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Republic of Congress of Metro Manila Eighth Congress

the the

Philippines Philippines

Republic Act No. 6940 March 28 !990 AN AC" #RAN"$N# A PER$%& EN&$N# %N &ECEM'ER (! 2000 )%R )$*$N# APP*$CA"$%N+ )%R )REE PA"EN" AN& ,-&$C$A* C%N)$RMA"$%N %) $MPER)EC" "$"*E "% A*$ENA'*E AN& &$+P%+A'*E *AN&+ %) ".E P-'*$C &%MA$N -N&ER C.AP"ER+ /$$ AN& /$$$ %) ".E P-'*$C *AN& AC" 0CA !4! A+ AMEN&E&1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: +ection !. Paragraph 1, Section 44, Chapter VII of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, is here ! amended to read as follows: "Sec. 44. An! nat#ral$ orn citi%en of the Philippines who is not the owner of more than twel&e '1() hectares and who, for at least thirt! '*+) !ears prior to the effecti&it! of this amendator! Act, has contin#o#sl! occ#pied and c#lti&ated, either ! himself or thro#gh his predecessors$in$interest a tract or tracts of agric#lt#ral p# lic lands s# ,ect to disposition, who shall ha&e paid the real estate ta- thereon while the same has not een occ#pied ! an! person shall e entitled, #nder the pro&isions of this Chapter, to ha&e a free patent iss#ed to him for s#ch tract or tracts of s#ch land not to e-ceed twel&e '1() hectares." +ection 2. Section 4., Chapter VII of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, is here !, f#rther amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4.. /he President of the Philippines, #pon recommendation of the Secretar! of 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces, shall from time to time fi- ! proclamation the period within which applications for free patents ma! e filed in the Comm#nit! 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces 2ffice or region specified in s#ch proclamation, and #pon the e-piration of the period so designated, #nless the same e e-tended ! the President, all the land comprised within s#ch district, chartered cit!, pro&ince, m#nicipalit! or region s# ,ect thereto #nder the pro&isions of this Chapter ma! e disposed of as agric#lt#ral p# lic land witho#t pre,#dice to the prior right of the occ#pant and c#lti&ator to ac3#ire s#ch land #nder this Act ! means other than free patent. /he time to e fi-ed in the entire Archipelago for the filing of applications #nder this Chapter shall not e-tend e!ond 4ecem er *1, (+++, e-cept in the Pro&inces of Ag#san del Norte, Ag#san del S#r, Cota ato, So#th Cota ato, S#ltan 5#darat, 6#7idnon, 8anao del Norte, 8anao del S#r, 4a&ao del Norte, 4a&ao del S#r, 4a&ao 2riental, S#l#, Mt. Pro&ince, 6eng#et, 5alinga$Apa!ao, If#gao, Mag#indanao, /awi$ /awi, and 6asilan where the President of the Philippines, #pon the recommendation of the Secretar! of 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces, shall determine or fi- the time e!ond which the filing of applications #nder this Chapter shall not e-tend: pro&ided, that the period shall appl! onl! when the area applied for does not e-ceed twel&e '1() hectares. /he period fi-ed for an! district, chartered cit!, pro&ince or m#nicipalit! shall egin to r#n thirt! '*+) da!s after the p# lication of the proclamation in one '1) newspaper of general circ#lation in the cit!, pro&ince or m#nicipalit! concerned. A certified cop! of said proclamation shall e f#rnished ! the Secretar! of 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces within thirt! '*+) da!s co#nted from the date of the presidential proclamation to the Comm#nit! 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces 2ffice and to the pro&incial oard, and m#nicipal oard or cit! co#ncil and aranga! co#ncil affected, and copies

thereof shall e posted on the #lletin oard of the Comm#nit! 0n&ironment and Nat#ral 1eso#rces 2ffice and at conspic#o#s places in the pro&incial #ilding and at the m#nicipal #ilding and aranga! halls or meeting place.t shall moreo&er e anno#nced ! go&ernment radio whene&er a&aila le in each of the arrios of the m#nicipalit!." +ection (. Section 49, Chapter VIII of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, is here ! f#rther amended to read as follows: "Sec. 49. /he persons specified in the ne-t following section are here ! granted time, not to e-tend e!ond 4ecem er *1, (+++ within which to ta7e ad&antage of the enefit of this Chapter: pro&ided, that this period shall appl! onl! where the area applied for does not e-ceed twel&e '1() hectares: pro&ided, f#rther, that the se&eral periods of time designated ! the President in accordance with Section :ort!$fi&e of this Act shall appl! also to the lands comprised in the pro&isions of this Chapter, #t this section shall not e constr#ed as prohi iting an! of said persons from acting #nder this Chapter at an! time prior to the period fi-ed ! the President." +ection 4. An! law or e-ec#ti&e order or part thereof contrar! to or inconsistent with this Act is here ! deemed repealed accordingl!. +ection 2. If an! pro&ision of this Act or the applica ilit! of s#ch pro&ision to an! person or circ#mstances shall e held in&alid, the &alidit! of the remainder of this Act and the applica ilit! of s#ch pro&ision to the persons or circ#mstances shall not e affected there !. +ection 6. /his Act shall ta7e effect fifteen '1.) da!s after its p# lication in two '() national newspapers of general circ#lation. Appro&ed: March 28 !990

C2MM2N;0A8/< AC/ N2. 141= AN AC" "% AMEN& AN& C%MP$*E ".E *A3+ RE*A"$/E "% *AN&+ %) ".E P-'*$C &%MA$N "$"*E $ "$"*E AN& APP*$CA"$%N %) ".E AC" *AN&+ "% 3.$C. $" RE)ER+ AN& C*A++$)$CA"$%N &E*$M$"A"$%N AN& +-R/E4 5 ".ERE%) )%R C%NCE++$%N C.AP"ER $ Short Title of the Act, ands to !hich it Applies, and "fficers Charged !ith #ts $%ecution S0C/I2N 1. /he short title of this Act shall e "/he P# lic 8and Act. S0C/I2N (. /he pro&isions of this Act shall appl! to the lands of the p# lic domain> #t tim er and mineral lands shall e go&erned ! special laws and nothing in this Act pro&ided shall e #nderstood or constr#ed to change or modif! the administration and disposition of the lands commonl! called "friar lands?? and those which, eing pri&atel! owned, ha&e re&erted to or ecome the propert! of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, which administration and disposition shall e go&erned ! the laws at present in force or which ma! hereafter e enacted. S0C/I2N *. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce shall e the e-ec#ti&e officer

charged with carr!ing o#t the pro&isions of this Act thro#gh the 4irector of 8ands, who shall act #nder his immediate control. S0C/I2N 4. S# ,ect to said control, the 4irector of 8ands shall ha&e direct e-ec#ti&e control of the s#r&e!, classification, lease, sale or an! other form of concession or disposition and management of the lands of the p# lic domain, and his decisions as to 3#estions of fact shall e concl#si&e when appro&ed ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce. S0C/I2N .. /he 4irector of 8ands, with the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce shall prepare and iss#e s#ch forms, instr#ctions, r#les, and reg#lations consistent with this Act, as ma! e necessar! and proper to carr! into effect the pro&isions thereof and for the cond#ct of proceedings arising #nder s#ch pro&isions. C.AP"ER $$ Classification, &elimitation, and Survey of ands of the Public &omain, for the Concession Thereof S0C/I2N @. /he President, #pon the recommendation of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, shall from time to time classif! the lands of the p# lic domain into A 'a) ' ) Aliena le or disposa le> /im er, and

'c)0d#cational, charita le, or other similar p#rposes 'd) 1eser&ations for town sites and for p# lic and 3#asi$p# lic #ses. /he President, #pon recommendation ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, shall from time to time ma7e the classifications pro&ided for in this section, and ma!, at an! time and in a similar manner, transfer lands from one class to another. S0C/I2N 1+. /he words "alienation, "?disposition, or "concession" as #sed in this Act, shall mean an! of the methods a#thori%ed ! this Act for the ac3#isition, lease, #se, or enefit of the lands of the p# lic domain other than tim er or mineral lands. "$"*E $$ Agricultural Public ands C.AP"ER $$$ 'orms of Concession of Agricultural ands S0C/I2N 11. P# lic lands s#ita le for agric#lt#ral p#rposes can e disposed of onl! as follows, and not otherwise: '1) :or homestead settlement 6! sale 6! lease

'c)Mineral lands, '() and ma! at an! time and in a li7e manner transfer s#ch lands from one class to another, for the p#rposes of their administration and disposition. S0C/I2N 9. :or the p#rposes of the administration and disposition of aliena le or disposa le p# lic lands, the President, #pon recommendation ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, shall from time to time declare what lands are open to disposition or concession #nder this Act. S0C/I2N B. 2nl! those lands shall e declared open to disposition or concession which ha&e een officiall! delimited and classified and, when practica le, s#r&e!ed, and which ha&e not een reser&ed for p# lic or 3#asi$p# lic #ses, nor appropriated ! the Co&ernment, nor in an! manner ecome pri&ate propert!, nor those on which a pri&ate right a#thori%ed and recogni%ed ! this Act or an! other &alid law ma! e claimed, or which, ha&ing een reser&ed or appropriated, ha&e ceased to e so <owe&er, the President ma!, for reasons of p# lic interest, declare lands of the p# lic domain open to disposition efore the same ha&e had their o#ndaries esta lished or een s#r&e!ed, or ma!, for the same reason, s#spend their concession or disposition #ntil the! are again declared open to concession or disposition ! proclamation d#l! p# lished or ! Act of the National Assem l!. S0C/I2N D. :or the p#rpose of their administration and disposition, the lands of the p# lic domain aliena le or open to disposition shall e classified, according to the #se or p#rposes to which s#ch lands are destined, as follows: 'a) Agric#lt#ral '*)

'4) 6! confirmation of imperfect or incomplete titles: 'a) 6! ,#dicial legali%ation ' ) 6! administrati&e legali%ation 'free patent). S0C/I2N 1(. An! citi%en of the Philippines o&er the age of eighteen !ears, or the head of a famil!, who does not own more than twent!$fo#r hectares of land in the Philippines or has not had the enefit of an! grat#ito#s allotment of more than twent!$fo#r hectares of land since the occ#pation of the Philippines ! the Enited States, ma! enter a homestead of not e-ceeding twent!$ fo#r hectares of agric#lt#ral land of the p# lic domain. S0C/I2N 1*. Epon the filing of an application for a homestead, the 4irector of 8ands, if he finds that the application sho#ld e appro&ed, shall do so and a#thori%e the applicant to ta7e possession of the land #pon the pa!ment of fi&e pesos, Philippine c#rrenc!, as entr! fee. ;ithin simonths from and after the date of the appro&al of the of the application, the applicant shall egin to wor7 the homestead, otherwise he shall lose his prior right to the land. S0C/I2N 14. No certificate shall e gi&en or patent iss#ed for the land applied for #ntil at least one$fifth of the land has een impro&ed and c#lti&ated. /he period within which the land shall e c#lti&ated shall not e less than one or more than fi&e !ears, from and after the date of the appro&al of the application. /he applicant shall, within the said period, notif! the 4irector of 8ands as soon as he is read! to ac3#ire the title. If at the date of s#ch notice, the applicant shall pro&e to the

