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PO Box 1022
Wixom Ml 48393-1022

Convergent Outsourcing, Inc. 10750 Hammerl y
Blvd# 200
Houston, TX 77043
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
Creditor Paypal I
Client Account #
Convergent Account
Total Balance.
This notice is being sent to you by a collection agency. The records of Paypallnc. show that your account has a negative balance of -
Please contact this office so we can help you resolve your account. Our phone number is 866-291-6364.
Our client has advised us that they are w1lhng to accept a payment for 50% of the balance due. If you accept th1s offer, our client will cease
further collection efforts on this account but will not consider the account paid in full or reinstate your account. Your account may be reinstated
only 1f you pay the entire amount of the outstanding debt and if the restriction on your account was solely the result of non payment of the
amount due. The payment must be rece1ved in our office within 45 days of the date on this letter.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer please call our office or mail us your payment. Even if you are unable to take advantage
of this offer please contact our office to see what terms can be worked out on your account We are not required to make this offer to you in
the future.
Tori Ferguson. 866-291 -6364
Debt Collector
Th1s IS an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Th1s communication is from a debt collector
Unless you notify this office withm 30 days after receiving th1s notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any port1on thereof. this off1ce
w111 assume this debt is valid If you not1fy thiS office in writing withm 30 days from receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt
or any portion thereof, this office will obtain venfication of the debt or obtam a copy of a judgment and ma11 you a copy of such judgment or
verification. If you request this off1ce m wnting within 30 days after receiving th1s not1ce. this office will prov1de you with the name and address
of the o1iginal creditor. 1f differflnt from the current creditor.
222Al ___ _
Pl ease detach t he bottom port ton of this letter and return 11 with your paymen t in the enclosed envel ope.
Cred1tor. Paypal
Client Account #:
Total Balance:
Amount Enclosed: US ____ _
New Address:
ST __ Z1p _ _ _
Dayttme Phooe. (_) ___ - ------
Evemng Phone (_) _ _ _ - ---- --
Email our office or you may pay your bill online with a credit
card or checking account
Temporary Identification number is ......
Convergent Outsourcing, Inc.
PO Box 9004
Renton WA 98057-9004
11.1 1 .. 1, 11 .... 1.1.1 ... 11.1 .. 11 ... 11. ... 1 I" II .1 1.1. I II

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