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House of Vindhya Herbals

Van Parisar, Barkhera Pathani, Bhopal (M.P.) Tel : 0755-2417670, Fax : 0755-2417670 (PRODUCT LIST)
No. Bar Name of Product Code
1101 Aarogyavardhini vati

Constituent parts

Therapeutic Uses

How to use


259 Shuddh para, Shuddh Gandhak, Lauh bhasm, Shuddha Abhrak Bhasma, Shuddha Tamra bhasama, Triphala, Shuddh shilajit, Shuddh guggul, Chitrak chhal, Kutki, Neem patti swars & others. Shuddh Para, Shuddh Gandhak, Shuddh Vatsnabh, Trifla, Sajjikhar, Yavkshar, Chitrakmul, Shuddha Suhaga, Shuddha Kuchla & others. Elaichi, Mulethi, Tejpatra, Dalchini, Chhuara, Mishri, Draksha, Honey & others. Kustha, Vaat, Skin Diseases, Chronic 2-4 tablets with water or milk. fevers, It is useful in colic pain and indigestion. It keeps liver healthier and acts as a heart tonic.



Agnitundi Vati

It is an excellent remedy for anorexia, 1-2 tablets daily after meals. loss of appetite etc.



Aladi Gutika

Useful in Dry cough, Cough due to tuberculosis, stops bleeding from mouth, fever, vomit, thirst & unconsciousness

1-1 Tablets with water/ milk or chew 34 tablets daily.



Brahmi vati

Brahmi patra, Vanga bhasma, Swarna All types of fever & fever after delivery sindur, Abhrak bhasma, Shuddha Shilajeet, Kalimirch, Pippali, Vaybidanga, Shudda Kasturi Kapur, Vach, Nagarmotha, Giloe, Atis, Deodaru, Daruhaldi, Pipramool, Chitrak, Triphla, Saunth, Swarnmakshik Bhasma, Nishoth, Tejpatra, Dalchini, Mishri, Shuddha shilajit, Shuddha guggul & others. Urinary tract infections, stones, uterus disorders, male seminal disorders. All type of prameh & Burning micturation.

1-2 tables twice a day with milk



Chandraprabha vati

2-4 tablets twice daily



Chitrakadi vati

Chitrak, Pippera mool, Trikatu, Ajmod, It is useful in gastric trouble, colic Chavya, Shuddha Hingh, Nimbu Ras & pain, dysentry and indigestion. Others.

2-4 tablets with water three times daily.



Gandhak vati

Shuddha Para, Shuddha Gandhak, Loss of Appetite, Constipation & skin 1-2 tablet twice a day with warm Saunth, Kalimirch, Laung, Senda disease. water namak, Sonchar namak, mulika chhal, Nimbu svaras and others Shuddha Hing, Saunth, Kalimirch, Pippali, Ajwain, Sendha Namak, Kala Namak & others. Regulates digestive system and other 2-4 tablets with water 2-3 times daily. gastric disorders. 2-4 tablets with butter milk twice a day



Hingvadi vati



Kankayan vati (Arsh)

Haritiki, Kalimirch, Jeera, Pippra mool, It is useful in bleeding piles, Chronic Chavya, Chitrakmool, Saunth, constipation; anorexia, Jaundice, Shuddha Bhilava, Jimikand & others. abdominal pain. Kachur, Pohkar mool, Danti, Chitrakmool, Saunth, Vach, Hing, Kalimirch, Dhania, Kalaunji, Ajmod & Others. Kattha, Javitri, Kapur, Kankol, Manjishtha, Nagarmotha, Mulethi, Triphala, Dalchini & others. Kuda chhal, Atis & others. It is excellent remedy for all sorts of ulcers, swellings, piles etc. It is also useful as wormicide In Mouth ulcers chew this tablet slowly. It is useful for voice disorder and also reduces cough. It is useful in blood dysentry, Diarrhoea, Amaeobisis, losemotion, in fever, Piles, Fistula



Kankayan vati (Gulm)

2-3 tablets with warm water/ Ghee or milk three times a day or as advise by a medical practicenor Chew 1-1 tablet.



Khadiradi vati



Kutajghan vati

2-4 tablets with cold water three to four times a day 2-4 tablets three times daily with water or buttermilk.



Lahshunadi vati

Lahsun, Jeera, Shuddha Hing, Saunth, Best medicine for gastric troubles. Pippali, Kali mirch, Sendha Namak, Nimbu ras & others.

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272 273

Bar Name of Product Code

1114 1115 Lavangadi vati Nawayas lauh

Constituent parts
Laung, Kalimirch, laung, vibhitaki, babul Trikatu, Triphala, Vaividang, Chitrak mool, Shuddha Lauh Bhasma, Nagarmotha & others.

Therapeutic Uses
Cough, Respiratory trouble

How to use
1-2 tablet twice a day with warm water

Jaundice, Leprosy, Piles, Dropsy, 1-2 tablets with honey, sugar & ghee. Cardiac dysfunctions. anaemia, Heart disease, Stomach diseases. 1tablet twice a day with honey & Arjun Kwath



Prabhakar vati

Shuddha Swarn makshik bhasm, Strengthens the heart and lungs. Shuddha Lauh bhasm, Shuddh Shilajit, Regulates heartbeat, respiration. Shuddha Abhrak, Vanshlochan, Arjun chhal & Others. Shuddha Lauh bhasma, Shuddha Tamra bhasma, Shuddha Hartal, Vangabhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Triphala, Trikatu, Chitrak, Sendha namak, Bid namak, Devdaru, Vach, shankh bhasma, Patha, and others Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Uterine tonic, Metropathy, anaemia, Menstrual disorders.



Pradarantak Lauh

1-2 tablets twice a day



Rajahpravartini vati

Kanya sar, Shuddha kasis, hingu, Shuddha Tankan and others Vaividang, Saunth, Pippali, Triphla, Vach, Giloe, Shuddha Bhilawa, Shuddha Vatsanabh & others. Giloy & others. Imli Chhar, Panch lavana, Nimbu ras, Shodhit Shankh bhasma, shuddha para, Shuddha Gandhak, Pippali & Others.

Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhoea

1-2 tablet twice a day with warm water or teel kwath, kulatath kwath 1-3 tablets twice a day with Saunth swaras or water.



Sanjeevani Vati (Special)

Fever, Indigestion, worm, abdominal pain, cough, early stage of typhoid and sannipaataj Jwar.

278 279

1120 1121

Sanshamani vati Shankh Vati

All types of fever and improved body 1-2 tablet twice a day with water immunity. Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, 1-2 tablet twice a day after meals with Dysentery, sangrihani, spleen related honey or water or buttar milk troubles. 2-4 tablets with milk, water or honey. Twice a day.



Shilajatu vati

Shuddha Shilajit, Shuddha Guggul, It is considered useful for diabetes, Shuddha Lauh bhasm, Shuddha Vang general debility and oedema. Bhasma, Shuddha Swaranmakshik Excessive Urination, Vajikaran bhasm & others. Useful in Diabetes, Kidney Stone, Gokhru, Triphala, tejpatra, eleyachi, daruhaldi, dhaniya, chavya, swet jeera, Pain in urine, loss of appetite, fever talispatra, Shuddha tankan, Shuddha Para, Shuddha Gandhak, Shuddha Abhrak, Lauh bhasma Jamalgota, saunth and others Constipation, Piles, Abdominal disturbances.



Shukramatrika vati

1-2 tablet twice a day with water or milk



Sukhvirechan vati

1-2 tablet twice a day with warm water

C:\Documents and Settings\subodh\Desktop\vindhaya herbels\Product list (April-2011).xls

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