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*Regular Sunday Worship Times

*except Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, and Easter

5:00 a.m. - Korean Prayer Service (Daily) 8:00 a.m. - Worship with Communion Service 9:15 a.m. - JOURNEY Acts 2:42 (Hammill Hall) 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship (Sanctuary) 11:00 a.m. - Childrens Worship (inkWELL) (Room 101, Bldg. 100) 11:00 a.m. - FUZE Caf (Youth) (Upstairs, Building 100) 11:00 a.m. - Servicio en Espaol (Hammill Hall) 1:00 p.m. - Korean Prayer Service & Lunch (Sanctuary/Room 101) 6:00 p.m. - Brazilian Worship Service (Hammill Hall)

Highlights: November 17th ~ November 24th

9:15am 10:45am 11:00am 11:00am 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm MONDAY 7:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm TUESDAY 9:30am 9:30am 10:00am 10:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm WEDNESDAY 9:30am 9:30am 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:00pm THURSDAY 10:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm FRIDAY 5:00pm 6:00pm SUNDAY 12:30pm 5:30pm SUNDAY Childrens Ministry Leader Training (105) God Loves You Bible Study (116) FUZE Caf Youth Worship (Multipurpose Rm) inkWELL Childrens Worship (Rm. 101, Bldg. 100) Childrens Christmas Play Rehearsal (101) Administrative Board (100) FUZE Together Youth Ministry (Multipurpose Rm) Band of Brothers (Big View DinerDiner-Ardrey Kell/521) Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) Prayer & Healing Service (Sanctuary) Disciple IV (102) Christian Believer (Library) Agape (101) HUMC Staff Mtg (Private) ESL Classes (A.M.) (100(100-106) Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry (10a(10a-1p) (Bldg. 300) Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) Disciple I (115) Communications Committee (Upstairs Conf. Room) Disciple II (113) ESL Classes (P.M.) (100(100-106) ESL Classes (A.M.) (100, 102 -106) Preschool - Regional Librarian(101) Singing in the Rain (118) Disciple III (113) Singing in the Rain (118) Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) Praise Team Rehearsal (HH) Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry (10a(10a-1p) (Bldg. 300) ESL Classes (P.M.) (100(100-106) Finance Committee (Conference Room) Preschool Parents Night Out (100) Spanish Band Practice (HH) Hanging of the Greens (Campus(Campus-wide) Pastor Phillip and Cheryls Retirement Celebration Pot Luck Dinner

Harrison United Methodist Church Weekly News ~ November 17, 2013

FOLLOW us on at #arbor1785 ~ LIKE us at

Sunday School Times: 9:15 & 11 a.m.

Newborn-Kindergarten: Childrens Wing next to Sanctuary 1st - 5th grades: 9:15 a.m. - Bldg. 100 - 1st floor

1st - 5th grades: 11 a.m. - Bldg. 100, Rm. 101 - inkWELL Worship
6th - 12th grades: Rooms 107-108, Building 100 - 2nd floor Youth: 9:15 a.m. - Multipurpose Room, Bldg. 100 Adults: 9:15 a.m. - Rooms 116, 118, Bldg. 100, & Library 11 a.m. - Room 118, Bldg. 100

The harvest display on the altar is to the glory of God and in memory of Harvey and Nancy McGinn, parents of Lee Caudle. Nancy and Harvey placed a Thanksgiving display on the altar in the Sanctuary for many years and now Lee carries on this tradition in honor of her parents.

26th Sunday After Pentecost

How to Contact Us Directly: Harrison Church Ministry Staff

704-541-3486 ~ Extension and email address are below:
Harrison Church Reception / Ext. 201 Rev. Phillip B. Cole, Senior Pastor / Ext. 202 Rhonda Hartweg, Pastor / Ext. 209 Tim Webster, Pastor & Mission & International Ministries Coordinator, Senior Adult Ministries Ext. 210/ Julie Curtis, Church Administrator & Financial Secretary Ext. 211 / Shawn Howell, Director of Childrens Ministy/ Ext. 208 Shawns Blog: Julie Lee, Childrens Worship Leader /Ext. 214 Anita King, Director of Adult Connections / Ext. 213 Carol Bonds, Preschool Director / Ext. 203 Rhonda Hartweg, Interim Youth Minister/Ext. 209 Ruth Million, Administrative Assistant & Service PowerPoint Designer / Ext. 212 - John Leon Lewis, Minister of Music / Ext. 204 Pat Moehring, Organist / Javier Perez, Hispanic Worship Leader /

After the service today, we invite you . . . bring your concerns to Christ with the help of our trained Stephen Ministers. Wherever two or more are gathered you can be sure our Lord is there. We would love to pray with you and for you! Blessings!
Our Stephen Ministers available to pray with you today are:

JOIN US THIS MORNING FOR OUR MEMBERSHIP & BAPTISM CEREMONY AT 11:00 WORSHIP SERVICE! Being Baptized Today: Abigail Grace Bischoff Hamilton Steele Schmidt Kevin Falkner


And wear your nametag...
Just a reminder that it will make it easier for Pastor Shane and his family, if you remember to wear your HUMC nametag! If you have misplaced your nametag or do not have one, but would like one, please call the church office (704) 541-3463 or e-mail Anita King at The cost is $6.00 per name tag it is magnetic, so it doesnt damage your clothing. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. Note: you do not have to be a member of HUMC to have a name tag!

