Eunson Dorothy 1999 Ghana

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Dorothy Eunson

Box 5722

Accra North, Ghana


Mrs. Tom Barkes

662 Golf Course Drive

Elizabethton, TN 37643

Volume 7 Issue 13

January, 1999
previously, the church leaders will charge the people a nominal price for each Bible so that they will value them more. The money received will be used to buy more Bibles. Many thanks to those who contributed the first time. If you wish to make a contribution earmarked for Bibles for Northern Ghana, you will enable many to read the Word of God in their own language.



To have the money for the college to build one faculty house and the Library /Administration building, I need $110,000. At the date of writing, there is $15,356.74 on hand. We are so grateful for each gift, either large or small, that has come in. Please continue to pray and plan and encourage your church to give a generous gift. If you are not in a church that supports the college, please consider giving a special gift marked "Building Fund" yourself



On November 16, the student body was transported by bus to the new campus site. After a time of praise singing, scripture reading, and prayer, a brief explanation of the campus layout was given. Then a total of seven
blocks were laid on the floor of the first three classrooms

Bro. Francis Addae, a July 1998 graduate, has moved to Salaga, a town in northern Ghana, with his wife and five children. He will work to plant a new church in Salaga and also visit, teach, encourage and advise village churches of the
Konkomba tribe. One Konkomba man is in his

by various individuals, from Vice President of the Board of Governors to the President of the student body. After
that, Patrick and Heather Cline were introduced to the

second year at Ghana Christian College and another is in his first year. There are no other trained leaders in the Christian Churches among the Konkombas. Thank you, dear readers, for making it possible for all these men to be trained for ministry. That is what the college is all about.

student body. Patrick continues to oversee construction while Kalbs are on furlough. Soft drinks and doughnuts were served after the closing prayer. Barbara Kalb wrote, "The ceremony was a real encouragement to us all, making our dream seem more of a reality."


Francis was working in Ivory Coast as a cook when he came in contact with the Bob Shefflers and Wayne Meeces who taught him the Word and then sent him to
GCC for more education.

1. The main hostel gate has been replaced. PTL!

2. Some money has been given for painting the present

campus. Children's classes in another church are also raising money for paint. More gifts for this purpose are welcome. If the money goes beyond
what we need, the extra will be moved to the New

From Salaga Francis wrote, " For now we see that the place is good is the rainy season, but those who are here tell us that things are not easy in times of
dry season, when it is difficult to have water to drink and

to get food to eat." It is necessary for Bro. Francis to hire a tutor for his children in the evenings because the local schools are so poor. Pray for him and his wife Sis. Mary as they learn the Konkomba language and culture.

Building Fund. We will need paint there, too! 3. We still need money for louver frames, glass louvers, and curtains for the present library.
4. Gifts to enable us to send a Ghanaian teacher for his

Master's Degree at Lincoln Christian Seminary are still being sought.



More than two years ago I asked for contributions to buy Bibles for Christians in Northern Ghana, as they are so much poorer than Southerners. We have used that money to buy Bibles in at least six languages. Two years ago
we purchased 300 Konkomba New Testaments. The

Now that Christmas is over, perhaps some of you will have time to think of the Sunday School teachers' quarterlies, primary age and up through adults, and the large colored teaching pictures that come in the visual aid
packets that are no longer being used in your church.

translation of the entire Bible into that language was just completed in October 1998. The last of the Bible money
was used for thirty-two Konkomba Bibles. As was done

GHANA. Please talk to Sunday School teachers or your superintendent or whoever is in charge of Christian


Education and the person in charge of Missions. Urge them to cooperate so that these useful materials can be
sent to me for use in Ghana.

I will be in Orlando until week after Easter. After that 1 will be on the road more and will have a number ot

temporary homes. You can always contact my forwarding agent by phone, letter or e-mail if you cannot
Some who read
find me.

We also need COMMUNION CUPS.

this may have little money but enough time and energy to
wash and sterilize with Clorox water the thousands of

disposable communion cups that your church will throw away in the next six months. Pack them in a sturdy box.. 1 will give you an Ohio address to UPS them to for shipment in August. We Americans are so blessed. Let's not throw away what others can make good use of.