' ) 1esidential commercial ind#strial or for similar prod#cti&e p#rposes

satisfaction of the 4irector of 8ands, that he has resided contin#o#sl! for at least one !ear in the m#nicipalit! in which the land is located, or in a m#nicipalit! ad,acent to the same, and has c#lti&ated at least one$fifth of the land contin#o#sl! since the appro&al of the application, and shall ma7e affida&it that no part of said land has een alienated or enc#m ered, and that he has complied with all the re3#irements of this Act, then, #pon the pa!ment of fi&e pesos, as final fee, he shall e entitled to a patent. S0C/I2N 1.. At the option of the applicant, pa!ment of the fees re3#ired in this chapter ma! e made to the m#nicipal treas#rer of the localit!, who, in t#rn, shall forward them to the pro&incial treas#rer. In case of delin3#enc! of the applicant, the 4irector of 8ands ma!, si-t! da!s after s#ch delin3#enc! has occ#rred, either cancel the application or grant an e-tension of time not to e-ceed one h#ndred and twent! da!s for the pa!ment of the s#m d#e. S0C/I2N 1@. If at an! time efore the e-piration of the period allowed ! law for the ma7ing of final proof, it shall e pro&en to the satisfaction of the 4irector of 8ands, after d#e notice to the homesteader, that the land entered is #nder the law not s# ,ect to home$stead entr!, or that the homesteader has act#all! changed his residence, or &ol#ntaril! a andoned the land for more than si- months at an! one time d#ring the !ears of residence and occ#pation herein re3#ired, or has otherwise failed to compl! with the re3#irements of this Act, the 4irector of 8ands ma! cancel the entr!. S0C/I2N 19. 6efore final proof shall e s# mitted ! an! person claiming to ha&e complied with the pro&isions of this chapter, d#e notice, as prescri ed ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce shall e gi&en to the p# lic of his intention to ma7e s#ch proof, stating therein the name and address of the homesteader, the description of the land, with its o#ndaries and area, the names of the witness ! whom it is e-pected that the necessar! facts will e esta lished, and the time and place at which, and the name of the officer efore whom, s#ch proof will e made. S0C/I2N 1B. In case the homesteader shall s#ffer from mental alienation, or shall for an! other reason e incapacitated from e-ercising his rights personall!, the person legall! representing him ma! offer and s# mit the final proof on ehalf of s#ch incapacitated person. S0C/I2N 1D. Not more than one homestead entr! shall e allowed to an! one person, and no person to whom a homestead patent has een iss#ed ! &irt#e of the pro&isions of this Act regardless of the area of his original homestead, ma! again ac3#ire a homestead> Pro&ided, howe&er, /hat an! pre&io#s homesteader who has een iss#ed a patent for less than twent!$ fo#r hectares and otherwise 3#alified to ma7e a homestead entr!, ma! e allowed another homestead which, together with his pre&io#s homestead shall not e-ceed an area of twent!$fo#r hectares. S0C/I2N (+. If at an! time after the appro&al of the application and efore the patent is iss#ed, the applicant shall pro&e to the satisfaction of the 4irector of 8ands that he has complied with all the re3#irements of the law, #t cannot contin#e with his homestead, thro#gh no fa#lt of his own, and there is a bona fide p#rchaser for the rights and impro&ements of the applicant on the land, and that the con&e!ance is not made for p#rposes of spec#lation, then the applicant, with the pre&io#s appro&al of the 4irector of 8ands ma!

transfer his rights to the land and impro&ements to an! person legall! 3#alified to appl! for a homestead, and immediatel! after s#ch transfer, the p#rchaser shall file a homestead application for the land so ac3#ired and shall s#cceed the original homesteader in his rights and o ligations eginning with the date of the appro&al of said application of the p#rchaser. An! person who has so transferred his rights ma! not again appl! for a new homestead. 0&er! transfer made witho#t the pre&io#s appro&al of the 4irector of 8ands shall e n#ll and &oid and shall res#lt in the cancellation of the entr! and the ref#sal of the patent. S0C/I2N (1. An! non$Christian :ilipino who has not applied for a home$stead, desiring to li&e #pon or occ#p! land on an! of the reser&ations set aside for the so$called "non$Christian tri es" ma! re3#est a permit of occ#pation for an! tract of land of the p# lic domain reser&ed for said non$ Christian tri es #nder this Act, the area of which shall not e-ceed fo#r hectares. It shall e an essential condition that the applicant for the permit c#lti&ate and impro&e the land, and if s#ch c#lti&ation has not een eg#n within si- months from and after the date on which the permit was recei&ed, the permit shall e cancelled. /he permit shall e for a term of one !ear. If at the e-piration of this term or at an! time prior thereto, the holder of the permit shall appl! for a homestead #nder the pro&isions of this chapter, incl#ding the portion for which a permit was granted to him, he shall ha&e the priorit!, otherwise the land shall e again open to disposition at the e-piration of the permit. :or each permit the s#m of one peso shall e paid. C.AP"ER $/ Sale S0C/I2N ((. An! citi%en of lawf#l age of the Philippines, and an! s#ch citi%en not of lawf#l age who is a head of a famil!, and an! corporation or association of which at least si-t! per cent#m of the capital stoc7 or of an! interest in said capital stoc7 elongs wholl! to citi%ens of the Philippines, and which is organi%ed and constit#ted #nder the laws of Philippines, and corporate odies organi%ed in the Philippines a#thori%ed #nder their charters to do so> ma! p#rchase an! tract of p# lic agric#lt#ral land disposa le #nder this Act, not to e-ceed one h#ndred and fort!$fo#r hectares in the case of an indi&id#al and one tho#sand and twent!$fo#r hectares in that of a corporation or association, ! proceeding as prescri ed in this chapter: Provided, /hat partnerships shall e entitled to p#rchase not to e-ceed one h#ndred and fort!$fo#r hectares for each mem er thereof. #t the total area so p#rchased shall in no case e-ceed the one tho#sand and twent!$fo#r hectares a#thori%ed in this section for associations and corporations. S0C/I2N (*. No person, corporation, association, or partnership other than those mentioned in the last preceding section ma! ac3#ire or own agric#lt#ral p# lic land or land of an! other denomination or classification, which is at the time or was originall!, reall! or pres#mpti&el!, of the p# lic domain, or an! permanent impro&ement thereon, or an! real right on s#ch land and impro&ement: Provided, ho(ever, /hat persons, corporations, associations or partnerships which, at the date #pon which the Philippine Constit#tion too7 effect, held agric#lt#ral p# lic lands or land of an! other denomination, that elonged originall!, reall! or pres#mpti&el!, to the p# lic domain, or permanent impro&ements on s#ch lands, or a real right #pon s#ch lands and Constit#tion too7 impro&ements, ha&ing ac3#ired

the same #nder the laws and reg#lations in force at the date of s#ch ac3#isition, shall e a#thori%ed to contin#e holding the same as if s#ch persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships were 3#alified #nder the last preceding section> #t the! shall not enc#m er, con&e!, or alienate the same to persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships not incl#ded in section twent!$two of this Act, e-cept ! reason of hereditar! s#ccession, d#l! legali%ed and ac7nowledged ! competent co#rts. S0C/I2N (4. 8ands sold #nder the pro&isions of this chapter m#st e appraised in accordance with section one h#ndred and si-teen of this Act. /he 4irector of 8ands shall anno#nce the sale thereof ! p# lishing the proper notice once a wee7 for si- consec#ti&e wee7s in the 2fficial Ca%ette, and in two newspapers one p# lished in Manila and the other p# lished in the m#nicipalit! or in the pro&ince where the lands are located, or in a neigh oring pro&ince, and the same notice shall e posted on the #lletin oard of the 6#rea# 2f 8ands in Manila, and in the most conspic#o#s place in the pro&incial #ilding and the m#nicipal #ilding of the pro&ince and m#nicipalit!, respecti&el!, where the land is located, and, if practica le, on the land itself> #t if the &al#e of the land does not e-ceed two h#ndred and fort! pesos, the p# lication in the "fficial )a*ette and newspapers ma! e omitted. /he notices shall e p# lished one in 0nglish and the other in Spanish or in the local dialect, and shall fia date not earlier than si-t! da!s after the date of the notice #pon which the land will e awarded to the highest idder, or p# lic ids will e called for, or other action will e ta7en as pro&ided in this chapter. S0C/I2N (.. P# lic agric#lt#ral lands which are not located within ten '1+) 7ilometers from the o#ndaries of the cit! proper in chartered cities or within fi&e '.) 7ilometers from the m#nicipal hall or town occ#pants pla%a of an! m#nicipalit! ma! e sold to act#al occ#pants who do not own an! parcel of land or whose total land holdings do not e-ceed fi&e hectares and who compl! with the minim#m re3#irements of Commonwealth Act n#m ered one h#ndred fort!$ one, as amended, and who ha&e resided on the land applied for at least two !ears prior to the date of the application. cdt All ids m#st e sealed and addressed to the 4irector of 8ands and m#st ha&e inclosed therewith cash or certified chec7, treas#r! warrant, or post$office mone! order pa!a le to the order of the 4irector of 8ands for ten per centum of the amo#nt of the id, which amo#nt shall e retained in case the id is accepted as part pa!ment of the p#rchase price: Provided, /hat no id shall e considered the amo#nt of which is less than the appraised &al#e of the land. In addition to e-isting p# lication re3#irements in section twent!$fo#r of Commonwealth Act N#m ered one h#ndred fort!$ one, as amended, notices and of applications shall e posted for a period of not less than thirt! da!s in at least three conspic#o#s places in the m#nicipalit! where the parcel of land is located, one of which shall e at the m#nicipal #ilding, and other, in the arrio co#ncil #ilding of the arrio where the land is located. S0C/I2N (@. Epon the opening of the ids, the land shall e awarded to the highest idder. If there are two or more e3#al ids which are higher than the others, and one of s#ch e3#al ids is that of the applicant, his id shall e accepted. If, howe&er, the id of the applicant is not one of s#ch e3#al and higher ids, the 4irector of 8ands shall at once s# mit the land for p# lic idding, and to

the person ma7ing the highest id on s#ch p# lic a#ction the land shall e awarded. In an! case, the applicant shall alwa!s ha&e the option of raising his id to e3#al that of the highest idder, and in this case the land shall e awarded to him. No id recei&ed at s#ch p# lic a#ction shall e finall! accepted #ntil the idder shall ha&e deposited ten per centum of his id, as re3#ired in Section twent!$fi&e of this Act. In case none of the tracts of land that are offered for sale or the p#rchase of which has een applied for, has an area in e-cess of twent!$fo#r hectares, the 4irector of 8ands ma! delegate to the 4istrict 8and 2fficer concerned the power of recei&ing ids, holding the a#ction, and proceeding in accordance with the pro&isions of this Act, #t the 4istrict 8and 2fficer shall s# mit his recommendation to the 4irector of 8ands, for the final decision of the latter in the case. /he 4istrict 8and 2fficer shall accept and process an! application for the p#rchase of p# lic lands not e-ceeding fi&e hectares s# ,ect to the appro&al of the 4irector of 8ands within si-t! da!s after receipt of the recommendation of said 4istrict 8and 2fficer. S0C/I2N (9. /he p#rchase price shall e paid as follows: /he alance of the p#rchase price after ded#cting the amo#nt paid at the time of s# mitting the id, ma! e paid in f#ll #pon the ma7ing of the award, or in not more than ten e3#al ann#al installments from the date of the award. S0C/I2N (B. /he p#rchaser shall ha&e not less than one$fifth of the land ro7en and c#lti&ated within fi&e !ears after the date of the award> and efore an! patent is iss#ed, the p#rchaser m#st show of occ#panc!, c#lti&ation, and impro&ement of at least one$fifth of the land applied for #ntil the date on which final pa!ment is made: Provided, ho(ever, /hat in case land p#rchased is to e de&oted to past#re, it shall e s#fficient compliance with this condition if the p#rchaser shall gra%e on the land as man! heads of his cattle as will occ#p! at least one$half of the entire area at the rate of one head per hectare. S0C/I2N (D. After title has een granted, the p#rchaser ma! not, within a period of ten !ears from s#ch c#lti&ation or grant, con&e! or enc#m er or dispose said lands or rights thereon to an! person, corporation or association, witho#t pre,#dice to an! right or interest of the Co&ernment in the land: Provided, /hat an! sale and enc#m rance made in &iolation of the pro&isions of this section, shall e n#ll and &oid and shall prod#ce the effect of ann#lling the ac3#isition and re&erting the propert! and all rights thereto to the State, and all pa!ments on the p#rchase price theretofore made to the Co&ernment shall e forfeited. S0C/I2N *+. If at an! time after the date of the award and efore the iss#ance of patent, it is pro&ed to the satisfaction of the 4irector of 8ands, after d#e notice to the p#rchaser, that the p#rchaser has &ol#ntaril! a andoned the land for more than one !ear at an! one time, or has otherwise failed to compl! with the re3#irements of the law, then the land shall re&ert to the State, and all prior pa!ments made ! the p#rchaser and all impro&ements e-isting on the land shall e forfeited. S0C/I2N *1. No person, corporation, association, or partnership shall e permitted, after the appro&al of this Act, to ac3#ire the title to or possess as owner an! lands of the p# lic domain if s#ch lands, added to other lands elonging to s#ch person, corporation, association, or partnership shall gi&e a total area greater than area the ac3#isition of which ! p#rchase is a#thori%ed #nder this Act. An! e-cess in area o&er this

