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Movie Rewards Undesirable Behavior Targeted: Students tend to call out answers when teacher asks a question or if they have a question they just call it out. Their willingness to participate is great, but in doing so they do not allow others to participate. When they blurt out questions and answers they disrupt their peers and the teacher. Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted: Students will raise their hand when they want to contribute or ask a question. They will wait until they are called on and speak. Types of positive reinforcements Reinforced when & how?: 1. Immediate R+: The student(s) will be praised for being respectful and raising earning a ticket. 2. Delayed R+: At the end of the six weeks the students can use the tickets they earned to buy items from the treasure box. 3. Novel Interactive Learning Activity: At the end of the six weeks, if the students fill the box with tickets they will be rewarded by watching a movie. 4. Administering R+: I will hand out the ticket to my students immediately after they answer/ask a question. At the end of the six weeks when it is time to hand back tickets for the treasure box, I will separate them into stacks by the students name whenever they are in lunch and then hand them back to them so that they can purchase their prizes. Interactive Learning Activity: Each six weeks the students will have a list of book that they are required to read. The movie reward will be based on a book the students vote on. After they view the movie, they will be required to write a composition about the book/movie. Teaching Desired Behaviors: I will first model raising my hand to the students. I will do this by quietly raising my hand after I ask a question. I will then correct students who do not raise their hand correctly. For example if a student raises his/her hand, but still blurts out the answer I will show them the proper way to do it. After I have taught them I will ignore those who blurt out questions and answers and call on someone who does raise their hand. After they are done contributing I will thank them for properly raising their hand and not calling out so that their peers will learn from them. Teaching the Plan: After I have taught my students to properly raise their hands, I will explain that those who practice this will be rewarded with the ticket. Across Class Periods: This plan may need to be adjusted because not all students are willing to participate in class. Some students are too shy to raise their hand or may fear saying the wrong thing. It may need to be adjusted so that the teacher calls on the students to ensure everyone participates and that the class gets rewarded.


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