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Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No.

of Pages : 1
[3801] - 154
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Stream)
Paper I: Fundamentals of Tourism
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
4) Use of map stencil is allowed.
Q1) Explain any two in brief (Around 50 words). [10]
a) Tourists.
b) Museums.
c) HawaMahal.
d) Types of Passport.
Q2) Write short notes on any four (Around 100 words). [20]
a) Primary components of tourism.
b) Religious tourism in India.
c) Foreign currency and balance of payment.
d) Man made attractions.
e) Kathakali.
f) Tourism as an employment generating industry.
Q3) Answer any three (200 - 250 words). [30]
a) Explain socio - cultural impact of tourism.
b) Social importance of tourism.
c) Discuss growth and development of tourism through ages.
d) Explain the concept of tourism product and discuss its characteristics.
e) Discuss the importance of long tour.
Q4) Answer in detail any one (Around 500 words). [20]
a) Discuss the historical importance of Indian tourism with relevant examples.
b) Linkage between tourism and national integration.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
[3801] - 155
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Course)
(2008 Pattern) (Theory )
Time : 2Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Draw a neat - labeled diagram wherever necessary.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Define the following (Any 5). [5]
a) Binary.
b) BCD.
c) PROM.
d) MS Word.
e) Barcode.
f) Audio Data.
g) ALU.
Q2) Solve the following (Any 4). [8]
a) (553) 10 = ( ) 2.
b) (3B4) 16 = ( ) 10.
c) 101 + 1101 + 1011 + 1111.
d) 1111 / 11.
e) 101 * 111.
f) Solve using 2s complement method. 1101 + 1001.
[3801] - 155 -2-
Q3) Write short notes (Any 5). [15]
a) Keyboard.
b) Extended memory.
c) Magnetic Tapes.
d) Types of browser.
e) Edit Menu of Microsoft Word.
f) Task Bar.
g) UPS.
Q4) Answer the following (Any 3). [12]
a) Write a short note Arithmetic Logic Unit and Control Unit of C.P.U.
b) Generations of Computers.
c) Format Menu of Microsoft Word.
d) Any 4 mathematical functions of Excel.
e) Scanning Devices.
Total No. of Questions : 3] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
[3801]-103 - 2 -

[3801]-103 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
GERMAN (Basic)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
[3801]-104(Basic) - 2 -
[3801]-104(Basic) - 3 -

[3801]-104(Basic) - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 6
F.Y. B.A.
GERMAN (Advanced)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
[3801]-104(Advanced) - 2 -
[3801]-104(Advanced) - 3 -
[3801]-104(Advanced) - 4 -
[3801]-104(Advanced) - 5 -

[3801]-104(Advanced) - 6 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N. B. : All questions are compulsory.
gwdmb 1) ho{R>`{Z _m {H${Z {~ S>h{Z gwdmb{Z Om Odm~ A{Q>H$b 20 b O{Z _| {bImo [20]
1) boIH$ JmodYZ e_m Oo K[a gXmdV H$sA hbXmo hmo ?
2) {Zem Oo nrC, bo{IH$m Io N>moH$ao Oo ~mao _| H${hS>r OmU {S>Zr ?
3) bo{IH$m Bdar OmoVdmUr H$md|Q> {KQ>rA _m [a em _| MT>Xo S>mBda Io N>m M`mo ?
4) Zaoe, gV`mUrA Io H${hS>r lYmObr {S>Zr ?
5) XrVrA Oo K[a AMU Vo rVrA Io{g H$sA IrH$m[a`mo ?
6) boIH$ JmodYZ e_m Io {Z[aS> Vo N>m Omo {ZemZ hmo ?
7) C_a ~mXemh, _m$BA Io H${hS>o ~hmZo gm H$X H$`mo ?
8) bo{IH$m Bdar OmoVdmUrA Or [a em bmb Xo{db Or {KQ>rA _| N>mo ~rhOr doB ?
9) {nVm Oo XohmV Vo, rVrA Or _mC Io{g H${hS>mo _{hUmo {S>Zmo ?
10) OmZH$sA Io H${hS>m emH$ h Am ?
11) C_a ~mXemh, _m$BA Io gX{g _mBQ>{Z {Ibm\$ H$sA Wmo ^S>H$mE ?
12) AmaVrA boIH$ Im ~ere N>mo Kwar ?
13) Abr ~oJ ~bmoM Sw>~B H${hS>o {gb{gbo _| Am`mo hmo ?
- -
[3801]-105 - 2 -
gwdmb 2) ho{R>`{Z _m {H${Z {~ {~{Z gwdmb{Z Om Odm~ A{Q>H$b 50 b O{Z _| {bImo [10]
1) X {Z`m _| ~w{Z`mX Or H${hS>r A{h`V Amho ?
2) emBa ZyarA Io H${hS>`w{Z hamZ H$`mo Amho ?
3) emBa {XbJra Io _`ybmoH$ E| A_a bmoH$ _m H${hS>mo bmoH$ ~{hVa Wmo bJo E| N>mo ?
4) emh gm{h~ Bda Or ~XJr H$sA Wmo H$ao ?
gwdmb 3) ho{R>`{Z _m {H${Z {~ {~{Z gwdmb{Z Om Odm~ A{Q>H$b 150 b O{Z _| {bImo [20]
1) _|qh Or AOr~ __Vm Omo { OH$ H$[a`mo.
2) _m$BA Or h ~ AbdVZrA Omo { OH$ H$[a`mo.
3) go{R> eodH$am_ Or A~bmIm H$sA nyar Wr ?
4) {Zem Or {H$aXma{ZJmar H$[a`mo.
gwdmb 4) ho{R>`{Z _m Ho$ {~ ~ _ _yZ A{Q>H$b 300 b O{Z _| {bImo [30]
1) H$b_ Or Am_H$Wm
2) {gY`w{Z Omo B> Xod ""Pybobmb''
3) H$_`yQ>a Oo O_mZmo
4) Om OrE Vm {gIw


[3801]-105 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
SINDHI (Arabic)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N. B. : All questions are compulsory.
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 1
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 80
N. B. : All questions are compulsory.

[3601]-106(New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
(June 2008 Onwards)
Text: Apprenons le franais (Part 1, 2)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
[3801]-109 - 2 -

[3801]-109 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Pali (nm{b) (2008 Pattern)
Pali Kusumanjali - Chatuttho Bhago
nm{b Hw$gw_Obr - MVwWmo ^mJmo
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
gyMZm - 1) gd Z Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb AmH$S>o nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
Q1) A) Translate into English or Marathi. (Any two) [10]
BJOrV AWdm _amR>rV ^mfmVa H$am. (H$moUVohr XmoZ)
i) ""_`m {n Imo d, ZX, MoVgm MoVmo n[a {d{XVmo - ""ZXmo AmgdmZ I`m AZmgd
MoVmo{d_wqm nmm{d_wqm {X>od Y_o g` A{^mm gpN>H$dm Cngnm {dha{V'
{V& XodVm {n _o EV_W AmamoMo{g - "Am`_m, ^Vo, ZXmo ^JdVmo ^mVm ^mVwN>mnwmmo
AmgdmZ I`m AZmgd MoVmo{d_wqm nmm{d_wqm {X>od Y_o g` A{^mm gpN>H$dm
Cngnm {dha{V' {V& `Xod Imo Vo, ZX, AZwnmXm` Amgdo{h {Mm {d_wm, AWmh
_wmmo EV`m n{Q>gdm'' {V&
ii) gVoHo$ g_U~mUm Eddm{XZmo Ed{X{>Zmo - ""ggVmo bmoH$mo, BX_od g _moK_m''
{V& gpV nZoHo$ g_U~mUm Eddm{XZmo Ed{X{hZmo - "" AggVmo bmoH$mo, AX_od
g _moK_m'' {V& gVoHo$ g_U~mUm Eddm{XZmo Ed{X{>Zmo - "AVdm bmoH$mo,
BX_od g _moK_m'' {V& gpV nZoHo$ g_U~mUm Eddm{XZmo Ed{X{>Zmo -
""AZVdm bmoH$mo, BX_od g _moK_m'' {V& gVoHo$ g_U~mUm Eddm{XZmo
Ed{X{>Zmo - ""V Ord V g[aa, BX_od g _moK_m'' {V&
iii) ""go`Wm{n {^ Ido, `m H$m{M VmaH$nmZ n^m g~m Vm MXn^m` H$b ZmKpV
gmoiqg, MXn^m`od Vm A{YJhodm ^mgVo M VnVo M {damoM{V M; Ed_od Imo,
{^ Ido `m{Z H$m{Z{M Amon{YH$m{Z nwm{H$[a`dWy{Z g~m{Z Vm{Z _omm`
MoVmo{d_w{m`m H$b ZmKpV gmoiqg _omm`od Vm{Z MoVmo{d_wqm A{YJhodm ^mgVo M
VnVo M {damoM{V M&&
[3801]-115 - 2 -
B) Translate into English or Marathi. (Any two) [10]
BJOrV AWdm _amR>rV ^mfmVa H$am. (H$moUVohr XmoZ)
i) {N>X gmoV na$_, H$m_o nZwX ~mU&
g mamZ I` mdm AH$Vmy{g ~mU&&
`Xm `ogw Y_ogw nmaJy hmo{V ~mUmo&
AWg g~o g`moJm AW JN>pV OmZVmo&&
ii) ` V gaU_mJ_ BVmo A>{_ M Iw_&
gmamoZ ^Jdm XVhm Vd gmgZo&&
Vwd ~wmo Vwd gWm Vwd _mam{^^y _w{Z&
Vwd AZwg`o N>odm {VUmo Vmao{g_ nO&&
iii) Z _w{Z Jm__mJ_ Hw$bogw ghgm Mao
KmgogZ {N> H$Wmo Z dmM n`wV ^Uo&
AbW `{XX gmYw ZmbW Hw$gb B{V
C^`oZod gmo Vm{X $ Id Cn{Zdm{V&&
Q2) A) Explain with reference to the context. (Any one) [5]
gX^mg{hV n>rH$aU {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$)
i) Vo{h Y_o{h gn AZrY {N> gg`&
A{gV g~bmoH$g Amhg~nh{`Z' {V&&
ii) B_ogw {H$a gmpV, EHo$ g_U~mUm&
{dJh Z {ddXpV, OZm EH$L>JXpgZmo'' {V&&
B) Explain with reference to the context. (Any one) [5]
gX^mg{hV n>rH$aU {bhm. (H$moUVohr EH$)
i) gmo ~mo{Ygmmo aVZdamo AVw`mo& _ZwgbmoHo$ {hVgwIm` OmVmo&
ii) Z VmZ _wH$ MXmo Am{Xdmo VnV _wI&
[3801]-115 - 3 -
Q3) A) Explain the Mettbhvna. [10]
_omm^mdZm hr gH$nZm n> H$am.
OR / qH$dm
Explain the subjectmatter of Nandasutta.
> "ZXgwm'Mr {df`dVy n> H$am.
B) Explain the Brhmana. [10]
~mU hUOo H$m` Vo n> H$am.
OR / qH$dm
Explain the subjectmatter of Selasutta.
> gobgwmmMr {df`dVy n> H$am.
Q4) A) Write a short note on any one of the following: [5]
ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$mda g{j{Q>n {bhm.
i) CXmZ
ii) B{VdwmH$
B) Write a short note on any one of the following: [5]
ImbrbnH$s H$moU`mhr EH$mda g{j{Q>n {bhm.
i) gwm{ZnmV
ii) Y_nX

Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 3

W_ df gm{h` (F.Y. B.A.)
`mo OZ_y bH qhXr : dmo Ho eZb
(Functional Hindi : Vocational)
1924 Zn -1 (Z`m nmR>H _)
(qhXr ^mfm {d{dY n, amO^mfm qhXr VWm `mHaU)
u : 3 r ] [+n + : 80
gyMZmE i) g^r Z A{Zdm` h&
ii) Xm{hZr Amoa {bIo JE AH$ Z Ho$ nyUmH$ h&
iii) {d^mJ "A' Ama {d^mJ "~' Ho$ Cma EH$ hr Cma-nwpVH$m _| {b{IE&
{d^mJ "A'
.1. ) +-+o+ =t -r = =-rt r = r-t r rt r|r= -
o - [5]
1) Source 2) Listener
3) Mutual 4) Vigilance
5) Report 6) Notice
7) Surplus
r) +-+o+ r-t -r = =-rt r = =t r rt r|r= -
o - [5]
1) =rr= 2) |r+
3) +r-+ 4) -rr+
5) cr 6) -t
7) -rt
.2. +-+o+ = =-rt -r r oi [10]
(=) r=+= r-t =r -ci
(o) +-c- 344
() == rr r =r rr r-ti
.3. re rr, r=rr r r-rr r-t =r + -e =t=i [12]
+-c- 120 =r r- - =r=i
{d^mJ "~'
.4. +-+o+ = =-rt +t+ = :-r o - [15]
() r-+ x = n rr =t =r-rr r =r=i
() r-+ x = n =rr =r =a -t=i
(c) r-t =+ r = rr =r rn =rr =r+r ri
(=) `:- = +r =t-=t -r rr+r r` - =r-rr =r;i
() = =r +r - =r=i
.5. +) +-+o+ -r =r r-t +r- =r= - [7]
+= rr r=rr =rr= r rr rr. +r r|+r= =r -
+=r, ar+t r|+r= =r rr-t r r ==r=, r+re t =t+
o= r. =. +rr, r =r r ast-r =rr=r+ r-r ++t cr
+r z+. zrr- =+ rt = r r r= r-r =rrt = +
r+ +rrt+ r r+r r+ = + `r+ t =r =`= + :-r
-+r+. - +=r r-r t+ r r -rr-r,``+r r-r=rcr =rr-
r=r-r=z+ r =r =c+ +r. r+ r =+ =rrt +rrt. =r =r+ r
r+- r+r rt r t =r.`` r.=. +rr r -rr,`` r =rrt +=r
r =r+rt +=r. rsr rr+r =t+r+ t =ot rr.``
[3801]-153 - 2 -
) = = rrn= = +r -r+r+ = r+ r-+ x oi [8]
.6. +-+o+ = =-rt +t+ r o - [18]
(-) r-+x = r= ,
(n) +r=t = r-+x --r =r r-,
(+) oztr; r =+,
() r-t =r r+= ++t,
() =: ==rn+ ;=r; = n ri
[3801]-153 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
Text prescribed : REFLECTIONS 1, P.Bhaskaran Nair,
Geetha Rajeevan & G. Radhakrishna Pillai
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt any Two of the following: [16]
a) What advice does Rabindranath Tagore give to the devotees of God in
the poem This Chanting and Singing and Telling of Beads?
b) What were the different ways in which Nicola and Jacopo earned money?
Do you think all these were jobs suitable for young boys of their age?
Give reasons.
c) Draw a character sketch of Fedor Sigaev.
d) Comment on the significance of the title The Model Millionaire.
Q2) Attempt any Four of the following: [16]
a) Contrast the attitude of the woman to herself with the attitude of the
mirror to her.
b) How did the Directors son in the lesson The Town by the Sea manage
to save himself ?
c) Comment on the role of humour in the extract Uncle Podger Hangs a
d) How did the conjurer take the revenge on the Quick Man?
e) Why does the mother in the poem The Affliction of Margaret say All
the world appears unkind to her?
f) Why did the student call the Physics Master a cannibal?
g) Life is short, the world is beautiful, love is splendid. Discuss in the
light of the poem Gather ye Rosebuds while ye may.
[3801]-101 2
Q3) Attempt any Two of the following: [16]
a) Write an application for the post of an English teacher in a public
school run by the local management.
b) One of your classmates spoke to you on your mobile phone and invited
you to go with him/her for a movie. Write a short dialogue.
c) Pollution-a serious threat to mankindwrite an essay in brief.
d) Write a paragraph for or against on the following by using valid reasons:
Women are not as intelligent as men.
Q4) Attempt any Eight of the following: [16]
a) Give synonyms of the following words:
i) meet.
ii) gather.
b) Give antonyms of the following words:
i) pass.
ii) wife.
c) Choose correct alternatives and rewrite the following:
i) I dont need your certificate; I can (get on/get of) without one.
ii) Though there were some initial difficulties we decided to (carry
on/carry of) the project.
d) Form one word each using the following prefixes:
i) in----------
ii) un---------
e) Make adverbs:
i) happy.
ii) angry.
f) Use the following words in a sentence each:
i) duty
ii) study
g) Give one word substitute for the following:
i) A person who works as chief of a company.
ii) A place where experiment material is kept.
h) Give full forms of the following words:
i) WHO.
ii) UNO.
i) Give short forms of the following words:
i) Staff Selection Commission.
ii) Doctor of Philosophy.
j) Give verbs forms of the following words:
i) reformation.
ii) nomination.
k) Give the meaning of the following phrases and use them in your own
i) in front of
ii) look for
Q5) Do as directed (any Eight): [16]
a) Write a sentence that begins with I would--------
b) We decided to postpone the picnic.
(Change the voice)
c) Halt! said the captain to the soldier.
(Change into indirect speech)
d) I had never felt such happiness before.
(Add a question tag)
e) His fall was caused ------- his ambition (Fill in the blanks using appropriate
f) You are looking for black van. I found it. I found ---------
(Complete the above sentence using the suitable relative clause)
g) Rupa met him five weeks before.
(Correct the sentence and rewrite)
h) Can you draw a picture for me?
(Change into an Imperative sentence)
i) John --------- works till late.
(Fill in the blank with suitable adverb of frequency)
j) Punctuate the following:
how long did the thirty years war last was that the question
k) I will meet the Principal next week.
(Rewrite the sentence using be going to
l) You like reading Chatan Bhagat.
(Make a formal question)
[3801]-101 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
Discrete Probability and Probability Distributions
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of statistical tables and calculator is allowed.
4) Symbols have their usual meanings.
Q1) Attempt any Two of the following: [2 5 = 10]
a) A fair coin is tossed three times, find the probability of getting:
i) Exactly one head.
ii) At least one head.
b) If A and B are two events of a sample space (

), prove that:
B). (A P P(B) P(A) B) P(A + =
c) Explain deterministic and non-deterministic models with suitable
d) Verify whether following function is a probability mass function (p.m.f.)?
If so, find
P[11 < 1].
. 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 ,
) ( P
= = x
= 0, otherwise.
Q2) Attempt any Four of the following: [4 5 = 20]
a) Define independence of two events A and B of a sample space (