ma-im#m and all right, title, interest, claim or action held ! an! person, corporation, association, or partnership res#lting directl! or indirectl! in s#ch e-cess shall re&ert to the State. /his section shall, howe&er, not e constr#ed to prohi it an! person, corporation, association, or partnership a#thori%ed ! this Act to re3#ire lands of the p# lic domain from ma7ing loans #pon real necessar! for the reco&er! of s#ch loans> #t in this case, as soon as the e-cess a o&e referred to occ#rs, s#ch person, corporation, association, or partnership shall dispose of s#ch lands within fi&e !ears, for the p#rpose of remo&ing the e-cess mentioned. Epon the land in e-cess of the limit there shall e paid, so long as the same is not disposed of, for the first !ear a s#rta- of fift! per cent#m additional to the ordinar! ta- to which s#ch propert! shall e s# ,ect, and for each s#cceeding !ear fift! per cent#m shall e added to the last preceding ann#al ta- rate, #ntil the propert! shall ha&e een disposed of. /he person, corporation, association, or partnership owning the land in e-cess of the limit esta lished ! this Act shall determine the portion of land to e segregated. At the re3#est of Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, the Solicitor$Ceneral or the officer acting in his stead shall instit#te the necessar! proceedings in the proper co#rt for the p#rpose of determining the e-cess portion to e segregated, as well as the disposal of s#ch portion in the e-cl#si&e interest of the Co&ernment. S0C/I2N *(. /his chapter shall e held to a#thori%e onl! one p#rchase of the ma-im#m amo#nt of land here#nder ! the same person, corporation, association, or partnership> and no corporation, association, or partnership, an! mem er of which shall ha&e recei&ed the enefits of this chapter or of the ne-t following chapter, either as an indi&id#al or as a mem er of an! other corporation, association, or partnership, shall p#rchase an! other lands of the p# lic domain #nder this chapter. 6#t an! p#rchaser of p# lic land, after ha&ing made the last pa!ment #pon and c#lti&ated at least one$fifth of the land p#rchased, if the same shall e less than the ma-im#m allowed ! this Act, ma! p#rchase s#ccessi&el! additional agric#lt#ral p# lic land ad,acent to or not distant from the land first p#rchased, #ntil the total area of s#ch p#rchases shall reach the ma-im#m esta lished in this chapter: Provided, /hat in ma7ing s#ch additional p#rchase or p#rchases, the same conditions shall e complied with as prescri ed ! this Act for the first p#rchase. C.AP"ER / ease S0C/I2N **. An! citi%en of lawf#l age of the Philippines, and an! corporation or association of which at least si-t! per cent#m of the capital stoc7 or of an! interest in said capital stoc7 elongs wholl! to citi%ens of the Philippines, and which is organi%ed and constit#ted #nder the laws of the Philippines, ma! lease an! tract of agric#lt#ral p# lic land a&aila le for lease #nder the pro&isions of this Act, not e-ceeding a total of one tho#sand and twent!$fo#r hectares. If the land leased is adapted to and e de&oted for gra%ing p#rposes, an area not e-ceeding two tho#sand hectares ma! e granted. No mem er, stoc7holder, of officer, representati&e, attorne!, agent, emplo!ee or ondholder of an! corporation or association holding or controlling agric#lt#ral p# lic land shall appl!, directl! or indirectl!, for agric#lt#ral p# lic land e-cept #nder the

homestead and free patent pro&isions of this Act: Provided, /hat no lease shall e permitted to interfere with an! prior claim ! settlement or occ#pation, #ntil the consent of the occ#pant or settler is first had, or #ntil s#ch claim shall e legall! e-ting#ished, and no person, corporation, or association shall e permitted to lease lands here#nder which are not reasona l! necessar! to carr! on his #siness in case of an indi&id#al, or the #siness for which it was lawf#ll! created and which it ma! lawf#ll! p#rs#e in the Philippines, if an association or corporation. S0C/I2N *4. A notice of the date and place of the a#ction of the right to lease the land shall e p# lished and anno#nced in the same manner as that prescri ed for the p# lication and anno#ncement of the notice of sale, in section twent!$fo#r of this Act. S0C/I2N *.. All ids m#st e sealed and addressed to the 4irector of 8ands and m#st ha&e enclosed therewith cash or a certified chec7, /reas#r! warrant, or post$office mone! order pa!a le to the order of the 4irector of 8ands, for a s#m e3#i&alent to the rental for at least, the first three months of the lease: Pro&ided, /hat no id shall e considered in which the proposed ann#al rental is less than three per cent#m of the &al#e of the land according to the appraisal made in conformit! with section one h#ndred and si-teen of this Act. S0C/I2N *@. /he a#ction of the right to lease the land shall e cond#cted #nder the same proced#re as that prescri ed for the a#ction sale of agric#lt#ral lands as descri ed in section twent!$ si- of this Act: Pro&ided, /hat no id shall e accepted #ntil the idder shall ha&e deposited the rental for at least the first three months of the lease. S0C/I2N *9. /he ann#al rental of the land leased shall not e less than three per cent#m of the &al#e of the land, according to the appraisal and reappraisal made in accordance with section one h#ndred si-teen of this Act> e-cept for lands reclaimed ! the Co&ernment, which shall not e less than fo#r per cent#m of the appraised and reappraised &al#e of the land: Pro&ided, /hat one$ fo#rth of the ann#al rental of these lands reclaimed prior to the appro&al of this Act shall accr#e to the constr#ction and impro&ement portion of the Portwor7s :#nds: And pro&ided, f#rther, /hat the ann#al rental of not less than fo#r per cent#m of the appraised and reappraised &al#e of the lands reclaimed #sing the Portwor7s :#nd after the appro&al of this Act shall all accr#e to the constr#ction and impro&ement portion of the Portwor7s :#nd. 6#t if the land leased is adapted to and e de&oted for granting p#rposes, the ann#al rental shall e not less than two per cent#m of$the appraised and reappraised &al#e thereof$ 0&er! contract of lease #nder the pro&isions of this chapter shall contain a ca#se to the effect that are appraisal of the land leased shall e made e&er! ten !ears from the date of the appro&al of the lease, if the term of the same shall e in e-cess of ten !ears. In case the lessee is not agreea le to the reappraisal and prefers to gi&e #p his contract of lease, he shall notif! the 4irector of 8ands of his desire within the si- months ne-t preceding the date on which the reappraisal ta7es effect, and in case his re3#est is appro&ed, the 4irector of 8ands ma!, if the lessee sho#ld so desire, proceed in accordance with section one h#ndred of this Act. S0C/I2N *B. 8eases shall r#n for a period of not more than twent!$fi&e !ears, #t ma! e renewed once for another period of not to e-ceed twent!$fi&e !ears, in case the lessee shall ha&e made important impro&ements which, in the discretion of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and

Commerce ,#stif! a renewal. Epon the final e-piration of the lease, all #ildings and other permanent impro&ements made ! the lessee, his heirs, e-ec#tors, administrators, s#ccessors, or assigns shall ecome the propert! of the Co&ernment, and the land together with the said impro&ements shall e disposed of in accordance with the pro&isions of chapter fi&e of this Act. S0C/I2N *D. It shall e an inherent and essential condition of the lease that the lessee shall ha&e not less than one$third of the land ro7en and c#lti&ated within fi&e !ears after the date of the appro&al of the lease: Pro&ided, howe&er, /hat in case the land leased is to e de&oted to past#re, it shall e s#fficient compliance with this condition if the lessee shall gra%e on the land as man! heads of cattle as will occ#p! at least one$half of the entire area at the rate of one head per hectare. S0C/I2N 4+. /he lessee shall not assign, enc#m er, or s# let his rights witho#t the consent of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, and the &iolation of this condition shall a&oid the contract: Provided, /hat assignment, enc#m rance, or s# letting for p#rposes of spec#lation shall not e permitted in an! case: Provided, further, /hat nothing contained in this section shall e #nderstood or constr#ed to permit the assignment, enc#m rance, or s# letting of lands leased #nder this Act, or #nder an! pre&io#s Act, to persons, corporations, or associations which #nder this Act, are not a#thori%ed to lease p# lic lands. S0C/I2N 41. /he lease of an! lands #nder this chapter shall not confer the right to remo&e or dispose of an! &al#a le tim er e-cept as pro&ided in the reg#lations of the 6#rea# of :orestr! for c#tting tim er #pon s#ch lands. Nor shall s#ch lease confer the right to remo&e or dispose of stone, oil, coal, salts. or other minerals, or medicinal mineral waters e-isting #pon the same. /he lease as to the part of the land which shall e mineral ma! e canceled ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, after notice to the lessee, whene&er the said part of the land is more &al#a le for agric#lt#ral p#rposes. /he commission of waste or &iolation of the forestr! reg#lations ! the lessee shall wor7 a forfeit#re of his last pa!ment of rent and render him lia le to immediate dispossession and s#it for damage. S0C/I2N 4(. After ha&ing paid rent for at least the first two !ears of the lease, and ha&ing complied with the re3#irements prescri ed in section thirt! nine, the lessee of agric#lt#ral p# lic land with an area than the ma-im#m allowed ! law, ma! lease s#ccessi&el! additional agric#lt#ral p# lic land ad,acent to or near the land originall! leased #ntil the total$ area of s#ch leases shall reach the ma-im#m esta lished in this chapter: Provided, /hat in ma7ing s#ch additional lease, the same conditions shall e complied with as prescri ed ! this Act for the first lease. S0C/I2N 4*. 4#ring the life of the lease, an! lessee who shall ha&e complied with all the conditions thereof and shall ha&e the 3#alifications re3#ired ! section twent!$two, shall ha&e the option of p#rchasing the land leased s# ,ect to the restrictions of chapter fi&e of this Act. C.AP"ER /$ 'ree Patents S0C/I2N 44. An! nat#ral$ orn citi%en of the Philippines who is not the owner of more than twent!$fo#r hectares and who since F#l! fo#rth,

nineteen h#ndred and twent!$si- or prior thereto, has contin#o#sl! occ#pied and c#lti&ated, either ! himself or thro#gh his predecessors$in$interest, a tract or tracts of agric#lt#ral p# lic lands s# ,ect to disposition, or who shall ha&e paid the real estate ta- thereon while same has not een occ#pied ! an! person shall e entitled, #nder the pro&isions of this chapter, to ha&e a free patent iss#ed to him for s#ch tract or tracts of s#ch land not to e-ceed twent!$fo#r hectares. A mem er of the national c#lt#ral minorities who has contin#o#sl! occ#pied and c#lti&ated, either ! himself or thro#gh his predecessors$in$interest, a tract or tracts of land, whether disposa le or not since F#l! 4, 1D.., shall e entitled to the right granted in the preceding paragraph of this section: Provided, /hat at the time he files his free patent application he is not the owner of an! real propert! sec#red or disposa le #nder this pro&ision of the P# lic 8and 8aw S0C/I2N 4.. /he President of the Philippines 'Prime Minister), #pon recommendation of the Secretar! of Nat#ral 1eso#rces, shall from time to time fi- ! proclamation the period which applications for Proclamation free patents ma! e filed in the district, chartered cit!, of period pro&ince, m#nicipalit! or region specified in s#ch proclamation, and #pon the e-piration of the period so designated, #nless the same e e-tended ! the President 'Prime Minister) all the land comprised within s#ch district, chartered cit!, pro&ince, m#nicipalit! or region s# ,ect thereto #nder the pro&isions of this chapter ma! e disposed of as agric#lt#ral p# lic land witho#t pre,#dice to the prior right of the occ#pant and c#lti&ator to ac3#ire s#ch land #nder this Act ! means other than free patent. /he time to e fi-ed in the entire Archipelago for the filing of applications #nder this Chapter shall not e-tend e!ond 4ecem er *1, 1DB9, e-cept in the pro&inces of Ag#san del Norte, Ag#san del S#r, Cota ato, So#th Cota ato, 6#7idnon, 8anao del Norte, 8anao del S#r, 4a&ao del Norte, 4a&ao del S#r, 4a&ao 2riental, S#l#, Mt. Pro&ince, 6eng#et, 5alinga$Apa!ao, and If#gao where the President of the Philippines, #pon recommendation of the Secretar! of Nat#ral 1eso#rces, shall determine or fi- the time e!ond which the filing of applications #nder this Chapter shall not e-tend. /he period fi-ed for an! district, chartered cit!, pro&ince, or m#nicipalit! shall egin to r#n thirt! da!s after the p# lication of the proclamation in the 2fficial Ca%ette and if a&aila le in one newspaper of general circ#lation in the cit!, pro&ince or m#nicipalit! concerned. A certified cop! of said proclamation shall e f#rnished ! the Secretar! of Nat#ral 1eso#rces within *+ da!s co#nted from the date of the presidential proclamation to the 4irector of 8ands and to the pro&incial oard, the m#nicipal oard or cit! co#ncil and aranga! co#ncil affected, and copies thereof shall e posted on the #lletin oard of the 6#rea# of 8ands at Manila and at conspic#o#s places in the pro&incial #ilding and at the m#nicipal #ilding and aranga! hall or meeting place. It shall moreo&er, e anno#nced ! go&ernment radio whene&er a&aila le, in each of the arrios of the m#nicipalit!. S0C/I2N 4@. If, after the filing of the application and the in&estigation, the 4irector of 8ands shall e satisfied of the tr#th of the allegations contained the application and that the applicant comes within the pro&isions chapter, he shall ca#se a patent to iss#e to the applicant or his legal s#ccessor for the tract so occ#pied and c#lti&ated, pro&ided its area does not e-ceed twent!$fo#r hectares: Provided, /hat no application shall e finall! acted #pon #ntil notice thereof has een p# lished in the m#nicipalit! and arrio in

