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The Cornfield By Sophia and Nikita It was a cold morning.

The boy's father wanted to show him around the farm. Stan was a city boy, he was used to having a lot of people around all the time. He didn't like the loneliness of the rural areas. "Our ancestors have been farming these lands since they first arrived, 300 years ago." His Dad would say, "You must know your heritage. This morning Stan's dad was going to take him into the cornfield. It was a huge plot of land that stretched farther than the eyes could see. "That place is a maze, Dad!" Stan murmured at breakfast, "We'll get lost!" His Father answered with a reassuring tone, "Oh not at all. I've been in and out of that field since I was just a boy, even younger than you. Stan felt a bit more confident, but deep down inside he still had a bad feeling. They left the house later that day and entered the cornfield. Dad, I am pretty sure it has been hours since we left the house. Can we go back please? I am hungry, tired and I dont feel that well. said Stan in a whiny tone. All right son we can go. sighed his father. It was getting to be time for supper so they both thought they would race back to the farm. On your mark! Get set! his father paused for a second. Go! yelled Stan. Hey no fair! said his father with a sly grin. They raced for a long time. Stan was so happy to be leaving the forsaken cornfield so he ran as fast as he could for as long as he could. Stan was starting to lose his breath so he began to walk. He was walking for a minute or two when he realized that he did not hear his father running. He turned around quickly but his dad had vanished into thin air. Stan crossed his arms grumpily and said, Dad stop hiding! This isnt funny you know, we need to get back to house.

His dad never replied and Stan felt a rock fall into the pit of his stomach when he realized he was alone. He spent twenty minutes yelling for his dad. Calling and yelling hoping someone would yell back. He eventually gave up and wept in the dirt with no one to comfort him. He had no idea where he was or how he was going to get back to his family. Stan started to panic. He looked all around breathing heavily. He felt the force of something evil there with him even though he was all by himself. There was nothing in sight. He ran thinking that he could find his way back. He kept running and running until he couldnt run anymore. Every time he stopped to rest he became more and more tense until he quivered with fear. His heart was pounding and the endless amounts of corn were overwhelming. He wanted a way out and began to run again, but no matter how long and how far he ran there was no way out. Not only was the sun setting and it was getting dark, but it was also getting bitterly cold. He had his shorts and hoodie on from earlier when it was warmer and now he was freezing. He once again found himself panicking in the middle of the never-ending cornfield. He plopped down on the ground and when he did he felt something in his back pocket. Was it a glimmer of hope? Yes! It was! Overjoyed he screamed, My cellphone! It was now pitch black and he couldnt see anything in front of his face. When he turned on his phone the bright light shocked his eyes. He was frightened when he saw a shadow of a raven in the corn. He screamed, Stop, stop staring at me! Go away! He shined his cellphone light at the shadow but it had disappeared. He couldnt help but freak out; his fear had over come him. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the bright light. When he finally looked at his phone screen he saw that his phone was almost dead. He was filled with rage and pounded the dirt with his fist. Now he was alone in the corn with no way out and no one to talk to. All the while he sat there feeling the cornfield closing in on him. He felt some malevolent force there with him. It was what he had felt earlier, the same evil being staring at him. He heard a sound, and jolted away. He ran through the corn, pushing each stock away until he ran into a clearing. "Finally a way out!" he started, but quickly became quiet when he saw what was ahead. As he looked forward he saw a figure in the darkness. It swayed in the wind, but otherwise was completely motionless. "Who is there?" Stan asked the silence, expecting no answer. Suddenly the wind picked up and he heard a voice, coming from the direction of the

figure, "Come closer, Stan" it whispered. Stan froze in fear. "What should I do," Stan thought to himself. "I've spent all day looking for someone, and when I finally find another person, he scares the heck out of me!" Stan gathered what little of his courage he had left and stepped forward. With each step he took the wind seemed to protest. He neared the figure. "Closer, closer," the whispers continued. Finally he was right beside the figure. He reached out, and suddenly right before touching, the figure turned around and the raven flew at Stan's face. He fell down, closed his eyes and started to scream. "There you are Stan!" He heard a familiar voice say. Stan opened his eyes, and yelled "Daddy! Youre here! Help me, take me out of here!" "It's ok Stan, everything's going to be ok." Said his dad in his reassuring tone. "Watch out, the dark figure is going to get you!" Stan warned his Dad. "What figure? There's only old Jack, the scarecrow. Stan looked and saw the figure, but realized it really was just a scarecrow. "Let's go home Stan, his father said as reached his arm around the boys shoulder. That night Stan was in his bedroom. All was well. "Finally tomorrow I'll be back in the city. No more farms, no more corn fields." He stared out the window, his eyes closing. A crow flew by, and right before falling asleep, he heard a whisper. "Closer, closer."

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