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IEC 870-6-802

TASE.2 Object Models

Version 1996-08
Inter-Control Centre
Communications Protocol
Version 6.1
Prepared by:
Utility Communications Speciication
!or"in# $roup
%u#ust& 1996
'(e primary purpose o 'elecontrol %pplication Ser)ice *lement +'%S*.,- is to transer data bet.een control
systems and to initiate control actions. /ata is represented by ob0ect instances. '(is section o I*C 810-6 proposes
ob0ect models rom .(ic( to deine ob0ect instances. '(e ob0ect models represent ob0ects or transer. '(e local
system may not maintain a copy o e)ery attribute o an ob0ect instance.
'(e ob0ect models presented (erein are speciic to 2control centre2 or 2utility2 operations and applications3 ob0ects
re4uired to implement t(e '%S*., protocol and ser)ices are ound in t(e uture I*C 810-6-506. Since needs .ill
)ary& t(e ob0ect models presented (ere pro)ide only a base3 e7tensions or additional models may be necessary or
t.o systems to e7c(an#e data not deined .it(in t(is standard.
It is by deinition t(at t(e attribute )alues +i.e. data- are mana#ed by t(e o.ner +i.e. source- o an ob0ect instance.
'(e met(od o ac4uirin# t(e )alues are implementation dependent3 t(ereore accuracy is a local matter.
'(e notation o t(e ob0ect modellin# used or t(e ob0ects speciied in Clause 5 o t(is section o 810-6 is deined in
t(e uture I*C 810-6-506. It s(ould be noted t(at t(is section o 810-6 is based on t(e '%S*., ser)ices and
protocol. 'o understand t(e modellin# and semantics o t(is standard& some basic "no.led#e o t(e uture I*C
810-6-506 is recommended.
Clause 5 describes t(e control centre-speciic ob0ect models and t(eir application. '(ey are intended to pro)ide
inormation to e7plain t(e unction o t(e data.
Clause 6 deines a set o 88S type descriptions or use in e7c(an#in# t(e )alues o instances o t(e deined ob0ect
models. It is important to note t(at not all attributes o t(e ob0ect models are mapped to types. Some attributes are
described simply to deine t(e processin# re4uired by t(e o.ner o t(e data and are ne)er e7c(an#ed bet.een
control centers. 9t(er attributes are used to determine t(e speciic types o 88S )ariables used or t(e mappin#&
and t(ereore do not appear as e7c(an#ed )alues t(emsel)es. % sin#le ob0ect model may also be mapped onto
se)eral distinct 88S )ariables& based on t(e type o access and t(e '%S*., ser)ices re4uired.
Clause 1 describes t(e mappin# o instances o eac( ob0ect type 88S )ariables and named )ariable lists or
implementin# t(e e7c(an#e.
Clause 8 describes de)ice-speciic codes and semantics to be used .it( t(e #eneral ob0ects.
%n inormati)e anne7 is included .(ic( describes some typical interc(an#e sc(edulin# scenarios& alon# .it( t(e
use o '%S*., ob0ects to implement t(e sc(edule e7c(an#e.
Scope Scope
'(is section o I*C 810-6 speciies a met(od o e7c(an#in# time-critical control centre data t(rou#( .ide- and
local-area net.or"s usin# a ull IS9 compliant protocol stac". It contains pro)isions or supportin# bot(
centrali:ed and distributed arc(itectures. '(e standard includes t(e e7c(an#e o real-time data indications& control
operations& time series data& sc(edulin# and accountin# inormation& remote pro#ram control and e)ent
Nor!t"#e Re$ere%ces Nor!t"#e Re$ere%ces
'(e normati)e documents contain pro)isions .(ic(& t(rou#( reerence in t(is te7t& constitute pro)isions
o t(is section o I*C 810-6. %t t(e time o publication& t(e editions indicated .ere )alid. %ll normati)e
documents are sub0ect to re)ision& and parties to a#reements based on t(is section o I*C810-6 are encoura#ed to
in)esti#ate t(e possibility o applyin# t(e most recent editions o t(e normati)e documents indicated belo..
8embers o I*C and IS9 maintain re#isters o currently )alid International Standards.
ISO&IEC '(06-)* )''0+ Industrial automation systems - 8anuacturin# 8essa#e Speciication - Part 1: Ser)ice
ISO&IEC '(06-2* )''0& Industrial automation systems - 8anuacturin# 8essa#e Speciication - Part ,: Protocol
(7&228&CD,* 'elecontrol e4uipment and systems - Part 6: 'elecontrol protocols compatible .it(
IS9 standards and I'U-' recommendations - Section 506: '%S*., ser)ices and
protocol +uture I*C 810-6-506& in preparation-
De$"%"t"o%s De$"%"t"o%s
;or t(e purpose o t(is standard& t(e deinitions in t(e abo)e reerenced standards apply.
Abbre#"!t"o%s Abbre#"!t"o%s
;or t(e purpose o t(is standard& all t(e abbre)iations deined in t(e abo)e reerenced standards apply.
Object Models Object Models
9b0ect models are re4uired or )arious unctions .it(in a system. '(is clause delineates abstract ob0ect models
based on unctionality. 9b0ect models .it(in one unctional area may be used in anot(er unctional area.
S-per#"sor. Co%trol !%d D!t! Ac/-"s"t"o%
'(e ob0ect models in t(is clause are deri)ed rom t(e (istorical perspecti)e o Super)isory Control and /ata
%c4uisition +SC%/%- systems. '(e te7t presents t(e conte7t .it(in .(ic( t(e ob0ect models are deined.
;undamental to SC%/% systems are t.o "ey unctions: control and indication. '(e control unction is associated
.it( t(e output o data .(ereas t(e indication unction is associated .it( t(e input o data. % more recent concept
t(at is indin# usa#e is t(e control and indication unction .(ere data output may also be input +i.e. bi-directional-.
'(e pre)ious identiied unctions .it(in SC%/% systems are mapped to point e4uipment +point-. '(e primary
attribute o a point is t(e data )alue. SC%/% systems deine t(ree types o data or points: analo#& di#ital and state.
'(e association o one or more points to#et(er is used to represent de)ices. ;or e7ample& a brea"er de)ice may be
represented by a control point and an indication point. '(e control point represents t(e ne. state t(at one desires
or t(e brea"er de)ice. '(e indication point represents t(e current state o t(e brea"er de)ice. ;or SC%/% to
SC%/% data e7c(an#e +e.#. control centre to control centre& control centre to SC%/% master etc.-& additional data
is oten associated .it( point data. <uality o point data is oten e7c(an#ed to deined .(et(er t(e data is )alid or
not. In addition& or data t(at may be updated rom alternate sources& 4uality oten identiies t(e alternate source.
Select-=eore-9perate control is associated .it( Control Points or momentary in(ibitin# access e7cept rom one
source. '.o ot(er inormati)e data )alues are: time stamp and c(an#e o )alue counter. '(e time stamp& .(en
a)ailable& details .(en a data )alue last c(an#ed. '(e c(an#e o )alue counter& .(en a)ailable& details t(e number
o c(an#es to t(e )alue.
;rom t(e conte7t presented& t(e primary ob0ect models re4uired are: Indication Point&and Control Point. '(e
attributes Point Value& <uality& Select-=eore-9perate& 'ime Stamp& and C(an#e o Value Counter are re4uired to
meet t(e desired unctionality or data e7c(an#e. '(e Indication Point and Control Point models may be lo#ically
combined to a sin#le model to represent a de)ice .(ic( implements a control unction .it( a status indication as to
its success>ailure. '(e combined lo#ical model .ill result in t(e same lo#ical attributes& and map onto t(e same
88S types as t(e independent models.
I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t Object I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t Object
%n IndicationPoint ob0ect represents an actual input point.
9b0ect: I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t +?ead 9nly-
@ey %ttribute: PointAame
%ttribute: Point'ype +?*%B& S'%'*& /ISC?*'*-
Constraint Point'ypeC?*%B
%ttribute: Point?ealValue
Constraint Point'ypeCS'%'*
Constraint Point'ypeC/ISC?*'*
%ttribute: Point/iscreteValue
%ttribute: <ualityClass: +<U%BI'D& A9<U%BI'D-
Constraint: <ualityClass C <U%BI'D
%ttribute: Validity +V%BI/& E*B/& SUSP*C'& A9'V%BI/-
%ttribute: CurrentSource +'*B*8*'*?*/& C%BCUB%'*/& *A'*?*/& *S'I8%'*/-
%ttribute: AormalSource +'*B*8*'*?*/& C%BCUB%'*/& *A'*?*/& *S'I8%'*/-
%ttribute: AormalValue +A9?8%B&%=A9?8%B-
%ttribute: 'imeStampClass: +'I8*S'%8P& A9'I8*S'%8P-
Constraint: 'imeStampClass C 'I8*S'%8P
%ttribute: 'imeStamp
%ttribute: 'imeStamp<uality: +V%BI/& IAV%BI/-
%ttribute: C9VClass: +C9V& A9C9V-
Constraint: C9VClass C C9V
%ttribute: C9VCounter
'(e PointAame attribute uni4uely identiies t(e ob0ect.
'(e Point'ype attribute identiies t(e type o input point& and must be one o t(e ?*%B& S'%'*.
'(e current )alue o t(e IndicationPoint& i t(e Point'ype attribute is ?*%B.
'(e current )alue o t(e IndicationPoint& i t(e Point'ype attribute is S'%'*.
'(e current )alue o t(e IndicationPoint& i t(e Point'ype attribute is /ISC?*'*.
'(e <ualityClass (as t(e )alue <U%BI'D i t(e ob0ect instance (as any o t(e 4uality attributes +Validity&
CurrentSource& or AormalValue-& and ta"es t(e )alue A9<U%BI'D i none o t(e attributes are present.
'(e Validity attribute speciies t(e )alidity or 4uality o t(e PointValue data it is associated .it(. '(ese are based
on t(e source systemFs interpretation as ollo.s:
Validity Descr"pt"o%
V%BI/ /ata )alue is )alid.
E*B/ Pre)ious data )alue (as been (eld o)er. Interpretation is local.
SUSP*C' /ata )alue is 4uestionable. Interpretation is local.
A9'V%BI/ /ata )alue is not )alid.
'(e CurrentSource attribute speciies t(e current source o t(e PointValue data it is associated .it( as ollo.s:
CurrentSource Descr"pt"o%
'*B*8*'*?*/ '(e data )alue .as recei)ed rom a telemetered site.
C%BCUB%'*/ '(e data )alue .as calculated based on ot(er data )alues.
*A'*?*/ '(e data )alue .as entered manually.
*S'I8%'*/ '(e data )alue .as estimated. +State *stimator& etc.-
'(e AormalSource attribute speciies t(e normal source o t(e PointValue data it is associated .it( as ollo.s:
AormalSource Descr"pt"o%
'*B*8*'*?*/ '(e data )alue is normally recei)ed rom a telemetered site.
C%BCUB%'*/ '(e data )alue is normally calculated based on ot(er data )alues.
*A'*?*/ '(e data )alue is normally entered manually.
*S'I8%'*/ '(e data )alue is normally estimated. +State *stimator& etc.-
'(e AormalValue attribute reports .(et(er )alue o t(e PointValue attribute is normal. 9nly one bit is set& it is
deined as ollo.s:
AormalValue Descr"pt"o%
A9?8%B '(e point )alue is t(at .(ic( (as been coni#ured as normal or t(e point.
%=A9?8%B '(e point )alue is not t(at .(ic( (as been coni#ured as normal or t(e point.
'(e 'imeStampClass attribute (as t(e )alue 'I8*S'%8P i t(e IndicationPoint is time stamped& and (as t(e
)alue A9'I8*S'%8P i t(e IndicationPoint contains no 'imeStamp attribute.
'(e 'imeStamp attribute pro)ides a time stamp o .(en t(e )alue +attribute Point?ealValue& PointStateValue or
Point/iscreteValue- o t(e IndicationPoint .as last c(an#ed. It is set at t(e earliest possible time ater collection
o t(e IndicationPoint )alue rom t(e end de)ice.
'(e 'imeStamp<uality attribute (as t(e )alue V%BI/ i t(e current )alue o t(e 'imeStamp attribute contains t(e
time stamp o .(en t(e )alue .as last c(an#ed& and (as t(e )alue IAV%BI/ at all ot(er times.
'(e C9VClass +C(an#e O ,alue Counter- attribute (as t(e )alue C9V i t(e IndicationPoint contains a
C9VCounter attribute& ot(er.ise it (as t(e )alue A9C9V.
'(e C9VCounter attribute speciies t(e number o times t(e )alue +attribute Point?ealValue& PointStateValue& or
Point/iscreteValue- o t(e IndicationPoint (as c(an#ed. It is incremented eac( time t(e o.ner sets a ne. )alue
or t(e IndicationPoint.
Co%trol0o"%t Object Co%trol0o"%t Object
% ControlPoint 9b0ect is an inte#ral part o t(e ser)ices pro)ided by '%S*.,. It is used to represent )alues o
)arious types o data typical o SC%/% and ener#y mana#ement systems. 'ypically& a ControlPoint ob0ect .ill be
associated .it( some real .orld ob0ect.
9b0ect: Co%trol0o"%t +!rite 9nly& e7cept or attributes C(ec"=ac"Aame& 'a#& State and ?eason-
@ey %ttribute: ControlPointAame
%ttribute: ControlPoint'ype: +C988%A/& S*'P9IA'-
Constraint: ControlPoint'ype C C988%A/
%ttribute: CommandValue
Constraint: ControlPoint'ype C S*'P9IA'
%ttribute: SetPoint'ype: +?*%B& /ISC?*'*-
Constraint Setpoint'ypeC?*%B
%ttribute: Setpoint?ealValue
Constraint Setpoint'ypeC/ISC?*'*
%ttribute: Setpoint/iscreteValue
%ttribute: /e)iceClass: +S=9& A9AS=9-
Constraint: /e)iceClass C S=9
%ttribute: C(ec"=ac"Aame
%ttribute: State: +S*B*C'*/& A9'S*B*C'*/-
%ttribute: 'imeout
%ttribute: 'a#Class: +'%$$%=B*& A9A'%$$%=B*-
Constraint: 'a#Class C '%$$%=B*
%ttribute: 'a#: +A9-'%$& 9P*A-%A/-CB9S*-IAEI=I'& CB9S*-9ABD-IAEI=I'-
%ttribute: State: +I/B*& %?8*/-
%ttribute: ?eason
'(e ControlPointAame attribute uni4uely identiies t(e ob0ect.
'(e )alue o t(e ControlPoint'ype attribute or an instance o a ControlPoint .ill be C988%A/ or S*'P9IA'&
indicatin# t(e type o controlled de)ice.
'(e CommandValue attribute indicates t(e command or a de)ice.
'(e )alue o t(e SetPoint'ype attribute or an instance o a ControlPoint o ControlPoint'ype S*'P9IA' .ill be
?*%B or /ISC?*'*& indicatin# t(e type o setpoint.
'(e SetPoint?ealValue attribute may be set .it( t(e loatin# point )alue re4uested or t(e setpoint control.
'(e SetPoint/iscreteValue attribute may be set .it( t(e inte#er )alue re4uested or t(e setpoint control.
'(e /e)iceClass attribute o an instance o a ControlPoint (as t(e )alue S=9 i t(e de)ice re4uires a Select
operation beore bein# operated& and t(e )alue A9AS=9 ot(er.ise.
'(e C(ec"=ac"Aame attribute contains a symbolic description o t(e p(ysical ob0ect bein# controlled. '(is data is
returned by t(e system operatin# t(e p(ysical ob0ect to t(e system re4uestin# t(e operation so t(at t(e person or
system re4uestin# t(e operation can be assured t(e proper ob0ect (as been selected.
'(e State attribute indicates .(et(er t(e ControlPoint is S*B*C'*/ or A9'S*B*C'*/.
'(e 'imeout attribute o an instance o a ControlPoint (as t(e )alue o t(e ma7imum allo.ed time or .(ic( t(e
ControlPoint o /e)iceClass S=9 may remain S*B*C'*/ beore operation.
'(e 'a#Class attribute o an instance o a ControlPoint (as t(e )alue '%$$%=B* i t(e instance contains a 'a#
attribute& and ot(er.ise (as t(e )alue A9A'%$$%=B*.
'(e 'a# attribute indicates .(et(er or not t(e ControlPoint is ta##ed& and i it is& .(at t(e le)el o ta##in# is. '(e
'a# attribute can ta"e on t(e )alues A9-'%$& 9P*A-%A/-CB9S*-IAEI=I'& CB9S*-9ABD-IAEI=I'.
'(e ?eason attribute contains a messa#e t(at indicates t(e reason or ta##in#.