which the land is located and ad&erse claimants ha&e had an opport#nit! to present their claims. C.AP"ER /$$ +udicial Confirmation of #mperfect or #ncomplete Titles S0C/I2N 49. /he persons specified in the ne-t following section are here ! granted time, not to e-tend e!ond 4ecem er *1, 1DB9 within which to ta7e ad&antage of the enefit of this chapter: Pro&ided, /hat this e-tension shall appl! onl! where the area applied for does not e-ceed 144 hectares. Provided, further, /hat the se&eral periods of time designated ! the President in accordance with section fort!$fi&e of this Act shall appl! also to the lands comprised in the pro&isions of this chapter, #t this section shall not e constr#ed as prohi iting an! of said persons from acting #nder this chapter at an! time prior to the period fi-ed ! the President. S0C/I2N 4B. /he following$descri ed citi%ens of the Philippines, occ#p!ing lands of the p# lic domain or claiming to own an! s#ch lands or an interest therein, #t whose titles ha&e not een perfected or completed, ma! appl! to the Co#rt of :irst Instance of the pro&ince where the land is located for confirmation of their claims and the iss#ance of a certificate of title therefor, #nder the 8and 1egistration Act , to wit: 'a) /hose who prior to the transfer of so&ereignt! from Spain to the prior Enited States ha&e applied for the p#rchase, composition or other form of grant of lands of the p# lic domain #nder the laws and ro!al decrees then in force and ha&e instit#ted and prosec#ted the proceedings in connection therewith, #t ha&e with or witho#t defa#lt #pon their part, or for an! other ca#se, not recei&ed title therefor, if s#ch applicants or grantees and their heirs ha&e occ#pied and c#lti&ated said lands contin#o#sl! since the filing of their applications. ' ) /hose who ! themsel&es or thro#gh their predecessors in interest ha&e een in open, contin#o#s, e-cl#si&e, and notorio#s possession and occ#pation of agric#lt#ral lands of the p# lic domain, #nder a ona fide claim of ac3#isition or ownership, for at least thirt! !ears immediatel! preceding the filing of the application for confirmation of title e-cept when pre&ented ! war or force ma,eure. /hese shall e concl#si&el! pres#med to ha&e performed all the conditions essential to a Co&ernment grant and shall e entitled to a certificate of title #nder the pro&isions of this chapter. 'c) Mem ers of the national c#lt#ral minorities who ! themsel&es or thro#gh their predecessors$in$ interest ha&e een in open, contin#o#s, e-cl#si&e and notorio#s possession and occ#pation of lands of the p# lic domain s#ita le to agric#lt#re, whether disposa le or not, #nder a ona fide claim of ownership for at least *+ !ears shall e entitled to the rights granted in s# $section ' ) hereof. S0C/I2N 4D. No person claiming title to lands of the p# lic domain not possession of the 3#alifications specified in the last preceding section ma! appl! for the enefits of this chapter. S0C/I2N .+. An! person or persons, or their legal representati&es or s#ccessors in right, claiming an! lands or interest in lands #nder the pro&isions of this chapter, m#st in e&er! case present an application to the proper Co#rt of :irst Instance, pra!ing that the &alidit! of the alleged title or claim e in3#ired into and that a certificate

of title e iss#ed to them #nder the pro&isions of the 8and 1egistration Act. /he application shall conform as nearl! as ma! e in its material allegations to the re3#irements of an application for registration #nder the 8and 1egistration Act, and shall e accompanied ! a plan of the land and all doc#ments e&idencing a right on the part of the applicant to the land claimed. /he application shall also state the citi%enship of the applicant and shall set forth f#ll! the nat#re of the claim and when ased #pon proceeding initiated #nder Spanish laws, it shall specif! as e-actl! as possi le the date and form of application for p#rchase composition or other form of grant, the e-tent of the compliance with the conditions re3#ired ! the Spanish laws and ro!al decrees for the ac3#isition of legal title, and if not f#ll! complied with, the reason for s#ch noncompliance, together with a statement of the length of time s#ch land or an! portion thereof has een act#all! occ#pied ! the claimant or his predecessors in interest> the #se made of the land, and the nat#re of the inclos#re, if an!. /he fees pro&ided to e paid for the registration of lands #nder the 8and 1egistration Act shall e collected from applicants #nder this chapter. S0C/I2N .1. Applications for registration #nder this chapter shall e heard in the Co#rt of :irst Instance in the same manner and shall e s# ,ect to the same proced#re as esta lished in the 8and 1egistration Act for other applications, e-cept that a notice of all s#ch applications, together with a plan of the lands claimed, shall e immediatel! forwarded to the 4irector of 8ands, who ma! appear as a part! in s#ch cases: Provided, /hat prior to the p# lication for hearing, all of the papers in said case shall e transmitted papers ! the cler7 to the Solicitor Ceneral or officer acting in his stead, in order that he ma!, if he deems it ad&isa le for the interests of the Co&ernment, in&estigate all of the facts alleged in the application or otherwise ro#ght to his attention. /he Solicitor$Ceneral shall ret#rn s#ch papers to the cler7 as soon as practica le within three months. /he final decree of the co#rt shall in e&er! case e the asis for the original certificate of title in fa&or of the person entitled to the propert! #nder the proced#re prescri ed in section fort!$ one of the 8and 1egistration Act. S0C/I2N .(. In cadastral proceedings, instead of an application, an answer or claim ma! e filed with the same effect as in the proced#re pro&ided in the last preceding two sections. S0C/I2N .*. It shall e lawf#l for the 4irector of 8ands, whene&er in the opinion of the President the p# lic interests shall re3#ire it, to ca#se to e filed in the proper Co#rt of :irst Instance, thro#gh the Solicitor$Ceneral or the officer acting in his stead, a petition against the holder, claimant, possessor, or occ#pant of an! land who shall not ha&e &ol#ntaril! come in #nder the pro&isions of this chapter or of the 8and 1egistration Act, stating in s# stance that the title of s#ch holder, claimant, possessor, or occ#pant is open to disc#ssion> or that the o#ndaries of an! s#ch land which has not een ro#ght into co#rt as aforesaid are open to 3#estion> or that it is ad&isa le that the title to s#ch lands e settled and ad,#dicated, and pra!ing that the title to an! s#ch land or the o#ndaries thereof or the right to occ#panc! thereof e settled and ad,#dicated. /he ,#dicial proceedings #nder this section shall e in accordance with the laws on ad,#dication of title in cadastral proceedings.

S0C/I2N .4. If in the hearing of an! application arising #nder this chapter the co#rt shall find that more than one person or claimant has an interest in the land, s#ch conflicting interests shall e ad,#dicated ! the co#rt and decree awarded in fa&or of the person or persons entitled to the land according to the laws, #t if none of said person is entitled to the land, or if the person who might e entitled to the same lac7s the 3#alifications re3#ired ! this Act for ac3#iring agric#lt#ral land of the p# lic domain, the decision shall e in fa&or of the Co&ernment. S0C/I2N ... ;hene&er, in an! proceedings #nder this chapter to sec#re registration of an incomplete or imperfect claim of title initiated prior to the transfer of so&ereignt! from Spain to the Enited States, it shall appear that had s#ch claims een prosec#ted to completion #nder the laws pre&ailing when instit#ted, and #nder the conditions of the grant then contemplated, the con&e!ance of s#ch land to the applicant wo#ld not ha&e een grat#ito#s, #t wo#ld ha&e in&ol&ed pa!ment therefor to the Co&ernment, then and in that e&ent the co#rt shall, after decreeing in whom title sho#ld &est, f#rther determine the amo#nt to e paid as a condition for the registration of the land. S#ch ,#dgment shall e certified to the 4irector of 8ands ! the cler7 of the co#rt for collection of the amo#nt d#e from the person entitled to con&e!ance. Epon pa!ment to the 4irector of 8ands of the price specified in the ,#dgment, he shall so certif! to the proper Co#rt of :irst Instance and said co#rt shall forthwith order the registration of the land in fa&or of the competent person entitled thereto. If said person shall fail to pa! the amo#nt of mone! re3#ired ! the decree within a reasona le time fi-ed in the same, the co#rt shall order the proceeding to stand dismissed and the title to the land shall then e in the State free from an! claim of the applicant. S0C/I2N .@. ;hene&er an! ,#dgment of confirmation or other decree of the co#rt #nder this chapter shall ecome final, the cler7 of the co#rt concerned shall certif! that fact to the 4irector of 8ands, with a certified cop! of the decree of confirmation or ,#dgment of the co#rt and the plan and technical description of the land in&ol&ed in the decree or ,#dgment of the co#rt. S0C/I2N .9. No title or right to, or e3#it! in, an! lands of the p# lic domain ma! hereafter e ac3#ired ! prescription or ! ad&erse possession or occ#panc!, or #nder or ! &irt#e of an! law in effect prior to American occ#pation, e-cept as e-pressl! pro&ided ! laws enacted after said occ#pation of the Philippines ! the Enited States. "$"*E $$$ ands for Residential, Commercial or #ndustrial Purposes and "ther Similar Purposes C.AP"ER /$$$ Classification and Concession of Public ands Suitable for Residence, Commerce and #ndustry S0C/I2N .B. An! tract of land of the p# lic domain which, eing neither tim er nor mineral land, is intended to e #sed for residential p#rposes or for commercial, ind#strial, or other prod#cti&e p#rposes other than agric#lt#ral, and is open to disposition or concession, shall e disposed of #nder the pro$&isions of this chapter and not otherwise.

S0C/I2N .D. /he lands disposa le #nder this title shall e classified as follows: 'a) 8ands reclaimed ! the dredging, filing, or other means> ' ) :oreshore> Co&ernment !

'c) Marsh! lands or lands co&ered with water ordering #pon the shores or an7s of na&iga le la7es or ri&ers> 'd) 8ands not incl#ded in an! of the foregoing classes. S0C/I2N @+. An! tract of land comprised #nder this title ma! e leased or sold, as the case ma! e, to an! person, corporation, or association a#thori%ed to p#rchase or lease p# lic lands for agric#lt#ral p#rposes. /he area of the land so leased or sold shall e s#ch as shall, in the ,#dgment of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Nat#ral 1eso#rces, e reasona l! necessar! for the p#rposes for which s#ch sale or lease is re3#ested, and shall in no case e-ceed one h#ndred and fort!$ fo#r hectares: Pro&ided, howe&er, /hat this limitation shall not appl! to grants, donations, transfers made to a pro&ince, m#nicipalit! or ranch or s# di&ision of the Co&ernment for the p#rposes deemed ! said entities cond#ci&e to the p# lic interest> #t the land so granted donated, or transferred to a pro&ince, m#nicipalit!, or ranch or s# di&ision of the Co&ernment shall not e alienated, enc#m ered, or otherwise disposed of in a manner affecting its title, e-cept when a#thori%ed ! Congress: Provided, further, /hat an! person, corporation, association or partnership dis3#alified from p#rchasing p# lic land for agric#lt#ral p#rposes #nder the pro&isions of this Act, ma! lease land incl#ded #nder this title s#ita le for ind#strial or residential p#rposes, #t the lease granted shall onl!$ e &alid while s#ch land is #sed for the p#rposes referred to. S0C/I2N @1. /he lands comprised in classes 'a), 'b), and 'c) of section fift!$nine shall e disposed of to pri&ate parties ! lease onl! and not otherwise, as soon as the President, #pon recommendation ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce. shall declare that the same are not necessar! for the p# lic ser&ice and are open to disposition #nder this chapter. /he lands incl#ded in class 'd) ma! e disposed of ! sale or lease #nder the pro&isions of this Act. S0C/I2N @(. /he lands reclaimed ! the Co&ernment ! dredging, filling or otherwise shall e s#r&e!ed and ma!, with the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, e di&ided ! the 4irector of 8ands into lots and loc7s, with the necessar! streets and alle!$wa!s etween them, and said 4irector shall gi&e notice to the p# lic ! p# lication in the 2fficial Ca%ette or ! other means, that the lots or loc7s not needed for p# lic p#rposes shall e leased for commercial or ind#strial or other similar p#rposes. S0C/I2N @*. ;hene&er it is decided that lands co&ered ! this chapter are not needed for p# lic p#rposes, the 4irector of 8ands shall as7 the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce for a#thorit! to dispose of the same. Epon receipt of s#ch a#thorit!, the 4irector of 8ands shall gi&e notice ! p# lic ad&ertisement in the same manner as in the case of leases or sales of agric#lt#ral p# lic land, that the Co&ernment will lease or sell, as the case ma! e, the lots or loc7s specified in the ad&ertisement, for the p#rpose stated in the notice and s# ,ect to the conditions specified in this chapter.

