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A New and Radical Approach To Spiritual Evolution

By Stephen Davis Copyright 2010 by L & G Productions, LLC Some rights reserved

Table of Contents
Chapter 0 Introduction PART ONE The Movie Theater Metaphor Preface to Part One Chapter 1 Plato ! Cave Chapter " #oinin$ To$ether Chapter % &hat ! &ron$ with Thi! Picture' Chapter ( The )i*rar+ Chapter , The -ield Chapter . The /olo$ra0 Chapter 1 There i! No 2Out There3 Out There Chapter 4 The 5rea6out

PART T&O In!ide the Cocoon Preface to Part Two Chapter 7 The Con!ciou!ne!! Model Chapter 10 The Pla+er Model Chapter 11 The /u0an 8a0e Model Chapter 1" The Two /alve! Chapter 1% The Proce!! Chapter 1( Spiritual Autol+!i! Chapter 1, 9etachin$ : 29e!irele!!ne!!3 Chapter 1. #ud$0ent Chapter 11 5elief! : Opinion! Chapter 14 Re!i!tance Chapter 17 -ear Chapter "0 &ho A0 I' Chapter "1 On 5eco0in$ a 5utterfl+ PART T/REE ;ue!tion! : An!wer! Preface to Part Three Chapter "" One 5i$ /olo$ra0' Chapter "% Other People Chapter "( The 2Earth Environ0ent3 Te0plate Chapter ", Are &e All One' Chapter ". One Pla+er per Infinite I' Chapter "1 Pa!t )ive!' Chapter "4 <ar0a= Cau!e : Effect Chapter "7 Tru!t Chapter %0 Mone+ Chapter %1 The E$o Chapter %" Co0pa!!ion Chapter %% Ro*ert Scheinfeld Chapter %( #ed Mc<enna Chapter %, >?8? <ri!hna0urti Chapter %. The -uture @ou are invited to write a *oo6 review= or offer co00ent!= or download the free audio *oo6 ver!ion of thi! e*oo6 *+ vi!itin$A 5utterflie!-ree?co0

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

S!eet "reedom !hispered in my ear #ou$re a butter"%y &nd butter"%ies are "ree to "%y '%y a!ay, high a!ay, bye bye B fro0 Someone Saved my Li"e (onight= 0u!ic *+ Elton #ohn= l+ric! *+ 5ernie Tau*in

Geor$e had a pro*le0?

Althou$h he hid it fairl+ well= 8eor$e wa! *a!icall+ unhapp+? /e wa! feelin$ unfulfilledC hi! life had *eco0e dull and *orin$C he hated hi! Do*C he wa! pro*a*l+ $oin$ to *e fired !oon *ecau!e of the econo0ic rece!!ionC hi! relation!hip with hi! wife had $one !outhC he couldn t co00unicate an+ 0ore with hi! 6id!C he had no real life eEcept wor6in$= eatin$= watchin$ TF= and !leepin$C he could count hi! real friend! on one fin$erC and he !aw no real wa+ of chan$in$ an+thin$= of 0a6in$ an+thin$ *etter? 5ut that wa!n t 8eor$e ! *i$$e!t pro*le0 at the 0o0ent? /i! 0o!t pre!!in$ concern wa! that he had *e$un to wal6 in hi! !leep? One ni$ht while 8eor$e wa! out !leepwal6in$= he fell into a ver+ deep hole? &hen he wo6e up= he di!covered he wa! l+in$ on the *otto0 in Du!t hi! paDa0a!= and there wa! nothin$ in the hole eEcept hi0? /e loo6ed up and !aw the 0ornin$ !6+ a*ove hi0= with a few *are *ranche! of tree! overhan$in$ the perfect circle of !unli$ht at the top? It wa! earl+ !prin$= and there wa! a chill in the air? /e !aw no one= *ut he could hear the faint !ound of voice!? /e 6new he had to tr+ to $et outC *ut the wall! of the hole were !trai$ht and !lipper+ and hi$h= and there wa! nothin$ to u!e for cli0*in$? Each ti0e he tried= he fell *ac6 to the *otto0= fru!trated? /e !tarted cr+in$ out for help? Suddenl+= there wa! a 0an ! face peerin$ down at hi0 fro0 the top of the hole? 2&hat ! +our pro*le0'3 the 0an a!6ed? 2Oh= than6 8od=3 8eor$e cried? 2I 0 !tuc6 down here and can t $et outG3 2&ell= then= let 0e help=3 the 0an !aid? 2&hat ! +our na0e'3 28eor$e?3 2)a!t na0e'3 2Hi00er0ann?3 2One In or two'3 2Two?3 2I ll *e ri$ht *ac6?3 &hen the face di!appeared= 8eor$e wondered what wa! !o i0portant a*out the !pellin$ of hi! na0eC and then the 0an wa! *ac6? 2Thi! i! +our luc6+ da+= 8eor$eG I 0 a *illionaire= and I 0 feelin$ $enerou! thi! 0ornin$?3 The 0an let $o of a !0all piece of paper he wa! holdin$ in hi! hand and it floated !lowl+ down into the hole? 8eor$e cau$ht it and loo6ed up a$ain? The 0an wa! $one? 8eor$e !tared at the piece of paper? It wa! a chec6 for a thou!and dollar!= 0ade out in hi! na0e?

2&hat the hell' &here a0 I $oin$ to !pend thi! down here'3 he thou$ht to hi0!elf? /e folded it and put it in hi! paDa0a poc6et? Then he heard another voice co0in$? 2Plea!e help 0e=3 8eor$e +elled to the e0pt+ !pace at the top? A !econd 0an ! face appeared= a 6ind and co0pa!!ionate face? 2&hat can I do for +ou= 0+ !on'3 8eor$e could !ee the 0an ! clerical collar a! he leaned over the ed$e? 2-ather= help 0e $et out of thi! holeJ plea!e?3 2M+ !onJ?3 The voice wa! !oft and lovin$? 2I 0u!t perfor0 0a!! at the church in five 0inute!= !o I can t !top now? 5ut we will !a+ a !pecial pra+er for +ou toda+?3 Then he reached into hi! poc6et? 2/ere= thi! will help=3 and he dropped a *oo6 into the hole *efore leavin$? 8eor$e pic6ed up the 5i*le= !tudied it and tried to i0a$ine an+ po!!i*le wa+ to u!e it to $et out of the hole? Eventuall+ he $ave up and to!!ed it a!ide? The neEt pa!!er*+ wa! a wo0an? &hen !he under!tood 8eor$e ! predica0ent= !he threw down !o0e or$anic ve$eta*le!= alon$ with vita0in! and her*al !upple0ent!? 2Eat onl+ the!e=3 !he !aid? 8eor$e put the0 in a pile on top of the 5i*le? A doctor !topped and donated a few *ottle! of the !a0ple 0edication! he wa! *ein$ paid to peddle that wee6? A law+er ca0e *+ and tal6ed for a while a*out !uin$ the cit+ for not puttin$ a fence around the hole? /e left hi! card? A politician pro0i!ed to pa!! a law to protect !leepwal6er! if 8eor$e would vote for hi0 in the election to0orrow= a!!u0in$ he could $et out of the hole? 5+ thi! ti0e 8eor$e had ta6en a !eat on the *otto0 of the hole= !hiverin$ !li$htl+ fro0 the chill= !tartin$ to $ive up hope that an+one would help hi0 $et out? /e felt lonel+= helple!!= and a little fearful? /e 0oved the dru$! a!ide= pic6ed up an or$anic *anana off the pile and too6 a *ite? 2I can help +ou $et out?3 /e heard a !tron$= convincin$= powerful fe0ale voice? /e wa!n t Kuite !ureJ? 9id he reco$niLe that voice' /ad he !een her on TF or !o0ethin$' 2@ou Du!t need to let $o of all +our ne$ative thin6in$= learn to vi!ualiLe= and then u!e the I)aw of Attraction ?3 25ut that ! eEactl+ what I 0 doin$ tr+in$ to attract !o0eone to help to $et out of thi! holeG3 8eor$e prote!ted? 2@ou 0u!t not *e doin$ it ri$ht=3 ca0e the re!pon!e? She to!!ed !o0ethin$ thin and !Kuare that landed at 8eor$e ! feet? 8eor$e +elled up to her= 25utJ waitG3 There wa! no one there to an!wer? /e pic6ed up the 9F9= !till !hrin6Mwrapped= and !tared at the cover? (he (eachings o" &braham )aster Course D*D Program? 2At lea!t +ou could have thrown down a porta*le 9F9 pla+er=3 he !aid Kuietl+= to no one in particular? In a little while a Hen 5uddhi!t !at down in a lotu! po!ition at the ed$e of the hole= wantin$ to teach 8eor$e to 0editate? 2If nothin$ el!e=3 the Ma!ter !aid= 2if +ou practice lon$ enou$h= +ou ll feel *etter a*out *ein$ in the hole? &ho 6now!= +ou 0i$ht even *e a*le to levitate +our wa+ out in a few lifeti0e!?3 8eor$e wa! a*out to re!i$n hi0!elf to *ein$ in thi! hole forever when he heard the voice? 2Can +ou 0ove over a few feet= out of the wa+'3 8eor$e loo6ed up? 2&hat'3 2Could +ou plea!e 0ove awa+ fro0 the center of the hole'3 8eor$e !tood up and too6 a few !tep! *ac6 toward the !ide? 2&h+'3 he wa! a*out to a!6= when the 0an Du0ped into the hole= landin$ at 8eor$e ! feet? 2Are +ou craL+'3 8eor$e eEclai0ed a! the 0an $ot up and *ru!hed hi0!elf off? 2Now we re *oth in thi! hole to$ether? Couldn t +ou Du!t throw 0e a rope or a ladder or !o0ethin$'3 The 0an loo6ed at hi0 $entl+? 2The+ don t wor6?3 2/ow do +ou 6now'3 8eor$e a!6ed incredulou!l+?

2I ve *een here *efore= and I 6now the wa+ out?3 NNN I a!!u0e +ou re a!6in$ for help= or +ou wouldn t *e readin$ thi! *oo6? So0ethin$ ! not ri$ht in +our life and +ou want to chan$e it? So I 0 a*out to Du0p into +our hole= *ut not *ecau!e I feel an+ de!ire or o*li$ation to help an+one? /elpin$ !o0eone el!e i! one of the *i$$e!t trap! an+one can $et cau$ht in? I al!o have no intention of *eco0in$ a teacher +our! or an+one el!e ! or a $uru= or a 0entor= or a coach= or !o0eone who pretend! to have an+ or all of the an!wer!? If +ou want= +ou can thin6 of 0e a! a 2!cout3 li6e a !cout on a wa$on train in the Old &e!t= who!e Do* it wa! to ride ahead loo6in$ for a wa+ over the Roc6+ Mountain! to reach the Pacific Ocean= findin$ a path for other! to follow with relative !afet+ and !ecurit+ a$ain!t the ele0ent! and the Indian!? I 0 not the onl+ !cout out there= and I don t clai0 to have reached the ocean +et? 5ut I 0 the onl+ one who ha! ta6en thi! particular route= which turned out to *e a ver+ effective wa+ to $o and !afe enou$h for 0e to return to tal6 a*out it? On 0+ Dourne+= I eEplored !o0e ver+ radical territor+ and collected a lot of infor0ation a*out which path! wor6 and don t wor6 that 0i$ht *enefit !o0eone el!e? That ! the 0ain rea!on I 0 writin$ thi! *oo6= to pa!! on that infor0ation= 6nowin$ there are other! not that 0an+= *ut !o0e who want to $o where I 0 $oin$ and where I ve *een? Ma+*e +ou re one of the0? @ou hired 0e to *e +our !cout Owhether +ou re con!ciou! of it or notP= *ut +ou !hould 6now that it doe!n t 0atter to 0e what +ou thin6 a*out thi! infor0ation= or what +ou do with it? @ou can ta6e it or leave it? M+ onl+ Do* and 0+ total Do+ i! to report *ac6 to +ou what I ve found? So I 0 Du0pin$ into +our hole *ecau!e it !ee0! li6e fun and in ali$n0ent with what the univer!e ha! in !tore for 0e at the 0o0ent? /owever= 0a+*e +ou don t want 0e in +our hole? @ou !hould reall+ thin6 a*out thi!? If +ou 6eep readin$= there will co0e a point where there ! no turnin$ *ac6? In a wa+= !witchin$ 0etaphor!= it will *e li6e cli0*in$ Mt? Evere!t? The Dourne+ can *e ver+ difficult= ph+!icall+ and e0otionall+C and it ta6e! a while? A! I !aid= I 0 not +et at the !u00it= *ut it ! in !i$ht? I ve reached a point hi$h enou$h alon$ the wa+ that the appreciation= the Do+= the peace= the !erenit+ of *ein$ are alread+ *e+ond eEpectation? &hat I 6now with certaint+ and confir0ed for the 0o!t part *+ e+eMwitne!! report! fro0 other !cout! i! that arrivin$ at the pea6 i! definitel+ worth the effort of $ettin$ there? @ou 0a+ or 0a+ not want to $o all the wa+? I will let +ou 6now when we reach the place where +ou can onl+ $o on and not *ac6? On the other hand= +ou 0a+ decide +ou don t want to leave +our hole at all? If !o= +ou !hould !top readin$ now? There i! nothin$ 2wron$3 with +our !ta+in$ there? @ou ll have enou$h 0one+ and $ood or$anic food and *oo6! to read and 9F9! to watch and dru$! to ta6e to 6eep +ou occupied and entertained? It ! +our choice?

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

(his is the on%y radica% thin+ing that you need to do But it is so radica%, it is so di""icu%t, because our tendency is that the !or%d is a%ready ,out there,independent o" my e.perience /t is not 0uantum physics has been so c%ear about it M 9r? A0it 8o!wa0i


There are three thin$! +ou !hould 6now *efore we *e$in our Dourne+ acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain!J?
1234 Althou$h thi! *oo6 carrie! a cop+ri$ht= +ou are here*+ $ranted per0i!!ion to print it= cop+ it= !hare it= $ive it awa+ to an+one el!e= Kuote it= do an+thin$ +ou want with it eEcept +ou cannot !ell an+ part or the whole *oo6= or 0a6e 0one+ fro0 it in an+ wa+= or a!!i!t an+one el!e in 0a6in$ 0one+ fro0 it in an+ wa+? I feel ver+ !tron$l+ that the infor0ation in thi! *oo6 !hould alwa+! *e availa*le for free to an+one who want! to read it? (514 It !ee0! 0an+ !cout! encounter thin$! that are hard to eEplain when the+ return to the $roup? It ! not ea!+ tr+in$ to $et people to under!tand !o0ethin$ the+ have never directl+ eEperienced? So fro0 ti0e to ti0e I will u!e Kuotation! fro0 other !ource!? The!e Kuote! are not there to prove I a0 2ri$ht3 Du!t *ecau!e !o0eone el!e who!e na0e +ou 0i$ht reco$niLe !aid the !a0e thin$? The+ are included 0ainl+ to tr+ to further eEplain a concept which can *e difficult to $ra!p and offer another viewpoint u!in$ word! different than 0ine which +ou 0a+ relate to 0ore ea!il+? &ith ver+ few eEception!= all the Kuote! and 0an+ other reference! have footnote! to $ive +ou the opportunit+ to chec6 out 0+ !ource! for +our!elf? Si0pl+ clic6 on the purple footnote nu0*er and that will ta6e +ou to the footnote which will contain an active Internet lin6? If +ou want= +ou can then clic6 on the Internet lin6 to $o directl+ to the !ource 0aterial in +our Internet *row!er? Then clic6 on the word 2readin$3 in the footnote to return to the point +ou were readin$ in the teEt and continue? Tr+ it here *+ clic6in$ on the nu0*er1 There are al!o lin6! e0*edded in the teEt to variou! video! to watch a! +ou read? A! u!ual= clic6 on the purple h+perlin6? I have al!o included !o0e /oll+wood 0ovie !u$$e!tion! at the end of a few chapter! fro0 ti0e to ti0e? The!e 0ovie! are not !uppo!ed to *e viewed a! perfect eEa0ple! of the infor0ation +ou Du!t read= *ut clo!e enou$h to the !u*Dect 0atter to *e intere!tin$ and pertinent a! well a! entertainin$? (67334 People apparentl+ learn 0o!t ea!il+ when the+ can co0pare !o0ethin$ new to !o0ethin$ the+ alread+ under!tand= called *+ !o0e a 2datu0 of co0para*le 0a$nitude?3" -or eEa0ple= if I were to tr+ to tell +ou a*out a new $a0e I !aw while I wa! out !coutin$ called 25latM 5lop=3 and !u$$e!t +ou 0i$ht enDo+ pla+in$ it= +ou d 0o!t li6el+ have 0an+ Kue!tion! *efore *ein$ willin$ to en$a$e and a!6 for further eEplanation? 5ut 5latM5lop cannot *e eEplained directl+? It ! different than an+thin$ other $a0e 6nown to 0an? So what do I do' I tell +ou that 5latM5lop i! li6e A0erican foot*all= eEcept there ! no *all and no $oal po!t!? Now= at lea!t= +ou have !o0e idea of what I 0 tal6in$ a*out= a! craL+ and inco0prehen!i*le a! it !ound!? @our 0ind pro*a*l+ picture! a *unch of 0en runnin$ around a field all dre!!ed up in heav+ pad! and hel0et!= which i! true in 5latM5lopC *ut +ou !till have no idea what the+ re doin$ or wh+? &hen I !aid 25latM5lop i! li6e A0erican foot*all=3 I wa! u!in$ a simi%e= co0parin$ two different thin$! to create a new 0eanin$? There ! !o0ethin$ el!e called a metaphor? A 0etaphor i! a fi$ure of !peech u!in$ one thin$ to 0ean another and 0a6e! a co0pari!on *etween the two? -or eEa0ple= Sha6e!peareQ! line= RAll the worldQ! a !ta$e=R i! a 0etaphor co0parin$ the whole world to a theater !ta$e? A 0etaphor i! a lot li6e a !i0ile= *ut without the direct co0parative wordin$? &e could turn Sha6e!peare ! 0etaphor into a !i0ile *+ addin$ the word 2li6e3A All the world i! %i+e a !ta$e?

On the other hand= an ana%ogy !how! !i0ilarit+ *etween thin$! that 0i$ht !ee0 different 0uch li6e an eEtended 0etaphor or !i0ile? 5ut analo$+ i!nQt Du!t a for0 of !peech? It can al!o *e a lo$ical ar$u0entA if two thin$! are ali6e in !o0e wa+!= the+ are ali6e in !o0e other wa+! a! well? Analo$+ i! often u!ed to help provide in!i$ht *+ co0parin$ an un6nown !u*Dect to one that i! 0ore fa0iliar? Then there i! !o0ethin$ called an a%%egory= which i! a oneMtoMone co0pari!on or !u*!titution of !o0ethin$ fi$urative for !o0ethin$ literal? &hile thi! i! ver+ !i0ilar to a 0etaphor= alle$orie! are u!uall+ 0ore !u*tle and a lot 0ore involved= ta6in$ up entire *oo6! and piece! of art? I !a+ all of thi! for two rea!on!? -ir!t= I 0 forced to u!e a lot of !i0ile!= 0etaphor!= and analo$ie! in thi! *oo6 and *e$in the *oo6 with an alle$or+ to tr+ to eEplain what I ve !een a! a !cout that i! difficult at ti0e! to de!cri*e= and ver+ new in 0an+ ca!e!? I wi!h there were word! and wa+! to !a+ eEactl+ what I ve found without havin$ to 0a6e the!e co0pari!on!= *ut there aren t? It ! that !i0ple? Secondl+= I apparentl+ have a !0all *rain 0alfunction? OMa+*e it ! the 0ad cow?P 9e!pite all previou! effort! and dili$ent !tud+= and the definition! and differentiation I wrote a*ove *etween metaphor and ana%ogy= I !till can t tell the difference? So I warn +ou ri$ht now and an+ En$li!h teacher! who 0a+ *e readin$ that I 0i$ht confu!e tho!e two word!? If +ou wi!h= an+ !uch error can !i0pl+ *e chal6ed up to 0+ per!onal wea6ne!! in thi! area? #u!t *e prepared for a lot of 0etaphor! and analo$ie!= whichever the+ 0a+ *e? )i6eJ -OOTNOTES 1? Now clic6 on the word 2readin$3 in 5ac6 to readin$ "? 9atu0 of Co0para*le Ma$nitude= or 9atu0 of Co0para*le Ma$nitude 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

I0a$ine that for +our entire life +ou have *een !ittin$ in a chair in a 0ovie theater? The place i! dar6= li6e
all 0ovie theater!C *ut +ou can feelJ NoJ waitG 5efore we $o thereJ There ! a fa0ou! alle$or+ called 2Plato ! Cave=3 written of cour!e *+ Plato? It ! a fictional conver!ation *etween Plato ! teacher= Socrate!= and Plato ! *rother= 8lauconC and= e!!entiall+= the fir!t part of the alle$or+ $oe! li6e thi!J Socrate! a!6! 8laucon to i0a$ine a cave inha*ited *+ pri!oner! who have *een chained and held i00o*ile !ince childhood? Not onl+ are their ar0! and le$! held in place= *ut their head! are al!o fiEed !o all the+ can !ee i! a wall directl+ in front of the0? 5ehind the pri!oner! i! a lar$e fire= and *etween the fire and the *ac6! of the pri!oner! i! a rai!ed wal6wa+? A! people and ani0al! travel over the wal6wa+ *etween the fire and the *ac6! of the pri!oner!= the li$ht fro0 the fire ca!t! their !hadow! on the wall in front of the pri!oner!? The pri!oner! can onl+ !ee the !hadow!= *ut the+ don t 6now the+ are !hadow!? There are al!o echoe! off the wall fro0 the noi!e! produced on the wal6wa+? The pri!oner! can onl+ hear the echoe!= *ut the+ don t 6now the+ are echoe!? Socrate! a!6! 8laucon if it i! not rea!ona*le that the pri!oner! would thin6 the !hadow! were real thin$!= and the echoe! were real !ound!= not Du!t reflection! of realit+= !ince the+ are all the pri!oner! had ever !een or heard?

Socrate! neEt introduce! !o0ethin$ new into thi! !cenario? Suppo!e= Socrate! !ur0i!e!= a pri!oner i! freed and per0itted to !tand up and 0ove around? If !o0eone were to !how hi0 the actual thin$! that had ca!t the !hadow! and cau!ed the echoe! the fire= and the people and ani0al! on the wal6wa+ he would not 6now what the+ were and not reco$niLe the0 a! the cau!e of the !hadow! and !oundC he would !till *elieve the !hadow! on the wall to *e 0ore real than what he !ee!?1 The alle$or+ $oe! on= *ut I want to !top here? OIf +ou are intere!ted= +ou can watch a threeM0inute ani0ated video at Plato!Alle$or+?co0P? NowJ I0a$ine that for +our entire life +ou have *een !ittin$ in a chair in a 0ovie theater? The place i! dar6= li6e all 0ovie theater!C *ut +ou can feel there are re!traint! !hac6le! over +our wri!t! and an6le!= 0a6in$ it difficult to 0ove +our ar0! or le$!? The *ac6 of +our chair i! hi$h= ri!in$ a*ove +our head !o it i! i0po!!i*le to loo6 *ehind +ou? All +ou can !ee i! the 0ovie !creen in front of +ou and the people !ittin$ neEt to +ou in the !a0e condition? In front of +ou= !weepin$ around on all !ide! of the theater a! far a! +ou can !ee= i! a $i$antic IMAS %9 !creen? @ou !it there watchin$ 0ovie after 0ovie= and it !ee0! a! if +ou re part of the 0ovie it!elf= full+ i00er!ed in it? OClic6 here for &ood+ Allen ! eEa0ple of a tota% immersion movie= fro0 (he Purp%e 7ose o" Cairo?P )i6e the !hadow! and echoe! in Plato ! Cave= the!e 0ovie! are all +ou have ever 6nown? The+ are= in fact= +our onl+ realit+= +our life? The actor! are $ood and the !cript! wellMwritten= and +ou $et e0otionall+ involved in the!e 0ovie!= feelin$ an$er= pain= !adne!!= re$ret= Do+= enthu!ia!0= anta$oni!0= fear= and a wide ran$e of other e0otion! dependin$ on the !tor+line? @ou have +our favorite character! fa0il+ 0e0*er! and friend!= for eEa0ple who !how up often= and other! +ou de!pi!e and wi!h would not appear at all? So0e 0ovie! are plea!ura*le to watch= even *eautiful at ti0e! happ+= poi$nant= !ati!f+in$= enDo+a*le? Other! are dar6 and o0inou!= di!tur*in$= painful= producin$ reaction! in!ide +ou which aren t ver+ co0forta*le? @ou re!i!t watchin$ tho!e and wi!h +ou didn t feel what +ou were feelin$? @ou clo!e +our e+e! at ti0e!= wantin$ the !cript to chan$e? 5ut +ou re content to !ta+ there and watch= *ecau!e +ou ve *een told and have co0e to *elieve fro0 eEperience thi! i! the onl+ realit+ there i!= and +ou have to accept it? The va!t 0aDorit+ of people 7,T of the Earth ! population= if I had to $ue!!= 0a+*e 0ore will die !ittin$ in that 0ovie chair? -or the other!= !o0ethin$ intere!tin$ will happen one da+? In a particularl+ unco0forta*le 0ovie= +ou 0i$ht !crea0 2NoG3 and forcefull+ twi!t +our *od+ in the chair? Suddenl+ +ou re aware that +ou no lon$er feel the !hac6le! on +our wri!t! and an6le!= and +ou realiLe +ou can now 0ove +our ar0! and le$!? @ou u!e +our hand! to feel around and di!cover the !hac6le! had no loc6! on the0 ever and +our panic6ed 0ove0ent! !i0pl+ pried the0 open? All alon$ +ou had Du!t a!!u0ed *elieved +ou were a pri!oner= li6e a do$ who !ta+! clear of an invi!i*le fence? @ou wonder what to do neEt? @ou realiLe +ou no lon$er have to !it there and watch the 0ovie! if +ou don t want to? @ou could $et upC *ut +ou don t= not ri$ht awa+? @ou 0i$ht lean over to the per!on neEt to +ou and !tart tellin$ the0 there are no loc6! on the !hac6le!= *ut all +ou $et i! a 2S!hhhh3 in re!pon!e? The fear of !tandin$ up i! enor0ou!C the thou$ht of wal6in$ awa+ $oe! a$ain!t ever+thin$ +ou have *een tau$ht? -inall+ 0a+*e it ! curio!it+= 0a+*e it ! an$er= 0a+*e it ! Du!t that +ou can no lon$er !tand to feel what +ou re feelin$ +ou decide 2to hell with the fear?3 @ou $et up? Nothin$ happen!? No !iren! $o off= no one co0e! to 0a6e +ou !it down a$ain= and +ou *e$in to thin6 0a+*e there wa! nothin$ to *e afraid of? So +ou decide to wal6? A! +ou 0ove down the row toward the ai!le= !a+in$ 2EEcu!e 0e= eEcu!e 0e=3 people loo6 at +ou in a!toni!h0ent and wonder and di!0a+? So0e even tell +ou to !it *ac6 down= $et out of the wa+= *ehave? It ! clear the+ all thin6 +ou re craL+? 5ut there ! !o0ethin$ in!ide of +ou that feel! eEcited de!pite the fear and ur$e! +ou on? -inall+ +ou 0a6e it to the ai!le= turn and !ee that it lead! up *etween the !eat!C *ut +ou can t +et !ee the rear of the theater? &hat i! clearer now i! that the 0ovie !creen continue! all the wa+ around the *uildin$= %.0 de$ree!C and han$in$ down fro0 the ceilin$ in the 0iddle of the theater i! a lar$e *lac6 *all? Out of the *all ver+ *ri$ht li$ht i! !trea0in$ toward the !creen on all !ide!? @ou have no idea what it i!= or what it 0ean!?

A! +ou wal6 up the ai!le= +ou *u0p into a couple other people $oin$ in +our direction= and !o0e other! returnin$ to their !eat!? The one! headin$ *ac6 to their !eat! $ive +ou a dirt+ loo6= al0o!t hateful= 0ainl+ terrified= and !o0eone warn! +ou not to $o an+ further? 5ut +ou ve $one thi! far= +ou thin6= and decide +ou want to find out what ! at the end of the ai!le? &hen +ou finall+ 0a6e it to the *ac6= +ou can !ee the entire de!i$n of the circular theater? In one half are the !eat! fro0 where +ou ca0e= all facin$ in one direction= filled with people !tarin$ !trai$ht ahead at the 0ovie !creen!C and *ehind the !eat! i! a lar$e !pace where people li6e +ou are wal6in$ around? @ou al!o !ee a door in the 0iddle of the far wall with a !i$n !a+in$= 29o Not Enter EEtre0el+ dan$erou!?3 Since the IMAS %9 !creen continue! all the wa+ around the !tructure= there ! no wa+ to e!cape the 0ovie! that are pla+in$? In other word!= +our realit+= +our life follow! +ou ever+where? 5ut !o0ethin$ ! different= even if +ou can t !a+ what at the 0o0ent? The 0ovie! haven t chan$ed= *ut +ou have= in !o0e wa+ +ou can feel *ut don t +et under!tand? There !ee0 to *e little $roup! of people $atherin$ here and there other! li6e +ou who had $otten out of their chair! and 0ade it to the *ac6 di!cu!!in$ !o0ethin$ that !ound! i0portant? It ! all !o new= !o !tran$e= !o difficult to under!tand= !o fri$htenin$= !oJ 2unreal?3 @ou thin6 for a 0inute a*out $oin$ *ac6 to +our !eat= *ac6 to the realit+ +ou 6now !o well? Then +ou decide not to= to !ta+ a little lon$er= at lea!t for now? @ou !top for a 0o0ent at the *ac6 of one $roup and a!6= 2&hat ! $oin$ on'3 2&e re tr+in$ to chan$e thin$!=3 i! the an!wer? 2&hat do +ou 0ean'3 +ou a!6? 2&e don t li6e the 0ovie! that are pla+in$? &e want different one!=3 the voice clarifie!? &hile !eated in the 0ovie theater= +ou never con!idered the idea of chan$in$ the 0ovie!? @ou didn t 6now it wa! po!!i*le? 5ut now it ! an intere!tin$ thou$ht= and +ou ad0it there were 0ovie! +ou wi!h +ou hadn t had to *e part of= a!pect! of +our life +ou would have preferred not to watch and eEperience? @ou eave!drop on another $roup in ti0e to hear a 0an !a+= 2@e!= thi! i! realit+? 5ut there ! a *etter place we will all $o to when we die= if +ou Du!t have faith and follow a few !i0ple rule!J?3 There ! a 8uru in the neEt $roup ad0oni!hin$ hi! follower!= 2@e!= we can leave thi! realit+= *ut we 0u!t all $o to$ether? /ave co0pa!!ion for tho!e left watchin$ the 0ovie!J?3 A! +ou continue +our tre6 around the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= +ou catch *it! and piece! of other co00ent!= li6e 2Thi! doe!n t have to *e +our realit+? @ou have the power to chan$e it= and I can !how +ou howC3 and 2)ove i! all there i!C3 and 2;uiet +our 0ind?3 In all the confu!ion= it finall+ occur! to +ou for the fir!t ti0e that +ou have the choice of what to do neEt= and it feel! eEcitin$ a! well a! !car+= *ecau!e +ou ve Du!t ta6en the fir!t !tep toward !elfMre!pon!i*ilit+ and !elfM realiLation? NNN Once a$ain= let ! !top here for a 0inute? In 5oo6! Two and Three of hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= #ed Mc<enna 0a6e! the di!tinction *etween a 2/u0an Child3 and a 2/u0an Adult?3 Thi! idea i! worth pla+in$ with= e!peciall+ in li$ht of our Movie Theater Metaphor? -ir!t of all= *ein$ a /u0an Child or a /u0an Adult ha! virtuall+ no relation!hip to ph+!ical a$e? The va!t 0aDorit+ of the world ! population are /u0an Children= 0o!t of the0 older than twent+? ,)ost human beings cease to deve%op at around the age o" ten or t!e%ve (he average seventy year8o%d is o"ten a ten year8o%d !ith si.ty years time8in8grade9 5e must %earn to see the di""erence bet!een a 6uman &du%t and a 6uman Chi%d as easi%y and unmista+ab%y as !e see the di""erence bet!een a si.ty year8o%d and a si. year8o%d 9 1ur societies are o", by, and "or 6uman Chi%dren, !hich e.p%ains the se%"8perpetuating nature o" this ghou%ish ma%ady, as !e%% as most o" the si%%iness !e see in the !or%d -" /u0an Children are the one! !ittin$ in their chair! in the 0ovie theater? The+ 0i$ht co0plain a lot a*out the 0ovie! the+ re watchin$= *ut the+ continue to watch without doin$ an+thin$ a*out it? The+ re convinced the+ are 6ept in their !eat! *+ !o0e powerful= eEternal force= and that the+ are helple!! to chan$e an+thin$? In

fact= the+ *elieve the thin$ that need! to chan$e i! 2out there3 !o0eone or !o0ethin$ the+ have no control over? Even votin$ i! an act of a /u0an Child= a !tate0ent that chan$e i! onl+ po!!i*le *+ chan$in$ 2the0?3 The+ re convinced the 0ovie! the+ re watchin$ are 2realit+=3 life a! it ha! to *eC and the+ ta6e no re!pon!i*ilit+ for their condition? So0e /u0an Children 0i$ht actuall+ have di!covered their !hac6le! were not loc6ed and the+ were free to !tand up and wal6 whenever the+ wanted? Perhap! a few 0i$ht have !tood= even fewer too6 a few !tep! toward the ai!le? 5ut the fear !oon *eco0e! overwhel0in$= and *ac6 the+ $o to their !eat! to put their !hac6le! on a$ain= co0forted *+ the fact the+ are in !uch $ood and plentiful co0pan+? ,6uman Chi%dhood is the ego8bound state /t is, in :actua%; human chi%dren, a hea%thy and natura% state /n human adu%ts, ho!ever, it<s a hideous a""%iction (he on%y !ay such an a""%iction cou%d go undetected and unremedied is i" everyone !ere e=ua%%y a""%icted, !hich is e.act%y the case 2o prob%em is recogni>ed and no a%ternative is +no!n, so no so%ution is sought and no hope "or change e.ists -% Man+ people are happ+ to !pend their entire live! a! /u0an Children= !ettled into their chair!= i00er!ed in their 0ovie!C and I 0 not tr+in$ to !u$$e!t there i! an+thin$ 2wron$3 with that? There i!n t? It ! eEactl+ how it !hould *e for the0= and there i! no rea!on at all to tr+ to chan$e their 0ind! or 0a6e the0 into /u0an Adult!= a! we will di!cu!! later? 5ut I a!!u0e +ou re not one of the0= or +ou wouldn t *e readin$ thi! *oo6? @ou ve !tood up= 0ade +our wa+ to the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= and !tarted to *ehave li6e a /u0an Adult? Thi! *oo6 i! for +ou a*out +ou not the0? NNN In Plato ! Cave= the /u0an Adult i! the freed pri!oner who now !tand! *ehind the re!t= !ee! the fire and the 0en wal6in$= ca!tin$ !hadow! on the wall? 5ut= a! Socrate! point! out= the !hadow! !till repre!ent 2realit+=3 and the fire and 0en and ani0al! on the wal6wa+ re0ain !o0e 6ind of uneEplained 0+!ter+? At a 0ini0u0= a /u0an Adult ha! *eco0e aware there i! !o0ethin$ 2wron$3 with the life it ha! *een eEperiencin$ throu$h the total i00er!ion 0ovie! and i! not willin$ to accept that 2realit+3 at face value an+ 0ore? In the cla!!ic 171. 0ovie 2et!or+= new!Manchor /oward 5eale eEpre!!e! what a nu0*er of new /u0an Adult! feel when he rant!= 2I 0 0ad a! hell and I 0 not $oin$ to ta6e it an+ 0oreG3 A /u0an Child live! in i$norance= thin6in$ the+ are awa6e with their e+e! open when in fact the+ are !ound a!leep with their e+e! clo!ed? A new /u0an Adult ha! ta6en the fir!t !tep of openin$ their e+e!= even thou$h the+ are !till a!leep and do not under!tand what the+ are now !eein$? #u!t !o no one $et! confu!ed= /u0an Adulthood i! not the !tate of !oMcalled 2!piritual enli$hten0ent=3 althou$h it ! what 0o!t 2!ee6er!3 are actuall+ loo6in$ for and 0o!t 2$uru!3 are actuall+ !ellin$? O&e ll tal6 0ore a*out thi! later a! well?P ,(he di""erence bet!een &du%thood and 3n%ightenment is that the "ormer is a!a+ening within the dreamstate and the %atter is a!a+ening from it9 Sha%%o!, ear%y8stage &du%thood is o"ten mista+en "or, and so%d as, Spiritua% 3n%ightenment, but it<s not /t<s ?ust the "irst rea% g%impse o" %i"e -( /ave +ou ever had a drea0 in which +ou wa6e up and realiLe it ! Du!t a drea0= *ut +ou re actuall+ !till drea0in$ and never reall+ wo6e up= that wa6in$ up in the drea0 wa! part of the drea0 it!elf' That ! what #ed i! tal6in$ a*out? A /u0an Child i! a!leep and drea0in$= *ut thin6! itQ! awa6e and thin6! the drea0! are real? A /u0an Adult i! a!leep and drea0in$ and wa6e! up a! part of the drea0= *ut doe!nQt wa6e up fro0 the drea0 it!elf? )i6e a /u0an Child= it thin6! itQ! awa6e= *ut itQ! reall+ not? The neEt !tep actuall+ wa6in$ up fro0 the drea0 i! what thi! *oo6 i! a*out? 5ein$ a /u0an Adult i! not a 2*ad3 wa+ to !pend +our life= e!peciall+ if +ou co0pare it to /u0an Childhood? 5ut it doe! have it! li0it!? A! a /u0an Adult= +ou 0i$ht *e a*le to fi$ure out how to *etter cope with the 0ovie! co0in$ at +ou that define +our life? There are all 6ind! of $roup! in the *ac6 of the theater clai0in$ to *e a*le to teach +ou variou!

0ethod! of filterin$ or i0provin$ or avoidin$ or den+in$ or proce!!in$ or dealin$ with the e0otion! that ari!e a! a re!ult of +our i00er!ion in +our realit+? &e re $oin$ to loo6 clo!el+ at !o0e of the!e $roup! in the neEt chapter? 5ut *eco0in$ a /u0an Adult i! not the endC it ! reall+ Du!t the *e$innin$? NNN I don t 6now whether it ! helpful to re0e0*er when +ou tran!itioned fro0 a /u0an Child to a /u0an Adult= $ettin$ up fro0 +our chair in the 0ovie theater? Storie! a*ound a*out lifeMchan$in$ car accident!= !udden and uneEpected divorce!= the lo!! of a loved one= a nearMdeath eEperience= dru$Minduced $li0p!e! of another world= and the li6e? -or 0e= it wa! ver+ clear? I wa! in 0+ !econd !e0e!ter at a !0all !outhern colle$e= !a+in$ I wanted to *eco0e a doctor= *ut actuall+ 0ore intere!ted in philo!oph+ and reli$ion? Two +ear! prior a friend of 0ine in hi$h !chool had reco00ended a *oo6 called (here is a 7iver4 (he Story o" 3dgar Cayce= *+ Tho0a! Su$rue?, One da+ durin$ the !e0e!ter *rea6 at colle$e= I !uddenl+ re0e0*ered it while *row!in$ throu$h a *oo6!tore in New @or6 Cit+? 5ac6 at !chool I cut cla!!e! for a wee6 and read and reMread that *oo6? It *lew 0+ 0ind? >ntil then= I had *een a!leep !ound a!leep? M+ childhood and teena$e +ear! were !pent *ein$ 2nor0al=3 li6e ever+one el!e? &ell= 0a+*e 0+ fa0il+ wa! !li$htl+ 0ore d+!functional than 0o!tC *ut !till= I wa! !eated in 0+ chair= watchin$ the 0ovie!= eEperiencin$ all the di!co0fort= wi!hin$ thin$! 2out there3 would chan$e= and tr+in$ to find a! 0uch plea!ure a! I could to co0pen!ate for the pain? (here is a 7iver ended with a*out %0 pa$e! of philo!oph+ fro0 what are called Ca+ce ! 2)ife Readin$!?3 It tal6ed a*out the ori$in and de!tin+ of hu0anit+ @A&%% sou%s !ere created in the beginning, and are "inding their !ay bac+ to !hence they came APC a*out reincarnation and a!trolo$+C a*out univer!al law! O2&s ye ?udge others, so sha%% ye be ?udged APC a*out 0editation and eEtra!en!or+ perceptionC a*out *od+= 0ind and !pirit OASpirit is the %i"e )ind is the bui%der Physica% is the resu%t APC a*out Atlanti! and Earth chan$e!C and a*out the un6nown life of #e!u!= who0 Ca+ce called our 2e%der brother?3 M+ life chan$ed overni$ht= in the !a0e wa+ Ca+ce predicted one da+ northern Europe would chan$e 2 as in the t!in+%ing o" an eye?3 M+ fraternit+ *rother! didn t 6now what to do with 0e? -or one thin$= I !topped eatin$ por6= which had *een 0+ favorite 0eal and I would literall+ live for &edne!da+! when por6 chop! were !erved for lunch at the frat hou!e? I al!o !pent the neEt !u00er wor6in$ for Ca+ce ! !on= /u$h )+nn= at the A!!ociation for Re!earch and Enli$hten0ent in Fir$inia 5each? I !ta+ed in !chool another +ear after readin$ the *oo6= althou$h I !topped $oin$ to cla!!e!? A! one cleanin$ wo0an once told 0e= 29on t worr+ a*out it noneG &hat the+ re teachin$ +ou here ain t ri$ht an+wa+?3 I wa! a now a /u0an Adult= althou$h I would need ti0e to adDu!t to 0+ new !urroundin$!? The con!eKuence! of $ettin$ up and wal6in$ to the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater !ee0ed overwhel0in$ for 0e? M+ 0other= of cour!e= wa! a$ain!t it? So wa! 0+ $irlfriend? I would *e wa!tin$ a lot of 0one+ alread+ !pent on an education and 0a+*e never $et a diplo0a? I would 0o!t certainl+ never *eco0e a doctor? I had no idea of what I would do neEt= no pro!pect! on the horiLon? I would *e leavin$ all 0+ friend! and a life that contained !o0e 0o0ent! of Do+ and plea!ure forJ what' And perhap! 0o!t criticall+ at the ti0e= I would lo!e 0+ colle$e defer0ent and *e !u*Dect to the draft= 0o!t li6el+ endin$ up a! a !oldier in Fietna0= a war I oppo!ed fro0 the *e$innin$? In the end= however= 0+ di!content and di!co0fort with !ittin$ in 0+ chair in the 0ovie theater won out over the fear of leavin$ it? -OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia Alle$or+ of the Cave 5ac6 to readin$ "? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy M 5ac6 to readin$ % /bid? M 5ac6 to readin$ ( /bid M 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Su$rue= Tho0a!? (here is a 7iver4 (he Story o" 3dgar Cayce M 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! Adult! who have Du!t 0ade it to the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater will u!uall+ di!pla+ !o0e co00on per!onalit+ trait!? -ir!t= the+ *e$in to under!tand there are po!!i*ilitie! that were inconceiva*le to the0 a! a /u0an Child? Even their freedo0 to wal6 around i! a new !en!ation that ta6e! !o0e $ettin$ u!ed to? 5ein$ up and out of their !eat! ha! $iven the0 new hope and new ener$+? The+ don t nece!!aril+ under!tand what ! happenin$= *ut it eEcite! the0 to find out= to eEerci!e thi! freedo0 and eEplore the!e po!!i*ilitie!? Secondl+= an$er 0i$ht co0e to the !urface for all the ti0e the+ !pent !ittin$ in their chair! a! a /u0an Child an$er and re!ent0ent toward tho!e who had put and 6ept the0 there? It doe!n t 0atter that the !hac6le! were never loc6edC there can !till *e the feelin$ of havin$ *een a victi0 of eEternal force!= for it ! wa+ too !oon for a new /u0an Adult to ta6e full re!pon!i*ilit+ for their condition a! a /u0an Child? NeEt 0i$ht co0e defiance= a deter0ination never to $o *ac6 to their !eat? The+ could if the+ wantedC it ! not too late? 5ut li6e the freed pri!oner in Plato ! Cave= it ! !ee0! uni0a$ina*le for a new /u0an Adult to con!ider voluntaril+ returnin$ to their !hac6le!= chained to their !eat!= !eein$ nothin$ a$ain eEcept the 0ovie! pla+in$ out in front of the0? 2I ll *e da0ned if I 0 $oin$ *ac6 there=3 althou$h !o0e eventuall+ do? And fourthl+= the+ 0a6e a deci!ion to chan$e thin$!? &hat the+ decide to chan$e the0!elve!= or what ! 2out there3 can depend on a lot of factor!C *ut their defeati!t attitude of 2can<t chan$e thin$!3 a! a /u0an Child *eco0e! an overwhel0in$ o*!e!!ion of 2must chan$e thin$!3 a! a /u0an Adult? The 0ovie! that 0a6e up their life are !till pla+in$ all around the0= the %9 picture! envelopin$ the0= i00er!in$ the0= co0in$ at the0 fro0 all an$le!C and the+ !till view the!e 0ovie! a! the onl+ 2realit+3 there i!= li6e the !hadow! on the cave wall? The+ al!o have virtuall+ the !a0e e0otional reaction! the+ ve alwa+! had to the 0ovie!= which reinforce! their need to reMwrite the !cript!? A! a new /u0an Adult= +ou 0o!t li6el+ eEperienced at lea!t one or two of the!e feelin$!= if not all of the0? A fairl+ $ood eEa0ple of thi! wa! the /ippie Move0ent? The Fietna0 &ar pla+in$ out on the 0ovie !creen wa! the catal+!t that led a lot of /u0an Children to !tand up and !hout 2NoG3 A! the+ wal6ed to the *ac6 of the theater Othe+ called it 2droppin$ out3P= the+ !oon di!covered there were other po!!i*ilitie! of how to live and *e$an eEperi0entin$ with their newMfound freedo0? There wa! an$er a*out the war and the people in char$e who were 0a6in$ the 0ovie!? There wa! a defiance to no lon$er *e part of that 0ovieC and there wa! a deci!ion to 0a6e thin$! chan$e? ,5e Can )a+e /t Better, 5e Can Change the 5or%d 2o!, 5e Can Save the Chi%dren, 5e Can )a+e /t 6appen,- !an$ Chica$o in 171"?1 A! far a! I can tell= the Fietna0 &arU/ippie Move0ent of the late 17.0 ! and earl+ I10 ! provided the incentive for 0ore new /u0an Adult! than an+ other event in recent hi!tor+? @oun$ people *+ the thou!and! !tood up in their chair! and !tarted wal6in$ out? The Move0ent died fairl+ Kuic6l+C *ut a lot of people wo6e up !wearin$ never a$ain to return to their !eat!= and it left a hu$e le$ac+ in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater? The /ippie Move0ent i! al!o a $ood eEa0ple of another co00on trait of a new /u0an Adult the lon$in$ to *e part of a $roup? In 0an+ ca!e!= it ! 0ore than a lon$in$C it ! a nece!!it+? After all= +ou ve !pent +our entire life !urrounded *+ other /u0an Children and too6 co0fort in *ein$ part of the $roup? In all the !tran$ene!! and newne!! of the *ac6 of the theater= +ou now !ee6 !olace and !upport a! a /u0an AdultC +ou !earch for other! wantin$ to chan$e the !a0e thin$! +ou doC +ou !tart loo6in$ around for a new $roup to Doin? -ortunatel+ the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater i! full of $roup! con!i!tin$ of /u0an Adult! who have found other! of li6e 0ind and *anded to$ether for a co00on cau!e? Perhap! +ou 0i$ht wander around for a little while fir!t= !tandin$ on the ed$e of variou! $atherin$!= li!tenin$= !eein$ if +ou a$ree with what ! *ein$ !aid *+ the leader= loo6in$ for Du!t the ri$ht one? 5ut ver+ !oon= +ou Doin one of the0? @ou 0u!t? @ou feel too alone and +ou need ca0araderie= other people around +ou who will let +ou 6now +ou re not craL+ to have left +our !eat= new friend! who will help +ou chan$e thin$!? NNN

New /u0an

The +ear I !ta+ed in colle$e after readin$ (here is a 7iver= I pa!!ed the ti0e pla+in$ $olf= pla+in$ *rid$e= and $oin$ to frat partie!? In other word!= I !pent a +ear roa0in$ around the *ac6 of the theater= Du!t tr+in$ to e!cape the 0ovie! !o0ehow? Shortl+ after 0+ twentieth *irthda+ I Doined 0+ fir!t $roup and participated in the creation of a 0u!ical eEtrava$anLa to *eco0e 6nown a! Bp 5ith Peop%e?" The idea wa! to chan$e the world throu$h 0u!ic and an ideolo$+ called Moral ReMAr0a0ent?% Moral ReMAr0a0ent wa! *a!ed on a certain level of !elfMre!pon!i*ilit+= *elievin$ the 0ovie! the world= life= realit+ could chan$e if ever+one would adhere to a !trict 0oral code of a*!olute love= a*!olute purit+= a*!olute hone!t+= and a*!olute un!elfi!hne!!? It wa! our dut+ to live that wa+ our!elve!= and then $o out and $et ever+one el!e to live that wa+ a! well? &e decided to pre!ent our cau!e throu$h a hi$hl+ entertainin$ and profe!!ional 0u!ical= couchin$ our 0oralit+ in clever and catch+ !on$ l+ric! !uch a! 2-reedo0 I!n t -ree3 and 2&hat Color I! 8od ! S6in'3( -or al0o!t two +ear! I $ave it all I had= "(U1U%.,C and I had a hell of a lot of fun and did thin$! and !aw place! and had eEperience! that were wa+ over the top? I !till have 0an+ friend! fro0 tho!e da+!= and !o0e of the l+ric! and 0u!ic Bp 5ith Peop%e created were ver+ powerful? 2Co0in$ /o0e=3 2&here the Road! Co0e To$ether=3 and 2Moon Rider3, will pro*a*l+ alwa+! 0ove 0e to tear! of Do+ and appreciation for thi! ti0e of 0+ life and thi! $roup? It wa! !o 0uch fun that I wa! a*le to overloo6 the $larin$ incon!i!tencie! and error! in $roupthin6?. -or eEa0ple= in 17.. I wa! the onl+ one who wa! a$ain!t the war out of hundred! directl+ involved in the pro$ra0= even in the li$ht of 2a*!olute love?3 5ut a! wa! inevita*le in tho!e da+!= I wa! drafted and offered an allMeEpen!e!Mpaid= oneM+earMlon$ tour of *eautiful downtown Fietna0 a! an Ar0+ 0edic in 17.7 which 0ean! I 0i!!ed &ood!toc6? I al!o 0i!!ed out on the dru$ !cene? In fact= I wa! in unifor0 for the 0aDor part of the /ippie Move0ent= which would have *een a ver+ intere!tin$ $roup to Doin had I *een a*le? 5a!icall+= I had three choice! when I wa! drafted= con!iderin$ 0+ oppo!ition to the war? One= I could flee the countr+ and $o to Canada or Sweden= re0ainin$ a! a /u0an Adult and Doinin$ the $roup of other +oun$ 0en doin$ the !a0e? 5ut I wa! afraid I 0i$ht never *e a*le to return to the >?S?A?= a countr+ I loved and did not want to leave forever? M+ !econd choice wa! to $o to Dail a! a war re!i!ter= a$ain re0ainin$ a! a /u0an Adult and Doinin$ a $roup of other +oun$ 0en al!o choo!in$ incarceration to *ein$ a !oldier? 5ut I wa! afraid in thi! ca!e I would lo!e the !upport of 0+ $irlfriend and 0+ 0other and other friend! who !i0pl+ could not or would not under!tand? Thi! choice al!o $enerated 0an+ ver+ *i$ Kue!tion! a*out how thi! Dail ti0e could affect 0+ future? So in the end= and *a!ed on 0+ fear!= I voluntaril+ $ave up *ein$ a /u0an Adult= left Bp 5ith Peop%e= went *ac6 to 0+ !eat in the theater= *eca0e a /u0an Child once 0ore= and !pent the neEt three +ear! i00er!ed in a war 0ovie? The 0inute I wa! honora*l+ di!char$ed= I *olted out of 0+ !eat a$ain and ran to the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater? )+in$ on 0+ *un6 in Fietna0 I had 0ade a deci!ion not to return to Bp 5ith Peop%e when I $ot out of the Ar0+= *ut to $et elected Pre!ident of the >nited State! in!tead? A! Pre!ident= I fi$ured I could reall+ 0a6e !o0e chan$e!C !o I Doined a political $roup= !tartin$ 0+ career *+ $ettin$ elected to the AriLona !tate !enate at the a$e of twent+Mei$ht? /owever= one ter0 a! a !enator wa! all I needed to realiLe that not onl+ did thi! $roup have no chance of chan$in$ an+thin$= *ut that $overn0ent the wa+ it i! practiced toda+ i! actuall+ the cau!e of 0o!t of the pro*le0! in the fir!t place and the thin$ that reKuire! chan$in$ the 0o!t? I ran for reMelection an+wa+= not 6nowin$ what el!e to doC *ut I 0ade !ure I lo!t with !o0e con!ciou! deci!ion! that could have no other outco0e= li6e droppin$ 0+ affiliation with an+ 0aDor part+ and runnin$ a! an Independent= not ca0pai$nin$= and ta6in$ a wo0an who wa! not 0+ wife to the 8rand Can+on in full pu*lic view? I nearl+ won de!pite it allC *ut late on election ni$ht= a! it *eca0e clear I would lo!e= 0+ friend! !tarted to file out of the hotel roo0 where we were watchin$ the return!= eEpre!!in$ their condolence! and even cr+in$ for 0+ lo!!? I tried hard to loo6 di!appointed= *ut in!ide I wa! relieved and happ+ a! I could *e? That ! when I realiLed there wa! !o0ethin$ wron$ with me I !hould pro*a*l+ addre!! *efore continuin$ to tr+ to chan$e the world? I had Du!t thrown awa+ a *rilliant political career a! the new 2darlin$3 of the AriLona

Repu*lican Part+= and +et I wa! utterl+ thrilled with the outco0e? That= to 0e= wa! co0pletel+ illo$ical and ineEplica*le? So I !tarted loo6in$ for an eEplanation= !earchin$ the *ac6 of the theater for a $roup who could help 0e under!tand= and ended up Doinin$ one of the 0o!t controver!ial and radical $roup! I could findA the Church of Scientolo$+? It didn t ta6e lon$ to 0a6e 0+ wa+ to the top= a! an OT. and a Co00odore ! Staff Aide to )? Ron /u**ard? I will tal6 0ore a*out thi! eEperience in a different conteEt a little later? -or now= all I want to !a+ i! that 0+ !tint with the Church la!ted le!! than two +ear!? NNN Thi! can *e Kuite co00on a0on$ /u0an Adult!= to $o fro0 one $roup to another= !ta+in$ onl+ a li0ited ti0e? In the la!t fort+ +ear!= !ince the /ippie Move0ent and the re!ultin$ lar$e influE of new /u0an Adult!= 0ore and 0ore $roup! have !prun$ up with a wide variet+ of different approache! and techniKue! for chan$in$ thin$!C !o when one $roup turn! out to *e un!ati!factor+ for !o0e rea!on= another one i! alwa+! there waitin$ for +ou? Toda+ the *ac6 of the theater i! overflowin$ with the0= and I want to ta6e a clo!er loo6 at !o0e of the!e $roup! and their characteri!tic!? In $eneral we can !a+ the *a!ic difference *etween a /u0an Child and a /u0an Adult i! the de0and for chan$e= coupled with a !elfMdeter0ined action on the part of the /u0an Adult? /u0an Children 0i$ht co0plain a*out the 0ovie! and their predica0ent= *ut the+ will never do an+thin$ a*out it= paral+Led in!tead *+ fear? Therefore= for a $roup to la!t an+ len$th of ti0e in the *ac6 of the theater= the+ 0u!t cater to and !ati!f+ the /u0an Adult ! need to *e part of a $roup and their o*!e!!ion to chan$e thin$!? So the+ all pro0i!e certain ver+ !pecific thin$! to their follower!J 1? The+ clai0 the+ can teach a /u0an Adult how to chan$e the content of the 0ovie! the+ are watchin$ how to chan$e their life= their realit+ OR "? The+ clai0 the+ can teach a /u0an Adult how to chan$e their e0otional reaction! to the 0ovie! the+ are watchin$= even if the+ can t chan$e the 0ovie! the0!elve! AN9 %? The+ clai0 their follower! will *e happier= 0ore pro!perou!= 0ore lovin$= 0ore peaceful= 0ore wi!e= 0ore powerful= 0ore of ever+thin$ 2$ood3 if the+ follow the $roup ! in!truction!? It ! not po!!i*le to tal6 a*out all of the individual $roup! there are far too 0an+ of the0 *ut there i! !o0e value in loo6in$ at a few of the $eneral cate$orie! +ou have to choo!e fro0? -ir!t= there are the 2Activi!t!?3 The!e are the $roup! who!e intent i! to chan$e the 0ovie! the0!elve! *+ actuall+ doin$ !o0ethin$A ani0al activi!t!= environ0ental activi!t!= political activi!t!= !ocial activi!t!= *lac6 activi!t!= hu0an ri$ht! activi!t!= con!u0er activi!t!= wo0en ! activi!t!= peace activi!t!= intentional co00unitie!= Save the &hale!= Save the Children= Save the Planet= and !o on? -or eEa0ple= over the la!t fift+ +ear! there have *een 0ore than ei$ht+ antiMnuclear $roup! operatin$ in the >nited State! alone?1 Then there i! a cate$or+ I will call 2altered !tate! of con!ciou!ne!!?3 In thi! $roup +ou can find 0editation= h+pnotherap+= *reathin$ techniKue!= +o$a= pra+er= the 1"MStep pro$ra0!= all 6ind! of pre!cription and ille$al dru$!= *iofeed*ac6= !tre!! 0ana$e0ent= lau$hter therap+= tantric !eE= and 0ore? The $oal of all the!e $roup! i! to chan$e the wa+ +ou view +our 0ovie! +our life= +our realit+ *+ chan$in$ +our awarene!!= or in !o0e ca!e!= *+ e!capin$ the 0ovie! entirel+ throu$h $reater uncon!ciou!ne!!? The third 0aDor cate$or+ i! the New A$e= which include! a whole !lew of +o$i!= !ha0an!= !wa0i!= and $uru!= alon$ with 0editation= A*raha0= (he Secret= the 2)aw of Attraction=3 & Course in )irac%es= /eartMath= dolphinMa!!i!ted therap+= li$ht and color therap+= Rei6i= E0otional -reedo0 TechniKue= Electro0a$netic -ield 5alancin$ OEM-P= 0a$netic field therap+= Thou$ht -ield Therap+= P!+chM<= channelin$= Native A0erican teachin$!= and the li!t $oe! on !ee0in$l+ forever? The!e $roup! atte0pt to $ive +ou !o0e !ort of control over +our life *+ offerin$ techniKue!= cere0onie!= and ritual! de!i$ned to produce an alternative realit+= if u!ed correctl+ to chan$e +our perception a*out +our realit+? And then there are the 2Eternal 5li!! See6er!=3 which can al!o *e called the 2/eartMCentered Approach=3 toutin$ 0editation= po!itive thin6in$= co0pa!!ion= !alvation= love= happine!!= a*undance= pro!perit+= $oodne!!= *eaut+= 0indfulne!!= inner tranKuilit+= peace on earth and $ood will toward 0en? The *a!ic idea of the!e $roup!

i! that 2ne$ativit+ i! *ad co0puter pro$ra00in$34 that can *e re0oved throu$h 2a powerful Dourne+ of the heart in which we co0e to under!tand the role each of u! pla+! in creatin$ the life and the world we lon$ to live in= the one perfectl+ de!i$ned to help u! live in happine!!= fulfill0ent= and *li!!?37 O@ou ll notice that 20editation3 appear! in each of the la!t three $roup!? It ! the techniKue of choice for 0an+ /u0an Adult! ancient= *ut ver+ popular the!e da+! and offered a! part of the a$enda of a nu0*er of different $roup! with different $oal! li6e a cureMall?P NNN To *e clear and co0plete= I al!o need to 0ention !o0e $roup! +ou !on<t find in the *ac6 of the theater? -or eEa0ple= +ou won t find $roup! repre!entin$ the world ! 0aDor reli$ion! Chri!tianit+= I!la0= /indui!0= 5uddhi!0= and #udai!0 Owhich co0pri!e a*out threeMKuarter! of the world ! populationP? In!tead= the+ are part of the 0ovie! pla+in$ out on the !creen? &hile the!e reli$ion! 0i$ht pa+ lip !ervice to $reater happine!! in the 2here and now=3 their underl+in$ and ulti0ate 0e!!a$e i! that their follower! !hould not eEpect an+ real i0prove0ent in their live! an+ real chan$e in their realit+ while alive= *ut focu! on adherin$ to variou! rule! and re$ulation! of *elief! and *ehavior! with the hope of *ein$ rewarded later 0o!t t+picall+ after the+ die? Thi! 6ind of 0e!!a$e i! perfect for the /u0an Children !ittin$ $lued to their chair!= *ut not at all accepta*le to a /u0an Adult who want! chan$e NO&G That doe!n t 0ean there are no /u0an Adult! involved in the!e 0aDor reli$ion!? There are= !o0e? Often the+ are 6ind and lovin$ and co0pa!!ionate and wellMintentioned= and have cho!en to $o *ac6 into the !eated portion of the theater to 0ini!ter to the /u0an Children? &hat +ou 0ore co00onl+ find in the *ac6 of the theater are !plinter $roup! of the!e reli$ion! 0uch !0aller clu!ter! of /u0an Adult! who clai0 to have found new wa+! to le!!en the pain and !ufferin$ of life in the 0o0ent while clin$in$ to the *a!ic tenet! of their faith= !uch a! Hen 5uddhi!t!= 5aha i= Advaita Fedanta= Chri!tian Scienti!t!= to na0e Du!t a few? There i! al!o a ver+ lon$ li!t10 of other !plinter $roup!= co00onl+ called 2cult!3 Odependin$ on who ! doin$ the callin$P= that attract tho!e /u0an Adult! who have $iven up on conventional reli$ion *ut !till need !o0e 6ind of or$aniLed !+!te0 of 0oralit+? Scientolo$+ and Moral ReM Ar0a0ent= 0+ per!onal choice! in the pa!t= fall into thi! cate$or+? The !a0e thin$ hold! true for politic!? In the >nited State!= 0aDor partie! !uch a! the Repu*lican! and 9e0ocrat! are in the 0ovie! +ou watch? 5ut in the *ac6 of the theater +ou ll find the )i*ertarian!= the 8reen Part+= the Con!titution Part+= the Tea Part+= A0erica ! Independent Part+= and !o on= that afford a /u0an Adult the opportunit+ to Doin a political $roup a! their 0ethod of tr+in$ to chan$e thin$!= de!pite the odd!= and 6nowin$ full well the+ are up a$ain!t a wellMentrenched twoMpart+ !+!te0 who!e real $oal i! not to chan$e an+thin$ Owhich i! wh+ the+ are preferred and 0aintained *+ the vote! of the /u0an ChildrenP? Conventional 0edicine i! al!o part of the %9 0ovie!= !ince it! 0ain focu! i! on !uppre!!in$ !+0pto0! phar0acolo$icall+ rather than chan$in$ the cau!e of an+ di!ea!e? /owever= in the *ac6 of the theater +ou ll find over oneMhundred alternative therap+ $roup! !uch a! acupuncture= AleEander techniKue= A<= aro0a therap+= a+urveda= 5ach flower re0edie!= *od+ wor6= chelation therap+= Chine!e 0edicine= chiropractic= cranio!acral therap+= cr+!tal healin$= and that ! Du!t throu$h the 2C !3 in the alpha*et?11 /etero!eEualit+= 0arria$e= and the nuclear fa0il+ are part of the 0ovie! a! well= and the!e haven t chan$ed at all in hu0an hi!tor+? 5ut in the *ac6 are $roup! practicin$ ho0o!eEualit+= !win$in$= pol+$a0+= pol+a0or+= free love= 59SM= vo+euri!0= eEhi*itioni!0= and celi*ac+= for eEa0ple? 5a!icall+= if +ou turn on the TF an+ da+ of the wee6 and watch the !oap opera!= +ou ll !ee what ! in the 0ovie! 6eepin$ the /u0an Children entertained and pacifiedA conventional reli$ion!= conventional politic!= conventional 0edicine= and conventional !eEualit+? &hat +ou !on<t !ee in the !oap! are the $roup! availa*le to /u0an Adult! in the *ac6 of the theater with the eEception of !o0e 0oc6in$ and fleetin$ reference in a 0ovie or two to 0a6e !ure the /u0an Children don t *elieve an+ of the pro0i!in$ ru0or! that 0i$ht find their wa+ around the theater? I don t 0ean to i0pl+ +ou can t *e a /u0an Adult if +ou are a 0ono$a0ou! Repu*lican who !till $oe! to church and !ee! a doctor? Conventional reli$ion= conventional politic!= conventional 0edicine= and conventional !eEualit+ are the four corner!tone! of the 0ovie! the life= the realit+ all /u0an Children and Adult! are i00er!ed in ever+ 0o0ent of ever+ da+= no 0atter where the+ are !tandin$ or !ittin$ in the 0ovie theater? The

2conventional3 i! all the+ have ever 6nown= never reall+ Kue!tioned= and therefore find the0 hard to leave? Thi! i! e!peciall+ true of new /u0an Adult! who need to *elon$ to a $roup and have not +et found !ufficient replace0ent! in the *ac6 of the theater? &hat I am !a+in$ i! that thi! will chan$e over ti0e? A! a /u0an Adult *eco0e! 0ore co0forta*le in it! new !urroundin$! and find! new $roup! to Doin= conventional reli$ion= conventional politic!= and conventional 0edicine will *e replaced *+ $roup! in the *ac6 of the theater= while conventional !eEualit+ han$! on for dear life? NNN O*viou!l+= there are 0an+= 0an+ 0ore $roup! for /u0an Adult! to Doin than I have 0entioned literall+ hundred!= pro*a*l+ over a thou!and of the0 now= !o0e of which do not fall into one of 0+ 0ain cate$orie!= either? -or eEa0ple= there are 0ore than two doLen 2>-O reli$ion!3 li!ted in the &i6ipedia 1" that can *e found in the *ac6 of the theater? So thi! wa! not 0eant to *e a co0plete li!t of $roup! or cate$orie!= *ut intended to $ive a cur!or+ idea of the 6ind! of opportunitie! availa*le to a new /u0an AdultC and I don t 6now an+ new /u0an Adult who ha! not Doined at lea!t one of the!e $roup! within a !hort ti0e of leavin$ their chair? After Scientolo$+= I Doined the Chiropractic $roup= who Kuite clearl+ !tate their $oal i! to chan$e the world *+ correctin$ verte*ral !u*luEation= one per!on at a ti0eC and I !ta+ed connected with thi! $roup for 0ore than twent+ +ear!? The fun part i! that +ou can Doin 0ore than one $roup at a ti0e if *oth $roup! will per0it it? &hile part of the Chiropractic $roup= I al!o later *elon$ed to )ovin$ More= Applied Metap!+cholo$+= the Ro+alMPrie!t channelin$ $roup= AlMAnon= and the 8roup for the Scientific Reapprai!al of the /IFUAI9S /+pothe!i!? &hile not actuall+ Doinin$ officiall+= I al!o 2audited3 $roup! connected with the 2Seth3 *oo6!= with &al!ch ! Conversations !ith God and Sitchin ! 3arth Chronic%es= with & Course in )irac%es= Brantia= 0editation= nu0erolo$+= a!trolo$+= Tai Chi= -ocu!in$= and Ro!icruciani!0? I attended nu0erou! !elfMhelp !e0inar! and wor6!hop!= tried (he Secret= li!tened to A*raha0= watched 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e= and read ever+thin$ I could fro0 Peter Mar!hall= #ohn 5rad!haw= Sai 5a*a= A+n Rand= #? <ri!hna0urti= >?8? <ri!hna0urti= 9eepa6 Chopra= Ec6art Tolle= Mahat0a 8andhi= and other!? Then in 177% I Doined one of the 0o!t radical and pro0i!in$ $roup! I ever encountered in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater? It wa! an intentional co00unit+ called HE88 that had a tenM+ear hi!tor+ *efore I Doined= now located a*out an hour out!ide of 5erlin= 8er0an+? I wa! attracted to thi! $roup *+ their (!e%ve (heses "or a 2on8*io%ent Society1%= written *+ 9ieter 9uh0= and their practice of free love? HE88 no lon$er pro0ote! the writin$! of 9r? 9uh0= nor do the+ practice free love an+ 0ore? The 0aDorit+ of people I 6new there durin$ the 1770 ! have !ince 0oved on to create another intentional co00unit+ called Ta0era in !outhern Portu$al= which I ll tal6 a*out at a later ti0e? 5ut for 0ore than a decade I thou$ht thi! $roup wa! reall+ $oin$ to chan$e thin$! and I wa! eEcited to *e part of it? &hich $roupO!P did you Doin' -OOTNOTES 1? Chica$o F? Dia%ogue, Part (!o O171"P= reM0a!tered and reMrelea!ed in "00" *+ Rhino Record! 5ac6 to readin$ "? &i6ipedia >p &ith People 5ac6 to readin$ %? &i6ipedia Moral ReMAr0a0ent 5ac6 to readin$ (? Bp 5ith Peop%e !on$ l+ric! 5ac6 to readin$ ,? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ .? &i6ipedia 8roupthin6 5ac6 to readin$ 1? &i6ipedia M )i!t of antiMnuclear $roup! in the >nited State! 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Pu*li!her ! &ee6l+ review of Terr+ ColeM&hitta6er ! *oo6= Live #our B%iss 5ac6 to readin$ 7? &el!hon!= #ohn E?= author of One Soul= One )ove= One /eart in hi! review of Terr+ ColeM&hitta6er ! *oo6= Live #our B%iss 5ac6 to readin$ 10? )i!t of cult! 5ac6 to readin$

11? )i!t of alternative therap+ $roup! 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? &i6ipedia M )i!t of >-O reli$ion! 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? Twelve The!e! for a NonMFiolent Societ+ 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! irtuall+ all /u0an Adult! have $athered to$ether in variou! $roup! in the *ac6 of the theater= each $roup tr+in$ to di!cover how to chan$e their realit+= u!uall+ with a leader providin$ $uidance to the follower!= often with !o0e written teEt or rule! or $uideline!? Each /u0an Adult ha! achieved at lea!t a 0odicu0 of !elfM re!pon!i*ilit+ at thi! pointC and !o0e of the $roup! even $ive lip !ervice to 2individual chan$e=3 althou$h the 0ain focu! i! !till on 2the0=3 2out there=3 who continue to involve people li6e u! in 0ovie! full of pain and !ufferin$? 5ut a! I !aid earlier= *ein$ a /u0an Adult i! not a 2*ad3 wa+ to !pend +our lifeC and there are !o0e a0aLin$ re!ult! that can *e achieved *+ *elon$in$ to one or 0ore of the!e $roup!? It ! po!!i*le= for eEa0ple= the content of the %9 0ovie! in which +ou are !till i00er!ed 0i$ht appear to chan$e !li$htl+ after appl+in$ !o0ethin$ +ou learned in a $roup? So0e /u0an Adult! 0i$ht !ee 0ore chan$e! than other!? It ! al!o po!!i*le the 0ovie content doe!n t chan$e= *ut +ou find certain techniKue! of how to *etter deal with the pain and !ufferin$ inflicted *+ the 0ovie!? So0e /u0an Adult! 0i$ht learn to deal with it *etter than other!? @ou can even have all 6ind! of 0+!tical or eEtra!en!or+ or paranor0al or p!+chic eEperience!= 0o0ent! of 2union with 8od3 or 2onene!! with All That I!3 or 2co!0ic con!ciou!ne!!3 or !oMcalled 2enli$hten0ent?3 @ou could learn to control +our heart rate= lie on a *ed of nail!= 0ove o*Dect! and *end !poon!= 0a6e par6in$ !pace! appear where +ou want the0= do p!+chic !ur$er+= have outMofM*od+ eEperience!= *eco0e telepathic or clairvo+ant= even levitate? If the!e are +our $oal!= +ou can acco0pli!h the0 all a! a /u0an Adult in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= a!!u0in$ +ou find the ri$ht $roup and appl+ +our!elf dili$entl+ to the ta!6? 5ut there ! a pro*le0? A *i$ one? Several *i$ one!= a! a 0atter of fact? &hen the+ arrive at the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= 0o!t /u0an Adult! *elieve= ulti0atel+= life !hould not include any pain and !ufferin$ at all= that +our realit+ could actuall+ *e one of con!tant and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love /eaven on Earth= if +ou will? 5ut +ou re not there +et= de!pite all the wor6 +ou ve done and all the techniKue! +ou ve learned and all the 0editatin$ +ou ve 2!at!an$3 throu$h? &h+ not' -or two rea!on!? One i! the *elief in life without pain and !ufferin$ i! Du!t that a be%ie"C and there ! no evidence thi! *elief i! true? /ave +ou ever 0et I 0 not tal6in$ a*out hearin$ or readin$ !econdMhand !torie! fro0 the pa!t have +ou ever met an+one in pre!ent ti0e livin$ in con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love' O2Con!tant and true and a*idin$3 eli0inate! tho!e few who !pend their live! tr+in$ to fa6e eternal *li!!?P If it were po!!i*le= don t +ou thin6 it would have happened Du!t once to !o0e /u0an Adult in the *ac6 of the theater who0 +ou 6now= or +our friend 6now!= or +our friend ! friend 6now!' After all= 0an+ of the!e $roup! clai0 it ! po!!i*le for everyone to achieve? The !econd rea!on i! that life in!ide the 0ovie theater i! not de!i$ned to include con!tant and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love= a! we ll !ee in a later chapter? It will never happen there? True= +ou 0i$ht *e a*le to have 0ore financial !ucce!!= for eEa0ple= a! a re!ult of Doinin$ !o0e $roupC *ut +our love life then $oe! to hell? Or +ou 0i$ht find +our 2!oul0ate3 and have +ear! of 0arital *li!!= *ut for !o0e rea!on +ou can t 0a6e enou$h 0one+ for the thin$! +ou want? Or 0an+ circu0!tance! around +ou can !ee0 to *e $oin$ well= *ut then +ou or a fa0il+ 0e0*er or a loved one !uffer an uneEpected accident or illne!! and

ever+thin$ chan$e! a$ain? @ou 0i$ht even develop a 0+!tical power or two and have 0o0ent! of 2onene!!=3 onl+ to have the hi$h wear off eventuall+ and di!cover +ou re !till not happ+ with +our life 0o!t of the ti0e? The truth i!= a! a 0e0*er of a $roup in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= +ou will never chan$e the *a!ic !tor+line of the 0ovie!= at lea!t not in an+ !i$nificant and la!tin$ wa+= or in the wa+ +ou thin6 +ou want to? Man+ have tried= *ut virtuall+ none ha! !ucceededC !o +ou re not alone in +our de!ire or in +our fru!tration? Put ver+ !i0pl+= a /u0an Adult in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater can never $et all it! duc6! in a row at one ti0e= no 0atter what it doe! or *elieve! or pretend!? It ! Du!t not po!!i*le? &h+' The fir!t hu$e pro*le0 i! that none of the!e $roup! actuall+ wor6 none of the0 produce the re!ult! the+ clai0 the+ can? 5efore +ou !la0 thi! *oo6 clo!ed and tr+ to defend +our per!onal choice of a particular $roup or two= plea!e ta6e an hone!t and o*Dective 0o0ent to con!iderJ B when +ou loo6 at the world toda+= do +ou reall+ thin6 the hu0an race a! a whole i! 0ore peaceful= 0ore lovin$= 0ore tolerant= 0ore fulfilled= happier= !afer= *etter fed and *etter hou!ed than it wa! ten +ear! a$o' Or fift+ or a hundred +ear! a$o' &hen +ou watch the evenin$ new!= doe!n t the oppo!ite appear to *e true' 9oe!n t it !ee0 li6e the world a! portra+ed in the %9 0ovie! !urroundin$ +ou i! headin$ in the 2wron$3 direction= awa+ fro0 con!tant and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love and into $reater depth! of pain and !ufferin$ de!pite all the effort! of all the different $roup! that have $rown eEponentiall+ over the !a0e period of ti0e' B after hundred! upon hundred! of +ear!= of hour! upon hour! of 0editation *+ 0illion! upon 0illion! of people= not 0uch ha! *een achieved= other than 0a+*e a few ver+ i!olated ca!e!? After that 0uch 0editation= where are all the !oMcalled 2enli$htened one!=3 and wh+ don t the+ co0pri!e a *i$$er percenta$e of our population' B if (he Secret or the 2)aw of Attraction3 actuall+ wor6ed= we !hould !ee a lar$e nu0*er of their follower! 0anife!tin$ wonderful thin$! in their live! on a re$ular *a!i!? I wouldn t even reKuire a 100T !ucce!! rate to con!ider the!e 6ind! of techniKue! effective? If (he Secret or the 2)aw of Attraction3 wor6ed ,0T of the ti0e for ,0T of the people who tried it= I 0i$ht dee0 it worth+ of attention and prai!e? 5ut when onl+ a ver+ few people $et re!ult! onl+ a ver+ few ti0e! out of 0an+ when the+ u!e the!e techniKue!J? B after all the po!itive thin6in$ and co0pa!!ion and pil$ri0a$e! and pra+er! and altar! and !weat lod$e! and !tone circle! and cere0onie! and ritual! and !itMin! and de0on!tration! and prote!t! and endle!! Course in )irac%es< 0eetin$!= we re !till no clo!er to peace on thi! planet than we ve ever *een? Even the /ippie Move0ent had little or nothin$ to do with endin$ the Fietna0 &ar= and at the 0o0ent we re involved in two 0ore war! Du!t li6e it? B all the profound chan$e! in hu0an hi!tor+ have co0e fro0 a !in$le individual= not a $roup *oth 2$ood3 O#e!u!= 5uddha= Muha00ad= Mo!e!= Confuciu!= Martin )uther= Copernicu!= Ein!tein= Tho0a! Edi!on= AleEander 8raha0 5ell= and Cai )un who invented paper in China in 10, A9P and 2*ad3 O8hen$i! <han= /itler= Stalin= Mao= Pol Pot= etc?P? I repeat= none of the $roup! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater produce! an+thin$ clo!e to what the+ clai0 for the overwhel0in$ nu0*er of their follower!? I do not !a+ an+ of thi! Dud$0entall+C I a0 not *la0in$ the0= or criticiLin$ the0= or !a+in$ the+ are 2wron$3 for their lac6 of !ucce!!? OIn fact= I 6now their lac6 of !ucce!! i! perfect for the wa+ the 0ovie theater i! de!i$ned?P I a0 0erel+ !tatin$ fact= pointin$ to the elephant in the roo0= eEplainin$ that the e0peror i! na6ed? Nor a0 I !a+in$ none of the!e $roup! wor6 *ecau!e the+ didn t wor6 for 0e? A! +ou read= I wa! involved with a lot of !oMcalled !piritual and !elfMhelp $roup! for 0ore than fort+ +ear!= involvin$ hundred! if not thou!and! of people? I have never 0et one per!on out of tho!e thou!and! who0 I would !a+ ha! achieved what the $roup pro0i!ed? /ave +ou'

I al!o want to re0ind +ou that I decline to *e a $uru= teacher= coach= 0entor= or leader of an+ $roup= !o I have no ve!ted intere!t in 0a6in$ the0 all 2wron$3 and 0+!elf 2ri$ht3 in order to $et +ou to follow 0e in!tead? I a0 not intere!ted in 2follower!=3 !o I a0 co0pletel+ free to tell +ou the truth a! I !ee it= and a! an+one el!e can !ee it if the+ loo6 clo!el+ and carefull+ and hone!tl+? NNN So0e of the $roup! convenientl+ eEplain wh+ the+ are !o ineffective= offerin$ rea!on! li6e= 2No pain= no $ain=3 or 2It ta6e! +ear! and +ear!= and even lifeti0e!= for our techniKue to wor6=3 or 2@ou 0u!t *e doin$ !o0ethin$ wron$=3 or 2@our de!ire i! not pure and !incere enou$h=3 or 2@ou re not !piritual enou$h to 0a6e it wor6=3 or 2Re0e0*er= there are !iEt+Mfour level! to $o throu$h to *e enli$htened?3 The 0o!t co00on eEcu!e a $roup 0a6e! for it! ineffectivene!! i!= 2we don t have enou$h people in our $roup to 0a6e it wor6?3 So ever+ once in a while= one or 0ore of the!e $roup! will $o *ac6 into the 0ain theater and tr+ to $et !o0e of the /u0an Children up out of their !eat! to Doin the0= with !o0e !ucce!! !o0e of the ti0e= on the theor+ 0ore 0e0*er! in the $roup will 0a6e it 0ore effective? Occa!ionall+ a few new /u0an Adult recruit! 0a6e their wa+ to the *ac6 of the theater a! a re!ult= *ut not enou$h to 0a6e an+ difference? M+ *i$$e!t o*Dection to thin$! li6e (he Secret and the 2)aw of Attraction=3 for eEa0ple= i! that when the+ don t wor6= we feel li6e it ! our fault= that there ! !o0ethin$ wron$ with u!? After all= there are !uppo!edl+ all the!e other people who u!e the0 !ucce!!full+= !o it 0u!t *e 0e? I 0 not $ood enou$h to 0a6e it wor6? I 0 doin$ !o0ethin$ wron$? I 0 worthle!!? I 0 a failure? The pro*le0 i! 2all the!e other people who u!e the0 !ucce!!full+3 don t eEi!t either? Sure= there are i!olated ca!e! where !o0eone u!ed (he Secret and 20anife!ted3 a new car we ll find out later whether that wa! actuall+ true and= of cour!e= Rhonda 5+rne pro*a*l+ 20anife!ted3 a lot of 0one+ for her!elf when !he 0ade up (he Secret? The Truth i! there i! nothin$ wron$ with you= and there never ha! *eenC the error i! with the $roup and it! philo!oph+= techniKue= cere0on+ or ritual? The+ !i0pl+ don t wor6 con!i!tentl+ for even a !0all fraction of their follower!? If an+ $roup in the *ac6 of the theater were reall+ !ucce!!ful in producin$ con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love= don t +ou thin6 word would $et around Kuic6l+ and ever+one el!e would leave their $roup and Doin that one' If an+ one of the0 were even 0oderatel+ !ucce!!ful in chan$in$ the 0ovie! or a per!on ! reaction to the0= there*+ providin$ real relief fro0 the pain and !ufferin$ rather than *ein$ Du!t a te0porar+ and wellM0ar6eted fad don t +ou thin6 0o!t /u0an Adult! would *e *eatin$ down their door to Doin' In!tead what we !ee are new $roup! poppin$ up li6e popcorn in our 0ovie theater? &hat 0ore proof doe! an+one need that the eEi!tin$ $roup! don t wor6' &hen /u0an Adult! can !tep *ac6 fro0 the $roupthin6 and *e hone!t with the0!elve!= the+ 6now their $roup doe!n t wor6? The pro*le0 i! we don t want to ad0it it= *ecau!e one of the!e $roup! has to wor6? &e !ant the0 to wor6= ver+ *adl+? &e need the0 to wor6? &e have to *elieve the $roup we ve Doined offer! u! the relief we !ee6 fro0 the pain and !ufferin$? If none of the $roup! wor6= we ll feel hopele!! no *etter off than the /u0an Children !till !ittin$ in their !eat! and that ! the wor!t feelin$ in the world= to *e avoided at all co!t!? There co0e! a ti0e for 0an+ /u0an Adult! when the+ cannot e!cape or den+ the o*viou! forever and decide the particular $roup the+ *elon$ to at the ti0e i! not wor6in$ i! not !ucce!!ful in creatin$ the chan$e the+ want? At that point the+ will !i0pl+ 0ove on to a different $roup= !till convinced some $roup 0u!t wor6 and all the+ need to do i! 6eep loo6in$ for the 2ri$ht3 one? Over the lifeti0e of a /u0an Adult= the+ 0i$ht *elon$ to a few= if not doLen!= of the!e $roup!= tr+in$ de!peratel+ and futilel+ to find one that wor6!= that doe! what it !a+! it can do= that offer! con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love? NNN #ed Mc<enna doe!n t have ver+ nice thin$! to !a+ a*out the +o$i! and !wa0i! and !ha0an! and $uru! and leader! of all the!e ineffective $roup!= callin$ the0 2!na6e oil !ale!0en=3 a! if the+ were doin$ !o0ethin$ 2wron$?3

,Gurus and meditation and spiritua% teachings are a%% gent%e deceptions meant to soothe the inner co!ard, not "orge the inner hero9 Gurus are the !orst egotists the !or%d has ever seen &%% gurus are !e%"are organi>ations providing petty e.periences to their "o%%o!ers (he guru game is a pro"itab%e industry4 try and ma+e t!o mi%%ion do%%ars a year any other !ay -1 &hile all thi! 0i$ht *e factuall+ accurate= I don t !hare #ed ! Dud$0ent that $oe! alon$ with it? @e!= 0a+*e there are a few leader! of the!e $roup! who are out to 0a6e a na0e and fa0e and fortune for the0!elve!= and realiLe leadin$ a $roup of /u0an Adult! in the *ac6 of the theater can produce eEactl+ that for them= even if the $roup doe!n t produce an+ re!ult! for it! follower!? 5ut even that i!n t 2wron$?3 On the whole= I li6e to thin6 0an+ of the!e leader! are !incerel+ tr+in$ to find !o0e an!wer!? After all= !o0eone ha! to *e a*le to fi$ure thi! out= don t the+' Plea!e' 5ut all leader! of all $roup! end up hittin$ an i0pa!!e= 0ainl+ *ecau!e their philo!oph+ or techniKue or practice contain! 0aDor and irrepara*le incon!i!tencie!? There i! a theor+ in !ocial p!+cholo$+ called 2co$nitive di!!onance"=3 which i! 2an unco0forta*le feelin$ cau!ed *+ holdin$ two contradictor+ idea! !i0ultaneou!l+? The theor+ of co$nitive di!!onance propo!e! that people have a 0otivational drive to reduce di!!onance *+ chan$in$ their attitude!= *elief!= and *ehavior!= or *+ Du!tif+in$ or rationaliLin$ the0?3% A! a /u0an Adult= for eEa0ple= +ou 0a+ *e oppo!ed to cruelt+ to ani0al!= *ut +ou !till want to eat 0eat? Thi! cau!e! +ou a pro*le0 +ou 0u!t re!olve in +our 0ind !o0ehow? ,&n ear%y version o" cognitive dissonance theory appeared in Leon 'estinger$s 1FGH boo+, I5hen Prophecy 'ai%s < (his boo+ gave an inside account o" be%ie" persistence in members o" a B'1 doomsday cu%t, and documented the increased prose%yti>ation they e.hibited a"ter the %eader$s Iend o" the !or%d< prophecy "ai%ed to come true (he prediction o" the 3arth$s destruction, supposed%y sent by a%iens to the %eader o" the group, became a Idiscon"irmed e.pectancy< that caused dissonance bet!een the cognitions, Ithe !or%d is going to end< and Ithe !or%d did not end < &%though some members abandoned the group !hen the prophecy "ai%ed, most o" the members %essened their dissonance by accepting a ne! be%ie", that the p%anet !as spared because o" the "aith o" the group -( #ed Mc<enna !u$$e!t! a /u0an Adult will eEperience !o0ethin$ !i0ilar which he call! 2Spiritual 9i!!onance3J? ,& common e.amp%e o" Spiritua% Dissonance !ou%d be4 /" God %oves us, !hy does 6e a%%o! so much su""eringD (he certainty o" God<s %ove is the interna% be%ie" (he obviousness o" human su""ering is the e.terna% rea%ity /s God unab%e to end su""eringD 2o, !e must ans!er, because 6e can do !hatever 6e !ants (here"ore, 6e must a%%o! or even cause su""ering But ho! can that be i" 6e %oves usD Something some!here has to give or, pre"erab%y, !e avoid as+ing the =uestion in the "irst p%ace -, 9ifferent $roup! offer different !olution! for thi! Spiritual 9i!!onance? One co00on techniKue i! to create a new *elief that *uild! a *rid$e *etween the two conflictin$ one!A /nterna% be%ie"4 28od love! u!?3 3.terna% rea%ity4 2There i! !ufferin$ in the world?3 Bridge be%ie"4 2&e onl+ !uffer *ecau!e we are not worth+ of 8od ! love?3 OrJ /nterna% be%ie"4 2&e were 0ade in the i0a$e of 8od= who i! perfect in ever+ wa+?3 3.terna% rea%ity4 2&e do *ad thin$! a! hu0an *ein$!?3 Bridge be%ie"4 2)ife i! a !chool= a trainin$ center= where we are !uppo!ed to learn and 0ature into perfect !oul!?3

M+ favorite eEa0ple co0e! fro0 0+ recent eEperience in the intentional co00unit+ of Ta0era in !outhern Portu$al? One of the !piritual leader! there 6now!= deep in her heart= 2Dud$0ent i! wron$3 her fir!t contradiction= for to !a+ 2Dud$0ent i! wron$3 i! a Dud$0ent it!elf? 5ut *ecau!e of her co0pa!!ion for other!= !he want! to chan$e the world and 0a6e it a *etter place to live? She ! !0art enou$h to realiLe wantin$ to chan$e the world i! a Dud$0ent thin$! are wron$ and need to *e chan$ed= !o !he co0e! up with a !olutionA 2&e 0u!t accept thin$! Du!t a! the+ are= without Dud$0ent= and then we can chan$e the0?3 &hat 'G Si0ple lo$ic !a+! if +ou don t Dud$e !o0ethin$ a! 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 or 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$=3 +ou will !ee that 2!o0ethin$3 a! perfect eEactl+ the wa+ it i!? An+ action +ou then ta6e will not *e 0otivated *+ the need or wi!h to chan$e it at all? O&e ll tal6 a lot 0ore a*out thi! concept in later part! of the *oo6?P 5ut none of the $roup! in the *ac6 of the theater i! co0pletel+ lo$ical? 8larin$ contradiction! !how up ver+ Kuic6l+ in all the $roup! when an hone!t and o*Dective 0ind !hine! the li$ht of rea!on and di!cern0ent on the0? So0e $roup! !i0pl+ pa!! off their incon!i!tencie! to a hi$her authorit+A 2The )ord wor6! in 0+!teriou! wa+!=3 or 2It ! the Do* of the cler$+ to $rapple with !uch i0pondera*le i!!ue!?3 Or the+ tell their follower! to i$nore the tou$h Kue!tion! alto$ether= or den+ the0= or !i0pl+ !ta+ occupied and di!tracted !o the!e 6ind! of Kue!tion! and countle!! other! li6e the0 can never $ain a foothold in our awarene!!? The 0ain o*Dective= however= i! to !top the di!co0fortJ? ,(he most sincere see+ers are 9 not see+ing truth or ans!ersJ they<re see+ing re%ie" "rom Spiritua% Dissonance Providing this re%ie" is the %i"eb%ood o" the re%igious and spiritua% mar+etp%ace /t has nothing to do !ith truth or a!a+ening /n "act, ?ust the opposite /n the "ina% ana%ysis, stripped o" a%% its ho%y pretensions, the entire spiritua% mar+etp%ace is rea%%y nothing more than an e.istentia% =uic+8%ube shop, and !hi%e there may be an end%ess variety in pac+aging, there is rea%%y on%y one product Spiritua% Consonance is !hat a%% see+ers see+J an end to discom"ort9 But the consonance they see+ can on%y be "ound in deeper unconsciousness9 ? (o the best o" my +no!%edge, spiritua%%y8inc%ined peop%e, "rom a%% !a%+s and discip%ines, at a%% stages, are rea%%y doing nothing more than maintaining or deepening their entrenchment, and maybe pidd%ing around !ith mi%d%y a%tered states -. I !till have 0an+= 0an+ people I call 0+ friend! in all of the $roup! I ve *elon$ed to intelli$ent= wellM 0eanin$= wellMintentioned /u0an Adult! who care a lot a*out thi! world= pro*a*l+ a lot li6e +ouC and !o0ehow it *eco0e! ea!+ to overloo6 the!e contradiction! in order not to roc6 the *oat the $roup i! !ailin$ in? The truth i! we don t !ant our $roup to have incon!i!tencie! and contradiction!C !o the+ don t= a! far a! we are concerned= even thou$h the+ are written all over the elephant in the 0iddle of the livin$ roo0? Recentl+ one of the leader! of a $roup I *elon$ed to declared it! #ewi!h 0e0*er! !hould no lon$er o*!erve Sha**at= !uppo!edl+ to help the0 *rea6 old pattern! of reli$iou! tradition on the wa+ to creatin$ a new culture? /owever= the 0ain $roup it!elf *a!icall+ Chri!tian continued to hold their Sunda+ 0ornin$ !ervice!= co0plete with &ma>ing Grace a! a h+0n= and even called one of their dail+ 0eetin$! the 28o!pel /our?3 No one !po6e up or a!6ed Kue!tion! or i!!ued a +ellow card for h+pocri!+? &hen +ou re out!ide one of the!e $roup! loo6in$ o*Dectivel+ at their *elief!= it ! relativel+ ea!+ to !pot 0an+ of the incon!i!tencie! and contradiction!? &hen +ou re in!ide the $roup= however= it ! ver+ difficult not to !uccu0* to $roupthin6? After all= there ha! to *e some $roup that can produce what the+ clai0= doe!n t there' @ou ve loo6ed ever+where and decided the $roup +ou re in i! the *e!t +ou re $oin$ to find= !o who are +ou to Kue!tion the wi!do0 and authorit+ of the $roup leader= even in the face of o*viou! illo$ic' And +ou !till have an overwhel0in$ need to *e part of a $roup and not *e 2out there3 all alone= !o +ou will !wallow al0o!t an+thin$ that !ound! halfMwa+ plau!i*le in order to Du!tif+ and eEplain awa+ the fallacie! in their thin6in$? One of the *e!t techniKue! an+ $roup can u!e to cover up their incon!i!tencie! and contradiction! i! called 2Cri0e!top=3 a! defined *+ 8eor$e Orwell in hi! novel 1FKLJ? ,Crimestop means the "acu%ty o" stopping short, as though by instinct, at the thresho%d o" any dangerous thought /t inc%udes the po!er o" not grasping ana%ogies, o" "ai%ing to perceive %ogica% errors, o" misunderstanding the simp%est arguments i" they are inimica% to /ngsoc, and o" being bored or repe%%ed by any train o" thought !hich is capab%e o" %eading in a heretica% direction Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity -1

NNN Can all the!e $roup! *e 2wron$3 a*out ever+thin$ all of the ti0e' On the !urface= that !ound! Kuite ridiculou! and i0po!!i*le? 5ut thin6 a*out it for a 0inute? I0a$ine +ou re tr+in$ to !olve a lon$ and involved 0ath pro*le0= and the fir!t eKuation i! 2"V"W'3? If +ou $et that an!wer wron$= ever+ other calculation +ou 0a6e after that i! $oin$ to *e wron$= too? &ell= technicall+ I $ue!! that i!n t eEactl+ true? There 0a+ *e other eKuation! within the pro*le0 that don t depend on +our fir!t an!wer= and +ou could $et the0 ri$ht? @ou could al!o 0a6e other 0athe0atical 0i!ta6e! in the proce!! and Du!t happen *+ chance to arrive at a ri$ht an!wer alon$ the wa+? 5ut +our final an!wer i! alwa+! $oin$ to *e wron$? There ! no wa+ around that? In other word!= if +our *a!ic pre0i!e i! fault+= all !u*!eKuent re!ult! that depend on that *a!ic pre0i!e will *e fault+ a! well? ,/n %i"e, contradictions do not 5henever you thin+ you are "acing a contradiction, chec+ your premises #ou !i%% "ind that one o" them is !rong -4 ,/t means there aren<t mi%%ions o" things !rong, ?ust one, right at the source, and everything e%se that appears !rong stems "rom that sing%e core error -7 Thi! i! not Du!t true of 0ath pro*le0!C it ! al!o true of ever+ reli$ion= philo!oph+= !piritual practice= !elfM i0prove0ent techniKue= *elief !+!te0= cere0on+ and ritual? Ever+ $roup in the *ac6 of the theater i! 2wron$3 and cannot and will not produce the re!ult! the+ clai0 the+ canC and the !i0ple rea!on i! that the+ all *e$in with the !a0e incorrect pre0i!e? In the neEt few chapter!= weQre $oin$ to find out what that incorrect pre0i!e i!? NNN Ever+one i! loo6in$ for !olution! to le!!en the pain and !ufferin$ of life= to chan$e the realit+ the+ feel !u*Dected to in the %9 0ovie! !urroundin$ the0? The pro*le0 i! tho!e an!wer! cannot *e found in the 0ovie theater? So0e have co0e clo!e at ti0e!= *ut no one ha! put it all to$ether= *ecau!e it cannot *e put all to$ether? No /u0an Adult i! $oin$ to find con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love a! lon$ a! the+ are in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater? It doe!n t wor6 that wa+? I 0 !ure *+ now +ou have fi$ured out the 0o!t i0portant rea!on wh+A All the /u0an Adult! and all the $roup! the+ *elon$ to are !till inside the movie theater? Not one freed pri!oner ha! ever left Plato ! Cave at thi! point in the 0etaphorC and with ver+ few eEception!= ever+one !till con!ider! the !hadow! on the wall the %9 0ovie! the+ are watchin$ to *e 2real?3 Once in a while= !o0eone will loo6 up at the *lac6 *all han$in$ fro0 the center of the 0ovie theater and !ee tho!e *ri$ht li$ht! !hootin$ toward the wrapMaround !creen!= wonderin$ what the hell that ! all a*out? 5ut al0o!t no one !ee0! to 6now? And the !i$n on the door in the *ac6 wall !a+!= 29o Not Enter EEtre0el+ dan$erou!?3 -OOTNOTES 1? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ "? &i6ipedia Co$nitive di!!onance 5ac6 to readin$ %? -e!tin$er= )? (heory o" cognitive dissonance 5ac6 to readin$ (? -e!tin$er= )?= Riec6en= /?&?= : Schachter= S? 5hen prophecy "ai%s 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$ .? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1? Orwell= 8eor$e? 1FKL 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Rand= A+n? &t%as Shrugged 5ac6 to readin$ 7? Mc<enna= #ed? /d? 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

There are three other door! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater I haven t 0entioned? One ha! a !i$n !a+in$=
2Men ! Roo0C3 another !a+! 2)adie! Roo0C3 and a*ove the third door i! a !i$n !a+in$= 2)i*rar+=3 and that door i! never clo!ed? In *etween $roup!= or a! I *e$an to realiLe the particular $roup I *elon$ed to at the ti0e wa!n t $oin$ to produce what the+ were offerin$ and 0+ 0e0*er!hip wa! co0in$ to an end= I would $o into thi! )i*rar+ and read= loo6in$ for new in!piration and hope? I ve 0entioned in pa!!in$ !o0e of the title! and author! I !pent ti0e with= and I had the chance to !tud+ 0an+ of the teEt! written *+ the founder! and leader! of variou! $roup!= !avin$ 0e the trou*le of actuall+ Doinin$ that $roup in order to di!cover it! incon!i!tencie! and contradiction!? Mo!t of the *oo6! in the )i*rar+ aren t worth 0entionin$= at lea!t in thi! di!cu!!ion? 5ut there i! !o0e ver+ i0portant infor0ation I di!covered while readin$ +ou !hould 6now a*out= if +ou don t alread+ infor0ation a*!olutel+ critical to an+one wi!hin$ to chan$e their realit+? So I 0 $oin$ to 0a6e a *i$ Du0p ri$ht now fro0 philo!oph+ and reli$ion to !cience= fro0 0etaphor! and analo$ie! to cold= hard !cientific eEperi0ent!? The !u*Dect i! Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and what ha! *eco0e 6nown Oand widel+ 0i!under!toodP a! the 2/olo$raphic >niver!e3 0onu0ental di!coverie! 0ade in the la!t few decade! which literall+ chan$e ever+thin$ we have *elieved a*out our ph+!ical univer!e? 9on t worr+? I 0 not $oin$ to $et !cientificall+ technical or !a+ !o0ethin$ an+ /u0an Adult couldn t under!tand? 5ut if +ou are !till not !ati!fied with an+ of the $roup! +ou ve Doined if +ou re loo6in$ around tr+in$ to find out wh+ none of the $roup! have produced an+thin$ clo!e to what +ou want to eEperience and what +ou thin6 i! po!!i*le to eEperience then +ou !hould !pend the neEt few chapter! in the )i*rar+ with 0eC and *rin$ +our co0puter? I want to !a+ at the out!et I a0 not an eEpert in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= !o I have invited the real eEpert! Ph?9? ! in ph+!ic!= profe!!or! of Kuantu0 ph+!ic! at 0aDor univer!itie! worldwide= author! of 0an+ *oo6! to !pea6 to +ou directl+ *+ u!in$ a lot of their written Kuote! and video interview!? 5a!icall+= I want to a!!ure +ou that what +ou will *e readin$ will not *e 0+ opinion!= *ut tho!e of the people who reall+ 6now what the+ re tal6in$ a*out? I ve included a nu0*er of lin6! to @ouTu*e video! to watch= and I !tron$l+ !u$$e!t +ou vi!it tho!e lin6! and watch tho!e video! a! +ou read? O6a+? /ere we $oJ NNN &e ve 6nown for a lon$ ti0e at lea!t= I wa! tau$ht in !chool 0ore than fift+ +ear! a$o the ph+!ical world around u! i! not a! 2!olid3 a! it loo6! and feel!? In fact= the univer!e i! 0ade up of 0o!tl+ e0pt+ !pace? Thi! *eco0e! ver+ clear when we ta6e a ride on a roc6et into outer !pace and !ee !o 0uch 2nothin$3 *etween a few particle! of 0atter called !tar! and $alaEie!? A! the technolo$+ ha! i0proved and we have $one deeper and deeper into 2inner !pace3 a! well= we find the !a0e thin$ in the ato0ic and !u*Mato0ic world! 0o!tl+ 2nothin$?3 The ver+ *e!t and 0o!t fun wa+ to eEperience thi! for +our!elf i! to watch a nineM0inute video called Po!ers o" (en= fro0 the office of Charle! and Ra+ Ea0e!= which the+ produced for I5M in 1711? @ou can watch it here? There have *een other video! 0ade alon$ the !a0e line!A Cosmic *oyage O177.= produced for IMAS and narrated *+ Mor$an -ree0anP= and Cosmic Moom O17.4= produced *+ the National -il0 5oard of Canada?P The 0o!t i0portant thin$ to !ee in the!e video! i! that 2outer !pace3 and 2inner !pace3 loo6 ver+ 0uch ali6eC there ! hardl+ an+thin$ there eEcept e0pt+ !pace?