To Thank God for: the safe arrival of the Kalbs in the

U.S. for a nine month furlough; safe travel for me by car

and plane so far; for all the gifts given in money and in
kind for the work; for the six baptisms and eleven


inquirers that resulted from a trip north to show the Jesus film and to preach in five villages and one town made by
Tim Bright and some students.
The National

I have visited seventeen churches so far.

Missionary Convention in November was refreshing and inspiring. As the African representative on this year's executive committee, Til have a trip this month to Peoria, IL for planning sessions for this year's convention to be
held there on October 21-24. Christmas was spent with

To Petition God for: tuition money for Brian Jennings for this term in his doctoral studies in England; continued
safe travel for the Kalbs and me and for Ghanaian

Church leaders (one of the latter was in an accident that

resulted in only cuts and bruises; another broke one leg

and dislocated the other hip in an accident); money to

family in Pennsylvania. Now back in Florida I am ready to plunge into library book acquisition with vigor. My brother-in-law is giving me his old computer; this will

build the new campus; a good response to all project


help generate catalog cards faster and will prepare us for

an online catalog in the future.
God bless all in this new year.

In His service,


Dorothy Eunson

East River Park Christian Church P.O. Box 250 - 1207 Broad Street

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Guaranteed

Elizabethton, TN
Permit No. 183

Elizabethton, TN 37643

Address Correction Requested

M/M Carl Bridges Johnson Bible College
Knoxville, TN 37998

Feb. 3,


Dear Friends and.Brothers and Sisters, Guess what I just did: sent a fax to SIAMA to reserve a plane ticket for July 24 or soon thereafter.

Perhaps you have noticed that there have not been any more $5,000
donations referred to in these letters. Just a l i t t l e at a time now.

I feel sure we will end up with enough for a house, at least.

From my letters sent to every church in Florida, I got 4 responses:

three "sorry, no's" and one personal gift "not for the mission". I cannot figure that last one out. One can't force churches to let you speak either. I went to three churches in Jan. and there will be three this month. It gives me more time to work on library stuff.
I've finished my dental work, and renewed my driver's license till the year 2005.. Spent days or 3 for NMC Executive Committee

planning meeting in Peoria.

done with NMC.

That includes travel time and ''waiting

I was glad Now I am

at the airport'* time. It was cold and icy up there. to get back to Florida. We are having a warm winter.

Two weeks ago I was taken by friends to a Gaither concert. It was a variety of groups, not Bill and Gloria except when Bill sang with a quartet or joined other groups for a verse. It was over at midnight! New experience for me. By the time we drove back to
Orlando, it was a 1:30 a.m. bedtime for me. Up at 5:30 a.m. to drive to Lake Wales for a 8;00 a.m. Missions Breakfast. The Sheltons from IDES were there, too. He remembers his visit to Ghana.

Addae is^if feasible.

He suggested we request help for a water supply project where Francis

I've forwarded that query to Enoch Nyador.

After that event I drove down to Sebring to try to see three different households. One was rife with flu so I canceled that. My first cousins Don and Kitty Bowman didn't answer the phone. Third house: success. Two little old ladies, single, who used to work in Ghana

with Baptist mid-missions. We had a fun time. After an overnight stay with friends in Lake Wales, I showed the slides in S. S. and listened to David Shelton in church. Spent Sunday evening and all day Monday with niece Rachel and family. Drove to St. Pete Tuesday morning and spent Vk hours in a used book store. Then home. Pretty limited work week because I took off again Thursday to go with the Young at Heart to Blue Springs in hopes of seeing manatees.
Luckily we saw three.

Saturday I went with 7 others from our church to Ladies Day at Florida Christian College. It was very good. Skipped one workshop to talk
to the librarian. The second workshop ' was good. Chose one on

Encouragement. In order to practice it, that evening I wrote notes to three acquaintances who are fighting uphill battles against cancer.
One is Bob Reeves.

For those of you in Ghana, do you know U. S. 1st class postage is

now 33^. The P. 0. underestimated the need for 1^ stamps for the


There were long lines and frequent outages.

