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Agung Purnomo, Alan Okadenan, Widyawan Widarto Situational Analysis Cal MacTavish, 27-year-old banker and avid golfer,

who had a brilliant career path ahead, had been pondering about an idea he had developed from countless listening session with his golfing buddies, to build an innovative golf application (app)called Golfgamezthat could surpass another golfing apps that already exist. Problems and Opportunities He had a tough decision regarding to choose between his original career path, his innovative idea that he had built in his scarce spare time in the night, or risking his life to get out from his career and gamble on his new venture. He also had a lot of funding options, ranging from debt to governments grants. Labour alternatives was also an issue because full-time professional employees was expensive, however cheaper employees had a performance problem. Technical problem was about app development, distribution, and pricing. The first platform (iOS or Android) served also become a main consideration. Another difficult question was his new venture would return to match his old salary and was his salary that important. Golfgamez had a base market opportunity of 50 percent golfers in the world that already owned or would owned a smartphone. With an estimated 65 million golfers worldwide, most likely the user of the app would be the avid and core golfers which at least played eight rounds per year, that in U.S. it would be about 55 per cent golfers in the country. Alternatives and Recommendation Personal financial condition that MacTavish had should be enough for the sustainability of Golfgamez until it developed its own profit enough to satisfy all the shareholder. MacTavish would earned about US$150,000 a year nevertheless his doubtable free cash flow. Combined expenses of app development would be US$316,000 minimal, and financing options is likely an obligation if MacTavish wanted to develop his app to meet market needs. MacTavish himself doesnt have any core competencies in technical development that could bootstrap app development.

Agung Purnomo, Alan Okadenan, Widyawan Widarto First alternatives that MacTavish had is realistically stay in his career path and postponed his Golfgamez idea. Securing his earnings from banking career while searching for co-founder in technical and marketing expertise. Golfgamez would be started if MacTavish saw his cash could sustained Golfgamez long enough to reach its profitability. Second alternatives would be continuing his side-work app while asking helps from his current relatives to co-found his app or find a technical and marketing co-founders immediately. Funding would be sweat equity that divided equally, thus making his co-founders feel owned a stake at Golfgamez. The best way that MacTavish had to develop the app is by his own people because outsourcing would means a difficult coordination and it would add an extra cost and energy. As he is an avid golfer, distribution method would be amongst his companions and community. As he thought the value of Golfgamez would be better than Golfshot, he could offer his app at US$32.99. App Store sales (app electronic marketplace of Apple) that dwarfed Google Play should be the best reason to develop the app from iOS at first.

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