TAR Analysis - Script

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Ceorgla MaLLhews

A2 Medla SLudles

1argeL Audlence 8esearch
ScrlpL Analysls
Cne-Lo-one lnLervlews

!" #$ &'( )*+* , -.+*/0'+ )'(1- &'( -.+*/0 02.3 3/+.405 62&5 7'+ )2,0 +*,3'835

My lnLervlewees agreed LhaL Lhey would dlrecL Lhls fllm because of Lhe mlcro
Lechnlcal elemenLs and Lhe sLoryllne. 1hey boLh say how lL ls very vlsual and
descrlpLlve. Cne of my lnLervlewees noLe LhaL Lhey llke Lhe llghLlng whaL ls used Lo
show Lhe dlfferenL emoLlons ln Lhe characLer.
Cverall Lhls shows LhaL my scrlpL ls sLrong and very vlsual. 1hls ls essenLlal for a
scrlpLwrlLer because Lhelr scrlpLs musL be very effecLlve, explalnable and vlsual. 1hls
ls need for acLors, producers and dlrecLors so Lhey know whaL Lo do and whaL ls
golng on. 1hls ls also needed lf plLchlng your scrlpL Lo a producer, fundlng source eLc.
l am pleased wlLh my responses and glad l goL good feedback. l sLlll feel Lhe need Lo
expand my scrlpL and make lL more vlsual and use several mlcro elemenLs Lo show
sLrong represenLaLlon. As Lhere ls a lack of dlalogue ln my scrlpL, l feel llke l would
need Lo have a good use of mlcroelemenLs Lo convey Lhe macro meanlng.

9" 62,0 *:'0.'83 -' &'( 02.8; 02* 3/+**8)+.0*+ ),3 0+&.8< 0+.<<*+5

1he responses show LhaL Lhe emoLlons l was Lrylng Lo show were ldenLlfy. 1he sLory
ls focused on uarcy, Lhe young woman who cares for her younger dlsabled broLher.
My lnLervlewee ldenLlfles Lhe dlfflculLles of belng a young carer and Lhe dlfferences
of her llfe Lo everyone else. My lnLervlewee also saw Lhe confllcL and sLruggle for her
when uarcy ls puL lnLo an awkward slLuaLlon.
ln concluslon, lL shows LhaL emoLlon of belng young carer ls shown buL ls noL shown
sLrong enough. l wanL Lo lmprove Lhe lmage of uarcy and noL make her look llke a
bad person buL [usL porLray someone who sLruggles wlLh llfe as lL ls dlfferenL from

=" >8- 2') -' &'( 02.8; 02* 3/+**8)+.0*+ /'8?*&*- 02'3* *:'0.'835

lL was menLloned LhaL Lhe screenwrlLer had shown Lhese emoLlons very sLrongly
Lhrough Lhe movemenL, acLlons and reacLlons Lhrough Lhe characLers. 1he pace of
my shorL fllm ls a key Lhlng as lL does Lell a loL. My lnLervlewee sald LhaL Lhe
movemenL of Lhe characLer explalned a loL, showlng her emoLlons Lhrough her
lor my shorL fllm, Lhe acLor/acLress musL be able Lo perform Lhese emoLlons and
slLuaLlon well. 8y my response, lL shows LhaL Lhe emoLlons are porLrayed well and
Lhe slLuaLlon ls shown.
1o lmprove l am golng Lo add more descrlpLlon lnLo Lhe seLLlng and Lhe characLers Lo
creaLe more of an aLmosphere.

@" 62,0 *:'0.'83 -' &'( $**1 0'),+-3 A,+/&5 62&5

1he lnLervlewees feel sympaLhy Lowards uarcy as she sLruggles Lo llve her llfe and
care for anoLher. 1hey see Lhe sLress and pressure she ls under. 1he lnLervlewees
menLlon slmllar answers.
1hls ls Lhe empaLhy LhaL l was lnLendlng Lo show. 1he sLruggle of her llfe and how
she goes ouL of her way all Lhe Llme Lo make sure her and her broLher are healLhy
and happy. 1he see how sLressful lL can geL and she never complalns. She ls a young
glrl and [usL wanLs Lo go ouL buL feels resLrlcLed because of her broLher.
My responses l have recelved have shown LhaL l have successfully creaLed a good
lmage of uarcy and her llfe. l dld noL wanL Lo show her as a horrlble person as she ls
[usL a young glrl wlLh a dlfferenL llfesLyle.

