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Haryana School Teachers Selection Board (HSTSB) Recruitment 2013 for the 9870 osts of !

rimary Teachers Haryana School Teachers Selection Board (HSTSB) is indulged in making the desired selection of the applicants under the government schools and for this it conducts the various examinations and procedures. Haryana School Teachers Selection Board (HSTSB) had made an announcement that is for the 98 ! posts of "rimary Teachers under the #roup $ and the detail regarding the posts is as %elo&' (. )istrict $adre "ost *xcept )istrict +e&at , 8 -. /. )istrict $adre "ost for +e&at only , ((! The general points of the eligi%ility are as mentioned to %e %elo&' "#e limit$ The maturity re0uired from the applicants is needed to %e in %et&een the (8 years to 1! years as on the last date of the reception of the applications and %asic age &ill %e relaxed for the reserve category applicants. %ducational &riterion Set$ 2cademic re0uirement on the part of the applicants is senior secondary &ith the diploma or applicants need to %e %achelor3s of elementary education4 B24 B.Sc.4 B.$om and applicants %e 0ualified &ith the Haryana Teacher *ligi%ility Test (HT*T) &ith the experience re0uired in the concerned field. 'ees Schedule$ The payment of the fee &hich &ill %e completed %y the applicants is 5s. .!! and the applicants &hich %elong to the reserve category i.e. S$ (Scheduled caste)4 B$ (Back&ard $lasses) &ill %e needed to pay the amount 5s. 6 in the form of the challan and fee could %e deposited in any of the %ranch of the state %ank of 7ndia. 8ee must %e su%mitted 18 hrs after the registration of the online application. 9o fee is needed to pay %y *S+ and "H$ candidates of the Haryana. Selection (ethod$ The decisive factor &hich is %eing scheduled to make the selection of the applicants is the intervie& for &hich applicants &ill %e short listed on the %asis of the reception of the applications and along &ith it authentication of the applications is also the most integral step to proceed. Scheme to su)mit an a lication$ 2pplicants &ill make the su%mission of the application online &hich is the re0uired criterion of the su%mission of the application. *m ortant +ate$

7nitial date from &hich the procedure of the su%mission of the online application &ill start is (9th 9ov /!(.. Terminating date for the online su%mission of the application is /9th 9ov /!(. that &ill close at time 6'!! pm.

:ast date till &hich the fee could %e deposited is /nd )ec /!(. up to the time 1'!! pm.

*m ortant ,in-$ 7mportant links need to %e in the kno&ledge of the applicants are as %elo&' To get attached &ith the recruitment notification and to get the desired kno&ledge of educational 0ualification link is as %elo&' ;ie& $omplete <fficial 9otification 8or the corrigendum connection is as %elo&' )o&nload <fficial 9otice 8or the online application &e% portal is as %elo&' ;ie& 7nstructions to =no& +ore

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