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1. Complete with SHOULD or SHOULDNT.

1. If it is raining, you ___________ take an umbrella. 2. My car has broken down. I think I ___________ call the mechanic.

3. Saras hair is very long. I think she ____________ go to the hairdressers.

4. Nathalie is very ill today. She ___________ go out.

5. Lui is very fat. He ___________ eat more salads. He ___________ eat so much junk food.

6. The road is very wet. I think you ___________ drive too fast.

7. Clare is very shy. She ___________ be more natural and self confident.

8. Tom __________ eat many sweets. It is bad for his teeth.

9. I have a party tonight. What ___________I wear?

10. Michael has temperature. He __________ call the doctor.

11. They have a test tomorrow. They ___________ go to the cinema.

12. You look so tired. You __________ go to bed early.

2. Read the conversation and complete with SHOULD or SHOULDNT .

Chris: Hey!! Are you sure this is the right way, Charlie? Charlie: Eh.. I think we are lost! Gaby: We 13) ___________ have come this way. We 14) ___________ have followed the map. Chris: Oh no! What 15) ___________ we do? Charlie:Well, we16) ___________ worry. Gaby: I think we 17) ___________ ask some directions. Chris: That is a good idea. Who 18) ___________ we ask? Gaby: Charlie! Charlie: what? Gaby: You 19) ___________ go off on your own. Charlie: Do not worry. Gaby: We 20) __________stay together.

3. Check your answers.

ACTIVITY 1 1. If it is raining, you should take an umbrella. 2. My car has broken down. I think I should call the mechanic. 3. Saras hair is very long. I think she should go to the hairdressers. 4. Nathalie is very ill today. She shouldnt go out. 5. Lui is very fat. He should eat more salads. He shouldnt eat so much junk food. 6. The road is very wet. I think you shouldnt drive too fast. 7. Clare is very shy. She should be more natural and self confident. 8. Tom shouldnt eat many sweets. It is bad for his teeth. 9. I have a party tonight. What should I wear? 10. Michael has temperature. He should call the doctor. 11. They have a test tomorrow. They shouldnt go to the cinema. 12. You look so tired. You should go to bed early. ACTIVITY 2 13. Should 14. Should 15. Should 16.Shouldnt 17. Should 18. Should 19. Shouldnt 20. Should

Should/ Shouldnt by Daria Gnesis Luna Ramrez is licensed under a Creative Commons ReconocimientoNoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra

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