Minutes 11:13

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Student Government of Seattle University Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes November 13, 2013 Student Center 130

at 6:00 p.m. I. II. Call to Order Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM Roll Call (initial on the line) Eric Chalmers, President _________ Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________ Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________ Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________ Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative _________ Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________ Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________ Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________ Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative _________ Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________ Tanary Gomez, Commuter Representative _________ Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative _________ Nora Almunif, International Representative _________ Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative _________ Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________ Meggie Green, Freshman Representative _________ Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative _________ Nicole Robison, Advisor _________ Approval of the Minutes The motion to approve the minutes passes unanimously, except for Owen Goetze who abstained because he did not sign the minutes. Public Comment - None MOVED Guest Speakers None Old Business REPA 20131106 University Affairs Committee Update (Brady Carlson) Discussion (10-15 min) Basic overview of the University committees and introduction of projects 13 total committees: 9 filled (1 in process), 3 need student representatives. We need to fill Athletic Advisory Board (for a non-athlete), Assessment and Planning Coordination Committee (APCC), BOT: Catholic Jesuit Identity Committee.


IV. V. VI. -

Potential Fall Forum: Cycling, Campus Accessibility, Gender Inclusive Restrooms, Tobacco-Free Campus, Divestment, base budget increase & the benefits of one. SGSU is advised to pick a familiar topic because of the inherent rushed nature of putting on a forum this late in the quarter. It took a few weeks to plan a forum on technology last fall quarter; planning in this time frame is viable. Executive Vice President Barnes reiterated the procedures for speaking during a Representative Assembly meeting. Representative Ortiz expressed hesitation with this limited timeframe. Representative Davalos inquired on the timeliness of these forum topics; are they necessary before Winter Break? President Chalmers questioned whether a forum topic on Divestment is an appropriate topic for SGSU. Representative Ortiz proposes a forum topic on accessibility or gender inclusivity. Vice President of UA Carslon clarifies that he thinks a more familiar topic would be beneficial because of the limited knowledge some members of the student body have on these topics. President Chalmers informs SGSU that there is forum planned for the State of the Undergraduate Student Survey in February. Representative Marshall asks whether Representative Kawano is comfortable hosting a tobacco forum with short notice. Representative Kawano states that he would prefer a tobacco related forum in the Winter Quarter President Chalmers proposes an event pertaining to the TBC trial day for students to discuss the event Representative Davalos proposes an event pertaining to potential forum topics; consisting of what were working on, and what we see as the hot topics. Representative Ortiz proposes having students have a say in forum topics at the event proposed by Representative Davalos Executive Vice President Barnes suggests implementing fireside chats pertaining to potential forum topics Representative Moak supports Executive Vice President Barnes idea, perhaps locating it by the fireplace. Executive Vice President Barnes seeks a motion to move forum discussion to later on this agenda. Motion passes unanimously. First and Seconded by? Executive Vice President Barnes seeks motion to absolve speakers list. Motion passes unanimously. First and Seconded by? Representative Nguyen explains potential promo video idea Public comment section (moved)

Executive Vice President Barnes seeks a motion to move public comment to this current moment. First by Representative Huey. Second by Representative Bayuga Graff; passes unanimously.

Patrick, a freshman wants to offer feedback on smoking ban. He identifies as a nonsmoker, chooses to be a nonsmoker, support of smoking ban (or confining them), he doesnt want to be exposed to secondhand smoke. Doesnt want to potentially suffer from those who engage in smoking. His roommate just got cancer and he thinks thats something to be considered. Vice President of UA: how do you feel about forms of tobacco use besides smoking? Patrick: is okay with it because of non-effect on others Representative Huey: how did he know to come in to public comment at rep assembly? He read an email to encourage students to come forward, came into office, talked to Mallory. REPA 20131106 Budget Update (Bharat Bhojwani) Discussion (5-10 min) Vice President of Finance Bhojwani explains state of budget. Exact numbers are on the T-Drive. The current budget is $76,306,58 We have an extra $16,000 for a sustainability project. The fund is designed to be selfreplenishing. The money sat their untouched. The money has since migrated to be related to be only for sustainability projects. Representative Marshall seeks clarification of language Representative Kawano seeks clarification if this will affect our budget for next year. VP Bhojwani says it will not affect funding for next year its not part of our budget. VP Bhojwani we get $10,000 from U.S. Bank that is why we support them. We can get an extra $8,000 if an additional 4% of students signup. VP Bhojwani states that were doing well financially. Representative Davalos asks whether the sustainability fund is yearly accruing. It is not. VP of UA Carlson inquires about SEAC funding. Will we be giving them money for Quadstock? VP Bhojwani states that they have additional funding, but they are requesting some assistance.

Exec. Vice President Barnes requests to move Representative Ortiz makes motion Representative Goetze seconds The motion to have appointment of representative on the agenda passes unanimously New Business REPA 20131113 Appointment Action (10-15 min) -4 people applied; narrowed it down to 2 strong applicants. There is a nomination tonight. We need a 2/3rds majority approve. Executive do not get to vote. Karen had a strong resume, community college transfer. This is Leahs first quarter at SU. Karen has prior experience at her community college. Karen participated in senior week last year. Karen wants to make personal relationships with her constituents.

Karen knows a lot of other nontraditional students. Karen wants to create a workshop to offer non traditional students about balancing life within her first 30 days in office. Karen was in other student groups last year. Karen was too busy last year to apply, that is why she didnt apply to run originally.