I learned about it very late.

Ron and Doris, Eloise Grant Devore, the senior Hostetters F. A.^died
rather suddenly last spring.


Affiliate of




Dorothy Eunson 2565 E. Kaley AVENUE Orlando, FL 32806

Dear Contributors and Prayer Partners,



Missionary Tim Bright reports that a new church plant was begun
on February 7 in New Jerusalem, a suburban town near Tema. It

will be called Bethel Christian Church. Bro. Enoch Nyador, Director of FAME Ghana, is coordinating this effort. The new
evangelist approved by the national council of the brotherhood

is Hassan Izak, a junior student in the degree program at Ghana Christian College. Bro. Nyador will serve as mentor as
Bro. Isak continues his education. This is the second church

that has been planted by the National Evangelism Committee in the last nine months. Bro. Bright is a consultant with the NEC.

P.C. Cline arrived back on the field in September 1998.

Kalb. P. C.'s wife Heather reports...

He is

supervising the construction of the new campus along with David

"We finally feel settled here in Adenta. It's a small town about

A'/z miles from the site. The work on the building is coming along wonderfully! It's nice to be near the new campus The electric
company is putting in poles at the site this week...The kids and I love to go there in the late afternoon when the sun's not so


Hunter (3) looks for snakes and hedgehogs and Kayla (5)
butterflies! Last week the workers killed a

looks for beautiful


I hate that they killed it; it is one of the few snakes

that are not posionous.

I brought it home and cut it open so

It had

the kids could see what it looked like on the inside.

two rats and eggs in its belly.

in my little freezer."

When we were finished, P. C.

finished cleaning the snake and chopped it up for our house girl Ursula who cooked it up for herself. Now I have chopped python

Give thanks for the new church planting effort. Ask God's blessings on David Kalb's and Dorothy's efforts to raise funds for the new campus. Pray for Dorothy to make good progress in the library work she is doing.
In Christian love,

Dorothy Ev^son




Dorothy Eunson
662 Golf Course Dr.

Elizabethton TN 37643

Deax Contributors and Prayer Partners,


Ron Rife writes: **We were out to the new college site yesterday and the building

continues slowly up.

They are pouring the last of the lintels for the weight-bearing of

the roof and will continue on with the concrete blocks for the loadbearing walls for the roof. With seven full-time workers and hand work, i t takes a while." (This is a portion of the classron building.)

The total given toward a faculty house and the Library/Administration building now stands
at $29,000. Praise the Lord.

Hy immunizations are craoplete and my plane reservation has been made for July 27 to
return to Ghana.

On April 1, twelve boxes of books (6 M-bags) were mailed to the college for the library.
I will still look for others and will continue my research for cataloging information for
them and for the backlog in Ghana.

Since the beginning of my furlough through i^ril 1, I have visited 24 chiirches and made return visits to a few of them. On i^ril 9 I reluctantly leave Orlando and start my trek north, visiting more churches and friends. forwarding agent's phone number is (423) 543-8228, or she can be reached by e-mail at selcrabgwlreco net if you need information
aibont. me or my whereabouts.

Used communion ct^s and Sunday School materials can be sent to Hr. Robert Kalb, 1905 E.
St. Rt. 78, McConnelsville, OH 43746. He must have th^ no later than July 15.

PRAY for the faculty and staff of the college.

weather of the year to go.

They still have six weeks of the hottest

GIVE THANKS for the gifts to the Building Fund and pray that they may continue. Continue to pray for David Kalb and Dorothy Eunson as they individually travel to the churches to
share the story of (Siana Christian College.
In His service.