S0C/I2N @4. /he leases e-ec#ted #nder this chapter ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce shall, among other conditions, contain the following: 'a) /he rental shall not e less than three per centum of the appraised or reappraised &al#e of the land pl#s one per centum of the appraised or reappraised &al#e of the impro&ements, e-cept for lands reclaimed ! the Co&ernment which shall not e less than fo#r per centum of the appraised or reappraised &al#e of the land pl#s two per centum of the appraised or reappraised &al#e of the impro&ements thereon: Provided, /hat twent!$fi&e per centum of the total ann#al rental on all lands reclaimed prior to the appro&al of this Act and one per centum of the appraised or reappraised &al#e of impro&ements shall accr#e to the constr#ction and impro&ement portion of the Portwor7s :#nd: And provided, further, /hat the ann#al rental on lands reclaimed #sing the Portwor7s :#nd together with the fee d#e on acco#nt of the impro&ement thereon after the effecti&it! of this Act shall all accr#e to the constr#ction and impro&ement portion of the Portwor7s :#nd. ' ) /he land rented and the impro&ements thereon shall e reappraised e&er! ten !ears if the term of the lease is in e-cess of that period. 'c) /he term of the lease shall e as prescri ed section thirt!$eight of this Act. !

impro&ements within eighteen months from the date of s#ch award> otherwise the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Nat#ral 1eso#rces ma! rescind the contract. ' ) /he p#rchase price shall e paid in cash or in e3#al ann#al installments, not to e-ceed ten. /he contract of sale ma! contain other conditions not inconsistent with the pro&isions of this Act. S0C/I2N @@. /he 7ind of impro&ements to e made ! the lessee or the p#rchaser, and the plans thereof, shall e s# ,ect to the appro&al of the Secretar! of P# lic ;or7s and Comm#nications, in case the! are constr#ctions or impro&ements which if ! the Co&ernment, wo#ld properl! ha&e to e e-ec#ted #nder the s#per&ision of the 6#rea# of P# lic ;or7s. S0C/I2N @9. /he lease or sale shall e made thro#gh oral idding> and ad,#dication shall e made to the highest idder. <owe&er, where an applicant has made impro&ements on the land ! &irt#e of a permit iss#ed to him ! competent a#thorit!, the sale or lease shall e made ! sealed idding as prescri ed in section twent!$siof this Act, the pro&isions of which shall e applied where&er applica le. If all or part of the lots remain #nleased or #nsold, the 4irector of 8ands shall from time to time anno#nce in the 2fficial Ca%ette or in an! other newspapers of general circ#lation, the lease or sale of those lots, if necessar! S0C/I2N @B. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#ral and Commerce ma! grant to 3#alified persons temporar! permission, #pon pa!ment of a reasona le charge, for the #se of an! portion of the lands co&ered ! this chapter for an! lawf#l pri&ate p#rpose, s# ,ect to re&ocation at an! time when, in his ,#dgment, the p# lic interest shall re3#ire it. "$"*E $/ ands for $ducational, Similar Purposes C.AP"ER $6 Concession of ands for $ducational, Charitable, and "ther Similar Purposes S0C/I2N @D. ;hene&er an! pro&ince, m#nicipalit!, or other ranch or s# di&ision of the Co&ernment shall need an! portion of the land of the p# lic domain open to concession for ed#cational, charita le or other similar p#rposes, the President, #pon recommendation ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, ma! e-ec#te contracts in fa&or of the same. in the form of donation, sale, lease, e-change, or an! other form, #nder terms and conditions to e inserted in the contract> #t land so granted shall in no case e enc#m ered or alienated, e-cept when the p# lic ser&ice re3#ires their eing leased or e-changed, with the appro&al of the President, for other lands elonging to pri&ate parties, or if the National Assem l! disposes otherwise. S0C/I2N 9+. An! tract of p# lic land of the class co&ered ! this title ma! e sold or leased for the p#rpose of fo#nding a cemeter!, ch#rch, college, school, #ni&ersit!, or other instit#tions for ed#cational, charita le or philanthropical p#rposes or scientific research, the area to e s#ch as ma! act#all! and reasona l! e necessar! to carr! o#t s#ch p#rpose, #t not to e-ceed ninet!$sihectares in an! case. /he sale or lease shall e made s# ,ect to the same conditions as re3#ired for the sale and lease of agric#lt#ral p# lic land, #t the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce Charitable, and "ther

'd) /he lessee shall constr#ct permanent impro&ements appropriate for the p#rpose for which the lease is granted, shall commence the constr#ction thereof within si- months from the date of the award of the right to lease the land, and shall complete the said constr#ction within eighteen months from said date. 'e) At the e-piration of the lease or of an! e-tension of the same, all impro&ements made ! the lessee, his heirs, e-ec#tors, administrators, s#ccessors, or assigns shall ecome the propert! of the Co&ernment. 'f) /he reg#lation of all rates and fees charged to the p# lic> and the ann#al s# mission to the Co&ernment for appro&al of all tariffs of s#ch rates and fees. 'g) /he contin#ance of the easements of the coast police and other easements reser&ed ! e-isting law or ! an! laws hereafter enacted. 'h) S# ,ection to all easements and other rights ac3#ired ! the owners of lands ordering #pon the foreshore or marsh! land. /he &iolation of one or an! of the conditions specified in the contract shall gi&e rise to the rescission of said contract. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce ma!, howe&er, s# ,ect to s#ch conditions as he ma! prescri e, wai&e the rescission arising from a &iolation of the conditions of s# section 'd), or e-tend the time within which the constr#ction of the impro&ements shall e commenced and completed. S0C/I2N @.. /he sale of the lands comprised in classes 'c) and 'd) of section fift!$ nine shall, among others, comprise the following conditions: 'a) /he p#rchaser shall ma7e impro&ements of a permanent character appropriate for the p#rpose for which the land is p#rchased, shall commence wor7 thereon within si- months from the receipt of the order of award, and shall complete the constr#ction of said

ma! wai&e the conditions re3#iring c#lti&ation. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, if con&e!ance he sees fit, ma! order the sale to e made witho#t p# lic a#ction, at a price to e fi-ed ! said Secretar!, or the lease to e granted witho#t a#ction, at a rental to e fi-ed ! him. In either case it shall e a condition that the p#rchaser or lessee or their s#ccessors or assigns shall not sell transfer, enc#m er or lease the land for the p#rposes of spec#lation or #se it for an! p#rpose other than that contemplated in the application, and that the &iolation of this condition shall gi&e rise to the immediate rescission of the sale or lease, as the case ma! e, and to the forfeit#re to the Co&ernment of all e-isting impro&ements: Provided, /hat it shall in no case e s# let, enc#m ered or resold #nder the conditions a o&e set forth e-cept with the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce. "$"*E / Reservations C.AP"ER 6 To(n Site Reservations S0C/I2N 91. ;hene&er it shall e considered to e in the p# lic interest to fo#nd a new town. the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce shall direct the 4irector of 8ands to ha&e a s#r&e! made ! his 6#rea# of the e-terior o#ndaries of the site on which s#ch town is to e esta lished, and #pon the completion of the s#r&e! he shall send the same to said Secretar!, with his recommendations. S0C/I2N 9(. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, if he appro&es the recommendations of the 4irector of 8ands, shall s# mit the matter to the President to the end that the latter ma! iss#e a proclamation reser&ing the land s#r&e!ed, or s#ch part thereof as he ma! deem proper, as a town site, and a certified cop! of s#ch proclamation shall e sent to the 4irector of 8ands and another to the register of deeds of the pro&ince in which the s#r&e!ed land lies. S0C/I2N 9*. It shall then e the d#t! of the 4irector of 8ands, after ha&ing recorded the proclamation of the President and the s#r&e! accompan!ing the same, and ha&ing completed the legal proceedings prescri ed in chapter thirteen of this Act, to direct a s# di&ision in accordance with the instr#ctions of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, if there shall e s#ch instr#ctions, and if there shall not e an!, then in the manner which ma! to the 4irector of 8ands seem est adapted to the con&enience and interest of the p# lic and the residents of the f#t#re town. S0C/I2N 94. /he plat of the s# di&ision shall designate certain lots for commercial and ind#strial #ses and the remainder as residence lots, and shall also reser&e and note the lots owned ! pri&ate indi&id#als as e&idenced ! record titles, or possessed or claimed ! them as pri&ate propert!. S#ch lots, whether p# lic or pri&ate, shall e n#m ered #pon a general plan or s!stem. /he plat prepared ! the 4irector of 8ands shall e s# mitted to the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce for consideration, modification, amendment, or appro&al. S0C/I2N 9.. Enless the necessar! reser&ations are made in the proclamation of the President, the 4irector of 8ands, with the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, shall reser&e o#t of the land ! him to e s# di&ided lots of s#fficient si%e and con&enient

sit#ation for p# lic #se, as well as the necessar! a&en#es, streets, alle!wa!s, par7s, and s3#ares. /he a&en#es, streets, alle!s, par7s, pla%as, and lots shall e laid o#t on the plat as tho#gh the lands owned or claimed ! pri&ate persons were part of the p# lic domain and part of the reser&ation, with a &iew to the possi le s# se3#ent p#rchase or condemnation thereof, if deemed necessar! ! the proper a#thorities. S0C/I2N 9@. At an! time after the s# di&ision has een made, the President ma!, in case the p# lic interest re3#ires it, reser&e for p# lic p#rposes an! lot or lots of the land so reser&ed and not disposed of. S0C/I2N 99. If, in order to carr! o#t the pro&isions of this chapter, it shall e necessar! to condemn pri&ate lands within the limits of the new town, the President shall direct the Solicitor$ Ceneral or officer acting in his stead to at once egin proceedings for condemnation, in accordance with the pro&isions of e-isting law. S0C/I2N 9B. ;hen the plat of s# di&ision has een finall! appro&ed ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, the 4irector of 8ands shall record the same in the records of his office and shall forward a certified cop! of s#ch record to the register of deeds of the pro&ince in which the land lies, to e ! s#ch register recorded in the records of his office S0C/I2N 9D. All lots, e-cept those claimed ! or elonging to pri&ate parties and those reser&ed for par7s, #ildings, and other p# lic #ses, shall e sold, after d#e notice, at p# lic a#ction to the highest idder, after the appro&al and recording of the plat of s# di&ision as a o&e pro&ided, #t no id shall e accepted that does not e3#al at least two$thirds of the appraised &al#e, nor shall ids e accepted from persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships not a#thori%ed to p#rchase p# lic lands for commercial, residential or ind#strial p#rposes #nder the pro&isions of this Act. /he pro&isions of sections twent!$si- and si-t!$fi&e of this Act shall e o ser&ed in so far as the! are applica le. 8ots for which satisfactor! ids ha&e not een recei&ed shall e again offered for sale, #nder the same conditions as the first time, and if the! then remain #nsold, the 4irector of 8ands shall e a#thori%ed to sell them at pri&ate sale for not less than two$ thirds of their appraised &al#e. S0C/I2N B+. All f#nds deri&ed from the sale of lots shall e co&ered into the Philippine /reas#r! as part of the general f#nds. S0C/I2N B1. Not more than two residence lots and two lots for commercial and ind#strial #ses in an! one town site shall e sold to an! one person, corporation, or association witho#t the specific appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce. S0C/I2N B(. /he Assem l! shall ha&e the power at an! time to modif!, alter, rescind, repeal, ann#l, and cancel, with or witho#t conditions, limitation, e-ceptions, or reser&ations, all and an! dispositions made ! the e-ec#ti&e ranch of the Philippine Co&ernment ! &irt#e of this chapter, and the e-ercise of this power shall e #nderstood as reser&ed in all cases, as an inherent condition thereof. C.AP"ER 6$ Reservations for Public and Semi-Public Purposes S0C/I2N B*. Epon the recommendation of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, the President ma! designate ! proclamation an! tract