). If A
and B are independent events, prove that A and B

are also independent.
b) A discrete r.v. X has probability distribution as given below:
X 1 2 3 4 5
P(X=x ) k 2k 3k 4k 5k
Find:i) The value of k,
ii) The cumulative distribution function of X.
[3801]-131 2
c) Define hypergeometric distribution. Also obtain its mean.
d) If A and B are two events of

such that P(A) = 0.4 and P(B) = 0.7 then

show that:
i) 0.1 < B) P(A < 0.4
ii) B) P(A > 0.7
e) Define expectation of a function of bivariate discrete r.v. Also prove that:
E[X+Y] = E[X] + E [Y].
f) State and prove the effect of change of origin and scale property of
Q3) Attempt any Three of the following: [3 10 = 30]
a) i) Obtain the modal value of binomial distribution with parameters n
and p. [5]
ii) Compute First three central moments of Bernoulli distribution with
parameter p. [5]
b) i) With usual notations, prove that:
Var.(aX + bY) = a
Var (X) + b
Var (Y) + 2ab Cov (X,Y), where a
and b are any arbitrary constant. [6]
ii) Define cumulative distribution function (F( x )) of a discrete r.v. Also
state its any three properties. [4]
c) i) State and prove Bayes theorem. [6]
ii) A factory employs both male and female workers. The probability
that a worker chosen at random is male is 0.60, that the worker is
married is 0.80 and that the worker is married male is 0.50. Find the
probability that a worker chosen at random is married female. [4]
d) i) Define the following terms:
1) Marginal distributions.
2) Conditional probability distributions. [4]
ii) A pair of unbiased dice is thrown simultaneously. The events are
defined as below:
: Even number appears on the upperface of the first die.
: Even number appears on the upperface of the second die.
: Sum of two numbers appears on the upperface of both dice is
Discuss the nature of independence of E
and E
. [6]
e) Let (X, Y) be a bivariate discrete r.v. with joint probability distribution: [10]
Y 1 2 3
-2 0.15 0.10 0.05
0 0.08 0.12 0.10
2 0.17 0.08 0.15
i) marginal distribution of X and Y,
ii) conditional distribution of X given Y = 2,
iii) conditional distribution of Y given X = 2,
iv) P [X + Y < 1].
Q4) Attempt any One of the following: [1 20 = 20]
a) i) Derive Poisson distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution.
ii) Obtain probability generating function (p.g.f.) of binomial distribution
with parameters (n, p). [5]
iii) Let (X, Y) be a bivariate discrete r.v. with joint probability distribution:
Y -2 0 2
1 k 3k 5k
2 2k 3k k
3 3k 2k k
Find:1) The value of k,
2) E [X] and E [Y],
3) Covariance between X and Y. [8]
b) i) With usual notations, prove that:
E[X k]
= Var (X) + [E (X) k]
where k is a constant. [3]
ii) Obtain mean and variance of Uniform distribution with parameter n. [6]
iii) State and prove additive property of binomial distribution. [6]
iv) Let X be Poisson variable with parameter m. If P [X = 5] =
Find standard deviation of X and P [ X > 3]. [5]
[3801]-131 3
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
Text : Poetry and Minor Forms of English Literature
(General Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) a) Answer the following questions in about 20 words each (any FIVE).[10]
i) What is the structure of sonnet? Give examples.
ii) What is pastoral elegy?
iii) What are the two qualities of an epic?
iv) Which are the two types of ode?
v) Define ballad.
vi) Write two features of a good short story.
vii) Define personal essay.
b) Identify and explain briefly the literary devices used in the following lines
(any FIVE). [10]
i) I wandered lonely as a cloud
ii) Of mans first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world,
iii) And I will come again, my love,
Thou it were ten thousand mile.
iv) May the sum of evil
Balance in this unreal world
Against the sum of good
v) Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
vi) What are they doing this morning, this morning?
vii) They clicked their tongues
[3801]-132 2
c) Refer briefly to the context and explain fully any TWO of the following.
i) For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
ii) My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
iii) My father, sceptic, rationalist,
trying every curse and blessing,
powder, mixture, herb and hybrid.
He even poured a little paraffin
Upon the bitten toe and put a match to it.
iv) As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a the seas gang dry.
Q2) Answer any ONE of the following questions in about 150 words. [10]
a) How does the poet describe the problem of colour-consciousness in
Telephone Conversation?
b) Comment on the effect produced by the question-answer pattern of the
poem O What is that Sound.
c) Describe the Indian rural scene reflected in the poem Night of the
Q3) Answer the following questions in about 150 words each (any TWO). [20]
a) Comment on the significance of the title The Greedy Old Woman and
the Lime tree.
b) Attempt a character sketch of Mathilde.
c) Write an elaborate note on the Kelvey sisters portrayed in The Dolls
d) What are the features of an interesting short story? Discuss with the help
of The Eyes Have It.
Q4) a) Answer any ONE of the following questions in about 150 words. [10]
i) How does A.G.Gardiner distinguish between hard and fast rules
and rules for guidance? Discuss with the help of All About a Dog.
ii) Memory is different from intelligence. Discuss with the help of On
iii) Discuss Hobbies and Interests as an argumentative essay.
b) Answer any ONE of the following questions in about 150 words. [10]
i) Attempt a character sketch of Abel Merryweather in The Dear
ii) Discuss the use of horror element in The Monkeys Paw.
iii) Comment on the element of suspense in the one-act play The
[3801]-132 3
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
FMG - I : Industrial Mathematics
(Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.
Q1) Attempt each of the following: [16]
a) Find the present value at 8% simple interest of Rs. 1200 due in 9 months.
b) Find the simple interest of Rs. 2000 at 5% per annum for 3 years.
c) Find the compound amount of Rs. 3000 for 6 years at 5%.
d) Find y x and intercept of the line . 12 4 3 = y x
e) If
. find then ) 2 ( ) 3 4 (
5 2
x x y =
f) Evaluate

g) Find the marginal revenue (MR) function for the total revenue function
TR = 65Q - 3Q
h) Test whether the function 7 10 3 ) ( f
+ = x x x is increasing or decreasing
at . 1 = x
Q2) Attempt any four of the following. [16]
a) Write a note on present value of a debt and equation of value of an
interest bearing debt.
b) Draw the graph of function ) ( f x =
c) Find the amount and present value of an annuity of Rs. 200 per month
years, if money is worth 6% compounded monthly.
[3801]-136 2
d) Write a note on Promissory Notes.
e) Discuss the continuity of the function f( x ) at x =1,
where f( x ) = 2 x 1, if x
, if 1 <
f) Find the effective rate r equivalent to the nominal rate 5% compounded
Q3) Attempt any two of the following: [16]
a) Define the following terms.
i) Slope of straight line.
ii) Derivative of a function at a point.
iii) Nominal and effective rates of interest.
iv) Ordinary annuities certain.
b) Plot the graph of the curves x y =
and x y = .
Also find their points of intersection.
c) Derive with usual notations,
n i
1 ) 1 ( +
and a

+ ) 1 ( 1
d) Evaluate the following;

ii) .
24 2

x x
Q4) Attempt any four of the following: [16]
a) If u and v are differentiable functions of x , and y = u.v. then prove
. . V . u
+ =
b) For each of the following functions, find
i) . ) 9 6 (
4 3
+ = x y
[3801]-136 3
ii) .
8 9 5
+ +
x x
c) Optimize . 59 126 30 2 ) f(
2 3
+ + = x x x x
d) Find average cost (AC) function from the following total cost (TC)
function at Q=3, where TC = 3Q
e) Prove that marginal cost (MC) must equal marginal revenue (MR) at the
profit maximizing level of output.
f) Check whether the following function is concave or convex at x =3.
. 15 9 4 2
2 3
+ + = x x x y
Q5) Attempt any two of the following: [16]
a) Prove that if f( x ) is differentiable at a point a x = then it is continuous
at a x = . Is the converse true? Justify.
b) Given the following total revenue (TR) and total cost (TC) function, maxi-
mize profit for a firm.
TR = 1400 Q (7.5)Q
TC = Q
c) Investigate the successive derivatives and evaluate it at 2 = x , for
. 7 5 4
2 3
+ = x x y
d) Find the MR functions for each of the following demand functions and
evaluate them at Q=4 and Q=10.
i) Q = 36-2P,
ii) 44-4P-Q=0.
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
MG - I : Algebra and Geometry
(Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt Each of the following: [16]
a) If f : R

R and g : R

R are defined by f(
) = 2x and g( x ) = 1 3
then find formula for gof.
b) Find (46), where is Eulers function.
c) Find the modulus of (1+i)
d) If a is a root of polynomial f(
) then show that (
a) is a factor of
e) Can the numbers
be direction cosines of a line? Justify your
f) Find the equation of the smallest sphere passing through (2, 1, -1) and
(1, 3, 0).
g) Find the intercepts made by the plane z y x 5 4 3 + + = 60 with the coordinate
h) Define rank of a matrix.
Q2) Attempt any Four of the following: [16]
a) Prove that any two equivalence classes are either identical or disjoint.
b) If f: X

Y and g: Y

Z are bijective functions, then prove that

gof: X

Z is also bijective.
c) Find greatest common divisor of 1357 and 1166 and express it in the
form of 1357m + 1166 n.
d) Write multiplication table for Z
[3801]-138 2
e) If |z| = 1 and arg (z) = then show that

= i cot

f) By using De Moivres theorem find expressions for sin (3 ) and
cos (3 ) in powers of sin and cos respectively.
Q3) Attempt any Two of the following: [16]
a) State and prove division algorithm for integers.
b) State and prove De Moivres theorem for integral indices.
c) i) If the equation 0 12 8
2 3
= + x x x has repeated roots then solve it
ii) Find the greatest common divisor of polynomials f(
)= 5 6 2
2 3
+ x x x
and g(
) = . 1 2
+ x x
d) i) Define translation of axes and derive formulae for translation of
ii) Prove that every first degree equation in z y x , , represents a plane.
Q4) Attempt any Four of the following: [16]
a) If the axes are rotated through on angle

then find transformed form

of the equation . 0 9 4 3
= + xy x
b) Show that the lines

z y x

z y x
are coplanar.
c) Find the ratio in which the joint of the points A(2, 5, -1) and B(4, 3, 7) is
divided by plane . 3 2 = + z y x
d) Find the radius of the circle
. 17 2 2 , 0 3 6 4
2 2 2
= + = + + + z y x z x z y x
e) For what values of and the equations , 6 = + + z y x , 10 3 2 = + + z y x
2 = + + z y x have
i) no solution.
ii) unique solution.
iii) infinitely many solutions.
f) Find the equation of sphere whose centre is (-2, 0, 1) and which
touches the plane . 36 4 5 = + z y x
[3801]-138 3
Q5) Attempt any Two of the following: [16]
a) Reduce the equation 0 4 4 4 5 6 5
2 2
= + + + y x y xy x to its standard form.
b) If direction cosines of two lines are connected by the relations l m + n = 0,
+ m
- 5n
= 0 then find angle between them.
c) Find the equation of tangent plane to the sphere 0 2 2
2 2 2
= + + + + + c fy gx z y x
at the point ) , , (
1 1 1
z y x .
d) i) Apply Guass elimination method to solve the following system of
. 14 2 3 4
2 4 2
6 3 2
= +
= +
= +
z y x
z y x
z y x
ii) For what value of the following matrix is of rank 3?
1 1
1 1
1 1

