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Move new ?

ork - 1ranslL lnvesLmenL roposals

A reporL prepared by 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
1he lan, 8evenues and lnvesLmenL Summary ............................................................................................ 2
1he Move new ?ork 1oll 8alanclng and 1ransporLaLlon lnvesLmenL lan ............................................... 3
A 8rlef Cvervlew and PlsLory of Lhe M1A CaplLal rogram ...................................................................... 4
1he Moven? lan 1ranslL 8evenues - Pow Much ls 1here? ..................................................................... 3

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
Summary of CaplLal lnvesLmenLs - Where Lo lnvesL? ............................................................................... 6
ro[ecL uescrlpLlons ..................................................................................................................................... 9
SysLemwlde lnvesLmenLs (SC8, n8 and Sl) .............................................................................................. 9
lmprove SLaLlons .................................................................................................................................. 9
Modernlze Slgnals .............................................................................................................................. 10
8oll-CuL new lare CollecLlon SysLem ................................................................................................. 11
CuLer 8oroughs & upper ManhaLLan ..................................................................................................... 13
More SelecL 8us Servlce ..................................................................................................................... 13
More lrequenL and Affordable Lxpress 8us Servlce .......................................................................... 20
LxLend Lhe SLaLen lsland Lxpressway 8us Lanes Lo WesL Shore Lxpressway ..................................... 22
ConsLrucL 1rlboro 8x, ClrcumferenLlal 8apld 1ranslL Servlce ............................................................ 22
LxLend Second Avenue Subway Lo upper ManhaLLan and Lhe 8ronx ................................................ 27
ConverL Ll88 ALlanLlc 8ranch Lo Lxpress Subway from SouLheasL Cueens Lo 8arclays CenLer .......... 33
More Affordable and lrequenL lnLra-ClLy CommuLer 8all Servlce ln Cueens and 8ronx ................... 36
8rlng MeLro norLh's new Paven Llne Lo enn SLaLlon, wlLh four new sLaLlons ln Lhe 8ronx ............ 39
Suburbs ................................................................................................................................................... 40
8all ln Lhe Suburbs .............................................................................................................................. 41
8uses ln Lhe Suburbs .......................................................................................................................... 43
ComplemenLary Measures for Lhe Core ................................................................................................. 43

!-% .$"*/ 0%1%*2%, "*3 4*1%,+5%*+ 6255"78
1hls reporL was compleLed by 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Lo develop varlous LranslL opLlons Lo lnform
Move new ?ork's LranslL lnvesLmenL plan LhaL would be funded by Lhe Move n? congesLlon reducLlon
and Loll raLlonallzaLlon plan.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
!-% 9'1% :%; <'7= !'$$ >"$"*?@*A "*3 !7"*,B'7+"+@'* 4*1%,+5%*+ .$"*
1he Move n? congesLlon reducLlon and Loll raLlonallzaLlon plan proposes Lo seL Lolls on a loglcal
formula, hlgher Lolls where LranslL opLlons are mosL avallable and lower Lolls where LranslL ls elLher oL
avallable or a poorer opLlon. 1hls raLlonallzaLlon of Lolls resulLs ln prlclng all vehlcle Lrlps Lo Lhe CenLral
8uslness ulsLrlcL (C8u) buL lowers Lhe prlce of all Lrlps wlLh non-C8u orlglns or desLlnaLlons. LasL 8lver
brldges would be $3.33 each way ($7.30 cash), buL Lhe verrazano brldge would drop from $13 Lo $10
cash and $3.66 L-Zass ln Lhe wesLbound (Lo SLaLen lsland) dlrecLlon. 1olls would remaln free
easLbound. 1he Lhree brldges beLween Cueens and Lhe 8ronx would drop $2.30 each way wlLh or
wlLhouL L-Zass. 1he more ouLlylng brldges ln Lhe 8ockaways and !amalca 8ay would be more Lhan
halved, Lo [usL 80 cenLs.
Slmllarly, drlvers Lo Lhe C8u from communlLles Lo Lhe norLh such as WesLchesLer and ConnecLlcuL would
also pay Lhe $3 fee aL 60Lh SLreeL . Move n? proposes uslng modern camera Lechnology comblned wlLh
Lransponders (L-Zass) and pay-by-phone Lechnologles glvlng drlvers several opLlons. no Loll booLhs
would be creaLed and Loll booLhs would be removed aL mosL lf noL all of Lhe exlsLlng brldges, speedlng
Lrafflc aL Lolled faclllLles across Lhe reglon.
1o address Lhe crlLlclsm LhaL prlor prlclng schemes gave ManhaLLan resldenLs a free pass whlle Lhey
beneflL from fewer cars ln Lhelr borough, Move n? proposes Lhe followlng sLeps - each deslgned Lo
ensure LhaL Lhose who use some form of car ln ManhaLLan souLh of 60
SLreeL wlll be charged Lo enLer
Lhe C8u:
- A surcharge on vehlcle Mlles 1ravelled and vehlcle Pours 1ravelled by CS for Laxls applled only on
Lravel wlLhln Lhe C8u. 1he relaLlvely few yellow cabs Lravellng ln Lhe ouLer-borough users would noL be
charged. Move n? pro[ecLs $200 mllllon Lo be ralsed annually Lhrough Lhls sysLem.
- 8lack cars", Lhe prlvaLe for-hlre-vehlcles commonly used by execuLlves and llverles would also pay
Lhe new Lolls when Lhey use Lhe LasL 8lver 8rldges or cross 60
SLreeL or some klnd of comparable
surcharge, whlch would ralse an addlLlonal $30 mllllon (uslng some form of CS Lracklng).
1he parklng garage Lax rebaLe offered only Lo ManhaLLan resldenLs would also be removed, ralslng
anoLher esLlmaLed $10 mllllon
Comblned, Lhese charges would resulL ln car users ln ManhaLLan resldenLs belng Lhe blggesL
conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe LoLal revenue ralsed among all Lhe ouLer boroughs and counLles ln Lhe 12-counLy
M1A reglon, a shlfL from some earller plans ln whlch ManhaLLan resldenLs conLrlbuLed Lhe leasL.
Move n? has deLermlned LhaL Lhe resLrucLurlng of road fees ln Lhls manner would lmprove Lrafflc
speeds ln Lhe C8u by 20 percenL and neL $ 1.3 bllllon annually LhaL could be lnvesLed Lo lmprove Lhe
clLy's roads, brldges and LranslL sysLem. AlmosL a quarLer of Lhese revenues would be dedlcaLed Lo
lmprovemenLs on hlghways and brldges. . 1he oLher Lhree quarLers would go Lo new LranslL
lnvesLmenLs, whlch would amounL Lo $1.123 bllllon annually, $400 mllllon of whlch would be dedlcaLed
Lo Lhe M1A's sLaLe-of-good-repalr (SC8) needs. 1hese funds would conLrlbuLe subsLanLlally Lo Lhe M1A's

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
2013-2019 CaplLal lan, a mulLl-year lnvesLmenL program for Lhe" llon's share" of Lhe reglon's LranslL
C >7@%( D1%71@%; "*3 E@,+'78 '( +-% 9!C )"B@+"$ .7'A7"5
1he leglslaLlvely mandaLed M1A caplLal program conslsLs of a flve-year plan gulded by a 20-year needs
assessmenL whlch ls revlsed every Lwo Lo Lhree years. 1he plan ls organlzed wlLhln each agency by four
caLegorles - sLaLe of good repalr, normal replacemenL, sysLem lmprovemenL and neLwork expanslon.
Much of Lhe expanslon program ls underLaken by Lhe CaplLal ConsLrucLlon unlL of Lhe M1A. 1he program
ls also organlzed by speclflc caLegorles of lnvesLmenL.
1he CaplLal rogram 8evlew 8oard (C88) ls Lhe ouLslde enLlLy LhaL musL approve Lhe caplLal program. lL
conslsLs of four members, represenLlng Lhe Covernor of new ?ork SLaLe, each house of Lhe sLaLe
leglslaLure - SenaLe and Assembly -- and Lhe Mayor of new ?ork ClLy. lor Lhe commuLer rallroads
porLlon of Lhe program Lhe mayor ls noL represenLed. 1he C88 musL approve Lhe program
unanlmously, whlch enables any one member Lo have slgnlflcanL lnfluence on lLs conLenLs. SLaLe
leglslaLors can lnclude or exclude an lLem by worklng Lhrough Lhelr C88 represenLaLlve. 1hls ls a
mechanlsm LhaL allows Lhe publlc and varlous lnLeresL groups Lo lnfluence Lhe program by worklng wlLh
Lhelr represenLaLlves ln Albany. 1he role of Lhe Covernor varles by admlnlsLraLlon. Some have been
more passlve Lhan Lhe presenL Covernor, who has and ls expecLed Lo conLlnue Lo heavlly lnfluence Lhe
"#$%& ' ( ")& *"+ ,#-./#% 0%#12 3.1 $.%%.4125

Source: M1A
noLe: * Comblnes Lhe flrsL Lwo caplLal plans and does noL lnclude M1A 8&1 (181A) expendlLures
1he flrsL caplLal plan was adopLed ln 1982 and Lhere have been slx plans over Lhe pasL Lwo decades. ln
LoLal, Lhe M1A has or plans Lo lnvesL over $100 bllllon Lo resLore, lmprove and expand Lhelr physlcal
planL. 1he plans have been predomlnaLely funded by fares, Lolls and dedlcaLed Lax and fee revenues
LhaL are mosLly bonded, accounLed for approxlmaLely 37 percenL of Lhe fundlng slnce 1982. 1he agency
has also recelved subsLanLlal federal supporL, whlch over Lhe pasL Lwo decades has funded 32 percenL of
Lhe M1A's caplLal lnvesLmenLs. 1he SLaLe and Lhe ClLy have conLrlbuLed far less ln dlrecL caplLal supporL,
beLween 3 and 6 percenL each. 1hese conLrlbuLlons have dropped ln recenL years.
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61-#3 789:;7 4

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
1he forLhcomlng 2013-2019 caplLal program ls esLlmaLed Lo grow by 13 percenL Lo accounL for lnflaLlon
over Lhe prevlous flve-year program Lo almosL $28 bllllon. Llke Lhe prlor programs lL ls anLlclpaLed Lo be
funded Lhrough a comblnaLlon of revenue-backed debL and dlrecL caplLal supporL by federal, sLaLe and
local parLners. Powever, Lhe currenL plan's heavy rellance on debL has placed consLralns on Lhe agency's
ablllLy Lo borrow. 1he amounL of debL Lhe agency can lssue ls llmlLed by whaL Lhe markeL can bear" and
a sLaLe mandaLed leglslaLlve bond cap, ralsed lasL year Lo $41.8778
. 1hls ls a sLaLuary debL llmlL and wlll
need Lo be lncreased Lo accommodaLe Lhe nexL program. Assumlng Lhe debL celllng ls seL aL a hlgher
level, Lhere ls Lhe concern LhaL Lhe M1A's bond raLlng could be lowered, lncreaslng Lhe cosL of
borrowlng for Lhe agency and llmlLlng how much debL lL could afford Lo lssue. ln addlLlon, uncerLalnLy
surroundlng Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe nexL federal LransporLaLlon fundlng auLhorlzaLlon, scheduled Lo explre
ln 2014, LhreaLens Lo [eopardlze Lhe amounL of funds allocaLed Lo Lhe M1A by Lhe lederal governmenL -
fundlng LhaL's already been Lrendlng downward ln recenL years.
1he esLlmaLed fundlng gap for Lhe 2010-2013 caplLal plan could be as greaL as $13 bllllon, assumlng
currenL revenue sources
and a reducLlon ln federal supporL. 1hus, a new local revenue sLream wlll be
crlLlcal Lo ensurlng sufflclenL resources for Lhe nexL plan.
!-% 9'1%:< .$"* !7"*,@+ 0%1%*2%, F E'; 92?- 4, !-%7%G

1PlS SLC1lCn WlLL 8L 8LvlSLu CnL WL CCnll8M AnnuAL CL8A1lnC 8LSL8vL (SLL 1A8LL 8LLCW)

- CurrenL operaLlng subsldy LoLal ls $184M, leavlng anoLher $66M on Lhe Lable Lo be added Lo
$873 or kepL ln reserve for A?CC or oLher annual recurrlng operaLlng subsldles.

1hls lncrease wlll be ln lncremenLs over Lhe course of Lhree years, by 2014 lL wlll be aforemenLloned llmlL
rlor Lo 2018 Lhe M1A only reLlres $700 mllllon of lLs ouLsLandlng debL.
kevenue 8ucket
Annua| kecurr|ng
kevenues 8onds (30year)
8oads and 8rldges 37S
L88 CperaLlng and CaplLal lunds 191 ------------------------------
CperaLlng and MalnLenance CosLs 12 ------------------------------
CaplLal (debL servlce on $244 annual x 10yrs) 179 ------------------------------
new 8oad and 8rldge ro[ecLs 184 ------------------------------
1ranslL - CperaLlng Servlce LnhancemenLs 2S0 ------------------------------
2010 Servlce CuL 8esLoraLlons 30 ------------------------------
new 1ranslL CperaLlng Subsldles 134 ------------------------------
!""#$% '()* +(,-./( 0(-(,$1(2 3$4.*$%
87S 13,273
5"-(6*7("* 8,($92:;" $
SLaLe of Cood 8epalr and SysLem lmprovemenL 0.31 7,300
SysLem Lxpanslon 0.49 7,102
1ota| 1,S00 ------------------------------
<5" 7.%%.:"6 := 2:%%$,6>
I mod|f|ed the categor|es, C81C |s rea||y a comb|nat|on of a system |mprovement and SGk, as |s the new fare payment system.
1ranslL - CaplLal lnvesLmenLs

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
- L88 was esLlmaLed uslng (somewhaL confused) maLerlal senL by n?CuC1. 1hls would leave
abouL $184M for road and brldge or $3.28 lf bonded.
- See Lhe pro[ecL Lable, furLher down - Lhere ls a 670M reserve, we removed and scaled down
some lLems, we can elLher resLore/scale up, add someLhlng new (LlmhursL) or leave lL.1he
fundlng gap for Lhe M1A's 2013-2019 plan ls llkely Lo be slgnlflcanL, poLenLlally as large as $13
bllllon. 1he Moven? plan ls esLlmaLed Lo ralse $1.123 bllllon annually or $3.623 over a flve-year
perlod, whlch would cover less Lhan half of Lhe pro[ecLed M1A caplLal fundlng need. 1o
supporL Moven?'s plan for new LranslL servlces and Lo cover a greaLer share of Lhe M1A's caplLal
plan needs, lL ls necessary leverage Lhe plan's annually recurrlng revenue sLream by lssulng debL
or bonds. 1hls would glve Lhe M1A access Lo more caplLal Lo lmprove servlce Loday aL a Llme
when lnLeresL raLes are low and lL makes sense Lo lnvesL ln Lhe ClLy's fuLure..
CurrenLly, lnLeresL raLes are aL hlsLorlcal lows and wlll llkely sLay aL Lhese levels for Lhe nexL few years.
1he M1A's besL raLe" for revenue bonds (Lhe mosLly llkely Lype of bond LhaL would be lssued glven Lhe
new revenues Lhe Moven? lan would generaLe) had a flxed raLe of 3.3 and Lerms of 20 or 30 years.
lL's llkely LhaL Lhe raLes wlll be hlgher by Lhe Llme Lhese bonds are lssued, whlch ls why raLes of 4 and 3
were also LesLed. lor Lhls analysls, a raLe of 4 and Lerm of 30 years
was used for Lo pro[ecL Lhe
amounL of revenues LhaL mlghL be avallable for caplLal lnvesLmenLs.
8ased on Lhose assumpLlons, 8A LesLed Lhe ouLcome of bondlng parL or all of Lhe revenues from
Moven? lan. 1hls was done Lo LesL how much caplLal could be leveraged and lLs lmpllcaLlons on Lhe
debL celllng. ldeally, a parL of Lhe revenue sLream would be used Lo pay for SC8 pro[ecLs Lo mlnlmlze
fuLure debL burdens. ln Lhls scenarlo, $400 mllllon would be dedlcaLed as pay as you go (A?CC) funds
for sLaLe-of-good-repalr pro[ecLs and Lhe balance would be bonded, whlch would generaLe $12.7 bllllon
or almosL $3 bllllon a year for Lhe nexL flve-year CaplLal lan.
"#$%& 67 +8#.%#$%& 9:1;2 <4= "=#12./ ( ">4 ?@&1#=.42
3.1 A.%%.412 4< ;4%%#=25
Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
Powever, pollLlcal reallLles, Lhe lnablllLy Lo proLecL un-allocaLed revenues, mlghL force Lhe bondlng of
Lhe enLlre revenue sLream. lf all Lhe revenues were bonded, lL would ralse $19.6 bllllon or almosL $4
bllllon per year over flve years or $2 bllllon annually for Len years. Lhe lssuance of debL does come aL a
prlce (Lhe cosL of borrowlng), durlng Lhls same 30-year perlod Lhe recurrlng annual revenue sLream
would produce $33.7 bllllon ln fundlng lf noL bonded. ?eL, whaL Lhese funds could purchase durlng
ouLlylng years would be slgnlflcanLly dlmlnlshed due Lo lnflaLlon - Lhe rlslng cosLs of labor and maLerlals.
6255"78 '( )"B@+"$ 4*1%,+5%*+, F H-%7% +' 4*1%,+G
1he revenue galned from Lhe Lolllng plan would be lnvesLed ln modernlzlng, upgradlng and expandlng
Lhe LranslL sysLems, focuslng on Lhose geographlcal areas where LranslL opLlons can be lmproved Lo glve

1he assumpLlon used was monLhly paymenLs over LhlrLy year perlod for a LoLal of 360 paymenLs.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
drlvers an aLLracLlve LranslL opLlon. Cver Lwo dozen lndlvldual lnvesLmenLs were evaluaLed ln Lhree
caLegorles - modernlzlng/lmprovlng Lhe overall sysLem, lnvesLlng ln ouLer borough LranslL pro[ecLs and
lnvesLlng ln suburban LranslL pro[ecLs. Cf Lhese, 8A narrowed Lhe selecLlon down Lo 14 lnvesLmenL
areas spread over all Lhree caLegorles LhaL could be made over a 10-year perlod. A cosL esLlmaLe was
made for each lnvesLmenL along wlLh an asslgnmenL Lo elLher Lhe 2013-2019 and/or 2020-2024 CaplLal
lans. 1he caplLal lnvesLmenLs were deLermlned uslng Lhe followlng assumpLlons:
- 1hey were llmlLed by revenues avallable, esLlmaLed Lo be $19.6 bllllon
- lnvesLmenLs musL be spread ouL over a 10 year perlod, coverlng lnvesLmenLs ln Lhe nexL Lwo
M1A caplLal plans.
- AL leasL a Lhlrd of Lhe lnvesLmenLs musL be programmed sysLem-wlde for sLaLe of good repalr or
modernlzaLlon lmprovemenLs, Lhls would asslsL Lhe M1A ln closlng Lhelr anLlclpaLed fundlng gap.
- lL was assumed LhaL Lhe M1A has Lhe capaclLy Lo handle up Lo Lhree ma[or pro[ecLs durlng Lhe
course of a slngle caplLal plan.
1he Lable below esLlmaLes Lhe cosL for each of Lhe lnvesLmenL caLegorles and breaks down Lhe cosL per
pro[ecL. lL also suggesLs Lhe year(s) for programmlng.