or tracts of land of the p# lic domain as reser&ations for the #se of the Commonwealth of the Philippines or of an! of its ranches, or of the inha itants thereof, in accordance with reg#lations prescri ed for this p#rpose, or for 3#asi$p# lic #ses or p#rposes when the p# lic interest re3#ires it, incl#ding reser&ations for highwa!s, rights of wa! for railroads, h!dra#lic power sites, irrigation s!stems, comm#nal past#res or leguas comunales, p# lic par7s, p# lic 3#arries, p# lic fishponds, wor7ingmen?s &illage and other impro&ements for the p# lic enefit. S0C/I2N B4. Epon recommendation of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, the President, ma! ! proclamation, designate an! tract or tracts of the p# lic domain for the e-cl#si&e #se of the non$Christian :ilipinos, incl#ding in the reser&ation, in so far as practica le, the lands #sed or possessed ! them, and granting to each mem er not alread! the owner, ! title or grat#ito#s patent, of fo#r or more hectares of land, the #se and enefit onl! of a tract of land not to e-ceed fo#r hectares for each male mem er o&er eighteen !ears of age or the head of a famil!. As soon as the Secretar! of the Interior shall certif! that the ma,orit! of the non$Christian inha itants of an! gi&en reser&ation ha&e ad&anced s#fficientl! in ci&ili%ation, then the President ma! order that the lands of the p# lic domain within s#ch reser&ation e granted #nder the general pro&isions of this Act to the said inha itants, and the s# di&ision and distri #tion of said lands as a o&e pro&ided shall e ta7en into consideration in the final disposition of the same. 6#t an! non$Christian inha itant ma! at an! time appl! for the general enefits of this Act pro&ided the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce is satisfied that s#ch inha itant is 3#alified to ta7e ad&antage of the pro&isions of the same: Provided, /hat all grants, deeds, patents and other instr#ments of con&e!ance of land or p#rporting to con&e! or transfer rights of propert!, pri&ileges, or easements appertaining to or growing o#t of lands, granted ! s#ltans, dat#s, or other chiefs of the so$ called non$Christian tri es, witho#t the a#thorit! of the Spanish Co&ernment while the Philippines were #nder the so&ereignt! of Spain, or witho#t the consent of the Enited States Co&ernment or of the Philippine Co&ernment since the so&ereignt! o&er the Archipelago was transferred from Spain to the Enited States, and all deeds and other doc#ments e-ec#ted or iss#ed or ased #pon the deeds, patents, and doc#ments mentioned, are here ! declared to e illegal, &oid, and of no effect. S0C/I2N B.. Epon recommendation ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, the President ma!, ! proclamation designate an! tract or tracts of land of the p# lic domain for the esta lishment of agric#lt#ral colonies> and altho#gh the disposition of the lands to the colonists shall e made #nder the pro&isions of this Act, !et, while the Co&ernment shall ha&e the s#per&ision and management of said colonies, the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce ma! ma7e the necessar! r#les and reg#lations for the organi%ation and internal administration of the same. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce ma! also, #nder conditions to e esta lished ! the Assem l!, t#rn o&er a colon! so reser&ed to an! person or corporation, in order that s#ch person or corporation ma! clear, rea7, and prepare for c#lti&ation the lands of said colon! and esta lish the necessar! irrigation s!stem and s#ita le roads and fences> #t final disposition shall e made of the land in accordance with the pro&isions of this Act, s# ,ect, howe&er, to s#ch conditions as the National Assem l! ma! esta lish for the reim #rsement of the e-pense inc#rred in p#tting s#ch lands in condition for c#lti&ation:

Provided, /hat the National Assem l! ma! direct that s#ch land so prepared for c#lti&ation ma! e disposed of onl! ! sale or lease. C.AP"ER 6$$ Provisions Common to Reservations S0C/I2N B@. A certified cop! of e&er! proclamation of the President iss#ed #nder the pro&isions of this title shall e forwarded to the 4irector of 8ands for record in his office, and a cop! of this record shall e forwarded to the register of deeds of the pro&ince or cit! where the land lies. Epon receipt of s#ch certified cop!, the 4irector of 8ands shall order the immediate s#r&e! of the proposed reser&ation if the land has not !et een s#r&e!ed, and as soon as the plat has een completed, he shall proceed in accordance with the ne-t following section. S0C/I2N B9. If all the lands incl#ded in the proclamation of the President are not registered #nder the 8and 1egistration Act, the Solicitor$ Ceneral, if re3#ested to do so ! the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, shall proceed in accordance with the pro&ision of section fift!$three of this Act. S0C/I2N BB. /he tract or tracts of land reser&ed #nder the pro&isions of section eight!$ three shall e non$aliena le and shall not e s# ,ect to occ#pation, entr!, sale, lease, or other disposition #ntil again declared aliena le #nder the pro&isions of this Act or ! proclamation of the President. "$"*E /$ )eneral Provisions C.AP"ER 6$$$ Applications: Procedure, Concession of egal Restrictions and $ncumbrances ands, and

S0C/I2N BD. All applications filed #nder the pro&isions of this Act shall e addressed to the 4irector of 8ands. S0C/I2N D+. 0&er! application #nder the pro&isions of this Act shall e made #nder oath and shall set forth: 'a) /he f#ll name of applicant, his age, place of irth, citi%enship, ci&il stat#s, and post$office address. In case the applicant is a corporation, association or copartnership, the application shall e accompanied with a certified cop! of its articles of incorporation, association or copartnership together with an affida&it of its President, manager, or other responsi le officer, gi&ing the names of the stoc7holders or mem ers, their citi%enship, and the n#m er of shares s# scri ed ! each. ' ) /hat the applicant has all the 3#alifications re3#ired ! this Act in the case. 'c) /hat he has none of the dis3#alifications mentioned herein. 'd) /hat the application is made in good faith, for the act#al p#rpose of #sing the land for the o ,ect specified in the application and for no other p#rpose, and that the land is s#ita le for the p#rpose to which it is to e de&oted. 'e) /hat the application is made for the e-cl#si&e enefit of the application and not, either directl! or

indirectl!, for the enefit of an! other person or persons, corporation, association, or partnership. 'f) As acc#rate a description of the land as ma! e gi&en, stating its nat#re the pro&ince, m#nicipalit!, arrio, and sitio where it is located, and its limits and o#ndaries, specif!ing those ha&ing reference to accidents of the gro#nd or permanent mon#ments, if an!. 'g) ;hether all or part of the land is occ#pied or c#lti&ated or impro&ed, and ! whom, gi&ing his post$ office address, and whether the land has een occ#pied or c#lti&ated or impro&ed ! the applicant or his ascendant, the name of the ascendant, the relationship with him, the date and place of the death of the ascendant, the date when the possession and c#lti&ation egan, and description of the impro&ements made, accompan!ing satisfactor! e&idence of the relationship of the applicant with the ascendant, and of the death of the latter and the descendants left ! him, in case it is alleged that he occ#pied and c#lti&ated the land first> or whether there are indications of its ha&ing een occ#pied, c#lti&ated, or impro&ed entirel! or partiall!, and if so, in what s#ch indications consist, whether he has made in&estigations as to when and ! whom s#ch impro&ements were made, and if so, how s#ch in&estigations were made and what was the res#lt thereof> or whether the land is not occ#pied, impro&ed, or c#lti&ated either entirel! or partiall!, and there are no indications of it ha&ing e&er een occ#pied, impro&ed, or c#lti&ated, and in this case, what is the condition of the land. 'h) /hat the land applied for is neither tim er nor mineral land and does not contain g#ano or deposits of salts or coal. 'i) /hat the applicant agrees that a strip fort! meters wide starting from the an7 on each side of an! ri&er or stream that ma! e fo#nd on the land applied for, shall e demarcated and preser&ed as permanent tim erland to e planted e-cl#si&el! to trees of 7nown economic &al#e, and that he shall not ma7e an! clearing thereon or #tili%e the same for ordinar! farming p#rposes e&en after patent shall ha&e een iss#ed to him or a contract of lease shall ha&e een e-ec#ted in his fa&or. S0C/I2N D1. /he statements made in the application shall e considered as essential conditions and parts of an! concession, title, or permit iss#ed on the asis of s#ch application, and an! false statements therein or omission of facts altering, changing, or modif!ing the consideration of the facts set forth in s#ch statements, and an! s# se3#ent modification, alteration, or change of the material facts set forth in the application shall ipso facto prod#ce the cancellation of the concession, title, or permit granted. It shall e the d#t! of the 4irector of 8ands, from time to time and whene&er he ma! deem it ad&isa le, to ma7e the necessar! in&estigations for the p#rpose of ascertaining whether the material facts set o#t in the application are tr#e, or whether the! contin#e to e-ist and are maintained and preser&ed in good faith, and for the p#rposes of s#ch in&estigation, the 4irector of 8ands is here ! empowered to iss#e subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum and, if necessar!, to o tain comp#lsor! process from the co#rts. In e&er! in&estigation made in accordance with this section, the e-istence of ad faith, fra#d, concealment, or fra#d#lent and illegal modification of essential facts shall e pres#med if the grantee or possessor of the land shall ref#se or fail to o e! a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum lawf#ll! iss#ed ! the 4irector of 8ands or his a#thori%ed delegates or agents, or shall ref#se or fail to gi&e direct and specific answers to pertinent 3#estions,

and on the asis of s#ch pres#mption, an order of cancellation ma! iss#e witho#t f#rther proceedings. S0C/I2N D(. Altho#gh the ma-im#m area of p# lic land that ma! e ac3#ired is fi-ed, !et the spirit of this Act is that the r#le which m#st deter$mine the real area to e granted is the eneficial #se of the land. /he concession or disposition shall e for less than the ma-im#m area a#thori%ed if, at the time of the iss#ance of the patent or of the concession or disposition, it shall appear that the applicant is #tili%ing and is onl! a le to #tili%e a smaller area, e&en tho#gh the application is for a greater area. :or the p#rposes of this section, the 4irector of 8ands is a#thori%ed to determine the area that ma! e granted to the applicant, and to den! or cancel or limit an! application for concession, p#rchase, or lease if con&inced of the lac7 of means of the applicant for #sing the land for the p#rpose for which he has re3#ested it. S0C/I2N D*. 8ands applied for #nder this Act shall conform to the legal s# di&isions and shall e contig#o#s if comprising more than one s# di&ision. If s# di&isions ha&e not een made on the date of the application, the lands shall e rectang#lar in form so far as practica le, #t it shall e endea&ored to ma7e them conform to the legal s# di&ision as soon as the same has een made, pro&ided the interests of the applicant or grantee are protected> and the s# di&ision assigned to the applicant or grantee shall, so far as practica le, incl#de the land impro&ed or c#lti&ated. /he reg#lations to e iss#ed for the e-ec#tion of the pro&isions of this section shall ta7e into acco#nt the legal s# di&ision to e made ! the Co&ernment and the inad&isa ilit! of granting the est land at a gi&en place to onl! one person. S0C/I2N D4. In case the legal s# di&isions ha&e alread! een made at the time of the filing of the application, no charge shall e made for the s#r&e!> #t if the legal s# di&isions ha&e not !et een made, the cost of the s#r&e! shall e charged to the Co&ernment, e-cept in the following cases: 'a) In p#rchases #nder chapters fi&e and ten of this Act, the cost of the s#r&e! shall e charged to the p#rchaser if the same is a corporation, association, or partnership> in other p#rchases the p#rchases, whoe&er it e, shall pa! the total cost of the s#r&e!. ' ) In leases, the cost of the s#r&e! shall e paid ! the lessee> #t at an! time after the first fi&e !ears from the appro&al of the lease, and d#ring Cost of the life of the same, the lessee shall e entitled to the reim #rsement of one$half of the cost of the s#r&e!, if he shows to the satisfaction of the 4irector of 8ands that he has occ#pied and impro&ed a s#fficient area of the land or inc#rred s#fficient e-penses in connection therewith to warrant s#ch reim #rsement. S0C/I2N D.. If efore the delimitation and s#r&e! of a tract of p# lic land the President shall declare the same disposa le or aliena le and s#ch land shall e act#all! occ#pied ! a person other than the applicant, the 4irector of 8ands shall inform the occ#pant of his prior right to appl! for the land and shall gi&e him one h#ndred and twent! da!s time in which to file the application or appl! for the concession ! an! of the forms of disposition a#thori%ed ! this Act, if s#ch occ#pant is 3#alified to ac3#ire a concession #nder this Act. S0C/I2N D@. As soon as an! land of the p# lic domain has een s#r&e!ed, delimited, and classified, the President ma!, in the order iss#ed ! him declaring it open for disposition, designate

