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Aurora Hannah Rodriguez Falcao


Alex & Andrea Falcao INTERCESSORY MISSIONARIES 973.902.1817

...The burnt offering shall be on the hearth upon the altar all night until morning, and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.

Lev 6:9

Beloved Partners, Blessings to all! We are excited to announce the birth of our rstborn Aurora Hannah Falcao. We are so grateful to our Lord Jesus for making a smooth delivery where there were no complications and a perfectly healthy little girl whom we prayed before she was formed and during these wonderful nine months. We are so thankful for your prayers and support during this whole process. We will continue to testify of the goodness of our Christ in joining us together so quickly to now have this precious gift in our lives. It really has been a blur since we have met you all, gotten engaged and married in exactly 7months and now with our precious Aurora. How did we get Aurora? Personally we had never heard that name before and we personally knew no one with such name. We had been praying for months with no answer and not feeling out some other names. At about 7months time I prayed for the Lord to reveal our child's name. I received a dream a few days later where I was walking down a street and heard an audible name say, you [1]

guessed it, Aurora. As I kept walking I saw a man working and on his shirt was written....... Aurora. Haha. Woke up saying the name looked up the meaning and it means the awakening of the dawn. As the morning breaks as the sun comes up. We got a witness immediately in the likeness as the Son of Righteousness is at the breaking of the dawn of His glorious revealing. I have been given an opportunity to teach at our school of ministry this 3 month season on the class Apostolic Fathers! Ever since a kid in school I became this lover of history. All my history classes were A+ and with a joy to learn more and more. Now at the age of 31 the Lord has used this grace and rejuvenation of this desire towards church history. I've been basking in the studies of the early church and its rich history. So in the school of ministry I will be teaching a 8-10 wk course on the early church fathers and their writings. Please pray that the grace of Christ be released during these weeks of teaching. The Gathering: We have been leading this small group of youth for about 2yrs now in the fear of Christ. We feel the need to shepherd them and the compulsion to pray and teach them wholeheartedly. We had the chance to do 5 Gathering services at EG and now we have tweaked it with a refocus on solely the fascination of Jesus. Our hearts are adamant in seeing a generation remove their focus and hearts from the worthless, temporal things. I strongly believe that it's a fascination issue. They are consumed with this age and fascinated with the wrong thing. Our goal is that if through biblical teaching, worship, the Holy Spirit, and redirected

focus this generation could once again be God-centered. Christ would be the focus of their gaze and nothing else would or will matter. Please pray with us that the presence of Christ would penetrate the darkest heart and that those kids who have lost their focus would be once more drawn to this beautiful grace of Christ. Daily continuing in the breaking of bread and fellowship: We have been blessed to be part of our rst missions small group. We had been part of it before as we were preparing for dear friends to be released to the unreached and unengaged people groups of Turkey. After our beloved friends the Villacres left to Turkey we were all faced with what are we really doing with the call of God. Our small group leader Bob Sarbaugh was compelled to dare us to see the reality of our own backyard. Where we have thousands upon thousands unreached people's in our own neighborhoods. I was given the opportunity together with Bob to take some temple tours. The sole purpose was to witness the actual demonic idol worship that goes on daily at these temples. I saw the zeal that these followers had as we visited over 7 Hindu temples and a Buddhist community. Stunned at out of the 7 temples 3 of them used to be active churches that through time ran out of funds, members, and were sold to these false idol worshippers. I came to the thought that this American dream of owning the biggest church, lavish buildings, and grand entrances is nothing; for if God didn't care for a temple built by human hands in Old Testament times, where He allowed the destruction this temple twice on the same day years apart. Our Christ does not dwell in buildings for He cares much more for His own spiritual house, our bodies, more than buildings that burn, age, and eventually get sold. It greatly opened our eyes to the reality that in a 10mile radius from IHOPEG there are over 10 Hindu temples, mosques and unreached and unengaged people groups. So we are studying and working to establish some friendships in these communities

