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Students must advise in case of illness, on the first day, both the practice educator and Akmi Metropolitan

College Professional Practice Tutor, when they are unable to attend. Students must also advise when necessary anyone involved in transporting them to placement. hen a student decides that they are unable to attend a placement, or after a total of three days of absence at the most, they must complete an e!tenuating circumstances form and submit it to the Practice placement coordinator. The student concerned will then be advised if their reason for non attendance is valid. Should the reason be valid the student will be removed from their placement and the placement will be deferred. "n the event that a reason for non attendance is invalid the student will be advised accordingly and be instructed to carry out their placement. hen a student elects to dispute the initial decision, the e!tenuating circumstances will be ad#udicated by the Programme $eader and the Practice placement coordinator. Types of situations likely to be considered valid %!tenuating circumstances& 'ealth problem verified by the College(s )ccupational Therapy *epartment. *eath or serious illness of an immediate family member i.e. parent+guardian, brother or sister, son or daughter, husband or wife, partner. Ma#or household problems e.g. fire. "mpact of natural disaster, civil disruption or other ma#or ha,ard. Circumstances that will not -ualify include& %veryday, avoidable occurrences, and normal student pressures such as& Colds or known conditions such as hay fever .unless the effects are unusually severe/. 0ormal placement stress or an!iety e!perienced during preparation or the placement period .unless corroborated by medical evidence as a chronic condition and undergoing treatment/. Computer malfunction. 0on1serious domestic or personal disruptions .e.g. moving house, change of #ob, holidays, weddings, #ob pressure, failed travel arrangements, financial difficulties, oversleeping/. e!ternal work commitments. 2ailure to read 3niversity e1mails and notifications.

A deferred placement takes place when an e!tenuating circumstances form has been completed by a student and the form has been agreed and ratified by the ne!t available Programme 4oard assessment board. The student will receive an official notification from the College confirming the decision of the Programme board with an indication of time and the location of the deferred placement. This will count as a first attempt. *eferred placements will take place at the same time of year as the original placement where timetabling allows in the following academic year. hen the placement clashes with timetabled activities the programme leader will work with the Practice placement coordinator to arrange a suitable time. *epending upon agreement, the retrieval or deferred practice placement will occur over the summer before the student may progress to the ne!t level of the programme A re1sit placement occurs when a student has managed to accumulate 56 credits in the academic year, but has failed to meet the re-uirements of an assessed placement and the decision is agreed and ratified by the ne!t available Programme %!am board. The student will be receive a notification from the 3niversity confirming the decision of the %!am board with an indication of when the re1sit placement will take place. 7e1sit placements will take place at the same time of year as the original placement in the ne!t academic year. "n case the student fails to accumulate 56 credits, they will be asked to withdraw from the course.

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