a term within which occ#pants with impro&ements #t not entitled to free patents ma! appl! for the land occ#pied ! them, if the! ha&e the 3#alifications re3#ired ! this Act. S0C/I2N D9. If in the case of the two last preceding sections, the occ#pant or occ#pants ha&e not made application #nder an! of the pro&isions of this Act at the e-piration of the time limit fi-ed, the! shall lose an! prior right to the land recogni%ed ! this Act, and the impro&ements on the land, if an!, shall e forfeited to the Co&ernment. S0C/I2N DB. All rights in and interest to, and the impro&ements and crops #pon, land for which an application has een denied or canceled or a patent or grant ref#sed, or a contract or concession rescinded or ann#lled, shall also e forfeited to the Co&ernment. S0C/I2N DD. /he Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce ma! order s#ch impro&ements and crops to e appraised separatel!, for sale to the new applicant or grantee, or ma! declare s#ch land open onl! to sale or lease. S0C/I2N 1++.In case the cancellation is d#e to delin3#enc! on the part of the applicant or grantee, the same shall e entitled to the reim #rsement of the proceeds of the sale of the impro&ements and crops, after ded#cting the total amo#nt of his inde tedness to the Co&ernment and the e-pense inc#rred ! it in the sale of the impro&ements or crops and in the new concession of the land. S0C/I2N 1+1.All actions for the re&ersion to the Co&ernment of lands of the p# lic domain or impro&ements thereon shall e instit#ted ! the Solicitor$Ceneral or the officer acting in his stead, in the proper co#rts, in the name of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. S0C/I2N 1+(.An! person, corporation, or association ma! file an o ,ection #nder oath to an! application or concession #nder this Act, gro#nded on an! reason s#fficient #nder this Act for the denial or cancellation of the application or the denial of the patent or grant. If, after the applicant or grantee has een gi&en s#ita le opport#nit! to e d#l! heard, the o ,ection is fo#nd to e well fo#nded, the 4irector of 8ands shall den! or cancel the application or den! patent or grant, and the person o ,ecting shall, if 3#alified, e granted a prior right of entr! for a term of si-t! da!s from the date of the notice. S0C/I2N 1+*.All the proofs, affida&its, and oaths of an! 7ind re3#ired or necessar! #nder this Act ma! e made efore the ,#stice of the peace 91 of the m#nicipalit! in which the land lies, or efore the ,#dge or cler7 of the Co#rt of :irst Instance of the pro&ince in which the land lies, or efore an! ,#stice of the peace or chargea le notar! p# lic of the pro&ince in which the land lies, or efore an! officer or emplo!ee of the 6#rea# of 8ands a#thori%ed ! law to administer oaths. /he fees for the ta7ing of final e&idence efore an! of the officials herein$ efore mentioned shall e as follows: :or each affida&it, fift! centa&os. :or each deposition of the applicant or the witness, fift! centa&os. S0C/I2N 1+4.An! owner of #nc#lti&ated agric#lt#ral land who 7nowingl! permits application for the same to e made to the Co&ernment and the land to e tilled and impro&ed ! a ona fide grantee witho#t protesting to the 6#rea# of 8ands within one !ear after c#lti&ation has eg#n, shall lose all to the part of the land so c#lti&ated and

impro&ed, #nless he shall ring action in the proper co#rt efore s#ch action for reco&er! prescri es and o tains fa&ora le ,#dgment therein, in which case the co#rt shall, #pon its decision ecoming final, order the pa!ment to the grantee, within a reasona le period, of the indemnit! fi-ed ! said co#rt for the c#lti&ation and impro&ement. S0C/I2N 1+..If at an! time the applicant or grantee shall die efore the iss#ance of the patent or the final grant of the land, or d#ring the life of the lease, or while the applicant or grantee still has o ligations pending towards the Co&ernment, in accordance with this Act, he shall e s#cceeded in his rights and o ligations with respect to the land applied for or granted or leased #nder this Act ! his heirs in law, who shall e entitled to ha&e iss#ed to them the patent or final concession if the! show that the! ha&e complied with the re3#irements therefor, and who shall e s# rogated in all his rights and o ligations for the p#rposes of this Act. S0C/I2N 1+@.If at an! time after the appro&al of the application and efore the iss#ance of a patent or the final concession of the land, or d#ring the life of the lease, or at an! time when the applicant or grantee still has o ligations pending with the Co&ernment, in accordance with this Act, it appears that the land applied for is necessar!, in the p# lic interest, for the protection of an! so#rce of water or for an! wor7 for the p# lic enefit that the Co&ernment wishes to #nderta7e, the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce ma! order the cancellation of the application or the non iss#ance of the patent or concession or the e-cl#sion from the land applied for of s#ch portion as ma! e re3#ired, #pon pa!ment of the &al#e of the impro&ements, if an!. S0C/I2N 1+9.All patents or certificates for land granted #nder this Act shall e prepared in the 6#rea# of 8ands and shall e iss#ed in the name of the Co&ernment of the 1ep# lic of the Philippines #nder the signat#re of the President of the Philippines: Provided, howe&er, /hat the President of the Philippines ma! delegate to the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Nat#ral 1eso#rces 94 andGor the Ender secretar! for Nat#ral 1eso#rces 94 the power to sign patents or certificates co&ering lands not e-ceeding one h#ndred fort!$ fo#r hectares in area, and to the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Nat#ral 1eso#rces 9. the power to sign patents or certificates co&ering lands e-ceeding one h#ndred fort!$fo#r hectares in area: Provided, further, /hat 4istrict 8and 2fficers in e&er! pro&ince are here ! empowered to sign patents or certificates co&ering lands not e-ceeding fi&e hectares in area when the office of the 4istrict 8and 2fficer is properl! e3#ipped to carr! o#t the p#rposes of this Act: Pro&ided, /hat no applicant shall e permitted to split the area applied for ! him in e-cess of the area fi-ed in this section among his relati&es within the si-th degree of consang#init! or affinit! e-cepting the applicant?s married children who are act#all! occ#p!ing the land: Provided, finally, /hat copies of said patents iss#ed shall e f#rnished to the 6#rea# of 8ands for record p#rposes. No patent or certificate shall e iss#ed ! the 4istrict 8and 2fficer #nless the s#r&e! of the land co&ered ! s#ch patent or certificate, whether made ! the 6#rea# of 8ands or ! a pri&ate s#r&e!or, has een appro&ed ! the 4irector of 8ands. /he 4irector of 8ands shall promptl! act #pon all s#r&e!s s# mitted to him for appro&al and ret#rn the same to the 4istrict 8and 2fficer within ninet! da!s after receipt of s#ch s#r&e!s ! his office. In case of disappro&al, the 4irector of 8ands shall state the reasons therefor. An! person aggrie&ed ! the decision or action of the 4istrict 8and 2fficer ma!,

within thirt! da!s from receipt of the cop! of the said decision, appeal to the 4irector of 8ands. S#ch patents or certificates shall e effecti&e onl! for the p#rposes defined in Section one h#ndred and twent!$two of the land 1egistration Act, and act#al con&e!ance of the land shall e effected onl! as pro&ided in said section. All s#r&e!s 4irector of 8ands at shall e acted #pon the effecti&it! of this pending appro&al ! the the time this Act ta7es effect ! him within ninet! da!s from Act.

S0C/I2N 1+B.No patent shall iss#e nor shall an! concession or contract e finall! appro&ed #nless the land has een s#r&e!ed and an acc#rate plat made thereof ! the 6#rea# of 8ands. S0C/I2N 1+D.In no case shall an! land e granted #nder the pro&isions of this Act when this affects in,#rio#sl! the #se of an! ad,acent land or of the waters, ri&ers, cree7s, foreshore, roads, or roadsteads, or &est the grantee with other &al#a le rights that ma! e detrimental to the p# lic interest. S0C/I2N 11+.Patents or certificates iss#ed #nder the pro&isions of this Act shall not incl#de nor con&e! the title to an! gold, sil&er, copper, iron, or other metals or minerals, or other s# stances containing minerals, g#ano, g#ms, precio#s stones, coal, or coal oil contained in lands granted there#nder. /hese shall remain to e propert! of the State. S0C/I2N 111.All persons recei&ing title to lands #nder the pro&isions of this Act shall hold s#ch lands s# ,ect to the pro&isions hereof and to the same p# lic ser&it#des as e-ist #pon lands owned ! pri&ate persons, incl#ding those with reference to the littoral of the sea and the an7s of na&iga le ri&ers or ri&ers #pon which rafting ma! e done. S0C/I2N 11(.Said land shall f#rther e s# ,ect to a right$of$wa! not e-ceeding si-t! '@+) meters in width for p# lic highwa!s, railroads, irrigation ditches, a3#ed#cts, telegraph and telephone lines and similar wor7s as the Co&ernment or an! p# lic or 3#asi$p# lic ser&ice or enterprise, incl#ding mining or forest concessionaires, ma! reasona l! re3#ire for carr!ing on their #siness, with damages for the impro&ements onl!. 99 S0C/I2N 11*./he eneficial #se of water shall e the asis, the meas#re, and the limit of all rights thereto, and the patents herein granted shall e s# ,ect to the right of the Co&ernment to ma7e s#ch r#les and reg#lations for the #se of water and the protection of the water s#ppl!, and for other p# lic p#rposes, as it ma! deem est for the p# lic good. ;hene&er, ! priorit! of possession, rights to the #se of water for mining, agric#lt#ral, man#fact#ring, or other p#rposes ha&e &ested and accr#ed, and the same are recogni%ed and ac7nowledged ! the local c#stoms, or ! the laws and decisions of the co#rts, the possessors and owners of s#ch &ested rights shall e maintained and protected in the same, and all patents granted #nder this Act shall e s# ,ect to an! &ested and accr#ed rights to ditches and reser&oirs #sed in connection with s#ch water rights as ma! ha&e een ac3#ired in the manner a o&e descri ed prior to April ele&en, eighteen h#ndred and ninet!$nine. S0C/I2N 114./here is here ! reser&ed from the operation of all patents, certificates, entries, and grants ! the Co&ernment a#thori%ed #nder this Act the right to #se for the p#rposes of power an! flow of water in an! stream r#nning thro#gh or ! the land granted, the con&erti le power from which at ordinar! low water e-ceeds