0rotect"o% E/-"pe%t E#e%t Object Model 0rotect"o% E/-"pe%t E#e%t Object Model
'(e ob0ect model represents t(e e)ents #enerated in t(e operation o protection e4uipment. Start e)ents
are #enerated by t(e protection e4uipment .(en it detects aults. 'rip e)ents report commands to output circuits
.(ic( are #enerated by t(e protection e4uipment .(en it decides to trip t(e circuit-brea"er. =ot( e)ents are
transient inormation. '(e protection e)ent models are based on I*C 810-5-101.
9b0ect: 0rotect"o%E#e%t
@ey%ttribute: Aame
%ttribute: *lapsed'imeValidity +V%BI/& IAV%BI/-
%ttribute: =loc"ed +A9'=B9C@*/& =B9C@*/-
%ttribute: Substituted +A9'SU=S'I'U'*/& SU=S'I'U'*/-
%ttribute: 'opical +'9PIC%B& A9''9PIC%B-
%ttribute: *)entValidity +V%BI/& IAV%BI/-
%ttribute: ProtectionClass +SIA$B*& P%C@*/-
Constraint: ProtectionClass C SIA$B*
%ttribute: *)entState +IA/*'*?8IA%'*& 9;;& 9A-
%ttribute: *)ent/uration
%ttribute: *)ent'ime
Constraint: ProtectionClass C P%C@*/
%ttribute: *)entClass +S'%?'& '?IP-
Constraint: *)entClass C S'%?'
%ttribute: Start$eneral +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: StartP(ase1 +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: StartP(ase, +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: StartP(ase6 +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: Start*art( +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: Start?e)erse +A9S'%?'& S'%?'-
%ttribute: /uration'ime
%ttribute: Start'ime
Constraint: *)entClass C '?IP
%ttribute: 'rip$eneral +A9'?IP& '?IP-
%ttribute: 'ripP(ase1 +A9'?IP& '?IP-
%ttribute: 'ripP(ase, +A9'?IP& '?IP-
%ttribute: 'ripP(ase6 +A9'?IP& '?IP-
%ttribute: 9peratin#'ime
%ttribute: 'rip'ime
'(e Aame attribute uni4uely identiies t(e protection e)ent.
'(e elapsed time +attribute *)ent/uration& /uration'ime& or 9peratin#'ime dependin# on t(e e)ent type- is )alid
i it .as correctly ac4uired. I t(e ac4uisition unction detects in)alid conditions& t(e *lapsed'imeValidity
attribute is IAV%BI/& ot(er.ise it is V%BI/.
'(e =loc"ed attribute is =B9C@*/ i t(e )alue o protection e)ent is bloc"ed or transmission& and is
A9'=B9C@*/ ot(er.ise. '(e )alue remains in t(e state t(at .as ac4uired beore it .as bloc"ed. =loc"in# and
debloc"in# may be initiated by a local loc" or by a local automatic cause.
'(e Substituted attribute ta"es t(e )alue SU=S'I'U'*/ i t(e e)ent .as pro)ided by input o an operator
+dispatc(er- or by an automated source.
'(e 'opical attribute is '9PIC%B i t(e most recent update .as successul& and is A9''9PIC%B i it .as not
updated successully durin# a speciied time inter)al or is una)ailable.
'(e *)entValidity attribute ta"es t(e )alue IAV%BI/ i t(e ac4uisition unction reco#ni:es abnormal conditions o
t(e inormation source& ot(er.ise it is V%BI/.
'(e ProtectionClass attribute identiies t(e type o protection e)ent& and must be one o t(e SIA$B* or
'(e *)entState attribute o a SIA$B* protection e)ent ta"es t(e )alue o t(e protection e)ent: 9;;& 9A or
'(e *)ent/uration attribute ta"es t(e )alue o t(e e)ent duration +total time t(e ault .as detected- or operation
time +time bet.een start o operation and trip command e7ecution-.
'(e *)ent'ime attribute si#niies t(e time o t(e start o t(e operation.
'(e type o protection e)ent bein# reported. '(e )alue S'%?' si#niies a start e)ent& and '?IP si#niies a trip
'(e )alue A9S'%?' si#niies no #eneral start o operation& and S'%?' si#niies t(at t(e e)ent includes a #eneral
start o operation.
'(e )alue A9S'%?' or StartP(ase1 implies t(at P(ase B1 .as not in)ol)ed in t(e e)ent& S'%?' implies t(at it
.as in)ol)ed.
'(e )alue A9S'%?' or StartP(ase, implies t(at P(ase B, .as not in)ol)ed in t(e e)ent& S'%?' implies t(at it
.as in)ol)ed.
'(e )alue A9S'%?' or StartP(ase6 implies t(at P(ase B6 .as not in)ol)ed in t(e e)ent& S'%?' implies t(at it
.as in)ol)ed.
'(e )alue A9S'%?' or Start*art( implies t(at eart( current .as not in)ol)ed in t(e e)ent& S'%?' implies t(at
it .as in)ol)ed.
'(e )alue A9S'%?' or Startre)erse implies t(at re)erse direction .as not in)ol)ed in t(e e)ent& S'%?' implies
t(at it .as in)ol)ed.
'ime in milliseconds rom t(e start o operation until t(e end o operation.
'ime o t(e start o operation o t(e protection e4uipment.
'(e 'rip$eneral attribute ta"es on t(e )alue o '?IP i a #eneral command to t(e output circuit .as issued durin#
t(e operation& A9'?IP ot(er.ise.
'(e 'ripP(ase1 attribute ta"es on t(e )alue o '?IP i a command to output circuit p(ase B1 command .as issued
durin# t(e operation& A9'?IP ot(er.ise.
'(e 'ripP(ase, attribute ta"es on t(e )alue o '?IP i a command to output circuit p(ase B, command .as issued
durin# t(e operation& A9'?IP ot(er.ise.
'(e 'ripP(ase6 attribute ta"es on t(e )alue o '?IP i a command to output circuit p(ase B6 command .as issued
durin# t(e operation& A9'?IP ot(er.ise.
'(e time in milliseconds rom t(e start o operation until t(e irst command to an output circuit .as issued.
'ime o t(e start o t(e operation.
Tr!%s$er Acco-%ts
9ne o t(e "ey control centre application re4uirements is t(e ability to e7c(an#e 2sc(edulin#2 and 2accountin#2
inormation. In t(e utility .orld& 2sc(edules2 is a term t(at #enerally means an amount o electrical ener#y
transerred rom one system to anot(er on a periodic basis or a certain inter)al o time under t(e restrictions o a
ormal a#reement. ;rom a data e7c(an#e standpoint& e7c(an#in# 2sc(edules2 (as been e7panded to include t(e
e7c(an#e o any periodic or proile data or control centre ener#y sc(edulin#& accountin# or monitorin#
applications. '(us e7c(an#in# sc(edules may also mean e7c(an#in# #eneration& actual interc(an#e& loads& price
inormation& memo accounts& etc. %#ain& any inormation may be e7c(an#ed i it can be modelled as periodic or
proile data.
Sc(edule accounts and accountin# inormation accounts speciy a list o 4uantities +ener#y& capacity or some ot(er
user-deined 4uantity- to be e7c(an#ed durin# se4uential time periods. '(ese transactions may be speciied eit(er
as lat periodic )alues or as ramped proiles. In addition& sc(edule accounts may contain a list o transmission
se#ments deinin# t(e pat(s used to implement t(e transaction.
'(e subclauses belo. discuss t(e ob0ect models or transer accounts.
Tr!%s$erAcco-%t Object Tr!%s$erAcco-%t Object
% 'ranser %ccount ob0ect represents .(at& .(ere& .(en& and (o. muc( is transerred bet.een t.o utilities in a
particular account. It may also represent #eneration sc(edules and ot(er ener#y deli)ery sc(edules .it(in a utility.
It is a container or a number o dierent attributes and ob0ects .(ic( to#et(er deine t(e entire transer account
deinition& i.e.& .(ic( account& .(en is t(e eecti)e time rame& and .(at are t(e periodic or proile )alues o t(e
data. ?eer to %nne7 % or more inormation concernin# (o. t(ese ob0ect deinitions relate to eac( ot(er.
9b0ect: Tr!%s$erAcco-%t
@ey %ttribute: 'ranser%ccount?eerence
%ttribute: SendUtility
%ttribute: ?ecei)eUtility
%ttribute: Sellin#%#ent
%ttribute: =uyin#%#ent
%ttribute: 'imeStamp
%ttribute: Aumber9Bocal?eerence
%ttribute: Bist9Bocal?eerence
%ttribute: Aame
%ttribute: 'ransmissionSe#ment9ption +IACBU/*/& A9'IACBU/*/-
Constraint: 'ransmissionSe#ment9ption C IACBU/*/
%ttribute: Aumber9'ransSe#ments
%ttribute: Bist9'ransmissionSe#ment
%ttribute: /ata'ype +P*?I9/IC& P?9;IB*-
Constraint: /ata'ype C P*?I9/IC
%ttribute: Start'ime
%ttribute: Period?esolution
%ttribute: Aumber9Periods
%ttribute: Bist9PeriodicValues
Constraint: /ata'ype C P?9;IB*
%ttribute: Aumber9Proiles
%ttribute: Bist9ProileValues
'(e 'ranser%ccount?eerence attribute speciies a uni4ue reerence )alue bet.een t(e sender and t(e recei)er to
identiy t(is particular transer account.
'(e SendUtility attribute speciies t(e utility initially deli)erin# t(e ener#y or ser)ice.
'(e ?ecei)eUtility attribute speciies t(e utility ultimately recei)in# t(e ener#y or ser)ice.
Currently& t(e seller is almost al.ays t(e same as SendUtility. Eo.e)er& as a result o dere#ulation and open
access& it is li"ely in t(e uture t(at t(e seller may be an independent producer .it(in t(e area ser)iced by
t(e SendUtility. 9b)iously& in suc( cases it is necessary to distin#uis( bet.een t(e seller and t(e sendin# utility3
t(is attribute allo.s suc( a distinction.
Currently& t(e buyer is almost al.ays t(e same as ?ecei)eUtility. Eo.e)er& as a result o dere#ulation and open
access& it is li"ely in t(e uture t(at t(e buyer may be a municipality or cooperati)e .it(in t(e area ser)iced by t(e
?ecei)eUtility. 9b)iously& in suc( cases it is necessary to distin#uis( bet.een t(e buyer and t(e recei)in# utility3
t(is attribute allo.s suc( a distinction.
'(e 'imeStamp attribute pro)ides a means or t(e recei)er to "no. .(en t(e sender sent t(is messa#e. '(e time
stamp indicates .(en t(e application created t(e 'ranser %ccount data or t(e purpose o transmittin# t(e data. It
is not related to t(e time to .(ic( t(e 'ranser %ccount data itsel applies. I t(e applications pro)idin# data to
'%S*., include a transmission +or ob0ect creation- time stamp& t(at time stamp is used. 9t(er.ise& '%S*.,
pro)ides t(e time stamp prior to passin# t(e 'ranser %ccount ob0ect to 88S.
'(is attribute contains t(e count o entries in t(e Bist9Bocal?eerence.
'(e Bist9Bocal?eerence contains locally deined parameters t(at speciy (o. t(e 'ranser %ccount 9b0ect is to
be treated as a .(ole. ;or e7ample& it mi#(t speciy t(at t(e sc(edule or transaction applies to all 8ondays durin#
Summer. '(e meanin# o t(e parameter list is a local matter and is a#reed upon amon# t(e participatin# parties
or eac( type o 'ranser %ccount ob0ect& or all 'ranser %ccount ob0ects& or or a combination o t(e t.o as
'(e'ranser%ccountAame attribute indicates .(et(er or not a Aame (as been included in t(e 'ranser %ccount
'(e Aame attribute pro)ides an option or t(e user application to include strin# related inormation associated .it(
t(e 'ranser %ccount ob0ect. ;or e7ample& a sc(edule may need to identiy a #eneratin# unit by name. !(et(er or
not t(is attributed is used and its semantics are a local implementation matter.
'(e 'ransmissionSe#ment9ption indicates .(et(er or not a Bist9'ransmissionSe#ments is included in t(e
'ranser %ccount ob0ect. 'ransmission se#ments may be included in a 'ranser %ccount ob0ect independently o
t(e "ind o data t(e 'ranser %ccount ob0ect represents& i.e. it does not (a)e to be included only or ener#y buy-sell
transactions bet.een uilities .(ere .(eelin# is in)ol)ed. 'ransmission se#ments can be used in any 'ranser
%ccount ob0ect to con)ey any inormation bet.een multiple parties .(en some o t(e inormation is uni4ue to eac(
party and it is desired to pro)ide all o t(e inormation in t(e account to all parties.
'(is attribute deines t(e number o transmission se#ments to be included in t(e report.
'(e Bist9'ransmissionSe#ments attribute describes t(e )arious transmission pat(s +or se#ments- t(at an
interc(an#e sc(edule may ta"e to #et rom t(e SendUtility to t(e ?ecei)eUtility& or to describe ot(er inormation
t(at is si#niicant to intermediate parties o any transaction. *ac( 'ransmissionSe#ment ob0ect pro)ided describes
one component o t(e pat(& or data or one intermediate party. %s many or as e. 'ransmissionSe#ment 9b0ects
as re4uired may be added to t(e list.
'(e data contained in a 'ranser %ccount ob0ect can be periodic as is t(e case o most o t(e data or #eneration
sc(edules& ener#y transactions& and billin#. '(e data can also deine a series o rampin# re4uirements .(ic(
to#et(er result in an ener#y +or price- proile. '(e /ata'ype attribute indicates .(ic( o t(ese t.o types o data
t(e 'ranser %ccount ob0ect contains. Aote t(at a 'ranser %ccount ob0ect can not contain bot( periodic and
proile data. Eo.e)er& t(ere is no restriction on t(e use o t(e 'ranser%ccount?eerence attribute .it( respect to
t(e ob0ectGs data type. '(ereore& t.o 'ranser %ccount ob0ects could be transmitted .it( t(e same
'ranser%ccount?eerence3 t(e irst .ould con)ey periodic type inormation .(ile t(e ot(er .ould con)ey proile
type data.
;or a 'ranser %ccount ob0ect containin# periodic data& Start'ime speciies t(e U'C time to .(ic( t(e irst time
period in t(e se4uence applies.
;or a 'ranser %ccount ob0ect containin# periodic data& Period?esolution speciies t(e 4uantity o time to .(ic(
eac( entry in t(e se4uence applies.
'(is attribute deines t(e number o time periods bein# speciied in t(e se4uence deined by t(e 'ranser %ccount
ob0ect. 'o#et(er .it( Start'ime and Period?esolution& it also deines t(e ma7imum time rame co)ered by t(e
'ranser %ccount.
'(is attribute contains t(e bul" o t(e data associated .it( t(e account. ;or ener#y transactions& t(is is t(e data
related to t(e end-use o t(e transaction - t(at is& t(e transaction bet.een t(e buyer and seller. Inormation speciic
to t(e .(eelin# partners o eac( transmission se#ment is speciied in t(e Bist9'ransmissionSe#ment atttribute +i
'(is attribute deines t(e number o time periods speciied in t(e Bist9ProileValues.
'(e Bist9ProileValues attribute describes proile& or rampin# inormation. '(e number o ProileValue ob0ects
passed in t(e messa#e implies t(e number o inlection point c(an#es in t(e proile - one or eac( c(an#e.
Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t Object Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t Object
% 'ransmissionSe#ment ob0ect is used to represent t(e speciics o a .(eelin# arran#ement .(ere a utility allo.s
anot(er utility t(e use o its (i#(-)olta#e transmission #rid to transer ener#y to a t(ird utility. '(is ob0ect may
also be used to con)ey any inormation to a utility in)ol)ed in a multi-utility transaction. '(e
'ransmissionSe#ment may describe eit(er .(ere t(e ener#y is to be recei)ed and .(ic( utility it is comin# rom
+IA9ABD- or .(ere t(e ener#y is to be deli)ered and .(ic( utility is to recei)e it +9U'9ABD-. %lso a
'ransmissionSe#ment ob0ect may describe bot( t(e in and out utilities and t(eir associated receipt and deli)ery
points +IA9U'-. 9r i t(e ener#y is bein# sc(eduled directly bet.een t.o utilities +/I?*C'-& it may only speciy
t(e point o interc(an#e. In addition& t(e utility pro)idin# t(e ser)ice and t(e utility payin# or t(e transmission
ser)ice +.(eelin#- may be speciied.
