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22 Mechanical Behavior of materials PS6 Solution Due: April, 6, 2004 (Tuesday) before class (10:00am)
1. The results of a creep test performed on a specimen of polyethylene at room temperature are given in the following table with graph. Time(hrs) J(t)10

0 0.6

100 0.708

200 0.724

300 0.738

400 0.749

500 0.757

600 0.764

700 0.768

800 0.772

Calculate and plot the strain as a function of time subjected to the following stress history for the same material. Stress (psi) 125 75 125 0 100 Unloaded Duration (hrs) 100 200 200 100 100

From the table (which read J(t) for every 100 hours, we can calculate J (t ) for each

relevant in this problem: 125 psi, 50 psi, and 100 psi.

2. Evaluate the viscosity of the simple glass shown below by the following approximate procedure. Assume that 50% of all the atom pairs in the glass are in a position permitting

an activated shear to the left (state A) and that the remaining 50% are in the complementary position (state B). In the absence of stress states A and B have the same energy F, and are separated by an activation energy of magnitude F * . The stress S raises the energy of atoms in state A, and lowers that of atoms in state B. The difference in energy between the two state is: F = 2 S where is the shear strain which occurs when an atom pair stretch from A to B, (which you may take to be unity) and 2 is the volume of 2 atoms. The vibration frequency (attempt frequency) of atom pairs is . Calculate the rate of shear, , of unit volume of the liquid, subjected to a shear stress, S , by calculating the difference in the number of

pairs jumping, per second, from A to B and from B to A. Assume that S << kT (this means that exp( S / kT ) 1 + S / kT ) where k is Boltzmans constant and T is the absolute temperature and derive an equation for the viscosity of the liquid. (You may assume that a switching event, although it converts a pair of atoms in state A into a pair state in B, also creates with the atoms surrounding it new pairs in state A, so that the fraction of atoms in state A remains constant and equal to 0.5).

3. A point on the free surface of an engineering component made of 2024-T4 aluminum is subjected to the following state of stress: x = 50 , y = 100 , and xy = 60 MPa.

The yield strength of 2024-T4 aluminum is 303 MPa, (a) What is the safety factor against yielding from Tresca yield criterion?

1, 2 =

x + y

x y 2

2 + xy = 140 , 10 MPa

The third principal normal stress is zero. ( 3 = 0 ) Then, the effective stress for the maximum shear stress yield criterion;

s = MAX ( 1 2 , 2 3 , 3 1 ) = MAX (130,10,140) = 140 MPa

The safety factor against yielding is 303/140 = 2.16 (b) What is the safety factor against yielding from von Mises yield criterion?

e =

1 2

( 1 2 ) 2 + ( 2 1 ) 2 + ( 3 1 ) 2 = 135.3MPa

The safety factor against yielding is 303/135.3 = 2.24. (c) Discuss the significance of the two yield criteria relative to each other. The von Mises criterion gives larger safety factor than the Tresca yield criterion. The safety factor obtained in (b) is larger than (a), in this particular case by 4%.

4. When coins are minted, they are stamped out in a die:

(a) Assume that die walls are frictionless, and that the coin slug is in an elastic stress state. Use both Tresca and von Mises yielding criteria to determine expressions for z in terms of ys (yield strength) and if we are interested in the stress required to just initiate yielding of the slug. (i) Find ys in terms of z and . From constitutive law,

x =
y =

1 ( x ( y + z ) = 0 x = ( y + z ) E

1 ( y ( x + z ) = 0 x = y = z E 1
1 = z , 2 = 3 =

(ii) No friction No shear stresses, so

(iii) For Tresca,

max =

1 3


1 1 2 , 1 ys z = z = ys , z = 2 1 2 1 1

(iv) von Mises


2 2 ys = ( 1 2 ) 2 + ( 2 3 ) 2 + ( 3 1 ) 2

2 ys

1 = z z 1 +0+ z 1 z , z = 1 2 ys

(b) Assume the coin has a diameter of 2 cm. For each yielding criterion, find the load required to initiate yielding in the new coins made of a gold-copper-nickel alloy,

ys = 450MPa , = 0.27 . Note that this load is much less than that required to produce
enough plastic deformation to actually stamp the coin.