fift! horse power. ;here the con&erti le power in an! stream r#nning thro#gh or ! land granted #nder the a#thorit! of this Act th#s e-ceeds fift! horsepower, and there is no means of #sing s#ch power e-cept ! the occ#pation of a part of the land granted #nder a#thorit! of this Act, then so m#ch land as is reasona l! necessar! for the mill site or site for the power ho#se, and for a s#ita le dam and site for massing the water, is here ! e-cepted from s#ch grants, not e-ceeding fo#r hectares, and a right of wa! to the nearest p# lic highwa! from the land th#s e-cepted, and also a right of wa! for the constr#ction and maintenance of s#ch fl#mes, a3#ed#cts, wires, poles, o r order cond#its as ma! e needed in con&e!ing the water to the point where its fall will !ield the greatest power, or the power from the point of con&ersion to the point of #se, is reser&ed as a ser&it#de or easement #pon the land granted ! a#thorit! of this Act: Provided, ho(ever, /hat when the Co&ernment or an! concessionaire of the Co&ernment shall ta7e possession of the land #nder this section which a grantee #nder this Act shall ha&e paid for, s#pposing it to e s# ,ect to grant #nder this Act, said grantee shall e entitled to indemnit! from the Co&ernment or the concessionaire, as the case ma! e, in the amo#nt, if an!, paid ! him to the Co&ernment for the land ta7en from him ! &irt#e of this section: And provided, further, /hat with respect to the flow of water, e-cept for con&erting the same into power e-ceeding fift! horse power, said grantee shall e entitled to the same #se of the water flowing thro#gh or along his land that other pri&ate owners en,o! #nder the law, s# ,ect to the go&ernmental reg#lation pro&ided in the pre&io#s section. ;ater power pri&ileges in which the con&erti le power at ordinar! low water shall e-ceed fift! horse power shall e disposed of onl! #pon terms esta lished ! an Act of the Assem l! concerning the #se, lease or ac3#isition of s#ch water pri&ilege. S0C/I2N 11..All lands granted ! &irt#e of this Act, incl#ding homesteads #pon which final proof has not een made or appro&ed, shall, e&en tho#gh and while the title remains in the State, e s# ,ect to the ordinar! ta-es, which shall e paid ! the grantee or the applicant, eginning with the !ear ne-t following the one in which the homestead application has een filed, or the concession has een appro&ed, or the contract has een signed, as the case ma! e, on the asis of the &al#e fi-ed in s#ch filing, appro&al or signing of the application, concession or contract. S0C/I2N 11@./he appraisal or reappraisal of the lands or impro&ements s# ,ect to concession or disposition #nder this Act shall e made ! the 4irector of 8ands, with the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce. /he 4irector of 8ands ma! re3#est the assistance of the pro&incial treas#rer of the pro&ince in which the land lies or ma! appoint a committee for s#ch p#rpose in the pro&ince or in the m#nicipalit! in which the land lies. In no case shall the appraisal or reappraisal e less than the e-pense inc#rred or which ma! e inc#rred ! the Co&ernment in connection with the application or concession, nor shall an! reappraisal e made with an increase of more than one h#ndred per cent#m #pon the appraisal or reappraisal ne-t preceding. S0C/I2N 119. All s#ms d#e and pa!a le to the Co&ernment #nder this Act, e-cept homestead fees, shall draw simple interest at the rate of fo#r per cent#m per ann#m from and after the date in which the de tor shall ecome delin3#ent. S0C/I2N 11B. 0-cept in fa&or of the Co&ernment or an! of its ranches, #nits, or instit#tions, lands ac3#ired #nder free patent or homestead pro&isions shall not e s# ,ect to

enc#m rance or alienation from the date of the appro&al of the application and for a term of fi&e !ears from and after the date of iss#ance of the patent or grant, nor shall the! ecome lia le to the satisfaction of an! de t contracted prior to the e-piration of said period, #t the impro&ements or crops on the land ma! e mortgaged or pledged to 3#alified persons, associations, or corporations. No alienation, transfer, or con&e!ance of an! homestead after fi&e !ears and efore twent!$ fi&e !ears after iss#ance of title shall e &alid witho#t the appro&al of the Secretar! of Agric#lt#re and Commerce, which appro&al shall not e denied e-cept on constit#tional and legal gro#nds. S0C/I2N 11D. 0&er! con&e!ance of land ac3#ired #nder the free patent or homestead pro&isions, when proper, shall e s# ,ect to rep#rchase ! the applicant, his widow, or legal heirs, within a period of fi&e !ears from the date of the con&e!ance. S0C/I2N 1(+. Con&e!ance and enc#m rance made ! persons elonging to the so$called "non$Christian :ilipinos" or national c#lt#ral minorities, when proper, shall e &alid if the person ma7ing the con&e!ance or enc#m rance is a le to read and can #nderstand the lang#age in which the instr#ment or con&e!ance or enc#m rances is written. Con&e!ances and enc#m rances made ! illiterate non$Christian or literate non$Christians where the instr#ment of con&e!ance or enc#m rance is in a lang#age not #nderstood ! the said literate non$ Christians shall not e &alid #nless d#l! appro&ed ! the Chairman of the Commission on National Integration. S0C/I2N 1(1. 0-cept with the consent of the grantee and the appro&al of the Secretar! of Nat#ral 1eso#rces, and solel! for commercial, ind#strial, ed#cational, religio#s or charita le p#rposes or for a right of wa!, no corporation, association, or partnership ma! ac3#ire or ha&e an! right, title, interest, or propert! right whatsoe&er to an! land granted #nder the free patent, homestead, or indi&id#al sale pro&isions of this Act or to an! permanent impro&ement on s#ch land. /he pro&isions of Section 1(4 of this Act to the contrar! notwithstanding, an! ac3#isition of s#ch land, rights thereto or impro&ements thereon ! a corporation, association, or partnership prior to the prom#lgation of this 4ecree for the p#rposes herein stated is deemed &alid and inding> Pro&ided, /hat no final decision of re&ersion of s#ch land to the State has een rendered ! a co#rt> And Pro&ided, f#rther, /hat s#ch ac3#isition is appro&ed ! the Secretar! of Nat#ral 1eso#rces within si- '@) months from the effecti&it! of this 4ecree. S0C/I2N 1((. No land originall! ac3#ired in an! manner #nder the pro&isions of this Act, nor an! permanent impro&ement on s#ch land, shall enc#m ered, alienated, or transferred, e-cept to persons, corporations, associations, or partnerships who ma! ac3#ire lands of the p# lic domain #nder this Act or to corporations organi%ed in the Philippines a#thori%ed therefor ! their charters. 0-cept in cases of hereditar! s#ccession, no land or an! portion thereof originall! ac3#ired #nder the free patent, homestead, or indi&id#al sale pro&isions of this Act, or an! permanent impro&ement on s#ch land, shall e transferred or assigned to an! indi&id#al, nor shall s#ch land or an! permanent impro&ement thereon e leased to s#ch indi&id#al, when the area of said land, added to that of his own, shall e-ceed one h#ndred and fort!$fo#r hectares. An! transfer, assignment, or

lease made in &iolation hereof, shall &oid.

e n#ll and

S0C/I2N 1(*. No land originall! ac3#ired in an! manner #nder the pro$&isions of an! pre&io#s Act, ordinance, ro!al order, ro!al decree, or an! other pro&ision of law formerl! in force in the Philippines with regard to p# lic lands, terrenos baldios y realengos, or lands of an! other denomination that were act#all! or pres#mpti&el! of the p# lic domain, or ! ro!al grant or in an! other form, nor an! permanent impro&ement on s#ch land, shall e enc#m ered, alienated, or con&e!ed, e-cept to persons, corporations or associations who ma! ac3#ire land of the p# lic domain #nder this Act or to corporate odies organi%ed in the Philippines whose charters a#thori%e them to do so: Provided, ho(ever, /hat this prohi ition shall not e applica le to the con&e!ance or ac3#isition ! reason of hereditar! s#ccession d#l! ac7nowledged and legali%ed ! competent co#rts> Provided, further, /hat in the e&ent of the ownership of the lands and impro&ements mentioned in this section and in the last preceding section eing transferred ! ,#dicial decree to persons, corporations or associations not legall! capacitated to ac3#ire the same #nder the pro&isions of this Act, s#ch persons, corporations, or associations shall e o liged to alienate said lands or impro&ements to others so capacitated within the precise period of fi&e !ears> otherwise, s#ch propert! shall re&ert to the Co&ernment. S0C/I2N 1(4. An! ac3#isition, con&e!ance, alienation, transfer, or other contract made or e-ec#ted in &iolation of an! of the pro&isions of sections one h#ndred and eighteen, one h#ndred and twent!, one$one h#ndred and twent!$one, one h#ndred and twent! two, and one h#ndred and twent!$three of this Act shall e #nlawf#l and n#ll and &oid from its e-ec#tion and shall prod#ce the effect of ann#lling and cancelling the grant, title, patent, or permit originall! iss#ed, recogni%ed or confirmed, act#all! or pres#mpti&el!, and ca#se the re&ersion of the propert! and its impro&ements to the State. S0C/I2N 1(.. /he pro&isions of sections twent!$two, twent!$three, thirt!$three, one h#ndred and twent!$two, and one h#ndred and twent!$three of this Act, and an! other pro&ision or pro&isions restricting or tending to restrict the right of persons, corporations, or associations to ac3#ire, hold, lease, enc#m er, dispose of, or alienate land in the Philippines, or permanent impro&ements thereon, or an! interest therein, shall not e applied in cases in which the right to ac3#ire, hold or dispose of s#ch land, permanent impro&ements thereon or interests therein in the Philippines is recogni%ed ! e-isting treaties in fa&or of citi%ens or s# ,ects of foreign nations and corporations or associations organi%ed and constit#ted ! the same, which right, in so far as it e-ists #nder s#ch treaties, shall contin#e and s# sist in the manner and to the e-tent stip#lated in said treaties, and onl! while these are in force, #t not thereafter. S0C/I2N 1(@. All p# lic a#ctions pro&ided for in the foregoing chapters in the disposition of p# lic lands shall e held, where&er possi le, in the pro&ince where the land is located, or, in the office of the 6#rea# of 8ands in Manila C.AP"ER 6$/ Transitory Provisions S0C/I2N 1(9. 4#ring the e-istence and contin#ance of the Commonwealth and efore the 1ep# lic of the Philippines is finall! esta lished, citi%ens and corporations of the Enited States shall

en,o! the same rights granted to citi%ens and corporations of the Philippines #nder this Act. S0C/I2N 1(B. 4#ring the period specified in the ne-t preceding section, the President of the Philippines, #pon receipt of the order of the President of the Enited States, shall, ! proclamation, designate s#ch land as the latter ma! set aside for militar!, na&al or other reser&ations for #se of the Co&ernment of the Enited States. C.AP"ER 6/ Penal Provisions S0C/I2N 1(D. An! person who presents or ca#ses to e presented, or cooperates in the presentation of, an! false application, declaration, or e&idence, or ma7es or ca#ses to e made or cooperates in the ma7ing of a false affida&it in s#pport of an! petition, claim, or o ,ection respecting lands of the p# lic domain, shall e deemed g#ilt! of per,#r! and p#nished accordingl!. S0C/I2N 1*+. An! person who &ol#ntaril! and malicio#sl! pre&ents or hinders or attempts to pre&ent or hinder the presentation of an! application for p# lic land #nder this Act, or who in an! manner attempts to e-ec#te or e-ec#tes acts intended to diss#ade or disco#rage, or aid to diss#ade or disco#rage, the ac3#isition of p# lic lands, shall e deemed g#ilt! of coercion and e p#nished accordingl!. S0C/I2N 1*1. An! person who sells forms iss#ed and distri #ted grat#ito#sl! #nder this Act or who, eing an officer charged with distri #ting them, ref#ses or fails, witho#t s#fficient reason, to f#rnish the same, shall e p#nished for each offense ! a fine of not more than one h#ndred pesos or ! imprisonment for not more than three months, or oth, in the discretion of the co#rt. S0C/I2N 1*(. An! person, corporation, association or partnership which, not eing 3#alified or no longer a#thori%ed to appl! for p# lic land #nder the pro&isions of this Act, files or ind#ces or 7nowingl! permits another person, corporation, association or partnership to file an application in his or its ehalf or for his or its interest, enefit or ad&antage, shall e p#nished ! a fine of not less than two h#ndred nor more than fi&e tho#sand pesos or ! imprisonment for not less than two months nor more than fi&e !ears, or oth, in the discretion of the co#rt> and the application shall e cancelled. S0C/I2N 1**. An! person who, witho#t ha&ing the 3#alifications re3#ired ! this Act, shall ! deceit or fra#d ac3#ire or attempt to ac3#ire lands of the p# lic domain or other real propert! or an! right, title or interest, or propert! right of an! class to the same, and an! person aiding and a etting him therein or ser&ing as a means or tool therefor, shall, #pon con&iction, e p#nished ! a fine of not more than fi&e tho#sands pesos, or ! the imprisonment for not more than fi&e !ears, or oth, in the discretion of the co#rt. "$"*E /$$ 'inal Provisions C.AP"ER 6/$ $ffectiveness of this Act S0C/I2N 1*4. If, for an! reason, an! section or pro&ision of this Act is challenged in a competent co#rt and is held to e #nconstit#tional,

none of the other sections or pro&isions thereof shall e affected there ! and s#ch other sections and pro&isions shall contin#e to go&ern as if the section or pro&isions so ann#lled, disappro&ed, or repealed had ne&er een incorporated in this Act, and in lie# of the section or pro&ision so ann#lled, disappro&ed, or repealed, the pro&isions of law on the s# ,ect thereof in force prior to the appro&al of this Act shall go&ern #ntil the Assem l! shall otherwise pro&ide in the premises. S0C/I2N 1*.. All laws and reg#lations, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the pro&isions of this Act, are here ! repealed. S0C/I2N 1*@. /his Act shall ta7e effect on 4ecem er first, nineteen h#ndred and thirt!$si#nless the President shall, in the proclamation anno#ncing its effecti&eness, designate a prior date, in which case this Act shall ta7e effect on the date so designated. Appro&ed: No&em er 9, 1D*@

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