B" 62,0 *:'0.'83 -' &'( $**1 0'),+-3 C'8,02'85 62&5

1he lnLervlewees can see LhaL !onaLhon feels lsolaLed and Lrapped. Pe cannoL do
Lhlngs llke oLhers and feels llke he ls resLrlcLed Lo Lhlngs. Pe ls a normal person and
[usL has sllghL dlsablllLy problems. My audlence can see Lhe emoLlons l was showlng.
1he paln and sLruggle he goes Lhrough and how Lhe slLuaLlon affecLs uarcy and
l am glad LhaL Lhe audlence undersLood Lhe characLer and emoLlons her carrled. 1hls
shows l have porLrayed hlm and hls slLuaLlon well.

D" 62*+* -.- &'( 0,;* .80*+*30*- ,8- E*/':* .80+.<(*-5 62&5

All of Lhe lnLervlewees are lnLeresLed wlLh Lhe conversaLlon wlLh uarcy and Lhe man
on Lhe phone. 1hey wonder abouL Lhelr relaLlonshlp and how she ls reacLlng wlLh
hlm. 1hey also see Lhe dllemma of Lhe scrlpL where uarcy has lefL and you don'L
know lf she ls golng back.
My responses show LhaL Lhe audlence can see Lhe Lenslon and drama beLween Lhe
characLers on Lhe phone. l could creaLe more of an lnLeresL aL Lhe beglnnlng and
make Lhe audlence creaLe more quesLlons and wonder more abouL uarcy and
!onaLhon's relaLlonshlp.

F" 62*+* -.- &'( $**1 .0 *G41,.8*- .03*1$ )*115 62& -.- &'( 4./; 02,0 4,+05

1he reply l recelved ls LhaL lL explalns a loL. lL shows you all Lhese mlnl slLuaLlons and
makes Lhe audlence wonder abouL Lhe sLory, Lhe relaLlonshlps and Lhe characLers.
1hey Lhen say lL reveals a loL and makes lL very easy Lo undersLand. 1he lnLervlewee
speclflcally chose Lhe parL when uarcy has Lhe flrsL phone conversaLlon wlLh Lhe
anonymous man. 1hey wonder whaL are Lhey Lalklng abouL? Why ls he belng very
demandlng? WhaL's wrong wlLh uarcy? lL laLer explalns lLself when you meeL uarcy's
broLher and also wlLh Lhe second phone conversaLlon wlLh Lhem.
My response showed LhaL l have explalned Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhey can ldenLlfy Lhe
maln problem ln Lhe scrlpL. l wlll work on my scrlpL Lo Lry and lmprove lL and creaLe
hldden messages and meanlngs for my audlence, so more can be slowly revealed
Lhrough any hldden messages.

H" 6,3 02*+* , E,1,8/* E*0)**8 0)'5 I2* .80*+*30 ,8- 02* *G41,8,0.'85

1he audlence sald yes because lL was very deLalled and undersLood Lhe movemenLs
of Lhe characLers. 1hls shows a sLrong vlsual lmage and also engages Lhe characLers
emoLlonal. lL ls menLloned LhaL my lnLervlewee had a sLrong undersLandlng of Lhe
emoLlons, whlch ls a key Lhlng ln my scrlpL as Lhe maln problem of belng a young
carer has such sLrong emoLlon and sLruggle behlnd lL. lf LhaL ls noL shown Lhan Lhe
audlence wlll recelve Lhe wrong message.
l need Lo make sure LhaL my scrlpL ls sLrong and LhaL Lhe maln problem ls ldenLlfled
and LhaL Lhey do noL percelve my shorL fllm ln Lhe wrong way.

J" A' &'( $**1 02,0 A,+/& )*80 02+'(<2 ,8 *:'0.'8,1 K'(+8*&5

lL ls shown LhaL Lhe audlence agrees and LhaL lL ls emoLlonal for her as she as Lhe
large declslon of golng ouL and leavlng her broLher aL home or brlnglng hlm along.
1haL declslon ls very hard for uarcy as she ls a young carer and her llfe ls very
selfless. She musL glve up all her Llme Lo care for herself and !onaLhon. When she
[usL wanLs someLhlng small for her lL's dlfflculL as Lhere are oLher people lnvolved.
She ls noL selflsh for wanLlng Lo go ouL buL she cannoL because of her llfesLyle ls
dlfferenL from a normal young woman.
1he [ourney of uarcy ls ldenLlfled by Lhe audlence and ls shown how she ls only a
young woman. CLher lnLervlewees have menLlon LhaL she ls selflsh. l musL show LhaL
she has a very selfless llfe and LhaL she only wanLed someLhlng llLLle for herself.