"#$%& B ( 0=4-42&; "=#12./ ,#-./#% C18&2/A&1/2

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls

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urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
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Cver 60 percenL of Lhe M1A's currenL CaplLal rogram ls dedlcaLed Lo fundlng sLaLe of good repalr (SC8)
and normal replacemenL needs (n8). lL ls essenLlal LhaL sufflclenL fundlng ls made avallable Lo repalr and
malnLaln Lhese crlLlcal core asseLs, many of Lhem aglng. 1hese lnclude sLaLlons, ralls, slgnals, swlLches,
power, venL planLs, fare conLrol sysLems, communlcaLlons, rolllng sLock, depoLs/yards and llne
sLrucLures. 1here are Lwo areas ln parLlcular LhaL requlre speclal aLLenLlon- sLaLlons and slgnals.
45B7'1% 6+"+@'*,
1here are 490 subway sLaLlons (lncludes 22 Sl81 sLaLlons)
and 243 commuLer rall sLaLlons ln Lhe M1A's neLwork. ln Lhe
pasL Lhe M1A has spenL hundreds of mllllons of dollars
rehablllLaLlng or compleLely reconsLrucLlng Lhese sLaLlons.
?eL Loday, almosL a Lhlrd of our subway sLaLlons are sLlll noL
ln a sLaLe of good repalr (SC8). Powever, progress aL Lhe
commuLer rallroads, wlLh less complex sLrucLures, has been
beLLer. Cnly 13 percenL of MeLro norLh sLaLlons are noL ln a
SC8, whlle all of Lhe Ll88's sLaLlons are ln a good sLaLe of
M1A new ?ork ClLy 1ranslL ls ln Lhe process of shlfLlng lLs
sLraLegy Lo a componenL-based approach and away from
compleLe sLaLlon rehablllLaLlons. 1hls approach would allow
Lhe agency Lo focus on parLs of sLaLlons LhaL are ln poor
condlLlon lnsLead of flxlng everyLhlng .1hls would allow Lhe
agency Lo lmprove more sLaLlons Lhan lL could lf lL conLlnued
Lo underLake full sLaLlon rehablllLaLlons. laLforms, sLalrcases
and oLher crumbllng crlLlcal componenLs would be glven
prlorlLy and could be flxed flrsL aL all sLaLlons before
lnvesLmenLs ln cosmeLlc lmprovemenLs are made. Whlle Lhese are lmporLanL Loo, lL's hard Lo argue LhaL
Lhey should be glven prlorlLy over componenLs LhaL dlrecLly lmpacL passenger safeLy.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
1he M1A's currenL 2010-2014 CaplLal lan programmed Len convenLlonal rehablllLaLlons and 80
componenL-based pro[ecLs. uslng Lhe componenL based approach Lhe agency was able Lo work on more
Lhan 160 sLaLlons and ellmlnaLe almosL all of Lhe componenLs 8evenues from Lhe Move n? lan could
be used Lo acceleraLe Lhe number of pro[ecLs Lhe M1A ls able Lo program ln Lhe 2013-2019 plan, wlLh a
goal of ellmlnaLlng all backlog componenLs - ranklng 3 or worse . 1he agency already does noL plan Lo
program furLher sLaLlon rehablllLaLlons and shlfL Lhose resources Lo Lhe componenL-based pro[ecLs or
Whlle malnLalnlng our sLaLlons ls lmporLanL for cusLomer safeLy and amenlLles, ma[or lnLervenLlons are
also needed Lo address congesLlon and lmprove access. 1hroughouL Lhe sysLem Lhere are sLaLlons LhaL
need new or lmproved (wlder) verLlcal clrculaLlon elemenLs - sLalrs, escalaLors and elevaLors - from
plaLforms Lo concourses/mezzanlnes or Lo Lhe surface. ln some cases Lhls mlghL also lnclude more
exLenslve lnLervenLlons llke wlder plaLforms and expanded concourses/mezzanlnes. 1hese brlck and
morLar" lnvesLmenLs do noL only lmprove Lhe subway's accesslblllLy for senlors and Lhe dlsabled, buL
also exLend Lhe sLaLlon's commuLer shed - shorLer lasL mlle Lrlps - and lncrease Lhe capaclLy and
rellablllLy of Lhe subway by decreaslng dwell Llmes aL congesLed sLaLlons. 1hls reduces delays and speeds
up commuLes.
A $3 bllllon conLrlbuLlon from Move n? (for core SC8) would allow Lhe M1A Lo compleLe several dozen
sLaLlon renewals and a Lhree Lo four ma[or sLaLlon access lnLervenLlons over Lhe course of Lhe nexL flve-
year plan.
9'3%7*@N% 6@A*"$,
1he M1A's slgnallng sysLem ls aglng, wlLh porLlons of Lhe neLwork sLlll operaLlng wlLh componenLs LhaL
daLe back Lo Lhe 1930's. When slgnals fall, servlce sLops and passengers are delayed and can be ln[ured,
or worse. 1he currenL plan makes a down paymenL of $2.2 bllllon, abouL half Lhe lnvesLmenL level
recommended ln Lhe mosL recenL 20_year needs AssessmenL, compleLed ln 2009. lL esLlmaLed LhaL Lhe
M1A would need Lo spend $14.3 bllllon over Lhe course of Lhe nexL Lwo decades Lo brlng Lhe slgnal
sysLem Lo a SC8 and, ln Lhe process, modernlze abouL half of Lhe neLwork.
"#$%& D ( *"+ ?.E1#% *4;&=1.F#/.41 0%#1 36GGH5

Source: M1A and 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
1he M1A musL move aggresslvely Lo lnvesL ln renewlng lLs slgnals as parL of Lhe nexL CaplLal lan
oLherwlse Lhe subway sysLem's rellablllLy wlll be [eopardlzed. 1hls could Lake Lhe form of elLher

A sLaLlon renewal ls a grouplng of a dozen or more componenLs LhaL are Lo be addressed aL one speclflc sLaLlon.
!"#$%& ()*+ ,"$ -.%/0 1"&+23 (45%) 6 7879 6
!"#$% '()*+ ,-. /, 0,0 12
3)4"56 '()*+ 78'98: ;; 0 011 </
(4-%& :7; :7;

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
malnLalnlng Lhelr exlsLlng flxed-block" wayslde slgnallng sysLem uslng more modern componenLs or
replaclng lL wlLh a modern movlng-block" sysLem called CommunlcaLlons 8ased 1raln ConLrol (C81C)
slgnallng sysLem. 1helr currenL plan Lakes a mlxed approach, leanlng more Lowards upgradlng Lo C81C
whenever posslble. As of Lhe 2009 assessmenL, 29 percenL or 209 Lrack mlles of Lhe slgnallng sysLem
was noL ln SC8. 1he agency plans Lo converL almosL half of Lhe slgnals, approxlmaLely 333 Lrack mlles
ouL of 728 mlles, Lo movlng block C81C by 2029. 1hls LranslaLes Lo approxlmaLely 13 Lrack mlles
converLed per year over Lhe nexL 23 years. 1hus far, Lhe agency has only converLed 22 Lrack mlles, wlLh
Lhe modernlzaLlon of Lhe Canarsle Llne (L) and ls currenLly ln Lhe process of converLlng Lhe over 26
Lracks mlle of Lhe llushlng Llne (#7). Assumlng Lhese lnvesLmenL are lndlcaLlve of Lhe currenL pace of
lmplemenLaLlon Lhen Lhe raLe of converslon has been closer Lo 4 Lrack mlles per year, meanlng lL would
Lake Lhe agency over 80 years Lo converL half Lhe sysLem Lo C81C. AL LhaL pace parLs of Lhe slgnal
sysLem would be almosL 00 years old by Lhe Llme Lhey were replaced.
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe slgnals Lhemselves, modernlzaLlon of Lhe lnLerlocklngs (swlLch complexes) and rolllng
sLock are essenLlal Lo upgradlng Lo C81C. 1he 2009 needs assessmenL lndlcaLed LhaL Lhere were 34
lnLerlocklngs ouL of 183 LhaL would need Lo be modernlzed for remoLe cenLrallzed operaLlons, a
requlremenL for C81C.
1he currenL cosL for converslon Lo C81C and lnLerlocklng modernlzaLlon can be up Lo $18 per llne or
$200M a year per llne per year. 8A ls currenLly underLaklng a sLudy Lo deLermlne Lhe llnes LhaL would
be Lhe besL candldaLes for C81C and how soon Lhey mlghL be converLed. An lnvesLmenL of $4 bllllon
over a flve year perlod or $800 mllllon - a year would allow Lhe M1A Lo surpass lLs sLaLed slgnal
modernlzaLlon goal, assumlng Lhe agency conLlnues spends an amounL equal Lo Lhe currenL plan on
slgnals. 1hls addlLlonal fundlng could be used Lo expedlLe lmprovemenLs llke A1S-8, whlch would enable
Lhe agency Lo lnsLall counLdown clocks aL sLaLlons along Lhe leLLered" subway llnes, one of Lhe many
operaLlonal beneflLs of Lhls Lechnology.

0'$$FD2+ :%; O"7% )'$$%?+@'* 68,+%5
1he currenL magneLlc sLrlp MeLroCard was lnLroduced ln 1997 and lLs arrlval changed how new ?orker's
used LranslL ln Lhe clLy. ln Lhe pasL, lL was necessary Lo pay for every Lrlp, and unllke Loday Lhere were no
free Lransfers beLween buses and Lhe subway. 1here were also no unllmlLed fare opLlons. 1he
lnLroducLlon of Lhese new pollcles - Lhe 30 and 7 days unllmlLed fare cards and free lnLermodal Lransfers
- were made posslble by new auLomaLlc fare Lechnology. 1hls ln Lurn made LranslL more aLLracLlve and
resulLed ln a surge ln rldershlp LhaL has conLlnued mosLly unabaLed for Lhe pasL 13 years.
1he opporLunlLy for lnnovaLlon ls here agaln. 1he MeLroCard, whlle successful, has lLs llmlLaLlons.
Compared Lo mosL modern radlo-frequency (8llu) conLacLless cards lL ls slow, unrellable and has a
llmlLed amounL of sLorage. 1he M1A's lnfrasLrucLure Lo supporL MeLroCard ls almosL 20 years old and ls
approachlng Lhe end of lLs useful llfe. AddlLlonally, Lhe proprleLary naLure of MeLroCard Lles Lhe M1A Lo
a speclflc vendor, an lnefflclenL and cosLly arrangemenL. lurLher advances ln fare Lechnology also
presenL opporLunlLles for Lhe M1A Lo reallze slgnlflcanL cosLs savlngs and operaLlonal efflclencles. 1he

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
currenL sLaLe-of-Lhe-arL" ln fare Lechnology, merchanL model/open sysLem, would allow Lhe M1A Lo
almosL compleLely exlL Lhe fare medla buslness and go cashless. WlLh such a sysLem credlL card
companles and banks would handle paymenLs and medla dlsLrlbuLlon for mosL (and evenLually all) of Lhe
M1A's cusLomers. 1he M1A would essenLlally become a merchanL, slmllar Lo your local 7-11 sLore. ?ou
would use elLher your 8llu enabled credlL/deblL card or nlC equlpped cell phone aL Lhe LurnsLlle Lo galn
access Lo Lhe sysLem
. 1hls Lechnology ls much more rellable and qulcker Lhan Lhe exlsLlng magneLlc
sLrlp cards, ellmlnaLlng delays caused by mulLlple swlpes aL subway LurnsLlles and speedlng up bus
boardlngs. 1he reorlenLaLlon of Lhe fare lnformaLlon off Lhe card Lo Lhe server slde" would allow
unllmlLed fare opLlons, whlch could open up opporLunlLles llke varlable fares by Llme of day or soclal,
need-based fares. Colng cashless would ellmlnaLe Lhe requlremenL for armed guards and cash
collecLlon agenLs, a conslderable savlngs. 1he M1A would also remove mosL of lLs vendlng machlne slnce
Lhey would no longer be dlsLrlbuLlng medla on a mass scale. 1hey would sLlll be requlred Lo provlde
some convenLlonal medla for Lhose LhaL are unbanked, buL Lhls could be accompllshed uslng bank A1Ms
or Lhrough Lhe mall/lnLerneL.
1he M1A plans on spendlng $234.6 mllllon ln Lhe currenL 2010-2014 CaplLal lan Lo malnLaln Lhe currenL
MeLroCard sysLem and lay Lhe groundwork for Lhe nexL generaLlon fare sysLem by upgradlng Lhe
LelecommunlcaLlons lnfrasLrucLure aL sLaLlons and on buses. 1he Move n? plan could dellver $300
Lo help fund Lhe deploymenL of a new sysLem by Lhe end of Lhe 2013-2019 caplLal plan. A
change ln Lhe sysLem could also open Lhe way for a reglonal LranslL fare paymenL sysLem lncludlng all
Lhe oLher LranslL sysLems ln Lhe new ?ork meLropollLan reglon and beyond.