-or eEa0ple= if +ou too6 the nucleu! of a h+dro$en ato0 and *lew it up to the !iLe of a *a!6et*all= the electron that define! the outer0o!t 2ed$e3 of that ato0 would *e twent+ 0ile! awa+ fro0 the nucleu!? And in *etween' Nothin$? Nada? Hilch? #u!t e0pt+ !pace? 25ithin a%% the atoms and mo%ecu%es E a%% the space !ithin them E the partic%es ta+e up an insigni"icant amount o" the vo%ume o" an atom?31 2/n "act, the universe is most%y empty?3" SoJ the fir!t thin$ we have to under!tand i! that 0atter i! not 2!olid=3 even thou$h it loo6! and feel! that wa+ to u!? 2)atter is not !hat !e have %ong thought it to be?3% Matter i!= in fact= full of e0pt+ !pace? NNN The Po!ers o" (en video end! at the li0it of our under!tandin$ at that ti0e O1711P= loo6in$ at a !in$le proton in the nucleu! of a car*on ato0? 5ut a! the technolo$+ i0proved over the +ear!= and !cienti!t! were a*le to dive deeper and deeper into 2inner !pace=3 the+ di!covered the ver+ !0all particle! the+ found did not *ehave a! the+ were !uppo!ed to= at lea!t not accordin$ to all the law! of ph+!ic! we had *elieved for the la!t hundred! of +ear!? The 0o!t fa0ou! eEperi0ent that cau!ed a real co00otion i! called the 9ou*le Slit? It wa! actuall+ fir!t done with li$ht in 1401 *+ an En$li!h !cienti!t= Tho0a! @oun$? @oun$ de0on!trated that li$ht wa! not actuall+ a particle= a! had *een *elieved forever= *ut acted li6e a wave in!tead? Then in 17.1= thi! !a0e eEperi0ent wa! perfor0ed with electron! rather than li$ht(= and finall+ in 171( with Du!t one electron at a ti0e,? Since then it ha! *een repeated and refined and repeated a$ain= over and over= with the !a0e re!ult ever+ ti0e? In Septe0*er "00"= thi! 9ou*le Slit eEperi0ent wa! voted 2the 0o!t *eautiful eEperi0ent3 . *+ reader! of Physics 5or%d, and noted Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t Richard -e+n0an ha! !aid 2a%% o" =uantum mechanics can be g%eaned "rom care"u%%y thin+ing through the imp%ications o" this sing%e e.periment?31 That ! how i0portant thi! eEperi0ent i!= and how 0uch it ha! chan$ed ever+one ! thin6in$ of how the world wor6!? So let ! ta6e a loo6 at how thi! eEperi0ent i! done and wh+ it! re!ult! are !o !tartlin$J?

&e re $oin$ to !tart *+ ta6in$ !0all piece! of 0atter= li6e little 55 != and !hootin$ a !trea0 of the0 out of a $un a$ain!t a *arrier that ha! a !in$le !lit in it?

5ehind the *arrier i! a !en!itive !creen= !o when a 55 hit! it= it 0a6e! a 0ar6= li6e thi!J?

Mo!t of the 55 ! hit the *arrier= *ut the one! that $o throu$h the !lit hit the !creen and 0a6e a pattern Du!t li6e the !hape of the !lit?

All that 0a6e! perfect !en!e? So now we ll add a !econd !lit in the *arrierJ

Jand !hoot the 55 ! at it a$ainC and we $et what we d eEpect to $etA a pattern of two !lit! on the !creen?

O6a+= !o far !o $ood? Now= what would happen if we !ent wave! of water toward the !creen in!tead of firin$ 55 ! at it'

&ith Du!t one !lit in the *arrier= part of the wave $oe! throu$h the !lit and for0! a pattern on the !creen that loo6! a lot li6e the 55 pattern with onl+ one !lit? The 0o!t inten!it+ on the !creen i! where the top of the wave hit!= directl+ in line with the !lit?

5ut if we put a *arrier with t)o !lit! in it *etween the wave! and the !creen= a co0pletel+ different thin$ happen!?

&hen the water $oe! throu$h *oth !lit!= the new wave! created *+ the !lit! on the other !ide of the *arrier hit each other on the wa+ to the !creen?

&hen the top of one wave hit! the *otto0 of another wave= the+ cancel each other out? Thi! i! called 2de!tructive interference?3 @ou can ea!il+ !ee thi! when +ou drop two pe**le! in a pond !o0e di!tance apart and watch what happen! when the ripple! 0eet? So when we !end wave! throu$h a *arrier with two !lit!= we $et what i! called an 2interference pattern3 on the !creen= li6e thi!J?

The *ri$ht line! on the !creen are where the top! of the wave! Doined each other Oconstructive interferenceP and then 0ade it to the !creen? The dar6 !pace! in *etween are where the top of one wave hit the *otto0 of another wave Odestructive interferenceP= cancelin$ the0 *oth out and never 0a6in$ it to the !creen? So= when we !end 2particle! of 0atter=3 li6e the 55 != throu$h two !lit!= we $et two definite pattern! on the !creen that loo6 li6e the !lit! the+ ca0e throu$h? &hen we !end 2wave!3 throu$h two !lit!= we $et an inter"erence pattern on the !creen? Si0ple enou$h? Now let ! tr+ thi! eEperi0ent with electron! in!tead of 55 !J? &e have alwa+! thou$ht a*out an electron a! a reall+= reall+ !0all 55 whirlin$ around the nucleu! of an ato0 a ver+ !0all 2particle of 0atter=3 and !olid= li6e a 55? So we would eEpect to !ee the !a0e pattern on the !creen we $ot when we !hot 55 !C and we do when there i! one !lit in the *arrierJ?

Jand when we !hoot a *ea0 of electron! throu$h two !lit! in the *arrier= we would eEpect to $et a pattern of two !lit! on the !creen Du!t li6e the 55 !? BUT &E DON"T*

In!tead= we $et the !a0e interference pattern we $ot when we !ent 2wave!3 throu$h two !lit!?



Ori$inall+= !cienti!t! thou$ht thi! 0i$ht *e *ecau!e the+ were firin$ a lot of electron! toward the !creen at one ti0e= and 0a+*e !o0e of the electron! were cra!hin$ into each other on the other !ide of the *arrier= cancelin$ each other out and not 0a6in$ it to the !creen? 5+ 171( the+ were finall+ a*le to develop a wa+ to fire one electron at a ti0e at the !creen= !o there wa! no wa+ po!!i*le for the0 to interfere with each other? 5ut the+ !till $ot an inter"erence pattern? OTo watch a !hort and wellMdone ani0ated video of thi! 9ou*le Slit eEperi0ent fro0 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e= clic6 here?P /ow i! that po!!i*le' /ow i! it po!!i*le to !end one tin+ particle of 20atter3 at a ti0e throu$h two !lit! and have it for0 a wave interference pattern' There wa! onl+ one eEplanation that 0ade an+ !en!eA An electron i! a wave rather than a particleC it i! not a !olid piece of 0atter a! we have alwa+! thou$htG More recent eEperi0ent! have di!covered the !a0e thin$ hold! true for the nucleu! of an ato0= not Du!t the electron!? 2)atter is not !hat !e have %ong thought it to be (o the scientist, matter has a%!ays been thought o" as sort o" the u%timate in that !hich is static and predictab%e9 5e %i+e to thin+ o" space as empty and matter as so%id But in "act, there is essentia%%y nothing to matter !hatsoeverJ it<s comp%ete%y insubstantia% (a+e a %oo+ at an atom 5e thin+ o" it as a +ind o" hard ba%% (hen !e say, I1h, !e%% no, not rea%%y9it<s this %itt%e tiny point o" rea%%y dense matter right at the center9 < But then it turns out that that<s not even right 3ven the nuc%eus, !hich !e thin+ o" as so dense, pops in and out o" e.istence ?ust as readi%y as the e%ectrons do?34 So the ver+ *uildin$ *loc6! of what we call our 2ph+!ical univer!e3 the nucleu! and electron! of ato0! are not Du!t particle! of 0atter= *ut in fact eEi!t a! wave!? In Kuantu0 ph+!ic! thi! i! called 2waveMparticle dualit+?3 That *lew ever+*od+ ! 0indC *ut it ! not the end of the !tor+J? -OOTNOTES 1? Tiller= &illia0= Ph?9?= Profe!!or E0eritu!= Stanford >niver!it+ 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ "? /a0eroff= Stuart= M?9?= A!!ociate 9irector of the Center for Con!ciou!ne!!= >niver!it+ of AriLona? /d 5ac6 to readin$ %? Satinover= #effre+= M?9?= Ph?9?= Teachin$ -ellow in Ph+!ic!= @ale >niver!it+? /d 5ac6 to readin$ (? #Xn!!on C?= 3%ectron di""raction at mu%tip%e s%its= A0erican #ournal of Ph+!ic! O171(P Folu0e ("= I!!ue 1= pp? (M11, 5ac6 to readin$ ,? (he )er%i8)issiro%i8Po>>i (!o8S%it 3%ectron /nter"erence 3.periment 5ac6 to readin$ .? Physics 5or%d 5ac6 to readin$ 1? 8reene= 5rian? The Ele$ant >niver!eA Super!trin$!= /idden 9i0en!ion!= and the ;ue!t for the >lti0ate Theor+ 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Satinover= #effre+? /d 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Electron! are *oth wave! and particle!' One 0inute the+ act li6e a particle= and the neEt 0inute the+ act
li6e a wave' At the ti0e= no one could reall+ *elieve an+ of thi! wa! actuall+ true? So0ethin$ 0u!t *e wron$= the+ thou$htJ? So the !cienti!t! 0odified the eEperi0ent to 2watch3 Owith a 0ea!urin$ deviceP a !in$le electron a! it went throu$h the dou*le !lit! to !ee if it reall+ acted li6e a wave in!tead of a particle?

/owever= the 0o0ent the+ o*!erved the electron= an even !tran$er thin$ happened? The+ $ot a !tandard 2particle3 pattern on the !creen that loo6ed eEactl+ a! if the+ had fired 55 ! throu$h the two !lit!?

The !i0ple act of 2watchin$3 the electron 0eant it went *ac6 to *ehavin$ li6e a particle in!tead of a wave= and therefore onl+ went throu$h one !lit= not *oth= and for0ed a pattern li6e the 55 !? SoJ the final conclu!ion i! thi!A In it! natural !tate= an electron i! a wave rather than a particle= unti% it is observed? Then it *eco0e! a particle with a fiEed po!ition in !pace and ti0e? 2(he e%ectron is very pecu%iar in the sense that !hen you<re not %oo+ing, the e%ectron can be here, can be there, or can be over there9 /t can be a%% over this room, so to spea+ But !henever !e %oo+ E this is the strange thing about this e%ectron E !e a%!ays "ind them to be in one particu%ar Geiger counter, a%though !e have a room "u%% o" Geiger counters (his is the "undamenta%%y important stu"" about the e%ectrons?31 2(here is compe%%ing evidence that the on%y time =uantaN ever mani"est as partic%es is !hen !e are %oo+ing at them 5hen an e%ectron isn<t being %oo+ed at, it is a%!ays a !ave?3" ONIn the earl+ 1700!= !cienti!t! had !tarted u!in$ the ter0 2Kuanta3 referrin$ to the ener$+ a!!ociated with an electron *ound to an ato0 Oat re!tP which re!ult! in the !ta*ilit+ of ato0!= and of 0atter in $eneral? So the ter0 2Kuantu0 0echanic!=3 and now 0ore co00onl+ 2Kuantu0 ph+!ic!=3 ha! to do with the !tud+ of electron! and their ener$+? 2(he !ord ,=uantum- is a%so synonymous !ith ,!aveOpartic%e,- a term that is used to re"er to something that possesses both partic%e and !ave =ua%ities?3%P Now thi! wa! trul+ radical an electron i! a wave until it i! o*!erved= and then it *eco0e! a particleG The ra0ification! are enor0ou!? It 0ean! realit+ the ph+!ical univer!e which we have alwa+! thou$ht of to *e 2!olid and predicta*le3 i! not 2real=3 not 2!olid and predicta*le3 at all= *ecau!e the *a!ic *uildin$ *loc6! of that univer!e are not particle! of 0atter= *ut wave! of po!!i*ilitie! wave! of potential location! where an electron 0i$ht appear a! a particle when it i! o*!erved? 5ut who i! thi! 2o*!erver'3 And how doe! an o*!erver chan$e the electron fro0 a wave into a particle' The fir!t Kue!tion i! not ea!+ to an!wer co0pletel+ at the 0o0ent? The 2o*!erver3 can *e a hu0an *ein$ loo6in$ at !o0ethin$C it can *e a 0achine or a device !et up to watch= record= or 0ea!ure !o0ethin$C it can literall+ *e an+thin$ that atte0pt! to 2!ee3 !o0ethin$ 2out there3 in the ph+!ical univer!e? 5ut there i! another level to the an!wer which need! 0ore infor0ation *efore it can 0a6e !en!eC !o we ll Du!t have to wait? Ri$ht now it ! worth repeatin$ the ine!capa*le conclu!ion! of the 9ou*le Slit eEperi0entA Accordin$ to Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= the ato0! Onucleu! and electron!P that 0a6e up the ph+!ical univer!e we con!ider to *e !o !olid and !o real onl+ appear to *e !olid and real when the+ are *ein$ o*!erved? &hen the+ are not *ein$ o*!erved= the+ return to a wave !tate of infinite po!!i*le location!?

OTo watch a !hort and wellMdone ani0ated video of how an 2o*!erver3 affect! the 9ou*le Slit eEperi0ent= fro0 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e= clic6 here?P So now let ! tal6 a*out how an o*!erver chan$e! an electron fro0 a wave into a particleJ? &ait a 0inuteG No one reall+ 6now! the an!wer to the Kue!tion of how or wh+ the o*!erver chan$e! an electron fro0 a wave into a particle? The eEpert! can onl+ !peculateJ? 2Partic%es aren<t rea%%y !hat they seem to be (hey<re momentary mani"estations, momentary Ipoppings< o" this =uantum !ave "unction in !hich there is no partic%e E there<s ?ust this !aviness !hich can spontaneous%y pop out as partic%es?3( In other word!= when an electron i! viewed *+ an o*!erver= the!e wave! of po!!i*ilitie! 2pop3 and a!!u0e a !pecific location in !pace and ti0e= which i! what we !ee a! 2realit+?3 Thi! i! called 2collap!in$ the wave function?3 2Collap!in$ the wave function3 can *e ver+ !ucce!!full+ eEplained and predicted 0athe0aticall+= u!in$ co0pleE Kuantu0 0athe0atic!C *ut it ! ver+ hard to de!cri*e in !i0ple En$li!h? 5a!icall+= it 0ean! an electron nor0all+ live! in a wave !tate Oa wave functionP that include! 0an+ po!!i*ilitie! of where it could end up a! a particleC and when the electron i! o*!erved= tho!e 0ultiple wave !tate! are 2collap!ed3 to one !tate= the !tate of *ein$ a particle in a !pecific location? Ph+!ici!t Nic6 /er*ert !a+! thi! !o0eti0e! cau!e! hi0 to i0a$ine that= *ehind our *ac6= the world Owhere we are not loo6in$ and cannot o*!erveP i! alwa+! 2a radica%%y ambiguous and cease%ess%y "%o!ing =uantum soup?3, 5ut whenever we turn around and tr+ to !ee the !oup= our $lance in!tantl+ freeLe! it and turn! it *ac6 into 2realit+?3 /er*ert *elieve! thi! 0a6e! u! all a little li6e Mida!= the le$endar+ 6in$ who never 6new the feel of !il6 or the care!! of a hu0an hand *ecau!e ever+thin$ he touched turned to $old? 2Li+e!ise humans can never e.perience the true te.ture o" =uantum rea%ity because everything !e touch turns to matter?3. So where are the!e electron! livin$ a! wave! of po!!i*ilitie! when no one i! o*!ervin$ the0 and collap!in$ their wave function into a particle' The an!wer to that Kue!tion ha! $one throu$h a lot of revi!ion over the +ear!= and ha! *een called a lot of thin$! a! the re!earch ha! pro$re!!ed= includin$A B the 2Planc6 Scale3 O*+ the ph+!ici!t MaE Planc6P B the 2i0plicate order3 O*+ the ph+!ici!t 9avid 5oh0P B the 2vacuu0 !tate3 B the 2Kuantu0 wave function3 B the 2Lero point field3 B the 2!uper!trin$ field3 B the 2M3 field B the 2unified field3 Toda+ it i! 0ainl+ Du!t called 2The -ield?3 In her *oo6= (he 'ie%d= )+nn McTa$$ert define! it !i0pl+ a! 2a "ie%d o" a%% possibi%ity?31 Ever+thin$ +ou can thin6 of= and ever+thin$ +ou can t thin6 of= and ever+thin$ no one can thin6 of alread+ eEi!t! in thi! -ield a! wave! of po!!i*ilitie!? 9r? #ohn /a$elin eEplain!J 2Progress in our understanding o" the universe through physics over the past =uarter century has been e.p%oring deeper %eve%s o" natura% %a!, "rom the macroscopic to the microscopic, "rom the mo%ecu%ar to the atomic to the nuc%ear to the subnuc%ear %eve%s o" nature<s "unctioning9 and !hat !e<ve discovered at the core basis o" the universe, the "oundation o" the universe, is a sing%e universa% "ie%d o" inte%%igence9 So a%% the "orces o" nature, and a%% the so8ca%%ed Ipartic%es< o" nature9 are no! understood to be9 ?ust di""erent ripp%es on a sing%e ocean o" e.istence9 /t<s ca%%ed the ,uni"ied "ie%d,- or ,superstring "ie%d,- at the basis o" everything E mind and matter9 (hat "ie%d is a non8materia% "ie%d P%anets, trees, peop%e, anima%s, are a%% ?ust !aves o" vibration o" this under%ying uni"ied superstring "ie%d9 /t<s the "ountainhead o" a%% the %a!s o" natureJ

a%% the "undamenta% "orces, a%% the "undamenta% partic%es, a%% the %a!s governing %i"e at every %eve% o" the universe have their uni"ied source in the uni"ied "ie%d9 /t is pure abstract potentia%, !hich rises in !aves o" vibration to give rise to the partic%es, to the peop%e, to everything !e see in the vast universe9 (his isn<t the !or%d o" e%ectronsJ it<s the !or%d o" potentia% e%ectrons9 &nd that<s !hat !e<re made o"?34 Jand 9r? -red Alan &olf put! it thi! wa+J 2Physicists give this a nameJ they ca%% it a I=uantum !ave "unction,< because it seems I!avy < 6o!ever, this !ave "unction isn<t ?ust a !ave o" matter, %i+e an ocean !ave or a sound !ave, or any +ind o" !ave o" matter /t<s a !ave o" possibi%ityJ it<s a +ind o" Ithought< !ave &nd because it is a !ave o" thought, or possibi%ity, or Inot8matter,< it<s invisib%e to us But !e can<t e.p%ain !hat !e do see as matter9un%ess !e picture that these matter partic%es someho! come out "rom or emerge "rom these thought8!ave patterns?37 O@ou can watch a video interview a*out The -ield with 9r!? /a$elin and &olf fro0 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e *+ clic6in$ here?P The pro*le0 i! no one can prove that The -ield eEi!t!? @ou can t !ee itC +ou can t photo$raph itC +ou can t 0ea!ure itC +ou can t hold it in +our hand? 5ut when Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! a!!u0e The -ield i! there= the+ can 0a6e incredi*l+ accurate 0athe0atical prediction! a*out the ph+!ical univer!e and how it *ehave!= which the+ can t do without ta6in$ The -ield into account? A! -red Alan &olf !aid= 25e can<t e.p%ain !hat !e do see as matter9un%ess !e picture that these matter partic%es someho! come out "rom or emerge "rom these thought8 !ave patterns?3 Thin6 of it a! electricit+? @ou can t !ee electricit+ it!elfC +ou can onl+ !ee what electricit+ produce!? One A0erican co0edian Do6ed that he wouldn t pa+ hi! electric *ill until the co0pan+ !howed hi0 the electricit+ he wa! pa+in$ for? 5ut we can !ee the li$ht electricit+ 0a6e!= and the power= and the other effect! we count on ever+ da+ and now ta6e !o 0uch for $rantedC and when we !ee tho!e effect!= we 6now electricit+ 0u!t eEi!t? The !a0e thin$ i! true for The -ield? Even thou$h we can t prove it eEi!t! !cientificall+= nothin$ 0a6e! !en!e without it in li$ht of the re!ult! of the 0o!t recent eEperi0ent!? Another eEa0ple 0i$ht help 0a6e thi! clearerJ? If +ou were an A*ori$ine livin$ in the Out*ac6 of Au!tralia with no contact with the out!ide world= and !o0eone *rou$ht +ou a radio= +ou 0i$ht wonder how it wor6! when +ou hear 0u!ic co0in$ out of the *oE? @ou 0i$ht even ta6e it apart= loo6in$ for an orche!tra of ver+ little people in!ide pla+in$ the 0u!ic +ou hear? 5ut after a while= +ou d realiLe the onl+ wa+ to eEplain the 0u!ic i! to a!!u0e there are invi!i*le radio wave! in the air= and thi! *oE !i0pl+ capture! tho!e wave! and tran!late! the0 into !ound even thou$h +ou couldn t prove it? &e have finall+ reached the point of hu0an under!tandin$ now !upported *+ !cientific evidence that there are wave! all around u!? 5ut thi! ti0e the+ re not radio wave!= the+ re not ocean wave!C the+ re wave! of The -ield? The+ re wave! of potentialit+C and when the+ are 2o*!erved=3 the+ turn into the ph+!ical univer!e we !ee? I ll tal6 a lot 0ore a*out thi! concept in later chapter!? -or now it i! enou$h to 6now The -ield 0u!t eEi!t= it i! out!ide of !pace and ti0e= and it include! an infinite nu0*er of po!!i*ilitie!= *ut onl+ in wave for0? Thi! field doe! not contain particle!C it i! not 0atterC it i! not part of the ph+!ical univer!e? In!tead it i! what the entire univer!e i! 0ade fro0 fro0 the!e wave! of po!!i*ilitie!? 5ut how did thi! -ield co0e into eEi!tence' &ho 0ade it' &here did it co0e fro0' Science ha! no an!wer for the!e Kue!tion!? The+ onl+ 6now The -ield 0u!t eEi!t? So I will not !peculate a*out how The -ield wa! created= or who 0i$ht have created it= or how it alread+ contain! all po!!i*ilitie!= *ecau!eJ well= !i0pl+ *ecau!e there i! a*!olutel+ no wa+ a /u0an Adult can under!tand or have a direct eEperience of an+thin$ that happen! on the other !ide of The -ield? Thi! will al!o *eco0e clearer in later chapter!? The neEt Kue!tion we can a!6= thou$h= i!A /ow i! 2ph+!ical realit+3 created fro0 thi! -ield' -OOTNOTES

1? 8o!wa0i= A0it= Ph?9?= theoretical nuclear ph+!ici!t? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ "? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= p? %( 5ac6 to readin$ %? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ (? &olf= -red Alan= Ph?9?= theoretical ph+!ici!t? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ ,? /er*ert= Nic6? 26o! Large is Star%ight4 & Brie" Loo+ at 0uantum 7ea%ity=3 Revi!ion 10= no? 1 OSu00er 1741P= pp? %1M%, 5ac6 to readin$ .? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1? McTa$$ert= )+nne? The -ieldA The ;ue!t for the Secret -orce of the >niver!e= p? EEi? 5ac6 to readin$ 4? /a$elin= #ohn= Ph?9?= Ph+!ic! Profe!!or= Mahari!hi >niver!it+? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 7? &olf= -red Alan? /d 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

How i! 2realit+3 created fro0 The -ield'

Mo!t Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! a$ree it i! a ver+ !i0ilar proce!! to the creation of a holo$ra0? In other word!= the univer!e we !ee i! a 2holo$raphic univer!e?3 25hen !e %oo+ at some o" the scienti"ic vie!s o" Irea%ity< that have tried to get do!n, do!n, do!n to the nitty8gritty, !e see at its u%timate %eve%9 that rea%ity is not so%id E it<s most%y empty space E and !hatever so%idity it has seems more to resemb%e a ho%ogram picture rather than materia%, harsh, so%id rea%ity?31 2Bniversity o" London physicist David Bohm, "or e.amp%e, be%ieves9 that despite its apparent so%idity, the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and sp%endid%y detai%ed ho%ogram?3" )et ! *ac6 up for a 0inuteJ? ;uantu0 Ph+!ic! i! actuall+ a !cience of 0athe0atic!= and it i! the 0o!t accurate 0athe0atical !cience to date to eEplain what we !ee in our 2realit+?3 20uantum mathematics E !hich is, in our be%ie", the most "undamenta% mathematics, the most accurate mathematica% description o" nature that !e have discovered E this mathematics sho!s us c%ear%y that the movements o" ob?ects are describab%e on%y in terms o" possibi%ities, not the actua% events that happen in our e.perience?3% The 0athe0atic! u!ed in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! to 2de!cri*e nature3 and eEplain the *ehavior we !ee in our 2realit+3 i! al!o the !a0e 0athe0atic! u!ed to create a holo$ra0? Thi! i! wh+ Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! !a+ the univer!e !ee0! to *e 0ore li6e a holo$ra0 than !olid realit+? So= to under!tand the 2holo$raphic univer!e=3 we have to under!tand how a holo$ra0 i! created? 5ut fir!t= a ver+ *rief *ac6$roundJ? /olo$raph+ wa! invented *+ a /un$arian ph+!ici!t= 9enni! 8a*or= for which he received the No*el PriLe in ph+!ic! in 1711? 5ut it wa! not until the la!er wa! invented in 17.0 that holo$raph+ *eca0e wor6a*le and practica*le? Toda+ it i! u!ed for 0an+ thin$!= includin$ credit card! and product pac6a$in$? There are actuall+ three different 6ind! of holo$ra0!= !o0e u!in$ la!er! and other! u!in$ white li$ht? 5ut let ! tal6 a*out the *a!ic la!er proce!! for creatin$ a holo$ra0= in !i0plified for0?

The fir!t thin$ to under!tand a*out creatin$ a holo$ra0 i! that it i! a twoM!tep proce!!? The fir!t !tep i! that +ou !hoot a la!er *ea0 out of a $un= and then i00ediatel+ !plit it into two *ea0!? One half of the ori$inal *ea0 Ocalled the 2reference *ea03P i! directed toward a !pecial holo$raphic fil0 Oor plateP? The other half of the ori$inal *ea0 hit! and *ounce! off an o*Dect= and then $oe! to the !a0e piece of holo$raphic fil0?

At thi! point= what +ou ve $ot i! a holo$raphic i0a$e Oa patternP on the holo$raphic fil0C *ut +ou can t !ee the i0a$e of the o*Dect? If +ou loo6 at the fil0= all +ou can !ee i! a *unch of nothin$ indi!cerni*le wave!? @ou 0a+ re0e0*er a craLe in the 1770 ! a*out !oMcalled 2%M9 picture!?3 The!e were picture! where= if +ou loo6ed at the0 nor0all+= all +ou could !ee wa!J nothin$= reall+? #u!t a *unch of wav+ line!?

)oo6in$ at the ori$inal i0a$e on a piece of holo$raphic fil0 after Step 1 i! ver+ !i0ilar? @ou reall+ can t !ee an+thin$? 5ut now let ! do Step "? If +ou ta6e the reference *ea0 fro0 Step 1 and !hine it on the holo$raphic fil0 a$ainJ?

Jout pop! the o*Dect fro0 Step 1? Thi! would *e the eKuivalent of chan$in$ +our focu! to have the %M9 picture pop out a! a di!cerni*le i0a$e? Now= the 0o!t intere!tin$ thin$ a*out thi! holo$raphic i0a$e of an apple that pop! out in Step " i! that it loo6! ver+ real and ver+ !olid !o real that +our 0outh can water= and +ou want to pic6 it up and ta6e a *ite? 5ut if +ou tr+ to pic6 it up= +our hand will $o ri$ht throu$h it= !ince there ! nothin$ there? 2Creating the i%%usion that things are %ocated !here they are 21( is the =uintessentia% "eature o" a ho%ogram9 /" you %oo+ at a ho%ogram, it seems to have e.tension in space, but i" you pass your hand through it, you !i%% "ind there is nothing there9 Despite !hat your senses te%% you, no instrument !i%% pic+ up any energy or substance !here the ho%ogram appears to be hovering (his is because a ho%ogram is a virtua% image, an image that appears to be !here it is not?3( So how can Kuantu0 ph+!ic! !a+ we live in a holo$raphic univer!e' That doe!n t 0a6e an+ !en!e? &hat we !ee and touch loo6! and feel! ver+ real and ver+ !olid? &e can reach out and $ra* and eat the apple we !ee in front of u!C !o how can it *e a holo$ra0' &e al!o don t fall throu$h the floorC nor can we wal6 throu$h wall! OwellJ the va!t 0aDorit+ of u! can tP? The fir!t an!wer i! to !a+ that 0an+ Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! don t actuall+ !a+ our ph+!ical realit+ is a holo$ra0C the+ !a+! it acts %i+e a holo$ra0= !ince the 0athe0atic! u!ed to eEplain *oth i! the !a0e? 5ut 0ore and 0ore !cienti!t! are now $oin$ further and !u$$e!tin$ we do= indeed= live in a holo$ra0= *a!ed on the 0o!t recent eEperi0ent!? -or eEa0ple= in "004 Crai$ /o$an= director of -er0ila* ! Center for Particle A!troph+!ic!= !aid= 2/" the G31H00 resu%t is !hat / suspect it is, then !e are a%% %iving in a giant cosmic ho%ogram?3, 2(he idea that !e %ive in a ho%ogram probab%y sounds absurd, but it is a natura% e.tension o" our best understanding o" b%ac+ ho%es, and something !ith a pretty "irm theoretica% "ooting /t has a%so been surprising%y he%p"u% "or physicists !rest%ing !ith theories o" ho! the universe !or+s at its most "undamenta% %eve%?3. And accordin$ to 9r? #aco* 5e6en!tein= Profe!!or of Theoretical Ph+!ic! at the /e*rew >niver!it+ of #eru!ale0= 2&n astonishing theory ca%%ed the ho%ographic princip%e ho%ds that the universe is %i+e a ho%ogram9 (he physics o" b%ac+ ho%es E immense%y dense concentrations o" mass E provides a hint that the princip%e might be true -1 So at thi! point I would !i0pl+ a!6 +ou to !u!pend all Dud$0ent and con!ider the po!!i*ilit+ we live in a holo$raphic univer!e= a! the !cientific re!ult! of Kuantu0 ph+!ic! !u$$e!t? @ou don t have to 2*elieve3 thi! foreverC Du!t tr+ it out a! an eEperi0ent? I ad0it thi! i! a radical wa+ of thin6in$C *ut after all we ve *een throu$h tr+in$ to find 2the truth3 0o!t of which didn t wor6 ver+ well 0a+*e it ! ti0e to $et a little 0ore radical? 2/t is re%ative%y easy to understand this idea o" ho%ism in something that is e.terna% to us, %i+e an app%e in a ho%ogram 5hat ma+es this di""icu%t is that !e are not %oo+ing at the ho%ogramJ !e are part o" the ho%ogram?34 NNN If we loo6 around carefull+ and pa+ attention= there are 2clue!=3 or 2hint!=3 we re *ein$ $iven all the ti0e a*out how thi! univer!e actuall+ wor6!? I 0 $oin$ to 0ention a few of tho!e hint! over the cour!e of thi! *oo6= and I 0 $oin$ to *e !u$$e!tin$ !o0e /oll+wood 0ovie! for +ou to rent and watch? Now +ou 0i$ht !a+= 2That ! all Du!t fictionC it ! Du!t a 0ovieC3 and +ou would *e ri$ht? 5ut fiction and 0ovie! can al!o $ive u! hint! a*out what i! reall+ $oin$ on? E!peciall+ !cience fiction? &hen I wa! +oun$ there wa! a co0ic *oo6 called Dic+ (racy= and 9ic6 had thi! reall+ incredi*le wri!tMwatchMtwoMwa+MradioMthin$+? I !a+ 2incredi*le3 *ecau!e in the 17,0 ! it wa! pure !cience fiction? Toda+ it ! a realit+?7 I could and +ou could li!t hundred! of thin$! in the field of technolo$+= for

eEa0ple= fir!t 0entioned in !o0e arti!tic 0ediu0 that have co0e true in the la!t few decade!= not the lea!t of which are 8eor$e Orwell ! 1FKL and A+n Rand ! &t%as Shrugged unfortunatel+? So there are two !hort video! on @ouTu*e I want +ou to watch to $et a *etter idea what thi! whole holo$raphic concept i! a*out= and how real a holo$ra0 can !ee0? One i! a !cene fro0 the 0ovie= (he (hirteenth '%oor? In thi! 0ovie= a 8er0an !cienti!t fi$ured out how to create a fullM*lown holo$ra0 that one can *eco0e part of= li6e a total i00er!ion 0ovie? 5ut the !cienti!t $et! 0urdered= and hi! friend and partner O9ou$la! /allP want! to find out who did it? So 9ou$la! $et! in the 2holo$ra0 0achine3 and enter! into a holo$ra0 of )o! An$ele! in 17%1 where the !cienti!t had left hi0 a clue a*out hi! 0urder? The !cene +ou will watch i! 9ou$la! fir!t ti0e in the holo$ra0 0achine? Plea!e note how he react! to *ein$ in a holo$ra0 and hi! a!toni!h0ent at how real it loo6! and feel! to hi0? Clic6 here to watch the video? The !econd video clip i! fro0 Star (re+4 (he 2e.t Generation OEpi!ode 1.= 11001001P? Since the Star!hip Enterpri!e wa! travelin$ around the univer!e all the ti0e= the+ had to fi$ure out how to 0a6e it po!!i*le for the crew to ta6e a vacation? So the+ created the /olodec6 a roo0 where an+ holo$ra0 could *e reKue!ted and created for their relaEation and enDo+0ent? The !cene +ou will watch i! Co00ander Ri6er a!6in$ to !pend ti0e in New Orlean! pla+in$ !o0e DaLL= with a ver+ intere!tin$ audience? A$ain= notice how !urpri!ed he i! that the wo0an loo6! and feel! and !0ell! !o real? Clic6 here to watch the video? 5ut if all of thi! i! po!!i*le= the Kue!tion then ari!e!A /ow i! our holo$raphic univer!e created for u! to eEperience a! the ph+!ical univer!e'

-OOTNOTES 1? )edwith= Miceal= Ph?9?= Profe!!or of S+!te0atic Theolo$+= Ma+nooth Colle$e= Ireland? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ "? Tal*ot= Michael? An e!!a+ al!o entitled (he 6o%ographic Bniverse 5ac6 to readin$ %? 8o!wa0i= A0it= 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ (? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= p? ", 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Chown= Marcu!? 1ur !or%d may be a giant ho%ogram= New Scienti!t= #anuar+ 1,= "007 5ac6 to readin$ .? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1? 5e6en!tein= #aco* 9?= Ph?9?= Profe!!or of Theoeretical Ph+!ic! at the /e*rew >niver!it+ of #eru!ale0? /n"ormation in the 6o%ographic Bniverse= Scientific A0erican= Au$u!t "00% 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Tal*ot= Michael? /d = p? (. 5ac6 to readin$ 7? Sutter= #ohn? 6P deve%oping a $Dic+ (racy$ !rist!atch= CNN= #une %= "010 5ac6 to readin$


5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! <arl Pri*ra0 ha! had a lon$ and illu!triou! career? 5orn in Au!tria in 1717= Pri*ra0 i! *oth a neuro!ur$eon and a neuroph+!iolo$i!t who !pent 0an+ +ear! tr+in$ to find out where 0e0orie! are !tored in the *rain? The pro*le0 wa! that in the 17"0 ! a *rain !cienti!t *+ the na0e of <arl )a!hle+ had found 2no matter !hat portion o" a rat<s brain he removed, he !as unab%e to eradicate its memory o" ho! to per"orm comp%e. tas+s it had %earned prior to surgery?31 So Pri*ra0 !et out to !olve the 0+!ter+ of 0e0or+ !tora$e that !ee0ed independent of *rain cell! Oneuron!P? 5ut it wa!n t until he 0et 9avid 5oh0= one of the pioneer! in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= that Pri*ra0 found hi! an!wer? 2Bohm he%ped estab%ish the "oundation "or Pribram<s theory that the brain operates in a manner simi%ar to a ho%ogram, in accordance !ith =uantum mathematica% princip%es and the characteristics o" !ave patterns?3" Technicall+= 2Pribram be%ieves memories are encoded not in neurons, or sma%% groupings o" neurons, but in patterns o" nerve impu%ses that crisscross the entire brain in the same !ay that patterns o" %aser %ight inter"erence crisscross the entire area o" a piece o" "i%m containing a ho%ographic image /n other !ords, Pribram be%ieves the brain is itse%" a ho%ogram 3% Me0or+ !tora$e i! not the onl+ thin$ that *eco0e! 0ore under!tanda*le in li$ht of Pri*ra0 ! theor+? 2&nother is ho! the brain is ab%e to trans%ate the ava%anche o" "re=uencies it receives via the senses @%ight "re=uencies, sound "re=uencies, etc P into the concrete !or%d o" our perceptions 3ncoding and decoding "re=uencies is precise%y !hat a ho%ogram does best Qust as a ho%ogram "unctions as a sort o" %ens, a trans%ating device ab%e to convert an apparent%y meaning%ess b%ur o" "re=uencies into a coherent image, Pribram be%ieves the brain a%so comprises a %ens and uses ho%ographic princip%es to mathematica%%y convert the "re=uencies it receives through the senses into the inner !or%d o" our perceptions?3( In !hort= Pri*ra0 *elieve! 2our brains mathematica%%y construct Ihard< rea%ity by re%ying on input "rom a "re=uency domain?3, O6a+? )et ! tran!late all of thi! into !i0ple En$li!h? Accordin$ to <arl Pri*ra0 and the re!ult! of 0an+ !cientific eEperi0ent!= the hu0an *rain it!elf i! a holo$ra0? It! function i! to receive holo$raphic wave freKuencie! and tran!late the0 into the ph+!ical univer!e we !ee 2out there?3 And now the fun *e$in!J? I want to tal6 a*out two !pecific !cientific eEperi0ent! out of 0an+ that not onl+ !ee0 to prove Pri*ra0 ! theor+= *ut $o *e+ond it to an a0aLin$ conclu!ion? The fir!t *e$an in the 1710 ! with a re!earcher in the ph+!iolo$+ depart0ent of the >niver!it+ of California= San -ranci!co= 9r? 5enDa0in )i*et? Put ver+ !i0pl+= )i*et would eEperi0ent with *rain !ur$er+ patient! durin$ their operation!? The patient! *rain! were eEpo!ed and the+ were full+ con!ciou!= havin$ received onl+ local ane!thetic? )i*et would= for eEa0ple= !ti0ulate the patient! little fin$er on one hand Oli6e a pin pric6P and a!6 the patient! to tell hi0 when the+ felt it? Then he would !ti0ulate the area of the *rain a!!ociated with that little fin$er= and a!6 the patient! to tell hi0 when the+ felt that a! well? 5efore I tell +ou what he di!covered= we need to under!tand how we feel thin$!= li6e a pin pric6? The !ti0ulu! Opin pric6P i! tran!0itted fro0 the location on the *od+ where it happened to the *rain= and then the *rain let! u! 6now a*out the !en!ation? Technicall+= we don t actuall+ 2feel3 thin$! where the+ happenC we 2feel3 the0 in the *rain? So it would 0a6e !en!e that if +ou !ti0ulate !o0eone ! little fin$er= it would ta6e ti0e Ofraction! of a !econdP for the nerve! to 0ove that !en!ation to the *rain where it would *e 2felt=3 !ince the ph+!ical *od+ i!


li0ited *+ !pace and ti0e and nothin$ in the ph+!ical univer!e Oaccordin$ to Ein!teinP can travel fa!ter than the !peed of li$ht? 5a!icall+= it would ta6e ti0e for a !ti0ulu! on the little fin$er to $et to the *rain and for the per!on to then *eco0e 2aware3 of it? On the other hand= it would al!o 0a6e !en!e that if +ou !ti0ulated the *rain directl+ at the eEact location where the little fin$er !end! the !en!ation to *e 2felt=3 the per!on would *e 2aware3 of it i00ediatel+? In other word!= there would *e no ti0e dela+ !ince the *rain alread+ ha! the infor0ation a*out the !ti0ulu! and onl+ need! to alert the per!on to the !en!ation? &hat )i*et found= and other! after hi0= wa! that the eEact oppo!ite wa! true? In fact= +ou will pro*a*l+ read 0an+ ti0e! in thi! *oo6 that the infor0ation we re $ettin$ fro0 the !cientific re!earch in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! i! provin$ that the oppo!ite of a lot of what we have alwa+! *elieved i! true? )i*et ! patient! would tell hi0 in!tantl+ Ono ti0e dela+P when he !ti0ulated their little fin$er= and +et there wa! a dela+ when he !ti0ulated the *rain directl+? )i*et wa! fla**er$a!ted? /e tried to find an eEplanation= a! did 0an+ other !cienti!t!C and the prevailin$ theor+ *eca0e that ti0e can travel *ac6ward!? It ! called the 2ti0e rever!al theor+=3 or 2!u*Dective *ac6ward referral=3 or 2antedatin$?3 /owever= after tr+in$ to prove thi! and failin$= )i*et hi0!elf later !aid 2there appeared to be no neura% mechanism that cou%d be vie!ed as direct%y mediating or accounting "or the sub?ective sensory re"erra%s bac+!ard in time?3. In other word!= there i! no evidence in the *rain for ti0e rever!al a! the eEplanation for thi! pheno0enon? -or now= Du!t file that infor0ation awa+ and let ! tal6 a*out another eEperi0entJ? Thi! one !tarted in the 1770 ! conducted *+ 9r? 9ean Radin and other collea$ue!? 9ean Radin i! a Senior Scienti!t at the In!titute of Noetic Science!= on the AdDunct -acult+ at Sono0a State >niver!it+= and part of the 9i!tin$ui!hed Con!ultin$ -acult+ at Sa+*roo6 8raduate School and Re!earch Center? /e earned an under$raduate de$ree in electrical en$ineerin$ fro0 the >niver!it+ of Ma!!achu!ett! A0her!t= and *oth a 0a!ter ! de$ree in electrical en$ineerin$ and a doctorate in educational p!+cholo$+ fro0 the >niver!it+ of Illinoi! at >r*anaMCha0pai$n? /e wor6ed at AT:T 5ell )a*! and 8TE )a*!= 0ainl+ on hu0an factor! of advanced teleco00unication! product! and !ervice!= and then held appoint0ent! at Princeton >niver!it+= Edin*ur$h >niver!it+= >niver!it+ of Nevada= )a! Fe$a!= SRI International= Interval Re!earch Corporation= and the 5oundar+ In!titute? I !a+ all that *ecau!e Radin ! re!earch i! ad0ittedl+ not widel+ accepted *+ the 0ain!trea0 !cientific co00unit+= which i! wh+ +ou 0a+ have never heard of it= althou$h hi! credential! are *e+ond Kue!tion? /ere ! wh+ hi! re!ult! are !o hard for !o0e !cienti!t! to !wallowJ? Radin would hoo6 a per!on up to variou! 0achine! to 0ea!ure a nu0*er of different *odil+ re!pon!e!= !uch a! heart rate= E<8= !6in conductant!= the a0ount of *lood in the fin$ertip= and re!piration? The per!on then !it! in front of a co0puter !creen with a *utton in their hand? The+ re told to pre!! the *utton whenever the+ re read+= and five !econd! later the co0puter will rando0l+ !elect a picture and di!pla+ it on the !creen? There are two different t+pe! of picture! the co0puter can choo!e fro0? One $roup of picture! will evo6e an e0otional re!pon!e in nor0al people li6e a picture of violence= or war= or rape= or u$line!!= or the Twin Tower! co0in$ down on 7U11? The other $roup of picture! are de!i$ned to *e neutral= to nor0all+ not have an+ e0otional i0pact when viewed= li6e a !cene of a cit+ !treet in An+town? &e alread+ 6now what happen! in the *od+ when people !ee an e0otional i0a$e what happen! to their heart rate= to their E<8= !6in conductant!= the a0ount of *lood in the fin$ertip= and re!piration? The+ 2!pi6e?3 &e al!o 6now what happen! in the *od+ when people !ee a neutral OnonMe0otionalP i0a$e? The+ re0ain 2cal0?3 &hen the per!on in thi! eEperi0ent pu!he! the *utton= the co0puter ha! not +et cho!en which picture to di!pla+= or fro0 which $roup= and will not 0a6e that deci!ion until five !econd! later when it i00ediatel+ put! the picture on the !creen? Now here ! the a0aLin$ thin$A The per!on ! *odil+ re!pon!e! *ein$ 0ea!ured would occur be"ore the co0puter cho!e the picture and di!pla+ed it on the !creen? In other word!= the per!on ! heart rate= E<8= !6in conductant!= the a0ount of *lood in the fin$ertip= and re!piration would all !pi6e prior to the picture co0in$ up if the picture were an e0otional picture= and the *odil+ re!pon!e! would all re0ain cal0 if the picture a*out to appear would *e neutral?

To repeat= all of the!e *odil+ re!pon!e! Oor lac6 of *odil+ re!pon!e!P would occur be"ore the co0puter had even cho!en which picture to put on the !creen? The onl+ conclu!ion that 0a6e! an+ !en!e i! that the *rain 6now! what picture i! co0in$ *efore the per!on i! aware of it indeed= *efore the co0puter ha! even cho!en which picture to di!pla+ and the *od+ i! re!pondin$ accordin$l+G1 NNN The ver+ late!t evidence O#ul+= "010P co0e! fro0 a 55C docu0entar+ called Neuro!cience and -ree &ill? /ere ! the !etupJ? The !u*Dect lie! in a CT !canner holdin$ a *utton in each hand? All the !u*Dect ha! to do i! decide to pre!! the *utton in hi! left hand or the *utton in hi! ri$ht hand= and then pre!! the appropriate *utton i00ediatel+ while the CT !canner record! hi! *rain activit+? The re!ult i! that the *rain clearl+ !how! up to H seconds in advance which *utton the per!on will pre!! M left or ri$ht? Thi! i! . !econd! be"ore the !u*Dect con!ciou!l+ decide! which *utton he will pre!!? The *rain activit+ i! !o clear and 100T con!i!tent that the technician watchin$ the !canner could ea!il+ predict with a*!olute certaint+ which *utton the !u*Dect would pre!! *efore the !u*Dect 0a6e! hi! own con!ciou! deci!ion? @ou reall+ need to watch the video on @ouTu*e to *elieve itG Thi! $ive! further proof of the Radin eEperi0ent! and verifie! what 9r? Andrew New*er$ !a+!J? 2(here have been other studies that have sho!n that !hen peop%e are beginning to move a hand, or beginning to say something, there is actua%%y activity in certain nerve ce%%s o" the brain even before they become conscious%y a!are o" !hat they<re trying to do?34 NNN &hat doe! all thi! 0ean' 5efore I an!wer that Kue!tion= I have to introduce one la!t !cientific concept called 2Occa0 ! RaLor=3 7 a principle that ! *een han$in$ around for al0o!t !evenMhundred +ear!? It i! often paraphra!ed a!= 2All other thin$! *ein$ eKual= the !i0ple!t !olution i! the *e!t=3 althou$h that ! technicall+ not the correct interpretation of Occa0 ! RaLor? It i! al!o called the 2!cientific principle of par!i0on+=3 which i! a 2preference for the lea!t co0pleE eEplanation for an o*!ervation?310 The $eneral rule i! that the *e!t an!wer reKuire! the lea!t nu0*er of a!!u0ption! and po!tulate! the fewe!t entitie!? There have *een 0an+ different atte0pt! to eEplain the re!ult! of the!e *rain eEperi0ent!= *+ a! 0an+ different !cienti!t!? 5ut the !i0ple!t and 0o!t lo$ical eEplanation the one that !ee0! to !ati!f+ Occa0 ! RaLor the *e!t i! that the *rain 6now! what i! $oin$ to happen *efore it happen! 2out there3 in the ph+!ical univer!e? The !eKuence= apparentl+= i! that the *rain receive! holo$raphic wave infor0ation= and then !end! it 2out there=3 creatin$ a ph+!ical univer!e for the per!on to perceive and eEperience? -or eEa0ple= in the )i*et eEperi0ent!= the *rain 26new3 the little fin$er wa! $oin$ to *e !ti0ulated *efore the actual !ti0ulation too6 place= and therefore there wa! no ti0e dela+ for the per!on to *eco0e aware of it? /owever= when the *rain wa! !ti0ulated directl+ a! if a new holo$ra0 wa! *ein$ downloaded to it it too6 ti0e for the *rain to !end the !en!ation out to the little fin$er and *rin$ it *ac6 to the *rain to *e perceived? In Radin ! eEperi0ent!= the onl+ thin$ that 0a6e! !en!e i! that the *rain 6new what picture would appear *ecau!e it wa! creatin$ the realit+ that wa! a*out to happen= not !i0pl+ re!pondin$ to a realit+ after it happened? )et 0e repeat that= *ecau!e it i! !o critical to under!tandin$ how the /olo$raphic >niver!e wor6!J? the brain +ne! !hat picture !ou%d appear because it !as creating the rea%ity that !as about to happen, not simp%y responding to a rea%ity a"ter it happened So let ! put thi! to$ether with Pri*ra0 ! holo$raphic *rain 0odelJ? Pri*ra0 !a+! the hu0an *rain i! it!elf a holo$ra0= and it will 20athe0aticall+ con!truct Ihard realit+ *+ rel+in$ on input fro0 a freKuenc+ do0ain?3 Re0e0*er The -ield' The -ield i! Pri*ra0 ! 2freKuenc+ do0ain3 an infinite nu0*er of po!!i*ilitie! eEi!tin$ a! wave! of freKuencie!?

So Pri*ra0 i! !a+in$ the *rain receive! wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield= which it then tran!late! into 2 hard realit+3 what we nor0all+ call the ph+!ical univer!e? In fact= all the!e eEperi0ent! !u$$e!t +our *rain receive! a holo$ra0 in wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield= collap!e! the wave function and convert! the0 into particle! to create ph+!ical 2realit+=3 and then !end! that 2realit+3 2out there3 for +ou to eEperience? It 0ean!= fir!t of all= the hu0an *rain i! the 2o*!erver3 that 2collap!e! the wave function3 that I tal6ed a*out in Chapter -ive= !ince Kuantu0 ph+!ic! !a+! it i! the 2o*!erver3 that chan$e! an electron fro0 a wave into a particle? Put 0ore !i0pl+= it ! the *rain that ta6e! tho!e wav+ %M9 picture!J?

Jand convert! the0 into !o0ethin$ we can !ee?

Oactua%%y hidden in the R8D picture above, "rom Ma$icE+e?co0P

It al!o 0ean! our !en!e! !eein$= hearin$= ta!tin$= !0ellin$= touchin$= etc? are not reall+ !en!in$ !o0e independent 2realit+3 2out there=3 *ut in fact are proDectin$ that realit+ !o it appear! to *e 2out there?3 In addition to *ein$ 2receiver!=3 then= our e+e! are 2proDector!=3 !ince +our *rain 6now! what +ou are a*out to eEperience *efore +ou perceive it with +our !en!e!? Apparentl+= once our *rain convert! the wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield= it proDect! the0 2out there3 and 0a6e! it appear we are !urrounded *+ a 2total i00er!ion 0ovie?3 Then= and onl+ then= our !en!e! 2read3 what ha! *een proDected 2out there3 and *rin$ that infor0ation *ac6 to the *rain? ,David Bohm had suggested that !ere !e to vie! the cosmos !ithout the %enses that out"it our te%escopes, the universe !ou%d appear to us as a ho%ogram Pribram e.tended this insight by noting that !ere !e deprived o" the %enses o" our eyes and the %ens8%i+e processes o" our other sensory receptors, !e !ou%d be immersed in ho%ographic e.periences -11 I don t thin6 an+one 6now! eEactl+ how thi! wor6! ri$ht now= *ut I feel confident a! the re!earch in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! continue!= !o0eone will di!cover the proce!!? Meanwhile= we have *een $iven a *i$ clue one of tho!e 2hint!3 I tal6ed a*out in the la!t chapter in the for0 of the 0odern co0puterJ? Mo!t co0puter! currentl+ u!e what i! called 2*inar+ code=3 which i! 0ade up of nothin$ *ut Lero ! and one !?1" If +ou loo6 at the Lero ! and one ! the0!elve!= the+ loo6 rando0 and chaotic= li6e the %M9 picture!? 5ut in!ide ever+ co0puter i! a CP> a Central Proce!!in$ >nit that act! a! the 2*rain3 of the co0puter? Thi! CP> receive! the *inar+ code in !eKuence! of Lero ! and one != tran!late! that *inar+ code= and proDect! the re!ult! onto a co0puter !creen where we can !ee it in a for0 that 0a6e! !en!e to u!? A co0puter al!o ha! it! own !en!or+ perception!= which include thin$! li6e a 0ou!e= a touch !creen= a 0icrophone= a video ca0era= etc? &hen we interact with the co0puter throu$h one of it! !en!e! li6e clic6in$ the 0ou!e that 0e!!a$e $et! !ent *ac6 to the CP> for further proce!!in$? Therefore= in the !a0e wa+ a co0puter ! CP> receive! it! *inar+ code= tran!late! it= proDect! the re!ult! onto a !creen= and then proce!!e! the input! that co0e *ac6 throu$h the 0ou!e and other !en!or+ perception!= our hu0an *rain receive! wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield= tran!late! the0 into particle! *+ collap!in$ the wave function= proDect! the re!ult! 2out there=3 and then proce!!e! the input! that co0e *ac6 throu$h our own !en!or+ perception!? I invite +ou to tr+ an eEperi0ent +our!elf? 8o out!ide= or Du!t loo6 around wherever +ou are= and i0a$ine for a 0o0ent +ou are not loo6in$ at !o0e independent or o*Dective realit+ 2out there=3 *ut +ou are proDectin$ that realit+ 2out there3 0uch in the !a0e wa+ a proDector put! a 0ovie onto the theater !creen? 2/" the ho%ographic brain mode% is ta+en to its %ogica% conc%usions, it opens the door on the possibi%ity that ob?ective rea%ity E the !or%d o" co""ee cups, mountain vistas, e%m trees, and tab%e %amps E might not even e.ist9 /s it possib%e that !hat is Iout there< is rea%%y a vast, resonating symphony o" !ave "orms, a I"re=uency domain< that is trans"ormed into the !or%d as !e +no! it on%y after it enters our brainD31% 9avid 5oh0 !aid 2the tangib%e rea%ity o" our everyday %ives is rea%%y a +ind o" i%%usion, %i+e a ho%ographic image Bnder%ying it is a deeper order o" e.istence, a vast and more primary %eve% o" rea%ity that gives birth to a%% the ob?ects and appearances o" our physica% !or%d in much the same !ay that a piece o" ho%ographic "i%m gives birth to a ho%ogram?31( 2/" the concreteness o" the !or%d is but a secondary rea%ity, and !hat is Iout there< is actua%%y a ho%ographic b%ur o" "re=uencies, and i" the brain is a%so a ho%ogram and on%y processes some o" the "re=uencies out o" this b%ur, !hat becomes o" ob?ective rea%ityD Put =uite simp%y, it ceases to &%though !e may thin+ !e are physica% beings moving through a physica% !or%d, this is an i%%usion 5e are rea%%y Ireceivers< "%oating through a +a%eidoscopic sea o" "re=uency 31,

In other word!= a! -red Alan &olf and )+nne McTa$$ert *oth !a+= 2there is no Iout there< out there, independent o" !hat is going on Iin here? 31. O&atch a video of the0 fro0 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e *+ clic6in$ here?P 2&hat is Iout there= 3 !a+! Michael Tal*ot= 2is a vast ocean o" !aves and "re=uencies, and rea%ity %oo+s concrete to us on%y because our brains are ab%e to ta+e this ho%ographic b%ur and convert it into the stic+s and stones and other "ami%iar ob?ects that ma+e up our !or%d?311 ,5hat is rea%D 6o! do you de"ine Irea%D< /" you<re ta%+ing about !hat you can "ee%, !hat you can sme%%, !hat you can taste and see, then Irea%< is simp%y e%ectrica% signa%s interpreted by your brain M Morpheu!= fro0 (he )atri. NNN Ti0e to !u0 all of thi! up in a nice neat little para$raphJ &hat we have alwa+! thou$ht of a! our life= our realit+= i! not real accordin$ to Kuantu0 ph+!ic! *ut actuall+ a holo$raphic %9 0ovie we have *een i00er!ed in= who!e wave freKuencie! have *een downloaded fro0 The -ield to our *rain= where the+ are tran!lated into particle! located in !pace and ti0e and proDected 2out there3 for u! to perceive throu$h our !en!e!? &hat thi! 0ean! i! that there i! no independent= o*Dective realit+ 2out there=3 *ut a wholl+ !u*Dective realit+ created totall+ dependent on what ! 2in here?3 In !hort= there i! no 2out there3 out there? 2(here is evidence to suggest that our !or%d and everything in it E "rom sno!"%a+es to map%e trees to "a%%ing stars and spinning e%ectrons E are on%y ghost%y images, pro?ections "rom a %eve% o" rea%ity so beyond our o!n that it is %itera%%y beyond both space and time?314 Even Ein!tein i! reported to have !aid= 27ea%ity is mere%y an i%%usion, a%beit a very persistent one?3 2(his is the on%y radica% thin+ing that you need to do But it is so radica%, it is so di""icu%t, because our tendency is that the !or%d is a%ready Iout there,< independent o" my e.perience /t is not 0uantum Physics has been so c%ear about it?317 NNN MOFIE S>88ESTIONA (he (hirteenth '%oor= !tarrin$ Crai$ 5ier6o O1777P -OOTNOTES 1? Tal*ot= Michael? An e!!a+ al!o entitled (he 6o%ographic Bniverse 5ac6 to readin$ "? &i6ipedia 9avid 5oh0 5ac6 to readin$ %? Tal*ot= Michael? /d 5ac6 to readin$ (? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ ,? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ .? )i*et= 5enDa0in? )ind time4 (he tempora% "actor in consciousness 5ac6 to readin$ 1? Radin= 9ean? (he Conscious Bniverse4 (he Scienti"ic (ruth o" Psychic Phenomena 5ac6 to readin$ 4? New*er$= Andrew= Ph?9?= 9irector= Center for Spiritualit+ and the Neuro!cience!= >niver!it+ of Penn!+lvania= 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 7? &i6ipedia Occa0 ! RaLor 5ac6 to readin$ 10? &i6ipedia Par!i0on+ 5ac6 to readin$ 11? &i6ipedia <arl Pri*ra0 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? &i6ipedia 5inar+ Code 5ac6 to readin$

1%? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= p? %1 5ac6 to readin$ 1(? /bid = p? ,( 5ac6 to readin$ 1,? Tal*ot= Michael? An e!!a+ entitled (he Bniverse as a 6o%ogram4 Does 1b?ective 7ea%ity, or is the Bniverse a PhantasmD 5ac6 to readin$ 1.? &olf= -red Alan and McTa$$ert= )+nne= 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 11? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= p? ,( 5ac6 to readin$ 14 /bid = p?1 5ac6 to readin$ 17? 8o!wa0i= A0it? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! out of the )i*rar+ into the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater a$ain= I loo6ed up at the *lac6 *all han$in$ fro0 the center of the ceilin$ with it! *ri$ht li$ht! !trea0in$ toward the wrapMaround IMAS !creen!? -inall+= I 6new with certaint+ what the *all wa!? It wa! proDectin$ the i0a$e! of the %9 0ovie! onto the !creen!= creatin$ the holo$ra0! we are all part of= totall+ i00er!in$ u!= 0a6in$ the0 appear to *e our live!= our realit+? In fact= Pri*ra0 !aid that *lac6 *all wa! a hu0an *rain my hu0an *rain and the 0ovie! it produced were not real at all? Accordin$ to Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= nothin$ i! 2real=3 a! we have alwa+! under!tood that word not Du!t the !hadow! on the wall of Plato ! Cave= *ut al!o the fire and the 0en on the wal6wa+ that produce the !hadow!= and the Cave it!elf a! well? It ! all a holo$ra0= poppin$ in and out of eEi!tence a! I o*!erve itC and *+ definition= a holo$ra0 i! not real? 5ut all of thi! *rou$ht up a lot 0ore Kue!tion! than it an!wered???? B &ho or what i! creatin$ the holo$raphic 0ovie! I 0 eEperiencin$ a! 0+ realit+' B If the 0ovie! I ve *een watchin$ and thin6in$ were 0+ life aren t real Oalon$ with the 0ovie theater it!elfP= then what is real' B &h+ do the 0ovie! !ee0 to contain !o 0uch dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$= *oth internal and eEternal' B &hat doe! it all 0ean in the end' And perhap! even 0ore i0portantl+= in li$ht of the di!coverie! in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= I had to rethin6 all 0+ previou! an!wer! to the Kue!tion!A B &ho a0 I= reall+' B &here did I co0e fro0' B /ow did I $et here' B &hat a0 I doin$ here' I !tood there !tarin$ at the *lac6 *all han$in$ fro0 the ceilin$ a! if it would !uddenl+ and 0a$icall+ !pea6 and $ive 0e the an!wer! I needed? NNN I wa! a*out to turn !iEt+Mtwo +ear! of a$e= !ittin$ in 0+ apart0ent one da+ when I realiLedJ

A! I wal6ed

B I had no Do*? I had re!ponded to a few want ad! that would have *een perfect for 0e= *ut no one wanted to hire 0e? B I had no 0one+ and didn t 6now how I wa! $oin$ to pa+ the neEt 0onth ! rent? B I had no relation!hip= no one to love= no fe0ale who wanted to *e part of 0+ life in an inti0ate wa+? B I had two 0arria$e!= *oth of which failed after 1,V +ear! *ecau!e of 0+ own i!!ue!? B Althou$h I had a few clo!e friend!= none of the0 lived within a thou!and 0ile! of 0e at the ti0e? B I had a wonderful fa0il+= includin$ three fanta!tic $randchildrenC *ut other than 0+ dau$hter and her hu!*and= I hardl+ $ot to !ee the0? B I had written two *oo6! a*out AI9S and /IF no one wa! *u+in$ and apparentl+ no one wanted to read? B I had no future plan!= no idea how an+thin$ would chan$e? Jand I thou$ht to 0+!elf= 2M+ life couldn t $et an+ 0oreJ?3 The word I u!ed= if I recall correctl+= !tarted with an R-?R 5ut a! I !at in the apart0ent that da+ ta6in$ !toc6 of 0+ life and realiLin$ how li0ited it had *eco0e= I did not feel an+ depre!!ion= an+ re$ret= an+ !adne!! or loneline!! at all? It wa!n t apath+ or re!i$nation= either? The 2-3 word wa! Du!t a ha*it with no e0otion *ehind it? In!tead= it wa! a 0o0ent devoid of all Dud$0ent or re!i!tance to 0+ !ituation a 0o0ent a! if I were !u!pended in ti0e and loo6in$ at 0+!elf fro0 afar= a 0o0ent in which I co0pletel+ !urrendered to Rwhat i!R without an+ de!ire or need to chan$e it? If I had an+ reaction at all= it wa! 0ore li6e= 2Oh? So that ! the wa+ thin$! areC3 and what I felt the 0o!t wa! $ratitude for !till havin$ a roof over 0+ head and enou$h food to eat? NNN &hen it wouldn t !pea6 to 0e= 0+ e+e! finall+ left the *lac6 *all and ca0e to re!t on the door at the *ac6 of the theater= the one with the !i$n !a+in$= 29o Not Enter EEtre0el+ 9an$erou!?3 I 6new the an!wer! I wanted I needed were not $oin$ to *e found in!ide the 0ovie theater= or in an+ $roup= or in the )i*rar+? I 6new 0+ life had reached a turnin$ point= perhap! li6e an alcoholic or dru$ addict who hit! *otto0 and ta6e! an hone!t and di!pa!!ionate loo6 at hi! life? I 6new I wa! tired of fi$htin$= Doinin$ thi! $roup and then that one= tr+in$ to 0a6e thin$! happen= wor6in$ hard to 0a6e thin$! $o ri$ht= onl+ to end up here? I had *een there= done that= and *rou$ht ho0e *oth the tM!hirt and the hat= neither of which fit? I could feel !o0ethin$ in!ide 0e literall+ pu!hin$ 0e toward that door= al0o!t a! if I had no other option? There wa! nothin$ left in the 0ovie theater for 0e= !o wh+ !hould I !ta+ when there wa! !o0ewhere el!e to $o I had never *een= and !ta+in$ here 0ade no !en!e at all? It wa! with *oth fear and eEcite0ent that I wal6ed toward the door= opened it= and went throu$h? NNN The re!t of thi! *oo6 will *e 0+ written report to +ou a! +our 2!cout3 of what I found on the other !ide of the door? At thi! point I want to repeat and eEpand on !o0ethin$ I !aid in the Introduction? I a0 not writin$ thi! *oo6 to tr+ to tal6 +ou into an+thin$? I a0 0erel+ pa!!in$ on infor0ation I have di!covered durin$ 0+ own Dourne+? &hether +ou *elieve that infor0ation or not i! none of 0+ *u!ine!! or concern= and I a0 not intere!ted in convincin$ +ou I a0 ri$ht? If at an+ ti0e it !ound! li6e I a0 ar$uin$ a point to tr+ to $et +ou to *elieve it= re!t a!!ured that i! not the ca!e? M+ onl+ Do*= a! I !ee it= i! to tr+ to pa!! on the infor0ation a! clearl+ and co0pletel+ a! po!!i*le= and !o0eti0e! that i!n t ea!+? I will often $o to $reat len$th! to 0a6e !ure I have eEpre!!ed the infor0ation in a wa+ +ou can at lea!t under!tand what I a0 !a+in$= whether +ou a$ree with it or not? I al!o pro0i!ed +ou in the Introduction I would let +ou 6now when we reach the place in the *oo6 where +ou can onl+ $o on and not *ac6? &e re there?

Of cour!e= +ou can 6eep readin$ the re!t of the *oo6 out of pure curio!it+= 0aintainin$ !o0e di!tance= not $ettin$ too involved= never $oin$ throu$h the door= not readin$ a! if the *oo6 were a*out +ou and +our own !piritual evolution? There ! no dan$er in that? 9o whatever +ou want= and re0e0*er +ou can never do an+thin$ 2wron$?3 5ut I have to warn +ou= if +ou 6eep readin$= the infor0ation i! $oin$ to 0a6e it! wa+ into +our 0ind and will !ta+ there forever? @ou can do +our *e!t to i$nore it and return to +our life a! a /u0an Adult in!ide the 0ovie theater= *ut eventuall+ it will *e$in to have it! i0pact= 0a+*e a little *it at a ti0e? That ! fine= too? I !u$$e!t= however= if +ou reall+ don t want to let thi! affect +our life in an+ wa+= +ou !top readin$ now= put the *oo6 down= and wal6 awa+? Thi! *oo6 will alwa+! *e there in the )i*rar+ in the 0ovie theater= if and when +ou decide +ou want to pic6 it up a$ain? All *ut a few /u0an Adult! !pend the re!t of their live! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater *elon$in$ to !o0e $roupC and the+ die there a! well? Mo!t have no idea there ! an alternative= !o no one can *la0e the0? 5e!ide!= the !i$n on the door !a+!= 29o Not Enter=3 and /u0an Adult! have a tendenc+ to re!pect authorit+? The !i$n al!o !a+!= 2EEtre0el+ 9an$erou!=3 and 0o!t /u0an Adult! are !till controlled *+ their fear!? 5ut 0a+*e +ou re not one of the0= and now +ou 6now there is an alternative? NNN I want to $ive +ou a! 0uch infor0ation a! I can for +ou to 0a6e a deci!ion a*out how +ou want to proceedC and at thi! point I 0 $oin$ to introduce a new 0etaphor= apparentl+ a fairl+ co00on oneJ? ,(he comp%ete metamorphosis o" a butter"%y has been used as a metaphor "or eterna% %i"e, as the Iearth8 bound< caterpi%%ar trans"orms into the Ietherea% butter"%y<,- !a+! the New &orld Enc+clopedia?1 I !aid *efore that the >niver!e provide! 0an+ hint! and clue! in plain !i$ht for u! to !ee and under!tand when we re read+? The *utterfl+ 0eta0orpho!i! i! one of the0= !o it doe!n t !urpri!e 0e that variou! writer! have pic6ed up on it fro0 ti0e to ti0e? Once a$ain= however= their 0etaphor i! wron$ *ecau!e it ! *a!ed on a fault+ pre0i!e? The 0etaphor of 0eta0orpho!i! ha! nothin$ to do with 2eternal life?3 It ha! ever+thin$ to do with *eco0in$ a *utterfl+ in the here and now? )et ! fir!t under!tand that 20eta0orpho!i!3 i! actuall+ the whole !erie! of chan$e! an in!ect under$oe! fro0 e$$ to adult? Meta0orpho!i! co00onl+ ha! four !ta$e!= which we can ea!il+ eKuate to our di!cu!!ion! a*out the 0ovie theaterJ Sta$e OneA The e0*r+o or e$$= i?e?= the /u0an Child Sta$e TwoA The larva= i?e?= the /u0an Adult Sta$e ThreeA The pupa= i?e?= what co0e! after 2the door3 Sta$e -ourA The adult or i0a$o= i?e?= the !oMcalled 2!pirituall+ enli$htened3 &hat we re tal6in$ a*out at the 0o0ent i! $oin$ fro0 Sta$e Two= a /u0an Adult= into Sta$e Three= the pupa? That ! preci!el+ what happen! if +ou wal6 throu$h the door at the *ac6 of the theater? In in!ect 0eta0orpho!i!= the pupa !ta$e i! when the caterpillar tran!for0! into it! adult for0 Othe i0a$oP? ,/t is during the time o" pupation that the adu%t structures o" the insect are "ormed !hi%e the %arva% structures are bro+en do!n Pupae are inactive, and usua%%y sessi%e @not ab%e to move aboutP (hey have a hard protective coating and o"ten use camou"%age to evade potentia% predators -" Thi! 2hard protective coatin$3 ta6e! different for0! in different in!ect!= *ut i! 0o!t co00onl+ 6nown a! a 2cocoon?3 Technicall+= 0o!t *utterflie! do not have a 2cocoon?3 In!tead= the+ have a 2chr+!ali!?3 A 2cocoon3 i! a !il6 ca!in$ !pun *+ a caterpillar which totall+ enclo!e! the0 durin$ their tran!for0ation into a 0oth= for eEa0ple? A

2chr+!ali!3 i! created when a caterpillar that will *eco0e a *utterfl+ !hed! it! outer la+er of !6in= leavin$ a hard !hell han$in$ fro0 a leaf or twi$ in which it i! enca!ed for the tran!for0ation? 5ut I 0 $oin$ to ta6e !o0e literar+ licen!e here and fro0 now on u!e the word 2cocoon3 rather than 2chr+!ali!3 in 0+ *utterfl+ 0eta0orpho!i! 0etaphor? After all= it ! Du!t a 0etaphor= and 2cocoon3 i! a lot ea!ier to t+pe and pronounce= and 0uch 0ore co00onl+ under!tood? SoJ if +ou decide to wal6 throu$h the door in the *ac6 of the theater= +ou will *e leavin$ Sta$e Two and enterin$ Sta$e Three= !teppin$ into a cocoonC and one of the rea!on! I li6e thi! 0etaphor !o 0uch i! that there are 0an+ !i0ilaritie! *etween a caterpillar cocoon and what ! on the other !ide of the door? /ere ! what +ou can eEpect= !hould +ou ta6e thi! !tepJ? A cocoon i! !0all and confinin$ and de!olate and lonel+ and dar6= and it 0ean! the death of the caterpillarC and that ! eEactl+ where +ou will find +our!elf? <now ri$ht now that +ou will not *e wal6in$ into the *lindin$ white li$ht of eternal *li!!? In!tead= thin$! will loo6 prett+ 0uch the !a0e a! the+ alwa+! have in the fir!t few da+!C it will ta6e +ou !o0e ti0e to realiLe Du!t how different the+ are= a! +ou *e$in what ha! *een referred to O*ut ulti0atel+ 0i!under!toodP *+ variou! reli$ion! in!ide the 0ovie theater a! the 2dar6 ni$ht of the !oul?3 ,<Dar+ night o" the sou%< is used to describe a phase in a person$s spiritua% %i"e, mar+ed by a sense o" %one%iness and deso%ation9 /t is re"erenced by spiritua% traditions throughout the !or%d (he term Idar+ night @o" the sou%P< is used in Christianity "or a spiritua% crisis in a ?ourney to!ards union !ith God9 (ypica%%y "or a be%iever in the dar+ night o" the sou%, spiritua% discip%ines @such as prayer and consistent devotion to GodP sudden%y seem to %ose a%% their e.perientia% va%ueJ traditiona% prayer is e.treme%y di""icu%t and unre!arding "or an e.tended period o" time9 (he individua% may "ee% as though God has sudden%y abandoned them or that his or her prayer %i"e has co%%apsed9 7ather than resu%ting in devastation, ho!ever, the dar+ night is perceived by mystics and others to be a b%essing in disguise, !hereby the individua% is stripped o" the spiritua% ecstasy associated !ith acts o" virtue &%though the individua% may "or a time seem to out!ard%y dec%ine in their practices o" virtue, they in rea%ity become more virtuous, as they are being virtuous %ess "or the spiritua% re!ards obtained and more out o" a true %ove "or God -% )et ! Du!t !a+ in +our cocoon on the other !ide of the door= +ou will eEperience !ituation! that will challen$e ever+ !in$le *elief= theor+= opinion= Dud$0ent= and attitude +ou ever had and held !acredC and none of +our prior trainin$ in an+ !piritual philo!oph+ or !elfMhelp techniKue will do +ou the !li$hte!t *it of $ood? -or eEa0ple= !piritual philo!ophie! or !elfMhelp practice! de!i$ned to alter +our !tate of con!ciou!ne!!= !uch a! 0editation and *reathin$ techniKue! and drea0 anal+!i!= are the la!t thin$ +ou will want to do in!ide +our cocoon= *ecau!e +ou need to *e in full and con!ciou! control of all the facultie! of +our 0ind? OI 0 not !a+in$ +ou will 2thin63 +our wa+ into *ein$ a *utterfl+= *ut +ou ll Kuic6l+ learn that an+ techniKue or practice +ou 0a+ have learned in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater that involved clo!in$ +our e+e! wa! actuall+ leadin$ +ou in the eEact oppo!ite direction of where +ou wanted to $o? Ever+thin$ +ou will need to *eco0e a *utterfl+ will appear ri$ht there in front of +ou= and +ou ll want to *e wide awa6e and full+ focu!ed on the here and now?P ,Qust hypothetica%%y, !hat i" you "ound out that in order to achieve the en%ightenment you spea+ o", you had to re?ect a%% the teachings you<ve ever received Cou%d you abandon a%% this +no!%edge you<ve ac=uiredD-( /ow 2dar63 will thi! 2dar6 ni$ht3 *e' That depend! on +ou? All I can !a+ ri$ht now i! that the inten!it+ of the 2dar6ne!!3 will depend on how re!i!tant +ou are to lettin$ $o and d+in$= in the !a0e wa+ a caterpillar could 0a6e hi! tran!for0ation a livin$ hell if he fou$ht it in!ide the cocoon? &hat el!e can +ou eEpect if +ou wal6 throu$h the door' To *e totall+ alone? Ever+ caterpillar ha! it! own cocoon= and !o will +ou? That doe!n t 0ean +ou have to di!connect fro0 fa0il+ or friend! and $o off in the wood! !o0ewhere *+ +our!elf= althou$h !o0e haveC *ut +our fa0il+ and friend! will not *e a*le to help +ou= nor will the+ under!tand what +ou re doin$ or wh+? Onl+ tho!e who have $one *efore +ou the !cout! will have an+ idea what +ou re $oin$ throu$h= and contact with the0 onl+ happen! rarel+ while +ou re in the cocoon? It 0ean! there will *e no $roup to !upport or co0fort +ou li6e there wa! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theaterC +ou re on +our own?

&ill the 0ovie! +ou ve *een watchin$ in the theater chan$e' Not reall+= not that 0uch in the *e$innin$C *ut there i! definitel+ a chan$e in their purpo!e= fro0 leadin$ +ou into 0ore li0itation in the 0ovie theater to $ivin$ +ou the opportunit+ to eventuall+ *rea6 out of +our cocoon a! a *utterfl+? @ou ll have to read the neEt part of thi! *oo6 to full+ under!tand that concept? Perhap! the 0o!t di!tur*in$ pro!pect of wal6in$ throu$h that door into +our cocoon i! +our certain death? A caterpillar 0u!t 2die3 in order to tran!for0 into a *utterfl+? @ou= too= 0u!t die that i!= the 2+ou3 +ou thin6 of a! 2+ou3 0u!t die? It i! onl+ throu$h thi! death that +ou can di!cover who +ou reall+ are? /ow lon$ will +ou !ta+ in the cocoon' ,Pupation may be brie", "or e.amp%e 2 !ee+s as in monarch butter"%ies, or the pupa may enter dormancy or diapause unti% the appropriate season "or the adu%t9 Pupation may %ast !ee+s, months or even years -, -ro0 report! of two other !cout! and 0+ own eEperience= I can !a+ +ou will pro*a*l+ !ta+ in the cocoon a*out two to three +ear!? Not all that ti0e will *e the 2dar6 ni$ht of the !oulC3 it $et! ea!ier a! +ou $et clo!er to the end? 5ut +ou !hould *e prepared not to e0er$e a! a *utterfl+ an+ ti0e !oon= li6e neEt wee6 or neEt +ear? It all !ound! li6e a lot of fun= doe!n t it' Actuall+= it i!= or it can *e once +ou $et the han$ of it? ONo pun intendedJ a chr+!ali! hangs fro0 a leaf orJ oh= never 0ind?P 5ut con!ider thi!J if +ou decide to cli0* Mount Evere!t= +ou !hould *e prepared for a lot of hard trainin$ and difficult condition! in order to reach the !u00it? If +ou want to *e an Ol+0pic !wi00er= there ! +ear! of !acrificin$ a 2nor0al3 life and hour! a da+ in the pool and wei$ht roo0 Du!t to tr+ to Kualif+C and then there ! no $uarantee of a 0edal? I dou*t an+ $ood coach or trainer would !u$arcoat all the preparation +ou 0u!t $o throu$h if +ou want to achieve !uch loft+ $oal!? The !a0e i! true in thi! ca!e? On the other hand= no one atte0pt! to cli0* Mount Evere!t or win Ol+0pic 8old or do an+thin$ challen$in$ without 6nowin$ the end re!ult i! worth the effort? That would trul+ *e in!ane? In thi! ca!e= what await! +ou a! a *utterfl+ i! con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love? &ell= 0a+*e? I 0 !till in the la!t part of 0+ cocoon !ta$e= !o I won t $uarantee an+thin$? &hat I can !a+ fro0 0+ current po!ition i! that I a0 eEperiencin$ all the thin$! I wi!hed for and *elieved po!!i*le while !till in the 0ovie theater a! a /u0an AdultA true content0ent= peace of 0ind= 0ore a*undance than I could have i0a$ined= total relief fro0 worr+ and !tre!!= 0ore fun and eEcite0ent than I ever drea0ed of= with virtuall+ no dra0a and conflict or pain and !ufferin$= and 0uch 0ore love and appreciation for 0+!elf and ever+one el!e and the >niver!e a! a whole? Plu!= I have the an!wer! I needed to 0+ Kue!tion!C and perhap! 0ore i0portantl+= I have no 0ore dou*t!? To 0e= that alone 0a6e! the Dourne+ worthwhile= and I 0 not +et at the final de!tination? NNN I found it a0u!in$ that in hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= #ed Mc<enna !pent the entire fir!t *oo6 tellin$ +ou all a*out what it ! li6e to *e 2!pirituall+ enli$htened=3 paintin$ a ver+ wonderful= accurate= and appealin$ picture? Then in 5oo6 Two= he 0ade it ver+ clear how difficult and de0andin$ it i! to $et there= u!in$ eEa0ple! of #ulie ! !piritual autol+!i! and the travail! of Captain Aha* in )oby Dic+? 5ut in 5oo6 Three #ed !ee0! to $o to $reat len$th! to tr+ to convince +ou not to $o there= *ut to !ta+ in the 0ovie theater a! a /u0an Adult? ,5ho !ants to be cast permanent%y adri"t on a shore%ess seaD 5ho !ants to spend the rest o" their %i"e tumb%ing through in"inite spaceD 2o one, o" course 5hat<s the point o" point%essnessD 6o! can you !ant nothingD-. It ! true? SoMcalled 2!piritual enli$hten0ent3 i! not at all what people have drea0ed it to *eC and de!pite what !o0e teacher! and $uru! have !aid= it i! not !o0ethin$ that happen! overni$ht in a *lindin$ fla!h of li$ht= or a! the re!ult of a !pecial 0editation !e!!ion where all of a !udden +ou co00une with 8od? 8ettin$ there is eEtre0el+ difficult and de0andin$= *ut !o i! reachin$ the !u00it of Mt? Evere!t? Sure= +ou could !ta+ in 5a!e Ca0p and enDo+ the view and appreciate the *eaut+ and have a fairl+ decent life? Or +ou could cli0* to the top? &h+ would an+one do that' 5ecau!e it ! there= of cour!eC and *ecau!e +ou !i0pl+ cannot not do it? 5ecau!e there ! !o0ethin$ in!ide +ou that !a+! +ou a*!olutel+ must $o throu$h that door?

-or !o0e people the choice i! clear and ea!+? &hat ! the point of !ta+in$ in!ide the 0ovie theater when +ou 6now it ! not real and the an!wer! +ou re !ee6in$ can t *e found there' -or other!= the choice can *e reall+ tou$h= e!peciall+ for +oun$er /u0an Adult! Oin chronolo$ical a$eP who have their entire live! ahead of the0? I wonder whether it ta6e! a certain a0ount of ti0e !pent in the 0ovie theater *efore one i! read+ to con!ider another option? After all= there ! a lot of fun and enDo+0ent and plea!ure to *e found a! a /u0an Adult li0ited and re!tricted thou$h it i! that !o0eone in their twentie! or thirtie! 0i$ht not *e !o anEiou! to 0i!! out on? The thou$ht of leavin$ +our $roup and endin$ up totall+ alone *efore $ettin$ to eEperience ever+thin$ the Cave ha! to offer 0i$ht not *e that appealin$? Of cour!e= it ! al!o po!!i*le the +oun$er one! don t *elieve 0e that the an!wer! the+ re !ee6in$ can t *e found in!ide the theater? Perhap! the+ don t !ant to *elieve 0e= havin$ Du!t Doined a $roup the+ thin6 can offer the0 the con!tant and true and a*idin$ Do+= a*undance= power= and love the+ re !ee6in$= and want to $ive it a $o? I 0 all for it $ive it all +ou ve $ot for a! lon$ a! +ou can? Nothin$ +ou do will *e 2wron$C3 the door at the *ac6 of the theater will alwa+! *e there? 5ut I have often thou$ht while writin$ thi! *oo6 that I could *e tal6in$ al0o!t eEclu!ivel+ to the 5a*+ 5oo0er!= the for0er /ippie! now in their late ,0 ! and .0 ! who have !pent enou$h ti0e in the *ac6 of the theater to full+ appreciate it! li0itation! and have virtuall+ nothin$ to lo!e *+ $oin$ throu$h the door? &e ll !ee? NNN So= there it i!? That ! ever+thin$ I can thin6 of to help +ou 0a6e +our deci!ion? The door i! !tandin$ there ri$ht there in front of +ou= unloc6ed and read+ for +ou to wal6 throu$h it? O5+ the wa+= did I 0ention that once +ou wal6 throu$h= it clo!e! and loc6! *ehind +ou= and +ou can never chan$e +our 0ind'P A! I !aid in the *e$innin$= it ! +our choice? NNN MOFIE S>88ESTIONA (he (ruman Sho!= !tarrin$ #i0 Carre+ O1774P -OOTNOTES 1? 2e! 5or%d 3ncyc%opedia Meta0orpho!i! 5ac6 to readin$ "? 5i+ipedia Pupa 5ac6 to readin$ %? 5i+ipedia M 9ar6 Ni$ht of the Soul 5ac6 to readin$ (? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ ,? 5i+ipedia Pupa 5ac6 to readin$ .? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! (here is nothing in a caterpi%%ar that te%%s you it<s going to be a butter"%y B R? 5uc60in!ter -uller


&elco0e to +our cocoonG

The !ound +ou Du!t heard wa! the door clo!in$ and loc6in$ *ehind +ou= !o let ! not wa!te an+ ti0eJ? O5+ the wa+= what often happen! fir!t a! +ou enter +our cocoon i! that +ou $et a $ift fro0 the 2>niver!e=3 a little 2reward3 for ta6in$ +our fir!t !tep toward !elfMrealiLation? Thi! will *e different for ever+one= !o +ou ll want to *e open and alert and on the loo6outC and it help! to eEpre!! !o0e appreciation to no one in particular= if +ou li6e when the $ift arrive!?P NNN 5efore we !tart there ! an i0portant di!tinction that 0u!t *e 0ade *etween a 2*elief !+!te03 and a 20odel?3 A 0odel i! defined a! 2a !che0atic de!cription of a !+!te0= theor+= or pheno0enon that account! for it! 6nown or inferred propertie! and 0a+ *e u!ed for further !tud+ of it! characteri!tic! 1=3 and 2a !+!te0atic de!cription of an o*Dect or pheno0enon that !hare! i0portant characteri!tic! with the o*Dect or pheno0enon? Scientific 0odel! can *e 0aterial= vi!ual= 0athe0atical= or co0putational and are often u!ed in the con!truction of !cientific theorie!?3" There ! a !i0pler definition at An!wer!?co0 that !a+! 2a !cientific 0odel i! a repre!entation of an o*Dect or !+!te0? An eEa0ple of a !cientific 0odel would *e a dia$ra0 of a cell or a 0apJ? even a 0odel roc6etG3% In other word!= a 0odel ta6e! the evidence alread+ at hand in our ca!e= the re!ult! of the !cientific eEperi0ent! in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and *rain re!earch and develop! a theor+ or repre!entation of how that evidence 0i$ht *e applied if ta6en to the neEt level? A 0odel i! de!i$ned to *e te!ted and challen$ed to !ee how well it perfor0!? On the other hand= a 2*elief !+!te03 i! often for0ed in contradiction to the evidence at hand= and cannot with!tand te!tin$ and challen$in$? In fact= a *elief !+!te0 trie! to avoid *ein$ te!ted or challen$ed at all co!t!? The re0ainder of thi! *oo6 will *e tal6in$ a*out 0odel!= not *elief !+!te0! 0odel! that have *een te!ted and found to wor6? @ou are not $oin$ to *e a!6ed to *elieve an+thin$? In!tead= +ou are invited and encoura$ed to te!t the!e 0odel! for +our!elf? All I can !a+ a! +our !cout i! that the 0odel! I will pre!ent wor6ed for 0e and $ot 0e where I a0 toda+ !tandin$ here loo6in$ at the Pacific Ocean= a trul+ a0aLin$ place I a0 ver+ happ+ to *e?

