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Answers 9

Exercise A 1. She is the woman who gave me my first job. 2. He picked up the book which was on the desk. 3. She is the woman who telephoned the police. 4. He is the person who wanted to buy your house. . !e threw out the computer which never worked properly. ". #his is the lion which has been ill recently. $. #he man who was driving the car was badly injured. %. #he children who live in the ne&t street broke my window. Exercise B 1. #here's the lady whose dog was killed. 2. He is the person whose car was stolen. 3. #hey are the people whose shop was burned down last week. 4. ('m the one whose flat was broken into. . #hat's the student whose parents complained about the school. Exercise C 1. #he meal )en cooked was delicious. 2. #his is the chair my parents gave me. 3. #he man we saw was holding the gun. 4. #he #* programme ( watched last night was very sad. . #he girl we visited had red hair. Exercise D 1. #he man ( introduced you to is Sue's cousin. 2. #he hotel we stayed at overlooked the sea.

3. #he shop ( bought the shoes from is closed. 4. #he people he works with like him very much. Exercise E 1. where 2. when 3. why 4. when . where Decide whether the relative pronouns must be used or not. 1. A calendar is something which tells you the date. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary 2. Stri ers are soccer players who try to score goals !or their team. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary ". #ane is a person who everybody li es. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary $. A stamp is something which you put on a letter i! you want to send it. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary %. &he &hames is a river which runs through 'ondon. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary (. Cheese is !ood which mice li e eating. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary ). A rac et is something which you use to hit a ball when you play tennis or badminton. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary

*. Soc s are things which you wear on your !eet. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary +. A guide is a person who shows tourists around around a place. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary 1,. 'ove is a !eeling which nobody can describe. relative pronoun is necessary relative pronoun is not necessary 11. l hombre del que hablar vive en Francia ahora. 12. &he man -who. / will tal about lives in 0rance now. 1". l encontr el peridico en el que ley el artculo. 1$. 1e !ound the paper where he read the article. 1%. El libro que ella escribi fue un best seller. 1(. &he boo -which. she wrote was a best2seller. 1). El hotel en el que nos quedamos era muy vie!o. 1*. &he hotel where we stayed was very old. 1+. "ecord la pelcula con la que me dorm. 2,. / remembered the !ilm with which / !all asleep. 21. El actor que estamos esperando es australiano. 22. &he actor -who. we are waiting !or is Australian. 2". #as novelas de $ames %ond& que 'ustan a mucha 'ente& est(n todas en mis estanteras. 2$. #ames Bond novels3 which a lot o! people li e3 are all on my boo shelves. 2%. Alquil una bici cuyos frenos estaban 'astados. 2(. / hired a bi e whose bra es were worn. 2). El pro'rama que me prestaste no funciona. 2*. &he program -which. you lent me doesn4t wor . 2+. #a m)sica que 'ust a tanta 'ente fue escrita en el si'lo *+,. ",. &he music -which. so many people li ed was written in the 1(th century. "1. -he mysterious man was never seen a'ain. -hat made .rs %rown very happy. The mysterious man... &he mysterious man was never seen again3 which made 5rs Brown very happy. "2. /he borrowed the car from a collea'ue. /he wor0ed with him. She... She borrowed the car !rom a colleague -who. she wor ed with. "". %ob loved 1aren. 2e was a practical !o0er. Bob... Bob3 who was a practical 6o er3 loved 7aren.

"$. -he boy was carryin' a ball. 2e threw it at -om. The boy... &he boy threw the ball -which. he was carrying at &om. "%. .rs 3eed was especially 0ind to the students. -heir homewor0 was tidy. Mrs Deed... 5rs Deed was especially ind to the students whose homewor was tidy. "(. 2e drove a %entley to the party. 2e rented it. He... 1e rented a Bentley -which. he drove to the party. "). %ill is very hard wor0in'. .r %rown wants to en'a'e him. Bill... Bill3 who 5r Brown wants to engage3 is really hard wor ing. "*. Finally he came to the brid'e. -he truc0 couldn4t 'o past it. Finally he... 0inally he came to the bridge past which the truc couldn4t go. "+. .r -ass was a rich businessman. 2is dau'hter was very beautiful. Mr Tass... 5r &ass3 whose daughter was very beauti!ul3 was a rich businessman. $,. -om couldn4t wait for the wee0end. 2e was settin' off for /an Francisco then. Tom... &om couldn4t wait !or the wee end when he was setting o!! !or San 0rancisco.

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