8llu = 8adlo lrequency ldenLlflcaLlon and nlC = near-lleld CommunlcaLlons, boLh of Lhese Lechnologles are
deslgned Lo LransmlL dlglLal daLa wlrelessly.
1he unbanked" would be able Lo deposlL cash ln an A1M and Lhen recelve a M1A card LhaL could also be refllled
ln a slmllar fashlon.
1he cosL of Lhe new sysLem ls sLlll unknown, however Lhe M1A plans on lnsLalllng lL over Lhe course of Lhe nexL
flve-year caplLal plan. 1he $300 mllllon flgure ls based on Lhe cosL of Lhe exlsLlng MeLro Card sysLem, buL wlll be
worklng wlLh Lhe M1A Lo furLher reflne Lhe esLlmaLe.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

D2+%7 >'7'2A-, P QBB%7 9"*-"++"*
Pundreds of Lhousands of people Lravel Lo work each day Lo and from Lhe four boroughs oLher Lhan
ManhaLLan. 1oo many have poor LranslL cholces resulLlng ln rellance on auLomoblles for commuLlng.
WlLh beLLer LranslL opLlons Lhls need noL be Lhe case. 1able 6 presenLs Lhe number of Lrlps Lo work
beLween each palr of boroughs along wlLh Lhe share uslng LranslL and share uslng cars. Cf Lhe 1.3
mllllon Lrlps noL lnvolvlng ManhaLLan, abouL 1.1 mllllon Lravel wlLhln Lhelr own boroughs ln Lhe 8ronx,
8rooklyn, Cueens or SLaLen lsland. 1he Lable lllusLraLes Lhe relaLlve low use of LranslL shares for Lhese
ouLer borough palrs compared Lo Lrlps lnLo and ouL of ManhaLLan. lor lnLra-borough Lrlps only 33
percenL use LranslL wlLhln Lhe 8ronx, 38 percenL wlLhln 8rooklyn and 27 percenL wlLhln Cueens. lor
Lrlps among non-ManhaLLan boroughs Lhe LranslL shares are somewhaL hlgher, noLable for 8rooklyn-
8ronx Lrlps where Lhe subway can be a reasonable opLlon. 8uL LranslL shares Lo and from Cueens never
reach 30 percenL by LranslL and leavlng Cueens Lhe LranslL shares are abouL one ln Lhree Lrlps.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
"#$%& I ( *#/=.J 4< K4=L "=.-2 $&/>&&1 M&> N4=L ,./O P4=4:E)2

Source: uS Census - 2000, noLe: 1oLal Lrlps also lnclude walklng, blklng, Laxls, moLorcycles, LelecommuLlng and oLher.
noLe: 8oroughs wlLh greaLesL number of Lrlps hlghllghLed
lor many of Lhese Lrlps, new ?ork ClLy's radlal" subway sysLem ls lll equlpped Lo meeL Lhese currenL
accesslblllLy challenges slnce lL was deslgned Lo brlng commuLers Lo ManhaLLan from Lhe ouLer
boroughs of Lhe 8ronx, 8rooklyn and Cueens. 1oday, Lhe sysLem conslsLs of 26 radlal subway llnes LhaL
exLend from ManhaLLan ouLward, wlLh almosL all of Lhese llnes rouLed lnLo and Lhrough ManhaLLan
below 60Lh SLreeL. 1he loglc of Lhls neLwork made sense when Lhe subway sysLem was lnlLlally lald ouL,
and lL sLlll does for Lhe Lask lL was deslgned for. Powever, lL has lefL many new ?orkers who make Lhelr
llvellhood ln Lhose boroughs wlLh poor LranslL opLlons, elLher a long subway Lrlp Lhrough ManhaLLan,
mulLlple Lransfers beLween buses and subways, or a slow bus Lrlp. lL ls crlLlcal LhaL pro[ecLs Lo lmprove
ouLer borough moblllLy be glven prlorlLy and a greaLer allocaLlon of resources Lhan Lhey are Loday.
llgure 1 clearly shows LhaL large porLlons of Cueens, 8rooklyn, Lhe 8ronx and SLaLen lsland suffer from a
lack of rapld LranslL coverage - deflned here as subway or express bus - and would beneflL from
lnvesLmenLs ln fasLer and more rellable servlces.
9.E:=& ' ( "=#12./ ,48&=#E& *#-
Location The Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island
The Bronx 168,905 17,205 159,665 17,645 2,110
Brooklyn 11,315 431,560 341,155 62,255 9,380
Manhattan 20,775 25,570 631,130 20,120 2,765
Queens 18,375 87,350 346,270 367,825 5,250
Staten Island 1,095 29,425 53,250 5,630 86,195
The Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island
The Bronx 35.0 67.0 77.8 49.6 57.1
Brooklyn 55.6 38.3 86.2 42.7 45.4
Manhattan 61.0 70.8 55.6 60.6 60.2
Queens 30.8 37.7 79.1 27.2 39.4
Staten Island 31.4 13.6 66.6 11.8 13.8
The Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Staten Island
The Bronx 40.9 29.2 20.3 47.5 36.7
Brooklyn 41.7 37.7 12.1 52.5 51.3
Manhattan 31.1 19.3 5.9 30.9 20.4
Queens 66.6 59.3 19.5 53.6 54.8
Staten Island 67.9 85.5 32.4 86.3 75.1
Total Trips
Percent by Transit
Percent by Auto

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
1he C Lraln - whlch dlrecLly connecLs 8rooklyn and Cueens - ls Lhe only clrcumferenLlal subway llne ln
Lhe clLy. CpporLunlLles for oLher ouLer borough cenLrlc rall, bus and ferry servlce lmprovemenLs wlll be
dlscussed, along wlLh Lxpress 8us servlce lmprovemenLs and opLlons Lo sLrengLhen connecLlons
beLween SLaLen lsland and new !ersey.
9'7% 6%$%?+ >2, 6%71@?%
8us servlce ln new ?ork ClLy ls slow and unrellable. Cn average, buses speeds ln Lhe clLy are 8mph and
close Lo 4mph ln congesLed corrldors, or as fasL as many rlders can walk. As a resulL, many new ?orker's
see Lhe bus sysLem as a second raLe LranslL servlce, whlch ls reflecLed ln Lhe lacklusLer rldershlp growLh
slnce 2003, especlally when compared Lo Lhe subway. 1o address Lhese deflclencles, Lhe M1A and new
?ork ClLy ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon (n?CuC1) parLnered ln 2007 Lo devlse ways Lo lmprove Lhe
quallLy of servlce ln selecL hlgh demand corrldors. 1hey borrowed from pracLlces flrsL lnLroduced ln
SouLh Amerlca Lo creaLe bus servlces LhaL operaLed more llke heavy rall/meLro llnes, whlch could carry
greaLer number of passengers, buL were cheaper for munlclpallLles Lo consLrucL. ln such places fare
collecLlon was moved Lo Lhe curbslde, bus sLops were elevaLed for level boardlng (some wlLh fare
conLrol), buses were made larger wlLh more capaclLy, more doors were added, dedlcaLed lanes were

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
lnsLalled, Lhe number of sLops were reduced and slgnal prlorlLy was glven Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of Llme a
bus walLed aL an lnLersecLlon. All Lhese lmprovemenLs comblne Lo creaLe a new Lype of publlc LranslL
called 8us 8apld 1ranslL (881).
Some of Lhese pracLlces were lnlLlally lncorporaLed as parL of Lhe ClLy's verslon of 881, called SelecL 8us
Servlce (S8S). S8S has been called 881 llLe" slnce lL does noL lnclude all of Lhe feaLures of a full-fledged
881 sysLem such as physlcally separaLe bus lanes. llve plloL servlce were proposed on exlsLlng hlgh
rldershlp corrldors ln four ouL of Lhe flve boroughs - lordham 8d (8x12), Pylan 8lvd (S79), 1
(M13), 34
SLreeL CrossLown (M34) and nosLrand Ave (844). 1he flrsL S8S llne was lnLroduced on
lordham 8oad ln Lhe 8ronx replaclng Lhe 8x12 LlmlLed ln 2008 and lncluded off board fare collecLlon,
new rouLe deslgn (fewer sLops) and a peak-perlod dedlcaLed bus lane. 1he lordham 8oad S8S was a
resoundlng success, wlLh a 30 percenL lncrease ln rldershlp afLer lLs flrsL year ln operaLlon and 19
percenL reducLlon ln Lravel Llme. lL also had a 98 percenL overall cusLomer saLlsfacLlon raLlng, meanlng
LhaL noL only were new ?orkers rldlng Lhe S8S buL Lhey were very saLlsfled wlLh Lhe quallLy of Lhe
servlce belng provlded.
1he agencles have slnce lnLroduced S8S on 1
and 2
Avenues, 34
SLreeL and Pylan 8lvd. Whlle Lhese
rouLes have been poslLlvely recelved by Lhe publlc, mosL have, aL leasL lnlLlally, lncluded even fewer 881
elemenLs Lhan lordham 8oad. 1he agencles are lncremenLally addresslng Lhls shorLcomlng by addlng
more 881 elemenLs - bus bulbs (curb exLenslons LhaL creaLe space for bus rlders Lo walL and ellmlnaLe
Lhe need for buses Lo pull over), slgnal LranslL prlorlLy and physlcally separaLed bus lanes - Lo many of
Lhe exlsLlng S8S corrldors.
n?CuC1 and M1A are also consLrucLlng Lhe flnal, of Lhe lnlLlal flve plloL S8S rouLes S8S rouLe on
nosLrand Ave, whlch wlll sLarL re servlce Lhls sprlng. 1hls corrldor wlll lnclude more 881 elemenLs Lhan
any of Lhe exlsLlng S8S corrldors and Lhey wlll all roll ouL aL one Llme lnsLead of lncremenLally over Lhe
course of several years. 1hls ls clearly reflecLed ln lLs $44 mllllon prlce Lag - four Llmes Lhe cosL of
lordham 8oad - of whlch over 60 percenL ls belng funded Lhrough Lhe l1A's Small SLarLs program.
ln 2009 Lhe agencles underLook a year-long sLudy and communlLy ouLreach efforL Lo develop a llsL of
oLher poLenLlal S8S corrldors, called hase ll. 1he sLudy proposed 27 posslble S8S corrldors ln all flve
boroughs based on areas LhaL are underserved by LranslL Loday and/or have dlfflculL" Lrlps (Llme
lnLenslve and several Lransfers). ln 2011, Lhe agencles, along wlLh Lhe orL AuLhorlLy of new ?ork
examlned several phase ll S8S rouLes (along wlLh oLher modes) as a near-Lerm soluLlon Lo lmprove
LranslL access LaCuardla alrporL (LCA). 1oday, LranslL access Lo LCA ls unrellable and slow, wlLh mosL
passengers chooslng Lo arrlve by prlvaLe auLo or Laxl. 1hree phase ll rouLes were selecLed and exLended
Lo LCA lncludlng 123
SLreeL, WebsLer Avenue and Woodslde. 1hese Lhree rouLes wlll be lnLroduced
over Lhe followlng Lwo years (2013-2014), bookendlng Lhe currenL M1A CaplLal lan. lnlLlally Lhey wlll
only lnclude Lhe mosL baslc 881 elemenLs, wlLh physlcal lmprovemenLs belng lnLroduced over Lhe
followlng year or Lwo and funded as parL of Lhe nexL plan.
1he recenLly compleLed norLh Shore AlLernaLlve Analysls sLudy, analyzed boLh Lhe 881 and llghL rall
(L81) opLlons for SLaLen lsland's norLh Shore. 8oLh alLernaLlves are consldered vlable, buL 881 ls Lhe

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
preferred alLernaLlve based on lLs pro[ecLed lower cosL of consLrucLlon and greaLer ablllLy Lo aLLracL
rlders - Lhe 881 alLernaLlve was also proposed as parL of Lhe aforemenLloned hase ll 881 sLudy.
8evenues from Lhe Loll plan can be used ln Lwo ways, one Lo upgrade Lhe exlsLlng rouLes so Lhey are
closer Lo a full 881 lmplemenLaLlon and Lo supplemenL Lhe cosL of bulldlng ouL selecL hase ll rouLes
1able 7 llsLs Lhe Len S8S corrldors LhaL could be lmproved and/or placed lnLo servlce over Lhe nexL
"#$%& Q ( 0=4-42&; ?P? ,4==.;4= R-E=#;&2 #1; M&> S4:/&2

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
1hree ouL of Lhe Len hase ll corrldors wlll be launched over Lhe nexL Lwo years, add-on fundlng would
be provlded Lo cover Lhe lnLroducLlon of remalnlng rouLe upgrades. 1he remalnlng seven corrldors are
sourced from Lhe agency's hase ll sLudy and ln some cases furLher deLalled by 8A based on coverage
gaps, rldershlp and dlsbursemenL of fundlng amongsL all flve boroughs, Lhese are:
R/.@# +8&1:& ?P?T P=44L%O1 ( Lhe exlsLlng bus servlce on uLlca Ave has Lhe second hlghesL
rldershlp (afLer Lhe M13) of any bus rouLe ln n?C. S8S would lnLroduce fasLer and rellable
LranslL Lo an underserved area and mlrrors 8A's longer-Lerm proposal for a subway exLenslon
down uLlca Ave.
K44;)#8&1 P4:%&8#=; ?P?UPS"T V:&&12 - S8S would creaLe a fasL and rellable norLh-souLh
lnLra- Cueens servlce LhaL would lnLersecL several radlal subway llnes (L, M, 8, !, Z and A).
Woodhaven 8oulevard ls very wlde sLreeL - slx lanes + a Lurnlng lane + Lwo parklng lanes = nlne
lanes - LhaL ls ldeal for a more compleLe lmplemenLaLlon of 881. 1hls would also make lL easler
for pedesLrlans Lo cross Lhe 8oulevard.
R-&= W#2/ ?.;&UR--&= K&2/ ?.;& ,=422/4>1 ?P?T *#1)#//#1 - S8S could be lnLroduced Lo Lhese
very popular crossLown rouLes. lmprovemenLs would be slmllar Lo 34
SLreeL, buL dedlcaLed
bus lanes mlghL noL be lncluded ln all cases. Powever, all would be branded and have off board
fare collecLlon. 1here are Lwo rouLes recommended for S8S converslons along 96
and 86

S8S Corr|dor Status 8orough
1ota| Length (b|-
d|rect|ona| m||es) Stat|ons
1ota| w] 20
roposed Cap|ta|
|an rogrammed
Investment ear(s)
123Lh SL Lo LCA lanned ManhaLLan/Cueens 18.8 40 9,390,269 $ 2013 2013
WebsLer Ave lanned 8ronx/Cueens 26.9 34 13,881,832 $ 2013/2014 2013-2016
Woodhaven Ave roposed Cueens 12.8 26 6,914,232 $ 2017 2017-2019
Woodslde Ave lanned Cueens 8.8 18 4,693,612 $ 2013/2014 2013-2016
uLlca Ave roposed 8rooklyn 9.8 20 3,639,843 $ 2013 2013-2017
SouLhern 8rooklyn L-W Corrldor roposed 8rooklyn 27.8 36 14,924,389 $ 2017-2021
SouLhern 8ronx L-W Corrldor roposed 8ronx 14.8 30 7,910,267 $ 2017-2021
96Lh SL roposed ManhaLLan 3.8 24 4,388,323 $ 2016 2016-2018
86Lh SL roposed ManhaLLan 4.4 28 3,110,927 $ 2016 2016-2018
uLS/uWS CrossLowns roposed ManhaLLan 8.2 32 9,699,232 $ 2016 2016-2018
norLh Shore/WesL Shore roposed SLaLen lsland 24.0 371,443,000 $ 2017 2017-2021
System 1ota| .. .. 127.81 296 4S4,39S,988 5 ..
201S-2019 (Syrs) &

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
SLreeLs, whlch corresponds wlLh Lhe CenLral ark Lransverse roadways. A more norLhern rouLe,
SLreeL was consldered due Lo Lhe wldLh of LhaL roadway, lower lncome populaLlon covered
and subway Lransfer opporLunlLles. Powever, lL was ellmlnaLed due Lo Lhe obsLrucLlon of
Mornlngslde ark, whlch blocks Lhe bus from dlrecLly navlgaLlng Lo Lhe WesL Slde wlLhouL an
exLended deLour. AddlLlonally, Lhe 123
SLreeL S8S, whlch does Lransverse Lhe enLlre wldLh of
Lhe lsland, wlll be [usL Len blocks norLh. 8oLh rouLes are recommended Lo be upgraded as parL
of Lhe nexL caplLal plan.
?4:/)&=1 P=44L%O1 W#2/XK&2/ ,4==.;4=T P=44L%O1 - SouLhern 8rooklyn has very llmlLed easL-
wesL LranslL opLlons. An S8S along 8ay 8ldge arkway, Avenue , llaLlands Ave, and new LoLs
Ave would lnLersecL or pass near Lhe 8, u, n, C, 8, l, L, 2, 3, 4, and 3 Lralns. 1he rouLe could also
be exLended souLh down Cross 8ay 8lvd Lo merge wlLh Lhe Woodhaven 8lvd S8S, allowlng for
greaLer uLlllzaLlon of Lhe Woodhaven's S8S lnfrasLrucLure.
?4:/)&=1 P=41J W#2/XK&2/ ,4==.;4=T P=41J - As wlLh 8rooklyn, Lhe souLhern porLlon of Lhe
8ronx lacks easL-wesL LranslL opLlons. An S8S corrldor runnlng from Lhe Parlem-148
subway sLop of Lhe #3 Lraln over Lhe Macombs uam 8rldge and easL over 161
and 163
could help allevlaLe Lhls. ln Lhe area around Lhe 8ruckner Lxpressway Lhe bus rouLe would spllL
wlLh one prong headlng lnLo PunLs olnL servlng Lhe food markeL and Lhe oLher conLlnulng easL
Lo Lhe Soundvlew secLlon of Lhe 8ronx, an area wlLh no subway and llLLle bus servlce. 1hls rouLe
would lnLersecL Lhe 3, 8, u, 2, 3, and 6 Lralns as well as MeLro-norLh's Parlem llne.
M4=/) ?)4=&UK&2/ ?)4=& PS"T ?/#/&1 C2%#1; - 1he norLh Shore/WesL Shore S8S would help
allevlaLe congesLlon on SLaLen lsland's mosL congesLed roads and slgnlflcanLly speed up LranslL
for commuLers. CongesLlon reducLlon would beneflL noL only Lhose commuLlng from Lhe norLh
Shore Lo ManhaLLan by offerlng Lhem a new LranslL soluLlon Lo reach Lhe SL. Ceorge lerry
1ermlnal, buL would also provlde a new easL-wesL LranslL corrldor for Lhose Lravelllng locally LhaL
could compeLe Llme-wlse wlLh personal vehlcles - unllke Lhe exlsLlng bus servlces. lL has been
esLlmaLed LhaL commuLers Lravellng from Lhe SL. Ceorge lerry 1ermlnal Lo WesL Shore laza
could save as much as 22 mlnuLes each way compared Lo uslng Loday's Lhe local rouLes. 1he
norLh Shore/WesL Shore 881 ls esLlmaLed Lo cosL half as much as Lhe L81 opLlon and sllghLly less
Lo operaLe. lurLhermore, Lhe 881 alLernaLlve ls esLlmaLed Lo aLLracL abouL 1,300 more rlders
durlng Lhe AM peak Lhan Lhe L81 because unllke Lhe L81 Lhe buses would exLend beyond
corrldor allowlng for more one-seaL rlde Lo more desLlnaLlons.
9.E:=& 6 ( 0%#11&; #1; 0=4-42&; ?&%&@/ P:2 ?&=8.@& S4:/&2