!L" 62,0 )*+* A,+/&M3 *:'0.'83 02+'(<2'(0 02* E*<.88.8<N :.--1* ,8- *8-5

All of Lhe lnLervlewees had very slmllar yeL dlfferenL answers. ln Lhe beglnnlng Lhey
all menLlon LhaL she ls relaxed and exclLed, as she ls a young woman geLLlng ready
for a nlghL ouL. 1hey Lhen ldenLlfy her mood changes as she recelves a phone call
and when she ls leavlng Lhe house. 1hey say LhaL she ls aglLaLed, frusLraLed, upseL
and gullLy. 1owards Lhe end, when uarcy reLurns Lo Lhe house Lhe audlence say LhaL
uarcy seems calm, relleved and happler. Cne of Lhem also menLloned LhaL she ls
frusLraLed and fed up because of she [usL wanLs someLhlng for her buL unforLunaLely
1hese are very sLrong emoLlons l was Lrylng Lo convey. 1hls as seen ln qulLe a loL of
Lhe replles, l musL show LhaL uarcy sLruggles and she ls a selfless glrl. She wanLs
someLhlng for her. l wanL Lhe audlence Lo see Lhe klndness and wanL ln uarcy and
LhaL lL ls very sLruggllng.

!!" 62,0 ),3 02* :,.8 4+'E1*: -(+.8< 02* 3/+.405

lL ls shown LhaL Lhe audlence says Lhe maln problem ls when she lefL Lhe house and
lefL !onaLhon alone. My lnLervlewee says LhaL lL ls a dlfflculL slLuaLlon and also LhaL lL
ls Lhe maln problem because lL bullds up and becomes very Lense. WlLh Lhe
confronLaLlon lnvolved lL shows LhaL Lhere ls awkwardness ln Lhe slLuaLlon.
1he maln problem ls uarcy leavlng Lhe house and her wanLs and needs. lL shows Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe slbllngs. 1hls ls Lhe maln problem as lL ls showlng Lhe llfe of
a young carer.

!9" >8- -' &'( $**1 1.;* .0 ),3 02* :'30 .:4'+0,80 4+'E1*: .8 02* 3/+.405

My lnLervlewee sald LhaL Lhere are Lwo problems ln Lhe scrlpL LhaL ls Lhe maln
problem. 1he problems of belng a young carer and lL ls hard as uarcy [usL wanLs Lo
have a free, easy nlghL buL also Lhe problem of leavlng !onaLhon alone.
1hese are boLh problems LhaL are seen ln Lhe scrlpL buL malnly focuslng of uarcy
belng a young carer and also a young woman. My audlence can see Lhls problem
sLrongly, whlch l am glad abouL as lL porLrays her llfe well.

!=" # $**1 02,0 02* 1,/; '$ -.,1'<(* .8 02* 3/+.40 /,8 *G41,.8 , 1'0O >/0.'83 ,+*
30+'8<*+ 02,8 )'+-3N )2,0 -' &'( $**1 ,E'(0 02* ,:'(80 '$ -.,1'<(* (3*-
.8 02* 3/+.405 62&5

8oLh lnLervlewees feel llke Lhe use of dlalogue used ls a good amounL for Lhe
slLuaLlon as lL bullds Lenslon by Lhe use of sllence and dlegeLlc sound. Cne of Lhem
menLloned LhaL how lL leaves Lhe audlence asklng quesLlons and Lry Lo flgure whaL ls
golng on.
1he LheorlsLs Marllyn Mllgrom descrlbes shorL fllms as halkus. 1hey make you Lhlnk
abouL Lhlngs and uncover Lhe LruLh behlnd Lhe message. l have used less dlalogue Lo
puL Lhls effecL on my audlence. l can see Lhls ls affecLlng my audlence as one of my
lnLervlewees had commenLed on lL. Mllgrom also says LhaL shorL fllm should use
llLLle dlalogue as posslble Lo ensure lL ls more clnemaLlc and does noL have LhaL
Lelevlslon feel.
l am keeplng wlLh Lhe amounL of dlalogue ln my scrlpL Lo have Lhls affecL on Lhe
audlence and do as Mllgrom advlses, as she ls a well-known shorL fllm LheorlsL.

!@" A' &'( $**1 # 32'(1- ,-- ,8& -.,1'<(* '+ +*:'?* ,8& -.,1'<(* '8 , /*+0,.8
4,+0 '$ 02* 3/+.405

Llnklng back Lo quesLlon 13, my lnLervlewee says LhaL Lhere ls a nlce amounL for Lhe
slLuaLlon glven ln Lhe scrlpL buL also lf any were cuL ouL lL would feel weak. My
lnLervlewee commenLed saylng lL would feel weak and wouldn'L be able Lo plcLure
whaL ls golng on.
1hls shows me LhaL my audlence vlsuallse Lhe scrlpL well and feels lL ls qulLe sLrong.
1hls ls needed ln Lhe fllm lndusLry as lf you were ever plLchlng your scrlpL Lo a
dlrecLor or producer, lL musL be sLrong and vlsual for Lhem Lo undersLand Lhe sLory
and wanL Lo go wlLh your scrlpL.