9b0ect: Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t
%ttribute: 'ransmission?eerence
%ttribute: Util!(eelin#
%ttribute: 'ransmissionSe#'ype +IA9ABD& 9U'9ABD& IA9U'& /I?*C'-
Constraint: 'ransmissionSe#'ype C IA9ABD
%ttribute: UtilIn
%ttribute: Interc(an#ePtIn
Constraint: 'ransmissionSe#'ype C 9U'9ABD
%ttribute: Util9ut
%ttribute: Interc(an#ePt9ut
Constraint: 'ransmissionSe#'ype C IA9U'
%ttribute: UtilIn
%ttribute: Interc(an#ePtIn
%ttribute: Util9ut
%ttribute: Interc(an#ePt9ut
Constraint: 'ransmissionSe#'ype C /I?*C'
%ttribute: Interc(an#ePt
%ttribute: UtilPayin#
%ttribute: Bist9Se#ment/ata
'(e 'ransmission?eerence attribute speciies a )alue a#reed upon bet.een t(e sender and recei)er o t(e messa#e
t(at urt(er describes t(e transmission se#ment +transmission a#reement reerence number& etc.-.
'(e Util!(eelin# attribute speciies t(e utility pro)idin# t(e transmission ser)ices +i any-.
'(e 'ransmissionSe#'ype attribute speciies t(e type o data in t(e 'ransmissionSe#ment ob0ect as ollo.s:
Tr!%s"ss" Descr"pt"o%
IA9ABD '(e ob0ect only speciies .(ic( utility t(e ener#y is comin# rom and .(ere it
is bein# recei)ed. '(is ob0ect type .ould be used .(en t(e out bound side o
t(e se#ment is eit(er not "no.n or not important.
9U'9ABD '(e ob0ect only speciies .(ic( utility t(e ener#y is deli)ered to and .(ere it
is deli)ered. '(is ob0ect type .ould be used .(en t(e inbound side o t(e
se#ment is eit(er not "no.n or not important.
IA9U' '(e ob0ect speciies bot( t(e in and out utilities and t(e associated recei)in#
and deli)erin# interc(an#e points.
/I?*C' '(e ob0ect speciies only t(e interc(an#e point bet.een t(e initial sendin#
utility and t(e ultimate recei)in# utility. '(is ob0ect type .ould be used .(en
no intermediate utilities are pro)idin# transmission ser)ices.
'(e UtilIn attribute speciies .(ic( utility t(e in-bound ener#y is comin# rom.
'(e Interc(an#ePtIn attribute speciies .(ic( interc(an#e point or interace t(e in-bound ener#y is to be recei)ed
rom UtilIn.
'(e Util9ut attribute speciies .(ic( utility t(e out-bound ener#y is deli)ered to.
'(e Interc(an#ePt9ut attribute speciies .(ic( interc(an#e point or interace t(e out-bound ener#y is to be
deli)ered to Util9ut.
'(e Interc(an#ePt9ut attribute speciies .(ic( interc(an#e point or interace t(e direct transer o ener#y is to
ta"e place bet.een SendUtility and ?ec)Utility.
'(e UtilPayin# attribute speciies .(ic( utility s(ould be billed or any transmission ser)ice c(ar#es +.(eelin#&
losses& etc.-
'(e Bist9Se#ment/ata contains t(e inormation speciic to t(e .(eelin# partners o eac( transmission se#ment.
'(is may include data suc( as t(e ener#y transerred t(rou#( t(e se#ment and>or t(e cost.
0ro$"le,!l-e Object 0ro$"le,!l-e Object
% ProileValue ob0ect represents a proile o a 4uantity or )alue bein# e7c(an#ed o)er time. '(e )alue may be
ener#y& capacity& price and>or ot(er inormation. It is represented by speciyin# a tar#et )alue& ramp start time and
a ramp rate. !(en a ProileValue ob0ect is recei)ed .(ic( eects t(e ma#nitude o t(e e7c(an#e& t(e proile
mo)es in t(e direction o t(e ne. tar#et& startin# at t(e time speciied by t(e ?ampStart'ime and at a rate speciied
by t(e ?amp/uration. I a :ero is speciied or t(e ?amp/uration +or it is not passed-& t(e )alue does not be#in to
ramp but is implemented instantly at ?ampStart'ime. Upon reac(in# t(e tar#et )alue& it proceeds at a constant
le)el t(rou#( time. '(is constant le)el may be altered or terminated .it( anot(er ProileValue ob0ect.
9b0ect: 0ro$"le,!l-e
%ttribute: ?ampStart'ime
%ttribute: ?amp/uration
%ttribute: ProilePrice
%ttribute: 'ar#etClass +*A*?$D& C%P%CI'D& 9'E*?-
Constraint: 'ar#etClass C *A*?$D
%ttribute: Proile*ner#y
Constraint: 'ar#etClass C C%P%CI'D
%ttribute: ProileCapacity
Constraint: 'ar#etClass C 9'E*?
%ttribute: Proile9t(er
'(e time .(en t(e c(an#e is to occur.
'(e len#t( o time t(at t(e ramp transition may occur. '(e units are as speciied in t(e bilateral a#reements.
'(e price )alue& is #enerally e7pressed in currency units per unit o measure +suc( as H>8!E- as deined in
bilateral a#reements.
'(e 'ar#etClass attribute determines t(e type o proile. It ta"es on t(e )alues *A*?$D& C%P%CI'D or 9'E*?.
'(e ener#y )alue& is #enerally e7pressed in ener#y>(ours +suc( as 8!E- as deined in bilateral a#reements. '(is
attribute e7ists i t(e 'ar#etClass attribute is *A*?$D.
'(e capacity )alue& is #enerally e7pressed as a 4uantity o capacity +suc( as 8!- as deined in bilateral
a#reements. '(is attribute e7ists i t(e 'ar#etClass attribute is C%P%CI'D.
Some ot(er unspeciied )alue as deined in bilateral a#reements. Use local interpretation. '(is attribute e7ists i
t(e 'ar#etClass attribute is 9'E*?.
Acco-%tRe/-est Object Acco-%tRe/-est Object
%n %ccount?e4uest ob0ect is used to re4uest account inormation. '(is re4uest may be used or interc(an#e
sc(edule accounts and>or accountin# inormation accounts. '(is ob0ect& .(en .ritten& .ill cause t(e '%S*.,
ser)er to #enerate a '%S*., 'ranser %ccount 'ranser ?eport +see t(e uture I*C 801-6-506: Ser)ices and
Protocol- o t(e re4uested data. '(e 'ranser ?eport .ill contain t(e identiier %ccount?e4uested as t(e 88S
)ariable bein# reported.
9b0ect: Acco-%tRe/-est
@ey %ttribute: %ccount?e4uestAame
%ttribute: 'ranser %ccount ?eerence
%ttribute: Start'ime
%ttribute: /uration
%ttribute: ?e4uestId
%ttribute: 'aConditions?e4uested
'(e %ccount?e4uestAame uni4uely identiies t(e %ccount?e4uest ob0ect.
'(e 'ranser%ccount?eerence attribute speciies a uni4ue reerence )alue bet.een t(e sender and t(e recei)e to
identiy t(is particular transer account.
'(e Start'ime attribute speciies t(e startin# time t(at is bein# re4uested. '(is time is speciied in seconds.
'(e duration attribute speciies t(e endin# time t(at is bein# re4uested. It desi#nates t(e number o seconds rom
Used to matc( t(e response .it( t(e re4uest. '(e )alue is returned in t(e 'ranser %ccount report.
Identiies t(e type o data bein# re4uested.
De#"ce O-t!5e Object
% /e)ice9uta#e ob0ect is used to communicate sc(edule inormation re#ardin# de)ice outa#es. It is composed o a
number o ob0ects .(ic( deine t(e de)ice .(ic( .ill be aected and describe t(e time period or .(ic( t(e
outa#e .ill occur.
9b0ect: /e)ice9uta#e
@ey %ttribute: 9uta#e?eerenceId
%ttribute: 9.nin#UtilityI/
%ttribute: 'imestamp
%ttribute: StationAame
%ttribute: /e)ice'ype +$*A*?%'9?& '?%AS;9?8*?& C%P%CI'9?&
'?%AS8ISSI9AICI?CUI'& =?*%@*?IS!I'CE& IA/UC'9?& 9'E*?-
%ttribute: /e)iceAame
%ttribute: /e)iceAumber
%ttribute: /e)ice?atin#
%ttribute: %cti)ity/ate%nd'ime
%ttribute: %cti)ity +A*!PB%A& ?*VIS*& C%AC*B& %C'U%B-
Constraint: %cti)ity C A*!PB%A& ?*VIS*
%ttribute: Plan'ype +SCE*/UB*/& *S'I8%'*/-
%ttribute: Planned9pen9r9ut9Ser)ice/ate%nd'ime
%ttribute: PlannedClose9rInSer)ice/ate%nd'ime
%ttribute: 9uta#ePeriod +C9A'IAU9US& /%IBD& !**@/%DS& 9'E*?-
%ttribute: 9uta#e'ype +;9?C*/& 8%IA'*A%AC*& P%?'I%B& *C9A98D&
UAPB%AA*/& 9'E*?-
%ttribute: 9uta#e%mount'ype +P%?'I%B& ;UBB-
Constraint: 9uta#e%mount'ype C P%?'I%B
%ttribute: %mount
%ttribute: Upper9peratin#Bimit
%ttribute: Bo.er9peratin#Bimit
%ttribute: Class +IAS*?VIC*& 9U'S*?VIC*-
Constraint: %cti)ity C %C'U%B
%ttribute: %ction +'?IPP*/& 9;;BIA*& 9ABIA*& 9P*A& CB9S*-
Constraint: %ction C '?IPP*/& 9;;BIA*& 9P*A
%ttribute: %ected %mount
%ttribute: Comments
%ttribute: 9uta#e*ect
'(e 9uta#e?eerenceId attribute is a uni4ue reerence )alue assi#ned by t(e ori#inator or identiyin# t(is
particular outa#e.
I/ o t(e utility or control area o.nin# t(e e4uipment.
'(e 'imeStamp attribute pro)ides t(e time at .(ic( a /e)ice9uta#e ob0ect .as #enerated.
Aame o station at .(ic( t(e aected e4uipment& circuit& etc. resides.
'ype o t(e de)ice .(ic( is aected.
Aame o t(e de)ice .(ic( is aected.
'(e /e)iceAumber attribute pro)ides urt(er 4ualiication o /e)iceAame in cases .(ere /e)iceAame may not
pro)ide suicient speciicity. %s an e7ample& multiple transmission lines may connect t(e same t.o substations
and be assi#ned a sin#le /e)iceAame. 'o uni4uely identiy one o t(ese multiple lines& eac( line is assi#ned a
'(e /e)ice ratin# in @V& 8!& 8V%?
'(is is t(e time t(at t(e acti)ity occurred or& or a planned acti)ity or cancellation& t(is t(e time t(e acti)ity is
planned to occur.
'(is describes t(e type o acti)ity reported. % A*!PB%A or ?*VIS* re4uires dates or startin# and endin# t(e
outa#e. % C%AC*B only re4uires a cancellation date& .(ic( is recorded in t(e %cti)ity/ate%nd'ime. %n
%C'U%B acti)ity re4uires a date t(e e)ent occurred& & .(ic( is recorded in t(e %cti)ity/ate%nd'ime& and a
description o t(e actual e)ent t(at occurred.
% plan can be eit(er a sc(eduled acti)ity irm committed dates- or an acti)ity .it( only estimated dates.
/ate and time t(e de)ice is #oin# to be ta"en out o ser)ice +or s.itc( > brea"er is to be opened-.
/ate and time t(e de)ice is #oin# to be returned to ser)ice +or s.itc( > brea"er is to be closed-.
'(is describes t(e periodicity o t(e outa#e or plans .(ic( are to be e7ecuted periodically& suc( as daily or .ee"ly.
'(is describes t(e reason t(e e4uipment is bein# ta"en out o ser)ice. ;9?C*/ is a controlled but unsc(eduled
outa#e 8%IA'*A%AC* is a sc(eduled outa#e or maintenance purposes P%?'I%B is an outa#e .(ere only a
portion o t(e capacity is remo)ed rom ser)ice. *C9A98D is an outa#e planned or economic reasons.
UAPB%AA*/ is an unsc(eduled outa#e.
'(is describes .(et(er t(e e4uipment outa#e is P%?'I%B& in t(at some capacity is still a)ailable& or ;UBB& in
.(ic( case no capacity is a)ailable.

;or partial outa#es& t(is is t(e amount o normal capacity .(ic( .ill be una)ailable durin# outa#e.
Upper limit o operatin# ran#e durin# outa#e.
8o9erOper!t"%58""t limit o operatin# ran#e durin# outa#e.
Speciies .(et(er de)ice is in ser)ice or out o ser)ice .(en outa#e occurs.
/escribes t(e e)ent .(ic( caused t(e outa#e or return to ser)ice.
'(is describes t(e load bein# carried at t(e time t(e outa#e starts.
'(is ield contains 1,8 c(aracters o %SCII te7t .(ic( may be used or operator comments.
*ect o outa#e on transer capacity. '(e ield contains up to 1,8 c(aracters o %SCII te7t .(ic( may be used to
describe t(e eect o t(e outa#e on transer capacity.
I%$or!t"o%4-$$er Object
%n Inormation=uer ob0ect is used to send multiple line %SCII te7t messa#es or binary data. It may be used to
transer messa#es limited in si:e to t(e ma7imum messa#e si:e o t(e underlyin# communications structure +i.e.
t(e ma7imum 88S P/U si:e-. '(e application and codin# o t(e content o t(is ob0ect is outside t(e scope o
'%S*.,& and is let as a local issue or a#reement bet.een t(e sendin# and recei)in# inplementations.
9b0ect: I%$or!t"o%4-$$er
@ey %ttribute: Ino?eerence
%ttribute: Bocal?eerence
%ttribute: 8essa#eId
%ttribute: Si:e
%ttribute: InoStream
'(e Ino?eerence attribute uni4uely identiies t(e ob0ect. It is used to identiy and>or tri##er some special
(andlin# re4uired by t(e recei)in# system.
'(e Bocal?eerence attribute speciies a )alue a#reed upon bet.een t(e sender and recei)er o t(e messa#e t(at
urt(er identiies t(e messa#e +ile name& application identiication& etc.-.
Identiies t(e particular instance o a messa#e.
'(e len#t( o t(e )alid data in t(e InoStream.
'(e InoStream attribute contains t(e byte stream o inormation bein# passed. It is limited only by t(e ma7imum
si:e o a sin#le messa#e.
0o9er 0l!%t Objects
'(ese ob0ects are intended or use .it( '%S*., ser)ices& as deined in t(e uture I*C 810-6-506. '(e irst t.o
ob0ects s(all be reported usin# t(e same mec(anism as '%S*., sc(edule and accountin# ob0ect model& possibly
.it( redeined Co%d"t"o% codes. '(e t(ird ob0ect may re4uire a sli#(tly dierent mec(anism to be added to
'%S*., to allo. or simple ne#otiation.
A#!"l!b"l"t. Report Object A#!"l!b"l"t. Report Object
'(e ob0ect represents a report rom t(e plant to t(e eit(er a $CS or a control centre *8S declarin# t(e
o)erall a)ailability o a unit or a #i)en uture time period. '(is report is based on t(e o)erall predicted a)ailability
o t(e plant resources. '(e unit may be a)ailable to operate in a )ariety o operatin# modes& eac( o .(ic( may
in)ol)e a dierent price structure.
'(is report can also be used or sc(edulin# an outa#e or )arious reasons& suc( as maintenance or testin#. '(e
outa#e is proposed by t(e /CS system& alon# .it( a ran#e o time durin# .(ic( t(e operation may be initiated.
Copies o t(is ob0ect can be repeatedly e7c(an#ed bet.een t(e control centre and plant until an actual start
time is establis(ed.
9nce a i7ed sc(edule (as been establis(ed and accepted or a maintenance or testin# operation& no urt(er
e7c(an#es are re4uired unless eit(er party .is(es to cancel t(e operation or re-open t(e ne#otiation. In t(is case&
t(e party re4uests t(e e7istin# sc(edule be canceled. I t(e operation must be re-ne#otiated& it may be re-proposed
.it( a ne. start ran#e.