Q1) Answer the following in 50 words : (Any Two) [10]
i) Explain Importance of 'Fitness' in sports.
ii) Define physical Fitness. Make list the HRPF Factors.
iii) Write the duties of any one Kabaddi offical.
Q2) Write notes on following in 100 words : (Any Four) [20]
i) Describe the fouls in Kho-Kho.
ii) Write basic skills required in Hand ball.
iii) Define Yoga. Explain the Importance of Yoga in sports.
iv) Explain the new rules in Athletics.
v) Describe history and rules Kho-Kho.
vi) Give information about Marathon.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Physical Education
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q3) Answer following in 200-250 words : (Any Three) [30]
i) Define Phy.Edu. Explain the objectives of Phy. Edu.
ii) Draw a diagram of Kabaddi ground with measurement.
iii) Explain effect of exercise on respiratory system.
iv) Draw a diagrame of 'Shot Put' in Athletics and write the Rules of shot
v) Explain co-relation between Phy.Edu. and Yoga.
Q4) Answer in 500 words : (Any One) [20]
i) Draw neat diagram of Hand ball ground with measurement and explain
the foules in Hand ball.
ii) Draw neat diagram of Volley ball ground with measurement and explain
the any 10 rules in .
[3801]-137 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Physical Education
emar[aH {ejU
(2008 A`mgH_)
(_amR>r nmVa)
doi : 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U : 80
=+t : i) = v+ =tzi t= tr.
ii) :t=zt = 4 nit.
iii) t= == t=t =tet.
iv) =t=tt = ; 4 t v+ix=t rtt.
Z 1. oi +i 50 i :-it i. (=ir i+) [10]
i) oi rt rt te =ti.
ii) itft= rt vicvi i. itivifs rtvi =i vi =ti.
iii) =itvir =i =ss i =v fri.
Z 2. oi +i (100 i):-it fri. (=ir it) [20]
i) oi -oi ii + =ti.
ii) r si o i =i rv fri.
iii) vi4i vicvi i. oi vi4i rt te =ti.
iv) =n ++ f+v te =ti.
v) oi-oi i sfrin f+v + =ti.
vi) tii+ ifr i.
Z 3. oi +i tv=i 200 250 i :-it fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) itft= fai vicvi i. itft= fai :fe te =ti.
ii) =ss oivi =isi4i iiinr i= =iei.
iii) n+ ntt viviii fti te =ti.
iv) =n `4ii =` i+i i= =iei. 4ii = f+v fri.
v) itft= fa vi 4i nrn te =ti.
Z 4. oi +i 500 i :-it fri. (=iir =) [20]
i) rsi oivi =isi4i iiinr i= =iei rsi i
(Foules) te =ti.
ii) rii oivi =isi4i iiinr i= =iei. rii
f+v te =ti.
[3801]-137 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - I)
ARABIC (Functional)
(53711) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
N.B. : All questions are compulsory.
[3817]-134 - 2 -
[3817]-134 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 1
S.Y. B.Sc. (Sem. - II)
URDU (General)
(Paper - II) (New Course)
Time : 2 Hours] [Total Marks : 40
Instructions :
1) Attempt all questions.
2) Figures to the left indicate full marks.
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
W_ df Hbm (_amR>r)
t |++ tt|t=(G-1)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 80
nmRnw VHo - i) b{bVa J
ii) Hm`HVw ar
iii) `mdhm[aH _amRr
gy MZm - i) gd Z Amd`H Amho V.
ii) COdrHSrb A H Zm Mo ny U Jw U Xe {dVmV.
Z 1. ) oit = t= i tirti++it150ni+:-itfri. [10]
1) :-if++iniet= itiiti= +in+?
2) = i= i+tnt= itif+i+= n= ti+nii.
3) = i = itrt i+it= t+i +i= i = i tivivtifit= tiii+i ?
4) = i= i+tiitit= = nni,+nii.
v) oit = t= i tirti++it150ni+:-itfri. [10]
1) f++tf= ininieti= ni-ia= it= iz+i+nii.
2) a= inrit= te= ti.
3) f++tf= ini+tirtfn= ti.
4) i+= inrit= te= ti.
[3801]-102 - 2 -
= ) oit = t= i tirti++it150ni+:-itfri. [10]
1) io+tii +i itin ri.
2) i= init= += i= i+= i= nit= i+i++nii.
3) tn+nietnfr+io+= t+i+i= i+t+itt= tit?
4) ifrti+t+ti= a= = i+?
Z 2. ) oit = t= i tirti+it20ni+:-itfri. [5]
1) feivii i= i+t = i= iti +ii+t i=f ir ? n ;ti+t =
2) ;ftin+i+i= i+i``fnqi= f+nitoiia+i?
3) = itiniftfi= tt= ti+iitia+i?
4) = i+nz= iin+ +i+nfi= tt= ti+iia+?
5) ii+iii= i+if+fo= nri+titiinf=i?
6) ;fn= i=i+= nitzino= inia+?
7) -ii iii ieti f+tta= tinietni +:-i == i +t?
v) oit = t= i tirti+it20ni+:-itfri. [5]
1) = tt+:n`vriiri`= i-r+i?
2) = t;:f+itiit+iiii= z= iviif+ir?
3) zi.ivz= tii+iii= n++t= iin+?
4) = ititinintti+f=+i,ni+ii= z= ni+i+.
5) `n nit`i= f+ +t`ti`irnii= fxt+ = i +t:iftir ?
6) rini+= i=z+i+ri= eria+irit+i?
7) ;:f+itiiii+= f+inrit+ifri.
Z 3. ) oit = t= i tirt= i+i50ni+:-itfri. [5]
1) ttifeivintnrifo= ixt+itit= te= ti.
2) i+iiif++titfnaiz+i+nii.
v) oit = t= i tirt= i+i50ni+:-itfri. [5]
1) `i+tr+n+`ni+i= i-r+i+?
2) ft= +n+= -ifxn+viai+t= nitt+t+= ir?
Z 4. oit = t``if`v`ai+tt= t= i+i:-it150ni+fri. [15]
) 1) `i= `f++fxtoiai.
2) f+nififintii+t+a+i+`in+`ioiiiitfn
= ti.
v) 1) n+viai+t= i=i+= nitt+t+= ir?
2) ;:f+itii+iit+iiii= z+= += iioiir?
Z 5. oit = t``if`v`ai+tt= t= i+i:-it300ni+fri. [15]
) 1) ai+tii n f+it ni i i+ i+t = ni tt+t+ :z+
2) `+iz`i oi+tiett= te= ti.
v) 1) t+tr== tii`virt`i= f+tnr= ti.
2) `i-rt+= i+i+f`i= f++t+= r+ite= ti.
[3801]-102 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
W_ df Hbm (_amR>r)
G-1:utt-t+tvtu|x+ t+ .1
-trt|t+ +t |+tt|
(2008 r+ )(t |)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 80
nmRnw VHo - i) b{bVa J
ii) Hm`HVw ar
gy MZm - i) gd Z Amd`H Amho V.
ii) COdrHSrb A H Zm Mo ny U Jw U Xe {dVmV.
Z 1. ) oit = t= i tirti;tniniettiet+tiftif= nfri.[5]
1) Librarian
2) Kerosene
3) Seminar
4) Secretary
5) Printing
6) Photographer
7) Octroi
8) Outward
9) Collector
10) Postage
v) oit:+itin q= = +fri. [5]
ritiei+ i tfxit, i= init, -ix, irtti+t, = i+itt
= , = iit = i= i i tifei nqoi= z a = i+.
ti a+ r = = it ir, tivr :int++i r = ie = it i+i nv=
ri= iir.
= ) oit = t= itirt= ifit300ni+f+vfri. [10]
1) `tietnitivit`
2) fnat tiri+
3) n= := i=itt
4) +i+ i.....(f+)
Z 2. ) oitfrini++i= ti+it:-it20ni+fri. [5]
1) tietf+viif= inii+= iozfri.
2) ;ti+t= iii+f+onrit+ifri.
3) `niioiv`riii+iio= itit+= i+++iir?
4) -iii-ininiet= i+tinir,nir+tf-iqt
5) zi.n++irti+ti+ii+i= iti+ii+nviir?
6) = a niz == ti +tii+tfrt= i;= ni == t?
7) `i= `rif..iaiif+otii= itionri+++i
[3801]-102 - 2 -
v) oitfrini++i= ti+it:-it20ni+fri. [5]
1) `= i= t+tt`i= inri+t= t= iti= iozi+tir+?
2) n+ viaii ni-it n+ zfi-i `= i= t+tt` i nrit
= f++ifri.
3) i+i; :f+itiit= f+i= itit+ifx= t+?
4) t+tr== tii`= i= t+tt`t= itirti+= f+it+ifri.
5) `= i= t+tt`t`vit!`rt= f+i= iti= ftir?
6) i+ii= z= ii`= i= t+tt`+t= itirti+= f+it+ifri.
7) ;:f+itiii= itirti+= inrit+ifri.
Z 3. ) t = t= i tirt= i+i:-it50ni+fri. [5]
1) `i= `t+= o= ii= nfn++?
2) ++i+ feivint = i= i+t +i+t izt ir+ ? n ;ti+t = i+i
v) oit= t= itirt= i+i:-it50ni+fri. [5]
1) `frt!iv+v!`ni+i= i-r+i+?
2) i+ii= z = ii= f+i itite= ti.
Z 4. ) oit = t= i tirt= i+i:-it150ni +fri. [10]
1) i= t= it= tiitfi= tt= ti+t= nite= iir?
2) `in+` i oi++ fnfnfi = irii i+t = iti iet nif+ri
[3801]-102 - 3 -
v) t= t= itirt= i+i:-it150ni+fri. [10]
1) `= niniet`in+viaii= f+++tietifi= nit+i?
2) `i rt ir t+` i = f+++ = f f+tnt n +i+ = n te
Z 5. ) ti++i= t= itirt= i+i:-it300ni +fri. [10]
1) `nii oiv` i oi++ = ari i i+ii o+nt fn
te= ti.
2) `isiii-i=+tir`,n;ftin+= i-r+i+?
v) oit+i= t= itirt= i+i:-it300ni+fri. [10]
1) `= i= t+tt`+ti+iii= f+i+it+f= n= a
2) `= i= t+tt` t t+t r== tii = f+i++ ottit it = nt
= a+ ?
[3801]-102 - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 1
S.Y. B.Sc.
(2008 Pattern) (Sem. - I)
Time : 2 Hours] [Total Marks : 40
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the left indicate full marks.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Course)
Paper - I (Theory)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks :60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q1) Answer the following questions. [14]
a) What are the deficiency symptoms of boran?
b) What are the agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra?
c) What is physical Soil weathering?
d) What is Soil productivity?
e) What is Soil texture?
f) Which are the essential plant nutrients?
g) What is electrical conductivity of Soil?
Q2) a) Define minerals. Classify than with suitable examples. [5]
b) What are the Soil organism? Give the importance of Soil organism.[5]
Q3) a) Give the nutrient deficiency symptoms of calcium, magnessium &
sulphur. [8]
b) Define organic matter. Explain the effects of organic matter on Soil.[8]
Q4) a) What is Soil erosion? Explain the types of Soil erosion. [10]
b) What is Soil fertility? Explain the factors affecting Soil fertility. [10]
[3801]-152 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Course)
_X gYmaU - I
nona-I (Theory)
(2008 Pattern)
_amRr $nmVa
doi : 2 Vmg] [EHyU JwU : 60
=== . 1) =` v:= =sI= := x=.
2) ==I=sI `= v=` == <`I==.
3) := = === =- =.
4) =`<`==I = ;`==I v:=vI= vxI.
Z 1) ort +rt :-r rr. [14]
a) rr+-r =++t a rr.
b) rrre r rrr+ r =r+
c) =+tt r+= =r=r= rrrt t= -r= =r
d) =+tt :r-=+r -r= =r
e) =+tr r+ -r= =r
f) +-+t= rrt r= : =r+t
g) =+tt u+ rr=+r -r= =r
+ 2) a) o+= -r= =r o+=r r :-rrr=r = rr. [5]
b) =+t+t =+ =r =r+ =+t+t =+ =r r- - =r.
+ 3) a) =l-, r n= r :r-r =++t a rr. [8]
b) =: -rrt rcr rr. =: -rrr =+t rrr-r |rrt
rr+t rr. [8]
+ 4) a) =+tt n -r= =r =+t-r nt-r =rrt rr+t rr. [10]
b) =+tt ==+r -r= =r =+t-r =t=+ |r =r-r =rt
rr+t rr. [10]
[3801]-152 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Course)
Paper - II (Theory) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q1) Answer the following questions. [14]
a) What is ground water?
b) What is evaporation?
c) What do you mean by hydrology?
d) What is precipitation?
e) What is permanent wilting point?
f) What is runoff?
g) What is surface irrigation?
Q2) a) Describe the advantages of sprinkler irrigation? [5]
b) Describe the methods of irrigation? [5]
Q3) a) Explain the hydrological cycle. [8]
Describe the hydrograph.
b) Describe the major components of drip irrigation? [8]
Q4) a) What is sprinkler irrigation? Give its advantages and disadvantages.[10]
b) Describe the major sources of water to crop plants. [10]
[3801]-156 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Course)
nmUr `dWmnZ - II
nona-II (Theory) (2008 nQZ)
_amRr $nmVa
doi :2 Vmg] [EHyU JwU : 60
gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) Amd`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH$`m H$mTm.
4) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) Imbrb ZmMr Cmao {bhm. [14]
a) ^yOb hUOo Hm` ?
b) ~mnr^dZ hUOo Hm` ?
c) Obem hUOo Hm` ?
d) nO` hUOo Hm` ?
e) _aUmoma q~Xy hUOo Hm` ?
f) dmh hUOo Hm` ?
g) dmhr {gMZ hUOo Hm` ?
Z 2) a) Vwfma {gMZ nXVrMo \m`Xo {bhm. [5]
b) qgMZm`m {d{dY nVtMr _m{hVr {bhm. [5]
Z 3) a) ObMHmMr _m{hVr {bhm. [8]
ObmboImMr _m{hVr {bhm.
b) {R~H gMmVrb _w` KQHmMr _m{hVr {bhm. [8]
Z 4) a) Vwfma qgMZ hUOo Hm`? Vwfma qgMZmMo \m`Xo d VmoQo {bhm. [10]
b) dZnVtZm bmJUm`m nm`m`m _w` moVmMr _m{hVr {bhm. [10]
[3801]-156 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the left indicate full marks.
[3801]-107 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4
[3801] - 111
W_ df gm{h` (F.Y. B.A.)
qhXr gm_m`-1
(2008 Pattern)
a+ : 3 e] [ m| +: 80
|c= =-+ : i) *rr
rrr r - r. =r '
ii) rr =
rrr r - r. =r '
a -|| : i) r +Ir1
ii) rIr +r Ino + nr 1
Z 1) =) f+-+f=fo+ iftif= ni n f=-rt it = frt i f=fo : [4]
1) Agenda
2) Casual
3) Effective
4) Grant
5) Part time
6) Tour
o) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt i n i =i v+i=t :+=i i+ i =tf [4]
1) f+i - t+i
2) : - :
3) + - +
4) nt - nt
) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt it f+t i=zi =i i+= ++t = +nit +itt
ff f=fo : [4]
1) 99 4) 25 7 = 18
2) 19 5) 18.2
3) 35% 6) 4 5 = 20
) f+-+ffo+ n f=nt = f t t-i (viizai) +it =tf [4]
1) +tn{+t+i vii+t fqt = ai rifi fr-t i= r+ =ifn+
fai+ = ii= t-i +it =t+i{=t+t r
2) nat =if+=t no fir fai+ = ii= t-i +it =t+t r
) f+-+ffo+ n f=nt = =i ta t=t :n=i + +i + it =tf [4]
1) f=nt = tiet=+ v= i zia (fzi z zia) = f =i ta
t=t ;n=i + +i + it =tf
2) zi= fi n + r+ f+izt =t ta t=t ;n=i ++i +it
Z 2) =) f+-+f=fo+ +ti n f=nt =+t =t nn ici =tf [5]
1) ``vrti+t r , ni= =t tr f= riti ri i it rit ni+-
ni+ t +t ft i``
2) ``f o= =fti+ +ii + vi +i t n=+i r, it n t v +i
++ i i r v fr-t = o= =t tf=i o+ n n=+t r !``
o) f+-+f=fo+ +ti n f=nt =+t =t nn ici =tf [5]
1) ``i++i, f+t+t =e-nr+ =t +i=+
vn+t r n -f+t+ ni= , fniti + ``
2) `` t +nt-v+ t,
nin ft t =+t,
i =t vi +it t
i+-f =t v t,
i+i t vi =t !``
[3801]-111 - 2 -
Z 3) =) f+-+f=fo+ n f=nt = fto =i = f+ri; nit o+ =tf [5]
1) ;n n nit + rt nv = o +rt r + =t i +i vr + = ri
ri+t ot ; r nnit =i ;f+rin o+ r +i r ff+ ri+i r f= f+=t
r :in+i =t+ r, f+= f r io fvoi+ += =i +it tr+ r, f+=t
tf+ +ti+ii to+ = f r += +tr = tit= f-r v+i=t oz =t+ r,
:-ri+ =i =i+ +i n +rt fv+ii i vfr= :-ri+ n =i
f= f+=t r-ii r = n f= ri+ n+ r f+ ii =
t+ =i :r = =i vai t+i r , :+=t f+si = r ; r i+ ni
ti r, t r ti =t :in+i =t+i +rt i++i -+ rt
i+ r, f-ri+ + t+ =i f+ =t+ n n +t =i ft
fi r
2) i = fnai = ftx e+ =i =i; ti+ +rt r it + :n =i;
rt fi i+i r ritt nt=f+ = it fn =i nv vr+ rt n-t
it tei ri =t+i i ;n=i =it rt i f= i+i =i = nt t
fin ri =t+i i = fn =i x+ i++ it :n t t+r =t+
fn = =i f+ +r it fn+t n+i i = =i fn =
t+ t rti i zi =t+i i = it fn = vt = irift=
nv +rt i n = v =o t+= i +i ni +rt i +i :+ ift=
nv f+i ri i+i i i i f+ niit xi fifi =i
fna=i = nv nt =t vi+ + =i f+t r f= z fo ri i+i
r tt n ;n=i if= =it ftx e+ t i+ + +i r
o) f+-+f=fo+ riti n f=-rt iriti =i i+i i =tf : [5]
1) i=in-i+i = =t+i
2) z :oiz+i
3) ovt t ri +i
4) oi+t ei==t =r+i
5) f+i a=i+i
6) i+ oaa =t+i
7) vr+t i ri i+i
[3801]-111 - 3 -
Z 4) =) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt +t+ +i = :-it ffo [15]
1) i =i=iti as =i=it =i+ r ? it +i ?
2) `r v+i iv` f+v = r it iv =t f+=it=+i te =tf
3) ri n= vi foi; + t o= =t +i f+f=i r; ?
4) rfti =i=i =i ftxi =+ =tf
5) fr-t nifrt = f = f nn+t +i f+f=i + r ?
o) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt +t+ +i = :-it ffo [15]
1) `+-f+=i` =f+i ffx+ tii =t ftr +i te =tf
2) `ti+ ii +rt` ni =f n+t +i =r+ r ?
3) f++vi + af=i it nif+i = :o =i f=n +tr = nx vii r ?
4) `nrif+ =i t+` =f+i i=t+ f=n =it ffx+ ri r ? te
5) `aqif` =f+i =i ii ffo
Z 5) f+-+f=fo+ n f=nt = ft f+v ffo [10]
1) n + =t i=+i
2) tiet =+i
3) nit ii fr-t =i ti+
[3801]-111 - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 4
[3801] - 111
W_ df Hbm (F.Y. B.A.)
gm_m` qhXr (G-1)
`moOZ_ybH qhXr (Functional Hindi)
(2008 Pattern) (dH pnH )
a+ : 3 e ] [ m|+: 80
a -|| :- i) r +Ir1
ii) r+r Ino + nr 1
Z 1) ) f+-+f=fo+ t iftif= ni n f=-rt ie ni = frt i
ffo : [8]
1) Acceptance 6) Form
2) Arrears 7) Important
3) Bond 8) Manager
4) Contract 9) Motion
5) Draft 10) Pay Order
i) f+-+f=fo+ i+i n f=-rt o: i+i =i i+= ++t = iit t n =t=
f=t n f=fo [6]
1) ntn+ + i; =i ziai
2) ri ;++i vzi i oi
3) =vtt i+i n + r
4) =i zit t vei r
5) nf+ ti+f+ r++ =t+i i
6) vi= ti ti =t rti+ ri
7) +t fqt vzi nrt r
8) tt+i =t =ri+t t++i nrt t
;) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt o: f+t i=zi +i fr+i =i i+= frt ++t =
+nit ni f=fo : [6]
1) 48 5) 14 6 = 84
8 6) 32 + 99 = 131
3) 67% 7) 99 37 = 62
4) 18.49 8) 7 35 = 5
Z 2) f+-+f=fo+ xi n f=-rt i xi = i= +it =tf : [10]
1) +t+{f+ni r+i, 340 +tiz , r+t n riit, r+t +t-f+,
r+t =i + ;i= v+ i+t =t nti = n fn=i+t-x
fo+i{fo+t r
2) i{it ni , 504, =frit, riti it i, +it n t{tt iat,
q+t, i = + fx{nrt =i f==a o+ = f f+x-x
+i{+t r
3) ntn{ntoi it, =tf+ vi, =i=z, n ii, =it rifi,
v; =i `frt ii=` = f i +-x fo+i{fo+t r
4) nifr{nft+i ti, taa v= =i+t, it tiz, +ifn= n =irrit f+int
+ vz i; =i + =t vi; + r f++-x fo+i{fo+t r
Z 3) ) f+-+f=fo+ fto =i =-f+ri; ni nit-o+ (na) =t :n :f+
nt = tf : [6]
nifrt i+ + =t ffi-ot i-i+ii =t ff++ i r,
:n :n=t +vi f-ii :+t i+t r + =t n+it= nf++ nifrt =
ff =i t=fa+ ri+t r +: nifrt =i t= f v+ i r, n
:-in, =ri+t, =f+i, f+v , +ia=, ii+i ;. nifrt =t - fii
=t ++i +ia= i+ + it t+ = t+ f+=a =t fi r +ia= i+
= i+fn= it niif= i+-f+i+i =i =+ i = ri+i r
;nf i+ + =t ff f-ii =t fn ici =t+ii nio r +ifai+
+ia= it +ifai+ =i rti nv r
[3801]-111(Opt.) - 2 -
i) f+-+ffo+ fi n f=nt = f =i =t =r+i-ft+it =tf : [6]
1) ai+ ni nti nx +rt r
2) n v r
Z 4) ) f+-+f=fo+ n f=-rt i fi t fai+ =i ++i +it =tf : [6]
1) + nrt t tztz =zi =t n+t
2) viit it +t +=+t= =t =it
3) fnt = vi n= =i =ii v+i+ =t t=t
4) + nrt t t+= n +t
i) f+-+ffo+ t i tiet fto =i frt +i =tf [6]
There are many who fear that in the long run computers will
control and replace man. They envision man becoming a slave to
computers. There is, however, no basis for this imaginary fear. Any
computer, however, sophisticated, will require a human being to
operate it. Like Aladdins genie, the computer is mans modern
miracle and it does only what it is commanded to do. It is up to us to
use it judiciously for the well being of mankind in general.
nt+nat, n= init +ivi i init ii ;. nt
t+t =irt i+i ia+. i+it n=ii i ri; n ti+i ia+.
t++: i =irf+= t+ti =i+irt iit +irt. t tif+= n=iirt
it =tinie t i+it t n+ (i+). ri inii + n=
qi:fr+i tianinitoi ir. if +i i+ii iai i+ =ft+ n+i.
nii-+: i+ i+ti =riiniet tii nini+ :i =t r iri
ri+t ir.
[3801]-111(Opt.) - 3 -
Z 5) ) f+-+f=fo+ -itt +i n f=-rt i = :-it ffo : [10]
1) i + = frt =t i=+i ni;
2) i+= ff =i ni+ r rt t =in zif
3) x o+ = =it ffo
4) + i= = =+ v+i;
i) f+-+f=fo+ fi n f=-rt it t fa-fi ffo : [16]
1) nit o+ (n a ) =i t=
2) tiii f=itt = =+
3) +i = =it
4) +n it =i t=
5) n+i =i f=it
6) i+= frt it nifrft= frt +t
[3801]-111(Opt.) - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(General Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
[3801]-112 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
gwa^maVr (Surabharati)
(2008 Pattern)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy $U Jw U 60
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
gy MZm - i) gd Z A{Zdm`.
All questions are compulsory.
ii) COdrHS>rb AH nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) `` if `v` fii+t t=t =itirt i ri ;t+ f=i tiet+ ii+t =ti.
From "A' & "B' Sections translate each two into English or Marathi. [20]
A - {d^mJ / Section - A
i) r iar+t ; i v + xt =iti+t +i r x t v if+t
v ota +fr =iti+t iar+i :-; -i i=ft+
xtf+ rii iar+: f+ i t:rti+ ti+ift r-+ +:+i
=iti-i:-+ =titf+ -
ii) n+i - fnfqfaif+ ;ri+t+i i+ ;f+
tii - + + fr tft rt+ + +x+: n=in i
n+i - +i
f= - (t fi+) f+, t i + i -i x-+ ni++ +:tiq
t - ti (f+=i-+i f=: +tritt )
iii) niir - i :=i-+, ti vi=i :ff+ ti + iif+:
+r = + iiif :++ -
=t + =+ iti:f nft+
+ = t ftti+ : n+i++:
+ti-i ++t: xi ff+ ;t+ti +f tt++att ti fe++
~ - {d^mJ / Section - B
i) +tritri i=: ft ntif+t
i-+ i if+ n i rir+:
+iift- f++i:
=+i=i: =i n-+i f+=ri:
ii) no fr :oi-+ ni +
+i-=it f tn +
noi-i i if+ +ti ft:+i
+: nttt +: n tf+
iii) :if+ rfnrf+ tt
+ ff+ =iri f-+
f+rt = r i ritn+ti
t+ = + f + fnf+ =i :x i :
Q2) `` if `v` fii+t t=t =itirt =i nrn tet=t =ti. [10]
Explain with reference to context any one from each section "A' & "B'.
A - {d^mJ / Section - A
i) +i =i -ttfn ni ;
ii) ft+ = t ti t+x + r-+
~ - {d^mJ / Section - B
i) n-+i:if fr nf-+ nt= +i i+ ni =f+:
ii) =tf+r r i= ntf+ i++
[3801]-113 - 2 -
Q3) `` if `v` fii+t t=t =itirt =i +i nft+t :-it fri. [20]
Write answers to any one from each section "A' and "B'.
A - {d^mJ / Section - A
i) :itzi fir te =ti.
Explain the learning by Candrpa.
ii) = +i+ iviv+ =ifari fit fri.
Write Kautilya's views on the distributions of loans and gifts.
~ - {d^mJ / Section - B
i) t+ix -r =i + ni+ izt|ie= r- fn =ti.
State what is a Stotra and bring out the importance of the Puragakam.