z =

P > P = A z = (1 10 2 m) 2 z A
1 0.27 = 714.1MPa = z . 1 0.54

For both criteria, 3 = 450

P = (1 10 2 ) 2 (714.1 10 6 ) = 224kN
(c) If a new alloy (with the same yield strength but a Poissons ratio of = 0.37 ) was made available for use in this minting process, would you advise use of this new alloy? How would your advice be dependent on whether you used Tresca or von Mises in your analysis? z is strongly dependent on , and tends to as > 0.5 . Thus, an increase in Poissons ratio implies an increase in required P and would therefore not be advised. Since Tresca and von Mises yield the same relationship between ys and z , it would not matter which criterion was used. (d) What is the total strain energy/volume, U0, if E= 65 GPa?

U0 =

1 2 2 ( 12 + 2 +3 ) ( 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 1 ) E 2E 1 = 2 = 714.1
0.27 = 264.1MPa 1 0.27

U0 =

1 0.27 (264.12 + 264.12 + 714.12 ) (264.12 + 2(264.1)(714.1)) 2(65000) 65000

U 0 = 3.14MPa = 3.14 10 6 J / m 3
(e) What percentage of this total strain energy is due to the distortional energy/volume used to yield the coin material? Calculate UDIST directly.

G=E 2(1 + )

1 ( 1 2 )2 + ( 2 3 )2 + ( 3 1 )2 12G
= 65000 / 2 /(1 + 0.27) = 25591MPa


1 2 0 + 2(264.1 714.1) = 1.32 10 6 J / m 3 12(25591)

5. Consider a fiber-reinforced composite material with the fibers aligned with the 2direction as shown below. It has been found that for this material the yield strength in the 2-direction, 2 y , is greater than the yield strength in the 1-direction, 1 y . To characterize the biaxial yield of this material, a modified von Mises yield criterion as shown below (with 3 =0) works well.
1 2 1y 2 y 2 + 2y

1 + 1y


(a) For the specific case where 1 y = y and 2 y = 2 1 y = 2 y sketch out the yield surface. The yield surface is shown below, along with the regular von Mises (same yield stress in both directions) for comparison. The stresses are normalized by stress y . The main point is to realize that it should have a shape similar to the regular von Mises surface, but stretched out in the 2-direction.

(b) Consider two pressure vessels with a radius r and a thickness t, with the thickness t <<r. Both have closed ends, and both have been made with this fiber-reinforced material. One has been made with the fibers running along the axis of the cylinder, while the other has been made with the fibers along the circumferential (or hoop) direction, as depicted below. Assume that each one is pressurized by an internal pressure p . Calculate the pressure required to cause yielding in each case in terms of y , r and t.

We know that for a pressure vessel the hoop ( ) and axial ( zz ) stresses are given as = pr / t and zz = pr / 2t . Plug these expressions into the equation for the yield criterions to find the pressure required for yielding. Case 1 (fibers in axial direction): We know that the stress in the 2-direction = zz = pr / 2t , and the stress in the 1-direction = = pr / t . So we have that: pr / t pr / 2t pr / t pr / 2t + + =2 2 2 y y y y
2 2 2

3 pr 4t y

4 pr + 4t y

pr + 4t y

2 = 2 , (9 + 16 + 1)( pr ) 2 = 32t 2 y

t 4 t 2 16 2 y, p= y 2 r 13 r 13 Case 2 (fibers in hoop direction): We know that the stress in the 2-direction = pr / t , p2 = and the stress in the 1-direction = zz = pr / 2t . So we have that: pr / 2t pr / t pr / 2t pr / t + + =2 2 2 y y y y pr 2 2t y
2 t 2 = 2 , p2 = 4 t y ,p=2 y 2 r r 2 2 2 2

So the pressure required to cause yielding in the cylinder is greater for the cylinder with the fibers aligned with the hoop direction.


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