9b0ect: %)ailability
@ey attribute: %)ailability?eerenceI/
%ttribute: 'imestamp
%ttribute: Plant?eerenceI/
%ttribute: UnitI/
%ttribute: ?eportStatus +P?9P9S*/& C9A;I?8*/& C%AC*BB*/-
%ttribute: Start/ate%nd'ime
%ttribute: Stop/ate%nd'ime
%ttribute: /uration
%ttribute: %)ailability Status +%V%IB%=B*&UA%V%IB%=B*-
Constraint: %V%IB%=B*
%ttribute: *conomicImpact +D*S&A9-
Constraint: D*S
%ttribute: PriceImpact
%ttribute: ?amp?ateImpact +D*S&A9-
Constraint: D*S
%ttribute: 8a7?amp?ateUp
%ttribute: 8a7?amp?ate/o.n
%ttribute: CapacityImpact +D*S&A9-
Constraint: D*S
%ttribute: UnitCapacity +$?9SS&A*'&=9'E-
Constraint: $?9SS
%ttribute: $ross8a7Capacity
%ttribute: $ross8inCapacity
Constraint: A*'
%ttribute: Aet8a7Capacity
%ttribute: Aet8inCapacity
Constraint: =9'E
%ttribute: $ross8a7Capacity
%ttribute: $ross8inCapacity
%ttribute: Aet8a7Capacity
%ttribute: Aet8inCapacity
%ttribute: 'ype9%)ailability +S'%A/=D& 9ABIA*-
Constraint: S'%A/=D
%ttribute: 'ime'o9nline
Constraint: 9ABIA*:
%ttribute: B;C +D*S&A9-
Constraint: D*S
%ttribute: /ispatc(able
%ttribute: ?e#ulatin#
%ttribute: 8anuallyIBoaded
Constraint: A9
%ttribute: ?eason;orAoB;C +S'%?'UP&UAS'%=B*-
Constraint: +UA%V%IB%=B*-
%ttribute: ?eason;orUna)ailable +;9?C*/&SCE*/UB*/&'*S'IA$-
%ttribute: Pro)idin#?eser)e +D*S&A9-
%ttribute: Comment
% uni4ue identiier to be used in subse4uent reerences to t(e sc(edule .(en re)isin#.
'(e time t(e report is sent.
Uni4ue identiier or plant.
Uni4ue identiier or unit reported on.
Status o a)ailability report. P?9P9S*/ indicates eit(er t(e irst or a re)ised sc(edule. I proposed& t(e start and
stop date and time reer to t(e earliest start and stop times& .it( a duration statin# t(e actual time estimated.
C9A;I?8*/ indicates a sc(edule accepted by t(e control centre& in .(ic( case t(e start and stop times reer to
sc(eduled times. /uration may t(en be blan". C%AC*BB*/ is sel e7planatory.
*it(er t(e earliest start date and time +or P?9P9S*/- or sc(eduled start date and time +or C9A;I?8*/-.
*it(er t(e earliest stop date and time +or P?9P9S*/- or sc(eduled stop date and time +or C9A;I?8*/-.
'(e period o time co)ered by t(e report.
%V%IB%=B* indicates t(at t(e unit is able to #enerate UA%V%IB%=B* indicates t(e unit is oline and
not a)ailable or sc(edulin#.
I '?U*& indicates t(ere is a price impact associated .it( t(is report.
'(e absolute price associated .it( #enerated by t(e unit or t(e period co)ered by t(e report.
I '?U*& indicicates t(ere is a ramp rate impact associated .it( t(e report.
'(e ma7imum predicted ramp rate up +8!- .(ic( .ill be attainable by t(e unit durin# t(e time period.
'(e ma7imum predicted ramp rate do.n +8!- .(ic( .ill be attainable by t(e unit durin# t(e time period.
I '?U*& indicates i t(ere is an impact on capacity associated .it( t(is report.
Indicates i unit capacity reported is $?9SS +direct output rom unit-& A*' +net output onto line-& or =9'E.
'(e predicted #ross ma7imum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted #ross minimum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted net ma7imum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted net minimum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
S'%A/=D indicates t(e unit is a)ailable to #enerate but is not online. 9ABIA* indicates t(e unit is
sync(roni:ed and #eneratin#
'(e time until t(e unit can be brou#(t online.
I '?U*& indicates unit is a)ailable or control and .(ic( type o control. '(e B;C components belo. describe t(e
a)ailability o t(e unit or )arious types o control. *ac( type o use re4uires a distinct price +i.e.& use as a
re#ulatin# unit .ould re4uire a dierent price t(an use as a base loaded unit-. '(e components may be used in
)arious combinations.
%)ailable to be operated to an e7ternally #enerated setpoint.
%)ailable to be operated or t(e purpose o reducin# %rea Control *rror +%C*- )ia B;C rom a $CS or *8S.
%)ailable to be controlled locally.
?eason .(y unit cannot be load re4uency controlled. S'%?'UP indicates t(e unit is not yet up to desired
operatin# point. UAS'%=B* indicates t(e unit is at an operatin# point unsuitable or B;C.
I t(e unit is out o ser)ice& t(e reason can be ;9?C*/ +controlled but unsc(eduled outa#e-& SCE*/UB*/ +or
maintenance or ot(er reasons-& or '*S'IA$.
I D*S& t(e unit is currently pro)idin# reser)e.
'e7t strin# up to ,56 c(aracters to add any user deined description to t(e report.
Re!l T"e St!t-s Object Re!l T"e St!t-s Object
'(e ob0ect represents a report rom t(e plant to eit(er a $CS or a control centre *8S declarin# t(e
o)erall operatin# mode o a unit at t(e time o t(e report. '(e real time report diers rom t(e a)ailability report
in t(at:

J J J J J J J KJ J J """""-"--""

J J J J J J ""-""-""_"-"--""-
J KJ J L --"_
'(ese real time reports may be issued at any time by t(e plant /CS system to report c(an#es in t(e current status
o a unit.
9b0ect: ?eal'imeStatus
@ey %ttribute: ?eal'imeStatus?eerenceI/
%ttribute: 'imestamp
%ttribute: Plant?eerenceI/
%ttribute: UnitI/
%ttribute: %)ailability Status +%V%IB%=B*&UA%V%IB%=B*-
Constraint: %V%IB%=B*
%ttribute: 8a7?amp?ateUp
%ttribute: 8a7?amp?ate/o.n
%ttribute: UnitCapacity +$?9SS&A*'&=9'E-
Constraint: $?9SS
%ttribute: $ross8a7Capacity
%ttribute: $ross8inCapacity
Constraint: A*'
%ttribute: Aet8a7Capacity
%ttribute: Aet8inCapacity
Constraint: =9'E
%ttribute: $ross8a7Capacity
%ttribute: $ross8inCapacity
%ttribute: Aet8a7Capacity
%ttribute: Aet8inCapacity
%ttribute: 'ype9%)ailability +S'%A/=D& 9ABIA*-
Constraint: S'%A/=D
%ttribute: 'ime'o9nline
Constraint: 9ABIA*:
%ttribute: B;C +D*S&A9-
Constraint: D*S
%ttribute: /ispatc(ed
%ttribute: ?e#ulatin#
%ttribute: 8anuallyIBoaded
Constraint: A9
%ttribute: ?eason;orAoB;C +S'%?'UP&UAS'%=B*-
%ttribute: *7ternally=loc"edEi#( +D*S&A9-
%ttribute: *7ternally=loc"edBo. +D*S&A9-
Constraint: UA%V%IB%=B*
%ttribute: ?eason;orUna)ailable +;9?C*/&SCE*/UB*/&'*S'IA$&*<UIP8*A'-
%ttribute: Pro)idin#?eser)e +D*S&A9-
% uni4ue identiier to be used in subse4uent reerences to t(e report.
'(e time t(e report is sent.
Uni4ue identiier or plant.
Uni4ue identiier or unit reported on.
%V%IB%=B* indicates t(at t(e unit is able to #enerate UA%V%IB%=B* indicates t(e unit is oline and
not a)ailable or sc(edulin#.
'(e ma7imum predicted ramp rate up +8!- .(ic( .ill be attainable by t(e unit durin# t(e time period.
'(e ma7imum predicted ramp rate do.n +8!- .(ic( .ill be attainable by t(e unit durin# t(e time period.
Indicates i unit capacity reported is $?9SS +direct output rom unit-& A*' +net output onto line-& or =9'E.
'(e predicted #ross ma7imum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted #ross minimum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted net ma7imum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
'(e predicted net minimum operatin# capacity +8!- o t(e unit or t(rou#(out t(e time period.
S'%A/=D indicates t(e unit is a)ailable to #enerate but is not online. 9ABIA* indicates t(e unit is
sync(roni:ed and #eneratin#
'(e time until t(e unit can be brou#(t online.
I '?U*& indicates unit is under line re4uency control and i so& .(ic( type o control. '(e B;C components
belo. describe t(e )arious types o control. '(e components may be used in )arious combinations.
9perated to an e7ternally #enerated setpoint.
9perated or t(e purpose o reducin# %rea Control *rror +%C*- )ia B;C rom a $CS or *8S.
Controlled locally.
?eason .(y unit cannot be load re4uency controlled. S'%?'UP indicates t(e unit is not yet up to desired
operatin# point. UAS'%=B* indicates t(e unit is at an operatin# point unsuitable or B;C.
I '?U*& unit is temporarily unable to increase output.
I '?U*& unit is temporarily unable to decrease output.
I t(e unit is out o ser)ice& t(e reason can be ;9?C*/ +controlled but unsc(eduled outa#e-& SCE*/UB*/ +or
maintenance or ot(er reasons-& '*S'IA$& or *<UIP8*A' +suc( as due to a e4uipment ailure-.
I D*S& t(e unit is currently pro)idin# reser)e.
<orec!st Sc2ed-le Object <orec!st Sc2ed-le Object
'(e ob0ect model represents a orecast o intended sc(edulin# rom eit(er a $CS or a control centre
*8S to t(e plant. '(e sc(edule consists o a 8! )s. time trend& as .ell as t(e e7pected operatin# mode
+B;CIComponent- o)er time. '(ese orecasts may be eit(er s(ort term +o)er (ours-& or lon# term +o)er days-.
'(e ob0ect model pro)ides le7ibility in .(at inormation is included .it( t(e sc(edule. % #eneral purpose matri7
ob0ect is used t(at pro)ides or user-deined columns. It is e7pected t(at at least t.o columns .ill be used to
pro)ide 8. )alues and B;C mode o operation. '(e B;C modes e7pected are 8anual& /ispatc(ed& ?e#ulatin#-
8anual& and ?e#ulatin#-/ispatc(ed& but t(ese are only e7amples. % code may be used to uni4uely represent eac(
mode. *ac( ro. represents an increment in time.
9b0ect: ;orecastSc(edule
@ey %ttribute: ;orecastSc(edule?eerenceI/
%ttribute: Plant?eerenceI/
%ttribute: UnitI/
%ttribute: ;orecast'ype +$*A*?%'I9A&?*S*?V*&=9'E-
%ttribute: Start'ime
%ttribute: Period?esolution
%ttribute: Aumber9Periods
%ttribute: Bist9;orecasts
Uni4ue identiier used or reerrin# to t(e report.
Uni4ue identiier or plant.
Uni4ue identiier or unit reported on.
/escribes t(e intended use o t(e unit. $*A*?%'I9A indicates sc(edulin# or base load. ?*S*?V* indicates
use only or reser)e capacity.
'(e time t(e orecast sc(edule be#ins.
'(e time increment bet.een orecast )alues.
'(e number o orcast )alues.
'(e sc(eduled 8. )alues or eac( time increment in t(e sc(edule alon# .it( t(e B;C mode o operation at eac(
time increment.
C-r#e Object C-r#e Object
'(e ob0ect model represents a report rom t(e plant to eit(er a $CS or a control centre *8S o a ne.
cur)e or computin# suc( t(in#s as (eat rate& m)ar capability& and cost. '(e met(od o #eneration o t(e cur)e is a
local matter. '(e cur)e is represented as a se4uence o cur)e se#ments& .it( eac( se#ment deined in terms o a
polynomial. *ac( polynomial is in turn represented as a se4uence o coeicients or eac( term in t(e polynomial.
9b0ect: Cur)eSe#ment/escription
%ttribute: 9rder
%ttribute: Bo.?an#e
%ttribute: Ei#(?an#e
%ttribute: Se4uence o Coeicients
'(e order o t(e polynomial .(ic( represents t(e se#ment o t(e cur)e.
'(e start o t(e cur)e inter)al .(ic( is represented by t(e se#ment. Aote t(at i t(e 8o9R!%5e is abo)e t(e
>"52R!%5e o t(e pre)ious Cur)eSe#ment/escription& t(e cur)e is undeined or t(e inter)al in bet.een.
'(e end o t(e cur)e inter)al .(ic( is represented by t(e se#ment. '(e >"52R!%5e must be #reater t(an t(e
8o9R!%5e o t(e se#ment.
Se/-e%ce o$ Coe$$"c"e%ts
% list o loatin# point numbers& o len#t( order& correspondin# to t(e coeicients o t(e polynomial .(ic(
represents t(e se#ment o t(e cur)e. I t(e cur)e se#ment is represented by A0 + A1x + A2x
... Anx
& .(ere n is t(e
order o t(e polynomial& t(en t(e irst element o t(e list represents A0& and t(e last element in t(e list represents
9b0ect: Cur)e
@ey %ttribute: Cur)eAame
%ttribute: Plant?eerenceI/
%ttribute: UnitI/
%ttribute: Cur)e'ype +E*%'I?%'*& I9& IE?& 8V%?IC%P& C9S'&9P%CI'D&
S9M& A9M& C9,& US*?-/*;IA*/-
%ttribute: Aumber9Se#ments
%ttribute: Se4uence o Cur)eSe#ment/escription
'(e desi#nator o t(e #eneration unit reportin# a cur)e c(an#e.
Identiies .(ic( o t(e standardi:ed plant cur)es is bein# reported. '(e ull set o cur)e types remains to be
determined. '(e initial set deined is: E*%'I?%'*& I9& IE?& 8V%?IC%P& C9S'& 9P%CI'D& S9M& A9M&
C9,& US*?-/*;IA*/
'(e number o se#ments +cur)e inter)als- .(ic( are re4uired to represent t(e cur)e.
Se/-e%ce o$ C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o%
% list o se#ment descriptions& o len#t( N-berO$Se5e%ts& .(ic( correspond to t(e polynomials representin#
eac( inter)al. '(e irst se#ment is t(e lo.est inter)al& t(e last se#ment is t(e (i#(est inter)al.
0o9er S.ste D.%!"cs Objects 0o9er S.ste D.%!"cs Objects
'(e additional data elements are re4uired to support communications o t(e system dynamics
bet.een t(e plant and t(e $CS or control centre *8S system. '(ese scalar 4uantities may be represented
as simple '%S*., /ata Value ob0ects.
Inormation Per $eneratin# Unit
'ransmission>Pool Security Centre
*lectrical Parameters
?eactance& 'ransient& sub-'ransient
*7citer Be)el
8ec(anical Parameters
?otatin# 8ass
'(rottle>$o)ernor C(aracteristics
MMS T.pes $or Object E;c2!%5e MMS T.pes $or Object E;c2!%5e
'(is clause deines t(e 88S 'ypes to be used .it(in '%S*., or e7c(an#in# standard ob0ects. '(e mappin# o
t(e ob0ects onto t(ese types is deined in clause 1. '(e 88S type deinitions are deined in terms o %SA.1 )alue
notation& t(e 88S #rammar or /ata as deined in IS9 9506-,.
'(rou#(out t(is clause& all ield .idt(s speciied are ma7imum ield .idt(s. '(e process o %SA.1 encodin# used
.it(in 88S may reduce t(e actual transmitted .idt(s to t(e minimum re4uired to represent t(e )alue bein#
S-per#"sor. Co%trol !%d D!t! Ac/-"s"t"o% T.pes
I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t Descr"pt"o%s I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are reerenced in comple7 IndicationPoint 'ype /escriptions:
D!t!=Re!l loatin#-point: N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
D!t!=St!te bit-strin# :
D!t!=D"screte inte#er N.idt( 6, P
D!t!=<l!5s bit-strin#:
D!t!=T"eSt!p $8'=asedS
CO,=Co-%ter unsi#ned N .idt( 16 P
'(e comple7 types are used in transerrin# IndicationPoint ob0ect )alues:
D!t!=Re!l1 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s
D!t!=St!te1 D!t!=St!te
D!t!=D"screte1 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=D"screte&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s
D!t!=Re!l1T"eT!5 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s
D!t!=St!te1T"eT!5 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=St!te
D!t!=D"screte1T"eT!5 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=D"screte&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s
D!t!=Re!lE;te%ded S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' CO, CO,Co-%ter
D!t!=St!teE;te%ded S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=St!te&
C98P9A*A' CO, CO,Co-%ter
D!t!=D"screteE;te%ded S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' ,!l-e D!t!=D"screte&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' <l!5s D!t!=<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' CO, CO,Co-%ter
I%d"c!t"o%0o"%tCo%$"5 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' 0o" inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. , P&
C98P9A*A' 1-!l"t.Cl!ss inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 1 P&
C98P9A*A' Nor!lSo-rce inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 6 P&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!pCl!ss inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 1 P&
C98P9A*A' CO,Cl!ss inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 1 P&
Co%trol0o"%t Descr"pt"o%s Co%trol0o"%t Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are reerenced in comple7 type descriptions:
Co%trol=Co!%d inte#er N .idt( 16 P
Co%trol=Setpo"%t=Re!l loatin#-point: N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
Co%trol=Setpo"%t=D"screte inte#er N .idt( 16 P
S4O=C2ec34!c3N!e inte#er N .idt( 16 P
SelectSt!te boolean
T!5<l!5s bit-strin#:
ta#I(i Q0R&
ta#Ilo Q1R&
Te;tStr"%5 VisibleStrin# N .idt( ,55 P
'(e comple7 type descriptions are used in accessin# ControlPoint ob0ect )alues:
S4O S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' T"eO-t D!t!=T"eSt!p&
C98P9A*A' Select SelectSt!te
T!5=,!l-e S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' <l!5s T!5<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' Re!so% Te;tStr"%5
Co%trolCo%$"5 S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' Co%trol0o" inte#er N.idt( 8& ran#e 0.., P
C98P9A*A' Set0o" inte#er N.idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. , P
C98P9A*A' De#"ceCl!ss inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 1 P
C98P9A*A' T!5Cl!ss inte#er N .idt( 8& ran#e 0 .. 1 P
0rotect"o% E/-"pe%t Descr"pt"o%s 0rotect"o% E/-"pe%t Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are used to build comple7 types or report protection e4uipment e)ents.
