memor stora"e device that pl!"s into a 3#B port. A 3#B snap drive B 3#B flash drive C 3#B memor maker drive D none of the above Ans (B) 4. An operatin" s stem version desi"ned for !se with a $edia Center )C is $icrosoft 'indows () ____. A *ome +dition B $edia Center +dition C Tablet )C +dition

D none of the above Ans (B) 15. A "raphical !ser interface displa s ____. A "raphics B te6t C both (A) and (B). D neither (A) nor (B). Ans (C) 11. 'hen o! 7!ickl press and release the left mo!se b!tton twice8 o! are ____. A )rimar -clickin" B Do!ble-clickin" C pointin" D none of the above Ans 9 Tr :o!rself; 12. 3nderlined te6t8 s!ch as te6t and folder names is referred to as a ____. A h perlink B men! C so!rce drive D none of the above Ans (A) 1%. The ____ pro"ram compresses lar"er files into a smaller file. A 'in<ip B 'in#hrink C 'in#t le D none of the above Ans (A)

1&. An operatin" s stem version desi"ned for !se with a tablet )C is $icrosoft 'indows () ____. A *ome +dition B $edia Center +dition C Tablet )C +dition D none of the above Ans (C) 1,. The ____ displa s the name of ever comp!ter !ser on the comp!ter. A 'ish list screen B Command screen C 'elcome screen D none of the above Ans (C) 1.. The ____ contains commands associated with the $ comp!ter window. A #tandards men! B #tart men! C # stem men! D none of the above Ans (C) 11. )ress the ____ b!tton to have the window fill the entire screen. A Close B $a6imi=e C $inimi=e D none of the above Ans (B) 12. The ____ is the drive containin" the files to be copied. A so!rce drive

B destination drive C 3#B drive D none of the above Ans (A) 14. A ____ allows o! to write on screen with a di"ital pen and convert that writin" into characters that the )C can process. A monitor /# B tablet )C C database mana"er D media center Ans (B) 25. A ____ is a pointin" device. A monitor B mo!se C ke board D none of the above Ans (B)

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