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Sacred Heart Catholic School of Cainta


Nutrition Month Culmination

July 30, 2013

Theme: Gutom at malnutrisyon, sama-sama nating wakasan!



INTRODUCTION Collage techniques give students another creative way to express themselves. The main purpose of the collage exercise is to help young people grasp the invisible nature of Nutrition and demonstrate how to give emphasis to it by creating a simple image depicting Nutrition from normal everyday materials. In todays society, images say it all, especially when it comes to young people. The written media aimed at adolescents is almost comic-book like a multitude of photographs, pictures, cartoons and graphics, but little in the way of words. Television, cinema, videos, computer games and all manner of electronic gadgetry bear witness to the desire to hook young peoples attention and send them spinning on a roller coaster ride of fast-changing images and special effects. Theres not much dialogue, but plenty of action. Society has created a younger generation of I want it all and I want it now, faster, louder, brighter! By contrast, images of food and nutrition are few and far between. It is an invisible phenomenon to most of the world, even within the countries in which it exists. Aim: Produce one collage on a classic nutrition theme. Gain: Stimulates visual and artistic expression and reveals how little print media coverage is given to such a huge subject matter of Nutrition. GENERAL OBJECTIVES At the completion of the contest, the student should be able to; 1. Create a collage using the suggested media to communicate about nutrition and health. 2. Express a sense of depth using foreground, middle ground and background. 3. Develop a basic understanding in collage work. 4. Use basic materials such as newspaper, gum, found materials etc. and explore them in picture making. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To encourage pupils to be more aware of the school and home environment. 2. To make students aware about the value of nutrition at home and in school. 3. To incorporate textural motifs with pattern-making. 4. To enrich pupils experience in pictorial composition through the handling of new materials. 5. To encourage pupils to create interesting pictures using scrap materials related to nutrition. 6. To teach pupils how to arrange shapes in an interesting manner. 7. To use things found in the environment usefully in relation to nutrition. 8. Learn how to choose material to paste on a certain surface to make a picture or design.


MECHANICS 1. The contest is open to all high school students of Sacred Heart Catholic School of Cainta. There will be four (4) groups from Grade 7 to Fourth (4th) Year High School consisting of three (3) members. 2. Each participant/group should submit ONE entry only. 3. The collage must illustrate, interpret and emphasize the theme of the Nutrition Month celebration: (Theme: Gutom at malnutrisyon, sama-sama nating wakasan!). 4. Bring your own materials. The following materials will be used in the contest: A. Coloring material: oil pastel/craypas, markers, ink, mixed media, oil, acrylic and watercolor (to be provided by the contestant) *Use of other materials not specified above is strictly prohibited. B. A illustration board (white background & vertical format) and a Mongol pencil (to be provided by the contestant) C. Used magazines, newspapers, straw, cans, and other discarded materials. D. Paste glue, gum and other adhesives, round tipped scissors. E. Different types of paper e.g.: newspaper, crepe paper, cartridge paper, drawing paper, bristle board, colored paper, etc. colored cellophane paper, other different types of papers like glittering. F. Barks, leaves, onions, potatoes, found young coconuts etc. G. Borrowing of materials from other contestants is not allowed. 5. The allotted time for the contest is three hours (3 hrs), from 9:00AM to 12:00PM only. 6. Entries must be submitted not later than June 30, 2013 (Tuesday) at the SHCSC Guidance & Counseling Services office at Elementary building. Collage must be done in free hand and be officially submitted to Ms. Anne Fernandez, our school nurse. The artist will be held accountable to any issues that may arise with regards to the originality and authenticity of the design. Entries of the 12 finalists will be exhibited at the Exhibit Room after the contest and during the duration of the Nutrition Month celebration. 7. The posters will be judged according to the following criteria: Creativity and Presentation Originality Relevance to the theme Symbolism/Visual Impact 30% 25% 25% 20%

8. One winning collage will be chosen. A cash prize of 1,000 will be given to the winner. The twelve finalists will receive Certificates of Participation. 9. All collage will automatically become official property of Sacred Heart Catholic School of Cainta. STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES OF THE CONTESTANTS: 1. Discuss: subject matter, shape and media. 2. Have students draw in sketchbook images based on their choice of subject matter. 3. Some images may need to be cropped and enlarged in order for them to be workable. 4. Demonstrate and show examples of different ways the image can be finished as a collage. 5. Have students cut all shapes before giving them glue. 6. Glue from the background forward. 7. They may glue small details on the larger shapes but nothing on to the backing paper until all pieces are ready.

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