with the goal of starting a house church to reach these lost people groups here in America. Please join us in prayer as we continue to pursue Christ's grace to preach the gospel without fear and trembling. EGS - every Friday night 7-10pm we hold our encountering God meetings where our sole purpose and heart is to engage with the heart of God and allow His heart to be made known in our region. MT 25 - I will admit to all our friends and family that I am not a big fan of conferences. Haha. Reason is too many people lots going on and as much as there is a beautiful joy in serving there is also a tremendous feeling of simple human exhaustion. We had a tremendous call for the region and the amazing thing our Lord really highlighted was that He was moving our hearts !and missions base to missions. Ekballo the thrusting forth of laborers to the mission eld either locally or abroad. It really stamped our hearts in knowing that our prayers and earnest outcry doesn't go unheard. Christ will move heaven and earth for His purposes to be addressed in our personal lives and also in our region. The Lord released visions, dreams and a burden for nations once again.

the Cross, the highest revelation of God's beauty, power & majesty through the book of revelation, the second coming of Jesus and our eternal dwelling place the New Jerusalem. We spent months in the book of revelation with them. The children were fascinated with the real person of Jesus sitting on the throne.They were captivated of how He looks like, a person with ery emotions who possesses all power. Also Gods beauty around the Throne and His design of the eternal city... And this goes on and on :) During these months they had a journal that they used during the prayer room hours and I just don't have words to describe the prophetic pictures, dreams, visions and word of knowledge that The Lord released over the children during their sacred time in the prayer room. !Our call is not just to produce good kids but instead ery lovers of Jesus that love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Raising up this young generation by preparing them with the message of John 3:29 friend of the bridegroom who stands and hears His voice.

Sign & wonders/ forerunner camp At IHOPEG we follow Harp & Bowl model of prayer.Its simply due to the blending of worship and singing with intercession. The words Harp & Bowl is from the activity that was revealed to John the Apostle !in the book of revelation ( rev. 5:8). In heaven, music and prayer are never separated from one another. We base most of our prayer meetings in the house of prayer upon this concept and value. During the month of June until now I've been teaching with other staff from IhopEG to the children this exact model. Our primary goal is to lead young children into a deep encounter with God. These are key ways that we have been using during our teachings to help this generation bear fruit that remains:

Tuesday 2pm-4pm Children Set

Isaac Academy Homeschool Program Ages:6-12 After 6 months of serving at Isaac Academy we concluded our rst year of classes on ------ !I and my partner Lucy M. taught !and equipped the children in foundational topics such as the love of Christ, who we are in Christ,


Dear Partners we have a few prayer requests and needs that we wanted to share with you through prayer and also as the Lord leads you. As our family is expanding as the Lord has graced us we are praying for the Lord to provide an apartment for us with more room. This entails a few things: Firstly we are in need of more partners both in prayer and nancially as our expenses will go up and as Aurora grows and new things will be needed. Again I want to remind you that we have decided to live the simplest as we possibly can here in the United States. Secondly: Because of my lack of wisdom in my past and the destroying of my credit history we have seen that most renters not only want one and a half months security deposit but also a credit history check with income papers etc. As missionaries in the terms of the government we are way below the poverty line for a single man. Therefore making it extremely difcult to nd a renter and an apartment with simpler requirements. Thus we are in need of prayer that the Lord would open up a door for believers to rent.That would make it more manageable as we continue to trust the Lord to provide for our every need.

IDENTITY- connecting children to

their primary identify in God as

one who is both loved and a lover. And knowing who they are in God- His beloved and his son. INTIMACY- utilizing the gift of night and day prayer, we created an environment where all children receive the opportunity to express their love to God and receive Christ's love from them. Through the teaching !we asist them in developing an intimate dialogue with God and a thirst for communion with him. The children spent one and a half hours in the prayer room 3 times a week. I was astonished as I heard their testimony of the things that the Lord spoke, revealed, and unveiled to them. Not only for themselves but as well for other people that assisted the prayer room during that time.

INTERCESSION- I'm been working in different lessons that allow the children to develop a strong lifestyle of prayer that enables them to partner with the heart of God and give them an opportunity to learn how to actively engage in a prayer meeting and to participate on a team to lead a group of people into intercession. Our challenge is to carefully nurture and connect our children to the heart of God and what it means to play a part in the prayer movement. Our desire is to see them involved in the prayer movement and moving in signs and wonders. In Jesus name.

Prayers Answered!


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