Dorothy Eunson


Affiliate of


Dorothy Eudsod

Mrs. Tom Barkes 662 Golf Course Drive

Elizabcthton, TN 37643
Se kra br&iwi reco.Det

Volume 7, Issue 14

May, 1999


DRIVER'S WIFE DIES IN FIRE. Maggie Aning, wife of


more than five years of hard work and endless trips to the lands department, the thirty-three acres purchased for thenewcampus of Ghana Christian College and

thecollege driver, sold electronic components. While on a business trip inNigeria in mid-April, the building in which she was sleeping caught fire, and Maggie died inthe fire. The wake-keeping and burial service were held in Accra on April
22 and 23 with local church members and college personnel

Seminary have been plotted on themaster plan ofthe

heavily involved. A fijneral service will be held on May 15 to

allowthe extended femily to gatherand mourn. Please pray for the Lord to comfort andguide the husband and four sons

1 clasromsanda setofbathromsareupto helintel

final cost of registration was $U500 since we had a freehold, not the usual 99 year lease. Glory to God.

department, and the college has the proper papers. The

between theages of 12 and 2. The children are among those

whoplay in my house andyard.

must be figured, based on thecostof the buildings to

be built, and that amount paid.

FEBRUARY CHURCH PLANT. Tim Bright reports that a

level. This is only a smallpart of the total classroom

new church was planted in New Jerusalem, a suburban town near Tema, theport city of Ghana. It is called theBethel Christian Church. The evangelist of thiswork is Hassan Izak,

building planned, butit will provide accommodation

for visiting work teams. Most of the on campus

a junior student in the degree program atGCC.

ADDITIONS AT FAITHWAY. Missionaries report that there have been 15 additionsto this young church since

electric poles are up, plus the poles to bring thehigh

tension lines across the main road. The internal wiring on the poles is almost complete. IDES GIFT TO HELP. IDES has approved our

January. Minister Ntim works hard tohold home Bible


request for $25,000 to build thewater and sewer system for the campus. This isthe next project to be
tackled as soon as the classroom unit is complete.


350 people from 15 congregations met for worship on Easter morning to climax theweekend convention at Akramang, a

village 20 miles from Accra. Some ofthese came just for the

HOUSE/LIBRARY FUND. As of May 15, the

total isup to$42,693.00. Praise the Lord! That covers our first goal of$30,000 for a faculty house on the new campus and set
us on the road toward our second goal of S85,000 for the

I.ihrary Administration Building. Four churches are still working and praying toward extra giving for the Building Fund. We are very, very grateful for thechurches and
individuals who have given and who are giving and pray that
even more will accept the challenge.

Missionaries from Ivory Coast and Benin joined those in Accra for a business/fellowship meeting on March 6. The number was small since many of us are on furlough, but it was
a happy and productive time.

CHURCHES VISITED. Asof May 3, the total number of

different churches visited is 31. I left Orlando April 9 and

have gradually made my way northward to Pennsylvania.

THIRD TERM HAS BEGUN. Ninety-four continuing

Along with the church presentations. It has been ajoy to spend

timewith family and friends andmeet new people. In

students havebeenregistered for the final term of the

academic year.

Newport News, VA itwas necessary to have the car radiator replaced, but otherwise, travel has been safe and comfortable.


Joseph Nsiah isnow writing a thesis proposal tosubmit with his application totheUniversity ofGhana to work toward a
Ph. D. This would not have been possible before GCC&Swas

Internet, I have been able to collect a lotof bibliographic

information that I need to properlycatalogue books that we haveas a backlog. I still have a long way to go, but I am

granted accreditation bythe Ministry of Education.


grateful tothe librarians at Atlanta C.C., Florida C.C., Johnson B.C., and Milligan College who have taught me a lot and
helped me along the way. BOOKS MAILED. So far, thirteen boxes of books have

Addison, theyoung man whom IDES and GCC missionaries raised money for when heneeded three heart valves replaced a few years ago, passed away recently. He had established a
church in Accra and builtit up to forty members. He was also known for his frequait witnessing to youth on drugs. We are

been sentbyM-Bags to Ghana for our library. Pray thatthose booksarrivesafely, as theycannotbe registered or insured.

saddened byhis early death, butpray thatall the gospel seeds heplanted will continue to bear fruit. Doctors say that his
death was not related to his heart surgery.



forwarding agent, has changed her e-

/kwy, Clymer, PA 15728.