-OOTNOTES 1? The-ree9ictionar+?co0 0odel 5ac6 to readin$ "? Science?@our9ictionar+?co0 !cientific 0odel 5ac6 to readin$ %? An!wer!?co0 what i! a !cientific 0odel 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Ra0ana Mahar!hi tau$ht that +ou could achieve the !ta$e of *utterfl+ if +ou !i0pl+ ,&s+ yourse%" again and again, I5ho am /D<-1
,(he in=uiry $5ho am /D$ !i%% destroy a%% other thoughts, and %i+e the stic+ used "or stirring the burning pyre, it !i%% itse%" in the end get destroyed (hen, there !i%% arise Se%"8rea%i>ation -" That ! 0uch 0ore ea!il+ !aid than doneC and li6e an+ other teachin$ in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= if it wor6ed= there would *e a lot of *utterflie! populatin$ the Earth *+ now? So +ou re $oin$ to ta6e a little different approach that does wor6? -or approEi0atel+ the neEt two +ear! in +our cocoon= +ou re $oin$ to focu! on an!werin$ the Kue!tion= 2&ho A0 I not'3= alon$ with the Kue!tion= 2&hat i! true'3 At lea!t= that ! what wor6ed for 0e and a few other !cout! and $ot u! where we are toda+? 5a!icall+= *efore +ou can find the true an!wer to 2&ho A0 I'3= +ou have to !trip awa+ all the "a%se an!wer! +ou ve collected durin$ +our lifeti0e= e!peciall+ tho!e +ou pic6ed up *elon$in$ to variou! $roup! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater? Re0e0*er that in order for a caterpillar to tran!for0 into a *utterfl+= it ha! to fir!t realiLe it ! not a caterpillar an+ 0ore? ,/t is during the time o" pupation that the adu%t structures o" the insect are "ormed !hi%e the %arva% structures are bro+en do!n -% So we re $oin$ to ta6e a clo!er loo6 at !o0e of the *elief! co00onl+ held around the topic of 2&ho I A03 and whether the+ are true or notC and one of the 0o!t co00on that ha! *eco0e ver+ popular a0on$ New A$e $roup! i!A 2@ou create +our own realit+?3 5ut i! that true' -ir!t of all= !ince the New A$e apparentl+ never found out that 2realit+3 i! actuall+ a holo$raphic i0a$e= and not 2real3 at all= the !a+in$ i! not true ri$ht off the *at? 5ut that ! Du!t a 0inor error= and I 0 ver+ willin$ to a0end their !lo$an !li$htl+ to confor0 to Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and !a+= 2@ou create +our own holo$raphic univer!e=3 !o we can focu! on the i0portant i!!ue!? 2@ou create +our own holo$raphic univer!e?3 I! that true' If !o= eEactl+ who i! the 2+ou3 who i! creatin$ +our own holo$raphic univer!e' )et ! find out *+ pic6in$ up where we left off in our !tud+ of Kuantu0 ph+!ic! in the la!t part? &e !aidJ ,5hat !e have a%!ays thought o" as our %i"e, our rea%ity, is not rea% E according to =uantum physics E but actua%%y a ho%ographic RD movie !e have been immersed in, !hose !ave "re=uencies have been do!n%oaded

"rom (he 'ie%d to our brain, !here they are trans%ated into partic%es %ocated in space and time and pro?ected ,out there- "or us to perceive through our senses Jand the Kue!tion we a!6ed wa!= 2&ho or what i! creatin$ the holo$raphic 0ovie! I 0 eEperiencin$ a! 0+ realit+'3 @ou ll re0e0*er that a holo$ra0 i! a twoM!tep proce!!= and in the !econd !tep the reference *ea0 i! directed toward the holo$raphic plate Oor fil0P containin$ the o*Dect in order to $et the o*Dect to pop out into 2realit+?3

&hat we didn t di!cu!! +et i! that a !in$le piece of holo$raphic fil0 i! capa*le of !torin$ 0an+= 0an+ o*Dect!= and in fact holo$raph+ 0a+ !oon replace other la!erM*a!ed !tora$e techniKue! *ecau!e of it! capacit+ to hold !o 0uch infor0ation? O2The advanta$e of thi! t+pe of data !tora$e i! that the vo%ume of the recordin$ 0edia i! u!ed in!tead of Du!t the !urface?3(P &hich o*Dect or o*Dect! pop out when +ou direct a reference *ea0 at the fil0 depend! on the an$le of the reference *ea0? In other word!= +ou can choo!e which holo$raphic i0a$e! to create *+ u!in$ different an$le! for the reference *ea0 to !elect the eEact wave pattern! +ou want that are !tored in the holo$raphic fil0? Now let ! appl+ that to our holo$raphic univer!eJ?

So0e !ort of reference *ea0 we don t 6now what +et i! directed at The -ield= which i! li6e a $i$antic piece of holo$raphic fil0 that alread+ contain! all the wave freKuencie! reKuired for an infinite nu0*er of holo$ra0!C and out pop! 2realit+?3

So now we can a!6 our Kue!tion even 0ore !pecificall+A &ho or what i! the re"erence beam that choo!e! certain wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield to create our holo$raphic realit+' The *e!t an!wer an+one ha! co0e up with !o far i! 3ons34o5sness Cons34o5sness i! what choo!e! the preci!e wave freKuencie! in The -ield and download! the0 to a hu0an *rain= which then convert! the0 into !paceUti0e particle! and out pop! our 2realit+?3

Of cour!e= thi! proce!! i! not twoMdi0en!ional or linear a! portra+ed in thi! picture? A 0ore reali!tic depiction 0i$ht *e threeMdi0en!ional concentric circle!= with 2realit+3 in the 0iddle= The -ield around it= and 3ons34o5sness around The -ield?

@ou could thin6 of it li6e a peach= where the peach pit i! 2realit+=3 The -ield i! the 0eat of the peach that +ou eat= and 3ons34o5sness i! the !6in? /owever= we re !tuc6 with twoMdi0en!ional linear picture! ri$ht now= at lea!t until thi! *oo6 can *e 0ade holo$raphicall+? NNN Consciousness is !hat chooses the precise !ave "re=uencies in (he 'ie%d and do!n%oads them to a human brain, !hich then converts them into spaceOtime partic%es and out pops our ,rea%ity Thi! i! where Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! !plit into two 0ain $roup!? One $roup the 2pure3 !cienti!t! cannot accept thi! an!wer= althou$h it i! the 0o!t lo$ical and the !i0ple!t= and therefore !ati!fie! Occa0 ! RaLor and the principle of par!i0on+? That ! *ecau!e 3ons34o5sness cannot *e 0ea!ured or dealt with in the nor0al !cientific wa+? Cons34o5sness !i0pl+ doe! not lend it!elf well to 0athe0atical eKuation! or !tati!tical re!earch? 5ut there are a !i$nificant nu0*er of Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! who under!tand that 3ons34o5sness i! not onl+ the *e!t an!wer= *ut al!o the 0o!t wor6a*le? One of tho!e i! 9r? A0it 8o!wa0i= in 0+ e!ti0ation one of the $reat thin6er! of our ti0e? 9r? 8o!wa0i i! Profe!!or E0eritu! in theoretical ph+!ic! at the >niver!it+ of Ore$on= Senior Scholar in Re!idence at the In!titute of Noetic Science!= and author of ei$ht *oo6! on ;uantu0 Ph+!ic!= includin$ (he Se%"8&!are Bniverse and Science and Spiritua%ity4 & 0uantum /ntegration? 9r? 8o!wa0i !a+!A 20uantum Physics enab%es us to see direct%y that !e can ma+e sense o" the !or%d on%y i" !e base the !or%d on consciousness (he !or%d is made o" consciousnessJ the !or%d is consciousness9 0uantum Physics ma+es this as c%ear as day%ight9 Consciousness must be invo%ved,9 and so "or the "irst time, science encounters I"ree !i%% < Consciousness is "ree because there is no mathematica% description o" the sub?ect in our scienceJ on%y ob?ects can be described mathematica%%y, and on%y to the e.tent that they are possibi%ities (he =uestion sti%% remains paramount4 5ho is the IchooserD< &nd !hen !e see that9 !e see that there is "reedom o" choice, and out o" that "reedom o" choice comes our actua% e.perience?3, 9r? #effre+ Satinover= Teachin$ -ellow in Ph+!ic! at @ale >niver!it+= ha! the!e thou$ht!J 2/" you put it that there is an intangib%e !or%d that e""ects the tangib%e !or%d o" our e.perience, and i" you then say, I(hat<s !hat =uantum mechanics says,< E and granted, that<s a "air !ay o" trying to put into 3ng%ish

something !hich is very, very di""icu%t to grasp E but it then %eads =uite natura%%y to the conc%usion that =uantum mechanics says that there is a spiritua% !or%d that ma+es this choice, that there is another !or%d that is intangib%e that e""ects and in"%uences the physica% !or%d (hat intangibi%ity, ho!ever, is itse%" the bedroc+ o" physica% rea%ity /t may be intangib%e, but it is E !e%%, !e can<t rea%%y say !hat it is or !hy it<s there E but it is in "act the most "undamenta% "eature o" matter?3. -red Alan &olf= theoretical ph+!ici!t= put! it thi! wa+J 20uantum Physics says that consciousness is p%aying a ro%e in the universe /t says that there is a secret underground that seems to be e""ecting the rea%ity !e %ive in, and that this rea%ity !e %ive is not at a%% !hat it appears to be -1 And 9r? Andrew New*er$= 9irector for the Center for Spiritualit+ and the Neuro!cience! at the >niver!it+ of Penn!+lvania= a!6!J 25hether or not !e<re ?ust %iving in a big I6o%odec+< is a =uestion !e don<t necessari%y have a good ans!er "or9 /t is conceivab%e that a%% o" this rea%%y is ?ust a great i%%usion9 So !hat is the re%ationship bet!een consciousness and materia% rea%ity E !hether or not the materia% !or%d can actua%%y be derived "rom a consciousness rea%ity, or !hether consciousness itse%" cou%d even be the "undamenta% stu"" o" the universe, so to spea+, instead o" the Ico%d, dar+ matter< or other aspects o" matter that physicists have been %oo+ing "orD9 )aybe it has something more to do !ith consciousness /n that regard, then, !e rea%%y can thin+ about the universe as being more a state o" consciousness9 much more so than the materia% rea%ity that !e norma%%y %oo+ at?34 So a nu0*er of hi$hl+ re!pected and thou$htful Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! have concluded that 3ons34o5sness i! what choo!e! the eEact wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield it want! to u!e to create our holo$raphic eEperience!? /owever= Du!t li6e The -ield= no one can prove 3ons34o5sness eEi!t!? 5ut al!o li6e The -ield= when we a!!u0e 23ons34o5sness 0u!t *e involved=3 a! 9r? 8o!wa0i !a+!= we can then *uild a ver+ !ucce!!ful 0odel of how our world wor6! and u!e that 0odel in ver+ practical and !ucce!!ful ever+Mda+ application!? So the !tate0ent 2@ou create +our own holo$raphic univer!e3 i! not true= !ince the 2+ou3 +ou thin6 of a! +ou= the one on the 2realit+3 !ide of The -ield= i! not creatin$ that realit+? It 0i$ht *e clo!er to the truth to !a+= 2@our 3ons34o5sness create! +our own holo$raphic univer!e?3 5utJ what eEactl+ i! 3ons34o5sness' If +ou would li6e a $ood lau$h= clic6 here to watch a !hort video fro0 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e= where !o0e of the *ri$hte!t people in the field of Kuantu0 ph+!ic! tr+ to $ive an an!werG Now= after +ou ve !topped lau$hin$= plea!e appreciate the hone!t+ and hu0ilit+ with which all tho!e $reat 0ind! !tru$$led with the Kue!tion= *ecau!e definin$ 3ons34o5sness i! not ea!+ at all? The Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ define! 3ons34o5sness a! 2the =ua%ity or state o" being a!are, especia%%y o" something !ithin onese%"?37 In philo!oph+= 2at its most basic %eve%, 3ons34o5sness may be said to be the process o" a thin+er "ocusing the thought on some aspect o" e.istence?310 2/n human beings, consciousness is understood to inc%ude Imeta8a!areness,< an a!areness that one is a!are?311 In 0an+ !piritual teachin$!= 3ons34o5sness i! !+non+0ou! with the hu0an !oul or !pirit= the i00ortal part of a hu0an *ein$C and 2higher consciousness E a%so ca%%ed super consciousness @#ogaP, ob?ective consciousness @Gurd?ie""P, Buddhic consciousness @(heosophyP, God8consciousness @Su"ism and 6induismP, Christ consciousness @2e! (houghtP, and cosmic consciousness E are e.pressions used to denote the consciousness o" a human being !ho has reached a higher %eve% o" evo%utionary deve%opment 31" 5ut= 2!e may be "orced to admit that consciousness, %i+e in"inity and the partic%e8!ave concepts in =uantum mechanics, is a property that cannot be made intuitive%y straight"or!ard Consciousness E %i+e gravity, mass, and charge E may be one o" the irreducib%e properties o" the universe "or !hich no "urther account is possib%e?31%

If +ou vi!it An!wer!?co0 and &i6ipedia?co0 and !earch for 3ons34o5sness= +ou will find e!!a+ upon e!!a+ doLen! of the0 fro0 re!pected re!earcher! tr+in$ to eEplain what 3ons34o5sness i!= all with a little different ta6e on the word? -or 0e= the la!t Kuote i! perhap! the 0o!t !i$nificant and worth repeatin$J ,Consciousness E %i+e gravity, mass, and charge E may be one o" the irreducib%e properties o" the universe "or !hich no "urther account is possib%e?3 So I thin6 it ! clear no one reall+ 6now! eEactl+ what 3ons34o5sness i! or how to properl+ define it? The truth i! we will never 6nowC we onl+ 6now it 0u!t eEi!t? &e are= in fact= incapa*le of 6nowin$= and alwa+! will *e incapa*le of 6nowin$= !i0pl+ *ecau!e we are on the other !ide of The -ield fro0 3ons34o5snessC and our *rain! at lea!t accordin$ to Pri*ra0 are de!i$ned a! holo$raphic receiver! and tran!lator!= and have no capacit+ or a*ilit+ to acce!! or proce!! an+ infor0ation on the other !ide of The -ield? &e do 6now that 3ons34o5sness i! not the *od+= the *rain= the 0ind= the intellect= or an+thin$ el!e in the holo$raphic univer!e? It i! not a thin$C it i! the creator of thin$!? A0 I !a+in$ that we the 2I3 who i! writin$ thi! *oo6 and the 2+ou3 who are readin$ it have no 3ons34o5sness' No= I 0 !a+in$ the word 3ons34o5sness ha! *een applied to 0ean a $reat 0an+ thin$! in our holo$raphic univer!e= and it ! ver+ confu!in$ to then u!e it to de!cri*e what eEi!t! on the other !ide of The -ield? @e!= we 2+ou3 and 2I3 have a 6ind of con!ciou!ne!!= which i! !elfMcon!ciou!ne!!? &e are aware of our 2!elve!=3 and we are aware of *ein$ awareC a! the dictionar+ !aid= 2 the =ua%ity or state o" being a!are, especia%%y o" something !ithin onese%"?3 That ! fine= *ut that ! not the 3ons34o5sness we re tal6in$ a*out that choo!e! wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield? Rene 9e!carte! !aidA 2/ thin+, there"ore / am?3 9e!carte! lived in!ide the 0ovie theater li6e ever+one el!e= and a! I 0entioned *efore= in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! we are findin$ the oppo!ite of what we have alwa+! *elieved i! actuall+ clo!er to the truthA 2I am, therefore I think?3 The 3ons34o5sness we re now tal6in$ a*out i! the 2I a0C3 +ou and I and our !elfMcon!ciou!ne!! are the 2I thin6?3 NNN -or a lon$ ti0e I he!itated to do thi!= pro*a*l+ in reaction to the two co0plete dictionarie! of new word! and 0eanin$! )? Ron /u**ard created for Scientolo$+? I don t even enDo+ readin$ poetr+C I li6e to read plain and !i0ple En$li!h with clear and wellMaccepted word! and 0eanin$!? 5ut *ecau!e of all thi! confu!ion a*out the word 3ons34o5sness= and *ecau!e thi! concept i! !o e!!ential to under!tand on +our path to *eco0in$ a *utterfl+= I feel it ! nece!!ar+ to co0e up with a new la*el to properl+ de!cri*e the 3ons34o5sness on the other !ide of The -ield thi! 2irreduci*le propert+ of the univer!e3 and differentiate it fro0 u! on thi! !ide of The -ield? I decided Kuite earl+ I could not u!e ter0! li6e 2hi$her !elf=3 2hi$her power=3 2hi$her con!ciou!ne!!=3 or 2eEpanded !elf=3 !ince the+= too= are !o overMu!ed and 0i!under!toodC and fran6l+= the+ all ta6e a /u0an Adult in eEactl+ the oppo!ite direction of where +ou want to $o if +ou want to *eco0e a *utterfl+? &e ll !ee wh+ !hortl+? )i6ewi!e= I didn t want to u!e 2!oul3 or 2!pirit3 or an+thin$ el!e with an+ reli$iou! connotation? Thi! i!n t a*out theolo$+ or a!cended 0a!ter! or hi$her level! of !piritualit+? I finall+ decided on the ter0= 2Infinite I=3 which ad0ittedl+ 0a6e! !o0e a!!u0ption!= *ut in the end and for our purpo!e! turn! out to *e Kuite u!eful? The a!!u0ption! are that whatever con!ciou!ne!! eEi!t! on the other !ide of The -ield ha! Kualitie! and attri*ute! that are infinite= !uch a!A B infinite Do+ B infinite a*undance B infinite wi!do0 B infinite power

B infinite and unconditional love B and an infinite de!ire to pla+ and eEpre!! it!elf creativel+1( Thi! 0a+ or 0a+ not turn out to *e the 2Truth3C perhap! we ll find out when we die or not? 5ut for now it ! a! clo!e to the truth a! we re $oin$ to $et= and= li6e the concept of The -ield= provide! a ver+ wor6a*le 0odel to continue our tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+? It al!o !erve! the purpo!e of 0a6in$ a clear di!tinction *etween the /n"inite / on one !ide of The -ield= and 2+ou3 and 20e3 on the other !ide= wal6in$ around in holo$raphic *odie! on a holo$raphic Earth? Therefore= the /n"inite / i! not the 2I3 who write! the!e word!= and it ! not the 2+ou3 who read! the0? OI 0 $oin$ to $ive another na0e to that 2+ou3 and 2I3 in the neEt chapter?P I al!o want to e0pha!iLe that when I !a+ R/n"inite /=R I a0 tal6in$ a*out a !in$le= individual 3ons34o5sness not con!ciou!ne!! in $eneral Oa! the word i! !o0eti0e! u!edP= or !o0e 2collective con!ciou!ne!!=3 or 2co!0ic con!ciou!ne!!=3 or 28od?3 Each of u! ha! an /n"inite /? OPerhap! the clo!e!t an+one in the 0ovie theater ha! co0e to thi! concept= a! far a! I can tell= i! #ane Ro*ert! in her novel!= (he 1versou% Seven (ri%ogy=1, *a!ed on the 2Seth 0aterial?3P So fro0 now on I will refer to the Infinite I a! the one who choo!e! the preci!e wave freKuencie! in The -ield and download! the0 to a hu0an *rain= which then convert! the0 into !paceUti0e particle! and out pop! our 2realit+?3

5efore we $o on= I want to *e ver+ clear a*out thi! /n"inite /= *ecau!e I don t want an+ confu!ion with other concept! +ou 0a+ have developed in!ide the 0ovie theater? The /n"inite / i! not +our 2hi$her !elf3 or 2eEpanded !elf?3 There are two thin$! wron$ with the ter0 2hi$her !elfC3 one i! the word 2hi$her=3 and the other i! the word 2!elf?3 -ir!t= 2hi$her3 ha! no relevance here? ItQ! a Dud$0ent word= a co0pari!on= and we will !oon !ee that Dud$0ent i! the $lue that 6eep! the illu!ion! to$ether in!ide the 0ovie theater? The word 2!elf3 i0plie! that what we thin6 of a! our 2!elf3 ha! a hi$her ver!ion? 5ut what we thin6 of a! our 2!elf3 i! not true an+ of it? In fact= where weQre headed with all thi! i! toward 2noM!elf?3 So the la!t thin$ we want to thin6 of in ter0! of the /n"inite / i! that it i! !o0e eEpanded ver!ion of u!? It ! not? Nor i! the /n"inite / !o0e 2advanced3 or 2!piritualiLed3 or 2a!cended3 or 2purified3 or 2*etter3 ver!ion of +ou? It i! not !o0e 2enli$htened3 or 2evolved3 or 2avatar3 or 2hol+3 ver!ion of +ou= either? It i! not !o0ethin$ +ou will ever $row into *ein$? @ou will never 2*eco0e3 +our /n"inite /= no 0atter what +ou do= how 2$ood3 +ou are= how 0uch +ou 0editate or eat onl+ or$anic food= or pra+= or perfor0 certain cere0onie! or ritual!? It i! not 28od=3 or 2All That I!=3 or Allah= or #ehovah= or @ahweh= or 2The Source3 either? It i! al!o not +our !uper con!ciou!ne!!= o*Dective con!ciou!ne!!= 5uddhic con!ciou!ne!!= 8odM con!ciou!ne!!= Chri!t con!ciou!ne!!= univer!al con!ciou!ne!!= or co!0ic con!ciou!ne!!? Tho!e are all 0ovieM theater ver!ion! of the truth= and therefore !6ewed? It is 3ons34o5sness= +e! your 3ons34o5snessC *ut not the con!ciou!ne!! +ou eEperience a! a hu0an *ein$= which i! !elfMcon!ciou!ne!!?

Althou$h +ou are in con!tant co00unication with +our /n"inite / Owhether +ou realiLe it or notP= +ou and it eEi!t in entirel+ different world! on different !ide! of The -ield? The *e!t analo$+ I can thin6 of i! an a!tronaut on the 0oon= repre!entin$ 2+ou=3 and Mi!!ion Control in /ou!ton= repre!entin$ +our /n"inite /= with all that !pace OThe -ieldP in *etween? I li6e thi! analo$+ *ecau!e not onl+ did +our /n"inite / !end +ou to the 0oon in the fir!t place= *ut it i! al!o +our *e!t friend and partner in thi! adventure? 5ut then what is the /n"inite /= +ou a!6' 8ood Kue!tion? I don t 6now? I 6now fro0 direct eEperience of te!tin$ and challen$in$ the 0odel that 0+ /n"inite / eEi!t!= and it created 0e and +our /n"inite / created +ou? I can tell +ou what it ! not= *ut I cannot tell +ou what it i! +etC and a! I !aid= I don t thin6 it ! po!!i*le for an+one to tell +ou what it i!= in truth= a! lon$ a! we are on thi! !ide of The -ield? The onl+ thin$ I can !a+ in all 0+ dealin$! and contact! with 0+ own /n"inite /= it i! !o0ethin$ I would *e proud to ta6e ho0e to 0eet the parent!? NNN So here i! the 2Con!ciou!ne!! Model3 in a nut!hellJ? @our /n"inite / choo!e! an eEperience for +ou in the for0 of wave freKuencie! fro0 an infinite nu0*er of po!!i*ilitie! in The -ield and download! the0 to +our *rain? @our *rain receive! tho!e wave freKuencie! and tran!late! the0 into ph+!ical 2realit+=3 and !end! the0 2out there3 for +our !en!e! to perceive? @ou a!!i$n power to the holo$raphic univer!e +ou perceive to 0a6e it RrealR and to the per!on!= place!= and thin$! +ou !ee? 5ut thi! !u$$e!t! that there i! nothin$ +ou can !ee= hear= ta!te= feel= !0ell= or eEperience in an+ wa+ that +our /n"inite / ha! not cho!en for +ou to eEperience and then !ent to +our *rain to proce!! into 2realit+?3 Ever+ 0o0ent of ever+ eEperience +ou have now or have ever had and will ever have ha! *een carefull+ cho!en and created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite /= eEactl+ the wa+ it i! and eEactl+ the wa+ +our /n"inite / want! it to *e= down to the !0alle!t detail? Re0e0*erJ T/ERE IS NO 2O>T T/ERE3 O>T T/EREG -OOTNOTES 1? 7obert &dams$ b%og about Sri 7amana )aharshi 5ac6 to readin$ "? Mahadevan= T?M?P?= in the Introduction to 5ho &m /D4 (he (eachings o" Bhagavan Sri 7amana )aharshi 5ac6 to readin$ %? 5i+ipedia Pupa 5ac6 to readin$ (? 5i+ipedia /olo$raph+ 5ac6 to readin$ ,? 8o!wa0i= A0it? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ .? &olf= -red Alan? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 1? New*er$= Andrew? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Satinover= #effre+? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ 7? Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ con!ciou!ne!! 5ac6 to readin$ 10? &i!e$ee6?co0 con!ciou!ne!! 5ac6 to readin$ 11? An!wer!?co0 con!ciou!ne!! 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? An!wer!?co0 hi$her con!ciou!ne!! 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? Ra0achandran= F?S? with 5la6e0ore= Colin= An!wer!?co0 con!ciou!ne!! 5ac6 to readin$ 1(? Adapted fro0 the variou! writin$! and !e0inar! of Ro*ert Scheinfeld 5ac6 to readin$ 1,? Ro*ert!= #ane? (he 1versou% Seven (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Thi! i! +our fir!t opportunit+ to find out 2&ho a0 I not'3

@ou are not +our /n"inite /? @ou are not the one who i! choo!in$ the wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield and creatin$ +our eEperience!? @ou are not even infinite? @our *od+= 0ind= intellect= and ever+thin$ a!!ociated with the0 are part of +our holo$raphic univer!e? The+ aren t real= 0uch le!! infinite? @our /n"inite / i! the 2I A0=3 and +ou are the 2I thin63 part of the eKuation? If +ou can reall+ $et thi! at the *e$innin$ of +our cocoon !ta$e= +our 0eta0orpho!i! will *e !o 0uch 0ore fun and ea!+ and enDo+a*le? /owever= ri$ht now +our e$o the fal!e per!onalit+ +ou ve con!tructed over ti0e i! pro*a*l+ !crea0in$ in +our ear that thi! i! all *ull!hit and to clo!e the *oo6 Kuic6l+ and !top li!tenin$ to thi! lunaticC *ecau!e +our e$o want! +ou to thin6 +ou re !o0ethin$ +ou re not= !o0ethin$ 20ore=3 !o0ethin$ 2!pecial3 that i! in fact i00ortal? That wa+= a! lon$ a! 2+ou3 never die= it doe!n t have to either? 5ut that ! eEactl+ what need! to happen in the cocoonA +ou and +our e$o 0u!t die Du!t li6e the caterpillar? I realiLe ever+ reli$ion and ever+ !piritual teachin$ I 0 aware of in the 0ovie theater includin$ the New A$e preache! that +ou are reall+ a !piritual *ein$ O+our 2!oul3P havin$ a ph+!ical eEperience Oin +our *od+P? Even Ro*ert Scheinfeld= who wa! 0+ 0entor and fellow !cout= !aid +our /n"inite / Owhich he called +our 2EEpanded Self3P i! 2the !un of who +ou reall+ areC31 and if ever+*od+ !a+! it= wh+ !houldn t +ou *elieve it' 5ecau!e it i!n t trueJ Jand it i! perhap! the $reate!t error in!ide the 0ovie theater that prevent! all /u0an Children and /u0an Adult! fro0 *eco0in$ *utterflie!? A! an a!tronaut on the 0oon= would +ou !a+ +ou were reall+ Mi!!ion Control= in char$e of the 0i!!ion' If +ou were the ri$ht tac6le on a foot*all tea0= would +ou !a+ +ou were reall+ the Kuarter*ac6 callin$ the pla+!' If +ou were a tru0pet pla+er in an orche!tra= would +ou !a+ +ou were reall+ the conductor' I 0 !ure +ou d li6e to thin6 +ou are +our 3ons34o5sness= that +ou are the 2I A0C3 *ut the !i0ple fact +ou d li6e to thin+ +ou are +our 3ons34o5sness i! evidence of which !ide of the eKuation +ou are actuall+ on? In the end= all that can *e 6nown and !aid to *e true i! that +our /n"inite / i! the one on the other !ide of The -ield who i! creatin$ all +our holo$raphic eEperience! for +ou= and +ou are not +our /n"inite /C and= reall+= that ! all +ou need to 6now? NNN &hat ! the *i$ deal' &hat ! the pro*le0 if we want to thin6 we are our /n"inite /<s= the one creatin$ our holo$raphic eEperience!' If the a!tronaut on the 0oon thou$ht he wa! Mi!!ion Control= what do +ou thin6 would happen to the 0i!!ion' If the ri$ht $uard on the foot*all tea0 thou$ht he wa! the Kuarter*ac6= how 0an+ $a0e! do +ou thin6 that tea0 would win' If the tru0pet pla+er in the orche!tra thou$ht he wa! the conductor= what do +ou thin6 the !+0phon+ would !ound li6e' 5ut 0ore i0portantl+= ever+ 0o0ent +ou !pend tr+in$ to *e +our /n"inite / i! a di!traction fro0 the real Do* +ou were created to do? Now that +ou re in the cocoon= the !ooner +ou can !top tr+in$ to *e +our /n"inite /= the 0ore ti0e +ou will have for findin$ out who +ou reall+ are? )et 0e u!e another analo$+ to 0a6e !ure I 0 *ein$ clear a*out thi!? If an /n"inite / !aw the Atlantic Ocean and decided it wanted to $o !wi00in$= it 0i$ht fir!t wonder a*out the te0perature of the water= and then

decide to create a *i$ toe on it! ri$ht foot to te!t the water *efore ta6in$ the plun$e? The Do* of that *i$ toe would *e to have the eEperience of i00er!in$ it!elf in the water of the Atlantic= and then !endin$ *ac6 it! feelin$! to it! /n"inite / throu$h the feed*ac6 connection? @ou $et the picture? @ou are the *i$ toe? @ou are not the whole *od+= or the *rain= or the 3ons34o5sness? @ou are the *i$ toe? If thi! were the ca!e if +ou were the *i$ toe would +ou $o around tellin$ ever+one +ou were actuall+ the /n"inite /' If +ou trul+ under!tood wh+ +ou were created and +our role in relation!hip to +our /n"inite /= wouldn t +ou *e !ati!fied to do +our !pecific Do* and do it well= and not tr+ to *e 0ore than +ou are' 5ut a! lon$ a! +ou con!tantl+ tr+ to clai0 +ou 2reall+ are3 +our /n"inite /= can +ou !ee +ou *eco0e 0ore of a pain in the a!! than a *i$ toe' @our /n"inite / ha! !hown an infinite patience while +ou have tried to ta6e it! Do* awa+ +our entire life= and in the proce!! i$nored and denied +our actual purpo!e for eEi!tence? 5ut even that wa!n t 2wron$=3 and wor6ed perfectl+ for +our eEperience! while in the 0ovie theater? It Du!t won t wor6 well in the cocoon? So0e of thi! ha! to do with the e$o= and !o0e with *ein$ told *+ all reli$ion! and !piritual teachin$! we aren t $ood enou$h eEactl+ the wa+ we are= that we re 0ore than 2Du!t3 a *i$ toe? If we didn t feel !uch !ha0e a*out who we are= we wouldn t need an+thin$ 2*etter3 or 2hi$her3 to *e or *eco0e? &hen +ou re fini!hed with thi! proce!! in the cocoon= +ou will 6now who +ou rea%%y are and *e totall+ !ati!fied with that and not need to *e an+thin$ el!e? 2Serenit+ of *ein$3 i! what I call it? NNN Ma+*e +ou don t *elieve there i! an+thin$ other than +our!elf and +our own 0ind creatin$ all +our eEperience! nothin$ 2hi$her=3 no !oul or !pirit or an+thin$ li6e that? Perhap! while in the 0ovie theater +ou reDected an+ concept that !u$$e!ted !o0e 2hi$her power3 wa! at wor6 in +our life? 9en+in$ the eEi!tence of +our /n"inite / i! a! 0uch of an error a! thin6in$ +ou are +our /n"inite /= and in direct conflict with Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and the hu0an *rain !tudie!? It 0a+ have !erved +ou well a! a caterpillar= *ut not an+ 0ore? /owever= I don t *la0e +ou or Dud$e +ou= e!peciall+ !ince the 2hi$her power3 ever+one wa! tr+in$ to convince +ou eEi!ted 0ade no !en!e in the wa+ the+ portra+ed it? A! Philip <? 9ic6 !aid in hi! novel= *a%is= 2The Creator i! in!ane?3 5ut there i! no dou*t something Owhat I a0 callin$ the /n"inite /P i! on the other !ide of The -ield creatin$ +ou and +our holo$raphic eEperience!? -ran6l+= it i! onl+ +our e$o that would li6e +ou to *elieve differentl+= to thin6 you on thi! !ide of The -ield have the power to create an+thin$? @ou will have a direct eEperience of thi! truth in the cocoon= if +ou can allow +our!elf to !ee it? NNN If +ou are not +our /n"inite /= then what are +ou' And eEactl+ what ! +our relation!hip to +our /n"inite /' The *e!t an!wer i! that +ou are a 2Pla+er3 and !o a0 I a Pla+er created *+ +our /n"inite / to pla+ a $a0e= which it love! to do? OIn the neEt chapter we ll !tart tal6in$ !pecificall+ a*out the $a0e +ou re pla+in$?P Sha6e!peare told u! over fourMhundred +ear! a$oA R&%% the !or%d$s a stage, and a%% the men and !omen mere%y p%ayers 3" Ma+*e we could have paid 0ore attention? I have !u$$e!ted= and will !u$$e!t often= there are 2hint!3 and 2clue!3 all around u! in plain !i$ht a*out how thi! holo$raphic univer!e wor6!? One of the0 i! the co0puter video $a0e! that have *eco0e !o popular? If +ou ve never pla+ed a video $a0e= +ou !hould? The+ can provide !o0e ver+ deep in!i$ht! alon$ with a lot of fun? I reco00end $oin$ to Pirates o" the Caribbean 1n%ine= which i! free fro0 9i!ne+ and a $ood eEa0ple of what I 0 tal6in$ a*out? Mo!t !ophi!ticated video $a0e!= li6e Pirates= *e$in *+ creatin$ a Pla+er to repre!ent +ou in the $a0e? In Pirates= +ou can create a new Pla+er fro0 !cratch= choo!in$ the $enderC the !hape of the *od+C the hei$htC the !6in toneC all !ort! of de!i$n! for the faceC the !hape of the Daw= lip!= and chee6!C the e+e color= e+e*row!= and !hape of the e+e!C lot! of choice! for the no!e and ear!C the hair!t+le and color= includin$ a *eard and 0u!tacheC and then all co0*ination! of clothin$? The la!t thin$ +ou do i! choo!e a na0e for +our Pla+er? I !till 0arvel at thi! technolo$+G It !ee0! a! if +ou could create an infinite nu0*er of variation! of Pla+er! fro0 all the different choice!?

Now $o *ac6 to Pirates and create another pla+er Othe+ let +ou create two for freeP? Thi! ti0e= however= i0a$ine +our!elf a! an /n"inite / who want! to pla+ and eEpre!! it!elf creativel+= and +ou want to de!i$n a pla+er who will *e +our repre!entative in thi! adventure= !ince +ou can t $o in!ide the $a0e and pla+ it +our!elf? The point i! that +ou and I were created *+ our /n"inite /<s and cu!to0Mde!i$ned the wa+ the+ wanted u! to loo6= down to the *rid$e of our no!e!? The+ even $ave u! our na0e!? O-or tho!e who 0i$ht !till *elieve what we were tau$ht in !chool that our appearance i! the !ole re!ult of 9NA inherited fro0 our parent!= I reco00end (he Bio%ogy o" Be%ie" *+ 9r? 5ruce )ipton?P NNN A0 I !a+in$ +ou are totall+ 2!eparate3 fro0 +our /n"inite /' No= not at allC not an+ 0ore than a *i$ toe i! 2!eparate3 fro0 the re!t of the *od+? A *i$ toe ha! it! !eparate function= it! !pecific Do* to do= *ut it i! part of the whole? A *i$ toe= however= would never thin6 it !as the whole *od+? That would *e delu!ion= which i! what all Pla+er! in the 0ovie theater !uffer fro0? In!tead= a *i$ toe i! con!tantl+ connected to it! *od+= and happil+ and willin$ receive! co00and! fro0 the *rain? In the !a0e wa+= +ou a! a Pla+er are con!tantl+ connected to +our /n"inite /C and a! !oon a! +ou !top tr+in$ to *e !o0ethin$ +ou re not= +our connection to +our /n"inite / will $et a lot clearer? NNN 5+ now +ou 6now I li6e to let +ou read Kuote! fro0 other people who are !a+in$ e!!entiall+ the !a0e thin$ *ut in different word!= to $ive +ou another per!pective? In thi! ca!e= I 0 $oin$ to *+pa!! Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and $o in!tead to 0etaph+!ic!? 9arr+l An6a i! a channel= and the entit+ who !uppo!edl+ !pea6! throu$h hi0 i! called 25a!har?3 /ere ! what 5a!har ha! to !a+ on thi! topic= which I reall+ li6e even thou$h he u!e! the ter0 2hi$her !elf3J? ,)ost o" you are "ami%iar !ith the idea that you have a physica% consciousness E a persona%ity as a physica% being E that you re%ate to as Iyourse%" < But then there is this mysterious idea o" the Ihigher se%" < Simp%y put, most o" you understand or at %east intuit that the so8ca%%ed Ihigher se%"< is 9 non8physica% 3ven more simp%y you cou%d say that there is a vibrationa% "re=uency above physica% rea%ity E ?ust beyond physica% rea%ity E in !hich resides !hat you might re"er to as a Itemp%ate< "or physica% rea%ity or upon !hich your physica% e.perience is constructed ,/t might surprise you to +no!, as persona%ity constructs E as physica% minds E you do not conceive o" any ideas (he persona%ity does not conceive o" concepts /t perceives conceptsJ it does not conceive them9 (he Ihigher se%"< conceivesJ the physica% brain receivesJ the persona%ity mind perceives (hat<s a%% it does &ny idea, any inspiration, any imagination Iyou< have ever had doesn<t come "rom the physica% mind portion o" youJ it comes "rom the Ihigher se%"< portion o" you through the receiver E the brain E and is trans%ated by the brain into a vibration that the physica% mind then perceives as a re"%ected rea%ity ,(his may sound at "irst some!hat %imiting, but in "act it<s very, very "reeing, because you can a%% stop thin+ingC #ou can a%% stop thin+ing you<re in charge #ou can a%% stop thin+ing that you have to thin+ o" everything #ou can a%% stop thin+ing you<re the one guiding the ship #ou<re not #ou are ?ust %oo+ing at the road #ou<re ?ust e.periencing the path9 ,(he reason you get into troub%e, the reason you "ee% stuc+ as a physica% mind is because you have been taught to be%ieve that the physica% mind is the one coming up !ith a%% this stu"" &nd it<s not So !hen you try to manipu%ate it, it doesn<t !or+, because the physica% mind is not designed to create those concepts /t is on%y designed to perceive the e""ect o" the creation o" :your Ihigher se%"<; through the receiver, the physica% brain ,(his a%%o!s you to %ighten up your %oad, stop carrying so much baggage, stop trying to do your Ihigher se%"<s< ?ob, and ?ust do your o!n (hat<s !hy so many o" you are so tiredJ it<s because you<re trying to do a ?ob you !eren<t designed to do (hat<s e.haustingC StopC #ou !ere not hired to do that ?ob #our Ihigher se%"< a%ready has that ?ob and it<s !or+ing "or you per"ect%y9 Qust do the ?ob you !ere designed to do, !hich is perceive -%

NNN Apparentl+ 5a!har= or 9arr+l= can 0iE 0etaphor! a! well a! I canG 2 #ou can a%% stop thin+ing you<re the one guiding the ship #ou<re not #ou are ?ust %oo+ing at the road #ou<re ?ust e.periencing the path9 - !hip= road= pathJ? So let 0e !a+ it thi! wa+A @ou are not the one drivin$ the *u!? @our /n"inite / 2hired3 +ou created +ou to !it in the *ac6 of the *u! and perceive and react and re!pond to the !cener+ a! it $oe! *+= and that ! all? 5ut +ou haven t done the *e!t po!!i*le Do* at that either= !ince +ou ve !pent a lot of ti0e up front tr+in$ to ta6e the *u! driver ! Do* awa+ fro0 hi0? @ou do not create the !cener+ O+our holo$raphic eEperience!PC +ou do not choo!e which !cener+ to loo6 atC +ou do not decide what direction the *u! will travel? All tho!e Do*! *elon$ to the *u! driver= +our /n"inite /? &ho a0 I not' @ou are not the *u! driver? @ou are not the one creatin$ +our realit+? @ou on the !a0e !ide of The -ield a! realit+ it!elf have no power to create an+thin$= a! a 0atter of fact?

&hen +ou finall+ !urrender and accept thi! fact= it !hould actuall+ co0e a! Kuite a relief? After all= we wor6ed ver+ hard while in!ide the 0ovie theater to create our realit+ a realit+ we wanted thin6in$ we did indeed drive the *u! and were re!pon!i*le to decide what direction it too6 and what !cener+ we would !eeC and= of cour!e= it didn t wor6? At lea!t we didn t create a realit+ we reall+ wanted? Now we can !it *ac6 and relaE and enDo+ the ride= allowin$ our /n"inite /<s to do the drivin$ and 6now our onl+ Do* i! to react and re!pond to the !cener+ to the eEperience! that pop up in front of u!? 28o 8re+hound= and leave the drivin$ to +our /n"inite /?3 NNN A few people= when the+ fir!t hear thi!= react an$ril+ al0o!t violentl+ to the whole idea= thin6in$ I 0 !u$$e!tin$ the+ are nothin$ 0ore than a puppet or a !lave of their /n"inite /= who pull! all the !trin$! and the Pla+er dance! accordin$l+? Nothin$ could *e further fro0 the truth? That= in fact= would defeat the entire purpo!e of the $a0e the /n"inite / ha! created +ou to pla+= which i! co0in$ in the neEt chapter? In order for the $a0e to wor6 for +our /n"inite /= +ou= a! a Pla+er= 0u!t alwa+! *e free 0u!t alwa+! have free will not to choo!e or create which holo$raphic eEperience! +ou have= *ut how +ou will react and re!pond to the0? In fact= thi! i! wh+ +ou eEi!t a! a Pla+er= to u!e +our free will to choo!e +our reaction! and re!pon!e!= and to eEperience the "ee%ings a!!ociated with tho!e reaction! and re!pon!e!? It ! the "ee%ings the /n"inite / want! fro0 +ouC and if +ou didn t have free will to choo!e +our feelin$!= the whole point of the $a0e would *e 0oot? So +ou are far fro0 *ein$ a puppet or a !lave= 0anipulated *+ !o0e /n"inite / +ou can t !ee and are not even !ure eEi!t!? @ou are an inte$ral Pla+er in the $a0e= perfor0in$ a valua*le and uniKue !ervice to +our /n"inite /? Thin6 a*out itJ if +our /n"inite / ha! to focu! on drivin$ the *u! all the ti0e= wouldn t it 0a6e !en!e it would

create a part of it!elf= a repre!entative of it!elf= to !it in the *ac6 of the *u! to *e the one who could focu! !olel+ on the !cener+= and then !end the feelin$! fro0 the reaction! and re!pon!e! to the !cener+ *ac6 to the /n"inite / throu$h a !tron$ and con!tant connection' 9o +ou thin6 the a!tronaut on the 0oon con!ider! it!elf a puppet or !lave of Mi!!ion Control' 9o +ou thin6 the ri$ht $uard on the foot*all tea0 con!ider! it!elf to *e a puppet or !lave of the Kuarter*ac6' 9o +ou thin6 the tru0pet pla+er in the orche!tra con!ider! it!elf to *e a puppet or !lave of the conductor' O*viou!l+ not? The+ 6now their role and eEecute it willin$l+? Another analo$+ Du!t occurred to 0e? At 9i!ne+&orld= Pirates o" the Caribbean i! a real a0u!e0ent ride a! co0pared to the online ver!ion I !po6e of earlier? @ou !it in a little *oat and are ta6en on a Dourne+ throu$h a nu0*er of different !cene! and eEperience!= all of which are de!i$ned to $ive +ou an inner eEperience= which can ran$e fro0 Do+ and eEcite0ent to fear and ten!ion? The path of the Dourne+ and the !cene! +ou !ee were created *+ the de!i$ner of the ride= and +ou don t choo!e where the *oat $oe! or what eEperience! +ou encounter? @our onl+ Do* i! to !it in the *oat and enDo+ the ride= reactin$ and re!pondin$ to what +ou !ee in an+ wa+ +ou wantC and= of cour!e= no reaction or re!pon!e +ou 0i$ht have could ever *e 2wron$?3 All the de!i$ner of the ride i! intere!ted in= and want!= are +our "ee%ings to the eEperience! he ha! created for +ouC *ut I have +et to 0eet an+one who thin6! the+ are a puppet or a !lave of the de!i$ner of Pirates o" the Caribbean It ! onl+ +our e$o= feelin$ threatened= that i! re!i!tin$ the idea of *ein$ a Pla+er for +our /n"inite /= co0in$ up with thi! 2puppet3 and 2!lave3 ar$u0ent? It al!o ha! to do with *ein$ unwillin$ to relinKui!h control? Apparentl+ we all want to *e the one in control of our life= the Ma!ter of our 9o0ain= even thou$h we d have to ad0it we haven t done a ver+ $ood Do* of it !o far= !ince no one !ee0! ver+ plea!ed with the realit+ the+ alread+ have? 5ut that ! eEactl+ the wa+ it wa! !uppo!ed to *e a! lon$ a! +ou were in the 0ovie theater? @ou had to *elieve a! ever+ reli$ion and !piritual philo!oph+ led +ou to *elieve +ou were the one drivin$ the *u!? It wa! perfect for that purpo!e? @ou ve left the 0ovie theater now and want to *eco0e a *utterfl+? An i0portant and e!!ential part of that proce!! i! $ivin$ up the need and the de!ire to *e in control to let $o of the !teerin$ wheel= to *e willin$ to do the Do* +ou were created for and not tr+ to *e the *u! driver? NNN 2O6a+= o6a+? So I 0 not a puppet for 0+ /n"inite /? I !till want to at lea!t *e a coMcreator of 0+ eEperience!=3 0+ friend in!i!t!? I want to *e ver+ careful with thi! one= *ecau!e in a !en!e we are coMcreator! *ut not the wa+ we nor0all+ thin6 of that word? /owever= it ! po!!i*le our reaction! and re!pon!e! to one eEperience can have an i0pact on the neEt eEperience we have? If 0+ /n"inite / i! drivin$ the *u!= and I 0 !ittin$ in the *ac6 reactin$ and re!pondin$ to the !cener+ that $oe! *+ 0+ window= I 0i$ht have a particular reaction or re!pon!e 0+ /n"inite / find! e!peciall+ intere!tin$ and want! to eEplore? So it 0i$ht turn around and drive *+ that !cene a$ain= $ivin$ 0e the !a0e eEperienceC or it 0i$ht drive *+ another !i0ilar !cene to !ee if I re!pond the !a0e wa+? @ou could !a+ 0+ reaction! and re!pon!e! to the fir!t eEperience helped to 2coMcreate3 the !a0e or !i0ilar eEperience later? -or in!tance= if I react with fear to !o0ethin$ in 0+ holo$ra0= 0+ /n"inite / 0i$ht decide to !end 0e another ver+ !i0ilar holo$ra0 to !ee how I would react the neEt ti0e? Ma+*e it wa! fa!cinated *+ 0+ fear= when it 6now! there wa! nothin$ to *e afraid of in the eEperience it had created for 0e and wonder! wh+ I wa! !o terrified? Or 0a+*e it want! to $ive 0e the $ift of di!coverin$ for 0+!elf there i! nothin$ to *e afraid of? Or 0a+*e it Du!t wanted to feel 0+ fear a$ain vicariou!l+ Owhich we ll di!cu!! in the neEt chapterP? 8oin$ *ac6 to our eEa0ple of the Pirates o" the Caribbean a0u!e0ent ride= if the de!i$ner were tr+in$ to create a !ucce!!ful ride= I a!!u0e he would *e ver+ intere!ted in the reaction! and re!pon!e! fro0 the participant! to the !cene! he created for the0= and their feed*ac6 would pla+ a role in hi! evolvin$ de!i$n the path the *oat too6 and the eEperience! the+ had? There are all 6ind! of po!!i*ilitie!? The point i! that our reaction! and re!pon!e! to certain eEperience! 0i$ht influence the eEperience! we are $iven in the future? So I $ue!! +ou could !a+= technicall+= +ou were 2coM

creatin$3 tho!e future eEperience! with +our /n"inite / a! a re!ult of +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to the pre!ent eEperience? 5ut that ! !tretchin$ the definition of 2coMcreator3 a! far a! I a0 concernedC and it doe!n t have to happen that wa+ at all? @our /n"inite / i! alwa+! free to create whatever future eEperience! it want! for +ou= re$ardle!! of +our reaction or re!pon!e to the pre!ent oneC and +ou are never in an+ wa+ part of the actual creation proce!! of an+ eEperience it!elf? >nfortunatel+= that won t 0a6e 0+ friend ver+ happ+= *ecau!e he want! to *e a fullMfled$ed coMcreator of hi! eEperience! to !ati!f+ hi! own e$o and 0aintain the illu!ion of !o0e !e0*lance of control over hi! life? NNN I con!ider )? Ron /u**ard to *e *oth a $eniu! and a 0ad0an? So0e of hi! Scientolo$+ techniKue! for lettin$ $o of the pa!t can *e Kuite wor6a*le for a /u0an Adult in!ide the 0ovie theater? 5ut ulti0atel+ he co00itted an 2overt3 Oa wron$ actionP *+ tellin$ hi! follower!= 2The !upre0e te!t of a Thetan i! the a*ilit+ to 0a6e thin$! $o ri$ht?3 O2Thetan3 wa! hi! word for the !oul or !pirit?P Con!ider /u**ard ! two 0o!t 2Falua*le -inal Product!=3 #ohn Travolta and To0 Crui!e? I wonderJ in li$ht of the fa0il+ tra$edie! and profe!!ional pitfall!= do +ou thin6 the+ feel li6e the+ are 20a6in$ thin$! $o ri$ht3 all the ti0e' /ow do you feel when +ou re told +ou re 2le!! than3 if +ou fail to 0eet !o0e ar*itrar+ !piritual !tandard' In!ide the 0ovie theater= not ever+thin$ can 2$o ri$ht=3 everC it wa! de!i$ned that wa+? #ohn Travolta and To0 Crui!e are no different fro0 an+ other /u0an Adult who can achieve a few !pectacular thin$! in !o0e area! of their live!= *ut can never $et all their duc6! in a row at one ti0e a! lon$ a! the+ *elon$ to a $roup in the *ac6 of the theater? Not onl+ i! 20a6in$ thin$! $o ri$ht3 a Dud$0ent that 6eep! /u0an Adult! !tuc6 in the 0ovie theater= *ut a! +ou now 6now= a Pla+er ha! no a*ilit+ to 0a6e an+thin$ happen at all? A Pla+er ! onl+ Do* i! to react and re!pond to what i! happenin$ in the holo$raphic univer!e created for the0 *+ their /n"inite /? So +ou can !top wor6in$ !o hard tr+in$ to control +our life= tr+in$ to 20a6e thin$! $o ri$ht=3 tr+in$ to create and 0ana$e the holo$raphic i0a$e! that 0a6e up +our realit+ and +our life? It ! not po!!i*le= it ! a wa!te of ti0e= and it will wear +ou out and leave +ou thin6in$ +ou re a failure? &e !pent a lot of ti0e a! /u0an Adult! in the 0ovie theater ta6in$ re!pon!i*ilit+ for thin$! over which we have no control= and den+in$ or i$norin$ tho!e thin$! over which we do? The 1"MStep pro$ra0 i! ver+ clo!e to the truth when it pra+!A ,God grant me the serenity to accept the things / cannot changeJ courage to change the things / canJ and !isdom to +no! the di""erence -( @ou cannot chan$e +our holo$raphic eEperience!= !ince +ou did not create the0? @ou can chan$e +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to the0? @ou re in the proce!! of $ainin$ the wi!do0 +ou need to 6now the difference? @ou can relaE now and enDo+ the rideC +ou are not re!pon!i*le for creatin$ +our realit+= for 0a6in$ thin$! $o ri$ht in +our life= for +ou or an+one el!e? @ou are onl+ re!pon!i*le for +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to the life +our /n"inite / create! for +ou= one 0o0ent at a ti0eC and it turn! out ever+ !in$le one of +our reaction! and re!pon!e! a! a Pla+er even the one! you 0i$ht con!ider 2*ad3 or 2wron$3 have *een valua*le and cheri!hed *+ +our /n"inite / !ince +ou were *orn? )et 0e repeat that *ecau!e it i! !o i0portantA Ever+ reaction and re!pon!e +ou have had to ever+ 0o0ent of +our life the holo$raphic 0ovie! created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite / ha! *een 2ri$ht3 and perfect? @ou have never done an+thin$ 2wron$3 or 0ade an+ 0i!ta6e ever? @our /n"inite / want! each and ever+ feelin$ +ou !end to it= no 0atter what that feelin$ i!? I can !a+ all that= and +ou 0i$ht under!tand it ri$ht now intellectuall+ or notC *ut +ou will !pend the neEt two +ear! in +our cocoon proce!!in$ it until +ou have it on a cellular and e0otional level a! well until +ou "ee% it a! well a! +no! it? /owever= I i0a$ine it 0i$ht all 0a6e 0ore !en!e if +ou 6now what $a0e +ou re pla+in$? SoJ

-OOTNOTES 1? Scheinfeld= Ro*ert= (he Business Schoo% o" Consciousness4 6o! to Bust Loose "rom the ,1%d- Business Game 5ac6 to readin$ "? Sha6e!peare= &illia0? &s #ou Li+e /t 5ac6 to readin$ %? 5a!har= channeled *+ 9arr+l An6a= fro0 the 5a!har &ee6end Event called Permission S%ips= #une "%= "001= )o! An$ele!= CA? 5ac6 to readin$ (? 5i+ipedia M Serenit+ Pra+er 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! ,Let me te%% you !hy you<re here #ou<re here because you +no! something 5hat you +no! you can<t e.p%ain, but you "ee% it #ou "e%t it your entire %i"e E that there<s something !rong !ith the !or%d #ou don<t +no! !hat it is, but it<s there %i+e a sp%inter in your mind driving you mad M Morpheu!= fro0 (he )atri.

There i! no wa+ an+ hu0an *ein$ in thi! holo$raphic univer!e can 6now with certaint+ wh+ their /n"inite /
created the0? The !tor+ I a0 a*out to tell +ou= therefore= cannot *e called the Truth? In!tead it ! a 0odel Oli6e The -ieldP that co0e! clo!er to the Truth than an+ other 0odel and i! eEtre0el+ wor6a*le and effective in the 0eta0orpho!i! to a *utterfl+? And it ! hi$h ti0e for a new 0odel? The 0odel! of how the univer!e wor6! we u!ed in!ide the 0ovie theater are no lon$er valid= all *a!ed on the wron$ pre0i!e that the 0ovie! we are watchin$ are real? &ith the recent re!ult! in Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and other !cientific eEperi0ent!= we need to co0e up with a new 0odel that confor0! to our new under!tandin$ of the holo$raphic univer!e? Ro*ert Scheinfeld1 wa! the one who introduced 0e to thi! 0odel in 0+ earl+ da+! a! a !cout? Althou$h I have 0ade certain 0odification! Owhich he 0a+ or 0a+ not a$ree withP= I want to $ive hi0 the credit for it? It ! called The /u0an 8a0e Model? )et ! eave!drop on a couple of /n"inite /<s who are havin$ a conver!ationJ? 2@ou 6now= I ve *een thin6in$J3 ,P%ease te%% me not to !orry #ou +no! !hat the Chie" said the %ast time92Not to worr+? Thi! i! different?3 27ight?3 2I ve *een thin6in$ I want to $o to the 8AP toni$ht?3 ,5hereD2The 8reat A0u!e0ent Par6?3 2/s that a%%D (hen you<re onC &%% the di""erent games and attractionsJ?3 2@e!= *ut toni$ht I want to tie one hand *ehind 0+ *ac6 in the dart $a0e?3 ,5hatD2A0 I not !pea6in$ clearl+' I !aid I want to tie one hand *ehind 0+ *ac6 in the dart $a0e?3 2/ heard you per"ect%yJ you<re ?ust not ma+ing any sense 5hy !ou%d you !ant to do thatD2&ell= I 6eep *rea6in$ all the *alloon! ever+ ti0e I pla+ and *rin$in$ ho0e another !tuffed ani0al? Now 0+ clo!et ! full of the0?3 25hat e%se can you e.pect !hen you have in"inite po!er, in"inite !isdom, in"inite abundanceJ?3

25ut I want to eEperience !o0ethin$ a little different for a chan$e 0ore of a challen$e= 0a+*e? I 0ean= a $a0e +ou win all the ti0e can $et a little *orin$?3 2So you<re going to thro! darts !ith one hand tied behind your bac+'3 2@e!? I thou$ht I d tr+ it at lea!t?3 2(his / gotta seeJ?3 2@ou 6now= I ve *een thin6in$J?3 21h, no 6ere !e go again?3 2Throwin$ dart! with one hand tied *ehind 0+ *ac6 doe!n t do 0uch? I !till *rea6 ever+ *alloon= and now I ve $ot a !econd clo!et full of !tuffed ani0al!?3 2/<m !e%% a!are o" that (he second c%oset used to be mine, rememberD3 2So toni$ht I 0 $oin$ to tie *oth hand! *ehind 0+ *ac6?3 ,/ beg your pardonD 6o! are you going to thro! darts !ith both hands tied behind your bac+'3 2I don t 6now +etC *ut a! +ou !aid= I have infinite power and infinite wi!do0= !o I ll fi$ure !o0ethin$ out?3 2(his time /<m the one !ho<s been thin+ingJ?3 2A*out what'3 2&bout the "act that / had to bui%d another c%oset "or your stu""ed anima%s )aybe tonight you shou%d try thro!ing darts b%ind"o%dedJ?3 2&owG 8reat ideaG3 2(his isn<t !or+ing, you +no! /t<s a good thing !e<ve got in"inite space "or an in"inite number o" c%osets?3 2@e!= I 6now? There ! $otta *e a wa+J?3 2& !ay to do !hat'3 2A wa+ to eEperience what it would *e li6e not to *e !oJ? Iinfinite= !oJ? Iperfect all the ti0e?3 ,/<m not "o%%o!ing92I 0ean= here we are= with infinite Do+= infinite power= infinite wi!do0= infinite a*undance= infinite and unconditional loveJ? &e re Du!t !oJ !o perfect? &ell= 0a+*e I want to feel what it would *e li6e to 0i!! a *alloon or two ever+ once in a while to eEperience what it would *e li6e not to *e !o infinite= Du!t for the fun of it? &ho 6now!= 0a+*e I ll even appreciate 0+ infinite nature 0ore when I 6now what the oppo!ite feel! li6e?3 ,But it<s not possib%e 2&hat ! not po!!i*le'3 ,2ot being in"inite / mean, that<s !ho !e are9 in"inite beings /t<s not possib%e not to be in"inite 2Ma+*e not? At lea!t= not for u! directl+? 5ut what if we create a new $a0e= and then create a pla+er to pla+ it for u!'3 ,/<m sti%% not "o%%o!ing you9 2@ou 6now the Tunnel of )ove in the Par6 where we eEperience tho!e fanta!tic i0a$e! fro0 all the *eautiful univer!e!'3 ,1h, yes /t<s one o" my "avorite rides / especia%%y %i+e the music that goes a%ong !ith itC Sing it !ith me9 /t<s a sma%% !or%d a"ter9 2I 0 not !in$in$ that ri$ht now? I 0 tr+in$ to have a conver!ation with +ou a*out creatin$ a new $a0e where we could eEperience what it would *e li6e to *e li0ited in!tead of !o *lood+ infinite and perfect all the ti0eG3 ,1h, !e<re going to be serious, are !eD 5e%%, as / said, it<s not possib%e 5e<d a%!ays +no! !e !ere in"inite, so the game !ou%dn<t !or+ 2@ou re ri$htC it ! not po!!i*le for u! to li0it our!elve!= which i! wh+ I 6eep *rea6in$ all the *alloon! no 0atter what I do? A! I !aid= that ! wh+ we have to create an attraction where we don t actuall+ $o in and pla+? In!tead we create a pla+er to $o in!ide and pla+ for u!= to repre!ent u! in the $a0e?3 ,6o! much "un cou%d that be, i" !e<re outside and the p%ayer is insideD 5ou%dn<t the p%ayer have a%% the "un insteadD &nd i" the p%ayer is p%aying the game, ho! !i%% !e have the e.perienceD2&e !ta+ connected to our pla+erJ3

,#ou mean, %i+e !e<re a%!ays connected to the /n"i2etD2@e!= a lot li6e thatC and the pla+er would !end *ac6 it! feelin$! throu$h that connection while it wa! *ein$ li0ited= !o we could eEperience tho!e feelin$! vicariou!l+?3 ,Let me see i" / have this right9 you !ant to create something %i+e a video game, !ith a p%ayer !ho you put through various e.periences in !hich they react to being %imited, so they can send bac+ to you their "ee%ings during those e.periences o" !hat it<s %i+e not to be in"inite 2Preci!el+G3 ,/ must admit it sounds %i+e it cou%d be "un, and interesting But ho! are you going to create these %imiting e.periences "or your p%ayerD2Oh= that ! the ea!+ part? I ll Du!t $o to The -ield= collap!e !o0e Kuantu0 wave function! and 0a6e !o0e holo$ra0!?3 ,(he 'ie%dD &re you sure the Chie" !ou%d approve o" using (he 'ie%d to create a game !here the goa% !as %imitation rather than e.pansionD2&h+ not' @ou 6now the Chief doe!n t con!ider one eEperience to *e I*etter or Iwor!e than an+ other? All eEperience! are eKual? And the Chief created The -ield who!e full na0e= Du!t to re0ind +ou= i! The -ield of >nli0ited Po!!i*ilitie! *ecau!e it afford! u! unli0ited po!!i*ilitie! to pla+= which ha! to include the po!!i*ilit+ to eEperience li0itation a! well a! eEpan!ion? Ri$ht'3 ,#ou<ve got a point But do you rea%%y thin+ you can create a ho%ographic game so rea%, !here the p%ayer !i%% be so convinced they are being %imited, they !i%% react !ith "ee%ings you cou%d e.perienceD2&ell= I ve $ot !o0e detail! to wor6 out= *ut doe!n t it !ound li6e a *la!t'3 ,/ don<t +no! about a Ib%ast<9 maybe more %i+e a Ibig bang < But de"inite%y very creative /<m sti%% not convinced it<s possib%e to %imit un%imited po!er or !isdom, so %et me +no! ho! this !or+s "or you92I ve $ot a protot+pe?3 ,'or !hatD29id +ou reall+ for$et our conver!ation= or are +ou Du!t Der6in$ 0e around'3 ,7emind me92I 0 creatin$ a $a0e where we can eEperience what it ! li6e not to *e !o infinite?3 ,1h, yeh, that one 2And I created a pla+er to pla+ the $a0e for 0eJ?3 ,7ea%%yD2@e!? I went throu$h a lot of trial and error= *ut I finall+ ca0e up with !o0ethin$ that wor6!? Ada0?3 ,5hatD2I call it IAda0? 3 ,/nteresting / !on<t as+ !hy right no! Go on92And I created a whole *unch of different holo$raphic !cenario! for Ada0 to eEperience *ein$ li0itedJ and he ! *een !endin$ *ac6 hi! feelin$! to 0e fro0 tho!e eEperience!? It ! !o cool= and it reall+ wor6!G &anna !ee'3 ,Sure, /<%% ta+e a %oo+9,5o!C (hat<s a beauti"u% game !or%d E c%ear b%ue s+ies, %ush green "orests, tur=uoise oceans9 rea%%y ama>ing &nd you did a%% this !ith ho%ogramsD2@e!? )i6e I !aid= that wa! the ea!+ part? I call it IEarth? 3 ,1+ay9 !hatever 2The hard part wa! fi$urin$ out how to 0a6e the holo$ra0! appear in !pace and ti0e !o Ada0 would thin6 he wa! in!ide !o0ethin$ li6e a total i00er!ion 0ovie?3 ,&ndD2And !o I created a I*rain ?3 ,/ can see /<m going to need a dictionary be"ore !e<re through 5hat<s a <brain<D2A I*rain i! a 6ind of holo$raphic proce!!or? &hat I do i! download the Kuantu0 wave freKuencie! I ve cho!en fro0 The -ield for 0+ Earth Environ0ent to one !ide of Ada0 ! *rain= u!uall+ while he ! a!leepJ3 ,&nd &dam doesn<t +no! !hat<s happeningD-

2Actuall+= when he wa6e! up= he ha! the!eJ well= !ort of 0e0orie! of !o0ethin$ occurrin$ durin$ the ni$ht= *ut all the picture! are Du0*led to$ether and nothin$ 0a6e! an+ !en!e to hi0 6ind of li6e tr+in$ to read a Lip file?3 ,1+ay, go on92Then when I 0 read+= I unLip the0 and 0ove the0 to the other !ide of hi! *rainC and in the proce!! of 0ovin$ fro0 one !ide to the other= the *rain tran!late! the wave freKuencie! into particle location!= creatin$ a holo$raphic picture= which it then proDect! out throu$h the !en!e! into !pace and ti0e for Ada0 to perceive and eEperience?3 ,/t sounds "air%y simp%e9 2@eh= it ! *a!icall+ li6e the central proce!!in$ unit in our co0puter! that ta6e! *inar+ code and tran!late! it into what we !ee on our !creen!? 5ut Ada0 thin6! it ! happenin$ Iout there= and all around hi0= independent of hi! own *rain M a! if it were !o0e 6ind of o*Dective realit+?3 ,So !hat e.act%y is &dam doing no!D2Cha!in$ a ra**it?3 ,& !hatD2I call that little furr+ white thin$ a Ira**it? 3 ,5here are you getting these namesD 1h, never mind 6e<%% never catch the rabbit, thoughJ it<s too "ast "or him 2EEactl+= and that ! the point? Ada0 i! eEperiencin$ the li0itation of havin$ a *od+= and he ! !endin$ hi! feelin$! a*out that *ac6 to 0e?3 ,5hich are9D2I would !a+ ri$ht now he ! a littleJ fru!trated? And that ! perfect an a0aLin$ thin$ to feelG If I were cha!in$ that ra**it here= I d catch it ever+ ti0e= Du!t li6e I *rea6 ever+ *alloon? Thi! i! preci!el+ what I wa! hopin$ to feelG3 ,/ can<t "ee% anything 2Of cour!e not? Ada0 ! 0+ pla+er? I 0 the onl+ one who can feel what he ! feelin$?3 ,So, i" / !ant to have a simi%ar e.perience9 2@ou have to create +our own pla+er?3 ,/s that possib%eD2I can wor6 on it?3 NNN Thi! 0a+ !ound incredi*le= and +ou 0i$ht *e lau$hin$ or thin6in$ I ve totall+ lo!t it? 5ut i! it an+ 0ore incredi*le than all the other creation !torie! found in ever+ one of the world ! reli$ion!' I! it an+ 0ore theoretical than a 2*i$ *an$3 no one can find or eEplain' I! it an+ !tran$er than alien! fro0 the Twelfth Planet $eneticall+ en$ineerin$ homo sapiens *+ co0*inin$ the 9NA of ape! with the0!elve!= a! our Su0erian forefather! apparentl+ *elieved'" It ! actuall+ not entirel+ out of the real0 of po!!i*ilit+ that an /n"inite / wanted to eEperience what it "e%t li6e to *e i0perfect= to li0it unli0ited power and Do+ and a*undance and wi!do0 and love= to *e involved in dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$? After all= if +ou re0e0*er= one of the attri*ute! I $ave an /n"inite / wa! the infinite de!ire to pla+ and eEpre!! it!elf creativel+? I can i0a$ine a $a0e where an /n"inite / could eEperience *ein$ the oppo!ite of what it reall+ i! 0i$ht *e ver+ intere!tin$ and eEcitin$ not to 0ention eEtre0el+ difficult to pull off? /ow doe! one li0it unli0ited power' /ow doe! one re!trict unli0ited wi!do0' /ow doe! one forfeit unli0ited Do+ and love' And how doe! one create !carcit+ in the face of unli0ited a*undance' The conver!ation went onJ 2Are +ou read+'3 ,'or !hatD2To create +our own pla+er?3 ,1+ay Sho! me -

2-ir!t= there are !o0e rule! of the $a0e +ou 0u!t a$ree to *efore we !tart? Nu0*er One= the Chief ha! *een ver+ clearA An+ creation 0u!t have co0plete free will? Once +ou ve created +our pla+er= +ou cannot interfere with their deci!ion! and choice! at an+ ti0e for an+ rea!on?3 ,#ou mean, / ?ust create a p%ayer and turn them %oose on your I3arth<D2Oh= no wa+? @ou have to create ever+ !econd of ever+ eEperience for +our pla+er= down to the !0alle!t detail? The+ can t create an+thin$? The+ re part of the holo$ra0? The+ re on the wron$ !ide of The -ield and have no power at all to create an+ eEperience! for the0!elve!? 5ut once +ou ve created an eEperience for the0= the+ 0u!t have total free will to choo!e how the+ want to re!pond or react to that eEperience?3 ,/ have no prob%em !ith that 28ood? Rule Nu0*er Two= +our pla+er can t 6now it ! +our pla+erC otherwi!e= it tap! into +our infinitene!! throu$h the connection? It 0u!t thin6 it ha! it! own con!ciou!ne!! and identit+= and i! not Du!t a te0porar+ repre!entative= an eEten!ion of +ou created for the $a0e?3 ,/ can agree to that 2Rule Nu0*er Three= +our pla+er al!o can t 6now it ! a $a0e? It ha! to *elieve it ! real? It ha! to ta6e it !eriou!l+ or it doe!n t wor6?3 ,#ou mean, &dam doesn<t +no! it<s a%% a ho%ogramD2NoG Ada0 i! part of the holo$ra0? A holo$ra0 loo6! and feel! real to an+thin$ in!ide the holo$ra0 it!elf? Ada0 thin6! the $arden I 0ade for hi0 actuall+ eEi!t! he even eat! the holo$raphic apple!= for eEa0pleG3 ,5e%%, / !on<t te%% him it<s not rea% 2@ou re ri$ht +ou can t tell hi0= unle!! I a$ree= which i! Rule Nu0*er -our? @ou re $oin$ to create +our own pla+er with it! own eEperience!= *ut I ve fi$ured out how different pla+er! holo$ra0! can interactJ?3 ,5ait a minute9 are you saying /<m not going to use your ho%ogramsD2No= +ou can t? @ou can u!e the collection of holo$raphic IEarth Environ0ent! I ve created a! a te0plate for +our pla+er= if +ou want? And I actuall+ !u$$e!t +ou do that= *ecau!e if +our pla+er and 0+ pla+er interact= I thin6 it would *e ea!ier if the+ *oth !aw virtuall+ the !a0e thin$! in their holo$ra0!C otherwi!e the+ ll !pend all their ti0e ar$uin$ a*out the color I*lue= for eEa0ple= or whether there are one or two !un! in the !6+?3 ,5e !ou%dn<t !ant that no!, !ou%d !eD2Actuall+= it could *e intere!tin$ pro*a*l+ re!ult in !o0e !tran$e feelin$! co0in$ *ac6 throu$h the connectionC 0a+*e eventuall+ $et !o0e pla+er! reall+ up!et if the realit+ the+ !aw wa! too 0uch different fro0 other pla+er!? 5ut I thin6 it would wor6 *etter for now at lea!t if our two pla+er! !aw prett+ 0uch the !a0e thin$!?3 ,But my p%ayer<s ho%ograms !i%% be comp%ete%y separate "rom &dam<sD2A*!olutel+? Each pla+er 0u!t have it! own !eparate individual and uniKue realit+? @ou create +our own pla+er ! realit+= and I create 0+ pla+er ! realit+? 5ecau!e of the wa+ I ve wor6ed it out for pla+er! holo$ra0! to interact with each other= the+ 0i$ht thin6 the+ re connected= that the+ re all Ione= or that the+ !hare the !a0e holo$raphic univer!eC *ut it won t *e true? That ! the onl+ wa+ thi! can wor6?3 ,5hy<s thatD2&ell= $ettin$ *ac6 to what we were tal6in$ a*out= Rule Nu0*er -our i! if we decide we want +our pla+er and 0+ pla+er to interact +our pla+er can never do or !a+ an+thin$ in 0+ pla+er ! holo$ra0! I have not a$reed to *eforehand? Otherwi!e= +ou would actuall+ *e creatin$ eEperience! for 0+ pla+er and 0e for +our!?3 ,&nd that !ou%d be bad, because9 25ecau!e the Chief in!i!t! no one can ever *e a victi0 of an+thin$ at an+ ti0eC and if +ou had the a*ilit+ to create eEperience! for 0+ pla+er *+ doin$ or !a+in$ !o0ethin$ I didn t want or didn t approve of or didn t 6now a*out= 0+ pla+er could then *eco0e a victi0 of +our creation!? M+ $ue!! i! that a pla+er 0i$ht "ee% li6e it ! a victi0 fro0 ti0e to ti0e and that ! $ood for u! *ecau!e it will !i0pl+ lead to 0ore li0itation *ut it can never actuall+ *e the ca!e? I 0u!t alwa+! have 100T !cript approval for ever+ detail prior to an+thin$ happenin$ in 0+ pla+er ! holo$ra0!? And the !a0e thin$ $oe! for +ou and +our pla+er?3 2/ got it 2So now are +ou read+'3 ,#es, but / !ant a p%ayer very di""erent "rom &dam 2&ell= do +ou want a hu0an pla+er= or an ani0al pla+er 0a+*e a dolphin'3

,& do%phin %oo+s %i+e a %ot o" "un But !hat<s &damD2Ada0 i! a hu0an *ein$? Thi! i! called the /u0an 8a0e?3 ,So / !ant a human, too But sti%%, / !ant a human that<s di""erent9 2O6a+= +ou can create whatever +ou want a! lon$ a! it ha! two le$!= two ar0!= two e+e!= two ear!J?3 2&owG That ! intere!tin$? &hat do +ou call it'3 ,3ve NNN &ord a*out the new /u0an 8a0e apparentl+ !pread Kuic6l+ all over Infinite)and via InfiMail? Soon there were 0an+ other /n"inite /<s who wanted to pla+ and the hu0an population on Earth *e$an to $row? And thenJ 25ait a minute / have another idea?3 2@our la!t one wa! prett+ $ood? &hat ! thi! one'3 2Let<s divide the 6uman Game into t!o parts (he "irst ha%" !i%% be to see ho! "ar into %imitation !e can ta+e our P%ayers, and then the second ha%" !i%% be to bring them bac+ out again?3 2/ere ! a 0illion that !a+! I can ta6e 0+ Pla+er further into li0itation than +ou can ta6e +our! and !till *rin$ it ho0e !afel+G3 ,#ou<re onCNNN A$ain= I 0 not tr+in$ to clai0 an+ of thi! i! true? &e 0a+ never 6now? 5ut hu0an *ein$! !ee0 to have an a*undance of curio!it+C !o althou$h it ! futile and irrelevant to !peculate on wh+ an /n"inite / would create the /u0an 8a0e= we do it an+wa+? I 0 no different? /ere are a few of the thou$ht! I ve had over the +ear!J? 9o Pete Sa0pra! or Ro$er -ederer or Martina Navratilova or the &illia0! !i!ter! $et *ored after a while pla+in$ tenni! !o well' 9o the+ pla+ with the 2wron$3 hand occa!ionall+ Du!t to !ee if the+ can Du!t to 0a6e the $a0e 0ore intere!tin$ Du!t for the challen$e and the eEperience' 9oe! an+one pla+ dart! !o0eti0e! with their e+e! clo!ed= Du!t for the fun' I re0e0*er when I wa! three or four +ear! old= the hou!e I lived in had a *ric6 wal6wa+ fro0 the front door leadin$ to three !tep! which went down to the !treet? I would ta6e 0+ tric+cle= *ac6 it up a$ain!t the front door= peddle a! hard and fa!t a! I could down the wal6wa+= and then !la0 on the *ra6e! and !ee how clo!e I could $et to the ed$e of the top !tep *efore I fell over? OThe la!t ti0e I tried thi! wa! when I fell down the !tair! into the !treet= !plittin$ 0+ lip wide open?P So I can totall+ relate to the idea of pla+in$ a $a0e to it! 0aEi0u0 li0it!= to !ee how far one can pu!h one!elf? I al!o re0e0*er wantin$ to $o hi$her and hi$her on a rollercoa!ter= ea$er to find the *i$$e!t one I could= even thou$h the fir!t hill up wa! alwa+! a *itch? Or 0a+*e an /n"inite / want! to pla+ the /u0an 8a0e purel+ to eEperience what a ph+!ical univer!e feel! li6e? There wa! an intere!tin$ 177. 0ovie with #ohn Travolta called )ichae%= in which Travolta pla+! an archan$el who ca0e to Earth to eEperience how it felt to have a *od+? /e reveled in it !0o6in$= drin6in$= eatin$ a! 0uch !u$ar and 0eat a! he could= eEerci!in$ hi! ver+ active li*ido= and enDo+in$ ever+ 0o0ent? Of cour!e= 0o!t 2newMa$er!3 didn t li6e the 0ovie *ecau!e nearl+ ever+thin$ Michael did wa! contrar+ to their *elief! of what an 2enli$htened3 *ein$ would do? 5ut once a$ain thi! 0ovie could provide a 2clue3 to an /n"inite /<s 0otivation? I 0 !ure +ou ve heard the !a+in$= 2A! a*ove= !o *elow?3 Now we under!tand the oppo!ite i! true= 2A! *elow= !o a*ove?3 &e all $o to the 0ovie!= watch !port!= or li!ten to 0u!ic in order to have an 2inner eEperience3 fro0 the 2outer eEperience?3 Even $olf i! pla+ed for the inner eEperience it create!= accordin$ to the eEpert!? The /u0an 8a0e= then= could *e an 2outer eEperience3 created for a Pla+er *+ it! /n"inite / !o the /n"inite / can have the 2inner eEperience3 the feelin$! it receive! throu$h the connection to it! Pla+er? There 0a+ *e 0an+ other rea!on! wh+ an /n"inite / would create a Pla+er to eEperience life on Earth= and 0a+*e +ou ll co0e up with one or 0ore on +our own? 5ut the *otto0 line i!= it doe!n t 0atter wh+C and we will

pro*a*l+ not 6now the co0plete an!wer a! lon$ a! we are Pla+er! on thi! !ide of The -ield? -ortunatel+= not 6nowin$ wh+ doe!nQt affect the wa+ we pla+ the /u0an 8a0e here and now? &hat 0atter! i! that the /u0an 8a0e= a! a 0odel= an!wer! a lot of Kue!tion! 0ore lo$icall+ and 0ore under!tanda*l+ and 0ore con!i!tentl+ than an+ other 0odel to date li6e wh+ our 0ovie! !ee0 to *e filled with dra0a and conflict= pain and !ufferin$= and what our purpo!e i! to *e here? Thi! 0odel could chan$e a! we $et 0ore infor0ation= a! 0ore re!earch i! done in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= a! 0ore !cout! co0e *ac6 with new report! of what the+ ve found? 5ut the 0o!t i0portant thin$ i!= ri$ht now= thi! 0odel lead! to ver+ practical= u!eful= and effective wa+! to $o throu$h our 0eta0orpho!i! in the cocoonC and that ! the onl+ real value in havin$ !uch a 0odel? So what if the opposite of ever+thin$ we *elieved while in the 0ovie theater i! true' B &hat if life i! not a !chool= or a trainin$ $round= or a te!t= or a 2*itch=3 *ut a fun ride in an a0u!e0ent par6 in!tead' B &hat if the purpo!e of life on Earth i! not to learn !o0ethin$ Othin6in$P= *ut to eEperience !o0ethin$ Ofeelin$P' B &hat if we a! Pla+er! are supposed to feel 2!eparate3 fro0 our /n"inite /<s= rather than *e0oanin$ the fact or tr+in$ to 2reconnect3' B &hat if our connection to our /n"inite / ha! never *een *ro6en= *ut we were !uppo!ed to thin6 it wa! in order to pla+ the 8a0e' B &hat if ever+ eEperience we have ever had and will ever have i! eEactl+ the wa+ our /n"inite / want! it= and there ! nothin$ to *e chan$ed= fiEed= or i0proved in our holo$ra0!' B &hat if all the thin$! we have re!i!ted are actuall+ what our /n"inite /<s have wanted u! to eEperience= and it i! onl+ our Dud$0ent and re!i!tance cau!in$ our pain and !ufferin$' B &hat if we have never done an+thin$ 2wron$=3 *ut onl+ thin6 we have= and *elieve ever+one el!e when the+ tell u! we re defective and deficient= !inner! who need to *e !aved' B &hat if the Earth doe!n t need to *e !aved either that it ha! it! own /n"inite / who i! creatin$ the preci!e eEperience! it want! a! well' B &hat if it i! onl+ our e$o that !a+! we have the power to create or chan$e an+thin$ a*out our realit+= and that all power actuall+ re!ide! with the /n"inite / on the other !ide of The -ield' B &hat if we don t need an+ 2!elfMhelp3 no 0a$ic for0ula!= no 2Secrets=3 no 2!piritual law!=3 no $uru!= and no !pecial techniKue! to tr+ to 0a6e thin$! different than the+ are' B &hat if= no 0atter what we do in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e li6e 0editate= pra+= eat onl+ or$anic food= and !o on it will not chan$e an+thin$ until we have eEperienced all the i0perfection and li0itation and re!triction! our /n"inite / want! and it ! read+ for u! to pla+ the !econd half' B &hat if all we need to do i! relaE= enDo+ the eEperience! our /n"inite / create! for u! Owhatever the+ 0a+ *eP= and !top Dud$in$ tho!e eEperience! to *e 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 2*etter3 or 2wor!e=3 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$3' B &hat if hu0an6ind it!elf ha! never 0ade an+ 0i!ta6e either= *ut in!tead ha! eEplored the hei$ht! of li0itation a! a !pecie! eEactl+ a! the /n"inite /<s wanted' B &hat if= not under!tandin$ thi!= we have 0ade up 0an+ 2!torie!3 to tr+ to eEplain what we eEperience reli$ion!= philo!ophie!= and *elief! 0an+ of which contain !o0e truth= *ut which are alwa+! altered !o the+ actuall+ lead into 0ore li0itation' B &hat if it ! now ti0e in the /u0an 8a0e for 0an+ 0ore people to enter their cocoon!= to pla+ the !econd half of the /u0an $a0e= to $o over the top of the fir!t hill on the rollercoa!ter and enDo+ the ride *ac6 to Infinite)and' NNN MOFIE S>88ESTIONA (he Game= !tarrin$ Michael 9ou$la! O1771P

-OOTNOTES 1? Ro*ertScheinfeld?co0 5ac6 to readin$ "? Sitchin= Hecharia? Twelfth PlanetA 5oo6 I of the Earth Chronicle! 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! we $o on= I want to 0a6e !ure I 0 not confu!in$ +ou with too 0an+ 0iEed 0etaphor! and analo$ie! Oand there are 0ore on the wa+GP? -or eEa0ple= we Du!t !aid the /u0an 8a0e wa! divided into two halve!? /ow doe! that line up with the Movie Theater and 5utterfl+ 0etaphor!' The fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e $oin$ deeper and deeper into li0itation and re!triction= with all the dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ would *e Sta$e! 1 and " of a *utterfl+ Othe e$$ and caterpillarP= or ever+thin$ that happen! in!ide the 0ovie theater to the /u0an Children and /u0an Adult!? The !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e would *e Sta$e! % and ( Othe cocoon and the *utterfl+P= or ever+thin$ that happen! once +ou wal6 out the *ac6 door of the 0ovie theater and into +our cocoon? If we ta6e a loo6 at the different rule! for *oth halve! of the /u0an 8a0e= I thin6 it 0i$ht *eco0e 0ore o*viou!J? The rule! for the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e Oin!ide the 0ovie theaterP areA1 1? The Pla+er! 0u!t for$et who the+ reall+ are and *elieve the+ are !o0ethin$ el!e in!tead at the eEtre0e!= for eEa0ple= that the+ are their *od+ or their /n"inite /? "? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve their holo$raphic eEperience! are real and what the+ perceive with their !en!e! i! actuall+ happenin$ 2out there=3 in !o0e o*Dective and independent realit+? %? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve what the+ encounter 2out there3 ha! power over the0 and the power to affect their live!? (? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve in the Dud$0ent! of 2$ood and *ad=3 2ri$ht and wron$=3 2*etter and wor!e=3 2$ood and evil?3 ,? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve there i! !o0ethin$ 2wron$3 with the realit+ the+ !ee 2out there3 that need! to *e chan$ed or fiEed or i0proved? .? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve the+ have the power to create a different realit+ than what the+ are eEperiencin$ and therefore feel defective and deficient O0ore li0itedP when the+ fail? 1? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve the+ can thin6 their wa+ out of the /u0an 8a0e *+ u!in$ their 0ind= or love their wa+ out of it *+ u!in$ their heart?


4? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve the+ can 20a6e !o0ethin$ happen=3 and when the+ fail= *la0e the0!elve! for not *ein$ !0arter or *etter or wor6in$ harder? 7? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve there are $oal! to *e reached or a$enda! to *e !ati!fied or le!!on! to *e learned? 10? The Pla+er! 0u!t *elieve the+= and the+ alone= are re!pon!i*le for 0eetin$ their own need! and want!= which the+ have to fi$ht for? 11? -ear and re!i!tance are the foundation! of the fir!t half of the 8a0e= and Dud$0ent and their re!ultin$ *elief! are the $lue that 6eep! the illu!ion! wor6in$? 1"? The!e illu!ion! 0u!t never *rea6 down or the Pla+er! would !ee throu$h the 8a0e? 9id an+ of tho!e !ound fa0iliar' Accordin$ to thi! 0odel= the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e wa! de!i$ned to eEperience li0itation and re!triction in all !hape! and !iLe! and all the!e rule! lead to that? So if +ou have *een followin$ the rule! Oand +ou literall+ could not do an+thin$ el!eP= +ou have 0o!t li6el+ eEperienced a $reat deal of li0itation and re!triction in +our life? @ou Du!t didn t 6now wh+ until now= *ecau!e +ou weren t !uppo!ed to? I under!tand +ou pro*a*l+ didn t li6e the li0itation! and re!triction! of the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= that the+ didn t feel 2$ood=3 that the+ didn t feel 2ri$ht=3 and that +ou thou$ht +ou had *een doin$ !o0ethin$ 2wron$?3 5ut +ou didn t do an+thin$ 2wron$=3 and neither did I? &e pla+ed the 8a0e eEactl+ a! we !hould= eEactl+ a! our /n"inite /<s wanted u! to? Even our re!i!tance and Dud$0ent! weren t 2wron$=3 !ince the+ led to 0ore li0itation= which i! preci!el+ what the /n"inite / wanted to feel? In other word!= we ve *een doin$ a fanta!tic Do* a! the Pla+er! we were created to *e? &e Du!t didn t 6now it and couldn t appreciate it fro0 our vanta$e point? /ere ! !o0ethin$ we 0i$ht *e a*le to appreciate how an /n"inite / pulled thi! off= how it 0ana$ed to li0it unli0ited power= unli0ited Do+= unli0ited a*undance= unli0ited wi!do0= and unli0ited love? &hat a creationG &hat a $a0eG NNN Since the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e i! intentionall+ the oppo!ite of the natural !tate of an /n"inite /= it ta6e! an enor0ou! a0ount of power to create it and 6eep it $oin$= li6e a rollercoa!ter in an a0u!e0ent par6J?

The fir!t thin$ that happen! when +ou $et on a rollercoa!ter i! that +ou $o up a *i$ hill and for 0an+ people= the hi$her the *etter? 5ut $ettin$ up thi! hill reKuire! u! to def+ all natural law!= li6e the law of $ravit+? It ta6e! a lot of power to pull u! up that fir!t hillC and on the wa+= we $o throu$h all 6ind! of 2inner eEperience!?3 In 0an+ people= fear i! the 0o!t co00onC other! have a wide variet+ of re!pon!e!= fro0 eEcite0ent to panic and even nau!ea? I would re!i!t that fir!t hill with ever+thin$ I had? I didn t li6e it= it didn t feel $ood= it wa!n t natural= and all I wanted to do wa! $et out of there? 5ut I al!o 6new what wa! co0in$= the fun Du!t over the cre!t of the hill? )i6ewi!e= $oin$ a! 0uch a! po!!i*le into li0itation and re!triction produce! the !a0e reaction! a! $oin$ up the fir!t rollercoa!ter hill +ou don t li6e it= it doe!n t feel $ood= it i!n t natural= and all +ou want to do i! $et out of there? So we re!i!t the fir!t half and wonder wh+ we re havin$ the!e eEperience!? 5ut it ! !uppo!ed to feel li6e thatC that ! the 8a0e? Another rea!on I li6e the rollercoa!ter analo$+ i! that we can never eEperience or appreciate the ride to co0e if we don t fir!t $o up the *i$ hill? Al!o li6e the /u0an 8a0e= a rollercoa!ter ha! two 2halve!3 +ou $o up the hill in the fir!t half= and down the hill in the !econd half? If loo6ed at o*Dectivel+= the fir!t half i! no 2*etter3 or 2wor!e3 than the !econd half? In fact= the !econd half could not eEi!t without the fir!t half? So there can *e no 2Dud$0ent3 that one half i! *etter than the other? More i0portantl+= !o0eone ridin$ on the !econd half of the rollercoa!ter i! no 0ore 2enli$htened3 or 2*etter3 or 20ore advanced3 or 2a!cended3 than !o0eone $oin$ up the fir!t hill? The+ re Du!t at a different point on the ride? Therefore !o0eone li6e 0e= near the end of 0+ cocoon !ta$e= i! no 0ore 2enli$htened3 or 2*etter3 or 20ore advanced3 or 2a!cended3 than !o0eone !till in!ide the 0ovie theater? I 0 Du!t at a different point in 0+ 0eta0orpho!i!= that ! all= havin$ alread+ eEperienced 0uch of the ride that co0e! after the top of the rollercoa!ter hill? The la!t rea!on I li6e thi! analo$+ i! that it rever!e! how we nor0all+ thin6 a*out li0itation? Rather than $oin$ 2down3 into li0itation= or 2down3 into the depth!= the fir!t half of the rollercoa!ter i! 2up?3 So in!tead of !a+in$ we hit 2*otto03 in our live!= it ! *etter in 0+ 0ind to !a+ we reach the pinnacle= or the pea6= or the apeE of li0itation= when it ! then ti0e to !tart the !econd half of the 8a0e? -or 0e thi! al!o help! ta6e awa+ the Dud$0ent? The da+ I told +ou a*out= !ittin$ in 0+ apart0ent= realiLin$ I had no Do*= no 0one+= no thi! and that= wa! 0+ 0o0ent at the top of the rollercoa!ter hill a *rief 0o0ent of !ee0in$ wei$htle!!ne!!= when +ou ve

!topped cli0*in$ that inter0ina*le and awful fir!t hill= when +ou can let $o of all the re!i!tance +ou had $oin$ up *ut have not +et !tarted the ride down? Thi! i! the 0o0ent of no Dud$0ent= the 0o0ent of clarit+= the 0o0ent of co0plete o*Dectivit+? Thi! i! a ver+ *rief 0o0ent when +ou can *e appreciative +ou 0ade it to the top= and even appreciative of the cli0* it!elf? @ou re not even loo6in$ ahead to the neEt part of the ride= *ut !i0pl+ !u!pended in !pace and ti0e? And then +ou wal6 throu$h the door in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater and the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e *e$in!? O/ow ! that for 0iEin$ 0etaphor!GP NNN 5a!icall+= the !econd half the /u0an 8a0e i! the oppo!ite of the fir!t half? OSo0e of the!e will *e di!cu!!ed in 0ore detail in later chapter!?P 1? The Pla+er 6now! what it ha! *een callin$ 2realit+3 i! not real at all= *ut a holo$ra0 created *+ it! /n"inite / to pla+ the /u0an 8a0e? Thi! 8a0e i! *ein$ pla+ed *+ con!ciou!ne!!= in con!ciou!ne!!= and for con!ciou!ne!!C and in fact 2there i! no Iout there out there= no independent o*Dective realit+? "? The Pla+er 6now! once it ha! 0oved into the !econd half= all holo$ra0! eEperienced *+ the Pla+er will *e totall+ in !upport of it! 0eta0orpho!i! into a *utterfl+= rather than toward 0ore li0itation and re!triction? %? The Pla+er 6now! it can never and will never eEperience an+thin$ in an+ holo$ra0 it! /n"inite / ha! not created and wanted to eEperience= and that it! /n"inite / ha! written and approved the !cript *ein$ u!ed *+ an+one el!e appearin$ in the Pla+er ! holo$ra0? No one in the Pla+er ! holo$ra0 can ever do or !a+ an+thin$ it! /n"inite / ha! not reKue!ted? (? The Pla+er 6now! it! focu! chan$e! fro0 thin6in$ to feelin$? In the !econd half there i! nothin$ to anal+Le= di!!ect= or under!tand never an+ rea!on to a!6 2wh+'3 Thin6in$ and !tud+in$ are now onl+ the re!ult of an inner curio!it+ to eEpand one ! 6nowled$e in!tead of *ein$ reKuired to fi$ure out the world or 0a6e a Pla+er 2*etter3 or 0ore 2enli$htened?3 ,? The Pla+er !witche! fro0 R$ivin$ it! power awa+R to 0a6e a holo$ra0 real= to Rta6in$ it! power *ac6R fro0 it? &hen holo$ra0! appear that cau!e an+ 6ind of di!co0fort= it i! an indication that the Pla+er a!!i$ned !o0e power to that holo$ra0 to 0a6e it real while pla+in$ in the fir!t half= and thi! i! the opportunit+ to reco$niLe the holo$ra0 wa! in fact not real at all and reclai0 that power fro0 it? .? The Pla+er leave! *ehind an+ and all Dud$0ent of an+one or an+thin$ in an+ holo$ra0 at an+ ti0e= !uch a! 2$ood3 and 2*ad=3 or 2ri$ht3 and 2wron$?3 A! Rud+ard <iplin$ !aid in hi! poe0= /"A 2If +ou can 0eet with Triu0ph and 9i!a!ter= and treat tho!e two i0po!ter! Du!t the !a0eJ?3 1? The Pla+er 6now! there i! never an+thin$ that need! to *e fiEed or chan$ed or i0proved in the holo$ra0! it eEperience!? 4? The Pla+er chan$e! fro0 *ein$ 2proactive3 to *ein$ 2reactive?3 There i! nothin$ the Pla+er ever a$ain need! to 20a6e happen?3 5ein$ 2reactive3 0ean! that when a holo$raphic illu!ion that appear! 2out there3 !ee0! to reKuire a deci!ion= a re!pon!e= or an action= the Pla+er ta6e! it Oa! lon$ a! it doe! not include di!co0fortP? Or= when the Pla+er feel! an internal 0otivation or i0pul!e to act= it doe!? In other word!= the Pla+er follow! it! inner eEcite0ent a! lon$ a! it i! fun and *rin$! total Do+? 7? The Pla+er live! fro0 0o0ent to 0o0ent= one da+ at a ti0e? There are no $oal!= no plannin$= no tar$et!= no o*Dective!= and no a$enda!? There i! no pa!t and no future Du!t 2now?3

10? The Pla+er develop! a deep love and !incere appreciation for it! /n"inite /= for it!elf a! the Pla+er= and for all the fir!t half holo$raphic creation!= even thou$h at the ti0e of the eEperience the+ 0a+ have !ee0ed le!! than Do+ful? The Pla+er 0arvel! in awe at the *eautiful= perfect= and 0iraculou! Do* the Pla+er did in the fir!t half to convince it!elf it wa! real= and that the holo$raphic world it !aw around it wa! real? 11? The Pla+er ha! the 26nowin$3 and the co0plete tru!t it! /n"inite / will ta6e care of all it! need! Oincludin$ 0one+P= and there i! no rea!on to worr+ a*out an+thin$? The /n"inite / would not create a holo$ra0 it wanted the Pla+er to eEperience if it did not al!o $ive it ever+thin$ it need! for that eEperience? 1"? The Pla+er wa6e! up each da+ loo6in$ forward with curiou! anticipation to the eEperience! it! /n"inite / will create for it that da+C and the Pla+er *uc6le! up= relaEe!= and enDo+! the ride? NNN At the ri!6 of over6ill= I would li6e to offer two 0ore analo$ie! Oor are the+ 0etaphor!'P to en!ure I ve eEpre!!ed 0+!elf well? Actuall+= I 0entioned one *efore= which I now want to eEpand onJ? I0a$ine a 8re+hound *u! drivin$ down the hi$hwa+? At the wheel i! an /n"inite /? The /n"inite / realiLe! it cannot drive the *u! and full+ enDo+ the !cener+ alon$ the wa+ at the !a0e ti0e= !o it create! a Pla+er to !it in one of the !eat! and enDo+ the !cener+ for it? In fact= the /n"inite / realiLe! it can create fort+ different Pla+er!= if it want!= to occup+ all the !eat! in the *u! and $et fort+ different viewpoint! of the !cener+? OIf thi! !urpri!e! +ou= read Chapter Twent+MSiE= 2One Pla+er per Infinite I'3= in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P There i! a wire connectin$ the /n"inite / in the driverQ! !eat to each of it! Pla+er! in the pa!!en$er !eat!= li6e an Ethernet connection? Throu$h thi! wire the /n"inite / download! a holo$raphic 0ovie to each of it! Pa!!en$erUPla+er!= which i! then proDected on the window neEt to the Pa!!en$er? 5ut rather than Du!t !eein$ the %9 0ovie that i! proDected on the window= the Pa!!en$er actuall+ *eco0e! i00er!ed in the !cener+ and part of the 0ovie it!elf? Each Pa!!en$er can onl+ !ee out it! own window= and therefore each Pa!!en$er ha! a totall+ uniKue eEperience? A! it react! and re!pond! to the !cener+ it !ee!= it !end! it! feelin$! *ac6 up the Ethernet wire to the /n"inite /= which can then eEperience the !cener+ vicariou!l+ throu$h thi! Pa!!en$er? The Pa!!en$erQ! Do* i! not to drive the *u! or decide what picture! it will eEperience? It! Do* i! !i0pl+ to have the eEperience and the feelin$! that re!ult fro0 it? 9oe! thi! 0a6e the Pa!!en$er R!eparateR fro0 the driver' @e!= in a !en!e? It has to *e !eparate in order not to thin6 a*out drivin$ the *u! !o it can full+ eEperience the !cener+? 5ut no= itQ! not R!eparate=R in that it wa! created *+ it! /n"inite / a! an eEten!ion of it!elf and i! alwa+! connected to the /n"inite / throu$h the Ethernet wire? I! it 2wron$3 to feel li6e we are !eparated fro0 our /n"inite /<s' A*!olutel+ not? That ! the wa+ the 8a0e wa! de!i$ned to wor6? Our pro*le0 a! Pa!!en$er! i! that we have *een tr+in$ to drive the *u!= tr+in$ to decide what eEperience! we will have= 0ainl+ *ecau!e we have had eEperience! in the pa!t which we Dud$ed to *e Rwron$R or Runco0forta*le=R and decided we wanted to avoid tho!e eEperience! in the future and !o tried to ta6e over the *u! driverQ! Do*? Or we had eEperience! in the pa!t we li6ed a lot and wanted to repeat? An+ Pa!!en$er who trul+ accept! their role a! a Pa!!en$er and let! $o of an+ Dud$0ent! or *elief! a*out the !cener+ it eEperience! can !it *ac6 and relaE and totall+ enDo+ the ride? There i! al!o tre0endou! relief in realiLin$= a! a Pa!!en$er= no reaction or re!pon!e it ha! can *e Rwron$R that ever+ reaction and re!pon!e of each Pa!!en$er on the *u! i! valua*le and de!ira*le and wanted *+ it! /n"inite /? NNN The !econd analo$+ ha! to do with one of 0+ favorite $a0e!= a trea!ure hunt? In fact= I con!idered callin$ thi! *oo6 (he Great (reasure 6unt= and u!in$ that a! the 0ain 0etaphor= *ecau!e that ! what the /u0an 8a0e reall+ i!?