ii) `it+ttnft+:` i iei tnr =ti.
Appreciate the lesson "Bhratavrapraasti'.
Q4) t :+i-i ;t i tiet+ ii+t =ti. [10]
Translate into English or Marathi the following passage.
=i ri nr =: + +: +i ai-+: rf: tnti: =t = t+=
f+i na: nf: +i =ta=: =t := e it+ ti: f+:ii+ =:
=f +i: +i: nr+ f=-+ i :ri++ =ft r: nttt -if+ +i
ift+: n: + ei `r f>+:` ;f+ i+i +t n+a: = n+, ``nt
:+ti if+ tif ti fnfa+if+ +if+ nif =i t ftftfn``
[3801]-113 - 3 -
Q1) Translate into English or Marathi any two from A and any two from B.[12]
A + =itirt iri if B + =itirt i ri tiet i ;t+ ii+t
[A] i) +i oitfn-i tin fo-ii tfn:itqi ; tfnini, `, =i f
t; ft-iin, tif i :+on f+fo i nrifi+ r +
ftvii-fzit =tf+ +fr t-nt`
i; = f+t i f i;i, `nft, fniti n f=f
+i ifofn + n =tt;`
ii) tft ni +i ntiri +tn i fnft; ni viiii it
ifi i + rftnii tf+oi +t rftn fti :f+=
tf-ii f-i f= + nifrin i;i +i +-=-nt
i-i-=i-=inqi ftni f-i =i= n-i +t ++ift
iii) ni i nift -ii +tnt fzi n foi ``=i fn +``
+ ri-i =fr f f:z f, ``, r fitt +-r
+i-f+fnni iii +i =tr fii +i ni``
:+i f -i-fnrr+ f -ii + fiirii fiifrti
ftni ni f+fnni ri;
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A. (2008 Pattern)
Ardhamagadhi - Prakrit
G-1 : mHV J-n doMo H. 5
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
N.B. :- 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
[B] i) ft riz-i n+ii f-i e+=ti +t
a:i i-+iti + i t+o f+
iifrtn +-qri ft =+=zi +=i
tn fnri ni r ; :ti-fz it-ii
ii) i-ii rt rin-vfq-nit
tii n+o f fz ``t ; i
r ++ = tii ; :+=fei,`` +ri f
+-i ``fi +ft +iftn if i
iii) nrni :f;i r -i nt-nrtn
+i zi-i iti r+-tn
n-i;-n- in r ;+= nt-rit
-ii if +-ii nf i iti
Q2) Explain with reference to context any one from A and any one from B.
A + =i tirt =i if B + =i tirt =i nn tet=t =ti.
[A] i) -ri i qi; ni +tn i nin ;
ii) +i it ; ; fi= rinf-i i-i
iii) `r, f;i + =i-vt-+r-= n i
[B] i) zi ; `` nfr, nfi f;i ;i : + n``
ii) ``t = fni: fniti``
iii) i + f-i; -ii : ni f-i
[3801]-114 - 2 -
Q3) Critically evaluate i=ri and explain the moral of the story.
`i=ri` ff=tn= tta =ti if = +it te =ti. [15]
OR / qHdm
Greed is the most dangerous thing in this world Explain with the help
of ri i tn ffn .
``i rt i i+t ni+ i=ii= ie ir`` -- r fi+ `ri itn ffn` i
zii iit te =ti.
Q4) Critically appreciate `f+i iftif=t vqt`. [15]
`f+i iftif=t v qt` i zi f = tta =ti.
OR / qHdm
Give the account of the tt of =;.
=;i tti -ii-+ i.
Q5) Give notes on any one from A and any one from B. [10]
[A] i) Challange of nv
ii) Valour of v-i
v-iii ti=
[B] i) ii`s story
iii ici+
ii) qi+oi
[3801]-114 - 3 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
ARABIC (Gen. - I)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N.B. : All questions are compulsory.
[3801]-116 - 2 -
[3801]-116 - 3-
[3801]-116 - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-I : Indian Economy
(Revised Syllabus from June 2008)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each. (any two) [10]
i) Explain the concept of Per Capita Income.
ii) What is sex ratio of Population?
iii) State the meaning of Multinational Corporation.
iv) State the water resources in Maharashtra.
Q2) Write notes in 100 words each. (any four) [20]
i) Human Development Index.
ii) Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
iii) Quality of Population.
iv) Industrial Disputes.
v) Economic Planning.
vi) Cropping pattern in Maharashtra.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200-250 words each. (any three) [30]
i) State the difficulties in measuring national income.
ii) Explain the achievements and failures of Green Revolution.
iii) Explain the features of Industrial Labour.
iv) State the objectives of 11
Five Year Plan.
v) Explain the progress of co-operation movement in Maharashtra.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 500 words each. (any one) [20]
i) Explain the characteristics of Indian Economy.
ii) Explain the Industrial policy since 1991.
[3801]-117(IE:Rev) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
AW em
G - I : ^maVr` AW`dWm
(gwYmarV A`mgH_ OyZ 2008)
_amR>r nm Va
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHy U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oit +i t t =t 50 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+rt i+) [10]
i) tzi; :tit n=r+i te =ti.
ii) i =n c +t ot- r i -r =i ?
iii) vrtiet riz=ii nii.
iv) ritiei+t ni+ nit nii.
Z 2) t =t 100 ni+ fai fri. (=itirt it) [20]
i) i+t f=in f+ni=
ii) fn if = ax (n)
iii) i=nct -ii
iv) iif= =r
v) if= f+i+
vi) ritiei+t t= t+i
Z 3) oit +it t=t 200 + 250 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+rt +t+) [30]
i) tiet :tii i+i+t zt nii.
ii) rft+=i+t nin te =ti.
iii) iif= =iitit fna te =ti.
iv) 11 i if= i+t :fra nii.
v) ritiei+t nr=itt ==tt +t te =ti.
Z 4) oit +i t t =t 500 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+irt =) [20]
i) it+t tt fna te =ti.
ii) 1991 in+ iif= it te =ti.
[3801]-117(IE:Rev) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-I : Agricultural Economics
(Revised Syllabus from June 2008)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each. (any two) [10]
i) State the importance of Agricultural Economics.
ii) Explain the concept of Live Stock Management.
iii) State the Traditional Methods of Irrigation Systems.
iv) What are the functions of W.T.O.?
Q2) Write notes - in 100 words each. (any four) [20]
i) Environmental Problems.
ii) Bio-Technology.
iii) Self Help Group.
iv) Contract Farming.
v) Agricultural Subsides.
vi) Model Act of Agricultural Marketing.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200-250 words each. (any three) [30]
i) State the problems of Agricultural Marketing.
ii) State and explain Green Revolution.
iii) Explain the nature and scope of E.G.S.
iv) State & explain the methods of Agricultural Pricing.
v) Explain the objectives and Administration of W.T.O.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 500 words each. (any one) [20]
i) Explain the characteristics of Agricultural Labour.
ii) State the causes of Less Agricultural Productivity in India and suggest
the measures.
[3801]-117(AE:Rev) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
AW em
G-I : Hfr AW`dWm
(gwYmarV A`mgH_ OyZ 2008)
_amR>r nm Va
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHy U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oit +i t t =t 50 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+rt i+) [10]
i) =t nioi r- nii.
ii) n + ti+it n =r+i fn =ti.
iii) fn+ii itift= q+t nii.
iv) if+= iit na+t =i =i+t ?
Z 2) t =t 100 ni+ fai fri. (=i+rt it) [20]
i) i t nti
ii) -+xai+
iii) t nri+i n r
iv) =tit n+t
v) =t +i+
vi) =t i f+ f+i+ =ii
Z 3) oit +i t t =t 200 + 250 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+rt +t+) [30]
i) n+i f+it nti nii.
ii) rft+=i+t nii if te =ti.
iii) tiit rt i+ t= iat fn =ti.
iv) n+i f=+t f+itit q+ nii te =ti.
v) if+= iit na+ :fra nin+ fn =ti.
Z 4) oit +i t t =t 500 ni+ :-it fri. (=i+irt =) [20]
i) n+tit fna nft+t fn =ti.
ii) it+i+t n+tt :ti=+i =t nit =it nii tit :i nii.
[3801]-117(AE:Rev) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
POLITICS (Political Science)
(General Paper - I)
Government and Politics of Maharashtra
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt any two questions (In 50 words each) : [10]
a) Industrial policy of Maharashtra.
b) Maharashtra - Karnataka Border Issue.
c) State Women Commission.
d) Role of Speaker in Vidhan Sabha.
Q2) Attempt any four questions (In 100 words each) : [20]
a) Executive powers of Governer.
b) Importance of Gram Sabha.
c) Reason's of Split in R.P.I.
d) 74
Constitutional Amendment .
e) Nationalist Congress Party.
f) State Election Commission.
Q3) Attempt any three questions (In 250 words each) : [30]
a) Explain the Agriculture Policy of Maharashtra.
b) Explain the importance of 1995 Vidhan Sabha Election.
c) Explain the role and functions of the Council of Ministers.
d) Examine the demand of separate ' Vidarbha' State.
e) Explain the role of Co-operative Movement in Maharashtra.
f) State the importance of 1999 Vidhan Sabha Election.
Q4) Attempt any one question (In 500 words each) : [20]
a) Explain the contribution of Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti in the
formation of Maharashtra.
b) Write an essay on performance of Congress Party in the politics of
[3801]-118 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G - I : =iieii==ilmi=+im
(2008 e = )
=ia i=i a
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi = i= iri++nisi.(tv= i50i) [10]
a) ritieiiif4= it.
b) ritie-= +i= ni +.
c) ti+vfriivi4.
d) fi+nnif= i.
Z 2) oi = i= irit+nisi.(tv= i100 i) [20]
a) ti+vii = iv = it f= it.
b) 4inrt.
c) ft= + ai = it.
d) 74 +i rt.
e) tiei= i4na.
f) ti+v f+s= ivi4.
Z 3) oi = i= ir++nisi.(tv= i250 i) [30]
a) ritieifv= itte= ti.
b) 1995vi fi+ni f+s= i rt te = ti.
c) xsi= iiff= it= ti.
d) txfti+vivii4ta= ti.
e) ritieinr= itf= ite= ti.
f) 1999 vifi+nif+s= ir-ni4i.
Z 4) oi = i= iir= +nisi.(tv= i500 i) [20]
a) ritieti+vivif+fnv=ritienfvi4i+te= ti.
b) ritieiviti= iti= i4naivi= if4ttf+fri.
[3801]-118 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
POLITICS (Political Science)
(General Paper - I)
Social and Political Movements in Modern Maharashtra
(2008 Pattern) (Optional)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt any two questions (In 50 words each) : [10]
a) Non-Brahmin Movement.
b) Issue of Bombay.
c) Tribal Movement.
d) Anti-liqor Movement.
Q2) Attempt any four questions (In 100 words each) : [20]
a) Religious Reform Movement.
b) Satyashodhak Movement.
c) Dalit Movement.
d) Sugar cane price Issue
e) Devdasi Movement
f) Leftist Labour Movement.
Q3) Attempt any three questions (In 250 words each) : [30]
a) Leadership in Reform Movement.
b) Leadership of shetkari gangatana.
c) Contribution of Satyashodhak Samaj.
d) Landless Labour's Movement.
e) Issue of remunerative prices for Agricultural Product.
Q4) Attempt any one question (In 500 words each) : [20]
a) Explain the role of Justice M.G.Ranade in Social Reform Movement.
b) Write an essay on Farmers Movement under-the Leadership of Mr.
Sharad Joshi.
[3801]-118 (Opt.) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G - I :i l=+=iieiaia=i=il=+4i=+i=4=i
(2008 Pattern) (Optional)
=ia i=i a
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi = i= iri++nisi.(tv= i50i) [10]
a) i-r -it.
b) s ntvi.
c) ifin.
d) ir.
Z 2) oi = i= irit+nisi.(tv= i100 i) [20]
a) if = n iti.
b) ntvi = .
c) f.
d) = ntintvi(i)
e) in.
f) sit.
Z 3) oi = i= ir++nisi.(tv= i250 i) [30]
a) nitii+t.
b) = tn++t.
c) ntvi= niivi4i+.
d) fr+ ti .
e) = f:ti+itiit= i ri.
Z 4) oi = i= iir= +nisi.(tv= i500 i) [20]
a) -viv.4i.ti+sviniif= nitif= ite= ti.
b) ti ivi+ tioi = ttf+ fri.
[3801]-118 (Opt.) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(General Paper - I) (2008 Course)(New Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (any two): [10]
i) Write the meaning of ' Dictatorship '.
ii) Define the concept ' cold War'.
iii) What is the 'Great Depression'.
iv) Define the concept 'Globalization'.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each (any four): [20]
i) Objectives of the League of Nations.
ii) Mussolini.
iii) Dr. Sun-yat-Sen.
iv) SAARC.
v) New Deal.
vi) Mikhail Gorbachev.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 250 words each (any three): [30]
i) Write the consequences of the world war I.
ii) Explain the role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian National Movement.
iii) Define the Concept of Non-alignment Movement. Explain its nature.
iv) Write the Causes of Great Depression.
v) Explain the New Economic policy of Lenin.
Q4) Answer the following question in 500 words (any one): [20]
i) Analyse the Causes and consequences of the world war II.
ii) Define the term 'Environment'. Discuss the Various types of Environmental
[3801]-119 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(gm_m` nona - 1) (2008 Course)
_amRr $nmVa
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) Imbrb ZmMr `oHs 50 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr XmoZ) [10]
i) "hHy_emhr'Mm AW {bhm.
ii) "erV`w' hr gkm n Ham.
iii) "Am{WH _hm_Xr'hUOo Hm`?
iv) OmJ{VHsHaU hr gHnZm n Ham.
Z 2) `oHs 100 eXmV Q>rnm {bhm. (HmoU`mhr Mma) [20]
i) am gKmMr C{o
ii) _wgmo{bZr
iii) S>m . gZ-`o V-go Z
iv) gmH
v) `y Srb
vi) {_ImBb Jmo~mMoh
Z 3) Imbrb ZmMr `oHs 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr VrZ) [30]
i) n{h`m _hm`wmMo n[aUm_ {bhm.
ii) ^maVr` am r` AmXmobZmVrb _hm_m JmYr `mMr ^y{_Hm n Ham.
iii) "A{bVmdmXr Midi' hr gHnZm n HZ VrMo dn {deX Ham.
iv) _hm_XrMr HmaUo {bhm.
v) bo{ZZMo Z{dZ Am{WH YmoaU n Ham.
Z 4) Imbrb ZmMo Cma 500 eXmV {bhm. (HmoUVmhr EH) [20]
i) Xwg`m _hm`wm`m HmaUmMo d n[aUm_mMo {dbofU Ham.
ii) "n`mdaU'hr gkm n HZ, n`mdaUm`m {d{dY Hma`m g_`mMr MMm Ham.
[3801]-119 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G - I : Introduction to Social & Cultural Anthropology
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following in 50 words each. [10]
i) State any two uses of Anthropology in brief.
ii) State the importance of black magic in tribal society.
iii) What are the formal means of social control among tribes?
iv) Describe the concept of property.
Q2) Write short notes on any four of the following in 100 words each. [20]
i) Ape Man
ii) Matrilinial family
iii) Head Man
iv) Hunting and Fishing
v) Shaman/Bhagat
vi) Cultural lag
Q3) Answer any three of the following in 250 words each. [30]
i) Explain the relation of Anthropology with other sciences.
ii) Explain the theories of origin of religion.
iii) Describe the nature of punishment among the tribal society.
iv) Discuss the functions of Kinship.
v) Explain the stages of Tribal Economy.
Q4) Answer any one of the following in 500 words. [20]
i) Describe the various types of acquiring mates among Adivasis.
ii) Explain the theories of cultural change.
[3801]-120 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G - I : Introduction to Social & Cultural Anthropology
(2008 nQZ) (_amRr $nmVa)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy $U Jw U 80
gy MZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oit = t= itirti++it:-itt= t50ni +fri. [10]
i) i+nioi= i+rti+:iiz+i+nii.
ii) ifintnii+t= i=iir-nii.
iii) ifinttniif= f+xitiift= ni+= i+tir+?
iv) `n-ittn= r+i`f= ti.
Z 2) oit = t= itirtittt= t100ni +faifri. [20]
i) i+
ii) i+n-ii= = av
iii) io
iv) fn= itinitt
v) +
vi) nt= +t ie+
Z 3) oit = t= i tirt+t++it:-itt= t250ni +fri. [30]
i) i+nioii;+tniointnitinvf= ti.
ii) :t-itfnqi+te= ti.
iii) ifintnii+tfnat= te= ti.
iv) +i+nvii= iiti= ti.
v) ifintta-te= ti.
Z 4) oit = t= i tirt= i+i :-it500ni +fri. [20]
i) ifinttiztitf=fiiffq+tf= ti.
ii) nt= +tft++ifnqi+te= ti.
[3801]-120 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Gg-110 : Physical Geography
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Drawa neat diagrams wherever necessary.
4) Use of map stencils is allowed.
Q1) Answer in 20 words each. (Any Ten) [20]
i) What is Standard time?
ii) What is latitude?
iii) What is Gutenberg discontinuity?
iv) Define earthquake.
v) Define Faulting.
vi) Define Volcano.
vii) Write main types of rock.
viii) What is troposphere?
ix) What is temperature inversion ?
x) Write the definition of condensation.
xi) What is cyclone?
xii) Write any four factors affecting horizontal distribution of temperature.
xiii) What is mean by Oceanic trench?
Q2) Write short notes in 50 words . (Any Two) [10]
i) International date Line.
ii) Biological weathering.
iii) Ozone layer.
iv) Tsunami.
Q3) Answer in about 150 words each. (Any Two) [20]
i) Describe the interior of the earth.
ii) Describe the ocean floor.
iii) Explain the formation of block mountain and rift valley.
iv) explain the methods of water conservation.
Q4) Answer in detail with 300 words each. (Any Two) [30]
i) Define physical geography and explain its nature and scope in detail.
ii) Describe the land forms formed due to erosive work of river.
iii) Explain Pressure belts of the earth.
iv) What is ocean water salinity? Explain the factors affecting ocean Water
[3801]-121 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
^yJmob (G - I)
Gg-110 mH{VH ^yJmob
(ZdrZ A`mgH _) (_amR>r nm Va)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHy$U JwU 80
=== 1) =` v:= =sI= := x=.
2) ==I=sI `= v=` == <`I==.
3) := = === =- =.
4) == =<!=== v= v==I x.
5) =`<`==I = ;`==I v:=vI= vxI.
Z 1) = r20-r+:-rrr.(= r+rt-rr) [20]
i) r= -r= = r
ii) a-r-r== r
iii) ++r-r== r
iv) = rtrcrrr.
v) -+rtrcrrr.
vi) -rrottrcrrr.
vii) oz= ro= rrr.
viii) +r-r== r
ix) +rr+rt |++r -r= = r
x) =r:t+rtrcrrr.
xi) r+-r== r
xii) +rr+r-ra+==r-++r|r= r= r+rtr= rr.
xiii) =rt+t-r== r
Z 2) = r50 -r+rrr.(= r+rt-r+) [10]
i) r+re t rr .
ii) == -r.
iii) rr+ .
iv) =+rt.
Z 3) = r150 -r+:-rrr.(= r+rt-r+) [20]
i) t-r+r+= r.
ii) =r+=++= r.
iii) +o-tt++t-e= r.
iv) ==n+r-rq+t-e= r.
Z 4) = r300 -r+=-+:-rrr.(= r+rt-r+) [30]
i) r= += rrtrcr=r+r-crat=-++= r.
ii) +-t-r o++ = rr= +r rrr-r -r= rr + = r.
iii) ttrr-e= r.
iv) =r=ar+r-r== r=r=ar+|r= r= -e= r.
[3801]-121 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1
F.Y. B.A.
Vocal Classical Music
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 1 Hours] [Max. Marks : 20
Instructions :
1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt compulsory Question No. 1 and any three of the remaining questions.
3) Attempt four questions in all.
Q1) Write notation of Madhya Laya Bandish of any one Raag. [5]
a) Raag Des. b) Raag Bhairav.
Q2) Write the classical description of any one Raag with Aaroh, Awaroh and
Pakad. [5]
a) Alhaiyya Bilawal. b) Bhoopali (Bhoop).
Q3) Write the description and notation of any one Taal from below. [5]
a) Roopak. b) Dadra.
Q4) Write definitions (Any five) : [5]
a) Aadhar Swar. b) Shuddha Swar. c) Chala Swar.
d) Achala Swar. e) Anuwadi Swar. f) Laya (Tempo).
g) Aalap. h) Taan. i) Shruti.
Q5) Write short notes (Any two) : [5]
a) Saptak & types of Saptak. b) Raag-Jaati.
c) Bandish. d) Shadja - Pancham Bhaav.
Q6) Write in detail (Any one) : [5]
a) Importance of Taanpura in Music. b) Music and Life.
c) Notation Writting Method.
Q7) Write a short account of the contribution to music of any one of the
following musicians. [5]
a) Pt. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar. b) Taansen.
c) Pt. Ravishankar.
Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Pages : 1
nXdr Hbm W_ df - g JrV gm_m` G-1
(2008 nQ Z)
do i 1 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 20
gy MZm 1) i n i+t tin t+ i+, n+it, +vi i =t =i +trt = +fx=i
2) fri + f+i ir .
3) f+i + = f= :ft+ +i=t =i+rt +t+ n = it +
amJgJrV - Jm`Z
Z 1. n f=i t i=t =itirt =i tii+ v fn ttftvq =ti. [5]
Z 2. rri-fvi i it () i=t =itirt =i tiit niot ifr+t
iti r-ti r-=z inr fri. [5]
Z 3. == f=i iti i=t =itirt =i +ii ai=t-=i q+t+ o+ =ti. [5]
Z 4. ici fri. (= i) [5]
a) iit tt b) n q tt c) tt
d) tt e) +it tt f)
g) ii h) +i+ i) a+t
Z 5. ati i. (= i+) [5]
a) na= if na=i =it b) ti i+t
c) v fn d) z - i
