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Class Days and Hours: AM Class: 9am -2 pm 4 hours didactic/ 1 hour internal clinical experience PM Class: 5pm 10pm 4 hours didactic/ 1 hour internal clinical experience Instructor: Phone: Email: Office Hours:
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This nursing course provides an introduction to pediatric nursing through theory. The focus is on meeting the basic human needs of the pediatric client and their family, utilizing critical thinking, therapeutic communication, technical skills, leadership/management skills, effective time management, and the nursing process. Professionalism and caring are emphasized. The role of the practical nurse in relation to the concepts of growth and development, health promotion, and illness prevention are discussed and demonstrated. Didactic focus is on the most common illnesses and conditions that the nurse is likely to encounter while working with children and their families in the acute care setting.

VN 410 Pediatric Nursing is provided as a residential course.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Lecture which includes but is not limited to power point presentation, groups discussions, audio/video presentations, visible body animations, and clicker technology for remediation and testing. ESTIMATED TIME FOR OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL PREPARATION: Students will be required to complete reading assignments, homework, and prepare for quizzes and exams outside of class hours. The minimum estimated time for Outside School Preparation Hours (OSPH) is five (5) hours for each credit hour of lecture/laboratory. 4.0 quarter credit hours that includes 20 OSPH
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Define the key terms in each unit of study. 2. Identify nutritional needs of the growing child. 3. Discuss nursing implications related to growth and development. 4. Recognize the influence of family and cultural practices on growth, development, nutrition and health care. 5. Discuss principles of safety and injury prevention strategies specific to each age group: infancy through adolescence. 6. Identify nursing interventions for the hospitalized pediatric client. 7. Define therapeutic play.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

List adaptations necessary when preparing a pediatric client for surgery. Identify normal vital signs and assessments of infants and children at various ages. Identify nursing responsibilities when administering medications to children. Select age appropriate techniques of administering medications to children. Compare the preferred sites for intramuscular injections for infants and adults. Identify the anatomical structures and functions unique to the pediatric client. Discuss the impact of disease / conditions of illness on the family structure. Identify lab and diagnostic nursing interventions related to pediatrics. Identify conditions of illness specific to the stages of growth and development. Outline the treatment and nursing care for a child with sensory-neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, hematological, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, skin, metabolic, communicable, and emotional/ behavioral conditions or disorders. 18. Describe the nurses role in the immunization of children. 19. Discuss and comprehend the correlation between classroom theory and clinical applications. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Price, D.L. & Gwin, J.F., (2012). Thompsons Pediatric Nursing: An Introductory Text (11thed.). St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders. ISBN: 978-1-4377-1709-9. CLOCK AND/OR QUARTER CREDIT HOURS AWARDED: VN 410 Pediatric Nursing: 44 clock hours 4.0 quarter credit hours VN 430A Internal Clinical Experience: 30 hours of VN 430A internal clinical experience Total clinical hours for VN Module IV: 278 clock hours; 9 quarter credit hours. UNITS OF CREDIT: Academic credit is measured in quarter or clock hours. Typically, one hour of instructional time is defined as a fifty-minute period. Credits earned at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts are for determining progress towards program completion only. The credits are not typically transferable to another school, college or university. Quarter credit hours are determined as follows: 10 hours of lecture = 1 quarter credit hour 20 hours of laboratory = 1 quarter credit hour 30 hours of internship = 1 quarter credit hour PREREQUISITES: Completion of VN Module III courses with C or better. Concurrent enrollment with all VN Module IV courses is required: Obstetric Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, and Clinical IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are required to read chapters prior to lecture. Homework assignments for all chapters covered are due the week following their assignment. There are nine (9) homework assignments worth one (1) point each each assignment may be multiple chapters please see syllabus. Please note: no credit will be awarded for homework turned in after the due date. In addition, there will be 9 quizzes worth 7 points each, a comprehensive final exam worth 23 points and a project worth 5 points.

ATTENDANCE: 1. Students are expected to attend all classes as scheduled. All efforts should be made to not miss any class. In the event a student is absent due to illness or any other reason, he or she must notify the school in advance whenever possible. All absences must be approved by the students instructor.