In a $ood trea!ure hunt= !o0eone hide! !o0ethin$ and then 0a6e! up clue! for the pla+er! to tr+ to find it? The $a0e eEcite! 0e !o 0uch *ecau!e it co0*ine! 0ental acuit+ fi$urin$ out what the clue! 0ean alon$ with o*!tacle! to overco0e= and in !o0e ca!e! ph+!ical de0and! a! well in the proce!! of findin$ the trea!ure? In the /u0an 8a0e= it wa! even harder? &e didn t 6now we were pla+in$ a $a0eC we didn t 6now we were loo6in$ for a trea!ure or what the trea!ure wa!C we didn t 6now all the eEperience! we were havin$ were perfect for the $a0eC we didn t 6now there were clue! we were *ein$ $iven fro0 ti0e to ti0e= nor what the clue! 0eant? &e even $ot !tuc6 durin$ the trea!ure hunt= !toppin$ in one particular location or !ituation or eEperience and !ta+in$ there= never $ettin$ to the trea!ure it!elf? In !hort= 0o!t of u! didn t have a lot of fun? In fact= 0an+ people $et reall+ pi!!ed at their /n"inite / for puttin$ the0 throu$h !uch dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0eC and +et tho!e !a0e people !ee0 to enDo+ a $ood trea!ure hunt= where the+ have onl+ hint! and clue! and 0an+ o*!tacle! to overco0e *efore the+ can find the trea!ure? No one $et! pi!!ed at the de!i$ner of a $ood trea!ure hunt= do the+' Fer+ few people I 6now $et an$r+ at their parent! for *rin$in$ the0 into thi! world a! a defen!ele!!= helple!!= totall+ dependant *a*+? 5ut the+ ra$e at their /n"inite /= for !o0e rea!on= for creatin$ the0 to pla+ the /u0an 8a0e? 2That ! all well and $ood=3 +ou 0i$ht *e !a+in$= 2*ut I didn t a$ree to *ein$ a Pla+er for 0+ /n"inite /? I didn t a$ree to $o throu$h +ear! of pain and !ufferin$ !o 0+ /n"inite / could pla+ !o0e 6ind of !ic6 $a0e for it! own entertain0entG3 Ma+*eC 0a+*e not? 5ut thi! an$er= while !ee0in$l+ Du!tified on the !urface= i! full of Dud$0ent and *la0e? It ! al!o not true? @our /n"inite / did not create +our pain and !ufferin$C +our re!i!tance to +our eEperience! did? &e will tal6 0ore a*out thi! later? The i0portant thin$ i! that it ! all over now? @ou $ot to the trea!ure che!t and opened it? There wa! a note in!ide !a+in$= 2It i!n t realC it ! Du!t a $a0eC3 and now +ou re on +our wa+ *ac6 to the !tartin$ line to clai0 +our priLe? There i! onl+ one pro*le0? The onl+ wa+ to $et *ac6 to the !tartin$ line i! to fl+C and on +our wa+ to the trea!ure= +ou pic6ed up a lot of *a$$a$e at each of +our !top! too 0uch *a$$a$e and too heav+ to fl+ with a! a *utterfl+? So now +ou ve $ot to let $o of all that *a$$a$e= which in thi! ca!e i! the per!onalit+ +ou con!tructed alon$ the wa+ +our 2!elf=3 +our e$o? NNN Now that the two halve! of the /u0an 8a0e 0a6e 0ore !en!e= +ou 0i$ht *e a!6in$= 2&hat ! the point of all of thi!'3 The point i!= what are +ou $oin$ to do in +our cocoon' &hat ! $oin$ to happen now that +ou re pla+in$ the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e' 9urin$ the fir!t half= +ou encountered nu0erou! holo$raphic eEperience! which= *a!ed on the fear! we will di!cu!! later= +ou Dud$ed a! 2*ad=3 2wron$=3 2wor!e=3 2evil=3 or Du!t plain 2unde!ira*leC3 and +ou tried ever+thin$ in +our power to chan$e or fiE or i0prove tho!e eEperience!? In doin$ !o= +ou a!!i$ned power 2out there3 and 0ade the holo$ra0! !ee0 real? A! ti0e went on= +ou for0ed *elief! and opinion! a*out the eEperience!= a*out other people= and a*out the world around +ou? Tho!e Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion!= in fact= defined who +ou *elieved +ou were? The+ *eca0e part of +our 2!elf=3 the la+er! of fal!e identit+ called the e$o? Now it ! +our Do* to rever!e that proce!!? Ever+ Dud$0ent +ou 0ade while in!ide the 0ovie theater of 2$ood3 and 2*ad=3 2ri$ht3 and 2wron$3= 2*etter3 and 2wor!e=3 $ood3 and 2evil3 *oth a! a /u0an Child and a /u0an Adult are no lon$er valid? Ever+ *elief and opinion +ou held wa! *a!ed on a fal!e pre0i!e that the 0ovie! +ou were watchin$ were real and are therefore untrue? Ever+ attach0ent +ou 0ade to the!e Dud$0ent!= *elief! and opinion! created a new= fal!e la+er of identit+ +ou *elieved wa! who +ou reall+ were? So now +ou re $oin$ to *e $iven the opportunit+ *+ +our /n"inite / to revi!it all tho!e Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion! and= thi! ti0e= chan$e +our reaction or re!pon!e to the eEperience! that created the0? In the

proce!! +ou will *e a*le to let $o of the la+er! of fal!e identitie! that 0a6e up +our e$o and the fear! underl+in$ the0 and 0a6e +our wa+ toward the true an!wer to 2&ho A0 I'3 /ow thi! happen! i! relativel+ !i0ple? In fact= +ou don t have to do an+thin$? It ! 0uch *etter if +ou don t tr+ to 0a6e thin$! happen an+ 0ore? @our /n"inite / will create ever+thin$ for +ou= a! it ha! alwa+! done? All +ou have to do i! *eco0e full+ con!ciou! and aware of +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to +our eEperience! on a 0o0entMtoM0o0ent *a!i!= and *e willin$ to loo6 at the0 in the pre!ent ti0e hone!tl+ and without Du!tification? Thi! 0ean! +ou have to !ta+ awa6e with +our e+e! open= and not in !o0e 0editative !leep or altered !tate of con!ciou!ne!!? 5ut thi! i! no ca6e wal6? It reKuire! hi$h 0ental acuit+= and include! deep e0otional and even ph+!ical de0and!? 5a!icall+= +ou will 2reMlive3 or 2reMvi!it3 0an+ of the 6e+ eEperience! fro0 +our pa!t= which 0ean! the 0ovie! that !urround +ou in the cocoon for the neEt little while will loo6 ver+ 0uch the !a0e a! the+ did in the 0ovie theater? So0e of the character! involved 0a+ *e !li$htl+ different than the fir!t ti0e throu$h the 0ovie= *ut the *a!ic the0e i! the !a0e or ver+ !i0ilar? Thi! ti0e= however= +ou have the choice of chan$in$ +our reaction and re!pon!e to the!e eEperience! *+ !eein$ the power +ou a!!i$ned 2out there3 to 0a6e +our holo$raphic univer!e !ee0 real= and then lettin$ $o of the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! +ou for0ed a! a re!ult? Thi! will *e a $ood !tart= and then it ! on to the neEt eEperience? I want to *e clear that +ou don t have to $o !earchin$ in +our pa!t for an eEperience to proce!!? @our /n"inite / will reMcreate the!e eEperience! in the pre!ent for +ou to deal with in the here and now? Thi! i! not p!+chotherap+ de!i$ned to di!cover +our 0other didn t *rea!tfeed +ou lon$ enou$h= or to overco0e a d+!functional fa0il+ hi!tor+? It ! a*out 2what i!= no!?3 It ! a*out lettin$ $o of the fear! that do0inate +our thou$ht! in the pre!ent and a*out the attach0ent! to +our 2!elf=3 the la+er! of fal!e identitie!= the per!onalit+ con!truct called the e$o +ou thin6 i! +ou? It ! a*out a war with Ma+a= the 8odde!! of Illu!ion= a! #ed Mc<enna would !a+? It ! a*out findin$ out who +ou reall+ are? It ! a*out di!coverin$ what i! true? It ! a*out *eco0in$ a full+ realiLed 2noM!elf3 with !erenit+ of *ein$? -OOTNOTES 1? 5a!ed loo!el+ on the wor6 of Ro*ert Scheinfeld 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

I !aid at the end of the la!t chapter R+ou will QreMliveQ or QreMvi!itQ 0an+ of the 6e+ eEperience! fro0 +our
pa!t= which 0ean! the 0ovie! that !urround +ou in the cocoon for the neEt little while will loo6 ver+ 0uch the !a0e a! the+ did in the 0ovie theater? So0e of the character! involved 0a+ *e !li$htl+ different than the fir!t ti0e throu$h the 0ovie= *ut the *a!ic the0e i! the !a0e or ver+ !i0ilar? Thi! ti0e= however= +ou have the choice of chan$in$ +our reaction and re!pon!e to the!e eEperience! *+ !eein$ the power +ou a!!i$ned Qout thereQ to 0a6e +our holo$raphic univer!e !ee0 real= and then lettin$ $o of the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! +ou for0ed a! a re!ult?R 9ifferent !cout! have different 0ethod! for proce!!in$ the holo$raphic eEperience! created for +ou in the cocoon *+ +our /n"inite /= and I dou*t there ! a 2ri$ht3 wa+ or a 2wron$3 wa+= or Du!t one wa+?

There ! no Kue!tion there ! onl+ one place to end up a! a *utterfl+? 5ut there 0a+ *e a! 0an+ wa+! to e0er$e fro0 the cocoon a! there are route! acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain! to the Pacific Ocean? It 0i$ht *e helpful to loo6 at a couple 0ethod! u!ed *+ other !cout! to $ive +ou a clue a*out where and how to find what wor6! for +ou? NNN Ro*ert Scheinfeld= who0 I have called 0+ 0entor= ca0e up with a Proce!! that $oe! !o0ethin$ li6e thi!J 1? Re0ind +our!elf it i!n t real "? 9ive ri$ht !0ac6 into the 0iddle of it %? -eel the Rdi!co0fort ener$+R full+ (? &hen it reache! a pea6= call it what it i! and tell the truth a*out it ,? Reclai0 +our power fro0 the creation .? EEpre!! appreciation1 In other word!= a! +ou continue with +our life= i00er!ed in the 0ovie! in +our cocoon= there will *e ti0e! when an eEperience *rin$! +ou le!! than total Do+ 2di!co0fort3 Ro*ert call! it= which include! 0ental di!co0fort a! well a! ph+!ical and e0otional di!co0fort= all the wa+ fro0 a !li$ht e0otional reaction to inten!e pain and !ufferin$? The ea!ie!t wa+ to !pot thi! i! that +ou will wi!h !o0ethin$ a*out +our pre!ent holo$ra0 would chan$e= *ecau!e +ou don t li6e !o0e part Oor allP of it ver+ 0uch? )et ! *e ver+ clear and !pecific a*out what we 0ean *+ 2di!co0fort?3 Ph+!ical di!co0fort !hould *e fairl+ o*viou!= ran$in$ fro0 an 2owie3 to !evere and de*ilitatin$ pain? E0otional or 0ental di!co0fort= on the other hand= can *e a little 0ore !u*tle? )? Ron /u**ard invented an 2e0otional tone !cale3 in which he li!t! a lot of the 2unco0forta*le3 e0otion! we can feel fro0 ti0e to ti0e= includin$ Oin partPA an$er= anta$oni!06 anEiet+= apath+= *la0e= covert ho!tilit+= de!pair= d+in$= fear= $rief= hate= hidin$= hopele!!= ho!tilit+= no !+0path+= pit+= propitiation= re$ret= re!ent0ent= !elfMa*a!e0ent= !ha0e= !+0path+= terror= total failure= uneEpre!!ed re!ent0ent= u!ele!!= victi0?" I can thin6 of !o0e other feelin$! that could *e con!idered a! 2di!co0fort3 a! well= !uch a! *itterne!!= conde0nation= conde!cen!ion= depre!!ion= e0*arra!!0ent= env+= eEa!peration= fru!tration= hu0iliation= i0patience= indeci!ion= indi$nation= intolerance= Dealou!+= 0i!tru!t= reproach= reven$e= !adne!!= !arca!0= !pite= worr+in$? 5ut we can 0a6e thi! ver+ !i0ple *+ !a+in$ 2di!co0fort3 i! an+thin$ +ou feel that i! le!! than total eEcite0ent= Do+= and enthu!ia!0? &henever we feel one of the!e e0otion!= or ph+!ical pain= the fir!t thin$ we do i! Dud$e it to *e 2wron$3 or 2*ad3 or 2unde!ira*le3 !o0ethin$ we don t want to feel? Then we re!i!t it? Then we a!!i$n power 2out there3 to the per!on= place= or thin$ that 0ade u! feel le!! than totall+ Do+ful? 2/e=3 2!he3= or 2it3 cau!ed 0e to feel thi! wa+= whether it ! an e0otional up!et or an up!et !to0ach? In other word!= we 2*la0e3 whatever i! 2out there3 that 2did thi! to 0e?3 Then we tr+ to chan$e= fiE= or i0prove that !ituation !o0ehow? Even tho!e of u! who have *elieved for +ear! 2+ou create +our own realit+3 do thi!= whether we li6e to ad0it it or not= or whether we 0i$ht thin6 we re too 2enli$htened3 for that? &e do it an+wa+= in $reater or le!!er wa+!= if we re reall+ hone!t with our!elve!C and ri$htfull+ !o= *ecau!e it ! an intrin!ic part of the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e which we pla+ed for !o lon$ and which led into 0ore li0itation? In the cocoon +ou re $oin$ to have !i0ilar eEperience! to tho!e fro0 the fir!t half of the 8a0e? 5a!icall+= +ou re $oin$ to find +our!elf i00er!ed in 0ovie! with people= place!= and thin$! that 0a6e +ou feel 2di!co0fort3 fro0 ti0e to ti0e? So0e of the people +ou encounter= for eEa0ple= 0i$ht pi!! +ou off the !a0e wa+ the+ did the fir!t ti0e +ou 0et the0 or the !econd ti0e= or the u0pteenth ti0e? Re!t a!!ured thi! i! not a holo$ra0 created *+ +our /n"inite / in order to create 0ore li0itation in +our life? Thi! holo$ra0 i! a $ift to +ou fro0 +our /n"inite /= !howin$ +ou eEactl+ where +ou a!!i$ned power in the pa!t to !o0ethin$ 2out there=3 and= 0o!t i0portantl+= where that power sti%% resides? It i! +our chance to re!pond differentl+ to thi! holo$ra0 to= in a !en!e= 2reclai03 the power +ou $ave awa+ and rewrite the endin$ to thi! !tor+line?

&henever +ou feel thi! di!co0fort whenever +ou have the !li$hte!t thou$ht +ou wi!h !o0ethin$ 2out there3 in +our pre!ent eEperience would chan$e Ro*ert !a+! to run hi! Proce!!C !o let ! ta6e a little clo!er loo6 at it? OA$ain= Ro*ert 0a+ or 0a+ not a$ree full+ with !o0e of 0+ eEtended eEplanation!?P 1? 7emind yourse%" it isn<t rea%? Re0e0*er that +ou are i00er!ed in a holo$ra0= and *+ definition a holo$ra0 i! not real? @ou onl+ 0a6e it real if +ou a!!i$n it the power to *e real and $ive it control over +ou? "? Dive right smac+ into the midd%e o" it ? Thi! i! the oppo!ite of what we nor0all+ did in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? &henever we would 0eet !o0ethin$ 2out there3 that 0ade u! unco0forta*le pain and !ufferin$= for eEa0ple we would tr+ to $et awa+ fro0 it= re!i!t it= !uppre!! it= chan$e it= i$nore it= dru$ it= den+ it= hide fro0 it= e!cape it= or otherwi!e 0a6e it $o awa+? Ro*ert !a+!= on the other hand= to e0*race it full+= to !ee it in all it! $lor+= to invite it clo!er and $et +our!elf into the 0iddle of it a! co0pletel+ a! po!!i*le? %? 'ee% the ,discom"ort energy- "u%%y? Rather than ru!hin$ throu$h the Proce!! a! !oon a! +ou feel the lea!t little di!co0fort= let it *uild a! 0uch a! po!!i*le? There ! a ver+ !i0ple rea!on for thi!? &hat we want to do neEt= accordin$ to Ro*ert= i! 2reclai0 the power3 we a!!i$ned 2out there3 in the!e holo$ra0!? In 0an+ ca!e!= we have 2$iven3 a lot of power awa+ to certain people= place!= and thin$! that re!ulted in our feelin$ le!! than Do+ful? In fact= it 0a+ ta6e 0ore than one eEperience in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e to !witch off that power flowC and the 0ore we can $et at one ti0e= the fa!ter and ea!ier the proce!! will *e to 2reclai03 it all? Therefore let the di!co0fort $row a! 0uch a! po!!i*le to proce!! a! 0uch a! +ou can at one ti0eC and then *e prepared to do it a$ain later= either with the !a0e per!on= place= or thin$= or a !i0ilar !ituation= until all the power +ou have placed 2out there3 ha! *een turned off? OThere are !o0e wor6a*le techniKue! +ou 0i$ht want to u!e to help the di!co0fort *uild= li6e 2-ocu!in$3 developed *+ 9r? Eu$ene 8endlin?%P (? 5hen it reaches a pea+, ca%% it !hat it is and te%% the truth about it ? &hen the di!co0fort ha! *eco0e a! 0uch a! +ou can !tand at that 0o0ent= it ! ti0e to hone!tl+ a!!e!! the !ituation and loo6 for +our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion!? -or eEa0ple= i! there !o0eone or !o0ethin$ in thi! eEperience +ou thin6 i! 2wron$3 or 2*ad3 and !hould chan$e or *e different than it i!' &ho or what= !pecificall+' And i! that true' I! there a *elief +ou hold cau!in$ the di!co0fort' EEactl+ what i! it' And i! it true' 9id +ou for0 an opinion that i! now cau!in$ +ou di!co0fort in thi! eEperience' &hat i! it= and i! it reall+ true' OIt can help a lot to actuall+ write the!e thin$! down a! +ou $o throu$h the Proce!!= at lea!t in the *e$innin$?P One of the thin$! +ou don<t a!6 i! 2&h+3 thi! eEperience i! happenin$ to +ou? That ! a di!traction that ha! no relevance and will 6eep +ou fro0 focu!in$ on what does 0atter? A!6in$ 2&h+3 i! what ever+one doe! in!ide the 0ovie theater= *ecau!e it lead! into 0ore and 0ore li0itationC *ut in!ide the cocoon it ! a u!ele!! concept? Ma+*e +ou will under!tand 2&h+=3 and 0a+*e notC it doe!n t 0atter? A! the eEperience! in +our cocoon continue= +ou 0i$ht !tart to !ee pattern! in +our life that revolve around certain 6e+ Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion!? @ou can eEpect to have !i0ilar holo$ra0! appear that $ive +ou the opportunit+ to follow tho!e pattern!= perhap! *ac6 to the fir!t ti0e +ou for0ed that Dud$0ent= or adopted that *elief= or created that opinion? So 2callin$ it what it i!3 0ean! ac6nowled$in$ and ownin$ up to the fact that +our di!co0fort i! *a!ed on the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! +ou for0ed a! a reaction or re!pon!e to thi! !ituation? The 2truth a*out it3 i! that no one and nothin$ 2out there3 i! $oin$ to chan$e to 0a6e +ou happier? #ou<re the one who ! $oin$ to have to chan$e +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to +our eEperience!C you<re the one who ! $oin$ to have to ta6e 100T re!pon!i*ilit+ for how +ou feel and +our condition in lifeC you<re the one who Du0ped into thi! unco0forta*le hole= rather than *ein$ pu!hed or forced or tric6ed into it? The 2truth a*out it3 i! that no one can ever *e a victi0 of an+one or an+thin$ at an+ ti0e in an+ eEperienceC li6ewi!e= there are no unwanted perpetrator!? A! lon$ a! +ou feel li6e +ou re a victi0= +ou have a!!i$ned power 2out there3 that i!n t real?

The 2truth a*out it3 i! that +ou have no power to chan$e the eEperience or an+one or an+thin$ 2out there?3 The onl+ power +ou have a! a Pla+er i! u!in$ +our free will to chan$e the wa+ +ou react and re!pond to the holo$raphic eEperience! created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite /? ,? 7ec%aim your po!er "rom the creation? 2Reclai03 i! Ro*ert ! word= and I thin6 it can *e a little 0i!leadin$? A Pla+er ha! no powerC we didn t create the holo$ra0 to *e$in with? &e definitel+ 0ade the holo$ra0 real *+ a!!i$nin$ it power= *ut the power we a!!i$ned wa! a! i0a$inar+ a! the holo$ra0 it!elf? 2Reclai0in$ +our power3 al!o !u$$e!t! that when +ou have fini!hed with the Proce!!= +ou will have 0ore power than *efore +ou !tarted= *+ ta6in$ the power *ac6 +ou had a!!i$ned to the holo$ra0 2out there?3 Thi! i! al!o not true? &hat I prefer to !a+ i! that +ou di!connect or turn off the power +ou a!!i$ned to the holo$ra0= li6e pullin$ the plu$ or turnin$ off a li$ht !witch? It wa! +our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! that provided the power in the fir!t place? Thin6 of it thi! wa+J In the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= +ou entered a holo$raphic eEperience and flipped a !witch that lit it up and 0ade it appear real? It ! !till there= full+ illu0inated= when +ou reMvi!it it in the !econd half which i! helpful= *ecau!e +ou need it a! *ri$ht a! po!!i*le to clearl+ !ee the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! that were +our reaction! and re!pon!e!= and which *eca0e part of +our fal!e !elf= the per!onalit+ con!truct= the e$o +ou have *een thin6in$ i! +ou? &hen +ou have fini!hed proce!!in$ that holo$ra0= +ou !i0pl+ unplu$ the power !ource or turn the li$ht !witch off? In the *e$innin$= it helped to vi!ualiLe 0+!elf doin$ that? OIf there are !till Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! a!!ociated with that holo$raphic eEperience in other word!= +ou didn t $et the0 all the fir!t ti0e the li$ht won t $o off co0pletel+ and +our /n"inite / will $ive +ou another opportunit+ later to run the Proce!! on the !a0e or !i0ilar circu0!tance! a$ain?P .? appreciation? EEpre!!in$ appreciation i! perhap! the 0o!t i0portant !tep? Even if +ou don t 2li6e3 the eEperience +ou are havin$= do whatever po!!i*le O2fa6e it until +ou 0a6e it3P to eEpre!! appreciation to +our /n"inite / for the eEperience and e!peciall+ than6! and appreciation to the per!on= place= or thin$ that wa! cau!in$ +ou the di!co0fort? After all= +our /n"inite / ha! Du!t $iven +ou the $ift of !howin$ +ou where +ou a!!i$ned power 2out there3 in the pa!t= and that ! worth+ of !o0e appreciationC and the people= place!= or thin$! that cau!ed +our di!co0fort have $iven +ou the $ift of eEpertl+ pla+in$ a role in +our holo$raphic 0ovie to a!!i!t +ou in +our proce!! of *eco0in$ a *utterfl+ definitel+ worth+ of appreciation? I realiLe thi! 0a+ *e difficult in the *e$innin$C *ut in fact= +ou 0a+ !oon *e wantin$ other people= place!= or thin$! who 0a6e +ou feel le!! than totall+ Do+ful to !how up in +our holo$ra0! a! 0uch and a! often a! the+ can= Du!t !o +ou can !ee where +ouQve a!!i$ned power Rout thereR and Rreclai0R it? O-or a 0ore co0plete di!cu!!ion of 2other people3 in +our holo$raphic eEperience! and the role! the+ pla+= plea!e !ee Chapter Twent+MThree= 2Other People=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P If +ou 6eep doin$ thi! Proce!!= +ou will eventuall+ co0e to !incerel+ and co0pletel+ appreciate each and ever+ eEperience +ou have had= and all the people= place! and thin$! in it for the a*!olute perfection the+ repre!ent? NNN Re0e0*er what +ou re !eein$ 2out there3 cau!in$ +ou di!co0fort i! Du!t a total i00er!ion 0ovie? If +ou went to a pla+ one ni$ht and were 0oved to tear! *+ an e0otional !cene let ! !a+ a wo0an who wa! d+in$ of cancer= Y la Love Story +ou wouldn t *la0e the writer or director or the actor! for 0a6in$ +ou feel *ad? That ! wh+ +ou went to the pla+ in the fir!t place= to have an 2inner eEperience3 fro0 the 2outer eEperience?3 If +ou then went to the cafZ neEt door after the pla+ and !aw the actre!! who pla+ed the part of the d+in$ wo0an= I dou*t +ou d *la0e her for cau!in$ +our di!co0fort= or con!ider +our!elf a victi0 of her perfor0ance= or a!6 her to chan$e the wa+ !he pla+! her part? To the contrar+= +ou d pro*a*l+ prai!e her for doin$ !uch a $ood Do* to elicit +our e0otional re!pon!e? That ! what Ro*ert ! Proce!! i! all a*outJ reco$niLin$ we are i00er!ed in an a0aLin$ %9 holo$raphic 0ovie in order to have an 2inner eEperience3 fro0 the 2outer eEperience=3 that our /n"inite / i! writin$ and

directin$ ever+ !cene of that 0ovie down to the !0alle!t detail= that there are actor! pla+in$ their role! in our 0ovie! to which we are reactin$ and re!pondin$= that an+ di!co0fort we feel i! *a!ed so%e%y on our reaction! and re!pon!e! and the power we a!!i$ned 2out there3 to the 0ovie= that the onl+ power we have i! to chan$e our reaction! and re!pon!e! if we are not happ+ with the0= and then eEpre!! our appreciation to the writer= director= and actor! who did their Do* !o well to !how u! the true !ource of our di!co0fort and $ive u! the opportunit+ to write a new endin$ for our!elve!? NNN I found Ro*ert ! Proce!! ea!+ to do and ver+ effective for the fir!t little while in!ide 0+ cocoon= and I reco00end it Oa! I have eEplained it a*oveP for all Pla+er! new to their cocoon? At lea!t it $et! +ou !tarted and produce! !o0e *eneficial re!ult! in lettin$ $o of Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion!? In thi! chapter and the neEt= I want to $ive +ou a couple eEa0ple! in !o0e detail fro0 0+ own life that 0i$ht *e helpful in *etter under!tandin$ thi! Proce!!? Thi! fir!t eEa0ple contain! virtuall+ all of the ele0ent! I ve Du!t *een di!cu!!in$J? I had *een in 0+ cocoon a*out !iE 0onth! and I wa! livin$ with twoMhundred $ood friend! in an intentional co00unit+ in !outhern Portu$al called Ta0era? One of 0+ Do*! for the co00unit+ wa! runnin$ an evenin$ cafZ= which I totall+ enDo+ed? It wa! a chance to !ee 0an+ friend! fro0 the co00unit+ I wouldn t nor0all+ 0eet durin$ the da+= who would co0e to the cafZ at ni$ht to relaE and have fun? I loved creatin$ a !pecial at0o!phere and ener$+ for the0= and !ervin$ the0 and treatin$ the0 with popcorn and $reat 0u!ic? Thi! cafZ wa! a !ource of pride and plea!ure for 0e= and I trea!ured it and protected it= which i! wh+ on thi! one particular evenin$ I $ot ver+ up!et? There wa! one 0e0*er of the co00unit+= I ll call her 5ett+= who0 I had 6nown for fifteen +ear!= ever !ince the co00unit+ of HE88 in 8er0an+? It wa!n t that I didn t li6e 5ett+C I hardl+ $ave her a thou$ht? 5ut I didn t enDo+ her co0pan+= and I hone!tl+ don t 6now an+one who did? She !ee0ed to alwa+! have thi! !our and an$r+ and arro$ant attitude that wa! !i0pl+ not fun to *e around? -or !o0e rea!on the co00unit+ never 6ic6ed an+one out at lea!t not for *ein$ !our and an$r+ and arro$ant !o !he wa! !till there after fifteen +ear!? -ortunatel+= I didn t have to !ee her a lot? /owever= on thi! particular ni$ht of 0+ cafZ= 5ett+ !uddenl+ drove her car onto the !a0e $ravel lot where I ran 0+ cafZ and par6ed it? 8ranted= the car wa! off to one !ide !o0ewhat= !o it didn t reall+ *other 0+ $ue!t!C *ut it wa! u$l+ !ittin$ there= ruinin$ the a0*iance I wor6ed !o hard to create? 5e!ide!= there wa! a rule a$ain!t par6in$ car! in that location? M+ fir!t reaction wa! to a!!u0e 5ett+ had Du!t par6ed there te0poraril+ !ince her roo0 wa! clo!e *+ and perhap! !he had to unload !o0ethin$ and would *e *ac6 !oon to 0ove her car? 5ut when ten 0inute! went *+ and the car wa! !till there= $ettin$ u$lier *+ the !econd and infectin$ the entire at0o!phere= I went to her roo0 to 0a6e !ure !he would 0ove it? M+ ver+ polite reKue!t wa! 0et with an anta$oni!tic= 2Mind +our own *u!ine!!G3 I wa! *e$innin$ to feel 0ore and 0ore 2unco0forta*le?3 2Pi!!ed3 i! the *etter word? I let another ten 0inute! $o *+ and= when !he hadn t 0oved the car= went *ac6 to her roo0 and ordered her with all the authorit+ I could 0u!ter to par6 it where it *elon$ed? She wa! in the 0iddle of an an$r+ diatri*e a*out 2&ho wa! I to tell her what to do3 when I turned and wal6ed awa+? She never did 0ove the car? It !at there the entire ni$ht poi!onin$ 0+ carefull+ orche!trated cafZ a0*iance? I wa! too *u!+ at the ti0e !ervin$ drin6! and popcorn to have the ti0e and !pace I needed to run the Proce!!= *ut I couldn t let 0+!elf loo6 at the car or thin6 a*out 5ett+ or I would $et !eriou!l+ an$r+? A! 2luc63 would have it= that particular ni$ht a fe0ale $ue!t in the co00unit+ fell and *ro6e her le$= and we had to call an a0*ulance? The wa+ 5ett+ ! car wa! par6ed wa! *loc6in$ one of the 0ain dirt road! the a0*ulance could u!e to $et to the inDured $ue!t= !o 0+ indi$nation at her refu!al to 0ove it !uddenl+ $ained le$iti0ac+? It wa! no lon$er Du!t 0+ per!onal de!ire to have the car $one fro0 0+ *eloved cafZC it wa! now interferin$ with a !eriou! 0edical e0er$enc+= which i! one of the rea!on! wh+ there wa! a rule a$ain!t par6in$ there? So I went *ac6 to 5ett+ ! roo0 and told her to 0ove her car one 0ore ti0e *efore the a0*ulance arrived? She didn t? That wa! 5ett+? OThe a0*ulance eventuall+ found another route to $et to the inDured patient?P

The neEt 0ornin$ I allowed 0+!elf to let the di!co0fort the an$er I felt co0e *ac6 up? I wanted to 0a6e 5ett+ 2wron$?3 I *la0ed her for ruinin$ one of 0+ $reate!t plea!ure! at the ti0e= 0+ cafZ ni$ht? I 6new if !he would onl+ chan$e what !he wa! doin$= I would *e a lot happier? So I *e$an runnin$ Ro*ert ! Proce!!= or at lea!t 0+ ver!ion of it= and I re0inded 0+!elf that the di!co0fort wa! a red fla$ pointin$ to where I had a!!i$ned power to thi! holo$ra0 to 0a6e it !ee0 realC and I let the di!co0fort *uild and *uild in!ide 0e until I wa! feelin$ it full force? I had lon$ !ince !topped a!6in$ 2&h+3 thi! had happened? I 6new 2&h+=3 or I 6new the onl+ rea!on that counted for an+thin$A M+ /n"inite / wa! tr+in$ to help 0e *+ !howin$ 0e !o0ethin$? So I didn t wa!te ti0e !peculatin$ a*out the rea!on I had thi! eEperience? In!tead I re0inded 0+!elf none of it wa! real= that thi! wa! a holo$raphic eEperience created !pecificall+ for 0e *+ 0+ /n"inite / a! a $ift on 0+ path toward !elfMrealiLation? I had done thi! enou$h *+ thi! ti0e that it onl+ too6 five !econd! *efore I 6new with certaint+ thi! wa! true? I Du!t didn t 6now what wa! in!ide the $ift wrappin$ +et? I ad0itted to 0+!elf I felt li6e a victi0= that I *elieved 5ett+ had interfered with the plea!ure I $ot fro0 0+ cafZ= and that I wa! Dud$in$ 5ett+ for *ein$ 2wron$3 for what !he had done? I even had a $reat Du!tification for 0+ Dud$0ent in the for0 an a0*ulance that needed the ri$ht of wa+? In fact= I could have found a lot of !upport fro0 other 0e0*er! of the co00unit+ a*out how 2ri$ht3 I wa! and how 2wron$3 5ett+ wa!? 5ut that road lead! nowhere? In!tead I decided to let $o of all 0+ Dud$0ent! and !top *la0in$ 5ett+= reco$niLin$ in!tead !he wa! !i0pl+ readin$ a 0ovie !cript 0+ /n"inite / had written for 0e? Thi! had nothin$ to do with her and ever+thin$ to do with 0e? 5ett+ ! *ehavior wa! not 2wron$3 at allC in fact= !he had perfor0ed her part in 0+ 0ovie with $reat eEperti!e? /ow could I po!!i*l+ *la0e her for that' I al!o realiLed I *elieved !he !hould follow the rule! and that it wa! 0+ place to 0a6e her do thatC and 0+ opinion wa! that !he didn t even *elon$ in thi! co00unit+= 0uch le!! in 0+ holo$ra0G M+ an$er then eEtended to the whole co00unit+ for not 6ic6in$ her out !ooner? The 2truth of it3 wa! that / had $iven 5ett+ the power to ruin the total Do+ I $ot fro0 runnin$ 0+ cafZ= and it had *een 0+ reaction and re!pon!e to 5ett+ that created 0+ di!co0fort= not an+thin$ 5ett+ did or !aid? More i0portantl+= the+ were reaction! and re!pon!e! I had full control over throu$h 0+ own free will and could chan$e in an in!tant? So I con!ciou!l+ 2reclai0ed3 all the power I had $iven to 5ett+ and to the incident it!elf to 0a6e it realC or at lea!t that ! the wa+ Scheinfeld would !a+ it? A! I !aid earlier= I thin6 in ter0! of turnin$ off the power !ource to the holo$ra0= of flippin$ the !witch? 5+ the ti0e I had done all thi!= and it onl+ too6 a few 0inute!= all 0+ di!co0fort wa! $one= and I wa! feelin$ enor0ou! appreciation to 0+ /n"inite / for the eEperience than6ful for the opportunit+ to !ee where I had for0ed Dud$0ent!= *elief! and opinion! I no lon$er wanted to hold? 5ut 0ore i0portantl+= I wa! deepl+ and !incerel+ appreciative to 5ett+ for havin$ pla+ed her part !o well= for havin$ *een willin$ to accept that role in 0+ holo$raphic eEperience= and for not $ivin$ in to 0+ 2authorit+3 *ut pla+in$ the !cene out in it! entiret+? In fact= I wa! feelin$ !uch appreciation that I wanted to $o to 5ett+ and hu$ her and than6 her and a!6 her= plea!e= to continue pla+in$ the!e 6ind! of part! in 0+ 0ovie! !o I could uncover other place! where I 0a+ have Dud$ed and *la0ed and $iven awa+ 0+ power? OIn the end I didn t actuall+ $o to 5ett+ and hu$ and than6 her? /ow do +ou !a+ to !o0eone= 2@ou did !uch a $reat perfor0ance in 0+ 0ovie la!t ni$ht? Than6 +ou= !incerel+= and plea!e continue *ein$ the !our and an$r+ and arro$ant character +ou re pla+in$ !o I can !ee if there are other !ituation! li6e that where I have a!!i$ned power and 0ade real?3 I don t thin6 !he would have under!tood?P After thi! proce!!= 5ett+ never par6ed her car there a$ain= althou$h I never a!6ed her not toC and I no lon$er had an+ di!co0fort *ein$ in her pre!ence? 5ut here ! a warnin$A @ou cannot run thi! Proce!! with the hope or eEpectation that *+ doin$ !o= +our eEperience will chan$e? In other word!= +ou can t lie to +our!elf and fool +our /n"inite / *+ lettin$ $o of +our Dud$0ent! and eEpre!!in$ +our appreciation !che0in$ that if +ou do= !o0eone or !o0ethin$ 2out there3 will chan$e? It doe!n t wor6 that wa+= and the !o0eone or !o0ethin$ 2out there3 !on<t chan$e? @our /n"inite / will 6eep creatin$ eEperience! to !how +ou where +ou a!!i$ned power and left it there until +ou hone!tl+ and co0pletel+ accept the eEperience for eEactl+ what it i! and +our role in it? In other word!= !o0eone or !o0ethin$ 2out there3 can onl+ chan$e when +ou no lon$er need or want an+thin$ in

that holo$raphic eEperience to *e an+ different than it i!C and then it doe!n t 0atter to +ou whether it chan$e! or notG NNN 5efore we leave thi! chapter= let 0e *e ver+ clear a*out one thin$A Thi! proce!! i! not a*out for$ivene!!= a! wonderful and !piritual a! 0o!t people con!ider that to *e? It wa! not a*out 0e for$ivin$ 5ett+C and +ou are not tr+in$ to $et to the point of *ein$ a*le to for$ive !o0eone for what the+ did? In 0o!t ca!e!= for$ivene!! i0plie! a Dud$0ent !till eEi!t! that a per!on did !o0ethin$ 2wron$3 for which +ou are for$ivin$ the0? If that ! all the farther +ou $et= +ou haven t fini!hed the proce!!? On the other hand= & Course in )irac%es !a+!= 22'orgiveness recogni>es !hat you thought your brother did to you has not occurred /t does not pardon sins and ma+e them rea% /t sees there !as no sin?3( That ! their definition of for$ivene!!= and a 0o!t accurate one= if ever+one could under!tand it that wa+? To put it !i0pl+= when +ou reco$niLe the other per!on never did an+thin$ to +ou at all for which the+ need to *e for$iven= +ou will *e on +our wa+C and when +ou actuall+ arrive at the point of !incerel+ and enthu!ia!ticall+ eEpre!!in$ +our appreciation to the0 for what the+ did for the role the+ pla+ed !o well in +our holo$ra0 +ou will have arrived? -OOTNOTES 1? Scheinfeld= Ro*ert? Qourney to the /n"inite 6ome (rans"ormationa% System 5ac6 to readin$ "? Church of Scientolo$+ International? /%%ustrated (one Sca%e in 'u%% 5ac6 to readin$ %? 8endlin= Eu$ene T? 'ocusing81riented Psychotherapy4 & )anua% o" the 3.perientia% )ethod 5ac6 to readin$ (? A Cour!e in Miracle!U&or6*oo6 for Student!= /ntroduction to Part // 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

On avera$e a*out a +ear into +our cocoon ti0e= *a!ed on the 0an+ !ucce!!ful re!ult! of +our fir!tMhand
eEperience! u!in$ Ro*ert ! Proce!!= +ou will 6now with certaint+ there i! no 2out there3 out thereC that +our %9 holo$raphic total i00er!ion 0ovie! aren t realC that +our /n"inite / i! creatin$ all +our eEperience! for +ou= down to the !0alle!t detailC that +ou cannot *e a victi0 of an+one or an+thin$ at an+ ti0eC that if +ou feel an+ di!co0fort= it i! !olel+ the re!ult of +our reaction! and re!pon!e! to +our 0ovie!= and +ou can run the Proce!! in a 0atter of 0inute! even !econd! !o0eti0e! to locate and let $o of an+ re0ainin$ Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion!C and that +ou live 0ainl+ in a !tate of awe and appreciation for the 8a0e and all the Pla+er! +ou encounter? That ! a reall+ wonderful place to $et to and *eC and +et +ou feel +ou re not done= that there i! !o0ethin$ left to proce!!= that +ou !till have unan!wered Kue!tion!= that +ou do not +et have the one true an!wer to 2&ho A0 I'3= that +ou re onl+ at the point of 0ild content0ent with +our life rather than con!tant enthu!ia!0 and Do+= and that +ou continue to eEperience !o0e 0o0ent! of di!co0fort fro0 ti0e to ti0e? Althou$h it produce! !o0e eEcellent re!ult! earl+ on= I found Ro*ert ! Proce!! ha! it! li0itation!? I 6now of other! who reached thi! point a! well? O-or a 0ore co0plete di!cu!!ion of wh+= plea!e !ee Chapter Thirt+M Three= 2Ro*ert Scheinfeld=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P

Ro*ert ! Proce!! can *e ver+ effective when dealin$ with di!co0fort that !ee0! to co0e fro0 2out there=3 *ut it ! not a! effective when +ou have reached the point where there i! no lon$er an+ thou$ht of 2out there3 and +ou are 0ore intere!ted in loo6in$ 2in here?3 That ! *ecau!e Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! are onl+ the tip of the ice*er$C and once +ou ve $otten co0forta*le and *een !ucce!!ful in lettin$ $o of the0= +ou re read+ for the neEt !ta$e of +our 0eta0orpho!i!? >nderneath the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! are the fear! that led to the0 and the la+er! of the e$o created a! a re!ult the fal!e !elf +ou thou$ht +our!elf to *e that Ro*ert ! Proce!! !i0pl+ cannot addre!!? At lea!t that wa! true in 0+ ca!e? NNN In "00%= !till in!ide the 0ovie theater= I had a car accident which *ro6e eleven *one! in 0+ nec6 and *ac6= and I ca0e within a 0illi0eter of *ein$ paral+Led for life? One verte*ra in 0+ nec6 had to *e ta6en out and replaced with a titaniu0 ca$e= and I then needed !iE 0onth! in *ed to recover? M+ eEMwife had *een 0arried to her new hu!*and a*out three +ear! *+ that ti0e= and hi! 0other had al!o recentl+ co0e to live with the0? 5ut out of their love and carin$= and $oin$ wa+ *e+ond an+ call of dut+= the+ put a ho!pital *ed in their livin$ roo0 and that ! where I !pent tho!e !iE 0onth! recoverin$? Then the+ *ou$ht a travel trailer at their own eEpen!e= !et it up Du!t a !hort wal6 fro0 their hou!e= and 0oved 0e in there a! !oon a! I could wal6 !ufficientl+ to $et *ac6 and forth= continuin$ to feed and ta6e care of 0e for another !iE 0onth!? 9urin$ that +ear= 0+ eEMwife ! new hu!*and *eca0e 0+ *e!t friend= and hi! 0other treated 0e a! if I were her !on? After fift+M!even +ear!= I finall+ had the 6ind of 0other I wi!hed for a! a child= and a real *rother to *oot? M+ eEMwife ! parent!= who al!o lived near*+= were a con!tant !ource of love and !upport a! well? &hat an incredi*le eEperienceG The car accident wa! indeed a ver+ !pecial $ift fro0 0+ /n"inite / on 0an+ level!? 5ut how do +ou ever repa+ !o0eone for that 6ind of love and carin$' I felt !uch $ratitude to 0+ eEMwife and her hu!*and and to the entire fa0il+ and !pent the neEt !even +ear! hopin$ to find wa+! to $ive *ac6 even a !0all percenta$e of what the+ had $iven 0e? Thi! turned out to *e the !u*Dect of a !erie! of holo$raphic eEperience! 0+ /n"inite / would create for 0e once I entered 0+ cocoon? 9urin$ our !eventeen +ear! to$ether= I had *een 0+ eEMwife ! !cout and coach= a! well a! her hu!*and? Part of 0+ relation!hip to her= part of 0+ e$o identit+= wa! to a!!i!t her at her reKue!t in !eein$ when !he had !tra+ed off her own cho!en path and help her $et *ac6 on cour!e?1 /er new hu!*and had= in fact= than6ed 0e profu!el+ 0an+ ti0e! for the eEcellent Do* I had done in thi! capacit+? Ten +ear! after we !eparated I wa! !till attached to thi! e$o identit+? So a*out a +ear and a half into 0+ 0eta0orpho!i!= when 0+ eEMwife and I !uddenl+ and uneEpectedl+ !tarted to have !o0e co00unication! pro*le0!= 0+ e$o !aid it would *e a real $ift to her and her hu!*and if I once a$ain eEerci!ed 0+ identit+ a! her coach and offered 0+ a!!i!tance and !upport perhap! even a *i$ enou$h $ift to repa+ their love and $enero!it+? 2If I could onl+ $et her to !ee and under!tandJ3 5ut for the fir!t ti0e ever in our relation!hip= de!pite all the evidence I pre!ented= 0+ eEMwife did not a$ree !he had !tra+ed off cour!e? Thi! co00unication pro*le0 la!ted a*out !iE 0onth! while I tried to do what I had done !o well for her in the pa!t= with Lero !ucce!! thi! ti0e? I ran Ro*ert ! Proce!! ver+ earl+ on= leavin$ 0e with no di!co0fort= no e0otional or 0ental up!et on 0+ !ide with her or the !ituation we were in? I did not *la0e her or Dud$e her for an+thin$ !he wa! !a+in$ or doin$= and I no lon$er had an+ de!ire to fiE her or i0prove her or chan$e her? 5ut !till I 6new !o0ethin$ wa!n t 2ri$ht=3 with meC and I needed help= !o0ethin$ 0ore than Ro*ert ! Proce!! to find it? So 0+ /n"inite / a!6ed Ro*ert Scheinfeld Ohow ironic and perfectGP to appear in 0+ holo$raphic eEperience via e0ail and introduce 0e to #ed Mc<enna and hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogyJ? ,(he e.terna% searching is on%y one part o" the story (he other part is the interna% partJ the s%o!, pain"u% s%oughing a!ay o" se%", %ayer by %ayer, piece by piece -" Throu$h thi! co00unication! pro*le0 with 0+ eEMwife= I wa! read+ to tac6le !o0e ver+ tou$h la+er! of 0+ e$o and the fear! that created the0?

NNN In 5oo6 One of hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= #ed introduce! u! to a proce!! he call! 2!piritual autol+!i!?3 I 0 $oin$ to let #ed !pea6 for hi0!elf a lot in thi! chapter and the neEt= *ecau!e he !a+! ever+thin$ !o clearl+= and there ! no point in 0+ tr+in$ to paraphra!eJ? ,&uto%ysis means se%"8digestion, and spiritua% means, uh 6e%%, / don<t rea%%y +no! Let<s say it means that %eve% o" se%" !hich encompasses the menta%, physica% and emotiona% aspectsJ your roya% /8ness Put the t!o !ords together and you have a process through !hich you "eed yourse%", one piece at a time, into the puri"ying digestive "ires9 /t<s an unp%easant process9 basica%%y %i+e a Men +oan on steroids &%% you rea%%y have to do is !rite the truth9 Sounds simp%e, doesn<t itD #es, that<s a%% there is to it -% The *e!t de!cription #ed $ive! of the actual proce!! of !piritual autol+!i! i! durin$ a conver!ation with a !tudent na0ed Arthur in 5oo6 One= Spiritua% 3n%ightenment4 (he Damnedest (hingJ ,Qust !rite do!n !hat you +no! is true, or !hat you thin+ is true, and +eep !riting unti% you<ve come up !ith something that is true 3 2Pi i! the ratio of a circle ! circu0ference to it! dia0eter=3 !a+! Arthur? ,Sure,- / agree ,Start !ith something as seeming%y indisputab%e as that, and then start e.amining the "oundation upon !hich that statement is bui%t and ?ust +eep "o%%o!ing it do!n unti% you<ve reached bedroc+, something so%id, something true 2Pi i!n t the ratio of a circle ! circu0ference to it! dia0eter'3 he a!6!? ,(he =uestion presupposes that there<s a circ%e 2There ! not a circle'3 ,)aybe / don<t +no! /s thereD2&ell= if I draw a circleJ3 ,/D 5hen did you con"irm the e.istence o" an /D Dra!D 6ave you a%ready raced past the part !here you con"irmed that you are a separate physica% being in a physica% universe !ith the abi%ity to perceive, to dra!D 6ave youD /" so, !e have to s!itch seats Arthur i! thou$htful and !ilent for !everal 0o0ent!? 2I $ue!! that ! what +ou 0ean *+ followin$ it down? Thi! i! ver+ confu!in$? I don t even 6now where to !tart?3 ,/t doesn<t matter !here you start, ?ust grab a thread and start pu%%ing #ou cou%d start by using 7amana )aharshi<s =uery, I5ho am /D< or I5hat is meD<, and then ?ust !or+ at it Qust try to say something true and +eep at it unti% you do 5rite and re!rite )a+e it c%eaner and cut out the e.cess and ego and "o%%o! it !herever it %eads unti% you<re done 2And how lon$ doe! that u!uall+ ta6e'3 ,/ !ou%d thin+ a coup%e o" years But !hen you<re done, you<re done 2And *+ done= +ou 0eanJ'3 ,Done 2Oh? I! thi! li6e Dournalin$' )i6e 6eepin$ a diar+'3 ,&h, good =uestion 2o (his isn<t about persona% a!areness or se%"8e.p%oration /t<s not about "ee%ings or insights /t<s not about persona% or spiritua% evo%ution (his is about !hat you +no! "or sure, about !hat you are sure you +no! is true, about !hat you are that is true 5ith this process you tear a!ay %ayer a"ter %ayer o" untruth mas=uerading as truth &nytime you go bac+ to read something you !rote, even i" it !as on%y yesterday, you shou%d be surprised by ho! "ar you<ve come since then /t<s actua%%y a pain"u% and vicious process, some!hat a+in to se%"8muti%ation /t creates !ounds that !i%% never hea% and burns bridges that can never be rebui%t and the on%y rea% reason to do it is because you can no %onger stand not to /e let! that !in6 in for a few 0o0ent!? 2&hat ! the rea!on for writin$ it down' &h+ not Du!t do it in +our head li6e with 6oan!'3 ,(hat<s another good =uestion #es, +oans and mantras are done in your head 7amana )aharshi<s I5ho am /D< =uery is done in your head (he reason "or !riting it do!n on paper or on a computer !here you can see it is because the brain, un%i+e%y as it may sound, is no p%ace "or serious thin+ing &ny time you have serious

thin+ing to do, the "irst step is to get the !ho%e shootin< match out o" your head and set it up somep%ace !here you can !a%+ around it and see it "rom a%% sides &ttac+, s!itch sides and counter8attac+ #ou can<t do that !hi%e it<s sti%% in your head 5riting it out a%%o!s you to act as your o!n teacher, your o!n critic, your o!n opponent By e.terna%i>ing your thoughts, you can become your o!n guruJ ?udging yourse%", giving "eedbac+, providing a more ob?ective and e%evated perspective -9 29oe! that 0a6e Spiritual Autol+!i! a path of intellect a! oppo!ed to a path of heart or a path of devotion or a path of !ervice'3 Bgh ,'ran+%y, you start %osing me a %itt%e bit there, &rthur - 6e gives me a perp%e.ed %oo+ ,/ don<t +no! !hat a%% these di""erent paths are, &rthur Spiritua% &uto%ysis is an inte%%ectua% endeavor, but / ba%+ at ca%%ing it a path o" inte%%ect /t<s a process o" discrimination, o" un+no!ing !hat is untrue, o" progressive%y stripping a!ay the "a%se and %eaving on%y !hat is true Discrimination is used in a machete8%i+e manner "or hac+ing one<s !ay through the dense underbrush o" de%usion, or, i" you pre"er, in a s!ord%i+e manner "or hac+ing o"" one<s o!n de%usion8ridd%ed head /nte%%ect is used as the s!ord !ith !hich ego commits a s%o! and agoni>ing suicideJ the death o" a thousand cuts 5hether that ma+es it this +ind o" path or that +ind o" path doesn<t concern us hereJ that<s something "or a student o" paths to !orry about /" the =uestion stays !ith you then it<s something you can address "or yourse%" in the process o" Spiritua% &uto%ysis -( NNN Thi! wa! eEactl+ what I needed to proce!! 0+ current eEperience with 0+ eEMwife? I needed to !ee 0+ e0otional attach0ent! to her and her hu!*and= e!peciall+ the tric6+ one! that !ee0ed !o Du!tified *+ wellMearned and wellMde!erved $ratitude? I needed to write down how the!e attach0ent! were definin$ who I *elieved 0+!elf to *e= and loo6 hone!tl+ at the hold 0+ e$o had on 0e a! a re!ult? I wanted to find out what wa! reall+ true a*out an+ of thi!= and !piritual autol+!i! wa! a powerful tool in that proce!!? &hat I di!covered= of cour!e= wa! that 0+ e$o li6ed thi! role of *ein$ the coach for 0+ eEMwife? It defined 0+ identit+= 0+ relation!hip to her= e!peciall+ !ince I wa! no lon$er her hu!*and? In fact= 0+ e$o li6ed *ein$ a coach to an+one? It $ave 0e the identit+ of a teacher= a 0entor= a $uru of !ort!? It al!o !ati!fied a *elief in helpin$ other!= in tr+in$ to 0iti$ate their pain and !ufferin$= in offerin$ !upport *+ eEpo!in$ the incon!i!tencie! and contradiction! that were 0a6in$ their live! le!! happ+ than 0ine none of which can ever *e true= of cour!e? I!n t it a0aLin$ how arro$ant our e$o! can *e= thin6in$ we 6now what ! *e!t for !o0eone el!e or how the+ !hould live' It wa! 0+ e$o that wanted 0e to feel thi! eternal $ratitude to 0+ eEMwife and her hu!*and without an+ po!!i*ilit+ of ever *ein$ a*le to pa+ the0 *ac6 to 6eep 0e attached to thi! identit+? That ! the wa+ the e$o !urvive! and $row! and $ain! power? 5ut it wa! clear the ti0e had co0e for 0e to detach fro0 the identit+ of a coach or 0entor or teacher or $uru to 0+ eEMwife and an+one and ever+one el!e and fro0 the endle!! $ratitude to her and her hu!*and? 9etachin$ doe! not auto0aticall+ 0ean di!connectin$= howeverC althou$h in thi! ca!e 0+ eEMwife finall+ a!6ed that I ta6e her and her hu!*and off 0+ 0ailin$ li!t= which I did= althou$h I hope the di!connection i! not per0anent or even len$th+? 9etachin$ 0ean!J well= I ll tal6 a*out it in detail in the neEt chapter? -or now= thin6 of the e$o li6e an onion? 9etachin$ i! peelin$ off one of the la+er! and throwin$ it awa+? Or 0a+*e +ou prefer cuttin$ it up into little piece!= throwin$ it in a hot pan with !o0e *utter= and eatin$ it with $reat appreciation for the flavor it $ive! to a ha0*ur$er or Lucchini? O-or 0ore appreciation of the e$o= plea!e !ee Chapter Thirt+MOne= 2The E$o=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P Ori$inall+= I wa! Kuite !urpri!ed when 0+ 2coachin$3 offer! were !o ada0antl+ reDected *+ *oth 0+ eEM wife and her hu!*and= $iven our hi!tor+? Now I a0 !o eEtre0el+ appreciative to *oth of the0= for it wa! onl+ throu$h their re!i!tance that I wa! a*le to find and let $o of the!e e$o la+er!? &hat a relief it i! not to feel li6e pla+in$ an+ of tho!e role! an+ 0ore= and what a $ift the+ $ave 0e once a$ain althou$h thi! ti0e I a0 not *ound to the e$o *+ the $ratitude? NNN

There were 0an+ fear! I di!covered a! well a! I ran #ed ! !piritual autol+!i! on thi! incident with 0+ eEM wife and her hu!*and? The *otto0 line wa! that I wa!n t enDo+in$ our conver!ation! an+ 0oreC I wa!n t havin$ fun *ein$ involved in her dra0a!C and I didn t loo6 forward to li!tenin$ to hi0 recite con!pirac+ theorie! of $overn0ent concentration ca0p! read+ to acco00odate 0illion! of A0erican!? The onl+ rea!on I 6ept puttin$ up with it wa! thi! endle!! $ratitude? 5ut I wa! afraid to let $o of her and her hu!*and= even 6nowin$ I could never repa+ the0 no 0atter what I did? In addition to feelin$ I shou%d feel $rateful for the re!t of 0+ life= there wa! the fear of how it would loo6 to other! if I !uddenl+ put an end to the endle!! $ratitude? I wa! afraid of what the re!t of the fa0il+ would thin6? /ow un$rateful would it !ee0 if one da+ I !aid= 2@ou 6now= I a0 and will alwa+! *e ver+ appreciative of +ou and ever+thin$ +ou did for 0eC *ut I can never pa+ +ou *ac6= and I have to !top tr+in$? That part of 0+ life i! over= and I no lon$er feel Do+ful or intere!ted or co0pelled *+ $ratitude in wal6in$ down the road +ou !ee0 to *e headin$ at the 0o0ent?3 &hat would 0+ children thin6' 9id I !tand the chance of DeopardiLin$ 0+ identit+ a! their father if the+ di!approved of 0+ *ehavior with their !tepM0other' I wa! al!o afraid of lo!in$ the 0other I had alwa+! wanted and Du!t recentl+ found= and the new *rother I had co0e to love? The!e la+er! of identit+ had 0ade up for +ear! of 0+ d+!functional childhood= and I cheri!hed the0? -inall+= and 0o!t i0portantl+= I wa! afraid thi! wa! the la!t chance I would have to $et 0+ eEMwife out of the 0ovie theater and into her cocoon= which wa! the 2$ift3 I had *een tr+in$ to $ive her? I !till loved her and cared for her= and wanted her to find her wa+ out of the dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ the drea0!tate !he wa! !o clearl+ !till eEperiencin$ a! a /u0an Adult? Of cour!e= 0+ e$o loved thi!= feelin$ !ecure in it! eEi!tence a! lon$ a! I felt re!pon!i*le for and wa! focu!in$ on her !piritual evolution in!tead of 0+ own? 9etach0ent i!n t alwa+! Du!t fro0 the thin$! we don t want or li6e= *ut al!o fro0 the thin$! we want and love? NNN I had to let $o of the attach0ent! to all of thi!= to all the fear! that had created la+er upon la+er of 0+ e$o and for0ed the fal!e *elief of who I thou$ht I wa!A coach= friend= father= *rother= !on? The!e were all Du!t 2character!3 I pla+ed none of which were who I reall+ a0 at all= all of which are who I a0 not= in fact? The fact i! that ever+ Dud$0ent I ever 0ade in 0+ life ha! attached 0e to that eEperience and for0ed another la+er of 0+ e$o= definin$ who I thou$ht I wa!? Ever+ *elief adopted a! a re!ult of the!e Dud$0ent! ha! *een fal!e= !olidif+in$ and Du!tif+in$ the e$o? Ever+ opinion *a!ed on tho!e fal!e *elief! will turn out to *e in error when viewed fro0 a new per!pective of truth? That ! wh+ our /n"inite / $ive! u! the opportunit+ to revi!it= or reMlive= tho!e eEperience! while in the cocoonC to let $o of tho!e Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!C to loo6 headMon at the fear! and *rea6 the attach0ent! that have for0ed the fal!e identit+ la+er! of the e$o? NNN Thi! i! all well and $ood= +ou 0i$ht !a+= for !o0ethin$ a! in!i$nificant a! a little e0otional up!et over 5ett+ ! par6ed car= or a !pat with +our eEMwife for the 0inor dra0a and conflict! in life? 5ut what a*out rea% di!co0fort' &hat a*out ph+!ical a*u!e' &hat a*out a rape= do0e!tic violence= divorce= child a*u!e= war= povert+= !tarvation= depre!!ion= !evere illne!!= and the reall+ difficult eEperience! of true pain and !ufferin$' The !everit+ of the di!co0fort doe! not 0atterC the proce!! i! eEactl+ the !a0e re$ardle!! of the content of the holo$ra0? None of it i! real= no 0atter the inten!it+= whether it i! a 0inor cut on +our fin$er or a nearMfatal car accident? It Du!t seems real it loo6! and feel! real and the 0ore e0otional or ph+!ical pain= the 0ore real it *eco0e!= which 0ean! the 0ore power we have a!!i$ned to it? That ! wh+ I !u$$e!t !tartin$ with Ro*ert ! Proce!! to ta6e the 2heat3 and the 2realit+3 out of the !ituation= and then wor6 +our wa+ into #ed ! !piritual autol+!i!= alwa+! re0indin$ +our!elf that the eEperience ha! *een created *+ +our /n"inite / to !how +ou where +ou a!!i$ned power= to $ive +ou the opportunit+ to chan$e how

+ou react and re!pond= and then decide whether +ou want to continue livin$ with the fear! and the la+er! of fal!e e$o identitie!? @e!= it 0i$ht ta6e a little lon$er to proce!! the 0ore eEtre0e feelin$! of di!co0fort= *ut the Proce!! it!elf doe!n t chan$e? It 0i$ht 0ean +ou 2reclai03 !o0e power the fir!t ti0e throu$h the Proce!!= *ut there ! !till a lot left to $o *ac6 and $et the neEt ti0e= or the third ti0e= or the threeMhundredth ti0e throu$h the eEperience? The 2$ood3 thin$ i! that each ti0e +ou run the Proce!! on a particular !ituation and turn off !o0e of the power a!!ociated with it= it $et! le!! inten!e and therefore a little ea!ier the neEt ti0e? Eventuall+= within a couple +ear!= +ou will do all of thi! with ea!e and eEcite0ent= appreciatin$ the eEperience! of di!co0fort if the+ co0e up a! an opportunit+ to locate and proce!! the la!t re0nant! of Dud$0ent and fear= *ut livin$ 0ore a! a 2witne!!3 to +our own life? NNN In 5oo6 Three of hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= called Spiritua% 5ar"are= #ed 0ention! 2witne!!in$3 in a conver!ation with a teena$e !tudent= Ma$$ieJ? ,B%timate%y, the on%y spiritua% practice is observationJ seeing things the !ay they rea%%y are (hat<s !hat Spiritua% &uto%ysis isJ a too% to he%p us do that, to see more c%ear%y, to use our brains the best !e can /n !itnessing, you !ant to ta+e a step bac+ "rom yourse%" so you<re not ?ust %iving your %i"e, you<re a%so observing it 2ot in re"%ection, %i+e a diary, but as it<s happeningJ in rea% time Li+e right no!, /<m sitting here ta%+ing !ith you, but /<m a%so in this !itnessing mode o" impartia% observer / am not "u%%y in character, /<m a%so an audience member /<m a!are that /<m acting on a stage and / am, some!hat disinterested%y, monitoring my per"ormance She loo6! confu!ed *ut ea$er? 2/ow do I do it'3 !he a!6!? ,5e%%, in a !ay, you<re a%ready doing it, e.cept your !itness is +ind o" un"ocused She<s bored, hungry, aggravated, mu""%ed #ou !ant to bring her into "ocus, sit her do!n and have her pay attention 2/er' /er who'3 ,(he %itt%e voice in the bac+ o" your mind #ou +no! !hat it<s %i+e !hen you<re bored, and in the bac+ o" your mind you<re thin+ing about something e%seD #ou<re not "u%%y present, your mind is some!here e%seJ !andering, daydreaming 9 Daydreaming is a very good !ord "or it because it suggests that !e<re as%eep !hi%e !e<re a!a+e, !hich is e.act%y the point 5e !ant to trans"er our primary a!areness out o" the character !e<re p%aying and into the actor that<s p%aying the character 5e !ant to accentuate that distinction to he%p us stop b%ending the character !e p%ay !ith the actor p%aying the character 5e !ant to ta+e up primary residence in the actor instead o" the character !e<re portraying Does that ma+e senseD2I don t 6now? @ou 0ean li6e *ein$ !elfMcon!ciou! all the ti0e'3 ,#es, but in an impartia% sense, not in a ?udgmenta% sense 5hen you have interna% voices ho%ding imaginary conversations or !orrying that you !ore the !rong b%ouse, those are character e%ements too (he actor can ?ust sit bac+ and !atch a%% that /n this !ay you can observe yourse%" ?ust %i+e you observe anyone e%se, e.cept !ith a better vie! 2I 0 not !ure I can do that?3 ,1" course you can, it ?ust sounds !eird -, Sound! to 0e a lot li6e the -air &itne!! in /einlein ! Stranger in a Strange Land= for tho!e of +ou who 6now the referenceC and a! far a! I a0 concerned= witne!!in$ i! an advanced proce!! that ta6e! a lot of trainin$ and di!cipline and i! pro*a*l+ not !uita*le for the earl+ !ta$e! in a cocoon? 5ut it ! how +ou *e$in to live all the ti0e toward the end of +our 0eta0orpho!i!?J ,(here<s nothing to it e.cept observation, a!areness, vigi%ance 5a+e"u%ness 'irst you %earn to do it, to have this detached a!arenessJ you do it conscious%y, a %itt%e at a time, ?ust to get the hang o" it Practice !itnessing other peop%e to get the idea 5atch them, !onder about them, deconstruct and reverse8engineer them, then ?ust !atch yourse%" the !ay you<ve been !atching others (hen you start doing it more and more

unti% it becomes second nature and you<re a%most a%!ays in the !itnessing mode and you see your o!n character "rom the same impersona% perspective as you see other peop%e -. -OOTNOTES 1? Another pun= *ecau!e 0+ eEMwife ! 2own cho!en path3 wa! & Course in )irac%es 5ac6 to readin$ "? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ %? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ (? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ ,? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ .? /bid 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

I !aid in the la!t chapter that 2detach0ent i!n t alwa+! Du!t fro0 the thin$! we don t want or li6e= *ut al!o
fro0 the thin$! we want and love?3 That 0a+ !ound li6e +ou have to for!a6e ever+thin$ in order to *eco0e a *utterfl+= which would 0a6e *eco0in$ a *utterfl+ a lot le!! attractive to 0an+ people? 5ut it ! not true? So let 0e eEplain 2detach0ent3 a little 0oreC and= a! u!ual= let ! fir!t loo6 at what 2detach0ent3 i! notJ? 29etach0ent=3 !o0eti0e! called 2nonMattach0ent3 or 2de!irele!!ne!!=3 i! a concept that can *e found in all the 0aDor reli$ion! in!ide the 0ovie theaterC and= a! i! nece!!ar+= it ha! *een altered and twi!ted !o that it doe!n t wor6 for the /u0an Adult! who tr+ it? ,Detachment as re%ease "rom desire and conse=uent%y "rom su""ering is an important princip%e, or even idea%, in the BahS$T 'aith, Buddhism, Christianity, 6induism, Qudaism, Qainism, Uabba%ah and (aoism9 /n Buddhist and 6indu re%igious te.ts the opposite concept is e.pressed as upVdVna, trans%ated as Aattachment &ttachment, that is the inabi%ity to practice or embrace detachment, is vie!ed as the main obstac%e to!ards a serene and "u%"i%%ed %i"e )any other spiritua% traditions identi"y the %ac+ o" detachment !ith the continuous !orries and rest%essness produced by desire and persona% ambitions -1 ,1ne o" the most important teachings o" Men Buddhism is non8attachment (he teaching o" non8attachment may be easy to understand, but it is not easy to practice 2everthe%ess, it is very essentia% to cu%tivate non8 attachment i" !e are to %ive a serene and happy %i"e in a !or%d o" constant change9 1ur !or%d is a !or%d o" desire 3very %iving being comes "orth "rom desire and endures as a combination o" desires 5e are born "rom the desire bet!een o" our "ather and mother (hen, !hen !e emerge into this !or%d, !e become in"atuated !ith many things, and become ourse%ves !e%%8springs o" desire (hrough desire !e give rise to attachments 'or every desire there is a corresponding attachment, name%y, to the ob?ect o" desire 'or e.amp%e, !e are most conspicuous%y attached to our bodies 5hen someone threatens the body, !e gro! an.ious and try to protect it 5e re%ish physica% com"orts and the en?oyment o" the senses (hus, !e are strong%y attached to the body But i" !e consider this attachment, !e !i%% see that it is a potentia% source o" su""ering -"

One of the 0ain rea!on! thi! concept doe!n t wor6 i! that it i! *a!ed on Dud$0ent the Dud$0ent that de!ire i! 2*ad3 and de!irele!!ne!! i! 2$ood?3 It al!o contain! re!i!tance to de!ireC and a! 0an+ other! have pointed out= to de!ire de!irele!!ne!! i! a de!ire in it!elf? The truth i! there i! nothin$ 2wron$3 with de!ire! and no rea!on to re!i!t the0 or tr+ to live without the0? &e are free to de!ire an+thin$ and ever+thin$ we want? Our de!ire! 0a6e life intere!tin$ and eEcitin$? The pro*le0 onl+ !tart! when we *eco0e attached to havin$ tho!e de!ire! fulfilled? In other word!= +ou cannot *e attached to realiLin$ or achievin$ +our de!ire!= !o that whether +ou realiLe or achieve +our de!ire! or not ha! no effect on +our happine!! or !tate of 0ind? It i! not the desire that need! to *e detached fro0C it ! the attach0ent to it! "u%"i%%ment? I can well i0a$ine the 5uddha 6new thi! and tau$ht thi!= *ut hi! follower! either didn t $et it= or couldn t do it? So the+ 0ade 2de!ire3 the focu! of detach0ent rather than the attach0ent to the outco0e of the de!ire? A! Kuoted a*oveJ ,'or every desire there is a corresponding attachment, name%y, to the ob?ect o" desire No= no= noG The attach0ent i! to the "u%"i%%ment of the de!ire= not the de!ire it!elfG All !ufferin$ co0e! fro0 *ein$ attached to the fulfill0ent of the de!ire= and *ein$ di!appointed when that de!ire i! not realiLed de!pite all the 0editation= pra+er!= vi!ualiLation and hard wor6? The !ufferin$ i! not *ecau!e of the de!ire it!elf? #ed Mc<enna !a+! it ver+ !i0pl+J ,&%% attachments to the dreamstate are made o" energy (hat energy is ca%%ed emotion &%% emotions, positive and negative, are attachments -% I have an+ nu0*er of de!ire! I 0 not attached to? -or eEa0ple= I have a !tron$ de!ire to *uild a .,Mfoot win$!ail cata0aran( where I can !pend 0+ da+! a! a *utterfl+ !ailin$ the ocean!= !cu*a divin$= and enDo+in$ the co0pan+ of the whale! and dolphin!? 5ut I a0 not attached to havin$ that de!ire fulfilledC that will depend entirel+ on what 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e to eEperience? I al!o don t have the cata0aran a! a plan or a $oal or an a$enda= nor a0 I doin$ an+thin$ to tr+ to 0a6e it happen other than what eEcite! 0e in the 0o0ent? I !i0pl+ have fun with the de!ire= drea0 a*out it= enDo+ drawin$ de!i$n! of the *oat= and a0 curiou! to !ee if the ripple! of 0+ univer!e flow in that direction? ,2o spiritua% teaching that ta%+s about non8attachment has any right to 2one o" them are ta%+ing about this ICu%tivate a sense o" detachment,< they say & sense o" detachmentD 5hat p%anet are they "romD (hey have no idea !hatsoever !hat detachment means (hey seem to be ta%+ing about detaching "rom your desire "or a B)5 or "or )r 7ight (ry detaching "rom !hat you %oveC 'rom !hat you areC 'rom everything that characteri>es your membership in the human raceC &nd that<s ?ust "or starters -, NNN Fer+ *riefl+= +ou can con!ider +our!elf 2attached3 to !o0eone or !o0ethin$ when that !o0eone or !o0ethin$ can affect the wa+ +ou feel? In other word!J J+ou are attached to another per!on if !o0ethin$ the+ do or !a+ deter0ine! +our happine!! or lac6 of it? J+ou are attached to !o0ethin$ when it ha! to *e 2ri$ht3 in order for you to feel 2ri$ht?3 J+ou are attached to a fal!e la+er of the e$o when it define! who +ou thin6 +ou are? The detach0ent we re 0o!t intere!ted in i! detachin$ fro0 the!e la+er! of the e$o that have led to a 0i!conception of who we reall+ are= and that detach0ent happen! auto0aticall+ a! we do our !piritual autol+!i! and di!cover who we are not? &e don t have to activel+ pur!ue or practice detach0entC tho!e la+er! of fal!e identit+ !i0pl+ fall awa+= !tripped off the onion and left for tra!h? A! we find out who we are not on our wa+ to findin$ out who we reall+ are= we detach fro0 tho!e identitie! in the proce!!? (hat i! detach0ent? ,#ou can "orget about non8attachment9 #ou<re putting the cart be"ore the horse 2on8attachment isn<t a +ey to %iberation, it<s a by8product -. NNN

One of the 0an+ wonderful $ift! I have *een $iven *+ other Pla+er! in 0+ life happened when I wa! fift+M five +ear! old and fell in love with a wo0an who would !oon !tart to act li6e 0+ 0other? -or the fir!t ti0e in 0+ life= !he allowed 0e to clo!el+ eEa0ine the attach0ent! I !till had to *oth 0+ parent!= even thou$h the+ were alread+ dead at the ti0e? Needle!! to !a+= the!e were le!! than plea!ant 0e0orie!? In fact= I cried al0o!t ever+ da+ for a !olid +ear a! I proce!!ed thi! part of 0+ childhood? In addition to lovin$ her= I *eca0e ver+ attached to thi! wo0an= to the point that how I felt wa! totall+ dependent on what !he did or !aid ever+ 0inute of ever+ da+? It wa! !o *ad that if !he didn t 6i!! 0e eEactl+ ri$ht when we !aid $ood*+e in the 0ornin$= I wa! deva!tated and 0+ da+ wa! ruined? It wa! the AlMAnon pro$ra01 that helped 0e *rea6 the!e attach0ent!? AlMAnon doe!n t teach that +ou have to leave an alcoholic +ou love= *ut that +ou can detach fro0 the0 and the effect! of their alcoholi!0= !till love the0= !till live with the0= and !till *e happ+ re$ardle!! of an+thin$ the+ do or !a+? Once I wa! a*le to detach fro0 0+ parent! and 0+ fiancZe= 0+ happine!! wa! no lon$er dependant on an+thin$ !he !aid or did= or how !he 6i!!ed 0e= and I $rew to love thi! wo0an unconditionall+? So when I tal6 a*out 2detachin$=3 it doe!n t 0ean +ou have to $ive up an+thin$ eEcept +our attach0ent? It doe!n t 0ean +ou can t continue to love !o0eoneC it 0ean! +ou can no lon$er *e attached to that love= or to that !o0eone either? It doe!n t 0ean +ou can t continue to want nice thin$! in +our lifeC it 0ean! +our Do+ in life can t *e attached to havin$ tho!e nice thin$!? It doe!n t 0ean +ou can no lon$er find total plea!ure in +our favorite 0eal with a $ood $la!! of wineC it 0ean! +our happine!! can t *e dependent on whether +ou $et it or not? It 0ean! lettin$ $o of the cave and +our fellow pri!oner! in order to eEperience what it ! li6e out!ide the cave? It 0ean! lettin$ $o of the 0ovie theater and +our fellow /u0an Children and /u0an Adult! in order to find out what i! true and who +ou reall+ are? ,(he process o" a!a+ening %oo+s %i+e it<s about destroying ego, but that<s not rea%%y accurate #ou never comp%ete%y rid yourse%" o" ego E the "a%se se%" E as %ong as you<re a%ive, and it<s not important that you do 5hat matters is the emotiona% tethers that anchor us to the dreamstateJ that ho%d us in p%ace and ma+e us "ee% that !e<re a part o" something rea% 5e send out energetic tendri%s "rom the o" ego %i+e roots to attach ourse%ves to the dreamstate, and to detach "rom it !e must sever them (he energy o" an emotion is our %i"e"orce, and the amount o" %i"e"orce determines the po!er o" the emotion 5ithdra! energy "rom an emotion and !hat<s %e"tD & steri%e thought & hus+ /n this sense, "reeing ourse%ves "rom attachment is indeed the process o" a!a+ening, but such attachments aren<t !hat !e have, they<re !hat !e are 34 Thin6 of it thi! wa+J in order to *eco0e a *utterfl+= a caterpillar ha! to $ive up the attach0ent to it! *od+= the feel of the earth a! it crawled alon$= the leave! it enDo+ed eatin$= the (000 0u!cle! it po!!e!!ed= the hair it u!ed a! protection= and !o on? 5ut lettin$ $o of tho!e attach0ent! i! well worth it when the end re!ult i! a *utterfl+ with it! *ri$ht color!= li$ht *od+= win$! to fl+= and the 0a$nificent ta!te of flower nectar? 5ein$ a caterpillar i! a wonderful eEperienceC *ein$ a *utterfl+ i! total freedo0? NNN In 5oo6 Two of hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= called Spiritua%%y /ncorrect 3n%ightenment= #ed Mc<enna include! the !piritual autol+!i! writin$! of one of hi! !tudent!= na0ed #ulieJ? ,)y mind is haunted, my thoughts are haunted / am hauntedJ possessed, p%agued !ith demonsC )y mother is hereC )y unborn chi%dren are here )y "uture is here, my dreams 3veryone !ho means anything to me, good or bad, p%easant or unp%easant, is here 6o! do they a%% "itD 6o! cou%d / have not seen them right a!ayD 1" course they<re here (his is !here they are )y attic is me, there is no p%ace e%se 5hether or not they have physica% counterparts out in the rea% !or%d is meaning%ess to me, ?ust as the "act that / might be a rea% person in the rea% !or%d is meaning%ess to them Perception is rea%ity / am possessed by my o!n perceptionsJ not by things and peop%e, "uture and past, but by my perceptions o" them (hese are my connections, my attachments )aybe a%% / rea%%y am is the sum o" a%% these connections, these "ear"u% %ongings and graspings

5hat is an attachment any!ayD /t<s a be%ie", that<s a%% & strong one maybe, but ?ust a be%ie" &nd yes, Qed, / +no!4 2o be%ie" is true (he pen is mightier than the s!ord, isn<t it QedD #ou !rote about a s!ord, but that !as ?ust a metaphor /t<s the pen Spiritua% &uto%ysis is the po!er o" the pen, !hich is the po!er o" the mind, the po!er to see, to see c%ear%y #es, / !i%% +i%% these peop%e inhabiting my mind / !i%% +i%% them by c%ear%y seeing the attachments that +eep them here / can see those attachments no! / can see the emotions at !or+ and / am starting to see them "or !hat they are / am starting to understand o" !hat stu"" this prison o" se%" is rea%%y made -7 NNN I hope it i! clear now what +ou are $oin$ to do a! +ou $o throu$h dail+ life in +our cocoon= fir!t proce!!in$ an+ ph+!ical or e0otional di!co0fort that ari!e! in +our interaction! with other people and the world 2out there=3 and then !earchin$ to find and let $o of the fal!e 6nowled$e and e0otional attach0ent! that have for0ed la+er upon la+er of +our e$o= definin$ who +ou thou$ht +ou were= until +ou di!cover who +ou reall+ are? 2(he e.terna% searching is on%y one part o" the story (he other part is the interna% partJ the s%o!, pain"u% s%oughing a!ay o" se%", %ayer by %ayer, piece by piece Spiritua% se%"8debridement Some %ayers o" se%"hood ?ust "a%% a!ay, some tear o"" in %ong strips or "%abby hun+s, and some have to be meticu%ous%y, pain8sta+ing%yJ surgica%%y removed 3verything / had become in decades o" %i"e / no! had to unbecome &%% / rea%%y !as !as be%ie", so everything / be%ieved / no! had to unbe%ieve )y ne! !or%d !as co%d and bright and honest, but my o%d mind !as sti%% "u%% o" a %i"etime<s accumu%ation o" be%ie" and opinion and "a%se +no!%edge and emotiona% attachment E a%% the no.ious debris and to.ic !aste that ma+e up the ego E and it a%% had to go (hat<s a process and it ta+es time (he !or%d might be annihi%ated in a "%ash, but se%" ta+es a %itt%e %onger to burn a!ay (here<s no bomb "or that (here<s no pretty Latin phrase or Sans+rit mantra that annihi%ates se%" =uic+%y or pain%ess%y (here<s no rea%i>ation or insight or epiphany that !ipes a!ay the "a%se se%" in a "%ash (hose !ho c%aim to have a!a+ened in a "%ash are the most de%uded o" a%%9 ,/t shou%d no! be easy to understand that a true and comp%ete spiritua% teaching can be conveyed in three !ords :5ho &m /D;, !hi%e those that re=uire entire %ibraries o" boo+s and %egions o" graybearded scho%ars to decrypt them can succeed on%y in producing ever more dar+ness and con"usion /t shou%d no! be c%ear that there are no cases o" instant en%ightenment, that a!a+ening is not the resu%t o" a sing%e epiphany, but o" a %ong, arduous ?ourney !herein every step itse%" is a %ong, arduous ?ourney /t shou%d no! be obvious that a%% dogma, be%ie"s, doctrines and phi%osophies are strict%y dreamstate phenomena !ith no independent e.istence in truth /t shou%d no! be easy to %oo+ at any teacher or teaching, at any boo+, at any spiritua% or re%igious assertion, and to instant%y +no! its e.act and certain va%ue /t shou%d no! be easy to %oo+ at every interna% thought, be%ie" and emotion and +no! !ithout the possibi%ity o" error !hat is rea% and !hat is imagined /t shou%d no! be c%ear that there is no room "or debate or opinion !ith regard to !hat is true and !hat is "a%se (he distinction is abso%ute4 (ruth e.ists Bntruth does not -10 NNN Ro*ert ! Proce!! and Spiritual Autol+!i!? I 0 per!onall+ not aware of an+ other proce!!e! fro0 other !cout! that I 6now for a fact will wor6 in +our tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+? 5ut= of cour!e= +ou are alwa+! free to co0e up with +our own proce!! if +ou thin6 +ou ve found !o0ethin$ 2*etter?3 I would caution +ou to re0e0*er that an+ proce!! developed in!ide the 0ovie theater will not wor6 in the cocoon= !i0pl+ *ecau!e it ! *a!ed on incorrect pre0i!e! Oi?e?= the 0ovie! are realP? Now the oppo!ite of ever+thin$ i! true= !o +ou would *e wi!e not to tr+ to *rin$ an+ proce!! into the cocoon with +ou? -urther0ore= an+ proce!! +ou co0e up with in!ide the cocoon i! $oin$ to have to include certain !pecific ele0ent!= li6eJ Jac6nowled$in$ there i! no o*Dective= independent realit+ 2out there3 and the eEperience +ou re proce!!in$ i!n t real Jlocatin$ and lettin$ $o of all Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!

Jwithdrawin$= di!connectin$= or !witchin$ off an+ power a!!i$ned to a per!on= place= or thin$ within the holo$ra0 JeEpre!!in$ appreciation to the people= place!= and thin$! in +our holo$ra0 for their role in +our proce!!= and to +our /n"inite / for it! creation! Jidentif+in$ and detachin$ fro0 the la+er! of the e$o that were created while in the 0ovie theater= alwa+! with the purpo!e of findin$ the true an!wer to 2&ho A0 I'3 In addition= an+ proce!! 0u!t *e done unilaterall+ and aloneC that i!= it cannot depend on an+one or an+thin$ el!e out!ide of +ou !a+in$ or doin$ an+thin$ at all? @ou initiate and run the proce!! re$ardle!! of what an+one el!e doe! in +our eEperience? No one el!e ha! to chan$e an+thin$C +ou Du!t chan$e +our own reaction or re!pon!e? It ! al!o worth repeatin$ and e0pha!iLin$ that while +ou can do Ro*ert ! Proce!! in +our head= !piritual autol+!i! will onl+ wor6 well if +ou actuall+ write it down? The pro*le0 with doin$ !tuff in +our head when it co0e! to dealin$ with +our fear! and the la+er! of +our e$o i! that the e$o= threatened with it! annihilation= will *e$in fi$htin$ *ac6= findin$ wa+! to Du!tif+ +our fear!= foolin$ +ou into thin6in$ the la+er of e$o +ou found i! true and nece!!ar+ to han$ on to? So if +ou re $oin$ to tr+ to co0e up with +our own proce!!= +ou will have to find a wa+ to $et it out of +our head= e!ta*li!hin$ !o0e ph+!ical di!tance *etween +ou and what +ou are loo6in$ at? &ho 6now!' @ou 0i$ht= indeed= co0e up with a new proce!! that can *enefit other! a! well a! +ou !cout a new path acro!! the Roc6ie!? Then +ou can write a *oo6 a*out itG Meanwhile= the proce!!e! fro0 Ro*ert Scheinfeld and #ed Mc<enna now have proven trac6 record!= !o we 6now the+ wor6C and that ! !a+in$ !o0ethin$? In Du!t two +ear!= I have !een the 6ind of re!ult! u!in$ thi! co0*ination of Ro*ert ! Proce!! and #ed ! !piritual autol+!i! that 0an+ people !pend lifeti0e! in 0editation and vi!ualiLation and !till never achieve? A! the+ !a+ in !o0e 1"MStep pro$ra0!, it !or+s i" you !or+ it, and it<s !orth it NNN If +ou appl+ +our!elf dili$entl+ and faithfull+ to whatever wor6a*le proce!! +ou choo!e= I can tell +ou where +ou will end up? @ou will drop all Dud$0ent! of ever+one and ever+thin$? @ou will !ee nothin$ an+ 0ore a! 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 2*etter3 or 2wor!e=3 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$=3 2$ood3 or 2evil?3 @ou will let $o of all the *elief! +ou ever held= includin$ the *elief of who +ou thou$ht +ou were? @our opinion! will cea!e to eEi!t and not *e replaced? @ou will eli0inate fear fro0 +our life= includin$ the fear of death and nonMeEi!tence= 6nowin$ ever+thin$ i! perfect eEactl+ the wa+ it i! and there i! never an+thin$ to *e afraid of? In !hort= +ou will *eco0eJ Jnothin$ a full+ realiLed no8se%"=11 a! other! have called it nothin$ *ut Do+ and appreciation and !erenit+ of *ein$? 2(ru%y / have attained nothing "rom tota% en%ightenment=3 !aid the 5uddha? A *utterfl+ i! nothin$C and li6e the *utterfl+= +ou will finall+ *e free free of Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion! and fal!e 6nowled$e and e$o attach0ent!C free of dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$C 2 "ree to "%y, "%y a!ay, high a!ay, bye bye?3

-OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia 9etach0ent 5ac6 to readin$ "? Thich ThienMAn? Men Phi%osophy, Men Practice= pp? 10(M11" 5ac6 to readin$ %? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ (? Cacha%ote org 5ac6 to readin$ ,? #ulie ! !piritual autol+!i! in (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ .? Mc<enna= #ed? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1? &i6ipedia AlMAnon 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 7? #ulie ! !piritual autol+!i! in /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 10? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 11? 8ile!= #a0e!? (he 2o8se%" theory4 6ume, Buddhism, and Persona% /dentity M ,(he no8se%" theory %ets the se%" %ie !here it has "a%%en (his is because the no8se%" theory is not a theory about the se%" at a%% /t is rather a re?ection o" a%% such theories as inherent%y untenab%e - 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

After hour! upon hour! of !piritual autol+!i!= I finall+ wrote !o0ethin$ that i! trueA
Qudgment is the source o" a%% pain and su""ering Thi! 0i$ht onl+ *e true for 0e= *ut I dou*t it? If +ou re li6e I= and 0an+ other people= +ou ve had a per!onal eEperience confir0in$ thi! truth +ou 0i$ht not have reco$niLedJ? /ave +ou ever thou$ht +ou cut +our!elf with a !harp 6nife= 0a+*e while !licin$ ve$eta*le!= *ut +ou weren t !ureC !o +ou !topped !licin$ and too6 a loo6= and then +ou !aw the *lood? &hen did the pain !tart' Not until +ou !aw the *lood and Dud$ed the inDur+ to *e painful? The cut it!elf cau!ed no pain until +ou loo6ed at it? There are 0an+ other eEa0ple! of people not eEperiencin$ ver+ painful inDurie! *ecau!e the+ were focu!ed on !o0ethin$ el!e= li6e !avin$ a child fro0 a car accidentC and onl+ when the+ !topped to ta6e a loo6 at the0!elve! or when a doctor or nur!e had the0 focu! on their own inDurie! did the+ feel an+ pain? Thi!= of cour!e= i! one of the theorie! *ehind firewal6in$ and other popular 0otivational cere0onie!? Nor0all+= however= we Dud$e an eEperience to *e painful either ph+!icall+ or 0entall+ or e0otionall+ a! !oon a! it happen!= or 0a+*e even *efore it happen!? &e al!o $o throu$h life preMDud$in$ that an+ nu0*er of different eEperience! would *e painful if we !hould ever encounter the0? 5ut it i! the Dud$0ent that create! the pain and !ufferin$ and not the eEperience it!elf? All holo$raphic eEperience! created *+ all /n"inite /<s for all Pla+er! are co0pletel+ neutral? It i! onl+ the Pla+er ! Dud$0ental reaction! and re!pon!e! to tho!e eEperience! that cau!e the dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$? There= in a nut!hell= i! the an!wer to the a$eMold Kue!tion of wh+ 28od3 would create pain and !ufferin$ in the world? 2/e3 doe!n t? 2&e3 do= *+ our reaction! and re!pon!e! to totall+ neutral holo$raphic eEperience!? NNN In!ide the 0ovie theater= the live! of the /u0an Children are *a!ed entirel+ on Dud$0ent? The+ thrive on the conceptC the+ literall+ cannot i0a$ine livin$ without it= and !o0e o*Dect !trenuou!l+ and even $et an$r+ at the ver+ !u$$e!tion? /ow could one po!!i*l+ !urvive without Dud$in$ ever+thin$ to *e 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 2ri$ht3

or 2wron$=3 2*etter3 or 2wor!e3' Of cour!e= the+ can hardl+ i0a$ine livin$ without the dra0a and conflict= eitherC nor do the+ !ee0 to want to? All the world ! 0aDor reli$ion! and !piritual philo!ophie! have Dud$0ent at their core a! well? 28od3 i! the !upre0e Dud$e= for eEa0ple= and 2/e3 will Dud$e +ou and +our thou$ht! and action! to deter0ine whether +ou will have an eternal life of *li!! or da0nation? All !ocial 0ore! O2an+ $iven !ociet+Q! particular nor0!= virtue! or value!=31 or 2confor0it+ to the rule! of ri$ht conduct3"P are *a!ed on Dud$0ent of what i! 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$3 *ehaviorC and we have !et up 2Dud$e!3 to 0a6e tho!e deter0ination! in court? 5ut a! /u0an Children 0a6e their wa+ to the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= after a while !o0e of the0 !tart to Kue!tion Dud$0ent a! a concept? Perhap! it ! not !o 2$ood=3 !o 2ri$ht=3 !o 2!piritual3 to *e !o Dud$0ental of other people? /owever= not even the /u0an Adult! tal6 in an+ !eriou! wa+ a*out $ivin$ up Dud$0ent entirel+? All of thi! i! totall+ under!tanda*le and perfect= !ince Dud$0ent i! the $lue that 6eep! the illu!ion $oin$ in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? )ettin$ $o of Dud$0ent entirel+ i! perhap! the 0o!t radical !tep an+ hu0an *ein$ can ta6e= which i! wh+ thi! *oo6 i! !u*titled= 2A New : Radical Approach to Spiritual Evolution?3 It i! al!o a 0o!t Do+ful wa+ to live= for without Dud$0ent all eEperience! 2out there3 are !een a! perfect and nothin$ need! to *e chan$ed= fiEed= or i0proved? Now that +ou re in the cocoon= I 0 !u$$e!tin$ it ! ti0e to let $o of Dud$0ent alto$ether if +ou want to pla+ the !econd half of the 8a0e and co0plete +our 0eta0orpho!i! into a *utterfl+? So let ! ta6e a clo!er loo6 at 2Dud$0ent3 it!elf? )i6e 23ons34o5sness=3 apparentl+ it ! not ea!+ to define 2Dud$0ent3 !i0pl+ and preci!el+? /ere ! what the A0erican /erita$e 9ictionar+ !a+! Ota6in$ out the le$al and reli$iou! definition!PA 1 (he "ormation o" an opinion a"ter consideration or de%iberation 2 (he menta% abi%ity to perceive and distinguish re%ationshipsJ discernment R (he capacity to "orm an opinion by distinguishing and eva%uating L (he capacity to assess situations or circumstances and dra! sound conc%usionsJ good sense G &n opinion or estimate "ormed a"ter consideration or de%iberation, especia%%y a "orma% or authoritative decision H &n assertion o" something be%ieved?% Jand here ! what the Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ !a+!A 1 & "orma% utterance o" an authoritative opinion 2 (he process o" "orming an opinion or eva%uation by discerning and comparing R & proposition stating something be%ieved or asserted?( At fir!t $lance= +ou 0i$ht !a+ the!e definition! have nothin$ to do with 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$=3 2*etter3 or 2wor!e=3 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 !ince tho!e particular word! are hardl+ 0entioned? 5ut ta6e a clo!er loo6J? 29rawin$ !ound conclu!ion!3 reKuire! a Dud$0ent that there are 2un!ound conclu!ion!?3 /avin$ 2$ood !en!e3 reKuire! a Dud$0ent of there *ein$ 2*ad !en!e?3 29i!tin$ui!hin$ relation!hip!=3 2evaluatin$=3 2co0parin$3 all i0pl+ and reKuire a 2co0pari!on3 u!uall+ *etween 2ri$ht and wron$=3 2$ood and *ad=3 R*etter or wor!e=R or 2$ood and evil?3 )et ! al!o tal6 a*out what Dud$0ent i! not? Sa+in$ !o0eone i! fat= for eEa0ple= i! not a Dud$0ent if it i! a true !tate0ent of fact? It *eco0e! a Dud$0ent if there i! the !li$hte!t *elief the per!on i! 2wron$3 for *ein$ fat= or need! to fiE= chan$e= or i0prove !o0ethin$ a*out their 2fatne!!?3 >nfortunatel+= it ! ver+ ea!+ for the e$o to tr+ to hide and Du!tif+ a Dud$0ent *+ clai0in$ it i! reall+ Du!t a factual o*!ervationC !o in the earl+ !ta$e! of the cocoon it i! often wi!e to treat all thou$ht! and !tate0ent! li6e thi! a! Dud$0ental? The truth i! that we are all tau$ht fro0 a ver+ +oun$ a$e to *e Dud$0entalC that i!= to for0 a *elief and opinion a*out !o0eone or !o0ethin$ *+ decidin$ fir!t which i! 2*etter or wor!e?3 In fact= we re tau$ht it ! 2$ood3 to have 2$ood Dud$0ent=3 and to 6now the difference *etween the!e dichoto0ie!? Thi! i! called 2dualit+ the !tate or Kualit+ of *ein$ two or in two part!?3,

&e all live in a !tate of dualit+ a! lon$ a! we are in!ide the 0ovie theater? NNN If 2dualit+3 i! 2the !tate or Kualit+ of *ein$ two or in two part!3 the dichoto0ie! of 2ri$ht and wron$=3 2$ood and *ad=3 2*etter and wor!e=3 2$ood and evil3 then livin$ without Dud$0ent= without dichoto0ie!= !hould *e called 2nonMdualit+?3 /owever= that word ha! *een ta6en to 0ean !o0ethin$ el!e *+ a lot of different $roup! in!ide the 0ovie theater? In fact= nonMdualit+ !ee0! to have *eco0e the late!t New A$e fad= althou$h it ! *een around for a lon$ ti0e= *e$innin$ with the >pani!had! O2advaita3P throu$h ancient 8reece to 5uddhi!0 and @o$a and Hen? Apparentl+ it ha! 0ore to do with 2Onene!!=3 or 0oni!0 O2realit+ i! a unified whole and all eEi!tin$ thin$! can *e a!cri*ed to or de!cri*ed *+ a !in$le concept or !+!te0.PJ? ,/ no %onger see myse%" as a separate individua% %iving in a !or%d o" separate ob?ects but "ee% more %i+e a !ave be%onging to the one ocean o" energy (here is a non8dua%istic vie! o" the !or%d that has rep%aced the previous%y he%d, vast%y sma%%er se%"8identity Dropping the concept o" being a separate se%" caused an energetic e.pansion "rom the %imited boundaries o" the body out!ards into everything & chi%d8%i+e ?oy and !onder has rep%aced the adu%t critic Someho! it is recogni>ed that %i"e<s essence is a sing%e unity -1 I had trou*le $ettin$ 0+ head around that one !ince I don t !pea6 New A$e? O&e ll tal6 0ore a*out thi! in Chapter Twent+M-ive= 2Are &e All One'3= in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P 5ut then I ran acro!!J? ,2ondua%ity is a hard concept to grasp at "irst because the mind is trained to ma+e distinctions in the !or%d, and nondua%ism is the re?ection o" distinction -4 The reDection of di!tinctionJ /oora+G I thou$ht? )oo6! li6e !o0eone $et! it??? and then he addedJ? ,2ot to say that a%% di""erences are e%iminated, mere%y trans"ormed into re%ationships -7 Oop!= !orr+= I don t $et it? &hat doe! that 0ean' &here are the line! tal6in$ a*out our dail+ Dud$0ent!= which the0!elve! are relation!hip! *etween 2$ood3 and 2*ad=3 etc? Then I di!covered there are thou!and! upon thou!and! of pa$e! of *oo6! and other !tuff written a*out nonM dualit+? Apparentl+ it i! Kuite a difficult !u*Dect to $ra!p and eEplain? 5ut I don t !ee the pro*le0 or the need for all the!e *oo6!? &hat i! there to eEplain' 8ive up Dud$0ent= let $o of the dichoto0ie!= !top livin$ in dualit+? End of !tor+? &ell= if we can t call the !tate of livin$ in nonMDud$0ent 2nonMdualit+=3 what can we call it' >nfortunatel+= I couldn t co0e up with an+ reall+ cool ter0= !o I !ettled on 2neutralit+3 for now? NNN It !ee0! the feelin$ we $et the lon$er we re0ain a /u0an Adult that deepMdown wonderin$ whether *ein$ !o Dud$0ental i! !uch a 2$ood3 thin$ after all ha! !o0e *a!i! in truth? Than6! to Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and the /u0an 8a0e 0odel= we now 6now there reall+ i! nothin$ to Dud$e? The holo$raphic 0ovie! we call our live! are not real= !o what $ood doe! it do to Dud$e the0' The eEperience! we have= created for u! *+ our own /n"inite / down to the !0alle!t detail= are perfect eEactl+ a! the+ are and totall+ neutral= !o what ! to Dud$e' And who are we to thin6 we have the a*ilit+ or the authorit+ to decide what i! 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$3 an+wa+= and on what *a!i!' No= !piritualit+ i! not reKuired an+ 0ore in order to $ive up Dud$0entC +ou don t have to 2*elieve3 it ! 2*etter3 to *e nonMDud$0ental? Althou$h it 0i$ht !ound ver+ radical= once +ou trul+ under!tand how our holo$raphic univer!e wor6!= lettin$ $o of all Dud$0ent i! !i0pl+ the neEt lo$ical !tep?