Z 6. oit=t =itirt =i fit ft+iti+ fri. [5]
a) nt+i +vi-i rt b) nt+ if t+
c) tt o+ q+t
Z 7. oit=t =itirt =i nt+aii t+ ft i. [5]
a) . f fvt t=t b) +i+n+
c) . tfn=t
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 1
nXdr Hbm W_ df - g JrV gm_m` G-1
(2008 nQ Z)
do i 1 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 20
gy MZm 1) fri + f+i ir .
2) f+i + = f= :ft+ +i=t =i+rt +t+ n = it +
Z 1. +t++i i =ti i=t =itirt =i +iit n niot ifr+t fr+ ai=t-
=i q+t+ +i o+ =ti. [5]
Z 2. ici fri. (= i) [5]
a) nt+ b) c) f+ri;
d) oit e) + f) tt
g) +it h) fi{o z
Z 3. ati i. (= i+) [5]
a) ozi b) f=t
c) =ii d) ii-vii t ii-i o it ifr+t
Z 4. oit=t =i tirt =i fit ft+iti+ fri. [5]
a) . i+oz +ift if `+t++i` . i+oz q+t =a -at+
b) t =it
Z 5. +i izti +vii=i ftx fri. [5]
Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 1
nXdr Hbm W_ df - g JrV gm_m` G-1
(2008 nQ Z)
do i 1 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 20
gy MZm 1) fri + f+i ir .
2) f+i + = f=, :ft+ +i=t =i+rt +t+ n = it +
Z 1. t f=i rr i fvi i =t =i tirt =i tii+ + ttftvq =ti.[5]
Z 2. f=i =ri i=t =itirt =i tiit niot ifr+t itir, tir, =z
i nr fri. [5]
Z 3. =+i f=i iti +ii ai=t, =i q+t+ +io+ =ti. [5]
Z 4. ici fri. (= i) [5]
a) +i b) +it tt c) =i tt
d) it tt e) f) ixi
g) n h) o z{fi i) -a
Z 5. ati fri. (= i+) [5]
a) ia ti ++i b) tii+t
c) nt nt+ d) i nt+
Z 6. oit=t =i tirt =i fit ft+iti+ fri. [5]
a) =. . f.f. t=t
b) . tfn=t
c) nt+ if - f+ =i
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Indian Administration
(General Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt Any Two questions (In 50 words each) : [10]
i) Post-Independence Indian-Administration.
ii) Vice-President of India.
iii) Contonment Board.
iv) The State Secretariat.
Q2) Attempt Any Four questions (In 100 words each) : [20]
i) Functions of Council of Minister.
ii) Importance of National Development Council.
iii) Powers and functions of Vidhan-Parishad.
iv) Role of Governor.
v) Centre-State relations.
vi) Muncipal-Council.
Q3) Attempt Any Three questions (In 250 words each) : [30]
i) Discuss the role and functions of collector.
ii) State organization and functions of Ministry of Finance.
iii) Discuss the functions of urban local bodies in Maharashtra.
iv) Explain the structure, powers and functions of Lok-Sabha.
v) Explain the role of the Prime-Minister in the Indian-Administration.
vi) Discuss the composition, powers and functions of Panchayat Samiti.
Q4) Attempt Any One question (In 500 words each) : [20]
i) Explain the frame-work of Central Government.
ii) Critically evaluate the powers, functions and role of the Rural Local
[3801]-123 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Indian Administration
(General Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
(_amRr $nm Va)
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oit= t= i+rti++nizi.(t= t50 ni+) [10]
i) ti+i-it = i=i+t it+t nin+.
ii) it+i:tie+t.
iii) = -ai+a viz.
iv) ti+ nfi
Z 2) oit= t= i+rtit+nizi.(t= t100 ni+) [20]
i) xtz=it= i.
ii) tietf= inftr-.
iii) fi+ftf= it= i.
iv) ti+iit f= i.
v) = :-ti+n v .
vi) +tif= i.
Z 3) oit= t= i+rt+t++nizi.(t= t250 ni+) [30]
i) frrif= i-itf= i= iiti= ti.
ii) xiina+= ite= ti.
iii) ritiei+tnrtttif+= ntii= iiti= ti.
iv) i= ntt+i,f= it= ite= ti.
v) it+tnin= tt+t+i+itf= ite= ti.
vi) i+nf+tit+i,f= it= iiti= ti.
Z 4) oit= t= i+irt= +nizi.(t= t500 ni+) [20]
i) = :nt= itt= te= ti.
ii) it tif+= nti f= it, = i f= i i f= ttn= ri+
= ti.
[3801]-123 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-I : General Psychology
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (any two): [10]
i) What is perceptual constancy? state the types of perceptual constancy.
ii) Explain Thorndikes laws of learning.
iii) State three components of sternberg's intelligence theory.
iv) Explain the concept of intelligence quotient.
Q2) Write short notes on 100 words each (any four): [20]
i) Observation method.
ii) Structure and functions of neuron.
iii) Geometrical illusions.
iv) Types of long term memory.
v) Trace theory of forgetting.
vi) Mental retardation.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200-250 words each (any three): [30]
i) Define psychology. state the goals of psychology.
ii) Describe the structure and function of cerebrum.
iii) Explain the principles of perceptual organization.
iv) Describe Gardner's theory of intelligence.
v) Define conditioning. Describe the characteristics of classical
Q4) Answer any one of the following questions in 500 words : [20]
i) Define motivation. Describe various biological motives.
ii) What is personality ? Explain the big five model of personality.
[3801]-124 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-I : General Psychology
(2008 Course)
_amRr $nmVa
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHy$U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) Amd`H$ `m {RH$mUr gw~H$ AmH$Vr H$mTm.
4) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ort +rt :-r =r 50 -r+ rr. (=r+rt -r+) [10]
i) =r-+= l-+r -r= =r =r-+= l-+ =r =rr.
ii) r+zr;= + = + - =r.
iii) -+-r q-rr= :-rt+t +t+ = =rr.
iv) `qr=` rt ==-+r -e =r.
Z 2) =r 100 -r+ tr rr. (=rrrt r) [20]
i) +ta q+t.
ii) +=tt +r =r.
iii) r+= r=.
iv) -t=r= -+t =r .
v) -rr + =qr+.
vi) +-.
Z 3) ort=r =rrrt +t+ +rt :-r =r 200 + 250 -r+ rr. [30]
i) r+=rrt rcr ur. r+=rrt =rr.
ii) rr -t +r =rr + =r.
iii) =r-+= =+t + - =r.
iv) rz+-r q= =qr+r + =r.
v) =nr+rt rcr ur. =r+ =nr+r-r r + =r.
Z 4) ort=r =rrrt =r +r :-r =r 500 -r+ rr. [20]
i) t rcr ur. n == r + =r.
ii) ++t- -r= =r ++t-r r- -= (=) rc -e =r.
[3801]-124 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Introduction to Gandhian Philosophy
(General Paper - 1) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 5-6 sentences or in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) Explain briefly the impact of Ruskin on Gandhiji.
ii) Explain Gandhijis conception of Fearlessness.
iii) Explain the importance of Sarvadharmasamabhava according to
iv) Explain Gandhijis idea of Bycott.
Q2) Write short notes in 25-30 sentences or in 100 words each: (Any Two)[20]
i) Champaranya Satyagraha
ii) Anasaktiyoga
iii) Civil disobedience - A way of satyagraha
iv) Gandhiji - A freedom fighter
Q3) Answer the following in 200-250 words each : (Any Two) [30]
i) Explain briefly Gandhijis idea of Inner-Voice.
ii) Explain Gandhijis views on Varna system in Hindu culture.
iii) Explain and bringout the importance of Gandhijis idea of Ideal Society
iv) Explain the importance of Gandhijis idea of Purity of Means.
Q4) Answer the following in 500 words : (Any One) [20]
i) Explain and evaluate Gandhiji doctrine of Sarvodaya.
ii) Explain the nature and various techniques of satyagraha according to
[3801]-125 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Jm YrdmXr {dMma
Jm Yr VdkmZmMr Amo iI
(nii- t - 1) (2008 a+)
(tiet =it)
e : 3 etu] [+ m m : 80
gy MZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) t = t5-6i=ti50 ni+:-itfri.(= i+rti+) [10]
i) itttnitft= +iiiz+i+fn= ti.
ii) itttf++tn= r+ite= ti.
iii) i tti+i+ nitn nii r-= iir.
iv) itttvfr= itrt= r+ite= ti.
Z 2) 25 + 30 i=ti100 ni+faifri.(= itirti+) [20]
i) itnti r
ii) +in++ti
iii) nf+= i -nti rii= i
iv) itt:= ti+nf+=
Z 3) oit+it200 +250 ni+:-itfri.(= i+rti+) [30]
i) ittt`i+iii`rt= r+iiz+i+te= ti.
ii) fr-nt= +tttvrittife= i+te= ti.
iii) itttinni(titi+)rt= r+ifn= = ++tr-te= ti.
iv) i tti`ni+nf+i`i= r+ r-fn= ti.
Z 4) oit = t= i tirt= i+i 500 ni+:-itfri. [20]
i) ittinifnqi+te= = +tiri+= ti.
ii) itti+i+ nitntirit= ifnti ritff+x te= ti.
[3801]-125 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 1
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Explain any one from the following in 50 words. [5]
i) Types Niyama
ii) Human health and Yog.
Q2) Write short notes (Any two): [10]
i) Asana
ii) Pranayama
iii) Kapalbhati
iv) Yognidra
Q3) Answer any two questions from the following in 200 to 250 words. [15]
i) Explain the applications of Yoga in daily life.
ii) Explain the misconcepts about Yoga.
iii) Explain the objectiv's, scope and limitation's of Yoga.
Q4) Attempt any one question in detail. [10]
i) Explain the Astangyoga.
ii) Which type of Yogapranali? Explain the Hattayog & Rajyog.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 1
W_ df Hbm (F.Y. B.A.)
`moJ{dm (G-1)
(2008 n QZ )
do i 2 Vmg ] [EHy $U Jw U 40
gy MZm 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ImbrbnHs HmoU`mhr EHmMo 50 eXmV n>rHaU m. [5]
i) {Z`_ Hma
ii) _mZdr Amamo` Am{U `moJ
Z 2) Q>rnm m. (HmoU`mhr XmoZ) [10]
i) AmgZ
ii) mUm`m_
iii) Hnmb^mVr
iv) `moJ{Zm
Z 3) ImcrcnHs HmoU`mhr XmoZ ZmMo 200 Vo 250 eXmV Cma m. [15]
i) XZ{XZ OrdZmV `moJmMm Cn`moJ n> Ham.
ii) `moJm~bMo Jag_O n> Ham.
iii) `moJmMr C{>o n> HZ `mr d _`mXm n> Ham.
Z 4) ImbrbnHs HmoU`mhr EHm ZmMo g{dVa Cma m. [10]
i) A>mJ `moJmMo g{dVa dUZ Ham.
ii) `moJm`m {d{dY Umbr HmoU`m ? h>`moJ d amO`moJm{df`r _m{hVr gmJm.
P 63
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Maharashtra Culture (Upto 1818 A.D.)
(General Paper - I) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each : (any two) [10]
i) Concept- Deccan.
ii) Demerits of Caste System.
iii) Trade routs in Medieval Maharashtra .
iv) Hemadpanti Temples.
Q2) Write note on in 100 words each : (any four) [20]
i) Material Culture.
ii) Vakatakas.
iii) Scholastic Literature in Maharashtra.
iv) Industries in Maharashtra.
v) Folk Arts.
vi) Nath Cult.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200-250 words each : (any three) [30]
i) Explain; what is 'Culture'.
ii) Take a review of the Mah~nubh~v Literature.
iii) State the position of Women in Medieval Times.
iv) Discuss the various types of caves (Leni).
v) Decribe the rise an development of the Dutta cult.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 500 words each : (any one) [20]
i) What do you know about the History of Satvahanas?
ii) Write in detail about the major festivals of Maharashtra.
[3801]-127 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Maharashtra Culture (Upto 1818 A.D.)
General Paper - I (2008 Pattern)
(_amRr $nm Va)
doi 3 Vmg] [ EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv=i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) n =r+i -co+ .
ii) ivt i.
iii) vv4+ ritiei viiti4.
iv) ris ft.
Z 2) tv=i 100 i fi fri. (=ir it) [20]
i) if= nt=
ii) i=i =
iii) ritiei fs nifrtv
iv) ritiei :i4
v) i ==i
vi) +i n iv
Z 3) oi +i tv=i 200-250 i :-it fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) `nt=` -r =iv te =ti.
ii) ri+i nifrtvii ieii rvi.
iii) vv4+ =iosi fvi t ni4i.
iv) vivi ff =iti i =ti.
v) -i nivii :v if f=in + =ti.
Z 4) oi +i :-it 500 i fri. (=ir =) [20]
i) niir+ivi sfrinifv -rin =iv ifr ir?
ii) ritiei o nifv nftt fri.
[3801]-127 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Household and General Economics
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following concepts in 50 words each (any two) : [10]
i) Inflation.
ii) Poverty.
iii) Public Revenue.
iv) Human Values & Goals.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each (any four) : [20]
i) Features of Economics Law.
ii) Income elasticity of demand.
iii) Types of Account keeping.
iv) Sources of Human Values.
v) Types of standard of living.
vi) Problems of Home Management.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 words each (any three) : [30]
i) Explain the law of demand with suitable example.
ii) Explain the functions of Commercial Banks.
iii) Explain the House planning for Lower Income Group.
iv) Explain the process of Home Management.
v) Explain the elements of interior and exterior home decoration.
Q4) Answer the following questions in 500 words each (any one) : [20]
i) Explain the law of supply with suitable example.
ii) Explain the process of Decision Making with suitable example.
[3801]-128 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Household and General Economics
(2008 Pattern)
(_amRr $nmVa)
doi 3 Vmg ] [EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) Amd`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH$`m H$mTm.
3) COdrH$Src AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
4) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ot== n=r+t :-tt t=t 50 nt |=rt. (=tr t+) [10]
i) tte.
ii) |t.
iii) nt|+= :t.
iv) t+ r t| :|r
Z 2) t=t 100 nt |t |=rt. (=tttr tt) [20]
i) t|= |+t |n.
ii) t :t =|=t.
iii) |rn |=|rt =tt.
iv) t+ rt nt+.
v) ttrt+tt t =tt.
vi) r tt+t= ntt.
Z 3) ot== +t :-tt t=t 200 nt |=rt. (=tr +) [30]
i) tt |+ nttrt te =tt.
ii) ttt =t =t te =tt.
iii) r:t t=|tt r|+t+ te =tt.
iv) r tt+t |=t te =tt.
v) r nt |r =t te=t =tt.
Z 4) ot== +t :-tt t=t 500 nt |=rt. (=ttr =) [20]
i) tstt |+ nttrt te =tt.
ii) |+ |=t nttrt te =tt.
[3801]-128 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (A) War and Warfare
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) Give Psychological causes of war.
ii) Explain the concept of Tolal war.
iii) State Guerrilla tactics.
iv) State factors affecting on chemical attack.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) Functions of war.
ii) Conventional warfare.
iii) Mao Zedong.
iv) Insurgeney.
v) Effects of Nuclear Warfare.
vi) Psychological Warfare.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Describe in brief the nature of Chemical warfare.
ii) State characteristics of Guerrilla Warfare.
iii) Describe development of Nuclear Weapons.
iv) Explain types of Bilogical Weapons
v) Describe the means of Economic Warfare.
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) What are the principles of War? explain any three of them.
ii) Explain the characteristics & Modern War.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : A) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (A) q t| qq+t
( 2008 vtu+)
(tt+t =t +t)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv =i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) vqi i+niv =it i.
ii) n = v q r n =r+i te =ti.
iii) 4f+ si ni4i.
iv) tinivf+= rrrvit fti =tit = ni4i.
Z 2) tv=i 100 i fi fri. (=itvir it) [20]
i) vqi =iv.
ii) itit= vqq.
iii) ii si4.
iv) ft.
v) i= vqq fti.
vi) in+iv v qq.
Z 3) oi +i tv=i 200 250 i :-it fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) tinivf+= vqq tr is=vi f =ti.
ii) 4f+ vqq f ni4i.
iii) ivi f=ini + =ti.
iv) f= i =it te =ti.
v) i= v qq ni+ f =ti.
Z 4) oi +i :-it 500 i fri. (=i ir =) [20]
i) vq t =i ? tvi=i =ir + t te =ti.
ii) if+= vqi f te =ti.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : A) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (B) Defence Organisation of India
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) What is the role of State Reserve Police Force?
ii) State the principles of Intelligence.
iii) What is the role of Engineers.
iv) State the characteristics of Navy.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) Coast Guard.
ii) Role of Air Force .
iii) Indian Intelligence Organization.
iv) Characteristics of Armoured Corps.
v) Role of Signals Corps.
vi) Powers of President.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Explain the composition and Functions of the Ministry of Defence.
ii) Trace the growth of Indian Air Force Since 1947.
iii) Examine the role of ASC & AOC during war & Peace time.
iv) Explain with the help of chart the organisation of Naval H.B.
v) What are the characteristics and role of Artiltery.
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) Explain the principles of Defence organisation.
ii) State the characteristics role and limitation of Infantry.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : B) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (B) tt+tt u te u r+t
( 2008 vtu+)
(tt+t =t +t)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv =i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) ti+v tio in i =i =i ?
ii) xfv= ni+i - ni4i.
iii) sff+vn =i =i ?
iv) +ii f ni4i.
Z 2) tv=i 100 i fi fri. (=itvir it) [20]
i) ta=
ii) ris i =i
iii) itv 4at n+i
iv) fo i f
v) n = i =i
vi) tie f=it
Z 3) oi +i tv=i 200 250 i :-it fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) nta xivi t+i if =iv te =ti.
ii) 1947 in+vi itv risivi f=inii ieii rvi.
iii) vq ii =ii ASC AOC vi =ivi fta =ti.
iv) itiosivi nini+ +in+i o =iviv te =ti.
v) ioi-vi f if =i =i ?
Z 4) oi +i :-it 500 i fri. (=iir =) [20]
i) nta n+ - te =ti.
ii) ivi f,=i vii ni4i.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : B) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (C) Military System of India (Upto Revolt of 1857)
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) State the scope of Military History.
ii) Explain the first bettle of Tarrain.
iii) Give the causes of invasion of Alexander in India.
iv) Describe in brief the Haldighat bettle.
Q2) Write a short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) State the strategy of Babar in the first battle of Panipat.
ii) The causes of the rise of Maratha Power.
iii) Maratha cavalry.
iv) Maharaja Ranjitsingh.
v) Give the causes of war in Gupta's period.
vi) Rise of Mansabdari system.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Explain in detail the causes of war in vedic period.
ii) Explain the Military system of Sultan.
iii) Give the Military Administration of Shivaji.
iv) Explain in detail the Anglo-Sikh wars.
v) Describe the battle of plassey.
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) Explain the Philosophy of Kautilya's Art of war.
ii) What are the causes of downfull of Rajputs.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : C) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (C) tt+tt n-+tt -tt (1857 vt :+tt +)
(2008 vtu+)(New Course)
(tt+t =t +t)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U 80
gyMZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv =i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) =t sfrini via ni4i.
ii) tis+ fr vq te =ti.
iii) =istvi iti i=i =it ni4i.
iv) ririi eis is=vi f =ti.
Z 2) tv=i 100 i fi fri. (=itvir it) [20]
i) if+vi frrvi eis it =t si ni4i.
ii) tii n-ivi :vi =it ni4i.
iii) tii is.
iv) ritii tfn4.
v) 4a=ii vqi =it ni4i.
vi) +nit qi :v.
Z 3) oi +i tv=i 200 250 i :-it fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) f= =ii vqi =it nftt te =ti.
ii) n i+ir =t q te =ti .
iii) fi vi =ii =t vti ni4i.
iv) i-o vq nftt te =ti.
v) tinvi eis + =ti.
Z 4) oi +i :-it 500 i fri. (=i r =) [20]
i) =ifrvi vq = fv -ni+ te =ti.
ii) tiivi -rini =it =i ni4i ?
[3801]-129 (G-1 : C) (New) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (A) War and Warfare
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) Give Psychological causes of war.
ii) Explain the concept of Total war.
iii) State Guerrilla tactics.
iv) State factors affecting on chemical attack.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) Functions of war.
ii) Conventional Warfare.
iii) Mao Zedong.
iv) Insurgency.
v) Effects of Nuclear Warfare.
vi) Psychological Warfare.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Describe in brief the nature of Chemical Warfare.
