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Jovany Garcia

BRIEFING What are the effects that Hot Cheetos can cause?
Hot Cheetos are one of the best food snacks there are. Its preferred from all ages. But what damage can it cause?

Who invented Hot Cheetos? It started in 1976 when Richard Montaes worked at the FritoLay Rancho Cucamonga. He has zero English skills. They dont know whether to call it luck or a crave but his idea came from a simple Mexican snack, corn in a cup. He saw the corn man add butter, cheese, chile in the corn. Richard thought to himself what if he added chile on the Cheetos. The story goes on and the experiments began in his mothers kitchen, he took some spices and mixed stuff around. Soon he showed everyone else and took it to the president of the company. Richards invention had begun to spread and sell all over the place. People liked the taste and asked for more, from their luck had begun for him. (Luviano).

How does the inside of our body react while eating spicy foods? All spicy foods can harm you; it is not good to eat too much. The spiciness causes stomach lining and gastritis. Gastritis causes the stomach lining to become inflamed and slowly break down, which leads to bleeding and holes in the stomach. It causes insomnia, can possibly mess with taste buds and causes bad breath. (Lui). Are Hot Cheetos addicting?

Many schools have started to ban Hot cheetos and they have become strict on selling them in cafeterias. Their lack of nutriction snd how some kids have become addicted made scientist look ove what is in them. Many children have said they eat at least 4 bags a day, even for breakfast. What does Hot Cheetos do to our bodies? (Castillo.) Hot Cheetos like any junk food The bottom line: Why Flamin Hot Cheetos are has a good side in this case, the Throughout this project I Sending kids to ER taste of it. It also has its bad side learned that my favorite snack Its not the only the schools: is which it hurts your body from wasnt so good after all. This Some doctors are taking issue with the inside. The worst part is that it can cause many symptoms to Flamin Hot Cheetos because they not only that it affects the inside the body and can cause great are leading to unnecessary of the body but the outside. It damage. It can be addicting if emergency room visits. causes acne and gaining weight. you eat it constantly. It not only Several school districts in Hot Cheetos lower your immune damages the inside of the body New Mexico, California and system and the bodys defense but the outside. Many children Illinois have made the move to ban system that protects the body end up in the ER because of it. the snacks from their campuses from germs and disease. (Lui). I came to a figure out that I because they lack nutritional value, need to stop eating Hot Cheetos and research suggest the snacks and any junk food that contains may create a brain response similar spiciness. I dont want to end to what is seen in individual who up in the ER just for eating are addicted to illicit substances. some junk food.
Should I Eat That? Project, HTHI Fall 2013

Jovany Garcia

Works Cited
2013. Castillo, Michelle.Why Oct. 2013 Flamin' Hot Cheetos are sending kids to ER. 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <>. Luviano, Tania. Our American Dream: The Janitor Who Invented Flamin Hot Cheetos. Fox News
Latino. 26 March 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <>.

Lui, Jenny. Hot Cheetos: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Mentoring in Medicine and Science. 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2013. <>

Should I Eat That? Project, HTHI Fall 2013

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