Man+ people= when the+ $et to thi! point= can t $o an+ further? 2It ! a*!olutel+ nece!!ar+=3 the+ !a+= 2to 6now the difference *etween ri$ht and wron$? &ithout Dud$0ent= !o0eone could do an+thin$ the+ wanted and the world would *e in chao!?3 M+ fir!t re!pon!e i! to a!6= 2/ow do +ou thin6 we ve done !o far !ith Dud$0ent'3 I!n t it Dud$0ent that ha! led to war!= violence= per!ecution= di!cri0ination= inKui!ition!= witch hunt!= Dealou!+= divorce= 0urder= torture= oppre!!ion= and a whole li!t of other traditional hu0an activitie!' It ! true we ve *een told and tau$ht and *elieved for the entire fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e that Dud$0ent i! a*!olutel+ nece!!ar+C and ri$htfull+ !o= *ecau!e it wa! e!!ential for the fir!t half to wor6? 5ut Du!t li6e we finall+ di!covered the Earth i! not flat= nor i! it the center of our !olar !+!te0= it ! ti0e to reco$niLe our own Dud$0ent i! the *a!ic cau!e of our re!i!tance to our eEperience! and therefore all of our pain and !ufferin$? The oppo!ite of ever+thin$ i! trueA It ! the Dud$0ent that cau!e! the chao!= not the lac6 of itG 5e!ide!= 2!o0eone could do an+thin$ the+ wanted and the world would *e in chao!3 i! a !tate0ent that a!!i$n! power 2out there3 and i$nore! the fact that the 2!o0eone3 and the 2world3 referred to are part of +our individual and uniKue holo$raphic eEperience= and nothin$ 0ore? The+ have no independent= o*Dective realit+? I ran acro!! thi! e!!a+ on the Internet written in !trictl+ Chri!tian ter0! *+ !o0eone who ! clearl+ not an 2eEpert3 in an+thin$ Oli6e 0eP= and 0a+*e hi! phra!in$ can help other! under!tand thi! *etterJ? 2God is a%%8%oving, so there cannot be a "avored mode o" conduct @or thoughtP in the eyes o" God /" there is no "avored mode o" thought and conduct, then a%% thought and action must be a%%o!ed by God (here"ore there is no universa% standard o" thought or conduct, on%y persona% ones /" a%% thought and action are a%%o!ed, there can be no ArightA !ay or A!rongA !ay (here cannot be any ?udgment o" thought or action, other!ise there are conditions p%aced on thought and action /" there are no conditions p%aced on thought and action by the Creator, then there is no right or !rongC 7ight and !rong must then be a human concept, not a universa% one Qesus said4 $7esist not 3vi%$ @)atthe! G4RFP Qesus understood universa% %a! (here is no evi%, on%y contrast and diversity o" thought and conduct 3vi%, ?ust %i+e right and !rong, is a ?udgment, usua%%y based in "ear, p%aced upon the thoughts and actions o" others (he more something is resisted, the more energy is supp%ied to it, and the %arger and more po!er"u% it becomes 310 NNN Spea6in$ of Chri!tianit+= one of the *i$$e!t 2hint!3 and 2clue!3 that lettin$ $o of Dud$0ent i! the neEt radical !tep for hu0an *ein$! i! in plain !i$ht in the fir!t 5oo6 of the /ol+ 5i*leJ ,&nd out o" the ground made the Lord God to gro! every tree that is p%easant to the sight, and good "or "oodJ the tree o" %i"e a%so in the midst o" the garden, and the tree o" +no!%edge o" good and evi% -11 Plea!e note that in the 0iddle of the 8arden of Eden there wa! not Du!t one tree= *ut t!o tree!A the Tree of )ife= and the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and Evil? Then 8od created 0an and wo0anJ ,&nd they !ere both na+ed, the man and his !i"e, and !ere not ashamed -1" Plea!e note that there wa! no Dud$0ent fro0 the 0an or wo0an a*out their na6edne!! at thi! point? >nfortunatel+= thi! lac6 of !ha0e didn t la!t lon$? A !na6e convinced the wo0an= who then convinced the 0an= to eat !o0e fruit fro0 the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and EvilJ ,&nd the eyes o" them both !ere opened, and they +ne! that they !ere na+edJ and they se!ed "ig %eaves together, and made themse%ves aprons -1% Eatin$ fro0 the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and Evil 0ar6ed the *e$innin$ of Dud$0ent for the hu0an race? Not onl+ did the 0an and wo0an Dud$e that *ein$ na6ed wa! now !o0ethin$ to *e a!ha0ed of and to hide= *ut the+ al!o Dud$ed that the+ had done !o0ethin$ wron$? -ro0 thi! point forward= life on Earth would *e

full of the dichoto0ie! of 2$ood and evil=3 2ri$ht and wron$=3 2*etter and wor!e=3 and it re0ain! that wa+ toda+? So 0uch for the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and Evil= which i! Du!t another na0e for the Tree of #ud$0ent? &hat a*out the Tree of )ife' &hat wa! it! effect on 0an when he ate fro0 it' >nfortunatel+= accordin$ to the 5i*le= 8od drove 0an out of the 8arden of Eden *efore he could eat fro0 the Tree of )ife= leavin$ the hu0an race to live it! entire eEi!tence thu! far in Dud$0ent? ,(here"ore the L17D God sent him "orth "rom the garden o" 3den, to ti%% the ground "rom !hence he !as ta+en -1( That ! how the 5i*le *e$in!? 5ut how doe! it end' -ro0 the la!t 5oo6 of the 5i*le= 2Revelation3J ,(o him that overcometh !i%% / give to eat o" the (ree o" Li"e, !hich is in the midst o" the paradise o" God -1, So 0an6ind i! finall+ $oin$ to $et to eat fro0 the Tree of )ife= if he 2overco0eth?3 5ut 2overco0eth3 what' In it! conteEt= the 0eanin$ i! clearA 2overco0eth3 Dud$0ent= 2overco0eth3 what !tarted with eatin$ fro0 the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and Evil? Contrar+ to popular opinion= the 5oo6 of Revelation i! not a*out the end of the world= or even the final *attle *etween 8ood and Evil that 8ood win! O*ecau!e it doe!n tPC and althou$h it i! u!uall+ tal6ed a*out a! 2Ar0a$eddon=3 that word onl+ appear! once in the entire *oo6 Oat Revelation 1.A1.P and pro*a*l+ refer! to an actual location !o0e !iEt+ 0ile! north of #eru!ale0?1. In!tead= the 5oo6 of Revelation i! a*out the realiLation Othe RrevelationRP that 2$ood3 and 2evil3 are Dud$0ent! and the *attle i! to let $o of *oth of the0? In fact= the 5i*le can *e !een not onl+ a! the !tor+ of 0an6ind ! evolution= *ut a! the !tor+line of a !in$le individual O*ut that 0etaphor would fill another *oo6 in it!elfP? Or= if +ou prefer the poet Ru0iA 21ut beyond ideas o" !rongdoing and rightdoing, there is a "ie%d11?3 @ou ll recall that The -ield i! defined a! 2a field of all po!!i*ilit+ 143 not Du!t po!!i*ilitie! that are 2ri$ht3 in !o0eone ! Dud$0ent= *ut a%% po!!i*ilitie!? It i! fro0 thi! -ield that an /n"inite / create! an eEperience for it! Pla+er= and con!iderin$ it! !ource OThe -ieldP= that eEperience cannot *e 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$3 either? NNN @ou 0i$ht *e thin6in$ I a0 fallin$ into 0+ own trap and Dud$in$ 2Dud$0ent3 to *e 2wron$?3 Not !o? #ud$0ent wa! the perfect tool to pla+ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= for it created the 0aEi0u0 a0ount of li0itation? It !i0pl+ doe!n t wor6 in the !econd half? It i! part of the caterpillar who!e 2 %arva% structures are bro+en do!n 25utJ *utJ *ut=3 +ou !a+= 2how can I loo6 around at the horri*le thin$! $oin$ on in the world cri0e= povert+= di!ea!e= !tarvation= de!truction of the Earth= war= violence= child a*u!e= do0e!tic a*u!e= and !o on and !a+ tho!e thin$! are o6a+= that the+ re Ineutral= that I 0 not !uppo!ed to Dud$e the0' I don t want tho!e thin$! in 0+ life= or an+one el!e ! for that 0atter? &here ! +our heart' &here ! +our co0pa!!ion for the pain and !ufferin$ of other!'3 8ood Kue!tion! too $ood to pa!! over li$htl+ in thi! chapter? So if +ou are reall+ havin$ trou*le $ettin$ pa!t thi! point= I reco00end +ou read Chapter Thirt+MTwo= 2Co0pa!!ion=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6= and then co0e *ac6 here to continue?

A! far a! 2not wantin$ tho!e thin$! in +our own life=3 that ! called 2re!i!tance=3 which we will di!cu!! ver+ !oon? NNN It had *een a lon$ ti0e !ince I had felt an+ di!co0fort at all? I wa! !i0pl+ appreciatin$ life with $reat Do+= livin$ on the Mediterranean coa!t of Spain and writin$ thi! *oo6? Then= a! I wa! wor6in$ on thi! particular chapter= I 0entioned to a $ood friend a new! ite0 that Spain wa! tr+in$ to outlaw the Mu!li0 *urKa a! -rance had recentl+ done? I wa! a0aLed when he re!ponded with full and uneKuivocal !upport for thi!= and then launched into a li!t of Dud$0ental opinion! a*out the *urKa= Mu!li0 0en= I!la0= and reli$ion in $eneral? I had li!tened patientl+ to other !i0ilarl+ Dud$0ental opinion! and *elief! on different topic! over the la!t 0onth= a! I 6new he wa! deep into hi! own proce!! and the!e thin$! would naturall+ co0e upC *ut thi! wa! 0ore than I eEpected? I had three i00ediate reaction!A incredulit+= di!appoint0ent= and !adne!!? &hen I fir!t 0et thi! friend= he wa! an an$r+= arro$ant= hi$hl+ opinionated and depre!!ed 0an= with a ver+ *i$ and !tu**orn e$o= *ut a hu$e and $enerou! heart and a willin$ne!! to learn and $row? I !a+ all that a! an o*!ervation and none of it a! a Dud$0ent= !ince I didn t thin6 he wa! 2wron$3 for *ein$ that wa+ and had no need or de!ire for hi0 to chan$eC *e!ide!= I wa! eEactl+ that wa+ 0+!elf while a /u0an Adult in!ide the 0ovie theater? 5ut I witne!!ed 0an+ chan$e! in hi0 over the pa!t +ear of our friend!hip= 0ainl+ a! a re!ult of hi! !tud+in$ the wor6 of Ro*ert Scheinfeld= readin$ all three of #ed Mc<enna ! *oo6!= and nu0erou! conver!ation! we had on the !u*Dect of the holo$raphic univer!e and *eco0in$ a *utterfl+? I reall+ could not *elieve what I wa! hearin$ thi! ti0e= !ince he !ee0ed totall+ co0forta*le with the!e opinion! and !howed no !i$n of reco$niLin$ their full+ Dud$0ental *a!i! or the need to proce!! the0 if he trul+ wanted to live in neutralit+? -or a*out fifteen !econd! I did Dud$e hi0 for thi! incident and wanted hi0 to chan$e= *ut Kuic6l+ re0e0*ered he= too= wa! onl+ readin$ a !cript 0+ own /n"inite / had written "or me, and that hi! thin6in$ and *ehavior were indeed perfect which 0eant / had to run the Proce!! on 0+ own di!co0fort and do 0+ !piritual autol+!i! on it? I !aw clearl+ that 0+ di!appoint0ent ca0e fro0 the thou$ht and fear that I reall+ wa! alone? M+ friend= in hi! intere!t in !elfMrealiLation= had $iven 0e hope that it wa! po!!i*le for friend! to $o throu$h thi! proce!! to$ether= to !upport each other= to even for0 a co00unit+ of cocoon!= and then later *utterflie!? &e had !pent hour! tal6in$ a*out *uildin$ a cata0aran to$ether and invitin$ other! to !ail with u! for wee6Mlon$ wor6!hop! to $et a ta!te of what it wa! li6e to live in nonMDud$0ental neutralit+? Even thou$h I 6new 0a6in$ plan! li6e the!e wa! pointle!! that 0+ /n"inite / wa! in char$e of creatin$ all 0+ eEperience! and not 0e I totall+ enDo+ed the da+drea0in$ and loved the ca0araderie? 5ut how= I thou$ht= could I continue tal6in$ li6e that tal6in$ a*out providin$ an environ0ent of nonMDud$0ent for other! with a 0an who wa! !till Du!tif+in$ hi! own Dud$0ent!? M+ !adne!! wa! *a!ed on the Kue!tion and fear that thi! whole !u*Dect wa! too 0uch for an+one to reall+ 2$et3 if he didn t $et at lea!t that 0uch after a +ear of wor6in$ with 0e on a dail+ *a!i!C and that I 0a+ *e totall+ wa!tin$ 0+ ti0e writin$ thi! *oo6? I i0a$ined #ed Mc<enna loo6in$ at hi0 and !a+in$ that Ma+a wa! winnin$ the war for hi! e$o that 0o!t people don t 0a6e it throu$h the cocoon !ta$e and !adl+ wondered what would happen to hi0 if that were true? 2I can t $o *ac6= can I'3 a!6ed Neo? 2No=3 Morpheu! an!wered? NNN So I ran Ro*ert ! Proce!! on all thi! e0otional di!co0fort= and then I u!ed !piritual autol+!i! to eEpo!e the underl+in$ fear!? Thi! i! where I found la+er! of 0+ own e$o= one of the0 !till thin6in$ thi! *oo6 0i$ht have an i0pact on !o0eone el!e= rather than Du!t *ein$ 0+ !coutin$ reportC another la+er of e$o= de!pite what I told other people and all evidence to the contrar+= !till feelin$ arro$ant enou$h to thin6 it Du!t 0i$ht *e po!!i*le to help each other a! friend! throu$h thi! proce!!? I had to let $o of 0+ attach0ent to the *oat and the future it repre!ent!C I had to let $o of 0+ attach0ent to thi! *oo6 and an+ re!ult it 0a+ or 0a+ not have for an+one el!eC and I had to let $o of 0+ attach0ent to 0+

friend ! own !piritual pro$re!! toward *eco0in$ a *utterfl+? After all= there 0u!t *e a lot of different route! one can ta6e over the Roc6ie! to $et to the Pacific Ocean= and I wouldn t and couldn t Dud$e which wa+ wa! 2ri$ht3 for 0+ friend? I have to tru!t his /n"inite / 6now! what ! *e!t for hi0 a lot *etter than / do= and the fact I would li6e hi0 to ta6e the !a0e route I did Du!t *ecau!e I thin6 it ! !afer or ea!ier than the one he appear! to *e ta6in$ ha! no relevance? I !ilentl+ eEpre!!ed 0+ appreciation to 0+ friend and let $o of it all the *oat= the ca0araderie= the e$o that !till wanted to *e a $ood enou$h writer that other people would under!tand what I wa! !a+in$ and 0i$ht *e a*le to u!e it !ucce!!full+ in their own live!? In thi! ca!e= I didn t have to di!connect fro0 0+ friend at all? All I had to do wa! let $o of 0+ own attach0ent! and la+er! of e$o= and then he wa! free to *e who he wa! a! well= without needin$ to *e who / wanted hi0 to *e? There ! another po!!i*ilit+ I had to con!ider too= that 0+ friend reall+ does under!tand neutralit+= *ut he had to 2pla+ du0*3 !o I could have the eEperience I needed? /e 0i$ht wa6e up and 6now eEactl+ what neutralit+ i! and 0ean!= and wonder how he could have po!!i*l+ !aid tho!e thin$! toda+? That ! what friend! can do for each other pla+ the difficult and dan$erou! role! in their 0ovie!= $ivin$ each other the !pecial $ift! that 0a+ not *e po!!i*le fro0 an+one el!e? A! /u0an Children and /u0an Adult! in!ide the 0ovie theater= we lived our entire live! in Dud$0ent= in dualit+? It ! not $oin$ to *e ea!+ to chan$e that pattern= and it pro*a*l+ won t happen Kuic6l+C and you are $oin$ to *e the one who ha! to !pot +our own Dud$0ent! that need to *e proce!!ed if +ou want to *eco0e a *utterfl+? NNN So0eti0e! thi! can *e ver+ difficult? So0eti0e! the e$o= !en!in$ a real threat to it! continued eEi!tence= will tr+ an+thin$ and ever+thin$ to !low +ou down or divert +ouC and !o0eti0e! that ta6e! the for0 of !o0e ver+ invitin$ detour! fro0 the path with !o0e intri$uin$ lo$ic whi!pered in +our ear? -or eEa0ple= after a +ear of proce!!in$ in hi! cocoon= one friend wa! a*out to enter hi! 2dar6 ni$ht of the !oul=3 $ettin$ clo!e to a powerful la+er of hi! e$o which he would then detach if he continued in that direction? /e wa! havin$ a lot of e0otional di!co0fort= and hi! e$o wa! a*le to convince hi0 to !top doin$ an+ 6ind of proce!! and ta6e a 2detour?3 So he !tarted challen$in$ the theor+ of the 2con!ciou!ne!! 0odel3 it!elf not *+ te!tin$ it= which i! alwa+! appropriate= *ut *+ intellectuall+ ar$uin$ with it= a! if *+ provin$ !o0e part of it 2wron$3 he could e!cape proce!!in$ hi! an$er and Dud$0ent!? 5ut there never i! an+ e!capeC the wa+ out i! the wa+ throu$h? If thi! 0odel i! an+where clo!e to the truth= unle!! he find! a new route acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain! I 0 not aware of= thi! friend will 0o!t li6el+ have to pic6 up where he left off and then face what he could not face the fir!t ti0e? 5ut there ! nothin$ 2wron$3 with that= with ta6in$ a *rea6 for a while= with !tandin$ !till and re$roupin$ and $atherin$ new !tren$th= li6e !toppin$ on the wa+ up Mt? Evere!t and re!tin$ at a *a!e ca0p= $ettin$ u!ed to the altitude and the cold? 5ut wh+ not !i0pl+ ad0it that ! what +ou want to do and not $ive the e$o additional power *+ li!tenin$ to it! diver!ion! and u!in$ the0 a! an eEcu!e for not continuin$ at that 0o0ent' )earnin$ to differentiate the !ound of +our e$o fro0 the !ound of +our own thou$ht! ta6e! practice and radical hone!t+? The onl+ help I can offer i! that whenever the 2thou$ht3 i! tr+in$ to ta6e +ou awa+ fro0 di!co0fort= it i! the e$o= no 0atter how rational or attractive the 2thou$ht3 0a+ *e? There ! a *i$ difference *etween ta6in$ a 2detour3 off the path out of the pure eEcite0ent and Do+ of eEploration= and doin$ it in order to e!cape di!co0fort? @our friend! 0i$ht help *+ pla+in$ a part in the 0ovie created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite / to *rin$ the!e Dud$0ent! and the voice of +our e$o to +our attention= if +ou re willin$ to hear it? 5ut you are $oin$ to have to *e co0pletel+ awa6e and aware and vi$ilant= and li!ten to +our thou$ht! and the word! +ou !a+ ver+ carefull+= to detect the!e Dud$0ent! when the+ co0e creepin$ in= to have the coura$e and hone!t+ not to tr+ to Du!tif+ or den+ or 0ini0iLe the0= and to proce!! the0 in!tead? @ou ve heard of a 2*ull!hit detector'3 Now +ou re $oin$ to need a 2Dud$0ent detector3 to u!e on +our!elfC *ecau!e no 0atter what route +ou ta6e over the Roc6ie!= if +ou are !eriou! a*out *eco0in$ a *utterfl+= +ou cannot han$ on to +our Dud$0ental *elief! and opinion!? That !i0pl+ will not $et +ou where +ou !a+ +ou want to $o?

-OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia More! 5ac6 to readin$ "? 9ictionar+?co0 0oralit+ 5ac6 to readin$ %? A0erican /erita$e 9ictionar+ Dud$0ent 5ac6 to readin$ (? Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ Dud$0ent 5ac6 to readin$ ,? The -ree 9ictionar+ dualit+ 5ac6 to readin$ .? A0erican /erita$e 9ictionar+ M 0oni!0 5ac6 to readin$ 1? 2onDua%ity/n"o com 5ac6 to readin$ 4? &al6er= A?= in a *oo6 review of 1ne4 3ssentia% 5ritings on 2ondua%ity 5ac6 to readin$ 7? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 10? Mac)ean= <enneth? (he *ibrationa% Bniverse 5ac6 to readin$ 11? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion= 8ene!i!= "?7 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? /bid , 2?", 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? /bid , %?1 5ac6 to readin$ 1(? /bid , 8ene!i!= %?"% 5ac6 to readin$ 1,? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? 7eve%ation= "?1 5ac6 to readin$ 1.? 8otKue!tion!?or$ Ar0a$eddon 5ac6 to readin$ 11? #alal alM9in Ru0i? -ro0 the poe0 1ut Beyond /deas in (he 3ssentia% 7umi 5ac6 to readin$ 14? McTa$$ert= )+nne? (he 'ie%d4 (he 0uest "or the Secret 'orce o" the Bniverse M p? EEi 5ac6 to readin$


5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Dr? 5ruce )ipton *e$an hi! !cientific career a! a cell *iolo$i!t? /e received hi! Ph?9? fro0 the >niver!it+
of Fir$inia at Charlotte!ville *efore Doinin$ the 9epart0ent of Anato0+ at the >niver!it+ of &i!con!in ! School of Medicine in 171%= where hi! re!earch on 0u!cular d+!troph+ focu!ed on the 0olecular 0echani!0! controllin$ cell *ehavior? In 174"= 9r? )ipton *e$an eEa0inin$ the principle! of Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and how the+ 0i$ht *e inte$rated into hi! under!tandin$ of the cell ! infor0ation proce!!in$ !+!te0!? In the proce!! he di!covered that the *rain of a cell i! not in the nucleu!= which i! what I wa! tau$ht in !chool= *ut in the 0e0*rane the outer !urface= or 2!6in3 of the cell? 2/i! re!earch at Stanford >niver!it+ ! School of Medicine= *etween 1741 and 177"= revealed that the environ0ent= operatin$ throu$h the 0e0*rane= controlled the *ehavior and ph+!iolo$+ of the cell? /i! di!coverie!= which ran counter to the e!ta*li!hed !cientific view that life i! controlled *+ the $ene!= $ave ri!e to one of toda+ ! 0o!t i0portant field! of !tud+= the !cience of epigenetics? Man+ !u*!eKuent paper! *+ other re!earcher! have !ince validated hi! concept! and idea!?31 3pigenetics i! to *iolo$+ what Kuantu0 ph+!ic! wa! to ph+!ic!C it ha! turned our a$eMold under!tandin$ of *iolo$+ up!ide downC or= a! I ve put it 0an+ ti0e! alread+= the oppo!ite of what we have alwa+! *elieved i! true? -ro0 epigenetics= we now 6now our perception of the environ0ent control! our 9NA= not the other wa+ around? 5ruce i! a *rilliant 0an and a $ood friend? >nfortunatel+= he !till *elieve! what ! 2out there3 the hu0an *od+ in particular i! realC *ut de!pite that= throu$h hi! *e!tM!ellin$ *oo6= (he Bio%ogy o" Be%ie"= and hi! live !e0inar! called (he Bio%ogy o" Perception, he offer! !o0e ver+ i0portant in!i$ht! into the effect! of *elief! on our live!?

26o! !e see %i"e determines our behavior, and since perceptions can be !rong, it is more accurate to say that be%ie"s contro% bio%ogy E !hat you be%ieve creates your %i"e?3" The fir!t eEa0ple he offer! i! what i! called the 2place*o effect?3% It i! nor0all+ u!ed a! a 0edical ter0= 0eanin$ a patient i! $iven !o0ethin$ neutral li6e a !u$ar pill and +et it 0a6e! the0 feel *etter? There i! no che0ical rea!on in the place*o for it to have an+ effect at all on the *od+= *ut it doe! !o0ehow? That 2!o0ehow3 i! *ecau!e the patient be%ieves it will= and nothin$ el!e? It i! the patient ! *elief that chan$e! their *iolo$+ and their *ehavior? 2Statistics revea% that one8third o" a%% medica% hea%ings are the resu%t o" the p%acebo e""ect?3( 5ut thi! 2place*o effect3 doe! not have to *e li0ited to 0edicine or pill!? In fact= it i! in operation a lot of the ti0e a! we= the Pla+er!= *elieve !o0ethin$ an+thin$ i! $ood for u! that i! actuall+ neutral= and +et it 0a6e! u! feel *etter? Thi!= of cour!e= i! true for all ho0eopathic re0edie! a! well? /o0eopath+ i! !till *a!ed on a *elief that ta6in$ !o0ethin$ fro0 2out there3 2natural3 thou$h it 0i$ht *e will have an effect 2in here?3 The other !ide of the coin= and not nearl+ a! well 6nown= i! the 2noce*o effect ,?3 Thi! i! when a patient or a Pla+er *elieve! !o0ethin$= an+thin$= that i! actuall+ neutral i! har0ful to the0C and it 0a6e! the0 feel *ad or wor!e= when in fact there ! nothin$ in the noce*o that can hurt the0 at all? 2/" a doctor te%%s you that you have a disease, or the doctor te%%s you that you<re going to die, and you be%ieve the doctor because he<s a Ipro"essiona%,< the be%ie" !i%% give you a disease or !i%% cause you to die?3. The 0o!t fa0ou! 2noce*o3 currentl+ i! /IF? 9r? Peter 9ue!*er$= 0e0*er of the >nited State! National Acade0+ of Science! and profe!!or of 0olecular and cell *iolo$+ at the >niver!it+ of California= 5er6ele+ a renowned virolo$i!t who received acclai0 earl+ in hi! career for re!earch on onco$ene! and cancer !a+! there ! nothin$ a*out /IF that can do da0a$e to a hu0an *od+= that /IF i! a 2har0le!! pa!!en$er viru!1C3 and accordin$ to 9r? <ar+ Mulli!= No*el )aureate in che0i!tr+= and over twoMthou!and other 0edical and !cientific re!earcher!= health care profe!!ional!= and Dournali!t!4= there i! not one !cientific paper provin$ /IF cau!e! AI9S?7 In fact= /IF "ai%s ever+ accepted !cientific te!t to *e called the 2cau!e3 of AI9S?10 5ut if !o0eone *elieve! /IF will 0a6e the0 fatall+ ill= it willC and over half will die fro0 ta6in$ the dru$! pre!cri*ed to treat the0?11 In *oth ca!e! the place*o and the noce*o it i! the Pla+er ! *elief and not the actual eEperience that control! their perception! and deter0ine! their *ehavior? 2/" you be%ieve that something !i%% be good "or you, it !i%% be goodJ and i" you be%ieve that something is harm"u%, it !i%% be bad?31" 9r? )ipton !tre!!e! the fact that a lot of our *elief! are 2learned3 fro0 other people= and tho!e learned *elief! can actuall+ override our natural perception! and in!tinct!? -or eEa0ple= all *a*ie! 6now how to !wi0 when the+ are *orn? 5ut a! the+ $row up and watch the reaction on their parent! face! whenever the+ $et near water= the *a*+ learn! to *e afraid of waterC and then it need! to *e tau$ht how not to fear water and to !wi0 a$ain at the proper a$e when their parent! are no lon$er afraid?1%

5ruce li6en! our perception to a ca0era= ta6in$ !nap!hot! of the 2ph+!ical world3 our *rain ha! proDected 2out there?3 5ut= he !a+!= our *elief! act li6e filter! on that ca0era= filterin$ out certain freKuencie! and chan$in$ the picture that co0e! inC and he offer! a ver+ $ood eEa0ple of thi! durin$ hi! wor6!hop! when he put! one !lide on the !creen that 0a6e! no real !en!eJ

J and ha! the audience put on a pair of $la!!e! he provide! with $reen len!e! and loo6 at the picture? /ere ! what the+ !eeJ

Then he ha! the0 trade the $reen len!e! for $la!!e! with red len!e! and loo6 at the !a0e picture= and here ! what the+ !eeJ

O@ou can watch a ver+ !hort Opoor Kualit+P video of thi! on @ouTu*e here?P In eEactl+ the !a0e wa+= 9r? )ipton conclude!= our *elief filter! deter0ine how we perceive our world and therefore how we react and re!pond to our eEperience!? 2Li"e has everything in it, but you !i%% on%y see !hat you have be%ie" "i%ters to see?31( NNN Ta6e a Kuic6 loo6 at thi! pla+in$ cardJ?

It ! a red !iE of !pade!= ri$ht' Or did +ou !ee it a! !o0ethin$ el!e' There ! a cla!!ic p!+cholo$+ eEperi0ent1, where thi! red !iE of !pade!= alon$ with other nor0al pla+in$ card!= i! !hown to a $roup of people who are writin$ down the card! the+ !ee? Man+ people cannot !ee a red !iE

of !pade! the fir!t few pa!!e! throu$h the card!C !o0e can never !ee it a! a red !iE of !pade!= even when holdin$ it in their hand!? ,(he conc%usion is that our be%ie"s can "i%ter and a""ect !hat data comes in through our senses 5e can end up seeing and hearing on%y !hat !e be%ieve (he stronger the be%ie" system, the more po!er"u% !i%% be its abi%ity to "i%ter out data that contradicts those be%ie"s #ou !ere taught and you be%ieve that seeing is be%ieving /t shou%d be the other !ay around #ou have come to understand that metaphorica%%y spea+ing, the eye is a camera that passive%y co%%ects %ight and brings it in to record photographs o" !hat is actua%%y out there, !ith no a%teration o" the sense data going on 5hat / am proposing is that in actua%ity the reverse o" that simp%e phrase is true4 be%ieving is seeing 5hat / am proposing is that the eye is a camera that "i%ters out most o" the e%ectromagnetic spectrum to on%y record visib%e %ight, and that the camera is contro%%ed by the photographer !ho chooses conscious%y or unconscious%y !hat to photograph -1. In thi! ca!e= we !tart with a *elief that a red !iE of !pade! doe!n t eEi!t= !o it ! difficult to !ee it for what it actuall+ i!C and for !o0e with ver+ !tron$ and controllin$ *elief !+!te0!= it ! virtuall+ i0po!!i*le? NNN I deli*erated lon$ and hard a*out whether to include thi! neEt eEa0ple= *ecau!e it i! !o controver!ialC *ut it i! al!o the 0o!t perfect eEa0ple I can thin6 of to illu!trate how our *elief! affect what we perceive 2out there3 and prevent u! fro0 !eein$ 2what i!=3 and how tho!e *elief! can contri*ute to !o 0uch pain and !ufferin$ in our live!? Even if +ou are not a Chri!tian= +ou pro*a*l+ 6now #e!u! wa! crucified and died on a cro!!= to ri!e a$ain fro0 the dead three da+! later? Over the la!t "000 +ear!= 0an+ people have *elieved thi! and *a!ed their live! on it? /ere i! the !cripture fro0 the /ol+ 5i*le on which thi! *elief i! *a!ed? OEven if +ou 6now thi! !tor+ alread+= plea!e read it a$ain now?P??? )u6e "%A,0 2&nd, beho%d, there !as a man named Qoseph9 G2 (his man !ent unto Pi%ate, and begged :"or; the body o" Qesus GR &nd he too+ it do!n, and !rapped it in %inen, and %aid it in a sepu%chre that !as he!n in stone, !herein never man be"ore !as %aid9 GG &nd the !omen a%so, !hich came !ith him "rom Ga%i%ee, "o%%o!ed a"ter, and behe%d the sepu%chre, and ho! his body !as %aid GH &nd they returned, and prepared spices and ointmentsJ and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment 2L41 2o! upon the "irst day o" the !ee+, very ear%y in the morning, they came unto the sepu%chre, bringing the spices !hich they had prepared, and certain others !ith them 2 &nd they "ound the stone ro%%ed a!ay "rom the sepu%chre R &nd they entered in, and "ound not the body o" the Lord Qesus L &nd it came to pass, as they !ere much perp%e.ed thereabout, beho%d, t!o men stood by them in shining garments4 G &nd as they !ere a"raid, and bo!ed do!n their "aces to the earth, they said unto them, 5hy see+ ye him that %iveth among the deadD H 6e is not here, but is risen4 remember ho! he spa+e unto you !hen he !as yet in Ga%i%ee, W saying, (he Son o" man must be de%ivered into the hands o" sin"u% men, and be cruci"ied, and the third day rise again K &nd they remembered his !ords, F and returned "rom the sepu%chre, and to%d a%% these things unto the e%even, and to a%% the rest 10 /t !as )ary )ag$da%ene, and Qoanna, and )ary the mother o" Qames, and other !omen that !ere !ith them, !hich to%d these things unto the apost%es 11 &nd their !ords seemed to them as id%e ta%es, and they be%ieved them not

12 (hen arose Peter, and ran unto the sepu%chreJ and stooping do!n, he behe%d the %inen c%othes %aid by themse%ves, and departed, !ondering in himse%" at that !hich !as come to pass 1R &nd, beho%d, t!o o" them !ent that same day to a vi%%age ca%%ed 3mmaus, !hich !as "rom Qerusa%em about threescore "ur%ongs 1L &nd they ta%+ed together o" a%% these things !hich had happened 1G &nd it came to pass, that, !hi%e they communed together and reasoned, Qesus himse%" dre! near, and !ent !ith them 1H But their eyes !ere ho%den that they shou%d not +no! him 1W &nd he said unto them, 5hat manner o" communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye !a%+, and are sadD 1K &nd the one o" them, !hose name !as C%e$opas, ans!ering said unto him, &rt thou on%y a stranger in Qerusa%em, and hast not +no!n the things !hich are come to pass there in these daysD 1F &nd he said unto them, 5hat thingsD &nd they said unto him, Concerning Qesus o" 2a>areth, !hich !as a prophet mighty in deed and !ord be"ore God and a%% the peop%e4 20 and ho! the chie" priests and our ru%ers de%ivered him to be condemned to death, and have cruci"ied him 21 But !e trusted that it had been he !hich shou%d have redeemed /srae%4 and beside a%% this, today is the third day since these things !ere done 22 #ea, and certain !omen a%so o" our company made us astonished, !hich !ere ear%y at the sepu%chreJ 2R and !hen they "ound not his body, they came, saying, that they had a%so seen a vision o" ange%s, !hich said that he !as a%ive 2L &nd certain o" them !hich !ere !ith us !ent to the sepu%chre, and "ound it even so as the !omen had said4 but him they sa! not9 2K &nd they dre! nigh unto the vi%%age, !hither they !ent4 and he made as though he !ou%d have gone "urther 2F But they constrained him, saying, &bide !ith us4 "or it is to!ard evening, and the day is "ar spent &nd he !ent in to tarry !ith them R0 &nd it came to pass, as he sat at meat !ith them, he too+ bread, and b%essed it, and bra+e, and gave to them R1 &nd their eyes !ere opened, and they +ne! himJ and he vanished out o" their sight R2 &nd they said one to another, Did not our heart burn !ithin us, !hi%e he ta%+ed !ith us by the !ay, and !hi%e he opened to us the scripturesD RR &nd they rose up the same hour, and returned to Qerusa%em, and "ound the e%even gathered together, and them that !ere !ith them, RL Saying, (he Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon RG &nd they to%d !hat things !ere done in the !ay, and ho! he !as +no!n o" them in brea+ing o" bread RH &nd as they thus spa+e, Qesus himse%" stood in the midst o" them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you RW But they !ere terri"ied and a""righted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit RK &nd he said unto them, 5hy are ye troub%edD and !hy do thoughts arise in your heartsD RF Beho%d my hands and my "eet, that it is / myse%"4 hand%e me, and seeJ "or a spirit hath not "%esh and bones, as ye see me have L0 &nd !hen he had thus spo+en, he she!ed them his hands and his "eet L1 &nd !hi%e they yet be%ieved not "or ?oy, and !ondered, he said unto them, 6ave ye here any meatD L2 &nd they gave him a piece o" a broi%ed "ish, and o" an honeycomb LR &nd he too+ it, and did eat be"ore them?311 5ut what if thi! were actuall+ the account of a 0an who wa! ta6en down fro0 hi! cro!! after Du!t three hour!= !till alive= 0oved to a !ecret hidin$ place where he wa! treated for the wound! on hi! hand! and feet and head and !ide= !urvived= left three da+! later under hi! own !tea0= and 0et hi! di!ciple! on the road a! he wa! wal6in$ out of #eru!ale0?

In other word!= I want to a!6 +ou to read the eEact !a0e 5i*le pa!!a$e! a$ain= without the prior *elief that #e!u! died on the cro!!J? )u6e "%A,0 2&nd, beho%d, there !as a man named Qoseph9 G2 (his man !ent unto Pi%ate, and begged :"or; the body o" Qesus GR &nd he too+ it do!n, and !rapped it in %inen, and %aid it in a sepu%chre that !as he!n in stone, !herein never man be"ore !as %aid9 GG &nd the !omen a%so, !hich came !ith him "rom Ga%i%ee, "o%%o!ed a"ter, and behe%d the sepu%chre, and ho! his body !as %aid GH &nd they returned, and prepared spices and ointmentsJ and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment 2L41 2o! upon the "irst day o" the !ee+, very ear%y in the morning, they came unto the sepu%chre, bringing the spices !hich they had prepared, and certain others !ith them 2 &nd they "ound the stone ro%%ed a!ay "rom the sepu%chre R &nd they entered in, and "ound not the body o" the Lord Qesus L &nd it came to pass, as they !ere much perp%e.ed thereabout, beho%d, t!o men stood by them in shining garments4 G &nd as they !ere a"raid, and bo!ed do!n their "aces to the earth, they said unto them, 5hy see+ ye him that %iveth among the deadD H 6e is not here, but is risen4 remember ho! he spa+e unto you !hen he !as yet in Ga%i%ee, W saying, (he Son o" man must be de%ivered into the hands o" sin"u% men, and be cruci"ied, and the third day rise again K &nd they remembered his !ords, F and returned "rom the sepu%chre, and to%d a%% these things unto the e%even, and to a%% the rest 10 /t !as )ary )ag$da%ene, and Qoanna, and )ary the mother o" Qames, and other !omen that !ere !ith them, !hich to%d these things unto the apost%es 11 &nd their !ords seemed to them as id%e ta%es, and they be%ieved them not 12 (hen arose Peter, and ran unto the sepu%chreJ and stooping do!n, he behe%d the %inen c%othes %aid by themse%ves, and departed, !ondering in himse%" at that !hich !as come to pass 1R &nd, beho%d, t!o o" them !ent that same day to a vi%%age ca%%ed 3mmaus, !hich !as "rom Qerusa%em about threescore "ur%ongs 1L &nd they ta%+ed together o" a%% these things !hich had happened 1G &nd it came to pass, that, !hi%e they communed together and reasoned, Qesus himse%" dre! near, and !ent !ith them 1H But their eyes !ere ho%den that they shou%d not +no! him 1W &nd he said unto them, 5hat manner o" communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye !a%+, and are sadD 1K &nd the one o" them, !hose name !as C%e$opas, ans!ering said unto him, &rt thou on%y a stranger in Qerusa%em, and hast not +no!n the things !hich are come to pass there in these daysD 1F &nd he said unto them, 5hat thingsD &nd they said unto him, Concerning Qesus o" 2a>areth, !hich !as a prophet mighty in deed and !ord be"ore God and a%% the peop%e4 20 and ho! the chie" priests and our ru%ers de%ivered him to be condemned to death, and have cruci"ied him 21 But !e trusted that it had been he !hich shou%d have redeemed /srae%4 and beside a%% this, today is the third day since these things !ere done 22 #ea, and certain !omen a%so o" our company made us astonished, !hich !ere ear%y at the sepu%chreJ 2R and !hen they "ound not his body, they came, saying, that they had a%so seen a vision o" ange%s, !hich said that he !as a%ive 2L &nd certain o" them !hich !ere !ith us !ent to the sepu%chre, and "ound it even so as the !omen had said4 but him they sa! not9 2K &nd they dre! nigh unto the vi%%age, !hither they !ent4 and he made as though he !ou%d have gone "urther

2F But they constrained him, saying, &bide !ith us4 "or it is to!ard evening, and the day is "ar spent &nd he !ent in to tarry !ith them R0 &nd it came to pass, as he sat at meat !ith them, he too+ bread, and b%essed it, and bra+e, and gave to them R1 &nd their eyes !ere opened, and they +ne! himJ and he vanished out o" their sight R2 &nd they said one to another, Did not our heart burn !ithin us, !hi%e he ta%+ed !ith us by the !ay, and !hi%e he opened to us the scripturesD RR &nd they rose up the same hour, and returned to Qerusa%em, and "ound the e%even gathered together, and them that !ere !ith them, RL Saying, (he Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon RG &nd they to%d !hat things !ere done in the !ay, and ho! he !as +no!n o" them in brea+ing o" bread RH &nd as they thus spa+e, Qesus himse%" stood in the midst o" them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you RW But they !ere terri"ied and a""righted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit RK &nd he said unto them, 5hy are ye troub%edD and !hy do thoughts arise in your heartsD RF Beho%d my hands and my "eet, that it is / myse%"4 hand%e me, and seeJ "or a spirit hath not "%esh and bones, as ye see me have L0 &nd !hen he had thus spo+en, he she!ed them his hands and his "eet L1 &nd !hi%e they yet be%ieved not "or ?oy, and !ondered, he said unto them, 6ave ye here any meatD L2 &nd they gave him a piece o" a broi%ed "ish, and o" an honeycomb LR &nd he too+ it, and did eat be"ore them?3 25ehold 0+ hand! and 0+ feet= that it i! I 0+!elfA handle 0e= and !eeC for a !pirit hath not fle!h and *one!= a! +e !ee 0e have?3 I cannot i0a$ine how that could *e an+ clearer? #e!u! i! !a+in$ he ! alive= that thi! wa! hi! actual ph+!ical *od+= not a !piritC and to prove it= he ate 0eat with the0? There are even 0ore tellin$ phra!e! in the other 8o!pel!? In Matthew=14 for eEa0pleJ Matthew "4A, 2&nd the ange% ans!ered and said unto the !omen, 'ear not ye4 "or / +no! that ye see+ Qesus, !hich !as cruci"ied H 6e is not here4 "or he is risen, as he said Come, see the p%ace !here the Lord %ay W &nd go =uic+%y, and te%% his discip%es that he is risen "rom the deadJ and, beho%d, he goeth be"ore you into Ga%i%eeJ there sha%% ye see him?3 JandJ Matthew "4A10 2(hen said Qesus unto them, Be not a"raid4 go te%% my brethren that they go into Ga%i%ee, and there sha%% they see me9 1H (hen the e%even discip%es !ent a!ay into Ga%i%ee, into a mountain !here Qesus had appointed them 1W &nd !hen they sa! him, they !orshipped him?3 A re!urrected *od+ would not need to 2$o *efore3 an+one el!e to an+ place? It would Du!t appear there !pontaneou!l+? Nor would it need to tell an+one to $o !o0eplace to !ee it? The 8o!pel of Mar617 !a+!J? Mar6 1,A(% 2Qoseph o" &rimathaea, an honourab%e counse%%or, !hich a%so !aited "or the +ingdom o" God, came, and !ent in bo%d%y unto Pi%ate, and craved the body o" Qesus LL &nd Pi%ate marve%%ed i" he !ere a%ready dead?3 The !+non+0 for 20arvel3 i! 2wonder3 Pilate !ondered how #e!u! could *e dead= *ecau!e he had onl+ *een on the cro!! for three hour!= and crucifiEion! nor0all+ would ta6e a lot lon$er than that to 6ill !o0eone? 2The Ro0an! u!ed crucifiEion a! a prolon$ed= a$oniLin$= hu0iliatin$ deathJ? It i! po!!i*le to !urvive crucifiEion= if not prolon$ed= and there are record! of people who did?3"0 JandJ

Mar6 1.A1 2&nd !hen the sabbath !as past, )ary )agda%ene, and )ary the mother o" Qames, and Sa%ome, had bought s!eet spices, that they might come and anoint him?3 To 2anoint3 0ean! 2to !0ear or ru* with oil or an oil+ !u*!tance=3"1 which even toda+ i! a co00on 0edical treat0ent for the wound! of a *od+ that i! !till alive? JandJ Mar6 1.A7 22o! !hen Qesus !as risen ear%y the "irst day o" the !ee+, he appeared "irst to )ary )agda%ene, out o" !hom he had cast seven devi%s 10 &nd she !ent and to%d them that she had been !ith him, as they mourned and !ept 11 &nd they, !hen they had heard that he !as a%ive, and had been seen o" her, be%ieved not 12 &"ter that he appeared in another "orm unto t!o o" them, as they !a%+ed, and !ent into the country 1R &nd they !ent and to%d it unto the residue4 neither be%ieved they them?3 2And when the+ heard that he wa! a%ive3GG /ow can that *e 0i!under!tood' JandJ Mar6 1.A1( 2&"ter!ard he appeared unto the e%even as they sat at meat, and upbraided them !ith their unbe%ie" and hardness o" heart, because they be%ieved not them !hich had seen him a"ter he !as risen?3 And in the 8o!pel of #ohn""J #ohn 17A%7 2&nd there came a%so 2icodemus, !hich at the "irst came to Qesus by night, and brought a mi.ture o" myrrh and a%oes?3 Nicode0u! wa! 2a wealth+ and popular hol+ 0an reputed to have had 0iraculou! power!?3"% M+rrh and aloe! were not Du!t u!ed for e0*al0in$= *ut a! 0edicine for wound!? M+rrh i! currentl+ u!ed in !o0e lini0ent! and healin$ !alve! that 0a+ *e applied to a*ra!ion! and other 0inor !6in ail0ent!? In alternative 0edicine= it i! !aid that 0iEin$ 0+rrh $u0 into vine$ar increa!e! it! a*ilit+ to relieve pain?"( The 8ree6! and Ro0an! u!ed aloe! to treat wound!=", a! we al!o do toda+? JandJ #ohn "0A. 2(hen cometh Simon Peter "o%%o!ing him, and !ent into the sepu%chre, and seeth the %inen c%othes %ie, W &nd the nap+in, that !as about his head, not %ying !ith the %inen c%othes, but !rapped together in a p%ace by itse%"?3 The cloth around #e!u! head where he had wound! fro0 the thorn+ crown wa! in a different place than the re!t not li6el+ if hi! *od+ re!urrected and left hi! 2linen clothe!3 l+in$ there? Jand= finall+J #ohn "0A17 2(hen the same day at evening, being the "irst day o" the !ee+, !hen the doors !ere shut !here the discip%es !ere assemb%ed "or "ear o" the Qe!s, came Qesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you 20 &nd !hen he had so said, he she!ed unto them his hands and his side (hen !ere the discip%es g%ad, !hen they sa! the Lord?3 I need to add that it ! Kuite li6el+ #e!u! di!ciple! reall+ thou$ht he had died on the cro!!= !o I can under!tand their a!toni!h0ent to find out he didn t? 5ut even the 5i*le= when read without a prior *elief= i! Kuite clear that #e!u! !urvived hi! crucifiEion? -or "000 +ear!= Chri!tianit+ ha! *een *a!ed on the *elief #e!u! died on the cro!! O0an+ !a+ Rfor our !in!RP and ro!e a$ain fro0 the dead? Thin6 of the i0pact thi! one *elief ha! had on the world= and on 0an+ of u! per!onall+? &ar! have *een fou$ht= 0illion! have died= and 0illion! 0ore have lived live! of $uilt and !ha0e *a!ed on thi! *elief?

5ut there i! a0ple evidence thi! *elief i! not true=". and even the 5i*le doe! not !a+ it happened that wa+= unle!! +ou read the 8o!pel! with that *elief alread+ in placeC and then +ou !till have to 0a6e !o0e ver+ *i$ a!!u0ption!? ORe0e0*er Occa0 ! RaLor= that the *e!t an!wer i! the one with the fewe!t a!!u0ption!?P So we !tart with a Dud$0ent that we are all= a! hu0an *ein$!= innatel+ defective Othe Ro0an Catholic church call! it 2ori$inal !in3PC we for0 a *elief de!pite the evidence that a Son of 8od ha! *een re!urrected fro0 the dead in order to !ave u! fro0 our !inful natureC and we are of the opinion that an+one who doe!n t *elieve in /i0 cannot 0a6e it into /eaven? It 0a6e! for a ver+ intere!tin$ $a0eG NNN /ere ! another Kuic6 eEa0ple of how thi! Dud$0entM*eliefMopinion c+cle happen!J? )et ! !a+ +ou Dud$e pro!titution to *e 2wron$=3 for whatever rea!on? @ou then for0 a *elief that the $overn0ent !hould do !o0ethin$ to !top it= and +ou hold the opinion that an+ 0an or wo0an who en$a$e! in pro!titution i! actin$ i00orall+? And let ! !a+ +our /n"inite / create! an eEperience for +ou in +our cocoon where +ou co0e face to face with thi!= !uch a! +our hu!*and or wife or lover or !on or dau$hter or $ood friend !o0eone +ou love and re!pect and ad0ire $et! arre!ted on char$e! of pro!titution= either !olicitin$ or !ellin$ !eE for 0one+? I can i0a$ine thi! 0i$ht cau!e +ou !o0e di!co0fort= !evere di!co0fort if it were +our hu!*and or wife= I 0 !ure? So thi! i! +our chance to run Ro*ert ! Proce!! fir!t= to ta6e the 2heat3 and 2di!co0fort3 and 2realit+3 out of the !ituation= and then run #ed ! !piritual autol+!i! to di!cover the fal!e *elief= fal!e infor0ation= and la+er! of e$o that re!ulted fro0 thi! Dud$0ent? Mo!t of the ti0e +ou can !i0pl+ follow the di!co0fort the e0otion or pain= for eEa0ple to uncover the Dud$0ent? In thi! eEa0ple it !hould *e fairl+ ea!+ to find the underl+in$ Dud$0ent= that +ou con!ider pro!titution to *e 2wron$=3 and to u!e !piritual autol+!i! to a!6= 2I! that true'3 5ut !o0eti0e! it ! not that ea!+C the Dud$0ent i! not !o readil+ availa*le= *uried 0ore deepl+= hidin$ fro0 +our awarene!!? So in!tead +ou can follow the e0otion to find the *elief= and then follow the *elief to find the Dud$0ent? Or= if the *elief i! al!o hard to $et at= follow the e0otion to find the opinion= then follow the opinion to find the *elief= then follow the *elief to find the Dud$0ent? @ou $et the picture? Re0e0*er what #ed Mc<enna !aidJ ,&%% attachments to the dreamstate are made o" energy (hat energy is ca%%ed emotion &%% emotions, positive and negative, are attachments J!o con!ider ever+ e0otion +ou have that i! le!! than total Do+= eEcite0ent= and enthu!ia!0 to *e a !i$npo!t a red fla$ leadin$ +ou to +our opinion!= *elief!= and Dud$0ent!? In fact= +ou can do thi! for an+ opinion or *elief at an+ ti0e= without needin$ +our /n"inite / to create a catal+tic eEperience for +ou? If +ou hear +our!elf offerin$ an opinion an+ opinion loo6 for the *elief that led +ou to that opinion= then loo6 deeper for the Dud$0ent that led to the *elief? Re0e0*er that all Dud$0ent!= *elief! and opinion! were for0ed in!ide the 0ovie theater and are *a!ed on incorrect pre0i!e!C !o the+ are all untrue? Thi! 0a+ *e difficult for !o0e people to accept who have *eco0e ver+ attached to their opinion! with 0ultiple la+er! of e$o for each one= piled on top of each other? 5ut it i! eEactl+ the!e attach0ent!= and lettin$ $o of the0= that are the point of thi! whole proce!! in the cocoon? NNN 2O6a+=3 +ou 0i$ht !a+= 2I can !ee livin$ without Dud$0ent!C I can even i0a$ine livin$ without *elief!C *ut livin$ without opinion!' I!n t that 6ind ofJ *orin$' 9o +ou Du!t accept an+thin$ and ever+thin$ that i! put in front of +ou in +our holo$ra0 without Kue!tion or di!cri0ination'3 @e!= and no? @e!= +ou accept an+thin$ and ever+thin$ that i! put in front of +ou= !ince +our /n"inite / created 2an+thin$ and ever+thin$3 for +ou it want! +ou to eEperience= down to the !0alle!t detail? It ! true I no

lon$er live with Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion!= eEcept tho!e occa!ional ti0e! when one 0i$ht pop up for 0e to identif+ and proce!!? 5ut= no= life i! far fro0 *orin$= and I do have 0+ preference!? #ed Mc<enna !tarted off 5oo6 Two of hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy !a+in$= 2I hate )?A?3 I never could fi$ure out whether #ed wa! eEpre!!in$ a Dud$0ental opinion= or Du!t u!in$ !o0e literar+ licen!e for effect? I don t 2hate3 an+thin$C *ut I 2prefer3 a lot of thin$!? &hat ! the difference' It can *e ver+ !u*tle and tric6+ at ti0e!= *ut I ll tr+ to eEplain? An opinion= *a!ed on a *elief and Dud$0ent= include! re!i!tance to the oppo!ite opinion? A preference ha! no re!i!tance= *ut i! 0erel+ an eEpre!!ion of choice? I prefer not to pla+ Tic Tac Toe= unle!! I a0 en$a$ed with a ver+ +oun$ child? I find the $a0e ver+ *orin$ "or me= !ince it ! unwina*le when pla+in$ with an+one who ha! even the !li$hte!t clue of what ! up? Now that I 6now a $a0e li6e *ac6$a00on eEi!t!= I prefer to pla+ it in!tead? I have no re!i!tance to pla+in$ Tic Tac Toe= no Dud$0ent a*out it= no *elief! a*out it= no opinion! a*out it a! a $a0e? I Du!t prefer not to pla+ it under 0o!t circu0!tance!? )i6ewi!e= I prefer not to pla+ the Dud$0ent $a0e= the *elief $a0e= the opinion $a0e= the fear $a0e= the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e in!ide the 0ovie theater? I have no re!i!tance to pla+in$ an+ of it if the appropriate circu0!tance! were to ari!e and it wa! clear 0+ /n"inite / wa! creatin$ that for 0+ eEperience at the 0o0entC and I have no Dud$0ent a*out it= no *elief! a*out it= no opinion! a*out it other than how perfect a $a0e it wa! at one !ta$e of 0+ 0eta0orpho!i!= and how perfect it i! for other people who !till want to pla+ it? 5ut I al!o prefer not to !pend a lot of ti0e with people who are pla+in$ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? I enDo+ livin$ in a wa+ that I 0 not !urrounded with the con!tant noi!e of other people ! dra0a and conflict? I prefer not to tal6 a*out Tic Tac Toe? I prefer not to li!ten to Tic Tac Toe pla+er! who !pend the va!t 0aDorit+ of their ti0e tal6in$ a*out the $a0e= reha!hin$ prior $a0e! the+ pla+ed= accu!in$ !o0eone of cheatin$ in a $a0e the+ !ee0 to have lo!t= de!cri*in$ in detail how 0uch of a victi0 the+ are when the+ lo!e= or even di!cu!!in$ new !trate$ie! of how to win a $a0e that ! unwina*le? 5ut I don t Dud$e the0? In fact= I totall+ !upport the0 to continue doin$ eEactl+ what the+ re doin$C I Du!t don t find it at all intere!tin$ or fun to *e part of that 0+!elf? I prefer !ilence to the !ound of 0otorc+cle en$ine!? I prefer not to drin6 alcohol *ecau!e of the wa+ it 0a6e! 0e feel? I prefer to !ail than 0otor*oat? I prefer to eat protein and ve$eta*le! rather than car*oh+drate!? I prefer war0 weather to cold= !un to !now= the *each to the 0ountain!= and le!! Oor noP clothe! to 0ore? I prefer watchin$ a 0ovie to !0all tal6= a concert to a coc6tail part+= a !olitar+ wal6 li!tenin$ to $ood 0u!ic in 0+ earphone! to a dinner part+? I prefer divin$ fort+ feet deep in the ocean to wal6in$ on land? Tho!e would *e 0+ choice! if I could choo!e? 5ut I will *e wherever 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e to *e and eEperience whatever 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e to eEperience with full Do+ and without he!itation or Dud$0ent or re!i!tance= *ecau!e I totall+ tru!t 0+ /n"inite /= and that i! 0+ Do* a! it! Pla+er in the /u0an 8a0e? I would caution e!peciall+ tho!e who are new to their cocoon to *e ver+ war+ of thi! opinionMpreference thin$? #ud$0ent! are !o0eti0e! hard enou$h to !pot for proce!!in$ without 0a6in$ it an+ harderC and it !ee0! !o ea!+ to !a+= 2I prefer not to *e around that 6ind of per!on=3 and thin6 it ! a !tate0ent of preference when in fact it ! a !tate0ent of Dud$0ent? I found it a lot ea!ier in the *e$innin$ to !i0pl+ a!!u0e that an+ preference I wanted to eEpre!! wa! in realit+ an opinion *a!ed on a Dud$0ent and *elief= and proce!! it accordin$l+? After a*out a +ear= when I wa! 0ore co0forta*le with lettin$ $o of 0+ Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion! when I felt fairl+ !ecure I could !pot when 0+ e$o wa! tr+in$ to !lip !o0ethin$ *+ on 0e I allowed 0+!elf to have preference! a$ain? 5ut I re0ain ver+ vi$ilant and !till challen$e 0+ 2preference!3 on a re$ular *a!i! to 0a6e !ure I a0 not re!i!tin$ an+thin$= for resistance i! the 6e+? -OOTNOTES 1? BruceLipton com 5ac6 to readin$ "? )ipton= 5ruce /? /nte%%igente Me%%en M in 8er0an and En$li!h 5ac6 to readin$ %? &i6ipedia M Place*o 5ac6 to readin$ (? )ipton= 5ruce /? /d 5ac6 to readin$ ,? &i6ipedia M Noce*o 5ac6 to readin$

.? )ipton= 5ruce /? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 1? 9ue!*er$= P? /IF and AI9S= Science ".0A 110, 5ac6 to readin$ 4? The 8roup for the Scientific Reapprai!al of the /IFUAI9S /+pothe!i! 5ac6 to readin$ 7? Uary )u%%is video 5ac6 to readin$ 10? 9avi!= Stephen= 5rong"u% Death4 (he &/DS (ria% 5ac6 to readin$ 11? Rei!ler= Ronald= et al? 8rade ( Event! Are a! I0portant a! AI9S Event! in the Era of /AART 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? )ipton= 5ruce /? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1(? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 1,? 5runer= #ero0e S? and Po!t0an= )? 1n the Perception o" /ncongruity4 & Paradigm 5ac6 to readin$ 1.? author un6nown= lin6 now dead 5ac6 to readin$ 11? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St Lu+e= Chapter! "% : "( 5ac6 to readin$ 14? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St )atthe!= Chapter "4 5ac6 to readin$ 17? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St )ar+= Chapter! 1, : 1. 5ac6 to readin$ "0? &i6ipedia M CrucifiEion 5ac6 to readin$ "1? Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ M anoint 5ac6 to readin$ ""? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St Qohn= Chapter! 17 : "0 5ac6 to readin$ "%? &i6ipedia M Nicode0u! 5ac6 to readin$ "(? &i6ipedia M M+rrh 5ac6 to readin$ ",? &i6ipedia M Aloe 5ac6 to readin$ ".? 5ai$ent= Michael et al? 6o%y B%ood, 6o%y Grai% 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

After 0ore hour! upon hour! of !piritual autol+!i!= I wrote !o0ethin$ el!e that i! trueA
5hat you resist persists? I thin6 I fir!t heard that fro0 )? Ron /u**ard one of hi! 2$eniu!3 0o0ent! a! a !cout 0an+ +ear! a$o *efore other! !tarted !a+in$ it= and *efore he $ot lo!t on hi! wa+? So it i! not !o0ethin$ I ca0e up withC *ut I did te!t it= and I did find it to *e true? In !earchin$ the Internet= I !ee reference! to thi! !entence attri*uted to a lot of different !ource! and $roup!= fro0 the fa0ou! p!+chiatri!t Carl #un$ Oalthou$h I could never verif+ he !aid itP= to EST Oalthou$h &arner Erhard too6 the *a!ic! of EST fro0 )? Ron /u**ardP= to Neale 9onald &al!ch in Conversations !ith God? It wa! al!o u!ed in Rhonda 5+rne ! (he Secret? 5ut a! i! nece!!ar+ in!ide the 0ovie theater= the true 0eanin$ and application were altered !o the /u0an Adult! who tr+ to u!e thi! $e0 of wi!do0 for their own !elfM i0prove0ent would find the0!elve! $oin$ deeper into li0itation in!tead? ,3very time !e resist something, !e are spending our energy in the !rong !ay /t is much better E and much easier indeed E to stop resisting !hat !e don<t !ant and "ocus on attracting !hat !e do !ant /nstead o" resisting poverty, and strugg%ing to ma+e more money to prevent it by getting a second ?ob, try to "ocus on attracting prosperity by having positive thoughts !hi%e !or+ing /" you hate your ?ob and are thin+ing about

this every morning, you are resisting going to !or+ (here"ore, it !i%% be harder to get a promotion or "ind a better ?ob -1 ,(he La! o" &ttraction simp%y says that you attract into your %i"e !hatever you thin+ about #our dominant thoughts !i%% "ind a !ay to mani"est -" 5+ now +ou !hould *e a*le to !ee what i! not true a*out thi! interpretation of 2what +ou re!i!t per!i!t!=3 how it wa! twi!ted in!ide the 0ovie theater to 0a6e it unwor6a*le for a /u0an Adult Oa! all thin$! 0u!t *eP? 5ut Du!t in ca!e= let 0e !tate it clearl+J? The pre0i!e i! that +ou !hould !top thin6in$ ne$ative thou$ht! and focu! on the po!itive thou$ht!= *ecau!e if +ou focu! on the ne$ative thou$ht!= the+ will per!i!t and 0a6e it i0po!!i*le for the po!itive thou$ht! to 0anife!t? -air enou$h' 5ut that entire pre0i!e i! *a!ed on a Dud$0entA 2ne$ative3 thou$ht! ver!u! 2po!itive3 thou$ht!? It i! al!o *a!ed on the untruth that +ou can 0anife!t an+thin$ in +our holo$raphic univer!e= 0uch le!! attract the 2po!itive3 thin$! if +ou focu! on the0? The truth i! that all re!i!tance i! *a!ed on a Dud$0entC or put the other wa+= re!i!tance would not eEi!t without a prior Dud$0ent? If +ou Dud$e !o0ethin$ to *e 2ne$ative=3 +ou re!i!t it? So the !olution i! not to tr+ to den+ or i$nore the 2ne$ative3 thou$ht! and focu! on the 2po!itive one!=3 *ut to eli0inate the Dud$0ent alto$ether that i! the !ource of the re!i!tance? @ou want a 2*etter3 Do*' Stop Dud$in$ the one +ou have and +ou will !top re!i!tin$ it at the !a0e ti0e? Althou$h I don t want to !tate thi! a! 2Truth=3 it ha! *een 0+ eEperience that a! lon$ a! I Dud$e and re!i!t !o0ethin$= I !ta+ in that eEperience? Onl+ when I !top Dud$in$= and therefore auto0aticall+ !top re!i!tin$= i! it po!!i*le for 0+ eEperience to chan$e? M+ fir!t eEa0ple of thi! ca0e when I wa! twent+ +ear! old? I wa! deep into Peter Mar!hall at the ti0e= and I called 8od= 2The Chief=3 a! he did? I wa! in Caraca!= FeneLuela= helpin$ to create the Spani!h eKuivalent of Bp 5ith Peop%e for that countr+? I had *een with Bp 5ith Peop%e a*out a +ear and !pent 0o!t of that ti0e a! the dru00erC *ut I wanted to *e 0ore than that? I wanted to *e a 0u!ical director= and I 6ept Dud$in$ 0+ dru00in$ to *e 2le!! than3 what I wanted and wa! capa*le of= and therefore re!i!ted it? One da+ a! I wa! $oin$ to !leep in Caraca!= I had a 0aDor tran!for0ation and !aid a ver+ !incere pra+er???? 2Chief= I have 0ade a deci!ion? If +ou want 0e to *e a dru00er for the re!t of 0+ life= if that ! the *e!t wa+ I can !erve +ou and the re!t of 0an6ind= I will do it Do+full+= $ladl+= and enthu!ia!ticall+? I pro0i!e?3 And I 0eant it? Jand I $ave up all Dud$0ent and re!i!tance to dru00in$ at that 0o0ent? The ver+ neEt da+ I received a call fro0 the CEO of Bp 5ith Peop%e= tellin$ 0e he wa! creatin$ a third ca!t and a!6in$ 0e to co0e *ac6 ri$ht awa+ to *e it! 0u!ical director? I could $ive +ou nu0erou! other eEa0ple! li6e thi! fro0 0+ life= *ut I thin6 +ou $et the point? NNN 5hat you resist persists? In fact= the 0ore +ou re!i!t 2ne$ative3 thou$ht! and tr+ to replace the0 with 2po!itive3 thou$ht!= the 0ore 2ne$ative3 thou$ht! +ou will have? I!n t that what it !a+!' 5+ tr+in$ to focu! onl+ on the 2po!itive3 thou$ht!= aren t +ou auto0aticall+ re!i!tin$ the 2ne$ative3 one!' And then won t the+ per!i!t' It ! li6e the old $a0e= 2tr+ not to thin6 a*out elephant!?3 Of cour!e= elephant! are all +ou can thin6 a*out then? That ! wh+ (he Secret and the 2)aw of Attraction3 don t wor6C or at lea!t= it ! one rea!on? The other rea!on i! that the+ were part of life in!ide the 0ovie theater and therefore couldn t wor6 eEcept to create 0ore li0itation? -or eEa0ple= there !ee0 to *e a lot of 2peacewor6er!3 !prin$in$ up all over the place the!e da+!? 5ut if +ou re!i!t war= war i! what +ou will $etC if +ou re!i!t violence= violence i! what +ou $etC and if +ou are a 2peacewor6er=3 +ou are re!i!tin$ war and violence= de!pite what !o0e of the0 will tr+ to !a+? So a! 0ore and

0ore 2peacewor6er!3 appear= we $et 0ore and 0ore war and violence in the world? #u!t read the new! the!e da+!? Peacewor6in$ i! a $reat di!traction fro0 the real i!!ue +ou and +our Dud$0ent! and the la+er! of +our e$o? Mahat0a 8andhi !aid 2*e the chan$e +ou wi!h to !ee in the world?3 /e didn t !a+= 2*e the chan$e +ou wi!h to !ee in the world= and then $o out and chan$e the world=3 or 2then $o out and tr+ to 0a6e ever+one el!e to *e the wa+ +ou are?3 It ! reall+ prett+ !i0ple? Onl+ when +ou !top Dud$in$ war and violence to *e 2wron$3 or 2*ad3 and under!tand and e0*race the0 a! perfect= alon$ with ever+thin$ el!e in +our holo$ra0= will +ou !top re!i!tin$ the0= at which point the+ no lon$er need to per!i!t? #e!u! !aidJ ,But / say unto you, (hat ye resist not evi%4 but !hosoever sha%% smite thee on thy right chee+, turn to him the other a%so &nd i" any man !i%% sue thee at the %a!, and ta+e a!ay thy coat, %et him have thy c%oa+ a%so &nd !hosoever sha%% compe% thee to go a mi%e, go !ith him t!ain Give to him that as+eth thee, and "rom him that !ou%d borro! o" thee turn not thou a!ay -% So it ! not Du!t a*out not re!i!tin$? It ! a*out e0*racin$ what +ou re!i!tC a*out not tr+in$ to fiE or chan$e or i0prove !o0ethin$= *ut a*out realiLin$ it i! all perfect= war and violence included? That ! what 2what +ou re!i!t per!i!t!3 0ean!? And what i! there to re!i!t' Ever+ eEperience +ou have= down to the !0alle!t detail= wa! created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite /= !o wh+ re!i!t it' &hat are +ou actuall+ !a+in$ when +ou re!i!t an eEperience' @ou re !a+in$ +our /n"inite / $ot it wron$ and +ou don t tru!t it? NNN 5+ now I 0 !ure +ou under!tand that writin$ thi! *oo6 i! part of 0+ own !piritual autol+!i!= !o it doe!n t !urpri!e 0e when an eEperience pop! up in 0+ holo$ra0 to point out !o0ethin$ to 0e to proce!! a! well a! include it in the *oo6? A! I wa! writin$ the la!t chapter= !o0e fa0il+ of 0+ friend had co0e to vi!it for a couple wee6!= alon$ with their fourM+earMold !on who had a ha*it of !crea0in$ at the top of hi! lun$!= *oth in an$er and in eEcite0ent? The !crea0! were piercin$= 0a$nified *+ echoe! off the wall! and !urroundin$ *uildin$!? The+ hit a pitch that would !hatter a $la!!? The parent! did nothin$ when he !crea0ed= eEcept lau$h a little? &hen I a!6ed 0+ friend= he !aid thi! wa! the wa+ 8er0an! and Swi!! *rin$ up their children= that onl+ the >< would tr+ to 2!uppre!!3 their 6id! fro0 !crea0in$? O6a+= I can accept that different culture! have different attitude! toward childrearin$= and I had no Dud$0ent a*out it= althou$h it ! not the wa+ I rai!ed 0+ children nor would rai!e the0 toda+ Owhich ha! nothin$ to do with 2!uppre!!ion3PC and I had al!o reco$niLed fro0 the ti0e I !pent livin$ in Europe that European! in $eneral were often 0ore o*liviou! than A0erican! to an+one el!e around the0= whether the+ were drivin$ a car= or !tandin$ in the center of a *u!+ doorwa+= or i$norin$ the effect! of a !crea0in$ child on tho!e around it? So I did re!i!t the!e !crea0! for a few 0inute!= e!peciall+ !ince I wa! tr+in$ to fini!h Chapter Seventeen? Then I too6 !o0e 0o0ent! to proce!! 0+ re!i!tance= realiLin$ I wa! attached to thi! e$o la+er of *ein$ an author and needin$ 0+ !pace to write? Once I had let $o of that= I wa! free to follow the flow and decided 0+ /n"inite / wanted 0e to ta6e a *rea6 *efore !tartin$ the neEt chapter in the *oo6? -ortunatel+= the da+ wa! cooler than u!ual for the 0iddle of the !u00er= cloud+ with a few thunder!tor0! *uildin$C !o I could ta6e a wal6 for the fir!t ti0e in !everal wee6! without the !corchin$ heat= !o0ethin$ I reall+ enDo+ed doin$? I donned 0+ 0p% pla+er and !et off down the *each alon$ the Mediterranean toward town= li!tenin$ to A**a ! $reate!t hit!= doin$ 0+ own ver!ion of the *oo$ie to (a+e a Chance on )e and Dancing 0ueen? It wa! !o $reat to *e out wal6in$ a$ain= !o0ethin$ I appreciated ver+ 0uch and too6 a! a reward fro0 0+ /n"inite / for the hard wor6 I had *een puttin$ in on the *oo6? 5ut it $ot *etter the further I wal6ed? The wind

and the Sea were pictureMperfect= and I 0et *eautiful wo0en alon$ the wa+= one after the other? One wo0an wa! !o *eautiful I had to !top and tell her !o= which !he an!wered with a !0ile and a 2Than6 @ou=3 in En$li!hG At the far end of the *each= I !at at a cafZ and had a couple ice tea! and !o0e potato chip! a treat I had not indul$ed in for a little while? I wa! !o happ+ to have ta6en thi! wal6 and eEperienced !o 0uch plea!ure and enDo+0ent and refre!h0ent for *oth *od+ and 0ind? Of cour!e= I eEpre!!ed 0+ appreciation O!ilentl+P to the fourM+earMold *o+= hi! parent!= and 0+ friend for pla+in$ their part! to allow 0e to !ee and detach fro0 another la+er of 0+ e$o= and to $et 0e awa+ fro0 0+ co0puter and out on the *each a$ainC and to 0+ /n"inite / for the a0aLin$ and *eautiful eEperienceC and to 0+!elf for *e willin$ to eEa0ine 0+ re!i!tance a! !oon a! it ca0e up? I wouldn t have 0i!!ed that wal6 for the world? Thi! ti0e I dou*t the *o+ will !top !crea0in$J? &owG /e didn t !top co0pletel+= *ut the freKuenc+ i! a %ot le!!= and now it doe!n t *other 0e nearl+ a! 0uch? NNN I had a friend 0an+ +ear! a$o who 0ade an o*!cene a0ount of 0one+ !crapin$ old ru**er off airport runwa+!? Around the a$e of fift+Mfive= he wa! dia$no!ed with cancer and $iven two +ear! to live? Rather than re!i!t the cancer= he decided to accept hi! fate and wanted to !pend hi! la!t two +ear! $ivin$ !o0ethin$ *ac6 to the countr+ he loved !o 0uch and had $iven hi0 !uch incredi*le opportunitie!? /e !tarted a 0a$aLine called 2The 9uc6 5oo6=3 educatin$ hi! reader! a*out the true nature of the >?S? econo0ic !+!te0= and !old lifeti0e !u*!cription! for [10 hi! lifeti0e= not +our!? /e fi$ured he d *e dead in two +ear!= !o what the hell? Two +ear! later hi! cancer had di!appeared? Now he had a new pro*le0A thou!and! of lifeti0e !u*!cription! for [10 to honor? That wa! !olved when he wa! a!!a!!inated within a few +ear! in Co!ta Rica= havin$ *eco0e too 0uch of a threat to the world ! financial cartel? 5ut that ! not the point= o*viou!l+? The point i!J well= +ou $et it= not re!i!tin$ the cancerJ? NNN In "007 I delivered !o0e wor6!hop! in Europe on the topic of the /olo$raphic >niver!e and the /u0an 8a0e? Naturall+= a! part of an+ wor6!hop= +ou want to have !o0e eEerci!e! the participant! can do to 0a6e the theorie! real to the0= to $ive the0 a per!onal eEperience of the truth +ou re tr+in$ to i0part? There were three particular eEerci!e! I u!ed the 0o!t and hi$hl+ reco00end for +ou a! well? The fir!t i! to ta6e one da+ Du!t twent+Mfour hour! and do nothin$ that doe!n t eEcite +ou to do? No 20u!t do !=3 no 2have to do !=3 no 2!hould do !?3 @ou are allowed to do onl+ what +ou !ant to do and *rin$! +ou Do+? @ou 0i$ht find it ! not a! ea!+ a! it !ound!? After all= we have a lot of ha*it! han$in$ over fro0 our da+! in the fir!t half of the 8a0e *elief! that 0i$ht pop up in the proce!!? 5ut Du!t re0ind +our!elf it ! an eEperi0ent for a da+ and nothin$ 0ore and !ee what happen!? -or eEa0ple= !ee if +our /n"inite / $ive! +ou a !i$n or reward! +ou in !o0e !pecial wa+= Du!t to let +ou 6now it wor6!= and will wor6 for +ou a! well? The !econd eEerci!e i!= a$ain= to ta6e Du!t twent+Mfour hour! and not tr+ to do an+thin$ to 20a6e !o0ethin$ happen=3 *ut to onl+ react and re!pond to the eEperience! +ou encounter= that co0e to +ou? No $oal!= no a$enda!= no o*Dective!? No thin6in$ +ou have to do an+thin$ at all to 0a6e thin$! happen in life? Si0pl+ react and re!pond to the eEperience! +our /n"inite / create! for +ou and !ee what 6ind of eEperience! +ou $et= and whether the+ *rin$ +ou 0ore Do+ and happine!! than +ou re u!ed to? The third eEerci!e i! 0+ favorite? -or one da+ Du!t twent+Mfour hour! the participant! in 0+ wor6!hop! were onl+ allowed to !a+ 2@e!3 to whatever appeared in their holo$ra0? The+ had to ta6e the word 2No3 out of their voca*ular+ and Du!t !a+ 2@e!3 to ever+thin$ that ca0e their wa+? After all= if our /n"inite / i! creatin$ each and ever+ eEperience we have= down to the !0alle!t detail= wh+ not !i0pl+ !a+ 2@e!3 to whatever it create! and !ee what happen!'G @ou can t i0a$ine the re!i!tance I encounteredJ? 25hat i" someone as+s me to do something / don<t !ant to doD3

2@ou !a+ I@e! and do it?3 2But !hat i" someone e%se tries to ta+e advantage o" me, +no!ing / can on%y say I#es,<D3 2That ! another fear +ou ll have to face?3 2But !hat i" it<s i%%ega% or immora%D3 Jand the o*Dection! went on and on= all *a!ed on fear and Dud$0entC and of cour!e= that wa! the whole point= eEpo!in$ the!e fear! and Dud$0ent! for the0 to !ee that= and $ivin$ the participant! the eEperience of !a+in$ 2@e!3 and realiLin$ the+ could tru!t their /n"inite / and the eEperience! it would create for the0? Then I found out there wa! a 0ovie relea!ed in "004 which I had never !een Oor heard of= !ince I had *een i!olated in Portu$al the whole ti0eP called (he #es )an with #i0 Carre+? &hen I finall+ !aw it= I thou$ht it wa! one of the 0o!t *rilliant fil0! ever 0ade= and one of the *e!t 2hint!3 and 2clue!3 ever pre!ented to /u0an Adult! in!ide the 0ovie theater? If +ou haven t !een it= I hi$hl+ reco00end it? So0e have tried to 0ini0iLe it! 2@e!3 0e!!a$e= clai0in$ the $uru character= Terrence= retract! hi! own advice in the end? 5ut that ! not !o at all? /ere ! the !etMupJ? #i0 Carre+ *elieve! he ha! 0ade a covenant to onl+ !a+ 2@e!=3 and if he *rea6! that covenant= !o0ethin$ *ad will happen to hi0? /e did= in fact= *rea6 the covenant and i! in the ho!pital with Terrence after a car accident? ,(errence, you have to remove the covenant /t<s +i%%ing meC2There i! no covenant? There never wa!? I wa! Du!t riffin$?3 ,7i""ingD2&ell= I had to !a+ !o0ethin$? @ou were *ein$ difficult= e0*arra!!in$ 0e in front of 0+ crowd?3 ,So the !ho%e I#es< thing is a%% bu%%shitD2No= +ou Du!t don t 6now how to u!e it= that ! all?3 ,#eh, / do Say I#es< to everything E rea% tough to grasp 2No= that ! not the point? &ell= 0a+*e at fir!t it i!= *ut that ! Du!t to open +ou up to it= to $et +ou !tarted? Then +ou re !a+in$ I@e!= not *ecau!e +ou have to= or *ecau!e a covenant tell! +ou to= *ut *ecau!e +ou 6now in +our heart that +ou want to?3( That ! the whole pointA &h+ wouldn t an+one want to !a+ 2@e!3 to an+ eEperience their /n"inite / create! for the0' &h+ would an+one want an+thin$ el!e than the eEperience the+ are havin$ ri$ht at the 0o0ent= 6nowin$ their /n"inite / de!i$ned it e!peciall+ for the0= down to the !0alle!t detail' &h+ would an+one re!i!t an+thin$ in their holo$ra0' Actuall+= I can thin6 of a couple rea!on! wh+= and prett+ $ood one! at that? The fir!t i! that the+ !i0pl+ don t tru!t their /n"inite /= and +ou can t *la0e the0? After all= the+ Du!t !pent their entire live! in!ide the 0ovie theater havin$ one eEperience after another the+ weren t too thrilled a*out= or at lea!t wi!hed would *e 2*etter3 and thou$ht there wa! !o0ethin$ a*out the0 that needed to *e chan$ed= fiEed= or i0proved? Said 0ore !i0pl+= a lot of fir!tMhalf eEperience! re!ulted in dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ which we now 6now were cau!ed *+ our own Dud$0ent! and re!i!tance? 5ut we have a hi!tor+ and a ha*it of !a+in$ 2No3 to tho!e eEperience! and a!!u0e tho!e 6ind! of eEperience! would continue= even 0ultipl+= if we !tarted !a+in$ 2@e!?3 Another rea!on i! that we re control frea6! all of u!= to a certain de$ree? &e !pent a lot of ti0e in!ide the 0ovie theater tr+in$ to control ever+thin$ our live!= our 0one+= the people around u!= the dan$erou! world we live in= and !o on? Of cour!e= it wa! Du!t an illu!ion that we had an+ control at all over our eEperience! other than our reaction! and re!pon!e! to the0? Sa+in$ 2@e!3 reKuire! $ivin$ up that illu!ion of control= reKuire! relea!in$ the !teerin$ wheel= lettin$ $o of the tiller= $oin$ totall+ with the flow with no re!i!tance? 5ut at the !a0e ti0e= !tartin$ to !a+ 2@e!3 and 0a6in$ a new ha*it out of it i! the ea!ie!t and fa!te!t wa+ to $ain tru!t in +our /n"inite /= once +ou !ee where it lead! +ou? It 0a+ al!o *e one of the 0o!t powerful and effective wa+! of tran!for0in$ into a *utterfl+? So $ive it a tr+ for twent+Mfour hour! and !ee for +our!elfJ? Sa+in$ 2@e!3 i! the antidote to re!i!tance?

Twent+Mfour hour! i! not a lot to a!6 no lifeti0e co00it0ent? 5ut if +ou li6e the re!ult! of the!e eEperi0ent!= +ou 0i$ht want to do the0 for fort+Mei$ht hour! neEt ti0eC then for a wee6= and then forever? And re0e0*er= at the end of each da+ *e !ure to eEpre!! appreciation to +our /n"inite / for +our eEperience!= and appreciation to +our!elf for +our role a! it! Pla+er and for the $reat Do* +ou did? One noteA +ou cannot do an+ of thi! 2wron$?3 There ! no tric6= nothin$ +ou have to *e careful of= no wa+ to !crew it up? So don t worr+? A! Ni6e u!ed to !a+= 2#u!t do it?3 NNN &hen 0+ +oun$er !on wa! !iEteen= we had a heartMtoMheart= which he 0a+ or 0a+ not re0e0*er? I told hi0 if he wo6e up one 0ornin$ and wa! overco0e with eEcite0ent to ro* a *an6= I wanted hi0 to do Du!t that= to $o out and *u+ the 0a!6 and the $un Oa to+ one= prefera*l+P and an+thin$ el!e he needed= and wal6 up to that *an6 a! if he were $oin$ to ro* itC *ecau!e= I !u$$e!ted= it didn t 0ean he would actuall+ have to ro* the *an6= althou$h I wa! not a*le to Dud$e whether that would *e a 2$ood3 thin$ or a 2*ad3 thin$ in the end? 5ut there were other po!!i*ilitie!? -or eEa0ple= he could *e wal6in$ up to the *an6 puttin$ hi! 0a!6 on when a 0ovie producer Othi! wa! in /oll+woodP would co0e *+= !top hi0 and !a+= 2@ou re eEactl+ what I ve *een loo6in$ for? I have thi! part in 0+ 0ovie for !o0eone Du!t li6e +ou= and I ll pa+ +ou [100=000 if +ou ll ta6e the role?3 In (he #es )an= #i0 Carre+ realiLe! he would never have 0et the love of hi! life if he had not !aid 2@e!=3 even thou$h it wa! under the fal!e i0pre!!ion he had to *ecau!e of !o0e covenant? NNN @ou re0e0*er the da+= a few +ear! a$o= when I !at in 0+ apart0ent realiLin$ I had no Do*= no inco0e= no 0one+= no pro!pect!= no lover= and !o onC and I totall+ !urrendered to the realit+ of 2what wa!3 without e0otion or re$ret or an+ de!ire to chan$e 0+ !ituation? Now I can !a+= and +ou will under!tand= that I let $o of all re!i!tance to 0+ holo$raphic eEperience at that 0o0ent? &ithin three da+!= Ro*ert Scheinfeld appeared in 0+ holo$ra0 Ovia one of hi! 9F9 2ho0e tran!for0ation !+!te0!3P and !howed 0e the door in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theaterC at which point I wal6ed throu$h it? I can loo6 *ac6 on that eEperience now fro0 a !li$htl+ different per!pective= that when I !topped Dud$in$ and re!i!tin$= I *eca0e u!ele!! to 0+ /n"inite / a! a Pla+er in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? I wa! no lon$er $oin$ to have or !end *ac6 to 0+ /n"inite / e0otional feelin$! in reaction or re!pon!e to eEperience! of li0itation and re!triction= which i! wh+ I wa! pla+in$ the fir!t half of the 8a0e to *e$in with? I can i0a$ine 0+ /n"inite / ha! other Pla+er! it created that 0a+ !till *e pla+in$ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= who can continue to feed it the feelin$! it want! of i0perfection? It didn t need 0e= and I wa!n t $oin$ to !uit it! purpo!e! an+ 0ore in that role? In!tead= I *e$an to feed it the feelin$! fro0 the !econd half of the 8a0e what it feel! li6e once +ou re over the top of that fir!t hill on the rollercoa!ter and into the neEt part of the ride which are Du!t a! valua*le to it= I 0 !ure? Thi! doe!n t 0ean that an+one can fa6e nonMre!i!tance in order to fool their /n"inite / to ta6e the0 into the !econd half of the 8a0e Du!t !o the+ can $et out of the fir!t half= which the+ !till don t li6e? @ou can t den+ or i$nore or !uppre!! re!i!tanceC +ou 0u!t totall+ and willin$l+ let it $o out of +our !+!te0 entirel+? @ou 0u!t *e willin$ to full+ e0*race ever+ 0o0ent of ever+ eEperience created for +ou *+ +our /n"inite /= and love and appreciate it no 0atter what it i!? A! lon$ a! +ou Dud$e and re!i!t pla+in$ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= +ou can never 0ove into the !econd half? A! lon$ a! +ou re!i!t total !urrender= lettin$ $o of all Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion!= +ou can never 0a6e it to the Pacific Ocean? A! lon$ a! +ou re!i!t $ivin$ up +our identit+ a! a caterpillar= +ou can never *eco0e a *utterfl+? More ea!il+ !aid than done= perhap!= and ver+ !car+J?

-OOTNOTES 1? 5aruhovich= Ta0ara? 5hat #ou 7esist Persists 5ac6 to readin$ "? Pavlina= Steve? (he La! o" &ttraction 5ac6 to readin$ %? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St )atthe!= ,?%7M(" 5ac6 to readin$ ( (he #es )an 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

In!ide the 0ovie theater= I prided 0+!elf on not *ein$ afraid of an+thin$= or not 0uch at lea!t? Tal6in$
doll! in horror 0ovie! were one *i$ eEception? -or !o0e rea!on it !cared the crap out of 0e when a pla!tic doll ! head would turn= it! 0outh would open= and it would !pea6? -rea6ed 0e out? Once I $ot in!ide 0+ cocoon= I had to *e hone!t that I wa!= and had alwa+! *een= afraid of a lot of thin$!? &e all are? In fact= fear i! not onl+ the fir!t e0otion we ever feel a! a *a*+= *ut the *a!i! of all Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! we for0 durin$ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? Accordin$ to the /ol+ 5i*le= fear wa! al!o the fir!t reaction Ada0 and Eve had after the+ ate the apple fro0 the Tree of <nowled$e of 8ood and EvilJ? ,&nd the L17D God ca%%ed unto &dam, and said unto him, 5here art thouD &nd &dam said, / heard thy voice in the garden, and / !as a"raid -1 If I tried to li!t out all the thin$! I have *een afraid of= it 0i$ht ta6e a whole *oo6 in it!elf? 5ut there are a few fear! I want to loo6 at 0ore carefull+ that +ou 0i$ht have al!o eEperienced fro0 ti0e to ti0e= !o 0a+*e +ou can relate? NNN So0e fear! are Kuite o*viou!= and ever+one cop! to the0? 2I 0 afraid to wal6 throu$h Central Par6 at ni$ht?3 There ! no !ha0e *ein$ afraid of that= i! there' It Du!t 0a6e! $ood !en!e= ri$ht' &ell= not actuall+J? Other! are 0ore !u*tle= perhap!= a! well a! 0ore perva!iveC and there are a few that re0ain un!po6en *ut al0o!t ever+one !ee0! to !hare? Not 0an+ people would co0e ri$ht out and !a+= for eEa0ple= the+ are afraid of life it!elf= *elievin$ the world i! a dan$erou! place to live? 5ut that is the ca!e with the va!t 0aDorit+C and the+ teach that to their children? #u!t thin6 for a 0inute what people $o throu$h to protect the0!elve! fro0 what ! 2out there3 *oth ph+!ical protection and 0ental or e0otional protection? /o0e !ecurit+= for eEa0ple= i! a 0ultiM*illion dollar *u!ine!!?" I have alwa+! found it !tran$e !o0eone could thin6 a few !0all piece! of 0etal on a door or window called a 2loc63 could protect the0 fro0 an+one who reall+ want! to ro* the0= a! if a !eriou! *ur$lar would arrive at the hou!e= find the door loc6ed= and !a+= 2Oop!= door ! loc6ed? Can t ro* thi! hou!e toni$ht?3 Of cour!e= a loc6 al!o i$nore! the fact that if +our /n"inite / want! +ou to *e ro**ed if that ! the eEperience it ha! decided to create for +ou at the 0o0ent +ou re $oin$ to $et ro**ed re$ardle!! of a few piece! of 0etal? The !a0e applie! to !urroundin$ +our hou!e or car or loved one with 2white li$ht=3 which i! al!o *a!ed on fear? 5e!ide!= if +ou do $et ro**ed= perhap! +our /n"inite / i! !i0pl+ helpin$ +ou $et rid of !o0e of the attach0ent! that 6eep +ou fro0 *eco0in$ a *utterfl+?