2. All Vocational Nurse students must complete all required theory and clinical hours to graduate. Whenever possible the instructor must approve all absences in advance. Approval for all absences is at the instructors discretion. 3. In order to meet the criteria for attendance and the specific course objectives, students must arrange make-up time of missed hours with the instructor for all instructor-approved absences. Make-up theory hours can include case studies, independent study, written examination, attendance at seminars or workshops, auto-tutorial laboratory, and research reports. Make-up clinical hours can include performance evaluation(s) in the skills laboratory or additional time in the clinical area with clients/patients. 4. All make-up clinical hours are subject to additional tuition fees that are based on the prorated hourly charges of the program. The prorated hourly charge is equal to the total number of hours needed to make-up multiplied by the hourly tuition charge. Students will be held responsible for this additional tuition payment when they need to make up their clinical hours due to absence. 5. Students who are tardy more than 15 minutes for class are considered to be absent. Students who leave class more than 15 minutes early are also considered to be absent. 6. Students who arrive to class 1-15 minutes late are considered to be tardy. Students who also leave class 1-15 minutes before the end of class are also considered to be tardy. 7. A student being tardy 3 times is the equivalent of one absence. 8. Students who miss a significant portion of any course within a program will be expelled from the program. ABSENCES: The following absences are the ONLY EXCUSED ABSENCES: Medical Emergency: Must provide documentation from physician Jury Duty: Must provide court summons Family Emergency: If you are the sole responsible person for a child or dependent adult, and there is a medical emergency you must provide written documentation from physician. Bereavement Leave-Documentation of the death or funeral service MEDICAL CLEARANCE MUST BE PROVIDED TO AND APPROVED BY THE PROGRAM COORDINATOR PRIOR TO THE STUDENT BEING ALLOWED TO RETURN TO THE CLINICAL SETTING

ALL absences must be made up within thirty (30) days. It is the students responsibility to ensure that a make-up plan of action for each absence is completed within seven (7) days and documented on didactic make-up form. All make-up forms must be filled out completely and accurately with all required signatures for all missed hours prior to credit of make-up hours is granted. CLASS EXPECTATION: Students are expected to prepare for class by doing the assigned readings, activities, participate in the class discussion, ask questions, and share your personal experience with the class.

PARTICIPATION: You will be expected to actively participate in lectures and discussions. Ask questions, provide comments, and share your own experiences and knowledge with the rest of the class. It will be helpful if you read corresponding textbook chapters prior to coming to the class. Your class participation may very strongly affect your grade, especially if your grade falls between A and B, B and C, etc. PROFESSIONALISM: It is a requirement to attend all core didactic and clinical courses in full uniform, blue Gurnick scrub pants and top. Additionally, student must be in well fitted closed toes shoes. No high heels, pumps, cleats, sandals or flip flops as these are unsafe and do not meet nursing professional requirements. A clean appearance that is free from excessive perfumes, loose dangling jewelry, rings with large stones may pose risk to the patient or student in the clinical setting. Additionally, acrylic nails or false fingernails and colored nail polish are not permitted during the core program as they are a risk to infection control. CELL PHONE POLICY: Cell phones must be turned completely off in class and not taken into clinical settings at all times. Students may use their cell phones on campus before or after class and during breaks in the posted designated areas or outside of the school. For an emergency contact, students may use the school or clinical facilitys phone number. Students who are not in compliance with this policy are subject to disciplinary probation, suspension, or termination at the discretion of the school administration. EVALUATION ADMINISTRATION POLICY: All electronic devices must be turned completely off during the administration of all forms of evaluation and displayed within the instructors view. All non-electronic personal belongings will be stored out of all class members view, including the instructors, by concealing all instructional notations and storing belongings under the chair and/or desk. There will be no talking or questions during the administration of evaluations. Forms of evaluation include but are not limited to: quizzes, tests, and examinations. Students who are not in compliance with this policy are subject to disciplinary probation, suspension, or termination at the discretion of the school administration. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: All students enrolled in classes at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts are expected to maintain integrity in all academic pursuits. These include the writing of papers, examinations, assignments, records and other details relative to the assessment of student performance. Integrity and honesty is a quality essential of all medical workers, the faculty does not want students who are dishonest since that attitude and perspective will put patients health and lives at risk. Any dishonesty with regard to these matters is subject to censure or penalty (including but not limited to expulsion) in proportion to the seriousness of the action. Dishonesty would include things such as: 1. Copying answers of another person or persons during an examination, 2. Secreting (hiding) of unauthorized materials to assist in an examination,

3. Plagiarism, taking as ones own statements those of another without giving due credit to the author, even though such material may have been restated in ones own words, 4. Fraudulently obtaining test information, falsifying records, transcripts, recommendations or other documents indicative of student qualifications. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts also considers the following to be serious breaches of integrity: 1. Falsification of patient records. 2. Breach of patient confidentiality. 3. Taking property or drugs from clinical sites or patients. 4. Felony convictions. 5. Endangering patients due to psychological impairment or by being under the influence of alcohol, or drugs. 6. Falsification of assignments that are to be conducted on patients or members of the community. 7. Having someone else complete your written assignments and submitting them as your work. In proportion to the seriousness of the action, censure, and penalty may extend from a failing grade in the work in question to dismissal from the program. Ordinarily the responsibility for resolving the issues lies with the faculty member and the student. METHOD OF EVALUATION: Final Exam = 20% of overall grade Quizzes= 70% of overall grade Homework = 10% of overall grade
EVALUATION: Homework: 9 @ 1 point Quizzes: 9 @ 7 points Final Exam 23 points Project 5 points TOTAL: = 9% = 63% = 23% = 5% = 100%

Please note: Unless recommended by instructor and approved by administration, there are no make-ups for quizzes or exams. If approved, students will take an alternate exam within 7 days of absence. Students who miss 25% of any course within a program will be expelled from the program. For this 44 hour course, 25% = 11 hours (more than 2 classes). GRADING SCALE: A 90 100% B 80 89.9% C 75 79.9% D 60 74.9% F Below 60% In the VN Program, the lowest acceptable grade is a C.

