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ICX GCDP is the fastest developing area in the whole of AIESEC Mexico. Since the past 3 years iGCDP has grown more than double each year, all while providing quality experiences to our trainees.

Realization and relative growth:

2010: 20 TNs RE - relative growth 100% 2011: 94 TNs RE- relative growth 370% 2012: 233 TNs RE relative growth 147% 2013 (so far): 237 TNs RE Goals 13-14: 700

Responsible for international cooperations:

Andrea Gamio Daniel Pineda

National Projects Mexican Consultancy Board

NST Matching & Migration

Searchtool: Biggest EP providers: Brazil, Colombia, Poland, Peru, Germany, Australia, Canada, France.

National Projects

Topic: Language Education

Is a project focused on teaching languages to university students to provide them the opportunity to improve and perfect their language with native speakers, and allows them to have a multicultural exchange with the different teachers who are part of this program through formal integration activities as panel discussions of topics like global interest, business, sustainability, values and ethics.

Main: Literacy Sub: Language Literacy

English (Native or Excellent) German (Native) Portuguese (Native) Italian (Native) French (Native)

Target Audience
University Students
Principal JD Teach languages

Chinese (Native) Japanese (Native)

CONDITIONS Accommodation: (Trainee Flat or Trainee House or Host Family) Scholarship (for Food and Transportation): $2000 MXN ($1 USD: $13MXN approximately) Working Days: Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday Working Hours: 6 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 17:00) Total Hours of work per week: 30 or 36 CITIES Mexico City Cuernavaca Veracruz Culiacan Much more soon.


Topic: Language Education

Is a project focused on teaching languages, in a specialized and personalized way, focused on small groups of students, who can choose the time, place and content of the courses in order to provide an international learning experience creating a link between the teacher and students to accelerate learning and ensure the development thereof.

Main: Literacy Sub: Language Literacy

English (Native or Excellent) German (Native) Portuguese (Native) Italian (Native) French (Native) Chinese (Native) Japanese (Native)

Target Audience
University Students

Principal JD
Teach Languages

Accommodation: Host Family (Also provided food) Scholarship (for Food and Transportation): $3000 MXN ($1 USD: $13MXN approximately) Working Days: Monday to Friday Working Hours: 8 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 21:00) Total Hours of work per week: 40

CITIES Mexico City Queretaro Leon


Much more soon.


Topic: Orphans development

This project offers to orphans develop an overall vision, through cultural exchange with young people from other countries, providing comprehensive personal development and a new vision about themselves and the world they live in.

Main: Human Rights Sub: Children Rights

English (Native, excellent or good) Spanish REQUIRED (Native, excellent or good)

Target Audience
Children 0-6 & 7-14

Multiple stakeholders

Principal JD
Children development

Accommodation: Host Family (Also provided food) Scholarship (for Food and Transportation): $1000 MXN ($1 USD: $13MXN approximately) Working Days: Monday to Friday Working Hours: 4 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 17:00) Total Hours of work per week: 20 CITIES Mexico City Culiacan Guadalajara Tabasco Estado de Mexico REALIZATION GOAL:

Much more soon.


Topic: Summer Camps

This project offers the opportunity for kids and teenagers to understand better and to learn cross-cultural topics from all over the world. Kids and teenagers will directly work through cultural exchange with young people from other countries, providing comprehensive personal development and a new vision about themselves and the world they live in. All of these participating with pre-established Summer Camps.

Main: Cultural Understanding Sub:
Cross-Cultural Learning Dialogues

English (Native, excellent or good) Spanish REQUIRED (Native, excellent or good)

Target Audience
Children 6-14

Multiple stakeholders
CONDITIONS CITIES To be defined soon

Principal JD
Children development

Accommodation: Host Family (Also provided food) Transportation Costs covered. Working Days: Monday to Friday Working Hours: 6 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 17:00) Total Hours of work per week: 30 REALIZATION GOAL:

to be defined

Topic: Students development

This is a project created to develop students in kinder garden, primary and high school level, encouraging them to have awareness of the world issues, learn languages and create a life plan. Likewise, the project will encourage personal development on the kid and generate better understand of his role in todays society. Interns from different countries will run cycles of lectures and other educational activities about relevant matters for the formation of the critics and conscious view of the youth, together with the shaping of a generation socially responsible.

Main: Career Development Sub:
Career planning Soft skills

English (Native, excellent or good) Spanish (Native, excellent or good) German (Native) French (Native)

Target Audience
Kindergarten, primary & secondary school

Multiple stakeholders
CONDITIONS CITIES Mexico City Aguascalientes Laguna

Principal JD
Being an assistant during lectures and interact with young Mexican future leaders.

Accommodation Food Transportation Working Days: Monday to Friday Working Hours: 8 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 21:00) Total Hours of work per week: 40 REALIZATION GOAL:


Much more soon.

The objective of this project is to help further development of social organizations in Mexico by running professionalization processes. Historically, organizations in Mexico have faced difficulties regarded to its management, which makes its impact much lower than their potential. International interns will work on the identification of problems of management of NGOs and its processes in order to improve its performance, such as a consultancy service in terms of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Foreign Language Financial Accounting Event Management Marketing Organizational Management + Planning Advertising & Public Relations

Among the TOPICS of the NGOs we will mainly work with organizations related to 3 main issues in Mexico. a) Environmental b) Health & Lifestyle c) Social Issues

Main: : Business & Development Sub:
Organization Development Social Business.

English (Native or excellent) Spanish (Native, excellent or good)

Target Audience
Primary, secondary & high school

Principal JD
Play role in the professionalization process of the NGO by academic and AIESEC knowledge.

Multiple stakeholders

CONDITIONS Accommodation Food Transportation Working Days: Monday to Friday Working Hours: 6 hours per day (Between 08:00 to 21:00) Total Hours of work per week: 30

CITIES To be defined soon


to be defined

National projects timeline

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