-Leah interested in advocacy, and is passionate in representing people. - Leah spoke about inquiring to see if nontraditional students are satisfied with their experience. - She stated that she is busy academically. - Leah also indicated that she had determined ways to overcome that; and she has spoken with three other advisors to address this. Karen is the official nominee for steering. Executive Vice President Barnes seeks motion to appointment of Karen Gallo Representative Huey moves Second by Representative Kawano Motion passes 11-1 (Representative Goetze votes no) I. New Business REPA 20131113 Divestment Statement Work Group (Eric Chalmers) Discussion (10-15 min) President Chalmers wants to forms a workgroup to discuss a potential statement. President Chalmers will spearhead to develop the statement with a goal of having it ready by next week. Wants others to participate. Asks for volunteers Representative Goetze: Is there a certain number of people? President Chalmers: Lets see who volunteers first? Volunteers: Owen, Meg, Brandon (via email), Haley, Dominic, Tanary Representative Ortiz seeks to determine the feeling of SGSU before we move forward with drafting. Vice President Carlson offers that Reps can make changes to documents that are sent out. President Chalmers requests that before next week SGSU Reps have an understanding of where they want to be on this position. REPA 20131113 SGSU Marketing (Izzy Gardon) Discussion (15 min) External Chief of Staff briefs the group on our marketing climate SGSU Facebook page up in likes (327 to 436) Compared to 8 other peer schools, our Facebook presence falters

Clark: Do you know how long these pages have been around? Response: I cannot access that information Im Here Initiative: our initiative to show student body why we do the work we do

#FixItSGSU: we have 8 responses over all social media that give us 5 individual issues Issues include, Low printer maintenance on campus, no on campus shops other than bistro after 6pm, adding canvas on SU webpage, we need a cross walk at 10th & Madison, Orca Passes scarce and not available for certain commute times November Goals: 600 FB likes, 100 Ints followers and more content on social media We will acquire a whiteboard to place outside the office with the issues we are working on and allow people to write what they want us to work on as well Coffee cozies? We can get 100 for around $100 to promote Red Fridays or partner organizations Look out for SGSU promo video, Student News Clips, Petition Initiative, SUS Marketing, #SeattleYOU (Refer to Izzys

Questions/Comments: Tanary: We should follow students who like to follow back Brady: How many Instagram followers do we have? Izzy: We have 70. Kristen: Can you give some of the images that you make to us so that we can share them on our own pages? Izzy: You can share all the photos that I post Mallory: You are all welcome to invite your Facebook friends to like our page Discussion: Raquel: I would really love it if you could make a to-do list for us that outlines how we can support SGSU social media outlets and marketing campaigns Brady: I think we should use the second sticker because it is more simplistic and may not scare people away from overtly sporting the SGSU logo Raquel: I like the first one because of all the words, it can give people ideas around what they can use the hash tag for Brady: Can we get the white board bigger than sandwich board size? And are we just writing our issues on there or will there be more official labels? Izzy: We can just use a dry-erase marker The second sticker received more votes for printing REPA 20131113 Tobacco-Free Campus One Day Trial (Austin Kawano) Discussion (30 min)

Tobacco Free Campus Exploration Committee: Introduction of graphics SBA will market it in the law school. HAWC wants to assist in the trial Quit Kits will be available Were participating in this because of a nation movement. To show were dedicated to the exploration of a tobacco free campus. To gather student voice It wont be enforced, remind people not to smoke Only 3% of undergraduate students smoke, only 2% of law students smoke Signed commitment for Fresh Air Campus Challenge. Whats in a Quit Kit? Haley points out that wingman is a gendered word, and requests that it be changed. Brady seeks motion to absolve speakers list;

Forum President Chalmers seeks motion to have a forum on SGSU issues on horizon First by Representative Marshall Second Representative Almunif Motion passes unanimously Representative Ortiz, Representative Bayuga Graff, and Represenative Gomez will assist VP Carlson on working on this outside Representative Assembly. VIII. Officer Reports: A) Eric Chalmers-President: a. Last weekend met with Fr. Steve. Very supportive of petition initiative. It will be ready for next week. B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President a. Recruiting next round of guest speakers C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance a. Has access to SUDS (account program) now for clubs D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs a. Set up a meeting with key project manger for the SU account for Coca-Cola. Contacting outlets for different committees. Let VP Carlson know of students might be interested E) Representatives a. Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative: planning Senior Week b. Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative: meeting with Eric, Bharat, and Nikki about budget issues c. Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative: working with CAPS more, timeline for progress, halfway there committee d. Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative: Tobacco Free campus stuff. Thanks Sam for the help. e. Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative: working on campus safety, going to do a night walk

f. Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative: met with Juanita Jassofrom OMA, updated the website, the funding form has been revamped to echo ours g. Tanary Gomez, Commuter Representative: reserved room for Jan 17th commuter program h. Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative: social with Nora for ISC i. Nora Almunif, International Representative: ISC dinner, more updates, and social j. Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative: Petition for students with disabilities, and training k. Kristen James, Athletic Representative: working with promotional items in C-Street. l. Meggie Green, Freshman Representative: went over history of bike stuff m. Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative: meeting with Dominic and Haley using inclusive language n. Logan McDonald, Internal Chief of Staff - NOT PRESENT F) Advisors a. Nichole Robison: NOT PRESENT b. Doug: seeking someone to help with Fall Preview Day. Free lunch. Dont put advisors in awkward position at Fall Ball. c. Eden: Continue to challenge yourself and SGSU. IX. Committee Reports NO MINUTES TAKEN HERE DUE TO RA STAFF MEETING A. PAB: B. Steering: C. Appropriations: D. University Affairs: X. Announcements NO MINUTES TAKEN HERE DUE TO RA STAFF MEETING XI. Adjournment at 8:04 PM

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