Iluly 13 till departure will be do M/M Di Fay, 1535 Rte.


mail address. Tt is now sekrab^ From May 24 to

M^ 311 be at their home, while Tom teaches memore about computers and software I will use for tiie GCC library.
COMMUNION CUPS for us? Send them to Mr. Robert Kalb, 1905 E St. Rt. 78, McConnelsville, OH43746. He musthave

GIVE THANKS FOR: the fimds available for a faculty

houseand the beginning of fimds for the library; the

completion ofland registration for the new campus after five years; approval ofbuilding pamits; the gift from IDES for water andsewer system; ongoing construction ofpart ofthe
classroom building; the beginning of Bethel Christian Church; a goodregional Easterconvention of Accra Churches; safetravel for David Kalband for Dorothy; Dorothy's progress in Library research.
PETITION GOD FOR: adequate funds to pay for building

them nolater tfian July 15. David Kalb will pack his shipping
containCT at that time.

HOW TO MAKE OUT YOUR CHECKS. All checks should be made out "African Mission Evangelism." Please do

not make them outto Dorothy Eunson. Regular support for tiiecollege should besent to Mrs. Barkes in Elizabethton, TN. Special gifts for thenew campus building should besent to Miss Pat Metz, 1220 40"^ Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960. Miss Metz is the general treasurer for all of African Missi(Hi
Evangelism. DEPARTURE ADDRESS AND DATE. Some of you may

permits; comfort for the family of Maggie Aning; maturity

and wisdom for the leaders of the Awoshie Christian Church

as thetime rapidly approaches for them to be on their own after being supported for two years by Abeka Christian Church; health and strength for ministers and for faculty and
staff and families of Ghana Christian College.
In Christian love,

not hear from me through this gaieral newsletter until

September. By that time 1will be in Ghana, Lord willing. I will fly out from Pittsburgh, PA on July 27. My address from
Dorothy Eunson

East River Park Christian Church

Non Profit Organization

P.O. Box 250 - 1207 Broad Street

U.S. Postage Guaranteed

Elizabethton, TN
Permit No. 183

Elizabethton, TN 37643

Address Correction Requested

HORiZONS Mission Services

P.O. Box 13111

Knoxville , TN 37920-0111


Affiliate of



Dorothy Eunson
662 Golf Course Dr.


TN 37643

Dear Contributors and Prayer Partners,



Teachers and students have made it past midway of third term and
are looking forward to graduation on July 17.

At the building site, all of the electricity poles and wires have
been installed. The transformer has been moved to the

site, and the

corporation is trying to find a lift truck to lift it onto the poles


As of June 22,
to Scio, N. Y.

I have visited 37 churches with just one more visit


After my sojourn in Elizabethton, TN, I am the owner of a computer (laptop), generously donated by the Barkes's and printer. We also have a new library program. Thank you, am still learning.

a LARGE Tom. I

DISPLAY MATERIALS - This term, Tf if you live in Florida, you may write to Mrs. Ellen Elliott, 1620 Hamilton, Eustis, FL 32726, for

display items for Faith Promise rallies, mission fairs, etc. If you live north of Florida, you may write to Mrs. Tom Barkes, 662
Golf Course Drive, Elizabethton, TN 37643 for the same purpose.

CHECKS: Always make them out to AFRICAN MISSION EVANGELISM. Do not make them out to Dorothy Eunson, Ghana Christian College, or Mrs.

THANKS BE TO GOD: for many miles of safe travel this year; for a warm welcome by churches and individuals everywhere; for patient teachers and helpers during my introduction to the computer world and for God's help in overcoming the emotional barriers.
REQUESTS: for continued safety for David Kalb as he visits churches

for blessings on Twyla Bright on family visits in the U. S. and as she represents the college at the North American Christian Conven tion in Denver in early July; for Shefflers'safe return to Ghana on
July 7 and for my own on July 27.


Affiliate of


Dorothy Eunson
662 Golf Course Dr.

Elizabethton TN 37643

August, 1999

Dear Christian Friends,


As of July 28th, I am back in Accra, Ghana, West Africaa world of dustiness, noise, heat and people, people, people. The best part is seeing old friends and co-workers. Most of the staff are exhausted but still pushing through the August short term course. I have had many visitors in the house to welcome me back and bring me up to date on events. I did more talking than unpacking the first few days.