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: n?CuC1 and 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
1he cosLs for Lhese new S8S corrldors range from mllllons Lo hundreds of mllllons of dollars, a fracLlon of
Lhe mulLl-bllllon dollar prlce Lag of new subway servlces. 1he ouLller ls Lhe SLaLen lsland corrldor,
whlch, aL $371 mllllon ls elghL Llmes more expenslve Lhan any rouLe (lmplemenLed Lo daLe. lor
example, Lhe nosLrand rouLe cosL $44 mllllon. 1hls hlgher cosL can be explalned by Lhe sLaLe of Lhe
lnfrasLrucLure along Lhe rlghL-of-way, whlch wlll need Lo be rebullL and Lhe acqulslLlon of enLlrely new
fleeL of buses for new servlces - mosL S8S replace exlsLlng LlmlLed bus servlces - and Lhe greaLer
number of 881 elemenLs LhaL wlll be lnLroduced, posslbly maklng Lhls Lhe ClLy's flrsL full 881 servlce.
1oLal S8S lnvesLmenL over Lhe course of Lhe nexL Lwo plans ls recommended aL $390 mllllon, whlch

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
lncludes a 30 percenL conLlngency for Lhe purchase of addlLlonal buses (aL approx. cosL of $700k each)
and posslble pro[ecL overages.
9'7% O7%R2%*+ "*3 C(('73"#$% STB7%,, >2, 6%71@?%
Lxpress bus servlce fllls Lhe gaps ln Lhe subway neLwork (see llgure 3) and creaLes one-seaL rlde opLlon
Lo Lhe C8u for Lhe over 42,000 new ?orkers LhaL use Lhe servlce on a dally basls. Powever, for many Lhe
servlce ls lnfrequenL and expenslve, forclng Lhem Lo plan Lhelr llves around Lhe bus schedule or choose
slower, buL more affordable opLlons. 8A evaluaLed exlsLlng express bus servlces ln Lhe flve boroughs,
ldenLlfled where servlce could be made more frequenL and calculaLed Lhe subsldy need Lo lmprove
servlce and dlscounL fares by one dollar - a savlngs of $40 a monLh or $300 annually.

Assumlng a sLandard of no less Lhan an average headway of 13 mlnuLes durlng Lhe mornlng peak 90
mlnuLes (730am Lo 900am arrlvals ln ManhaLLan), Lhere are 30 bus runs (or 60 ln boLh dlrecLlons LhaL

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
should have added servlce Lo brlng Lhem up Lo LhaL sLandard. 1he borough breakdown - 6 ln Lhe 8ronx,
8 ln 8rooklyn, 14 ln Cueens and 2 ln SLaLen lsland. 1hese are llsLed ln Lhe appendlx.
1he cosL of Lhe 60 added express runs would be abouL $4.2 mllllon annually. 1hls ls calculaLed by
assumlng LhaL Lhe average Lravel Llme wlLh recovery ls 90 mlnuLes, and LhaL sLorage ls posslble ln
ManhaLLan or nearby. 1he LoLal bus hours comes Lo 84 hours per weekday or abouL 21,000 hours
annually. 1he average operaLlng cosL per bus hour for Lhe M1A ln 2011 was $193. 8oundlng Lo $200
brlngs Lhe operaLlng cosL Lo $4.2 mllllon. lrom Lhls would be subLracLed whaLever added revenue
would accrue because of Lhe added servlce, whlch we should assume ls zero for Lhese purposes. 1o Lhls
should be Lhe amorLlzed cosL of Lhe added 28 buses aL an esLlmaLed cosL of $600,000 each, for a LoLal
cosL of $16.8 mllllon. WlLh buses supposed lasL 12 years lL would be Lhe equlvalenL of 30/12 or abouL
2.3 buses per year.
Cf Lhe 37 express bus rouLes ln Lhe four ouLer boroughs, 23 do noL have SaLurday servlce and 32 do noL
have Sunday servlce. lL ls noL posslble Lo recommend LhaL all or even whlch ones should have weekend
servlce added. 8aLher, we should recommend LhaL Lhe M1A choose Lwo rouLes from each borough,
worklng wlLh local offlclals Lo LesL Lhem for one year, esLabllshlng some performance sLandard agreed Lo
by all parLles LhaL would resulL ln LermlnaLlon lf Lhe sLandard were noL meL. 1he operaLlng funds would
come from Lhe Loll plan. Assumlng a bus operaLlng cosL of $200, an hourly servlce for Len rouLes for Len
hours for SaLurday, Sunday and holldays would amounL Lo abouL $7 mllllon annually, wlLhouL accounLlng
for revenue. Assume Lhen LhaL Lhe neL cosL would be ln Lhe $3 mllllon Lo $6 mllllon range or $3.3 mllllon.
uslng March 2013 bus rldershlp by rouLe, Lhere are 18.36 mllllon annual passengers per year uslng
express buses. 1he currenL express bus fare ls $6.00 one way, so a one dollar dlscounL Lo $3.00 would
cosL $18.36 mllllon. 1hls could be reduced somewhaL by Lhe galns ln express revenue LhaL would come
from Lwo sources, new LranslL Lrlps aLLracLed by Lhe lower express fare, and by Lhe added revenue Lo
Lhe M1A from shlfLs from Lhe lower fare subway Lo Lhe sLlll hlgher fare express bus. 1hls revenue galn
would be parLlally offseL by loss ln subway revenues. A besL esLlmaLe of Lhe neL loss ln revenue wlLh
Lhe dollar dlscounL ls $17.3 mllllon.
1hus, Lo do a dollar fare reducLlons along wlLh Lhe added weekday/weekend servlce and Lhe requlred
bus procuremenL would be pegged aL approxlmaLely $44 mllllon.
CurrenLly, some express bus rouLes serve boLh lower ManhaLLan and mldLown, whlle oLhers serve one
or Lhe oLher. Lxpanslon of servlce Lo provlde servlce Lo boLh areas mlghL be effecLlve ln some cases, buL
lL ls noL posslble Lo deLermlne whlch ones wlLhouL enough daLa Lo make an evaluaLlon on an lndlvldual
basls. 1he M1A should be asked Lo conslder selecLlve expanslon of servlce, experlmenLlng wlLh one
rouLe from each borough LhaL only serves mldLown and one from each borough LhaL only serves lower
ManhaLLan. 1he experlmenL would lasL for one year and be LermlnaLed lf pre-agreed Lo performance
sLandards are noL achleved. 1he addlLlons could be added Lo exlsLlng rouLes where posslble. A $3 mllllon
alloLmenL should be seL aslde for Lhls purpose.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
1he added servlces - greaLer weekday frequency, experlmenLal weekend servlce and experlmenLal
added servlce Lo addlLlonal places ln ManhaLLan would amounL Lo abouL $31.3 mllllon. A dollar dlscounL
would add $17.3 mllllon. ln LoLal, almosL $30 mllllon should be seL aslde for Lhese purposes.
ST+%*3 +-% 6+"+%* 4,$"*3 STB7%,,;"8 >2, U"*%, +' H%,+ 6-'7% STB7%,,;"8
1he SLaLen lsland Lxpressway (SlL) ls parL of l-278, a ma[or easL-wesL hlghway crosslng over Lo new
!ersey vla Lhe CoeLhals 8rldge and 8rooklyn vla Lhe verrazano-narrows 8rldge. 1he SlL carrles
approxlmaLely 133,000 vehlcles per on an average day. 1hls hlgh level of usage resulLs ln slgnlflcanL
congesLlon on Lhe SlL, Lhe average speed drops ln boLh dlrecLlons Lo 9 mph ln Lhe AM peak and 23 mph
ln Lhe M peak . 1here ls no oLher vlable easL-wesL expressway on SLaLen lsland Lo relleve Lhls congesLed
CurrenLly, n?CuC1 ls exLendlng Lhe exlsLlng SlL bus lanes wesL 1.8 mlles from Slosson Ave Lo vlcLory
8oulevard whlle also maklng oLher lmprovemenLs Lo Lhe hlghway. 1hls pro[ecL wlll help speed Lhe
movemenL of buses along Lhe corrldor and lmprove Lhe flow of Lrafflc. lundlng from Lhe Moven? plan
could be used Lo exLend Lhese bus lanes furLher wesL pasL vlcLory 8oulevard Lo Lhe lnLerchange wlLh
8ouLe 440. uolng so would allow buses Lo Lravel Lhe enLlre lengLh of Lhe SlL ln a dedlcaLed lane and
provlde Lhe opLlon for a connecLlon Lo a fuLure norLh and WesL Shore LranslL servlces. 1hese
lmprovemenLs would lncrease Lhe rellablllLy and speed of express bus servlce, furLher encouraglng a
modal shlfL Lo LranslL along Lhe corrldor. LxLrapolaLlng from currenL cosLs of exLendlng Lhe bus lanes on
Lhe SlL from Slosson Ave Lo vlcLory 8lvd, Lhe 1.3 mlle exLenslon from vlcLory 8oulevard Lo Lhe 8ouLe 440
lnLerchange would cosL approxlmaLely $79 mllllon.
)'*,+72?+ !7@#'7' 0T/ )@7?25(%7%*+@"$ 0"B@3 !7"*,@+ 6%71@?%
As parL of lLs 1hlrd 8eglonal lan ln 1996, 8A proposed a 20-mlle clrcumferenLlal LranslL servlce LhaL
would run along exlsLlng rlghLs-of-way ln 8rooklyn, Cueens and Lhe 8ronx, called 1rlboro 8x. Cver Lhe
pasL decade several meLropollLan areas have lnvesLed ln clrcumferenLlal LranslL servlces, one of Lhe
mosL hlgh-proflle pro[ecLs belng London's 33 mlle Cverground. MosL of Lhe sysLem, whlch ls now a
compleLe orblLal rouLe, runs along frelghL and lnLerclLy passenger Lracks LhaL were elLher abandoned or
llghLly used. lL has been resoundlng success wlLh Londoner's and drlven lnvesLmenL around lLs 83
sLaLlons. 1hls ls slmllar Lo new ?ork, where Lhe Lracks for Lhe 1rlboro 8x are currenLly used ln a very
llmlLed capaclLy by frelghL and lnLerclLy passenger Lralns. 1hese rlghLs-of-way are a scarce and preclous
resource ln such a heavlly developed and dense urban envlronmenL, creaLlng a frequenL passenger
servlce ln an underserved parL of Lhe clLy would be Lhelr besL use.
1he 1rlboro 8x would serve ouLer borough users by lnLersecLlng mosL of Lhe radlal llnes ln Lhe boroughs
aL leasL once, wlLh sLaLlon locaLlons aL Lhese lnLersecLlon polnLs, and where ma[or bus llnes are found. lL
would enable people Lo Lravel among many places ln Lhelr own borough, now dlsconnecLed, or Lo
ad[acenL boroughs wlLhouL havlng Lo Lravel lnLo ManhaLLan by subway and Lhen ouL agaln on anoLher
llne. 1he new llne would creaLe redundancy ln Lhe evenL one of Lhe radlal llnes was lnoperable, slnce lL
would glve rlders Lhe opLlon of Lravellng Lo a llne sLlll ln operaLlon. 1oday, Lhe subway neLwork does
noL offer Lhls opLlon because of lLs predomlnaLely radlal conflguraLlon. 1he lmpacL on exlsLlng subway
llnes would llkely be llmlLed because many of Lhese Lransferrlng rlders would be uslng Lhe excess reverse

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
capaclLy or boardlng aL sLaLlons wlLh lower rldershlp volumes. lL would also glve many LranslL rlders now
uslng buses wlLhln Lhe ouLer boroughs fasLer LranslL opLlons wlLh fewer Llme consumlng and
lnconvenlenL Lransfers. ln addlLlon, Lhe sLaLlon locaLed aL Lhe Lermlnus of Lhe new llne ln 8ay 8ldge
could also provlde lnLermodal connecLlons Lo exlsLlng SLaLlon lsland express buses and fuLure S8S
servlces. rellmlnary rldershlp esLlmaLes made for Lhls servlce are promlslng and lndlcaLe Lhere ls
slgnlflcanL amounL of laLenL demand. A map of Lhe llne ls shown ln llgure 4.
1he areas LhaL would be served Lyplcally are ln locaLlons wlLh lndusLrles LhaL generally employ servlce
and facLory workers. Some of Lhese slLes are opporLunlLles for new [obs and houslng, lncludlng urban
manufacLurlng, dlsLrlbuLlon faclllLles and for hlgher-denslLy mlxed-use LranslL orlenLed redevelopmenL.
1hls clrcumferenLlal llne could also serve as a caLalysL for secondary developmenL along many of Lhe
connecLlng subway llnes.
9.E:=& Y ( +%.E1A&1/ <4= "=.$4=4 SJ ,.=@:A<&=&1/.#% Z.1&

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
1oday, new ?ork and ALlanLlc 8allway (n?A8), a prlvaLe company LhaL was awarded a frelghL operaLlng
conLracL by Lhe Ll88 ln 1997, operaLes a comblned 11 Lo 14 Lralns a week on Lhe 8ushwlck and 8ay 8ldge
llnes or 2 Lo 3 Lralns per day. Whlle Lhls number ls relaLlvely small, plans Lo lmprove Lhe orL AuLhorlLy's
cross harbor floaL-brldge operaLlons and, posslbly ln Lhe longer Lerm, consLrucL a frelghL rall Lunnel
beLween new !ersey and 8ay 8ldge are llkely Lo lncrease frelghL acLlvlLy along Lhls llne, how much ls sLlll
9.E:=& D ( [>1&=2).- 4< S.E)/X4<XK#O

Source: n?SuC1 and 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon
AddlLlonally, AmLrak currenLly runs dally nLC servlce on Lhe segmenL norLh of Sunnyslde ?ards Lo Lhe
8ronx, Lhere are plans for a llmlLed MeLro norLh servlce Lo Sn? along Lhe same segmenL.
1hls new passenger servlce wlll need Lo coexlsL ln Lhls frelghL, commuLer and lnLerclLy rall operaLlng
envlronmenL. 1o LhaL end Lhe servlce wlll need Lo be revlewed ln llghL of, a) currenL lederal 8all
AdmlnlsLraLlon regulaLlons LhaL llmlL Lhe mlx of frelghL and passenger servlce ln Lhe same rlghL of way aL

