3 Easy Ways For Teachers To Make Extra Money

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3 Easy Ways for Teachers to Enhance their Income



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The Publisher has striven to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in this report. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. o guarantees of income are made. !eader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this report.



Table of Contents
Introduction Income Source One: My Power Mall Income Source Two: Blogging Income Source Three: FreeIQ Conclusion Appendi : !elp"ul Boo#s



One thing you ne$er hear new teachers say around the watercooler is% &'ow that I($e got this teaching )o* I ha$e all the money I(ll e$er need+, -hen teachers say teaching is one o" the most rewarding )o*s there is% they(re not tal#ing a*out the monetary rewards+ There are many good reasons "or choosing to *ecome a teacher% *ut "inancial security isn(t usually listed at the top+ I($e *een teaching "or o$er "i"teen years% and I lo$e my )o*+ Teaching and learning "rom my students is one o" the things that gets me up in the morning+ To .uote Christa McAuli""e% &I touch the "uture+ I teach+, 'o matter how much we touch the "uture% howe$er% the "uture is not going to re$eal a winning lottery num*er to us+ Teacher salaries are not going to suddenly soar into the ionosphere+ That #ind o" money seems reser$ed "or society(s current gods% the pro"essional athletes and entertainers+ Our current challenge then is% !ow do we pro$ide "or our "inancial needs without *ecoming o$erwor#ed% un"ocused and emotionally una$aila*le/



That(s what this report is a*out+ This *rie" report summari0es how to enhance your income without lea$ing your teaching )o*+ It(s a*out adding to your current teacher salary *y using your particular s#ills and #nowledge to help people worldwide+ I" you(re li#e most teachers% you want to sa$e the world+ The *eauty o" this report is that each o" the three income sources you(re a*out to encounter can actually *ene"it your "ellow human *eings+ There(s no magical promise with these three sources+ But others ha$e used income sources li#e these "or their entire means o" "inancial support+ 1ach o" the three income sources has these elements in common:

They(re FREE They can *e used to change the world for the better They re.uire little to no technology and s ills nowledge They are ideally s!ited to a teacher"s bac gro!nd

2et(s get to the "irst one+



INCOME SOURCE #1: My Power Mall

I(m starting with My Power Mall *ecause this is *y "ar the easiest% .uic#est% and most relia*le o" the three to start ma#ing money online+ 3ou can start ma#ing e tra money with My Power Mall in less than an hour It(s also the easiest "or me to e plain% *ecause what I(m going to do is direct you to a we*site that e plains it all+ -hat I will say is that it(s totally "ree% e tremely simple% and has the potential to gi$e you the "inancial "reedom e$ery teacher wants+ -hen I loo# "or new ways to enhance my income% I loo# "or three things:

The cost: I don(t ha$e capital to in$est+ #y $ower #all is com%letely free The le$el o" di""iculty: I don(t ha$e time "or a steep learning cur$e+ #y $ower #all is as sim%le as it gets&

'O S122I'4: Been there+ 5one that+ I hate selling+ -ith My Power Mall there is NO selling+

Clic# the lin# *elow+ It will only ta#e a "ew minutes to see i" the "ree My Power Mall program is "or you:

The #y $ower #all 'ideo(






#y $ower #all )!mmary( Cost: Free Time to Start: 2ess than an hour 2e$el o" 5i""iculty: 1 tremely 1asy



INCOME SOURCE #2: Blogging

Another easy way to start earning e tra income is *y starting a *log+ A *log is simply an online )ournal that is a$aila*le to the pu*lic and arranged chronologically in re$erse order% so that the newest entries are always at the top o" the page+ I *elie$e that e$ery teacher should ha$e a *log% and not )ust to earn e tra money+ Blogs can *e used to communicate with parents% to list the homewor# "or each day% or to e press your thoughts a*out education to the world+ !ere are some educational *logs you may want to ta#e a loo# at: -e*logg<ed http:66we*logg<ed+com Teen 2iteracy Tips: http:66www+nic#senger+com6*log Cool Cat Teacher Blog: http:66coolcatteacher+*logspot+com The =oad to !igh School: http:66mrsenger+*logspot+com
http://www.nicksenger.com http://www.teacherclockhours.com

3ou may ha$e noticed the blogs%ot&com in the last two we* addresses+ That tells you that *oth o" those *logs are hosted at the most popular *logging ser$ice in the world% Blogger+com -hy is Blogger so popular/ Because it(s free+ To start a *log% all you ha$e to do is complete the "ree registration "orm at http:66www+*logger+com and "ollow the instructions "rom there+ But how can you ma#e money with a *log/ There are se$eral ways% *ut we(re going to "ocus on )ust one: 4oogle Adsense+ I" you sign up with Blogger% which is owned *y 4oogle% your *log has the *uilt<in a*ility to display 4oogle Ads+ The Blogger help pages are $ery good at showing you how to do this+ !ere(s how it wor#s:

3ou create a *log with Blogger% and install 4oogle Adsense on it+

4oogle(s search ro*ots e amine your page to see what you write a*out+
http://www.nicksenger.com http://www.teacherclockhours.com