On my fifth morning here, I left with four men, including visiting PA preacher Bud Yoder, for a trip to visit Ghanaian missionaries in the far north. We
were in the FAME vehicle, and I did not have to do any driving. We visited four different evangelists and their work, including two FAME clinics. We

also saw at these sites five of the new wells funded by I.D.E.S. People in the north are much poorer than most in the south, and yet three of the churches gave us gifts: one chicken, three guinea fowl, several dozen eggs, three live goats and ten pounds of raw peanuts. The rains seem plentiful there so far; in fact, some villages have experienced flooding that drowned out the new crops of corn and millet. Our six day trip put me behind in getting settled, but the opportunity was too good to be missed.

On my first full day, Ron Rife took a couple of us out to see the new property. Although the shell of three classrooms is still very rough, i t was a thrill to see the actual building rising from the ground. P. C. Cline is also beginning his house. The foundations laid and the floor poured. I also saw the facilities for the new sewage system for the housing area.

There is still much to be done in the house to be fully at home and functional, but budget meetings have already begun and preparations must also be made for the September term. No library work yet! THANK GOD for my safe return to Ghana and pray that I may have the strength to complete the above tasks. More news in September.
In Christ, Dorothy



Dorothy Eunson

Barbara Barkes
662 Golf Course Drive

Accra N, Ghana
West Affica

Elizanethton, TN 37643


Issue 1

September 1999 was a special treat because both our

The plane trip back on July 27-28 was uneventful. Passing through customs was

"tour guide" Enoch Nyador, director of FAME work in Ghana, and Kwame Amevor, assistant driver, are dear friends.
We visited four different church

Some of you may remember my talk on "Five

Reasons Why I Should Retire." You may chuckle to hear that an amplified prayer meeting was held up the hill from my
house the very night I arrived, and on the second morning I was awakened at 4:30 a.m. by a Nigerian preaching the gospel at my gate for the whole neighborhood to hear. He continued for forty minutes. I
can smile now because I am fresh and

planters, all are our graduates.

Two are

with FAME and have clinics associated with the church work. Each of the four

has benefited from a new well provided by IDES. The wells are a great blessing to
the men, their families and their


At each stop we met some

of the local Christians and learned a bit

rested from furlough.

38,000 -

about their efforts to grow in Christ. Life is even more of a struggle in the

The other missionaries welcomed me with a

pot luck luncheon the first day after my

arrival, and they had put some food in
the house. It was wonderful to be back
with Ghanaian friends also.

than in the South. We saw many donkeys being used to help farmers. Getting food
and water during the dry season is difficult. While we were there, a fine rainy season had begun, but in some places crops had actually flooded out. Three churches gave us gifts out of their
poverty. We left most of them with the

Nevertheless, there were lots of things to be put in order for me to be fully functional again. Aii extremely noisy fridge was repaired: it is now quiet. An air conditioner was repaired to prepare the study to house the computer. A
special table was designed and built for the con^uter and printer. It has been sitting in the dining room till the
scent of the fresh varnish dies down.

local preachers because it is not convenient to carry live goats and live
chickens in a loaded vehicle.

Taking such a trip makes one appreciate

the relative comfort and sweet fellowship

in the place one calls home. I thank God for the faith and courage of the church planters and the Northern Christians.

I checked on a telephone application that

Cara Snyder had begun and learned that

there is a fault in the system in this area. Until it is traced and corrected,

no new phones can be added.

to use the college email.

I will try
Other tasks

My old truck has been used by the college

administration for 2 1/2 years for college business since I got my new one. It was already pretty well worn then, but now is too decrepit to be reliable,
especially since both the Administrative

were completed and some still remain.

The library and its 4,500 books have all

been cleaned (not meI organized the

project), but I have not even started on

the cataloging I came to do.

Registration and freshman orientation

takes place on the 13th and classes begin

the following day.

Assistant and Principal have problems with deterioration of the spine.