S"%5le<l!5s bit-strin#:
E#e%t<l!5s bit-strin#:
0!c3ed<l!5s bit-strin#:
'(e comple7 types are used to report protection e4uipment e)ents.
S"%5le0rotect"o%E#e%t S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' S"%5leE#e%t<l!5s S"%5le<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' Oper!t"%5T"e 'imeInter)alB16&
C98P9A*A' E#e%tT"e 'imeStamp*7tended
0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' 0!c3edE#e%t E#e%t<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' 0!c3edE#e%t<l!5s 0!c3ed<l!5s&
C98P9A*A' Oper!t"%5T"e 'imeInter)alB16&
C98P9A*A' E#e%tT"e 'imeStamp*7tended
Tr!%s$er Acco-%t T.pes
'(e oundation types are reerenced in comple7 type descriptions:
Cood"t.Cl!ss inte#er N .idt( 16 P
D!t!=D"screte inte#er N .idt( 6, P
D!t!=Re!l loatin# point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
D!t!=T"eSt!p 6MT4!sedS
D-r!t"o% 6MT4!sedS
I%te5erId inte#er N .idt( 6, P
I%terc2!%5eId inte#er N .idt( 6, P
N!eStr"%5 )isiblestrin# N .idt( 6, c(aracters& )aryin# P
N-I%te5ers inte#er N .idt( 16 P
N-<lo!ts inte#er N .idt( 16 P
N-0er"ods inte#er N .idt( 16 P
N-0ro$"les inte#er N .idt( 16 P
N-Se5s inte#er N .idt( 16 P
0r"ce loatin# point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
Re$ere%ceN- inte#er N .idt( 6, P
Sc2ed-leT"e 6MT4!sedS
T"eI%ter#!lStr"%5 )isiblestrin# N .idt( 6, c(aracters& )aryin# P
Tr!%s!ct"o%Ao-%t loatin# point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5Code inte#er N .idt( 16 P
Ut"l"t.Id inte#er N .idt( 6, P
Tr!%s$erAcco-%t Descr"pt"o%s Tr!%s$erAcco-%t Descr"pt"o%s
TASe5e%ts0er"od"c S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A'S Tr!%s$erAcco-%tRe$ Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A'S Se%dUt"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Rec#Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Sell"%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S 4-."%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p
C98P9A*A'S N!e N!eStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S St!rtT"e Sc2ed-leT"e
C98P9A*A'S 0er"odResol-t"o% T"eI%ter#!lStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S N-ber8oc!lRe$ere%ces N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-berSe5e%ts N-Se5s
C98P9A*A'S N-ber<lo!tIds N-<lo!ts
C98P9A*A'S N-berI%te5erIds N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-ber0er"ods N-0er"ods
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A'S Tr!%s$erAcco-%tRe$ Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A'S Se%dUt"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Rec#Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Sell"%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S 4-."%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p
C98P9A*A'S N!e N!eStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S St!rtT"e Sc2ed-leT"e
C98P9A*A'S 0er"odResol-t"o% T"eI%ter#!lStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S N-ber8oc!lRe$ere%ces N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-ber<lo!tIds N-<lo!ts
C98P9A*A'S N-berI%te5erIds N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-ber0er"ods N-0er"ods
TASe5e%ts0ro$"le S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A'S Tr!%s$erAcco-%tRe$ Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A'S Se%dUt"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Rec#Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Sell"%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S 4-."%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p
C98P9A*A'S N!e N!eStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S N-ber8oc!lRe$ere%ces N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-berSe5e%ts N-Se5s
C98P9A*A'S N-ber0ro$"le,!l-es N-0ro$"les
TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A'S Tr!%s$erAcco-%tRe$ Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A'S Se%dUt"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Rec#Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S Sell"%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S 4-."%5Ut"l"t. Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A'S T"eSt!p D!t!=T"eSt!p
C98P9A*A'S N!e N!eStr"%5
C98P9A*A'S N-ber8oc!lRe$ere%ces N-I%te5ers
C98P9A*A'S N-ber0ro$"le,!l-es N-0ro$"les
Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t Descr"pt"o%s Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t Descr"pt"o%s
TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' Tr!%s"ss"o%Re$ere%ce Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A' Ut"l?2eel"%5 Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A' Ut"l0!."%5 Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A' Tr!%s"ss" Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5Code
C98P9A*A' Ut"lI% Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A' Ut"lO-t Ut"l"t.Id
C98P9A*A' I%terc2!%5e0tI% I%terc2!%5eId
C98P9A*A' I%terc2!%5e0tO-t I%terc2!%5eId
C98P9A*A' I%terc2!%5e0t I%terc2!%5eId
C98P9A*A' N-ber<lo!tIds N-<lo!ts
C98P9A*A' N-berI%te5erIds N-I%te5ers
0ro$"le,!l-e Descr"pt"o%s 0ro$"le,!l-e Descr"pt"o%s
TA0ro$"le,!l-e S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' R!pSt!rtT"e Sc2ed-leT"e
C98P9A*A' R!pD-r!t"o% D-r!t"o%
C98P9A*A' 0ro$"le0r"ce 0r"ce
C98P9A*A' 0ro$"leT!r5etCl!ss Cood"t.Cl!ss
C98P9A*A' 0ro$"leT!r5et Tr!%s!ct"o%Ao-%t
Acco-%t Re/-est Descr"pt"o%s Acco-%t Re/-est Descr"pt"o%s
Acco-%tRe/-est S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' Re$ere%ceT!r Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' St!rtT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' D-r!t"o% D-r!t"o%&
C98P9A*A' Re/-estId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' T!Co%d"t"o%sRe/-ested TACo%d"t"o%s&
De#"ce O-t!5e Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are reerenced in comple7 type descriptions or t(e /e)ice9uta#e ob0ect:
Act"o%Id inte#er N.idt( 6,P
Cl!ssId inte#er N.idt( 16P
Coe%tStr"%5 VisibleStrin# 1,8
D!t!=Re!l loatin#-point Normat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8P
De#"ceId inte#er N.idt( 6,P
De#"ceN!e )isiblestrin# N.idt( 6, c(aracters& )aryin#P
De#"ceN-ber inte#er N.idt( 6,P
N-ber inte#er N.idt( 16P
O-t!5e0er"odId inte#er N.idt( 16P
O-t!5eT.peId inte#er N.idt( 16P
0l!%T.peId inte#er N.idt( 16P
Re$ere%ceN- inte#er N.idt( 6,P
Sc2ed-leT"e $8'=asedS
St!t"o%N!eStr"%5 VisibleStrin# 6,
T"eSt!pS $8'=asedS
Ut"l"t.Id inte#er N.idt( 6,P
/e)ice9uta#e composite type deinitions are:
DONe9Re#Sc2ed S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eRe$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' O9%"%5Ut"l"t.Id Ut"l"t.Id&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' St!t"o%N!e St!t"o%N!eStr"%5&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN!e De#"ceN!e+
C98P9A*A' De#" De#"ceId&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN-ber N-ber&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceR!t"%5 D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' Act"#"t.D!teA%dT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' 0l! 0l!%T.peId&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%%edOpe%OrO-tO$Ser#"ceD!teA%dT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%%edCloseOrI%Ser#"ceD!teA%dT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' O-t!5e0er"od O-t!5e0er"odId&
C98P9A*A' O-t! O-t!5eT.peId&
C98P9A*A' Ao-%t D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' UpperOper!t"%58""t D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' 8o9erOper!t"%58""t D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' Cl!ss Cl!ssId&
C98P9A*A' Coe%ts Coe%tStr"%5&
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eE$$ect Coe%tStr"%5
DOC!%cel S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eRe$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' O9%"%5Ut"l"t.Id Ut"l"t.Id&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' St!t"o%N!e St!t"o%N!eStr"%5&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN!e De#"ceN!e+
C98P9A*A' De#" De#"ceId&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN-ber N-ber&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceR!t"%5 D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' Act"#"t.D!teA%dT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' Coe%ts Coe%tStr"%5&&
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eE$$ect Coe%tStr"%5
DOAct-!l S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eRe$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' O9%"%5Ut"l"t.Id Ut"l"t.Id&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' St!t"o%N!e St!t"o%N!eStr"%5&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN!e De#"ceN!e+
C98P9A*A' De#" De#"ceId&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceN-ber N-ber&
C98P9A*A' De#"ceR!t"%5 D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' Act"#"t.D!teA%dT"e Sc2ed-leT"e&
C98P9A*A' Act"o% Act"o%Id&
C98P9A*A' A$$ectedAo-%t D!t!=Re!l&
C98P9A*A' Coe%ts Coe%tStr"%5&&
C98P9A*A' O-t!5eE$$ect Coe%tStr"%5
I%$or!t"o%4-$$er Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are reerenced in comple7 type descriptions or t(e Inormation=uer ob0ect:
Re$ere%ceN- inte#er N.idt( 6,P
N-ber inte#er N.idt( 6,P
'(e types are used in e7c(an#in# t(e Inormation 8essa#e ob0ect types:
Ino=uEeader S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' I%$oRe$ere%ce Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A' 8oc!lre$ere%ce Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A' Mess!5eId Re$ere%ceN-
C98P9A*A' S":e N-ber
I%$o4-$=@@ %??%DQMMR o octets
.(ere MM is t(e number o octets in t(e buer.
0o9er 0l!%t Descr"pt"o%s
'(e oundation types are used t(rou#(out t(e Plant - *8S /ata *7c(an#e type deinitions:
A#!"lRe!so%Code inte#er N .idt( 6, P
C!p!c"t. loatin#-point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
8<CRe!so%Code inte#er N .idt( 6, P
0l!%tId inte#er N .idt( 6, P
0r"ce loatin#-point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
R!pR!te loatin#-point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
Re$ere%ceN- inte#er N .idt( 6, P
ReportSt!t-s inte#er N .idt( 6, P
U%"tId inte#er N .idt( 6, P
U%"tC!p!c"t. S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' C!p!c"t.Cl!ss bitstrin# N #rossQ0R& netQ1R P
C98P9A*A' 6rossM!;C!p!c"t. C!p!c"t.
C98P9A*A' 6rossM"%C!p!c"t. C!p!c"t.
C98P9A*A' NetM!;C!p!c"t. C!p!c"t.
C98P9A*A' NetM"%C!p!c"t. C!p!c"t.
R!pR!tes S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' M!;R!pR!teUp R!pR!te
C98P9A*A' M!;R!pR!teDo9% R!pR!te
A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' A#!"l<l!5s bitstrin#
online Q0R&
B;C Q1R&
dispatc( Q,R&
re#ulatin# Q6R&
manual QOR&
reser)e Q5R&
bloc"edI(i Q6R&
bloc"edIlo Q1R
C98P9A*A' T"eToO%l"%e $8'=asedS
C98P9A*A' Re!so%<orNo8<C 8<CRe!so%Code
A#!"l!b"l"t. Report Descr"pt"o%s A#!"l!b"l"t. Report Descr"pt"o%s
A#!"l!ble S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' St!rtD!teT"e D!teA%dT"e+
C98P9A*A' E%dD!teT"e D!teA%dT"e&
C98P9A*A' D-r!t"o% 'imeInter)al8&
C98P9A*A' 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e boolean&
C98P9A*A' ReportSt!t-s ReportSt!t-s&
C98P9A*A' Ip!ct bitstrin# N priceQ0R& rampQ1R& capacityQ,R P&
C98P9A*A' 0r"ceIp!ct 0r"ce&
C98P9A*A' R!pIp!ct R!pR!tes&
C98P9A*A' C!p!c"t.Ip!ct U%"tC!p!c"t.+
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t. A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss&
C98P9A*A' Coe%t VisibleStrin# N .idt( ,55 P
U%A#!"l!ble S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' St!rtD!teT"e D!teA%dT"e&
C98P9A*A' E%dD!teT"e D!teA%dT"e&
C98P9A*A' D-r!t"o% 'imeInter)al8&
C98P9A*A' 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e boolean&
C98P9A*A' ReportSt!t-s ReportSt!t-s&
C98P9A*A' Re!so%U%!#!"l!ble A#!"lRe!so%Code&
C98P9A*A' Coe%t VisibleStrin# N .idt( ,55 P
Re!l T"e St!t-s Descr"pt"o%s Re!l T"e St!t-s Descr"pt"o%s
St!t-sA#!"l!ble S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' R!pSt!t-s R!pR!tes&
C98P9A*A' C!p!c"t.St!t-s U%"tC!p!c"t.+
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t.St!t-s A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss&
C98P9A*A' 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e boolean
St!t-sU%A#!"l!ble S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' T"eSt!p T"eSt!pS&
C98P9A*A' Re!so%U%!#!"l!ble A#!"lRe!so%Code&
C98P9A*A' 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e boolean
<orec!st Descr"pt"o%s <orec!st Descr"pt"o%s
<orec!st S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' <orec!stRe$ere%ceId Re$ere%ceN-&
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' St!rtT"e 6MT4!sedS&
C98P9A*A' 0er"odResol-t"o% T"eI%ter#!lS&
C98P9A*A' N-berO$0er"ods inte#er&
C98P9A*A' <orec! bitstrin# N #enerationQ0R& reser)eQ1R P
C-r#e Descr"pt"o%s C-r#e Descr"pt"o%s
C-r#e8""t loatin#-point
Coe$$"c"e%t loatin#-point
C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o% S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' Order inte#er
C98P9A*A' 8o9R!%5e C-r#e8""t
C98P9A*A' >"52R!%5e C-r#e8""t
C98P9A*A' N-berO$Se5e%ts inte#er
C-r#e S'?UC'U?*
C98P9A*A' 0l!%tRe$ere%ceId 0l!%tId&
C98P9A*A' U%"tId U%"tId&
C98P9A*A' N-berO$Se5e%ts inte#er
0o9er S.ste D.%!"cs
Ao ne. data types are re4uired to support System /ynamics. '(ese are mapped to t(e )ariables o simple
88S base types.
M!tr"; D!t! T.pes
'(e 8atri7 data types are used to represent se4uences or lists o lo#ical records& in .(ic( eac( lo#ical record
contains a set o )alues to be reported or t(at step in t(e se4uence. %n e7ample o suc( a se4uence is an
interc(an#e sc(edule& in .(ic( t(e sc(eduled 4uantities +ener#y& capacity& etc.- and t(eir associated costs are
reported or eac( o a #i)en set o time inter)als. '(e 8atri7 types allo. or arbitrary sets o )alues and arbitrarily
lon# se4uences to be represented& e)en t(ou#( t(e particular mi7 o data types& semantics& and len#t( o se4uences
may not be "no.n until run time.
'(e basic representation o a se4uence o (omo#eneous lo#ical records .it(in an 88S Inormation ?eport usin#
t(e 8atri7 /ata 'ypes uses t(e se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables:
1- '(e report must contain a header )ariable& .(ic( is #enerally speciic to t(e ob0ect model .(ic( contains t(e
se4uence or list. '(e (eader )ariable must include t(e e7pected len#t( o t(e se4uence or list& as .ell as a count o
t(e total number o inte#er )alues and t(e total number o loatin# point )alues .(ic( are to be reported or eac(
record in t(e se4uence. '(e number and identity o t(e inte#er and loatin# point )alues may c(an#e rom report
to report& but .ill be consistent or eac( lo#ical record .it(in a #i)en report.
,- '(e report .ill contain a )ariable .it( name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id or eac( loatin# point )alue .(ic(
is to be included in t(e lo#ical records. '(e number o M!tr";=Id )ariables or loatin# point )alues e7pected can
be determined rom t(e )alues in t(e (eader )ariable.
6- '(e report .ill contain a )ariable .it( name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id or eac( inte#er )alue .(ic( is to
be included in t(e lo#ical records. '(e number o M!tr";=Id )ariables or inte#er )alues e7pected can be
determined rom t(e )alues in t(e (eader )ariable.