On the other hand= it i!n t the loc6 that 6eep! a *ur$lar awa+ fro0 +our hou!eC it ! +our /n"inite / who i! not creatin$ the eEperience of +our *ein$ ro**ed? I don t care how 0uch a *ur$lar want! to ro* +our hou!e= or what 6ind of hi$hMtech tool! he ha! to penetrate +our !ecurit+= he ! not $ettin$ in if that ! not what +our /n"inite / want!? /e won t even *e a*le to $et throu$h an unloc6ed door? @ou will !oon *e$in to under!tand thi! and have enou$h eEperience! under +our *elt to !tart de0on!tratin$ +our tru!t in +our /n"inite / *+ cea!in$ to loc6 an+thin$ ho0e= car= *riefca!e= loc6er= whateverC and it ! i0portant= once +ou ve let $o of !o0e of the!e le!!er fear!= to *ehave differentl+ in +our dail+ life= actin$ on +our new under!tandin$ and lettin$ $o of old ha*it! alon$ with the fear!? Seat *elt law!= hel0et law!= law! that reKuire children to ride in the *ac6 !eat !trapped into a pla!tic !hell= are all *a!ed on fear and our atte0pt! to le$i!late a$ain!t it? A! a child 0+!elf= I alwa+! rode in the front !eat without an+ re!traint!= li6e all other children 0+ a$eC it ! a0aLin$ 0+ $eneration ever 0ade it into our twentie!G In the two car accident! I had one at a$e !iEteen= the other a$e fift+M!even if I had *een wearin$ a !eat *elt I would have died in *oth ca!e!= needin$ to *e a*le to 0ove a*out in the car a! it rolled and cru!hed the roof down onto the fra0e? @e!= I 0i$ht *e the eEception= or at lea!t that ! how the $eneral pu*lic could loo6 at it? 5ut the truth i! that a !eat *elt i! neither $oin$ to protect +ou or !ave +ou if +our ti0e a! a Pla+er for +our /n"inite / i! over? I 0 not !a+in$ it ! 2wron$3 to wear a !eat *eltC Du!t reco$niLe and ad0it that it ! *a!ed on fear either the fear of a dan$erou! world or the fear of $ettin$ a tic6et fro0 a cop and don t tr+ to Du!tif+ it a! 2lo$ical3 or 2nece!!ar+?3 NNN Then there are the 0ental and e0otional protection! we put up a$ain!t fear? 5etter not co00it to !o0ethin$ or !o0eone *ecau!e it 0i$ht not wor6? 9on t $ive +our heart co0pletel+ *ecau!e +ou never 6now when +ou ll *e hurt? <eep !o0e 0one+ in re!erve in ca!e !o0ethin$ *ad happen!? A! I !aid= I could $o on and on= and I won t? @ou 6now what +ou re afraid of now= and +ou re $oin$ to find out all the other fear! +ou re not aware of a! +ou continue +our tran!for0ation in the cocoon? 5ut there are two fear! in particular I want to addre!!? One +ou re pro*a*l+ aware of the fear of death? The other +ou 0i$ht not reco$niLe the fear of nonMeEi!tence? There wa! a fa0ou! !a+in$ that *eca0e popular for a while= 2Toda+ i! the fir!t da+ of the re!t of +our life?3 I a!!u0e it wa! !uppo!ed to convince people to thin6 a*out each da+ a! a new !tart= a new *e$innin$= and free the0 fro0 their pa!t? Not a 2*ad3 thou$ht= and it 0i$ht wor6 for !o0e people= e!peciall+ if the+ u!e it to let $o of all pa!t Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!? 5ut we *oth 6now that ! not what nor0all+ happen!= even thou$h the !a+in$ on it! !urface 0i$ht *e true? Then ca0e 2)ive toda+ a! if it were +our la!tC3 or= a! Mahat0a 8andhi i! reported to have !aid= 2)ive a! if +ou were to die to0orrow?3 Al!o not too 2*adC3 2*etter3 in fact? Mo!t people= thin6in$ toda+ were their la!t= 0i$ht put a!ide all their 2!hould !3= 20u!t !3= and 2have to !=3 and live their eEcite0ent= doin$ what *rin$! the0 Do+? That= in fact= i! how we could live ever+ 0o0ent re$ardle!! of when we thin6 we will die? And then there i! the Native A0erican !a+in$= 2Toda+ i! a $ood da+ to die?3 Can +ou !a+ that to +our!elf ri$ht now' Are +ou livin$ +our life !o if +ou died toda+= +ou would have no re$ret!= no !orrow= no re0or!e' Could +ou 0eet death toda+ and welco0e it with open ar0!' @ou will find +our!elf livin$ eEactl+ that wa+ when +ou $et a little further into +our cocoon and !tart to let $o of all the fear! +ou are carr+in$? 5ut I 0 !tartin$ to !ound li6e !o0e other newMa$e philo!opher!= !u$$e!tin$ we need to let $o of our fear of deathC and that ! not reall+ what I 0 tr+in$ to !a+ at all? I 0 !a+in$ we need to !top re!i!tin$ death and *e$in to 0eet it e+e to e+e= e0*race it= *rin$ it into our con!ciou! awarene!! on a dail+ *a!i!= and 0a6e it our con!tant co0panion? I 0 !u$$e!tin$ we need to !top Dud$in$ death a! 2wron$3 or 2*ad3 and life a! 2ri$ht3 or 2$ood=3 to !top livin$ in dualit+ when it co0e! to life and death? It turn! out that a lot of 0ind! $reater than 0ine have eEpre!!ed thi! ver+ thou$ht? -or eEa0ple= &olf$an$ A0adeu! MoLartJ

,&s death, !hen !e come to consider it c%ose%y, is the true goa% o" our e.istence, / have "ormed during the %ast "e! years such c%ose re%ations !ith this best and truest "riend o" man+ind, that his image is not on%y no %onger terri"ying to me, but is indeed very soothing and conso%ingC &nd / than+ my God "or gracious%y granting me the opportunity o" %earning that death is the +ey !hich un%oc+s the door to our true happiness -% Jand Michel de Montai$neJ 2Death has us by the scru"" o" the nec+ at every moment9 (o begin depriving death o" it<s greatest advantage over us, %et us adopt a !ay c%ean contrary to that common oneJ %et us deprive death o" it<s strangeness, %et us "re=uent it, %et us get used to itJ %et us have nothing more o"ten in mind than death 5e do not +no! !here death a!aits us4 so %et us !ait "or it every!here (o practice death is to practice "reedom & man !ho has %earned ho! to die has un%earned ho! to be a s%ave -( Jand So$+al RinpocheJ ,Perhaps the deepest reason !hy !e are a"raid o" death is because !e do not +no! !ho !e are 5e be%ieve in a persona%, uni=ue, and separate identity E but i" !e dare to e.amine it, !e "ind that this identity depends entire%y on an end%ess co%%ection o" things to prop it up4 our name, our Ibiography,< our partners, "ami%y, home, ?ob, "riends, credit cards9 /t is on their "ragi%e and transient support that !e re%y "or our security So !hen they are a%% ta+en a!ay, !i%% !e have any idea o" !ho !e rea%%y areD 5ithout our "ami%iar props, !e are "aced !ith ?ust ourse%ves, a person !e do not +no!, an unnerving stranger !ith !hom !e have been %iving a%% the time but !e never rea%%y !anted to meet /sn<t that !hy !e have tried to "i%% every moment o" time !ith noise and activity, ho!ever boring or trivia%, to ensure that !e are never %e"t in si%ence !ith this stranger on our o!n'??? 5hen you start preparing "or death you soon rea%i>e that you must %oo+ into your %i"e E no! E and come to "ace the truth o" your se%" Death is %i+e a mirror in !hich the true meaning o" %i"e is re"%ected -, Jand the 9alai )a0aJ ,&!areness o" death is the very bedroc+ o" the entire path Bnti% you have deve%oped this a!areness, a%% other practices are obstructed Jand Socrate!J ,(o "ear death, my "riends, is on%y to thin+ ourse%ves !ise, !ithout being !ise4 "or it is to thin+ that !e +no! !hat !e do not +no! 'or anything that men can te%%, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them4 but they "ear it as i" they +ne! =uite !e%% that it !as the greatest o" evi%s &nd !hat is this but that shame"u% ignorance o" thin+ing that !e +no! !hat !e do not +no!DEven #ed Mc<enna ha! a few nice thin$! to !a+ a*out death a! wellJ? ,5e have ta+en death out o" %i"e and that a%%o!s us to %ive unconscious%y Death never %e"t, o" course, !e<ve ?ust turned a!ay "rom it, pretended it !asn<t there /" !e !ish to a!a+en E and that<s a mighty big i" E then !e must !e%come death bac+ into our %ives Death is our persona% Men )aster, our source o" po!er, our path to %ucidity, but !e have to stop running "rom it in a b%ind panic 5e need on%y stop and turn around and there it is, inches a!ay, staring at us !ith unb%in+ing ga>e, "inger poised, every second o" our %ives9 ,5hat / am no! %ives in constant death8a!areness, it is su""used throughout my dreamstate being the !ay "ear and death8denia% used to be Death is a%!ays be"ore my eyes / never hide it or deny it or push it a!ay Death is the diamond heart o" my dreamstate being /t is the de"ining "eature that sho!s me the va%ue o" everything / see9 Death gives de"inition to %i"e Death8a!areness is %i"e8a!areness Death denia% is %i"e denia%9 / %ove the "act o" my death /t has made my %i"e possib%e (here cou%d have been no a!a+ening !ithout

it /t<s ho! / +no! the va%ue o" things /t<s ho! / +no! !hat beauty is /t<s !hy / am gratitude8based instead o" "ear8based /t<s a%so ho! / +no! :a 6uman; Chi%d "rom :a 6uman; &du%t, as%eep "rom a!a+e /t<s ho! / can %oo+ at someone and +no! i" death !a%+s be"ore them or behind9 (his isn<t about death in the abstract, it<s about death in the most persona%, intimate senseJ your death Death is the meaning in the dreamJ the dreamstate shado! o" no8se%" Death is the boogeyman #ou can<t +i%% him or hide "rom him or get a!ay "rom him, you can on%y turn to!ard him or a!ay "rom him /" you turn to!ard him, be"riend him, "u%%y embrace him, not super"icia%%y, but as your o!n essentia% truth, then death is the demon you can ride into every batt%e -. &ell !aidG 5ut plea!e don t 0i!under!tand 0e? If I 0 !cu*a divin$ at oneMhundred feet and 0+ air !uppl+ !uddenl+ !top!= I will pro*a*l+ not Du!t !it there and do nothin$ and let death do with 0e a! it want!? I 0a+C it would depend on the circu0!tance!? 5ut 0o!t li6el+ I will tr+ to $et to the !urface= tr+ to !urvive= tr+ to find air !o0ehow not out of the fear of death= *ut 0ore fro0 in!tinct than an+thin$ el!e? In fact= while I 0 0a6in$ 0+ wa+ up and thin6in$ I would li6e to *e a*le to *reathe a$ain= I ll *e appreciatin$ the *eautiful opportunit+ of d+in$ in a place I love 0ore than an+where el!e on Earth in the ocean with the fi!h and whale! and dolphin!? I had !uch an eEperience? &hen I fir!t lo!t control of 0+ car= doin$ 1, 0ph down the Inter!tate on crui!e control= and it !werved and !tarted to roll over= 0+ fir!t thou$ht wa!= 2I! thi! how I 0 $oin$ to die'3 I re0e0*er a!6in$ the Kue!tion with no e0otion and no re!i!tance and no panicC and the an!wer ca0e *ac6 i00ediatel+= 2No?3 So I continued to co0pletel+ relaE= not re!i!tin$= not tr+in$ to !top the rollin$= not tr+in$ to *race 0+!elf a$ain!t an+thin$= Du!t totall+ $oin$ with the flow and the 0otion= lettin$ 0+ *od+ 0ove freel+ wherever the car wanted to ta6e it? In fact= 0+ nonMre!i!tance to what wa! happenin$ i! without Kue!tion the ph+!ical rea!on I wa! not 6illed a! the roof caved in durin$ the fir!t roll? &ould I have reacted an+ differentl+ if the an!wer had co0e *ac6= 2@e!= thi! i! the wa+ +ou re $oin$ to die?3 I dou*t it? In that ca!e= what ! the point of re!i!tin$' NNN #ud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and the fear of death? I !tu0*led on a $reat eEa0ple I thin6 tie! all thi! to$ether in a nice neat pac6a$eJ? &e *e$in with the fear of death= and therefore fear of an+thin$ that can cau!e that death? S6in cancer can cau!e death= !o we fear !6in cancer? &e re told= and *u+ into the Dud$0ent that eEpo!ure to the !un i! 2*ad=3 *ecau!e it cau!e! !6in cancer? &e *elieve we have to protect our!elve! fro0 the !un and it! har0ful ra+!= and we for0 the opinion that we !hould never $o out into the !un without !un!creen or we ll $et !6in cancer and die? Now let ! loo6 at the truth? S6in cancer wa! fairl+ rare until the 17,0 != the same time that Coppertone *e$an 0ar6etin$ it! patented !un!creen and created the nowMfa0ou! Coppertone 8irl? )et 0e !a+ that a$ainJ the incidence of !6in cancer *e$an ri!in$ !teadil+ in the 17,0 !1= which i! Ocoincidentall+'P when Coppertone *e$an 0ar6etin$ it! !un!creen?4 Then= a! 0ore and 0ore people u!ed !un!creen *etween 17,0 and "010= !6in cancer *eca0e 2the 0o!t co00on for0 of cancer in the >nited State!C37 and 2each +ear there are 0ore new ca!e! of !6in cancer than the co0*ined incidence of cancer! of the *rea!t= pro!tate= lun$ and colonC310 while 2!ince the 1710Q!= our countr+ ha! witne!!ed a %000T increa!e in the !ale! of !un!creen product!?311 9on t we have to a!6= 29oe! !un!creen actuall+ prevent !6in cancer= or cau!e it'3 I!n t it !tran$e that the 0ore people u!e !un!creen to prevent !6in cancer= the 0ore !6in cancer we $et' &e re!i!ted death= we re!i!ted the !un= and we re!i!ted the !6in cancerC and we did all thi! on a 0a!!ive !cale? A! a re!ult of thi! re!i!tance= we too6 0ea!ure! to tr+ to prevent what we feared? The re!ult= of cour!e= wa! 0ore !6in cancer and 0ore deathC and we re *ac6 to 2&hat +ou re!i!t per!i!t!?3 That ! how it wor6! in!ide the 0ovie theater= and it ! a $ood eEa0ple of what +ou need to do in +our cocoon wor6 thi! eKuation *ac6ward!= !tartin$ with +our opinion! and the action! +ou ta6e *a!ed on the0= di$$in$ deeper to find the *elief! that are under the opinion!= findin$ the Dud$0ent! and re!i!tance that led to tho!e *elief!= and not !toppin$ until +ou can clearl+ !tate the fear that *e$an it all? Then +ou do +our !piritual autol+!i!= a!6in$ +our!elfA I! that fear reall+ true' In thi! ca!e= +ou are pro*a*l+ well aware of +our opinion not to $o out in the !un without !un!creen? It !hould not *e ver+ difficult to Kuic6l+ realiLe +ou hold a *elief that +ou have to protect +our!elf fro0 the !un

and it! har0ful ra+!? -ro0 there +ou !hould *e a*le to find the Dud$0ent that eEpo!ure to the !un i! 2*ad=3 *ecau!e it cau!e! !6in cancer? And then it ! Du!t a !hort Du0p to the fear of !6in cancer and death? ,&%% emotions are attachments and the energy source o" a%% attachments is "ear -1" I want to repeat at thi! point that the choice i! alwa+! +our!? @ou can decide +ou li6e the!e fear!= that the!e fear! are 2ri$ht3 and Du!tified= and +ou don t !ee an+ point in $ettin$ rid of the0? I 0 not tr+in$ to convince +ou of an+thin$? M+ onl+ Do* a! the !cout i! to point out that the choice i! *etween continuin$ to live in fear= or livin$ free a! a *utterfl+? NNN /ow do +ou deal with the fear of death' @ou 0a6e death +our friend= +our partner in life= +our dail+ co0panion? @ou welco0e it= accept it= e0*race it= appreciate it? @ou under!tand it= loo6 forward to it= and a*ove all !top Dud$in$ and re!i!tin$ itJ? ,(he contemp%ation o" death, o" one<s o!n morta%ity, is a rea% and po!er"u% meditation Death8a!areness is true >a>en, it<s the universa% spiritua% practice, the on%y one anyone ever needs and the one everyone shou%d per"orm, so yes, you<d !ant to do !hatever you have to in order to bring this %iving a!areness into your %i"e Deve%op the habit o" thin+ing o" death every time you %oo+ at a !atch or c%oc+, every time you sit do!n to a mea%, every time you go to the bathroom (a+e a !a%+ a%one every day and thin+ about !hat it means to be a%ive, to !a%+, to see and hear, to breathe /t<s not an e.ercise, it<s not something you<re trying to ma+e yourse%" be%ieve %i+e an a""irmation /t<s something that<s rea% and centra% to your every thought and act /" you +ne! you !ere going to die tomorro!, !hat !ou%d you do todayD &nd !hy the he%% aren<t you doing itD-1% 5a!icall+ we re tal6in$ a*out lettin$ $o of our attach0ent! to life it!elf= peelin$ off the la+er! of the e$o that deter0ine our identit+ and dictate our *ehavior! *a!ed on our fear of death? Thi! i! a *i$ !tep +ou will ta6e in the cocoon? 5ut not the *i$$e!t? A! +ou proce!! +our fear of death and *e$in to e0*race it with eEcite0ent= +ou re $oin$ to di!cover there i! a 0ore funda0ental fear= a 0ore *a!ic fear= a 0ore hidden and powerful fear on which the fear of death depend! and fro0 which it $row!? It i! the fear of nonMeEi!tence? )i6e an ice*er$= the fear of death i! onl+ the part !tic6in$ up a*ove the water= with the fear of nonMeEi!tence a! the *i$$e!t part lur6in$ *elow where +ou can t !ee itC and li6e the Titanic= +ou re $oin$ to hit thi! ice*er$= $uaranteed? /ow +ou handle the colli!ion with +our fear of nonMeEi!tence will deter0ine whether +ou !urvive +our tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+ or not? So I want to ta6e a clo!e loo6 at thi! fear of nonMeEi!tence? A! we ve di!cu!!ed= when an /n"inite / create! a new Pla+er= it $ive! it free will? Ma+*e it didn t have to= 0a+*e there ! not !o0e ulti0atu0 fro0 The ChiefC *ut that ! actuall+ the wa+ the /u0an 8a0e wor6! *e!t= if a Pla+er ha! total free will to choo!e their reaction! and re!pon!e! to the eEperience! created *+ it! /n"inite /? Thi! free will and the proce!! of choo!in$ reaction! and re!pon!e! reKuire a certain level of !elfM con!ciou!ne!! in order for the0 to wor6? Thi! !elfMcon!ciou!ne!! i! a per!onalit+ con!truct what we nor0all+ call an 2e$o?3 A! we react to our fear! and for0 Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion!= we add la+er upon la+er to thi! e$o each la+er with it! own fal!e identit+ and the !u0 total of the!e la+er! create! the overall identit+= the per!onalit+ con!truct we call 2I?3 In!ide the 0ovie theater= the e$o ha! a ver+ i0portant roleC and we *e$in to identif+ with the e$o= *e$in to thin6 it i! who we are? So when we $et in!ide the cocoon and *e$in to annihilate the e$o= one la+er at a ti0e= we re lia*le to encounter !o0e re!i!tance fro0 the e$o it!elf? In !hort= the e$o will fi$ht for it! life= wantin$ u! to *elieve we are !o0ethin$ we are not it and that we cannot live without it? The fear that develop! i! all a*out who we are if we are not the e$oC in other word!= the fear of *ein$ nothin$ without it the fear of nonMeEi!tence?

Since the *e$innin$ of recorded hi!tor+ until the pre!ent ti0e= all reli$ion!= !piritual philo!ophie! and *elief !+!te0! Oincludin$ the 0o!t recent New A$e theorie!P have all had one thin$ in co00onA a !olution for thi! fear of nonMeEi!tence the idea we are reall+ an i00ortal !oul which will continue to eEi!t after our ph+!ical death? 5ut i! that true' 9oe! that !tand the te!t of !piritual autol+!i!' I! there an+ proof= an+ evidence we are reall+ an+thin$ 0ore than a te0porar+ !elfMcon!ciou!ne!! that will cea!e to eEi!t when we die' I! the idea of a !oul= and the i00ortalit+ of that !oul= !i0pl+ our !olution to the fear of nonMeEi!tence= leadin$ to 0ore Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion!' I! it po!!i*le 2*ein$ an i00ortal !oul3 i! Du!t another la+er of e$o we need to let $o of' I !ee 0+!elf a! a Pla+er in a 8a0e= 0uch li6e 9ou$la! /all di!covered in the 0ovie (he (hirteen '%oor? I cannot hone!tl+ !a+ it ! true 2I3 will !urvive the death of thi! *od+? Perhap!= li6e 9ou$la!= I 0i$ht find 0+!elf on another level= in another $a0eC *ut that re0ain! to *e !een= and there ! nothin$ to !u$$e!t that here and now? I realiLe thi! i! all theoretical at the 0o0ent= *ut it will *eco0e ver+ real to +ou a! +ou pro$re!! in!ide the cocoon and !tart peelin$ off la+er! of the e$oC and I can $uarantee +ou the fear of nonMeEi!tence will co0e up in full force? If +ou continue with +our tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+= +ou re $oin$ to have to an!wer the!e Kue!tion! for +our!elf? -OOTNOTES 1? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? Genesis= %?7M10 5ac6 to readin$ "? MultiChannel New! 2et Bpstarts Brea+ /nto 6ome Security= #une 11= "001 5ac6 to readin$ %? MoLart= &olf$an$ A0adeu!? in a %etter to his "ather, Leopo%d Oc? 1141P 5ac6 to readin$ (? de Montai$ne= Michel? essay entit%ed (he La!s o" )anu 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Rinpoche= So$+al? (he (ibetan Boo+ o" Living and Dying 5ac6 to readin$ .? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ 1? (ropica%/n"o org Incidence of !6in cancer 5ac6 to readin$ 4? 5i+ipedia Sun!creen 5ac6 to readin$ 7? S6in Cancer -oundation? S+in Cancer 'acts 5ac6 to readin$ 10? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ 11? Sunscreen4 & 7ecipe "or Disaster 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? /bid 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Finall+ I have the opportunit+ to tell +ou how I feel !tandin$ where I a0= loo6in$ at the Pacific Ocean= clo!e to e0er$in$ fro0 0+ cocoon a! a *utterfl+? -or 0e= life i! full of eEcite0ent= Do+= a0aLe0ent= appreciation= fun= lau$hter= !urpri!e!= fulfill0ent= relaEation= and e!peciall+ peace of 0ind? I don t worr+ a*out an+thin$ an+ 0ore= particularl+ 0one+? I 6now with certaint+ fro0 direct eEperience of te!tin$ and challen$in$ the 0odel that 0+ /n"inite / will provide ever+thin$ I need for the eEperience! it want! 0e to haveC and it alwa+! ha!? If it doe!n t= I can t have tho!e eEperience! !ince I have no power a! a Pla+er on thi! !ide of The -ield to create an+thin$ for 0+!elf? I 0a+ not 6now where the 0one+ i! co0in$ fro0 all the ti0e= *ut I don t need to 6now? I Du!t 6now it will *e there= often fro0 !ource! I would never have $ue!!ed or planned for? OSee Chapter Thirt+= 2Mone+=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P

I live in total tru!t of 0+ /n"inite /? That ! ea!+ for 0e to do *ecau!e I ve had !o 0an+ eEperience! that have proven 0+ /n"inite / i! full+ tru!tworth+= that it love! and care! for 0e a! it! repre!entative in the /u0an 8a0e= and that it will create for 0e and alwa+! ha! eEactl+ what it want! 0e to eEperience down to the !0alle!t detail? OSee Chapter Twent+MNine= 2Tru!t=3 in Part Three of thi! *oo6?P I have no per!onal need! or want! or de!ire! that have to *e fulfilled= althou$h I do have 0+ preference! a! I eEplained previou!l+? I never thin6 a*out what I do not have= *ut onl+ eEpre!! 0+ appreciation for what I do have? After all= our need! and want! are often *a!ed on Dud$0ent needin$ and wantin$ !o0ethin$ we donQt have *ecau!e we thin6 itQ! 2*etter3 than what weQve $ot? The truth i!= a! +ou let $o of Dud$0ent and *elief! and opinion!= the onl+ thin$ +ou ever need and want i! eEactl+ what ! ri$ht in front of +ou? I don t plan for the future= and I dou*t whether the pa!t ever eEi!ted? I have no $oal!= no a$enda!= no o*Dective!= nothin$ I feel I need to do or !hould do or have to do or 0u!t do? I live in the 0o0ent? 5ut I can !till drea0? Rud+ard <iplin$ !aid it *e!t in hi! poe0= 2If3J? ,/" you can dream and not ma+e dreams your masterJ /" you can thin+ and not ma+e thoughts your aimJ /" you can meet !ith (riumph and Disaster &nd treat those t!o imposters ?ust the same -1 I have ver+ 0ini0al dra0a or conflict in 0+ dail+ life and virtuall+ no pain or !ufferin$= with one eEception I ll !pea6 a*out in a 0inute? I a0 free of the world of dichoto0ie!= which 0ean! I !i0pl+ do not !ee 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$=3 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 2*etter3 or 2wor!e=3 $ood3 or 2evil3 in 0+ holo$raphic eEperience!? Onl+ occa!ionall+= when I !till need to proce!! !o0e lin$erin$ la+er of e$o in 0+ cocoon= I 0i$ht Dud$e !o0ethin$ 2out there3 that I encounterC and I tru!t 0+ /n"inite / will create holo$ra0! for 0e in order to !ee tho!e Dud$0ent! and proce!! the0= !o I don t have to $o loo6in$ for an+thin$? 5ut it ! *een a lon$ ti0e now !ince an+ of tho!e eEperience! of an+ con!eKuence have appeared? The va!t 0aDorit+ of the ti0e I !ee onl+ perfection all around 0e not onl+ in the 0a$nificent Earth Environ0ent 0+ /n"inite / ha! created for 0e= *ut al!o in the war!= the violence= and the pain and !ufferin$ a! well? After all= I 6now fro0 0+ direct eEperience! of te!tin$ and challen$in$ the 0odel that none of it i! real= *ut a $a0e *ein$ pla+ed *+ con!ciou!ne!!= in con!ciou!ne!!= and for con!ciou!ne!!? The wa+ I relate to other people= to the world= and to 0+!elf i! the wa+ I have alwa+! wanted to relate? I have a wonderful fa0il+ and 0an+ friend! who0 I love *ut a0 not attached to? I do not *elon$ to an+ $roup= *ut I never feel alone or lonel+? I wa6e up ever+ 0ornin$ with eEcite0ent and curiou! anticipation to di!cover what holo$raphic eEperience! 0+ /n"inite / ha! in !tore for 0e that da+? It ! !uch a relaEin$ wa+ to live 6nowin$ I do not create the eEperience! I have= and not havin$ to thin6 I 0u!t do !o0ethin$= to 0a6e !o0ethin$ happen? A! lon$ a! 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e a! it! Pla+er= I 6now fro0 direct eEperience it will provide ever+thin$ I need to !urvive= and I don t have to *e con!tantl+ !trivin$ to 0a6e end! 0eetC and it ! Kuite a load off to realiLe I have never done= and can never do an+thin$ 2wron$3 that ever+ reaction and re!pon!e I have to ever+ eEperience i! valua*le and wanted *+ 0+ /n"inite /= that no reaction or re!pon!e i! 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$3 or 2*etter3 than an+ other? I 0arvel ever+ da+ at the *eaut+= the !plendor= the 0a$nificence of 0+ life and 0+ world? /ere I a0= on the Mediterranean coa!t of Spain= !urrounded with water and tree! and *each and *lue !6+ and war0thJ I a0 in con!tant awe of the holo$ra0 and it! creator? ;uite often I lau$h= eEpre!! 0+ appreciation to 0+ /n"inite /= and wonder Orhetoricall+P how I $ot here= and a*out the holo$raphic univer!e in $eneral? /ow a0aLin$ that each Pla+er ha! it! own uniKue and independent holo$raphic eEperience= and +et tho!e individual holo$ra0! can interact !o !ea0le!!l+ and perfectl+ that we can $ive each other $ift!? &hat a $a0eG I don t 0editate or pra+= *ut tr+ to !ta+ full+ awa6e and aware and o*!ervant of the ripple! of the >niver!e $oin$ on around 0e= and follow the0 with 0+ hand! off the tiller? O/ow ! that for a 6oan'P I o*!erve I 2witne!!3 what $oe! on 2out there3 with other people= place!= and thin$! without $ettin$ involved or attachedC and althou$h I wi!h ever+one el!e could eEperience the Do+ and peace and !erenit+ of *ein$ I now enDo+= I 6now whatever eEperience the+ are havin$ at the 0o0ent i! perfect for the0 a! wellC and

that an+ chan$e in that eEperience will reKuire a !elfMdeter0ined deci!ion on their part a*out their reaction! and re!pon!e!= and there i! nothin$ I 2!hould3 *e doin$ other than 2*ein$ the chan$e3 I would wi!h for the0? I have no fear of death and no fear of nonMeEi!tence? >ntil proven otherwi!e= I a!!u0e I will cea!e to eEi!t when thi! *od+ die!= 0+ role a! a Pla+er in the 8a0e *ein$ overC and I 0 ver+ o6a+ with that? It ! *een Kuite a ride while it la!ted? 5ut I 6now all the feelin$! I ever had a! a Pla+er have *een tran!0itted to 0+ /n"inite / throu$h our connection and will forever re0ain part of it! infinite nature? I feel !o relaEed and relieved not to *e carr+in$ around the la+er! of e$o that were definin$ 0e and deter0inin$ 0+ identit+? I no lon$er have to *e the father= hu!*and= eEMhu!*and= !on= lover= friend= coach= teacher= 0entor= !tudent= 0u!ician= politician= pilot= chiropractor= *u!ine!!0an= 0ana$e0ent con!ultant= Dac6MofM allMtrade!MandM0a!terMofMnone= and the li!t went on forever? Soon I will al!o let $o of 2!cout3 and *e co0pletel+ free to *e 0e= which i! nothin$? In !hort= life i! even 0ore than I ever i0a$ined it could *e= and who I a0 now i! who I onl+ hoped I could *e for 0an+= 0an+ +ear!C and I haven t +et fini!hed 0+ tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+= !o perhap! there i! 0ore to co0e? I 6now I have done 0+ Do* well and fulfilled 0+ purpo!e= *ecau!e= 0o!t i0portantl+= I now 6now who I a0 and 0+ purpo!e for *ein$ here? I a0 a Pla+er for 0+ /n"inite /= created *+ 0+ /n"inite / to repre!ent it in the /u0an 8a0eC and I a0 totall+ honored and privile$ed to *e that and nothin$ 0ore? I have $iven up tr+in$ to *e !o0ethin$ I 0 not? I call it 2Serenit+ of 5ein$3 that !tate of co0plete acceptance with total Do+ and appreciation for 2&ho I A0?3 NNN I re0e0*er a ni$ht in 177, when I wa! !ailin$ in the ea!t Atlantic Ocean fro0 Madeira to Tenerife in the Canar+ I!land!J? It wa! a ni$ht !trai$ht out of a drea0? I wa! !tandin$ at the wheel of the Uairos= an ei$ht+Mfoot wooden !chooner= loo6in$ up into a 0idni$ht !6+ overflowin$ with !tar!? There wa! no other li$ht= no land in !i$ht? A $entle wind filled the !ail!= and the onl+ !ound wa! the !hip re!pondin$ with ea!e throu$h the peaceful water!? -ro0 ti0e to ti0e= dolphin! would leave $reen pho!phore!cent trail! a! the+ darted toward the *ow? I wa! alone on dec6? There were twent+ other! on *oard that wee6 for a wor6!hop= includin$ a doLen *eautiful wo0en who would !a+ 2@e!G3 if I a!6edC *ut at thi! hour the+ were a!leep *elow= tru!tin$ 0e to captain the0 !afel+ to our neEt de!tination? 2Could there *e an+thin$ 0ore perfect'3 I thou$ht= turnin$ the wheel !li$htl+ to adDu!t our cour!e? 5ut with the neEt thou$ht= the drea0 wa! $one? 2So wh+ a0 I not happ+'3 It wa! trueA &hen I hone!tl+ loo6ed at the wa+ I felt in that 0o0ent fifteen +ear! a$o= I wa!n t happ+? There I wa!= fift+ +ear! old= !urrounded with ever+thin$ I thou$ht I wanted out of life? In fact= I had 0ore than I had a!6ed for? I had achieved it all and found 0+!elf in the ver+ !cene I alwa+! a!!u0ed would deliver 0e to Nirvana? Thi! wa! the 0o0ent I had *een wor6in$ and waitin$ for 0+ entire lifeC and +et I wa!n t happ+? Of cour!e= that wa! while I wa! !till in!ide the 0ovie theater= and of cour!e I couldn t reall+ *e happ+ then? 5ut it ! intere!tin$ for 0e to co0pare that 0o0ent to the pre!ent= !o0e fifteen +ear! later= and o*!erve how the oppo!ite of ever+thin$ is true? Now I reall+ am happ+= and it ha! nothin$ to do with what ! $oin$ on out!ide of 0e at all? NNN #ed Mc<enna !aid +ou reach a place in !piritual autol+!i! when +ou re 2done3J? ,&t a crossroads a coup%e o" mi%es "rom the house, Pau% ?oined me / !as p%eased to see him /<m a%!ays p%eased to see anyone !hen they get !here / be%ieved Pau% !as at that point 6e ?oined me si%ent%y and !e !a%+ed on /t !as ten minutes be"ore he spo+e I/<m done < / smi%ed as !armth poured through my heart 5armed by the memory o" the day / came to the same start%ing and improbab%e conc%usion "or myse%", and !arm "or the times / had heard it "rom others 5arm +no!ing the ?ourney one ta+es to arrive at such a p%ace

and !arm +no!ing !hat %ies ahead (hat<s ho! it is !hen you get hereJ no be%%s and !hist%es, no radiant bac+%ighting, no choirs o" ange%s &s Layman P<ang put it, you<re I?ust an ordinary "e%%o! !ho has comp%eted his !or+ < I/ have no more =uestions,< Pau% said 6e didn<t ?ust mean he had no more =uestions "or me, he meant he had no more =uestions, period (hat<s ho! it is !hen you get to the end, you<re ?ust done -" I 0a+ not have an+ 0ore Kue!tion!= or at lea!t none of an+ real i0portanceC *ut I can t !a+ I 0 2done?3 I 0 not= and I 6now that? I 0 !till in the cocoonC and even thou$h I can !ee it= li6e a *ri$ht li$ht at the end of a tunnel= the Pacific Ocean i! !till !o0e di!tance awa+? I 0ade it acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain!= althou$h the cli0* up to the 9ivide% wa! difficult and full of li0itation! and re!triction!C I 0ade it throu$h the $reat North A0erican 9e!ert(= where I had to $et rid of a lot of *a$$a$e I had collected alon$ the wa+ if I wa! $oin$ to !urviveC and I 0ade it pa!t the Sierra Nevada ,= the la!t of the 2up!3 and 2down!3 *efore reachin$ the ocean? In the proce!! I found a wa+ that wa! !afe for other! to travel to the !a0e place not an ea!+ route= *ut a !afe route if the+ want to $o there? So I cho!e to !top here and write thi! 2!coutin$ report3 of what I have di!covered thu! far *efore I for$et a lot of the detail! or lo!e the 0otivation? 5efore I actuall+ $et to the Pacific= however= I have a *i$ la+er of the e$o left to tac6le? It ha! to do with the *od+= and it ! !ittin$ here waitin$ for 0e to proce!! durin$ the re!t of the !ta+ in 0+ cocoon? Ro*ert Scheinfeld call! the!e pac6a$e! of *a$$a$e 2e$$!3 e0otional e$$!= 0one+ e$$!= fear e$$!= and !o on and we have to open the!e 2e$$!3 and proce!! the !tuff in!ide the0? The *od+ 2e$$3 i! perhap! the la!t and 0o!t difficult a!pect of the e$o to let $o of at lea!t for 0e= *ut I thin6 al!o for 0an+ people? After all= we identif+ our!elve! a lot with the *od+C we con!ider it to *e who we are in 0an+ ca!e!? Even when a /u0an Adult !tart! to $et u!ed to the idea there i! no 2out there3 out there that nothin$ in the holo$raphic univer!e it perceive! i! real it ha! a tendenc+ to leave it!elf out of that eKuation= !till thin6in$ 2it3 i! real or it! *od+ i! real while ever+thin$ el!e i!n t? I found it some!hat difficult to proce!! 0+ 0ental= !piritual and e0otional 2e$$!=3 *ut I a0 findin$ it e.treme%y difficult to proce!! 0+ ph+!ical 2e$$?3 In other word!= it wa! relativel+ ea!+ for 0e to let $o of the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= fear!= and a!!ociated la+er! of the e$o when it ca0e to !o0ethin$ 2out there=3 *ut not nearl+ a! ea!+ when it co0e! to 0+ own *od+? I ve *een wor6in$ on thi! for a while now and have 0ade a little pro$re!!= *ut it ! a! if 0+ e$o 6now! thi! i! pro*a*l+ it! la!t !tand *efore virtual annihilation and i! fi$htin$ *ac6 with a ven$eance? I have thi! i0a$e of 0e !tandin$ on a hilltop loo6in$ at the Pacific= 6nowin$ 0+ *od+ cannot ta6e 0e there in the condition it ! in? I reco$niLe I put it throu$h a lot on the Dourne+ acro!! the Roc6ie! and the de!ert and the Sierra NevadaC and I ad0it I didn t ta6e ver+ $ood care of it while in the 0ovie theater either? Put ver+ !i0pl+= a! I write the!e word!= I 0 currentl+ in a fair a0ount of ph+!ical pain? NowJ I can tell +ou the pain i!n t real= and that the *od+ i!n t real? I can tell +ou the *od+ i! Du!t a holo$ra0= and it can chan$e in an in!tant and I could *e totall+ painMfree in the neEt 0inute= a! evidenced *+ the docu0ented ca!e! of 0ultiple per!onalit+ di!order???? 2)u%tip%e Persona%ity disorder, or )PD, is a bi>arre syndrome in !hich t!o or more distinct persona%ities inhabit a sing%e body *ictims o" the disorder, or Amu%tip%esA, o"ten have no a!areness o" their condition (hey do not rea%i>e that contro% o" their body is being passed bac+ and "orth bet!een di""erent persona%ities and instead "ee% they are su""ering "rom some +ind o" amnesia, con"usion, or b%ac+8out spe%%s )ost mu%tip%es average bet!een eight to thirteen persona%ities, a%though so8ca%%ed super8mu%tip%es may have more than a hundred subpersona%ities9 ,/n this sense becoming a mu%tip%e may be the u%timate e.amp%e o" !hat :=uantum physicist David; Bohm means by "ragmentation /t is interesting to note that !hen the psyche "ragments itse%", it does not become a co%%ection o" bro+en and ?agged8edged shards, but a co%%ection o" sma%%er !ho%es, comp%ete and se%"8sustaining !ith their o!n traits, motives, and desires &%though these !ho%es are not identica% copies o" the origina% persona%ity, they are re%ated to the dynamics o" the origina% persona%ity, and this in itse%" suggests that some +ind o" ho%ographic process is invo%ved9 ,&nother unusua% "eature o" )PD is that each o" a mu%tip%e$s persona%ities possesses a di""erent brain8 !ave pattern (his is surprising, "or as 'ran+ Putnam, a 2ationa% /nstitutes o" 6ea%th psychiatrist !ho has

studied this phenomenon, points out, norma%%y a person<s brain8!ave pattern does not change even in states o" e.treme emotion Since brain8!ave patterns are not con"ined to any sing%e neuron or group o" neurons, but are a g%oba% property o" the brain, this too suggests that some +ind o" ho%ographic process may be at !or+ Qust as a mu%tip%e8image ho%ogram can store and pro?ect do>ens o" !ho%e scenes, perhaps the brain ho%ogram can store and ca%% "orth a simi%ar mu%titude o" !ho%e persona%ities9 ,/n addition to possessing di""erent brain!ave patterns, the subpersona%ities o" a mu%tip%e have a strong psycho%ogica% separation "rom one another 3ach has his o!n name, age, memories, and abi%ities 1"ten each a%so has his o!n sty%e o" hand!riting, announced gender, cu%tura% and racia% bac+ground, artistic ta%ents, "oreign %anguage "%uency, and /0 ,3ven more note!orthy are the bio%ogica% changes that ta+e p%ace in a mu%tip%e$s body !hen they s!itch persona%ities 're=uent%y a medica% condition possessed by one persona%ity !i%% mysterious%y vanish !hen another persona%ity ta+es over Dr Bennet Braun o" the /nternationa% Society "or the Study o" )u%tip%e Persona%ity, in Chicago, has documented a case in !hich a%% o" a patient$s subpersona%ities !ere a%%ergic to orange ?uice, e.cept one /" the man dran+ orange ?uice !hen one o" his a%%ergic persona%ities !as in contro%, he !ou%d brea+ out in a terrib%e rash But i" he s!itched to his nona%%ergic persona%ity, the rash !ou%d instant%y start to "ade and he cou%d drin+ orange ?uice "ree%y9 ,&%%ergies are not the on%y thing mu%tip%es can s!itch on and o"" /" there !as any doubt as to the contro% the unconscious mind has over drug e""ects, it is banished by the pharmaco%ogica% !i>ardry o" the mu%tip%e By changing persona%ities, a mu%tip%e !ho is drun+ can instant%y become sober Di""erent persona%ities a%so respond di""erent%y to di""erent drugs Braun records a case in !hich G mi%%igrams o" dia>epam, a tran=ui%i>er, sedated one persona%ity, !hi%e 100 mi%%igrams had %itt%e or no e""ect on another 1"ten one or severa% o" a mu%tip%e$s persona%ities are chi%dren, and i" an adu%t persona%ity is given a drug and then a chi%d$s persona%ity ta+e over, the adu%t dosage may be too much "or the chi%d and resu%t in an overdose /t is a%so di""icu%t to anestheti>e some mu%tip%es, and there are accounts o" mu%tip%es !a+ing up on the operating tab%e a"ter one o" their Aunanestheti>ab%eA subpersona%ities has ta+en over ,1ther conditions that can vary "rom persona%ity to persona%ity inc%ude scars, burn mar+s, cysts, and %e"t8 and right8handedness *isua% acuity can di""er, and some mu%tip%es have to carry t!o or three di""erent pairs o" eyeg%asses to accommodate their a%ternating persona%ities 1ne persona%ity can be co%or8b%ind and another not, and even eye co%or can change (here are cases o" !omen !ho have t!o or three menstrua% periods each month because each o" their subpersona%ities has its o!n cyc%e Speech patho%ogist Christy Lud%o! has "ound that the voice pattern "or each o" a mu%tip%e$s persona%ities is di""erent, a "eat that re=uires such a deep physio%ogica% change that even the most accomp%ished actor cannot a%ter his voice enough to disguise his voice pattern 1ne mu%tip%e, admitted to a hospita% "or diabetes, ba""%ed her doctors by sho!ing no symptoms !hen one o" her nondiabetic persona%ities !as in contro% (here are accounts o" epi%epsy coming and going !ith changes in persona%ity, and psycho%ogist 7obert & Phi%%ips, Qr reports that even tumors can appear and disappear @a%though he does not speci"y !hat +ind o" tumorsP ,)u%tip%es a%so tend to hea% "aster than norma% individua%s 'or e.amp%e, there are severa% cases on record o" third8degree burns hea%ing !ith e.traordinary rapidity )ost eerie o" a%%, at %east one researcher E Dr Corne%ia 5i%bur, the therapist !hose pioneering treatment o" Sybi% Dorsett !as portrayed in the boo+ Sybi% E is convinced that mu%tip%es don$t age as "ast as other peop%e9 -. @e!= it ! true? M+ *od+ could chan$e in the *lin6 of an e+eC 0+ pain could *e $one and I could *e totall+ health+? All that would *e reKuired i! for 0+ /n"inite / to download a new holo$ra0 of 0+ *od+ and in the neEt !econd I 0 off and runnin$? I 6now all of that intellectuall+= *ut da0nJ ri$ht now the pain i! !till there?

-OOTNOTES 1? <iplin$= Rud+ard? /" 5ac6 to readin$ "? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ %? &i6ipedia Continental 9ivide 5ac6 to readin$ (? &i6ipedia North A0erican 9e!ert 5ac6 to readin$ ,? &i6ipedia Sierra Nevada 5ac6 to readin$ .? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= pp? 1(M1.= 71M100 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

So wh+ doe!n t 0+ /n"inite / !i0pl+ download a health+ holo$raphic *od+ for 0e and ta6e thi! pain awa+'
It couldC I 6now that? 5ut that ! not the point of the tran!for0ation in the cocoon? It ! all a*out the proce!!= and 0+ proce!! i! not over +et? That ! wh+ I don t !ant 0+ /n"inite / to ta6e 0+ pain awa+ until I 0 fini!hed? I have run Ro*ert ! Proce!! hundred! of ti0e! on thi! *od+ e$$ over the la!t two +ear! and uncovered a nu0*er of Dud$0ent!= *elief! and opinion!? -or eEa0ple= a! a re!ult of 0+ Chri!tian up*rin$in$ a! a /u0an Child and later *elief! in New A$e !piritual theorie! a! a /u0an Adult= I Dud$ed the *od+ it!elf to *e 2*ad=3 that it wa! 2wron$3 un!piritual to have a *od+ in the fir!t place? I alwa+! thou$ht I d *e *etter off without a *od+= that it wa! 0ore of a hindrance than a $ift= !o0ethin$ to 2ri!e a*ove=3 an indication I had dropped down a level or two fro0 0+ innatel+ i00ortal !oul? After 0+ car accident I $ained a lot of wei$ht *ecau!e I couldn t 0ove ea!il+ or eEerci!eC and eatin$ $ood food i! one of 0+ $reat plea!ure! in life? Eatin$ without eEerci!eC not a *eneficial co0*ination? So I !till carr+ !o0e of that eEtra wei$ht= and I thin6 of 0+ *od+ a! 2fat3 and I !a+ that= unfortunatel+= with !ha0e and a! a Dud$0ent and not Du!t a !tate0ent of fact? In !hort= I cannot +et eEpre!! full and !incere appreciation for 0+ *od+ the wa+ it i!= or even for havin$ a *od+ at all? Clearl+ there are 0ore Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! for 0e to proce!! in thi! e$$? I have uncovered !o0e of the fear! a!!ociated with 0+ *od+ a! well? One i! the fear that if I don t have a perfectl+ health+ *od+= people are $oin$ to di!count the !coutin$ infor0ation I 0 offerin$? I ve done eEactl+ that 0+!elf in the pa!t= e!peciall+ in Dud$0ent of all the celi*ate 2hol+ 0en3 and teacher! and $uru! and !aint!A 2/ow can he tal6 a*out world peace when he can t even create a peaceful relation!hip with a wo0an'3 So in 0+ 0ind I hear people !a+in$= 2/ow can he tal6 a*out !erenit+ of *ein$ if he ! in pain and can t even heal hi! own *od+'3 A lot of thi! al!o ha! to do with vanit+? I ad0it I 0 vainC it ! one of the la+er! of 0+ e$o I haven t full+ $otten rid of +et? I have alwa+! ta6en pride in 0+ appearance= pro*a*l+ too 0uch pride? I !till li6e it when people tell 0e I loo6 ten +ear! +oun$er than I actuall+ a0? I had fun !i$nin$ auto$raph! when I wa! a 2!tar3 dru00er in 0+ twentie!C I enDo+ed *ein$ a!6ed for 0+ auto$raph when I wa! in 0+ thirtie! *+ people who thou$ht I wa! To0 Sellec6= and then a$ain in 0+ fiftie! *+ people who thou$ht I wa! <enn+ Ro$er!C and for +ear! I wa! !ure Carl+ Si0on wa! tal6in$ a*out me in her !on$? Another fear I uncovered had to do with d+in$? &hen I wrote in the la!t chapter= 2I have no fear of death=3 thi! i! true? Ever !ince I !tarted *elievin$ in reincarnation over fift+ +ear! a$o= I have not feared deathC *ut I wa! !till afraid of d+in$= !till re!i!ted a lon$= drawnMout and painful death? &hen 0+ /n"inite / decide! I have fini!hed 0+ role a! it! Pla+er= I pra+ed= I want to $o Kuic6l+? I watched live with $reat e0path+ a! people Du0ped out of the &orld Trade Tower! on Septe0*er 11 th and fell oneMhundred !torie! to their certain death? I could feel the choice the+ 0ade not to !ta+ in!ide and !lowl+ *urn alive= *ut to end it Kuic6l+ and painle!!l+? That ! how I wanted to $o?

So a! lon$ a! the Dud$0ent! a*out 0+ *od+ and the re!i!tance re0ain= the pain will too? I 6now thatC and even thou$h I have done a lot of wor6 on thi! *od+ e$$= there i! o*viou!l+ !tuff left in!ide to proce!!? In the 0eanti0e= I a0 doin$ 0+ *e!t to appreciate the pain= to than6 0+ /n"inite / for the $ift= for the opportunit+ the pain $ive! 0e to proce!! all the!e Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!= and let $o of the a!!ociated la+er! of the e$o? I have hone!tl+ $otten to the point where I don t want the pain to leave until I ve fini!hed proce!!in$ whatever i! there in!ide the e$$? NNN In the la!t couple of wee6!= !ince I !tarted wor6in$ on thi! chapter and proce!!in$ the pain= I have run into one of the 0o!t 6e+ *elief! a*out the *od+= and a*out life in $eneralA the *elief in the 2law of cau!e and effectC3 and it ! powerful a ver+ core *elief for ever+one in thi! holo$raphic /u0an 8a0e= it appear!? 5ut it ! too earl+ in 0+ proce!! to !a+ 0uch 0ore than the !oMcalled 2law of cau!e and effect3 i! !i0pl+ another *elief !+!te0 for0ed in!ide the 0ovie theater and a function of the holo$ra0 it!elf= li6e !pace and ti0e? Clearl+ the dia*ete! a!!ociated with one of the 0ultiple per!onalitie! di!cu!!ed in the la!t chapter i! not 2cau!ed3 *+ !o0e 0alfunction in the *od+= !ince it di!appear! a! !oon a! a different per!onalit+ ta6e! over? /owever I 0 not prepared at thi! point to $ive a !coutin$ report on the 2law of cau!e and effect?3 That= it !ee0!= will have to wait= and 0a+ *e the !u*Dect of another *oo6 alto$ether the final !ta$e! of 0+ cocoon? NNN Meanwhile= !ince I 6now all pain i! the re!ult of Dud$0ent and re!i!tance= I have to a!6A &hat a0 I re!i!tin$' 5eco0in$ a *utterfl+' @e!= truth *e told= I a0? It doe!n t feel li6e it ha! an+thin$ to do with "ear of *ein$ a *utterfl+= howeverC or at lea!t I can t !ee it that wa+? &hen I thin6 of *ein$ a *utterfl+= !ailin$ around on 0+ *eautiful cata0aran= it i! a 0o!t wonderful picture full of eEcite0ent and Do+= with no twin$e of fear I can find? I loo6 forward to it with $reat anticipation? I a0 al!o not aware of an+ lin$erin$ fear of nonMeEi!tence? 5ut Du!t a! it ! po!!i*le not to *e afraid of death and !till *e afraid of d+in$= perhap! *uried ver+ deep i! the fear of the final !ta$e! of the cocoon= of not 6nowin$ what *eco0in$ a *utterfl+ would 0ean in 0+ relation!hip to the people I love 0+ children and $randchildren= 0o!t !pecificall+? OI 6now the+ re not 2real=3 *ut I love the0 an+wa+GP A0 I reall+ read+ to let $o of ever+thin$= unconditionall+= if that what ! reKuired' One of the pro*le0! i! that other !cout! who could provide an+ clue of what is reKuired in the final !ta$e! of the cocoon e!peciall+ in relation!hip to other Pla+er! who0 I care for !o 0uch are few and far *etween? #ed Mc<enna doe!n t tal6 0uch a*out fa0il+ or wife or 6id!? /e 0ention! havin$ lunch with hi! !i!terJ? ,*isiting your sister and having %unch shou%dn<t be a con"using ordea%, but it is /s she rea%%y my sisterD 5hat does that meanD 5e share some history and ac=uaintances, such as chi%dhood and parents &re my parents rea%%y my parentsD Genetica%%y they are re%ated to my body, but the person !ho %ived my chi%dhood is no %onger here (he past / share !ith this person is about as rea% and important to me as i" /<d read it in a brochure9 /<m an actor p%aying a ro%e "or !hich / "ee% no connection and have no motivation9 &ctua%%y, it<s not rea%%y con"using / possess not the %east shred o" doubt about !ho and !hat / am (he tric+y thing is that !ho and !hat / am is not re%ated to this pretty, pro"essiona%, sa%ad8eating !oman across "rom me9 / have some residua% "ondness "or my sister and i" she died /<d be saddened to thin+ that she !as no %onger in the !or%d, but the simp%e "act is that our "ormer re%ationship no %onger e.ists 1+ay, so !hy am / te%%ing you thisD Because that<s !hat / do / try to ho%d this en%ightenment thing up "or disp%ay and this seems %i+e an interesting aspect o" the !ho%e dea% 6o! do you re%ate to the peop%e !ho !ere most important to you be"ore a!a+ening "rom the dream o" the segregated se%"D-1 That ! not ver+ encoura$in$? The la!t ti0e I !aw Ro*ert Scheinfeld he had a wonderful fa0il+ and what loo6ed to *e a ver+ clo!e and lovin$ relation!hip with hi! wife and two children? Then he tal6ed a*out a 2dar6 ni$ht of the !oul3 that involved

hi! fa0il+= !o I 0 not eEactl+ !ure of that !ituation? It doe!n t 0atter= thou$h= *ecau!e I don t thin6 of Ro*ert a! a !cout who ! clo!e to *eco0in$ a *utterfl+= a! I will eEplain in Chapter Thirt+MThree in Part Three of thi! *oo6? #e!u! 0a+ have *een a !coutC he 0a+ even have *eco0e a *utterfl+? I find the alle$oric !+0*ol! of hi! life= e!peciall+ hi! crucifiEion Othe death of the caterpillarP and hi! e0er$ence fro0 the cave Ohi! cocoonP three da+! later= to *e fa!cinatin$C *ut that will have to wait until the neEt *oo6? The point i! that all the evidence !u$$e!t! #e!u! had a wife and childC *ut that after he *eca0e a *utterfl+ he never !aw the0 a$ain= !ince the+ went to the !outh of -rance and he went to live Oand finall+ dieP in a co00unit+ in <a!h0ir?" There 0a+ *e other !cout! who have 0aintained !oMcalled nor0al fa0il+ relation!hip! with one! the+ loved after the+ tran!itioned into a *utterfl+= *ut I don t 6now their !torie!? So there i! the chance that once +ou co0plete +our tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+= real co00unication with Pla+er! in the cocoon or the 0ovie theater i! no lon$er po!!i*le= which i! wh+ we don t hear fro0 an+ *utterflie! or read their *oo6!? It 0a+ *e that +ou have to ta6e the la!t !tep in the cocoon on total 2faith=3 without an+one to let +ou 6now what it ! li6e= a! /arri!on -ord did in /ndiana Qones and the Last Crusade when he had to !tep out fro0 a can+on wall and ri!6 fallin$ into a deep $or$e= not 6nowin$ there wa! a ca0oufla$ed *rid$e that would ta6e hi0 acro!! to the other !ide? So whether it ! out of fear or eEcite0ent= I have to ad0it I ve had the thou$ht I would li6e to po!tpone 0+ final tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+ and !ta+ where I a0 in the cocoon for a while? Perhap! thi! i! 0+ own thou$htC perhap! it ha! *een put there a! part of a holo$ra0 *+ 0+ /n"inite /? I don t 6now +et? /owever= I a0 eEcited and ver+ curiou! a*out a $a0e I !ee developin$= if I 0 readin$ the ripple! in the >niver!e correctl+? I have a lot of friend!= and a0 witne!!in$ 0an+ thou!and! 0ore /u0an Adult! who !ee0 read+ to *rea6 out of the 0ovie theater and tran!for0 into *utterflie!? The !ituation in the Earth Environ0ent al!o appear! to *e $ettin$ 0ore inten!e= li6e a ru**er *and *ein$ !tretched to it! li0it! *efore it *rea6!? /ow 0uch 0ore pain and !ufferin$ and li0itation and re!triction i! reKuired *efore 0illion! of Pla+er! !urrender= under!tand it i! their own Dud$0ent! and re!i!tance cau!in$ that pain and !ufferin$= and are willin$ to *e$in proce!!in$ the fal!e 6nowled$e and la+er! of e$o that are part of life in!ide the 0ovie theater' I thin6 it would *e a cool $a0e to pla+ to !ee how 0an+ /u0an Adult! can *e encoura$ed to enter their cocoon! and then $uided !afel+ throu$h their tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+? Ever+thin$ that ! needed i! in place now for a 0a!! eEodu! fro0 the 0ovie theater= and the trail ha! *een *laLed? There are even !o0e 2hint!3 and 2clue!3 the Earth it!elf a Pla+er in the /u0an 8a0e 0i$ht *e read+ to tran!for0 a! well? NNN There have *een eEperi0ent! done with rat!= puttin$ the0 in a water 0aLe and o*!ervin$ the0 findin$ their wa+ out? It !ee0! 2each new $eneration of rat! learned to e!cape Kuic6er? After ten +ear!= the late!t $eneration of rat! could e!cape ten ti0e! fa!ter than the ori$inal rat!? Intere!tin$l+= rat! of the !a0e linea$e in other area! of the world al!o e!caped ten ti0e! fa!ter= a pheno0enon which cannot *e eEplained *+ an+ localiLed in!tru0ent!?3% Perhap! I 0 !i0pl+ one of the fir!t $eneration of rat! to find their wa+ to the Pacific Ocean= and perhap! tho!e who co0e after 0e will find it 0uch ea!ier and fa!ter? 5ut it 0ean! I 0 Du!t a rat li6e ever+one el!eC and I don t want to leave thi! *oo6 without pa+in$ tri*ute to all the rat! who ca0e *efore 0e and 0ade 0+ 0aLe a little ea!ier to navi$ate= and e!peciall+ to all tho!e other rat! who died tr+in$ to find their wa+ out of the water? Then= 0a+*e= if Rupert Sheldra6e ! theor+( of 0orphic re!onance turn! out to *e correct= all the rat! who co0e after 0e will e!cape ten ti0e! fa!ter= without !o 0an+ wron$ turn!= and thi! proce!! will !pread throu$hout the world until a critical 0a!! i! reached and all the rat! turn into *utterflie!? /ow 0uch fun I have 0iEin$ 0etaphor!G NNN &hat ! it $oin$ to *e li6e when I finall+ fini!h proce!!in$ the la+er! of e$o with 0+ *od+'

All I can do i! !peculate= *ecau!e I don t per!onall+ 6now an+one who ha! actuall+ *eco0e a *utterfl+? I 6now there 0u!t *e !o0e= *ut I have no idea who the+ are? #ed Mc<enna whoever he 0i$ht reall+ *e clai0! he e0er$ed fro0 hi! cocoon and thenJ 2/ spent the ne.t ten years trying to ma+e sense o" this ne! !or%dJ a non8!or%d in !hich a non8/ neverthe%ess seemed to reside (he !a+ing dreamstate /t !as %i+e the !or%d had turned "rom hard so%idity into shimmering mirage / cou%d sti%% see the !or%d / had a%!ays +no!n, but / cou%d not "ind its substance 5hatever / reached out to touch, my hand passed through 5hatever / thought about disso%ved in my mind 5hoever / %oo+ed at, / sa! through %i+e vapor, myse%" inc%uded / %oo+ed at my o!n character, and it !as %i+e a "ace you see in a c%oud "or a second be"ore it<s gone ,)y rea%ity no! is the a!a+ened, untruth8unrea%i>ed state, and it<s the same "or me as "or anyone !ho comes to it (here are no masters or novices here (here are no teachings or be%ie"sJ no 6indus or Buddhists or Qnanis or &dvaitinsJ no masters or yogis or s!amisJ no discorporate entities or higher %eve% energies or superior beings &!a+e is a!a+e 3verything e%se is everything e%se -, <eep peelin$ awa+ la+er! of an onion and what do +ou have when +ou $et throu$h' Nothin$? It i!n t that +ou peel awa+ the la+er! and finall+ $et to the onion? @ou $et to the noMonion? The !a0e thin$ i! true for the !elf? After peelin$ awa+ all the la+er! of the e$o= +ou $et toJ noM!elf? #ed !a+! it ta6e! a*out ten +ear! to $et u!ed to livin$ a! a noM!elf= to $et accu!to0ed to *ein$ 2awa6e fro0 the drea0!tate=3 to operate without fal!e 6nowled$e and a fal!e e$o? I don t 6now a*out that= *ecau!e I a!!u0e he ! tal6in$ a*out livin$ tho!e ten +ear! after e0er$in$ fro0 hi! cocoon a! a *utterfl+? -ir!t= I 0 not certain it ! true he ! a *utterfl+C and !econdl+= I won t 6now until I $et there? I do 6now it is a ver+ different wa+ to live a ver+ wonderful and Do+ful and peaceful and eEcitin$ wa+ to live and even where I a0 now ta6e! !o0e $ettin$ u!ed to? NNN There were a lot of Kue!tion! I had a! I *laLed thi! trail to the Pacific Ocean= and in the neEt part of thi! *oo6 I want to !hare !o0e of the an!wer! I ca0e up with *a!ed on the infor0ation I found alon$ the wa+? 5ut *efore I $oJ? I *e$an thi! *oo6 tal6in$ a*out Plato ! Cave= that a /u0an Child i! li6e a pri!oner who i! chained and can onl+ !ee the wall in front of the0C that a /u0an Child *elieve! the !hadow! it !ee! on the wall are realC that when a /u0an Child realiLe! it i! not reall+ chained at all= it $et! up and wal6! to the *ac6 of the cave and !ee! the fire and the 0en on the wal6wa+ that create the !hadow! on the wallC that thi! new /u0an Adult *e$in! to reco$niLe that the !hadow! are not realC and that a few /u0an Adult! will eventuall+ wal6 throu$h the door in the *ac6 of the cave and out of the cave entirel+? Then I !witched 0etaphor! and !aid thi! /u0an Adult= once throu$h the door= will enter a cocoon= where it will under$o a proce!! of tran!for0ation= lettin$ $o of it! Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= fear!= and la+er! of e$o that it *elieved it!elf to *e a! a caterpillar? I have !aid I a0 near the end of 0+ cocoon pha!e= !tandin$ at a point overloo6in$ the Pacific Ocean= poi!ed to *eco0e a *utterfl+= and that an+one who want! to can Doin 0e here? I have achieved thi! !erenit+ of *ein$ *+ a !tron$ will and deter0ination to find the truth= a lot of hard wor6= a lot of proce!!in$= and a lot of !upport fro0 0+ /n"inite /? I did it *+ followin$ 0+ di!co0fort ph+!ical and e0otional to locate the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! I had for0ed durin$ 0+ ti0e in!ide the 0ovie theater? I did it *+ $oin$ further to eEpo!e 0+ fear! and e0*racin$ the0= e!peciall+ the fear of nonMeEi!tence? I did it *+ identif+in$ the la+er! of the e$o I had created and throwin$ the0 awa+= one *+ one= until there i! virtuall+ nothin$ left? I did it *+ lettin$ $o of the !elf that wa!n t true and findin$ the noM!elf that wa!? An+one who want! to can !tand where I a0 !tandin$ now? An+one can reach the Pacific Ocean and e0er$e fro0 their cocoon a! a *utterfl+? I a0 not !pecial= I a0 not an+ 2*etter3 than an+one el!e= and I certainl+ a0 not an+ 0ore 2enli$htened?3 2Enli$hten0ent3 i! a word that *elon$! in!ide the 0ovie theater= in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= !ince it auto0aticall+ carrie! a Dud$0ent with it a Dud$0ent that one !tate of *ein$ i! *etter O0ore 2enli$htened3P than another?

I 0 !i0pl+ near the end of the rollercoa!ter ride= reportin$ *ac6 to tho!e !till $oin$ up the fir!t hill and tho!e Du!t at the top read+ to ta6e the plun$e= tr+in$ to $ive !o0e clarit+ and !o0e encoura$e0ent a*out the ride to co0e and how 0uch fun it can *e? If +ou re !till in!ide the 0ovie theater= 0+ *e!t advice would *e to realiLe it ! Du!t a $a0e= that it i!n t real= and now that +ou 6now the true !ource and rea!on for all +our dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ to let $o of +our re!i!tance and relaE and learn to appreciate and enDo+ ever+ 0o0ent of ever+ eEperience +ou re havin$? Re0e0*er +ou re on a rollercoa!ter= and that $oin$ up that fir!t hill i! an e!!ential part of the ride? The 0ore +ou re!i!t that hill= the 0ore needle!! pain and !ufferin$ +ou will have? If +ou ve wal6ed out of the 0ovie theater and are !tartin$ off in +our cocoon= han$ on for the ride of +our lifeC and if +ou 0eet 0e on the road= it 0ean! I 0 !till pla+in$ the 2!cout?3 So 6ill 0e.= and then $o further? -OOTNOTES 1? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$ "? 5ai$ent= Michael et al? 6o%y B%ood, 6o%y Grai% 5ac6 to readin$ %? #effre+= Scott? 6ypothesis o" 'ormative Causation @)orphic 7esonanceP M ONoteA I cannot verif+ thi! report *ecau!e I cannot find the ori$inal /arvard !tud+?P 5ac6 to readin$ (? &i6ipedia Rupert Sheldra6e 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Mc<enna= #ed? /d 5ac6 to readin$ .? 9ae <wan$? Ui%% the Buddha 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! ,/ +no! !hy you<re here, 2eo / +no! !hat you<ve been doing / +no! !hy you hard%y s%eep, !hy you %ive a%one, and !hy night a"ter night you sit at your computer #ou<re %oo+ing "or him / +no! because / !as once %oo+ing "or the same thingJ and !hen he "ound me, he to%d me / !asn<t rea%%y %oo+ing "or him / !as %oo+ing "or an ans!er /t<s the =uestion that drives us, 2eo /t<s the =uestion that brought you here M Trinit+= fro0 (he )atri.


Ro*ert Scheinfeld !a+! when +ou 0ove into the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e Owhich he call! 2Pha!e
"3P= there ! no point an+ 0ore to a!6 2&h+C3 and there are !o0e $ood rea!on! for that? @ou can t thin+ +our wa+ out of thi! 8a0eC it i!n t a 0atter of under!tandin$= *ut of feelin$C a!6in$ 2wh+3 can often *e a diver!ion= a di!traction fro0 doin$ the Proce!! it!elfC and the an!wer to 2wh+3 reall+ doe!n t 0atter and won t chan$e an+thin$? It ! true that once in!ide +our cocoon= there reall+ i! onl+ one an!wer to the Kue!tion 2&h+'3A 5ecau!e +our /n"inite / ha! created it that wa+ for +ou a! a $ift? On the other hand= we !ee0 to *e ver+ curiou! a! Pla+er!= and 2wh+3 can *e !o0ethin$ that eEcite! and intere!t! u!? Nothin$ 2wron$3 with that?

5e!ide!= !ince +ou ve $otten thi! far in the *oo6= +ou re well aware we re tal6in$ a*out a new and ver+ radical approach to life= one that i! often the oppo!ite of ever+thin$ we were tau$ht while in the 0ovie theater? So= for 0e= it ! totall+ under!tanda*le and ver+ le$iti0ate to a!6 variou! Kue!tion!= to *etter under!tand how thi! new 0odel wor6!= to *e clear a*out how it i! different fro0 an+thin$ el!e +ou ve ever encountered= and to 0ore ea!il+ let $o of previou! fal!e 6nowled$e *+ !eein$ there are new and via*le alternative wa+! to an!wer the 0ore i0portant Kue!tion! that occup+ our thou$ht!? I al!o thin6 2don t a!6 wh+3 can *e u!ed a! a copMout !o0eti0e!= to avoid havin$ to co0e up with an!wer! to the tou$h Kue!tion!? An+ 0odel that ! worth it! !alt !hould *e a*le to lo$icall+ and con!i!tentl+ with!tand all 6ind! of !crutin+? So I welco0e all le$iti0ate Kue!tion!= and *+ 2le$iti0ate3 I 0ean the Kue!tion co0e! fro0 a !incere de!ire to learn and fill in !o0e $ap! in under!tandin$ thi! new 0odel= or Kue!tion! that re!ult fro0 the actual te!tin$ of the 0odel in operation? ;ue!tion! co0in$ fro0 the e$o= fro0 Ma+a= fro0 an attitude of provin$ 0e 2wron$=3 or !i0pl+ to intellectuall+ de*ate have no intere!t for 0e? The+ re alwa+! Du!t another atte0pt to Du!tif+ !o0e Dud$0ent or *elief for0ed while in!ide the 0ovie theater? In the followin$ pa$e!= then= +ou will find !o0e of the Kue!tion! I had= and have *een a!6ed= and the an!wer! I ca0e up with fro0 0+ own re!earch and eEperience a! a !cout? So0e of the an!wer! will *e ver+ !hortC other! will fill a nor0alM!iLed chapter? 2one of the an!wer! !hould *e ta6en a! 2Truth?3 The+ are !i0pl+ the 0o!t lo$ical= con!i!tent= and 2*e!t $ue!!e!3 I can find= e!peciall+ !ince !o0e deal with Kue!tion! a*out the other !ide of The -ield= which we can never 6now with an+ certaint+? If the+ aren t the 2Truth=3 then at lea!t the+ !erve the purpo!e of de0on!tratin$ there are lo$ical alternative! to the old and incon!i!tent and contradictor+ an!wer! we *elieved for !o lon$? The 0ain point i! to realiLe there are other an!wer! to our *urnin$ Kue!tion! a*out life that 0a6e !en!e= that thi! 0odel is co0plete and wor6a*le and con!i!tent with the late!t findin$! in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= and that we can *e$in to let $o of the old *elief !+!te0! that 6ept u! li0ited and $o totall+ radical?

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 I thou$ht that when we !pea6 a*out a holo$raphic univer!e= it 0ean! we were all part of one *i$
holo$ra0? &ns!er4 That ! a ver+ co00on 0i!conception= *ut it !i0pl+ can t *e true? If neuroph+!iolo$i!t <arl Pri*ra0 i! correct when he !a+! the hu0an *rain i! a holo$raphic receiver and tran!latorJ ,(he brain is itse%" a ho%ogram9 !hich mathematica%%y constructs Ihard< rea%ity by re%ying on input "rom a "re=uency domain -1 Jthen there cannot *e one *i$ holo$ra0? If the ph+!ical univer!e we live in were one $iant holo$ra0 that wa! !hared *+ all of u!= there would have to *e one $iant *rain to receive it a! it wa! downloaded fro0 The -ield and convert it fro0 it! natural wave !tate into particle! we could perceiveC and we would all perceive tho!e particle! eEactl+ the !a0e wa+? &e would all !ee the !a0e realit+? That= o*viou!l+= doe!n t happen? Each per!on= in fact= !ee0! to !ee a !li$htl+ different realit+ than an+one el!e? In fact= our 0ental ho!pital! are full of people we call 2p!+chotic3 who !ee a very different realit+ than the re!t of u!?

O2P!+cho!i! 0ean! an a*nor0al condition of the 0ind= and i! a $eneric p!+chiatric ter0 for a 0ental !tate often de!cri*ed a! involvin$ a Ilo!! of contact with realit+ J? People eEperiencin$ p!+cho!i! 0a+ report hallucination! or delu!ional *elief!?3"P Standin$ in a roo0 neEt to !o0eone who i! p!+chotic= +ou 0i$ht !ee a plea!ant= !afe at0o!phere? The p!+chotic= on the other hand= could !ee a torture cha0*er? That !i0pl+ would not *e po!!i*le if there were one *i$ holo$ra0 *oth of +ou were perceivin$? It is po!!i*le= however= if +ou are each perceivin$ +our own realit+ a !eparate holo$ra0 downloaded to each !eparate *rain? A !i0ple car accident= viewed *+ ten different people= can have ten different 2realitie!3 of what happened? @ou could wal6 out of a re!taurant and +our friend could co00ent on how rude the waitre!! wa!= and althou$h +ou heard the waitre!! !a+ the !a0e word!= +ou thou$ht !he wa! fine and helpful? OrJ 2&ho are +ou $oin$ to ho!t +our we*!ite with'3 ,X#M company 2&hatG The0'3 ,#es, !hyD2I tried the0 once? /orri*le eEperience? The+ reall+ !crewed 0e up?3 ,/<ve been hosting !ith them "or ten years, a%!ays had great service, and they<re never do!n There ! even a *etter eEa0ple I a!!u0e ha! happened to all of u! at one point or another? @ou !ee !o0eone wal6in$ down the !treet and +ou turn to a friend and !a+= 2&owG I! that 5rad Pitt'3 And +our friend loo6! and !a+!= 2/e doe!n t loo6 an+thin$ li6e 5rad PittG3 And +ou in!i!t= 2@e!G /e loo6! eEactl+ li6e 5rad PittG3 So what happened here' &hen +ou loo6 at the 0ovie! or picture! in a 0a$aLine= +ou !ee 5rad Pitt one wa+= and the per!on +ou !aw wal6in$ down the !treet loo6ed Du!t li6e that= to you? @our friend= on the other hand= !ee! 5rad Pitt in 0ovie! or 0a$aLine! differentl+= and al!o !ee! the per!on on the !treet differentl+= and therefore doe!n t a$ree with +ou? If we all lived in a $iant co00on holo$ra0 one *i$ 2holo$raphic univer!e3 we would all !ee *oth 5rad Pitt and the per!on wal6in$ down the !treet the !a0e wa+= and there would *e co00on a$ree0ent on how the+ loo6? So each individual hu0an *rain receive! and tran!late! it! own !eparate holo$ra0 downloaded *+ it! own /n"inite / fro0 The -ield? Thi!= of cour!e= i! inherent in the truth 2+ou create your o!n realit+=3 if we would Du!t pa+ attention to what tho!e word! reall+ !a+ and 0ean? -OOTNOTES 1? Tal*ot= Michael? An e!!a+ al!o entitled (he 6o%ographic Bniverse 5ac6 to readin$ "? &i6ipedia P!+cho!i! 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 If we don t !hare one *i$ co00on holo$ra0= how can +ou and I $o out at ni$ht and !ee the
!a0e !tar!= or watch the !a0e 0ovie= or !ee the !a0e people' /ow could !o0eone el!e a$ree with 0e !o 0uch on what we call 2realit+3 unle!! we were actuall+ !eein$ the !a0e thin$'

&ns!er4 5efore we tal6 a*out whether +ou and 2!o0eone el!e3 are !eein$ the !a0e realit+= I have to find out who +ou thin6 thi! 2!o0eone el!e3 i! who ! a$reein$ with +ou? 9o +ou thin6 the+ reall+ eEi!t' 0uestion4 Oh= wellJ? O6a+? So what a*out the other people who appear in 0+ holo$ra0' Aren t the+ 2real=3 or i! 0+ /n"inite / creatin$ the0 too' &ns!er4 The fir!t thin$ +ou have to re0e0*er i! that nothin$ in +our holo$ra0 i! 2real3 not the people= not thi! *oo6 +ou are readin$= and not the e+e! +ou are readin$ the *oo6 with? It ! all a holo$ra0C and *+ definition= a holo$ra0 i!n t real at lea!t not in the wa+ we have alwa+! thou$ht a*out thin$! a! 2real?3 So let ! chan$e the Kue!tion a little= *ecau!e I 6now what +ou re tr+in$ to a!6J? 29o the other people I !ee in 0+ holo$ra0 eEi!t a! !eparate individual!' Are the+ Pla+er! in their own ri$ht= a! I a0= with their own /n"inite /<s' Or are the+ Du!t created *+ 0+ /n"inite / for 0+ per!onal holo$ra0 and have no life of their own'3 Ri$ht' Even a0on$ the $rowin$ nu0*er of people who under!tand how life wor6! in a holo$raphic univer!e= there i! no $eneral a$ree0ent on the an!wer to thi! Kue!tion which i! a $ood eEa0ple of wh+ !o0e of the!e Kue!tion! aren t i0portant and don t reall+ pla+ a role in the dail+ wor6a*ilit+ of the!e concept!? So0e of the!e people have decided their /n"inite / create! ever+thin$ and ever+one the+ !ee in their holo$ra0!= and that no one el!e eEi!t! independentl+ fro0 the0? That 0a+ well *e true= and one da+ 0a+*e we ll find outC or 0a+*e we won t? On one hand= it i! ver+ i0portant to realiLe and re0e0*er that ever+thin$ we eEperience and ever+one in tho!e eEperience! i! created *+ our own /n"inite /C and it can *e !o ea!+ to for$et that and a!!i$n independent power to who0 and what we !ee 2out there3 to 0a6e the0 real? Therefore it i! ver+ helpful to e0pha!iLe that nothin$ and no one can appear in +our holo$raphic univer!e that +our /n"inite / ha! not created or a$reed to? So it 0i$ht *e u!eful to adopt the *elief that +ou are creatin$ the 2other people3 +ou encounter in +our life= and that the+ don t eEi!t out!ide of +our holo$ra0? 5ut for 0e= thi! !0ac6! too 0uch of 2!olip!i!0=3 which ha! an overtone I don t re!onate withJ? ,/" on%y / matter, then other peop%e, anima%s, environments on%y matter inso"ar as they impact myse%" (his may be an antisocia% phi%osophy?31 So here i! what 0a6e! the 0o!t !en!e to 0e and feel! the 0o!t co0forta*leJ? If the holo$raphic univer!e i! li6e a total i00er!ion 0ovie= !o0eone had to write the !cript for ever+thin$ that happen! in that holo$raphic 0ovie? That 2!o0eone3 i! +our /n"inite /? 5ut that !cript would *e ver+ li0ited and lonel+ if +ou were the onl+ actor in itC and there are $odM6now!M howM0an+ other /n"inite /<s in 8reater Metropolitan Infinite)and who have Pla+er! repre!entin$ the0 a! well? So let ! !a+ 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e to eEperience a car accident= for whatever rea!on Owhich i! eEactl+ what 0+ own /n"inite / didGP? M+ /n"inite / could create a holo$ra0 where I have that car accident *+ 0+!elf= with no one el!e involved in the accident Owhich i! what happened to 0ePC and that ! fine? 5ut let ! !a+ for !o0e rea!on 0+ /n"inite / would prefer 0e to eEperience a car accident that involved other people= rather than Du!t 0e? M+ /n"inite / could !end an Infi0ail around Infinite)and a!6in$ if there i! an+one who want! to have their Pla+er *e part of thi! car accident a! well? Mo!t car accident! toda+ involve 0ore than one per!on= !o apparentl+ there i! a lot of intere!t in Infinite)and for thi! 6ind of holo$raphic eEperience? Therefore 0+ /n"inite / $et! !o0e po!itive Infi0ail re!pon!e! fro0 other /n"inite /<s= and to$ether the!e /n"inite /<s wor6 out the detail! and write a Doint !cript for thi! accident 20ovie?3 5ut there i! one catchJ? No Pla+er can !a+ or do an+thin$ in an+ other Pla+er ! holo$ra0 that their own /n"inite / ha! not approved? In other word!= whatever one Pla+er !a+! or doe! to another Pla+er ha! *een reKue!ted and approved *+ it! /n"inite /? Thi! 0ean! no one can *e a victi0 of an+thin$ that i! !aid or done in an+ holo$ra0 the+ eEperience= *ecau!e their own /n"inite / ha! either written the !cript it!elf or had 100T !cript approval prior to the holo$ra0 *ein$ downloaded to it! Pla+er? No victi0!= no perpetrator!= period? So= now the!e Pla+er! $et in their car accident? Each Pla+er can= and pro*a*l+ will= eEperience that accident !li$htl+ differentl+ than an+ other pla+er= !ince each Pla+er ha! their own individual holo$ra0 a! their realit+? In

fact= two Pla+er! will often di!a$ree hone!tl+ and !incerel+ a*out what actuall+ happened in that accident? &e alread+ 6now virtuall+ ever+one who witne!!e! a car accident will have a different !tor+ of what happened? 5ut the 2other per!on3 I $et into a car accident with= 0ore than li6el+= will *e another Pla+er repre!entin$ another /n"inite /= a! I !ee it? So while 0+ /n"inite / 2created3 the0 in 0+ holo$ra0= the+ actuall+ do 2eEi!t3 a! a !eparate Pla+er with their own !elfMcon!ciou!ne!! and their own /n"inite /? Thi! !ee0! to 0e to *e true for all the 2other people3 who have an i0pact on our live!? I would !a+ al0o!t an+one who ha! a 2!pea6in$ part3 in +our holo$raphic total i00er!ion 0ovie i! another Pla+er= who!e /n"inite / ha! a$reed for the0 to read the !cript +our own /n"inite / wrote for the eEperience it wanted +ou to have? Accordin$ to Ro*ert Scheinfeld= 2other people3 !erve three 0ain purpo!e! in +our holo$raphic eEperienceA 1? To reflect !o0ethin$ +ou thin6 or feel a*out +our!elf "? To $ive +ou the $ift of infor0ation or in!i$ht %? To !et !o0ethin$ in 0otion to !upport +ou" NNN On the other hand= there are a lot of 2eEtra!3 in +our holo$raphic total i00er!ion 0ovie who have little or no i0pact on +our life? The+ are there to 0a6e +our total i00er!ion 0ovie !ee0 0ore 2real?3 It would *e ver+ !tran$e to wal6 down -ifth Avenue in New @or6 Cit+ and !ee no one el!e= Du!t li6e it would *e ver+ !tran$e to watch a 0ovie a*out New @or6 Cit+ with no people in it? O@ou can watch To0 Crui!e frea6 out in eEactl+ that !ituation in the 0ovie= *ani%%a S+y?P 2EEtra!3 pla+ an i0portant role in our holo$ra0!C *ut= a! in /oll+wood= tho!e 2eEtra!3 can *e co0puter $enerated a product of !pecial effect! and do not nece!!aril+ need a life of their own? There wa! a recent 0iniM!erie! on /5O called Qohn &dams? O5rilliantGP The+ al!o aired a !hort !e$0ent on how the 0iniM!erie! wa! 0ade= which +ou can watch on @ouTu*e? Not onl+ i! thi! a $reat eEa0ple of how a *ac6$round !et i! 0ade to provide the !cener+ for a holo$raphic 0ovie eEperience= *ut there i! a !e$0ent of thi! video !tartin$ around three 0inute! in that eEplain! and !how! how a crowd of 10=000 people wa! created u!in$ Du!t 1, eEtra!? If we ve fi$ured out how to do that in our ph+!ical univer!e= i0a$ine what +our /n"inite / can do in +our holo$raphic univer!eG So the 2other people3 +ou !ee in +our holo$ra0 are Pla+er! who!e /n"inite /<s have volunteered their Pla+er! to pla+ a role for +ou and to read the !cript +our /n"inite / ha! writtenC or= the+ are 2eEtra!3 created *+ +our /n"inite / to fill up +our 2realit+?3 0uestion4 5ut if the+ re not Du!t co0puterM$enerated 2eEtra!=3 how doe! 0+ /n"inite / 6now how to create that !i$nificant 2other per!on3 in 0+ holo$ra0 to loo6 and act li6e the+ do' &ns!er4 5+ u!in$ the te0plate availa*le in The -ield for thi! 2other per!on=3 ta$$ed with their na0e on it? In other word!= there ! a te0plate in The -ield with the na0e 2Stephen 9avi!=3 which contain! the wave freKuencie! u!ed to create 0e in a holo$ra0C and there ! a te0plate in The -ield with +our na0e on it a! well? All other Pla+er! that have *een created *+ their /n"inite /<s have te0plate! al!o? &hen the other Pla+er ! /n"inite / a$ree! to pla+ a role in +our holo$ra0= it $ive! per0i!!ion to +our /n"inite / to acce!! the te0plate in The -ield that de!cri*e! the other per!on their na0e= hei$ht= wei$ht= e+e color= attitude!= etc? and then +our /n"inite / plu$! that te0plate into the holo$raphic eEperience it i! creatin$ for +ou? 5ut that 2other per!on3 0u!t read the !cript wordMforMword your /n"inite / wrote for you? )oo6ed at fro0 the other direction= +our /n"inite / ha! a$reed and volunteered +ou to pla+ a role in other Pla+er! eEperience! a! well= and the+ acce!! the te0plate with +our na0e on it and plu$ +ou into the holo$ra0 the+ create for their own Pla+er? 5ut then +ou are alwa+! readin$ the !cript their /n"inite / wrote for them? NNN

Perhap! +ou ve *een fortunate enou$h to have a 2virtual realit+3 eEperienceJ?

It= of cour!e= loo6! and feel! ver+ real? Accordin$ to Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= life it!elf i! a 2virtual realit+3 eEperience= a holo$raphic univer!e created for u! *+ our /n"inite /<s? So what a*out the people +ou 0eet while in one of the!e 2virtual realit+3 0achine!' The+ have *een created *+ the !oftware pro$ra00er who wrote the eEperience +ou are havin$= were the+ not' Ever+thin$ the+ do or !a+ ha! *een preMdeter0ined and i! part of the virtual realit+ !cript? NowJ what if two people= each in their own virtual realit+ 0achine= could interact' In other word!= what if !o0eone el!e doin$ their own virtual realit+ trip could appear in +our virtual realit+ eEperience' The per!on on the other 0achine would have to *e preMpro$ra00ed into +our 0achine !o the+ appeared nor0all+ and not in their virtual realit+ $earC and vi!a ver!a? See what I 0ean' Thi! i! not out of the Kue!tion= not !o0e ridiculou! !cience fiction fanta!+? The technolo$+ i! not that far awa+ when it will *e po!!i*le for two virtual realit+ eEperience! to interact? &hat a 2hint3 or 2clue3 that will *eG And that ! *a!icall+ what happen! in our holo$raphic realit+? &e 0eet people= who0 I a0 callin$ 2eEtra!=3 who are preMpro$ra00ed into the !cript of our eEperience to 0a6e it !ee0 0ore realC and we 0eet people who are Pla+er! in their own ri$ht who!e holo$raphic eEperience! interact with our!? Reall+ an a0aLin$ $a0e when +ou thin6 a*out itG So I ta6e the viewpoint that the 2other people3 I 0eet in 0+ holo$raphic eEperience! who pla+ an+ 6ind of !i$nificant role in 0+ life are Pla+er! in their own ri$ht= with their own !elfMcon!ciou!ne!!= who have a$reed to pla+ a role and read a !cript for 0e and either reflect !o0ethin$ I thin6 or feel a*out 0+!elf= $ive 0e the $ift of infor0ation or in!i$ht= or !et !o0ethin$ in 0otion to !upport 0eC and vi!a ver!a? In thi! wa+= we can $ive each other lot! of $ift! of eEperience!? In fact= each and ever+ interaction *etween Pla+er! i! a $ift fro0 one to the other= and *ac6 a$ain= no 0atter how one or 0ore Pla+er! 0i$ht Dud$e that eEperience and the other Pla+er ! role in it? NNN Now that we have that all cleared up= +ou can a!6 +our ori$inal Kue!tion a$ainJ?

-OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia Solip!i!0 5ac6 to readin$ "? Scheinfeld= Ro*ert? Qourney to the /n"inite ho0e tran!for0ational !+!te0 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 If we don t !hare one *i$ co00on holo$ra0= how can +ou and I $o out at ni$ht and !ee the !a0e !tar!= or watch the !a0e 0ovie= or !ee the !a0e people' /ow could !o0eone el!e a$ree with 0e !o 0uch on what we call 2realit+3 unle!! we were actuall+ !eein$ the !a0e thin$' &ns!er4 The an!wer to that depend! on how +ou view 2other people3 in +our holo$ra0!= *a!ed on what we di!cu!!ed in the la!t chapter? If +ou ta6e the po!ition that the 2!o0eone el!e3 in +our holo$ra0 a$reein$ with +ou wa! created *+ +our own /n"inite / and ha! no eEi!tence a! an independent Pla+er on it! own= then what 9r? Andrew New*er$ !aid i! ver+ pertinentJ?
25hen / cross8re"erence !ith somebody, they<re part o" my rea%ity /" / hear someone agreeing !ith !hat / thin+ is going on out there, it sti%% has to do !ith !hat / am perceiving 31 In other word!= cro!!Mreferencin$ when !o0eone in +our holo$ra0 a$ree! with +ou a*out the realit+ +ou are perceivin$ i! totall+ u!ele!! a! proof that the two of +ou are !eein$ the !a0e thin$? Therefore it doe!n t 0atter whether the+ !ee the !a0e !tar!= or 0ovie= or people +ou do= !ince the+ re nothin$ 0ore than part of the holo$ra0 created *+ +our /n"inite /? 5ut let ! !a+ that +ou ve decided 2other people3 in +our holo$ra0 are Pla+er! in their own ri$ht= with their own !elfMcon!ciou!ne!!= who have a$reed to pla+ a part in +our holo$raphic eEperience? Now the di!cu!!ion $et! intere!tin$J? The fir!t pro*le0 i! that what +ou and an+ other per!on in +our holo$ra0 !ee i! 0o!t li6el+ not eEactl+ the !a0e thin$= and there i! no wa+ to prove the+ are the !a0e? &e thin6 when we !ee the color *lue= for eEa0ple= !o0eone el!e i! !eein$ the eEact !a0e color? 5ut how do +ou 6now that' M+ eEMwife and I would have intere!tin$ de*ate! on whether a particular hou!e wa! painted 2offMwhite3 or 2pale +ellow?3 OShe alwa+! won?P Thi! wa!n t Du!t *ecau!e we di!a$reed on the colorC *ut at a 0ore *a!ic level= we were actuall+ !eein$ two !li$htl+ different color!? /owever= let ! face itC 0o!t Pla+er! !ee0 to *e a*le to a$ree for the 0o!t part on 0o!t thin$!= li6e the !tar! or the 0ovie! or the people we !ee? Ri$ht' So how can that *e' M+ $ue!! i! that there i! a 2te0plate3 in The -ield for the 2Earth Environ0ent=3 !o when an /n"inite / want! to create a 2nor0al3 holo$raphic eEperience for it! Pla+er= it doe!n t have to create the Earth= the !tar!= the !un and 0oon= thi! *oo6= or the re!t of the univer!e fro0 !cratch ever+ ti0e? It !i0pl+ u!e! the te0plate for the *a!i! of the holo$ra0 and then add! whatever uniKue touche! it want! for each !ituation for it! Pla+er? It onl+ 0a6e! !en!e to do it thi! wa+ !o Pla+er! can focu! on their uniKue eEperience! and not have to deal with or !pend 0uch ti0e ar$uin$ a*out who!e 2realit+3 i! 2real?3 OA! noted= there are Pla+er! who!e /n"inite /<s do not u!e thi! 2nor0al3 te0plate= and we con!ider the0 to *e craL+? 5ut it ! Du!t further proof we re dealin$

with individual holo$raphic univer!e!= not a co00on oneC and it ! entirel+ po!!i*le for an /n"inite / to choo!e whatever realit+ it want! for it! Pla+er?P Thi! 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate i! a lot li6e the !oftware pro$ra0 in !ophi!ticated video $a0e!? The 2*ac6$round3 i! *a!icall+ the !a0e for all pla+er!= *ut there i! a wide variet+ of eEperience! an individual pla+er can have u!in$ that !a0e *ac6$round? @ou could al!o !a+ itQ! li6e u!in$ one !ta$e !et and prop! in a 0ovie or pla+ *ut the different character! all have different eEperience! within it? If that 6ind of uniKue and individual eEperience i! po!!i*le u!in$ the !a0e te0plate= wh+ create a new one each ti0e' Or thi! 0i$ht 0a6e 0ore !en!eJ when +ou appl+ for a Do*= +ou $o into +our co0puter ! teEtMwritin$ pro$ra0 and choo!e a 2te0plate3 to write a re!u0Z? @ou add +our own per!onal infor0ation to that te0plate to create a uniKue and individual re!u0Z for +our!elf= *ut otherwi!e +our fini!hed product loo6! Du!t li6e an+one el!e ! who u!ed the !a0e te0plate? So here ! how it apparentl+ wor6!J? An /n"inite / want! to have an eEperience in the ph+!ical univer!e on Earth? It= o*viou!l+= cannot co0e here it!elf an infinite *ein$ could not co0e into a finite world !o it elect! to create a Pla+er to repre!ent it? It $oe! to The -ield and choo!e! !pecific wave freKuencie! to create that Pla+er= and thi! uniKue $roup of wave freKuencie! in The -ield are ta$$ed and u!ed a! a te0plate for that Pla+er? Then the /n"inite / decide! to create an eEperience in the ph+!ical univer!e for it! Pla+er? If it want! to create a !oMcalled 2nor0al3 eEperience= it will $ra* the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate fro0 The -ield which include! all the thin$! we $enerall+ a$ree on= li6e the po!ition of the !tar! and planet!= the location of New @or6 Cit+= the color purple= what *roccoli loo6! li6e= and !o forth? Thi! will allow it! Pla+er not to !pend all it! ti0e ar$uin$ with other Pla+er! a*out what a 2circle3 i!= *ut *e a*le to focu! in!tead on the core eEperience the /n"inite / want!? On the other hand= 0a+*e the core eEperience the /n"inite / want! i! to eEplore difference! of opinion= and therefore it 0i$ht 0a6e !li$ht 0odification! in thi! nor0al 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate= or even 0aDor 0odification! that would re!ult in !i$nificant di!a$ree0ent! with other Pla+er! a*out 2realit+?3 The point i! that when an /n"inite / want! to create an eEperience for it! Pla+er in the /u0an 8a0e= it doe!n t have to create the !un and the !tar! and the 0oon and !pa$hetti each ti0e? The te0plate i! alread+ there= availa*le for all /n"inite /<s to u!e a! the+ !ee fit which i! wh+ the te0plate can loo6 al0o!t the !a0e to 0an+ Pla+er!? NNN The current *uLLword for 2te0plate3 i! 20atriEC3 and Du!t to *e clear= there i! no 2evil3 0atriE3 or 2!acred 0atriE=3 a! !o0e have !u$$e!tedC *ut onl+ one 0atriE that i! totall+ neutral? ,(he matri. is every!here /t is a%% around us, even no! in this very room #ou can see it !hen you %oo+ out your !indo! or !hen you turn on your te%evision #ou can "ee% it !hen you go to !or+, !hen you go to church, !hen you pay your ta.es9 Bn"ortunate%y, no one can be to%d !hat the matri. isJ you have to see it "or yourse%" M Morpheu!= fro0 (he )atri.

