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LABEL First-Ever Philh r!"#i B r"$%e Re&"r'i#( ") H *'#+ S*!,h"#ies N"- ./0 1L"#'"#23 N"- 443 #' N"- ./. 1Cl"&52 S # Fr #&is&"3 6%#e 43 7/.. 8 Music Director Nicholas McGegan and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra release the second recording from the ensembles own recording label, Philharmonia Baroque Productions, on June 1 , !"11# $he album features li%e recordings of three &a'dn s'm(honies )Nos# 1" *+ondon,, --, and 1"1 *.loc/,0 1 the first2e%er recording of music com(osed b' 3ran4 Josef &a'dn in thirt' 'ears of recordings b' McGegan and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra# 5n a re%iew of the li%e concert at which 6'm(hon' No# 1" was recorded, the San Francisco Chronicle said *7%en after all these decades of e8(loration and rethin/ing, the sound of musical (erformance on (eriod instruments retains its (ower to ama4e#, &a'dn9 6'm(honies No# 1" *+ondon,, No, --, and No# 1"1 *.loc/, is a%ailable in standard .D and digital download formats# :ll Philharmonia Baroque Productions recordings are distributed b' harmonia mundi in the ;#6#, ;#<#, German', and :ustria and are a%ailable from :ma4on, i$unes and other online outlets as well as all ma=or retailers and the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra website,

;nder the direction of Music Director Nicholas McGegan, the New >or/ $imes has described Philharmonia Baroque as *an earl' music orchestra as fine as an' in the world toda',, and recentl' (roclaimed its first release of Berlio4s +es Nuits d?t? *almost forbiddingl' beautiful#, $he Orchestra was named 7nsemble of the >ear for !"" b' Musical :merica# @riting about that award in Musical :merica, the 6an 3rancisco .hronicles music critic Joshua <osman said, *$his ad%enturesome band has car%ed out a niche as the nations li%eliest (ur%e'or of (eriod (erformances# $he uncommon brilliance of its instrumental (la'ing infuses the historical2(erformance enter(rise with a %italit' and 4est that are worlds remo%ed from dull conformit' to the dictates of scholarshi(#,

O%er the last three decades, McGegan and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra ha%e made do4ens of highl' regarded recordings for &armonia Mundi, BMG and other labels# $he' include the Gramm'2nominated 1AA" recording of &andels oratorio Susanna with &unt +ieberson 1 then a so(rano named +orraine &unt 1 which won the (restigious Gramophone :ward for best Baroque %ocal album in 1AA1# $he new releases on the Philharmonia label are the first the orchestra has issued since !""B, when it self2released li%e recordings of Ja/e &eggies To Hell and Back and Beetho%ens 6'm(hon' No# A# :ll three of the first Philharmonia Baroque

recordings are (roduced and engineered b' Da%id %#C# Bowles, who has (roduced the orchestraDs recordings since 1AAE#

$he ne8t .D release from Philharmonia Baroque Productions will be an all2Fi%aldi disc featuring %iolinist 7li4abeth Blumenstoc/ recorded in December !"1" and slated for release in 6e(tember !"11# 5n addition to Le Quattro stagioni )$he 3our 6easons0, O(# -, Nos#12 , the recording will include Fi%aldis .oncerto for %iolin, in 7 minor, CF !BB *5l fa%orito,G .oncerto for %iolin in 7 ma=or, CF !B1 *+amoroso,G and .oncerto for %iolin in B2flat ma=or, CF HBI# $his recording is made (ossible in (art b' a generous gift from the @a%erl' 3oundation# ALBUM INFORMATION H *'#+ S*!,h"#ies N"- ./0 1L"#'"#23 N"3 443 #' N"- ./. 1Cl"&52 Celeased June 1 , !"11 Please submit re%iew co(' requests to9 :nneJ/arenames#com Philh r!"#i B r"$%e Or&hestr Ni&h"l s M&Ge( #3 &"#'%&t"r Philharmonia Baroque Productions Cecorded li%e 3ebruar' 1"211, !""B )6'm(hon' No# 1" 0G No%ember 1I21E, !""- )6'm(hon' No# --0, and 6e(tember 1!21H, !""A )6'm(hon' No# 1"10 at 3irst .ongregational .hurch, Ber/ele', .:# ABOUT PHILHARMONIA BAROQUE ORCHESTRA &a%ing =ust concluded its H"th :nni%ersar' 6eason in !"1"K11, 6an 3ranciscos Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra is dedicated to historicall'2informed (erformance of Baroque, .lassical and earl' Comantic music on (eriod instruments# +ed b' Music Director Nicholas McGegan since 1A-I, Philharmonia Baroque is recogni4ed as one of the finest chamber orchestras, as well as one of the most e8citing (eriod2instrument ensembles in the countr'# Drawing on musicians from all o%er the ;nited 6tates and abroad, Philharmonia Baroque (erforms eight concert (rograms in four Ba' :rea cities each season and regularl' tours the ;#6# and internationall'# :ttracting such talented guest artists as me44o2so(rano 6usan Graham, conductor Jordi 6a%all, %iolinist Monica &uggett, recorder (la'er Marion Ferbruggen and so(rano 5sabel Ba'ra/darian, the grou( has its own (rofessional chorus, has commissioned new music for (eriod instruments, and has collaborated with the Mar/ Morris Dance Grou(, :lon4o <ing +5N76 Ballet and 3ine :rts Museums of 6an 3rancisco among others# Philharmonia Baroques H! recordings ha%e won or been nominated for numerous awards# Press #' Me'i Rel ti"#s C"#t &t+ <aren :mes .ommunications9 1I2E 12B B <aren :mes9 <arenJ/arenames#com :nne 6uda9 :nneJ/arenames#com

John $a%enner Director of Mar/eting and Public Celations, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra 1I2E!I!21!-- e8t# H1I =ta%ennerJ(hilharmonia#org

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