O- ;or eac( lo#ical record bein# reported& t(e )ariables are included:
I t(ere are loatin# point )alues to be included in eac( lo#ical record& a )ariable o type <lo!tArr!.@@
.ill be reported .(ic( contains t(e loatin# point )alues or t(e record. '(e si:e o <lo!tArr!.@@ +MM
is t(e array dimension- is arbitrary& but must be #reater t(an or e4ual to t(e number o loatin# point
)alues to be included. I t(e array is lar#er t(an t(e number o loatin# point )alues included in t(e
lo#ical records& t(e )alues are illed rom t(e lo. order +startin# rom ;loat%rrayMMQ0R- and t(e
remainder are i#nored.
I t(ere are inte#er )alues to be included in eac( lo#ical record& a )ariable o type I%te5erArr!.@@ .ill
be reported .(ic( contains t(e inte#er )alues or t(e record. '(e si:e o I%te5erArr!.@@ +MM is t(e
array dimension- is arbitrary& but must #reater t(an or e4ual to t(e number o inte#er )alues to be
included. I t(e array is lar#er t(an t(e number o inte#er )alues included in t(e lo#ical records& t(e
)alues are illed rom t(e lo. order +startin# rom Inte#er%rrayMMQ0R- and t(e remainder are i#nored.
*ac( <lo!tArr!.@@ and I%te5er@@ pair constitutes a lo#ical record +and (ence a ro. o t(e 8atri7-.
'(e types are deined :
M!tr";Id inte#er N .idt( 16 P
I%te5erArr!.@@ %??%DQMMR o inte#er N .idt( 6, P
<lo!tArr!.@@ %??%DQMMR o loatin# point N ormat-.idt( ,O& e7ponent-.idt( 8 P
.(ere MM is an arbitrary array dimension.
M!pp"%5 o$ Object Models to MMS T.pes M!pp"%5 o$ Object Models to MMS T.pes
S-per#"sor. Co%trol !%d D!t! M!pp"%5
I%d"c!t"o% Object M!pp"%5 I%d"c!t"o% Object M!pp"%5
'(is clause deines t(e mappin# o eac( ob0ect attributes onto 88S. In #eneral& most ob0ects are represented by
one or more 88S Aamed Variables o t(e predeined '%S*., types rom clause 6.
8aps to an 88S )ariable identiier +eit(er V8/ speciic or /omain speciic-
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable. I C9VClass is A9C9V. t(e type o t(e 88S )ariable is
selected accordin# to t(e criteria:
StPoint'ype 1-!l"t.Cl!ss T"eSt!pCl!ss M!p to*
?*%B A9<U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=Re!l
S'%'* A9<U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=St!te
/ISC?*'* A9<U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=D"screte
?*%B <U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=Re!l1
S'%'* <U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=St!te1
/ISC?*'* <U%BI'D A9'I8*S'%8P D!t!=D"screte1
?*%B <U%BI'D 'I8*S'%8P D!t!=Re!l1T"eT!5
S'%'* <U%BI'D 'I8*S'%8P D!t!=St!te1T"eT!5
/ISC?*'* <U%BI'D 'I8*S'%8P D!t!=D"screte1T"eT!5
I C9VClass is C9V& t(e criteria is used:
St0o" M!p to*
?*%B D!t!=Re!lE;te%ded
S'%'* D!t!=St!teE;te%ded
/ISC?*'* D!t!=D"screteE;te%ded
'(e Point'ype attribute may optionally be mapped to t(e Co%trol0o" component o an
88S named )ariable o type I%d"c!t"o%0o"%tCo%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation:
0CS'%'*& 1C/ISC?*'*& ,C?*%B.
I present& maps to eit(er t(e )alue o an 88S )ariable o type D!t!=Re!l +i <ualityClass and 'imeStampClass
are A9<U%BI'D& A9'I8*S'%8P- or to t(e ,!l-e C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S )ariable.
I present& maps to eit(er t(e )alue o an 88S )ariable o type D!t!=St!te +i <ualityClass and 'imeStampClass
are A9<U%BI'D& A9'I8*S'%8P- or to bits St!te=2" and St!te=lo o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S
I present& maps to eit(er t(e )alue o t(e 88S )ariable o type D!t!=D"screte +i <ualityClass and
'imeStampClass are A9<U%BI'D& A9'I8*S'%8P- or to t(e ,!l-e C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S )ariable.
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable +see abo)e-. '(e <ualityClass attribute may also be optionally
mapped to t(e 1-!l"t.Cl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%d"c!t"o%Co%$"5 .it( t(e
interpretation: A9<U%BI'DC0& <U%BI'DC1.
I present& maps to bits , and 6 +,!l"d"t.=2"& ,!l"d"t.=lo- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' .it( t(e )alues:
V%BI/ C 0& E*B/C1& SUSP*C'C,& A9'V%BI/C6
I present& maps to bits O and 5 +C-rre%tSo-rce=2"& C-rre%tSo-rce=lo- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' .it( t(e )alues: '*B*8*'*?*/C0& C%BCUB%'*/C1& *A'*?*/C,& *S'I8%'*/C6
'(e AormalSource attribute may be optionally mapped to t(e Nor!lSo-rce component o an 88S Aamed
Variable o type I%d"c!t"o%Co%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation: '*B*8*'*?*/C0& C%BCUB%'*/C1&
*A'*?*/C,& *S'I8%'*/C6.
I present& maps to bit 6 +Nor!l,!l-e- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' .it( t(e )alues: A9?8%BC0&
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable +see abo)e-. '(e 'imeStampClass attribute may also be optionally
mapped to t(e T"eSt!pCl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%d"c!t"o%Co%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation: A9'I8*S'%8PC0& 'I8*S'%8PC1.
I present& maps to t(e T"eSt!p C98P9A*A'.
I present& maps to bit 1 +T"eSt!p1-!l"t.- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' .it( t(e )alues: V%BI/C0&
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable +see abo)e-. '(e C9VClass attribute may also be optionally
mapped to t(e CO,Cl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%d"c!t"o%Co%$"5 .it( t(e
interpretation: A9C9VC0& C9VC1.
I present& maps to an 88S )ariable o type CO,=Co-%ter.
Co%trol 0o"%t Object M!pp"%5 Co%trol 0o"%t Object M!pp"%5
8aps to an 88S )ariable identiier +eit(er V8/ speciic or /omain speciic-
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable. '(e type o t(e 88S )ariable is selected accordin# to t(e criteria +all ot(er combinations are in)alid-:
ControlPoint'ype Co%trol0o" M!p to*
C988%A/ Aot applicable Co%trol=Co!%d
S*'P9IA' ?*%B Co%trol=Setpo"%t=Re!l
S*'P9IA' /ISC?*'* Co%trol=Setpo"%t=D"screte
'(e ControlPoint'ype attribute may also be optionally mapped to t(e Co%trol0o"
component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type Co%trolCo%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation:
C988%A/C0& S*'P9IA'C1.
8aps to t(e )alue o an 88S )ariable o type Co%trol=Co!%d.
Used in selectin# t(e named type o t(e )ariable +see abo)e-. '(e Setpoint attribute may also be optionally mapped
to t(e Setpo"%t component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type Co%trolCo%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation:
1C/ISC?*'*& ,C?*%B.
I present& maps to t(e )alue o an 88S )ariable o type Co%trol=Setpo"%t=Re!l.
I present& maps to t(e )alue o an 88S )ariable o type Co%trol=Setpo"%t=D"screte.
'(e /e)iceClass attribute may be optionally mapped to t(e De#"ceCl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable
o type Co%trolCo%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation: 0CA9AS=9& 1CS=9.
I present& maps to an 88S )ariable o type S4O=C2ec34!c3N!e.
I present& maps to t(e Select C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type S4O .it( t(e interpretation:
S*B*C'*/C'?U*& A9'S*B*C'*/C;%BS*.
I present& maps to t(e T"eO-t C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type S4O.
'(e 'a#Class attribute may be optionally mapped to t(e T!5Cl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type
Co%trolCo%$"5 .it( t(e interpretation: 1C/ISC?*'*& ,C?*%B.
I present& maps to bits 0 and 1 +T!5=2" and T!5=lo- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
T!5=,!l-e .it( t(e interpretation: A9-'%$C0& 9P*A- %A/-CB9S*-IAEI=I'C1& CB9S*-9ABD-
I present& maps to bit , +T!5=st!te- o t(e <l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type T!5=,!l-e .it( t(e interpretation: I/B*C0& %?8*/C1
I present& maps to t(e Re!so% C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type T!5=,!l-e.
0rotect"o% E#e%t M!pp"%5 0rotect"o% E#e%t M!pp"%5
'(is subclause deines t(e mappin# o eac( attribute o t(e protection e)ent model to 88S types. In #eneral&
protection e)ents are mapped onto 88S )ariables. '(e recommended met(od o #eneratin# protection e)ent
reportin# is to include t(e 88S )ariables in a '%S*., /ata Set and (a)e t(e /ata Set reported usin# a /ata Set
'ranser Set .it( /S'ransmissionPars ?=* 'rue and /SConditions includin# 9b0ectC(an#e 'rue.
'(e Aame attribute is mapped to an 88S Aamed )ariable identiier. Aote t(at t(e name must uni4uely identiy
bot( t(e protection de)ice and t(e protection e)ent type.
'(e *lapsed'imeValidity attribute is mapped onto bit 0 +El!psedT"e,!l"d"t.- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s or
0!c3ed<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S )ariable representin# t(e protection e)ent& .it( t(e )alue 0 representin#
V%BI/ and 1 representin# IAV%BI/.
'(e =loc"ed attribute is mapped onto bit 1 +4loc3ed- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s or 0!c3ed<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e
88S )ariable representin# t(e protection e)ent& .it( t(e )alue 0 representin# A9'=B9C@*/ and 1 representin#
'(e Substituted attribute is mapped onto bit , +S-bst"t-ted- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s or 0!c3ed<l!5s C98P9A*A' o
t(e 88S )ariable representin# t(e protection e)ent& .it( t(e )alue 0 representin# A9'SU=S'I'U'*/ and 1
representin# SU=S'I'U'*/.
'(e 'opical attribute is mapped onto bit 6 +Top"c!l- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s or 0!c3ed<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e
88S )ariable representin# t(e protection e)ent& .it( t(e )alue 0 representin# '9PIC%B and 1 representin#
'(e *)entValidity attribute is mapped onto bit O +E#e%t,!l"d"t.- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s or 0!c3ed<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S )ariable representin# t(e protection e)ent& .it( t(e )alue 0 representin# V%BI/ and 1
representin# IAV%BI/.
'(e ProtectionClass attribute is used to select t(e type o 88S )ariable to represent t(e e)ent. '(e )alue o
SIA$B* implies t(e use o a )ariable o type S"%5le0rotect"o%E#e%t& and t(e )alue o P%C@*/ implies t(e use o
a )ariable o type. 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t.
'(e *)entState attribute is mapped to bits 6 and 1 +E#e%tSt!te=2" and E#e%tSt!te=lo- o t(e S"%5le<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type S"%5le0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 1 denotin# 9;;& , denotin# 9A and 0 or
6 denotin# IAV%BI/.
'(e *)ent/uration attribute maps to t(e Oper!t"%5T"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
'(e *)ent'ime attribute maps to t(e E#e%tT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
'(e *)entClass attribute is not mapped. '(e )alue o t(is attribute is implied by t(e identiier o t(e 88S
)ariable used to represent t(e pac"ed protection e)ent& and must be "no.n and a#reed to by t(e in)ol)ed parties.
'(e Start$eneral attribute is mapped to bit 0 +6e%er!l- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e StartP(ase1 attribute is mapped to bit 1 +02!se)- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e StartP(ase, attribute is mapped to bit , +02!se2- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e StartP(ase6 attribute is mapped to bit 6 +02!se7- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e Start*art( attribute is mapped to bit O +E!rt2- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e Start?e)erse attribute is mapped to bit 5 +Re#erse- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9S'%?' and 1 representin# S'%?'.
'(e /uration'ime attribute is mapped to t(e Oper!t"%5T"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
'(e Start'ime attribute is mapped to t(e E#e%tT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
'(e 'rip$eneral attribute is mapped to bit 0 +6e%er!l- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9'?IP and 1 representin# '?IP.
'(e 'ripP(ase1 attribute is mapped to bit 1 +02!se)- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9'?IP and 1 representin# '?IP.
'(e 'ripP(ase, attribute is mapped to bit , +02!se2- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9'?IP and 1 representin# '?IP.
'(e 'ripP(ase6 attribute is mapped to bit 6 +02!se7- o t(e E#e%t<l!5s C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o
type 0!c3ed0rotect"o%E#e%t& .it( 0 representin# A9'?IP and 1 representin# '?IP.
'(e 9peratin#'ime attribute is mapped to t(e Oper!t"%5T"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
'(e 'rip'ime attribute is mapped to t(e E#e%tT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type
Tr!%s$er Acco-%ts M!pp"%5
Tr!%s$erAcco-%t M!pp"%5 Tr!%s$erAcco-%t M!pp"%5
'ranser %ccounts are only )isible t(rou#( t(e 'ranser %ccount ?eportin# and %ccount <uery mec(anisms as
deined in t(e uture I*C 810-6-506. '(e 'ranser %ccounts are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S
Aamed Variables& but only instantaneously .(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed
Variables used to map t(e 'ranser %ccount ob0ect model are only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return
t(e 88S %ccess ?esult 9=S*C'-%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en read or .ritten.
*ac( o t(e classes o 'ranser %ccounts contain (eader inormation and optionally one or more associated lists o
data +Bist9Bocal?eerence& Bist9'ransmissionSe#ment& Bist9ProileValues& and Bist9PeriodicValues-. '(e
lists o data are represented as ollo.s:
Bist9Bocal?eerence - se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables& eac( named Re$ere%ce=N- and o type
Re$ere%ceN-. '(ere s(all be one 88S Aamed Variable or eac( entry in t(e Bist9Bocal?eerence.
Bist9'ransmissionSe#ment - se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables. ;or eac( entry in t(e
88S Aamed Variable TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t& type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t
I t(e report is to contain periodic data:
or eac( time period or proile bein# reported:
i loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or t(e se#ment:
%n 88S Aamed Variable M!tr";=Id& type M!tr";Id or eac( loatin# point
4uantity bein# reported. '(ese deine t(e meanin# o eac( TcolumnG o data.
i inte#er )alues are bein# reported or t(e se#ment:
%n 88S Aamed Variable M!tr";=Id& type M!tr";Id or eac( inte#er 4uantity
bein# reported. '(ese deine t(e meanin# o eac( TcolumnG o data
i loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or t(e se#ment:
88S Aamed Variable <lo!t=Arr!.=@@& type <lo!tArr!.@@
i inte#er )alues are bein# reported or t(e se#ment:
88S Aamed Variable I%te5er=Arr!.=@@& type I%te5erArr!.@@
I t(e report is to contain proile data:
or eac( time period bein# reported:
88S Aamed Variable TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e& type TA0ro$"le,!l-e
Bist9ProileValues - se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables& eac( named TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e& and o type
TA0ro$"le,!l-e& or eac( element in t(e Bist9ProileValues.
Bist9PeriodicValues - se4uence o t(e 88S Aamed Variables. Aote t(at eac( o t(e ;loat%rray and
Inte#er%rray )ariables belo. represents a distinct element in t(e Bist9PeriodicValues:
i loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
%n 88S Aamed Variable M!tr";=Id& type M!tr";Id or eac( loatin# point 4uantity bein#
reported. '(ese deine t(e meanin# o eac( TcolumnG o data
i inte#er )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
%n 88S Aamed Variable M!tr";=Id& type M!tr";Id or eac( inte#er 4uantity bein# reported.
'(ese deine t(e meanin# o eac( TcolumnG o data
or eac( time period bein# reported:
i loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
88S Aamed Variable <lo!t=Arr!.=@@& type <lo!tArr!.@@
i inte#er )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
88S Aamed Variable I%te5er=Arr!.=@@& type I%te5erArr!.@@
See Clause 6.1 or urt(er description o t(e use o t(e 8atri7 types.
'(e order o reportin# t(e 88S Aamed Variables representin# t(e 'ranser %ccount s(all be as ollo.s:
1- '%ConditionsI/etected )ariable +see t(e uture 810-6-506& clause 1.1.O.O-
,- ?e4uestId )ariable& i t(e report is in response to a <uery 9peration +see uture 810-6-506& clause
6- t(e 'ranser %ccount (eader )ariable +see belo. or details-
O- )ariables representin# t(e Bist9Bocal?eerence& i any
5- )ariables representin# t(e Bist9'ransmissionSe#ments& i any
6- )ariables representin# t(e Bist9ProileValues or Bist9PeriodicValues
'(e 88S Aamed Variable +and its 88S 'ype- representin# t(e (eader inormation is selected based on t(ree
attributes o t(e 'ranser %ccount 9b0ect as deined in t(e table:
'ransmissionSe#ments D!t! MMS ,!r"!ble
IACBU/*/ P*?I9/IC '%ISe#mentsIPeriodic
A9'IACBU/*/ P*?I9/IC '%IAoSe#mentsIPeriodic
IACBU/*/ P?9;IB* '%ISe#mentsIProile
A9'IACBU/*/ P?9;IB* '%IAoSe#mentsIProile
9t(er combinations o attributes are not supported in t(e 'ranser %ccount 9b0ect 8odel.