-OOTNOTES 1? New*er$= Andrew? 5hat the B%eepCD 8 Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 9on t 5hat the :B%eep; Do 5e Uno!D and (he Secret and 0an+ other 2new a$e3 philo!ophie!
!a+ 2we are all one3' In fact= doe!n t Kuantu0 ph+!ic! !a+ 2we are all connected=3 and haven t !o0e of the recent eEperi0ent! proven that' /aven t we *een told if a *utterfl+ flap! it! win$! in 5raLil= it can !et off a tornado in TeEa!'1 &ns!er4 @e!= +e!= +e!J that ! what we ve *een told? 5ut i! an+ of it reall+ true' -ir!t of all= there i! no 2we?3 There i! onl+ 2I3 and 2other people3 who appear in the uniKue and individual holo$ra0 0+ /n"inite / create! for 0e? Even if +ou *elieve Oa! I doP that 0an+ of the 2other people3 who appear in +our holo$ra0 are other Pla+er! in their own ri$ht= with their own /n"inite /<s= the+ have their own uniKue and individual holo$ra0! a! well !ince there i! no one *i$ co00on holo$ra0 we all !hare? So how did 2we are all one3 *eco0e !uch a popular newMa$e fad' In the earl+ 1740!= ph+!ici!t Alain A!pect perfor0ed !o0e ver+ fa0ou! eEperi0ent! with colla*orator! in -rance that have *een u!ed ever !ince to clai0 2we are all one=3 or= at a 0ini0u0= that 2we are all connected?3 5ut that ! not what the eEperi0ent! proved at all? &hat A!pect did= *a!icall+= wa! to !end two proton! Over+ !0all particle!P fro0 a calciu0 ato0 awa+ fro0 each other in different direction!? The!e two proton! had oppo!ite Oco0ple0entar+P char$e! a!!ociated with the0 when the+ !eparated? /e then chan$ed the char$e of one of the proton!= and the other proton 20a$icall+3 chan$ed it! own char$e !i0ultaneou!l+?" Thi! *eca0e 6nown a! 2!poo6+ action at a di!tance=3% !ince there wa! no eEplanation of how the two proton! were influencin$ each other at di!tance! that would di!allow an+ co00unication *etween the0? Stated 0ore !i0pl+ and $enerall+= the eEperi0ent provide! !tron$ evidence that a Kuantu0 event at one location can affect an event at another location without an+ o*viou! 0echani!0 for co00unication *etween the two location!C and thi! wa! Du0ped on *+ the 2new a$e3 a! proof 2we are all one and connected?3 5ut A!pect ! re!ult! don t prove that at all? At 0o!t the+ prove ever+thin$ !ithin one ho%ogram i! connected= which we alread+ 6now to *e true? If +ou cut off a little piece fro0 a lar$er holo$raphic fil0= +ou can !till produce the co0plete holo$raphic i0a$e fro0 that piece? OIt ! di00er= *ut the whole picture i! !till there?P Thi! i! called 2entan$le0ent3 in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!(= which *a!icall+ !a+! all the different 2particle!3 that 0a6e up a holo$ra0 are connected? So ever+thin$ i! connected within a !in$le holo$ra0= and 0a+*e if a *utterfl+ flap! it! win$! in 5raLil in my holo$ra0= it can !et off a tornado in TeEa! in my holo$ra0? 5ut !ince there i! no one *i$ co00on holo$ra0 we all !hare= and each Pla+er ha! it! own uniKue and individual holo$raphic eEperience!= A!pect! re!ult! cannot *e interpreted to prove we are all one= or even all connected? If a *utterfl+ flap! it! win$! in 5raLil and !et! off a tornado in TeEa! in *oth 0+ holo$ra0 and +our!= it !i0pl+ 0ean! thi! !cenario wa! part of the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate u!ed *+ *oth +our /n"inite / and 0+ /n"inite / when the+ created our individual holo$raphic eEperience!? 5ut it !till doe!n t 0ean 2we are all one?3 Thin6 of it thi! wa+A The -ield contain! an unli0ited nu0*er of po!!i*ilitie! in wave for0= and therefore can *e the !ource of an infinite nu0*er of holo$ra0!? -or eEa0ple= 0+ /n"inite / could $o to The -ield and decide to pop out a holo$ra0 of an apple for 0e? @our /n"inite / could $o to The -ield and decide to pop out a holo$ra0 of an oran$e for +ou? 5ut the!e two holo$ra0! are not connected? The+ 0a+ *e 2interactin$3 in a wa+ we don t under!tand +et= *ut it doe!n t 0ean the+ re 2connected?3 There ! a *i$ difference *etween the two? In other word!= I could do !o0ethin$ with 0+ apple in 0+ holo$ra0 and it would have no effect on the oran$e in +our holo$ra0? Ever+ Pla+er ! holo$ra0! are totall+ independent fro0 ever+ other Pla+er ! holo$ra0!? A *utterfl+ flappin$ it! win$! in 5raLil in my holo$ra0 will not auto0aticall+ !et off a tornado in

TeEa! in your holo$ra0? At lea!t= we currentl+ have no !cientific proof for the theor+ that 2we are all connected=3 de!pite what the 2new a$e3 !a+!? )et 0e tr+ to !a+ thi! in a different wa+J? Ever+ Pla+er ! holo$ra0! are totall+ independent fro0 ever+ other Pla+er ! holo$ra0!? That ! the onl+ po!!i*le wa+ that each /n"inite / can create it! own realit+ for it! Pla+er? It ! the onl+ wa+ there can *e no victi0! or perpetrator!? It re0ind! 0e of the p!+cholo$+ fad in the 40 ! and 70 ! around 2coMdependenc+?3 One Pla+er ! holo$ra0! are not coMdependent on an+ other Pla+er ! holo$ra0!? There 0a+ *e interaction $oin$ on *ein$ two independent Pla+er ! holo$ra0!= *ut what happen! in one Pla+er ! holo$ra0 i! not coMdependent on what happen! in an+ other Pla+er ! holo$ra0? In !hort= there i! no 2coMcreation3 happenin$? If +ou wanted to !a+ 2ever+thin$ I !ee in my holo$ra0 i! one=3 +ou would *e correct? 5ut to !a+ 2we are all one3 at the holo$raphic level i! not true? Now= we can $o to a different level= *oth in Alain A!pect ! eEperi0ent! and in our own individual eEperience!? M+ holo$ra0 of the apple and +our holo$ra0 of the oran$e have the !a0e !ource The -ield Du!t li6e the two proton! in A!pect ! eEperi0ent had the !a0e !ource a calciu0 ato0? In The -ield= ever+thin$ i! connected to ever+thin$ el!e= wave! upon wave! of potentialit+= of infinite po!!i*ilit+? 5ut when !o0e of tho!e !pecific wave! are cho!en *+ an /n"inite / and downloaded to a hu0an *rain= that connection in The -ield doe! not follow into the ph+!ical univer!e? It would *e true to !a+ !o0ethin$ li6e= 2All our holo$ra0! have the !a0e !ource The -ield=3 Du!t li6e it ! true to !a+ a *rother and a !i!ter have the !a0e !ource their parent!? 5ut Du!t li6e the *rother and !i!ter are not 2connected3 at the level of the ph+!ical univer!e Oi$norin$ the rare ano0al+ of Sia0e!e twin!P= and Du!t a! the+ are clearl+ not 2all one=3 neither are our individual holo$ra0! we perceive a! the ph+!ical univer!e we live in? At the level of The -ield= however= not onl+ are !e all one= *ut everything i! all one= !ince The -ield i! the !ource of ever+thin$ in the for0 of wave freKuencie! that later appear in the holo$raphic univer!e a! particle!? NNN &e ve *een tal6in$ apple! and oran$e!? Now let ! tal6 apple! and apple!= which $et! a little tric6ier? M+ /n"inite / pop! out an apple in 0+ holo$ra0? @our /n"inite / pop! out an apple in +our holo$ra0? Our two holo$ra0! interactC and althou$h +ou !ee +our apple !li$htl+ differentl+ than I !ee 0+ apple= *oth apple! are !ittin$ in the !a0e location on a 6itchen counter we *oth have in our holo$ra0!? I pic6 up the apple and eat it= and +ou watch? I !a+= 2I 0 eatin$ the apple=3 and +ou !a+= 2@ou re eatin$ the apple?3 5ut now we re *ac6 to what 9r? New*er$ !aid= that cro!!Mreferencin$ prove! nothin$? It i! !till i0po!!i*le to prove 0+ eatin$ the apple in +our holo$ra0= or +our tellin$ 0e I 0 eatin$ the apple in 0+ holo$ra0= are evidence of an+ connection *etween the two holo$ra0!? A! I !aid= it ! entirel+ po!!i*le the apple *oth of u! !ee !ittin$ on the 6itchen counter i! part of the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate our /n"inite /<s u!ed to create thi! particular eEperience= and therefore co00on to *oth +our holo$ra0 and 0ine? 5ut that !till doe!n t 0ean +our holo$ra0 and 0+ holo$ra0 are connected= or that +ou and I are 2all one?3 I0a$ine !ittin$ at a ta*le in a re!taurant havin$ a conver!ation with a friend of +our!? &hat !he i! !a+in$ to +ou i! a !cript written for her to read *+ your /n"inite /= to *e part of +our holo$raphic eEperience? &hat +ou are !a+in$ to her i! a !cript written for +ou to read *+ her /n"inite /= to *e part of her holo$raphic eEperience? @et it appear! that the!e two holo$ra0! are interactin$? Now i0a$ine that in +our holo$ra0= the 0u!ic pla+in$ in the *ac6$round i! 0uch too loud and anno+in$= di!ruptin$ +our a*ilit+ to hear and concentrate on the conver!ation with +our friend? @our friend= however= hardl+ hear! the 0u!ic and ha! no pro*le0 with it? @our friend ! pro*le0 i! that there i! 0an !ittin$ at the neEt ta*le who i! chewin$ food with hi! 0outh open= 0a6in$ her !ic6? @ou !ee the 0an= *ut he doe!n t appear to *e chewin$ with hi! 0outh open to +ou= and he doe!n t *other +ou? So what ! happened here' Each /n"inite / ha! u!ed the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate to create an eEperience for the two of +ou in thi! particular re!taurant= and *oth of +ou !ee e!!entiall+ the !a0e thin$!A the ta*le! and chair!= wait !taff= *ar= drin6!= food= etc? 5ut each /n"inite / ha! cu!to0M0ade the holo$raphic eEperience for it! own Pla+er= addin$ little per!onal touche! here and there?

In +our friend ! holo$ra0= the 0u!ic i! literall+ not too loud? It ! not Du!t that !he doe!n t hear it a! too loudC it literall+ i! not too loud a different volu0e entirel+ for her than for +ou? @ou 0i$ht even a!6 her if !he doe!n t thin6 the 0u!ic ! too loud= and !he would !a+= 2No? It ! fine?3 In +our own holo$ra0= the 0an i! not chewin$ with hi! 0outh open at all? It ! not Du!t that he i! and it doe!n t *other +ouC he ! not? @our friend 0i$ht even a!6 +ou if it doe!n t *other +ou that the 0an i! eatin$ with hi! 0outh open= and +ou would !a+= 2I didn t notice?3 &hile the+ 0i$ht *e 2interactin$=3 how can an+one tr+ to !a+ the!e two !eparate holo$raphic eEperience! are 2connected=3 or that +ou and +our friend are 2all one3' At 0o!t= two interactin$ Pla+er! 0i$ht *e eEperiencin$ the !a0e 2Earth Environ0ent Te0plate=3 *ut that ! it? There i! even one philo!oph+ that *elieve! the idea 2we are all one3 i! a 6ind of h+pnotic i0plant that i! finall+ co0in$ to the !urface to *e !een a! an error and cleared awa+?, -OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia *utterfl+ effect 5ac6 to readin$ "? &i6ipedia Alain A!pect 5ac6 to readin$ %? Ein!tein ! ter0? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ (? &i6ipedia Kuantu0 entan$le0ent 5ac6 to readin$ ,? /u**ard= )? Ron? -ro0 the OT% 0aterial! 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 I! an /n"inite / li0ited to havin$ onl+ one Pla+er repre!entin$ it in the /u0an 8a0e'
&ns!er4 I can t !a+ for !ure= of cour!e= *ut pro*a*l+ not? Thin6 a*out it thi! wa+J? An /n"inite / ha! infinite power= infinite Do+= infinite wi!do0= infinite a*undance= infinite love= and an in"inite desire to p%ay and itse%" creative%y? I can t i0a$ine= with the infinite nu0*er of $a0e! to pla+ in an infinite univer!e= an /n"inite / would li0it it!elf to pla+in$ Du!t one $a0e the /u0an 8a0e on Earth with Du!t one Pla+er? 5ut it ! po!!i*le? Our e$o! would li6e u! to thin6 we re ver+ !pecial each one of u! and that we 0u!t each have Du!t one /n"inite / that created u! and loo6! after u!= and onl+ u!? 5ut I dou*t it? It would 0a6e 0ore !en!e that a uniKue and individual /n"inite / would have a nu0*er of different Pla+er! in a nu0*er of different $a0e!= perhap! even in a nu0*er of different univer!e!? To ta6e thi! one !tep further= it ! al!o po!!i*le a uniKue /n"inite / can have 0ore than one Pla+er on Earth at the !a0e ti0eG I had a friend who wa! 2re0e0*erin$3 Oin tranceP a lifeti0e durin$ &orld &ar II when !he wa! a 5riti!h !oldier and $ot involved in a firefi$ht with a 8er0an !oldier? The+ 6illed each other at the !a0e ti0e over a foEhole? A! 0+ friend ! 2!oul3 left her 5riti!h !oldier ! *od+= !he 2!aw3 the 2!oul3 of the 8er0an !oldier leave it! *od+ a! wellC and to her $reat !urpri!e= !he realiLed the+ *oth *elon$ed to the !a0e /n"inite /G &h+ not' An /n"inite / i! not li0ited to the nu0*er of Pla+er! it can have in the /u0an 8a0e= even !i0ultaneou!l+? Perhap! +our wife= or +our hu!*and= or +our children= or +our *e!t friend= or +our wor!t ene0+= i! another Pla+er fro0 the !a0e /n"inite /? &on t we all *e !urpri!ed to find out one da+'G 5ut the fact that +our /n"inite / 0a+ al!o have another Pla+er or 0ore doe! not affect +our relation!hip with that /n"inite / at all? #u!t li6e a parent who ha! 0ore than one child= there i! not Oor !hould not *eP an+

favoriti!0= an+ 0ore or le!! love for one than another= an+ dilution of the carin$ and the $uidance and the ener$+ for +ou a! one of it! Pla+er! !i0pl+ *ecau!e there 0a+ *e other!? In fact= each of u! can actuall+ thin6 a*out our /n"inite / a! our 2own=3 if !o0ehow that 0a6e! thin$! ea!ier? It reall+ doe!n t 0atter? The po!!i*ilit+ that +ou 0i$ht 2!hare3 an /n"inite / with another Pla+er ha! no relevance or *earin$ on how +ou pla+ the /u0an 8a0e? It i! intere!tin$= however= to con!ider the po!!i*ilit+ that the per!on cau!in$ +ou the 0o!t di!co0fort in a particular holo$raphic eEperience 0a+= in fact= *e +our 2*rother3 or 2!i!ter3 that +ou !hare the !a0e /n"inite /G


5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 &hat a*out pa!t live!'

&ns!er4 I love thi! Kue!tion= *ecau!e I *elieved in pa!t live! for a*out fift+ +ear!= *efore encounterin$ Kuantu0 ph+!ic! and the truth of the /u0an 8a0e 0odel? Not onl+ did I be%ieve= *ut I had 0an+ detailed 20e0orie!3 of a nu0*er of tho!e pa!t live!? 5ut *efore we can tal6 a*out pa!t live!= we have to tal6 a*out ti0eJ? -ro0 the re!earch in Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= we 6now ti0e doe! not eEi!t in The -ield= where all eEperience! are created that 0a6e up the ph+!ical univer!e? Space and ti0e are created a! part of a holo$ra0 !cienti!t! would !a+ !paceUti0e i! a 2function of the holo$ra03 and therefore ti0e i! not 2real3 in the !a0e wa+ the holo$ra0 i! not 2real?3 In fact= a! 0an+ other! li6e Seth1 and Ec6art Tolle" have !aid over and over a$ain= the onl+ thin$ that ! 2real3 or *etter= 2relevant3 i! the pre!ent 0o0ent? Thi! not onl+ applie! to 2pa!t live!=3 *ut the 2pa!t3 in thi! pre!ent life a! well= which !hould *e !elfMevident when we !ee how !o0eone can chan$e their pa!t *+ $ettin$ new infor0ation or chan$in$ their perception! of what happened 2*ac6 then?3 Ein!tein !aid 2realit+ i! 0erel+ an illu!ion al*eit a ver+ per!i!tent oneC3 and it ! true that 2realit+3 !ee0! to have continuit+= a! one 0o0ent *lend! into the neEt 0o0ent? 5ut it ! al!o po!!i*le to loo6 at tho!e 0o0ent! a! individual holo$ra0! co0in$ Kuic6l+ one after the other= li6e a 0ovie con!i!t! of one individual fra0e and then another in rapid !ucce!!ion? Therefore= the 2per!i!tence3 it!elf i! illu!or+? It ! even po!!i*le there actuall+ i! nothin$ eEcept the pre!ent 0o0ent= and that ever+thin$ we con!ider to *e the 2pa!t3 i! created in each pre!entM0o0ent holo$ra0? <arl Pri*ra0 !pent +ear! tr+in$ to find the location of 20e0or+3 in the *rain and finall+ decided the *rain it!elf wa! a holo$ra0? So what if 20e0or+3 reall+ doe!n t eEi!t at all' &hat if our 20e0or+3 of the 2pa!t3 i! *ein$ created in the pre!entM0o0ent holo$ra0 in!tead' &hat if= when we !a+ !o0eone i! livin$ in their pa!t= the oppo!ite i! actuall+ trueA that their pa!t i! livin$ in their pre!ent' So the 2pa!t3 0a+ *e a 2!tor+3 that i! part of the pre!ent holo$ra0C and we are free to rewrite the endin$ to that !tor+ at an+ ti0e *+ chan$in$ our reaction! and re!pon!e! to the eEperience= lettin$ $o of the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!? Thi! i! clear= and actuall+ ver+ nece!!ar+= when +ou 0ove into the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e? &hen the Dud$0ent i! dropped= for eEa0ple= of how 2*ad3 +our childhood wa!= and +ou $ain appreciation and than6fulne!! for the perfection of tho!e eEperience! in creatin$ li0itation in the fir!t half= the 2pa!t3 chan$e! dra0aticall+? &hat ! actuall+ happenin$ i! that the !tor+ in +our pre!ent holo$ra0 a*out the 2pa!t3 i! chan$in$? In e!!ence= +ou are creatin$ a new 2pa!t3 in the pre!ent= !ince there reall+ i! no 2pa!t3 per !e? A $ood actor doe! thi!? If it ! not part of the !cript it!elf= an actor will 0a6e up a pa!t for their character= $ivin$ the0 a rea!on the 20otivation3 for an+ line or action the+ have in the 0ovie? 5ut that character ! pa!t i! not real and onl+ eEi!t! in the pre!ent 0o0ent when the actor i! actin$= u!in$ it to $ive *ac6$round for how the+ deliver their line!?

A0 I 0a6in$ 0+!elf clear' Since ti0e i! not real= all 2pa!t 0e0orie!3 could actuall+ *e nothin$ 0ore than part! of the pre!entMti0e holo$ra0 which fill in the !tor+line of our total i00er!ion 0ovie? &hat we call our 2hi!tor+3 per!onal hi!tor+= hu0an hi!tor+= even the hi!tor+ of our planet and the ph+!ical univer!e could !i0pl+ *e one !0all !tor+line in the current 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate downloaded to a Pla+er for it! pre!entMti0e eEperience? )? Ron /u**ard= in another one of hi! $eniu! 0o0ent!= called the!e 2!ervice fac!i0ile!3 2I!ervice *ecau!e the+ !erve hi0C Ifac!i0ile! *ecau!e the+ are in 0ental i0a$e picture for0J? The !ervice fac!i0ile i! therefore a picture containin$ an eEplanation of !elf condition?3% In other word!= we 0a+ well *e 0a6in$ up our 2pa!t3 in the pre!ent ti0e to eEplain our current condition in life? 5elievin$ in pa!t live! wa!= at lea!t for 0e= a ver+ i0portant part of that proce!!? I could u!e a pa!t life a! a rea!on for 0+ pre!entMti0e *ehavior= Du!t a! we u!e a d+!functional childhood to eEplain a d+!functional adult? ;uic6 eEa0pleJ I had !oMcalled 20e0orie!3 of *ein$ a pharaoh in E$+pt in the 1(th centur+ 5C who wa! 0urdered *+ the prie!thood when he tried to ta6e awa+ their power? Thi! eEplained wh+= in thi! pre!ent life= I had done ever+thin$ po!!i*le to $et out of politic! once I $ot elected= *elievin$ on !o0e level that ri!in$ up the political ladder would eventuall+ re!ult in 0+ death? 5ut for 0e= pa!t live! eEplained 0ore than Du!t the 2ne$ative3 *ehavior in the pre!entJ? NNN I had ver+ little !ailin$ eEperience in thi! life= li0ited 0ainl+ to *uildin$ and !ailin$ a twelveMfoot Sunfi!h in 0+ teen!= ta6in$ 0+ wife for a ride on a /o*ie Cat on our hone+0oon O*ad ideaGP= and !6ipperin$ a ("Mfoot Mor$an fro0 )o! An$ele! to Catalina to !cu*a dive with friend!? Then in 177( I !tepped onto the Uairos an ei$ht+Mfoot wooden !chooner to *e the coo6 for a +ear? 5ut !o0ehow I 6new eEactl+ what to do and how to !ail her perfectl+ even !in$leMhand her includin$ how to tie all the !tandard !ailin$ 6not!? &ithin a !hort ti0e I wa! replacin$ the captain when he went on!hore for eEtended vacation!= perfor0in$ difficult anchorin$ 0aneuver! in pitch dar6= turnin$ the !hip 140 de$ree! in a oneMhundredMfoot har*or= and !ailin$ her preci!el+ for three da+! and ni$ht! on open ocean fro0 the Canar+ I!land! to Madeira?

(he Uairos

I cannot eEplain 0+ *ehavior fro0 an+thin$ I eEperienced in thi! lifeti0e? /owever= I had the!e 20e0orie!3 of what I thou$ht wa! a 2pa!t life3 a! a 0erchant 0arine= !ailin$ *ac6 and forth fro0 5o!ton to the Mediterranean in the earl+ 1700 !? There ! no Kue!tion in 0+ 0ind the 6nowled$e and eEperti!e I had in 2that life3 wa! acce!!i*le to 0e in thi! life when I needed and wanted it? 5ut if there i! no 2pa!t3 and therefore no 2pa!t live!3 if we are 0a6in$ up our pa!t in the pre!ent how can I eEplain thi! *ehavior' /ow could I 6now how to !ail !uch a !hip with virtuall+ no eEperience' There i! another eEplanation= one that ali$n! nicel+ with Kuantu0 ph+!ic!? Ph+!ici!t -red Alan &olf wrote a *oo6 called Para%%e% Bniverses4 (he Search "or 1ther 5or%ds C and there i! a 0aDor theor+ within Kuantu0 ph+!ic! called the 2Man+M&orld! Interpretation OM&IP?3 2)any8!or%ds c%aims to reso%ve a%% the o" =uantum theory since every possib%e outcome to every event de"ines or e.ists in its o!n Ihistory< or I!or%d < /n %ayman$s terms, this means that there is a very %arge, perhaps in"inite, number o" universes and that everything that cou%d possib%y happen in our universe @but doesn$tP does happen in some other universe@sP9 Prior to Imany !or%ds,< this :universe; had been vie!ed as a sing%e I!or%d8%ine < )any8!or%ds rather vie!s it as a many8branched tree !here every possib%e branch o" history is rea%i>ed?3( -red Alan &olf !aidJ 25hat is a para%%e% universeD Li+e an everyday universe it is a region o" space and time containing matter, ga%a.ies, stars, p%anets and %iving beings /n other !ords, a para%%e% universe is simi%ar and possib%y even a dup%icate o" our o!n universe 2ot on%y in a para%%e% universe must there be other human beings, but these may be human beings !ho are e.act dup%icates o" ourse%ves and !ho are connected to ourse%ves through mechanisms on%y e.p%ainab%e using =uantum physics concepts9 (he possibi%ity e.ists that para%%e% universes may be e.treme%y c%ose to us, perhaps on%y atomic dimensions a!ay but perhaps in a higher dimension o" space E an e.tension into !hat physicists ca%% superspace )odern neuroscience through the study o" a%tered states o" a!areness, schi>ophrenia, and %ucid dreaming cou%d be indications o" the c%oseness o" para%%e% !or%ds to our o!n?3, In other word!= there i! !peculation a0on$ ver+ pro0inent and re!pected Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! that other world! 0i$ht eEi!t !i0ultaneou!l+ with our world= and that we 0i$ht have a connection to the0? Thi! open! to the door to a fa!cinatin$ theor+ a*out pa!t live!J? I tal6ed in Chapter Twent+MSiE a*out the po!!i*ilit+ an /n"inite / could have 0an+ Pla+er! repre!entin$ it in 0an+ different 8a0e!= or even within one 8a0e= at one ti0e? &hat if the 2pa!t live!3 we thin6 we re0e0*er are not 2pa!t3 at all= *ut happenin$ no!= in a parallel univer!e' &hat if an /n"inite / wanted to eEperience a nu0*er of different ti0e! and place! in the /u0an 8a0e and created !eparate Pla+er! for tho!e ti0e! and place!' And what if we= a! Pla+er! in this !pace and ti0e= had acce!! to tho!e other Pla+er! in other !pace! and ti0e!= and could receive infor0ation a*out the0 and fro0 the0 throu$h the conduit of a 0utual /n"inite /' I under!tand now that 0+ life a! a 0erchant 0arine wa! not a 2pa!t life3 at all= *ut a !i0ultaneou! life $oin$ on in a parallel univer!e= and that the 0erchant 0arine i! a Pla+er Du!t li6e 0e= *ut in a different ti0e and !paceC and he and I !hare the !a0e /n"inite /? -ro0 0+ per!pective it !ee0! li6e I wa! a*le to tap into hi! life via our co00on /n"inite / and *rin$ the infor0ation I needed throu$h into 0ine? I have other eEa0ple! a! well fro0 0+ own eEperience a*out the 20an+Mworld! interpretation3 of Kuantu0 ph+!ic!? 5ut fir!t I will relate a !tor+ a*out #ane Ro*ert! who channeled the entit+ 6nown a! Seth? . Apparentl+ one da+ while #ane wa! in her trance and Seth wa! !pea6in$= !o0eone !howed Seth a picture of #ane when !he wa! a*out twelve +ear! old and a!6ed if thi! wa! the #ane Ro*ert! who wa! !ittin$ in front of the0 at that ti0e? Seth !aid No= it wa! a picture of the #ane Ro*ert! who had $one on to *eco0e a nun? Seth eEplained that #ane had *een torn a*out her future when !he wa! +oun$= and part of her wanted to follow a !trict reli$iou! trainin$? At the point of deci!ion= 2one #ane3 went into another univer!e and *eca0e a nun= and the #ane that wa! in front of the $roup 2!ta+ed3 in thi! univer!e= accordin$ to Seth? M+ own eEperience wa! when I had to 0a6e a deci!ion to $o into the Ar0+ and to Fietna0= or $o to Dail a! a prote!tor? I reall+ wanted to $o to Dail= to !tand on 0+ principle! and re$i!ter 0+ oppo!ition to the war? 5ut 0+

fiancZ and 0+ 0other weren t too 6een on the idea= and I wound up volunteerin$ to *eco0e a Ph+!ician ! A!!i!tant in the Ar0+ Oto 0a6e !ure I never had to 6ill an+oneP? I now a0 certain there i! a Stephen 9avi! in another univer!e who went to Dail in!tead= livin$ out hi! life *a!ed on that deci!ion? Once I 0ade one choice= the other choice pla+ed out in another 2world?3 And wh+ not' The whole point of the /u0an 8a0e i! for an /n"inite / to have a! 0an+ eEperience! a! po!!i*le of what it feel! li6e to *e li0ited in power and Do+ and wi!do0 and a*undance and love? &h+ !houldn t an /n"inite / have 0an+ Pla+er! in the 8a0e at one ti0e' &h+ !houldn t an /n"inite / eEplore all the variou! option! that ari!e in the cour!e of the 8a0e for an+ particular Pla+er in 0an+ different !i0ultaneou!= parallel world!' The 20an+Mworld! interpretation3 *a!icall+ !a+! all po!!i*ilitie! occur= in one univer!e or another= and Seth !a+! e!peciall+ when faced with a lifeMchan$in$ deci!ion *oth alternative! continue in parallel univer!e!? 5ut perhap! the 0o!t intere!tin$ part of thi! i! the po!!i*ilit+ of co00unication *etween the variou! Pla+er!? A! we pro$re!! in!ide the cocoon and re!tore con!ciou! co00unication with our /n"inite /= will we have $reater acce!! to all the Pla+er! who !hare our /n"inite / *+ leavin$ *ehind the Dud$0ent! and *elief! that currentl+ *loc6 that co00unication' It ! no wonder acce!! wa! li0ited durin$ the fir!t half of the 8a0eC *ut now that we re headin$ awa+ fro0 li0itation= who 6now! what ! po!!i*le? The *otto0 line i! that it ! ver+ li6el+ +our /n"inite / ha! 0an+ Pla+er! in 0an+ univer!e! includin$ 0an+ Pla+er! in the /u0an 8a0e at 0an+ different ti0e! and place! and that what we have *een callin$ 2pa!t live!3 are actuall+ 2pre!ent live!3 occurrin$ !i0ultaneou!l+? Thi!= of cour!e= would co0pletel+ chan$e the idea of 2pa!t live!3 *ein$ !o0e 6ind of pro$re!!ion of identitie! fro0 which we are !uppo!ed to learn 2le!!on!=3 which naturall+ *rin$! up the Kue!tion of <ar0aJ? NNN MOFIE S>88ESTIONA S%iding Doors= with 8w+neth Paltrow O1774P -OOTNOTES 1? &i6ipedia #ane Ro*ert! 5ac6 to readin$ "? Tolle= Ec6hart= (he Po!er o" 2o!4 & Guide to Spiritua% 3n%ightenment 5ac6 to readin$ %? /u**ard= )? Ron? 6C1B 1G 'eb WL 5ac6 to readin$ (? &i6ipedia M Man+Mworld! interpretation 5ac6 to readin$ ,? &olf= -red Alan? 2Introduction=3 Para%%e% Bniverses4 (he Search "or 1ther 5or%ds 5ac6 to readin$ .? &i6ipedia M #ane Ro*ert! 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 So what a*out 6ar0a'

&ns!er4 A! I ve !aid all alon$= there i! a $rain of truth in ever+ philo!oph+= ever+ reli$ion= ever+ !piritual pathC *ut in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= that truth had to *e perverted to a $reater or le!!er de$ree in order for a Pla+er to eEperience li0itation! and re!triction! or the 8a0e wouldn t wor6? In thi! ca!e= the truth a*out 6ar0a ha! *een twi!ted in 0an+ wa+! until it 0ean! 0an+ different thin$! to 0an+ different peopleA 2an e+e for an e+e= or a tooth for a tooth 1C3 2+ou reap what +ou !ow"C3 +ou will *e rewarded for *ein$ $ood and puni!hed for +our !in!C +ou have to !uffer retri*ution for wron$ done in previou!

live!C if +ou re *ad= +ou ll co0e *ac6 a! a le!!er for0 of life neEt ti0eC if +ou do !pirituall+ valua*le act!= +ou de!erve and can eEpect $ood luc6C or conver!el+= if +ou do har0ful thin$!= +ou can eEpect *ad luc6? @ou can !ee fir!tMhalf 2thin6in$3 and 2Dud$0ent!3 and 2*elief!3 in ever+ one of tho!e concept! clear evidence that 6ar0a= no 0atter what it 0ean!= *elon$! in!ide the 0ovie theater? So what ! the truth a*out 6ar0a' ,Uarma is not punishment or retribution but simp%y an e.tended e.pression or conse=uence o" natura% acts Uarma means AdeedA or AactA and more broad%y names the universa% princip%e o" cause and e""ect, action and reaction that governs a%% %i"e -% <ar0a= therefore= at it! 0o!t *a!ic level i! 2cau!e and effect?3 <ar0a 0ean! if +ou do this= that will happen? 25ad3 6ar0a i! !een a! havin$ done !o0ethin$ 2wron$3 in the pa!t Oor in a pa!t lifeP that will co0e *ac6 to +ou in the pre!ent or future for +ou to 2wor6 out?3 28ood3 6ar0a i! !een a! havin$ done !o0ethin$ 2ri$ht3 in the pa!t Oor in a pa!t lifeP that will co0e *ac6 to +ou in the pre!ent or future a! a reward? 5ut if a Pla+er can never do an+thin$ 2wron$3 which i! the Truth how could there ever *e an+ 6ar0a to wor6 out' <ar0a i! !i0pl+ another *elief that will fall *+ the wa+!ide durin$ +our tran!ition in the cocoon? NNN Actuall+= 0o!t Pla+er! in the /u0an 8a0e hold the *elief that if I do this= that will happen= even if the+ don t call it 6ar0a? Mo!t people Du!t call it the 2law of cau!e and effect3J JeEcept there i! no 2law of cau!e and effect?3 In truth= the 2law of cau!e and effect3 i! nothin$ 0ore than a *elief !+!te0= and= li6e !pace and ti0e= i! a function of the holo$ra0 and i! therefore not real? Re0e0*er that 2*elievin$ i! !eein$C3 !o if +ou *elieve in the 2law of cau!e and effect=3 +ou will !ee it in action all around +ou? 5ut what if +ou don<t *elieve in the 2law of cau!e and effect'3 Fariou! people over the +ear! have de0on!trated what could *e called a 2total di!re$ard3 for the 2law of cau!e and effect?3 #e!u!= for eEa0ple= i$nored the law of cau!e and effect when he wal6ed on water(= or fed the 0ultitude with a few fi!h and !o0e *read,= or healed the !ic6. or rai!ed the dead?1 Sai 5a*a apparentl+ i$nore! the law of cau!e and effect when he produce! vi*uti or Dewelr+ out of thin air?4 In hi! *oo6= (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= Michael Tal*ot 0ention! other docu0ented eEa0ple! of le!!erM 6nown individual! de0on!tratin$ feat! out!ide the law of cau!e and effect? -or eEa0pleJ ,:Bio%ogist Lya%% 5atson !as investigating; one o" the so8ca%%ed Phi%ippine psychic hea%ers, but instead o" touching a patient, a%% he did !as ho%d his hand about ten inches over the person<s body, point at his or her s+in, and an incision !ou%d appear instantaneous%y 5atson not on%y !itnessed severa% disp%ays o" the man<s psycho+inetic surgica% s+i%%s, but once, !hen the man made a broader s!eep !ith his "inger than usua%, 5atson :himse%"; received an incision on the bac+ o" his o!n hand 6e bears the scar to this day -7 21ne investigator, a member o" the Paris Par%iament named Louis8Basi%e Carre de )ontgeron, !itnessed enough mirac%es to "i%% "our thic+ vo%umes on the sub?ect9 /n one instance a convu%sionaire bent bac+ into an arc so that her %o!er bac+ !as supported by Ithe sharp point o" a peg < She then as+ed that a "i"ty8pound stone attached to a rope be hoisted to Ian e.treme height< and a%%o!ed to "a%% !ith a%% its !eight on her stomach (he stone !as hoisted up and a%%o!ed to "a%% again and again, but the !oman seemed comp%ete%y una""ected by it She e""ort%ess%y maintained her a!+!ard position, su""ered no pain or harm, and !a%+ed a!ay "rom the ordea% !ithout even so much as a mar+ on the "%esh o" her bac+ -10 Storie! a*ound of +o$i! who can !leep on a *ed of nail! without pain or evidence of !6in da0a$e 11C and there are perhap! !o0e ,=000 0e0*er! of the Penteco!tal /oline!! churche!1" who !how no effect! fro0 the *ite of a poi!onou! !na6e or fro0 drin6in$ poi!on?

Of cour!e= the pheno0enon of firewal6in$1% O0ade popular in the &e!t *+ Ton+ Ro**in!P i! nothin$ 0ore than convincin$ people to te0poraril+ !u!pend their *elief in the 2law of cau!e and effect=3 and wal6 acro!! hot coal! which would nor0all+ 2cau!e3 *urn! on the feet without !ufferin$ the 2effect!?3 In Chapter Twent+ I tal6ed a*out 0ultiple per!onalit+ di!order and the lar$e nu0*er of ca!e! where the hu0an *od+ !ee0! to def+ 2cau!e and effect?3 There are 0an+ other eEa0ple! of di!ea!e! occurrin$ without an+ 2cau!e=3 or not occurrin$ when the !oMcalled cau!e i! pre!ent *ut the effect i! not? If !0o6in$ 2cau!e!3 cancer= for in!tance= how can !o0e people !0o6e their entire live! and never $et cancer' If /IF 2cau!e!3 AI9S= how can thou!and! of people have lived for thirt+ +ear! dia$no!ed /IFMPo!itive= not ta6e an+ 0edication! and !till *e happ+ and health+1(' The 0ovie= (he )atri.= wa! all a*out Neo learnin$ to *rea6 out of hi! *elief in the 2law of cau!e and effect?3 There are two fa0ou! !cene! toward the end that de0on!trate hi! !ucce!! fir!t= when Neo i! !hot clo!e ran$e with !iE *ullet!= !ee0! to die te0poraril+= and then $et! up a$ain to continue the fi$htC and then when he unravel! the 0atriE and !top! the *ullet! co0in$ at hi0= pluc6in$ one out of the air and loo6in$ at it= then lettin$ the0 fall on the $round in front of hi0? Our tendenc+ i! to eEplain awa+ the!e eEa0ple! a! 2!upernatural=3 when in fact the+ are !i0pl+ occurrin$ out!ide the *elief !+!te0 of 2cau!e and effect?3 & Course in )irac%es !a+!= 2Thi! i! a cour!e in cau!e and not effect?31, The $reat Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t 9avid 5oh0 ,argued that the !ay science vie!ed causa%ity !as a%so much too %imited )ost e""ects !ere thought o" as having on%y one or severa% causes 6o!ever, Bohm "e%t that an e""ect cou%d have an in"inite number o" causes9 Bohm conceded that most o" the time one cou%d ignore the vast cascade o" causes that had %ed to any given e""ect, but he sti%% "e%t it !as important "or scientists to remember that no sing%e cause8and8e""ect re%ationship !as ever rea%%y separate "rom the universe as a !ho%e -1. 5ut de!pite 0uch evidence to the contrar+= 2cau!e and effect3 re0ain! one of our 0o!t *a!ic= 0o!t in$rained= and 0o!t unchallen$ed *elief !+!te0!C and it! hi!tor+ $oe! wa+ *ac6 to the *e$innin$ when our 5i*lical ance!tor!= Ada0 and Eve= were told it wa! eatin$ the apple that cau!ed the0 to $et in trou*le with The )ord? ,&nd he said, 5ho to%d thee that thou !ast na+edD 6ast thou eaten o" the tree, !hereo" / commanded thee that thou shou%dest not eatD-11 NNN There i! an intere!tin$ pheno0enon I want to 0ention that= on fir!t $lance= 0i$ht appear to *e 26ar0a=3 or 2cau!e and effect=3 *ut it ! not? A! Pla+er! in the /u0an 8a0e= we !ee0 to eEperience !i0ilar holo$ra0! fro0 ti0e to ti0e? In fact= pattern! of eEperience! !ee0 to follow u! in !o0e ca!e!= pla$ue u! repeatin$ over and over? A wo0an 0i$ht con!tantl+ attract a certain 6ind of 0an= an alcoholic who a*u!e! her= for eEa0ple? A 0an 0i$ht find hi0!elf $ettin$ fired fro0 one Do* after another= alwa+! for the !a0e rea!on? I 0 !ure +ou re aware of at lea!t a few of +our own pattern!? So what ! $oin$ on here' One wa+ to loo6 at 26ar0a3 and 2cau!e and effect3 i! that we= a! Pla+er!= can continue to eEperience !i0ilar holo$ra0! a! lon$ a! we feel li6e we re victi0! of !o0eone or !o0ethin$ 2out there3 the 2effect3 of !o0eone or !o0ethin$ el!e that i! the 2cau!e=3 until we have accepted the fact we cannot *e the 2effect3 of an+one or an+thin$ at an+ ti0eC until we have let $o of the idea! of victi0 and perpetratorC until we no lon$er thin6 the 2cau!e3 i! an+where eEcept with our own /n"inite /? Thi! i! even true in the *e$innin$ of the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e= a! our /n"inite / create! !ituation! for u! !i0ilar to what we encountered in the fir!t half when we a!!i$ned power 2out there=3 to $ive u! the opportunit+ to 2reclai03 that power and no lon$er !ee our!elve! a! the 2effect3 in our holo$raphic eEperience!? In other word!= 26ar0a3 could *e !een a! a !erie! of holo$raphic eEperience! created and offered *+ an /n"inite / to $ive the Pla+er the opportunit+ to a!!u0e full !elfMre!pon!i*ilit+ 100T 2cau!e3 for their own reaction! and re!pon!e!?

On the ori$inal 2$rade chart3 developed *+ )? Ron /u**ard for Scientolo$+ in the 1710 != the EP O2 3nd Pheno0enon=3 or end re!ultP of the level called OT FIII wa! 2at cau!e over life O0atter= ener$+= !pace and ti0eP?3 Thi! wa! revi!ed in 174414 Oafter /u**ard ! deathP !ince it wa! i0po!!i*le to achieve u!in$ the techniKue! offered *+ the ChurchC *ut it wa! a $ood thou$ht to *e$in with? And it is achieva*leC *ut part of the proce!! of $ettin$ there involve! dealin$ with thi! *elief in the 2law of cau!e and effect3 and the Dud$0ent and fear *eneath it? A! I !aid in Chapter Twent+MOne= thi! i! a tou$h one= and I 0 not fini!hed with it 0+!elf? So that ! all I can !a+ a*out it for now? -OOTNOTES 1? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? (he Gospe% according to St )atthe!= ,?%4 5ac6 to readin$ "? I*id? Ga%ations= .?1 and Qob= (?4 5ac6 to readin$ %? &i6ipedia <ar0a 5ac6 to readin$ (? &i6ipedia wal6in$ on water 5ac6 to readin$ ,? &i6ipedia feedin$ the 0ultitude 5ac6 to readin$ .? Qesus 6ea%s the Sic+ at Gennesaret 5ac6 to readin$ 1? La>arus 7aised "rom the Dead 5ac6 to readin$ 4? /arald!!on= Erlendur and <arli! O!i!= (he &ppearance &nd Disappearance 1" 1b?ects /n (he Presence 1" Sri Sathya Sai Baba 5ac6 to readin$ 7? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= pp? 1".M1"1 5ac6 to readin$ 10? /bid = p? 1%0 5ac6 to readin$ 11? 5i+ipedia M 5ed of nail! 5ac6 to readin$ 1"? 5i+ipedia M Church of 8od with Si$n! -ollowin$ 5ac6 to readin$ 1%? &i6ipedia -irewal6in$ 5ac6 to readin$ 1(? Living5ithout6/*Drugs com 5ac6 to readin$ 1,? Circle of Atone0ent? & Course in )irac%es= TM"1?FII?1 5ac6 to readin$ 1.? Tal*ot= Michael? (he 6o%ographic Bniverse= p? (0 5ac6 to readin$ 11? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? Genesis= %?11 5ac6 to readin$ 14? Operation Cla0*a6e? 1( Leve%s & Con"identia% )ateria% Summary List 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 I! it true= what )? Ron /u**ard once !aid= 2On the da+ when we can full+ tru!t each other= there
will *e peace on Earth3' &ns!er4 No= not reall+= *ecau!e the wa+ he !aid it 0a6e! it !ound li6e we !hould *e wor6in$ to learn to tru!t each other= and if we could !ucceed= we d have peace on Earth? That ! Du!t another incorrect twi!t to the Truth that happen! in!ide the 0ovie theater? The intentional co00unit+ I have *een a!!ociated with for over !eventeen +ear! ha! !pent 0o!t of that ti0e tr+in$ to learn to tru!t each other= u!in$ variou! techniKue! and proce!!e!= !uch a! 2The -oru0?3 I can !a+ the+ ve 0ade !o0e pro$re!!= and their co00unit+ i! perhap! 0ore 2peaceful3 than other place! to liveC *ut I can t !a+ the+ ve $one ver+ far? Tru!tin$ each other= however= i! not a $oal to *e wor6ed forC it ! a *+Mproduct li6e #ed Mc<enna tal6ed a*out 2nonMattach0ent?3 It ! !o0ethin$ that happen! a! a re!ult of !o0ethin$ el!e?

The onl+ thin$ an+one ever ha! to tru!t i! their /n"inite /? If +ou tru!t +our /n"inite /= +ou auto0aticall+ tru!t ever+one and ever+thin$ in +our holo$raphic eEperience!= !ince +our /n"inite / create! the0 all for +ou down to the !0alle!t detail? If +ou tru!t +our /n"inite /= and !o0eone appear! in +our holo$ra0= +ou 6now +ou can tru!t the0= too tru!t the0 to read the 0ovie !cript written *+ +our /n"inite / word for word !ince the+ are onl+ there at the reKue!t and approval of +our own /n"inite /? In fact= it ! futile to !pend ti0e tr+in$ to tru!t each other when there i! alwa+! the po!!i*ilit+ in the *ac6 of +our 0ind that !o0eone 2out there3 could do !o0ethin$ 2*ad3 to +ou? If +ou full+ tru!t +our /n"inite /= +ou 6now that ! !i0pl+ not po!!i*le? Therefore= it would *e 0ore accurate to !a+= 2On the da+ when +ou can full+ tru!t +our /n"inite /= +ou will eEperience peace on Earth?3 @e!= individual peace is po!!i*le= re$ardle!! of what i! $oin$ on 2out there3 in +our holo$ra0? In fact= individual peace i! the onl+ thin$ +ou have an+ control over throu$h +our free will to react and re!pond to +our holo$raphic eEperience!? &ar and violence 0a+ *e ra$in$ all around +ou= and +ou can !till *e in peace *ecau!e +ou full+ tru!t +our /n"inite / and the eEperience! it create! for +ou? &e could al!o !a+= on a lar$er !cale= 2On the da+ when we all can full+ tru!t our /n"inite /<s= we will eEperience peace on Earth?3 5ut that will onl+ happen one Pla+er at a ti0e= unilaterall+ tru!tin$ their own /n"inite /J Jwhich= a! I !aid in Chapter Ei$hteen= i! not !o0ethin$ that co0e! ea!il+ at fir!t? &e have !pent 0an+ +ear! not tru!tin$ our /n"inite /= *la0in$ it for our condition in life= re!i!tin$ the eEperience! it wa! creatin$ for u!? It can ta6e ti0e to chan$e that? 5ut if +ou u!e Ro*ert ! Proce!! and !piritual autol+!i!= and let $o of +our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear! and e!peciall+ the la+er! of e$o that want +ou to thin6 +ou re drivin$ the *u! +ou will !oon 6now with certaint+ +our /n"inite / can *e tru!ted= and in fact i! the onl+ thin$ +ou ever need to tru!t? All el!e follow!? A! the /ol+ 5i*le !a+!J ,(here"ore ta+e no thought, saying, 5hat sha%% !e eatD or, 5hat sha%% !e drin+D or, 5here!itha% sha%% !e be c%othedD 9 "or your heaven%y 'ather +no!eth that ye have need o" a%% these things But see+ ye "irst the +ingdom o" God, and his righteousnessJ and a%% these things sha%% be added unto you -1 Paraphra!ed in the lan$ua$e of the holo$raphic univer!eJ? 2'ocus on trusting your /n"inite / and +no! that it !i%% ta+e care o" a%% the rest?3 25ut=3 +ou a!6= 2are +ou !a+in$ I reall+ do not have to do an+thin$' I 0ean= a0 I Du!t !uppo!ed to !it *ac6 and tru!t that 0+ /n"inite / will feed 0e= or clothe 0+ fa0il+= or 6eep a roof over our head! and ta6e care of all our need!' I!n t that *ein$ Du!t a tad *it Iirre!pon!i*le '3 &ellJ? @e!= that ! what I 0 !a+in$C and No= it ! not Iirre!pon!i*le at all= which of cour!e would *e a Dud$0ent and a *elief= a$ain pro*a*l+ learned fro0 the parent!? After all= who el!e can create the holo$ra0 with the food and clothe! +ou and +our fa0il+ need= and the roof over +our head!= other than +our /n"inite /' 5ut I want to 0a6e !ure we re puttin$ the e0pha!i! on the ri$ht wordA 29o I reall+ not have to do an+thin$'3 All +ou have to do i! *e the Pla+er and eEperience the holo$raphic univer!e +our /n"inite / create! for +ou? Nothin$ el!e? I don t want to $ive the i0pre!!ion that all a !econd half Pla+er doe! i! !it around all da+? That would *e totall+ *orin$ Ounle!! it *rin$! +ou total Do+ to do !oGP? In fact= life in the cocoon i! fuller and 0ore intere!tin$ and 0ore active than ever? 5ut in!tead of tr+in$ to 20a6e !o0ethin$ happen=3 or havin$ $oal! or a$enda! or plan! or o*Dective!= +ou !i0pl+ react and re!pond 0o0ent *+ 0o0ent to the pre!ent circu0!tance! created *+ +our /n"inite /? In the !econd half= the onl+ wa+ +ou can live i! in 2reactive 0ode=3 a! Ro*ert Scheinfeld call! it? 5+ the word 2reactive=3 I al!o don t want to i0pl+ that +ou don t 0a6e deci!ion!? @ou doC !o0eti0e! even deci!ion! that involve the future= li6e !chedulin$ to $ive a !e0inar= or a$reein$ on a date for a child ! weddin$? &hen a holo$raphic eEperience appear! in our 2realit+=3 we are free to act on it to ta6e whatever action i! appropriate and nece!!ar+ in that 0o0ent? That ! a lot different than tr+in$ to 20a6e !o0ethin$ happen=3 or

*elievin$ we 0u!t 2do !o0ethin$3 in order to have a life? An /n"inite / pro*a*l+ ha! a lot of intere!tin$ eEperience! planned for it! Pla+er e!peciall+ in the !econd half of the 8a0e if we would !top tr+in$ to create our own live! and tru!t our /n"inite / to *rin$ u! a life we could onl+ drea0 of= and certainl+ are not capa*le of creatin$ our!elve!? @ou re readin$ thi! *oo6= I a!!u0e= *ecau!e +ou aren t totall+ happ+ with the wa+ thin$! are $oin$ in +our life? I al!o a!!u0e you<ve *een tr+in$ to *e the *u! driver? &h+ not $ive +our /n"inite / a !hot at it reall+ tru!t it= let $o and $ive it a chance' @ou can !tart *+ eEperi0entin$ with the three eEerci!e! I outlined in Chapter Ei$hteen= doin$ onl+ what it *rin$! +ou Do+ for twent+Mfour hour!= not tr+in$ to 0a6e an+thin$ happen for twent+Mfour hour!= and Du!t !a+in$ @e! to ever+thin$ that appear! in +our holo$ra0 for twent+Mfour hour!? 5+ the end of tho!e three da+!= I have full confidence +ou will have enou$h direct eEperience that +our /n"inite / can *e tru!ted= and +ou will !tart eEerci!in$ that tru!t 0ore and 0ore? All tru!t *e$in! with tru!tin$ +our own /n"inite /? -OOTNOTES 1? The /ol+ 5i*le= <in$ #a0e! Fer!ion? The 8o!pel accordin$ to St? Matthew= .?%1M%% 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 @ou 0u!t *e rich to *e havin$ all the eEperience! +ou tal6 a*out !ailin$= travelin$ around
Europe= !cu*a divin$ and !tuff? /ow do +ou 0a6e 0one+' &ns!er4 A! I write the!e word!= I have eEactl+ ["0 to 0+ na0e= total a!!et!? I don t thin6 that Kualifie! for 2rich?3 5ut I ve alread+ !aid I never worr+ a*out 0one+ at all= which i! one of the rea!on! I can $ive thi! *oo6 awa+ for free on the Internet? It ! 0ore than that= reall+? It ! that I have an unli0ited !uppl+ of 0one+ to have whatever holo$raphic eEperience co0e! up for 0e in each 0o0entC and !o do +ou= althou$h +ou don t realiLe it +et? 5ut I don t 20a6e 0one+?3 No one 0a6e! 0one+? &e onl+ thin6 we do? That ! part of the illu!ion in!ide the 0ovie theater? I realiLe 0one+ i! one of the *i$$e!t i!!ue! for 0o!t people? The+ can t $et enou$h of itC the+ can t 6eep what the+ ve $otC and the+ have tried ever+thin$ to chan$e that !ituation with ver+ little !ucce!!? &or!e than that= actuall+= the+ have *een pro0i!ed there i! a 2!ecret3 to 2attractin$3 0one+C *ut the+ follow the !tep! reli$iou!l+ and it doe!n t wor6? So the+ *la0e the0!elve! for not doin$ the 20a$ic3 Du!t ri$ht? A! one !tudent told 0e= 2I ve tried to u!e (he Secret and the I)aw of Attraction and other !elfMhelp techniKue! to 0anife!t 0one+= *ut the+ didn t wor6? I 0 !till *ro6e= !o there 0u!t *e !o0ethin$ wron$ with 0e= or I 0u!t *e doin$ !o0ethin$ wron$?3 /ere ! the real !ecretA The pro*le0 i! not the per!on not +ouC it ! the 20a$ic3 that doe!n t wor6 0o!t of the ti0e for 0o!t people? It ! that we have developed thi! fal!e 6nowled$e a*out 0one+ and where it co0e! fro0 while in!ide the 0ovie theater= and it ! ti0e to find out how 0one+ reall+ wor6! in a holo$raphic univer!e? NNN

A! I wa! doin$ 0+ /olo$raphic >niver!e wor6!hop! in Europe= I !tarted collectin$ different *elief! the participant! had a*out 0one+? &hat follow! i! a li!t of the 0aDor one!? &hich one! do +ou thin6 are true or fal!e for +ou' B I have to earn 0one+ B I have to wor6 for 0one+ B I can t afford ever+thin$ I want B There ! a li0ited !uppl+ of 0one+ availa*le to 0e B Ever+ ti0e I !pend 0one+= 0+ !uppl+ of 0one+ decrea!e! B Nothin$ I reall+ want i! free B If I want 0ore 0one+= I have to wor6 harder= or !0arter= or deliver 0ore value B I ve $ot to have a plan to 0a6e 0one+= inve!t it wi!el+= and *uild wealth over ti0e B If I have 0one+= I have to protect it or I could lo!e it B I have to *e 2re!pon!i*le3 with 0+ 0one+ B I 0u!t *e full+= totall+= and trul+ co00itted to 0a6in$ 0one+ B There ! never enou$h 0one+ B There ! !o0ethin$ 2dirt+3 a*out 0one+ and tho!e who have a lot of it B Mone+ i! the root of all evil B The rich $et richer and the poor $et poorer B More 0one+ i! *etter B Mone+ doe!n t $row on tree! B So0e have the 2$ift3 of 0a6in$ 0one+ and other! don t B Mone+ doe!n t co0e ea!+ B @ou can t have 0one+ and *e !piritual B Mone+ co0e! fro0 2out there=3 and +ou have to $o 2out there3 to $et it and *rin$ it 2in here3 to +ou So= how 0an+ of the!e *elief! did +ou thin6 were True' All of the0' /alf of the0' A few of the0' M+ favorite on thi! li!t i! 20one+ doe!n t $row on tree!?3 I u!ed to hear that a lot when I wa! +oun$C and it alwa+! puLLled 0e= *ecau!eJ? @e!= it does $row on tree!? Mone+ i! 0ade of paper= and paper i! 0ade fro0 tree!G So that one i! -al!e? &ould it !urpri!e +ou to 6now none of the li!t a*ove i! True' Not one not in a holo$raphic univer!e? The+ are all *elief! people have a*out 0one+= 2!torie!3 the+ 0a6e up to eEplain wh+ the+ thin6 the+ don t have enou$h 0one+= or can t 0a6e 0ore 0one+= or in 0an+ wa+! feel li6e the+ are a victi0 of the 20one+ $a0e?3 RepeatA All of the!e *elief! are fal!e in a holo$raphic univer!e= which !hould *e eEpected !ince the+ were all for0ed while in!ide the 0ovie theater? )et ! ta6e a clo!er loo6 at wh+ the+ re all fal!eJ? Re0e0*er that 3ons34o5sness create! ever+thin$ fro0 The -ield? @our /n"inite / i! 3ons34o5snessC therefore= +our /n"inite / i! creatin$ ever+thin$ +ou eEperience in +our holo$raphic univer!e a! the Pla+er= down to the !0alle!t detail?

)oo6 at thi! picture a$ain carefull+J?

The Pla+er i! on the other !ide of The -ield= fro0 which all thin$! are created? All power re!ide! in the /n"inite /= and a Pla+er ha! no power to create an+thin$? Said the other wa+= ever+thin$ we have= ever+thin$ we !ee= ever+thin$ we eEperience ha! *een created for u! *+ our /n"inite /<s? Thi! i! the fir!t and 0o!t i0portant concept to under!tand= e!peciall+ a*out 0one+? 5ut it ! al!o the 0o!t difficult for the e$o to accept? The e$o would li6e to thin6 the Pla+er could create !o0ethin$= 0anife!t !o0ethin$= 0a6e !o0ethin$ happen? 5ut it ! !i0pl+ not po!!i*le in a holo$raphic univer!e= !ince we the Pla+er! are on the other !ide of The -ield= with and in the holo$ra0? Onl+ an /n"inite / can create a holo$ra0= and onl+ an /n"inite / can create 0one+ in that holo$ra0? 5ut if an /n"inite / choo!e! certain !pecific eEperience! fro0 The -ield it want! it! Pla+er to have and the onl+ rea!on an /n"inite / would create a Pla+er i! for that Pla+er to have eEperience! wouldn t the /n"inite / al!o $ive it! Pla+er all the tool! it need! to have tho!e eEperience! a! well' 9oe! it 0a6e !en!e an+ /n"inite / with infinite re!ource! at it! di!po!al would want it! Pla+er to have a certain eEperience and then not $ive it ever+thin$ it need! to have that eEperience= includin$ all the 0one+ reKuired= e!peciall+ !ince the Pla+er ha! no power to create an+thin$ on it! own' So the fir!t thin$ to under!tand a*out 0one+ i! that it i! created *+ +our /n"inite /= and if +our /n"inite / want! +ou to have an+ particular holo$raphic eEperience= it will have to provide all the 0one+ +ou need to have that eEperience a! well? OThe eEception to thi!= of cour!e= i! if +our /n"inite / want! +ou to eEperience not havin$ 0one+ for !o0e rea!onC *ut it ! !till providin$ all the 0one+ +ou need for that eEperience= even thou$h 2all the 0one+ +ou need3 0i$ht 0ean 2not enou$h3 a! far a! +ou are concerned?P NNN It ! true 0o!t Pla+er! thin6 the+ 20a6e 0one+=3 and the+ have developed all 6ind! of *elief! a*out how that 0one+ ha! to *e 20ade3 *+ wor6in$= *+ !ellin$ !o0ethin$= *+ $ettin$ loan! or $ift!= *+ inheritance *+ 0an+ different 0ethod!? The truth i! the /n"inite / i! the one who create! the 0one+ for it! Pla+erC *ut it can onl+ 2!end3 that 0one+ to it! Pla+er in wa+! that the Pla+er thin6! it can receive it? Thi! i! where the Pla+er ! *elief! co0e in? So let ! loo6 a$ain at that li!t of *elief! a*out 0one+ we had a*oveJ? B I have to earn 0one+ B I have to wor6 for 0one+ B I can t afford ever+thin$ I want B There ! a li0ited !uppl+ of 0one+ availa*le to 0e

B Ever+ ti0e I !pend 0one+= 0+ !uppl+ of 0one+ decrea!e! B Nothin$ I reall+ want i! free B If I want 0ore 0one+= I have to wor6 harder= or !0arter= or deliver 0ore value B I ve $ot to have a plan to 0a6e 0one+= inve!t it wi!el+= and *uild wealth over ti0e B If I have 0one+= I have to protect it or I could lo!e it B I have to *e 2re!pon!i*le3 with 0+ 0one+ B I 0u!t *e full+= totall+= and trul+ co00itted to 0a6in$ 0one+ B There ! never enou$h 0one+ B There ! !o0ethin$ 2dirt+3 a*out 0one+ and tho!e who have a lot of it B Mone+ i! the root of all evil B The rich $et richer and the poor $et poorer B More 0one+ i! *etter B Mone+ doe!n t $row on tree! B So0e have the 2$ift3 of 0a6in$ 0one+ and other! don t B Mone+ doe!n t co0e ea!+ B @ou can t have 0one+ and *e !piritual B Mone+ co0e! fro0 2out there=3 and +ou have to $o 2out there3 to $et it and *rin$ it 2in here3 to +ou If +ou happen to have an+ of the!e *elief! and thin6 the+ are true= then that ! the onl+ wa+ +our /n"inite / can 2!end3 +ou 0one+= !ince +ou will onl+ *e a*le to perceive that 0one+ *a!ed on +our *elief!? An /n"inite / could create a 0illion dollar! in a Pla+er ! *an6 account 2out of thin air=3 and the Pla+er would thin6 it wa! 2!o0e 6ind of 0i!ta6e3 if their *elief! !a+ it can t happen that wa+= or thin6 the+ can onl+ $et 0one+ in other wa+!? One wo0an owed her *an6 [10=000? One da+ !he $ot a !tate0ent !a+in$ her *alance wa! [0? She i00ediatel+ called the *an6= which wa! ver+ Kuic6 to a$ree with her that it wa! definitel+ a 0i!ta6e and !ent her a new !tate0ent re!torin$ the [10=000 *alance? OTrue !tor+?P Another wo0an= who under!tand! how 0one+ wor6! in a holo$raphic univer!e= owed her *an6 [%0=000? &hen !he received a !tate0ent that her *alance wa! [0= !he !i0pl+ eEpre!!ed her deepe!t appreciation to her /n"inite / and went on with her life? OTrue !tor+?P I li6e to call the!e *elief! we have a*out 0one+= 2!torie!?3 A Pla+er need! a 2!tor+3 to eEplain how the+ $et 0one+? The /n"inite / need! no 2!tor+3 to eEplain it! creation of 0one+C onl+ the Pla+er= with it! li0ited 0ind and li0ited *elief! and li0ited thin6in$= need! a 2!tor+3 to receive it? Thi! i! eEactl+ how it i! !uppo!ed to *e in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= *ecau!e reKuirin$ a !tor+ create! a lot of li0itation? If there are onl+ a few wa+! +ou *elieve +ou can $et 0one+ earnin$ it= winnin$ it= or inheritin$ it= for eEa0ple then there are !evere li0itation! put on how +ou can $et 0one+ and how 0uch +ou can $et? The /n"inite / ha! no !uch li0itation! on how 0uch 0one+ it can create for it! Pla+erC and in the !econd half of the /u0an $a0e when a Pla+er i! no lon$er eEplorin$ how li0ited it can *eco0e it i! ti0e to leave *ehind all the *elief!= all the !torie! we have 0ade up a*out 0one+? Notice I !aid 2leave *ehind all the *elief!?3 I didn t !a+= 2chan$e the *elief!C3 and thi! i! a ver+ i0portant point? All the!e !elfMhelp techniKue!= all the!e 2!ecret!3 !o0eone trie! to !hare with +ou a*out 0anife!tin$ 0ore 0one+ and 0ore car! and 0oreJ ever+thin$= are all *a!ed on !everal !6ewed pre0i!e!= which i! wh+ the+ don t wor6 for 0o!t people 0o!t of the ti0e? -or in!tanceJ B The+ !a+ +ou have the power to 0anife!t an+thin$ +ou want? @ou don t? It ! that !i0ple? 9e!pite what +our e$o want! +ou to *elieve= onl+ +our /n"inite / can 0anife!t !o0ethin$ in +our holo$raphic eEperienceC not +ou? B The+ !a+ +ou can attract 0one+ and car! and !uch into +our life *+ 0editatin$ or pra+in$ or vi!ualiLin$ the0= or repeatin$ certain affir0ation!? @ou can tC at lea!t= not on a con!i!tent *a!i!? O&e ll tal6 0ore in a 0inute a*out wh+ thi! 0i$ht wor6 occa!ionall+?P

B The+ !a+ all +ou have to do i! to change your be%ie"s= li6e the 2power of po!itive thin6in$?3 &hat ! wron$ with the 2power of po!itive thin6in$'3 A$ain= nothin$ 2wron$3 with it? It ! perfect for the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e *ecau!e it lead! into !uch li0itationC fir!t= *ecau!e it ! 2thin6in$=3 which *elon$! to the fir!t half while 2feelin$3 *elon$! to the !econd halfC !econdl+= *ecau!e the Pla+er ha! no 2powerC3 and thirdl+= *ecau!e it !i0pl+ trade! one *elief for another? True= a po!itive thou$ht 0i$ht *e 2*etter3 than a ne$ative thou$ht if +ou re in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? 5ut in the !econd half= that ! a Dud$0entC and a! we ve !een= Dud$0ent! 6eep u! li0ited? >nderneath all *elief! are Dud$0ent!? If there wa! no Dud$0ent= there would *e no need for a *elief and it would cea!e to eEi!t? 5ut if +ou tr+ to 2chan$e +our *elief!3 without chan$in$ the Dud$0ent= nothin$ reall+ chan$e! at all? @ou re Du!t !u*!titutin$ one *elief for another while the Dud$0ent re0ain! intact? If there reall+ were a 2!ecret3 to 0anife!tin$ ever+thin$ we want= it would wor6 for all the people who u!e it all the ti0e? The actual re!ult fro0 all thi! !elfMhelp i! that when it doe!n t wor6 which 0ean! for 0o!t people 0o!t of the ti0e the per!on feel! wor!e a*out the0!elve! than when the+ !tarted= thin6in$ there i! !o0ethin$ wron$ with the0= that the+ can t do it 2ri$ht=3 that the+ re deficient or defective !o0ehow? The ironic perfection i! that ! eEactl+ what ever+ fir!tMhalf techniKue or reli$ion or theor+ i! de!i$ned to do 0a6e +ou feel 0ore li0ited? So I a0 not !u$$e!tin$ +ou 2chan$e +our *elief!3 at all? I 0 !u$$e!tin$ +ou !ee +our *elief! for what the+ are li0itin$ filter! on +our perception! and leave the0 *ehind alto$ether? Even in the powerful eEa0ple 9r? )ipton u!ed in hi! !e0inar= where people !aw one picture of -EAR with one !et of $la!!e! and another picture of )OFE with another !et of $la!!e!= it wa! !till tradin$ one filter for anotherC and neither filter allowed +ou to !ee the whole picture? A! Pla+er! in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e= we don t need *elief!C we don t need !torie!? &hat we need to do now i! to !ee the whole picture *oth -EAR and )OFE end our Dud$0ent! of *oth of the0= and li6e Triu0ph and 9i!a!ter !tart to 2treat tho!e two i0po!ter! Du!t the !a0e?3 NNN &e tal6ed in Chapter Twent+M-our a*out 2virtual realit+3J?

If part of +our co0puterM$enerated 2virtual realit+3 eEperience wa! to loo6 at +our *an6 account and !ee a 0illion dollar! in it= I wonder whether +ou would !a+= 2Thi! 0u!t *e a 0i!ta6e? I didn t earn that 0one+?3 Mo!t

li6el+ +ou would realiLe it wa! created out of thin air *+ the de!i$ner of +our 2virtual realit+3 eEperience and would not need to fi$ure out how it $ot there? In fact= +ou would 6now how it $ot there? 5ut accordin$ to Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= life it!elf i! a 2virtual realit+3 eEperience= a holo$raphic univer!e created for u! *+ our /n"inite /<s? If we= a! Pla+er!= would !top needin$ !o0e 2!tor+3 a*out how 0one+ can co0e to u!= it would ta6e awa+ all the li0itation! we put on receivin$ 0one+ and 0a6e the /n"inite /<s Do* !o 0uch ea!ier? NNN One Kue!tion I hear a lot fro0 friend!= e!peciall+ peacewor6er!J? 2/ow do we $et our /n"inite /<s to create 0ore 0one+ for u!= !ince we want to do I$ood thin$! with it'3 The an!wer 0a+ *e difficult for !o0e people to ta6eA 2The Kue!tion it!elf i! a lot of the rea!on +ou 0a+ *e havin$ trou*le?3 &h+' -ir!t of all= the thou$ht that +ou 2want to do I$ood thin$! with 0one+3 i! !till a Dud$0ent? In fact= there ! even one $roup who thin6! there i! !o0ethin$ innatel+ 2wron$3 with 0one+ and that it need! to *e 2hu0aniLed=31 which the+ would *e happ+ to do if +ou Du!t $ive it to the0? A! far a! +our /n"inite / i! concerned= there are not 2$ood3 thin$! or 2*ad3 thin$! that can *e done with 0one+? Mone+ li6e ever+thin$ el!e i! neutral? Mone+ doe! not need to *e 2!piritualiLed=3 or 2hu0aniLed=3 or 2purified3 *+ u!in$ it for 2all the ri$ht rea!on!?3 There are no 2ri$ht wa+!3 or 2wron$ wa+!3 to u!e 0one+C that ! Du!t another Dud$0ent to let $o of? A! +ou recall= in the fir!t half= the $a0e wa! to !ee how 0uch li0itation a Pla+er could eEperience on the out!ide !o the /n"inite / could have an 2inner eEperience?3 That 0ean! the /n"inite / can u!e 0one+= for eEa0ple= a! a tool to create li0itation? -or !o0e people= it 0i$ht 0ean not havin$ 0uch 0one+= or none at all? That alone can produce a $reat deal of li0itation? -or other Pla+er!= their /n"inite / 0i$ht choo!e to $ive the0 all the 0one+ the+ can have even 0ore than the+ can !pend and eEperience the li0itation! that co0e with wealth= li6e realiLin$ that peace and Do+ are not the re!ult of havin$ a lot of 0one+? I 0 !ure +ou 6now people who are wealth+ *ut ver+ unhapp+ at the !a0e ti0e? In fact= havin$ 0one+ can often *e 0ore li0itin$ than not havin$ it? Or 0a+*e an /n"inite / $ive! it! Pla+er 0one+= and the+ lo!e it and eEperience li0itation that wa+? Or 0a+*e a Pla+er i! ver+ co0forta*le financiall+= *ut !o0ethin$ happen! to the econo0+ and the Pla+er feel! victi0iLed *+ 2power! *e+ond it! control3 when the fortune the+ thin6 the+ wor6ed !o hard to create i! !uddenl+ $one? All of the!e po!!i*ilitie! and 0ore can lead to li0itin$ eEperience! in the fir!t half of the 8a0e? The *otto0 line i! that it i! the /n"inite / who decide! how 0uch 0one+ +ou re $oin$ to have *a!ed on the eEperience! it want! +ou to have and the *e!t wa+ it decide! it can create tho!e eEperience!? That ! true in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e a! well? In the !econd half the /n"inite / want! +ou to enDo+ infinite a*undance= and that include! havin$ all the 0one+ +ou want and need? 5ut thi! i!n t $oin$ to 0ean that a! !oon a! +ou !tart pla+in$ the Second /alf +our *an6 account i! auto0aticall+ $oin$ to *e full to overflowin$= *ecau!e +ou !till have Dud$0ent! a*out 0one+ that +ou developed in the fir!t half= and *elief! a*out how +ou can $et that 0one+ that have to *e dealt with? 5etter !aid= in the fir!t half of the 8a0e +ou a!!i$ned a lot of power 2out there3 in relation!hip to 0one+ who create! it= what +ou have to do 2out there3 to *rin$ it 2in here=3 and !o onC and a! we ve di!cu!!ed= the fir!t thin$ +ou will *e doin$ in the !econd half i! havin$ eEperience! that !how +ou where +ou have a!!i$ned thi! power in order for +ou to 2reclai03 it and reco$niLe the true !ource of a*undance +our /n"inite /? NNN So can we Du!t a!6 our /n"inite / for 0one+= or pra+ for it' @e!= +ou can? @ou can !end a 0e!!a$e to +our /n"inite / in an+ wa+ +ou feel i! appropriate that +ou would li6e !o0e 0one+? @ou !hould feel free at an+ ti0e to let +our /n"inite / 6now +our wi!he! which it pro*a*l+ alread+ doe!= *ut it doe!n t 0atter? A!6 an+wa+? 5+ the wa+= +ou onl+ need to a!6 once? @our /n"inite / will hear +ou the fir!t ti0e and doe!n t need a re0inderG A!6in$ 0ore than once loo6! a lot li6e a Dud$0ent that !o0ethin$ ! wron$ *ecau!e +ou haven t $otten it +et? Re0e0*er= +our /n"inite / 0a+ decide not $ettin$ what +ou a!6 for i! the 0o!t appropriate eEperience for +ou and it= even in the !econd halfC !o +ou cannot have an+ eEpectation! attached to +our reKue!t

when +ou a!6= no need to have +ou wi!h fulfilled? Perhap! +our /n"inite / ha! !o0ethin$ el!e in !tore that 0i$ht 0a6e +ou even 0ore Do+ful and 0ore a*undant than what +ou were a!6in$ forG Thi! wa! certainl+ true for 0e? M+ /n"inite / 6new how 0uch I loved the ocean= and !ailin$= and whale! and dolphin!? I often drea0t of livin$ on a *oat= *ut I had no 0one+ to 0a6e that happen? In!tead of $ivin$ 0e a couple 0illion dollar!= 0+ /n"inite / created an eEperience for 0e !ailin$ around the ea!t Atlantic Ocean on an ei$ht+Mfoot !ail*oat with !o0e of 0+ *e!t friend!= !wi00in$ with the whale! and dolphin!= pla+in$ 0u!ic= and havin$ the ti0e of 0+ life for a +earC and it didn t co!t 0e a penn+? I could never have created that on 0+ own= or even thou$ht a*out that po!!i*ilit+? So wh+ a!6 for 0one+ in the fir!t place' If +ou want to a!6 for !o0ethin$= wh+ not a!6 in!tead for what +ou 6now +ou re $oin$ to $et an+wa+ whatever eEperience! +our /n"inite / want! +ou to have= alon$ with all the 0one+ needed for tho!e eEperience!C and if +ou re !till in the pha!e of reco$niLin$ where +ou have a!!i$ned power 2out there3 a*out 0one+= +ou reall+ !hould *e a!6in$ for eEperience! when +ou don<t $et the 0one+ +ou want !o +ou can clearl+ !ee the li0itin$ Dud$0ent! and *elief! +ou !till have a*out 0one+? 25ut wait a 0inute=3 a $ood friend !a+! to 0e? 2I decided I wanted a 0otorc+cleC !o I u!ed (he Secret= vi!ualiLed what I wanted= and I $ot oneG3 -anta!ticG I a0 !incerel+ happ+ for +ou and $lad +ou $ot what +ou wanted? 5ut I have to di!a$ree with +ou a*out how +ou $ot it= !ince +ou have no power to create an+thin$= and neither doe! !o0e !ecret law of attraction? Onl+ +our /n"inite / could create a 0otorc+cle for +ou= and I can thin6 of a lot of other eEplanation! of how and wh+ +ou $ot what +ou wanted? -or eEa0ple= !ince I 6now +ou= I 6now what a reall+ $ood 0an +ou areC and if I were +our /n"inite /= I would $ive +ou a 0otorc+cle too= Du!t to reward +ou for what a $reat Do* +ou re doin$ a! 0+ Pla+er? I can al!o i0a$ine it happened the other wa+ around that +our /n"inite / wanted +ou to have a 0otorc+cle= and ha! wanted that for a lon$ ti0e= *ut +our *elief! 0ade it difficult to $et one for +ou until +ou decided +ou could 20anife!t3 one u!in$ a !ecret for0ula? OThat= *+ the wa+= i! the one *enefit of (he Secret and the 2)aw of Attraction3 that +ou eEpand +our *elief! a*out how thin$! can co0e into +our realit+?P Or 0a+*e +our /n"inite / wanted +ou to *e$in to realiLe that it wa! the !ource of all +our eEperience!= and deepen the connection and co00unication with +ouC and the *e!t wa+ it could find to do that wa! $ive +ou a 0otorc+cle= and then later $ive +ou thi! para$raph in thi! *oo6 to let +ou 6now where it reall+ ca0e fro0? The po!!i*ilitie! are endle!!? The onl+ po!!i*ilit+ that i! not po!!i*le Owhat'GP i! that you 20anife!ted3 the 0otorc+cle= *ecau!e it !i0pl+ cannot *e !o0ethin$ you did independent of a holo$raphic eEperience created *+ +our /n"inite /? Reco$niLin$ that fact i! an i0portant !tep to ta6e in the cocoon? 9e!pite what the e$o would li6e u! to *elieve that we have the power to create a 0otorc+cle= for eEa0ple= or 0one+= or a hou!e= or an+thin$ *ecau!e of !o0ethin$ we= a! a Pla+er= did thi! i! one of tho!e *elief! in!ide the 0ovie theater that can onl+ lead further into li0itation? 5+ de!i$n= it ! i0portant the Pla+er misa!!i$n the true !ource of it! eEperience! in the fir!t half or the illu!ion would *e *ro6en and the 8a0e would *e up? A! I !aid= !ince I 6now +ou= I al!o 6now +ou ve tried to 0anife!t other thin$! *efore u!in$ thi! !a0e 2!ecret=3 and the+ haven t wor6ed? &hat ! i0portant to under!tand i! that it wa!n t +ou who did an+thin$ wron$ in tho!e other ca!e!? In fact= +ou and all of u! have done ever+thin$ perfectl+ a! Pla+er!= whether we realiLe it or not? The techniKue! we have u!ed to tr+ to 0a6e our eEperience! different are what do not wor6? @e!= the+ all contain !o0e truth and !o0e wor6a*ilit+ !o0e of the ti0e for !o0e peopleC *ut the+ are an+where fro0 !li$htl+ !6ewed to wa+ off tar$et in order to 0a6e the fir!t half of the 8a0e po!!i*le? NNN Now that we re pla+in$ in the !econd half= the truth= the whole truth= and nothin$ *ut the truth can *e revealedC and a! Pla+er! we will *e $iven new opportunitie! to eEperience !o0ethin$ ver+ different? -or in!tance= off the top of 0+ head I can thin6 of !iE $eneral wa+! in which we *loc6ed the flow of 0one+ in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e that we 0i$ht have to ta6e a clo!e loo6 at in the !econd half in order to !tart *ehavin$ in the oppo!ite wa+A 1? /avin$ Dud$0ent! and *elief! a*out 0one+

"? &antin$ 0one+ *ecau!e +ou thin6 !o0ethin$ ha! to *e fiEed= chan$ed or i0proved in +our eEperience! or 2out there3 %? Thin6in$ +ou have the power to create 0one+ (? Thin6in$ +ou have to 2do !o0ethin$3 to $et 0one+ ,? Thin6in$ 0one+ ha! to have a 2!tor+3 of how it co0e! to +ou .? Not tru!tin$ the /n"inite / &e ve tal6ed a lot a*out 0o!t of the!e alread+= !o let 0e Du!t 0a6e a few additional co00ent!J? I 6now !o 0an+ people who want 0one+ *ecau!e the+ want !o0ethin$ 2out there3 to *e different? Ma+*e it ! to !ave the whale!= or end povert+ or hun$er= or create world peace? No*le thou$ht!= all of the0C *ut !till Dud$0ent! that !o0ethin$ ! wron$ and need! to *e fiEed= chan$ed or i0proved? Re0e0*er that the whale!= povert+= hun$er= war and violence are !howin$ up in +our holo$raphic eEperience= created *+ +our /n"inite /= for a rea!on? In the fir!t half of the 8a0e= the rea!on wa! to create 0ore li0itation? In the !econd half= it ! to !how +ou where +ou a!!i$ned power 2out there3 and for$ot the fact +our /n"inite / wa! creatin$ ever+thin$ in +our holo$ra0 and none of it wa! 2real?3 So in the !econd half it ! dou*tful +our /n"inite / who want! onl+ infinite Do+ and a*undance for +ou will financiall+ !upport the continuation of the!e fir!tMhalf Dud$0ent!? One of the *i$$e!t *elief! to let $o of i! that we= a! Pla+er!= not onl+ have the power to create 0one+= *ut that we have to $o out and 2do !o0ethin$3 in order to $et it in other word!= to *e 2proMactive=3 e!peciall+ when it co0e! to 0one+? 5ut= literall+= there i! nothin$ we can do? Our /n"inite / i! doin$ it all for u!= and our onl+ part i! to leave *ehind our Dud$0ent! and *elief! and therefore *e 0ore a*le to receive the a*undance tr+in$ to co0e our wa+? The fact i! that we onl+ thin6 we have to do !o0ethin$ *ecau!e we have the!e 0adeMup !torie! of how 0one+ can $et to u!? &hen we let $o of tho!e !torie!= 0one+ can !tart to flow in 0an+ different wa+! we can hardl+ i0a$ine? )et 0e offer two eEa0ple! O*a!ed on actual eEperience!P fro0 a different $ender per!pective= *e$innin$ with Rladie! fir!tR???? @our parent! are a*out to cele*rate their fiftieth weddin$ anniver!ar+= and +ouQve *een wor6in$ for 0onth! to collect picture! of the0 !ince the+ were ver+ +oun$ to 0a6e into a 0ovie cele*ratin$ their live! to$ether? @ou found the final picture +ou wanted la!t ni$ht= and now +ouQre read+ to !tart creatin$ the video? There i! thi! reall+ cool !oftware pro$ra0 +ou ran acro!! on the Internet to 0a6e video! with 0u!ic and voiceMover and ani0ation and ever+thin$= and it co!t! [117?7,? &hen +ou paid +our credit card *ill la!t ti0e= +ou 6new +ou onl+ had a*out [1,0 in availa*le credit= and +ou al!o need !o0e new !hoe! for wor6? 5ut +ou are !o eEcited a*out thi! $ift for 0o0 and dad that +ou decide to *u+ the !oftware an+wa+ and worr+ a*out the !hoe! later? The video i! a total !ucce!! and +our parent! are ver+ touched? &hen +our credit card !tate0ent arrive!= +ou !till have [1,0 availa*le credit? Thi! doe!nQt 0a6e !en!e? @ou loo6 and !ee +our credit li0it had not *een rai!edC and then +ou notice the char$e for the !oftware pro$ra0 i! not on the !tate0ent= althou$h +ou had received confir0ation of the char$e fro0 the co0pan+? Concerned that the co0pan+ had not actuall+ *een paid= and not wantin$ to do an+thin$ unethical= +ou call the0? R@e!= we received pa+0ent for +our purcha!e? No pro*le0?R So +ou decide to wait= eEpectin$ the [117?7, char$e to *e on the neEt credit card !tate0ent? 5ut itQ! not? Nor i! it on the neEt 0onthQ!? @ou reall+ need tho!e !hoe! *+ now= !o +ou purcha!e the0 on the !a0e credit card? The+ donQt !how up on the neEt few !tate0ent! either? In fact= none of the char$e! +ou 0a6e on thi! credit card are !howin$ up on an+ !tate0ent!= althou$h the 0erchant! and vendor! are $ettin$ paid? -inall+= a! a !econd half Pla+er= +ou realiLe +our /n"inite / i! creatin$ 0one+ for +ou in a new and ver+ inventive wa+= and +ou eEpre!! +our deep appreciation? NNN And now fro0 a 0ale per!pective????

@ou decide to $o out to dinner with !o0e friend!= and +ou loo6 in +our wallet and !ee +ou ve $ot [10? @ou $et to the re!taurant= loo6 at the 0enu= and +our 0outh water! when +ou read a*out a TM*one !tea6? @our entire *od+ i! filled with Do+ at the thou$ht of eatin$ thi! TM*one= and +our eEcite0ent $row! with each pa!!in$ 0inute? Then +ou !ee the price of the !tea6A [1(? @ou re0e0*er +ou onl+ have [10? NeEt +ou re0e0*er the new! !tor+ la!t ni$ht that red 0eat i! *ad for +ou= and +ou decide +ou reall+ !houldn t eat the !tea6 an+wa+? Then +ou loo6 acro!! the ta*le at a wo0an +ou have *een d+in$ to hoo6Mup with and realiLe !he ! a ve$etarian who onl+ eat! or$anic foodC and !ince +ou want to i0pre!! her= +ou don t want the !tea6 after all? &ith each new thou$ht= +our eEcite0ent level $oe! down and down= until +ou re no lon$er happ+ +ou ca0e to dinner? -inall+ +ou decide on a Cae!ar !alad Owith no $rilled chic6enP= which co!t! [1= !o +ou ll have a little left for a drin6 and tip and taE? 5ut no *eer= *ecau!e +our doctor !aid +ou have to lo!e wei$ht= althou$h now +ou reall+ want one? @ou leave the re!taurant an hour later= without the wo0an of +our drea0!= !ad and lonel+ and un!ati!fied= and [10 poorer? On top of that= the Cae!ar !alad wa! terri*le and the waitre!! wa! rude? @ou re$ret the whole evenin$? OrJ @ou decide to $o out to dinner with !o0e friend!= and +ou loo6 in +our wallet and !ee +ou ve $ot [10? @ou $et to the re!taurant= loo6 at the 0enu= and +our 0outh water! when +ou read a*out a TM*one !tea6? @our entire *od+ i! filled with Do+ at the thou$ht of eatin$ thi! TM*one= and +our eEcite0ent $row! with each pa!!in$ 0inute? Then +ou !ee the price of the !tea6A [1(= *ut +ou re0ind +our!elf +our /n"inite / want! +ou to follow +our eEcite0ent and Do+= and will reward +ou when +ou do now that +ou re pla+in$ the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e? So +ou order the !tea6= and a *eer? The wo0an !ittin$ acro!! fro0 +ou eatin$ her *a6ed potato and *roccoli lean! over and whi!per!= 2Stran$e??? I reall+ wanted a !tea6 toni$ht= too? I wi!h I had ordered thatG3 After dinner= !a+in$ !he reall+ enDo+! *ein$ around +ou *ecau!e +ou re !uch a free and happ+ per!on= !he $ive! +ou her phone nu0*er? The whole ni$ht wa! a total !ucce!!C the food wa! prepared perfectl+= and the !ervice wa! i0pecca*le? 5e!t of all= +ou wa6e up the neEt 0ornin$ havin$ lo!t a couple pound!? 5ut waitG /ow did +ou pa+ for the !tea6' &hen the *ill ca0e= +ou loo6ed in +our wallet and there wa! ["0= not [10? &ell= +ou thin6= +ou 0u!t have 0i!counted *efore +ou left the hou!e? Ma+*e? 5ut Du!t 0a+*e +our /n"inite / chan$ed +our holo$ra0 and downloaded ["0 into +our wallet in!tead of [10 when it wa! clear +ou weren t $oin$ to let +our Dud$0ent! and *elief! $et in the wa+ of +our eEcite0ent? After thi! happen! to +ou a few 0ore ti0e!= +ou finall+ accept the fact +our /n"inite / ha! found another wa+ to create 0one+ for +ou? 9o thi! a few ti0e! $ive +our /n"inite / the opportunit+ to !upport +our eEcite0ent financiall+ and +our life will never *e the !a0e? Soon +ou ll *e 2findin$3 0one+ in place! +ou never drea0ed of= receivin$ 0one+ in wa+! +ou never thou$ht po!!i*le= and for$ettin$ to loo6 at +our *an6 *alance *ecau!e +ou 6now it ! not real an+wa+ and can *e chan$ed in the twin6lin$ of an /n"inite /? NNN RAre +ou !eriou!' 9oe! thi! reall+ wor6'3 @e!= it doe!? At lea!t= it ha! for 0e and 0an+ other people I 6now who under!tand how 0one+ wor6! in a holo$raphic univer!e? I 0 not !a+in$ I alwa+! have a lot of 0one+ in 0+ poc6et or in 0+ *an6 account? 5ut I 6now without a dou*t I have acce!! to an unli0ited !uppl+ of 0one+ throu$h 0+ /n"inite /= and that I will alwa+! have all the 0one+ I need to have the eEperience! 0+ /n"inite / want!C and that ! a fanta!tic place to *e= *ecau!e I never have to worr+ a*out 0one+ a$ain? It ! reall+ prett+ !i0pleJ if 0+ /n"inite / want! 0e to have an eEperience= it will $ive 0e all the 0one+ needed for that eEperience? If I= a! the Pla+er= thin6 I want to have an eEperience= *ut 0+ /n"inite / di!a$ree!

with 0e= the 0one+ won t *e availa*le no 0atter what I 0i$ht tr+ to 0a6e happen? @ou can t $et an+ !i0pler than thatG 5ut I don t thin6 that ! reall+ the Kue!tion? Mo!t pro*a*l+ the real Kue!tion on +our 0ind i!= 2&ill thi! wor6 for you'3 Specificall+= in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= we *elieved we had to *e 2proMactive=3 *elieved we had to 2do !o0ethin$3 to 20a6e !o0ethin$ happen?3 Out of that *elief ca0e other! related to 0one+= li6e havin$ to wor6 for it= or $o 2out there3 and $et it= or 0a6e other people $ive it to u! in one for0 or another? In fact= the onl+ wa+! we thou$ht we could $et 0one+ were totall+ dependent on other people= to who0 we a!!i$ned a lot of power? In realit+= even in the fir!t half= our /n"inite / wa! creatin$ all the 0one+ we were $ettin$ a! part of the holo$ra0! it downloaded to our *rain!= the a0ount of 0one+ li0ited of cour!e *+ our Dud$0ent! and *elief! a*out the wa+! it could co0e to u!? It Du!t %oo+ed li6e we were 20a6in$ 0one+?3 It Du!t %oo+ed li6e we were dependent on other people to $ive it to u!? In the !econd half= we can leave all that *ehind with the a*!olute certaint+ that all the 0one+ we need for an+ eEperience will *e part of an+ holo$ra0 our /n"inite / download! to u!? 5ut plea!e don t 0i!under!tand? I 0 not !u$$e!tin$ that all +ou do in the !econd half i! !it in +our chair and wait for the 0one+ to *e 0a$icall+ depo!ited into +our *an6 account= unle!! that ! what *rin$! +ou the 0o!t Do+ and all +ou re 0otivated to do at that 0o0ent? I am !u$$e!tin$ that whatever +ou feel eEcited to do= whatever *rin$! +ou Do+= i! where +ou !hould focu! all +our attention and ener$+= rather than doin$ !o0ethin$ that doe!n t *rin$ +ou Do+ *ecau!e +ou feel +ou 2have to 0a6e 0one+?3 Ma+*e the re!ent0ent and other di!co0fort +ou feel wor6in$ at a Do* +ou don t li6e !i0pl+ for the 0one+ i! +our /n"inite /<s wa+ of !a+in$ 2Stop itG3 and find out what eEcite! +ou to do the 0o!t= re$ardle!! of the 0one+? The onl+ thin$ !toppin$ 0o!t people fro0 doin$ Du!t that i! fear? 5ut who 6now!' Perhap! what reall+ eEcite! +ou would *rin$ in 0ore 0one+ than whatever Do* +ou hate now? There ! onl+ one thin$ I can $uarantee +ou= *a!ed on 0+ own eEperience and the re!ult! of te!tin$ and challen$in$ thi! 0odelA Once +ou ve proce!!ed +our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear! a*out 0one+= +our /n"inite / will have a 0uch ea!ier Do* $ettin$ the 0one+ to +ou to follow +our eEcite0entC and +ou will $row to tru!t +our /n"inite / co0pletel+ that it will provide all the 0one+ +ou need to have the eEperience! it want!? NNN I could $ive +ou Kuite a few eEa0ple! fro0 0+ own life when 0one+ appeared in 0+ *an6 account or 0+ wallet for a*!olutel+ no rea!on eEactl+ the a0ount I needed to do !o0ethin$= and eEactl+ ri$ht on ti0e with the paperwor6 to prove itC and I have no idea where the 0one+ ca0e fro0? In fact= now I 0 !o u!ed to 0one+ !howin$ up out of thin air that I 0 no lon$er !urpri!ed when it doe!? /owever= an /n"inite /<s financial !upport doe!n t alwa+! ta6e the for0 of ca!h or credit card char$e! that never !how up on the !tate0ent? So0eti0e! +our /n"inite /= in it! infinite wi!do0 and power= ha! a *etter wa+ to create an eEperience for +ou that +ou thou$ht wa! $oin$ to ta6e ca!h? The +ear I !pent on the whale and dolphin re!earch !hip i! a $ood eEa0ple= where it didn t co!t 0e a penn+= nor did I have to find a halfM0illion dollar! to *uild the !hip? I will ad0it= however= there are ti0e! I wonder how 0+ /n"inite / i! $oin$ to 2pull thi! one off?3 -or eEa0ple= it *eca0e ver+ o*viou! recentl+ that 0+ /n"inite / wanted 0e to $o *ac6 to the >nited State! for a while? I don t +et full+ under!tand wh+= or for how lon$C and I wa! ver+ !urpri!ed *ecau!e I a0 !o happ+ livin$ in Europe? 5ut it !ee0ed li6e the flow wa! in the direction of 2ho0e3 fro0 readin$ all the ripple! in the >niver!al ocean= includin$ al0o!t 0a$ical 2coincidence!3 of findin$ the perfect fli$ht at the perfect ti0e for the perfect price? 5ut I !till didn t have the 0one+ to pa+ for the tic6et? I wa!n t worried a*out where the 0one+ wa! co0in$ fro0? In fact= if the 0one+ didn t !how up= I would !i0pl+ have under!tood that I wa! readin$ the ripple! incorrectl+ and I wa!n t !uppo!ed to $o *ac6 to the State! after all? 5ut I did wonder= when the ripple! *eca0e clear= how 0+ /n"inite / wa! $oin$ to co0e up with a fairl+ lar$e !u0 of 0one+ thi! ti0e? In the pa!t= a! I !aid= it ha! Du!t 2appeared3 in 0+ *an6 account= and I eEpected !o0ethin$ !i0ilar in thi! ca!e? 5ut that ! not what happened? In!tead= a friend loaned 0e the 0one+? Nor0all+ I don t li6e *orrowin$ 0one+ fro0 people? I u!ed to do that in!ide the 0ovie theater= *ut hadn t !ince I wal6ed out the *ac6 door=

0a6in$ it clear to 0+ /n"inite / that I wa!n t totall+ co0forta*le with that 0ethod of $ettin$ 0one+ to 0e a Dud$0ent of 0ine a*out 2other people !3 0one+? /owever= 0+ /n"inite / cho!e thi! opportunit+ for 0e to let $o of thi! particular *elief on how 0one+ can co0e to 0e= lettin$ 0e !ee the Dud$0ent! and fear! and la+er! of the e$o underneath= and re0indin$ 0e 2other people3 are in 0+ holo$ra0 2to !et !o0ethin$ in 0otion to !upport 0e?3 In fact= I could accept thi! 2loan3 fro0 0+ friend *ecau!e I al!o 6new with certaint+ it wa! what hi! /n"inite / wanted to happen for hi0= althou$h I 0a+ never 6now wh+? NNN /ere ! the *e!t wa+ I can co0e up with to eEplain thi! in a nut!hellJ? &e re pla+in$ a ver+ !ophi!ticated video $a0e= u!in$ the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate= *ut de!i$ned uniKuel+ for each Pla+er *+ their /n"inite /? That /n"inite / ha! certain eEperience! it want! it! Pla+er to have 2outer eEperience!3 in order for the /n"inite / to have the 2inner eEperience!?3 In 0o!t $ood video $a0e!= a Pla+er need! certain thin$! to pla+= !ta+ alive= and 0a6e it to the final de!tination !uch a! weapon!= a00unition= ener$+ pac6!= !pecial tool! or !6ill!= 6e+!= clue!= and !o on? In our video $a0e= we need a lot of thin$! a! well= *ut 0o!tl+ we need 0one+ !o we can *u+ ever+thin$ el!e? In a video $a0e= the de!i$ner create! ever+thin$ and 0a6e! it availa*le durin$ the $a0e !o all the pla+er ha! to do i! find it and $ra* it and add it to their inventor+? In our video $a0e= the !a0e thin$ i! true? All the 0one+ we need to pla+= !ta+ alive= and 0a6e it to our final de!tination i! created *+ our /n"inite / !ince we= a! a Pla+er have no power to create an+thin$ and it ! all ri$ht there for the Pla+er to ta6e? So it ! the Do* of the /n"inite / to create the 0one+ we need and 0a6e it availa*le? It ! the Do* of the Pla+er to find it and $ra* it? 2-indin$ it=3 however= i! 0ade difficult when the Pla+er *elieve! the 0one+ can onl+ *e in certain location!= and the+ can onl+ $et it if the+ wor6 for it or win it or inherit it orJ? &hen a Pla+er let! $o of the!e *elief !+!te0! a*out 0one+= the+ can *e$in to !ee it in 0an+ different place! and their /n"inite / can 0a6e it 0ore ea!il+ availa*le? 5ut it ! !till the Pla+er ! Do* to reach out and ta6e the 0one+? That ! what ! 0eant a*out a Pla+er havin$ total free will over their reaction! and re!pon!e! to the eEperience! created for the0? I could have= for in!tance= not ta6en the loan fro0 0+ friend to *u+ 0+ airline tic6et *ac6 to the State!= choo!in$ in!tead to han$ on to 0+ Dud$0ent and *elief a*out 2other people !3 0one+? In that ca!e I would not have *een a*le to ride the ripple and follow the flow in the direction 0+ /n"inite / wa! offerin$? So there are two *a!ic rea!on! I can $ive for thi! pheno0enon I eEperience with 0one+? -ir!t= I have let $o of virtuall+ all 0+ Dud$0ent! and *elief! a*out 0one+C and !econdl+= I have ta6en off al0o!t all the li0it! on the wa+! 0+ /n"inite / can $et that 0one+ to 0e= $ivin$ it 0an+ 0ore po!!i*ilitie!? I will ad0it= however= havin$ 0one+ Du!t appear in 0+ out!tretched hand would !till frea6 0e out? Ma+*e one da+J? -OOTNOTES 1? The 8race -oundation 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 @ou ve *een prett+ hard on the e$o throu$hout thi! *oo6? I!n t that a Dud$0ent in it!elf'
&ns!er4 EEcellent point= and I 0 $lad for the chance to clarif+ it?

