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AC CIRCUIT USING PSPICE Experiment no. ____ By gcmallari I. Ob ecti!e" #.

To rein$orce t%e mat%ematical calc&lation by r&nning a comp&ter "im&lation on circ&it" in!ol!ing alternating c&rrent analy"i" '. To e!al&ate inp&t impe(ance &"ing P"pice or ot%er comp&ter "im&lation". II. Intro(&ction T%e &"e o$ comp&ter "im&lation greatly en%ance" t%e learning o$ circ&it analy"i" an( con$irm t%e man&al "ol&tion. III. Tool" an( E)&ipment *#+ PC ,it% Orca( Capt&re I-. Proce(&re #. Open PSpice an( inp&t t%e circ&it $ile a" gi!en on .ig&re # toget%er ,it% it" circ&it. T%e circ&it $ile i" ea"y eno&g% to implement t%an (ra,ing "c%ematic &"ing /or0benc% or Capt&re. AC Circ&it" U"ing PSpice #g m

.ig&re #. R1 AC Circ&it Ta0e notice ,it% t%e $ollo,ing parameter" regar(ing AC2 I*R+ 3 magnit&(e o$ t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% R. I4*R+ 3 magnit&(e o$ t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% R. IR*R+ 3 real component o$ t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% R. II*R+ 3 imaginary component o$ t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% R. IP*R+ 3 p%a"e angle in (egree" o$ t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% R. -*'+ 3 magnit&(e o$ t%e !oltage *bet,een no(e ' an( 5 re"pecti!ely+ -4*'+ 3 magnit&(e o$ t%e !oltage. -R*'+ 3 real component o$ t%e !oltage. -I*'+ 3 imaginary component o$ t%e !oltage. -P*'+ 3 p%a"e angle in (egree" o$ t%e !oltage. Circuit File no. 1 (File name: RL ckt1.cir) AC Circ&it ,it% R an( 1 in "erie" *coil+ # 5 AC #R # ' #.6 1 ' 5 6.74% .AC 1IN # 859: 859: .PRINT AC I*R+ IR*R+ II*R+ IP*R+ .EN;


U"ing analytical "ol&tion< t%e comp&te( c&rrent t%ro&g% R i"

I =

Vs 100 100 = = = 0.4 53.10 A 0 Z 1 + j 2 60(5.3m) 2.553.1

I" t%i" t%e "ame !al&e yo& get $rom r&nning PSpice= I$ not< re,or0 yo&r circ&it $ile. __________________________________________________________________ T%e p%a"or (iagram i" gi!en belo,.

Your manual solution here:

>. U"ing 4an&al comp&tation an( PSpice circ&it $ile "ol!e t%e circ&it $or !oltage acro"" terminal" *a+ an( *b+. Your circuit file here:

Your manual computation here:

'g m

AC Circ&it" U"ing PSpice

7. Parallel Branc%e" in AC Circ&it 4a0e a circ&it $ile &"ing t%e circ&it o$ .ig&re '. R&n it an( "ee t%e re"&lt $or !oltage acro"" t%e re"i"tor an( t%e c&rrent t%ro&g% t%e in(&ctor. Your circuit file here:


.in(ing Impe(ance. 4a0e a circ&it $ile $or circ&it o$ .ig&re > an( &"ing comman( "%o,n belo, an( attac%e( it at t%e bottom o$ yo&r circ&it $ile. R&n t%e PSpice an( "ee t%e real an( imaginary !al&e" o$ ? at # 09:. .AC 1IN .PROBE .EN; 65# 6559: #655 9:

-. RE.ERENCE Electric Circ&it by Ir,in

7g m

AC Circ&it" U"ing PSpice

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