Although there were differences of opinion among the missionaries about

which funds should be used, many people


praying about the matter.


We came to a

good agreement and payment has been made. Praise the Lord. By the time you read


more than

this, the new vehicle should already be in use. It will have two full seats,
plus two jump seats in the rear for a total seating capacity of ten. Four of



us missionaries will be sharing the maintenance costs up to a point, and then

locally raised funds must take care of the rest, short of a major disaster.

opportunity was too

good to miss. Visiting Pennsylvania preacher Bud Yoder was along. The trip


On my first full day in Ghana, after the

Pray for Ron and Doris Rife, as they are on a short furlough from September 9 through December, that they may be led to men and women who can give to the Lord to
build the f i r s t unit of a


You can send me email through

this address:

GCCS@ighmail com. Keep in mind that I may check it only

twice a week and may not have the chance to answer every
casual correspondence.
Barbara Barkes, whose address


IS at the beginning, has a short video on the building

program of the college. You can borrow it for an update
yj of the work. Mrs. Ellen Elliott, 1600 Buena Vista

welcome luncheon, Ron Rife took two of us

to the new caucus. Although most of it still looks like an unkempt field, it is exciting to see actual classrooms rising

Drive, Eustis, FL 32726, also has a copy. She is the lady who keeps display items for your use. Please note the change in
her address. USE PRAYER POTICR

from the ground.

The rooms will be very

GIVE THANKS: for Dorothy's safe return to Ghana and for a good trip to the North;
for Kalbs' safe arrival in Ghana September 2; for a harmonious decision

spacious compared with what we have now.

At this point the walls are unplastered, but one-half of the orange tile roof has
been laid on this first unit. From now

on, we will call it a multi-purpose

building because that is what i t will
serve as when we first move the student

body there until other buildings are

built. The new electrical transformer

about the purchase of a new college vehicle; for the thirty plus students accepted for this term; for Dorothy's

has been installed on the poles, but we have not been connected to the hightension wires yet. P, C. Cline's house is beii'iy builL fast. It is above lintei

history of our group. INTERCEDE FOR: Rifes' refreshing but productive furlough Sept. to Dec.;
wisdom for all of us as we make decisions to bring our mission more in line with

level already.

They are determined to

move in by the end of November to avoid

IRS guidelines; wisdom, patience, and

paying any more rent. Manuel Adjei, the college office manager and an a. T.

strength for the teachers as we begin a

new school year.

lecturer, has been selected to occupy the house for which I raised the money. It will be built within the next year.
Thank you, all who helped.

God bless all of you for making my

furlough a good one.
In His

Love, Dorothy

East River Park Christian Church 1207 Broad Street

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Guaranteed

Elizabethton, TN
Permit No. 183

Eiizabethton, TN 37643

Address Correction Requested

M/M Carl Bridges

Johnson Bible College Knoxvllle , TN 37998


Affiiiot* or


October 1999


Dear Christian Friends,

Ninety Students in Class Registration was not as smooth as it has been because we tried a new method with those who had arrears in

fees, and it didn't work very well. However, we survived and started classes onSeptember 14. Afew latecomers trickled in, and the last lady arrived October 14, having been ill with a heart ailment. I am enjoying my English and Christian Education classes very much. One reason isthe weather has stayed relatively cool
longerthan usual. It is now warming up fast.
Library Work Lags

The most major work I've done isto spend two Saturday mornings inthe library office/storeroom arranging
and labeling boxes of booksstored there. I had a helper and thejob is abouttwo-thirds done. OnOctober 141

finally gotmy vohage regulator back after servicing, sothere are no further obstacles to setting up the
Visit to Swedru

One Sunday, my traveling companion Kwame Amevor and I went to visit the Christian Church in Swedru for

the first time. One of the first year students fi^om thechurch went along. He has resigned from hiswork as a government paid trained teacher because he is more interested inwinning souls fortheLord. The group meets in a nursery school and numbers about twenty-five. I admired the way they participated intheBible Study that preceded morning worship. Bythe time wegot home at 3:30,1 was very weak and hungry, so I've decided to take sandwiches or meat pies along on subsequent trips.
Budget Double Duty Always a time-consuming job, this year it had to be done twice because of one miscommunication and one

oversight. God was incharge because theoversight made it possible to clear upthe problem caused by the miscommunication. The second round fell largely to me, but I finished onthe 16^ and theTreasurer will cross check my figures. Actually, I like doing it; it strains my brain less than marking English essays.
New Arrivals