Counters: Today ~ Sheri Zehrung & Phil/Debbie Cloninger

November 24: Alex Shumate and Kevin Harris December 1: Marilyn Doyon and Alex Shumate December 8: Vern Rainey and Vic Salvo
AA Ballantyne Alliance Acceptance Group Meets Here
at Harrison UMC in Room 302, Bldg. 300 Sundays: 2:30 p.m. // Mondays: 7 a.m. , Noon, and 7 p.m. Tuesdays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. // Thursdays: 7 a.m. Wednesdays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. Fridays: 7 a.m. & 8 p.m. // Saturdays: 10 a.m. For more information, contact

8:00 Priscilla Brown 9:15 Sally Ainslie 11:00 Cathy Morrison


Come celebrate Pastor Phillips 41 wonderful years of ministry at a pot luck dinner on November 24th, 5:30 pm, in Hammill Hall. Bring your favorite covered dish to share. This is also an opportunity to express your appreciation for Phillip's years of dedication to ministry by bringing a note or card of congratulations and best wishes!


For $25, you can purchase a large, red, bush-sized poinsettia! Purchases can be made after the 9:15 and 11:00 services on Sunday, November 17 and 24. Pick-up will be Sunday, December 1. Proceeds will go towards new flower arrangements for the sanctuary and roadside banners. Email any questions to Blair Sissons at


A rich Harrison tradition will continue its long run this year. For the 22nd year in a row, on Sunday night, December 15th, we will hold a Live Nativity scene. This Live Nativity is complete with live animals, Angels singing from above, and of course a real baby Jesus. This is one of Harrisons greatest annual gifts to the community and hundreds of people come each year to experience the real reason for the Christmas season. There are many places to volunteer. We need shepherds, angels, village people and Mary and Joseph and the baby. We can use folks to help set up on Saturday the 14th and tear down the night directly after the scene is over at 8:00 pm. We will have a table set up outside the church services for the next few weeks. Please consider giving just a few hours of your time to help bless the community with this event. Don Hemby will be around after each service to help you sign up. Or sign up at:

Visit our website:

Sunshine for Shut-Ins Ministry
Serving a Prison Term: Michelle Olivares. At Home: Pastor Mark Plummer, Dorothy Agathon, Chuck Kansy, Betty Jo Furr, Lydia Jennings, Dozier Murray, Hazel Robinson, and Nancy Hawfield.

When youre confined and away from home and from your loved ones, a card or note from those who care means so much.
Each week, we will select a member from our list of prayer concerns and shut-ins as a recipient for cards and notes from our Harrison family members. This week, we encourage you to share your love by sending a card to:

To Reserve A Room, Sign-Up Table, or Banner Space and all other Communications Needs, including sharing your news in the Weekly News ~ please e-mail by 5 p.m. on Mondays.
Articles may run in the newsletter up to 3 consecutive Sundays. When sending your submission, please indicate the 3 Sundays that you would like your article to appear. After the third run, articles will need to be re-submitted in a new format (wording) to run again.

Lydia Jennings 616 Bolick Road, Fort Mill, SC 29715

If you would like to reach out via card, note, or calls to someone not featured this week, please call the Church Office for contact information - 704-541-3463.


HUMCs Administrative Board will meet this evening at 5:00 pm in Room 100. All board members, please attend!

To promote your Harrison UMC Church Event or Group,

or to see our church communications policy, please visit under Member Area click on Event Check List for details.
When you are part of the scene and you see the reaction of a little child who sees their first angel or their first glimpse of the real baby Jesus, you will know you have just been part of something very special. Thank you for considering being part of this great outreach opportunity. (Worship) Follow Jesus

Harrison United Methodist Church, 15008 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, NC 28134 // 704704-541541-3463 (Main Reception) //

Serving at Harrison UMC

Harrison UMC!
Childrens Ministry: Infants 5th Grade FUZE NEWS...
This past Sunday, 19 Youth from Harrison spent the afternoon and evening putting their Faith Into Action. The day began meeting in Hammill Hall to prepare hot soup, rolls, and cookies. While the cooking was going on, a small group delivered two frozen turkeys to the Charlotte Rescue Mission for their Thanksgiving Dinner Campaign. Once the cooking was done, we headed uptown and set up a makeshift soup kitchen near the Mens Shelter of Charlotte. We served approximately 20 guests, listened to some stories, and had meaningful prayer. Our young people got a lot out of the event and they want to do this again, soon. In fact, they have come up with some new ideas for menus and how to logistically serve the guests. It was a real blessing to watch these young people put their faith into action. Find out whats going on in Harrisons Youth Ministry at:

From Missions
When Gods Children are in need be ready to help them.

(Romans 12:13 NLT)

Want to Serve?
If you are looking for a place to serve, contact Anita King at 704-541-3486, ext. 213, or Check the Harrison Weekly News for new service opportunities!

