Press Conference To Expose Zaid Hamid, by Emaad Khalid

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Press Conference by Emaad Khalid s/o Air Commodore (Retired) Khalid Iqbal

Zaid Hamids Staff Officer and Media Coordinator (from Jan 2009 to March 2013)

To expose Zaid Hamid, the Enemy of Islam and Pakistan

[Karachi Press Club 20th November 2013] 1) The purpose of this press conference is to expose the reality of Zaid Hamid. Some Pakistanis, especially the youth, consider Zaid Hamid to be a patriot and a staunch Muslim, even their Khalifah, but the truth is that Zaid Hamid is an enemy and traitor to this Pak Sarzameen and its Armed Forces and to the Muslim Ummah. Irrefutable and strong proofs and witnesses are present, which prove both of these aspects beyond any doubt. Some of these proofs have already been shared on social media and many Pakistanis know the truth about Zaid Hamid, but now a proper concerted effort is required to expose this Munafiq Zaid Hamid for the good of Pakistan and Islam. In this regard, I have also filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Pakistan against Zaid Hamid for his attempts to instigate a bloody mutiny in the Pakistan Army and other serious charges. 2) In front of the world, Zaid Hamid poses as the well-wisher and supporter of Pakistan Army and ISI, and even pretends to be their spokesperson or representative. The followers of Zaid Hamid are fooled into believing this because of his Psy-Ops and cleverly-crafted statements. But the reality is that Zaid Hamid is working on the enemies agenda as he is trying to instigate a mutiny in Pak Army, by creating a dangerous divide between the junior officers and their top command, and by inciting extreme rage and anger for the top command (especially for the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani) in the hearts and minds of the junior officers, even going to the extent of trying to find a Mumtaz Qadri in the Military Intelligence for assassinating the top leadership of Pakistan, especially the Army Chief General Kayani. 3) Besides spreading such venom through private / personal meetings, Zaid Hamid sends treasonous and mutinous material in the form of weekly Sit-Reps (Situational Reports), policy papers, emails and text messages to about 1000 Armed Forces officers, most of whom are junior officers. In these Sit-Reps, policy papers, emails, and text messages, based on falsehoods and unjustified propaganda, Zaid Hamid continuously spits venom against the military leadership (especially the Army Chief) severely criticizing their actions and policies and portraying them as weak, afraid, confused and divided among themselves. Zaid Hamid clearly implies that the military leadership does not care about the Shahadats and sacrifices of their juniors , rather they are the supporters and allies of the same US/NATO forces who are causing the deaths of the junior officers, implying that the top command has been compromised by the enemy and is busy in pleasing the Crusaders. Zaid Hamid has openly declared the Army Chief as compromised and sold out in his private meetings and emails. Zaid Hamid also used to malign the then DG MI General Naushad Kayani and would pray that he died of his cancer, only because he had put an official ban on the meeting of any Army officer

with Zaid Hamid, and on the spreading on Zaid Hamids publications / ideology among Army officers. 4) The main reason for which Zaid Hamid wanted General Kayani to be assassinated or removed by force through a revolt / mutiny within the Army is General Kayanis support to Democracy, the Constitution of Pakistan and the electoral process. Zaid Hamid became even more venomous in his campaign against General Kayani when General Kayani clearly displayed his strong support to Democracy not only through his words but also through his actions. While the whole nation, political leaders, Islamic Scholars, Judiciary, and media respect General Kayani and appreciate this commendable stand taken by him, Zaid Hamid hates General Kayani and is his sworn enemy, abusing and maligning him openly on a routine basis in front of his close circle of Armed Forces and civilian friends. Zaid Hamid desperately wanted General Kayani to become another General Musharraf for Pakistan. Another point of importance is that Zaid Hamid was a close friend and unofficial advisor of General Musharraf and used to advise him on important matters on a daily basis for several years. Especially in 2007, Zaid Hamid strongly supported General Musharraf and the same year he started appearing on mainstream media. Zaid Hamid also supported General Musharraf in the Lal Masjid case and the Emergency declared on 3rd November 2007. Even the words spoken by General Musharraf (in his Emergency declaration), seem to be Zaid Hamids words being spoken by General Musharraf they are such a clear depiction of the ideology and views of Zaid Hamid. 5) If people like Zaid Hamid are given a free hand to say whatever they want to say on mainstream and social media and to carry on this propaganda campaign in order to bring another military dictator, then all the efforts that have been made by the current military and civil leadership to strengthen Democracy and to develop strong civilmilitary relations might suffer a serious blow. It is the duty of the Government (especially the Ministries of Interior and Defence), the Judiciary, the Military Intelligence, PTA and PEMRA to ensure that propagandists like Zaid Hamid are strictly checked and stopped from spreading this venom, confusion, despondency, fitnah and fasaad. Proper investigation must be carried out to check who is behind this sinister campaign being run by Zaid Hamid, who else is part of this campaign, and which enemy of Pakistan is using Zaid Hamid and his likes to bring their own puppet to rule over Pakistan? At this point in time when everyone is striving for unity and harmony among various organs of the state, why is Zaid Hamid trying to create dangerous divides and clashes among them? Why does he keep spreading hatred by lying blatantly on mainstream media, by giving false statements such as Pak Arm y ko Pakistani media humiliate kar raha hai aur galian dey raha hai (Pak Army is being humiliated and abused by Pakistani media!)? Is this not an outright lie? When everyone is striving for peace, why is Zaid Hamid hell-bent upon bringing war, chaos and anarchy? Who will benefit from the consequent results of all this war-mongering? Why doesnt anyone put a stop to this dangerous propaganda being carried out to harm Pakistan? Zaid Hamid has been working constantly on this agenda even in his current programs on Din News (program name: The Debate with Zaid Hamid). For instance, in one program he said that Army should immediately declare war emergency