'(e 88S Aamed Variables used (a)e t(e types:
'%ISe#mentsIPeriodic type '%Se#mentsPeriodic
'%IAoSe#mentsIPeriodic type '%AoSe#mentsPeriodic
'%ISe#mentsIProile type '%Se#mentsProile
'%ISe#mentsIProile type '%AoSe#mentsProile
'(e speciic mappin# o t(e 'ranser %ccount 9b0ect attributes is as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e Tr!%s$erAcco-%tRe$ C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le.
8aps to t(e Se%dUt"l"t. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le. Codin# o speciic )alues is
determined by a#reement bet.een client and ser)er.
8aps to t(e Rec#Ut"l"t. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le. Codin# o speciic )alues is
determined by a#reement bet.een client and ser)er.
8aps to t(e Sell"%5Ut"l"t. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le. Codin# o speciic )alues is
determined by a#reement bet.een client and ser)er.
8aps to t(e 4-."%5Ut"l"t. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TAN!edSe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TAU%!edSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TAN!edNoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TAU%%!edNoSe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TAN!ed0ro$"le& or TAU%!ed0ro$"le. Codin# o speciic )alues is determined by a#reement bet.een client
and ser)er.
8aps to t(e T"eSt!p C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le.
8aps to t(e N-berO$8oc!lRe$ere%ces C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c& TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TANoSe5e%ts0ro$"le.
8aps to a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables& eac( named Re$ere%ce=N- and o type Re$ere%ceN-. '(ere
s(all be one 88S Aamed Variable reerence in t(e report or eac( entry in t(e Bist9Bocal?eerence. '(e
number o ?eerenceIAum reerences in t(e report s(all a#ree .it( t(e )alue o t(e Aumber9Bocal?eerence
8aps to t(e N!e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c& TANoSe5e%ts0er"od"c&
TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or TASe5e%ts0ro$"le. I t(e Aame attribute is not present& t(e N!e C98P9A*A' s(all
be t(e AUBB strin#.
Aot mapped& but used in selection o t(e data type o t(e 88S Variables +see abo)e-.
8aps to t(e N-berSe5e%ts C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variaable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c& or
?epresented as a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables in t(e report. ;or eac( entry in t(e
1- ?eport t(e se#ment deinition parameters as t(e )alues o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t. See 1.,., or details o t(is mappin#.
,- ?eport t(e data or t(e se#ment:
I t(e report is to contain periodic data& t(en or eac( time period:
I any o t(e )alues bein# reported or t(e se#ment are o type loatin# point:
?eport t(e identiiers o t(e loatin# point )alues in an 88S Aamed Variable
.it( name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id
I any o t(e )alues are bein# reported or t(e se#ment are o type inte#er:
?eport t(e identiiers o t(e inte#er )alues in an 88S Aamed Variable .it(
name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id
;or eac( time period bein# reported:
I loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or t(is se#ment:
?eport t(e loatin# point )alues or t(e time period or proile relatin#
to t(is se#ment in an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
<lo!t=Arr!.=@@ and type <lo!tArr!.@@& .(ere MM is t(e lar#e
enou#( to contain all o t(e loatin# point )alues.
I inte#er )alues are bein# reported or t(is se#ment:
?eport t(e inte#er )alues or t(e time period or proile relatin# to t(is
se#ment in an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name I%te5er=Arr!.=@@
and type I%te5erArr!.@@& .(ere MM is t(e lar#e enou#( to contain
all o t(e inte#er )alues.
I t(e report is to contain proile data& t(en or eac( time period:
or eac( time period bein# reported:
?eport t(e proile data relatin# to t(is se#ment in an 88S Aamed Variable
.it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and type TA0ro$"le,!l-e.
Aot mapped& but used in selection o t(e data type o t(e 88S Variables +see abo)e-.
8aps to t(e St!rtT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c& or
8aps to t(e 0er"odResol-t"o% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c& or
8aps to t(e N-ber0er"ods C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0er"od"c& or
?epresented as a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables in t(e report. ;or eac( entry in t(e Bist9PeriodicValues:
1- I loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
?eport t(e identiiers o t(e loatin# point )alues as t(e )alues o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id.
,- I inte#er )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
?eport t(e identiiers o t(e inte#er )alues as t(e )alues o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id.
6- ;or eac( time period bein# reported:
I loatin# point )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
?eport t(e )alues as t(e )alues o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name <lo!t=Arr!.=@@ and
type <lo!tArr!.@@& .(ere MM is t(e lar#e enou#( to contain all o t(e loatin# point )alues.
I inte#er )alues are bein# reported or eac( period:
?eport t(e )alues as t(e )alues o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name I%te5er=Arr!.=@@ and
type I%te5erArr!.@@& .(ere MM is t(e lar#e enou#( to contain all o t(e inte#er )alues.
8aps to t(e N-berO$0ro$"les C98P9A*A' o an 88S Variable o type TASe5e%ts0ro$"le& or
8aps to a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables& eac( named TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e& and o type TA0ro$"le,!l-e& or
eac( element in t(e Bist9ProileValues. '(e number o TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e reerences in t(e report s(all a#ree
.it( t(e )alue o t(e N-berO$0ro$"les attribute.
Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t M!pp"%5 Tr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t M!pp"%5
*ac( 'ransmissionSe#ment ob0ect maps to a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables. '(e irst )ariable (as name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.& and pro)ides t(e parameters +reerence
identiiers& interc(an#e points& etc.- or t(e se#ment. '(e remainder o t(e )ariables depend on t(e data types o
t(e )alues bein# reported or eac( se#ment& and are described in t(e pre)ious clause.
'(e se#ment deinition attributes are mapped as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e Tr!%s"ss"o%Re$ere%ce C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
8aps to t(e Ut"l?2eel"%5 C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t
and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
I present& maps to t(e Ut"l"t.0!."%5 C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
8aps to t(e Tr!%s"ss" C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t. '(e )alue is coded as ollo.s: 0C/I?*C'&
I present& maps to t(e Ut"lI% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
I present& maps to t(e I%terc2!%5e0tI% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
I present& maps to t(e Ut"lO-t C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
I present& maps to t(e I%terc2!%5e0tO-t C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
I present& maps to t(e I%terc2!%5e0tI% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=Tr!%s"ss"o%=Se5e%t and type TATr!%s"ss"o%Se5e%t.
8apped to 88S Aamed Variables o type M!tr";Id& <lo!tArr!.@@& and I%te5erArr!.@@& as deined abo)e.
0ro$"le,!l-e M!pp"%5 0ro$"le,!l-e M!pp"%5
8aps to t(e R!pSt!rtT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and type
8aps to t(e R!pD-r!t"o% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and type
8aps to t(e 0ro$"le0r"ce C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and type
8aps to t(e 0ro$"leT!r5etCl!ss C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and
type TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e. '(e )alue is encoded as: 0C9'E*?& 1C*A*?$D& ,CC%P%CI'D.
I present& maps to t(e 0ro$"leE%er5. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e
and type TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e.
I present& maps to t(e 0ro$"leC!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name
TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e and type TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e.
I present& maps to t(e 0ro$"leOt2er C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e
and type TA=0ro$"le=,!l-e.
Acco-%tRe/-est M!pp"%5 Acco-%tRe/-est M!pp"%5
'(e %ccount?e4uest ob0ect model maps to an 88S )ariable o type %ccount?e4uest. '(e attributes map as:
8aps to t(e identiier o t(e 88S )ariable bein# .ritten to #enerate t(e re4uest.
8aps to t(e Re$ere%ceT!r C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type Acco-%tRe/-est.
8aps to t(e St!rtT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type Acco-%tRe/-est.
8aps to t(e D-r!t"o% C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type Acco-%tRe/-est.
8aps to t(e Re/-estId C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type Acco-%tRe/-est.
8aps to t(e T!Co%d"t"o%sRe/-ested C98P9A*A' o an 88S )ariable o type Acco-%tRe/-est.
De#"ce O-t!5e M!pp"%5
'(is clause deines t(e mappin# o t(e /e)ice 9uta#e ob0ect model to 88S types. '(e /e)ice 9uta#e model is
mapped to an 88S Aamed Variable or transmision usin# 88S Inormation ?eports.
'(e /e)ice 9uta#e ob0ects are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S Aamed Variables& but only
instantaneously .(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed Variables used to map t(e /e)ice
9uta#e ob0ect model are only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return t(e 88S %ccess ?esult 9=S*C'-
%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en read or .ritten.
'(e type and name o t(e 88S Aamed Variable depends on t(e %cti)ity attribute o t(e /e)ice 9uta#e e)ent.
'(e matri7 deined t(e c(oice o name and type:
%cti)ity N!e
A*!PB%A /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed /9IAe.ISc(ed
?*VIS* /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed /9I?e)ISc(ed
C%AC*B /9Cancel /9ICancel
%C'U%B /9%ctual /9I%ctual
8aps to t(e O-t!5eRe$ere%ceId component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e O9%"%5Ut"l"t.Id component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e T"eSt!p component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e St!t"o%N!e component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e De#" component o t(e selected data type& .it( t(e interpretation: 1C$*A*?%'9?&
,C'?%AS;9?8*?& 6CC%P%CI'9?& OC'?%AS8ISSI9AICI?CUI'& 5C=?*%@*?IS!I'CE&
6CIA/UC'9?& 0C9'E*?
8aps to t(e De#"ceN!e component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e De#"ceN-ber component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e De#"ceR!t"%5 component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e Act"#"t.D!teA%dT"e component o t(e selected data type.
Used in selectin# t(e 88S Aamed Variable and type used in mappin# t(e ob0ect.
8aps to t(e 0l! component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed& .it( t(e
interpretation: 0CSCE*/UB*/& 1C*S'I8%'*/.
8aps to t(e 0l!%%edOpe%OrO-tO$Ser#"ceD!teA%dT"e component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type
8aps to t(e 0l!%%edCloseOrI%O$Ser#"ceD!teA%dT"e component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type
8aps to t(e 0l! o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed& .it( t(e interpretation:
1CC9A'IAU9US& ,C/%IBD& 6C!**@/%DS& 0C9'E*?
8aps to t(e 0l! o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed& .it( t(e interpretation:
0C;9?C*/& 1C8%IA'*A%AC*& ,CP%?'I%B& 6C*C9A98D& OCUAPB%AA*/& 5C;9?C*/& 6C9'E*?
8aps to t(e 0l! o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed& .it( t(e interpretation:
0CP%?'I%B& 1C;UBB
I present& maps to t(e Ao-%t component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed.
I present& maps to t(e UpperOper!t"%58""t component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed
I present& maps to t(e 8o9erOper!t"%58""t component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed
I present& maps to t(e Cl!ss component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9Ae.?e)Sc(ed .it( t(e
interpretation: 0C9U'S*?VIC*& 1CIAS*?VIC*
I present& maps to t(e Act"o% component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9%ctual .it( t(e
interpretation: 0C'?IPP*/& 1C9;;BIA*& ,C9ABIA*& 6C9P*A& OCCB9S*
A$$ected Ao-%t
I present& maps to t(e A$$ectedAo-%t component o an 88S Aamed Variable o type /9%ctual
8aps to t(e Coe%ts component o t(e selected data type.
8aps to t(e O-t!5eE$$ect component o t(e selected data type.
I%$or!t"o% 4-$$er M!pp"%5
'(e Inormation =uer ob0ect maps onto t.o 88S Aamed Variables. '(e irst )ariable is o type Ino=uEeader&
and contains t(e #lobal inormation about t(e messa#e. '(e second )ariable is o type Ino=uIMM& .(ere MM is
lar#e enou#( to (old t(e entire messa#e. '(e mappin# o t(e attributes is as ollo.s:
8aps onto t(e I%$oRe$ere%ce C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%$o4-$>e!der.
8aps onto t(e 8oc!lRe$ere%ce C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%$o4-$>e!der.
8aps onto t(e Mess!5eId C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%$o4-$>e!der.
8aps onto t(e S":e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%$o4-$>e!der.
8aps onto an 88S Aamed Variable o type I%$o4-$=@@& .(ere MM is lar#e enou#( to (old all o t(e data. Aote
t(at MM can be lar#er& since t(e S":e attribute determines (o. muc( o t(e buer is actually )alid.
0o9er 0l!%t M!pp"%5
A#!"l!b"l"t. Report M!pp"%5 A#!"l!b"l"t. Report M!pp"%5
'(e 88S Aamed Variable +and its 88S 'ype- representin# t(e %)ailability ?eport is selected based on t(e
%)ailability Status attribute o t(e %)ailability ?eport 9b0ect. I t(e %)ailability Status attribute is %V%IB%=B*&
t(e report maps onto an 88S Aamed Variable o name A#!"l!ble and type A#!"l!ble. I t(e %)ailability Status
attribute is UA%V%IB%=B*& t(e report maps onto an 88S Aamed Variable o name U%A#!"l!ble and type
'(e %)ailability ?eport ob0ects are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S Aamed Variables& but only
instantaneously .(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed Variables used to map t(e
%)ailability ?eport ob0ect model are only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return t(e 88S %ccess ?esult
9=S*C'-%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en read or .ritten.
'(e remainder o t(e ob0ect attributes map as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e T"est!p C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e 0l!%tRe$ere%ceID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e U%"tID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e ReportSt!t-s C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type .it( t(e interpretation: 0CP?9P9S*/& 1CC9A;I?8*/& ,CC%AC*BB*/.
8aps to t(e St!rtD!teA%dT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e StopD!teA%dT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e D-r!t"o% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
A#!"l!b"l"t. St!t-s
'(e %)ailability Status attribute is used in t(e selection o t(e name and type o t(e 88S Aamed Variable
representin# t(e report.
8aps to bit 0 o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble .it( t(e
interpretation: 1CD*S& 0CA9.
I present& maps to t(e 0r"ceIp!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble. I bit 0 o t(e
Ip!ct C98P9A*A' is A9& t(e 0r"ceIp!ct C98P9A*A' s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit 1 o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble .it( t(e
interpretation: 1CD*S& 0CA9.
I present& maps to t(e M!;R!pR!teUp ield .it(in t(e R!pIp!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed
Variable o type A#!"l!ble. I bit 1 o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' is A9& t(e M!;R!pR!teUp C98P9A*A'
s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps to t(e M!;R!pR!teDo9% ield .it(in t(e R!pIp!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed
Variable o type A#!"l!ble. I bit 1 o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' is A9& t(e M!;R!pR!teDo9%
C98P9A*A' s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit , o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble .it( t(e
interpretation: 1CD*S& 0CA9.
*ac( o t(e attributes +i present- map into ields .it(in t(e C!p!c"t.Ip!ct C98P9A*A' +type
U%"tC!p!c"t.- o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble. I bit , o t(e Ip!ct C98P9A*A' is A9& all o
t(e ields .it(in t(e C!p!c"t.Ip!ct C98P9A*A' s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' o t(e type U%"tC!p!c"t.
.it( t(e interpretation: bit 0 C 1 implies $?9SS& bit 1 C 1 implies A*'&
bot( bit 0 and bit 1 C 1 implies =9'E.
I present& maps onto t(e 6rossM!;C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 0 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
6rossM!;C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e 6rossM"%C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 0 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
6rossM"%C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e NetM!;C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 1 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
NetM!;C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e NetM"%C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 1 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
NetM"%C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
*ac( o t(e attributes +.(en present- map into ields .it(in t(e A#!"l!b"l"t. C98P9A*A' +type
A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss- o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type A#!"l!ble :
8aps to bit 0 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CS'%A/=D& 1C9ABIA*.
8aps to t(e T"eToO%ll"%e C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss. I bit 1
o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 1& t(is attribute
s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S.
8aps to bit , o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit 6 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit O o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to t(e Re!so%<orNo8<C C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CS'%?'UP& 1CUAS'%=B*. I bit 1 o t(e
A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 1& t(is attribute s(all be
8aps to t(e Re!so%U%!#!"l!ble C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type U%A#!"l!ble .it( t(e interpretation: 0C;9?C*/& 1CSCE*/UB*/& ,C'*S'IA$.
8aps to t(e 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e C98P9A*A' o t(e selected 88S Aamed Variable +type A#!"l!ble or
U%A#!"l!ble- .it( t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S.
8aps to t(e Coe%t C98P9A*A' o t(e selected 88S Aamed Variable +type A#!"l!ble or U%A#!"l!ble-.