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
Lhe same Llme , b) sufflclenL Lrack capaclLy Lo accommodaLe Lhe aforemenLloned mlx of servlces, and c)
physlcal obsLrucLlons LhaL could preclude or llmlL frelghL servlce.
1wo alLernaLlves are posslble Lo address Lhe l8A's rolllng sLock crashworLhlness regulaLlons. lf rapld
LranslL or convenLlonal llghL rall cars are used, Lhen Lhe passenger operaLlons would be conflned Lo
Llmes when Lhe frelghL servlce ls noL ln operaLlon. 1o accompllsh Lhls careful coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe
Lwo would be necessary. 1he passenger servlce mlghL be curLalled ln Lhe early mornlng, laLer evenlng
and overnlghL perlods, wlLh frelghL operaLlons occurrlng durlng Lhose Llmes. AnoLher soluLlon would be
Lhe use l8A compllanL rolllng sLock, whlch ls done ln several places ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. 1hls should be
evaluaLed as a posslble means of addresslng Lhe complexlLles of mlxed passenger and frelghL
operaLlons. 1hls could obvlaLe Lhe need for Lemporal separaLlon. 1he poLenLlal for separaLlng Lrack
usage for all servlces ln boLh space and Llme musL be consldered, as does coordlnaLlon wlLh AmLrak
1he need for addlLlonal Lrack capaclLy, especlally on Lhe norLhern secLlon of Lhe 8ay 8ldge llne wlll be
parLlally dlcLaLed by Lhe ouLcome of Lhe Cross Parbor lrelghL SLudy markeL analysls. lf Lhere are porLlons
of Lhe rouLe wlLh heavy frelghL demand, Lhen Lhe challenges for passenger and frelghL co-exlsLence wlll
be helghLened.
1he lncreased demand for lnLermodal conLalners wlll presenL a challenge, especlally on Lhe 8ay 8ldge
llne where boLh conLalners and LradlLlonal frelghL cars wlll have Lo be accommodaLed. 1oday, Lhe 8ay
8ldge llne does noL meeL Lhe verLlcal clearance sLandards for double-sLack conLalner cars, buL does have
sufflclenL wldLh for all oLher varlanLs. 1he helghL of Lhe 8roadway !uncLlon Lunnels llmlL verLlcal
clearance and lncreaslng Lhelr helghL would be a subsLanLlal challenge and expense. 1o noL preclude
slngle level conLalner cars and oLher lrregular bulk commodlLles, Lhe new sLaLlons and power
lnfrasLrucLure musL also be deslgned ln manner LhaL does noL obsLrucL Lhe way. SLaLlons wlLh hlgh
plaLforms for level boardlng could use gap flllers or a bypass Lrack beLween Lhe Lwo sLaLlon Lracks Lo
ensure clearance for all frelghL cars. lL mlghL also be posslble Lo consLrucL sLaLlons wlLhouL plaLforms,
uslng low-floor vehlcles. unllke mosL exlsLlng M1A servlces, a Lhlrd rall could noL be used Lo power Lhe
passenger vehlcles because larger frelghL cars would llkely come ln conLacL wlLh Lhe rall, causlng
damage. Cverhead caLenary wlres or dlesel Lralns, Lhe moLlve power used Loday by Lhe frelghL rallroads,
are Lhe only Lwo opLlons.
lL can be expecLed LhaL Lhe cosLs for upgradlng Lhe exlsLlng rall llnes for passenger servlce wlll be small ln
comparlson Lo oLher pro[ecLs where Lhe llne musL be bullL from scraLch. 1he rlghLs-of-way exlsL already,
mlnlmlzlng prospecLlve Laklngs cosLs. 1herefore, Lhe prlnclple cosLs would be Lhe preparaLlon of Lrack
and slgnals, bulldlng Lhe sLaLlons and acqulslLlon of rolllng sLock. uependlng on Lhe Lype of servlce
lnLroduced, whlch could be done lncremenLally sLarLlng wlLh a lower cosL soluLlon and Lhen upgraded as
demand lncreases, Lhe caplLal cosLs would llkely range from Lhe hundreds of mllllons dollar Lo beLween
one Lo Lwo bllllon dollars.
lL should be posslble Lo roll-ouL Lhe new clrcumferenLlal passenger servlce ln phases and lncremenLally
add amenlLles and more sophlsLlcaLed servlces as demand lncreases. assenger servlce could be phased

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
ln on secLlons of Lhe 8ay 8ldge llne ln 8rooklyn and Cueens wlLh Lhe greaLesL demand, as Lhe popularlLy
of Lhe servlce grows lL could be exLended furLher norLh lnLo Lhe 8ronx. SLaLlons can be added over Llme,
wlLh key Lransfers consLrucLed flrsL. SLand-alone sLaLlons could be lnLroduced laLer as land use changes
are made and [olnL-developmenL opporLunlLles arlse.
An alLernaLlve Lo expenslve overhead caLenary power llnes mlghL be Lo lnlLlally use ulesel- MulLlple-
unlLs (uMu), slmllar Lo new !ersey 1ranslL's 8lverllne. uMu vehlcles would be requlred Lo meeL l8A
crashworLhlness sLandards or be Lemporally separaLed from frelghL and oLher heavy rall Lrafflc. SLadler
8all, a Swlss company, has developed dlesel llghL rall vehlcles LhaL meeL l8A alLernaLe requlremenLs for
Lhe CaplLal MeLro8all 8ed Llne ln AusLln and Lhe uenLon CounLy 1ransporLaLlon AuLhorlLy ln 1exas.
1hese Lwo-car dlesel unlLs can carry 200 passengers, wlLh Lhe capablllLy of coupllng Lhree car seLs for a
comblned carrylng capaclLy of 600 passengers. Low-floor llghL rall uMus mlghL also allow for slmpler
sLaLlons, obvlaLlng Lhe need for expenslve hlgh-plaLform sLaLlon sLrucLures for level boardlng. As Lhe
servlce maLures lL would be posslble Lo upgrade Lhe lnfrasLrucLure, wlLh modern sLaLlons, more
sophlsLlcaLed slgnallng, caLenary and hlgher capaclLy rolllng sLock. 1he llne could also be compleLely
auLomaLed, alLhough Lhls would llkely confllcL wlLh M1A work rules.
1hls new passenger servlce could be consLrucLed and operaLed by Lhe M1A or Lhrough a ueslgn-8ulld-
CperaLe-MalnLaln (u8CM) concesslon managed by Lhe M1A or Lhe SLaLe dlrecLly. 1hls approach ls noL
unprecedenLed ln our reglon. new !ersey 1ranslL and Lhe orL AuLhorlLy have used u8CMs for new
LranslL pro[ecLs, Lhe Pudson 8ergen LlghL 8all and !lk Alr1raln, respecLlvely. naLlonally, LranslL sysLem
expanslons ln WashlngLon uC, uallas, orLland and San lranclsco have been bullL uslng u8CM. MosL
have successfully drlven down cosLs and kepL pro[ecLs on schedule. Powever, agencles musL clearly
arLlculaLe Lhe rlsk belng Lransferred Lo Lhe prlvaLe flrms, especlally ln crlLlcal areas of uncerLalnLy such as
exlsLlng slLe condlLlons and speclfylng deslgn requlremenLs. 1hls approach, lf sLrucLured properly, would
allow Lhe new servlce Lo operaLe from Lhe sLarL under one-person-Lraln-operaLlons, creaLe flexlblllLy
when deflnlng [ob responslblllLles for sLaLlon and malnLenance personnel and seL Lhe sLage for Lhe
fuLure auLomaLlon of Lhe servlce uslng drlverless vehlcles.
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon ls needed Lo conflrm Lhe value of Lhls proposal. 1hese lnclude updaLed esLlmaLes
of rldershlp, Lhe Lravel beneflLs LhaL rlders would experlence, greaLer deLall on operaLlng feaslblllLy and
consLrucLlon lssues, Lhe cosL of consLrucLlon and Lhe operaLlng cosLs and revenues of Lhe llne. lurLher,
Lhe besL sLaLlon locaLlons Lo Lake advanLage of nearby subway llnes, ma[or bus rouLes, and developmenL
opporLunlLles musL be lnvesLlgaLed. 1oward Lhls end, a prellmlnary examlnaLlon suggesLs LhaL among
Lhe 21 sLaLlons posslble, 11 could be locaLed colncldenL wlLh exlsLlng subway sLaLlons, anoLher elghL
would be wlLhln 1,000 feeL of subways sLaLlons and only Lwo would be furLher, buL sLlll wlLhln x mlle.
1he rouLlng of Lhe llne would also offer subsLanLlal developmenL opporLunlLles largely ln souLhern
8rooklyn and Lhe easL 8ronx. Cf Lhe 21 locaLlons for sLaLlons ldenLlfled, flve would offer subsLanLlal
developmenL poLenLlal ad[acenL Lo Lhe sLaLlons and anoLher elghL would provlde for more llmlLed
developmenL opporLunlLles. ln addlLlon, a large corrldor ln souLhern 8rooklyn sLreLchlng Lhrough Lhe
LasL new ?ork, new LoLs, llaLlands, 8emsen, LasL llaLbush, and llaLbush nelghborhoods could reap
large economlc beneflLs from Lhe new servlce, Loday Lhere ls no subway servlce Lhere and large LracLs of
land rlpe for redevelopmenL.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

ST+%*3 6%?'*3 C1%*2% 62#;"8 +' QBB%7 9"*-"++"* "*3 +-% >7'*T
1he long delayed Second Avenue subway (SAS), deslgned Lo operaLe from 123
SLreeL Lo Lower
ManhaLLan, ls now under consLrucLlon, wlLh Lhe flrsL phase from 63
SLreeL Lo 96
SLreeL (wlLh a Lunnel
ln place as far as 103
SLreeL for sLorage and smooLher operaLlons) scheduled Lo open ln 2016. lL wlll
have Lhree new sLaLlons aL 72
, 86
and 96
SLreeLs, and an expanded one aL 63
SLreeL. 1hree oLher
phases have been approved by Lhe federal governmenL ln Lhe 2004 llnal LnvlronmenLal lmpacL
SLaLemenL (lLlS), maklng Lhem ellglble for fuLure federal fundlng, buL Lhese funds are noL yeL assured.
nor ls Lhere agreemenL on Lhe wheLher Lhe nexL phase should go norLh Lo 123
SLreeL or souLh ln Lwo
phases Lo Lhe souLhern Llp of ManhaLLan (see llgure 4). lnlLlally, Lhe new servlce wlll be an exLenslon of
Lhe C Lraln, Lo Lhe upper LasL Slde from Lhe 7
Avenue Lermlnus aL 37
SLreeL , once Lhe SAS ls
exLended souLh of 63
SLreeL under Second Avenue, a new norLh/souLh servlce called Lhe 1 wlll be
9.E:=& I ( +--=48&; 0)#2&2 4< /)& ?&@41; +8&1:& ?:$>#O

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
AlLhough Lhe full lengLh of Lhe approved SAS ls locaLed only ln ManhaLLan from 123
SLreeL souLh, lL has
poLenLlally profound lmpllcaLlons for Lhe resL of new ?ork ClLy, Lhe ManhaLLan porLlon could be Lhe
splne for a new seL of needed subway servlces, exLended norLh lnLo Parlem and Lhe 8ronx and furLher
souLh Lo 8rooklyn, wlLh posslble connecLlng servlce lnLo Cueens.
More lmmedlaLely, Lhe quesLlon before Lhe M1A ls whaL Lo do nexL?
1here ls a sLrong case Lo be made Lo go norLh for abouL one mlle, wlLh sLaLlons aL 106
, 116
and 123

sLreeLs. 1he porLlon as far as 103
SLreeL already exlsLs. lL ls pro[ecLed Lo have Lhe mosL rlders among
Lhe remalnlng phases. lL would serve an underserved lower lncome area ln LasL Parlem and Lo 123

SLreeL and LexlngLon Avenue, where lL would provlde Lransfers for Lhe #4, #3 and #6 llnes from Lhe
8ronx, glvlng LhaL borough's rlders one-Lransfer access Lo Lhe SAS corrldor, Lhereby rellevlng Lhese
crowded LexlngLon Avenue llnes. Also, lL would enable MeLro norLh rlders Lo reach Lhe SAS corrldor
(and Lhose resldlng ln LhaL Second Avenue corrldor Lo reach MeLro norLh desLlnaLlons ln Lhe suburbs Lo
Lhe norLh). 1he 123
SLreeL sLaLlon would also make a connecLlon Lo LaCuardla AlrporL easler uslng Lhe
prospecLlve SelecL 8us Servlce on 123
SLreeL. llnally, lL would be Lhe prerequlslLe for Lhe conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe llne wesLward under 123
SLreeL, connecLlng wlLh Lhe subway llnes on Lhe wesL slde or Lhe
conLlnuaLlon of Lhe llne lnLo Lhe 8ronx, accompllshed by conLlnulng norLh under Second Avenue and Lhe
LasL 8lver. 1he laLLer could be consLrucLed even lf Lhe 123
SLreeL sLaLlon were noL bullL, wlLh Lhe
exLenslon norLh of 96
SLreeL lncludlng only Lhe 106
and 116
SLreeL sLaLlons.
1he esLlmaLed cosL of Lhe full 123
SLreeL opLlon ls $4 bllllon, whlle Lhe cosL of Lhe sub-opLlon wlLhouL
SLreeL would be abouL $2.4 bllllon, slnce an expenslve Lunnel borlng machlne would be avolded,
slmpllfylng Lhe consLrucLlon. 1he lower cosL would bemore fundable ln Lhe nexL M1A caplLal program
glven Lhelr currenL caplLal program fundlng gap.
Slnce Lhls sub-opLlon ls parL of Lhe lLlS, lL would noL requlre addlLlonal analysls Lo recelve federal
fundlng, alLhough Lhe fundlng lLself ls far from assured for elLher Lhe 123
SLreeL phase or Lhls sub-
Whlle Lhls sub-opLlon would ellmlnaLe Lhe beneflLs of Lhe Lransfer aL 123
SLreeL, lL would reLaln Lhe
posslblllLy of fuLure exLenslons Lo Lhe 8ronx, wlLh numerous rouLlng posslble LhaL could lnLersecL wlLh
llnes ln Lhe 8ronx. 1he exLenslon of Lhe SAS lnLo Lhe 8ronx ls noL parL of Lhe approved lLlS, and would
have Lo go Lhrough Lhe federal envlronmenLal process lf one was Lo become ellglble for federal fundlng.
1he opLlon of exLendlng Lhe SAS Lo Lhe souLh could seL Lhe sLage for SAS servlces ln Cueens and
8rooklyn. Cnce Lhe SAS ls exLended below 63
SLreeL, any servlces from Cueens uslng Lhe 63
under Lhe LasL 8lver (Lhe l Lraln use lL now) could be connecLed lnLo Lhe SAS and operaLe as far as Lhe
SAS ls bullL souLhward
. lor consLrucLablllLy reasons Lhe nexL phase could LermlnaLe aL PousLon SLreeL,
wlLh Lhe phase followlng consLrucLed Lo Lhe 8aLLery. 1he souLhern exLenslon has Lhe advanLage of
brlnglng Second Avenue servlce Lo Lhe dense [ob concenLraLlon ln MldLown earller, and Lhen Lo Lhe

new capaclLy ln Cueens would also be needed Lo accepL new SAS servlce, currenLly Lhe ablllLy Lo add servlce ln
Cueens ls severely llmlLed.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
flnanclal dlsLrlcL, glvlng Lhe upper easL slde resldenLs a dlrecL servlce Lo Lhese Lwo areas. 1he exLenslon
Lo Lhe 8aLLery could also make lL posslble Lo exLend Lhe SAS llne lnLo downLown 8rooklyn and evenLually
along Lhe ALlanLlc 8ranch of whaL ls now Lhe Ll88, dlscussed more fully ln Lhe nexL secLlon.
lL would appear LhaL for reasons cosL LhaL aL a mlnlmum Lhe SAS should be exLended norLh Lo serve Lhe
Lwo added sLaLlons, whlch could be funded wlLh Lhe Loll plan. As shown ln llgure 7, Lhe Lhree opLlons
beyond - exLendlng Lo 123
SLreeL, or lnLo Lhe 8ronx or souLh, all wlLh merlL would be Lhe sub[ecL of
furLher revlew and analysls.
9.E:=& Q ( ")& ")=&& WJ/&12.41 [-/.412T 0)#2& CCC #1; P&O41;

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon
!"#$%&'%( *+* #, #-$ ./,%"
lf Lhe SAS was exLended lnLo Lhe 8ronx Lhere are a number of rouLlng cholces as shown ln llgure8. All
would sLarL by exLend Lhe llne from Second Avenue under Lhe Parlem 8lver (SegmenL A) Lo 138
a dlsLance of 1.1 mlles. 1he shorLesL opLlon beyond LhaL would conLlnue Lhe llne for anoLher 1.2 mlles
Lo 161
SLreeL (SegmenL 8) where Lhe !erome Avenue (#4) and Lhe Crand Concourse llnes (u and 8)
cross. SLaLlons would also be locaLed aL 138
and 149
SLreeLs. CollecLlvely, Lhese Lhree sLops would glve

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
all 8ronx llnes (excepL for Lhe 8roadway #1) a Lransfer Lo Lhe SAS. 1hls would be especlally
advanLageous lf Lhe 123
SLreeL sLaLlon were noL bullL.
9.E:=& \ ( ?+? P=41J +%.E1A&1/ [-/.412

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon
A second opLlon would only conLlnue Lhe llne lnLo Lhe 8ronx as far as 132
SLreeL, llnklng up wlLh
connecLlng frelghL Lrack aL Cak lsland and Lhen along Lhe AmLrak Lo reach as far as Co-op ClLy ln Lhe
norLheasLern corner of Lhe 8ronx, exLendlng for abouL 9 mlles (SegmenLs C and l). 1hls rouLlng would
requlre elLher llmlLed or no Lunnellng, buL would depend on reachlng saLlsfacLory arrangemenLs wlLh
AmLrak and wlLh MeLro norLh, Lhe laLLer seeklng Lo use Lhe AmLrak rlghL-of-way Lo reach enn SLaLlon
vla Lhe Pell CaLe 8rldge. SLaLlons could be aL some of Lhe locaLlons LhaL MeLro norLh ls conslderlng -
PunLs olnL Avenue, elham arkway (Lo serve Lhe hosplLal complex) and Co-op ClLy, buL oLhers could
be added, such as aL 1remonL 8oad Lo serve Lhe arkchesLer houslng complex, and aL leasL one and
posslbly Lwo more aL Lhe sprawllng Co-op ClLy complex.
1he Lhlrd opLlon would exLend from SegmenL A norLhward flrsL under 1hlrd Avenue (SegmenL u) for 1.3
mlles, servlng Lhe Pub aL 149
SLreeL, and Lhen under 8osLon osL 8oad (SegmenL L) for 2 mlles, [olnlng
Lhe AmLrak rlghL-of-way and conLlnulng on Lo Co-op ClLy (SegmenL l) for anoLher 3.6 mlles. 1he 1hlrd
Avenue porLlon ls now wlLhouL nearby servlce, havlng losL lL when Lhe 1hlrd Avenue el was abandoned