in Pakistan. In other programs and on social media, he has also openly demanded from Pak Army to move the 111 brigade and topple the regime, saying that it is the ONLY way to save Pakistan. 6) Zaid Hamid is doing all this under the cover of bringing about the system of Khilafat -eRashida in Pakistan and his so-called mission of Takmeel-e-Pakistan. Zaid Hamid claims that the system of Khilafat-e-Rashida can come only when the Army overthrows the regime to bring in a civilian caretaker setup backed by Army for at least 3 years, in which the caretakers (those in power) will be selected not elected (of course it is the ONLY way in which there is ANY chance for Zaid Hamid to fulfill his desire of coming into power). Depicting the same ideology and policy as that of TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan), Zaid Hamid orders his followers on social media to demand Khilafat, and to fight and die for it! Zaid Hamids agenda is also exactly the same as that of HT (Hizb-ut-Tehrir). HT also tries to incite Army into taking over and bringing Khilafat to Pakistan. Calling Democracy as the biggest Kufr and Shirk and DEMON-cracy is another part of this drama being played out by Zaid Hamid to achieve his ulterior motive. He claims that the leadership of Pakistan (civil and military) and even the Ulema-e-Karam are happy with the system of Kufr, that they see Kufr and accept it. Zaid Hamid strongly rejected the elections (before they were held) and ordered his followers also to do the same. He kept on repeating that if the elections took place then civil war, followed by external invasion and occupation, and even dismemberment of Pakistan was bound to happen (God forbid). Zaid Hamid openly claimed that he will hold only General Kayani responsible for the dismemberment of Pakistan because he had allowed the elections to take place and this CIA-backed Democracy to continue. This is not the only policy of Pak Army that Zaid Hamid has openly challenged and rejected. It is a common trait of Zaid Hamid to oppose and speak against almost all the official policies and stances of the Armed Forces and Intelligence Agencies of Pakistan, so it is ironic when some people are fooled into believing him to be the representative of Pak Army and ISI, and to be loyal to these respectable institutions. 7) To add to all this, Zaid Hamid has secret and suspicious links with foreign embassies and governments. He has had secretive meetings with foreign government officials and ambassadors etc. both in Pakistan and aboard. Moreover, Zaid Hamid sends the same venomous Sit-Reps (which he sends to the Armed Forces officers and which are full of venom against Pakistan, its military leadership and its institutions) to foreign government officials and ambassadors, and even to foreign media. Zaid Hamid also sells these same treasonous Sit-Reps to Riba-based banks, multinational corporations, gas and oil drilling concerns and telecommunication companies, for millions of rupees every year. 8) The real agenda and motive of Zaid Hamid becomes even more apparent when one keeps in mind his strong proven link with Yusuf Kazzab, the false prophet and Gustakh-e-Rasul (saww). Enemies of Islam always select such people for creating fitnah in Deen-e-Islam, for making Muslims deviate from the real path of Islam, and for damaging Muslim nations / countries. Abdullah bin Sabah and Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani are two