Re!l T"e St!t-s M!pp"%5 Re!l T"e St!t-s M!pp"%5
'(e 88S Aamed Variable +and its 88S 'ype- representin# t(e ?eal 'ime Status ?eport is selected based on t(e
%)ailability Status attribute o t(e ?eal 'ime Status 9b0ect. I t(e %)ailability Status attribute is %V%IB%=B*&
t(e report maps onto an 88S Aamed Variable o name St!t-s=A#!"l!ble and type St!t-sA#!"l!ble. I t(e
%)ailability Status attribute is UA%V%IB%=B*& t(e report maps onto an 88S Aamed Variable o name
St!t-s=U%A#!"l!ble and type St!t-sU%A#!"l!ble.
'(e ?eal 'ime Status ob0ects are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S Aamed Variables& but only
instantaneously .(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed Variables used to map t(e ?eal
'ime Status ob0ect model are only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return t(e 88S %ccess ?esult
9=S*C'-%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en read or .ritten.
'(e remainder o t(e ob0ect attributes map as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e A#!"l!b"l"t.Re$ere%ceId C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e T"est!p C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e 0l!%tRe$ere%ceID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
8aps to t(e U%"tID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o t(e selected name and type.
A#!"l!b"l"t. St!t-s
'(e %)ailability Status attribute is used in t(e selection o t(e name and type o t(e 88S Aamed Variable
representin# t(e report.
I present& maps to t(e M!;R!pR!teUp ield .it(in t(e R!pSt!t-s C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed
Variable o type St!t-sA#!"l!ble.
I present& maps to t(e M!;R!pR!teDo9% ield .it(in t(e R!pSt!t-s C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed
Variable o type St!t-sA#!"l!ble.
*ac( o t(e attributes +i present- map into ields .it(in t(e C!p!c"t.St!t-s C98P9A*A' +type
U%"tC!p!c"t.- o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type St!t-sA#!"l!ble.
I present& maps onto t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' o t(e type U%"tC!p!c"t.
.it( t(e interpretation: bit 0 C 1 implies $?9SS& bit 1 C 1 implies A*'&
bot( bit 0 and bit 1 C 1 implies =9'E.
I present& maps onto t(e 6rossM!;C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 0 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
6rossM!;C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e 6rossM"%C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 0 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
6rossM"%C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e NetM!;C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 1 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
NetM!;C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
I present& maps onto t(e NetM"%C!p!c"t. C98P9A*A' o t(e type
U%"tC!p!c"t.. I bit 1 o t(e C!p!c"t.Cl!ss C98P9A*A' is not C 1& t(e
NetM"%C!p!c"t. s(all be i#nored.
*ac( o t(e attributes +.(en present- map into ields .it(in t(e A#!"l!b"l"t.St!t-s C98P9A*A' +type
A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss- o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type St!t-sA#!"l!ble :
8aps to bit 0 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CS'%A/=D& 1C9ABIA*.
8aps to t(e T"eToO%ll"%e C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss. I bit 1
o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 1& t(is attribute
s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S.
8aps to bit , o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit 6 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to bit O o t(e A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S. I bit 1 o t(e A#!"l<l!5s
C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 0& t(is attribute s(all be i#nored.
8aps to t(e Re!so%<orNo8<C C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss .it(
t(e interpretation: 0CS'%?'UP& 1CUAS'%=B*. I bit 1 o t(e
A#!"l<l!5s C98P9A*A' o t(e type A#!"l!b"l"t.Cl!ss is 1& t(is attribute s(all be
8aps to t(e Re!so%U%!#!"l!ble C98P9A*A' o t(e 88S Aamed Variable o type St!t-sU%A#!"l!ble .it( t(e interpretation: 0C;9?C*/& 1CSCE*/UB*/& ,C'*S'IA$.& 6C*<UIP8*A'
8aps to t(e 0ro#"d"%5Reser#e C98P9A*A' o t(e selected 88S Aamed Variable +type St!t-sA#!"l!ble or
St!t-sU%A#!"l!ble- .it( t(e interpretation: 0CA9& 1CD*S.
<orec!st M!pp"%5 <orec!st M!pp"%5
'(e ;orecast ?eport 9b0ect is mapped onto an 88S Aamed Variable .it( name <orec!st and type <orec!st.
'(e ;orecast ob0ects are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S Aamed Variables& but only instantaneously
.(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed Variables used to map t(e ;orecast ob0ect model are
only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return t(e 88S %ccess ?esult 9=S*C'-%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en
read or .ritten.
'(e ob0ect attributes map as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e <orec!stSc2ed-leRe$ere%ceID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
8aps to t(e 0l!%tRe$ere%ceID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
8aps to t(e U%"tID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
8aps to t(e <orec! C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st .it( t(e
interpretation: bit 0 set to 1 or $*A*?%'I9A& bit 1 set to 1 or ?*S*?V*& bot( bits 0 and 1 set to 1 or =9'E.
8aps to t(e St!rtT"e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
8aps to t(e 0er"odResol-t"o% C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
8aps to t(e N-berO$0er"ods C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable named <orec!st.
?epresented as a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables in t(e report. ;or eac( entry in t(e Bist9;orecasts:
1- ?eport t(e identiier o t(e loatin# point )alue M? as t(e )alue o an 88S
Aamed Variable .it( name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id.
,- ?eport t(e identiier o t(e inte#er )alue 8<C=Code as t(e )alue o an 88S
Aamed Variable .it( name M!tr";=Id and type M!tr";Id.
6- ;or eac( time period bein# reported:
?eport t(e 8! )alue and t(e B;CICode )alue as t(e )alues o an
88S Aamed Variable .it( name I%te5er=Arr!.=) and type
C-r#e M!pp"%5 C-r#e M!pp"%5
Cur)e 9b0ects are mapped to a se4uence o 88S Aamed Variables. '(e irst )ariable +name C-r#e& type C-r#e-
deines t(e #lobal inormation about t(e cur)e: name& reerence identiiers& cur)e type& and number o cur)e
se#ments. *ac( se#ment o t(e cur)e is represented as:
1- an 88S Aamed Variable +name C-r#e=Se5e%t& type
,- an 88S Aamed Variable +name <lo!t=Arr!.=@@& type <lo!tArr!.@@& .(ere
MM is t(e number o coeicients used to describe t(e cur)e se#ment.
'(e Cur)e ob0ects are mapped to a se4uence o one or more 88S Aamed Variables& but only instantaneously
.(ile t(e report is bein# #enerated. *ac( o t(e 88S Aamed Variables used to map t(e Cur)e ob0ect model are
only used in 88S Inormation ?eports& and return t(e 88S %ccess ?esult 9=S*C'-%CC*SS-/*AI*/ .(en
read or .ritten.
'(e cur)e attributes map as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e C-r#eN!e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#e.
8aps to t(e 0l!%tRe$ere%ceID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#e.
8aps to t(e U%"tID C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#e.
8aps to t(e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#e& .it( t(e
interpretation: 0CUS*?I/*;IA*/& 1CE*%'I?%'*& ,CI9& 6CIE?& OC8V%?IC%P& 5CC9S'& 6C9P%CI'D&
1CS9M& 8CA9M& 9CC9,.
8aps to t(e N-berO$Se5e%ts C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#e.
8aps to an 88S Aamed Variable o name C-r#e=Se5e%t and type C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o%. '(e mappin#
o t(e cur)e se#ment attributes is as ollo.s:
8aps to t(e Order C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o%.
8aps to t(e 8o9R!%5e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o%.
8aps to t(e >"52R!%5e C98P9A*A' o an 88S Aamed Variable o type C-r#eSe5e%tDescr"pt"o%.
8aps to t(e elements o an 88S Aamed Variable o type <lo!tArr!.@@& .(ere MM is t(e .)alue o t(e Order
Use o$ S-per#"sor. Co%trol Objects Use o$ S-per#"sor. Co%trol Objects
'(e Super)isory Control ob0ect models +IndicationPoint and ControlPoint- are #eneric in nature in t(at t(ey do not
speciy t(e detailed de)ice be(a)ior bein# modelled. '(is clause pro)ides e7amples in t(e use o t(ese ob0ect
models to represent real de)ices.
Use o$ I%d"c!t"o%0o"%t Model
'(e IndicationPoint model is used to represent arbitrary data input rom de)ices suc( as status points
+Point'ypeCS'%'* or Point'ypeC/ISC?*'*-& analo# points +Point'ypeC?*%B-& and counter )alues
+Point'ypeC/ISC?*'*-& and 'ransormer step positions +Point'ypeC/ISC?*'*-.
Point'ype S'%'* is recommended or status points +sin#le or double- .it( up to t(ree states .(ereas Point'ype
/ISC?*'* is recommended or status points .it( more t(an t(ree states. '(e PointValue )alues o type
S'%'* are used to represent speciic de)ices positions:
00 0) )0 )) De#"ce
=et.een 'ripped Closed In)alid disconnector
=et.een 9 9n In)alid disconnector
In)alid 9 9n In)alid brea"er
In)alid %uto 8anual In)alid
In)alid Aormal %larm In)alid
In)alid Bocal ?emote In)alid
In)alid ?aise In)alid
In)alid Aot ?eady ?eady In)alid
In)alid 9line %)ailable In)alid
I /ISC?*'* is used or sin#le and double point inormation& t(e PointValue )alues o type /ISC?*'*
+inte#er- are used to represent speciic de)ice positions:
0 ) 2 7 De#"ce
=et.een 'ripped Closed In)alid disconnector
=et.een 9 9n In)alid disconnector
In)alid 9 9n In)alid brea"er
In)alid %uto 8anual In)alid
In)alid Aormal %larm In)alid
In)alid Bocal ?emote In)alid
In)alid ?aise In)alid
In)alid Aot ?eady ?eady In)alid
In)alid 9line %)ailable In)alid
%nalo# inputs may be represented as eit(er Point'ypeC?*%B +i scalin# and normali:ation procedures are done at
t(e '%S*., ser)er end- or as Point'ypeC/ISC?*'* +i ra. )alues are bein# input-.
Use o$ Co%trol0o"%t Model
'(e ControlPoint model is used to represent arbitrary data output as s.itc(in# commands to de)ices suc( as
s.itc(in# de)ices and transormers +ControlPoint'ypeCC988%A/-& analo# and di#ital setpoints to de)ices or
units suc( as units +ControlPoint'ypeCS*'P9IA'-. '(e )alues o type C988%A/ +inte#er-
are used to represent speciic de)ice s.itc(in# commands:
0 ) De#"ce
'rip Close s.itc(
9pen Close s.itc(
9 9n s.itc( ?aise transormer
%nalo# outputs may be modelled as eit(er ControlPoint'ypeC?*%B +i scalin# and normali:ation procedures are
done at t(e '%S*., ser)er end- or as ControlPoint'ypeC/ISC?*'* +i ra. )alues are speciied-.
De#"ce O-t!5e Us!5e
Ao special interpretation o t(e /e)ice 9uta#e model is deined.
I%$or!t"o% 4-$$er Us!5e
Ao special interpretation o t(e Inormation =uer model is deined.
0o9er 0l!%t Us!5e
Ao special interpretation o t(e Plant models are deined.
Co%$or!%ce Co%$or!%ce
'(e ob0ect models in t(is section o 810-6 (a)e been #rouped accordin# to t(e ser)ice conormance bloc"s as
deined in Clause 9 o t(e uture I*C 810-6-506. '(e tables deine in detail t(e conormance
re4uirements o '%S*., implementations. '(rou#(out t(ese tables& t(e t(e entry 9 implies optional& and 8

implies t(at t(e construct is mandatory or conormance bloc" %+ as deined abo)e.
S-per#"sor. Co%trol !%d D!t! Ac/-"s"t"o% Cl"e%t Ser#er
IndicationPoint 9b0ect 8
ControlPoint 9b0ect 8
Protection*4uipment*)ent 9b0ect 9 9
Tr!%s$er Acco-%ts Cl"e%t Ser#er
'ranser%ccount 9b0ect 8
'ransmissionSe#ment 9b0ect 8
ProileValue 9b0ect 8
%ccount?e4uest 9b0ect 9 9
De#"ce O-t!5e Cl"e%t Ser#er
/e)ice9uta#e 9b0ect 9 9
I%$or!t"o%4-$$er Cl"e%t Ser#er
Inormation=uer 9b0ect 8
0o9er 0l!%t Cl"e%t Ser#er
%)ailability?eport 9b0ect 9 9
?eal'imeStatus 9b0ect 9 9
;orecastSc(edule 9b0ect 9 9
Cur)e 9b0ect 9 9 System /ynamic 9b0ects 9 9
A%%e; A A"%$or!t"#eB - Tr!%s$er !cco-%t e;!ples
In t(is e7ample scenario& utility % sells utility * 10000 8! or t(e irst (our and ,0000 8! or t(e second (our.
'(e ener#y is tranmitted to * )ia t(ree dierent pat(s +t(rou#( utlity =& t(rou#( utility C& and t(rou#( utlity /-.
'(ere are t(us si7 transmission se#ments:
Se5e%t <"rst >o-r AM?B Seco%d >o-r AM?B
%-= 5000 10000
=-* 5000 10000
%-C ,000 O000
C-* ,000 O000
%-/ 6000 6000
/-* 6000 6000
'(e total ener#y transered is to be 100008! or t(e irst (our& and ,00008! or t(e second. ;or eac( se#ment&
one loatin# point 4uantity is reported +e#. 8!-. ;or t(e entire transaction& t.o loatin# point 4uantities are
reported +e#. price and total 8!-.
'(is transaction .ould be represented as ollo.s:
1- '(e irst 88S Aamed Variable describes t(e conditions .(ic( tri##ered t(e report:
name '%IConditionsI/etected& type '%Conditions/etected& )alue:
bitstrin#& .it( bit 0 set +=eore'(eEour-
,- '(e ne7t 88S Aamed )ariable is o type '%Se#mentsPeriodic& .it( name '%ISe#mentsIPeriodic& )alue:
'ranser%ccount?e: 100,
SendUtility: %
?ec)Utility: *
Sellin#Utility: %
=uyin#Utility: *
'imeStamp: Utime o transmissionV
Aame: UnameV
Start'ime: 1,:00
Period?esolution 6600 seconds
AumberBocal?eerences: 0
Aumber9Se#ments: 6
Aumber;loatIds ,
AumberInte#erIds 0
AumberPeriods ,
6- '(e ne7t )ariable is o type '%'ransmissionSe#ment& name '%I'ransmissionISe#ment& representin# t(e
(eader )ariable or t(e se#ment:
'ransmission?eerence +%-=-
Util!(eelin#: =
UtilPayin#: *
'ransmissionSe#'ype: 9U'I9ABD
UtilIn: %
Util9ut: =
Interc(an#ePtIn: Ui#noredV
Interc(an#eP9ut: Ui#noredV
Interc(an#ePt: Ulocal reerence o t(e tieV
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
O- '(e ne7t )ariable reports t(e meanin# o .(at is bein# reported or t(e se#ment. Since t(ere is only one )alue
bein# reported +one column in t(e coneptual matri7- t(ere .ill be only one identiier:
8atri7IId& type 8atri7Id& )alue: 8!
5- Since t(ere are t.o time periods +(ours- or t(e account report& t(ere .ill be t.o )ariables +ro.s o t(e
conceptual matri7- reported& eac( o len#t( 1:
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 5000-
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 10000-
6- '(e se4uence +'%I'ransmissionISe#ment& 8atri7IId& and ;loatI%rray1 is repeated or eac( o t(e remainin#
se#ments bein# reported:
;or se#ment ,:
'ransmission?eerence +=-*-
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
8atri7IId& type 8atri7Id& )alue: 8!
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 5000-
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 10000-
;or se#ment 6:
'ransmission?eerence +%-C-
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
8atri7IId 8!
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C ,000-
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C O000-
;or se#ment O:
'ransmission?eerence +C-*-
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
8atri7IId 8!
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C ,000-
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C O000-
;or se#ment 5:
'ransmission?eerence +%-/-
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
8atri7IId 8!
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 6000-
;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 6000-
;or se#ment 6:
'ransmission?eerence +/-*-
Aumber;loatIds 1
AumberInte#erIds 0
8atri7IId 8!
Aame: ;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 6000-
Aame: ;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alue represents total 8! +;loatI%rray1Q0R C 6000-
1- ;inally& .e can include t(e )ariables .(ic( represent t(e o)erall transaction bet.een % and *:
8atri7IId P?IC*
8atri7IId 8!
Aame: ;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alues or price and total 8! or t(e irst (our:
;loatI%rray1Q0R C 10000& ;loatI%rray1Q1R C 50.00
Aame: ;loatI%rray1& type ;loat%rray1& )alues or price and total 8! or t(e second (our:
;loatI%rray1Q0R C ,0000& ;loatI%rray1Q1R C 50.00

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