!B" 62,0 30,;*3 -' &'( 02.8; 02*+* .3 .$ A,+/& 1*$0 C'8,02'8 ,0 2':* ,1'8* ,8-
)*80 '(0 ).02'(0 2.:5

My responses boLh menLlon LhaL lL would of rulned famlly llfe and Lhelr relaLlonshlp
would have been rulned. 1hese leads Lo several over Lhemes and lssues llke neglecL,
abuse, broken home and eLc. 1hey noLe Lhe emoLlons LhaL !onaLhon and uarcy's
emoLlon Lowards each oLher and Lhe slLuaLlon would of changed. uarcy would have
been gullLy and broken down, where !onaLhon would of resenLed uarcy and noL
LrusL her agaln.
My audlence has seen Lhe sLruggle LhaL uarcy musL go Lhrough and Lhe dlfflculLles of
uarcy's llfe. 1he maln message belng porLrayed ln Lhe scrlpL ls Lhe dlfflculLles of
belng a young carer.

!D" A' &'( $**1 02* 30,;*3 )*+* 2.<2 *8'(<2 $'+ 02*.+ 3.0(,0.'85

Llnklng back Lo quesLlon 13, my lnLervlewee says LhaL Lhe sLakes were hlgh enough
for Lhelr slLuaLlon as she orlglnally sald LhaL Lhe famlly llfe would have been
desLroyed. She also says LhaL Lhe audlence would of seen her as a horrlble person lf
she dld noL back buL Lhey don'L undersLand Lhe llfe of a young carer.
1hls llnks sLrongly Lo Lhe pasL quesLlon, as lL ls Lhe maln message belng porLrayed of
belng a young carer.

!F" 6*+* 02*& 0'' 2.<2 '+ 8'0 2.<2 *8'(<25

Agreelng wlLh Lhe pasL Lwo quesLlons, Lhe sLakes were hlgh enough for Lhelr

!H" 62,0 ),3 02* '?*+,11 :*,8.8< '$ 02* 30'+&5

lL was menLloned LhaL Lhe overall meanlng of Lhe sLory was abouL uarcy and her llfe.
WlLh her belng young and wanLlng Lo en[oy her Llme yeL care for her broLher. 1he
audlence saw LhaL uarcy does a loL for hlm and how !onaLhon relles on her.
l have noLlced a repeLlLlon ln my answers of Lhe audlence ldenLlfylng uarcy's
emoLlon and llfe. 1hls ls good as Lhe meanlng ls abouL young carers.

!J" A' &'( 02.8; 02* :*33,<* ),3 4*+/*.?*- )*11 02+'(<2 02* 3/+.405

1he lnLervlewee says LhaL lL was percelved well wlLh Lhe Lechnlcal elemenLs of
llghLlng. 1he llghLlng of Lhe characLers and Lhe Llme zone. lL reflecLs on Lhe
aLmosphere, slLuaLlon and characLers. lL shows Lhe dlfference ln uarcy and
!onaLhon's characLers and emoLlons.
1he audlence can ldenLlfy several Lhlngs l was Lrylng Lo porLray ln Lhe scrlpL Lhrough
mlcro elemenLs of llghLlng. l have used llghLlng Lo show Lhe dlfferences ln Lhe
characLer. 8epresenLaLlon ls very sLrong Lhlng ln soclal reallsm fllm. SamanLha Lay
menLlons LhaL naLural llghLlng ls used ln soclal reallsm Lo show 'real llfe'.

9L" 6,3 02*+* ,8& 3*/0.'8 '$ 02* 3/+.40 )2*+* &'( $*10 /'8$(3*-5

My lnLervlewee menLloned LhaL she was confused when Lalklng Lo Lhe boy because
Lhey Lhlnk Lhe screenwrlLer should explaln more of Lhe boy.
l feel LhaL Lhe boy should noL be deLalled and should remaln mysLerlous as lL keeps
Lhe audlence lnLrlgued. 1he boy was menLlon ln quesLlon 6. My audlence sald LhaL
Lhey became lnLeresLed when Lhere were Lhe phone conversaLlon wlLh Lhem Lwo on
Lhe phone. 1hls shows LhaL by keeplng Lhe boy a mysLery makes Lhe audlence

9!" >8- ),3 02*+* ,8& 3*/0.'8 )2,0 &'( 4,+0./(1,+1& 1.;*-5

My lnLervlewee sald LhaL she en[oyed when uarcy wenL back Lo Lhe house Lo geL
!onaLhon as lL shows how much she does care for her broLher. 8uL lL does also show
Lhe reallLy of belng a young carer and LhaL Lhere are sacrlflces you have Lo make ln
l have asked Lhls quesLlon Lo see Lhelr oplnlon on my scrlpL and see whaL parL really
connecLed Lo Lhem and whaL Lhey llked Lhe mosL.

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