4oogle then places ads on your *log that match your content+ 1$ery time someone clic#s an ad that(s on your page% you ma#e money+ That(s it> =eally> 3ou can *log a*out anything you want% and as a teacher% you ha$e a lot to o""er the world+ 3ou could *log a*out parenting issues% or a*out how to deal with special needs children+ 3ou can o""er your e pertise to the world while enhancing your income at the same time+ To "ind out more a*out educational *logs and earning income through *logging% try these lin#s:

Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Tools for Classrooms *y -ill =ichardson

4oogle Adsense:
o https:66www+google+com6adsense

?sing Adsense in Blogger:

o http:66help+*logger+com6*in6topic+py/topic@A97;B

o http:66www+pro*logger+net

*logging )!mmary(



Cost: Free Time to Start: 2ess than C hours 2e$el o" 5i""iculty: 1asy to A$erage




Another way to earn some e tra money is *y turning your #nowledge into an in"ormation product li#e an e*oo#% audio recording or $ideo% and selling it online+ The FreeIQ we*site ma#es this e tremely easy Dand F=11>E+ 3ou can send FreeIQ any document you($e written% and they will sell it "or you% "or any price you name+ They ta#e care o" storing your product% listing it on their site and ta#ing the credit card in"ormation "rom customers+ -ith FreeIQ you can sell documents% mp8s or $ideos that you create+ 5on(t *e put o"" *y the prospect o" writing a *oo# or recording a $ideo+ 2et(s loo# at some ways you as a teacher could use FreeIQ: FreeI+ Idea ,I" you($e *een teaching "or any length o" time% you($e pro*a*ly created some pretty use"ul -ord documents+ May*e you($e de$eloped a ru*ric "or grading pro)ects+ May*e you($e written a unit plan "or teaching a no$el+ 3ou can con$ert them to pd" "iles% send them to FreeIQ% then set



a price and sell them+ F8+BG/ FB+BG/ Other teachers can *uy them and use them in their own classroom+ 3ou don(t e$en ha$e to sell them+ -ith FreeIQ you can gi$e them away "or "ree+ So% you could ha$e si or se$en "ree documents% and two or three documents "or sale% i" that(s what you want to do+ FreeI+ Idea ,. Teachers generally ha$e a lot o" good ad$ice to o""er to parents a*out helping their #ids de$elop and grow+ 3ou could *uy an ine pensi$e microphone Da*out F79E% hoo# it up to your computer and gi$e parents the ten most important things they can do to help their child succeed in school/ 3ou can download the "ree Audacity so"tware to record and edit your tal#% and then you can send it to FreeIQ and sell it% with the title &A9 Things 1$ery Parent 'eeds to Hnow to !elp Their Child Succeed in School+, 3ou can pro*a*ly thin# o" "our or "i$e o" them right now+ Parents could then *uy your mp8 "or anywhere "rom FA9 to FC9 and listen to it on their mp8 player as they go "or their morning )og% or as they dri$e to wor#+



FreeI+ Idea ,3 -rite the *oo# you($e always wanted to> Finish that collection o" poetry or short stories+ Put them together in one "ile and sell the collection on FreeIQ+ 5o you ta#e digital photographs as a ho**y/ Put them together in a document and sell them+ FreeIQ ma#es it easy to pu*lish your own original wor#s and sell them online+ To "ind out more a*out FreeIQ% $isit the "ollowing lin#s:

FreeIQ: http:66"reei.+com6in"oA 4etting Started with FreeIQ: http:66"reei.+com6getstarted7 FreeIQ Training Audio: http:66"reei.+com6*logging8 -rite an Article and Turn it into Multiple Products: http:66"reei.+com6articlesA FreeIQTips+com: http:66"reei.tips+com

FreeIQ Summary: Cost: 9<F79 DI" you *uy a microphoneE Time to Start: Se$eral days 2e$el o" 5i""iculty: A *it o" a learning cur$e% *ut still simple



By now I hope you(re starting to thin# a*out ways you can use these three income sources to start enhancing your own teacher salary+ One *ene"it o" *eing a teacher is that you can spend three months in the summer growing your *usiness% whether it(s promoting your mall% de$eloping your *log% or creating content "or FreeIQ+ 4ood luc#>



1ssential Boo#s "or Teachers -ishing to 1nhance Their Income DClic# on a title to read re$iews o" the *oo# on Ama0on+comE Internet Riches: The Simple one!" aking Secrets of Online

illionaires *y Scott Fo I This *oo# is T!1 resource "or starting a low<ris#% low<cost online *usiness+ -ritten *y the man who helped Bill O(=eilly and 2arry Hing set up their we* sites+ Riches in #iches: $ow to ake it BI% in a Small arket *y

Susan Friedmann% CSP I Friedmann e plains how to recogni0e your area o" e pertise and position yoursel" as a leader in your "ield and create $alua*le in"ormational products+ Speak and %row Rich *y 5ottie and 2illy -alters and Secrets of Successful Spea#ers *y 2illy -alters I Another way to enhance your income is *y ma#ing presentations and speeches+ 5ottie and 2illy -alters ha$e written the de"initi$e guides to ma#ing a li$ing through pu*lic spea#ing+



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