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Surface Chemistry MCQs Questions: Paper - 1

Sr. No. Questions Answers 1. In Freundlich Adsorption isotherm, the value of 1/n is [CBSE Answer: AIPMT 2012] (A) 1 in case of physical adsorption (B) 1 in case of chemisorption (C) Between 0 and 1 in all cases (D) Between 2 and 4 in all cases 2. hich one of the followin! statement is incorrect a"out en#yme Answer: catalysis$ [CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) %n#ymes are denaturated "y ultraviolet rays and at hi!h temperature (B) %n#ymes are least reactive at optimum temperature (C) %n#ymes are mostly proteinous in nature (D) %n#yme action is specific &. 'he protectin! power of lyophilic colloidal sol is e(pressed in terms Answer: of[CBSE AIPMT 2012] (A) )ritical miscelle concentration (B) *(idation num"er (C) )oa!ulation value (D) +old num"er 4. hich one of the followin! is an e(ample for homo!enous Answer: catalysis$[Karnataka CET 2010] (A) ,ydro!enation of oil (B) -anufacture of ammonia "y ,a"er.s process (C) -anufacture of sulphuric acid "y )ontact process (D) ,ydrolysis of sucrose in presence of dilute hydrochloric acid /. hich one of the followin! does not involve Answer: coa!ulation$ [Karnataka CET 2010] (A) 0epti#ation (B) Formation of delta re!ions (C) 'reatment of drin1in! water "y potash alum (D) )lottin! of "lood "y the use of ferric chloride 2. Amon! the electrolytes 3a24*4, )a)l2, Al254*46& and 3,4)l, the Answer: most effective coa!ulatin! a!ent for 4"24& sol is [IIT-JEE 2009] (A) 3a24*4 (B) )a)l2 (C) Al254*46& (D) 3,4)l 7. hich of the followin! statements is incorrect re!ardin! Answer: physisorption$ 8AI%%% 2009: (A) It occurs "ecause of van der alls forces (B) -ore easily li;uefia"le !ases are adsor"ed readily (C) <nder hi!h pressure it results into multimolecular layer on adsor"ent surface (D) %nthalpy of adsorption (Hadsorption) is low and positive =. >ate of physical adsorption increase with 8?arnata1a )%' 209: Answer: (A) increase in temperature (B) decrease in pressure (C) decrease in temperature (D) decrease in surface area 9. +old num"ers of protective colloids A, B, ) and @ are 0./0, 0.01, Answer: 0.10 and 0.00/ respectively. 'he correct order of their protective powers is [AIEEE 200 ] (A) B A @ A A A ) (B) @ A A A ) A B (C) ) A B A @ A A (D) A A ) A B A @















'he Ban!muir adsorption isotherm is deduced usin! the Answer: assumption[CBSE AIPMT 200!] (A) 'he adsor"ed molecules interact with each other (B) 'he adsorption ta1es place in multilayers. (C) 'he adsorption sites are e;uivalent in their a"ility to adsor" the particles. (D) 'he heat of adsorption varies with covera!e. A plot of lo! (/m versus lo! p for the adsorption of a !as on a solid Answer: !ives a strai!ht line with slope e;ual to [CBSE AIPMT 200"] (A) n (B) 1/n (C) lo! ? (D) lo! ? In Ban!muir.s model of adsorption of a !as on a solid Answer: surface [AIEEE 200"] (A) the adsorption at a sin!le site on the surface may involve multiple molecules at the same time. (B) the mass of !as stri1in! a !iven area of surface is proportional to the pressure of the !as. (C) the mass of !as stri1in! a !iven area of surface is independent of the pressure of the !as (D) the rate of dissociation of adsor"ed molecules from the surface does not depend on the surface covered. hich of the followin! electrolyte will have ma(imum flocculation Answer: value for Fe 5*,6& sol.$ [Karnataka CET 200"] (A) 3a24 (B) 53,46&0*4 (C) ?24*4 (D) 3a)l hich one of the followin!s forms micelles in a;ueous solution Answer: a"ove certain concentration$ [CBSE AIPMT 200#] (A) @odecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (B) +lucose (C) <rea (D) 0yridinium chloride hich of the followin! statement a"out the #eolites is Answer: false$ [CBSE AIPMT 200$] (A) 'hey have open structure which ena"les them to ta1e up small molecules. (B) Ceolites are aluminosilicates havin! three dimensional networ1. (C) 4ome of the 4i*44 units are replaced "y Al*4/ and Al*29 ion in #eolites. (D) 'hey are used as cation e(chan!ers