MID MODULE STUDENT PROGRESS RECORD The mid module student progress record is designed to monitor students progress in all coursework and target areas of improvement. Students will fill out the student self-evaluation Student will obtain from the INTRANET their current grade and attendance for all courses. Beginning the sixth week, student will present the progress record to each instructor on the day you attend their class. They will sign it and give it back to you. Instructors and/or the Associate Program Director will meet with you individually, if necessary.

REMEDIAL POLICY FOR VOCATIONAL NURSE STUDENTS All students who receive a non-passing grade in any course will be referred for remediation. In addition, instructors may request that a student attend remediation for reasons other than failing a test. The purpose of the remedial plan is to improve the student's chance for successful completion of the Vocational Nurse (VN) program and to strengthen areas of concern/weakness. Students will be required to attend remediation sessions with the instructor and/or complete remediation assignments. Failure to attend or complete remediation by the requested date will result in dismissal from the program. It is the responsibility of the student to adhere to and complete the plan of action in order to remain in the Vocational Nurse program. Students may be placed on remediation only for a maximum of two (2) courses per module as necessary, and are not to exceed three (3) times throughout the entire duration of the program. Students will be dismissed from the program if a student has completed a total of 3 remediations and still obtains a nonpassing grade in the 4th course, or if the number of remediations exceeds two (2) per module. The remediation coursework is graded individually. The remediation grade is not calculated into the overall course grade, nor is it considered, extra credit. For a student to continue within the program the Plan of Remediation will have to receive at a minimum a C grade. If the student does not receive a C grade the student will be withdrawn from the program.

Syllabus is Subject to Change: This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you were absent.

Revision Date: September 11, 2103 Print Date:





MEETING April 4, 2012

LECTURE TOPIC Appendices A-H Child Health Evolution Care of the Child with Medical/Surgical Needs Growing Children and Their Families QUIZ #1: Chapters 1, 2, 4 Pediatric Procedures The Newborn Infant QUIZ #2: Chapters 3,5 The Infant Cardiac Disorders GI Disorders QUIZ #3: Chapter 6,12,14 The Toddler Respiratory Disorders QUIZ #4: Chapters 7,11 The Preschool Child Neurologic and Sensory Disorders Integumentary Disorders QUIZ #5: Chapters 8,13,16 Fluid Balance, Renal, and Reproductive Disorders Musculoskeletal Disorders Selection of Groups/Projects QUIZ #6: Chapters 9,15 The School Age Child Immune Disorders QUIZ #7: Chapters 10,17 The Adolescent Communicable Disorders QUIZ #8: Chapter 18,19 Hematology and Oncology Disorders Cognitive and Behavior Disorders Outlines for Group Projects due QUIZ #9: Chapter 20 Pediatric Procedures End of Life Care for Children and their Families FINAL EXAM: Comprehensive Group Project Presentations

Chapter 1 Chapter 2


April 11, 2012

Chapter 3 Chapter 5

April 18, 2012 3 April 25, 2012 4

Chapter 6 Chapter 12 Chapter 14 Chapter 7 Chapter 11 Chapter 8 Chapter 13 Chapter 16 Chapter 15 Chapter 17

May 2, 2012

May 9, 2012 6 7 May 16, 2012

Chapter 9

Chapter 19
Chapter 10 Chapter 18 Chapter 21 Chapter 20

May 23, 2012

May 30, 2012


June 6, 2012

Chapter 3 Chapter 22


June 13,2012





April 4, 2012 April 11, 2012 April 18, 2012 April 25, 2012 May 2, 2012 May 9, 2012 May 16, 2012 May 23, 2012 May 30, 2012 June 6, 2012 June 13, 2012

Introduction to Internal Clinical Experience

Chapters 1, 2, 3
Internal Clinical experience

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Chapters 4, 5, 6
Internal Clinical experience

Chapter 7, 8
Internal Clinical experience

Chapters 9, 10
Internal Clinical experience

Chapters 11, 12
Internal Clinical experience

Chapters 13, 14
Internal Clinical experience

Chapters 15, 16
Internal Clinical experience

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18

Chapter 17
Internal Clinical experience

Chapter 18
Presentation of Projects Presentation of Projects

FINAL EXAM: Comprehensive


Course Name VN 410 Pediatric Nursing / VN 430A Internal Clinical Experience Course Start Date Instructor(s) Name I affirm that I received the syllabus for this course on the first day of the course and understand the course objectives, requirements, and policies.

Student Name

Student Signature


This attachment must be collected by the instructor on the first day of the course and given to the Program Coordinator/Program Manager/Program Director in order to be checked and placed into respective students folder.

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