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pruebas de acceso a nseanzas universitaris oficiales de grado (8achllerato L.o.


. . t

rDroMA EXTRANJERO: lN6L5. 2012/2013

No 5e permite ei uso del diccionario ni de gn otro material didctico. preguntas debern 5er respondidas en ngls. de la prueba:1 hora y30 minutos, Esta hoja no5e entrega. Hayquerespondertodoslos bloquesde la propuesta elegida,Ao B.

Pr[ebas de acceso a enseanzas universtarias oficiales de grado (Eachillerato L,O.E.] tDtoMA EXTRANJERO: rNGtES. 2012/2013 . No se permte el lso del dccionario n de ningn otro matera didctico.

. . . .

prcgutas debern ser respondidas en ngls. Duracn de la prueba: t hora y 30 minutos. sta hoja no se entrega. Hay que responder todos los bloques de la propuesta elegida, A o B.



1. Write a word from the text that ncludes the sa.lre sound as "going"

/ql . {A.25\

60ING TO UNIVERSITY IN BRITAIN After school many Brtish students go to unversity. They apply to several universities and receive offers of a place on condition that they acheve certan grades in ther A levels. Many universites receve some money from the state. The oldst and most famous are Oxford and
Cambridge, though there are many other respected unversities in UK. Some unverstes are calfed red

2. Wrte a word from the text that includes the same diphthong sound as "pay"



3. How is the "-ed" pronounced in "respected", 4. How isthe'Ls" pronounced in "graduates",

/t/, /dl or //? 1to.25) /s/, /z/ or /n/? 10.25J


UsE OF ENGLISH. (3 POINTS) (0.5 for each correct answer)

brick universites because they were built in the 19th Centry wth brick rather thn stone. The newer unversites have their buildings grouped together on a campus.

Rewrite the following sentences startng with the words given:

A first degree, which is usually an Honours Degree, generally takes three years. Results are given as classes {that is, grades}: a first is the highest class, second are often split between upper second and lower second, and below that is a thirci. Graduates may add the letters BA {Bachelor of Arts} or BSc (Bachelor of Science) after their name. Some graduates go on to study for a further degree, often a
master's degree or a doctorate (Ph.D.).


I have been working with computers for ten years. I ....................


We have such intellgent English teachers that everyone


At most British Universities the academic year is divided into three terms. Throughout their degree course, students study a man subject, which is usually a mix of compulsory courses and electives. Teaching methods may vary between unverslties. Some students have lectures and semnars (discussion groups) and there are practicals for those studyng a sclence subject- At some universites
students have tutorials or supervisions.
Students in Britain formerly had their tuition fees paid by the state and received a government grant to

am travelling with a friend. He can't speak English.

The friend


Someone threw away a cigarette in the rubbish bin yesterday. Yesterday ......,......

didn't study hard enough. That is why I didn't pass.

rf .......................,.........

help them pay ther iving expenses. Now they ony receve a loan towards their expenses, and from 1999 most also have to pay f1000 a year towards tution les. The new arrangements have caused a
great deal of concern among people who believe


Write the correct question for the underlined words.


rd Gude to Britsh ond Amercon cutture

It took me


to go to Central London.


rv. coMPostTloN. (3 POINTS)


l. READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct answer)

Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support your answer. NO marks are given for only true or flse,

composition of between 100 and 125 words on the followng topic:

Advantages and dsadvantages of studylng ebroad

1. After

school, most British students go on to study at university.

2. The state pays for higher education. 3. StudentsstudyamainsubjectwhichisacombinatonofdifferenttYpesofcourseunts.

Nowadays, students are given a Srant to pay their expenses.

il. rEXrcoN


A. LEXICON. (1 POINTI (0.25 points for each correct answer) Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these gven.




reputable. obligatory.
something that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness.


Prubas de acceso a nseanas unversitarias ofcales de trado (Bachillerato L.O.E.) rDroMA EXRANJERO: rNGLS. 2OI2l2Ot3

. . . .

No se permite el so del n de ningn otro matelal didcco. Las preguntas deber ser respondids en ngls. Duracin de Ia prueba:1 hoa y 30 minutos. Esta hoja no se entrega. Hay que respoder todos los bloques de la p.opuesta elegida, A o L

Pruebas de acceso a enseanras universtarias oficiales de grado (Bachilterato L.O.E.l rDtoMA EXTRANJERO: tNGtES. ZOr2l2O'3

. . r .

No se permite el uso del ni de nntn otro material didctco. preguntas debern ser respondida5 en ingl5. ouGcin de l prueba: t hora y 30 miutos.

Esta hoja o se entreg. Hay que responder todos los btoques de la propuesta elegida, A o g.

B. PHONETTCS. (1 POTNT) 1, Write two words from the text that include the ame sound as ,.been,,/i:/. (0.5)


Lance Armstrong, the former cycling champion, has admitted to using drugs

2. Wrte a word from the text that ncludes the same sound as ,,all,,

/e:/. (0.25)

to improve his performance

3. How is the "-s" pronounced in "drues", /s/,


o( /rz/? (O.Z5l

for the frst time. ln an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong said he had used drugs during alt seven of his Tour de France wins, from 1999 to 2005.

The confession took a long time to come. Despite having lost his Tour de France titles last year after a

USE OF ENGtlSl.l. {3 POINTS) (0.5 ror each correct answer)

doping investigation, Lance Armstrong always denied cheatng. But he had been lying. The 41-year-old American cyclist told Oprah Winfrey he used drugs in every Tour de France contest he won_ He took banned substances and used blood transfusions to increase his performance. Wthout drugs, he said, it wouldn't have been possible to win. Armstrong sad he kept repeating "one big lie'' and conceded that his admisson would be "too late" for most people. "All the fault and all the blame lies with me," Lance Armstrong said. But he denied having forced other members of his team to dope.
Reactions to Armstrong's decison to abandon his battle with US Ant-Dopng Agency varied across the world. For example, the legendary Eddy Merckx spoke in favour of Armstrong: "Lance was very correct

Rewrite the following sentences startng with the words given:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

She plays cricket very wll. She is He is such a serous person that h can't say lies. He is

prefer not winning to taking drugs.

l'm sure he is rch because he owns three houses.

during his career. All the tests he's undertaken have come back negatve.


there are two possblties:

one, the tests don't really prove anythngi and two, Armstrong did not cheat", Merckx said,
Adapted from

am reading a novel at the moment. lt is very entertalning.

The novel

Write the correct question for the underlined words.



My brother left vesterdav, L READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS) (0.5 points for each correct answerl
Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to suppon your answer. NO marks are given for only true or false.

rv. coMPosrTtoN. (3 PotNTsl

Write a composition of between 100 and 125 words on the lollowing topic:
Doping in gports

1. 2. 3, 4.

Armstrong confessed having drugs n the first Tour de France. He thought that he could have won f he hadn't had drugs. Armstrong ddn't try to make his team partners have drugs.
Everybody agreed wth Armstrong's decison.

il. rEXrcoN


A, LEXICON. (1 POINTI (0,25 points for each correct answer) Find words or phrases n the text that mean the same as these given.


illegal. drugs.

2. lmprove. 3. administer
4. fight,

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