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
ln Lhe 1970s. SLaLlons ln LhaL segmenL could be aL 149
(1he Pub), 136
and 163
SLreeLs. 1he 8osLon
8oad segmenL could have sLaLlons aL 169
SLreeL, ClaremonL arkway and aL SouLhern 8oulevard. As
wlLh Lhe second opLlon, sLaLlons ln SegmenL l could be aL 1remonL Avenue, elham arkway and Co-op
ClLy, where addlLlonal sLaLlons could be added.
1he fourLh opLlon would conLlnue Lhe llne under 1hlrd Avenue as far as lordham 8oad and Lhen Lurnlng
wesLward under lordham 8oad, under Lhe Parlem 8lver Lo Lhe 207
SLreeL subway yard ln upper
ManhaLLan (SegmenL C), a LoLal of 4 mlles. SLaLlons could be locaLed aL 168
SLreeL, ClaremonL
arkway, 1remonL Avenue, 180
SLreeL, and aL lordham 8oad (aL 1hlrd Avenue, Lhe Crand Concourse,
!erome Avenue and unlverslLy Avenue).
A [udgmenL as Lo whlch of Lhese rouLes would be besL depends on many facLors. lrom Lhe cusLomer
perspecLlve, closer proxlmlLy Lo a sLaLlon, hlgher frequency and fasLer servlce, more connecLlvlLy Lo Lhe
sysLem, more access opporLunlLles Lo slgnlflcanL desLlnaLlons, and ease of crowdlng are llkely Lo be
paramounL. lrom Lhe M1A's perspecLlve all Lhese crlLerla apply, buL Lhey musL conslder operaLlng
lssues, llne capaclLy, lmpacL on Lhe resL of Lhe sysLem, and cosL and ease of consLrucLlon.
roxlmlLy ls besL measured by how many addlLlonal people would be wlLhln walklng dlsLance of a
subway sLaLlon lf Lhese rouLes were bullL. As of Lhe 2010 uS Census 889,000 of Lhe 1,383,000 people
(64 percenL) llvlng ln Lhe borough are wlLhln a half mlle walk of one or more of Lhe 70 exlsLlng 8ronx
subway sLaLlons. 1able 10 shows Lhe number LhaL would be added for each of Lhe four opLlons. Slnce
opLlon 1 would noL add new sLaLlons, buL would creaLe Lhree new Lransfer polnLs lL would noL add Lo Lhe
coverage of Lhe sysLem. 1he oLher Lhree rouLlng opLlons would. 1he rouLe lengLh, # sLaLlons and Lhe new
populaLlon wlLhln a half mlle of Lhe new sLaLlons are shown ln 1able 10. CpLlon 4 ranks hlghesL and Lhe
oLhers rank ln reverse order wlLh opLlon 1 ranklng lowesL.
"#$%& 'G X ]&O ,)#=#@/&=.2/.@2 <4= 94:= [-/.412

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
1he maxlmum frequency of servlce on any one llne ls largely a funcLlon of whaL oLher servlce ls provlded
on Lhe llne. A Lrack has Lhe capaclLy Lo operaLe aL 30 Lralns per hour under ldeal condlLlons wlLh
convenLlonal wayslde slgnallng
. When Lwo servlce operaLe on Lhe same Lrack, wlLh polnLs of
convergence or dlvergence, Lhe capaclLy can drop a below LhaL. Slnce Lhe lnlLlal SAS servlce wlll be
converglng wlLh exlsLlng C servlce under 8roadway ln mldLown ManhaLLan, aL mosL Lhe SAS wlll operaLe

ln reallLy Lhls level of servlce ls rarely achleved or susLalned. Cnly Lhe 1lmes Square shuLLle has a frequency ln Lhe
peak approachlng 301P, mosL oLher llnes have frequencles equlvalenL Lo 24-131P durlng Lhe AM and M peaks.
!"#$%& ()&*#+
,-$.)/0 1 %2 3#4#$%&/
9$#+$& :4.2
;$.) ,<<<=/0
! #$% # &
' !&$( ) %*
# ($+ !! *'
% *$+ + !'&

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
abouL 13 Lralns per hour or a Lraln every 4 mlnuLes. Any of Lhe rouLlngs of Lhe SAS servlce wlll operaLe aL
LhaL level, as long as a Lhlrd servlce ls noL added. 1hus, any of Lhe four rouLlng opLlons can reach Lhls
level, Lhere ls noL clear frequency of servlce advanLage of any of Lhe opLlons.
8y creaLlng more Lransferrlng posslblllLles, new rouLes can change Lhe way many resldenLs of 1he 8ronx
would use Lhe subway neLwork, enabllng Lhem Lo reach acLlvlLles and aLLracLlons by LranslL LhaL would
oLherwlse be dlfflculL. CpLlon 1, for example, wlll make lL posslble for users of slx llnes (2, 4, 3, 6, u and
8) Lo reach Lhe SAS corrldor wlLh a Lransfer. And lL wlll make lL posslble for rlders of some of Lhese llnes
Lo more easlly reach oLher llnes. ln parLlcular, rlders along Lhe # 6 wlll galn access Lo Lhe wesL Parlem
and Lhe upper wesL slde of ManhaLLan by uslng Lhe new llnk aL 138
SLreeL Lo reach sLaLlons aL 149

SLreeL and aL 161
SLreeL Lo llnk Lo Lhe #3 or Lhe 8 and u llnes Lo reach Lhese desLlnaLlon.
CpLlon 2 does Lhe leasL amounL ln provldlng more connecLlvlLy, provldlng a posslble connecLlon only Lo
Lhe #6 llne aL PunLs olnL Avenue.
CpLlon 3 would make lL posslble for rlders on elLher Lhe #2 or Lhe #3 llnes Lo reach Lhe SAS corrldor aL
elLher Lhe 174
/ SouLhern 8oulevard or aL Lhe 149
SLreeL Pub sLaLlon. CpLlon #4 creaLes Lhe mosL
lnLerconnecLlvlLy of all. lL accompllshes whaL opLlon #3 does by creaLlng a Lransfer beLween Lhe # 2 and
# 3 wlLh Lhe SAS corrldor, buL lL also makes lL posslble Lo lnLerconnecL Lhe new SAS wlLh MeLro norLh aL
lordham 8oad, wlLh Lhe 8 and u aL Lhe Crand Concourse, Lhe #4 llne aL !erome Avenue, and even Lhe #1
ln ManhaLLan.
ln rank order, connecLlvlLy for Lhe opLlon #4 ls hlghesL, followed by opLlons 1, 3, and 2.
CurrenLly, Lhe LexlngLon Avenue express llne (#4 and #3) ls Lhe mosL crowded ln Lhe subway neLwork.
Much of Lhe [usLlflcaLlon for consLrucLlon on Lhe SAS ls Lo provlde rellef by encouraglng upper LasL Slde
resldenLs Lo use Lhe SAS raLher Lhan Lhe overcrowded LexlngLon Avenue express (and Lhe almosL as
crowded #6 local). 1he SAS was also deslgned Lo reduce congesLlon by glvlng 8ronx resldenLs Lhe opLlon
of Lransferrlng aL 123
SLreeL Lo Lhe SAS. hase l of Lhe SAS wlll noL provlde Lhls opLlon, buL Lhe 8ronx
exLenslon opLlons can offer a chance Lo dlverL from #4, #3, and #6 Lo varylng degrees. CpLlons 1 and 4
offers Lhls cholce for all Lhree llnes, buL opLlon 1 lnLercepLs Lhe #4 furLher souLh, provldlng more
advanLage Lhan opLlon 4. CpLlon 2 only for lnLercepLs #6 and opLlon 3 creaLes Lhe Lransfer opporLunlLy
on for llnes #3 and # 6. 8anklng order of besL Lo worsL as a capaclLy rellever on Lhe LexlngLon llne:
opLlon 1, 3, 4, 2.
1he cosL of consLrucLlon of Lhe four opLlons wlll be a funcLlon of Lhe llne lengLh and Lhe amounL of
Lunnellng. hase l of Lhe SAS ls cosLlng $4.8 bllllon for 2.1 mlles of Lunnel and Lhree new and one rebullL
sLaLlon. 1he hlgh cosL per mlle of Lhe exLenslons lnLo Lhe 8ronx could be lowered Lhrough reforms.
Pere we use some unlL cosLs per mlle and per sLaLlon Lo rank Lhe four exLenslon opLlons. CpLlon 4,
whlch has Lhe mosL Lunnellng, even Lhough lL ls noL Lhe longesL would llkely be Lhe mosL expenslve,
opLlon 2 Lhough longer Lhan opLlon 3, ls less expenslve, buL opLlon one aL half Lhe lengLh of Lhe nexL
longesL ls Lhe leasL expenslve. 1he ranklngs of Lhe four opLlons are compared ln 1able 11.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
"#$%& '' X ,4A-#=#/.8& S#1L.1E2 4< 94:= [-/.412

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls

As can be seen from 1able 11, no one opLlon ls flrsL ln all caLegorles. 1he flrsL opLlon ls Lhe leasL
expenslve, ranks well from a connecLlvlLy perspecLlve and does Lhe mosL Lo relleve Lhe congesLlon on
Lhe LexlngLon Avenue llne, buL lL adds no new coverage ln Lhe 8ronx, offerlng no rellef for areas
currenLly wlLhouL nearby subway . CpLlon 2 provldes Lhe leasL cusLomer advanLage overall, ranklng 3

or 4
ln each caLegory, buL ls Lhe second leasL cosLly. CpLlons 4 does a beLLer [ob Lhan 3 ln servlng Lhe
publlc - more coverage, connecLlvlLy and capaclLy rellef, buL cosL Lhe mosL. lf all crlLerla are glven equal
welghL Lhen opLlons 1 and 4 rank hlghesL.
1hls very crude comparlson ls noL concluslve. lL does suggesL LhaL lf fundlng ls very llmlLed Lhen opLlon 1
has some value, buL lL does noLhlng Lo brlng 8ronx resldenLs ln Lhe 1hlrd Avenue corrldor or Lhe areas
servlced by Lhe oLher opLlons any closer Lo Lhe subway. As wlLh any declslon, lL ls a funcLlon of Lhe
relaLlve values places on Lhe quallLles of Lhe opLlons.
1he M1A musL conLlnue Lo bulld Lhe full-lengLh SAS. lL ls clear LhaL Lhe norLhern sub-opLlon ls Lhe mosL
affordable and feaslble nexL phase, and Lherefore work should begln Lo plan for Lhls shorL exLenslon so
LhaL consLrucLlon can commence once phase 1 opens ln 2016. 1he cosL of Lhls segmenL has been
esLlmaLed aL approxlmaLely $2 bllllon, buL lL ls hoped LhaL Lhls cosL mlghL be lowered lf several
procuremenL and labor reforms are lnLroduced. 1he M1A should also underLake a comprehenslve sLudy
Lo examlne opLlons for exLendlng Lhe SAS lnLo Lhe 8ronx. 1hls efforL should be a formal nLA process Lo
lay Lhe groundwork for a posslble 8ronx exLenslon once phase 2 of Lhe SAS ls compleLed.

)'*1%7+ U400 C+$"*+@? >7"*?- +' STB7%,, 62#;"8 (7'5 6'2+-%",+ V2%%*, +' >"7?$"8, )%*+%7
1oday, Lhe Ll88's ALlanLlc branch runs from ALlanLlc 1ermlnal/8arclays CenLer ln uownLown 8rooklyn Lo
!amalca SLaLlon and Lhen Lo 8osedale ln souLheasL Cueens, spannlng a dlsLance of 16.6 mlles. 1able 12
deLalls Lhe dally rldershlp aL Lhe elghL sLaLlons on Lhe ALlanLlc 8ranch, lL clearly shows LhaL rldershlp ls
concenLraLed aL Lhe end of Lhe llne ln 8rooklyn and Lhe ma[or hub aL !amalca - where many rlders
Lransfer beLween oLher Ll88 llnes and subway servlce. Many of Lhe oLher sLaLlons have low dally
rldershlp, SL. Albans and nosLrand Ave are parLlcularly mlnlscule. Some of Lhe rldershlp numbers can be
parLlally explalned by Lhe physlcal conflguraLlon and condlLlon of Lhe sLaLlons. 1he LasL new ?ork sLaLlon
ls dlfflculL Lo flnd and has a very dark and unlnvlLlng envlronmenL. 1he nosLrand Ave sLaLlon ls parL of
!"#$!% ! " # $
%&' )*+,-./0*1 2&34&5 $ # " !
6*11&7/040/8 " $ # !
6.+.70/8 9&-0&: ! # $ "
6*;/ ! " # $
#!#&' ( )* )* (

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
Lhe elevaLed vladucL and lacks many of Lhe amenlLles and flnlshes found ln modern ouLdoor subway
sLaLlons. ln 2010 Lhe ALlanLlc 8ranch's 1.3 mlles sLeel vladucL was compleLely rebullL for $93.4 mllllon -
brlnglng Lhe llne Lo a SC8.

"#$%& '6 ( ZCSS +/%#1/.@ P=#1@) S.;&=2).- 36GGIT [12U[<<2 $O 2/#/.415

Source: M1A
1he Ll88 plans Lo cease dlrecL servlce Lo ALlanLlc 1ermlnal from Long lsland once lLs new Lermlnal aL
Crand CenLral opens ln 2019 (esLlmaLe). 1he rallroad wlll run shuLLle or scooL" servlce beLween ALlanLlc
1ermlnal Lo !amalca, wlLh seven mlnuLe peak-perlod headways. new Lracks and a plaLform wlll be
consLrucLed Lo separaLe Lhls servlce from Lhe malnllne Lracks aL !amalca SLaLlon.
9.E:=& H ( +/%#1/.@ P=#1@) ,418&=2.41
!"#"$%& '#$() +$,-./0$1
!"#$%"&' )*+,&%$# -./.00
123"+$%4 !5* 678
9$3" 1*: ;2+< =/=->
?$,$&'$ -=/>87
@2'A3" B$%2+ =/C80
D"E !#F$%3 =6>
@$A+*#"2% =/>77
G23*4$#* -/C.=

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon
An alLernaLlve Lo Lhe scooL" servlce would be Lo Lransfer operaLlon of Lhe ALlanLlc branch Lo new ?ork
ClLy 1ranslL and Lhe converL Lhe llne ln Lwo phases Lo a subway servlce (see llgure 9). ConverLlng Lhe
ALlanLlc branch Lo a subway would allow for a more frequenL servlce and affordable fare. ln Lhe longer-
Lerm Lhls new subway could be connecLed Lo Lhe full-lengLh Second Avenue Subway vla shorL exLenslon
Lhrough 8orough Pall Lo lower ManhaLLan. hase 1 would converL Lhe commuLer rallroad Lo a subway
from uownLown 8rooklyn Lo !amalca, Lhe same segmenL LhaL Lhe planned scooL would operaLe on. 1he
Lrack gauge ls Lhe same and Lhe power sysLems are slmllar - Lop runnlng Lhlrd rall. 1he power
requlremenLs are sllghLly dlfferenL, 730v uC for Lhe Ll88 versus 623v uC for Lhe subway. Subway cars
are shorLer and narrower - less Lhan a fooL - whlch would requlre plaLforms edges Lo be bullL ouL sllghLly.
1he shorLer lengLh of Lhe subway cars would [usL mean LhaL porLlons of Lhe plaLform would be unused.
1he llon share of Lhe converslon cosLs would be Lhe lnsLallaLlon of new slgnal sysLem Lo allow for greaLer
servlce frequency and Lhe procuremenL of new subway rolllng sLock, approxlmaLely 212 new cars.
CommunlcaLlons 8ased 1raln ConLrol would be Lhe preferred slgnal lnsLallaLlon, allowlng for fuLure
auLomaLlon of Lhe llne. Powever, modlfylng Lhe Ll88's cab slgnallng Lo work wlLh Lhe subway mlghL be
posslble, lowerlng Lhe cosL of converLlng Lhe llne. 1able 13 deLalls Lhe cosL of Lhls segmenL and for sLudy
of phase 2, whlch would exLend Lhe subway from !amalca SLaLlon Lo 8osedale. 1hls sLudy would need Lo
evaluaLe Lhe need for addlLlonal Lrack capaclLy for Lhe Ll88 on Lhe ad[acenL MonLauk branch lf Lhe
ALlanLlc was Laken ouL of commuLer servlce. CperaLlng cosLs for Lhe converLed subway should be less
Lhan operaLlng Lhe Ll88's exlsLlng and scooL servlce, assumlng aL leasL an C1C operaLlon. 8ased on Lhe
reallLy LhaL Lhe M1A ls one" agency Lhe operaLlng cosL lmpacL for Lhe auLhorlLy should be negllglble.
lurLher cosL savlngs could be reallzed lf Lhe M1A was Lo raze Lhe !amalca Avenue Ll easL of MyrLle Ave
and rerouLe Lhe ALlanLlc 8ranch aL !amalca Lo Lhe Lwo subLerranean sLaLlons used currenLly by Lhe !/Z.
1wo Lo Lhree new sLaLlons could be consLrucLed (Woodhaven 8lvd) Lo replace Lhe sLaLlons losL by
demollLlon of Lhe Ll.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
"#$%& 'B ( P=44L%O1 ( V:&&12 WJ-=&22 ?:$>#O ,42/ W2/.A#/&2