ii) State characteristics of Guerrilla Warfare.
iii) Describe development of Nuclear Weapons.
iv) Explain types of Biological Weapons.
v) Describe the means of Economic Warfare.
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) What are the principles of War? Explain any three of them.
ii) Explain the characteristics of Modern War.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : A) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (A) q t| qq+|
(2008 r+)
(ttr| =t+t)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ort +rt :-r =r 50 -r+ rr. (=r+rt -r+) [10]
i) qrt r+=rt =r ur.
ii) `== q` rt ==-+r -e =r.
iii) +t zr =rr.
iv) r=r+= r--r |r =r = =rr.
Z 2) =r 100 -r+ r rr. (=r+rt r) [20]
i) qrt =r.
ii) rrt= qq+t.
iii) rr zr.
iv) .
v) rl= qq+t |r.
vi) r+=rt qq+t.
Z 3) ort +rt =r 200 + 250 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rt +t+) [30]
i) r=r+= qq+t -= rz+r+ - =r.
ii) +t qq+tt =rr.
iii) r-r =r=r + =r.
iv) == r =r -e =r.
v) r= qq+tt =rn+ - =r.
Z 4) ort +rt :-r 500 -r+ rr. (=r+rrt =) [20]
i) q +- =r+t r=r =r+trt +t+ +- -e =r.
ii) rn+= qrt -e =r.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : A) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (B) Defence Organisation of India
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) What is the role of State Reserve Police Force?
ii) State the principles of Intelligence.
iii) What is the role of Engineers?
iv) State the characteristics of Navy.
Q2) Write short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) Coast Guard.
ii) Role of Air Force.
iii) Indian Intelligence Organization.
iv) Characteristics of Armoured Corps.
v) Role of Signals Corps.
vi) Powers of President.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Explain the composition and functions of the Ministry of Defence.
ii) Trace the growth of Indian Air Force since 1947.
iii) Examine the role of ASC & AOC during war & peace time.
iv) Explain with the help of chart the organisation of Naval H.Q.
v) What are the characteristics and role of Artillery?
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) Explain the principles of Defence Organisation.
ii) State the characteristics, role and limitation of Infantry.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : B) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (B) tt+t| ute ur+t
(2008 r+)
(ttr| =t+t)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ort +rt :-r =r 50 -r+ rr. (=r+rt -r+) [10]
i) r- rot rt= -rt =r =r+t
ii) x= ar+rt +- =rr.
iii) ;=+=t =r =r+t
iv) +r-rt =rr.
Z 2) =r 100 -r+ r rr. (=r+rt r) [20]
i) +a= -
ii) rr;-rt =r
iii) r+t a =+r
iv) o+t -rt
v) == -rt =r
vi) re +t n=r
Z 3) ort +rt =r 200 + 250 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rt +t+) [30]
i) =a xrrt +r r =r -e =r.
ii) 1947 r=+-r r+t rr;-r-r =r=rr r-rr r.
iii) q r++r =r=r+t ASC AOC -r =rr |a =r.
iv) rrozr-r =rrrr+ +r=+r o =rr -e =r.
v) +ror-rt r =r =r+t
Z 4) ort +rt :-r 500 -r+ rr. (=r+rrt =) [20]
i) =a =+t +- -e =r.
ii) r-=rt , =r r-r =rr.
[3801]-129 (G-1 : B) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
D.S. - G-1 : (C) Military System of India (Upto Revolt of 1857)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words each : (Any Two) [10]
i) State the scope of Military History.
ii) Explain the first battle of Tarrain.
iii) Give the causes of invasion of Alexander in India.
iv) Describe in brief the Haldighat battle.
Q2) Write a short notes in 100 words each : (Any Four) [20]
i) State the strategy of Babar in the first battle of Panipat.
ii) The causes of the rise of Maratha Power.
iii) Maratha cavalry.
iv) Maharaja Ranjitsingh.
v) Give the causes of war in Gupta's period.
vi) Rise of Mansabdari system.
Q3) Answer in 200 to 250 words each : (Any Three) [30]
i) Explain in detail the causes of war in Vedic period.
ii) Explain the Military system of Sultan.
iii) Give the Military Administration of Shivaji.
iv) Explain in detail the Anglo-Sikh wars.
v) Describe the battle of plassey.
Q4) Answer in 500 words each : (Any One) [20]
i) Explain the Philosophy of Kautilya's Art of war.
ii) What are the causes of downfall of Rajputs?
[3801]-129 (G-1 : C) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
gajU d gm_[aHem
D.S. - G-1 : (C) tt+t| n-+t| -tt (1857 t +rtt+)
(2008 r+)
(ttr| =t+t)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ort +rt :-r =r 50 -r+ rr. (=r+rt -r+) [10]
i) =t ;+rr=rt rat =rr.
ii) +r;+ r q -e =r.
iii) +rz-r r+r+t r=rt =r =rr.
iv) r--trt -r; rz+r+ - =r.
Z 2) =r 100 -r+ r rr. (=r+rt r) [20]
i) r++-r r-r -r;+t r =t zr =rr.
ii) rr =-r-r :-rt =r =rr.
iii) rr rz-.
iv) rrr=r =+=.
v) a=r=r+t qrt =r =rr.
vi) +=-rt q+tr :-.
Z 3) ort +rt =r 200 + 250 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rt +t+) [30]
i) -= =r=r+t qrt =r =-+ -e =r.
ii) =+r+rrtt =t q+ -e =r .
iii) r=t-r =r=r+t =t -r =rr.
iv) r-to q =-+ -e =r.
v) r=t-r -r; + =r.
Z 4) ort +rt :-r 500 -r+ rr. (=r+rrt =) [20]
i) =r-r q= t +-ar+ -e =r.
ii) r=+r-r -rr=rt =r =r+t + =rr
[3801]-129 (G-1 : C) - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
I : Social Reform Movements in India
II : Introduction to Social Welfare & Social Services
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer any 2 questions in 50 words each. [10]
i) Write a note on "Deprived Sections in society."
ii) Explain the Work done by Maharshi Dhondo Karve.
iii) Explain the work done by Swami Vivekanand.
iv) Write Work done by Brahmo Samaj.
Q2) Answer any 4 questions in 100 words each. [20]
i) Explain the work done by Mahatma Jotiba Phule.
ii) Highlight on the specific services for handicapped Section of the Society
iii) Disuss "Gadage Maharaj Swachata Abhiyan."
iv) State the social reforms by Mahatama Gandhi.
v) Explain the meaning and importance of Five year plan.
vi) State the planned provisions For Social Services in India.
Q3) Answer any 3 questions in 200 to 250 words each. [30]
i) Write an essay on work done by Anna Hajare.
ii) Explain the contribution of British Government in social reform
iii) Write a note on untouchability.
iv) Explain the problems of handicapped person and suggest remedies.
v) Highlight on various social services in Maharashtra.
Q4) Answer any one question in 500 words. [20]
i) Write an essay on Social Services for Weaker sections in the society.
ii) Write an essay on Social Welfare programmes in varies fields of social
[3801]-130 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
I : Social Reform Movements in India
II : Introduction to Social Welfare & Social Services
(2008 Pattern) (_amRr $nm Va)
do i 3 Vmg] [EHy $U Jw U 80
gy MZm - 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi= i= itviri++itv= i50iv:-itfri. [10]
i) ``nii= ``vitffri.
ii) risi= vi= ivf= ti.
iii) tif= i+vi= ivf= ti.
iv) i-rinii+= = ivvitfri.
Z 2) oi= i= itvirit+itv= i100iv:-itfri. [20]
i) riti+vii vi+= = ivf= ti.
ii) nii4= ininrvifnivit= ii= i.
iii) ``4is4rititoifvi+``viti= ti.
iv) riti4ii+= rviniif= nitite= ti.
v) i= vi+iviiifrtf= ti.
vi) iti f+vi+q niif= nivi t te = ti.
Z 3) oi= i= itvir++itv= i200-250iv:-itfri. [30]
i) iritvi+= rvi= ivitf+fri.
ii) niif= nitifnt= itvi4i+f= ti.
iii) tvivitffri.
iv) 4ivintvif= r+tvit:ivni.
v) ritieiffniif= nit= ii= i.
Z 4) oi= i= itvir= i+i500iv:-itfri. [20]
i) nii= ininrviniif= nivitf+fri.
ii) ni= iv a xiffni= rvi= iv = vitf+ fri.
[3801]-130 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Organisation of Commerce
(2008 Pattern) (1294)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer in 50 words (Any Two) : [10]
i) Meaning of Barter System.
ii) Define the term Marketing.
iii) Define the term Wholesaler.
iv) Meaning of Standardization.
Q2) Answer in 100 words (Any Four) : [20]
i) Explain the limitations of Air-Transport.
ii) Explain the nature of Trade.
iii) Explain the importance of Commerce.
iv) Explain the concept of Marketing Mix.
v) Advertising as Marketing Tool. Discuss.
vi) Explain the functions of storage.
Q3) Answer in 250 words (Any Three) : [30]
i) Explain the objectives of Marketing.
ii) State the classification of Markets.
iii) Explain the services of Retailer.
iv) Explain the functions of Money.
v) Explain the functions of Packaging.
Q4) Answer in 500 words (Any One) : [20]
i) Explain the nature, scope & benefits of Advertising.
ii) Comment on Education and Training in Advertising.
[3801]-134 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
dm{U` gKQZ
(2008 nQ>Z) (1294)
(_amR>r $nmVa)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHyU JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ ZmMo nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) Imbrb ZmMr 50 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr XmoZ) [10]
i) "dVy{d{Z_` nVr'Mm AW gmJm.
ii) "{dnUZ' gkoMr `m`m m.
iii) "KmDH `mnmar' gkoMr `m`m m.
iv) "_mUrHaUm'Mm AW gmJm.
Z 2) Imbrb ZmMr 100 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr Mma) [20]
i) hdmB dmhVyHs`m _`mXm n Ham.
ii) "`mnmam'Mo dn n Ham.
iii) "dm{U`m'Mo _hd n Ham.
iv) "{dnUZ {_l'Mr gHnZm n Ham.
v) "Om{hamV' ho EH {dnUZmMo gmYZ MMm Ham.
vi) "JmoXm_m'Mr Hm`} n Ham.
Z 3) Imbrb ZmMr 250 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr VrZ) [30]
i) {dnUZmMr C{Qo n Ham.
ii) ~mOmanoRmMo dJuHaU gmJm.
iii) {HaHmoi `mnm`m`m godm n Ham.
iv) nemMr Hm`} n Ham.
v) ~mYUrMr Hm`} n Ham.
Z 4) Imbrb ZmMr 500 eXmV Cmao {bhm. (HmoUVohr EH) [20]
i) Om{hamVrMo dn, `mr Am{U \m`Xo n Ham.
ii) "Om{hamVrMo {ejU Am{U {ejU' {QnUr Ham.
[3801]-134 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate & full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each. (Any Two) [10]
i) Write the importance and concept of pre-primary Education.
ii) Explain the social importance of Education.
iii) Explain the characteristics of Educational process.
iv) Explain the Educational philosophy of Maharshi Karve.
Q2) Write the following short notes in 100 words each. (Any Four) [20]
i) Educational system in Gurukul.
ii) Concept of informal Education.
iii) Individual importance of Education.
iv) Objectives of pre-primary Education.
v) Educational philosophy of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil.
vi) Importance of Health Education.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200 to 250 words each. (Any Three)[30]
i) What is Educational psychology ? Explain the Nature and scope of
Educational psychology.
ii) What is Value Education ? Explain the importance of Value Education.
iii) Explain the Contribution of Tarabai Modak and Anutai Wagh in
Primary Education?
iv) What is wastage in Primary Education?Write the causes of wastage
and suggest the remedies to overcome it.
v) What is Introspection? Write the Merits and limitations of Introspection
vi) Explain in detail the Aims of Modern Education According to Kothari
Q4) Answer any one of the following questions in 500 words. (Any One) [20]
i) What is Pre-Primary Education? Write the Various problems in pre-
Primary Education and suggest Remedies to overcome it.
ii) Explain in detail the Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
According to following points-
A) Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Phule.
B) Functions in Women's Education.
C) Functions for Education to Backward classes.
[3801]-135 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
[3801] - 135
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : {ejUem
(2008 A`mgH _)
_amR>r nm Va
doi : 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U : 80
gyMZm : 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv=i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) -if= fai n=r+i r- fri.
ii) fai niif= r- f =ti.
iii) fa f=v fe te =ti.
iv) r = vi af= tni+ f =ti.
Z 2) tv=i 100 i fi fri. (=itvir it) [20]
i) 4r= fa q
ii) nr fa n =r+i
iii) fai vf== r-
iv) -if= fai :fe
v) =t i=ti ii af= -ni+
vi) itivfai r-
Z 3) oi +i :-it tv=i 200 250 i fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) af= i+ni -r =iv? af= i+nii tr via te
ii) rvfa -r =iv? rvfai r- f =ti.
iii) itiis is=, +is i vi if= fai vi4i+ te =ti.
iv) if= fai 4 -r =iv? 4 =it ni4+ :iv nftt
f =ti.
v) itf+ta -r =iv? itf+ta q iv vii fri.
vi) =iit =f++ nif4 if+= fai vv nftt f =ti.
Z 4) oi =i =i +i :-it 500 i fri. [20]
i) -if= fa -r =iv? if= fai ntvi ni4+ :iv
nftt f =ti.
ii) riti +vii vi af= fit oi i;it nftt te =ti.
) riti af= -ni+
) frivi faini =iv
=) tv faini =iv
[3801]-135 - 2 -
Q1) Answer the following in 50 words : (Any Two) [10]
i) Explain importance of 'Fitness' in sports.
ii) Define Physical Fitness. Make list the HRPF Factors.
iii) Write the duties of any one Kabaddi officer.
Q2) Write notes on following in 100 words : (Any Four) [20]
i) Describe the fouls in Kho-Kho.
ii) Write basic skills required in Hand ball.
iii) Define Yoga. Explain the importance of Yoga in sports.
iv) Explain the new rules in Athletics.
v) Describe history and rules Kho-Kho.
vi) Give information about Marathon.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Physical Education
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
Q3) Answer following in 200-250 words : (Any Three) [30]
i) Define Physical Education. Explain the objectives of Physical Education.
ii) Draw a diagram of Kabaddi ground with measurement.
iii) Explain effect of exercise on respiratory system.
iv) Draw a diagrame of 'Shot Put' in Athletics and write the rules of shot put.
v) Explain co-relation between Physical Education and Yoga.
Q4) Answer in 500 words : (Any One) [20]
i) Draw neat diagram of Hand ball ground with measurement and explain
the foules in Hand ball.
ii) Draw neat diagram of Volley ball ground with measurement and explain
the any 10 rules in Volley ball.
[3801]-137 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
Physical Education
emar[aH {ejU
(2008 nQ>Z)
(_amR>r nmVa)
doi : 3 Vmg] [EHyU JwU : 80
+t : i) v+ ts| t= tr.
ii) :t=st = 4 |t.
iii) t= = t=t =t:t.
iv) ttt ;4t v+|x=t rtt.
Z 1. ort +rt 50 -r+ :-r ur. (=r+rt -r+) [10]
i) o=r+t +-c-+t r -e =r.
ii) rt|= +-c-+tt rcr ur. rrrnst+ +-c-+t-r =rt r-t =r.
iii) =rrrt =r =zzt rt =+ |rr.
Z 2. ort +rt 100 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rt r) [20]
i) or-or nt r-r + =r.
ii) rzr o=r+t + =r- rr.
iii) rrt rcr ur. o=r+t rr r -e =r.
iv) t+=nt +t+ + -e =r.
v) or- or r ;+rr= + + =r.
vi) rr+ -- rr+t ur.
Z 3. ort +rt 200 + 250 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rt +t+) [30]
i) rt|= art rcr ur. rt|= art :--e -e =r.
ii) =zzt o=r-r =rzrrt r=rr=r r=+t =r-r.
iii) =+ =- rrrr |r -e =r.
iv) t+=nt `r=r =` -r+rt r=+t =r-r r=r = + rr.
v) rt|= a rr nt =r=n -e =r.
Z 4. ort +rt 500 -r+ :-r rr. (=r+rrt =) [20]
i) rzr o=r-r =rzrrt r=rr=r r=+t =r-r rzr nt r-
(Foules) -e =r.
ii) rr tr o =r-r = rzr rt r =rr=r r= +t =r-r. rr tr nt =r + rt
-rr + -e =r.
[3801]-137 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
Statistical Pre - Requisites
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of statistical tables and calculator is allowed.
4) Symbols have their usual meanings.
5) Graph papers will be supplied on request.
Q1) Attempt any two of the following : [2 5 = 10]
a) Define arithmetic mean and state its merits and demerits.
b) Following distribution gives the pattern of overtime work done by 100
employees of a company.
Over time 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40
(in hours)
No. of - 20 35 20 8 -
If the third quartile is 27.25, find missing frequencies.
c) Draw histogram to represent the following frequency distribution.
Hourly wage 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120
No. of 15 40 50 60 45 40 15
Also, determine mode graphically.
d) The first four moments of the distribution about the value 4 are 1, 4, 10
and 45 respectively. Find the first four central moments.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [4 5 = 20]
a) Explain the procedure of simple random sampling with replacement and
simple random sampling without replacement.
[3801]-139 2
b) Information about the goals scored by teams A and B in a football season
are as follows :
Team Mean Goals S.D. of Goals
A 1.4523 1.4832
B 1.0714 1.3344
Justify : i) Which team is better in average?
ii) Which team is more consistent?
c) Explain concept of positive and negative correlation with an illustration
of each.
d) For a frequency distribution, Bowleys coefficient of skewness is 0.1.
The sum of first and third quartiles is 118 and the median is 60.5. Find
the two quartiles.
e) The first four raw moments of a certain distribution are 8.9, 81.4, 760
and 7240 respectively. Find coefficient of skewness and coefficient of
Kurtosis and interpret.
f) For the following frequency distribution find the eighty-fifth percentile.
Class 0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700
Frequency 9 15 18 21 18 14 5
Q3) Attempt any three of the following : [3 10 = 30]
a) i) Explain the following terms related to theory of attributes. [5]
1) Dichotomy.
2) Independent of two attributes.
3) Ultimate class.
4) Manifold classification.
ii) The following are the profits (in lakh) of 30 companies of the year
2008-09 : [5]
20 22 35 42 37 42 48 53 49 29
65 39 48 67 18 16 23 27 35 58
49 63 65 55 45 58 57 69 25 65
1) Construct the stem and leaf diagram.
2) Which stem has maximum frequency.
b) i) Explain the following terms : [5]
1) Ratio scale.
2) Interval scale.
3) Linear scale.
4) Circular scale.
ii) Compute Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient for the following
data on awareness and knowledge of 10 farmers : [5]
Awareness 40 10 60 50 30 20 65 70 25 90
Knowledge 40 20 50 60 10 30 63 80 55 70
c) i) For the frequency distribution of marks of 100 students given
below : [5]
No. of
Below 19 9
20-24 11
25-29 14
30-34 20
35-39 26
40-44 12
above 45 8
1) Identify the open end classes.
2) State the type of classification.
3) Classwidth of 3
4) Number of students get less than 35 marks.
5) Class boundaries of sixth class.
ii) The mean weekly wage of 30 employees in one factory is Rs. 2500.
The mean weekly wage of 50 employees from other factory is
Rs. 2000. Find the combined mean of weekly wage. [5]
d) i) There are 200 candidates appeared for competitive examination and
60 of them succeeded, 35 received special coaching and out of
them 20 candidates succeeded. Using Yules coefficient of
association verify whether special coaching is effective? [5]
ii) Regression equations of two variables X and Y are as follows : [5]
2X + 3Y = 4
5X + 4Y = 10
[3801]-139 3
Find 1) The mean of X and Y.
2) The regression coefficient of X on Y.
3) The correlation coefficient between X & Y.
e) i) Obtain standard deviation for the following data : [5]
Height 60-62 62-64 64-66 66-68 68-70
(in inches)
No. of 4 30 45 15 6
ii) Calculate Fishers Price Index Number from the following data :[5]
. 73 , 109 , 62 , 93
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
= = = = q p q p q p q p
Q4) Attempt any one of the following : [1 20 = 20]
a) i) Calculate coefficient of correlation from the following information :
n = 10,