examples. All such people, including Zaid Hamid, know how to trick Muslims into believing them to be great Islamic scholars and men of God. But eventually Allah exposes them and shows their true face to the Muslims at large, Alhamdolillah, even if a few illfated and stray people keep on following them. Maulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri Shaheed had understood the reality of Zaid Hamid and his past and had made full preparations for filing a case against Zaid Hamid under 295-C, and that is why he was murdered along with his son and two companions. Zaid Hamid has been nominated in the FIR of Maulana Jalalpuri Shaheeds murder. 9) Zaid Hamids extremely close association with Yusuf Kazzab has been proved in many ways and there is no doubt left now that Zaid Hamid was and still is a staunch follower of Yusuf Kazzab and his blasphemous ideology. Yusuf Kazzab was proven to be a Kafir and Murtid beyond any doubt, and was declared a Kazzab by Lahore Sessions Court (and also by Fatawa from Ulema-e-Karam of different Maslaks). He was sentenced to death under 295-C and got killed in jail. Zaid Hamid was the biggest supporter and defender of Yusuf Kazzab at that time and still is. According to audio and video evidence, and testimony from several witnesses, it was proven that Yusuf Kazzab had declared Zaid Zaman (Zaid Hamid) as Sahabi-e-Rasul, that is, Yusuf Kazzab himself posed to be Rasulullah Hazrat Muhammad (saww) and his close followers as Ashaab -eRasul (Naoozubillah). This is just one example of his blasphemy. When Zaid Hamid started coming on TV in 2007 and people recognized him as Zaid Zaman of the Yusuf Kazzab case, Zaid Hamid started lying and changing stances to defend himself and his mentor Yusuf Kazzab. Zaid Hamid has never accepted the fact that Yusuf was a Kazzab and Gustakh-e-Rasul (saww). He claims that the judge Mian Muhammad Jahangir was corrupt and had taken a huge sum of money from Zia Shahid of the Khabrain media group to sentence Yusuf Kazzab to death. As always, Zaid Hamid has no proof at all for this claim. The proofs that exist make it evident that Zaid Hamid does nothing but lie blatantly to prove that Yusuf Kazzab was wrongly charged and sentenced. Everything regarding Yusuf Kazzabs blasphemy and his court case has been recorded in the form of books, newspaper articles and the final detailed court judgment of 183 pages. Almost all of this record is available on the internet (see links given at the end). 10) Another matter of great concern is that Zaid Hamids friend Mubasher Lucman is also spreading Zaid Hamids ideology through mainstream media. For instance, Mubasher Lucman did a whole program (Khara Sach) trying to prove that the COAS General Kayani is a CIA agent. Isnt this as dangerous and as wrong as saying that the martyrs of Pak Army are not Shaheed, whereas Hakeemullah Mehsud is? Moreover, Mubasher Lucman is the only person who did two complete programs (in 2010 and 2013) with the sole purpose of defending Yusuf Kazzab and Zaid Hamid. Mubasher Lucman even read wrong / fake court verdict (in 2013) in order to fool the public into believing that Yusuf had not been proven as a Kazzab by the court (which is a total and blatant lie). During the program Mubasher Lucman was reading Zaid Hamids words (Facebook post) but lied twice that he was reading the court verdict / judgment. No anchor has ever dared to carry out such Gustakhi-e-Rasul (saww) and Tauheen-e-Adalat on mainstream media except for Mubasher Lucman!

Links for information and proofs exposing the reality of Zaid Hamid
1) Latest Facebook page Unmasking Zaid Hamid:
This page will have almost all the significant information and proofs exposing the reality of Zaid Hamid (covering all the aspects). People who want to stay updated should join this Facebook page. 2) Official website of the Zaid Hamid Exposition (ZHE) team:
ZHE team updates this website with latest proofs and information about Zaid Hamid. Important information about Yusuf Kazzab and Zaid Hamids links with Yusuf Kazzab is also available here. 3) Petition filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan against Zaid Hamid on 11th Nov 2013: (Text of the petition) (News clip about the petition video)

4) 1st document The Real Face of Zaid Hamid 14th April 2013 111 pages
5) 2nd document The Real Face of Zaid Hamid Continuation # 1 19th April 2013 44 pages
6) 3rd document The Real Face of Zaid Hamid Continuation # 2 16th Nov 2013 50 pages
All three documents given above are important for exposing different aspects of Zaid Hamids reality, but the third document is the most significant (it contains latest proofs in the form of snapshots). 7) Scribd link of the ZHE team:
This page provides many critical documents, news clips and complete books exposing the reality of Zaid Hamid and Yusuf Kazzab. 8) Complete court verdict / judgment of the Yusuf Kazzab blasphemy case: OR
Reading this court judgment is essential to understand the actual truth about the fitnah of Yusuf Kazzab and his Khalifah and Sahabi Zaid Hamid (whose name has been mentioned more than 10 times in this court verdict). 9) Gustakhi-e-Rasul (saww) and Touheen-e-Adalat committed by Mubasher Lucman: OR
This page contains evidence which proves that Mubasher Lucman lied blatantly and read fake court verdict in his program Khara Sach (actually Khara Jhoot) on ARY News to defend the two Kazzabs. 10) My contact information:

Emaad Khalid Cell # 03215001370 Email IDs

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