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
9'7% C(('73"#$% "*3 O7%R2%*+ 4*+7"F)@+8 )'552+%7 0"@$ 6%71@?% @* V2%%*, "*3 >7'*T
1he prlmary mlsslon of M1A's Lwo commuLer rall llnes, Lhe MeLro-norLh 8allroad and Long lsland 8all
8oad, ls Lo LransporL rlders from Lhe suburbs Lo ManhaLLan. Powever, Lhe rallroads could and should
provlde beLLer lnLer and lnLra-borough servlce ln Lhe 8ronx and Cueens. CurrenLly, sLaLlons ln Lhe 8ronx
and Cueens on average see Lwo ManhaLLan-bound Lralns per hour or a Lraln every 30 mlnuLes.
Powever, Lhe walL for ouLbound servlce aL Lhese sLaLlons ls Lyplcally even longer. 1able 14 shows Lhe
frequency of servlce aL Lhe commuLer rall sLaLlons ln Lhe Cueens and 8ronx from 6:30AM Lo 9:30AM, l.e.
how much Llme Lhere ls beLween each Lraln LhaL sLops aL sLaLlon. ln mosL cases Lhe gap ls abouL a half
an hour and, ln some lnsLances, an hour. Many sLaLlons have hourly gaps ln ouLbound servlce. 1he
lnfrequenL ouLbound servlce makes lL an unaLLracLlve alLernaLlve for mosL resldenLs desLlned for polnLs
furLher ouL ln Lhe boroughs or ln Lhe suburbs - Lhe reverse commuLer. ln addlLlon, Lhe hlgher prlce of
Laklng commuLer rall wlLhln Lhe clLy, almosL Lhree-Llmes Lhe cosL of Lhe subway and 36 hlgher Lhan an
express bus, furLher deLers mosL commuLers from Lhls maklng Lhls cholce.
1he lack of frequenL servlce and unaffordable fares force resldenLs Lo use oLher LranslL servlces, addlng
Lo crowdlng. 8eLLer servlce could provlde more dlrecL opLlons, help relleve subway crowdlng and
encourage rlders Lo shlfL from prlvaLe auLomoblles.
1he fare pollcles of MeLro-norLh and Lhe Long lsland 8all 8oad are noL especlally conduclve Lo
encouraglng Lhe use of Lhelr servlces for lnLra-borough commuLaLlon. CurrenLly, Lhe Long lsland 8all
8oad offers one-way Lravel wlLhln lare Zone 3 for $3.73.
Powever, because !amalca ls locaLed ln lare
Zone 1, Lravel ls effecLlvely llmlLed Lo Lravelllng on a slngle llne. AddlLlonally, Lhls lower prlce ls avallable
only durlng off-peak Llmes, durlng peak perlods Lravel wlLhln Zone 3 cosLs $3.00. ln comparlson, MeLro-
norLh offers a more affordable lnLra-borough fare wlLh Lravel wlLhln Lhe 8ronx cosLlng $3.00 a LlckeL aL
all Llmes lncludlng peak perlods. 1hls Lravel ls llmlLed Lo a slngle llne as wlLh Lhe Ll88 because Parlem-
SLreeL and Crand CenLral, Lhe only sLaLlons where swlLchlng beLween llnes ls posslble, are locaLed
ouLslde of Lhe 8ronx. nelLher of Lhese reduced fares applles Lo Lravel from Lhe 8ronx or Cueens lnLo
ManhaLLan. uurlng Lhe peak perlods, Lhese Lrlps cosL $8.00 and $9.30 from Ll88's Zones 1 and 3
respecLlvely and $8.23 from Lhe 8ronx on MeLro-norLh. 1he M1A does offer a ClLy1lckeL LhaL allows for
Lravel Lo/from ManhaLLan and Lhe 8ronx or Cueens aL a reduced raLe of $4.00 buL Lhls LlckeL ls only valld
durlng Lhe weekends. Clven Lhe currenL n?C1 fare of $2.30 whlch lncludes a free Lransfer beLween bus
and subway, lL ls noL surprlslng LhaL Lhe commuLer rallroads are noL wldely seen as an opLlon for lnLra-
borough commuLaLlon even Lhough Lhey could provlde a more dlrecL and fasLer commuLe for many.

lare Zone 3 conLalns all Ll88 sLaLlons ln Cueens excepL for !amalca, kew Cardens, loresL Pllls, and Woodslde
whlch are locaLed ln lare Zone 1.
!"#$% &%' )#*% +%,'-" ./$- 01*2 )/-%$
! "#$%&#'( *+ ,#-#.%# !/01 2// 3 4+&&.56 7*+%8 9 :+5;<$(.+5
1 ,#-#.%# *+ 4+(<=#&< >0? @/ 3 AB7CDA

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
MeLro-norLh has recenLly begun Lo lmplemenL servlce lmprovemenLs Lo address some of shorLcomlngs
of lLs servlce ln Lhe 8ronx. ln Lhe fall of 2012 Lhe rallroad added 79 new weekly Lralns and ls plannlng on
addlng an addlLlonal 230 weekly Lralns ln Lhe sprlng of 2013. 1he vasL ma[orlLy of Lhese new Lralns wlll
be used Lo lncrease servlce durlng Lhe weekends and mld-day perlods. 1hese Lralns wlll provlde beLLer
servlce levels for rlders on personal Lrlps and Lhose who do noL work [obs wlLh sLandard 9-3" hours.
Whlle Lhese efforLs are commendable, MeLro-norLh sLlll needs Lo provlde addlLlonal ouLbound servlce
durlng Lhe peak hours.
1he slLuaLlon on Long lsland ls much dlfferenL as Lhe Ll88 has noL lncreased servlce levels ln years
because of capaclLy resLrlcLlons. 1he openlng of LasL Slde Access may provlde some rellef from Lhese
boLLlenecks and allow for more Lralns Lo leave ManhaLLan's WesL and LasL sldes for Cueens.
none of Lhese servlce lmprovemenLs wlll do much Lo encourage Lhe use of Lhe commuLer rallroads for
lnLra-borough Lravel unless Lhey are made more affordable. As sLaLed above, uslng Lhe commuLer
rallroads ls much more expenslve Lhan uslng elLher Lhe subway or express buses for lnLra-borough Lravel
durlng Lhe peak perlods. Move n? funds could be used Lo exLend Lhe ClLy1lckeL program Lo Lhe
weekdays, dlscounLlng fare sllghLly less Lhan on weekends Lo $3,, allowlng more ouLer borough resldenLs
Lo Lake advanLage of Lhe Lravel Llme savlngs provlded by Lhe rallroads. Clven MeLro-norLh's recenL and
planned servlce lmprovemenLs as well as Lhe Ll88's capaclLy resLralnLs Lhls seems Lo be Lhe besL way Lo
encourage Lhe use of Lhe rallroads for lnLra-borough Lravel. 1hese dlscounLs coupled wlLh addlLlonal
peak perlod servlce where posslble would make lnLra-borough Lravel by commuLer rall a more reallsLlc
opLlon for Lhe many commuLers ln Lhe clLy who would beneflL from such servlces.
"#$%& 'Y ( C1/=#X,./O ,4AA:/&= S#.% ?&=8.@& 9=&^:&1@O

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon Analysls
A rough esLlmaLe of Lhe subsldy requlred Lo expand Lhe ClLy1lckeL program Lo Lhe weekdays can be
made uslng boardlng counLs aL MeLro-norLh and Ll88 sLaLlons along wlLh currenL fares. 1he laLesL
avallable lnbound peak perlod boardlngs for MeLro-norLh and Ll88 sLaLlons were mulLlplled by Lhe
currenL fare from each sLaLlon Lo Crand CenLral or enn SLaLlon Lo esLlmaLe Lhe currenL revenue
!"#"$%& '$&(
)&*%+&, !(./$0(
1.(2+(&03 45$&6
7+"*%+&, !(./$0(
1.(2+(&03 45$&6
8oLanlcal Cardens Parlem 30 30 WhlLe lalns
lordham Parlem 60 13 WhlLe lalns
Melrose Parlem 60 60 WhlLe lalns
1remonL Parlem 60 60 WhlLe lalns
Wakefleld Parlem 30 30 WhlLe lalns
Wllllams 8rldge Parlem 30 30 WhlLe lalns
Woodlawn Parlem 30 30 WhlLe lalns
Ludlow Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
Marble Plll Pudson 30 20 1arryLown
Morrls PLs Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
8lverdale Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
SpuyLen uuyvll Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
unlverslLy PLs Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
?ankees - L 133 SL Pudson 30 60 1arryLown
lordham new Paven 30 13 SLamford
loresL Pllls ClLy Zone 30 60 !amalca
!amalca ClLy Zone 4 nA !amalca
kew Cardens ClLy Zone 30 60 !amalca
Woodslde ClLy Zone 10 20 !amalca
LaurelLon lar 8ockaway 30 60 nA
LocusL Manor lar 8ockaway 30 60 nA
8osedale lar 8ockaway 30 60 nA
Pollls PempsLead 30 nA Mlneola
Cueens vlllage PempsLead 30 nA Mlneola
Auburndale orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
8ayslde orL WashlngLon 20 60 CreaL neck
8roadway orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
uouglasLon orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
llushlng orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
LlLLle neck orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
Murray Plll orL WashlngLon 30 60 CreaL neck
SL. Albans WesL PempsLead 60 60 nA

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
generaLed by Lhese Lrlps.
1hen assumlng Lhe same level of rldershlp, Lhe ClLy1lckeL prlce of $3.00 was
used Lo deLermlne Lhe loss of revenue Lhe rall roads would see from adopLlng Lhe ClLy1lckeL program
durlng Lhe peak perlods. 1he annual subsldy needed Lo accounL for Lhls loss of revenue for boLh
rallroads would be approxlmaLely $63 mllllon.
1he analysls does noL accounL for Lhe lnduced rldershlp
LhaL would occur as a resulL of lowerlng Lhe fare for Lhe commuLer rallroads.
>7@*A 9%+7' :'7+-W, :%; E"1%* U@*% +' .%** 6+"+@'*/ ;@+- ('27 *%; ,+"+@'*, @* +-% >7'*T
MeLro-norLh ls currenLly sLudylng Lhe opLlon of uslng Lhe exlsLlng Pell CaLe Llne ln Lhe 8ronx Lo brlng lLs
new Paven llne commuLer Lralns Lo enn SLaLlon, whlch commonly referred Lo as MeLro norLh enn
Access. 1hls new rouLlng would provlde lLs cusLomers boardlng Lralns ln aL slx WesLchesLer sLaLlons -
orL ChesLer, 8ye, Parrlson, Mamaroneck, LarchmonL, and new 8ochelle, wlLh dlrecL access Lo
ManhaLLan's WesL Slde. As parL of Lhls pro[ecL MeLro-norLh would consLrucL four new sLaLlons ln Lhe
8ronx aL Co-Cp ClLy, Morrls ark, arkchesLer, and PunLs olnL provldlng new commuLer rall access Lo
Lhese areas.
1he Pell CaLe Llne allgnmenL runs souLh from new 8ochelle Lhrough Lhe 8ronx, over Lhe Pell CaLe
8rldge Lo Cueens, passes Lhrough Sunnyslde ?ard and Lhen under Lhe LasL 8lver Lo ManhaLLan and enn
SLaLlon. 1he norLhern secLlon of Lhe llne ls used malnly by AmLrak as well as some frelghL Lralns whlle
Lhe secLlon of Lhe llne passlng Lhrough Sunnyslde and lnLo enn SLaLlon ls shared by AmLrak and Lhe
Long lsland 8all 8oad. 1he Lunnels under Lhe LasL 8lver and enn SLaLlon currenLly see an exLremely hlgh
level of usage by Lhe Ll88, whlch prevenLs MeLro-norLh from runnlng Lralns Loday down Lhe Pell CaLe
Llne Lo enn SLaLlon. Powever, Lhe openlng of LasL Slde Access - a new Ll88 Lermlnal below Crand
CenLral - ln 2019 wlll dlverL many Ll88 rlders Lo Crand CenLral and should open up capaclLy ln Lhe LasL
8lver 1unnels and enn SLaLlon for MeLro-norLh lf Ll88 servlce Lo enn SLaLlon were Lhlnned ouL ln Lhe
peak perlod.

1he mosL cosLly parL of enn Access would be Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe four new MeLro-norLh sLaLlons ln
Lhe 8ronx, aL a prlce of approxlmaLe $30 mllllon each or $200 mllllon for all four, and Lhe procuremenL
of addlLlonal rolllng sLock , esLlmaLed aL $200 mllllon. 1he pro[ecL would noL requlre any prlvaLe
properLy Laklngs slnce lL uLlllzes Lhe exlsLlng Pell CaLe Llne rlghL of way. 1he compleLlon of enn Access
would provlde Lhe communlLles around Lhe new sLaLlons ln Co-Cp ClLy, Morrls ark, arkchesLer, and
PunLs olnL wlLh a new one seaL rlde Lo ManhaLLan's WesL Slde. erhaps more lmporLanLly, Lhe pro[ecL
would also creaLe a new dlrecL connecLlon beLween Lhese communlLles and employmenL cenLers ln
WesLchesLer and ConnecLlcuL. 1he comblned cosLs of consLrucLlng Lhe four new sLaLlons, preparlng
enn SLaLlon, upgradlng Lhe Lracks and slgnals on Pell CaLe Llne and 8rldge, and purchaslng new rolllng
sLock has been esLlmaLed aL $700-1,000 mllllon. Move n? fundlng could be used Lo fasL Lrack Lhls
pro[ecL, ensurlng LhaL lL's lncluded ln Lhe nexL caplLal plan so revenue servlce mlghL commence once
LasL Slde Access ls compleLed ln 2019.

2011 numbers were used for MeLro-norLh SLaLlons and 2006 numbers were used for Ll88 sLaLlons. As a resulL,
Lhe Ll88 sLaLlon boardlng numbers may be undersLaLed.
Assumlng 230 work days a year.
1hls asserLlon ls dlspuLed by Lhe Ll88 whlch currenLly ls plannlng Lo keep all of lLs 36 exlsLlng peak-perlod Sn?

