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Sub-Product Entrepreneurship Education Programs Go Green, Go Global (Green Orient Project) Pave the Way

Go Green, Go Global
These GCDPs are focused on the environment and cultivating social awareness amongst students on the impact local communities have on their respective environment. The Interns will have training sessions with the partner organization Green Orient and after that they will deliver workshops to students on the environmental topics discussed in Green Orient. Nov-Dec realization. Past EPs have shown high levels of satisfaction doing the exact job role. On the weekends, the EP will be hanging out with the local AIESEC entity and exploring different cultural aspects of Lebanon.

Doing research about environmental topics, and drawing simple maps Deliver workshops and presentations for students from 8 to 12 years Field work such as participating in planting trees, harvesting corps with local people, and cleaning trails. Any outdoor activity related to environment. Teach some students basic computer skills.

Accommodation: TN fee required ($200 - $250) There is a TN fee dependent on the internship and will be given out during the matching process. Few of our clients provide accommodation and some provide transport and food as well, these details are clearly mentioned in the TNs however.
* During the interview the interns will be told about what to expect and what all they need to prepare before the realization * The EP's will be given invitation letters, they can apply for tourist Visa (often on arrival) * At the airport they should specify that they are in Lebanon as TOURISTS.

Contact for Pave the Way: Sara shatila LCVP & LCPe from AIESEC AUB sara.shatila@aiesec.net Contact for Go Green Go global Halim Aboulhosn LCVP & LCP from AIESEC LAU halim.aboulhosn@aiesec.net Other TNs in Lebanon are also NGO based with different job roles. You can find more TNs through the search tool. You can read the reception wiki for more information and see our video from past EPs! Search tool - Reception wiki - Video

Sub-Product Entrepreneurship Education Programs Go Green, Go Global (Green Orient Project) with Pave the Way

Pave the Way

Profile of EP
We are looking for EP's with communication skills and EP's are up to date with current affairs and responsible.

Description of the Program

These TNs vary based on the collaboration that the TN has with specific NGOs. Job roles include teaching, research, IT, and graphics support for various NGO projects. The roles also requires EPs to be involved in projects to provide awareness, giving workshops in schools that have partnered with the NGOs. The first two weeks are trained in the first two weeks and then they go delivering workshops with our partnered schools

Interns will be divided into 3 teams to work and communicate with school students and give them workshops about several subjects based on the age groups: 1) Elementary 2) Intermediate 3) Secondary Each team will prepare one of the 3 following contents of workshops and deliver them to the category of students they're in charge of according to a specified timeline. 3 types of workshops: 1) Raising awareness on environmental issues+ recycling 2) Team work and public speaking+ computer skills. 3) Career guidance+ soft skills Deal with professional trainers who will guide them the best ways to deliver workshops. Organize, plan and take part of an important 1-day event at the end.

Accommodation: TN fee required ($200 - $250) TN fees are dependent on the internship and will be given out during the matching process. Few of our clients provide accommodation and some provide transport and food as well, these details are clearly mentioned in the TNs however.
* During the interview the interns will be told about what to expect and what all they need to prepare before the realization * The EP's will be given invitation letters, they can apply for tourist Visa (often on arrival) * At the airport they should specify that they are in Lebanon as TOURISTS.

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