Our Missions Food Ministries:


Room in the Inn is a 17-week program which provides overnight housing for folks without homes (neighbors) during the months of December thru March. Harrison serves as a host facility each Wednesday night during this time. The neighbors are provided transportation, meals, showers, and overnight lodging. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to provide these acts of service. By serving, you can be the HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS. Groups and/or individuals are invited to sign up at: A20-room/10987907 Jean Jones will be Decembers Monthly Coordinator. Please call her at 704-910-5107 or 704-488-8359 with any questions or concerns. We will be in need of church bus drivers, so if you have never done this and feel you are able to provide this service, contact Julie Curtis at 704-541-3486 ext.211 or


Registration has begun for Confirmation Class of 2014. Please pick up a Confirmation registration packet from the church office or email for a digital registration packet. Confirmation classes begin January 19, 2014. Classes will be held Sunday afternoons from 3:00-4:30PM followed by a parent-provided supper. Cost is $50 (covers books and supplies) and is due with the registration form. Confirmation class is 18 weeks and for anyone in 6th grade or higher. Parent/teacher/mentor meeting will be held on January 5th at 3:00PM.

HARRISON UMC LOAVES & FISHES FOOD PANTRY BLDG #300, behind Hammill Hall ~ Open Tues. & Thurs. 10am-1pm

November Needs: Hamburger Helper & Stuffing Mix

Please keep your donations coming. Rest in the fact that your generosity feeds a multitude of adults and children. Clients have voiced that they and their children would go hungry if not for the Harrison Pantry. Our special food requests for November are hamburger helper and stuffing. Please no soup, ravioli or peanut butter! To know the joy of giving to the needy you need to visit the Pantry and observe for yourself. It is gratifying. Contact Dawn Bruner at if you would like to volunteer to serve or have any questions concerning Loaves & Fishes. BACKPACK MINISTRY The backpack ministry feeds 60 children from Pineville and Sterling Elementary schools each weekend. We need donations of 100% juice boxes, fruit cups, and applesauce cups. For additional information or to sign up to be part of the Backpack Ministry, please contact Kevin and Beth Harris, Backpack Ministry Coordinators at Thank you for your support!
All donations - may be left in the bins for Loaves & Fishes and for The Backpack Ministry ~ located in the Plummer Education Center (Bldg.100) Storage Closet #1 next to the kitchen on the first floor; also in the entry of Hammill Hall and in the Sanctuary Narthex. Childrens Worship Packs Are Available at Each Service Please see an usher during worship.


The Missions team will be hosting a rummage sale on April 26, 2014 to raise money for the lunch program we support at College John Wesley in Cap-Haitien. While Stop Hunger Now donates the food to feed this pre K-12 school for free, shipping, customs and ground transportation costs are several thousand dollars a year. To make this sale a success, we need your donations! Furniture, appliances, books, lamps, holiday decorations, knick knacks, etc. are all welcome. We also accept gently used childrens clothing. No adult clothing, shoes, or mattresses please. If you have items to donate, please email us at We will make arrangements to pick up larger items, if needed, or set a time to meet you to accept any drop-off donations. All donations are tax-deductible. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Join us for inkWELL Childrens Worship in Room 101, Bldg. 100 ~ Sundays at 11:00 a.m.



While the sound booth is under construction and creating dust, the kitchen will be closed for food preparation. Coffeehouse is welcome to use the kitchen on Sunday mornings to prepare for Journey. Just be aware that there is dust everywhere and we will not clean until the project is done later this month. We have been assured that this project will be complete before 11/24. Sorry for any inconvenience. ~ The Trustees


Its time again for our annual day to get together as a church family to decorate our facility for the Christmas Season! This year we will have food, fellowship and fun on Sunday, Nov. 24th from 12:30 3:30pm. Well start out in Hammill Hall at 12:30 and work our way over to the Sanctuary at 2:00. If you can join for the full time, or just part of it, or just want to stop by for a cookie, you are welcome! Also, if you have any silver, gold or clear ornaments that you are no longer using, please bring them by so we can spruce-up our decoration supply. Email any questions to Blair Sissons at


This year we will be joining together with Pineville United Methodist Church for our Thanksgiving dinner at 110 S. Polk St., Pineville, NC 28134. No RSVP needed, just come and bring a friend! If you would like to help with a dish for the dinner, you can drop off your prepared dish in the kitchen of the Plummer building #100 during the week before. The items that we are planning on serving that you can prepare and drop off are: mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, turkey, ham, rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce and pie. Please mark the food International Thanksgiving Dinner and if refrigeration is necessary, place it in the refrigerator in the Plummer Building. Please note that we prefer turkeys and hams that are fully cooked and carved. To volunteer to help or if you have questions, please contact Pastor Tim, It will be a wonderful time of food, fellowship, and conversation with folks from all around the world. Please join us! (Discover) Make Disciples

The flowers on the altar today in the sanctuary are to celebrate the baptism of

Abigail Grace Bischoff

...given by her grandparents, Sallie and Terry Jordan.


Stop by the Angel Tree after worship today to adopt an angel! You can help change the life of a prisoners child forever this Christmas!

(Serve) Transform Our Community!

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