Surface Chemistry MCQs Questions: Paper - 2

Sr. No. Questions Answers 1. @urin! the adsorption of ?rypton on activated charcoal at low Answer: (A) temperature [Karnataka CET 2011] (A) D, A 0 and D4 A 0 (B) D, E 0 and D4 A 0 (C) D, E 0 and D4 E 0 (D) D, A 0 and D4 E 0 2. 'he "asic principle of )ottrell.s precipitator is [Karnataka CET Answer: (C) 200 ] (A) BeF)hatelier.s principle (B) peptisation




(C) neutralisation of char!e on colloidal particles (D) scatterin! of li!ht 'he colour of s1y is due to [Karnataka CET 200 ] Answer: (B) (A) a"sorption of li!ht "y atmospheric !ases (B) wavelen!th of scattered li!ht (C) transmission of li!ht (D) All of these Amon! the followin!, the surfactant that will form micelles in Answer: (A) a;ueous solution at the lowest molar concentration at am"ient conditions is [IIT JEE 200 ] (A) ),&5),261/3G5),&6&BrH (B) ),&5),2611*4*&H3aG (C) ),&5),262)**H3aG (D) ),&5),26113G5),&6&BrH Answer: (B) 24*25!6 is an e(ample for [Karnataka CET 200!] (A) irreversi"le reaction (B) hetero!enous catalysis (C) homo!enous catalyst (D) neutrali#ation reaction hen a sulphur sol is evaporated sulphur is o"tained. *n mi(in! with water sulphur sol is not formed. 'he sol is [Karnataka CET 200!] (A) reversi"le (B) hydropho"ic (C) hydrophilic (D) lyophilic hich of the followin! is correct for lyophilic sols$ [AIEEE 200#] (A) 'hey are irreversi"le (B) 'hey are formed "y inor!anic su"stances (C) 'hey are readily coa!ulated "y addition of electrolytes (D) 'hey are self sta"ili#ed 'he e(tent of adsorption of a !as on a solid depends on IIIIII. [Karnataka CET 200#] (A) temperature of the !as (B) pressure of the !as (C) nature of the !as (D) all are correct An emulsifier is a su"stance which IIIIII. [Karnataka CET 200#] (A) coa!ulates the emulsion (B) homo!enises the emulsion (C) sta"ilises the emulsion (D) accelerates the dispersion of li;uid in li;uid Jolume of a colloidal particle, Jc as compared to the volume of a solute particle in a true solution, Js could "e [AIEEE 200#] (A) (B) (C) (D)


Answer: (B)


Answer: (D)


Answer: (D)


Answer: (C)


Answer: (C)



Identify the !as which is readily adsor"ed "y activated Answer: (D) charcoalK[Karnataka CET 200$] (A) 32 (B) *2 (C) ,2 (D) 4*2 Identify the correct statement re!ardin! en#ymesK [AIEEE Answer: (D) 200$] (A) %n#ymes are specific "iolo!ical catalysts that cannot "e poisoned. (B) %n#ymes are normally hetero!eneous catalysts that are very specific in action (C) %n#ymes are specific "iolo!ical catalysts that can normally function at very hi!h temperature 5' F 1000?6. (D) %n#ymes are specific "iolo!ical catalysts that possess well defined active sites. Accordin! to adsorption theory of catalysis, the speed of the Answer: (D) reaction increases "ecauseK [CBSE AIPMT 200%] (A) adsorption produces heat which increases the speed of the reaction. (B) in the process of adsorption, the activation ener!y of the molecules "ecomes lar!e. (C) the concentration of the reactant molecules at the active centres of the catalyst "ecomes hi!h due to adsorption. (D) adsorption lowers the activation ener!y of the reaction. hich of the followin! characteristics is not correct for physical Answer: (C) adsorption$ [AIEEE 200%] (A) Adsorption on solid is reversi"le. (B) Adsorption is spontaneous. (C) Adsorption increases with increase in temperature. (D) Both enthalpy and entropy of adsorption are ne!ative. Alum helps in purifyin! water "y [AIEEE 2002] Answer: (A) (A) coa!ulatin! the mud particles (B) sulphate part which com"ines with dirt and removes it (C) formin! 4i comple( with clay particles (D) ma1in! mud water solu"le




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