Not people! The new college vehicle is here and inuse. We thank God for it. The Kalbs' shipping container has also arrived and been cleared from the harbour. We all sent things init. I have my brooms, mops, folding chair, library supplies, maps, S.S. materials, and many thousands of communion cups. Thanks to all who

Thank God for a good beginning of a new school year; for our health; for the help given by ourmonth-long visitors from PA; for progress atthe new campus site; for additional electric meters atthe present campus to prevent the bills from being pushed into the higher rate so soon. Petition God for; a productive furlough for Ron and Doris Rife; a good teaching experience for Brian Jennings his term at Springdale College inEngland
and adequate support for his returnto Ghana in January.
Much love and gratitude to all of you. Dorothy


Affilials of


Dear Christian Friends,


December, 1999

Our lastdayof exams was December 1st, followed by a communion service anda Christmas party. It hasbeena good term for me. Giving up some of myformer responsibilities in the church hasmade mean easier-to-get-along-with person
and more relaxed. Onlya severecold kept me out of classestwo days near the end ofthe term.

Our Principal, Christian Adjei, has been ina wheelchair ever since we have known him. When notina wheelchair, he
moves himselfaround withhis arms. Nowhe is suffering painand some numbness in his rightarmand is in danger of eventual loss of theuseof hisarms if hedoes not have decompression surgeryon his neck where the nerves are being pinched.

Since all surgery involves some risk, Christian hesitated at first, butasthe pain increased, hedecided to go ahead with it. His blood pressure had to bebrought down before it could bedone, but we eTcpect theoperation to
be scheduled before the end of December. Pleaselift him, his family, andthe surgeon and nurses up in prayer.

I have enjoyed several church trips since the October letter. Our new plan isworking well: one ortwo students orother preachers are part ofthe team, plus one youth representative, my young fnend Kwame, who helps with the driving, and myself. Taking ourlunch along also works well! The third Sunday inOctober we visited a

church that had almost collapsed; the preacher had lost the sight ofone eye throu^ unsuccessful surgery and

was not able to beregular with the church. Also, a new church had come to that village, and perhaps the novelty of it had drawn members away from theChristian Church. I am delighted that after ourteam talked it over and
shared our concerns withothers, it looks as if a team will go therebefore Easter for a weekend or longer to help
revive and rebuild the church. NEW CAMPUS PROGRESS

The Clines' house isvirtually finished; they plan to move before the end of 1999. Kalbs' house isup to lintel level. The layout ofManuel Adjei's house has been marked out and the digging ofthe foundation begun. Oops!
Electricity has still not been hooked up.

Americans enjoy a 4th ofJuly celebration on November 14th. Ithad been delayed because of fears ofterrorism in July. Thanksgiving saw us worshipping in the morning atthe U. S. Ambassador's house (afirst). In the evening there were 200 ofus atthe American Club for a wonderftil turkey and potluck dinner. Several missionary families in addition to our college families will gather at Shefiflers for Christmas dinner and again
for New Year's Eve. I'll have a week's vacation between Christmas and New Years.


Thank God for: asuccessful first term; anew A/C for the office where the computers are; for safe ^avel by
student preachers, missionaries and others who travel for the sake ofthe kingdom; for EDES' contribution of $30,000 to provide maize for food as well as seed com for nine villages among many in northern Ghana whose
crops were flooded out this year. Petition Godfor: the safereturnin late December andearly January of Rifes andBrianJennings, respectively;

safe travel and happy reunions for Heather Hostetter and her children and for Tim and Twyla Bright during

special family trips to the U. S. during the holidays; for courage and protection for Christians facing opposition
fbom traditional worshippers of many gods here in Ghana.
In Christ's love, Dorothy

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