-ir!t= let ! 0a6e !ure we a$ree on what we 0ean *+ the 2e$o=3 !ince that word ha! *een u!ed a lot and 0ean! different thin$! to different people? In thi! *oo6 I have u!ed 2e$o3 to 0ean the per!onalit+ con!truct we create while pla+in$ the /u0an 8a0e? It i! co0po!ed of 0an+ la+er! of fal!e identitie! we a!!u0e a! we encounter the li0itin$ and re!trictin$ holo$raphic eEperience! in the fir!t half? In fact= the e$o i! what allow! u! to pla+ the fir!t half of the 8a0eC otherwi!e we could not for0 our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and opinion! and fulfill our purpo!e for the /n"inite /? All of our fear!= for eEa0ple with the fear of nonMeEi!tence a! the 0o!t *a!ic are the re!ult of !o0e threat to one or 0ore la+er! of the e$o= which fi$ht! *ac6 for it! ver+ eEi!tence? In that !en!e= we can eEpre!! $reat appreciation to the e$o for the role it ha! perfor0ed !o well while in the 0ovie theater? It= too= wa! a! perfect a! ever+thin$ el!e in our holo$raphic eEperience? The proce!! in!ide the cocoon= a! I have de!cri*ed it= i! *eco0in$ aware of all the!e la+er! of the e$o the fal!e identitie! we have a!!u0ed and lettin$ $o of the0? It ! a proce!! of findin$ out who we are not= and then ulti0atel+ findin$ the true an!wer to who we are? 5ut we have a!!i$ned the e$o a lot of power durin$ the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= and we have rewarded it ti0e and ti0e a$ain for the $ood Do* it ha! done= to the point that it !ee0! to have ta6en on a life of it! own? In hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy=1 #ed Mc<enna actuall+ per!onifie! the e$o= 0a6in$ it fe0ale and callin$ it 2Ma+a3J? ,the goddess )aya, architect o" this magni"icent pa%ace o" de%usion9,)aya E goddess o" con"usion and misdirection9,)aya, Lord o" the Prison o" Dua%ity9#ed !pea6! a lot in ter0! of fi$htin$ a *attle with Ma+a on the road to *eco0in$ a *utterfl+J ,)aya, goddess o" de%usion, has been doing her ?ob !ith supreme mastery since the "irst spar+ o" se%"8 a!areness "%ic+ered in some mon+ey<s brainbo.9,(his is )aya<s house She contro%s everything She has every advantage 5e are patients in )aya<s asy%um 9 ,(humb through any maga>ine, "%ip through the channe%s o" the (*, go !herever there are peop%e, and you<%% see nothing but a morbid%y ?uveni%e, "ear8in"ected, stunted, runtish race over !hich )aya reigns supreme and uncha%%enged9 Jand #ed !ee0! to thin6 Ma+a will win a lot of the ti0eJ ,#ou thin+ you<re on top o" something, but the on%y thing to be on top o" is )aya, and she<s on top o" you %i+e a house on a mouse9 ,(his is the one true !ar o" !hich a%% others are but shado!s, and "or !hich a%% other con"%ict is but a metaphor /n the short term, )aya a%most a%!ays crushes the rebe%%ion By my estimate, her !inO%oss ratio is better than 100,000,00041 It !hould not !urpri!e an+one that when +ou *e$in to di!0antle the e$o in the cocoon= the e$o will fi$ht *ac6? It 6now! it i! literall+ fi$htin$ for it! life= *ecau!e if +ou follow throu$h with the Proce!! and !piritual autol+!i!= the end re!ult i! it! virtual annihilation? O&e will never eli0inate the e$o co0pletel+ a! lon$ a! we have a *od+ and pla+ the /u0an 8a0e?P

5ut we !hould not 0a6e the 0i!ta6e of Dud$in$ or *la0in$ the e$o= or view the tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+ a! an allMout war with the e$o? After all= the e$o i! !i0pl+ another piece of the holo$ra0 that i!n t real= *ut onl+ loo6! and feel! realC and it ha! pla+ed it! part perfectl+ in our holo$raphic eEperience! Du!t li6e an+thin$ and an+one el!e we have encountered while pla+in$ the /u0an 8a0e? An+ other approach will continue to a!!i$n power to the e$o it doe! not po!!e!! on it! own? ,'ear o" truth is the "oundation upon !hich )aya<s Pa%ace o" De%usion is erected She has no po!er but that !e give her ,*ie!ed this !ay, the idea that )aya is evi%, that de%usion is negative, that the dreamstate is a prison, or that the dua%istic universe is anything other than the grandest and most !onder"u% o" a%% b%essings is %aughab%y absurd 5hy hate )ayaD 5here !ou%d you be !ithout herDNNN If +ou planned a wal6in$ tour fro0 Maine to -lorida= !tartin$ in #anuar+= the fir!t thin$ +ou d do would *e to put on !o0e war0 clothe!? A! +ou wal6ed= and the te0perature went down even 0ore= +ou d 6eep addin$ la+er! of clothe! to 6eep +ou war0? 5ut *+ the ti0e +ou $ot to South Carolina in April= +ou d !tart ta6in$ off tho!e la+er!= one *+ one= !ince +ou no lon$er need the0 to protect +ou fro0 the weather? Once +ou hit -lorida= +ou would have di!carded al0o!t ever+ piece of clothin$ +ou had? I dou*t +ou d cur!e tho!e clothe! or con!ider the0 to have *een 2wron$?3 More li6el+ +ou would appreciate the war0th the+ provided +ou= *e $rateful to have had the0= and than6 each piece a! +ou threw it awa+ for the role it had pla+ed on +our !ucce!!ful trip? NNN In Chapter SiEteen I 0entioned a $ood friend who had *een in hi! cocoon for a*out a +ear and a half= 0a6in$ !o0e real pro$re!!= when hi! e$o Ma+a *e$an fi$htin$ *ac6 with a ven$eance? A! we all do= he wa! eEperiencin$ holo$ra0! that *rou$ht *ac6 to life the 0ore difficult Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion! and fear! he had for0ed in!ide the 0ovie theater durin$ hi! fir!tMhalf +ear!C and when the $oin$ $ot tou$h= he didn t !ee0 to li6e how he wa! feelin$? Apparentl+ he thou$ht he had done enou$h wor6 *+ then and !hould onl+ *e eEperiencin$ holo$ra0! of the !econdMhalf variet+= !o he *e$an *la0in$ hi! /n"inite / for 2f[\6in$ hi0 over= a! u!ual?3 /e !topped runnin$ the Proce!! or doin$ !piritual autol+!i! and !tarted to Du!tif+ hi! Dud$0ent!= 0aintain hi! *elief!= and !tren$then hi! opinion!? Ever+ Pla+er ha! free will to decide how the+ want to react and re!pond to the holo$raphic eEperience! the+ encounter= and thi! wa! hi! choice to let Ma+a win thi! one= at lea!t for the ti0e *ein$= even thou$h he didn t reco$niLe that ! what he wa! doin$? /e wa!n t 2wron$3 for 0a6in$ that deci!ion= *ecau!e that ha! to *e perfect= too? 5ut 0+ friend who in !o 0an+ wa+! ha! *een !uch $reat !upport to 0e in writin$ thi! *oo6 helped 0e to !ee Du!t how clever Ma+a can *e and $ave 0e the opportunit+ to e0pha!iLe another i0portant pointJ? In the Preface to Part Two= I tal6ed a*out pre!entin$ +ou with 0odel!= not *elief !+!te0!= and that 2a 0odel i! de!i$ned to *e te!ted and challen$ed to !ee how well it perfor0!?3 In thi! ca!e Ma+a convinced 0+ friend he wa! 0a6in$ a le$iti0ate te!t or challen$e to the 0odel rather than e!capin$ the di!co0fort and leavin$ her alone to !urvive in peace= *+ pro0ptin$ hi0 to a!6 Kue!tion! a*out the theory of the 0odel Kue!tion! that *e$an with 2&h+3 and 2&hat if=3 and 2I 0 not !ure I a$ree thatJ?3 /owever= the onl+ valid and le$iti0ate te!t or challen$e to a 0odel i! to !ee how well it perfor0! in app%ication= not in theor+? In 0+ friend ! particular !ituation= the 0odel wa! clearl+ wor6in$ perfectl+= producin$ eEactl+ the 6ind of re!ult! it wa! !uppo!ed to? /e Du!t didn t li6e the wa+ it felt at the ti0e? 5ut no one !aid it wa! $oin$ to feel $ood all the wa+ throu$h the cocoon= e!peciall+ if +ou hit a 2dar6 ni$ht of the !oul?3 So if there ! !till di!co0fort= 6eep runnin$ the Proce!!? It ! onl+ the e$o tal6in$ when there ! the thou$ht to $et out of what +ou re feelin$ and $o *ac6 into +our headC and Ma+a !pea6! in ver+ !ophi!ticated= invitin$= and clever wa+!?

So 6now thi! a*out the e$oA +ou !houldn t undere!ti0ate it= +ou won t out!0art it= and +ou can t re!i!t it? NNN There ! an old !tor+ a*out how +ou coo6 a fro$? @ou don t *oil a pot of water on the !tove and drop the fro$ in= *ecau!e it will Du!t Du0p *ac6 out to $et awa+ fro0 the heat? In!tead +ou put the fro$ into the pot while the water i! cool and !lowl+ turn up the heat while the fro$ !it! there until it ! *oiled? @ou al!o don t ta6e a *i$ *ite out of an onion or it will overpower +ou? @ou eat an onion one !lice at a ti0e until it ! all $one? Annihilatin$ the e$o i! a !i0ilar proce!! one la+er at a ti0e a! +our /n"inite / provide! the appropriate holo$raphic eEperience!? A! I !aid a*out death= +ou 0u!t 0eet the e$o e+eMtoMe+e= under!tand it= accept it= e0*race it= appreciate it for what it i! and the !ervice it ha! provided for +ou= and then Kuietl+ and !+!te0aticall+ di!0antle it one la+er at a ti0e until there ! nothin$ left eEpectin$ each new la+er to *e 0ore difficult than the la!t= and not Kuittin$ until +ou re done? -OOTNOTES 1? Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 Thi! whole 0odel !ee0! to 0e a ver+ !elfi!h wa+ to live? &here ! +our heart' &here ! +our
co0pa!!ion for the pain and !ufferin$ of other!' &ns!er4 I have no intere!t in Du!tif+in$ or defendin$ 2!elfi!hne!!?3 I will leave that up to people li6e Ro*ert Rin$er OLoo+ing 1ut "or Y1P= A+n Rand O(he *irtue o" Se%"ishnessP= 5ud /arri! OSacred Se%"ishness4 & Guide to Living a Li"e o" SubstanceP= 9avid Sea*ur+ O(he &rt o" Se%"ishnessP= the /eller! O6ea%thy Se%"ishness4 Getting the Li"e #ou Deserve 5ithout the Gui%tP= and Mahat0a 8andhi O2Be the change you !ish to see in the !or%d 3P A! for 0+ heart= it i! a! open a! it ha! ever *een? A! +ou drop all Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!= +our heart can t do an+thin$ eEcept open wider and wider and *e filled with love and appreciation for the perfection of ever+thin$= and e!peciall+ love for +our own /n"inite /? 5ut compassion i! a ver+ different !tor+? It ! true compassion i! the new !piritual *uLLword= perhap! helped a lot *+ the 9alai )a0a? )i6e 2Dud$0ent=3 compassion ha! *een 0ade to !ee0 2ri$ht3 and proper and a 2$ood3 thin$ to have? In fact= *ein$ co0pa!!ionate ha! *eco0e the hall0ar6 of enli$hten0ent and the 0o!t i0portant trait a 2$ood3 per!on must have= in the !a0e wa+ 2Dud$0ent3 ha! *eco0e a !+0*ol of intelli$ence and rea!on? 5ut let ! find out what compassion reall+ 0ean!J? 2Deep a!areness o" the su""ering o" another coup%ed !ith the !ish to re%ieve it?31 2Sympathetic consciousness o" others$ distress together !ith a desire to a%%eviate it?3" It !hould *e clear *+ tho!e definition! that compassion *elon$! in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= in!ide the 0ovie theater= and not in the !econd half? &h+' &hat ! 2wron$3 with compassion' Nothin$ i! 2wron$?3 That would *e a Dud$0ent? 5ut compassion a! it i! defined Oand practicedP auto0aticall+ lead! a Pla+er to Dud$e the eEperience! of !o0eone el!e a! 2*ad3 or

2wron$=3 to thin6 the+ have the power to chan$e that per!on ! realit+= and to entertain the wi!h to do !oC and none of that i! po!!i*le or appropriate in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e? It al!o inevita*l+ lead! the Pla+er who ! tr+in$ to *e co0pa!!ionate into fru!tration= !adne!!= and !o0eti0e! even de!pairC or= in other word!= it lead! further into li0itation and re!triction? Therefore= *+ it! ver+ nature= compassion i! not part of infinite Do+? It al!o doe!n t feel li6e Do+C it actuall+ feel! 2*ad3 to identif+ with !o0eone el!e ! pain and !ufferin$? In fact= we re supposed to feel 2*ad3 for !o0eone el!e if we re co0pa!!ionate O2I feel *ad for the03P? The !+non+0! $iven in the dictionar+ for compassion are 2pit+3 and 2!+0path+?3 I dou*t an+one would !u$$e!t 2pit+3 and 2!+0path+3 feel Do+ful? In a 0eetin$ of the intentional co00unit+ in Ta0era= a +oun$ 0an fro0 I!rael !tood up and announced hi! recent revelation that hi! onl+ Do* in life wa! to *e happ+? Ever+one cheered= and a feelin$ of Do+ and eEcite0ent and enthu!ia!0 filled the roo0? Then a +oun$ wo0an !tood up= the dau$hter of the $uru= and ad0oni!hed ever+one not to for$et all the pain and !ufferin$ of other!? The *u**le in the roo0 Kuic6l+ *ur!t? Tr+ to recall ri$ht now what it feel! li6e to *e co0pa!!ionate? 9oe! it feel li6e Do+ to +ou' @ou can do the !a0e thin$ with Dealou!+= for eEa0ple? 9oe! it 0a6e +ou feel lovin$ to feel Dealou!' 9oe! it 0a6e +ou feel eEpan!ive and powerful' 9oe! it 0a6e +ou feel all war0 and fuLL+ li6e love doe!' In the !a0e wa+ that Dealou!+ cannot *e part of infinite love= compassion cannot *e part of infinite Do+? It ! a! !i0ple a! that? The onl+ wa+ compassion could 0a6e +ou feel 2$ood3 i! *ecau!e +ou thin6 *+ *ein$ co0pa!!ionate= +ou re *ein$ a 2$ood3 per!on? NNN 5ut there ! 0ore to tal6 a*out? )et ! reall+ di!!ect thi! thin$ called compassion= !ince it ! *eco0e !uch a *i$ *utton in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? Re0e0*er that the holo$raphic eEperience! +ou perceive are not 2real=3 and that +our /n"inite / i! creatin$ +our own realit+? Re0e0*er al!o that the people +ou !ee in +our holo$ra0! the 2other people3 are actor! pla+in$ a role for +ou and readin$ a !cript wordMforMword written *+ +our /n"inite /? Thin6 a$ain a*out the analo$+ of our holo$raphic univer!e to a total i00er!ion 0ovie= created a! an 2outer eEperience3 to $ive +ou and +our /n"inite / an 2inner eEperience?3 &hatever +ou perceive= then= in +our 2realit+3 i! *ein$ pla+ed out for you for your eEperience= for your *enefit *+ actor!= li6e a 0ovie or a pla+? If +ou went to a pla+ at +our local theater= there 0i$ht *e an e0otional !cene where !o0e character +ou cared a*out wa! 6illed= or 0ai0ed= or raped= or tortured= or !tarved= or di!placed= or a*u!ed? If it ! a $ood pla+ with profe!!ional actor!= a convincin$ !cript and perfect !cener+= +ou !hould 2feel3 what the writer of the pla+ wanted +ou to feel an$er= fru!tration= !+0path+= !adne!!= pain= re$ret= $rief= !orrow= or a whole ho!t of other e0otion!= none of which co0e clo!e to Do+? 5ut that ! what the pla+ wa! de!i$ned to do? Then after the pla+= +ou $o neEt door to the *ar for a drin6C and there= *+ chance= are the ver+ !a0e actor! +ou Du!t watched? 5ut the+ re ver+ 0uch alive= health+= happ+= un!cathed= enDo+in$ a *eer and Do6in$ around with the re!t of the troupe? &hen +ou !ee the0 there in the *ar= would +ou feel the !a0e e0otion! for the0 +ou did durin$ the pla+' O*viou!l+ not? @ou would pro*a*l+ feel a little !ill+ eEpre!!in$ co0pa!!ion for the actor +ou had Du!t watched !tarvin$ that i! now !ittin$ in front of +ou eatin$ peanut! and popcorn? @ou 0i$ht even $o over and than6 the0 for what a $reat Do* the+ did and for the eEperience the+ $ave +ou= tellin$ the0 how deepl+ +ou felt for the0 durin$ the pla+= and then Doinin$ in their cele*ration? The Rrealit+R +ou !ee Rout thereR a! the ph+!ical univer!e i! a 0ovie a fanta!tic %M9 total i00er!ion 0ovie in which +ou pla+ a part? 5ut nothin$ el!e i! different fro0 the pla+ or 0ovie +ou Du!t watched? Ever+one +ou !ee in +our Rrealit+R i! part of a holo$ra0 and i! pla+in$ a role +our /n"inite / ha! a!6ed the0 to pla+ and which the+Qve a$reed to perfor0 at a profe!!ional level? &hen that role i! over= the+ $et up fro0 the *attlefield= or the ho!pital *ed= or the !lu0!= and revel in the $ood Do* the+ did to convince +ou the character! the+ pla+ed were real? The+ $ave +ou a $ift of a powerful eEperience= which +our /n"inite / wanted and created? 5ut donQt confu!e thin$! and !tart to thin6 the !cene! the+ acted out were an+thin$ 0ore than actor! pla+in$ te0porar+ role! at +our /n"inite /<s invitation? Another *i$ pro*le0 with compassion i! the part that 0a6e! +ou want to 2relieve3 or 2alleviate3 !o0eone el!e ! !ufferin$? -ran6l+= althou$h it ! cloa6ed in a ver+ accepta*le !ocial veneer= it i! the hei$ht of arro$ance to

thin6 we 6now *etter than their own /n"inite / what eEperience! another per!on !hould *e havin$? Even Mahat0a 8andhi !aid= 25e the chan$e +ou wi!h to !ee in the world?3 /e didn t !a+= 28o out and chan$e the world into the wa+ +ou wi!h to !ee it=3 or 28o out and chan$e other people ! eEperience! into the wa+ +ou thin6 the+ !hould *e?3 In the !a0e wa+ +ou tru!t +our own /n"inite / to create the 0o!t appropriate eEperience! for +ou= we can tru!t the other per!on ! /n"inite / to create the 0o!t appropriate eEperience! for the0= re$ardle!! of how tho!e eEperience! loo6 to +ou or 0e on the !urface? In fact= there i! no other Pla+er who appear! in +our holo$raphic realit+ who!e !ituation i! +our re!pon!i*ilit+ to chan$e? Nor do +ou have the power or authorit+ to chan$e it? Their eEperience! have *een a! carefull+ cho!en for the0 *+ their /n"inite / a! +our! have *een for +ou? It ! ti0e we re!pect that= and re!pect and tru!t the choice! of other /n"inite /<s a! well a! our own= and not thin6 we 6now *etter what the+ !hould *e eEperiencin$? 5e!ide!= thi! de!ire to 2relieve3 or 2alleviate3 !o0eone el!e ! !ufferin$ cannot do an+thin$ *ut produce fru!tration and an$er and depre!!ion= !ince +ou have no power to do an+thin$ a*out it? All +ou will do i! tr+= and 0o!t ti0e! fail and feel wor!e in the end? Thi! i! wh+ compassion i! !uch a li0itin$ concept that *elon$! !trictl+ to the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? NNN R#ou never change things by "ighting the e.isting rea%ity (o change something, bui%d a ne! mode% that ma+es the e.isting mode% obso%ete A M R? 5uc60in!ter -uller The concept of compassion= *+ it! ver+ nature= tend! to 0a6e u! i$nore thi! wi!do0 and fi$ht a$ain!t what we !ee happenin$ in the world? Man+ peacewor6er!= for eEa0ple= ta6e up the !lo$an= 2Sa+ No to &ar and Fiolence?3 5ut the 0ere act of thin6in$ or actin$ a$ain!t war and violence *ecau!e of compassion i!= indeed= fi$htin$ the eEi!tin$ realit+? 25ut wait a 0inuteG3 +ou prote!t? 2Are +ou !a+in$ I !hould do nothin$ when I !ee another ! pain and !ufferin$ in 0+ holo$ra0' Are +ou !u$$e!tin$ I !it *ac6 and !i0pl+ watch while a child $et! *eaten= or a wo0an raped= or people die fro0 !tarvation or di!ea!e'3 A*!olutel+ not? That ! not what I 0 !a+in$ at all? 5ut rather than compassion in the fir!t half that can onl+ lead to 0ore li0itation= e0path+ Orather than !+0path+P and ethic! and eEcite0ent will deter0ine +our reaction in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e? /ere ! what I 0eanJ? Once +ou have run the Proce!! on tho!e holo$raphic eEperience! +ou encounter a! +ou !tart the !econd half an+ ti0e +ou have felt di!co0fort with !o0eone or a particular !ituation +ou will view tho!e incident! of pain and !ufferin$ that 0i$ht co0e into +our holo$ra0 ver+ differentl+? 5ut there i! !o0ethin$ eEtre0el+ i0portant to re0e0*erA a! lon$ a! +ou feel di!co0fort and that include! the di!co0fort of compassion +ou are !till a!!i$nin$ power 2out there3 and there i! !till Dud$0ent? Onl+ when +ou can !ee !o0eone el!e ! pain and !ufferin$ without the Dud$0ent it i! 2*ad3 or 2wron$3 or 2need! to *e chan$ed=3 can +ou cleanl+ ta6e an+ action? Then +ou are free to follow +our eEcite0ent and Do+ in an+ !pecific circu0!tance? -or eEa0ple= I 0 often a!6ed what I would do if a holo$ra0 popped up where a child wa! *ein$ *eaten in front of 0e? I hone!tl+ cannot $ive +ou a $eneraliLed an!wer= *ecau!e !o 0uch of it depend! on the !ituation? 5ut 0+ own ethic! 0i$ht lead 0e to want to do !o0ethin$ a*out it= !ince I a0 the careta6er of the holo$raphic eEperience! 0+ /n"inite / ha! created for 0e? Ma+*e I would !tep in *etween the adult and the child= and infor0 the adult I do not Dud$e what !Uhe i! doin$= *ut I reKue!t !Uhe *eat 0e in!tead of the child= and I would not re!i!t? /owever= that ! Du!t one po!!i*ilit+? >nder no circu0!tance! would I Dud$e what wa! $oin$ on a! 2ri$ht3 or 2wron$=3 or 2$ood3 or 2*ad=3 nor Dud$e the actor! pla+in$ their part!= nor thin6 I must or shou%d chan$e the action it!elf? 5ut ri$ht now I can i0a$ine 0+ per!onal feelin$ of eEcite0ent and Do+ would *e to prefer to *e *eaten 0+!elf than to watch the child *ein$ *eaten? I would al!o never !tri6e *ac6 or tr+ to defend 0+!elf? Neither would Mahat0a 8andhi= a! he proved ti0e and a$ain?

O6a+? That ! a particular individual !ituation? &hat a*out the 0illion! of people !tarvin$ in the world= tho!e $ettin$ 6illed and 0ai0ed ever+ da+ in countle!! war! and other violence= tho!e who are ho0ele!! and hun$r+ and !ic6 which i! a fair nu0*er of the Earth ! population if we watch and *elieve the TF new!' &hat a*out the0' 25e the chan$e +ou wi!h to !ee in the world=3 8andhi !aid? So here ! another tou$h conceptJ? In !pite of all the pain and !ufferin$ we are !hown 2out there=3 our onl+ Do* a! a Pla+er in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e i! to 2reclai03 the power we a!!i$ned 2out there3 in the fir!t half= and ta6e the rollercoa!ter ride *ac6 to infinite Do+= infinite power= infinite wi!do0= infinite a*undance= and infinite love? It i! !olel+ our re!pon!i*ilit+ to live our own realit+? In fact= when our holo$ra0! include picture! of pain and !ufferin$ 2out there=3 it i! pri0aril+ *ecau!e our /n"inite / i! tr+in$ to !how u! where we a!!i$ned power in the fir!t half and $ive u! the opportunit+ to 2reclai03 it? The!e holo$raphic i0a$e! of pain and !ufferin$ are not for u! to do !o0ethin$ a*out them= *ut a*out us a! individual Pla+er! to do !o0ethin$ a*out us? Put !i0pl+= !o0eone el!e ! pain and !ufferin$ that find! it! wa+ into our holo$ra0! i! an opportunit+ to leave Dud$0ent and compassion *ehind and eEplore a new wa+ of feelin$ and actin$? Re0e0*er what we !aid a*out 2other people3 in Chapter Twent+M-ourJ? 2Other people3 !erve three 0ain purpo!e! in +our holo$raphic eEperienceA 1? To reflect !o0ethin$ +ou thin6 or feel a*out +our!elf "? To $ive +ou the $ift of infor0ation or in!i$ht %? To !et !o0ethin$ in 0otion to !upport +ou% Thi! include! all the 2other people3 who +ou are now Dud$in$ to *e in pain and !ufferin$C and nowhere on that li!t doe! it !a+ 2other people3 !erve the purpo!e of havin$ +ou 2!ave3 the0 fro0 their eEperience!? Alon$ the wa+= however= we will !tart to feel eEcite0ent in!ide eEcite0ent that i! pro0ptin$ u! to do !o0ethin$? So if I !ee !o0eone el!e in pain and !ufferin$ in 0+ holo$ra0= and I do not Dud$e it or fall into the trap of wantin$ to chan$e it= I 0i$ht find it totall+ Do+ful and eEcitin$ to ta6e !o0e action an+wa+? &hat if !o0eone in 0+ holo$ra0 a!6! 0e for help' I $ive it $ladl+= a! lon$ a! it *rin$! 0e total Do+ to do !o without Dud$0ent or di!co0fort and a! lon$ a! I have no eEpectation! of the outco0e? Plea!e don t $et 0e wron$? I a0 often touched on a ver+ deep level when I !ee !o0eone in 0+ holo$ra0 in pain or !ufferin$= and I will $ive 0+ help if a!6ed if I can do it without the intention to fiE= chan$e= or i0prove thin$!? 5ut I al!o 6now it i! i0po!!i*le for the0 to *e a victi0= Du!t a! it i! i0po!!i*le for 0e to *e a victi0= of an+one or an+thin$ 2out thereC3 !o I offer 0+ !upport in an+ wa+ I can while the+ have !uch a difficult and li0itin$ eEperience= *ecau!e I 6now the+ are pla+in$ in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? Thi! i! reall+ no different than $ivin$ encoura$e0ent to !o0eone on the fir!t hill of the rollercoa!ter= !upportin$ the0 in an+ wa+ po!!i*le to 2/an$ in thereG3 Thi! 0a+ *e a crude eEa0ple= *ut it ! the *e!t I can thin6 of at the 0o0ent? So0eone call! out to 0e fro0 the rollercoa!ter $oin$ up the hill? The+ !a+ the+Qre $ettin$ !ic6 and need help? I will do ever+thin$ in 0+ power to $et to the0= *rin$ the0 a *arf *a$= hold their hair *ac6 while the+ $et !ic6= offer the0 !o0e encoura$in$ word!= or $ive the0 whatever a!!i!tance I can at the ti0e? &hat I !on$t do i! Dud$e their eEperience a! Rwron$=3 or that it !hould *e different and need! to *e chan$ed= or !+0pathiLe with the0= or pit+ the0= or tr+ to $et the0 off the rollercoa!ter? IQve *een thereC it doe!nQt feel $ood= and I 6now it? I al!o 6now the eEperience the+Qre havin$ ha! *een carefull+ cho!en for the0 *+ their own /n"inite /= and it i! perfect for the0 at that 0o0ent? After all= the+ can t ride the rollercoa!ter without $oin$ up the fir!t hill? NNN ThereQ! an old !a+in$ in the recover+ *u!ine!! that an alcoholic will not Kuit until the+Qve had enou$h to drin6? & Course in )irac%es !a+!= Rif +our *rother! a!6 +ou for !o0ethin$= do it= *ecau!e it doe!n t 0atter?R ( So if +our alcoholic R*rotherR a!6! +ou for a drin6= eEactl+ what i! the Rco0pa!!ionateR thin$ to do' Accordin$ to

recover+ principle! and & Course in )irac%es= 0a+*e it would *e to $ive the0 the drin6 the+ a!6 for= rather than Dud$in$ and tr+in$ to chan$e the eEperience the+Qre havin$ *ecau!e +ou 6now whatQ! *e!t for the0? There i!= of cour!e= a natural de!ire that all the Pla+er! we 0eet in our holo$ra0! eEperience the !a0e Do+ and power and a*undance and love we haveC and when we !ee !o0eone el!e in our holo$ra0 not in that condition= we can ea!il+ wi!h !o0ethin$ different for the0= and want the0 to Doin u! in the Do+ and power and a*undance and love of the !econd half? 5ut what we can not do i! to Dud$e their !ituation to *e 2*ad3 or 2wron$=3 or even that our !ituation i! 2*etter3 than their!= and then tr+ to do !o0ethin$ to chan$e their circu0!tance!? Man+ +ear! a$o I $ave up the idea of tr+in$ to 2!ave the world3 or even end war on thi! planet when I realiLed war had *een a ver+ valua*le eEperience in 0+ own life Oif nothin$ el!e= to !how 0e who I wa! not and how I did not want to *ehavePC and 2who wa! I to tr+ to li0it other people ! eEperience! who 0i$ht *enefit fro0 the !a0e opportunitie!?3 Toda+ I a0 eEcited a*out findin$ out how to download other freKuencie! fro0 The -ield Oa! will *e eEplained in Chapter Thirt+MSiEP that create a peaceful and har0oniou! life on Planet Earth= *ut without an+ Dud$0ent that all people !hould live that wa+= or that the wa+ other people are livin$ now i! !o0ehow 2wron$?3 NNN The point the +oun$ I!raeli 0an wa! 0a6in$ in Ta0era wa! that rather than *eco0in$ *o$$ed down in !o0eone el!e ! pain and !ufferin$= and feelin$ that pain and !ufferin$ hi0!elf= he decided hi! onl+ Do* wa! to 2*e happ+3 to provide other! with the hope and the in!piration and the 0odel of how their live! could *e different? I !eriou!l+ dou*t tho!e in pain and !ufferin$ want u! to Doin the0 in their 0i!er+? I don t thin6 the+ want u! to 2pit+3 the0 or 2feel their pain?3 I thin6= in!tead= the+ would prefer for u! to 2*e happ+=3 !o the+ 6now it i! po!!i*le for the0 a! well? Therefore= rather than compassion in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e= we follow our eEcite0ent and our Do+ and our passion= and ta6e whatever action! we feel 0oved to ta6e in relation!hip to our holo$raphic eEperience!= a! lon$ a! there i! no Dud$0ent or di!co0fort involved? After all= the world doe!n t need to *e !aved? It ! perfect eEactl+ a! it i!= down to the !0alle!t detail? Savin$ the world= a! wonderful a! it 0a+ !ound on the !urface= i! not onl+ the hei$ht of arro$ance in thin6in$ +ou 6now how the world !hould *e= *ut al!o one of the 0o!t clever te0ptation! the e$o Ma+a ha! co0e up with to 0aintain her power and eEi!tence? I realiLe there i! a lot of !ocial pre!!ure to *e co0pa!!ionate the!e da+!C *ut= in fact= thi! whole compassion thin$ i! one of the $reate!t lie! that 6eep! people in!ide the 0ovie theater= for the !i0ple rea!on that focu!in$ on compassion for other! 6eep! Pla+er! fro0 loo6in$ at the0!elve!? A! lon$ a! +our ti0e and attention i! tied up tr+in$ to alleviate the pain and !ufferin$ of other!= +ou will never have what it ta6e! to proce!! +our own Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!? In!tead +ou will han$ on for dear life to thi! la+er of the e$o thi! identit+ +ou are not called 2co0pa!!ionate?3 OIf +ou Du0ped here fro0 Chapter SiEteen= 2#ud$0ent=3 +ou can $o *ac6 to where +ou were readin$ *+ clic6in$ here?P -OOTNOTES 1? A0erican /erita$e 9ictionar+ co0pa!!ion 5ac6 to readin$ "? Merria0M&e*!ter 9ictionar+ co0pa!!ion 5ac6 to readin$ %? Scheinfeld= Ro*ert? Qourney to the /n"inite ho0e tran!for0ational !+!te0 5ac6 to readin$ ( & Course in )irac%es= p? "0. 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 @ou 0ention Ro*ert Scheinfeld a lot= *ut +ou don t Kuote hi0 ver+ 0uchC and it ! not clear
eEactl+ what +ou thin6 a*out hi! wor6? &ns!er4 I cannot tell +ou how 0uch I appreciate Ro*ert Scheinfeld and the role he pla+ed in 0+ tran!for0ation? It wa! Ro*ert throu$h hi! Busting Loose "rom the )oney Game 9F9 ho0e !tud+ cour!e Owhich i! no lon$er availa*leP who u!hered 0e throu$h the *ac6 door of the 0ovie theater and into 0+ cocoon? It wa! Ro*ert who introduced 0e to the concept of the /u0an 8a0e= and e!peciall+ the two !eparate and oppo!ite halve!= which eEplained !o 0uch a*out 0e and 0+ own life? It wa! Ro*ert who provided the *a!ic Proce!! which I u!ed with !ucce!! for the fir!t +ear in 0+ cocoon= lettin$ $o of the Dud$0ent! and *elief! and opinion! a*out what wa! 2out there3 and reclai0in$ the power I had a!!i$ned to 0a6e 0+ holo$ra0! real? It wa! Ro*ert who introduced 0e to #ed Mc<enna ! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy= which wa! the neEt !tep I needed in 0+ tran!for0ation in the cocoon? -ortunatel+= I had the opportunit+ to 0eet and tal6 with Ro*ert and eEpre!! that appreciation? I attended one of Ro*ert ! live wor6!hop! and went throu$h three of hi! 2ho0e tran!for0ational !+!te0!=3 alon$ with followin$ hi0 on -ace*oo6 and li!tenin$ to hi! 2Pha!e " Pla+er! di!cour!e!?3 I con!ider Ro*ert to *e a fellow 2!cout?3 5ut after the fir!t +ear in 0+ cocoon= I 0et Ro*ert on the road= and I 6illed hi0? Not literall+= of cour!e? If +ou don t reco$niLe the referenceJ ,Men )aster Lin Chi spo+e thus, IIf +ou 0eet the 5uddha= 6ill the 5uddha? If +ou 0eet a Patriarch= 6ill the Patriarch? Lin Chi isn$t condoning murder, he is using a metaphor to e.p%ain the nature o" Buddhism Don$t be%ieve !hat someone says, no matter ho! ho%y they are, ?ust because they say it Listen to their !ords and then e.p%ore them yourse%" -1 O5a!ed on thi!= Sheldon <opp then wrote a *e!tM!ellin$ *oo6 called= /" #ou )eet (he Buddha on the 7oad, Ui%% 6im?P It wa! clear to 0e when I 0et Ro*ert on the road that he had !topped alon$ hi! path a! a !cout and had $otten totall+ i00er!ed in writin$ hi! *oo6! and creatin$ hi! 2ho0e tran!for0ational !+!te0!3 and offerin$ hi! wor6!hop!? 5ut *ecau!e he !topped= he didn t $et far enou$h to !ee that hi! wor6 contained !o0e vital error! which I 0 !ure he would have realiLed if he had $one further? ORo*ert ha! announced he i! leavin$ the 2!cout3 $a0e now to focu! on other thin$!? I 0 hopin$ part of tho!e 2other thin$!3 will include $oin$ further in hi! cocoon and correctin$ hi! 0i!ta6e! for hi! own !a6e?P It ! !tran$e= too= *ecau!e the *i$$e!t error! have to do with hi! wordin$= and one of the 2tool!3 Ro*ert !u$$e!t! u!in$ in the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e i! 2tran!for0ational voca*ular+?3 In other word!= he Kuite clearl+ !ee! the i0portance of the lan$ua$e we u!eC !o I have to a!!u0e he Du!t didn t $et the concept to *e$in with? -or eEa0ple= what I have called the /n"inite /= the 3ons34o5sness on the other !ide of The -ield= Ro*ert call! the 2EEpanded Self?3 &ithout *ela*orin$ the point= 2eEpanded3 i! a Dud$0ent Du!t li6e 2*etter3 or 2hi$her=3 and eEpandin$ the 2!elf3 i! $oin$ in the eEact oppo!ite direction we want to $o in the cocoon toward the 2noM!elf?3 Ro*ert al!o tal6! a*out 2ta6in$ *ac6 +our power3 a! part of hi! Proce!!? 5ut we= a! Pla+er!= never had an+ power to *e$in with= !o how could we 2ta6e it *ac6'3

5ut perhap! the 0o!t i0portant 0i!ta6e wa! a phra!e that !ound! reall+ catch+ and cool= and ver+ 0uch appeal! to the newMa$e crowdA 2The !un of who +ou reall+ are?3 Ro*ert u!e! thi! in hi! 2cloud 0etaphor=3 eEplainin$ that what we are doin$ in the cocoon i! drillin$ hole! in the cloud cover !o the 2!un of who we reall+ are3 can co0e !hinin$ throu$h? People love thi!= *ecau!e it feed! the e$o !o well? Ever+one li6e! to thin6 the+ are !o0ethin$ 0ore than Du!t a Pla+er= that the+ are reall+ their infinite 3ons34o5sness who i! runnin$ the !how? NowJ it ! true the whole point of the cocoon i! the di!cover+ of 2who I a0 not3 on the wa+ to findin$ out 2who I a0?3 5ut to !u$$e!t the end re!ult i! lettin$ 2the !un of who we reall+ are3 !hine throu$h the cloud cover !i0pl+ continue! the illu!ion we are an+thin$ 0ore than a Pla+er repre!entin$ our /n"inite / in the /u0an 8a0e? It perpetuate! the fal!e 6nowled$e and la+er! of the e$o that !a+ we reall+ are our /n"inite / after all? )a!tl+= a! I 0entioned *efore= Ro*ert ! Proce!! i! eEcellent in addre!!in$ the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= and fear! we have created while in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= a! lon$ a! +ou re dealin$ with what +ou thin6 i! 2out there?3 5ut it i! !i0pl+ not de!i$ned= or ver+ wor6a*le= in findin$ the fear! that lie underneath or detachin$ fro0 the la+er! of fal!e identitie! that 0a6e up the e$o? NNN I would love to *e a*le to reco00end Ro*ert ! wor6= !ince it 0eant !o 0uch to 0eC and +ou could read and watch it with a di!cri0inatin$ e+e= on the loo6out for the error!= and it 0i$ht *e !o0ethin$ helpful to +ou a! well? @ou can !tart at Ro*ertScheinfeld?co0? 5ut I have 6nown too 0an+ people who have followed Ro*ert and call the0!elve! 2Pha!e " Pla+er!3 who don t have a clue a*out the deep fear! and la+er! of the e$o Ro*ert ! wor6 doe!n t addre!!= and who $o around tal6in$ a*out the realit+ they are creatin$= and the Do+ of reconnectin$ with 2the !un of who the+ reall+ are?3 That *ein$ !aid= I want to ac6nowled$e that Ro*ert ha! done a wonderful Do* of 0a6in$ thi! infor0ation availa*le in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= and pre!entin$ it in !uch a wa+ that 0an+ 0ore /u0an Adult! are enterin$ their cocoon!? /e i! a 0ar6etin$ $eniu!= no dou*tC and= of cour!e= even hi! 2error!3 are perfect? I al!o want to point out= li6e Ro*ert= I !topped while in the cocoon to write thi! *oo6 Oand 0a+*e other!C we ll !eeP? I went farther than Ro*ert= *ut I !till !topped? M+ onl+ hope i! that I have not 0ade the 6ind of 0aDor 0i!ta6e! Ro*ert did? -OOTNOTES 1? 9ae <wan$? Ui%% the Buddha 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 @ou !ee0 to u!e a lot of Kuotation! fro0 #ed Mc<enna= who i!n t a real per!on or at lea!t
that ! not hi! real na0e? 9o +ou thin6 he ! actuall+ for real' &ns!er4 I !aid Ro*ert Scheinfeld !topped alon$ hi! path a! a !cout? I thin6 #ed Mc<enna al!o !topped at a certain point to write hi! 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy? /e clai0! to have e0er$ed fro0 the cocoon a! a *utterfl+J ,&%% that scorched8earth !andering !asn<t the end, it !as ?ust the beginning / sti%% had my o!n persona% deconstruction to do, !hich is ho! / spent a%most the ne.t t!o years, unti% / got to a p%ace ca%%ed Done9 )y rea%ity no! is the a!a+ened, untruth8unrea%i>ed state9 / spent the ne.t ten years trying to ma+e sense o" this ne! !or%dJ a non8!or%d in !hich a non8/ neverthe%ess seemed to reside -1

J*ut I don t 6now whether that ! true= for a couple of rea!on!? One= I don t *elieve it ! po!!i*le for #ed to write hi! three *oo6! without !toppin$ in the cocoon and dela+in$ the final tran!for0ation into a *utterfl+? Ma+*e in the +ear! after he fini!hed hi! la!t *oo6= he went on to *eco0e a *utterfl+? That ! entirel+ po!!i*le= !ince we ve never heard fro0 hi0 a$ain? Rea!on TwoJ well= I ll $et to that? -ir!t I ll an!wer +our Kue!tion? &hen I read (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy *+ #ed Mc<enna the fir!t ti0e throu$h= I 6new i00ediatel+ thi! 0an whoever he reall+ wa! wa! totall+ authentic? /e had to have actuall+ eEperienced what he wa! writin$ a*out or he couldn t u!e tho!e word! and de!cri*e hi! condition !o perfectl+? I 6new here wa! a 0an another !cout who !tood in full view of the Pacific OceanC and he wa! eEpre!!in$ the ver+ !a0e thou$ht! and feelin$! I have co0e to 6now can onl+ *e thou$ht and felt when one ha! reached thi! point alon$ the Dourne+? -or eEa0pleJ? ,/ am here, %ive, on the scene, and / have chosen to describe it as / see it / don<t de"er / don<t re%y /" !hat / describe con"%icts !ith the ten8thousand other reports E no matter ho! revered those reports and those !ho "i%ed them may be E then to me those reports are nothing more than "ab%e and "o%+%ore and shou%d be consigned to the dustheap o" history (he simp%e "act is that / am here and Ihere< doesn<t %oo+ a%% that much %i+e anyone says it does and /<m not going to !aste my time or anyone e%se<s pretending other!ise /t shou%d be noted that Ihere< isn<t mist8enshrouded or poor%y %it /t<s neither mysterious nor mystica% )y +no!%edge is un"%a!ed and my vision is unobstructed (his is a tric+y point to ma+e, but a critica% one / am not interpreting / am not trans%ating / am not handing something do!n that !as handed do!n to me /<m here, no!, te%%ing you !hat / see in the most straight"or!ard possib%e terms ,/t<s very simp%e9 3n%ightenment is truth8rea%i>ation 2ot on%y is truth simp%e, it<s that !hich cannot be simp%erJ cannot be "urther reduced ,3n%ightenment isn<t !hen you go there, it<s !hen there comes here /t<s not a p%ace you visit and then remember !ist"u%%y and try to return to /t<s not a visit to the truth, it<s the a!a+ening o" truth !ithin you /t<s not a "%eeting state o" consciousness, it<s permanent truth8rea%i>ation /t<s not a p%ace you visit "rom here, this is a p%ace you visit "rom there ,(he en%ightened vie! %i"e as a dream, so ho! cou%d they possib%y di""erentiate bet!een right and !rong or good and evi%D 6o! can one turn o" events be better or !orse than anotherD 1" !hat rea% importance is anything in a dreamD #ou !a+e up and the dream is gone as i" it never !as &%% the characters and events that seemed so rea% have simp%y vanished (he en%ightened may !a%+ and ta%+ in the dream!or%d, but they don<t mista+e the dream "or rea%ity ,(he truth, though, is that nothing is rea%%y !rong 2othing is ever !rong and nothing can be !rong /t<s not even !rong to be%ieve that something is !rong 5rong is simp%y not possib%e9 /" something isn<t !rong, then nothing needs to be made right, !hich !ou%d mean that nothing needs to be done ,(he en%ightened have a!a+ened "rom the dream and no %onger mista+e it "or rea%ity 2atura%%y, they are no %onger ab%e to attach importance to anything (o the a!a+ened mind the end o" the !or%d is no more or %ess momentous than the snapping o" a t!ig I(he !ise see the same in a%%,< says the Gita I(he !ise are impartia%,< says the (ao (he en%ightened cannot conceive o" anything as being !rong, so they don<t strugg%e to ma+e things right 2othing is better or !orse, so !hy try to ad?ust thingsD,1nce you get past the notion that dua%ity @by any nameP is Ibad< and unity @by any nameP is Igood,< you a%so get past any need to Ihe%p< or Isave< anyone /, "or instance, don<t do !hat / do because / thin+ it needs doing / am moved by no ethica% or a%truistic motive / don<t thin+ something is !rong and that / have to ma+e it right / don<t do it to ease su""ering or to %iberate beings / do it simp%y because /<m so inc%ined -

,/ heard that )aharishi )ahesh #ogi !as very happy !ith his rec%usive %i"e in the "oothi%%s o" the 6ima%ayas and may never have re?oined society, but that he began hearing the name o" an /ndian city in his head /t simp%y appeared unbidden in his thoughts 5hen he "ina%%y mentioned it to someone, they advised that the on%y !ay to get the name o" the to!n out o" his head !as to go there 6e did, got s!ept into a spea+ing engagement, and the !ho%e (ranscendenta% )editation movement gre! out o" it (hat ma+es sense to me #ou observe events and you a%%o! the "%o! o" things to do the steering and you go !here you go ,'ear, regard%ess o" !hat "ace it !ears, is the engine that drives humans as individua%s and humanity as a species Simp%y put, humans are "ear8based creatures /t may be tempting to say that !e are e=ua% parts rationa% and emotiona%, ba%anced bet!een %e"t and right brain, but it<s not true 5e are primari%y emotiona% and our ru%ing emotion is "ear9 'ear o" the ho%%o! core 'ear o" the b%ac+ ho%e !ithin 'ear o" non8being 'ear o" no8se%" (he "ear o" no8se%" is the mother o" a%% "ears, the one upon !hich a%% others are based 2o "ear is so sma%% or petty that the "ear o" no8se%" isn<t at its heart &%% "ear is u%timate%y "ear o" no8se%" ,(his tra?ectory /<m on !i%% ta+e me as c%ose to non8e.istence as anyone can get and sti%% have a body /n other !ords, / !i%% continue to channe% progressive%y %ess and %ess energy into my dreamstate being, my teaching !i%% reduce do!n to its most re"ined and %east to%erant "orm, my interest !i%% !ithdra! "rom the !or%d, and / !i%% become as minima% as a person can be ,/ had spent years as a c%oset butter"%y moping around !ith caterpi%%ars and dreaming high%y "ictiona%i>ed dreams o" becoming a butter"%y / +ne! that / !as distinct%y di""erent "rom the caterpi%%ars / +ne! that an uncrossab%e chasm separated us, that / !asn<t one o" them anymore, that they !eren<t %i+e me nor / %i+e they / +ne! / !as ab%e to communicate !ith them on%y in the most super"icia% sense based on my rapid%y "ading memories o" their %anguage and habits 5hat it too+ me a !hi%e to understand, though, !as that the reason / !asn<t one o" them anymore !as because / !as something e%se, and that the di""erence !as abso%ute / had earned admission to a !ho%e ne! rea%ity but / hadn<t yet passed into it because no one e.p%ained to me that this ne! order o" being / had become !as !hat caterpi%%ars meant !hen they said Ibutter"%y <,&nd then, one day, there it is 2othing 2o more enemies, no more batt%es (he s!ord that seems !e%ded to your hand can no! be dropped, once your "ingers can be pried "rom it (here<s nothing %e"t to contend against and nothing %e"t that must be done, and there !i%% never be anything that must be done ever again ,3n%ightenment isn<t %i+e graduating high schoo% on%y to start co%%ege, or even "inishing co%%ege to enter the Irea%< !or%d /t<s the "ina% graduation 2o more hunt, no more chase, no more batt%e 2o! you can go out in the !or%d and do !hatever you !antJ %earn guitar, ?ump out o" airp%anes, !rite boo+s, tend grapes, !hatever NNN The!e Kuote! are fro0 Du!t the fir!t few pa$e! of 5oo6 One= Spiritua% 3n%ightenment4 (he Damnedest (hing= and there are three *oo6! in all definitel+ worth the read? That *ein$ !aid= it i! al!o clear to 0e #ed and I too6 different route! to $et to the !a0e place= which re!ult! in a di!a$ree0ent on !everal 6e+ point!? I want to di!cu!! tho!e in !o0e detail= 0ainl+ to let +ou 6now different !cout! will have different wa+! of eEpre!!in$ the path= and that #ed and I are not 100T in a$ree0ent eEcept a*out the end re!ult? -or eEa0ple= hi! underl+in$ tone when di!cu!!in$ /u0an Children i! one of Dud$0ent and critici!0 for *ein$ a!leep within the drea0!tate? ,6uman Chi%dhood is petty and "ear"u% and grating9 it<s a hideous a""%iction #ed o*viou!l+ doe! not !hare the concept of the 0ovie theater *ein$ intentionall+ de!i$ned to create li0itation and re!triction? If he did= he couldn t Dud$e the !tate of *ein$ a /u0an Child= *ut would in!tead !ee it a! a perfect part of the 8a0e?

Or= for eEa0ple= #ed ! con!tant reference to Ma+a a! the 2$odde!! of delu!ion=3 and a! the per!onification of the e$o= can ea!il+ lead one to *elieve there i! !o0e force 2out there=3 !o0e entit+= !o0e power that i! intentionall+ tr+in$ to 6eep people fro0 Do+ and a*undance and truth? ,)aya might best be understood as the inte%%igence o" "ear She is the +eeper o" the +ept, the !arden o" the Dreamstate /t is )aya !ho besto!s upon us the miracu%ous and %i"e8giving po!er to see !hat<s not and to not see !hat is /t is )aya !ho ma+es the Dreamstate possib%e and escape "rom it near%y impossib%e She enab%es the Dreamstate to, and i" you !ish to a!a+en "rom it, then it<s her you must destroy, %ayer by %ayer &hich *rin$! 0e to 0+ third Kue!tion a*out #ed hi! warli6e voca*ular+ and hi! attitude that there i! an 2ene0+3 to *e fou$ht and de!tro+edJ? ,7ea% spiritua%ity is a savage insurrection, the oppressed rising up in a do8or8die bid "or "reedom /t<s not something peop%e do to improve themse%ves or earn merit or impress "riends or to "ind greater ?oy and meaning in %i"e /t<s a suicida% assau%t on a "oe o" unimaginab%e superiority ,Peop%e !ho ta+e this stu"" serious%y have no need o" me or anyone e%se, on%y o" "inding the ne.t =uestion, o" ta+ing the ne.t step, o" "inding the ne.t enemy and "ighting the ne.t batt%e Peop%e !ho don<t ta+e this stu"" serious%y are invariab%y %oo+ing "or !ays to occupy and distract themse%ves so they don<t have to ta+e any rea% steps or "ight any rea% batt%es /i! third *oo6 i! even entitled Spiritua% 5ar"are? So I have to a!!u0e the route #ed too6 acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain! reKuired a lot of fi$htin$ to $et throu$hC a lot of *attle! with the ele0ent!= the Indian!= the wild ani0al!C a lot of 0achete wor6 to cut throu$h the tree!? &herea! the route I too6 had ver+ little of that? In fact= one of the 6e+ !tep! in!ide the cocoon i! the realiLation there i! no 2ene0+=3 no 2out there3 out there= no dualit+ of 2it3 or 2the03 ver!u! 20e?3 #ed al!o 0a6e! no 0ention of Kuantu0 ph+!ic!= or of an+ real !cientific under!tandin$ that 2it i!n t realC it ! Du!t a $a0e?3 In!tead= the $eneral tone of hi! *oo6! i! to ta6e all thi! ver+ !eriou!l+J? ,Persona% revo%ution is "ue%ed by emotiona% energy o" the purest intensity (hat intensity comes "rom "ocus and that +ind o" "ocused emotiona% energy doesn<t %oo+ %i+e %ove or tran=ui%ity or compassion /t %oo+s %i+e seething rage or ug%y business, but that<s ho! it !or+s Suicida% discontentJ that<s ho! revo%utions are !on and that<s !hy they so se%dom are 7oc+ets aren<t %aunched into space on chanting and prayers, and escaping the ego<s gravity re=uires an e=uiva%ent amount o" e.p%osive "orce 5e have to ta+e a%% the emotiona% energy !e norma%%y b%ast out in a thousand directions to +eep our dreamstate characters animated and "ocus it on a sing%e point /t<s a%% or nothing 5ut= in fact= it ! all Du!t a $a0e a wonderfull+ co0pleE= eEcitin$= challen$in$ trea!ure hunt for the truth? -inall+= #ed u!e! hi! fir!t *oo6= Spiritua% 3n%ightenment4 (he Damnedest (hing= to de!cri*e hi! proce!! and tran!for0ation in!ide the cocoon? /e !pea6! of the !tate of freedo0 fro0 the 0ovie theater in $lowin$ ter0!= and the reader !hould co0e awa+ fro0 that *oo6 wantin$ to *e where #ed i!? Then #ed !pend! half of 5oo6 Two= Spiritua%%y /ncorrect 3n%ightenment= de!cri*in$ how difficult it i! to $et where he i!= $ivin$ eEcellent eEa0ple! fro0 one of hi! 2!tudent!=3 #ulie= of her own !piritual autol+!i! proce!! a reali!tic loo6 at the ti0e ever+one will !pend in!ide the cocoon? OThe other half of the *oo6 i! #ed pattin$ hi0!elf on the *ac6 for *ein$ the fir!t ever to fi$ure out Melville ! )oby Dic+?P In the third *oo6= Spiritua% 5ar"are= #ed *end! over *ac6ward! to tr+ to convince the reader the+ don<t want to $o where he i!= *ut to !ta+ in!ide the 0ovie theater a! a /u0an Adult in!teadJ? ,(he most important distinction to be made bet!een these t!o states is that 6uman &du%thood ma+es sense and 3n%ightenment doesn<t (he main bene"it most spiritua%%y inc%ined peop%e can derive "rom having a c%ear understanding o" !hat it rea%%y means to be truth8rea%i>ed is not so they can achieve it, but so they can dispense

!ith it and reset their spiritua% sights on something !orthier than en%ightenment, !hich is, %itera%%y, the biggest nothing o" a%% time NNN I could 0ention other !0aller area! where I di!a$ree with #ed= *ut I 0 not tr+in$ to *e pic6+? I !i0pl+ want to point out that #ed ! viewpoint i! *ia!ed *+ the route he too6 acro!! the Roc6+ Mountain!C and althou$h hi! de!cription of the Pacific Ocean i! eEtre0el+ accurate= hi! wa+ of $ettin$ there i! not the onl+ wa+= and not ever+one ha! to $o throu$h what he went throu$h? Nor will ever+one feel the !a0e wa+ #ed doe! when he arrive!? I don t= for eEa0ple? I al!o want to e0pha!iLe that +ou will find i!olated !entence! or two throu$hout #ed ! *oo6! that contradict the $eneral tone of hi! writin$= li6eJ ,/t<s a%% ?ust consciousness, you are ?ust consciousness (here is nothing e%se ,)aya, it shou%d be remembered, is not an actua% arch8deity th!arting us "rom on high )aya is inside us, a part o" us9 she<s not a she and she<s not e.terna% to you She<s inside you and those %ayers are the stu"" o" !hich your ego is made ,/nstead o" adopting a !ar%i+e posture, !e must, counter8intuitive%y, %o!er our shie%ds and de"enses (his seems con"using unti% !e understand that !e are both the protagonist and the antagonist in this con"%ict, both attac+er and de"ender (his is the parado.ica% nature o" the strugg%e 5e can<t !in by "ighting (he very thing that "ights, that resists, is the thing !e see+ to overthro! And #ed doe!= occa!ionall+= eEpre!! hi! appreciation for all the thin$! he !ee0! to Dud$e and criticiLe !o freKuentl+= even Ma+aJ? ,/ can<t thin+ o" anything more "ascinating or %ove%y or !orthy o" appreciation than )ayaJ the architect o" de%usion ,(he idea that9 the dua%istic universe is anything other than the grandest and most !onder"u% o" a%% b%essings is %aughab%y absurd So if +ou read #ed ! *oo6! with a di!cri0inatin$ e+e= overloo6 the $eneral tone and *e watchful for the 6e+ !entence!= +ou are in for a real treat? In 0+ opinion= the 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy i! reKuired readin$ for an+one who want! to *eco0e a *utterfl+? -OOTNOTES 1? All Kuote! in thi! chapter are fro0 Mc<enna= #ed? (he 3n%ightenment (ri%ogy 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content!

Question4 A lot of thin$! +ou have !aid !ound li6e !tuff I have read *+ >?8? <ri!hna0urtiJ?

&ns!er4 I ve read a lot of thin$! fro0 >?8? no relation!hip to #? <ri!hna0urti that I li6e= too? There are other thin$! I ve read where he !ee0! to contradict hi0!elf a lot= thin$! I di!a$ree with= or 0a+*e thin$! I don t totall+ under!tand? 5ut here ! a !a0ple fro0 thi! 2antiM$uru3 of what I li6eJ? ,Peop%e ca%% me an Ien%ightened man< E / detest that term E they can<t "ind any other !ord to describe the !ay / am "unctioning &t the same time, / point out that there is no such thing as en%ightenment at a%% / say that because a%% my %i"e /<ve searched and !anted to be an en%ightened man, and / discovered that there is no such thing as en%ightenment at a%%, and so the =uestion !hether a particu%ar person is en%ightened or not doesn<t arise / don<t give a hoot "or a si.th8century8BC Buddha, %et a%one a%% the other c%aimants !e have in our midst (hey are a bunch o" e.p%oiters, thriving on the gu%%ibi%ity o" the peop%e ,(he ho%y men are a%% phonies E they are te%%ing me on%y !hat is there in the boo+s (hat / can read E IDo the same again and again< E that / don<t !ant 3.periences / don<t !ant (hey are trying to share an e.perience !ith me /<m not interested in e.perience &s "ar as e.perience goes, "or me there is no di""erence bet!een the re%igious e.perience and the se. e.perience or any other e.perienceJ the re%igious e.perience is %i+e any other e.perience / am not interested in e.periencing BrahmanJ / am not interested in e.periencing rea%ityJ / am not interested in e.periencing truth (hey might he%p othersJ but they cannot he%p me /<m not interested in doing more o" the sameJ !hat / have done is enough ,/ had arrived at a point !here / said to myse%" IBuddha de%uded himse%" and de%uded others &%% those teachers and saviors o" man+ind !ere damned "oo%s E they "oo%ed themse%ves E so /<m not interested in this +ind o" thing anymore,< so it !ent out o" my system comp%ete%y ,#ou hope that you !i%% be ab%e to reso%ve the prob%em o" desire through thin+ing, because o" that mode% o" a saint !ho you thin+ has contro%%ed or e%iminated desire /" that man has no desire as you imagine, he is a corpse Don<t be%ieve that man at a%%C Such a man bui%ds some organi>ation, and %ives in %u.ury, !hich you pay "or #ou are maintaining him 6e is doing it "or his %ive%ihood (here is a%!ays a "oo% in the !or%d !ho "a%%s "or him NNN ,(hey are a%% %iars, "ops, "a+es and cheaters in the !or%d, !ho c%aim they have searched "or and to%d the truthC &%right, you !ant to "ind out "or yourse%" !hat this truth is Can you "ind outD Can you capture the truth and ho%d it and say I(his is truthD< 5hether you accept or re?ect, it<s the same4 it depends on your persona% pre?udices and predi%ections So i" you !ant to discover the truth "or yourse%", !hatever it is, you are not in a position to either accept or re?ect #ou assume that there is such a thing as truth, you assume that there is such a thing as rea%ity @u%timate or other!iseP E it is that assumption that is creating the prob%em, the su""ering, "or you Loo+ here, / !ant to e.perience God, truth, rea%ity or !hat you !i%%, so / must understand the nature o" the e.periencing structure inside o" me be"ore / dea% !ith a%% that / must %oo+ at the instrument / am using #ou are trying to capture something that cannot be captured in terms o" your e.periencing structure, so this e.periencing structure must not be there in order that the other thing may come in 5hat that is, you !i%% never +no! #ou !i%% never +no! the truth, because it<s a movement /t<s a movementC #ou cannot capture it, you cannot contain it, you cannot it /t<s not a %ogica%%y ascertained premise that !e are interested in So, it has to be your discovery 5hat good is my e.perienceD 5e have thousands and thousands o" e.periences recorded E they haven<t he%ped you /t<s the hope that +eeps you going E I/" / "o%%o! this "or another ten years, "i"teen years, maybe one o" these days / !i%%9 < because hope is the structure ,/ discovered "or myse%" and by myse%" that there is no se%" to rea%i>e E that<s the rea%i>ation / am ta%+ing about /t comes as a shattering b%o! /t hits you %i+e a thunderbo%t #ou have invested everything in one bas+et, se%"8rea%i>ation, and, in the end, sudden%y you discover that there is no se%" to discover, no se%" to rea%i>e E and you say to yourse%" I5hat the he%% have / been doing a%% my %i"eDC< (hat b%asts you -

,2othing (hat<s the discovery So8ca%%ed se%"8rea%i>ation is the discovery "or yourse%" and by yourse%" that there is no se%" to discover (hat !i%% be a very shoc+ing thing E I5hy the he%% have / !asted a%% my %i"eD< /t<s a shoc+ing thing because it<s going to destroy every nerve, every ce%%, even the ce%%s in the marro! o" your bones / te%% you, it<s not going to be an easy thing, it<s not going to be handed over to you on a go%d p%atter #ou have to become comp%ete%y disi%%usioned, then the truth begins to itse%" in its o!n !ay / have discovered that it is use%ess to try to discover the truth (he search "or truth is, / have discovered, absurd, because it<s a thing !hich you cannot capture, contain, or give e.pression to NNN ,#ou see, my di""icu%ty !ith the peop%e !ho come to see me is this4 they don<t seem to be ab%e to understand the !ay / am "unctioning, and / don<t seem to be ab%e to understand the !ay they are "unctioning 6o! can !e carry on a dia%ogueD Both o" us have to stop 6o! can there be a dia%ogue bet!een us bothD,/ am not trying to se%% anything here /t is impossib%e "or you to simu%ate this (his is a thing that has happened outside the "ie%d, the area, in !hich / e.pected, dreamed and !anted change, so / don<t ca%% this a Ichange< / rea%%y don<t +no! !hat has happened to me 5hat / am te%%ing you is the !ay / am "unctioning (here seems to be some di""erence bet!een the !ay you are "unctioning and the !ay / am "unctioning, but basica%%y there can<t be any di""erence 6o! can there be any di""erence bet!een you and meD (here can<t beJ but "rom the !ay !e are trying to ourse%ves, there seems to be / have the "ee%ing that there is some di""erence, and !hat that di""erence is is a%% that / am trying to understand So, this is the !ay / am "unctioning ,Put it simp%y / can<t "o%%o! a very comp%e. structure E / have that di""icu%ty, you see Probab%y /<m a %o!8 grade moron or something, / don<t +no! E / can<t "o%%o! conceptua% thin+ing #ou can put it in very simp%e !ords 5hat e.act%y is the =uestionD Because the ans!er is thereJ / don<t have to give the ans!er 5hat / usua%%y do is restructure the =uestion, rephrase it in such a !ay that the =uestion appears sense%ess to you ,/" somebody as+s me a =uestion sudden%y, / try to ans!er, emphasi>ing and pointing out that there is no ans!er to that =uestion So, / mere%y rephrase, restructure and thro! the same =uestion bac+ at you /t<s not game p%aying, because /<m not interested in !inning you over to my point o" vie! /t<s not a =uestion o" o""ering opinions E o" course / do have my opinions on everything "rom disease to divinity, but they<re as !orth%ess as anybody e%se<s ,/t is the =uestioner that creates the ans!erJ and the =uestioner comes into being "rom the ans!er, other!ise there is no =uestioner / am not trying to p%ay !ith !ords #ou +no! the ans!er, and you !ant a con"irmation "rom me, or you !ant some +ind o" %ight to be thro!n on your prob%em, or you<re curious E i" "or any o" these reasons you !ant to carry on a dia%ogue !ith me, you are ?ust !asting your timeJ you<%% have to go to a scho%ar, a pundit, a %earned man E they can thro! a %ot o" %ight on such =uestions (hat<s a%% that / am interested in this +ind o" a dia%ogue4 to he%p you to "ormu%ate your o!n =uestion (ry and "ormu%ate a =uestion !hich you can ca%% your o!n NNN ,#our natura% state has no re%ationship !hatsoever !ith the re%igious states o" b%iss, beatitude and ecstasyJ they %ie !ithin the "ie%d o" e.perience (hose !ho have %ed man on his search "or re%igiousness throughout the centuries have perhaps e.perienced those re%igious states So can you (hey are thought8induced states o" being, and as they come, so do they go Urishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, or !hat have you, are a%% trips in the !rong direction4 they are a%% !ithin the "ie%d o" time (he time%ess can never be e.perienced, can never be grasped, contained, much %ess given e.pression to, by any man (hat beaten trac+ !i%% %ead you no!here (here is no oasis situated yonderJ you are stuc+ !ith the mirage -

,#ou see, peop%e usua%%y imagine that so8ca%%ed en%ightenment, se%"8rea%i>ation, God8rea%i>ation or !hat you !i%% @/ don<t %i+e to use these !ordsP is something ecstatic, that you !i%% be permanent%y happy, in a b%iss"u% state a%% the time E these are the images they have o" those peop%e9 (here<s no re%ationship at a%% bet!een the image you have o" that, and !hat actua%%y is the situation9 (hat<s !hy / very o"ten te%% peop%e I/" / cou%d give you some g%impse o" !hat this is a%% about, you !ou%dn<t touch this !ith a barge po%e, a ten "oot po%e < #ou !ou%d run a!ay "rom this because this is not !hat you !ant 5hat you !ant does not, you see ,5e don<t !ant to be "ree "rom "ear &%% that !e !ant to do is to p%ay games !ith it and ta%+ about "reeing ourse%ves "rom "ear ,#ou see, the search ta+es you a!ay "rom yourse%" E it is in the opposite direction E it has abso%ute%y no re%ation ,(he search is a%!ays in the !rong direction, so a%% that you consider very pro"ound, a%% that you consider sacred, is a contamination in that consciousness #ou may not %i+e the !ord Icontamination<, but a%% that you consider sacred, ho%y and pro"ound is a contamination ,Bnderstanding is a state o" being !here the =uestion isn<t there any moreJ there is nothing there that says Ino! / understandC< E that<s the basic di""icu%ty bet!een us By understanding !hat / am saying, you are not going to get any!here ,(his consciousness !hich is "unctioning in me, in you, in the garden s%ug and earth!orm outside, is the same /n me it has no "rontiersJ in you there are "rontiers E you are enc%osed in that Probab%y this un%imited consciousness pushes you, / don<t +no! 2ot meJ / have nothing to do !ith it /t is %i+e the !ater "inding its o!n %eve%, that<s a%% E that is its nature (hat is !hat is happening in you4 %i"e is trying to destroy the enc%osing thing, that dead structure o" thought and e.perience, !hich is not o" its nature /t<s trying to come out, to brea+ open #ou don<t !ant that &s soon as you see some crac+s there, you bring some p%aster and "i%% them in and b%oc+ it again /t doesn<t have to be a so8ca%%ed se%"8rea%i>ed man or spiritua% man or God8rea%i>ed man that pushes youJ anything, that %ea" there, teaches you ?ust the same i" on%y you %et it do !hat it can NNN ,5e have very strange ideas in the re%igious "ie%d E torture this body, s%eep on nai%s, contro%, deny things E a%% +inds o" "unny things 5hat "orD 5hy deny certain thingsD / don<t +no! 5hat is the di""erence bet!een a man going to a bar "or a g%ass o" beer, and a man going to a temp%e and repeating the name o" 7amaD / don<t see any basic di""erence9 / am not against escapes, but !hether you escape through this avenue or that avenue, an escape is an escape #ou are escaping "rom yourse%"9 5hat you do or do not do does not matter at a%% #our practice o" ho%iness, your practice o" virtue E that is socia%%y va%uab%e "or the society, but that has nothing to do !ith this ,By conserving se. energy, you are not going to improve yourse%" in any !ay /t is too si%%y and too absurd 5hy have they %aid so much stress on thatD &bstinence, continence, ce%ibacy, is not going to he%p to put you in this state, in this situation ,#ou don<t +no! !hat is goodJ you +no! on%y !hat is good "or you (hat<s a%% you are interested in, that<s a "act 3verything centers around that &%% your art and reason centers around that / am not being cynica% (hat<s a "act 2othing !rong !ith it /<m not saying anything against it (he situations change, but it is that !hich is guiding you through a%% situations /<m not saying it is !rong you see /" it is not so, something must be !rong !ith you &s %ong as you are operating in the "ie%d o" !hat they ca%% the Ipair o" opposites<, good and bad, you !i%% a%!ays be choosy, in every situation, that is a%% E you cannot he%p doing that -

,& Imora% man< is a Ichic+en< & Imora% man< is a "rightened man, a chic+en8hearted man E that is !hy he practices mora%ity and sits in ?udgment over others &nd his righteous indignationC & mora% man @i" there is oneP !i%% never, never ta%+ o" mora%ity or sit in ?udgment on the mora%s o" others 2everC,0uestioning my actions be"ore and a"ter is over "or me (he mora% =uestion E I/ shou%d have acted this !ayJ / shou%d not have acted that !ay / shou%d not have said this< E none o" that is there "or me / have no regrets, no apo%ogiesJ !hatever / am doing is automatic /n a given situation / am not capab%e o" acting in any other !ay / don<t have to rationa%i>e, thin+ %ogica%%y E nothing E that is the one and on%y action in that particu%ar situation NNN ,#ou are as+ing me I6as anything any purposeD< Loo+ here, a %ot o" meanings and purposes have been given to you 5hy are you sti%% %oo+ing "or the meaning o" %i"e, the purpose o" %i"eD 3verybody has ta%+ed o" the meaning o" %i"e and the purpose o" %i"e E everybody &ns!ers have been given by the saviours, saints and sages o" man+ind E you have thousands o" them in /ndia E and yet today you are sti%% as+ing the same =uestion, I6as %i"e any purpose or meaningD< 3ither you are not satis"ied or you are not rea%%y interested in "inding out "or yourse%" / submit that you are not rea%%y interested, because it<s a "rightening thing /t<s a very "rightening thing /s there any such thing as truthD 6ave you ever as+ed that =uestion "or yourse%"D 6as anybody to%d the truthD,/n a !ay, the !ho%e o" %i"e is %i+e a great big dream / am %oo+ing at you, but / rea%%y don<t +no! anything about you E this is a dream, a dream !or%d E there is no rea%ity to it at a%% 5hen the e.periencing structure is not manipu%ating consciousness @or !hatever you !ant to ca%% itP, then the !ho%e o" %i"e is a great big dream, "rom the e.perientia% point o" vie! E not "rom this point o" vie! hereJ but "rom your point o" vie! #ou see, you give rea%ity to things E not on%y to ob?ects, but a%so to "ee%ings and e.periences E and thin+ that they are rea% 5hen you don<t trans%ate them in terms o" your accumu%ated +no!%edge, they are not thingsJ you rea%%y don<t +no! !hat they are ,Courage is to brush aside everything that man has e.perienced and "e%t be"ore you #ou are the on%y one, greater than a%% those things 3verything is "inished, the !ho%e tradition is "inished, ho!ever sacred and ho%y it may be E then on%y can you be yourse%" E that is individua%ity 'or the "irst time you become an individua% &s %ong as you depend upon somebody, some authority, you are not an individua% /ndividua% uni=ueness cannot itse%" as %ong as there is dependence ,)y %i"e story goes up to a point, and then it stops E there is no more biography a"ter that Desire%essness, non8greed, non8anger E those things have no meaning to meJ they are "a%se, and they are not on%y "a%se, they are "a%si"ying me /<m "inished !ith the !ho%e business NNN I !aid at the *e$innin$ of thi! chapter 2there are other thin$! I ve read where he !ee0! to contradict hi0!elf a lot= thin$! I di!a$ree with= or 0a+*e thin$! I don t totall+ under!tand?3 Apparentl+ >?8? a$ree!J? ,/ am a%!ays negating !hat / am saying / ma+e a statement, but that statement is not e.pressing a%% that is being said, so / negate it #ou say / am contradicting myse%" / am not contradictory at a%% / negate the "irst statement, the second statement, and a%% the other statements E that is !hy sometimes it sounds very contradictory / am negating it a%% the time, not !ith the idea o" arriving at any pointJ ?ust negating (here is no purpose in my ta%+ing -1

-OOTNOTES 1? (he 3ssentia% BG M RM+ teachin$= if that i! the word +ou want to u!e= ha! no cop+ri$ht? @ou are free to reproduce= di!tri*ute= interpret= 0i!interpret= di!tort= $ar*le= do what +ou li6e= even clai0 author!hip= without 0+ con!ent or the per0i!!ion of an+*od+?R 5ac6 to readin$

5ac6 to the Ta*le of Content! I thou$ht I Du!t read in Chapter Twent+MSeven that ti0e doe!n t eEi!t? &hat are +ou doin$ callin$ the la!t chapter in thi! *oo6 2The -uture'3 &ns!er4 @ou re ri$ht? 5ut I al!o !aid in Chapter Twent+ that 2I can !till drea0C3 and that ! what I d li6e to do drea0 a little a*out the future a! lon$ a! I don t $et attached to the fulfill0ent of tho!e drea0!? Actuall+= toward the end of +our ti0e in the cocoon= +ou *e$in to !ee ripple! in the >niver!al ocean= 0ove0ent in the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plateC and !o0eti0e! it ! fun to !peculate in a $eneral !ort of wa+ where tho!e ripple! 0i$ht *e headin$? I 0 !eein$ a couple ripple! I want to focu! on for a few 0inute! *efore I end thi! *oo6= !i0pl+ *ecau!e I find !o0e of thi! !tuff fa!cinatin$? The fir!t ripple I !ee i! that the dra0a and conflict and pain and !ufferin$ and war and violence and hard!hip in the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate are actuall+ increasing acro!! the world= de!pite or perhap!= a! eEplained in Chapter Ei$hteen= in part a! a re!ult of the re!i!tance of 0ore and 0ore 2peacewor6er!?3 So0e of the 2developed3 countrie! haven t *een !o hard hit +et= *ut the+ will *e a! the $lo*al econo0ic !+!te0 *eco0e! 0ore chaotic? It !ee0! li6e ever+ da+ the new! i! full of 0ore death! fro0 war and violence= and fro0 natural di!a!ter! a! well? More people are out of wor6 around the world= 0ore *arel+ livin$ fro0 hand to 0outh= 0ore lo!in$ their ho0e!= 0ore with no idea how the+ or their fa0ilie! will !urvive? More econo0ie! are failin$= 0ore $overn0ent! are collap!in$ or *ein$ challen$ed= and 0ore theorie! of ever+thin$ are fallin$ *+ the wa+!ide? -or 0e= however= thi! i! not a 2*ad3 thin$ at all? It 0a+ actuall+ *e !i$nalin$ the *e$innin$ of a 0a!! eEodu! out of the 0ovie theater with lar$e nu0*er! of Pla+er! $atherin$ around the $arden read+ to eat fro0 the Tree of )ife? In other word!= the !crew! 0a+ *e ti$htenin$= the ru**er *and 0a+ *e !tretchin$ to it! li0it!= the !ituation deterioratin$ until 0ore and 0ore /u0an Children are willin$ to !tand up in their !eat! and +ell= 25e<re mad as he%% and !e<re not going to ta+e it any more 3 and 0ore /u0an Adult! realiLe what ! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater i!n t wor6in$ either and head for the door? So0eti0e! thin$! have to $et prett+ 2*ad3 for that to happen? 5ut I ve *een overl+ opti0i!tic *efore= !o I can t *e !ure? A! Alan Shore !aid in one of hi! clo!in$ ar$u0ent! in an epi!ode of Boston Lega%J ,5hen the !eapons o" mass destruction thing turned out not to be true, / e.pected the &merican peop%e to rise up (hey didn<t (hen, !hen the &bu Ghraib torture thing sur"aced, and it !as revea%ed that our government participated in rendition E a practice !here !e +idnap peop%e and turn them over to regimes !ho specia%i>e in torture E / !as sure then the &merican peop%e !ou%d be heard "rom 5e stood mute ,(hen came the ne!s that !e ?ai%ed thousands o" so8ca%%ed Iterrorist< suspects, %oc+ed them up !ithout the right to a tria%, or even the right to con"ront their accusers Certain%y !e !ou%d never stand "or that 5e did


,&nd no! it<s been discovered the 3.ecutive Branch has been conducting massive i%%ega% domestic survei%%ance on its o!n citi>ens E you and meJ and / at %east conso%ed myse%" that "ina%%y E "ina%%y E the &merican peop%e !i%% have had enough 3vident%y !e haven<t ,/n "act, i" the peop%e o" this country have spo+en, the message is, I5e<re o+ay !ith it a%% E torture, !arrant%ess search and sei>ures, i%%ega% !iretappings, prison !ithout a "air trai%, or any tria%, !ar on "a%se pretenses 5e as a citi>enry are apparent%y not o""ended (here are no demonstrations on co%%ege campusesJ in "act there<s no c%ear indication that young peop%e even seem to notice -1 Ma+*e it ! an encoura$in$ !i$n that 2+oun$ people3 aren t de0on!tratin$ on colle$e ca0pu!e!= or otherwi!e prote!tin$ in $eneral? Perhap! it 0ean! the+ are *e$innin$ to realiLe that 2chan$in$ thin$!3 i!n t wor6in$= *ut the+ al!o !ee the futilit+ in re!i!tance= the purpo!ele!!ne!! in Doinin$ $roup! in the *ac6 of the 0ovie theater= the ra0pant contradiction! and incon!i!tencie! in all Dud$0ental *elief !+!te0!? Ma+*e 2+oun$ people3 are !i0pl+ nu0*= fed up with the whole thin$= *ut with no clue of what to do= no concept +et of a via*le alternative to the outdated and inaccurate 0odel! of life found in!ide the 0ovie theater? Perhap! the+ re read+ for thi! /u0an 8a0e 0odel? A! I a!6ed in Chapter Twent+MOne= 2/ow 0uch 0ore pain and !ufferin$ and li0itation and re!triction i! reKuired *efore 0illion! of Pla+er! !urrender= under!tand it i! their own Dud$0ent! and re!i!tance cau!in$ that pain and !ufferin$= and are willin$ to *e$in proce!!in$ the fal!e 6nowled$e and la+er! of the e$o that are part of life in!ide the 0ovie theater'3 So Ripple \1 appear! to 0e headed in the direction of 0ore pain and !ufferin$= and !a+! to 0e the rollercoa!ter i! nearin$ the top of the fir!t hill= when thin$! $et reall+ tou$h and the $oin$ $et! reall+ rou$h for tho!e in!ide? NNN Ripple \"= $oin$ in the oppo!ite direction= i! that there are al!o !i$n! 0ore and 0ore Pla+er! are wa6in$ up fro0 their drea0!tate= or at lea!t wa6in$ up !ithin their drea0!tate? @ou recall I tal6ed a*out a 2te0plate3 Oor 0atriEP for the 2Earth Environ0ent3 in Chapter Twent+M-our? )et ! !peculate a little on how that te0plate 0i$ht chan$e fro0 ti0e to ti0eJ? Re0e0*er The -ield' 2& "ie%d o" a%% possibi%ity?3" 2(he "oundation o" the universe is a sing%e universa% "ie%d o" inte%%igence9 the "ountainhead o" a%% the %a!s o" natureJ a%% the "undamenta% "orces, a%% the "undamenta% partic%es, a%% the %a!s governing %i"e at every %eve% o" the universe?3% 25e can<t e.p%ain !hat !e do see as matter9un%ess !e picture that these matter partic%es someho! come out "rom or emerge "rom these thought8!ave patterns -(

An /n"inite / $oe! to thi! -ield and choo!e! certain !pecific wave freKuencie! to create the holo$raphic eEperience! it want! for it! Pla+er?

5ut rather than havin$ to reMcreate the car and the *uildin$! and the *riefca!e and the $alaEie! and the !olar !+!te0 and thi! planet each ti0e= it u!e! a te0plate in The -ield I have called the 2Earth Environ0ent3 for it! *a!ic 2total i00er!ion 0ovie !et=3 and add! whatever uniKue a!pect! it want! for it! individual Pla+er? Then it download! that holo$ra0 to it! Pla+er ! *rain? I al!o tal6ed a*out the hu0an *rain receivin$ the!e holo$raphic wave freKuencie! fro0 The -ield and tran!latin$ the0 into our 2ph+!ical realit+=3 li6e a radio that receive! !ound wave freKuencie! and tran!late! the0 into 0u!ic and word! we can hearC and thi! i! where the Pla+er co0e! in? )et 0e eEplainJ? A radio ha! a certain ran$e of freKuencie! it can receive and tran!late into !ound? The AM ran$e i! ,%,M 1.0, </L= and the -M ran$e i! u!uall+ 44 M 104 M/L= althou$h thi! can var+ !li$htl+ fro0 countr+ to countr+? O*viou!l+= there are !ound! to *e heard out!ide of tho!e freKuencie!= *ut a radio receiver doe!n t pic6 the0 up? Thi! i! al!o true for hu0an!= who can hear onl+ a li0ited ran$e of !ound! a! well? 9o$!= dolphin! and other creature! can hear different freKuencie! than we do= for eEa0ple? There i! !o0e !cientific evidence our *rain! are receivin$ a 0uch wider ran$e of freKuencie! than we are a*le to perceive? Michael &eli6+ fro0 the >niver!it+ of Roche!ter conducted a !tud+ which led hi0 to conclude that perhap! a! 0uch a! 40T of the freKuencie! we receive are Rloc6ed in our head!=R , una*le to *e perceived? Re$ardle!! of how wide a ran$e of freKuencie! the hu0an *rain 0i$ht *e a*le to receive fro0 The -ield= itQ! clear there i! a li0ited ran$e of freKuencie! we can actuall+ perceive? &hat eEactl+ i! deter0inin$ thi! ran$e of freKuencie!' The Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear! we for0 in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? So at an+ $iven 0o0ent= the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate in The -ield availa*le to an /n"inite / to create a holo$ra0 for it! Pla+er i! li0ited to a certain ran$e of freKuencie! the Pla+er can perceive *a!ed on their Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!? I want to !a+ that a third ti0e *ecau!e itQ! !o i0portantA 1ur ?udgments, be%ie"s, opinions, and "ears %imit the range o" "re=uencies our /n"inite / can use "rom (he 'ie%d to do!n%oad a ho%ographic e.perience !e can perceive Thi! i! de0on!trated !o well *+ 9r? 5ruce )ipton in hi! eEerci!e with the two !et! of colored $la!!e! and the picture! of -EAR and )OFE?. &ith that in 0ind= I want to ta6e a loo6 at the freKuenc+ ran$e of our current te0plate of the 2Earth Environ0ent=3 *ut thi! i! $oin$ to *e a little tric6+ *ecau!e of the wordin$ and the analo$+ to a radio? I want to e0pha!iLe *efore we !tart that no freKuenc+ i! 2*etter3 or 2wor!e3 than an+ other freKuenc+C and when I u!e certain nu0*er! to repre!ent freKuencie!= it doe! not 0ean one nu0*er i! 2*etter3 or Rwor!eR Du!t *ecau!e it ! a

2hi$her3 or 2lower3 nu0*er? -or eEa0ple= the 0u!ic at 71?% on a radio dial i! no 2*etter3 than the 0u!ic at 10(?1? It ! Du!t a different freKuenc+ with different content? @ou 0a+ prefer to li!ten to one 6ind of 0u!ic over another= *ut that doe!n t 0a6e it 2*etter?3 To help re0ove all Dud$0ent! a*out the nu0*er!= I have intentionall+ rever!ed the followin$ $raphic! fro0 what we would nor0all+ eEpect to !ee? In fact= doin$ it thi! wa+ i! 0ore in 6eepin$ with our rollercoa!ter analo$+= where the 2hi$her3 +ou $o on the fir!t hill= the 0ore li0itation +ou eEperience? O6a+? )etQ! ar*itraril+ !a+ the total freKuenc+ ran$e in The -ield availa*le to our /n"inite / to create a holo$raphic eEperience $oe! fro0 0 to "000= !o0ewhat li6e thi!????

/owever= 0o!t Pla+er! toda+ can onl+ perceive part of that freKuenc+ ran$e O,00M1400P *ecau!e of their Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion! and fear!= !o0ewhat li6e thi!????

If we were to $raph the Pla+er! on Earth and the freKuenc+ ran$e! the+ could perceive= it 0i$ht loo6 li6e a 5ell Curve????

???with ver+ few who!e eEperience! con!i!t 0ainl+ of total Do+ and a*undance Oapproachin$ no li0itation!PC al!o ver+ few eEperiencin$ cata!trophic di!a!ter! and pla$ue! Oco0plete li0itationPC and the va!t 0aDorit+ with an REarth Environ0entR te0plate ran$in$ fro0 *eaut+= !un!et!= happine!!= and love to war= violence= a*u!e= and fear? At an+ $iven ti0e= itQ! intere!tin$ for 0e to loo6 at the te0plate for the 2Earth Environ0ent3 that appear! in 0+ own holo$ra0= to !ee the freKuenc+ ran$e and how it i! chan$in$? A! I !aid= it !ee0! to 0e 0ore and 0ore Pla+er! are eEperiencin$ 0ore war= violence= a*u!e= and fear? The !heer nu0*er! of people who are in pain and !ufferin$ have !ee0in$l+ increa!ed dra0aticall+ in the la!t fift+ +ear! co0pared to previou! te0plate!? &hat thi! tell! 0e i! 0ore and 0ore Pla+er! are nearin$ the pinnacle of li0itation in the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e= and 0ore and 0ore /n"inite /<s 0i$ht *e read+ for their Pla+er! to enter the !econd half? 9id I 0a6e that clear' Rather than Dud$in$ the increa!in$ death! occurrin$ !o freKuentl+ now fro0 natural cata!trophe!= or the cra!h of the world financial !+!te0= or the 0eltin$ of the $lacier! a! R*ad=R the+ 0a+ !i0pl+ *e an indication the a0ount of li0itation appearin$ in the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate i! reachin$ it! 0aEi0u0 thre!hold and could re!ult in 0ore Pla+er! 0ovin$ into the !econd half of the /u0an 8a0e a! I !aid= li6e a ru**er *and *ein$ !tretched to it! li0it! *efore it *rea6!? NNN So how can we !tart perceivin$ a different ran$e of freKuencie! in the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate' 5+ lettin$ $o of our Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear! on an individual Pla+er level? &e have the free will and the a*ilit+ to do thatC and in the proce!! we will !hift the freKuenc+ ran$e of the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate we can perceive= and therefore the freKuenc+ ran$e our /n"inite / can u!e to create our holo$ra0!= fro0 thi!J

???to thi!J?

@ou ll notice that war and violence and a*u!e and fear are no lon$er perceiva*le in thi! new ran$e? The+ !till eEi!t= a! all freKuencie! do= *ut we !i0pl+ do not eEperience the0 an+ 0ore a! individual Pla+er!? Thi! i! what happen! a! a Pla+er 0ove! further in their cocoon a! the+ run Ro*ert ! Proce!! and do their !piritual autol+!i!= lettin$ $o of their Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!= and e!peciall+ !trippin$ awa+ la+er! of the e$oC the+ !i0pl+ !top havin$ the li0itin$ eEperience! the+ had in!ide the 0ovie theater appear in their holo$ra0!? On the other end of the !pectru0= we *e$in to eEperience 0ore than Du!t *eaut+= !un!et!= happine!! and love a! we 0ove toward unli0ited Do+ and a*undance? I want to e0pha!iLe it ! not nece!!ar+ to 2!end new infor0ation to The -ield3 to create the!e new freKuencie! a! !o0e teacher! have !u$$e!ted= *ecau!e The -ield= *+ definition= alread+ contain! all infor0ation and all po!!i*ilitie!= and *ecau!e we a! Pla+er! cannot create an+thin$ an+wa+? It i! al!o not nece!!ar+ to chan$e the nu0*er of 9NA !trand!= or achieve a certain level of 2enli$hten0ent=3 or eat onl+ or$anic food= or 0editate= or an+thin$ el!e in order to *e$in to perceive thi! new ran$e of freKuencie!? All that i! reKuired i! to let $o of the Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion! and fear! that deter0ined the freKuenc+ ran$e for the fir!t half of the /u0an 8a0e? Now the intere!tin$ Kue!tion i!A &hat if a lar$e nu0*er of Pla+er! were to leave the 0ovie theaterC 0a6e their wa+ throu$h their cocoonC let $o of their Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!C and were a*le to perceive thi! new freKuenc+ ran$e' &hat effect would that have on the 2Earth Environ0ent3 te0plate in The -ield the one the /n"inite /<s u!e when creatin$ holo$raphic eEperience! for their Pla+er!'

In other word!= what 0i$ht *e the effect= if an+= if a lar$e nu0*er of Pla+er! *e$in the proce!! of tran!for0in$ into *utterflie!' &ould the *ell curve then loo6 li6e thi!'

NNN A 5riti!h *iolo$i!t= Rupert Sheldra6e= ha! a theor+ he call! 20orphic re!onance=3 or 20orphic field theor+?31 5a!icall+ the theor+ !a+! when enou$h 0e0*er! of a !pecie! have adopted the !a0e *ehavior= a critical nu0*er i! reached= called a 2critical 0a!!=3 and thi! new *ehavior i! auto0aticall+ and rapidl+ tran!ferred *+ 20orphic re!onance3 to the entire !pecie!? 2(he term :morphic "ie%ds; is more genera% in its meaning than morphogenetic "ie%ds, and inc%udes other +inds o" organi>ing "ie%ds in addition to those o" morphogenesisJ the organi>ing "ie%ds o" anima% and human behaviour, o" socia% and cu%tura% systems, and o" menta% activity can a%% be regarded as morphic "ie%ds !hich contain an inherent memory?34 Sheldra6e ! theorie! have *een heavil+ criticiLed *+ 0ain!trea0 *iolo$i!t! for 0an+ +ear!? /owever= !o0e Kuantu0 ph+!ici!t! have !upported Sheldra6eQ! h+pothe!i!= and even 9avid 5oh0 !u$$e!ted it wa! in 6eepin$ with hi! own idea! of what he called the Ri0plicateR and ReEplicateR order?7 I 6now fro0 0+ direct eEperience! of te!tin$ and challen$in$ thi! 0odel that an individual Pla+er can !i$nificantl+ chan$e the ran$e of freKuencie! it! /n"inite / can u!e to create it! holo$raphic eEperience! *+ lettin$ $o of Dud$0ent!= *elief!= opinion!= and fear!= and !trippin$ awa+ the la+er! of e$o? So I wonderJ? If 0ore and 0ore Pla+er! were to enter their cocoon!= would the tran!for0ational proce!! *eco0e fa!ter and ea!ier for each new $eneration' &ould a critical 0a!! eventuall+ *e reached where all the Pla+er! on Earth auto0aticall+ wal6 out of the 0ovie theater and into their cocoon!' &ould the Earth= a! a Pla+er it!elf= no lon$er need a 0ovie theater and *e$in an entirel+ new $a0e' That ! Ripple \"? I d li6e to !ta+ around lon$ enou$h to !ee where it $oe!?

-OOTNOTES 1? Shore= Alan? In clo!in$ ar$u0ent! on Boston Lega%= Sea!on Two= Epi!ode 17? Stic+ /t M fir!t *roadca!t March 1(= "00. 5ac6 to readin$ "? McTa$$ert= )+nne? (he 'ie%d4 (he 0uest "or the Secret 'orce o" the Bniverse 5ac6 to readin$ %? /a$elin= #ohn? 5hat the B%eepCD E Do!n the 7abbit 6o%e 5ac6 to readin$ (? &olf= -red Alan? /bid 5ac6 to readin$ ,? Schir*er= Michael? 1n%y Bsing Part o" #our BrainD (hin+ &gain 5ac6 to readin$ .? )ipton= 5ruce? Bio%ogy o" Perception 5ac6 to readin$ 1? Sheldra6e= Rupert? & 2e! Science o" Li"e4 the hypothesis o" "ormative causation and (he Presence o" the Past4 morphic resonance and the habits o" nature 5ac6 to readin$ 4? Sheldra6e= Rupert? (he Presence o" the Past4 morphic resonance and the habits o" nature= p? 11" 5ac6 to readin$ 7? )e0le+= 5rad? 6eresy 5ac6 to readin$

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