X = 436,

Y = 246, X
= 19262, Y
= 6702,
XY = 10417.
ii) State the properties of regression coefficient. [5]
iii) Calculate mean deviation about mean for the following data : [10]
Class 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 6 5 8 15 7 6 3
b) i) Explain the various problems in the construction of index numbers.
ii) Compute the quartiles for the following series of observations. [3]
60, 26, 30, 35, 5, 6, 7, 9, 20, 40, 45, 11, 18, 15, 49.
iii) Compute the Karl Pearsons coefficient of skewness for the following
data : [10]
Class 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
Frequency 20 5 15 5 35 20
Interprete the result.

[3801]-139 4
Q1) Explain briefly any two of the following: [10]
a) Argument and Argument form.
b) Fallacy of composition.
c) Simple and Compound proposition.
d) Variables, Constants and Connectives.
Q2) Write short notes on any four of the following: [20]
a) Immediate inference.
b) Deduction.
c) Components of categorical proposition.
d) Shorter truth table : A Decision Procedure.
e) Indirect Deductive Proof.
f) Propositional variables and propositional constants.
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
Introduction to Logic and Principles of Reasoning
(General Paper - I)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q3) Answer any three of the following: [30]
a) Convert and obvert the following propositions:
i) Some diamonds are not costly.
ii) No ant is lazy.
iii) Some books are readable.
iv) Not all stones are diamonds.
v) All flowers are beautiful.
b) Explain contradiction as an opposition of propositions.
c) Determine, whether the following statement forms are tautologous,
contradictory or contingent, with the help of truth-table method or
shorter truth-table method. (Any four)
i) (AB)(AB)
ii) PQR~R
iii) ~[(JK)(~JQ)]
iv) (MN)(~~)
v) (~RS)(RS)
d) Give direct deductive proof of any two of the following arguments:
i) 1) (AB)C
2) ~C~B /~A
ii) 1) (HI)[J(KL)]
2) I /JK
[3801]-140 - 2 -
iii) 1) AB
2) ~D~B
3) ~D /~A
iv) 1) (AB)(CD)
2) ~C /~A
e) Symbolize the following propositions using the symbols given in
i) This is not the case that Ellections will not take place. (E)
ii) If you discover something then you will be famous or rich. (D, F, R)
iii) Although he is poor, he is satisfied. (P, S)
iv) If you get job then, you will get money, moreover, parents will
be free from worry. (J, M, P)
v) Either Congress will win or BJP. (C, B)
Q4) Answer any one of the following:
a) Explain fully the nature and scope of Logic. [20]
Explain with illustration, the concept of distribution of term in
b) i) Distinguish between Truth and Validity. [5]
ii) Demonstrate the invalidity of any three of the following
arguments. [15]
1) ~(EF)
[3801]-140 - 3 -
2) BA
3) S(TU)
4) I~J
5) M(NO)
[3801]-140 - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A.
Introduction to Logic and Principles of Reasoning
(General Paper - I)
(2008 Pattern)
(ttr|tt +t)
e:3+tu] [+mm:80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$mhr nhmdr.
Z 1) ot=== t= trt+ts+tte= tt. [10]
a) |+tt||+tttt= tt
b) nrttn
c) ntn+|t+
d) t,tnt=
Z 2) ot=== t= tttrtttn|aat|=rt. [20]
a) |r +t+
b) |++
c) |+rt|= |t+t=
d) =ntt= te= := |+q
e) ta +|+= |nqt
f) |t+tt||t+t
Z 3) ot=== t= tttr++t:-tt|=rt. [30]
a) ot==|t+t|t+t||+= tt.
i) = tr|rtrt+nt.
ii) = rt=n+n.
iii) = trt= t+nt.
iv) ns|rt+nt.
v) n =ntnt.
b) |t+|tttt= = ttt+ttt+tttt= te= tt.
c) ntt= te= =ntt= te= |+qttttot==|t+n:
nt,n:nt|= t+||-t= tnttnttrstt.(= trtt)
i) (AB)(AB)
ii) PQR~R
iii) ~[(JK)(~JQ)]
iv) (MN)(~~)
v) (~RS)(RS)
d) ot=== t= tttrt+|+ttta+|+= |nqtct.
i) 1) (AB)C
2) ~C~B /~A
ii) 1) (HI)[J(KL)]
2) I /JK
[3801]-140 - 2 -
iii) 1) AB
2) ~D~B
3) ~D /~A
iv) 1) (AB)(CD)
2) ~C /~A
e) = nt|=rt|-rtt:t= = +ot==|t+|-rt|= = tt.
i) |+s= trttt+trn+tr.(E)
ii) trr= trnt=t=tt|nq|= trt=.(D, F, R)
iii) tttn=tttntt+tr.(P, S)
iv) t +t= t |=t=, t n |== |nt ts, s= |t+ rt=.
(J, M, P)
v) = tn|= t|rts=.(C, B)
Z 4) ot=== t= tttr= t+t:-tt|=rt.
a) = nttt= tate= tt. [20]
|= t
ta{t||ttrn= r+tnttrtte= tt.
b) i) ntttt=te= tt. [5]
ii) ot=== t= tttr+|+ttt|nq= tt{to+ct.[15]
1) ~(EF)
[3801]-140 - 3 -
2) BA
3) S(TU)
4) I~J
5) M(NO)
[3801]-140 - 4 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Introduction to Sociology
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
N.B. :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Explain any two of the following concepts in maximum 50 words each:[10]
i) Characteristics of Society.
ii) Conformity and Deviation.
iii) Social Mobility.
iv) Meaning and characteristics of Social Movement.
Q2) Write short notes on any four of the following in maximum 100 words
each : [20]
i) Importance of Sociology.
ii) Elements of Social structure.
iii) Characteristics of Culture.
iv) Gender.
v) Modernization.
vi) Dalit Movement.
Q3) Answer any three of the following in maximum 250 words each : [30]
i) Describe the characteristics of Primary and Secondary group.
ii) Discuss the formal means of social control.
iii) Write in brief the structural pre-conditions of social movement.
iv) Explain the characteristics of caste.
v) Discuss the agencies of socialization.
Q4) Answer any one of the following in maximum 500 words each : [20]
i) Define Sociology. Examine the subject matter and scope of Sociology.
ii) What is Social Change? Discuss the factors of Social Change.
[3801]-141 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 g_mOemmMr AmoiI
(2008 nQ>Z)
_amR>r $nmVa
doi 3 Vmg] [EHy$U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ ZmMo nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ot=== t= tttrt+n= r+tt= t50ntte= tt. [10]
i) ntt |n.
ii) +=+t||=+.
iii) ntt|= |n=t.
iv) ntt|= ==tt||n.
Z 2) ot=== t= tttrtttt= t100nt|t|=rt. [20]
i) ntnttr-.
ii) ntt|= nt+ = .
iii) nt= |n.
iv) |=t.
v) t|+= t= t.
vi) |===.
Z 3) ot=== t= tttr++tt= t250nt:-tt|=rt. [30]
i) t|= t|tt|nt+= tt.
ii) tt|t= ntt|= |+xttnt+tt= tt.
iii) ntt|= ==tnt+tt= ts+t+= tt.
iv) tt |nt + = tt.
v) ntt|= tttnt+tt= tt.
Z 4) ot=== t= tttr= t+tt500nt:-tt|=rt. [20]
i) ntntt tct = tt. ntnttt -tn| t| ta |ta
= tt.
ii) ntt|= |t+rr= t?ntt|= |t+tt= tt= tt.
[3801]-141 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(General Paper - I)
(Outline of Prehistory, Protohistory & Early History)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer the following questions in 50 words each (any two): [10]
i) Definitions of History.
ii) Later Vedic Literature.
iii) Persian Kings.
iv) Kailas Temple at Ellora.
Q2) Write note on the following in 100 words each (any four): [20]
i) Paleolithic Stone Tools.
ii) Town planning of Harrapan Cities.
iii) Features of Second Urbanization.
iv) Dhamma of Ashoka.
v) Art during the Satvahana period.
vi) Cultural contribution of Pallavas.
Q3) Answer the following questions in 200-250 words each (any three): [30]
i) Describe the epigraphical sources of Ancient Indian History.
ii) Discuss the features of Jorwe Culture.
iii) State the effects of Greek contact.
iv) Explain the achievements of Kanishka the Kushana King.
v) What do you know about the history of the Vakatakas.
Q4) Answer the following question in 500 words (any one): [20]
i) Why the Neolithic Age, is called as Age of Revolution?
ii) Describe the achievements of the Chlukyas of Badmi.
[3801]-142 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
(General Paper - I)
(Outline of Prehistory, Protohistory & Early History)
(2008 Pattern)
(_amR>r $nmVa)
doi 3 Vmg] [EHy$U JwU 80
gyMZm - 1) gd Z gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ ZmMo nyU JwU Xe{dVmV.
3) gX^mgmRr _yi BJOr Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) ot== +t :-tt t=t 50 nt |=rt. (=tr t+) [10]
i) s|rtntt tct.
ii) :-tt |= nt|rt.
iii) |n+ tt.
iv) == = ==tn |t.
Z 2) t=t 100 nt t |=rt. (=tttr tt) [20]
i) tt+ s rttt.
ii) rstttt nrtt +tt+t.
iii) n-t +t|t=tt |n.
iv) t ttt nt=tt `r`.
v) nttr+ =t=t= ==t.
vi) qt ntt=|= tt+.
Z 3) ot== +t :-tt t=t 200 250 nt |=rt. (=tr +) [30]
i) t+ tt s|rtnt |=o nt+ + =tt.
ii) t nt=t |nt t =tt.
iii) = n=t |tt ntt.
iv) =t ttt =|+=t =t|t te =tt.
v) t=t=tt s|rtnt| rrtn =t t|r tr ?
Z 4) ot== +t :-tt 500 nt |=rt. (=ttr =) [20]
i) +ttn `=t` n =t rrt ?
ii) tt t=+t =t|t + =tt.
[3801]-142 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
Descriptive Statistics
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of statistical table and calculator is allowed.
4) Symbols have their usual meanings.
5) Graph papers will be supplied on request.
Q1) Attempt any two of the following : [2 5 = 10]
a) Describe the scope of statistics in the field of agriculture and industry.
b) How does SRSWR and SRSWOR differ from each other?
c) Exhibit the following data using stem and leaf chart.
11.8, 10.8, 12.9, 13.0, 12.5, 13.1, 10.4, 10.8, 10.4, 11.3, 11.6, 12.8, 11.2,
11.1, 11.3.
d) Find arithmetic mean for the following data :
X 1 2 3 4
f a 2a 3a 4a
''a'' is a positive integer.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [4 5 = 20]
a) The mean weight of 150 students is 60 kg. The mean weight of boys
among these students is 70 kg. with SD of 10 kg. while for girls the mean
weight is 55 kg. with SD of 15 kg. Find the number of boys and combined
b) Derive the expression for the fourth ordered central moment in terms of
lower ordered raw moments.
[3801]-143 2
c) Find the missing price if the ratio of Laspyres price index to Paasches
price index is 28 : 27 for the following data :
Commodity p
A 1 10 2 5
B 1 5 - 2
d) Define the concept elasticity of demand.
Interprete :
i) e = 1
ii) e > 0
iii) e < 0
Where e is the price of elasticity of demand.
e) Define regression coefficients and state its any three properties.
f) If (A) = 49, ( ) = 57, (AB) = 29, ( B) = 38, are A and B associated?
What is the type of association?
Q3) Attempt any three of the following : [3 10 = 30]
a) Compute correlation coefficient between the supply and price of a
commodity for the following data :
Supply 152 158 169 182 160 166 182
Price 198 178 167 152 180 170 162
Interprete the result.
b) The runs scored by two batsmans A and B in 10 matches are shown
below :
A 5 20 90 76 102 90 6 108 20 16
B 40 35 60 62 58 76 42 30 30 20
i) Which batsman is better in average?
ii) Which batsman is more consistent?
c) i) The first 3 raw moments of a distribution are 2, 25 and 80. Find the
coefficient of skewness and comment on it.
ii) With usual notations, show that . 1

d) i) The demand function of a shirt at a departmental store is given by,
Q = 30005P. The supply function is, S = 8P.
I) Find the price at which equilibrium of demand and supply is
II) Find the elasticity of demand at price of Rs. 400.
ii) The daily expenditure of 100 families on transport is given below :
Expenditure (Rs.) 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
No. of families 14 - 27 - 15
If the mode of the distribution is 43.5, find the missing frequencies.
Q4) Attempt any one of the following : [1 20 = 20]
a) i) The population of a state is given below :
Year (X) 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991
Population (Y) 140 170 200 250 300
(in millions)
Fit the curve Y = a.b
to the above data and estimate the population
in the year 2000.
ii) Describe scatter diagram and explain how it can be used?
iii) State an expression for the acute angle between the two regression
lines and discuss the cases of r = 0, r = +1 and r = 1.
b) i) Show that the sum of squares of deviation of all the observations
taken from arithmetic mean is minimum.
ii) If the attributes A and B are independent then show that,

and B are independent.
II) and are also independent.
iii) Weekly income and saving in Rs. of employees in a certain company
are given below :
Income 250 750 820 900 780 980
Saving 60 68 62 86 84 91
Calculate Spearmans rank correlation coefficient between income
and saving.
iv) For a bivariate data :
X = 83, Y = 38, bYX = 0.8, bXY = 0.5
Find :
I) Correlation coefficient between X and Y.
II) Estimate X for Y = 40.

