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2. Europe in North America


A. Six countries mainly explored the Americas

1. Spain 2. France 3. England 4. Portugal 5. Netherlands 6. Russia

B. Two main European countries fighting for land in North America

1. France 2. England

C. First European Colony in the US area was St. Augustine

1. It was settled in the year 1565 2. It was settled by Spain

D. Roanoke, Virginia 1. First English colony

2. It was settled in the year 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh, but he did not stay

3. john White came back in 1587

4. John Whites grand-daughter was the first English baby born in North America 5. Her name was Virginia Dare

6. The colony disappeared 7. Nobody knows what happened to it

- What do you think happened to Roanoke? - Would you be willing to take a risk, leave your home, and go to a different planet?

E. Jamestown Colony - Virginia 1. The colonists had a charter from England

2. The year was 1607 3. It was named after King James I

4. The first winter the people suffered a. starved c. bad water supply b. diseases d. people argued

5. John Smith took over to stop the arguing a. Trade with Native Americans b. no work, no food policy c. He was hurt in an accident and had to return to England

6. Things changed when John Rolfe arrived a. He brought tobacco - only Spain was selling it to England B. He fell in love and married Pocahontas

c. Tobacco sales brought the slave trade to North America d. Started the triangle trade

-Explain slavery and the triangle trade to your neighbor. -Why did the Virginia colonists accept slavery? -What was the action and reaction of slavery?

e. Jamestown started a representative government 1. you vote for people to represent you in government 2. you need to pay attention to what your representatives are saying!

F. Pilgrims arrived in 1620 on the Mayower 1. Wanted religious freedom

2. In Europe you had to be the same religion as the king or queen a. If you disagreed you were put in prison or killed b. The Pilgrims left England to be free

3. Mayflower Compact a. Had to sign it before you got off the ship b. They agreed to vote for their leaders

4. The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims survive a. The Native Americans had been wiped out by small pox from explorers

b. A Native American tribe agreed to help the Pilgrims if the Pilgrims would help them fight other tribes

-If you were Native American, would you have taken the risk to help the Pilgrims? Explain your answer. -If you were a Pilgrim, would you have taken the risk to leave your home for religious freedom?

-Who was Samoset and how did he help the Pilgrims? -Who was Squanto and how did he help the Pilgrims?

What was the difference between English and Spanish settlements?

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