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
9.E:=& 'G ( *&/=4 M4=/) M&> _#8&1 Z.1& /4 0&11 ?/#/.41

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

ubllc LranslL and clLles go LogeLher. ubllc LranslL and suburbs do noL, aL leasL mosL of Lhe Llme. 1hese
sLaLemenLs may be an overslmpllflcaLlon, buL unLll recenLly, Lhey were noL far off Lhe mark. ubllc
LranslL ls mosL effecLlve where Lhe seLLlemenL paLLern ls compacL wlLh many people llvlng and/or

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
worklng near each oLher. 1hen lL ls posslble Lo aLLracL more rlders and provlde more servlce close Lo
where more people are. When Lhere are more rlders, more servlce can be [usLlfled, whlch can aLLracL
sLlll more people. 8y conLrasL, ln dense places drlvlng does noL work as well because of hlgher cosLs Lo
park and more road congesLlon. ln Lhese places wlLh a more spread ouL seLLlemenL paLLerns LranslL ls
less llkely Lo be a cholce of many Lravelers, slnce drlvlng ls easler and cheaper, even lf LranslL ls offered,
because Lhere are fewer rlders, less servlce ls provlded, deLerrlng rlders sLlll more.
0"@$ @* +-% 62#27#,
1hese axloms make lL dlfflculL, buL noL lmposslble for LranslL Lo work well for Lrlps beglnnlng and endlng
ln Lhe suburbs unless Lhey Lake advanLage of Lhe maln servlces lnLo Lhe core of Lhe reglon -ManhaLLan.
lor example, Lhe new ?ork 8eglon has Lhree subsLanLlal commuLer rall sysLems LhaL funcLlon nlcely
(alLhough some rlders only glve Lhem grudglngly saLlsfacLory marks). 1he reason Lhey do well ls Lhe
cenLrallLy of ManhaLLan, or more accuraLely Lhe hlgh concenLraLlon of [obs souLh of 60
SLreeL. Aslde
from Lhe huge magneL LhaL ManhaLLan provldes, Lhe commuLer rall sysLem beneflLs from charglng
hlgher fares and ls helped furLher because many of lLs cusLomers dellver Lhemselves Lo Lhe Lraln sLaLlon,
raLher Lhan havlng Lo chase afLer Lhem Lhrough Lhe sprawled developmenL paLLern.
lor oLher Lrlps on Lhe commuLer rall sysLem - Lhose noL desLlned for hlgh denslLy ManhaLLan, elLher as
reverse Lrlps Lo work, or for Lravel Lo lnLermedlaLe wlLhln Lhe suburbs, Lhe aLLracLlveness of Lhe rall
opLlon wlll depend on Lhree Lhlngs: a) how easy lL ls Lo geL Lo a desLlnaLlon once leavlng Lhe sLaLlon, b)
how ofLen Lhe Lralns run, and c) lf Lhere are secondary [ob concenLraLlon such as WhlLe lalns and
SLamford LhaL develop a rall markeL of Lhelr own. lf Lhe desLlnaLlon ls beyond a shorL walk, Lhe rlder
musL deal wlLh anoLher means Lo compleLe hls Lrlp, lowerlng Lhe odds Lhey wlll make Lhe rall cholce aL
all. 1he servlce frequency Lhe rallroad can offer ls ofLen dependenL on wheLher Lhe rallroad can add Lhe
servlce wlLhouL serlously compromlslng Lhe servlce offered Lo Lhe cusLomer provldlng Lhe heavlesL
demand, Lhe peak perlod !"#$%"& commuLer. 1hls suggesLs Lwo seLs of acLlons Lo aLLracL Lhese rlders:
redlrecL developmenL Lo locaLlons near sLaLlons, and flnd ways Lo add servlce wlLhouL damaglng Lhe
peak perlod, peak dlrecLlon servlce. lL ls Lhese Lwo LargeLs LhaL Lhe Moven? plan wlll focus on for
lmprovlng commuLer rall servlce for suburban rlders.

9.E:=& '' ( ZCSS `4:$%& "=#@L 0=4a&@/

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

0122 2,%3,%3,45 ./5%6- *$6,%& 7/563
A second Lrack on Lhe Maln Llne beLween larmlngdale and 8onkonkoma would represenL a ma[or
addlLlon Lo Lhe Ll88 neLwork. 1he 8onkonkoma 8ranch of Lhe Maln Llne exLends from Plcksvllle Lo
CreenporL on Lhe easL end of Lhe norLh lork. 1he branch ls double-Lracked from Plcksvllle Lo
larmlngdale, lncludlng Lhe 8eLhpage sLaLlon area. 1he rlghL-of-way Lhen merges lnLo a slngle Lrack afLer
lL passes 8epubllc AlrporL. lrom Lhere, Lhe llne conslsLs of an elecLrlfled slngle Lrack llne LhaL exLends
almosL 20 mlles Lo 8onkonkoma, Lhe buslesL sLaLlon ln nassau or Suffolk, before conLlnulng anoLher 43
mlles on an un-elecLrlfled slngle Lrack Lo CreenporL . 1he elecLrlfled porLlon lncludes seven sLaLlons and
some passlng sldlngs Lo enable Lralns Lo operaLe ln boLh dlrecLlons
1hls slngle-Lrack conflguraLlon llmlLs reverse lnLra-suburban servlce and reduces Lhe rellablllLy of Lhe
branch llne because lL consLralns Lhe ablllLy of Lhe rallroad Lo operaLe around dlsabled Lralns or oLher
servlce dlsrupLlons such as medlcal or pollce emergencles or Lrack obsLrucLlons.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
1he M1A ls plannlng Lo address Lhese llmlLaLlons by addlng a second Lrack from larmlngdale Lo
8onkonkoma, wlLh an esLlmaLed cosL of $403 mllllon. 1he flrsL operaLlng segmenL, from 8onkonkoma Lo
CenLral lsllp, ls lncluded ln Lhe M1A's currenL flve year caplLal plan and scheduled Lo be compleLed ln
2013. 1he Ll88's currenL schedule esLlmaLes compleLlon of all segmenLs by 2018, assumlng fundlng ls
avallable early ln Lhe 2013-2019 caplLal plan. lundlng for oLher sLaLlon work and a new sLaLlon ad[acenL
Lo 8epubllc AlrporL ls also lncluded ln Lhe 2013-2019 requesL. 1he new sLaLlon would be an lnLermodal
faclllLy ad[acenL Lo 8ouLe 110 as well as 8epubllc AlrporL. ConsLrucLlon of Lhls new faclllLy ls llnked Lo
progress on a mlxed-use developmenL plan ln lLs vlclnlLy by Lhe 1own of 8abylon.
1hese caplLal lmprovemenLs wlll double Lhe capaclLy of Lhe 8onkonkoma 8ranch, lncreaslng lLs rellablllLy
and allowlng Lhe rallroad Lo run more frequenL servlce LhroughouL Lhe day. Powever, lncreaslng Lhe
number of Lralns ln Lhe reverse-peak dlrecLlon Lo 8onkonkoma would requlre addlLlonal capaclLy on Lhe
Maln Llne LhaL connecLs Lhe 8onkonkoma branch Lo polnLs wesL.
>2,%, @* +-% 62#27#,
Suburban Lravelers who mlghL Lurn Lo buses follow Lhe prlnclples relaLed Lo land use Loo. ln lLs earller
work on Lhe sub[ecL of where buses work," 8A esLlmaLed Lhe denslLy Lhresholds necessary Lo provlde
cosL effecLlve bus servlce for Lhree levels of bus servlce --- one bus per hour, Lwo buses per hour, and slx
buses per hour.
We concluded LhaL resldenLlal denslLles as llLLle as four or flve dwelllngs per
resldenLlal acre, equlvalenL Lo as llLLle as 800 people per square mlle, could supporL Lhe lowesL level of
bus servlce aL reasonable cosL, Lhe second level requlred 7 dwelllng per resldenLlal acre (as llLLle as
1,200 people per square mlle, and Lhe frequenL servlce of slx a hour or one bus every Len mlnuLes
requlred 13 dwelllngs per resldenLlal acre (3,000 or more per square mlle).
8us servlce depends even more on Lhe [ob concenLraLlons Lhey serve. 1hese Lhree servlce levels could
work lf servlng areas of flve, seven and 18 mllllon square feeL of non-resldenLlal floorspace, roughly
equlvalenL Lo areas wlLh 20,000, 40,000 and 70,000 [obs over a concenLraLed area of acLlvlLy.
Maps of local bus servlces ln Lhe seven new ?ork SLaLe counLles surroundlng new ?ork ClLy were
prepared and overlald on a denslLy map Lo lllusLraLe Lhe denslLy - LranslL servlce relaLlonshlp. 1hese are
found ln Lhe Appendlx Lo Lhls reporL. lor Lhe mosL parL, local bus servlce and denslLles maLch well.
Moreover, where Lhere ls a clusLer of rouLes Lhey gravlLaLe Loward Lhe more urban areas of [ob
concenLraLlons - Plcksvllle, Mlneola, PempsLead, CreaL neck and valley SLream ln nassau CounLy,
WhlLe lalns, ?onkers and new 8ochelle ln WesLchesLer, and oughkeepsle ln uuLchess, Monroe,
MlddleLown, and newburgh ln Crange. ln shorL, Lhe rouLes are locaLed where Lhe people and [obs are.
Powever, lL ls noL posslble Lo say wheLher Lhe amounL of servlce ls sufflclenL and maLches Lhe denslLles
-more servlce where Lhere are more people. An analysls of LhaL level of deLall ls noL posslble here.
Moreover, Lhe operaLors know besL as Lo where Lo deploy Lhelr servlces. WhaL ls clear, however, ls LhaL
servlces provlded are lnsufflclenL Lo be aLLracLlve LhroughouL Lhe day and Lhe week. As operaLors have
been forced Lo cuL back because of budgeL shorLfalls, evenlng and weekend servlce have suffered.
Mlnlmum sLandards are needed.

(%#)!* +,-"./$,0-0!$" -"& 1-"& 2.3 ($)!*4, lndlana unlverslLy ress, 1977

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
Slnce lL ls usually budgeLary condlLlons LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhese clrcumsLances, and slnce Lhe operaLors
know besL where addlng servlce mlghL have Lhe mosL beneflL Lo lLs consLlLuencles, lL ls proposed LhaL
Lhe operaLors be glven a bonus sLlpend from Lhe proceeds of Lhe Loll reallgnmenL equal Lo 10 percenL of
Lhelr currenL annual operaLlng budgeL Lo be used expressly Lo add servlce. lor Lhe four bus sysLems ln
Lhe counLles of WesLchesLer, 8ockland, nassau and Suffolk Lhls would amounL Lo $36 mllllon annually.
A ma[or bullL ln deflclency of bus servlce, hamperlng lLs ablllLy Lo aLLracL rlders, especlally Lhose who
own cars, ls Lhe facL LhaL buses are usually sLuck ln Lhe same Lrafflc as auLos, prevenLlng Lhem from
galnlng any compeLlLlve advanLage over Lhe auLomoblle. As dlscussed elsewhere ln Lhls reporL, speclal
bus servlces deslgned Lo speed buses have been successful ln a number of rouLes wlLhln new ?ork ClLy.
Powever, ln Lhe suburbs where Lhe volume of bus servlce ls conslderably lower, lL ls more dlfflculL Lo
[usLlfy allocaLlng road capaclLy for buses. 1o glve Lhe buses LhaL compeLlLlve edge can besL be done
when Lhere ls enough buses Lo [usLlfy speclal LreaLmenL. 1hls can happen where bus servlce ls frequenL
and posslbly where more Lhan one bus rouLe operaLes ln Lhe same corrldor. lor example, a bus rapld
LranslL approach along CenLral Avenue ln WesLchesLer ls belng Lrled where bus volumes may be
sufflclenL. lL ls also posslble Lo share space wlLh oLher mulLl-occupanL vehlcles - carpools and vanpools.
1he approach may also be successful where Lhe capaclLy of Lhe roadway ls lnsufflclenL and creaLes
boLLlenecks LhaL buses and carpools can galn an advanLage, such as ln Lhe l-287 / 1appan Zee 8rldge
.89$9 ,% 75::5% ;$$ ./'&($ < 1=>?@ A,//'&,/
1he new 1appan Zee 8rldge ls under deslgn and ls scheduled Lo be compleLed by 2016. 8ecause of
budgeLary conslderaLlons, Lhe caplLal cosL of Lhe brldge dld noL lnclude LranslL oLher Lhan sLrengLhenlng
lL Lo accepL commuLer rall aL a laLer daLe. 8uL aL a cosL of $8 bllllon or more for an enLlrely new rall llne
across 8ockland CounLy and Lhen over Lhe brldge Lo connecL Lo MeLro norLh's Pudson llne, lLs fuLure ls
doubLful Lo say Lhe leasL. A 881 soluLlon was re[ecLed as cosLlng upwards of $3 bllllon for an excluslve
bus LreaLmenL from Suffern Lo orL ChesLer, a dlsLance of 30 mlles. As a resulL of publlc ouLcry aL Lhe
absence of any LranslL belng planned for Lhe l-287 corrldor, desplLe more Lhan 10 years of sLudy, Lhe
SLaLe of new ?ork has agreed Lo use Lhe emergency lanes belng deslgned for Lhe new brldge for buses
over Lhe 3 1/2 mlle lengLh of Lhe brldge. Powever, very few people are lnLeresLed ln Lravellng only from
one end of Lhe brldge Lo Lhe oLher. no plans are ln place aL Lhls sLage for a useful bus servlce. 1he SLaLe
has esLabllshed a Mass 1ranslL 1ask lorce Lo remedy Lhls, lL ls Lasked Lo develop a shorL, medlum and
long range LranslL plan before Lhe end of 2013. Any bus servlce musL reach well lnLo 8ockland CounLy
and connecL Lo Lhe [ob concenLraLlons ln WesLchesLer, and provlde access Lo MeLro norLh's llnes Lo
ManhaLLan. WhaL mlghL lL conLaln and how mlghL Lhe flndlng from Lhe Loll reallgnmenL be used Lo help
lL along?
Some ldeas LhaL have been puL forLh are:
1. 8ulld a ramp from Lhe new brldge Lo Lhe 1arryLown sLaLlon less Lhan a half mlle norLh of Lhe new
brldge. SLudy Lhe conflguraLlon and cosL of a bus only lane from Lhe new 1appan Zee 8rldge Lo
Lhe 1arryLown rall sLaLlon (LhaL would be used ln Lhe peak dlrecLlon). lf feaslble, revlse Lhe

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13
brldge conflguraLlon Lo lnclude Lhe ramp ln Lhe consLrucLlon Lo permlL lLs use on Lhe day Lhe
new brldge opens.
2. Lxamlne Lhe posslblllLy of uslng Lhe fourLh lane ln each dlrecLlon on Lhe n?S 1hruway from Lhe
Lop of Lhe allsades rldge aL LxlL 10 Lo Lhe rlver as lanes for buses, for vehlcles wlLh Lhree or
more occupanLs, and posslbly as Loll lanes for cars wlLh one or Lwo occupanLs. lf use of Lhe
fourLh lane for buses and carpools appears feaslble, operaLe lL upon Lhe openlng of Lhe new
brldge as an 18-monLh experlmenL Lo deLermlne lf lL has a serlously deleLerlous effecL on Lrafflc
and lf lL encourages bus use and carpool formaLlon.
3. ConslsLenL wlLh Lhe resulLs above, develop a bus servlce plan LhaL accounLs for Lhe esLlmaLed
lmprovemenLs ln bus rellablllLy and speed upon Lhe new brldge's openlng, wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe
fourLh lane PCv/1 lanes.
4. lf Lhe above proves feaslble, once Lhe brldge opens, dependlng on Lhe volume of Lrafflc, sLudy
Lhe consLrucLlon ln Lhe long Lerm of a fourLh easLbound and a fourLh wesLbound lane from Lhe
allsades arkway (LxlL 13) Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe allsades 8ldge (LxlL 10).
3. Lxamlne Lhe feaslblllLy of a peak perlod bus/carpool lane on 8ouLe 119 ln WesLchesLer beLween
Lhe brldge and WhlLe lalns.
6. CommlL Lo a campalgn by Lhe Covernor Lo encourage large employers ln WesLchesLer Lo
promoLe poollng and LranslL blg Llme - LranslL check, guaranLeed rlde home, charge for parklng
uslng cashlng ouL, eLc.

ApproxlmaLely $130 mllllon should be reserved Lo adopL one or more of Lhe 1ask lorce
)'5B$%5%*+"78 9%",27%, ('7 +-% )'7%
WheLher llvlng and worklng ln Lhe ClLy's boroughs or lLs suburbs, mosL people ln Lhe 8eglon flnd
Lhemselves ln ManhaLLan's CenLral 8uslness ulsLrlcL aL some polnL durlng Lhe year. 1herefore,
lmprovemenLs ln LranslL servlce ln Lhe C8u can beneflL Lhem as well. Among Lhe mosL frusLraLlng
feaLures of Lhe LranslL sysLem ln Lhe core ls Lhe slowness of buses, especlally for crossLown Lrlps, wlLh
average speeds hardly fasLer Lhan walklng. Whlle S8S has been lnsLlLuLed on 34
SLreeL, oLher ma[or
crossLown sLreeLs need S8S Loo, lncludlng 14
, 42
and 37
SLreeLs. A more amblLlous opLlon would be
Lhe creaLlon of a modern Lrolley sysLem ln MldLown ManhaLLan, whlch could be llmlLed Lo [usL 42

SLreeL LhaL has long been proposed, or be exLended ln a loop servlng mosL LourlsL desLlnaLlon ln
MldLown from 34
SLreeL as far as Llncoln CenLer. ln addlLlon Lo Lhese bus/Lrolley LranslL
lmprovemenLs, Lhe 10
Avenue and 41
SLreeL subway sLaLlon should also be consLrucLed. 1hls sLaLlon
was orlglnally planned as parL of Lhe #7 subway exLenslon Lo Lhe lar WesL Slde buL Lhen abandoned due
Lo cosL overruns. lL would serve a parL of Lhe clLy wlLh over a dozen new and planned resldenLlal Lowers
and furLher lmprove Lhe coverage of a crlLlcal crossLown LranslL servlce. Move n? fundlng can be used
Lo expedlLe Lhe caplLal porLlon of S8S or Lrolley lmplemenLaLlons and Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe mlsslng
Ave sLaLlon.

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

9.E:=& '6 ( *.;/4>1 *#1)#//#1 "=#12./ CA-=48&A&1/2

urafL for ulscusslon ver-09/8/13

Source: 8eglonal lan AssoclaLlon

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