[3801]-143 3
Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
MATHEMATICS (Applied Mathematics)
(2008 Pattern) (General - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt all subquestions : [16]
a) Determine the set A = {x R/|4x + 5| < 19}.
b) Show that the sequence < x
> where

+ +
= n
n n n n
is bounded above.
c) Discuss the convergence of the series


) 1 (
d) Evaluate

e) Discuss the continuity of the function.
f (x) at
= 4 where
f (x) = 3x 4 2 < x < 4

> 4
f) State Lagranges mean value theorem.
g) Evaluate
(secx tanx).
h) If
3 2

then find y
[3801]-144 2
Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [16]
a) For any x, y R prove that | |x| |y| | < |x y|.
b) Find all real numbers that satisfy the inequality 3 ; 1

c) Show that the sequence > < , 3 3 , 3 , 1 is convergent and find its
d) Test for convergence of the series

1 3
1 2
e) Show that

x x
x x
1 1
1 1
e e
e e

. does not exist.

f) Using Cauchy criterian show that
< x
> where
1 + + + + = is not convergent.
Q3) Attempt any two of the following : [16]
a) i) State and prove Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem.
ii) Show that the sequence < x
> where
! 3
! 2
! 1
+ + + + + =
n N is convergent.
b) i) Prove that the series

is divergent for 0 < p < 1.
ii) Discuss the convergence of the series
+ 4 3
3 2
2 1
c) i) Define Cauchy sequence and prove that every Cauchy sequence of
real numbers is bounded.
ii) Determine the set of points B = {x R / |3x 4| |x + 2| < 0}.
d) i) Prove that limit of a function f (x) as c x is unique if it exists.
[3801]-144 3
ii) Using definition of limit prove that
3 2

Q4) Attempt any four of the following : [16]
a) State and prove Cauchys mean value theorem.
b) Find , if the function f (x) is continuous on ( 3, 5) where
f (x) = x + 3 < x < 1
= 3x + 2 1 < x < 3
= + x 3 < x < 5
c) Evaluate
(x 1)
(x 1)
d) Verify Rolles theorem for the function f (x) = cos
x in

e) Discuss the continuity of f (x) at
= 3.
3 0
3 ,
) (
= =

x f
f) Expand tanx by using Maclaurins series.
Q5) Attempt any two of the following : [16]
a) State and prove Leibnitzs theorem hence find y
if y = x
b) If a function f : [a,

R is continuous on [a, b] and f (a). f (b) < 0

then prove that there exists a point c (a, b) such that f (c) = 0.
c) i) If y = (sin
prove that (1 x
n + 2
(2n + 1) xy
n + 1
= 0.
ii) Expand sinx in ascending powers of

d) i) Separate the intervals in which the polynomial x
+ 8x
+ 5x 2 is
increasing or decreasing.
ii) Prove that
b a
a b
a b
a b

< <

tan tan
1 1
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
Descriptive Statistics
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.
4) Use of statistical table is allowed.
Q1) Attempt any two of the following : [2 5 = 10]
a) State the merits and demerits of arithmetic mean.
b) Explain the following with one illustration each :
i) Inclusive method of classification,
ii) Cumulative frequency distribution.
c) Draw frequency curve for the following frequency distribution :
Class-Interval 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210
Frequency 3 18 30 20 5
d) Explain the following with one illustration each :
i) Simple random sampling with replacement.
ii) Simple random sampling without replacement.
Q2) Attempt any four of the following : [4 5 = 20]
a) Explain the term Kurtosis. Explain the different types of Kurtosis using
suitable frequency curves.
b) Compute weighted Arithmetic mean from the following table :
300 200 250 150 250
62 5 6 12 17
c) Explain Cross-sectional data and Time series data with one illustration
[3801]-145 2
d) Compute mean deviation about median for the following frequency
distribution :
Marks 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
Frequency 4 6 9 19 10 2
e) Draw a bar diagram to represent the following information :
Country : Iran Libya Malaysia Mexico Sweden
Birth rate :
20 40 30 15
(per 1000)
f) Explain the following terms :
i) Ultimate class frequency,
ii) Independence of two attributes,
iii) Association of two attributes.
Q3) Attempt any three of the following : [3 10 = 30]
a) i) For a group of 20 observations x = 450, x
= 24280 and
mode = 45.9. Find Karl Pearsons coefficient of Skewness and
comment on it. [4]
ii) Calculate Spearmans rank correlation coefficient for the following
data : [6]
X 25 26 24 23 22 21
Y 26 22 21 23 24 25
b) i) Given :
n = 10
x = 9, x
= 653
y = 5, y
= 595 and xy = 534
Compute coefficient of correlation between X and Y. [6]
ii) For a frequency distribution Q
= 62, and Q
= 120. Calculate :
I) Semi-interquartile range.
II) Coefficient of quartile deviation. [4]
c) Given :
, 46 m , 10 m , 4 m , 1 m
4 3 2 1
= = = =
2 1
, and hence
comment upon the nature of Skewness and Kurtosis of the distribution.
[3801]-145 3
d) i) From the following ultimate class-frequencies (AB) = 18, (A )
= 12, ( B) = 16, ( ) = 54, compute the remaining class
frequencies. [4]
ii) Explain the procedure of estimating trend by the method of least
square. [6]
e) i) Explain the term regression. State any three properties of regression
coefficients. [5]
ii) Write a short note on stratified random sampling. [5]
Q4) Attempt any one of the following : [1 20 = 20]
a) i) For the following frequency distribution compute D
and P
percentile). [10]
Class 0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600
Frequency 10 15 20 22 18 15
ii) Describe scatter diagram and explain how it is used to measure
correlation. [6]
iii) State the requirements of a good measure of central tendency. [4]
b) i) Explain the term time series. State the additive and multiplicative
model of time series and explain the terms involved in it. [6]
ii) Given : n = 10, x
= 385, y
= 192,
x = 5.5, y = 4, xy = 185.
Find :
I) The regression line of y on x
II) Estimate y when x = 2. [6]
iii) Define : Range, Quartile deviation and mean deviation. State the
formula for each in case of ungrouped data and frequency
distribution. [8]
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Introduction to Philosophy
(New Course)(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Answer any two of the following questions in 50 words each: [10]
i) Explain the concept of Tattvajnana.
ii) State the nature of reformative theory of punishment.
iii) Briefly explain the term Deontology.
iv) State the distinction between Astika and Nastik Darshanas.
Q2) Write short notes on any four of the followingquiestions in 100 words
each. [20]
i) The nature of the concept of Right in social philosophy.
ii) Jain classification between Jiva and Ajiva.
iii) The method of Conceptual Analysis.
iv) The problems discussed in metaphysics.
v) The moral duties of teachers.
vi) Distinction between Preyas and Shreyas.
Q3) Answer any three of the following questions in 200-250 words each. [30]
i) Critically discuss Descartes's dualism.
ii) Explain the concept of Runa and state the different kinds Runas.
iii) State and discuss the distinction between positive and negative freedom.
iv) What are the four noble truths according to Bauddha Darshana?
v) Critically examine the nature of business.
Q4) Answer any one of the folloowing questions in 500 words each. [20]
i) Elaborately discuss the theory of Karma and it's classification.
ii) Write an essay on Hume's theory of causation.
[3801]-146 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Introduction to Philosophy
(2008 Pattern)
_amRr $nm Va
doi : 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U : 80
gyMZm : 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) oi +i :-it tv=i 50 i fri. (=ir i+) [10]
i) `-ni+` r n =r+i te =ti.
ii) favi nitii fnqi-i tr ni4i.
iii) `=vi` r nni is=vi te =ti.
iv) it= if +it= vi te =ti.
Z 2) oi +i tv=i 100 i fi fri.(=itvir it) [20]
i) niif= -ni+i `=v`r n=r+i
ii) +i+ = if 4=t.
iii) ni=rf+= fi q.
iv) n-iiin frvi ii-vi ntvi.
v) fa=i +f= =v.
vi) avn if vn vi .
Z 3) oi +i :-it tv=i 200-250 i fri. (=ir +) [30]
i) =ivi ii ff=tn= i =ti.
ii) ``r n =r+i te =ti if i =it f =ti.
iii) n=itit= if +=itit= tiv vi ni4i if i =ti.
iv) iq +i it iv ntv =i ?
v) ivi t=i ff=tn= ta =ti.
Z 4) oi +i :-it tv=i 500 i fri. (=iir =) [20]
i) = fnqi-i if tvi 4=ti nftt i =ti.
ii) nvi =itfv= fnqi-it f+ fri.
[3801]-146 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
( 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Explain the following concepts in 50 words each (any two): [10]
a) Science.
b) Religion.
c) Rule of Law.
d) Privatization.
Q2) Write the following short notes in 100 words each (any four): [20]
a) National Integration.
b) Food Problem in India.
c) Hypothesis.
d) Equality.
e) Global warming.
f) Disin vestment.
Q3) Write the answers of the following questions in 200 to 250 words each
(any three): [30]
a) Explain the types of Unemployment.
b) State the causes of growing population in India.
c) Explain the causes of sickness of Indian Industries.
d) Write the demerits of cast system in India.
e) Explain the characteristics of Indian Society.
Q4) Write the answer of any one of the following in 500 words. [20]
a) Give the meaning of culture. Describe the characteristics of Indian
b) Define Democracy and discuss the merits and demerits of Democracy.
[3801]-148 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
W_ df Hbm (F.Y. B.A.)
nm`m^y V A`mgH _
(2008 A`mgH _)
(_amRr $nm Va)
do i 3 Vmg ] [EHy $U Jw U 80
=r 1) `:= r*f r: rx*.
2) I*I= ` ` *n`f*r*.
3) ` *=r` raI ;` I :=fr xrI.
Z 1) e n=r+i50ite =ti.(=i+) [10]
) fni+.
) .
=) =ivi fti+v.
s) oi4=t.
Z 2) e f itv=i100i fri.(=it) [20]
) tiev =iti.
) itintvi.
=) 4 fr=.
s ) ni.
s) i4f= ii+ ie .
) f+4=.
Z 3) e +i:-it200250ifri.(=+) [30]
) =it =it te =ti.
) itii=ncviie =itni4i.
=) itv:i4iviiiti=itte =ti.
s ) itiivntifri.
s) itvniif ni4i.
Z 4) e =i=i+i:-it500ifri. [20]
) nt=ini4i,ifitvnt=f f=ti.
) i=irvicvini4+i=irvi4iii=ti.
[3801]-148 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Social Service and Youth
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Attempt any two questions in 50 words each: [10]
i) State the concept of Social Work.
ii) Explain the concept of over Population.
iii) Explain the objective of N.S.S.
iv) Explain the analysis of collected information.
Q2) Write a short note in 100 words each. (any four) [20]
i) N.S.S. Volunteers.
ii) Design of Survey.
iii) Poverty.
iv) Unemployment.
v) Social Work
vi) Special Camp.
Q3) Attempt any two questions in 200-250 words each. [30]
i) Organizational structure of N.S.S. Discuss.
ii) Explain the preparetion of Special Camp.
iii) Explain the inter relationship between Man and Society.
iv) Explain the Role of social Modernization.
Q4) Attempt any one question in 500 words. [20]
i) Explain the history and aims of N.S.S.
ii) What is Meant by Social Servey? And Explain the Servey Report.
[3801]-149 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 2
F.Y. B.A.
G-1 : Social Service and Youth
( 2008 Pattern)
_amRr $nm Va
doi : 3 Vmg] [EHy U Jw U : 80
gyMZm : 1) gdZ gmoS{dUo Amd`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$Srb AH$ nyUJwU Xe{dVmV.
3) g X^m gmRr _y i B J Or Zn{H$m nhmdr.
Z 1) Imbrb ZmMr Cmao `oHs 50 eXmV {bhm. (HmoUVohr XmoZ) [10]
i) gm_m{OH Hm` hr gHnZm n> Ham.
ii) "A{V[a bmoHg`m' hr gHnZm n Ham .
iii) am.go.`mo Mr C{Q>o n> Ham.
iv) _m{hVr gHbZmMo {dbofU n> Ham.
Z 2) 100 eXmV {Q>nm {bhm. (HmoU`mhr Mma) [20]
i) am. go. `moOZm d`godH
ii) gh}jU AmamIS>m
iii) Xm[a`
iv) ~oamoOJmar
v) gm_m{OH Hm`
vi) {deof {e{~a
Z 3) Imcrc ZmMr Cmao `oHs 200-250 eXmV {chm. (HmoUVohr XmoZ) [30]
i) am.go.`moOZoMo gKQ>Z aMZm MMm Ham.
ii) {deof {e{~a nydV`mar n> Ham.
iii) _mZd Am{U g_mO `m`mVrb ghg~Y n> Ham.
iv) gm_m{OH AmYw{ZHsHaUmVrb am.go.`moOZoMr ^y{_Hm n> Ham.
Z 4) Imbrb ZmMr Cmao `oHs 500 eXmV {bhm. (HmoUVmhr EH) [20]
i) am.go. `moOZoMm B{Vhmg Am{U `o` g{dVa n> Ham.
ii) "gm_m{OH gh} jU' hUOo Hm`? gh} jU Ahdmbm~m~V g{dVa {bhm.
[3801]-149 - 2 -
Total No. of Questions : 6] [Total No. of Pages : 4
F.Y. B.A. (Vocational Stream)
An Introduction to English Language and Writing Skills in English
(2008 Pattern) (Theory) (Paper - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 80
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) a) Write short notes on any two of the following : [6]
i) Language as system of systems.
ii) Active and passive articulators.
iii) Consonants in English.
b) Fill in the blanks. (any five) : [5]
i) In the articulation of sounds the air passes through oral
ii) The vowel sound in the word last is .
iii) The final consonant cluster in the word desk is .
iv) are nasal consonants in British RP.
v) is a lateral sound in British RP.
vi) The diphthong sound in the word fine is .
vii) Long vowels in British RP are .
c) State whether the following statements are true or false (any five). [5]
i) Vocal cords do not vibrate for voiceless sounds.
ii) /p, t, k/ are aspirated at the beginning of a stressed syllable.
iii) In the articulation of consonants the air escapes freely through oral
iv) /j, w/ are semi-vowels in British RP.
v) Vowels are voiced sounds.
vi) Sounds in English are produced by using pulmonic ingressive air
stream mechanism.
vii) Some vowels in British RP are nasalized.
[3801]-151 2
Q2) a) Use the correct tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. [3]
Rabindranath Tagore (be) a great Indian personality. He had (start)
a school to promote art, culture and craft. He called it Shantiniketan.
Today the government is (maintain) its unique character.
b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in brackets. [2]
[of; by; in; by]
Marriage customs Japan are changing. Now a marriage can
be arranged two fathers over a cup coffee. Young
people become engaged knowing each others only ten days
in advance.
c) Change the voice. [2]
i) A hunter killed a tiger.
ii) The police was arresting him.
d) Use articles wherever necessary. [2]
king was fond of painting portraits. He was
intelligent artist. One day he painted a beautiful picture. He stood in front
of picture and started thinking. He got idea of
presenting it to one of his enemies.
e) Correct the following sentences (any five) : [5]
i) Some childrens were playing in the street.
ii) I lost my handset, hadnt I?
iii) They was my good friends.
iv) Geeta is cleverest girl.
v) One of the boys are missing.
vi) I am feeling very happy.
vii) Neeta got engaged with Ramesh.
Q3) a) Write notes on any two of the following : [10]
i) Stress shift according to function.
ii) Weak forms in English.
iii) Uses of the falling intonation.
b) Divide the following sentences into tone groups and mark accent and
intonation (any five) : [10]
i) Come here, lets play cards.
ii) I know him and he is a lawyer.
iii) Good morning sir. How are you?
iv) Dont say that again, you make me serious.
v) When did he arrive?
vi) It s twelve, shall we go?
[3801]-151 3
Q4) Develop the following points into a good paragraph of about fifteen sentences.
Problems faced by India today
Pollution in industrial areas and in cities
Shortage of clean and sufficient water
Shortage of fuel and electricity
Overpopulation - Problem in distribution of goods.
Rise in poverty
Corruption in every field
Threat of terrorism
Rising unemployment
Q5) Write a paragraph of about 15 sentences to convey the information presented
in the diagram given below. [10]
Rising Family Expenditure
Average monthly expenses of a family having 4 members
Items Expenses Six Expenses
months back (Rs.) today (Rs.)
Grocery 2600 3200
Milk 800 1000
Gas 700 700
Electricity 350 350
Vegetables 400 600
Telephone/Mobile 800 1000
Educational Expenses 700 1000
Transportation 1600 2000
Other expenses (tax, savings, 700 1200
insurance, medicinesetc.)
Total 8650 11050
Q6) Read the following entries from the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
and answer the questions given below (any five). [10]
Questions :
i) Write two meanings of lapse.
ii) Give the British and the American pronunciations of the word lapdog.
iii) Transcribe the words laptop and lapidary.
iv) Use the word laptop in your own sentence.
v) How many syllables are there in the words lapislazuli and lapwing?
vi) Which syllables are stressed in the words lapel and larcency.
[3801]-151 4
Total No. of Questions : 4] [Total No. of Pages : 3
F.Y. B.A.
(2008 Pattern) (Theory) (Vocational Course) (Paper - II)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Draw a neat-labeled diagram wherever necessary.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) What will be the output of the following modules (any four) : [8]
a) main ( )
int i = 4, z = 12;
if (i = 5 || z > 50)
printf (WELCOME);
printf (THANK YOU);
b) main ()
int p = 300, q, r;
if (p > = 300)
q = 400;
r = 200;
printf (\n % d % d, q, r);
c) main ( )
int I;
int marks [] = {55, 65, 75, 56, 78, 78, 90};
for (i = 0 ; I < = 6; i ++)
disp (& marks [i]);
disp (int * n)
Show (&n);
[3801]-157 2
d) main ( )
int t = 10;
while (t = = 1)
t = t 1;
printf (\n % d, t);
e) # define AREA (x) (3.14 * x * x)
main ()
Float r1 = 10, r2 = 1, a;
a = AREA (r1);
printf (\n Area of circle = % f , a)
a = AREA (r2);
printf (\n Area of circle = % f , a)
f) main ( )
int u = 3, v = 4, w = 4;
printf (ans = %d, (w > = v? 100 : 200));
Q2) Write short notes (any five) : [15]
a) For loops.
b) Switch.
c) Structures in C.
d) Flowchart.
e) Variables in C.
f) Function in C.
g) Do while loop.
Q3) Answer the following (any three) : [12]
a) Write a C program to find whether the no entered is odd or even.
b) Write a C program to find simple interest.
c) Write a C program to accept 5 digit number and print the sum of 5 digits.
d) Explain data types in C.
e) Explain following functions :
Clrscr ();
Getch ();
Q4) Write the syntax and give example of following functions (any five) : [5]
a) Strcmp ( )
b) Strlwr ( )
c) Strlen ( )
d) Scanf ( )
e) gets ( )
f) Abs ( )
g) printf ( )
[3801]-157 3

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